#vaike next please
sieglinde-freud · 2 years
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fe-fictions · 5 months
Could you please revive the bath tent prompt with henry
(Bath tent prompt is back!!! And with Mr. Henry Crowman no less! ; U ; )
When Henry heard the shriek erupt from the other end of camp, he was initially delighted. That was a classic scream of terror. 
While it was indeed music to his ears, he had a feeling that if it was happening inside of camp, it probably wasn’t a good thing. An assassination attempt, maybe? Or a Risen had infiltrated and bit off someone’s hands?
The possibilities were endless! He started to trot towards the sound, giggling to himself as he heard more crashing and shouting of expletives.
Hmm…maybe not fear, but anger. Then he came closer, and saw a soap dish fly out of the bath tent. The women’s bath tent. …The place you had just said you’d be about 10 minutes ago. And Chrom…was…running out of the tent…?
“R-right! Absolutely! Straightaway! I'll, er, wait outside the tent-!” 
That was definitely not just a shriek. That was his wife bellowing at the Exalt of Ylisse. And not only that, but he was barely able to dodge half the objects you were throwing at him.
Henry wasn’t sure what exactly he was watching, but as he slowed his gait to a very deliberate walk, the pieces started falling into place.
Not long after Chrom had stumbled out of the ten, grasping his head where a glass dish had struck him, you stormed out. Your hair was sopping wet, and you had thrown your coat over a towel.
The blood drained from Henry’s face.
“All right, you! What sort of idiot blunders straight into the women's bathing tent?!”
“I'm sorry! Very, very sorry! I misheard you, I swear it. I had no intention of peeping!!”
Both your faces were beet red, and while yours was screwed up in anger, Chrom’s was pure embarrassment. Though, that would very quickly shift when his vision suddenly went dark, covered by a swathe of black magic that surrounded him.
“What the hells-?!”
“Peeping, Lord Chrom?” Henry’s cheery lilt seemed particularly threatening when he appeared in front of Chrom, said royal now restrained by tendrils of dark vapors. “Is that some sort of fun game for you noble types? I’d love to hear what you think!”
“H-Henry, wait, that’s not what-!!”
“You shouldn’t peep on girls, ‘Your Majesty’! You’re no Vaike, you know? It looks real bad on you! Especially when it’s somebody who’s already married! That’s just a recipe for disaster, isn’t it? Nya ha!”
The signature smile that most had already found disconcerting had become something much angrier…much more twisted.
That alone was enough to shoot fear into the hearts of the crowd which was gathering.
“Henry!” Frederick’s voice burst out from the surrounding Shepherds, his lance pointed towards the mage. “Release the Exalt at once!”
“I dunno, I mean, he did something unforgiveable to my Robin, Lieutenant! What would you do if you were in the same situation?”
“I’m afraid we’re all still trying to figure out what the 'situation' is.” Frederick’s response was terse as he stepped closer, “Now, release Lord Chrom. I will not repeat myself.”
“Come on, it's not even hurting him, honest! I’m just keepin' him in place to make sure he doesn’t try to do anything else to my wife! Is that really so bad?”
Frederick started towards him with very clear intent to separate the two. But before he got close enough, you had your hand on his wrist, disrupting the spell with a tug.
“Henry, it’s not what you think it is. Chrom didn’t mean to walk in on me-” You spoke through gritted teeth, and there was a flash of fear in your eyes that Henry wasn’t sure what to think of it. “Please stop.”
“But Robin-”
Henry’s spell slowly dissipated, though his expression remained that of confusion (and of course the anger that had yet to fade).
You nodded to Frederick, a number of Shepherds staring at the four of you, tense at the prospect of what might come next.
Henry’s expression was unreadable, as if mulling over how he wanted to petrify everyone, next. You searched for some understanding, squeezing his wrist tighter. 
Eventually, though, the strange look on his face gave way to a smile.
“Of course, whatever you wish!! I wouldn’t dare do anything you didn’t ask me to do. Please lead the way, my love!” 
The smile persisted as you led him to your shared tent, and it did not waver even as he flicked his wrist and charmed the tent so that it would not open until Henry decided it could.
“You should cast a muffling spell, too.” You sighed sharply, finally releasing his other hand so you could undo your coat.
“Oh? Will we be raising our voices?” He questioned coolly, casting as you requested. You tossed the robe to him without looking, slipping the towel off your body.
Henry could never not enjoy the sight of his naked beloved, as he was sure you felt the same. Though, the very idea that Chrom might have seen something so precious and intimate did make him feel strange.
Deeply irritated; a little violent, maybe.
“I’m just trying to understand why in the hells you would lay a hand on Chrom!” You huffed out, moving further away from him to rummage your trunk in search of some clothes.
“Wasn’t he the one who walked in on you in the bath tent? I heard you say it!”
“I did- and he did- but that’s not a reason for you to assault a prince!”
“You were throwing things at him!”
“That’s different!” You stared a t him in disbelief, “I was the one he walked in on- and I was trying to get him out of the damn place without being humiliated by my best friend!”
“But that didn’t work, did it? So why are you upset at me for trying to help?”
Henry sounded like he was bordering on pouting, but you could very clearly see the rigid outline of his shoulders. He was very upset about what he saw.
“All I did was stick him in a binding hex. It’s not like I tried to turn his insides out, nya ha!”
“Henry, it was bad enough to have Chrom stumble into the bath tent in the first place- but when you came in and put him in a trap like that, it turned into a huge commotion! Now it’s not just Chrom who saw me in a compromised position, it’s practically the whole of the Shepherds!”
“They were already on their way over when you started shouting and throwing stuff at him! Which was the right thing to do, by the way. I would’ve been throwing spells though…much more effective.”
Henry’s humor seemed a bit more terse than it usually would be. And you weren’t sure what to think of the dark shadow clouding his face the longer he spoke of it.
“But it couldn’t have been any worse than if you hadn’t escalated- Frederick was ready to skewer you!”
“Come on, I don’t care what he wanted to do to me- I’m more worried about what Chrom did to you!!” Henry protested, “I hate that someone walked in on you! You didn’t deserve that, and it’s my job to make sure that kind of thing doesn’t happen to you! I mean, what would you think if somebody walked in on me, huh? You’d be real upset!”
Your eyes softened some, realizing that Henry needed a little bit more clarification and reassurance than you were currently giving.
He was upset, indeed. And he was right. Just the thought of the same thing happening to Henry formed an angry knot in your stomach.
“You’re right. I wouldn’t like it, at all.”
“Then you understand!”
“I do, I just…look, Henry, I’m not mad at you for trying to help. I just think that the way you were trying to help was a little bit over the top. Somewhere around ‘committing acts of treason and terror’, is where I'd draw the line.”
“To be fair, I’m not Ylissean. Dishonouring a woman and bringing shame upon her is punishable by death in Plegia!”
“Huh…that’s good to know. But maybe not applicable while on Ylissean soil.” You reminded him gently, pulling a clean tunic over your head.
“But Robin, he was in the bathing tent- he saw you naked!! I mean, I don’t mind a funny prank now and then, but there’s nothing funny about someone walking in on you."
Henry crossed the distance between you, starting to work on buttoning up your tunic while you forced wet arms through cotton sleeves.
“So what would you have me do? Stand by and let someone leer at you in the bath because they’re royalty?”
“No, of course not. But maybe somewhere in between?”
“In between letting you be harassed and hexing someone?”
“Yes. That’s a fair balance, right?” You looked up at him cautiously, curling your fingers into his tunic. Henry tilted his head, mulling over the option.
“Y’know, I guess that does leave me a lot of opportunities to work with, doesn’t it!” He grinned, which was a relief aside from the realization that he was correct; there was a lot of opportunity between doing nothing and doing too much.
“Um…maybe we should workshop it a little bit first.” You said, “I have a feeling you’re gonna need a list of what you should and shouldn’t do.”
“Hey, when it comes to protecting you, there aren’t many things off the table.” Henry pouted, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you close. “I might joke around a lot, but I mean it. You’re the only person in this whole wide world I don’t want anything bad to happen to.”
“That’s sweet…but we both know that’s mainly because you want the bad things to happen to yourself.” You reminded him with a soft sigh, a tired smile on your lips.
He was your eccentric darling. Henry just giggled, peppering your face with kisses.
“Gosh, you just know me so well, don’t you?” He sighed dreamily, nuzzling into your hair. “Well…I’m glad you’re okay. But I’m going to make sure that you’re not gonna have anything like this ever happen to you again. I love you too much to let creepy weirdos take advantage of you!”
“Chrom doesn’t really count as a creepy weirdo, does he?” You pulled back, searching his face for whatever plot he was thinking of putting together.
“Maybe if he hadn’t walked in on you taking a bath, he wouldn’t…but that’s okay! We’ll find out sooner or later what I think of him, won’t we?”
“I’m just kiddin’ around, nya ha! Have a little faith in your husband, hmm?” He purred,  that irresistible smile returning. You relaxed some, wrapping your arms around him tight and pressing your face to his neck.
You felt his pulse quicken as he chuckled, always happy to be loved by his wife.
“Thank you for protecting me, Henry. I’m so happy you’re by my side…even in circumstances like this. It’s comforting to know that you’re the one who’s got my back.”
“Of course, love. You’re my one and only! ‘Til death do us part.”
“Extra bloody and all.”
“Yeah, hahaha!” He laughed, sweeping you off your feet and spinning you about with a delightful joy that washed away the argument before.
You trusted that Henry would behave himself, even going so far as to join you in apologizing to Chrom for the debacle (and said Exalt of course was the sorriest, all but begging your forgiveness for his foolishness).
It wwas water under the bridge, and Hwenry’s smile seemed to enforce that.
Of course, it didn't stop a strange murder of crows from swarming the prince’s tent every few days…for the next month or so.
Henry did claim ignorance to this bizarre occurrence, but there weren’t many people you knew who could command a swathe of birds like he could…
Ah, well. So long as it kept Chrom from making any further silly mistakes, it wasn’t a terrible prank to get him back…
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Version 6 Release
After a long wait, I'm happy to finally present the next big update as the year comes to a close! The changelog for this one is long, so I'll include it under a Read More, but first...
PLEASE delete the files from the previous update and do a fresh installation with this one. I accidentally included WIP files for a mod I'm working on that currently isn't in a releasable state. Keeping these files will likely cause errors.
Fixed support gain for Cordelia/Anna
Rainbow Naga for EU version
Included screenshots of filepaths for easier installation
Minor dialogue/support edits for quality and consistency
Support log functional for all non-Spotpass characters (CITRA ONLY)
New Content
Compatibility with LJ's Gender Lock Removal. Download the UGGLR file in addition to the regular UGA download.
Hug animation ported from female to male animation set
Unique dialogue for all of Lucina's possible fathers in chapter 13
New Supports
30 New Romantic Supports: M!Robin/Walhart, M!Robin/Laurent, F!Robin/Anna, F!Robin/Emmeryn, Chrom/Stahl, Chrom/Kellam, Chrom/Panne, Chrom/Tharja, Lissa/Sully, Lissa/Sumia, Lissa/Nowi, Frederick/Virion, Frederick/Vaike, Frederick/Henry, Sully/Miriel, Sully/Cherche, Maribelle/Panne, Panne/Nowi, Cordelia/Olivia, Nowi/Cherche, Tharja/Cherche, Tharja/Aversa, Cherche/Say'ri, Lucina/F!Morgan, Lucina/Noire, Inigo/Laurent, Brady/M!Morgan, Gangrel/Walhart
12 PC Supports: Lucina&Gaius, Brady&Panne, Owain&Nowi, Gerome&Tharja, Gerome&Say'ri, F!Morgan&Walhart, Yarne&Maribelle, Yarne&Nowi, Noire&Olivia, Noire&Cherche, Nah&Lissa, Nah&Panne
4 Sibling Supports: Lucina&Noire, Gerome&Noire, Gerome&Nah, Yarne&Nah
New Lissa+Tharja support. The support is currently platonic within the mod, but the S support IS coded if you want to edit your files to make it available. Didn't know where to fit this one.
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hiddentrails7 · 4 years
A few more gay-wakening quotes + a few ikesoren quotes for you raccoons (Ily u guys thank u for the support-)
Lon'qu: Hey dad- wait- I mean-
Basilio: No, no, no.
Basilio: No take backs.
Maribelle: Brady’s anger management classes are a fucking scam, mf told him to hit Owain with a brick yesterday! 
Frederick: It’s called Reverse Psychology, Maribelle…
Maribelle: Reverse? Bitch this isn’t UNO!
Ricken: Can we please stay in your tent?
Robin: Why?
Ricken: We played with a Ouija board and cursed mine....
Ricken: And Henry isn’t much help. He doesn’t know how to banish spirits so he just throws salt at them and yells “does this look like a hotel to you?!”
Vaike: Beauty and the Beast, but reversed. I kiss the girl and she turns into a monster and it’s awesome
Sully: Shrek.
Vaike: This post is canceled
Sumia: Coward
Lissa, pretending a hairbrush is a microphone: And now for a gay update with Henry. How's it going?
Henry, starring at Ricken: Getting gayer.
Lissa: Thank you, Henry.
Donnel: Do you ever feel bugs on you when there aren't any?
Sully: Those are the ghosts of all the bugs you've killed.
Stahl: Look what you did, you scared him!
Robin: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Chron: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a healthy sleep schedule.
Robin: Absolutely not.
Brady: Ok guys shut up *Answers phone* Hey, mom.
Owain: miSsEs MaRiBeLlE tEll yOuR sOn tO coMe bAcK tO bEd
Inigo: *Sex noises*
Cynthia: Tell her i say hiii!!!
Severa: pAss the wEeEEeEeeEeEeeeE-
Ike, peaking under the bed: Soren, are you ready to come out and interact with people?
Soren: *Demonic screeching*
Ike: Understandable, have a good day
Stahl: Why is there blood everywhere!??
Lon'qu: I may have aggressivelly poked someone with my blade.
Lon'qu: No no, aggressively poked them with my blade..
Robin: Chrom. Is that your hand on my ass?
Chrom: Oops. My bad. It was an accident.
Robin: Your hand is still on my ass.
Chrom: Still an accident.
Doctor: Mr? Your boyfriend's awake.
Ike: Really? How is he? Has he said anything-
Doctor: Yes, he said "Tell the priest to fuck off, I'm not dead yet."
Soren, hoarse: I lost my voice. 
Ike: Well, that’s good. that means you can’t insult kings yell at me anymore!
*The next day*
Ike: So apparently, Soren's scarier when he’s quiet.
Ike: *Being Ike*
Soren: You better shut the fuck up before I look at you one day, feel warm and realize I've fallen in love with you.
Ike: Wait wh-
Soren: I'm serious, quit it! FUCK!
Ricken: Olivia, can I talk to you for a second?
Olivia: Yeah, what’s up-? Lemme guess. You have a crush on Henry and you want me to teach you how to kiss?
Ricken: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books.
Ricken: What time is it?
Henry: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
Henry: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*
Henry: It’s 2 am
Some dude: We have your son.
Basilio: I don't have a so-
Basilio: Oh wait. You have Lon'qu. Lmao good luck with that.
Five minutes later: PLEASE TAKE HIM BACK-
` I'm bed, bath and beyond disappointed in you. ` Gaius, after Laurent pulled another all-nighter
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legendsoffodlan · 4 years
Guest Teacher: Part 1
Professor Tharja
*The Black Eagles shuffle into their classroom, only to find it darkened, all the windows covered, and the only light provided by almost a hundred candles. The Eagles nervously file in to their seats, and only once they are all seated does their Professor emerge from the shadows, like a wraith.*
Tharja: I see you are to be my pupils... I must say I am unimpressed.
Edelgard: I, uh, take it that you are our new Professor for the month? W-well, let me welcome you on behalf of-
Tharja: *waves her hand, silencing Edelgard* I have been brought here to bring you all up to par with your magic. Thus far, you have been learning it the way a parrot learns Shakespeare. A safe, sanitized, version your church approves of. I shall teach you magic as it was meant to be learned. With all the pain and terror that the arcane arts demand.
Hubert: I’m going to enjoy this class.
Tharja, recognizing a fellow Goth: Excellent, I think you shall shine in my lessons.
Bernadetta, hiding under the table: I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingto-
Tharja, poking her head bellow the desk: You. Out. Now.
Bernadetta: AAIIIEEE! SCARY DEMON LADY! Please don’t kill me and eat my flesh! I’m all stringy! I’D TASTE TERRIBLE!
Tharja, her face softening just a little: Hmm... you remind me of my daughter.
Bernadetta: I- wha- what?
Tharja: My daughter, Noire. Like you, she is meek and cowardly. *she fishes out Noire’s Talisman* Take this. It will remove all your fear and doubt as it did her.
Bernadetta: R-really?
Tharja: Really.
*Bernadetta hesitantly takes the Talisman. Instantly a change comes over her. A wide and maniacal grin comes over her face and a demonic light shines in her eyes*
Ferdinand: B-Bernie?
Bernadetta: BERNIE IS DEAD! I am the Avatar of Destruction! Repent sinners, for there shall be no salvation from me! MUAHAHAHAHA!
Linhardt, coming up to Tharja: Impressive magic Professor.
Tharja: Actually it’s not magic at all.
Linhardt: Ah. A psycho-semantic device to trick her into ignoring her fear and doubt?
Tharja: Excellently done. I think you shall excel as well
Professor Cordelia
*The Blue Lions are having class out in the training field. They are met by Cordelia in full armor beside her Pegasus*
Cordelia: Lions, I shall not mince words. I have reviewed your progress and I am disappointed. You all act like disjointed fools rather than future royalty and warriors. It is disgraceful!
Annette: B-but Professor, we have been making- *Cordelia brandishes her Training Spear at her*
Cordelia: I did not give you permission to speak soldier!
Annette: Y-yes ma’am!
Cordelia: My training will not be easy. It will not be fun. You will either make it or you will not. And, right off the bat, I would like to establish some ground rules. *she points at Sylvain* There will be no skirt chasing. *Sylvain winces and gulps nervously*
Sylvain: Y-yes ma’am!
Cordelia, pointing her spear at Ingrid: There will be NO treating your allies as lesser because of their race.
Ingrid, blushing in shame: Yes ma’am.
Cordelia, leveling her spear at Felix: And there will be no, I repeat NO, “Lone Wolf” shit that endangers yourself and your comrades. Am I understood soldier?!
Felix, glaring, meeting her challenge: Yes ma’am.
Professor “The Vaike”
*The Golden Deer are lounging about in their classroom, waiting for their Professor*
Lorenz: Hmmph. Our instructor is officially twenty minutes late.
Raphael: Doesn’t that mean we can legally leave?
Claude: Eh, I’m sure he’ll show up soon. Apparently Teach recommended him personally and-
*the doors suddenly explode open*
Claude, leaning back in his seat: This is gonna be good.
Vaike, walking up the aisle: Greetings NERDS! I’m your Professor, Vaike. But you will address me as THE VAIKE!
Marianne: Uh, Professor? How is-
Vaike: Now, now pretty one, we’ll get to questions later! Right now is time for the Vaike to speak! Right now your hot archbishop lady wants me to turn you pansies into REAL WARRIORS! That means this is gonna be some NEXT LEVEL SHIT! You pansies got that?!
Leonie: Hell yeah!
Vaike: That’s the spirit! Now give me an “oorah”!
Leonie, Raphael and Claude: OORAH!
Lorenz: Please Goddess, take me now.
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convxction · 3 years
[it has been a while since i talked about the shepherds but i never forget that each and every one of them taught chrom something or they are really super duper important people in his life, whether directly or indirectly by their actions or words. just a couple of things i remembered and i like to implement in my writing because mwah chef kiss to his character development (that intelsys thinks he is just a big dumb himbo who cant ride a fricking horse and uses falchion for cake cutting and even does not know how to peal a frikcing orange please that was gaius trying to make olivia smile im crying stop)
probably the man. the legend. the myth who said something it send me to deeper thinking zone because gdi someone needed to slap that to chrom’s face. it’s in one of the dlcs if you couldnt save the citizens from that crazy grimleal (im lazy to search but you know what i mean right) and chrom is beating himself for not being there and frederick just booms drop that even the hero-king could not each everywhere;he’s human. he can help the people he can reach but he can’t be everywhere and for everyone thats why he needs to just focus on what he can do and chrom just wow...deep...surprisingly coming from you freddy and frederick lol-wait what? its just a good moment you will miss if u saved everyone. like this line could really save chrom’s tormented soul i kid you not. this line is just mwah mwah mwah. i love frederick for always knowing what to say to calm chrom and im just here...crying.... best big bro/father figure chrom could ever ask. pans and pots frederick for a very long vacation from this hell please give him vacation. he deserves it.
i will beat anyone if they say she is useless. bitches she cried for chrom when he couldn’t. she complained when chrom couldn’t. she did everything when chrom couldn’t because she wants to be of help to him. she looked after chrom the most and im legit cherish her so much. after frederick she knows how chrom beat himself over everything even if he didnt say it out loud she knows he is trying to take everything on his shoulders thats why she tried her little stunt to go and scout on her own to help him. i will treasure her. her pranks? anything to get him to loosen up. probably started as pranks but i can see her just trying to make him smile or just have a reaction out of him to loosen up. i love her man. i just love her. i hope lissa fire emblem awakening is happy forever.
the man. what can i say about vaike dude? the man makes chrom feel like his struggle against classes and ranks and all that crap is worth fighting it. vaike not seeing chrom as a prince, keeps bothering him in every possible way and that talks volume of the amount of trust vaike gives chrom. being from the slums--the slice in ylisstol affected the most of the 15 years war and the exaltship been shifted to emmryn and the slow healing process, yet vaike decided to give chrom the benefit of the doubt and trust him to do something about it. im here for my bro. i am here for the source of inspiration to chrom to keep going. right here. this man. the teach.
yodels into the next galaxy about the drama cd and i will never ever shut up about how gaius is the coolest motherfulucker for saving chrom’s ass because he is a stubborn lil beech. not only that the slaps of wisdom words at him. im here for someone frankly and all honestly tell chrom what is wrong with him 1,2,3 and just not sugar coat it. im here for someone to drag his ass and use him as a walking peggybank but you know showing him how a normal person spend money and enjoy his life. im here for gaius working from the shadows to support chrom. im here for this thief. now i wanna go and rewatch the drama cd...sobs..gaius..my love...my husbando ...
listen. cordelia did a huge favor for chrom by getting vaike stronger. you dont understand he owe her. she made his rival stronger and as she said that it will make chrom stronger. bless her soul she knows how that muscle brain works.
forever grateful she is lissa’s friend. chrom could entrust his sister to her and go without any worry to wherever he needs to go because he trusts that maribelle will have her back. in her debt for keeping lissa in check. thank you mlady. you are the best. it warms his heart to have someone by lissa’s side because of how tough her childhood was sobs...no brand and all ;a; thats why maribelle is just ...literally the heroine. three cheers for maribelle !!!
rolls on the ground ... listen .... come closer ...listen ... i am .... i care for this boy. chrom may have fans or whatever but ricken is just ... the best. the little brother he didn’t have. ricken fanboying over chrom makes him more eager to be the best role model he can--but not to the effect where he does not act like himself. ricken inspires chrom to do his best and work harder seeing the boy doing his BEST to be of help and honestly get chrom to notice his efforts. please. boy you are perceived but dont be reckless. u got magic. thats the coolest thing. he cant do magic. be the best in what you do. another lesson chrom had to remember when he talks with ricken. he got his swordsmanship skills but he should always strive to be better, to be the best ! not stopping his learning journey! 
STAHL!!!! im crying the poor man. stahl reminded chrom that his words carry a lot of weight if he didn’t notice how he say them. stahl trying to present the best just killed him because he didnt want to disappoint chrom and chrom is just wait hold on what are you doing when did i--oohh...im sorry;; i didnt mean to burden you like that i just wanted to praise you;;; .... IM WEEPING.... stahl my son why. and it is honestly funny and insightful because chrom praise people left and right and as someone as stahl it can be a lot of weight on his shoulders--the expectations of being the BEST from now and on. it opened chrom’s eyes to choose his words more wisely. yes he is charismatic by nature but not all have the same personality you know. some their anxiety gets the better of them like stahl and their mind play tricks on them to make it sound like an order more than a praise. so yee.... sits in here ....my boy dont kill yourself please. 
i will rant more but now my other hand is hurty hahah...what is going on hahaha...ahh...
i love the shepherds. they are chrom’s family. 
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nowis-scales · 4 years
The Fire Emblem Awakening Cast but I give them Middle and Last Names
Alright. Part two of the “giving middle and last names to characters who don’t have one”, this time with Awakening. Hope you like it, and feel free to not agree with my naming choices! I’m sure there’s much more to disagree with this time around, given that we aren’t given so much ‘this was inspired by this place’ in Awakening. Still, please be kind! This is all just in the name of fun.
Exalt Emmeryn Damica Lowell of Ylisse
Exalt Chrom Saros Lowell of Ylisse
Princess Lissa Moriah Lowell of Ylisse
Sir Frederick Flynn Bronnenberg
Stahl Marius Strassner
Sumia Alessia Ghannam
Sudeley “Sully” Catriona Weldon
Vaike Henrik Westergaard
Duchess Maribelle Serafina Springmour of Themis
Nowi Dewspirit
Ricken Lukas Spranger
Donnel Lorcan Dunne
Miriel Ismeria Andiveron
Kellam Finlay Underhill
Cordelia Ximena Leanos
Edan “Gregor” Fergus Lothian
Libra Halston Evangelatos
Phila Agathe Cirollo
Tiki the Divine
Robin Kadri (Robin Maisah Kadri if female, Robin Ilyes Kadri if male)
Tharja Neryssa Vaidya
Henry Elimar Nasri
Aversa Chiara Calligaris
King Gangrel Frode Hexum
King Validar Elif Kadri
Gaius Lucio Albanesi
Mustafa Abdullah Farouq
Virion Gaspar Bettencourt
Cherche Eloise Collignon
Say’ri Chie Fuji’ka
Yen’fay Shunsuke Fuji’ka
Walhart Aboloft Eklund
Priam Deukalion Sagona
Cervantes Bonavento De Fiore
Excellus Voudim Rethik
Regna Ferox:
Khan Flavia Clymene Spyros
Khan Basilio Fivos Megalos
Lon’qu Yok’to N’guchi
Olivia Annalise Carlisle
Raimi Karyme Essa
BONUS - Second Gen:
Lucina Aviana Lowell
Morgan Kadri (Morgan Samira Kadri if female, Morgan Zakaria Kadri if male)
Owain Tyrian Lowell
Inigo Sebastian Carlisle
Duke Brady Harte Springmour of Themis
Gerome Fabien Collignon
Cynthia Angelica Ghannam
Kjelle Honora Weldon
Severa Gloria Leanos
Laurent Niro Andiveron
Noire Leena Vaidya
Nah Dewspirit
And here comes the part where I explain myself:
‣ Names were infinitely harder this time because I had less to base it off of, and had to play the headcanon game. Most characters will have their full name chosen based on what went with their first name’s origin, and what names suited their personalities (and flowed well).
‣ One such instance of headcanon is Chrom being “Chrom Saros”, which was decided by the fact that I’d called his father “Saros” in fanfiction before. I imagine Chrom detests his full name because of its ties to his father.
‣ The name Sumia is of Arabic origin, so she gets an Arabic last name. Maybe she is biracial? Fun idea to toy with.
‣ Like Keaton and Kaden in the previous ones, Nowi made her last name up. She just picked something she thought sounded cool and cute, and went along with it.
‣ Panne was given the option to choose a last name, but chose nothing. If it wasn’t a taguel thing, what was the point? She was already the only taguel. Panne would always be Panne.
‣ Names for the most part in Plegia were inspired by desert countries, such as Algeria. Given Plegia’s desert aesthetics, I figured it would only make sense that those who hailed from there would be given names that were popular in real life desert countries.
‣ Any of the characters originating from Chon’sin were given Japanese names (with some slight adjustments to account for the Chon’sin love of apostrophes). There is not much sourcing on the background inspiration for Chon’sin other than the wiki briefly mentioning that it’s “sort of Japanese, a bit like Hoshido but much less influenced”. So I played around with some names and got that together.
‣ Some characters straight up have names without backgrounds. It happens in fantasy settings. Where it did, I just decided to flat out substitute in fantasy names. Miriel, for example, is a name that originates from fiction already. So I just slapped on some other fantasy names and voila.
‣ Walhart’s last name is linked not to his name’s origin, but to Alm of Echoes. If I remember correctly, Walhart is meant to be Alm’s descendant, so I figured it would make sense for the two of them to have names that match in some way. Plus, Walhart is another one of those fantasy names.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for now! I’d say “I’ll do Three Houses next”, but they’ve already got them haha. I suppose I could do any of the older games if someone wanted me to, but I’m afraid I don’t know the characters as well. Still, doesn’t mean I’m not willing to try ;)
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I've been waiting to ask this for a long time. What if some of the Shepherds were asked to teach the Garreg Mach houses? Specifically, Tharja to the Black Eagles, Cordelia to the Blue Lions, and the OG Teach Vaike to the Golden Deer?
Professor Tharja
*The Black Eagles shuffle into their classroom, only to find it darkened, all the windows covered, and the only light provided by almost a hundred candles. The Eagles nervously file in to their seats, and only once they are all seated does their Professor emerge from the shadows, like a wraith.*
Tharja: I see you are to be my pupils... I must say I am unimpressed.
Edelgard: I, uh, take it that you are our new Professor for the month? W-well, let me welcome you on behalf of-
Tharja: *waves her hand, silencing Edelgard* I have been brought here to bring you all up to par with your magic. Thus far, you have been learning it the way a parrot learns Shakespeare. A safe, sanitized, version your church approves of. I shall teach you magic as it was meant to be learned. With all the pain and terror that the arcane arts demand.
Hubert: I’m going to enjoy this class.
Tharja, recognizing a fellow Goth: Excellent, I think you shall shine in my lessons.
Bernadetta, hiding under the table: I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingtodie, I’mgoingto-
Tharja, poking her head bellow the desk: You. Out. Now.
Bernadetta: AAIIIEEE! SCARY DEMON LADY! Please don’t kill me and eat my flesh! I’m all stringy! I’D TASTE TERRIBLE!
Tharja, her face softening just a little: Hmm... you remind me of my daughter.
Bernadetta: I- wha- what?
Tharja: My daughter, Noire. Like you, she is meek and cowardly. *she fishes out Noire’s Talisman* Take this. It will remove all your fear and doubt as it did her.
Bernadetta: R-really?
Tharja: Really.
*Bernadetta hesitantly takes the Talisman. Instantly a change comes over her. A wide and maniacal grin comes over her face and a demonic light shines in her eyes*
Ferdinand: B-Bernie?
Bernadetta: BERNIE IS DEAD! I am the Avatar of Destruction! Repent sinners, for there shall be no salvation from me! MUAHAHAHAHA!
Lindhart, coming up to Tharja: Impressive magic Professor.
Tharja: Actually it’s not magic at all.
Lindhart: Ah. A psycho-semantic device to trick her into ignoring her fear and doubt?
Tharja: Excellently done. I think you shall excel as well
Professor Cordelia
*The Blue Lions are having class out in the training field. They are met by Cordelia in full armor beside her Pegasus*
Cordelia: Lions, I shall not mince words. I have reviewed your progress and I am disappointed. You all act like disjointed fools rather than future royalty and warriors. It is disgraceful!
Annette: B-but Professor, we have been making- *Cordelia brandishes her Training Spear at her*
Cordelia: I did not give you permission to speak soldier!
Annette: Y-yes ma’am!
Cordelia: My training will not be easy. It will not be fun. You will either make it or you will not. And, right off the bat, I would like to establish some ground rules. *she points at Sylvain* There will be no skirt chasing. *Sylvain winces and gulps nervously* 
Sylvain: Y-yes ma’am!
Cordelia, pointing her spear at Ingrid: There will be NO treating your allies as lesser because of their race.
Ingrid, blushing in shame: Yes ma’am.
Cordelia, leveling her spear at Felix: And there will be no, I repeat NO, “Lone Wolf” shit that endangers yourself and your comrades. Am I understood soldier?!
Felix, glaring, meeting her challenge: Yes ma’am.
Professor “The Vaike”
*The Golden Deer are lounging about in their classroom, waiting for their Professor*
Lorenz: Hmmph. Our instructor is officially twenty minutes late.
Raphael: Doesn’t that mean we can legally leave?
Claude: Eh, I’m sure he’ll show up soon. Apparently Teach recommended him personally and-
*the doors suddenly explode open*
Claude, leaning back in his seat: This is gonna be good.
Vaike, walking up the aisle: Greetings NERDS! I’m your Professor, Vaike. But you will address me as THE VAIKE!
Marianne: Uh, Professor? How is-
Vaike: Now, now pretty one, we’ll get to questions later! Right now is time for the Vaike to speak! Right now your hot archbishop lady wants me to turn you pansies into REAL WARRIORS! That means this is gonna be some NEXT LEVEL SHIT! You pansies got that?!
Leonie: Hell yeah!
Vaike: That’s the spirt! Now give me an “oorah”!
Leonie, Raphael and Claude: OORAH!
Lorenz: Please Goddess, take me now.
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yukiwrites · 5 years
How They Hug
Thanks for the support once again, @seaweedsallyandhercacklingturtle​!
How the Hoshidan Siblings hug:
-> Ryoma loves stolen hugs in the middle of a busy day. He likes to pull s/o into his chest and dig his face into their neck just to feel all of their warmth. He loves the recharge kind of hugs, too -- the ones he just picks s/o up on his lap and spends long minutes just touching their hair in silence, having a time only for them. His hugs are strong and impossible to struggle out of, but that only shows how much he enjoys simply staying together like that;
-> Ryoma can't show his affection very often -- it's usually only when him and the object of his affection are alone (either before or after he tends to his duties) that he can caress their hair and call them his own. He likes to write letters despite both of them living in the same castle and (if you tell anyone he's going to die of embarrassment but pretend not to) keeps all letters he gets from s/o right beside his working desk just so he can re-read them during a slow day. He's the one that's the most possessive out of the siblings;
-> Hinoka's hugs are impulsive and quick -- she hugs after practice, with only an arm over a shoulder, or before going to battle. She's embarrassed about giving long hugs like Ryoma's (though when they themselves hug they reach a middle ground), but when it's just she and s/o, she enjoys holding their hand and bringing it closer little by little, then resting her head in s/o's chest if only to listen to their heartbeats. She gets antsy if she stays in that position for too long, though, so these aren't frequent, but that makes them all the more precious;
-> Hinoka likes to show her affection by taking s/o on her pegasus to places she knows they'll like. She's not bad with her words, though she's far from eloquent (especially when compared to Ryoma), so she doesn't know how to express her feelings without being completely direct about them. More often than not, however, she just notices this or that detail that's either bothering or pleasing s/o and cares to help them without offering, just because she wants them to feel as comfortable as possible in her presence. She the second most possessive out of the siblings;
-> Takumi never admits it, but he's the one who loves hugs the most out of the hoshidan siblings. He's needy almost like a cat, and never outright asks for them, though he lingers his hand on s/o's sleeve or stays a moment longer in s/o's presence so he's not the one to initiate the hug -- he's also the last one to pull back. The length of the hug is completely decided by the recipient of it... Though if it takes too long and he starts to overthink that s/o thinks he's needy, he'll pull away and run from hugs for a while after that. His hugs are soft, as though he's afraid to show how eager he is to be touched and hugged. Don't tell Ryoma this, but Takumi's hugs are actually the best ones out of the hoshidan siblings, simply because he treasures every single one as though they were the last;
-> Takumi expresses his affection in roundabout ways -- by leaving a side-dish he knows s/o likes in his own plate just to offhandedly offer it to s/o; or by giving s/o a present he went through many hard times to obtain and saying he just found it over there so he thought you'd like it, you know. He's not possessive in the slightest, mostly because he thinks he has no right to -- he's secretly clingy and needy instead;
-> Sakura is extremely shy during hug-giving, especially if it's around other people. She gets less embarrassed if she's sleepy, though, so she's prone to hugging and napping altogether if she's comfortable enough under a shade. Her hugs smell of mochis and have a sweet warmth that's only inherent to her, since she radiates peace of mind to the person she's hugging. (though she herself would be a baubling mess out of embarrassment) She's the second one who loves hugs the most out of the siblings, but since she's too shy to do it as often as she wants, she loves to just cling to s/o in the mornings if they end up together.
-> Sakura expresses her affection by giving her loved one a larger share of her own sweets, because if she's so happy to have that many sweets, s/o must be too, right? Then they need to eat more! Although she's shy regarding hugs, she likes to hold hands -- or at least lace fingers as they walk, though her face would still be dyed in a bright red. Thoughts of possession never crossed her mind.
Laslow/Inigo as a lover:
-> Since he became much less conscious over his dancing skills after coming back from Nohr to Ylisse, he arranges dancing shows often -- and always makes sure s/o is placed at the first row. After all, all of the moves Inigo was worried about showing to the public were presented to s/o first. He trusts his beloved one's judgment completely, and it's refreshing to not feel embrassed in front of someone, especially while showing them his weakest side;
-> He secretly wants to have a big family -- not only to form a dancing troupe, no, but because he always thought of the comrades he shared the bleak future with as his siblings, so he wants to have an actual big family, if only to give his children a lively place to come back to;
-> Depending on his father, he inherits an interesting trait from them: If it's Frederick, he has a very specific undressing ritual (he has to put the brooch he wears on his cravat on top of everything else, don't ask him why); if it's Virion, he has to start his dancing steps from the right without fail, even if it's during rehearsal (something about being an archer's son or some other nonsense he said when s/o asked him about it); it it's Vaike, he spends more time than necessary grooming his hair (he fears he'll have an early receding hairline...), if it's Kellam, he has flashier dance moves and is very glad to be able to attract attention rather than being embarrassed by it; if it's Stahl, he uses the excuse of knowing how to cook by saying that 'the ladies love a man who can cook', but he honestly just enjoy peeling potatoes and chatting away with whoever's cooking with him at the moment; if it's Gregor, he has a Very High tolerance to alcohol, and had to bring his mother home on his back more than once by drinking the night away after a dance show; if it's Lon'qu, he has a bit of trouble sleeping at night, though he likes to use that time to cuddle s/o while they sleep instead, so he's not that much bothered by it; if it's Libra, he's actually a very good singer -- so one day when he sprained his ankle right before a show, he had Olivia dance while he accompanied with his voice, so it ended up being okay despite his nervousness;
-> He likes to smell s/o's hair after they've been out in the sun for a while -- he says it's like he has the sun all for himself, though he's always known it since s/o brings light to his life;
-> After growing a bit older, he remembers the pick-up lines he used in the past and cringes on his own out of nowhere. S/o sometimes may notice it and tease him about them all, making him dissolve into a puddle of embarrassment (it's always refreshing to see him blush, after all);
-> Regardless of unique traits inherited from his father, Inigo will always do this one ritual: He wants to always be the first and the last person s/o has hugged during the day -- and he doesn’t mean by simply hugging before going to bed or after waking up: he wants to be able to have the freedom of hugging whenever he can, though preferably out of sight since he gets rather shy... He gives every part of his being into the hug, bending his body, hiding his face into s/o’s shoulder, bringing them closer to him... He treasures each and every hug, no matter how many times they do it, as though assuring him that the battles of the past were conquered and now he can and should do as he pleases and hug the ones he loves without fearing they could be gone in the next morning.
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writtingfiction · 5 years
Not sure if still open but.. May I request a Chrom x Robin where (a year before Lucina was born) the Shepherd finds an abandoned infant in the wagon after fighting off bandits. They go on a quest to find the infant's parents as well as taking turns caring for the infant.
The asks are always open! My response may just be a bit slow, I’ve got finals coming up next month. Cause we all love school, don’t we? Either way, this was fun to write. Didn’t know there could be so many ways to write the word baby. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
pairing: Chrom x Robin
words: 1.8k
Hearing an infant’s cries, was more or less a surprise for the travelling Shepherds after defeating the bandits. Maribelle was the sweet soul that had found the poor baby, wrapped up warmly in blankets in a basket just big enough. The poor child was screaming their tiny little lungs out the best they could.
“We should try and find their parents.” Lissa said, pinky finger now in the tight grasp of the infant.
“That’s a good idea, Lissa.” Cordelia spoke up. Several of the Shepherds had agreed but everyone could the feel the shadow that was Frederick.
“As good idea as it is, we don’t know where they could have gone. For all we know, they could have done this on purpose.” Frederick spoke, tone firm. Maribelle glared at the knight, ready to counter the man.
“I don’t think so.” Robin spoke up, coming towards the crowded group. A basket of fruits in hand. “They’re traveling merchants with a baby on board, I highly doubt they would abandon their own child along with the goods.”
“I agree with Robin.” Chrom said, placing a hand on her shoulder. Smiling warmly towards her. “The merchants had intentions of coming back, we were able to see where they were able to hide some more valuable goods among the caravans.”
“I see, my apologies Milord.” Frederick bowed. Chrom only waved him off, smile straining just a bit.
“Don’t worry about it, Frederick, but you are right in the fact we don’t know where they went.” Chrom said. “We don’t know which direction they scurried off either…”
“Oh, Cordelia and I can take the pegasi and check if any towns are nearby!” Sumia called. Robin smiled.
“It’s a good start, you two can head out. We’ll figure something out will you two are out.” Robin said. The two Pegasus knights quickly leaving and heading out. While everyone down below started to get the hunt for the infant’s parents ready. Ideas were shared among the Shepherds, however there was still the pressing issue of getting to Regna Ferox. The little bundle of joy wouldn’t be able to survive long either without their mother, never mind the cold weather. After roughly an hour of tossing ideas around, the pegasi knights had returned.
Cordelia and Sumia approached them with good news. There was a town north-east, a few days of traveling but worth the detour. And so, things were settled as they made course for the town, babe in their arms.
However, Chrom couldn’t keep his eyes off the small baby in his sister’s arms. Cradling the gentle babe with Maribelle cooing softly. It had brought memories of when he was younger, even though Lissa wasn’t too much younger than him, she was still so small. The mess, the laughter, the quiet moments when they were together. He hummed to himself when the two young women were able to get the baby to laugh, bringing many smiles to various Shepherds.
“Adorable, aren’t they?” Robin spoke up. Chrom let the smile rise on his lips, shifting his gaze towards his wife. Her own eyes were on Lissa and Maribelle, who was now being joined by Sumia and Nowi.
“Of course.” Chrom said, just taking a little step towards her, weaving his hand with hers. “I believe Lissa would make a good mother.”
“Oh, don’t let her hear you.” Robin teased. The two share a laugh, before enjoying the rest of the walk towards the town.
Seeing Cordelia handle the babe was as if she perfected the art of being a nursemaid. Gregor helped Lon’qu when dinner had come around, laughing louder when the babe had thrown up over his tunic. Panne took care of the child all throughout the night, keeping them warm and quiet all throughout the night. The next morning, Frederick kept the baby busy as he went about his daily routine without too much difficulty. Ricken, Donnel and Stahl all tried to keep the babe from crying after Gauis had tangled with the baby, (he was trying for the candy). Even though he got scolded, his comment was that taking from the child wasn’t as easy as people thought.
Kellam had taken the infant for the afternoon, much to everyone’s surprise. Although, they were grateful as they heard nothing from the infant till dinner. He was a natural lullaby for the infant. Miriel and Libra were the ones to take care of dinner, having a much easier time than Lon’qu and Gregor the night before. Sumia took the babe into her tent that night, although she didn’t manage to get enough rest that night.
The morning that followed Olivia took gentle care of the infant. Humming softly, swaying gently as they seemed to fall asleep, only to reawaken in time for lunch. Virion was the one to help this time, although someone would have to fetch him a new necktie once everything was over. Vaike was next, and he was good for better part of the afternoon, but Sully quickly swept in after Vaike had tried to get the babe to hold a sharp object. Sully was gentle, much to the surprise of others whom had seen her. A gentle smile instead of a hard scowl, a pleasing and calm atmosphere surrounded her and the infant. Dinner was a bit of a shock, Tharja had no problem feeding them. A quiet way of doing things but she was able to get the infant to eat dinner without a fuss. Robin was sure that Tharja was reluctant to hand the baby over to her when she said, she’d take them for the night.
Robin held them in her arms. A little yawn leaving their lips, big round tired eyes staring at her. Robin let out a giggle as the baby reached for a strand of her white hair.
“Don’t see that often, now do you?” She whispered gently, making her way towards her shared tent with Chrom.
She entered the tent with ease, seeing Chrom just finish changing into his night clothes. Indigo blues eyes warming upon the sight. Sweet words were exchanged between the lovers as they exchanged the babe who was falling asleep quickly. With Chrom now having the sweet child in his arms. It was a bit awkward at first, holding the child in the cradled position, but Chrom had quickly settled into the feeling. Thoughts of having his own child filling his own mind. It would be an amazing experience, teaching the babe to walk, learning their first word and reading those bed time stories as they fight to stay awake. He heard his wife giggle behind him.
“Come now, Love. You’ve got this motherly look on your face.” Robin said, carefully pulling him back towards the cot.
Robin helped Chrom into bed with the wandering child in is arms, and once he was settled, she rose to extinguish the candle that was burning. She cautiously settled in, opposite of Chrom, the child in between them. The two of them couldn’t help but stare at the added figure in their shared bed. Such a small body that had been brought into this world with love.
“Chrom?” Robin whispered. Eyes still watching the small infant. Chrom hummed, sleep was starting to welcome him. “What do you think of a family of our own? Our little child running through the castle hallway. Little feet against the floor as they run up to show us something.” Her hand came up, pulling the child ever so close. “A sweet babe of our own.”
“And here I thought asking for a child was rude for it still not even being a year.” Chrom mumbled, smile on his lips. “Although, I’m not opposed to it. A little child of our own, to care for, to love…” Robin hummed in agreement. Their hands locked together, sleep all catching up to them.
The rising sun had quickly rose, waking the Shepherds bit by bit. Robin kept the infant close to her the entire morning. Her own tasks being as simple as marking down what they still had left. When camp had been wrapped up and everyone was ready, they set out for the town again, this time having it in sight. They had arrived in town just before noon, making sure to ask around as soon as they hit the market.
Robin shifted the babe in her arms, turning away from another merchant who couldn’t help her. Chrom by her side, sighing heavily. He didn’t think it would be this hard, who wouldn’t be missing their child by now. There was the slight fear that perhaps they missed the parents on their way back towards their valuables, or perhaps the parents truly had plans to abandon the child. His heart hurt thinking about the latter. He hoped that it wouldn’t be the case for the babe.
“Excuse me! Oh, sorry. Ma’am, Sir, please wait!” A lady called out after them. Fighting her way through the crowd with a man trying his hardest to keep up with her. Robin and Chrom turn to face the couple as they stop in front of them. “Please! Are you the ones asking about…?” She had trailed off, panting heavily. Robin and Chrom exchange a look.
“Yes, were asking if a merchant couple had come here asking for help.” Chrom said, watching the couple in front of them.
“Yes! We were attacked by bandits and escaped with our lives while hiding our babe. It was a mistake to even leave her there in the first place! We should’ve taken her with us.” The lady had looked like she would collapse from how desperate she was.
“Please, Madam, Sir, believe me and my wife. Once we heard that a group in town had come into town asking about the parents of a child… We came as soon as we could.” The man came up, placing a gentle hand on his wife’s shoulder. Robin gave a small smile.
“Then it would be a crime to not return your child to you.” Robin said, handing the child over into the woman’s arms. The mother had tears coming down her cheeks when she had locked eyes with her daughter. The father couldn’t stop his own as they awed over their daughter whom had the brightest smile they saw since they had taken her in.
“Thank you…! We cannot thank you enough.” The father said. Chrom only shook his head.
“Seeing your child home and safe is enough. Your gratitude is enough as well.” Chrom said. The couple had nodded, thanking them once more before they left. Their child back in their care, safe from the dangers of the world.
The scene had warmed their hearts, happy and immensely grateful that they had the chance to reunite a family. It had only strengthened their resolve of starting a family of their own. A family teaching and guiding one another as they all grew together. It was an experience that they would be proud to have in their lives.
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halidomhappenings · 5 years
ANNA: “We’ve reached the final attempt at the obstacle course for today. Having had all day to prepare, we can surely expect great things from the last two up... Please welcome Nora and her wyvern Aggro, as well as Prince Xander of Nohr and his dark falcon, Arion! Both of them look eager to begin, so let’s go on ahead and get Nora to the starting line.”
EMM: “Our last fliers of the day! They certainly have a nice backdrop, with the setting sun to light their way.”
CHROM: "Prince Xander is in the air? Huh. I would have expected him to go for swords or the joust... I do think there was room when he joined, but maybe I’m mistaken. Or maybe he’s about to show us a side to him nobody expected?”
FAVOR: engraved charm; Vaike; summonedhearts SHELL: snail
First Obstacle: 8 (2 pts)
Second Obstacle: 7 (2 pts) Aggro seems very distracted by all the water spouts and the way they sparkle as the sun sets. He keeps going back and forth between trying to stay focused for Nora’s sake and wanting to play in them. Thankfully, the duo pass through without losing too much time, but Aggro can’t resist the urge to fly through the last one as they move on.
Third Obstacle: 2 (1 pt)
FAVOR BONUS: 6 (2 pts)
Fourth Obstacle: 17 (4 pts) This time, Aggro knows that the obstacle will hurt both himself and Nora if he bumps into it and speeds through the rock formations, shaving a couple of seconds off his time as he barrels through through the ring! 
Fifth Obstacle: 8 (2 pts)
SCORE: 2.4
EMM: “That’s a good start from Nora. Her favor seems to have given her some good luck.”
CHROM: “It’s from Vaike, isn’t it? An engraved charm... Sweet. I didn’t expect he would give Nora something like that, but then I guess I’m learning a lot about various people today.”
FAVOR: woven yarn bracelet from Corrine (@askrcalled) SHELL: coral
First Obstacle: 19 (4pts)
SNAIL Disadvantage: 9 (2 pts)
Second Obstacle: 12 (3pts) Looking to make up from that shaky take off, Xander urges Arion to speed through the water spouts. They weave gracefully in and out, dipping low enough to the water below for Arion’s hooves to skim against the water, and move on.
Third Obstacle: 11 (3 pts)
Fourth Obstacle: 7 (2 pts) 
FAVOR BONUS: 19 (4 pts) Xander feels incredibly confident in his partner’s ability to dodge the rock formations-- And he was right to be! They skillfully and speedily navigate their way to the rock ring, Orion even pulling off an aileron roll as they pass through! 
Fifth Obstacle: 15 (3 pts)
CORAL BONUS ROUND: 7 (2 pts) As Xander and Arion come in for a landing, Xander draws Siegfried. Black wings flare, feathers flying everywhere as he rears and whinnys triumphantly. Xander, meanwhile, raises his blade into the air and the sword gleams in the sunset.
SCORE: 3.4
EMM: “His Highness stole the match, though! Despite faltering on his take off, he’s done very well, congratulations!”
CHROM: “Has he been taking lessons from his sister? Sorry, I should stop questioning this. Xander has more than proved his ability in the air, and is through to the next round to face Araminta.”
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sinstobetold · 5 years
‘i’m/your pregnant and horny’ sex - Vaike and Sumia!
It had started innocently enough. Well... as innocent as they could possibly be. Vaike was supportive and attentive to her and he had been showering her stomach in kisses and rubbing her sore feet. Six months in, and her ankles were starting to really swell. Everything was.
But Sumia had asked him to massage her shoulders next. She’s sighed and been relaxed and leaned back against his chest as he rubbed her shoulders...
And it wasn’t so innocent when she asked him to massage her breasts next.
“They’re so sore,” Sumia had told him, which wasn’t a lie. Pregnancy had done a lot of things to her body, and her breasts were swollen and aching just like her ankles were.
Vaike had no problems assisting with that. It was hard not to be a little bit enamored with her bosom as it were.
“Your wish is The Vaike’s command,” he’d chuckled, kissing her cheek as his hands reached around her sides to begin gentle ministrations.
Gentle ministrations that made her moan and arch back into him.
“Vaike, that feels so good~”
“Heh... Sumia, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you sound--”
“Mmmmmm~” she cut him off, biting her bottom lip. “I want you to fuck me...”
His eyebrows raised and his hands paused what they were doing. “...Huh?” Vaike leaned to the side, looking down at her face and he saw that Sumia’s cheeks were flushed and her eyes heady with lust. Gods help him, she was so adorable, but he didn’t want to do anything that might hurt her. Her body was beautiful, even with her growing belly, but it was also sensitive.
“You sure about that?” he asked her. “You’re not still sore?”
Sumia turned her head to look at him with those big, grey eyes that he loved so much. “I’m fine, I just... I need you.”
He smirked and leaned in to kiss her, squeezing her breasts in a manner far more flirtatious than soothing. “What position will be comfortable for you?”
“Mmmm,” she whimpered against his lips. “This, just like this.” She was already in his lap, her back against him. He could reach around to fondle her and she could feel his biceps flexing at her sides. Sumia reached down and tried to fumble with her own clothing, but it was hard to reach with her growing belly and she huffed in impatient frustration.
It made Vaike chuckle. “So eager~ You’re cute when you want me.”
“I always want you, that’s why I’m pregnant.”
“Good point,” he kissed her cheek before adjusting how they sat so he could slip her bloomers off and shimmy her chemise up. He leaned her forward and spread his knees, untying his britches. He pulled her back in, pressing himself against her lower back. “I always want you too. See~?”
She sighed, sounding pleased and reached up a hand to tangle in his hair. Sumia shifted, moving herself up then back down, grinding her hips against him as much as she could. It was a bit awkward, given her belly, but it was still enticing to him. Vaike found very few things about her unenticing.
His hands found her hips and guided her into place, careful as he moved his hips up and guided himself in. They both moaned this time, but Sumia was louder. 
“Oh, Vaike~” her voice was low and long and desperate. “Please... I need you--”
“Don’t worry, sugar tits, I’m right here,” he chuckled as he kissed the back of her neck, bucking against her roughly. He could tell the mood she was in. 
Sumia giggled and gasped. “I bet they’re extra sweet now, aren’t they?”
Vaike laughed again, giving her another strong thrust. It brought another gasp from her. “Sweet’r than all your cakes an’ pies~”
Sumia rolled her hips into him. She had one hand on his knee, holding herself steady. Each of his pushes lifted her a notch closer and closer. Like she was climbing a ladder and he was lifting her up each rung. 
“Don’t stop, Vaike...”
“Didn’t plan on it--” he huffed, his own voice growing as husky and disheveled as hers. “Gods, you feel good.”
Sumia’s voice pitched up. That meant she was close, but not close enough. Vaike leaned forward, pressing his chest flush against her back. His lips trailed along her shoulder, nibbling playfully. “Mmmmm~ Sweet as sugar~”
Sumia giggled again. He loved the way she laughed. He moved his hands from her hips, one reaching to find her breast, the other moving over her belly to trail between her legs. He squeezed her breast and flicked his fingers over her labia, easily finding her clitoris, since he already had her spread and swollen. She grinded back against him and cried out with incoherent wanting.
“Like that, huh?” he teased her, thumb tracing around her areola. She whimpered in wanting. “Come on, Sumia, let me hear you~”
She wasn’t restraining herself, but she cried out all the more at his encouragement. And with another thrust, he felt her whole body clench. There she was. 
Vaike smiled against her shoulder. Sumia’s orgasms lasted a long time. Almost half a minute-- he’d timed her for fun a few times. It felt good, how her body tightened and moistened around him. She was warm and soft and he pumped against her, finding his own release in time for her climax to start ebbing.
Sumia was heavy in his arms, but he didn’t mind holding her when she was lax. He circled both his arms around her again and hugged her, one arm under her breasts and one arm cradling her belly.
“Was that what you needed?” he asked with an out of breath chuckle.
Sumia smiled, nuzzling against him and placing one hand on her tummy. “That was wonderful. Thank you... I love you.”
“I love you too S--” Vaike stopped. And blinked. And looked down at her belly. “Heh! Our little bun is kicking around the oven.”
“Oof,” Sumia grunted. “The bun has good timing.”
Vaike laughed and kissed her hair. “Guess that means I need to rub your tummy next. The bun’s demanding attention too.”
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Full List of Available Support Options
After a LOT of polling, I've put together the finalized chart of available supports, along with noting which pairs have medium/fast support gain as opposed to the usual slow. I've gone ahead and redone all of the support options following this chart, so it should match perfectly and all support speeds should match, eliminating any support gain issues. Please note that this chart is for the ability to gain support, and has nothing to do with whether or not a pair has anything written. Please refer to the main spreadsheet for that information, found at this link.
Unfortunately, all of this cleanup work means that any existing saves will get their support ranks messed up. As such, I will be including a separate download with the original file for anyone who does not wish to ruin a current playthrough. This file also has the more restricted support options that stay faithful to @unassumingvenusaur's original mod, and it will not be removed later down the line just in case somebody would prefer her restrictions. If this is not an issue, I highly recommend making the switch so you have more options and are able to see supports that will only be available with the new expanded version!
This is the bulk of what I've been working on, so expect the next update to come out soon. Just a warning though, there won't be as many new supports in this one as most of what's been done is mechanical changes and cleanup.
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hiddentrails7 · 3 years
Gangrel: Okay, I’m not gonna stand here and listen to you accuse me of things I clearly did.
Laurent, to Lucina: Every time I'm around Gerome, my pulse increases, my breath shortens, and my temperature skyrockets.
Laurent: I think I'm allergic to him.
Frederick: What do we say when we start feeling anxious?
Brady: My anxiety is chronic but my ass is iconic.
Frederick, done™: No.
Ricken: Hey Henry I'm gonna buy you human teeth for your birthday
Henry, dropping everything he was doing: Ricken I want to have sex with you.
Chrom: The seagulls won yesterday.
Stahl: Oh, you watched the game?
Chrom, covered in blood and scratches: What game?
Henry: What if "It's Raining Men" and "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor" are both about the same events but from different perspectives?
Frederick: I'm literally begging you to stop.
Miriel: *Realizes she’s attracted to Gaius*
Miriel: Who the fuck authorized this?
Robin: Welcome to our disaster. Glad you could make it.
Vaike: Brady, would you do me the honor of becoming my son-in-law?
Owain: ....Did you just propose to him FOR ME!?
Vaike: Well, someone had to
` If a man calls you ‘princess’ in a condescending manner, assert your newly appointed royal status and have him beheaded. ` Sully, probably
Chrom: Do you want to see a butterfly?
Robin: Chrom, n-
Chrom: *Throws butter at a Risen*
` Look I may have many flaws but at least heterosexuality isn't one of them. ` Robin, probably-
Chrom: When you said you were “magical in bed,” this was not what I expected.
Robin: Is this your card?
Chrom, whispering: Holy shit
Henry: When Mothman lurks around at night it’s “cool” and “sexy”
Henry: But when I do the same it’s “weird” and “a disturbance”
Chrom: Oh you're giving me the silent treatment? Two can play it that game.
Chrom: Okay, I'm sorry now. Please say something.
Laurent: That's fine. I've seen enough
` Sometimes a family is just a large group of hazards to society. ` Frederick-
Lon'qu: How does one turn their emotions off?
Olivia: Okay so first go to settings-
Olivia: I'm an idiot, I thought that said emojis at first.
Lon'qu: No, I'm still willing to try this. Go ahead. Go to settings, what next
` How do people NOT swear? Like where does their anger go? How do they show their enthusiasm? What if they stub their toe? Like saying 'golly gosh' isn't really gonna cut it, Barbara. ` Lon'qu, probably-
Robin: This is a mistake
Henry, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!
Robin: But not today.
Henry, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess
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tulunnguaq · 7 years
Linguistic excursions (3): Manx / Y Ghaelg
After my recent 'excursions’ to Scotland and Wales, I'm doubling back and heading north to the Isle of Man to have a brief look at Manx.
A curious little language, once extinct and now in the process of being revived. I was a bit sceptical about reports showing about 1000 or so speakers (presumably using a broad interpretation of what it means to be a speaker) but if, like me, you are happy to be convinced otherwise, you have to watch this beautiful 10 minute video about the children and staff at the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh.
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Anyway, the exercise below is taken from Bunneydys - a course in spoken Manx, published by Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh (the Manx Gaelic Society). 
It's a pretty slim tome, with basic conversations and vocabulary set out over 60 lessons. There is no grammar explanation or verb tables, etc. There is a very brief guide to spelling and pronunciation at the front, which is not as illuminating as one might prefer. (For example, for the pronunciation of 'gh', it makes a comparison with Scottish 'loch', but also says "if you can, get a Manx speaker to demonstrate this sound." Ironically this edition of the book was published in the auspicious year of 1974, so I guess it was still possible up to 24 December.... The wikipedia page also has a good guide to the oddities of Manx pronunciation as well as a certain amount of grammar information.
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Anyway, a transcript of lesson 58 is set out below. One of the main points of interest for me is how similar Manx is to Irish and Scots Gaelic, while at the same time this similarity is hidden by its rather strange orthography, and so I’ve set out in the vocabulary list below the text all of the cognate forms as I see them. In many places, each of the languages are still cognate, but in some cases Manx is closer to Scots Gaelic, and in others closer to Irish, and in some cases Manx has diverged from both of them. In a couple of cases I’ve not been able to establish a cognate form in Irish and Scots Gaelic, so it’s either been lost from both of them or come from a different source, which is quite possible.
Manx has been separated from Irish/Scots Gaelic since about the 5th century (Russell (1995)), and appears to have been a spoken language only. At any rate, there does not appear to be any evidence of it ever having had a 'Celtic' script like Irish or Scots Gaelic. At some point around the 16th century, a script was devised which was based on the English of that time, based on the use of 'gh' for guttural /χ/, but clearly with some influence from Welsh, in the use of 'y' for /ə/ and possibly other languages having an influence as well. 
An obvious downside to the script is that it loses a lot of the more obvious connections between words as they go through their various Celtic mutations such as lenition, eclipsis/nasal mutation and palatalisation, although arguably this is also a feature of the Welsh script to some extent. The upside is that the pronunciation is (somewhat) more transparent - at least to native English speakers - and also to those lovely kids in the Bunscoill!
Moirrey: Naik oo mee hene as Juan heose er yn villey 'sy gharey, vummig?
Ealish: Honnick mee shiu, dy-jarroo. Ta treisht aym nagh vaik jishag shiu!
Moirrey: Cre'n fa, vummig?
Ealish: Er y fa nagh mie lesh paitçhyn beggey y gholl seose er yn villey shen.
Moirrey: Cha nel mee smooinaghtyn dy naik eh shin, aghterbee.
Ealish: S'mie shen. Agh cha mie lhiam shiu y gholl seose er yn villey, edyr.
Moirrey: Ta jishag çheet nish. Nagh insh da.
Moirrey - girl’s name, equivalent of Moira Ealish - mother’s name, equivalent of Eilis, Elizabeth naik oo - did you (sg) see? Irish (Ir) an fhaca, Scots Gaelic (ScG) am faca mee - I, me. The subject and object form of the pronoun is the same; the position determines the meaning. Here it is the object, following VSO verb order, as in the other Celtic languages. Ir mé, ScG mi hene - self.  Ir féin, ScG fhèin /he:n/ as - and. Ir, ScG agus, is Juan - John. heose up (location), seose upwards (motion). Ir suas (both meanings) ScG shuas /huəs/ up, suas upwards er on (here perhaps to be translated as in). Ir ar, ScG air yn, y the. Ir an, ScG an, am, a' billey (f) tree. Here lenited as villey, as it is a feminine noun after the article, the same mutation as in Irish and Scots Gaelic. Note different forms for tree are Ir crann and ScG craobh, however Dwelly (1901-1911) lists one meaning of bile as 'cluster of trees' (alongside lip), so this may be an archaic cognate form. 'sy in the from ayns yn. Ir sa ScG 'sa', derived from anns an garey (f) garden, here lenited as gharey. Ir. gardín, garrai ScG gàradh honnick mee I saw. Ir chonaic mé. ScG chunnaic mi shiu you (pl). Ir, ScG sibh dy-jarroo indeed. Ir go dearfa, ScG gu dearbh. Note the regular sound change from ScG -bh /v/ to -u/-oo /u/ in Manx, but also note the Manx divergence from Ir/ScG g- to d- in the adverbial particle. ta is. Ir tá, ScG tha treisht hope. Ir dóchas, dúil ScG dòchas. I haven’t been able to find a cognate form for treisht. aym at me. Ir/ScG agam. Ta treisht aym lit “there is hope at me” = I have hope = I hope (that) nagh - (that) not. Relative negative conjunction. Ir nach, ScG nach nagh vaik - did not see. The v- in the Manx form perhaps reflects eclipsis like in Ir nach bhfaca ScG nach fhaca jishag - daddy. Note unrelated forms: Ir daidi ScG dadaidh. I haven’t been able to find a cognate form for jishag. cre'n fa - why. Ir cén fáth? (lit. “what-the reason”). Note different form in ScG carson (lit “what-for-cause”) mummig mummy. In its lenited form here vummig reflecting the vocative form, as in Irish/Scots Gaelic. Ir mamaí, a mhamaí, ScG mamaidh, a mhamaidh er y fa because, lit "for the reason [that]". Ir mar, óir, ScG o chionn ’s (lit. from the reason that), oir mie good. Ir maith, ScG math. lesh with him. nagh mie lesh (it is) not good with him = he does not like. Ir  is maith leis, ScG is toigh/toil leis (lit. is pleasing with him) paitçhyn children, singular paitçhey. Ir leanbh, páiste. ScG leanabh, pàiste, but Ir/ScG plural usu. clann beg small here in plural form beggey. Ir, ScG beag, beaga goll, y gholl go(ing) (verbal noun). Ir dul, do/a dhul, ScG dol, a dhol. It is interesting to note that in Irish and Scots Gaelic, initial broad gh- and dh- share the /ɤ/ sound, and so perhaps the Manx infinitive to go gholl also shared this sound. Was the original verbal noun doll, but given the identity of the two sounds, did it then back-form goll? Just a thought. shen that. Ir / ScG sin cha nel mee I am not. Similar to ScG chan eil mi. Standard Ir has “lost” the cha, giving a different negative form níl mé smooinaghtyn think(ing) (verbal noun). Ir smaoineabh, ScG smaoineachadh dy naik eh that he saw. Ir go bhfaca e   ScG gum faca e shin we. Ir, ScG sinn aghterbee anyway. Different forms seen in Ir ar aon chaoi and ScG co-dhiù. But Ir also uses the similar wording ar bith any in other “any” phrases such as duine ar bith anyone. Is Manx aght perhaps the same as Ir acht condition? s'mie shen that’s good, fine, literally 'is good that'. Ir ‘s maith sin ScG 's math sin. Has been said to be the source of colloquial British English, 'smashing!'. agh but. Ir / ScG ach cha mie lhiam I don't like ('not (is) good with me'). Ir ní maith liom ScG cha toigh leam edyr at all. Ir ar chor ar bith ScG idir. (NB Ir idir means ‘between’ and cognate with ScG eadar) çheet come/coming (verbal noun). Ir teacht ScG tighinn nish now. Ir anois, ScG a-nis insh tell (here in root form = 2s imperative). Ir inis ScG innis da to him. Ir dó, ScG da,dha
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Moirrey: Naik oo mee hene as Juan heose er yn villey 'sy gharey, vummig?
Did you see me and John up in the tree in the garden, Mummy?
Ealish: Honnick mee shiu, dy-jarroo. Ta treisht aym nagh vaik jishag shiu!
I saw you, indeed. I hope that Daddy didn’t see you!
Moirrey: Cre'n fa, vummig?
Why, Mummy?
Ealish: Er y fa nagh mie lesh paitçhyn beggey y gholl seose er yn villey shen.
Because he doesn’t like little children going up into that tree.
Moirrey: Cha nel mee smooinaghtyn dy naik eh shin, aghterbee.
I don’t think he saw us, anyway.
Ealish: S'mie shen. Agh cha mie lhiam shiu y gholl seose er yn villey, edyr.
Good. But I don’t like you going up in that tree, at all.
Moirrey: Ta jishag çheet nish. Nagh insh da.
Daddy’s coming now. Don’t tell him.
As ever, if I’ve made any mistakes, please let me know. Or otherwise if you’ve enjoyed it, also let me know!
Thinking about my next ‘excursion’ now! Happy to take any suggestions.
(Named) References
Russell (1995), An Introduction to the Celtic Languages)
Dwelly (1901-1911), Illustrated Gaelic-English Dictionary 
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ankhlesbian · 7 years
FE Femslash Week: Day 5
Prompt: Strength
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Ship: Miriel/Sully
Title: Strength, and A Lack Thereof
AO3 Link: Here
Sully drags Miriel along to one of her training sessions. It is the single most painful experience of her entire life.
“Up an’ at em!”
An enemy would not be so foolish as to announce their presence. Therefore, the current matter is of less relevance than Miriel’s current occupation. Sleep is of the utmost importance for the functioning of the human body. Yet, the noise outside her tent persists.
“Miriel! You have until the count of ten, then I’m breaking in, like it or not.”
There is not much to break. The flap of the tent lacks any sort of locking mechanism. “Breaking” in will yield no damage to the tent. It is not a compelling threat.
“I warned you.” The pest outside growls.
The sun streaming into her face seems to have an above average magnitude of brightness. She groans, taking the logical course of action and positioning an obstruction between her sensitive eyes and the offending light.
Her pillow is cruelly tugged away.
“I do not appreciate this,” she snaps, squinting at her assailant. She can’t make out much without her spectacles, but the blurry red splotch confirms her suspicions. Sully.
Said woman snorts, holding out something with one hand. Miriel accepts the offering; her glasses. She slides them on. Sully has one hand on her hip, and she looks rather unimpressed. She’s already dressed, albeit not in her usual armor, merely loose shorts and a sleeveless top.
“You’re the one who said you needed to see my workout routine.” Miriel vaguely remembers making that request. She had assumed they would arrange in advance a time-frame during which she could observe, preferably one far later in the day. The sun isn’t even fully risen.
“Would it not be wiser to wait for evening? The present temperature is sure to be unbearable.” Sully is unaffected.
“I do this every morning. No point in rearranging my entire training schedule just for today. Besides, don’t want any confounding variables or selection bias, do we?” In hindsight, it was extremely unwise of her to explain any concepts relating to scientific experimentation to Sully.
“You will have to give me a moment to prepare myself. I failed to foresee this outcome.” Sully waves her on, ignoring the bitterness of her tone. She rolls out of bed and begins to gather her usual robes, but Sully stops her, tugging them from her hands.
“You’ll overheat in those.”
“I wear these every day. I assure you, I am aware of my own limitations.”
“You don’t do any heavy exercise on a daily basis, though.” Miriel freezes.
“I do not. And I am not engaging in anything of the sort today.” Sully smirks.
“Oh, yes you are. Won’t experiencing it for yourself make for better observations?”
“I refuse to make a spectacle of myself. I will only be an embarrassment.” Sully raises an eyebrow.
“Good thing everyone else is still asleep then, huh?” They lock gazes. Miriel will not yield. Sully sighs.
“I suppose it was too much to ask. Poor nerd like you can’t take a challenge.” Miriel yields, snatching her robes from Sully and shoving them back into her chest. She instead opts for breathable pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Despite the promised heat, she will not debase herself further by wearing more revealing clothing. Her lack of muscle mass will be apparent enough as is.
She pushes her way out of the tent, arms crossed.
“How shall we begin?” Sully is inordinately pleased with herself.
“Stretching. And then a little warm-up jog.”
Evidently, a “warm-up” jog entails a mile long run around the outskirts of camp.
“It’ll take ten minutes, max.” Sully promises sweetly.
Twenty minutes later, Miriel is panting heavily, bent over at the waist and gripping her knees tightly with her hands. Sully rubs at her back soothingly, as if the traitor didn’t laugh at her plight mere seconds ago.
“I suppose we can skip the cool-down one at the end of all this.”
“A prudent choice.” She manages between her desperate struggles to obtain oxygen.
Next up is strength training, courtesy of the weights stowed in the supply cart. Mercifully, Sully allows her to make use of the lighter ones rather than match Sully’s admittedly impressive load.
It feels as if her bones have been replaced with a mysterious gelatinous substance when they finally finish. Her motivations for pestering Sully into this seem unsound given the current state of affairs. She had wanted to spend more time with her, but been unwilling to phrase it in that way. She had no desire to appear needy.  
“Now a little light ab work.” Miriel perks up, straightening from her bent over position and sliding her glasses back into place.
“What purpose will that serve? I may require a demonstration.” Sully sees right through her ruse, pushing up her shirt and flexing to reveal the tight lines of her abdominal muscles. Miriel, out of scientific curiosity, stares intently, nodding sagely. Sully allows the reprieve for a scant thirty seconds before lowering herself to the ground.
“No more stalling.” Miriel does not pout.
“I would never do something as asinine as that.”
Sully insists that Miriel complete as many of her drills as possible. Though she lacks the necessary evidence to support her hypothesis, she suspects that many of these “drills” were invented by Sully for the sole purpose of extracting as much pain from the victim as possible.
In the end, all she has left to complete are fifty more sit-ups. Despite Sully’s nonchalance, it is a monumental task. Sully is sprawled out in front of her, her own sit-ups long since finished, an elbow resting on Miriel’s feet to assist her with her burden.
Miriel makes the executive decision to implement a brief break.
“It should not be physically possible to do this.” She complains, staring up at the sky above her. The dawn sky is beginning to recede, leaving only the faintest traces of pink and orange behind. A lone cloud drifts aimlessly by, a puppet to the wind. It is a reflection of how her spirit feels. Without life and at the mercy of her environment.
She closes her eyes and sighs. Just a prolonged blink. One should never slack off during training, no matter how pleasant the radiation of the sunlight feels, permeating through her epidermis and seeping into her tired bones. A nap would be the ideal remedy for her current predicament.
The warmth disappears. She opens her eyes to see Sully leaning over her, looking a bit concerned.
“You know I was jus’ givig you a hard time,” she says. “You don’t actually have to finish.”
Miriel shoots up, ignoring the spike of pain the motion prompts in her abdomen.
“I will not leave this experiment only half complete.” She doesn’t point out that doing the exercises herself won’t actually provide reliable data for how the work-out affects Sully, due to their difference in muscle mass. Sully refrains from mentioning it as well, though she undoubtedly thinks it.
Instead, Sully smiles softly.
“How about some encouragement, then?” She places her hands on Miriel’s feet and leans over her knees. She makes a profoundly over-exaggerated “kissy” face.
“Every time you make it back up here, plant a big one.” A positive stimulant as a reward for completing an undesirable task. Devious. Despite the ridiculous nature of the suggestion, Miriel cannot find it in her to resist.
Her first attempt results in her almost breaking Sully’s nose with her forehead. The second nets the desired result, and Miriel finds herself focusing single-mindedly on her goal. It seems as if no time at all has passed when Sully stops her.
Miriel collapses immediately.
“I am fine.” It is one of the least convincing lies she has ever told. If she was sound of body, she would be recording the results of the experience in a notebook. Waiting too long will deem her recollections unreliable and tainted by the failures of the human mind. That would require her to repeat the experiment to gather more results.
Or, she can abandon the experiment. It was never her primary objection, but Sully doesn’t need to know that.
Sully crouches in front of her.
“C’mon,” she says, gesturing to her back. “I’ll take us to breakfast.”
Miriel climbs aboard, securing her arms around Sully’s neck. She’s a little too tall for the position, and her legs dangle awkwardly even as Sully wraps her hands around her thighs.
Miriel rests her head on Sully’s shoulder. The walk to the mess-sector of camp is relatively short, but perhaps the additional burden will cause the trek to be elongated. There may even be sufficient time for a proper nap.
As they weave their way through camp, they receive a few stares. Miriel has both sound reasoning and physical evidence to prove that she does, in fact, require this piggyback ride. Sully just waves jauntily. At least, until Vaike sees them and gapes, looking aghast.
“Sully! I thought you’d be gentler than that in bed!” Sully splutters, face going red. Miriel draws herself up and summons what energy she can, igniting a small spark and setting Vaike’s hair on fire.
“Think before you speak, you knave! Observe more carefully! From our dress, we were clearly engaged in a training session.” Vaike yelps, clawing futilely at his hair. Negative reinforcement may be the key to convincing him to think before he speaks. Miriel snaps and the flame goes out, his hair only mildly singed.
“You’re ridiculous,” Sully mutters, still embarrassed.
“I am simply defending your honor. It would not do to have false rumors spread about your prowess.” Sully goes red for a second time, barely recovered from the first incident.
Some would say emotions are illogical, but Miriel is human, and humans thrive in their irrationality. With Sully’s arms wrapped around her and her hair tickling Miriel’s nose, and Sully’s face flushed in front of her, all of the evidence points to a single conclusion: it would be illogical to not date her.
Admittedly, the fatigue emanating throughout her entire body suggests that there are more efficient things to do than train while in Sully’s company. But for now, the price was worth the cost. Sacrifices must be made for success. Although next time, Miriel will insist that Sully make the sacrifice. Sully can sacrifice her mobility in exchange for Miriel utilizing her legs as a pillow. She’ll need to recover the energy expended during their work-out.
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