#valentine exchange
waokevale · 4 months
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A DST Valentine Rose Exchange! Requested by @sunlitwritings (phantomplatonic) for a willowfrid piece!
I would like to see Willow/Wigfrid where the two are going for a good old-fashioned hunt. It can go successfully or not, but I feel like there should be Blood and maybe some tender wound dressing to go with it.
I hope you like my take on this lil comic. It was certainly fun to make!
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shriggy-the-rat-king · 4 months
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Morning after ~ ✨
Gift for @vc55bughead 💕
Bonus nsfw panel here (soft and fluffy, but I worry it might still be too spicy for the tumblr guidelines)
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dragonflylady77 · 4 months
i know how i feel about you now
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This fic is my present for @spaceofentropy for the Harringrove Corner discord server's valentine exchange (you can find the whole collection right here).
Find the fic on Ao3
Thank you @whenyouwishuponastar7 and @discodeviant for the chance, it was so much fun. <3
Without further ado, I present to you... LIMO DRIVER STEVE!!
Billy is back in Hawkins for Max and Lucas's wedding. He might have expected a limo to take them to the church. He wasn't prepared for the limo driver to be Steve Harrington...
“Billy, can you get the door? That should be the limo driver.”
Billy rolled his eyes. A fucking limo?! Was Susan for real?
As he made his way to the front door, Billy decided that he was surprised that a bumfuck town like Hawkins, Indiana, actually had a limo service.
He pulled on the stupid bowtie his sister was making him wear and straightened the jacket of his tuxedo, muttering about Max being lucky he loved her so much he let her use his hard-earned money to pay for the most ridiculous things for her wedding as he opened the door and froze.
Billy simultaneously thanked his lucky stars and wished for the ground to open and swallow him, for, on the front porch of the house he’s helped Susan buy after his dad had fucked off into the sunset, stood his high school crush and former kinda nemesis.
“Well, well, well, Harrington. Long time no see.” Billy couldn’t help the teasing lilt in his voice, dragging his eyes down the length of the man’s body then back up. The black suit and tie he was wearing looked on the cheap side but fit him rather well. His hair was a bit longer than it had been in high school and fuck, he looked good.
“H-Hargove. Hi.” Steve sounded as shocked as he looked, his hands visibly tightening over the driver’s cap he was holding.
Billy forced himself to move his eyes away from Steve’s fingers, instead dragging them to the beauty spots on his neck and hollered, “Maxine, your fancy ride is here!”. He ignored the chattering coming from the living room at his words, knowing Max had been ready to go for some time, despite Susan’s need to find something else that needed doing or fixing.
“Coming!” Max called out, and a moment later she appeared in the doorway, her long red hair plaited in an intricate way and decorated with little sparkling threads.
The ivory dress she was wearing was the one she had picked when she’d come visit Billy in Chicago for the weekend a few months back, and Billy knew it had sparked a long drawn out fight with Susan. Max had won, of course. There was no way she wanted to wear the dress her mother had worn for her wedding to Neil Hargrove and Billy would never fault her for that, traditions be damned.
Billy now knew way more about capped sleeves, sweetheart necklines and the appropriate amount of beading on a bodice that he ever expected or needed to know—wasn’t like he would ever need that knowledge for anything, being extremely gay as he was, but the resulting bonding with Max had been well worth the shopping expedition.
“I, um, I didn’t know you were back in town,” Steve said, bringing Billy’s attention back to him.
The smile stretching his mouth felt easy and he enjoyed the way Steve’s eyes widened. Billy resolved to find a moment to apologize to Steve for what had transpired between them in high school before the day was over. He had changed so much in the past decade, since getting free from under his father’s grip, and he needed to make amends.
“Oh, I’m here for the wedding. I live in Chicago.” Before he could say much more, Billy had to step out of the way so Max could walk out of the house, Susan close behind her. With a sigh, he locked the house while Steve followed the two women to the limo.
Steve drove them to Hawkins Presbyterian Church on autopilot, his mind still reeling and going through his interaction with Billy Hargrove.
He didn’t know what he’d expected when he’d got the booking for the Mayfield-Sinclair wedding but it certainly wasn’t to come face-to-face with the guy responsible for his bi awakening wearing a fucking tuxedo, looking like a fucking five-course meal.
As far as Steve or anyone else knew, Billy had high-tailed it back to California the second he’d graduated from high school. One day, Hargrove was walking across the stage in front of Steve, the next his Camaro had vanished in a cloud of dust. No one knew for sure where he’d gone, there had even been rumors his father may have put him in the ground but Sheriff Hopper had squashed those right quick.
Steve delivered his passengers to the church on time, then he parked the limo off to the side, dumped the stupid cap on the passenger seat, and fixed his hair as quickly as he could before following the last of the guests into the church. Lucas had made sure he had an invite but Steve didn’t feel overly comfortable joining the kids (who weren't really kids anymore) at the front of the church, behind family.
He was glad the Party were still friends, even with the Byers moving to California for a few years. He’d been there when Mrs Byers had become Mrs Hopper, right after Will and the other kids had graduated, but he didn’t feel like he was part of their group.
He found an empty row in the back and sat down. Times like these, he missed Robin. They always had the best time people-watching and making up stories about them. He was glad she’d got out, first a scholarship to college in Indianapolis then an internship in New York. She was living her best life, doing something important for some non-profit agency while he languished in Hawkins, driving a ridiculous car for people to make an entrance at events with. At least, he hadn’t ended up working that dead-end job for his father.
Steve’s introspections were cut short by the starting notes of a piano cover of All of Me by John Legend and he turned around. The doors opened and Jane walked in first, wearing a lavender colored dress, followed by Erica, in a similar outfit. Behind them stood Max and Billy, Max looking wonderful in her gown and Billy. Well…
Steve let himself stare. People would assume he was staring at the beautiful bride but his eyes never left her handsome brother. The tuxedo looked like it was made for him, the black pants hugging his thighs in a sinful way that made Steve’s pants feel a bit tighter. His hair was shorter now, darker too, and slicked back, his face with that three-day stubble that Steve was unexpectedly dying to feel against his skin.
Fuck. He willed his eyes shut but it didn’t work. The duo walked past Steve and he could have sworn Billy glanced at him as they did. The siblings finished their walk up the church aisle and Steve decided the back view was as enticing as the front.
If Billy was only there for the wedding, Steve would discreetly stare as much as he could and fill his spank bank.
Billy kept an eye on Steve during the reception to make sure he wasn’t leaving before they could have a little chat. He was sitting at a table towards the back of the church hall, with some people Billy didn’t recognize. Probably some of Susan’s workmates or something. He wondered why Steve wasn’t sitting at the same table as the Weird Kids Brigade.
The speeches had taken forever—Billy had kept his on the short side, but then each member of the Dork Squad had wanted to add anecdotes and fun stories about the happy couple. The food was nicer than Billy had expected and Max had punched him in the shoulder when he’d said as much, telling him to quit bitching about Hawkins.
The bridal couple had done the first dance, then he’d waltzed with Max while Lucas took a turn with Susan and now the dancing portion of the evening had finally started and Billy was free from any more obligations.
Time to find that pretty boy and get his groveling shoes on.
Billy slowly made his way to the table he’d seen Steve at but when he got there, there was no sign of him. The old biddy with the bad perm and too tight gold dress told him Steve had ducked out to check on the limo. Billy smiled as he thanked her and headed for the closest exit.
The car was easy to find, and Billy spotted Steve leaning against the side of it. Steve brought something up to his mouth and took a drag out of it. The cloud from the vape billowed around Steve and Billy had never felt jealous of an inanimate object before—it was a weird feeling.
“Those things can kill you, you know, pretty boy” he called out as he walked closer, feeling Steve’s eyes on him again and liking it. A lot.
Steve chuckled and Billy wanted to kiss him on his stupid mouth and eat the chuckle from his lips.
“About as much as those Marlboro Reds you were always sucking on in high school,” Steve said, shaking his head as Billy came to a stop a foot away from him.
“Well, yanno,” Billy started, leaning against the car next to Steve, and bumping shoulders with him.
Steve offered him the vape and when Billy shook his head, Steve shrugged and took another inhale.
“Sucking on Reds was always less likely to get me beaten to death by my old man than sucking on dick was,” Billy said, stifling a laugh when Steve choked on his mouthful of air. He patted Steve’s back a couple of times until the coughing died down.
“Jesus, Hargrove, warn a guy.”
“Sorry, man, I thought you knew.”
“That you were gay or that your dad was an asshole?”
Billy shrugged. It wasn’t like it mattered anymore. “Either. Both.”
He turned his head to look at Steve and found him staring. “What?”
“Nothing. I…” Steve shook his head and stopped talking.
Billy took it as his cue. “Anyway, I wanted to apologize to you. For how I was in high school. My home life was shit and I took it out on you and I’m sorry.”
“Thanks, Billy.” Steve put his vape back in his jacket pocket and looked down at his shoes. “Max, um, Max told the kids about how bad things were for you back then.”
“Yeah?” Billy was surprised Max had been willing to open up that much with so many people, but he guessed she’d probably told Jane and Lucas and it had spread from there.
“It was, um, once your dad had left. Once they figured he wasn’t coming back, I mean.”
It had taken a few years and a lot of therapy for Billy to get over being abandoned by another parent, even if Neil barely deserved the title. Then a lot of coaxing by Max for Billy to try and build some kind of a relationship with Susan. It had worked and they were family now. But he wasn’t about to tell Steve that. He’d come to apologize and he’d done that.
Billy rubbed a hand over his face then looked up at the sky, wondering how different life could have been if he had stayed. He wouldn’t be earning as much as he was currently as a sports agent in Chicago, that was for sure, but maybe he wouldn’t feel so lonely all the time.
“Billy?” Steve’s voice was soft and Billy felt a warm shoulder press against his. It felt nice.
“Yeah?” he whispered, keeping his eyes on the stars above them, leaning against the limo.
“Was that the only reason?” Steve moved closer and now they were touching from shoulder to hip. Billy dug his nails into the palm of his hands to stop himself from reaching out.
“What?” Billy stopped looking at the stars to look at Steve instead, confused.
“Was your dad being an asshole the only reason you were constantly riding my ass in high school?” Steve asked, that soft tone threatening to undo Billy’s composure faster than his choice of words.
Maybe it was time to tell the truth…
“About that…” Steve reached out and slid his fingers between Billy’s and just like that, they were holding hands. Billy’s brain blue screened then rebooted when Steve moved to stand in front of him, Billy’s legs spreading without conscious thought on his part to accommodate Steve.
There was something in Steve’s brown eyes that kept Billy captive. Billy started to wonder if maybe it had always been there. He heard the words fall out of his mouth before he could stop them.
“I had a massive crush on you and I knew my dad would kill me if he found out. He moved us here from Cali after he figured out I liked guys and I couldn’t risk it, even if you hadn’t been straight.”
Steve moved his hands, fingers trailing up Billy’s arms until he could wrap them around Billy’s neck. “Meeting you made me realize I wasn’t as straight as I thought. It took me a while to work it out, and by then, you’d left Hawkins.”
“Pretty boy…” Billy’s brain was playing catch up but his body didn’t have the same problem as his hands gripped Steve’s hips and pulled him closer.
“Turns out you weren’t the only one with a massive crush…” Steve said, moving his left thigh between Billy’s legs and leaning forward.
Billy groaned at the sudden pressure on his crotch, his fingers tightening on Steve’s sides, eyelids fluttering when Steve’s mouth found his neck. “Fuck, Steve…”
“Such a mouth on you, still,” Steve said, his lips a mere inch away from Billy’s, then Billy’s brain whited out because Steve was kissing him.
It took Billy a few seconds to get with the program and start kissing Steve back, but then he was all in—hands roaming, thighs pressing, tongues tangling. Years of pining and yearning came crashing down on him and Billy was two seconds from shooting his load in his tuxedo pants when Steve ended the kiss.
Panting like they’d gone for a full quarter on the court, they stayed leaning on each other, the music from the party reaching them faintly. Billy started laughing when he recognized the song.
“Listen,” he said when Steve looked at him, a question in his eyes. Steve’s eyes crinkled when he heard the lyrics.
Can we bring yesterday back around?
'Cause I know how I feel about you now
I was dumb, I was wrong, I let you down
But I know how I feel about you now
“I’d say. Wanna get out of here, pretty boy?” Billy asked, one arm around Steve’s waist, his free hand sliding down to grab Steve’s ass. The moan that came out of Steve’s mouth was worth it.
“Yes. God. Fuck, yes, please.” Steve rested his forehead against Billy’s collarbone. His words were a bit muffled after that. “Take me away from this place, this town, this state.”
Billy laughed at how eager Steve was, then his words registered and he looked down. “Steve?”
“I’m sorry.” Steve sighed and lifted his head, avoiding eye contact. He looked dejected and lost, and it made something in Billy’s chest break. “Too much, too soon, sorry. Forget I said that. I’ll just… go home.” He attempted to take a step back but Billy moved both hands to cup Steve’s face and stop him in his tracks.
“Steven Middlename Harrington, I’ve been in love with you for literal years and now that I know you want me back, you really think I’m not gonna do everything in my power to make this work?”
“Yeah, oh.” Billy dropped a kiss on Steve’s mouth but didn't linger. He dropped his hands to Steve’s waist again, fingers tracing along the waistband of Steve’s pants. “Do you have to drive anyone home tonight or are you free to go?”
“I’ve been done since we got here. That was my only booking today. The bridal party has arranged taxis to get home or wherever they’re headed so I could, and I quote, ‘party like it’s 1999’.”
Billy laughed at the look on Steve’s face when he used air quotes, and wondered which one of Max’s friends told him that. His money was on Henderson.
“So I have you all to myself?” he asked, feeling something warm unfurl inside his chest at the happy smile on Steve’s face.
“For as long as you want.” Steve toyed with the edges of Billy’s bowtie, his eyes dipping to Billy’s mouth then back up.
“What if I want forever?” He had to ask, okay?
Steve grinned, pulling on the ends of the bowtie and dragging it off Billy’s neck before shoving it in his pocket. “Please refer to my previous statement regarding taking me away from here.”
“Do you mean it?” Billy undid the top two buttons of his shirt, finally feeling like he could breathe properly and tangled a hand in Steve’s tie.
“Yes, Billy. I do. I love you. There’s nothing for me in Hawkins except memories and I’d rather make new ones with you.”
“Well, then, pretty boy…” Billy pulled Steve by his tie, his breath fanning on Steve’s plump bottom lip he couldn’t wait to nibble on. “Ever had sex in a limo?”
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spaceofentropy · 4 months
@dragonflylady77 wrote a fic for me for Valentine exchage we're both in, and you're gonna go and read it, okay? There's Billy, back in Hawkins for Max and Lucas' wedding. And there's a limo that will bring Max to the church. And most of all, there's a limo driver who is none other than Billy's old crush from high school, Steve Harrington.
Go. Read it. Show it some love. Do it for me.
I'll be in my corner crying happy tears, you just go and read a good fic!
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blouiexchange · 6 months
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Welcome to Blouie Exchange! A place to share your appreciation and talent with more friends in the fandom.
Our first event: Blouie Valentine Exchange 2024.
Blouie Valentine Exchange 2024 is an anonymous event but it will NOT consist on sending messages. Rather, it’s an opportunity to create gifts in form of art, digital media or fics.
💌 Sign ups start on January 3rd. 💌
Find the complete schedule here and the rules for this event here. Questions and suggestions can be sent here, or to our Twitter account.
We can’t wait for you to be part of this!
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oathkeeperoxas · 1 year
Works are now live for the codywan valentine exchange!!
See all of the gifts created by our lovely participants on AO3 here 💙🧡
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strangefable · 1 year
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Happy Valentine's Day @sukoshimikan!
Here's my gift for the exchange organized by the amazing @detectivelokis! <3
I've put the rest below to save everyone's dash. There's several boards and variants for you <3
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If you'd like any alterations, or if you have some lyrics/quotes you'd like added, just let me know <3
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
father’s day is funny in my family because my dad is so angry this holiday exists that it’s the one day of the year i am NOT allowed to call him. we are officially estranged for 24 hours a year. wishing him a happy father’s day is a declaration of hostilities.
and like he is a good dad with a good dad, there’s no traumatic backstory to this, he just hates The Man telling him what to do so much that it’s a personal affront that someone decided that anyone is supposed to feel a thing on a specific day or, god forbid, spend their hard earned dollars because shaving commercials tell them to. if a dad did his job right (be a good father who unconditionally loves his kids), his kids should love him 364 days a year but FUCK the 365th day to spite hallmark and gillette specifically and you know what. i respect it.
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kaspurrcat · 3 months
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Happy (very late) Valentine’s Day nicobloodlust over on Twitter! I drew the first kiss scene from your fic “share one lifetime with you” for the Steddie Valentine’s Exchange.
I loved this fic and I tried to capture just how magical a moment it was for Eddie and Steve as it was for me.
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thebooo-merang · 4 months
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Hey @the-oaken-muse I'm your gifter for the Valentine's Core Exchange 2024!! Dora/Ember was a pairing that had never crossed my mind till this event! Thanks for the opportunity I hope you enjoy it!
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dashing-through-ecto · 4 months
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Happy @valentines-core-exchange !!!!
@lavendarlily I was you sectret gifter >:) I had lots of fun with your Prompts: Silly goofy fluff, sharing clothes and KISSIES!!!
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they-bite · 4 months
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boring assembly + eepy crush
happy v-day @thebooo-merang! tried to combine the ideas you provided in a cohesive way haha. i'm really partial to a "paulina retained her memory from lucky in love, including danny's secret identity, and opts to befriend him before telling him she knows his secret" angle.
(this is for the @valentines-core-exchange)
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bilaudad · 3 months
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my two roman empires - richard ii kiss, and 1941!
this was actually for the good omens after dark valentine's art exchange, my gift for u/budgiedraws. they were open-ended with their prompt/request, and I have really been wanting to do That One Richard II kiss-but-make-it-aziracrow-and-also-reverse-it for many weeks, and this gave me the perfect opportunity!
(it's also uh my very first full color digital painting and i! am in my head about it something fierce!! lol)
(tags: @goodomensafterdark; hey @theonevoice this is the wip I finally finished haha)
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duchi-nesten · 4 months
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HAPPY @valentines-core-exchange MY DEAR FRIEND @lixxen ✨✨✨✨
Here’s Kyle/Jazz FLUFF just for you!!! Originally I was going for the surprise date prompt but it turned into “Surprise! I’m crashing your study session and making it a study date!!!” which yknow still has the words surprise date in it so I’ll take it
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blouiexchange · 5 months
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💌 Sign ups are officially open! 💌
Find the complete schedule here and the rules for this event here. Questions and suggestions can be sent here, or to our Twitter account.
We can’t wait for you to be part of this!
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schnuffel-danny · 4 months
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My piece for @valentines-core-exchange as a gift for the wonderful, sweet and patient @kuzann
Vlad's been having chronic health issues as a result of the ecto-acne, and every now and then his flareups result in sparse rashes, which is never good.... But is even worse now, when he finally has Jack and Maddie back in his life, and the last time he became severely ill he hasn't seen them for 20 years. Thankfully there is no way they'll be separated due to illness again, Jack and Maddie will make sure Vlad knows that :)
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