studioheavylead · 1 year
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FINALLY getting this #vakyrie on the board this weekend. #valkyrieprofile #wipart #squareenix #silmeria #jrpgs https://www.instagram.com/p/CqMFeyFrEB4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mgtitlecards · 2 months
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"UFO Princess Valkyrie 3: Seiresetsu no Hanayome" - May 25, 2005
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cosmiciaria · 2 years
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Me: Instagram | Twitter
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raunchyremnant · 2 years
💊 With Nora laying on the bed and her legs spread, for a moment, Belle was staring at her nine-inched cock, wondering how she even would do it in the first place. Eventually she leaned towards the head of her cock, taking it by the mouth. A couple of mumbles from her before she was using her tongue to lick the penis’ head while sucking on it. She started to use her hands as well, rubbing the length.
Nora watched her friend, a little impatiently, before she finally felt her cock tip being enveloped in Belle's mouth. The redhead moaned in delight, biting her lower lip as she felt the tongue going to work, while Belle's hands starting stroking the rest. "Oh, that's good~ Mmm, keep it up <3"
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nikethestatue · 2 months
So I am not sure I understand why G-stans think Elain doesn’t fit in the night court, and Gwyn does?
She is still a priestess- (hasn’t renounced that)
-her job is to go and spread the gospel to different courts and have babies with high fae males.
She has no family in the NC (Elain has family and friends)
She has no mate in the NC
We don’t know that Gwyn’s parents are dead so why doesn’t she go to them
The friends she does have are like 6 months of friendship
She doesn’t like her job with Merrill
She doesn’t leave the HOW to visit the city (weird) so there is no connection there
It’s the location her sister died and she had major trauma
Why use the argument Elain doesn’t belong when their fave belongs even less?
Well, I think the answer is pretty clear and logical when it comes to Elain not belonging in the Night Court:
That one time, at Solstice, when she was in Hewn City, Cassian didn't like how she looked in a black dress.
Clear as day. Hope she is packing her bags right now and getting the hell out of Velaris with her stiff pelvis and her non-girl-bossy attitude and hitching a ride to Spring, so she could be with Tamlin and tend to his flowers that don't need tending to.
Gwyn, on the other hand, is a great Vakyrie warrior, ribbon cutter, researcher, baby whisperer, who is ready to get down and dirty with a certain Shadowsinger in the library.
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dinurdi · 11 months
Fellas, I need drunk messy Mobius with Vakyrie and Thor singing at the party with asgardians while Loki looking at them with heart eyes.
Also, how about kisses Sylvie with Vakyrie 🙃🤪
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binding-vow · 5 months
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Buddha & Zero Shiki - Shuumatsu no Vakyrie
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buildaviking · 2 months
Ragnar sleeping with his vakyrie princess everybnight as a married man. Peacefully
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b3lz33bub · 2 years
[warning: Enstars brain rot, nerd knowledge]
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Lyric analysis *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Before I let myself indulge in this nerdy analysis of the song of my favourite Enstars unit, I have to outspeak for the detail and dedication the creators put into Valkyrie and Shu's character. The language, the references in Vakyrie songs portray Shu and his vision spledid. They really worked hard to maintain the image of an art obsessed eccentric, while still morphing his character development into refined shape.
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜
Now with the actual analysis
(I'm going to use the fanwiki translation as a source)
[Mika] - green
[Shu] - pink
[Mika and Shu] - blue
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜
"A living soul, veiled with a lump of clay
Is blessed with a miracle. Let us begin here."
Mika is talking about himself, a puppet whose creator and saviour is Shu, the leader of Valkyrie.
"Singing glories of a king carved out of stone
I wonder if our anguish can be heard from afar."
Shu's past self is the king carved out of stone. Glorious and unshakable, untouchable, unchangeable. Unlike clay, which can be easily shaped into form, stone is resilient and hard to sculpt and reshape. It symbolizes Shu's narcissistic and proud persona, but also the fact that people reaching out to him wasn't enough, it was necessary for a humiliating failure to open his eyes and realize his mistakes.
"Fairytales, each distorted by time
Are old myths torn asunder and rewritten."
Valkyrie was going to reborn and for that to happen, the tragic past had to be left behind, Valkyrie to be "torn asunder" (Nazuna had to leave) and "rewritten" not as Shu's scheme, but as Shu and Mika's unit. Notice how "rewritten" is sung by both of them, despite Shu having a strong voice to end the verse. Just like Valkyrie, together, it would just be stronger and more mesmerizing.
[Chorus] "In an eternity that never ends, all things progress without halting."
At first glance, the phrase "eternity that never ends" might seem like a pleonasm, but it is purposefully sung so. The old Valkyrie seemed immortal, eternal, but it came to a crumble and a miserable downfall. Yet, it evolved, it came back stronger than ever, it progressed from the "eternity with an end" people might have assumed about Valkyrie after its tragedy.
"Now please, show me your eyes painted with delight."
Shu is addressing Mika, who has a high insecurity of his heterochromia. Thus, Shu is asking, not demanding, but saying "please" and asking for Mika to trust him. Shu wants to be Mika's comfort zone and be the one to preserve the delight in those eyes, Mika's happiness. In a metaphorical perspective, since the eyes are the gateways to the soul, Shu is asking Mika to be his true self around him, to not act according to Shu's "string pulls" anymore.
"From the cradle of the world tumbles and scatters;
Tears that are nothing but reflections of color,
Used only to weave a
After the old Valkyrie's fall and inevitable crumble, the members had to endure much sorrow. The "tears" later on became "reflections of color", inspiration for the future reborn Valkyrie and motivation to weave Valkyrie, like a tapestry. We'll later on see the tapestry imagery continue.
Shu is known for being a master at sewing and likes using references into Valkyrie songs, this being the case too. "Weaving is a method of textile production in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth." The 2 distinct threads, we will later on find one what are they, are used to reconstruct Valkyrie from its remains.
Furthermore, to weave, when it comes to stories, means to make complex connections. Thus, Valkyrie is a story which underwent many struggles and sorrows, many obstacles and much work.
"We adorn glamorous clothing, becoming nobility the moment
this comedy threads through the weft"
"Tapestry is weft-faced weaving, in which all the warp threads are hidden in the completed work, unlike most woven textiles, where both the warp and the weft threads may be visible." The old Valkyrie is the warp, as its decay let the current Valkyrie shine in all its might.
Compared to the current Valkyrie, the old Valkyrie has become a comedy, an act of aesthetics at the point of faking its genuinity. But Shu still recognizes the old Valkyrie as the backbone of Valkyrie's tapestry.
"The crumbling eternity of this nightmare entwines
with tragedy, strained into warps."
If for Shu, the old Vakyrie was a masquerade incomparable to the artistic heights of the current Valkyrie, for Mika it was "grotesque", a fuel for both his low self-esteem and his adoration for his unit. The tragedy of the old Valkyrie was a true nightmare, as Valkyrie and Shu were everything to him. Even so, he recognizes that the crumbling of Valkyrie is vital to uphold the present Valkyrie.
"As you submerge into that hot bath, let the vision of
A storyteller’s evanesced reality that we created fly free"
Shu and Mika are now addressing the audience to submerge into Valkyrie's story, one that one day will turn from reality to only a legend. "that we created" is sung together, once again, to portray their unity.
[Chorus] "In an eternity that never comes to an end, ideations evolve."
Same as the last chorus :)
"Let us join our embroidering together, misery cupped in our hands."
Mika is conscious that the current Valkyrie can only be embroidered into shape from the misery of their previous fall. That sorrow is an opportunity to arise, and shares it with both Shu and the audience, pain is nothing to be shameful about. They are willing to turn it into art.
"The ephemeral birth of that palace is
A delightful fever dream."
The old Valkyrie has always been meant to be ephemeral, and Shu knows that. He uses contradictory terms to express his feelings for the unit that once Valkyrie was, "delightful" for the great artistic achievements it has reached and a "fever dream" because he knows the suffering it has brought Nazuna and Mika and he deeply regrets it.
"「I am but a fool that struggles within the sorrow and rapture of this mire.」"
The introduction to the theater style monologue is highlighting the true feelings of the speaker, not through a song, not Mika as an idol, but Mika as himself. Mika has very low self-esteem, can't see his worth, his talent. He thinks himself not even worthy as a human, but as a marionette to be directed around as he suffers in his own sorrows.
"「Nay, your handwoven tales are a beauty desired by Epicurus himself!」"
Continuing with the addressed monologue, Shu displays his true feelings. He is hurt to hear Mika speak so poorly of himself. He wants Mika to know he is worthy, he is desired, by Epicurus himself. But why desired by Epicurus specifically?
"For Epicurus, the purpose of philosophy was to help people attain a happy (eudaimonic), tranquil life characterized by ataraxia (peace and freedom from fear) and aponia (the absence of pain)." Knowing Shu's character, the reason why he became an abuser of power in Ensemble Stars!, we can certainly deduce that when referring to Epicurus, Shu is referring to himself. "Epicurus advocated that people were best able to pursue philosophy by living a self-sufficient life surrounded by friends." By associating himself with Epicurus, Shu wants Mika to know that he is an admirable individual and wants to pursue his art and live his life alongside him.
"「O’Light! Why will you not cease creating!」
「O’Shadow! It is because that is precisely what you demand of me, and it is precisely that which makes you human!」"
Mika can't see his worth, his potential, his beauty. Why would the Light(Shu) keeping casting him(Shadow/Mika)? Shu knows in his heart that Mika wants to be worthy, wants to be in the spotlight and have his art shown to the world. As much as Mika is willing to give up, Shu won't cease to try to achieve their dream together. Because Mika having a dream means that he is his own person, not a marionette.
The shadow can't exist without light. Light can't truly exist without shadow, either.
"「We wish to bestow the beauty of art upon this world!」"
Mika and Shu can now announce their dream, they are ready to uptake the challenge in walking that road together, even if more suffering is yet to come. They now have each other, as equals.
"In this eternity that never ends, let us create that of which the Gods desire,
The reverie of an ever-changing creation."
The two of them are now expecting change, they will reach their mighty artistic goal which cannot be truly eternal, but ever-changing, morphing. As long as they keep themselves true to their hearts, the Valkyrie they are mending will remain truly eternal in its own way.
"The walls of this world’s palace, embellished with tapestries abound,
Displays an endless lineage of weavers."
Shu and Mika recognize that Valkyrie is not the only truly achieved artistic act, but there are many unit and idols also struggling to attain their artistic views and goals.
"Now, let us fall heir to that worth and mend it."
As a conclusion, Shu and Mika are willing to uphold the responsibility of mend Valkyrie into a unit worth its potential. Their true journey towards their dream is just starting.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STAYING TILL THE END, NERD! I wrote it twice cause Tumblr is evil and made me think it got my draft deleted.
Jokes aside, thank you for letting me ramble about this majestic song. Stan Valkyrie for clear skin!!
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wilanserulia · 6 months
Hi, I'm Wilan! I'm a freelancer artist from Italy, and I work with digital media. I specialize in illustration and character design. I'm also a FFXIV Gpose enthusiast, and I write fanfic for my OCs in my free time.
And well, in this blog you can find stuff I create, which is usually either about my TTRPG OCs or my FFXIV OCs.
• My art: #art • My gpose: #gpose
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I'm mainly active on tumblr, but if you use other socials you can also follow me on: • Twitter • Instagram (art) • Instagram (gpose) • BlueSky If you just want to check out my art: • ArtStation • Cara • deviantART If you want to read my fanfics: • AO3 For anything else: • Linktree
More info about my OCs under the divider!
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I've been playing FFXIV since its original launch in 2010. I'll happily tell details of the story of the two characters I play to anyone who will listen to me, through gposing, art and writing.
Wilan Serulia
Wilan hails from a small island off the coast of La Noscea. The fisherman's life, however, never appealed to him, his gaze ever pointed beyond the horizon, his traveler's heart aching to explore the world. Fate had other plans for the fledgling adventurer, however. Hydaelyn chose Wilan as her Champion, her Warrior of Light, and he's been slowly buckling under the growing weight of the many responsibilties placed on his shoulders.
Tag: #Wilan #Aldarulia (ship)
Delen Aldanea
Born in a Garlean-occupied Terncliff, Delen grew up under imperial dictatorship until Eorzea's champion killed Gaius van Baelsar in combat, when she managed to escape while the colonies under his command scrambled to re-establish order. After reaching the shores of Eorzea as a refugee, the Werlytian girl was taken in by the very same Warrior of Light who felled the Black Wolf, who gave her a place to stay. Free at last but still stuck in her traumas, in Limsa she would meet a friend who would slowly but surely help her move forward with her life and enjoy what her newfound freedom had to offer.
Tag: #Delen #Aldarulia (ship)
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I've been playing TTRPG for, like, 15 years now. D&D 3.5, Pathfinder, DnD 5e, Pathfinder 2e, Fate RPG, and most recently Fabula Ultima. Over this decade and half I've created plenty of characters and, boy, I can't stop talking about them if you get me going. I have way too many OCs to list on a pinned post. I did however list them here. But I'll introduce a few more recent and prominent ones anyway.
Born from an affair between a desert elf and a human woman, the mixed-race child has been unwanted by her human family ever since she was born, her very presence an uncomfortable reminder of her mother's infidelity. She ran away from home in her teens, around the time she started to develop her magic powers from her elven bloodline, met a similarly outcast half-orc girl and turned to a life of delinquency for a while under the destructive influence of her companion. But in the end she came into her own thanks to her found family, who accepted her for who she was and taught her a better way to be herself, and she blossomed into a bright and cheerful young woman.
Tag: #Viria
Living a cyberpunk world where lovecraftian mythos were revealed to be real, Hoshiko Yukimura is a brilliant student of the University of Prague, enrolled in the faculty of Arcane Studies. Her natural pre-disposition for controlling magic made her a candidate for an elite corp of soldiers called Vakyries, and under the many pressures of the academy, society and her own family, Hoshiko caved, put aside anything she could consider childish or immature and dedicated herself to the pursuit of her studies. That is, until a botched ritual called an unknown creature into this world. The entity, inhabiting the cat-like construct intended to serve as a familiar, luckily seems to be benovelt toward Hoshiko, grants her a mysterious power, and is bringing chaos into the orderly girl's life, somehow pushing her toward healthier life choises in the process.
Tag: #Hoshiko Yukimura
A woman from one of the many nomad tribes of Numeria, the robot-infested wasteland of Golarion. Nora's unique appearance, a tiefling resembling a Balor, with goat horns, red skins, and two leathery wings sprouting from her lower back, is the result of having being conceived in the neighbouring land of Sarkoris under the corrupting influence of the Worldwound, the colossal planar rift connecting the material world and the Abyss, plane of the Demons. Nevertheless, being but one freak among many, Nora became a formidable warrior and a capable mercenary. It was during a job for the Crusade where she witnessed (and barely survived) the might of the Storm King Khorramzadeh, lord among balors and master of electricity. The encounter awakened something in Nora, that once channeled manifested a whip of lightning and command over lightning, earning her the title of Daughter of the Storm.
Tag: #Nora
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Viking, Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2013, Part 3
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Brooches and pendants of women with swords and shields, probably depictions of Vakyries.
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Viking age swords and stirrups.
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Axe heads. Center: Axe head with the depiction of a serpent.
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Axe with silver inlay in the Mammen style, from Zealand, Denmark, second half of the 10th century.
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Two helmets fount at Chernigov, Ukraine, 10th century, and an eyebrow ornament from a helmet found at Gevninge, Zealand, Denmark, Viking age or earlier.
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Bronze strap and belt fittings.
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The Lewis Chessmen, found on the Isle of Lewis, probably made in Norway, second half of the 12th century.
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aokozaki · 2 years
The penny is a pistol alt-fire, you toss a coin and if you shoot it, it auto homes in on enemies for a crit.
However a far more skilled player than I can shoot the penny with a charge shot or a railgun.
Anyway, Gil toss for a final fantasy job class?
Gil toss is sometimes a samurai move btw, that's kinda funny
I absolutely hate FF/BD jobs that require spending resources to fight. Yes yes, this goes for Salve Maker and stuff, but I hate Ninjas too. I've gotta use shurikens!? But I've only got 47 of them!
I like the Dragoons/Vakyries.
They often have a lot of overlap with the aesthetics of Fire Emblem's Dracoknights and Pegasus Knights (I notice that BD's take on them essentially leans more into the latter than former), and jumping around with a Lance seems like a lot of fun.
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pocket-of-dead-bees · 3 months
1. File
2. Adelai
3. Winkle
4. Ridley
5. Lucido
6. Auroras
7. Balthazare
8. Erutan
9. Aliokas
10. Morarljier
11. Shachath
12. Traurin
13. Arrec
14. Sordes/Munditia (Twin Askes of Pandemonium and Decorum)
15. Shae
16. Silwiks
17. Paschar
18. Boora (The Sannalheim Vakyrie)
19. Argarvili Amon
20. Verwelatyr (Fake Moon Hunter)
21. Oobja (Skyweaver)
22. Augustus Constantine Marcotte (St. Augustus V. The pope.)
23. Locus
24. Prometheus
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fizzarollitm · 4 months
alt! | @vanaglcria
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The spiral of white light flicked over her fingers like a poker chip, playing with power still unfamiliar will always be instinct. She didn't want things to get physical but they tended too with Skul around; reality of the job and always had been and always will. " Now, do you want to play nice and tell us where you put the target or do we have to beat it out of you ? " He charged them. Why do they never choose the smarter option ?
Vakyrie Cain, Stephanie Edgley, [spoilers], my fucking LOVE! There is a version of me who single handedly uplifts an entire RPC fandom but for now she dwells on my multi purgatory. I also love Skulduggery but I know where my loyalty lies.
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a charecter I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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blogtib · 1 year
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So... Fortnite is supposed to be a game for kids, hence there's no blood and lots of tactics to make kids scream at their parents that they totally need a skin or a dance.
So it's kind of weird that when I did a search for best female skins, this weird rip off of Blizzard's style pops up with her inexplicably bared armpits (do children really care if women shave their armpits?) and overly complicated boobplate.
Oh well, at least this was only the second item on the list... the first is well... I wouldn't say its great armor but at least I can see how it is for children...
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Still... can't find any sort of female equivalent of the John Wick Skin, the Totally Not John WickReaper Skin or... wait are kids watching John Wick?
I'm starting to think that maybe, a large part of their market is maladjusted adult men who throw tanrums at the slight hint of diversity in anything.
- wincenworks
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