#vamos por ellas
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quemirabobo · 1 year
Que Atenea esté de tu parte durante estos exámenes.
Love you 💚✨
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Awwwwwww gracias mi vida💚
Aprobeeeee con un hermoso 8, no doy más de la emoción 💚🥺
Amé y necesito esas lapiceras, son tuyas???
Yo también te amo💜💚
#encima (como soy la ley de Murphy con patas) me tuvieron 3hs porque habia un peoblema administrativo y yo aparecía como libre#tuve que ir al depto de alumnos para ver que onda‚ despues ellas fueron al de profesores y yo ni sabia si podia rendir#imaginate el nivel de estrés y ganas de que esta pesadilla se terminara! Cuestión si sos libre tenes que hacer un escrito primero#entonces me preguntaron si tenia algo (para fingir demencia y si alguien rompia las bolas yo tenia eso como respaldo) y les dije que llevé#mis parciales (gracias Yu del pasado) Me dicen bárbaro entra que te vamos a informar que autor te toca (el juguete rabioso) y mientras#repasaba lo que iba a decir me llama la jefa de cátedra pidiendo los parciales que no servían porque eran hechos en computadora#entonces me pide que COPIE EL PARCIAL A MANO ??? Por suerte no era todo solo una parte de una de las consignas#me pongo a hacer eso y me llaman para rendir el oral (imaginate el nivel de agotamiento que manejaba) lo cual agradecí porque si me iba mal#estaba copiando al pedo! Hice el oral (mi cansancio era palpable) por suerte les gustó el analisis y eran buena onda asi que cuando lo#terminé me puse a seguir copiando el parcial mientras ellos le tomaban a une compa y cuando terminé me fui a hablar con mi amiga que tmb dió#un final el cual habia terminado a las 15:30 y la desquiciada hermosa me esperó 💚#(yo salí del aula a las 18 btw)#asi que ese fue mi estresante final pero por suerte les profes no se pusieron la gorra y se apiadaron de mis nervios#Hele⚡
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malkaviian · 2 years
siempre pinto a fox como que no quiere a sus hijos para nada, y en parte esa es la imagen que quiere dar y a veces hasta que siente/se engaña a sí mismo para pensar que es así, pero la realidad es un poco más complicada tbh
#sí es verdad que nunca quizo tener hijos; así que su primer embarazo lo tomó MUY mal#y el segundo todavía peor porque vamos; de nuevo? pasar 9 meses por lo mismo?#al menos el de seba fue accidental y sabe con certeza que lo es#(por qué golden tendría interés en tener un hijo que nunca va a poder cuidar y que lo metería en miles de problemas?)#pero el de eris fue a propósito#fred desde que se enteró de su segundo embarazo le dijo que si ese bebé no era suyo iba a seguir intentándolo#y le confesó que pinchaba los condones para que tuvieran un bebé juntos#porque él sí quería tenerlos desde antes de ser encarcelado; y que ver que él y el 'inútil' (golden) tuvieron uno le dio mucha envidia#y (aunque esto más que nada para molestarlo; no era honesto) que no le importaba si él no quería#iba a forzarlo hasta que lo tuvieran#so... no la pasó muy bien en ninguno de sus embarazos xd y le causó bastante aversión a una situación ya indeseada#y evidentemente al 'resultado' de la situación también. los días antes de parir la pasó muy mal#se quedó unos días con seba porque lógico no van a separarlo apenas nació; necesita adaptarse al mundo(?#y antes de siquiera procesar la situación lo separaron de él; así que le fue más fácil crear una imagen de 'no lo quiero'#los años antes de que seba apareciera de nuevo no pensaba demasiado en eso; pero a veces no podía evitar preguntarse qué sería de él#y... claro; antes de saber de él otra vez quedó embarazado de eris#la razón por la cual aceptó cuidarla por un año fue porque por dentro sentía... culpa? curiosidad? algo así#igual era mucho que procesar pero a ella no la tenían que sacar de ahí lo más pronto posible; so...#la gran mayoría de las veces lo irritaba o se arrepentía; especialmente cuando eris lloraba y no sabía cómo mierda calmarla#pero otras veces quizás y hasta la miraba con cariño... o no tanta aversión. por eso a veces le daba pecho o la alzaba en brazos#eso sí nunca cuando fred estuviera cerca. lo hacía sentir como si fueran una familia feliz y normal y eso NO es lo que son#usualmente era fred quién la alzaba y se ocupaba de ella; así que si lo pescaba otro podía decir que él justo no podía#sea verdad o no#peeero si fred lo veía y no era verdad que no podía hacerlo se tornaba rara la cosa#eventualmente eris se tuvo que ir; y a fox le quedó como cosa rara la experiencia dskfndskfnjds#eris para ese momento a veces hacía cosas malas como morderlo (con toda la fuerza que tiene un infante de menos de un año)#y aunque no ayudaron mucho a que tuvieran la mejor relación con él; tampoco se lo tomaba tan personal. era una bebé#voy a continuar este post en un reblogueo porque está quedando muy largo y me da miedo que tumblr me corte los tags de nuevo#oc talk#au talk
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jaquemuses · 8 months
𝜗𝜚⊹ ‧₊˚ excuses
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pairing: actor!enzo x actress!r
sinopsis: Enzo y vos estan teniendo dificultades para filmar una de las escenas en su nueva pelicula, por lo que una noche se aparece en tu puerta con la excusa de practicar.
contenido: SMUT !! insultos, thigh-riding, creampie, p en v, sexo sin condon, diferencia de edad (reader 22 y enzo 34), mirror sex, un poquito de breeding kink, reader es un poco innocente (kinda) smut con plot
word count: 5.3k me re inspire sepan disculpar
a/n: holis !! primero que nada PERDON por tardar tanto, soy bastante perfeccionista y cada vez que decia que iba a subir el fic no me convencia como quedaba, pero me parece que ahora esta bastante decente, espero que les guste, me inspire en tres reqs que me mandaron asi que muchas gracias, sigan mandando !!!
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"¡No, no, no, corten!" El director grito repetidamente, su creciente irritación coloreaba su voz por completo. "Chicos... Ya se los dije antes, pero..."
Te restregaste la cara con un suspiro, levantandote del regazo de Enzo, quien se masajeaba el puente de la nariz en una clara seña de agotamiento. "No veo chispa... no veo-"
"No veo pasión", terminaste la oracion de tu director, quien asintió con seriedad. Era la quinceava vez que estaban intentando repetir esta escena ese dia, el cansancio se hacia presente en el set, sin embargo todo el equipo seguia ahi, inalterable, esperando a que el director diera las ordenes para poder retirarse a descansar ya que, despues de todo, eran casi las doce de la noche.
"Les juro que esto es igual de agotador para mí como para ustedes.", continuó el con el guión entre las manos. "Necesito que quede bien. Simplemente imaginense que esta escena es la culminación de seis meses de espera entre los personajes. Seis meses de tabú, de tensión sexual implacable. Nada más que miradas en clase y breves caricias... se supone que estan al borde de la locura el uno por el otro, feroces el uno por el otro. Pero aca solo veo nervios e inexperiencia... Ustedes son profesionales, les pido por favor que se concentren... Cuanto antes se suelten mas rapido vamos a terminar."
Enzo y vos estaban rodando la primera escena de sexo de una película que relataba la enfermiza y prohibida relación amorosa entre una alumna de 18 años y su profesor quien era mucho mayor que ella. Bueno, no exactamente filmando —ya que no estaban llegando muy lejos con la escena.
Esto era dificil para los dos, simplemente no podían complacer a su director.
El papel ya de por si era increíblemente agotador, incluso sin contar el estrés extra de la escena de sexo: eran jornadas de rodaje de 15 horas, viviendo en el set en una ciudad lejos de tu casa, y la mitad de esas horas se dedicaban a filmar o practicar esta misma escena, tener a un director perfeccionista que se creia la reencarnacion de Kubrick no era facil.
El problema de la escena era su extensa duracion, y el director quería que se hiciera en una sola toma.
una. sola. toma.
Daniel era un director brillante, y tenía un amor incondicional por este proyecto y sus personajes que desearías que todos los directores tuvieran por el suyo, pero él era inflexible en que todo sea hecho a la perfección ya que en varias reuniones previas al rodaje hablo sobre como esta escena estaba destinada a ser la mas "icónica" de toda la película, porque era el quid de la cuestion, el punto de inflexion para los personajes, el punto de no retorno.
"Con todo respeto, Daniel..." empezaste "nunca me habia imaginado en un escenario así, y tampoco tengo experiencia en este tipo de situaciones. ¿A que te referis con que nos falta pasion?"
"Ese es tu trabajo: imaginar e interpretar". El director exigió. Obviamente frustrado con la situacion.
Justo antes de que pudieras retrucarlo, Enzo intervino con suavidad. "Creo que lo que ella quiere decir", dijo, viendo las venas de la frente del director casi por estallar "es que es difícil actuar porque no es una situacion que se viva cotidianamente. Es fácil actuar enamorado porque amor hay por todas partes, ¿no? Pero aca no tenemos mucho en lo que basarnos mas que en lo que podemos llegar a imaginarnos."
La mirada del director se turnaba rápidamente entre vos y enzo por un momento antes de suspirar cansado.
"Me vas a decir que nunca pensaste en alguien mas grande de esta manera?" te insistió, obviamente bromeando y tratando de aligerar el ambiente en el set.
Hiciste una pausa, y trataste de no mirar a Enzo, tu co-protagonista de unos treinta y tantos años.
Enzo habia sido casteado no solo por su impecable actuación sino que tambien por lo absolutamente precioso que era.
Su personaje era enfermizo y asqueroso, por eso sabias que el haberlo elegido a él era una decision calculada y previamente analizada. Querian que el publico bajara la guardia ante su belleza para poder darle un plot twist y que la inmoralidad del personaje los tomara por sorpresa mas tarde.
Estaba destinado a ser visto como un hombre encantador, guapo, totalmente fuera de los límites. El objeto de deseo completamente prohibido, la línea que tu personaje estaba desesperada por cruzar.
No era muy distinto en la vida real; la joven actriz inexperta que anhelaba pasar por alto las reglas sociales y expresar con total sinceridad su admiración por el actor de mediana edad con años de experiencia a sus espaldas.
No estabas enamorada ni nada, pero te deleitabas ante su presencia, despues de todo Enzo era todo lo contrario a su personaje; el mayor era paciente, amable y completamente comprensivo con tu falta de experiencia en el ambito cinematográfico, siempre te guiaba durante el rodaje y te daba tips para sobrevivir a un rodaje. Eran cosas basicas, tales como cuando podias quitarte el maquillaje y el vestuario o como pedir ciertas cosas en set y lenguaje especifico, todas las cosas que a él le hubiera gustado que alguien le diga cuando estaba empezando.
Siempre estaban esos tiempos libres en donde compartian risas sinceras y conversaciones tontas que nunca esperabas de un hombre tan imponente como Enzo, conversaciones en donde sus manos ásperas apenas rozaban tu cintura y su mirada recorria con atencion tu rostro y tu cuerpo, en donde su voz sonaba sensual y provocativa a pesar de que nada vulgar salia de su boca.
Enzo hacía que tus interiores palpitaran, con anticipacion especialmente cuando llegaba la hora de rodar las escenas más íntimas, y solo podías aferrarte a la fantasía de que él sintiera lo mismo.
Todavia te acordabas de la primera escena que hicieron juntos: en la película, sus personajes se encontraban después de clase para conversar sobre un examen desaprobado, el punto en donde comenzaria su atracción del uno por el otro. Enzo estaba presionado contra tu espalda, inclinándose sobre vos para mirar con insistencia el examen, con una de sus grandes manos agarrando tu hombro. El aire se sentía cargado, su cuerpo cálido, su voz baja haciéndote sentir mareada mientras recitaba sus líneas.
Te estremeciste al recordar el momento, y, volviendo a la realidad, respondiste a la pregunta del director con un enérgico asentimiento de cabeza.
El director soltó una risa ‐forzada- y golpeó suavemente el guion contra la palma de su mano. "Bien. Bueno, les parece si cortamos por hoy. Aprovechen este tiempo extra para imaginar, investigar, cualquier cosa, e intenten practicar la escena antes de mañana, ¿Si? La práctica hace al maestro."
Enzo y vos asintieron al unísono, intercambiándose una mirada que gritaba "que vamos a hacer?" antes de apartar la vista mutuamente y regresar a sus caravanas.
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Más tarde esa noche, estabas preparándote para irte a dormir, quitándote el pelo recién lavado de la toalla mientras veias el guión reposando sobre tu cama, la luz tenue te invitaba a relajarte, sin embargo un golpe en la puerta del trailer te saco del trance.
"Ahí va!!," exclamaste, mientras te ponías tus shorts de seda. Te percataste rapidamente de lo incómodo que podría ser ser vista en esos pijamas si el director o alguno de tus compañeros actores estaba detras de esa puerta, pero estabas demasiado cansada como para preocuparte.
Te importó, si, pero sin embargo, en vez de cambiarte cruzaste tus brazos de manera que estos estuvieran cubriendo tu pecho, el cual se encontraba ligeramente descubierto. Fue entonces cuando abriste la puerta y ahi, en los escalones, estaba tu compañero de reparto, Enzo.
Antes de hablar, te examinó de arriba a abajo, con sus oscuros ojos brillando detrás de un par de lentes de descanso, los cuales eran desconocidos para vos, no pudiste evitar pensar en lo lindos que le quedaban. "Uh, disculpame chiquita, ¿Te estabas por ir a dormir?" preguntó por lo bajo, su voz se escuchaba mas grave de lo normal. Ese tipo de apodos eran normales viniendo de Enzo, sin embargo hizo que tu piel se erizara, ¿O habia sido el frio aire del exterior? Sí, probablemente era eso.
Su mirada se paseo por tu cuerpo y se detuvo en la piel desnuda de tus piernas por unos segundos más, te moviste incómodamente, cruzando los tobillos en un intento pobre de esconderte. "Si... son casi las tres de la mañana En... ¿Pasó algo?" preguntaste con un tono un poco agresivo, un poco mas de lo que pretendías ser.
"Si ya se, disculpame", se corrigió, sacudiendo la cabeza y finalmente mirándote a los ojos. "Quería pasar antes... me quede pensando porque sé que esta escena nos está desconcertando, así que..." se interrumpió, levantando el guion que sostenía detrás de su espalda. "¿Estas muy cansada como para practicar un poco? Sino mañana temprano, no hay problema." Parpadeaste rápidamente ante la simple e inocente solicitud. Enzo estaba parado en tu puerta a las tres de la mañana preguntandote si podian ensayar. Solo un ensayo, no alguna travesura lasciva de última hora de las que te estabas imaginando. "Ah... sí, obvio, pasá que está frio.", asentiste entumecida, apartándote para dejarlo entrar.
Enzo asintio en forma de agradecimiento y te regalo una sonrisa, una vez dentro de la caravana se instaló en el borde de tu tocador, mirandote mientras cerrabas la puerta y te volteabas en su direccion. Se veia casual, tenia puestos unos joggings grises holgados y una camiseta blanca ajustada y desgastada.
Ya estaba todo predefinido en el guión, cada palabra que tenias que decir y cada acción que tenias que hacer, pero aún así. Decir y hacer cosas de esa índole después de las horas de trabajo parecia formar parte de una de tus fsntasias con el mayor. Sin embargo, te obligaste a despavilarte internamente -por segunda vez en menos de dos minutos-. Enzo había venido a ensayar la escena con intenciones profesionales y probablemente solo lo había hecho porque estaba cansado de que arruinaras la escena, despues de todo el podía hacer su parte magistralmente, y sabías que si hubiera estado acompañado por una actriz más experimentada, la filmación habría avanzado hace ya mucho tiempo. Caminaste temblorosamente hacia tu cama, acomodándote sentada como indiecito en la misma mientras lo veías hojear el guion; enzo levantó la vista y frunció el ceño con una sonrisa. "¿Qué estás haciendo ahí? Vení para aca", te indicó que te acercaras, casi como una orden sin embargo salil de su boca con amabilidad. "No tenemos un escritorio, así que podemos usar tu tocador. ¿Te parece?" Asentiste, mordiéndote el labio y obedeciendo nerviosamente a sus palabras. "¿Entonces, arrancamos desde el principio?" preguntaste, sintiendo de repente como tu voz y tus piernas se sentian débiles.
Sus ojos seguían fijos en el papel mientras respondía. "No, no creo que haga falta. La parte del sexo es lo único con lo que estamos teniendo problemas, ¿No?" Tragaste saliva, tu garganta estaba repentinamente seca.
"Sí, supongo que sí."
Con eso, Enzo termino de darle un último vistazo al guion antes de sumergirse en la escena.
Sus acciones ya eran familiares para vos ya que habian estado intentando filmar esta escena todos los días durante al menos tres dias. Su cuerpo se volvió hacia el tuyo, sus manos subieron a tu mandíbula y presionaron tu espalda ligeramente sobre la mesa. Te abrazó fuertemente y te hizo mirarlo, mientras recitaba sus líneas. Torpemente, hiciste lo mismo, recordando mal lo que necesitabas decir. "La puta madre, perdón, me puse nerviosa." dijiste de repente, apartándote de su contacto y suspirando. Él te dio una pequeña y cuidadosa sonrisa, rompiendo inmediatamente el personaje y dando un paso atrás del tocador. "No hay necesidad de ponerse nerviosa. La práctica hace al maestro, ¿te acordas?" Te burlaste de su cita al director.
"Sí, ya se... Es que no entiendo a qué se refiere con apasionado. Estoy tratando de ser una profesional al respecto, pero - pero nunca fui parte en una historia de amor de este tipo, me cuesta imaginarmelo..."
"No es muy raro igual viniendo de vos, es normal. Sos muy joven todavia, nena. Demasiado buena para este tipo de cosas... ¿No?" dijo, su mano subiendo a tu hombro, donde el tirante de tu pijama de seda se había resbalado, acariciándolo suavemente. Prácticamente te derretiste ante el apodo y cómo las yemas de sus dedos rozaban tu piel. Estabas tan cautivada que casi gemiste cuando se detuvo y levantó tu tirante caído, pero en cambio, tomaste en silencio el guion que se había caído sobre la mesa y encontraste una de las líneas, inhalando profundamente y preparándote para entrar en personaje.
Tu mano subió para tirar de la manga de la camisa de Enzo, según lo dictaba el guion. "Por favor", susurraste con la voz aguda de tu personaje, "Quiero que me toques."
"No, esto está mal... Soy tu profesor y..." respondió Enzo, rápidamente volviendo al personaje, el dorso de su mano rozando tu mejilla. "No te quiero romper el corazon."
Miraste a Enzo, las lagrimas nublaban tu vista, tal como lo indicaba el guión. "Por favor. Te necesito." Despues, una de tus temblorosas manos bajó por el pecho de Enzo mientras hablabas, tal como lo hacías en el set. "Pienso en vos todas las noches... Me mojé tanto el día que me regañaste enfrente de todos."
Escuchaste cómo a Enzo se le entrecortaba la respiracion.
No, Enzo no, su personaje, te recordaste a vos misma.
"Ay nena... Yo pienso en vos todos los dias, en clase, en mi casa...", gruñó despues de decir sus lineas.
Hasta ahora, todo bien, pensaste. No era incómodo y ya estaba siendo mucho mejor que las actuaciones mediocres que habías dado anteriormente. Continuaste inclinándote hacia Enzo, haciéndo que se siente en el tocador, esta era la parte de la escena a la que habían llegado antes de que el director les dijera que cortaran.
Esta vez, sin embargo, las acciones de Enzo difirieron de las que se suponía que tenia que realizar: en lugar de acariciar tu rostro, sus dedos bajaron por tus caderas, enviando escalofríos por tu espina dorsal.
"Te prometo que me voy a portar bien... Nunca le voy a contar a nadie...", recitaste, sintiendo calor en la cara mientras su mano se acercaba más a la curva de tu trasero. "Podes hacer lo que quieras conmigo".
La mirada de Enzo se oscureció recorriendo tus rasgos. No dijo su línea, y pensaste que se había perdido, por lo que retiraste tus manos de su cuerpo preocupada. "¿Enzo estás bien?"
Antes de que pudieras terminar tu oración, Enzo te agarró por el culo, cambiando sus lugares y colocándote en el borde del tocador.
"¡Enzo!" chillaste, era lo único que podías decir mientras procesabas lo que acababa de suceder. Tu mente divagaba en confusión - y anticipación - mientras él estaba de pie enfrente tuyo, con las piernas presionando a ambos lados de tus rodillas, su gran cuerpo atrapándote contra el tocador.
"Shh... un poquito de improvisacion nunca mató a nadie." musito en voz baja con su característico acento antes de que un guiño pícaro se dibujara en sus rasgos afilados.
Su mano luego acarició tu cabello, mientras que su otra mano subió a tu barbilla y te hizo mirar hacia arriba. "¿Todo lo que yo quiera?" murmuró, volviendo al guion.
Batiste las pestañas coquetamente. "Todo. Soy tuya".
Aca es donde pensabas que Enzo se detendría, porque después de tu línea venían los besos, los toques y las caricias intensas: todas las cosas que hasta ahora no habías filmado en absoluto, porque ni siquiera podías pronunciar el diálogo correctamente.
Pero en cambio, se inclinó y comenzó a besar vorazmente tu cuello, haciéndote jadear.
"¿Qué haces?"
"Seguime", exigió suavemente, "es todo parte de la escena, ¿te acordas?"
Parpadeaste aturdida, abriendo y cerrando la boca, incapaz de registrar un pensamiento o palabra coherente. Dijo que era parte de la escena, pero habías leído el guion, y sus dientes mordiendo ligeramente tu sensible piel no estaba escrito en ninguna parte.
Pero, te tragaste tus pensamientos y recitaste varias líneas más junto con las suyas. Sentias como su otra mano sostenia tu muslo tan fuerte que pensaste que podría dejar moretones, pars este entonces ya empezabas a creer que tal vez esto era una de esos sueños que tenias sobre el mayor, solo producto de tu imaginación.
Estabas siguiendo el guion, tal como él había dicho que harian, pero incluso así, era evidente lo sencillo que podria ser rendirte ante sus besos, después de todo, apenas te estabas reprimiendo para no entregarte por completo. Pero ¿cómo resistirse, con su hermoso rostro a escasos centímetros del tuyo? esa era la verdadera pregunta.
Actuando o no, estabas decidida a disfrutar cada minuto de esto.
Cuando una de sus manos comenzo a jugar con la cintura de tus diminutos shorts y sus labios succionaron levemente a piel de tu cuello -justo en ese punto-, no pudiste evitar el gemido que salió de tu boca.
Sin embargo, el ruido pareció asustarlo; lo sacudió, lo devolvió a la realidad, y tus sospechas se confirmaron cuando se apartó bruscamente de vos.
"Dios, perdon nena..." una mueca cubrió sus rasgos, mirándote de arriba abajo como si acabara de darse cuenta de lo que estaba haciendo. "No sé qué me pasó, yo... no tendria que haber venido tan tarde, perdón."
Lo miraste, tu cuerpo decepcionado por la falta de contacto, observándolo presionar sus labios rosados en una mueca conflictiva. "¿Qué - qué queres decir?"
Su mirada recorrió cada rasgo tuyo, tan intensamente que pensaste que estaba admirando tu rostro. "No puedo, no podemos. Sos mi compañera, sos... sos mas chica que yo y..."
"Entonces podemos parar. Si eso es lo que queres", murmuraste coqueta, levantando la mano para quitar un pequeño hilo de su delgada camisa. "Pero solo si lo decis, decime que no queres que esto siga." dijiste, peligrosamente cerca de sus labios.
Gruñó, mordiéndose el labio. "No me hagas esto. Por favor sabes que no puedo"
"Hacerte qué?" Inclinaste la cabeza hacia un lado mirandolo con ojos grandes, fingiendo inocencia.
"Provocarme asi, nena. Porque sabes que no te voy a decir que pares. Y porque lo haces sabiendo que no voy a poder controlarme", gruñó antes de darte un beso profundo y desesperado, bajandote del tocador y bajando los besos por tu pecho.
"Entonces no me lo pidas En." gemiste enredando tus dedos en su cabello, siguiendo cada movimiento suyo, derritiendote bajo su toque dominante. "Y cogeme de una vez."
Enzo jadeaba entre besos. "Decis todas esas cosas con esa boquita tan bonita... No sabes como me calentas."
Tus manos recorrían todo su cuerpo, te detuviste en el borde de su camiseta, levantando esta para quitarsela, Enzo se separo y se deshizo de la prenda el mismo. Estabas desesperada por sentirlo. Y él tenía pensamientos similares, sus largos dedos se sumergieron en tus pantalones de seda y acariciaron tu intimidad por encima de la tela de tu ropa interior.
"Te necesito tanto, Enzo", jadeaste, y, despues de escuchar tus palabras, te quito desesperadamente los shorts y las bragas, haciéndote estremecer ante la repentina exposicion.
Acto seguido, se sentó en la silla de tu tocador y te agarró bruscamente por las caderas para colocarte sobre uno de sus muslos. La gruesa tela de sus pantalones de jogging, absorbiendo tu humedad como una esponja.
"Dale entonces", exigió sombríamente, "Mostrame cuánto me necesitas y movete".
Te mordiste el labio, la cara ardiendo de vergüenza ante la orden. Pero había una necesidad dolorosa en tu centro, y la forma en la que cruzó los brazos, mirando y esperando a que te frotaras en su pierna, hizo que te apretaras contra su muslo.
Tus manos se aferraron a sus hombros, y comenzaste a mover tus caderas de adelante hacia atras lentamente, la suave tela de sus pantalones haciendo mal trabajo para complacerte, apretaste tu cara contra su hombro, molesta por la falta de fricción.
"No puedo yo sola", te quejaste, "por favor".
Él sonrió socarrón. "Dijiste que me necesitabas y ahora no te podes ni mover? Mira que vende humo que sos, hermosa.". Entonces, de repente movio su pierna hacia arriba haciendo que un gritito saliera de tu boca.
No habia nada que necesitaras mas que enzo adentro tuyo, pero ahi estabas, frotandote pateticamente en su muslo hasta que el te permitiera hacer otra cosa. Obedeciste con resignacion, comenzando a establecer un ritmo constante en tus caderas aumentando el calor en tu interior clavando tus uñas en sus hombros, buscando algo que sea tu cable a tierra ante el placer que te estabas inflingiendo.
Tus caderas se movian vigorosamente contra el muslo del mayor cada vez más fuerte, cada vez de una forma más necesitada, sintiendo la presión en tu coño crecer cada vez mas y más haciendo que te muevas desenfrenada.
"Enzo por favor... por favor te lo pido" hiciste una pausa al sentir una de las manos del mayor posicionarse en tu mejilla, acariciandola lentamente. "No puedo mas... te necesito adentro."
¿Te estas escuchando chiquita?" Preguntó, uno de sus dedos tomo tu barbilla, inclinandola hacia arriba para que lo miraras, acto seguido metio dos dedos dentro de tu boca abruptamente.
"¿Te das cuenta de lo necesitada que te escuchas? ¿De lo duro que me pone saber que estas asi... solo por mi y que todavia no te haya tocado ni un pelo?"
Asentiste extasiada mientras pasabas tu lengua por al rededor de sus gruesos dedos, pero en realidad no estabas prestando atención: estabas cerca de tu orgasmo a tan solo unos segundos de liberarte de toda esa presion en tu estomago que te estaba volviendo loca, tus caderas desincronizadas, buscando el alivio... "Basta."
Escuchaste la voz de Enzo cargada de deseo mientras posicionaba su otra mano en tus caderas, deteniendo la fricción. Lloriqueaste ante la perdida de tu climax, era casi como si te lo hiciera a proposito. El pelinegro se levanto y te giró, manteniendote presionada a su cuerpo con una mano en tu cintura y la otra todavia empujando sus dedos dentro de tu boca, quedaron de tal manera que tu cuerpo estaba mirando hacia el espejo de tu tocador, la vista de ambos siendo reflejada ante tus ojos, sin embargo no pudiste prestar mucha atencion a eso. La mirada de enzo bajo hacia sus pantalones, viendo la mancha que habias dejado en la zona del muslo "Mira como me enchastraste los pantalones, ¿Mh?" Musitó contra tu oido.
No respondiste, o mas bien no pudiste responder, ahora tus muslos estaban siendo presionados entre si, buscando la mas minima fricción entre ellos mientras te mordias el labio en un intento de ocultar los quejidos necesitados que amenazaban con salir de tus labios hinchados.
Él se dio cuenta de esto, sin embargo, en vez de hacer algo solamente sonrió y rápidamente presiono tu estomago contra la mesa que yacia enfrente de ambos, sus dedos salieron de tu boca y sostuvieron tu cara, obligandote a mirarte al espejo por primera vez desde que habias salido de la ducha, tus ojos estaban entreabiertos pero tus pupilas se encontraban dilatadas, tus labios rosados y humedos por la saliva, tu ceño ligeramente fruncido.
Te veias absolutamente destrozada, fue entonces cuando sentiste cómo Enzo alineaba la gruesa punta de su polla contra tu entrada, el momento en el que se deshizo de sus pantalones habia sido algo que te habia pasado desapercibido al estar tan absorta en tu expresion siendo reflejada en el espejo. Cerraste los ojos con anticipacion.
Y de repente, tomaste plena conciencia de la situación: te habías entregado por completo a tu compañero de reparto, quien era 12 años mas grande. Y ahora él sabía que no eras solo una talentosa aspirante a actriz, sino simplemente una chica desesperada y rogando por ser follada.
"Ey, ey, ey, no" dijo rapidamente, "abri los ojos y acordate de tus expresiones. Te va a servir para la escena". Gemiste sin poder evitarlo, obedenciendo a sus ordenes y abriendo los ojos mientras él introducía lentamente su miembro entre tus pliegues.
"E-En, Dios!", exclamaste cuando finalmente se adentró por completo. Te sentías tan llena, tus paredes estirandose hasta el límite para poder tomar su polla tan profundo que sus testículos rozaban tu clítoris.
"Dios, chiquita... Mira lo mojadita que estas, me vas a matar", comentó casi sin aliento desde atras, su expresion mlstraba lo extasiado que se sentia. Tus jugos facilitaban su entrada rápida, aunque su miembro seguía siendo una intrusión ajena para tu inexperiencia íntima. Eras joven y nunca habías sido del tipo de estar cogiendo por ahi- o al menos no tan intensamente como ahora.
Te contrajiste alrededor suyo, un gemido escapando de su boca debido a la presión en su miembro. Enzo comenzo a empujarse adentro tuyo con un ritmo moderado, haciendo que tu cuerpo presionado contra la mesa se moviera de adelante hacia atras, el tocador rechinaba ante la abrupta sacudida y tus labios se separaron ligeramente para dejar salir un dulce gemido.
Habías estado enfocada en su rostro en el espejo, te encantaba ver su ceño fruncido, como su cabello se pegaba a su frente, producto de su traspiracion, su boca levemente abierta, y como sus cachetes se volvian cada vez mas colorados, sin embargo la mano de enzo se enredó en tu cabello tomandote de sorpresa, agarrando un puñado y levantando tu cabeza para hacer que tu atencion vuelva a tu cara. "Te dije que te mires, nena" dijo con seguridad mientras sus caderas chocaban contra tu culo haciendo que la caravana se inunde en ese sonido acompañado de tus gemidos. "Mirate y aprende como tenes que actuar ante la cámara."
Su otra mano se posicionó en tus caderas, apretandola con fuerza mientras sus embestidas se volvian cada vez mas erraticas.
En cualquier otra situacion ya hubieras objetado por el repentino cambio de velocidad ya que apenas habías tenido tiempo para acostumbrarte a su largo miembro. Sin embargo, tu calentura era aún más intensa que antes, si eso era posible.
Tu boca estaba entreabierta, tu lengua afuera y estabas jadeando y gimiendo como si fueras un perro; tus ojos se ponian en blanco con cada fuerte embestida, y habia saliva cayendo por tu barbilla, sentias como Enzo te sacudía contra el pobre tocador y como estimulaba cada parte dentro tuyo. Los sonidos que emitías no hacían nada más que aumentar tu vergüenza, eran gemidos ininteligibles y quejidos necesitados, jamas pensaste en mostrarte asi adelante de un hombre, pero el simple hecho de ver lo grande que era a comparación de tu cuerpo y como te podia manejar a su antojo te excitaba de sobremanera.
Y sin duda los doce años de diferencia formaban parte de esa excitacion.
"¿Hace cuanto que necesitabas que te cogiera asi? ¿Te pensas que no me daba cuenta de lo desesperada que estabas? cuando te presionabas contra mi mientras filmabamos y como tus manos tocaban de mas... No perdias el tiempo vos tampoco preciosa.", se burló.
"Desde siempre En..."susurraste, con entusiasmo, apenas capaz de comprender lo que estabas haciendo con el placer que te envolvía y nublaba tus sentidos. "Dios me cojes ta-tan bien... No pares por dios que rico" Tu espalda se arqueaba hacia él, tus paredes tomaban su miembro con desesperacion experimentando un extasis casi desgarrador con cada embestida. Tus gemidos eran cada vez mas incoherentes, cada vez mas fuertes.
"Dios, mirate como gritas por mi, chiquita... ¿Queres que te coja y que mañana todos se enteren de lo desesperada que estas por mi pija? Mirate, mirate lo patetica que te ves, te encanta que te coja fuerte ¿O no?", murmuró, inclinándose para dar un beso en tu mejilla; dulce y encantador, una clara contradicción con sus embestidas freneticas y las palabras degradantes.
Gimiste ante sus palabras, pero sabías que eran ciertas: nunca te habías visto siendo penetrada ya que estabas ocupada, bueno, siendo penetrada. Ver tu reflejo en el espejo de esta manera te tenía inesperadamente más excitada que antes. Había algo en ello, tu rostro contorsionándose del placer, las manos de Enzo serpenteando por tu cuerpo mientras seguía embistiendote desde atras.
Era como ver tu propia pelicula porno, pensaste de pasada, y te preguntaste como seria grabaras a vos misma. Y si tenias suerte, con enzo.
Su otra mano se deslizó hacia tu coño, separando tus pliegues para poder ver cómo su miembro desaparecia en tu interiores. "Por dios mira como me tomas... Viviría adentro tuyo", gruñó, inclinando la cabeza hacia atrás, entregándose al placer.
El orgasmo que sentias venir no era como el que tuviste al restregarte contra su muslo, no, venía más rápido, haciéndote temblar debajo de su gran cuerpo.
"Enzo... más rápido" exclamaste "m-más fuerte",
"Por favor", rogaste sin muchas esperanzas de una respuesta, "dale, Enzo, p-por favor". lloriqueaste ante su indiferencia.
Sin embargo y para tu sorpresa, ambas manos agarraron tus caderas para mantenerse firme. "Mira lo necesitada que estas, bebé", gruñó, empujándose más profundo y rápido, sintiendo cómo las paredes de tu cavidad se adaptaban a su nuevo ritmo. "Llorando por que te de mas fuerte, ¿Mh? ¿Asi te gusta? ¿Queres que te coja hasta dejarte sin poder caminar?"
Con esas palabras, tu climax llegó tan rápido como un tren de carga, golpeándote y sacudiendote, haciéndote gritar su nombre. Tu orgasmo te destrozó, tu visión se volvió blanca y tus pensamientos se pararon por completo. Apenas distinguiste el suave murmullo de Enzo, diciendo "Muy bien chiquita, aca estoy... tranquila" en tu oído, sosteniendote con sus fuertes brazos, evitando que te cayeras.
Cuando volviste en sí, tenías la cabeza baja, los ojos desorbitados y los labios hinchados. Enzo seguía moviéndose adentro tuyo, pero esta vez sus estocadas eran más entrecortadas, inestables y necesitadas.
"Acabame adentro", rogaste de repente, agarr��ndote de la superficie, tus piernas temblando, tu voz debil de tanto gritar.
"¿Si? ¿Queres que te llene to-toda?", titubeo entre gemidos, dando una última embestida antes de correrse en tu interior, podias sentir su miembro latiendo adentro tuyo. Estaba tan adentro que podías sentir cómo su semen entraba directamente en tu cuello uterino, no estabas preocupada, despues de todo estabas tomando anticonceptivas.
Pero tampoco te molestaria si no fuera asi.
Después de un momento, retiró su miembro, de tu coño y te alzó por la cintura para colocarte en el tocador y evitar que cayeras al suelo.
"Gracias", susurraste, mirándolo a través de tus pestañas. Luego mordiste tu labio al sentir como su semilla se deslizaba lentamente fuera de tu coño.
Él también se percató, y soltando un gemido satisfecho, abrio ligeramente tus piernas para recoger parte de su semen con el dedo, empujándolo nuevamente dentro de tu coño. "Te portaste tan bien, chiquita", dijo, volviendo a ser tierno, acariciando tu cabello, mimando tu frágil figura y mirandote profundamente.
Te derretiste ante sus delicadas acciones. "¿Es un buen momento para decir que me gustas?"
Enzo se rió con ternura. "Es un buen momento, si. Y vos también me gustas."
"Pero dijiste que era muy joven" le recordaste, pasando tu mano por su cabello ligeramente transpirado
Él suspiró, desviando la mirada nerviosamente por un momento antes de regresar a vos "Sí, porque es verdad, pero si a vos no te va a molestar verme con un baston en un par de años lo podemos hacer funcionar...", se encogió los hombros, reprimiendo una sonrisa.
No pudiste evitar la risa que broto desde lo mas profundo de tu pecho ante sus palabras tan fantasiosas y alejadas de la realidad "Ah, bueno no voy a tener mucho problema con eso, mientras que te sigan funcionando las caderas" dijiste con una sonrisa socarrona.
Antes de que pudiera terminar de abrir la boca para decir algun otro chiste malo, tus brazos se envolvieron al rededor de su cuello y lo empujaste hacia vos, uniendolos en un suave beso.
"Me gustas de gustar, en serio..." le dijiste en un susurro, mirandolo a los ojos con sinceridad, Enzo no podia creer lo brillantes que se veia tu mirada.
Sus manos se acercaron a tu rostro, sosteniéndote suavemente, su mirada demostrando todo su aprecio "Ya se, bebé, a mi tambien me gustas de gustar". Dijo con suavidad antes de presionar un pequeño beso en tu frente.
"¡Corten!" exclamó el director, y sentiste cómo tu corazón se detenia. Mierda, pensaste, con la mente acelerada, ¿qué salió mal esta vez? ¿Fue el beso o las manos en el pelo? Capaz no le gusto la forma en la que estaban encuadrados...
Sin embargo, el director se acercó a Enzo y a vos y soltó un grito de deleite para nada característico de su persona. "Perfecto", dijo simplemente, bordeando lo catatónico por lo satisfecho que estaba.
Tus hombros se relajaron con alivio, y te inclinaste hacia Enzo, quien sutilmente acariciaba tus muslos. "¿Ya terminamos?" preguntaste, sin aliento de la emoción.
El director asintió. "Fue increible, eléctrico, necesitado y apasionado, muy, muy apasionado", continuó con un suspiro, juntando las manos con fuerza. "Ustedes dos son de los actores más increíbles con los que he trabajado; tienen un talento asombroso, fueron tan convincentes que por un momento pense que realmente habian mantenido relaciones sexuales". dijo seguido de una carcajada
Sonreíste con satisfacción ante sus palabras, pero no sin echarle un vistazo a Enzo, compartiendo una mirada complice tratando de mantener tu expresión contenta y neutral, y no delatarte al recordar los eventos de la otra noche.
Mientras el director divagaba sobre la obra maestra que sería la película, Enzo te siguió fuera del set, murmurando bajito en tu oído, "Al final la práctica sí hace al maestro".
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pierluigiremigi · 2 years
Siempre todo Parece Imposible, Hasta que te Animas a Hacerlo | Pier Luigi Remigi
Motivacion #Pensamientos #Frases #Psicologia #Filosifia #Amor #Alma #Escritos #Poemas #Poeta #Imposible #inicio
Siempre todo parece imposible, hasta que te animas hacerlo Hasta que das el primer, paso.
parece imposible parece imposible pimpinela parece imposible pero no te olvido parece imposible sacarte de mi memoria parece imposible hasta que se hace parece imposible de mover stardew valley parece imposible despertar a esta perra aquello que parece imposible aquello que parece imposible tu lo haras porque me parece imposible que aun piensa en ella andar por el camino angosto a veces parece imposible me parece imposible que te vayas si parece imposible alcanzar una estrella me parece imposible que aun piensa en ella acertijo que parece imposible como lograr algo que parece imposible aunque parece cosa de locos es imposible lo de nosotros parece que ando en busca de la mujer imposible angel vargas imposible me parece aparece nivel aparentemente imposible me parece imposible borrar de mi memoria me parece imposible que sea tan bella parece imposible cancion cuando todo parece imposible charles stanley cancion parece dificil parece imposible cuando perdonar parece imposible fe es creer a dios cuando parece imposible imposible me parece de creer lya imposible me parece de creer si parece imposible ten la seguridad conmigo todo es posible danirep parkour extremo que parece imposible parece dificil parece imposible parece dificil parece imposible letra parece dificil parece imposible karaoke me parece imposible que entre tanta gente el acertijo que parece imposible imposible me parece de creer que me enamore de ti 7 lugares que parece imposible que existan porque parece imposible ser feliz sin tenerte hoy fray nelson medina la oracion que parece imposible parece imposible guitarra me gusta lo nuestro parece imposible siempre parece imposible hasta que se hace parece dificil parece imposible pero no hay nada que impida parece imposible instrumental parece imposible investigation discovery parece que nuestra mision imposible resulto ser imposible parece imposible juventino rosas julio jaramillo me parece imposible el acertijo que parece imposible aunque se sepa la respuesta parece imposible ñengo flow parece imposible ñejo parece imposible ñengo parece imposible remix san jose tu sabes hacer posible lo que parece imposible san jose tu puedes hacer posible lo que parece imposible se que parece cosa de locos es imposible todo parece imposible hasta que se hace triste estarás igual que yo me parece imposible parece imposible vivir parece imposible willie colon parece imposible willie nelson parece imposible zaramay parece imposible 007 parece imposible 01 parece imposible 2022 parece imposible 2021 parece imposible 4k parece imposible 50 cent parece imposible 70 parece imposible 8d da el primer paso da el primer paso con fe da el primer paso y el camino aparecera crush da el primer paso subliminal bailamos da el primer paso confia en ti y da el primer paso mujer da el primer paso quien da el primer paso el hombre o la mujer pov le da el primer paso da el primer paso divorcio da el primer paso definicion el primer paso 2 primer paso parte 2 da tu primer paso economico y emocional da el primer paso genshin da el primer paso inmobiliaria da el primer paso instrumental cuál fue el primer paso el primer paso parte 2 da el primer paso kupka da el primer paso karaoke da el primer paso martin luther king da el primer paso negacion da el primer paso ñengo da el primer paso ñengo flow da el primer paso requisitos da el primer paso restaurante da el primer paso ulima da el primer paso utel da el primer paso wine da el primer paso wow da el primer paso zapotitlan da el primer paso zumba dar el primer paso da el primer paso 2018 da el primer paso 4k da el primer paso 8d empieza empiezan a respetar a mi mexico empieza el ritual empieza amanecer empieza a despedirte la arrolladora empieza su venganza cuando se gana tu confianza empieza el torneo del poder empieza a olvidarme gerardo ortiz letra empieza con la a empieza el matri
0 notes
lewisvinga · 5 months
empanadaaaas | carlos sainz x argentine! fem! reader
summary; who would’ve thought that carlos would find a new love after visiting argentina with his girlfriend
fc; rita mota
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03
notes; requested !
masterlist !
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yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; 🤍] [caption 2; mi amor with me in my beloved argentina 🫶]
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liked by carlossainz55, yoursister, and others !
tagged; carlossainz55, yoursister
carlosainz55: 😍😍😍 liked by yourusername !
carlossainz55: vamos argentina ! 🇦🇷
yourusername: and that’s how you win papa l/n over 😁😁
username: not u taking a SPANIARD to latinoamerica ma’am…. STAND UP
yourusername: he’s a cute spaniard tho😞
username: told y’all carlos is for the latinas 💆‍♀️
username: ugh the wispy bangs r everything
username: i wanna be u
yoursister: tell ur bf to STOP EATING MY EMPANADAS
carlossainz55: ur mom made them for me🤔
yoursister: whatever mamá makes = mine
yourusername: i wish i could get him to stop but he refuses to eat anything else or else he’ll starve 😞😞
yoursister: y tu pobre hermana??? ella está muriéndose del hambre. 😒 [and your poor sister, she is dying of hunger]
carlossainz55: we went out for ice cream 2 hrs ago???
yoursister: where’s my empanada.
carlossainz55: in my stomach😋😋
username: those empanados look saur good i get carlos tbh
username: ARGENTINAAAAA🇦🇷🇦🇷
yourbestfriend: WOWZERSSS UR SO😍
yourusername: UR WOWZERSS😘
alexandrasaintmleux: so gorgeous 🥹 i’ve been wanting to go🤍
yourusername: next time bby, girls trip to argentinaaaa💕
username: this is so messi core
username: HELPPP
username: no1 gonna mention the last pic?? bc i’ve been thinking abt it for the past 30 mins 🚶‍♀️
username: carlos w the basic white dog in a latino household HELPPP😭
username: okay but y/n and y/s/n always eattt😫
username: now i’m craving empanadas 😔😔
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and others !
carlossainz55: te quiero argentina por y/n y empanadaaaas [i love you argentina for y/n and empanadas]
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: carlitooosssss, q guapooooo😻 [how handsome]
carlossainz55: y usted tan hermosa, nena 😍 [and you’re so beautiful]
yourusername: so grateful to show you argentina 🤍🇦🇷
carlossainz55: so grateful to know this beautiful country 🤍
yoursister: i’m sick of y’all already🤢
carlossainz55: tengo un amigo bien guapo , [i have a very handsome friend] and he’s your age 😁
yoursister: ou say lessss
yourusername: NOT lando. anyone but lando
landonorris: what’s wrong w me😢
yourusername: british and doesn’t like fish 😕
yoursister: he’s cute i can get past it 😛😛
landonorris: you like fish?? yoursister i can get past it too😁
username: carlos rlly loves empanadas he’s jus like me fr
username: y/n is everything 😫
username: hes sooo bf
username: sexy spaniard i get u y/n i rlly do
yourusername: weak for that spaniard 😞 i’m making him argentine tho #trust
carlossainz55: mi gente latino ✊
charles_leclerc: i’m afraid to ask how many empanadas you ate
carlossainz55: you don’t want to know.
username: when will it be my turn to find a spanish bf and take him to argentina 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
username: they’re everything to me pls
username: caption is SO true
username: i wonder how madridista carlos feels knowing y/n and her family are messi fans
yourusername: good thing we’re madridistas too💯💯
carlossainz55: i did that😁
1K notes · View notes
looneyleyle · 4 months
mi media naranja ~ p. gavi
synopsis: the private but not secret relationship of a guy and a girl <3
warnings: my spanish 😭 im not quite fluent so beware of errors!
notes: first off, most of the pictures i used are not my own! credits to their owners. second, the accounts pedroplays and pabs.gavs are their private instas, just wanted to clear up any potential confusion
insta au!
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♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a hey.its.bff, sister.name, pabs.gavs y otros
user.yn recientemente ☼ (recently)
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hey.its.bff gorgeous gorgeous girl ↳ user.yn @/hey.its.bff you should visit sometime
sister.name miss you lots ↳ user.yn @/sister.name i miss you more
pedroplays alguien no puede callarse pq estás aquí (someone can’t shut up about you being here) ↳ user.yn @/pedroplays hmmm quien podría ser... (hmmmm who could it be…) ↳ pabs.gavs @/user.yn obviamente es lamine (obviously it’s lamine)
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♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a hey.its.bff, pabs.gavs, pedroplays y otros
user.yn alguien me sugirió que viniera a un partido, supongo que estuvo bueno ◡̈ (someone suggested that i come to a game, i guess it was fine)
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hey.its.bff best weekend w the best girl <3 ↳ user.yn @/hey.its.bff so glad you came, ily
pabs.gavs sólo bueno? :( (just fine?) ↳ user.yn @/pabs.gavs marca un gol la próxima vez y veremos si mi opinión cambia (score a goal next time and we’ll see if my opinion changes)
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♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a user915 y otros
culersporpablito gavi y una mujer besándose en la calle cerca de las ramblas, foto por un culer (gavi and a woman kissing in the street near las ramblas, photo by a culer)
ver los 176 comentarios
user823 ¿¿él tiene novia?? ¿quién es? (he has a girlfriend?? who is it?) ↳ user756 no sabemos, pero ellos han estado juntos desde sus días en la masia (we don’t know, but they’ve been together since his days in la masia)
user089 que afortunada, cómo convertirse en ella 😭 (how lucky, how to become her 😭)
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♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a pablogavi, user.yn, pedri y otros
ferrantorres 🦈⚽️
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pedri goleadorrr (goal scorer)
frenkiedejong bon día 💙❤️ (good day)
marcguiu9 😍😍
user.yn que impresionante bebe (impressive babe)
jaja eres tan graciosa cariño 😐 (haha you're so funny darling)
deja de coquetear con mi compañero. (stop flirting with my teammate.)
y si no? qué pasaría?(and if not? what would happen?)
para. (stop.)
eres lindo cuando estás celoso (you're cute when you're jealous)
cállate mujer (shut up woman)
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♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a pedri, user.yn, fcbarcelona y otros
pablogavi ¡otra gran victoria por tres puntos! força barça! (another great victory for three points!)
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pedri vamos hermanito 🔥 (let's go bro)
_ferminlopez sigue hermano 👏 (keep it up bro)
user.yn mi favorito 🫶 (my favorite) gustado por pabs.gavs
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♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a pedroplays, user.yn, hectorelhermoso y otros
pabs.gavs contigo para siempre amor (with you forever love)
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user.yn ayeee quién es la chica? es muy guapa 🤩 (who's that girl? she's gorgeous)
user.yn mi media naranja 🍊🫶 (my soulmate)
pedroplays que asco 🤢 (how gross) ↳ user.yn @/pedroplays pablito todavía te quiere, no te pongas tan celoso (pablo still loves you, don't be too jealous)
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marjorie189 · 5 months
Solo Trip (A Jude Bellingham Imagine) Part 2
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Jude Bellingham x Mexican!femreader
It's specifically a Mexican reader but there's cute Jude moments on here I think everyone should have a read at :)
Click here to read Part 1!
contains: social media au & text messages!
wc: 6,571 (in total of pt. 1 & 2)
summary: Y/N goes away on a trip to Mexico much to Jude's dismay!
includes: suggestive content and sexting!
I don't see much love for us Mexican and Brown girlies on here so I must deliver 🫡 I honestly had SO much fun writing and creating this, I hope you all enjoy it! I really connected to this post and poured out all my love and devotion to it!
meanwhile y/n and jude oblivious to the whole twitter situation: 
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judebellingham posted a story
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vinijr posted a story
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back to twitter:
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Guy in the photo talking to his friend
Guy in photo: “Ey, ey, ella que no es la novia de jude?” (Hey, hey, isn’t that jude’s girlfriend?) He points out starstruck, pointing at Y/N who was nearby. 
Friend: “¿Parece que sí es?”  (It seems like she is?) His friend replied recognizing her. 
Guy in photo: “Oye le pediré foto?” (Hey, should I ask her for a photo?) He nervously asks. “¡Tal vez me menciona a Jude!” (Maybe she’ll mention me to Jude!)
Friend: “¿estás bien hermano? ¡Tú crees que van a platicar de ti! Ay wey en realidad estas mal” (Are you good bro? You think they’re going to talk about you? Oh dude, you’re so wrong!) 
Guy: “callate! ¡No me arruines mis esperanzas! si hay hasta una pequeña posibilidad de que Jude simplemente escuche de mí por parte de t/n, ¡moriré feliz!” (Shut up! Don’t ruin my hopes! If there’s even a slight chance of Jude hearing of me from Y/N, I’ll die happy!) The boy smiled, determined to go up to Y/N. 
Friend: está bien, vamos (fine, let’s go)
The two boys appeared to walk, on video, towards Y/N. 
They tapped her on her shoulder once they had reached her. She turns around, appearing on camera. 
Y/N smiles kindly at them. 
Guy: Hola perdón por molestarte. Es que soy un gran fan de Jude. ¿Está bien si nos tomemos una foto? (Hey, sorry to bother you. It’s just that I’m a huge fan of Jude. Is it okay if we take a photo?)
Y/N smiled widely at the question. 
Y/N: “¡Claro!” (Of course!)
They both pose for the infamous photo and the friend retrieves it from the video. 
Guy: “Gracias t/n!” Te lo agradezco.” (Thank you Y/N! I appreciate it) The boy expresses. Y/N smiles and nods at the fan. 
Y/N: “¡Por nada! Tengan una bonita noche, que la disfruten!” (You’re welcome! Have a great night guys, enjoy it!) Y/N wishes, ready to part ways. 
Guy: “¡Me saludas a Jude, porfa!” (Say hello to Jude for me, please!) The guy pleads, causing Y/N to giggle at the interaction. 
Y/N: “Cuéntalo hecho!” (Count it as done!) Y/N smiles before walking away. Keeping her promise, later that night mentioning the encounter to Jude. 
Y/N leaves and the friend starts to scold his friend. 
Friend: “No manches! Salistes bien amargado en la foto wey!” (Seriously? You came out so bitter in the photo, dumbass!)
Guy: Es que estaba bien nervioso hermano. O sea es la novia de Jude Bellingham!” (It’s because I was so nervous, bro! I mean it’s Jude Bellingham’s girlfriend!) The boy exclaims to his friend. “¡Cómo crees que me sentia! Estoy por las nubes!”  (How do you think I felt? I’m over the moon!) 
Video ends
Back to Y/N & Jude: 
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liked by yourmom, judebellingham, erling.haaland and 369,583 others
yourusername en el coleadero y empolvada 🏇 dia seis! (in the coleadero [a horse sports event] and dusty 🏇 day six!) 
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yourmom you look so cute mija (darling)
yourusername thank you mami i love you! 💜
com1 she looks adorable in the first pic! 
com2 okay but the sky!!!
erling.haaland I didn’t expect Jude to last this long without you! I just know he’s hanging on by a thread 🤣 I hope you’re having a great time out there y/n/n 
com3 i’m dead erling 💀
judebellingham trust me mate I am not doing well
yourusername you know he’s the biggest baby erl!! Thank you ☺️
judebellingham you look hermosa! 
yourusername did you use google translate? 😂 but thank you bebe 🥰
com4 A+ for effort lmao 
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liked by judebellingham, jesusortizpazfr, and 397,539 others
yourusername bailes en el rancho son mis favoritos! ya estamos listos para mañana 🥳 day 7 (dances at the ranch are my favorite! we’re ready for tomorrow 🥳) 
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yourusername before anyone mentions my cousin on the last pic, he took me out to dance bc I was the only one from my primas (female cousins) who was standing alone at the baile while the rest were dancing w their mans🥺 
com1 y/n better than me bc if my man didn’t know how to dance and I was at a baile I would be dancing!! not my fault my man don’t wanna learn 
com2 you look like so much fun! 
com3 the vibe in all of her daily dumps are EVERYTHING! 
com4 I miss mexico now 😩
primo.user (cousin.user) mi compañera de baile MAS favorita!! 💃🏼 (my MOST favorite dance partner!! 💃🏼) 
yourusername gracias por sacarme a bailar me moría de ganas (thank you for taking me out to dance, i was dying to dance!)
com5 Not y/n wanting to dance but couldn’t bc she’s a faithful woman! props to her cousin for standing up 👏 
judebellingham la mas chula 😘 (the prettiest 😘)
yourusername you got me blushing bellingham 🤭 i’m glad you’ve got the google translate app installed 
com5 not jop in the likes
com7 fr, first peso now jop
com8 jop didn’t have it in him to leave a comment like peso pluma thooo
com9 damn they’re already pregaming for the feria (festival) tomorrow  
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liked by judebellingham and 387,437 others
yourusername sabado de gloria was one for the books ❤️‍🔥 mi mexico querido, el pais con tradiciones increibles 🥹 (saturday of glory was one for the books ❤️‍🔥 my beloved mexico, the country with incredible traditions 🥹)
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com1 okay bc Jude with a Mexican girlfriend was something I never expected but they’re so cute together!!! 💗
com2 the cultural difference between them is mind blowing but i kinda like it
com3 okay it’s been a week we need Jude and Y/N back together ASAP
judebellingham mi niña bonita 😍 I hope you’re having a blast darling! 
yourusername the spanish better not stop when I get home because it’s so cute! 
judebellingham i’m thanking google translate rn 🙏🏽
com4 that last pic is so aestheticly pleasing
com5 okay now I understand why Y/N had to go to Mexico!! That looks like sm fun
com6 fr i was like why would she ever leave Jude but I see why now
com7 her outfit and boots are so cute 🤩
Y/N’s POV: 
I spread my limbs throughout the comfy bed but not as comfortable as the one awaiting me back home. My eyes flutter open, as I bask in my last morning in Mexico. 
The morning sun shining through the window, brightening up the room. I take one last look through the window, the tree tall and green, dogs laying out on the ground, the pretty plants and the great range of mountains surrounding the rancho. 
I let out a deep sigh as I sat up in bed, a mixed emotion about leaving this place. Leaving the peaceful and warm lifestyle that is Mexico was always heart wrenching but my skin tingles at the thought of going back home. Not a home, like a house or a place but Jude. Jude is my home. 
I smiled at the thought of him and a warmth at my core enlights. 
A home cooked meal was already awaiting me in the kitchen and family slowly started filling my grandparents' home to say their goodbyes. 
I frown at the thought of leaving them but I know life would never be the same if I stayed. 
The time is approaching to my last minutes with everyone. An emotional goodbye to the animals, the beautiful home that holds many wonderful memories, and of course to all of my family especially my grandparents. 
“Te amamos mija. Ya sabes que aqui siempre esta tu casa, (we love you darling. You know that you’ll always have your home here” My grandma tells and we pull each other into a tight hug. 
I wipe the tears that we are threatening to spill. 
“Hasta luego muñeca que dios la bendiga! (Until next time doll god bless you!)” My grandpa expressed as he kissed my cheek, pulling me into his arms. 
After all the goodbyes, my uncle started the truck and loaded my luggages. 
On our way to the airport I watched the landscapes contentedly and whispered my goodbyes to the familiar roads. 
yourusername posted two stories 
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judebellingham posted a story 
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taglist: @annab-nana @hoodpankow  @alaynahope714  @jeyramarie @lemur46 @goldenroutledge @valluvsu @paleprincessturtle @hoelesslyt @drewsephrry @northernstarkey
All pics are from Pinterest!
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florinaranja · 7 months
hola! podrías escribir algo con pipe inspirado en esta foto?? 🤭🤭
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sombras azules ; felipe otaño
pairing: felipe otaño x fem!r
summary: haces una quedada con todos tus amigos y conforme pasa el tiempo, hay algo que te ronda la cabeza: maquillar a pipe. 1.5k.
warnings: mención de alcohol?? it's just mucho fluff junto
n/a: muchas gracias por el request!! me encantó escribirlo, pipe es tan novio no puedo... also no soy muy buena narrando en segunda persona por eso he decidido darle nombre a la prota, espero q no te importe! espero que te gusteeee muchoo
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nerea miró a su alrededor: chicos desperdigados por el suelo jugando a las cartas, botellas de cerveza aquí y allá, las risas llenando el ambiente… el panorama normal de los sábados por la noche. lo único malo es que hoy tocaba juntarse en su casa, así que le tocaría limpiar por la mañana.
de todas formas, no le podría importar menos. se encontraba frente al sofá, sentada con las piernas estiradas en el suelo y la cabeza levemente tirada hacia atrás en el regazo de su amigo juani, quien intentaba hacerle trenzas. lo observó, todo lo que su posición le permitía, y sonrió. desde que se peleó con un tal "juanicar" en twitter por qué disco de one direction era el mejor de todos, habían sido inseparables. al contrario que juani, ella era más retraída, de esas que tuvieron solo dos amigos a lo largo de todo el instituto, por lo que las presentaciones no tardaron en llegar y pronto, nerea se había visto envuelta en un grupo de amigos enorme, donde todo era cariño y apoyo. así que sí, podría limpiar cientos de destrozos si eso suponía pasar un par de horas con ellos. 
apartó su vista de juani para fijarse en los jóvenes que tenía frente a ella jugando al blackjack entre los vitoreos de los ganadores y los gritos de los perdedores. se quedó mirando la ronda, le gustaría decir que su interés estaba en las cartas, pero estaría mintiendo. sus ojos delimitaban su perfil, sus brazos y sus dedos en movimiento mientras barajaba las cartas. no podía apartar la vista de él. 
felipe fue uno de los primeros que juani le presentó y el sentimiento que sintió al verlo la primera vez solo había hecho más que crecer. eran buenos amigos, eso estaba claro. pero había ocasiones en las que nerea no podía evitar pensar que había algo más, que ella no era la única que sentía esa tensión abrumadora. y en otras ocasiones solo decía que estaba imaginando demasiado. 
blas se levantó refunfuñando del suelo después de haber perdido todas las partidas que habían jugado. se dirigía a la cocina, una oportunidad perfecta para coger ella misma otra cerveza. se despidió de la comodidad de la alfombra y se encontró con blas, ya rebuscando en el frigo. 
—¿me pasas una? —blas le alcanzó una al tiempo que abría la suya. ambos se quedaron en la cocina, apoyados en la encimera, con la cerveza enfriándoles las manos. 
—seguro que esos idiotas me están haciendo trampas. ¡es imposible que no haya ganado ni una! ni una nerea. 
la chica rio contentilla a pesar de que lo que había dicho su amigo no tenía nada de gracioso. era consciente de que las cervezas comenzaban a subírsele un poco, pero los mejores momentos siempre llegaban entrada la noche y con unas birras de más.
—vamos, no te puedes estar enfadando por eso. sí que cumples con ser el más pequeño del grupo —se acercó a él y le agarró de la mejilla cariñosamente. 
—oye, tienes unas pestañas super largas… tengo una idea. ¿me dejarías maquillarte? 
blas la miró por unos segundos. estaba sonriente, con las mejillas rojas por el calor y el alcohol. era incapaz de decirle que no.
—como tú quieras.
—¡gracias, blas! eres el mejor.
nerea se tiró a abrazarlo, siendo correspondida al instante. otra idea le comenzaba a rondar la mente.
cogió de la mano al chico y se dirigieron de nuevo al salón. al girarse tan rápido, todo le dio vueltas por un momento, pero nada demasiado grave. se plantó delante de los chicos y sonrió.
—he estado hablando con blas y se me ha ocurrido que para animar este juego de hombres un poco, voy a maquillar al que pierda de cada ronda. así practico, que no puedo estar viendo tutoriales para siempre.
—ay, amo. ¡yo estoy dentro! —fran fue el primero en aceptar y los otros no iban a ser menos. 
por un momento, los ojos de nerea se encontraron con los de felipe y un sentimiento se le instaló en el pecho. 
—vas a cansarte de pintar a blas, entonces. 
y con esas palabras empezaron un nuevo juego. de los cinco que estaban jugando ya había maquillado a todos, incluso más de una vez a cierto chico de pelo rizado, excepto a uno. pipe parecía ser inalcanzable incluso en el juego estúpido que se le había ocurrido a nerea. 
—¿puedo jugar una partida? —todos los chicos la miraron desprevenidos por la petición.
—claro gordis, te cedo mi puesto.
—¿sabes jugar? 
—si no supiera jugar no habría dicho nada, ¿no? —por detrás suyo oyó a juani soltar un "uh" a lo que rio.
miró determinada a pipe mientras repartía. confiaba en que lo que su abuelo le había enseñado siguiera en algún rincón de su mente.
en cuanto comenzó la ronda supo que iba a ser imposible que ganara, era un hecho. y en el momento final, los resultados sorprendieron a todos los de la mesa: nerea había ganado.
—¿¡cómo lo hiciste?!
blas no cabía en su asombro, pero nerea solo tenía su atención puesta en pipe, que la miraba con una sonrisa ladeada. ella le respondió con otra, mientras se levantaba (con un leve tambaleo) y le señalaba divertida.
—para ti tengo algo reservado, ve preparándote.
nerea fue casi corriendo al baño para buscar la paleta que tenía en mente, la que siempre que veía le recordaba a él. cuando volvió no quedaba nadie jugando a las cartas y pipe estaba acostado en su sofá, ocupándolo entero él solo. tenía los ojos cerrados y su pecho subía pausadamente. solo podía pensar en lo mucho que le gustaría poder ver una estampa así todos los días.
sin embargo, no podía fantasear. le dio en la mejilla suavemente y felipe abrió un ojo para mirarla. —no te creas que haciéndote el dormido te vas a librar.
—nunca pensaría en hacer eso. 
la chica sintió que se acolaraba. deberían prohibirle sonreír de la manera en que lo hace. —tienes que levantarte si quieres que empiece. 
pipe se llevó las manos a los ojos mientras suspiraba. —estoy cansado… 
nerea lo miró seria. aunque dijera que no, parecía que estaba luchando para no tener que ser maquillado. pero, para su desgracia, nerea no lo iba a dejar ir tan fácilmente. 
la joven dio la vuelta al sofá y sin pensarlo demasiado, se subió sobre el regazo del chico. felipe abrió los ojos asombrado, mientras nerea se acercaba a él con la sombra preparada. 
—cada vez que veo esta sombra me recuerda a ti. se parece al azul de tus ojos, aunque no llega a ser tan bonita. siempre me he preguntado cómo te quedaría… —mientras hablaba, cogió el color y lo llevó al párpado del chico.
estaba muy cerca de él, lo más que había estado desde que lo conocía. le temblaban las manos y tenía el estómago en la garganta, parece que el alcohol había decidido apagar su efecto. 
una vez terminó con el primer ojo, volvió a encontrarse con los ojos de pipe. no había dicho nada desde que había empezado, lo que no ayudaba a los nervios que crecían en nerea. su mano, grande y tersa, se posó sobre una de las piernas de la joven. perdió el aliento por un momento. intentó hacer como si nada y siguió con el otro ojo. cuando su trabajo estaba listo, se quedó anonadada. 
—estás guapísimo… —pipe rio complacido. rápidamente, nerea sacó su móvil y le echó una foto—. vas a ser mi nuevo fondo de pantalla, que lo sepas. 
—¿ya estoy listo? 
la última idea de la noche le pasó por la cabeza, era ahora o nunca. —me falta una cosa más —alcanzó un pintalabios y se lo aplicó bajo la atenta mirada de pipe—, el toque final. 
nerea llevó sus manos a ambos lados del rostro pecoso de pipe y rápidamente juntó sus labios con los de él: un choque anhelado. se olvidó dónde estaba, de lo que podría pasar después y solo se dejó llevar. el beso fue correspondido al instante, casi con tanta necesidad como la de la chica. cuando se separó vio que su plan había funcionado, aunque el resultado había sido un poco más desastroso de lo esperado. 
pipe tenía la mayor parte de sus labios de un color rojo apagado al igual que el contorno de estos, pero también tenía pintada en la cara una sonrisa boba. 
—me dejaría ganar mil veces más para repetir esto. 
nerea abrió la boca afectada. —lo sabía.
—¡hey, chicos! —ambos jóvenes se giraron ante la llamada, encontrándose con el flash de la cámara de juani. —¡un aplauso por esta pareja que está enamorada!
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dakota-zen · 1 year
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Tú no puedes quererme: estás alta, ¡qué arriba!
Y para consolarme
vías sombras, copias,
retratos, simulacros,
todos tan parecidos
como si fueses tú.
Entre figuraciones
vivo, de ti, sin ti.
Me quieren,
me acompañan. Nos vamos
por los claustros del agua,
por los hielos flotantes,
por la pampa, o a cines
minúsculos y hondos.
Siempre hablando de ti.
Me dicen:
«No somos ella, pero
¡si tú vieras qué iguales!»
Tus espectros, qué brazos
largos, qué labios duros
tienen: sí, como tú.
Por fingir que me quieres,
me abrazan y me besan.
Sus voces tiernas dicen
que tú abrazas, que tú
besas así. Yo vivo
de sombras, entre sombras
de carne tibia, bella,
con tus ojos, tu cuerpo,
tus besos, sí, con todo
lo tuyo menos tú.
Con criaturas falsas,
divinas, interpuestas
para que ese gran beso
que no podemos darnos
me lo den, se lo dé.
Pedro Salinas
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karylvsjuanii · 6 months
Desvelado | Juani Caruso
tw: ningunoo, todo es súper fluff, algo cursi y menciona infidelidad pero es negada porque no sucede nada. Discusiones.
Por favor dime si hay un error o falta algo.
Basada en la canción “Desvelado - Bobby Pulido”
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Gordi, ya venís? - Pregunta Fran al otro lado de mi celular.
Estoy a 15 Fran, no empiecen sin mi porfa. - Pido finalizando la llamada después de un “no tardés más” de parte de Fran.
Iba manejando por las calles coloridas escuchando “desvelado” de bobby pulido.
“Muy buenos días a todos, y mejores por esta buenísima rolona, como están todos?”
De nuevo esa voz, si sigo así me volveré esquizofrénico.
Llevaba unas dos semanas aproximadamente enamorándome de una voz anónima que pasaba por la radio cada que tomaba rumbo a algún lugar por las mañanas, me había grabado de memoria la estación. La hora. Y la hora en la que se iba.
“Recuerden que la línea está disponible para que llamen para pedir una canción” “Oh, justo a tiempo”
Subí el volumen de la radio para poderla escuchar mejor.
“Hola?, Bien, vamos a reproducirla una vez y se acabe esta canción, gracias por su llamada, que tenga un muy bonito día”
Su voz sonaba tan tranquila, era como escuchar las olas del mar, me enamoré aunque nunca la conocí, y cada que vuelvo a escucharla, anhelo poder encontrarla por alguna de estas calles.
Sinceramente me considero un psicopata por decir todo esto, pero quien no se resistiría a esa voz de ángel?
Finalmente llegué a mi destino. Un restaurante donde se supone todos mis amigos me están esperando para pasar el rato juntos.
Mas tarde tendríamos que ir a una conferencia del cast principal, pero eso sería ya por la noche. Últimamente habíamos tenido esta rutina. Almorzar por la mañana y vernos en la noche para entrevistas, conferencias, premios.
Aburrido. Y más sin poder dejar de pensar en su voz.
Ya tienen su traje listo? Yo tengo que ir saliendo por el mío. - Felipe ríe por lo bajo.
Te acompaño. - Habla Matías antes de meter un pedazo de carne a su boca.
Listo, Juani? -
Blas iba a llevarme en su auto, ya que el mío estaba en mantenimiento y él se ofreció a hacerme el favor. Un amor.
En que tanto pensás, boludo? - Blas me pregunta sin alejar la vista de la carretera.
“No lo sé.” Suelto sin respuesta.
Blas, vos te pensás, tipo, que alto forro si alguien te contara que se está hasta las manos de una voz y no puede dejar de pensar en ella, aunque ni siquiera la conozca, pero incluso ha soñado en su querer, en estar en sus brazos, en que ella le habla. Repito. Sin conocerla. - Creo que estoy todo rojo.
Na amigo, estás re copado. Me estás jodiendo vo’ - Blas ríe haciendo montoncito con sus dedos.
No te jodo boludo, me estoy volviendo loco. Vos entendés eso? Juani, volviendosé loco por una piba que ni en pedo la conoce. -
Me siento aliviado de poder sacar mi frustración aunque un poco mufa por la reacción de Blas.
Me estás diciendo vo’ que por eso has estao’ re colgado por ella? Más bien, por una voz que probablemente sea de cualquier forra bagarta? - Se burla Blas.
Cerrá el orto cheto de mierda, no la conocés. - Quedé re picado por lo que dijo Blas, me hirvió la sangre a 1000 grados.
Ni vos tampoco, gil escracho. -
Okey, eso me envió a la concha de mi madre.
En un par de 10 minutos más, ya estabamos junto a nuestros compañeros y amigos, unos tomandose fotos, arreglandose, otros ya dentro de cabinas donde asignaron sus entrevistas, y los demas, aceptando las bebidas del lugar.
Amigos, me putearon todo. - Llega Mati riéndose.
Por que? Que hiciste pelotudo? - Pregunta Simón dejando su celular a un lado.
Naa, me llenaron de cosas que ni yo me acuerdo por quedarme colgado con la gila que estaba ahí metida en la cabina, era como una de ahí, re linda ella eh. - Matías toma un vaso de agua para llevarlo a sus labios y dar un sorbo sin dejar de vernos.
Te gustó más que Malena? - Pregunto riéndome.
Obviamente, la piba ha de ser unos 10 años o 10 siglos menor que malena. - Felipe ríe burlándose.
No estes jodiendo forrito, tampoco pa tanto, te la dejo a vos que te hace falta una manita eh. - Ríe alejándose lo más rápido de Felipe que inmediatamente fue perseguido por él.
Veía twitter tranquilamente en lo que esperaba pacientemente mi turno, me tocaba después de Enzo.
Pasé viendo todos los comentarios que hacían al respecto por mis rt. Últimamente eran solo de alguien que me gustaba y de lo mucho que me encantaba su voz. Ya se imaginarán las reacciones de todas. A veces eran re bardas las pibas.
Che, Juani, tu turno. Suerte. - Enzo toca mi hombro demostrándome amabilidad, no sin antes dejar una sonrisa y desaparecer de mi vista.
Él y todos sabíamos en sí que a veces era algo tedioso ser entrevistado. Che, cuidar que decís, que hacés, que opinás, las preguntas re incomodas que al toque hacen, vos sabés boludo.
Doy un último sorbo a mi agua helada, y me dirigí con cortos pasos a la cabina número 3, antes adueñada de Enzo.
Y hasta el momento, sigo creyendo que haber cruzado esa puerta fue la mejor decisión de toda mi vida.
Hola Juani, cómo estás? - Se acercó a mi dejando a un lado un frasco que parecía ser un gel.
Extendió su mano con una sonrisa en su rostro, mirándome.
Su voz fue lo primero que me hizo derretir, y ahora estarla escuchando de la nueva niña de mis ojos, me hizo sentir escalofríos.
Era ella. Y no lo dudé ni un segundo.
Parece alta pero no más que yo, llevaba puesta una falda color negra y una blusa color vino de manga larga la cual descubría sus hombros y dejaba ver su clavícula marcada, ese color hacía resaltar demasiado su tono de piel, era blanca como si en su vida hubiera estado bajo el sol y su cabello hacía que se viera aún más.
Qué tal?, Todo bien y vos? - Devuelvo el saludo, encantado.
Igual que vos, un gusto. - Su mano se alejó de la mía, al igual que su cuerpo para llegar a donde antes estaba y señalarme con su dedo un asiento rodeado de cámaras, luces, y micrófonos.
Seguí su indicación y tomé asiento a donde ella señaló.
En la cabina habían más personas vestidas de negro, con cables, computadoras, micrófonos, luces por todos lados, tripiés, e incluso mates.
Empezaron a retocarme un poco el rostro con polvo iluminador, también pasaron un peine por mis rizos, un spray fijador y más polvo.
Para ser sinceros, no preste atención a lo que estaban haciendo conmigo, y no me interesaba, estaba muy ocupado viéndola.
Se encontraba anotando unas cosas en una agenda y computadora, sin dejar a un lado un mate en lo que parecía ser una guampa.
Se veía tan atenta en lo que hacía, tan bonita.
Bien, Juani, como última pregunta. Fuertemente suplicada por tus fans. Quién es esa afortunada chica de la que estás enamorado? -
“Que chota?”, Pensé.
Vos, sos vos mi amor hermosa, la tengo en frente.
Claro que eso es lo que quería gritar, lástima que soy puto.
Ah, eso, una pibita por ahí, secreto. - Digo riendo, jugando con mis manos mostrando nerviosismo. Sabía los altos edits que se venían de esto.
Mm, no es lo que esperaba, la verdad, si te soy sincera, me gustaría saber quien es esa chica. Dicen que estás muy enamorado de su voz, es eso cierto, Juani? - Pregunta mi próxima mujer y dueña de mi corazón, haciendo que una sonrisa invada mis labios.
Si, eso es cierto, me fascina su voz. - Asiento, dándole la razón.
Si? Debe ser una muy bonita voz entonces. - Veo una sonrisa formada en sus labios rosados. Que mujer más perfecta.
De repente quiero sacar el anillo.
Eso es todo Juani, muchas gracias por tu tiempo. Un gusto y que tengas linda noche. - Me dedica nuevamente una sonrisa despidiéndose.
Las cámaras ya se habían apagado. Pues yo era el último.
Gracias a vos, pero no me gustaría irme sin antes pedirte una canción para mañana en tu estación. - Puedo notar su asombro y sonrojo rápidamente.
Oh, muchas gracias, y claro que si. Cual es? - Me acerco lentamente hacia ella con una sonrisa.
Desvelado, de Bobby Pulido. -
Por supuesto, para tu enamorada, verdad? - Ella se cruza de brazos riendo.
Exactamente, oh, y podés leerle este papel cuando pongan la canción? - Saco de mi bolsillo el papel para entregárselo.
Si, no te preocupes. Gracias Juani. - Vuelve a lanzarme una sonrisa y yo salgo de la cabina con una cara de bobo. Anhelando volver a escucharla, volver a verla.
Y para despedirnos, quiero poner una canción a petición de alguien con el que tuve la oportunidad de hablar, espero estés escuchando esto. - Digo antes de dar click a la canción en Spotify.
La radio empezó a reproducir “Desvelado”.
“Será fe que yo encontré
Una voz de ternura
Que me llena de placer
Cuando la oigo hablar
Con ella me enamoré
Que nunca la conocí
Sueño en su querer
Y en sus brazos quiero dormir
Escucho cada día la radio
Seguro que la vuelvo a oír
Por el cielo busco mi estrella
A la luna quiero subir
Voy desvelado
Por estas calles esperando encontrar
A esa voz de ángel que quiero amar
¿Dónde andará?”
Antes de escuchar el último verso de la canción, bajo un poco el volumen de esta.
Y finalmente una nota dejada por él para su dichosa enamorada. - Abro la nota que Juani me dio antes de irse por esa puerta la noche anterior.
“Al final si te encontré. La dueña de esa voz” - Juani.
“Juanicar comenzó a seguirte”
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spidybaby · 1 year
Begin Again | Part Five
Summary: I've been spending the last few months thinking all love ever does is break, burn, and end, but when I look at you shining eyes, I watch it Begin Again.
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: Hello loves ❤️ thank you so much for being there for me on this journey, I'm so thankful for all the messages, the comments, the likes, and the reblogs. I'm so thankful for all of you who supported this story. I really hope this ending is worthy and you liked it 💛✨️
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Extra One Shot
"Un hijo?" (A child?) He asks confused.
You can hear your dad scuffing like the whole situation was funny to him.
"Pedro," you walk slowly, getting closer. "Dejame explicarte" (Let me explain)
"This is what you were talking about?"
"Por favor." You grab his arm. "Let me explain everything to you. Just not here."
You push him slightly, not wanting to have that conversation in front of your parents.
"Y/n," you mom calls for you. "Por favor, dime que vas a volver. Tenemos que terminar esta conversación." (Please tell me you're coming back, we have to finish this conversation)
"Es enserio?" You scuff. "Adiós." (Are you for real? Goodbye.)
You close the door and walk over to where Pedro is standing.
"Can we go back to your place?"
"Cómo se llama?" (What's his name?) He asks, you can tell his trying to control himself.
Pedro is known to be a calm person, a very cold head one.
But you knew him from the inside, and you know that even with all the patience that he has, when that runs out, it's like a bomb. You can run, but it's not going to help.
"Por favor, no aquí." (Please, not here)
He unlocked the car doors. And without even looking at you he enters the driver's side.
"Pedro," you say as you do the same as he. "Please don't hate me."
He laughs. But not that funny laugh that you loved, this is a dry one. No emotions.
"Vamos a ir a mi casa y no te vas a ir de ahí hasta que me cuentes todo." (We're going back to my house, and you're not leaving until you tell me everything) "Seat belt on."
The way he's driving is scary. But you're can't find the courage to ask him to slow down.
When he parked outside of his house, he turned the car off, hands you the keys, and got out slamming the door.
You compose yourself before following him. The door is open for you.
"Quieres apurarte?" (Can you hurry) He says from his front door.
You nod slowly, closing the door behind you and walking inside. He sits on the couch, hands hiding his face.
It's not like you're afraid of him. You don't have a reason to be, no matter how mad he was at you, he never laid a hand on you.
"Polo," you say sitting next to him. "His name is Polo."
He sinks further into the couch. He wants to scream, but won't do it.
"He's six months old and has so much of you."
"Six?" He interrupts you. "That means you."
He's mentally doing the math, realizing that the last time you were together was when you got pregnant.
"I found out because I passed out and ended up at the hospital, I was so confused." You say honestly, done with the lies and hiding things out. "Elena asked me if I was going to tell you and I was, believe me I was."
"But" he interrupts.
"But then I saw the tweets about you with that girl. You took her to tenerife with you. It was like a piece of reality. You were living your life and having fun, and I was depressed and crying myself to sleep to the memory of us."
"I can explain."
"You don't have to." You cut him off. "We were over, you didn't know."
"Ella no significó nada" (she meant nothing) even when you told him not to explain, he needed to. "She was just there at the right time. And I was such an idiot."
"You're not. I was the idiot here. When I find out about the gender I wanted to tell you, I was done with the whole angry part. But my mom persuaded me into thinking I was going to be fine, that if you wanted, you would have been there and I was heartbroken, I was pregnant and alone. I just said yes and moved on with my life. Paulo and Elena tried to get some sense into my head, but mom always told them off. Now I know why."
The silence falls between you. No one knows what to say.
You wanted to keep apologizing for not thinking straight and letting the jealousy overpower you.
He wanted to be mad at you, but he couldn't blame you for your decisions. If he were you, he would probably have done the same thing.
"Polo" he says after a while.
You smile at him, nodding, "es una bolita de amor, definitivamente un González." (He's a bundle of love, definitely a González)
"Polo," he repeats. "Is that the name you had on your list since you were a kid?"
"Yes" you laugh remembering the list. "The top one."
"Dios, amo su nombre." (God, I love this name)
"Se lo puse pensando en ti." (I named him thinking on you) You confess. "Not because of that list."
"What do you mean?"
"Remember that trip to Ibiza?" You look at him with a funny expression. "Well, we had our first pregnancy scare after that."
"Joder, claro que recuerdo" (fuck, of course I remember) he laughs. "Fer went to the market to get us the pregnancy tests. Elena was lighting up candles and we were locked in the bathroom."
"Elena, did what?" You laugh confused. "Why I never knew that?"
"You were shitting yourself, "Pedro, my mom is going to kill me. I'm living in the streets if this came back positive." He imitates your voice in a very not accurate way.
"Okay, first of all," you point one finger out. "I don't sound like that. And second, I was panicking, okay?"
"To be fair with you, I was panicking too"
"You weren't, you started saying that if I was pregnant we could elope and move together"
"I was optimistic."
"Well, how did that go?" You joke. "After we found I was not pregnant, you took me to drink as a celebration. You got so drunk that you were saying a lot of dump stuff. But you said that you wanted two kids with me, a boy named Polo, to keep with the PG initials from your name and a girl named Georgina."
"I still want that" he says looking at you. "We just need to fight again, give it time and boom baby Gio"
"Don't you dare," you laugh again. "It's not easy to be pregnant. It's so scary, you feel everything differently."
"Why you tell me? I can't become pregnant"
You scuff, even on the worst times you can easily talk to him.
"Perdón, Pepi." You take his hand. "I know I can't take back the time and the memories, and I regret that so much. I was stupid and let all the anger and jealousy get into that. I dont want you to hate me after this."
"I won't. I can't hate you, I love you" he brings your hand to his mouth, kissing it.
You stayed there for a while, enjoying the gesture, enjoying not having to worry. Being yourselves again.
Suddenly you get up from the couch. Pulling him up with you.
"Ven conmigo." You grab your purse from the coffee table in front of the couch and walk quickly to your car.
He doesn't question your actions, following you outside.
"Get inside." You close the door of his house, pushing him to the passenger side. You drive fast but not crazy like he did.
"Where are we?" He asks, undoing his seat belt and getting out like you did.
"Ven" you extend your arm for him to take your hand. "You need to meet someone."
With the other hand you take your keys and open your door.
"Elena" you call.
"In the room."
"Wait here."
You rushed to the room. Elena is laying down with Polo. She has a face mask on.
"Why are you back so early? We were expecting your walk of shame in the morning, verdad bebé?" She asks, checking the time.
"Pedro está en la sala." You say so casually. (Pedro's in the living room)
"Qué." She yells.
"Callate" you say closing the door.
"Callate tú." He whisper yell at you. "Ya lo sabe?" (He knows?)
You nod.
"Me muero," she sits on the bed.
You both look at each other. You nodding and she was surprised.
"Y que esperas?" She asks. "Ten" (and what are you waiting for? Here)
You took your baby into your arms.
You thank her and turn to the door.
But you can't seem to open it.
"I'm fine." You answer. "I just, need minute."
"Cuál minuto ni que nada, ya tuviste seis meses, shu fuera." (Minute my ass, you had six whole months, shu, get out)
She opens the door lightly, pushing you outside and closing the door after you're out.
"Okay." You breathe. "Mi amor, vas a conocer a alguien muy especial." (My love, you're meeting someone really special)
You make a mental note to thank Elena for keeping Polo awake.
You walk slowly, swaying Polo.
Pedro was focused on a picture. It was a picture of Polo right after being born.
He has caressing the glass.
His head snaps to your direction.
"Joder. Es él?" (Fuck, it's him?) He puts the picture down. "Sorry, language."
You laugh, nodding at his question.
"Polo," you grab his attention, turning him so he can be face to face with his father. "Este de acá es Pedro." (This is Pedro)
You notice the tears in Pedro's eyes matching the ones on yours.
"Pedro, this is Polo."
You get closet to him.
"Hola Polito"
He can't help but to sob. You were right. He looked so much like him.
"Quieres cargarlo?" (Do you want to hold him?)
He nods smiling.
You carefully instruct him on how to hold him.
But he was a natural, hugging him tight but careful not to hurt him.
"He smells so good." Pedro says out of the blue.
You can't help the laugh.
"Bueno, mami lo bañó bien." (Well, mommy gave him a nice bath)
He changes the way Polo is laying on his arms. He wants to appreciate his face.
His hand caresses his face. The child in his arms has his eyes only on him.
"Polo, él es tu papi."
"Papi" Pedro repeat. "Fuck, that sounds so good."
Polo grabbed Pedro's finger, and Pedro kissed his little hand multiple times.
"Eres hermoso." He kisses his cheeks.
You took a step back, searching for your phone. You needed to capture the moment.
You take several pictures, not wanting to forget this moment.
"Mami va a estar tan emocionada." He says, looking at you. "Fer y mi padre." (Mami is going to be so excited, Fer and my father)
Pedro take your hand pulling you into his arms.
"Dios, no sabes cuanto te amo." (God, you have no idea how much I love you) He says, kissing your head. The moment being interrupted by Polo fussing. "A ti también, hermoso" (I love you too) he kisses his cheek now.
"Ay que lindos se miran." (Aww, you guys look so cute like that) Elena says while she takes a picture.
"Where are you going?" You ask her, she has her night bag in one hand.
"Well, Einstein. Obviously, I'm not ruining the moment, plus I don't think you're making Pedro leave Polo's side any time soon. So I'm leaving so you can be together."
She air kissed you both and left.
"La tenemos que hacer madrina." (We have yo make her the Godmother) Pedro laughs
"She already is."
"Puede mi hermano ser el padrino?" (Can my brother be the Godfather?)
You nod excited.
"You heard that, hermoso?" He says to the baby. "You have a Godfather now."
"Actually, he has two."
"Paulo?" He asks smiling.
"Yep, he'll fight me if I took him out of the list."
"It's okay, two is better than one."
"Let's go to my room" you say noticing how Polo is yawning. "Mister here needs to sleep."
"Can I stay?" He asks.
"Will you leave if I say no?"
"Okay, but yes you can stay."
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"Pedro, I'm here." Fernando yells.
When Fer called Pedro to find out the details of the night. Pedro invited him over for lunch.
The idea was for him to know the truth and to meet Polo.
"Coming." He yells back.
You can tell he's nervous.
"Oye, cálmate, es tu hermano." (Hey, calm down, it's just just brother) you hug him. "Everything's going to be fine."
"Yes, just Fer."
"Do you want me to got say hi to him while you calm down?" You ask noticing the anxious body language he has.
"Can you?"
"Yep, so take a breath and you two can meet us downstairs."
You hand him the baby.
"Another thing," you say before leaving the room. "Polo will start fussing if he doesn't see me for a while, specifically since it's almost his feeding time. So you better hurry."
"Joder, me pones más nervioso." (Fuck, you're making me nervous)
"Bye." You say closing the door.
You walk downstairs, finding Fer looking at his phone uninterested.
He's sitting on the couch, his back to you.
You walk silently, wanting to scare him. Something you used to do to each other.
"It's not going to work." He says once you're close to him. Back still facing you "Your perfume gives you away."
"Ay, por favor."
He laughs and turns his face to you. You hurry to his side and hug him.
"Te extrañé como no tienes idea." He says kissing you cheek. (I missed you like crazy)
"I missed you too, Fer."
"So you two?" He asks raisins his eyebrows.
"We are working on it."
"Please do, he needs you."
"I need him too."
You can see Pedro walking to where you to are slowly.
"We have something to tell you."
"Fer." Pedro calls, his bother turn his head to him.
Fernando wants to ask, but he can't.
"Este es Polo." You say standing next to Pedro.
"He's our son."
Fer is trying to say something but he's short of words.
"I know, I just find out too." Pedro jokes. "Ven tio, you have to hold him."
Pedro handed the baby to a very shocked Fer. He's looking at the baby and back to his brother
"Why is he so fat?" He says in a judging tone.
You scuff and Pedro laugh.
"Excuse me, he's not fat." You say taking the baby from him. "He's well fed"
"He's fat," he corrects you. "He's like a brick. You fed him rocks or what?"
Pedro is laughing his ass out.
"Don't listen to your tío, mi amor." Pedro says once he stops laughing."The fat one is him."
"Tío Fer." Fernando says. "That actually sounds good."
"Right?" Pedro says,"yo dije lo mismo cuando Y/n le dijo que yo era su papi." (I said the same thing when y/n told him I was his daddy).
"Damelo, I need to hold him one more time."
"Don't judge him."
"You look like daddy." He says to Polo. "But you're lucky. You have some good genes from Mommy."
"Hey, that's mean."
"Shhh, I'm bonding over here."
You hug Pedro while Fernando is talking to Polo. Telling him all the things he can teach him.
"One down, we have two more." You say.
"Si me andaba cagando del miedo con mi hermano, no me imagino con mis padres." (If I was hyperventilating with my brother, I can't imagine with mom and dad)
"I still think you're just fat, but if your mother says you're "well fed", okay."
"Okay, give me my kid back."
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You were currently at his parents' house in Tenerife. He wanted them to find out as soon as possible, so he suggested taking a quick flight back home.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You ask before he exits the vehicle. "Y si hablas con ellos primero?" (What if you have a chat with them first?)
"No sé" (I don't know)
"Pepi, it's okay."
"But it's not. What if they get mad? What if they stop talking to me? What if we had to tell Polo his grandparents are far far away?"
"Pedro, your parents are not going to be mad at you." You stop his rambling. "If they get mad at someone that will be me."
"Why you?"
"Did you really just ask that?" Fer ask.
"Okay," he puts his hands in the air. "Well, we have to go now, you can't stay here alone."
"You didn't think this through, Huh."
"Well, in my opinion." Adrian, Pedro's cousin, "She can wait here while Fer and you talk with your parents."
"Fer as me?" He asks, confused. "Wait, I don't want them to yell at me."
"Well I don't want them to only yell at me."
"Nobody's yelling at you guys," Adrian yells.
"You are."
"Well because you're assholes."
"Hey don't call me that in front of my kid."
"Oh please, he will find out either way."
"Pedro, this is your mess. Go, be a man." Fernando points at him.
"But why can't you come with me?"
"Fernando, go with him."
"You go with him."
"Okay, that's enough." You yell. "Pedro, your parents are not yelling at you." You say, looking at him. "Fernando, don't be a bitch, Pedro face worse for you, and never complain." You point at him. "And Adrian, can you bring the air down? It's kind of cold."
"Jolin, si que eres una mamá." Fer laughs. (Fuck, you're such a mom) "but you're right, let's go Pepi."
Fer gets out of the car, opening Pedro's door for him to do the same.
"Deseame suerte, si?" He kisses your cheek quickly, getting out. (Wish me luck)
"No la necesitas, todo va a estar bien." (You don't need it. Everything's going to be fine.)
Fernando is about to knock on the door. Even when it's not him telling his parents they are grandparents, he's feeling the pressure of it.
"Fer, tenemos llaves." (Fer, we have the house keys)
"Las perdí." (I lost them)
"Eres un gilipollas, quítate." (You're such an idiot, move)
They walk in silence, finding both parents in the kitchen cooking.
"Mira quien llego," (look who's here) Fernando father says, "Come here."
They do their typical greeting, hugging each other, kiss here, kiss there.
Fer is looking at his brother, noticing how slow he is moving. He knows Pedro's scared, but making things slow is not the answer.
"Pedro necesita decirles algo," he announces. "Pueden apagar ahí y venir a la sala?" (Pedro has to tell you something, can you turn the stove off and take a sit?)
"Is this about Manchester?" Rosy asks
"Let's just take a sit."
They hurry to the living room. Expecting the news about his decision to transfer or stay.
"It's not about the transfer. Actually it's more important than that."
"Entonces dilo mijo, deja el misterio." (Then say it, stop with the mystery.)
"Are you okay?" Rosy ask him. "Sabes que puedes decirnos lo que sea, Pedro." (You know you can tell us everything, Pedro.)
"Like three days ago, Y/n and I reunite."
"That's amazing, Pedro, I knew you guys were finding each other again."
"Yeah, that's so good. Don't miss this opportunity."
"The thing here is." He cut them off. "Something happened in that time we were apart."
"Is she okay?" Rosy, ask.
"Yes, she is." He nods nervously.
He doesn't know how to explain the situation. Does he spit the news? Does he explain piece by piece?
"Before broking up, we weren't exactly being the most careful in the protection area of our life."
"Protection area? What?" His father asks confused. "Pedro, please go to the point."
"She was pregnant. We didn't know anything until now. She reached for me now that she's back in Barcelona. And our baby is six months old." He smiles.
Fer hides his face in his hands. He was more embarrassed than Pedro is for that lame explanation.
"You." Rosy points at him. "Have a baby?"
"Wait. Did you know she was pregnant when you broke up with her?" His father asks.
"No, God no. I didn't. We didn't."
"Were you with her after the breakup?"
"No, it's not that. We were together before the breakup, and well, that's how things happen. She finds out months later, but it's a lot to explain."
"What do you mean is a lot?"
"I think I'm lost."
While Pedro is trying to explain the situation and timeline to his parents, Fernando make his way out of the house.
"Hey, como estuvo?" (Hey, how was it?) Adrian asks when Fernando get back in the car.
"Pedro es un capullo de primera, te juro que el niño abre la boca y la caga cada vez más." (Pedro is such an asshole, I swear all he does is open his mouth to fuck this up)
"Is that bad?" You ask worried. "Are they mad?"
"No, they're not mad. They just don't understand the whole situation, thanks to Pedro being an idiot at explaining things out."
"Let's hope Polo doesn't get that from Pedro." Adrian laughs.
"Should I help him?"
"Nah, finish with the feeding, and then you can join him."
"I just can't believe he's a football player, does tons of interviews, goes to television shows, and can't even explain something to your parents."
"I know, he's like another dude in front of the cameras."
While they make small talk, you stay quiet, wondering if Rosy and Fernando would understand your reasons.
Even if you think that your motives were the right ones, you can't control what they think of that. Maybe they'll be mad that they choose to only engage with the baby and not with you.
You can't help but to worry. You love Pedro's parents like your own. They were so special to you. You can't deal with the idea of them not being in your life again.
Fer shakes your knee to call your attention.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"You okay?"
Are you tho?
You can't even answer that to yourself.
In very little time, all these things are happening in your life.
Your parents lying to you, Pedro finding out, Fer finding out, Pedro's parents finding out and maybe not liking you anymore.
"Yes?" You say more as a question than as an answer.
"Hey Adri, give us a minute." He pats his cousin arm. "Please."
"I'm going to the store." Adrian says getting out of the car.
"A ver, no me mientas." (Look, don't lie to me) he turns his whole body to be able to see you. "I know you're worried about this whole thing. You did what you thought was the right choice. You fucked up, but so did my brother. No matter what, you are part of the family, apart from him or not, baby or not. Mom and dad loved you like their own child."
"What if they stop doing that?"
"They won't. If only you could have seen the way they got so excited about the idea of Pedro and you being together again."
"They did?"
"Yes, mom almost jumped of excitement." He laughs. "And they're going to be more happy to meet this little one right here. So shall we?"
"Yes, just give me a minute."
You fix your top, comb the little hair Polo has, and check if his diaper is clean.
"Let me help you, come here, gordo." Fer take Polo from your arms, holding a hand out for you to support yourself.
"I just know that nickname is not going away any time soon"
"Noup," he says, laughing. "After you"
You walk inside the house. You can hear Pedro and his parents talking. You stop abruptly, feeling dizzy from the emotions.
"Noup, sigue caminando." (Noup, keed walking) Fernando pushed you. Holding a hand on your back to move you. "Hey, someone's here to see you."
You can't help but blush. This is like the first time you met them. With the difference that now you were taking your son to meet them.
"Y/n, mija hola." Rosy says, hugging you. "No sabes como te extrañamos" (you have no idea how much we missed you)
"Yo los extrañé también." (I missed you too)
"Estas bien? Como te sientes?" (Are you okay? How are you feeling?)
"I'm fine, I'm good. Don't worry."
"You must be so tired, I'm sorry you had to go through all that alone. But we're here now, and we're going to help Pedro and you in everything we can."
"I'm sorry, I never meant to hide him from you guys, I was dumb and very immature."
"Don't say that, Pedro told us everything." Fernando says, "we're not mad, you did what you thought was right for you and your son."
"Thank you, for understanding."
Fernando and Rosy are both hugging you.
"Ey que corra el aire, venga." (Okay, let's separate) Fer says making all laugh.
"Mami, papi." Pedro call their attention. "This is Polo, he's our son."
"Pero mira que hermosura." (Oh, look how at this beauty) Rosy took the baby out of Pedro's arms. "Es igual a ti cuando eras pequeñito." (Just like you when you were a baby)
"Ven." He grabs your hand taking you to the kitchen.
Fernando, Rosy and Fer are focus on the baby, leaving the space for Pedro and you to be able to speak.
"We can breathe now." You laugh. "I was so scared."
"Thank God we got this over with. But I think you'll have to stay here, cause there's no way mom is letting him go. We lost him for the day."
"That's okay. I don't have any interest on keeping them apart."
"So you're staying here with me ?"
"What happened to going slow?"
"We have a kid together. Don't you think we left the slow out the door already?"
"Well if you put it like that."
You lock your arms behind his neck, pulling him close so you can kiss him. It's like time never happened, the feelings, the passion, the love still there.
"We can say you're here to stay." He jokes.
"And I don't plan on leaving."
"Not like I'm letting you, never again."
You stayed apart for a while. Letting his family enjoy the arrival of the new González member.
"Okay, enough you two." Fer says entering the kitchen. "Come here. You can appreciate each other later in a private room with the door locked. I can take care of fatty."
"I'll have to beat you if you keep calling him Fatty, gordo, etc"
"Deal with it. He loves it."
"Capullo" You say hitting the back of his head.
"A man can't lovely nickname his nephew now?"
"No" both Pedro and you answer.
"I hate you guys."
You find Rosy taking a picture of Fernando and Polo. Your heart is full with happiness.
"Our baby is going to be so spoiled and loved. I can't wait to see that." Pedro says hugging you from behind.
"I can't wait either."
"Fer, toma una foto de tu padre y yo con Polito." (Fer, take a picture of your father and I with polito). She hands the phone to her son. "Vente precioso." (Come here, baby.)
"Pero saca la sonrisa, mami." Pedro jokes. "Venga, más grande." (But smile, mom. C'mon, bigger than that)
"Done, I think I took like a thousand pictures."
"Not to be rude, but Y/n, honey. What are you feeding this kid with? He's so big."
"Ha! I told you, he's a fatty."
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"So this picture or this one?" Pedro asks you, showing you the options.
"It's the same picture with a different filter."
"I know, I can't decide if I want b&w or Juno."
"Pedro." You laugh at him.
"I just want it to be perfect."
"Are you covering his face?"
"Yes, I know you don't mind if I don't, but I think for now it's the best."
"Okay, whatever you say."
"Hermoso, what picture are you feeling the most, this one or this one?"
Polo smiled at him, not even interested in the phone but on him instead. Pedro kiss his chubby cheek multipletimes.
He erupted in laughs at his father's actions.
"Good choice."
"What? He didn't even look at the phone"
"Shhh, woman. This is between my son and I." He sticks his tongue out. "Don't worry Hermoso, she's just mad because you can't say mama."
You open your mouth, pretending to be shocked. "Yes, he can"
"So this one, right?" He asks Polo one more time, ignoring you.
"Can you just post the damn picture and hand me the kid?" Fer says, waiting for Pedro to let the baby go. "You say twenty minutes, and it's been an hour."
"Do you want me to make it two?"
He shakes his head quickly. "No, just post it, and give him to me."
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" I can't believe that we took that picture five months ago." You say liking the post. "God, time flies."
"And now we're planning his first birthday party." Rosy says, handing you the pack of invitations. "He's getting too big."
"Petition for you and Pedro to give Fatty a sibling." Fer jokes.
"Excuse me, idiot." You laugh. "I think you're the one who should be giving my kid a cousin."
"I'm too young. Plus, fatty would be mad. He's the center of attention and won't accept any changes."
"Well, Polo has to accept that he's not having any play date friend in a while."
Fer and you continue throwing jokes at each other.
You can't complain about anything. Coming back to Barcelona, fixing your mistakes, and giving yourself a chance to be happy again was the right decision.
You have everything you ever dreamed about, a family with the man you love, a happy and healthy child. You won't change a thing.
Tag list:
@alwaysclassyeagle @footballerficsposts @gulphulp @cinderellawithashoe @jajajhaahaha @bellinghambby22 @pablogavisgirl @lunamelona @christinabae @103009 @pedrileclerc @pampeop @magicalfundragon @helanahaadock @eau-rougee @unstablefemme @lina1407 @percysley
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fairlyang · 8 months
Starstruck 🕷️
in which miguel is a famous singer that bumped into you, you only knowing who he is because your sister is in love with him
w/c: 11.4K
pairing:famous!miguel x latina!reader
tags: you despise his ass so bad, your sister is a borderline stalker, she makes you tag along to find him, he accidentally knocks you out, 18+ smut. journey starts after that, you forcibly follow him around, change of heart, making out, fingering
notes: this is one of my personal favs bc I loved starstruck the movie by disney sm, just made it mexican/latine 🫶🏼
"I just love Miguel O'Hara." I heard my sister say when I walked into the living room, staring dreamily at the tv.
I widened my eyes and felt one of them twitch, is this girl serious? Again?
I rolled my eyes and walked in front of the tv standing there on purpose, earning myself an immediate yell and groan, "Y/n!!!"
"Oh perdón Saraí, am I blocking your view of what's his name?" I say and give her a fake pout as her face distorts in pure annoyance. Score. (Sorry)
"Mhmm," she mumbles with a nod and continues, "Entonces muévete o yo te muevo hermanita." she warns and I just roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. (So move or I'll move you little sister)
Just then our parents walk in, my dad with our suitcases and my mom with some laundry she'd just done. "Ya agarren sus maletas." My dad said making me sigh. (Come grab your suitcases)
"Vengan agarrar su ropa para empacar." My mom calls out placing the laundry basket next to Saraí. (Come grab your clothes to pack)
"Nos vamos al aeropuerto mañana después de que salgan de sus clases." She adds making Saraí squeal, hurting my poor ears. (We're leaving to the airport tomorrow after you guys get out of your classes)
I open the fridge and take out the carton of orange juice, placing it on the counter then walking over and open the cabinet, grabbing a glass. I freeze watching Saraí take out my clothes and make faces at them. This girl-
"In less than twenty-four hours I'll be in California where Miguel lives!!!" She says excitedly making me raise an eyebrow.
I walk back to the counter and pour myself a glass. I take a sip while Saraí just keeps going, "what if he picks me up at the airport-"
I burst out laughing, the juice immediately spilling all over the place while I quickly shut my mouth and wipe the remnants off the side of my face. "Bitch why the fuck would he do that?!?" I say after calming down still giggling to myself.
She quickly turns to me and glares, "I'm like his number one fan, I follow all his accounts, listen to every single song and keep track of everything he's doing on his blog." I blink at how absolutely insane my sister sounds when she adds, "Te aseguró, el me quiere conocer." (I assure you, he wants to meet me)
Just then my mom walks in behind me and I turn to her desperately, "ya es muy tarde para ser la única hija?" (Is it too late to be the only daughter?)
"Si." She says not even turning to look at me. (Yes)
"Entonces por favor me puedo quedar?" I plead and she finally looks up from her phone. (So can I please stay home)
"Porque?" (Why?)
"Porque tu abuela no te ha visto en dos años y estás son tus vacaciones." She says and brings a hand up to my cheek.
My dad walks in and chuckles at my sad state, "y que jovencita va reclamar de ir a California?" He says and laughs. (And what young woman is going to complain about going to California?)
I sigh and shake my head, "pero tiene que ser con ella." (but it has to be with her)
Suddenly Saraí shushes all of us and leans in, her eyes wide as she turns the volume up on the Mexican news channel talking about this man.
I walk behind her and cross my arms against the chest watching the fucking news segment this dude got after getting awards at the Latin American Music Awards. There he was carrying four awards in his arms as he was giving a speech on the red carpet.
"Les quiero decir muchas gracias a los fans que me han apoyado durante toda mi carrera, los amo mucho." He says and shines a bright smile directly into the camera. (I just wanna say thank you to all the fans that have supported me throughout my whole career, I love you so much)
"Es tan increíble." Sara sighs and smiles up at the tv. (He's so incredible)
"Definitivamente no es increíble." I say and shake my head. (He definitely is not incredible)
"Um claro que si lo es, y si tu lo conocías como yo lo conozco, no dirías eso." She says turning her head to look at me. (Um of course he is, and if you knew him like I knew him, you wouldn't say that)
"Estas loca? Vivimos en Michigan, tu no lo conoces." I spit out and roll my eyes. This bitch is crazy. (Are you crazy? We live in Michigan, you do not know him)
"Pero lo se, yo sé todo sobre el." She says facing back to the tv. (But I do know, I know everything about him)
"I know where he works, eats, shops, surfs, and parties." She says and sinks into the couch.
I groan and walk out of the living room heading to my room, she's going to be so insufferable.
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It was the next day and I was stood by Saraí and her friend, Lina as I was telling her about going to the campus-wide dance one of the fraternities was holding soon. She laughed in my face and shook her head, "No estas invitada hermana." (You're not invited sister)
"Como que no- it's a campus-wide dance." I say and roll my eyes. (What do you mean-)
"Y tu no bailas- qué vergüenza." She says and elbows Lina. (And you don't dance- how embarrassing)
"You won't have to worry about that, I'll just be there to write for the school newspaper..." I tell her and roll my eyes.
"Oh..." She says and I chuckle. Bet she feels somewhat bad now.
"Oh vas a llevar tu cámara contigo a California?" Lina asks and Saraí turns her attention to her. (Oh are you gonna take your camera with you to California?)
"Lina, por supuesto que me lo voy a llevar." She says and grins. (Of course I'm going to take it)
"Porque todavía necesitamos más fotos de Miguel...." Lina says taking out a fucking scrapbook with a picture of said man and I feel my eye twitching again. (Because we still need more pictures of Miguel...)
Are all the girls insane???
"Hablando, caminando, cantando, bailando, moviéndose, respirando... todo posible." She adds and I was just dumbfounded. (Talking, walking, singing, dancing, moving, breathing. Anything possible)
They are insane.
"Porque están tan obsesionadas con este tipo?" I ask and they both immediately turned to look at me in disgust. (Why are you both so obsessed with this guy?)
"Este tipo?!?!" Lina exclaims, her eyebrows knitted in a deep cut glare at me. (This guy?!?!)
"Mhm. Ahora ves con que vivo." Saraí retorts and rolls her eyes at me. (Now you see with what I have I live with)
"Pobre de ti." Lina mutters making me laugh. (Poor you)
Saraí turns to me and gives me a smile, "Hermanita cuando estemos en California, tu puedes jugar lotería con abuela, pero yo voy a conocer a Miguel O'Hara." (Little sister when we're in California, you can play bingo with grandma, but I'm going to meet Miguel O'Hara.)
"Y cómo estás planeando hacer eso?" I ask and chuckle. (And how are you planning on doing that?)
Suddenly Lina opens the scrapbook and in the first pages is filled with notes, scribbles, hearts. "Pues hemos trazado cada uno de sus movimientos durante los últimos dieciocho meses." She says, acting as if this isn't the most psychotic thing ever imaginable. (Well we've traced every one of his movements for the past eighteen months)
"Yo sé cuándo y dónde es probable que esté cada segundo de cada día." Saraí says too casually. (I know when and where he's likely to be every second of every day)
"About the time we'll be leaving for LA, he'll be having his daily meeting with his managers." She says and they both sigh looking off into the distance. Freaks.
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"Do not fucking tell me you brought homework to California-" Saraí says looking at me dumb-smacked.
"No- I am reading, you should try it some time." I tell her and snort.
"I read-"
"These-" I start and turn behind me to grab one of her hundreds of magazines, "are fucking pictures, this doesn't count."
She gasps and quickly smacks my hand away, grabbing her magazine back. She gives me a glare and then looks out to the parking lot, impatiently tapping her foot on the ground. "Why are they dragging ass-"
"Ugh just get me a car so I can go meet Miguel O'Hara!!" She squeals and I look behind her and shrug.
"You can't drive." I say and she scoffs.
"Yes I can, I have my license dumbass." She snorts and I shake my head.
"No you can't, sign!" I say and point behind her.
She turns around and reads the sign that says you have to be at least 25 to rent a car from the specific rental we were by. And so sad she barely turned 23 a few months ago.... "What?"
"How am I meant to go out and about-"
"Y hacer que?" My dad asks, as he and my mom walk towards us. (And do what?)
"Llevar a mi hermanita de turismo!!" She says and quickly walks over to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder. (Take my little sister sightseeing!!)
"Creo que tu abuela tiene un carro que te puede prestar." He says and she lets go of me and sighs. (I think your grandma has a car you can borrow)
"Gracias a Dios." She mutters making me snicker. (Thank god)
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We arrived at my grandma's house and right as my dad parked my mom took off her seat left and got out of the car because grandma was on step stools cutting off leaves off a hedge which of course put mom on edge.
We all followed with her besides Saraí staying in the car, and grandma came down with the help of a man we haven't seen before. "Mija cálmate estoy bien-" (calm down I'm okay)
My mom stood behind her watching her as the man helped her down, "Héctor me estaba ayudando!" She says with a wide smile as she gives my mom a hug. (Héctor was helping me!)
When grandma pulled away my mom just gave her a look and she just innocently smiled then went on to give my dad a hug. I walk over to her and immediately go in for a hug, "Abuela te extrañe!!" I say and squeeze her gently. (Grandma I missed you!)
She hugs me back then pulls away bringing a hand up to my cheek, lightly pinching. "Yo también te extrañe mi angelita." She says and grins. (I missed you too my little angel)
She then turns to Saraí admiring grandma's 2012 baby pink Volkswagen Beetle. "Saraí la puedes usar cuando gustes." Grandma tells her making Saraí just nervously laugh. (You can use her whenever you'd like)
"No me van a encontrar muerta en esta cosa-" she says and groans, almost throwing a hissy fit. (You wont catch me dead in this thing)
"Entonces nos vas acompañar a jugar lotería?" I joke and she glared at me but it had grandma giggling. (So does that mean you'll be joining us to play bingo?)
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I walked into the room Saraí was sleeping in because grandma was saying she was pacing too much. "Abue dice que te calmes, que vas hacer un agujero en el piso." I say and she stops to look at me with crazy eyes. (Grandma says to calm down, that you're gonna make a hole on the floor)
"I just got off the phone with Lina who saw a tweet about a blog account who got a text about Miguel O'Hara. He's singing at Lyla's birthday party. I have to go-" she rants and I blink. Who the fuck is Lyla- actually it's better I don't ask...
"Good luck convincing mom and dad." I say and walk away from her doorway.
"Come with me." She says and I turn back around.
I scoff and shake my head, leaning against the doorway staring at her not a slightest bit shocked. "No."
"Si tu vas conmigo me van a dejar ir!!" She says and and I roll my eyes. (If you go with me they'll let me go!!)
"Y yo para que quiero ir-" I say then stop, "ya me hartaste de tu mentado Miguel O'Hara-" (And why would I wanna go? You've made me tired of your mentioned Miguel O'Hara-)
"I'll shut up."
"If you come with me and I meet Miguel, I'll shut up about him.... For the rest of our trip." She pleads and I bite my lip.
"Mejor por el resto de tu vida." I mutter and she looks at me expectantly. (better yet for the rest of your life)
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She drove us down to apparently some popular club Miguel was at and I really couldn't believe my older sister had stalker tendencies like this. It was absurd.
But not as absurd as fucking parking where it clearly says no parking zone. "Dude can you really not read??!?" I ask and she waved me off as she slipped out of the drivers seat and into the back to change.
"It's fine. If one person is in the car it isn't even parking it's just waiting." She says and I roll my eyes.
"Just get behind the wheel!!" She demands and i scoff.
I do so anyway and carefully maneuver to the drivers seat while she's singing to a song on the radio. God her not talking about him for the rest of the trip is not going to be enough-
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We hear a loud car engine and she quickly popped up from the back seat and looked over to the entrance. She gasps and quickly straps her heel on. "It's him!"
She quickly opens the door and gets out slamming it shut before opening it up again and peeps her head through. "Just stay here! Don't move a muscle." She says blowing me a kiss then slams the door shut again.
I hear her squeal and watch as she walks across the street to the front of the club. She walks over to some guy kissing his cheeks then poses for some cameras. Oh god-
I slap my hand over my forehead cringing at the sight then see as she tugs him away inside, but she didn't even have to wait in line so maybe this won't take so long....
A brunette following close behind them with an annoyed look on her face. I sigh and turn my body towards the steering wheel and changing the radio stations to not have to hear that man's voice.
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I look down at my phone and realize it's midnight and I've been sitting here waiting like a fucking fool for half an hour. I groan and grab my bag, I turn the car off and take the keys out. I open the door and get out, gently closing the door then lock it. I'll just quickly find her and we can go back home.
I get to the sidewalk and swing my bag over my shoulder as I make my way to the stoplight. I walk over to the street where the club was and mentally wish I hadn't agreed to this. The line was so long.
I get to the street where the back of the line was and roll my eyes. There has to be another entrance.
I make my way past the people and walk towards an alleyway right next to the club. Surely there's another entrance here.
I walk in the middle of the alley my eyes searching for a door when I finally spot one. I go to open it when the door hits me and I fall back onto my ass. "Fuck-" I groan and hold onto my head.
"Did I just hit you?" A voice asks and I roll my eyes.
"Nahhh the door hit me by itself." I respond sarcastically and roll my eyes.
"This is not good." The guy muttered and i scoff.
"For you or for me? Because right now this feels worse for me." I snap and rub my head slowly. Shit, that was gonna leave a mark.
"This is really not good." He mutters making me furrow my eyes in confusion.
Then the realization hit.
"You're Mig-" I start then a hand is covering my mouth before I can even finish.
"I will give you merch and tickets to my next concert if you don't scream my name-"
I shove his hand away from me and scoff. "I don't want any of that shit-"
He lifts his hands up in defense and cocks an eyebrow up. "Okay.. I need to get you to a doctor...." He mumbled just then we hear a car engine and he carefully helps me up.
He then goes down and grabs my phone and keys before grabbing my hand. "What about Saraí-" I mumble and widen my eyes realizing I just left her.
"Whose Saraí?"
"My sister- she's in the club." I say and curse under my breath. She's gonna be so mad.
He holds my hand and leads me towards the car where a man gets out of the car and walks over to us, "Miguel what did you do-"
"Just help now and I'll tell you later Peter." Miguel tells Peter and lets me go.
Peter puts his hand behind my back leading me to the passenger seat and helps me inside the car. He leans down to look at Miguel and I just look back and forth between both men. "Who is this?" Peter asks confused wanting some kind of clarity.
"Seatbelt." Miguel looks to me and Peter hands it to me while Miguel places my things on my lap.
"Y/n." I say and take the seatbelt and buckle it.
"Pues mucho gusto conocerte." He says and I roll my eyes. (Well nice to meet you)
"Ningún gusto para mi." I mutter and Peter snickers to my right. This white man understands Spanish? (It's not nice for me) 
I look at Miguel and he just gives me a smile, his teeth were a bit crooked but very white. The crookedness was kinda cute-
Wait- what the fuck am I thinking?!
Then I feel my stomach gurgle and I widen my eyes, "I don't feel too good..."
"Don't puke on May I just got her fixed up!!" Peter says and I nod.
"Okay." I mumble then lean over to the side and puke my guts out.
After my stomach was emptied my throat felt so patchy and disgusting and I sat back up onto the seat and leaned against the head rest. "Not my favorite converse!!!" Peter groans and I feel bad but physically feel off.
"I'll get you new ones- close the door-" Miguel says and Peter complains some more but closes the door.
"Keys." He says and I hand them to him.
"Make sure her sister Saraí get home okay." Miguel tells Peter and hands him the keys to my grandma's car. Oh fuck-
"Don't tell anyone about this." He tells him and Peter waves him off look down at the mess on his shoes.
"What's she look like? What's she wearing?" He asks and I cough.
"Uhh like an older version of me... except with dark red hair and she's wearing a.... Mm oh dark purple dress." I say almost forgetting what she wore as if she wasn't making me look at every outfit she wanted to wear.
"What did she dress up as Starfire on purpose?" He joked and I chuckle.
"I should've made her wear green instead for Poison Ivy-" I say letting out a laugh then Miguel interrupts and turns the car on.
"Just find her and make sure she gets home, please." He tells Peter and then drives away.
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We got to a nearby hospital unseen which I guess was good for Miguel. I was sat in a bed looking at a light the doctor was making me follow. I looked at it left and right then she pulled away. "The scans came out fine and you look good to go." She says and gives me a smile.
"So she's okay?" Miguel peeps his head through the door and the doctor scolds at him.
He closes the door and the doctor proceeds to tell me I don't have a concussion which was a surprise to me considering I was hit on the head with a fucking door.
"Then why'd I throw up?" I ask and the doctor chuckles.
"Maybe something you ate earlier," she says then quickly adds, "or maybe just meeting this latoso." (Annoying fuck)
I laugh then close my mouth when Miguel pops in and glares at the doctor. I mean it shouldn't be normal that a doctor talks shit like this but I couldn't help but find it funny... plus was she really wrong.. "you have to know each other right? No way a doctor would just talk about someone like this." I say and laugh as Miguel walks in with his hands on his hips.
"My brother's wife." Miguel says and smiles.
"So I can go now...."
"Yes just make sure to ice it until you get home." She says and I nod.
She hands me an ice pack, smiles and excuses herself when Miguel's phone rings. And he just lets it ring. "No vas a contestar o que...." (So you're not gonna answer or what....)
Then he walks out leaving the door ajar and answers the call. I sigh and look down at the floor while I leave the ice pack on my head. How did this end up happening to me of all people?
Suddenly I see the doctor come back through the little window on the door and I see her telling Miguel something. That we can't leave because there's guys with cameras in the lobby...
How the fuck does a hospital just let those people come inside......
Then they start talking about a switcharoo and I sigh. This was going to be such a long night.
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They ended up doing the swap and we ended up with a rusty car that had us bumping up and down with every movement. And with every time he'd stop, our bodies would move forehead then harshly back. I groaned when my head hit the head rest and Miguel coughs. "It's not so bad..."
"Don't fucking lie." I say and laugh.
"Just listen to the engine it's fucked." I mutter, staying quiet to hear the rumbling.
"We'll be fine." He says and takes a hand off the wheel to wave me off.
Then there's a loud bang, almost sounding like a gunshot making me yell and hit my elbow. "Chingesumadre-" I groan and bite my lip. (Motherfucker)
"Cálmate!" (Calm down)
"No me digas que me calme- ya llévame a mi casa!" I whine and groan. (Don't tell me to calm down- just take me home!)
"Okay!!" I exclaim and smack his arm with my left hand.
"Que te pasa?!?" He yells and I roll my eyes. (What is wrong with you?!?)
"Nomas quiero ir a casa y ya!!" I whine and he groans. (I just wanna go home and that's it!!)
"I'll take you there!!" He says then quietly adds, "soon enough..."
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"What are we doing here?!?" I ask and he holds a finger to my lips for a second then grabs my hand leading me up the stairs.
"Oh so now you're hiding me-"
"Yes I am! Do you wanna be tomorrows main event for Univision?!?" He mutters and I groan following him up.
"Well no-"
"Pues para con tus berrinches y sube." He demands but I just comply. (Stop throwing a fit and go up)
We go up like three floors worth of stairs and we finally reach the top, "big ass house." I mutter making him chuckle.
He leads me to a bedroom and opens the door before letting me go inside. I sigh and go in, admiring the tall ceiling, color scheme, and decor for only a few seconds before I turn to look at him. "Be my guest- Ahorita vengo." He says and walks a step back then turns to look at me. (I'll be right back)
"Just stay put." He says and I roll my eyes.
I bring my hands up to my chest and fold my hands as if they're paws, "woof."
He groans and walks away closing the door behind him leaving me alone in this big guest bedroom. I shake my head in disbelief that this is my life and not my sister's. I didn't ask for this.
I sit down on the bed and put the ice pack on the bedside table. I then lay back on the bed, having my feet hang off the bed to not dirty these probably expensive comforter and blankets. I sink my head into the cloud like pillow and sigh.
Left alone with my thoughts I realize he didn't seem like an asshole or like he was acting a certain way for the tabloids, he seemed somewhat normal. Empathic, somewhat funny. And even I couldn't deny how gorgeous he was but with all the nonstop chatter Saraí has blabbed on about him for months on end I didn't wanna hear or see anything about him again.
At least after he takes me home...
He had the prettiest smile and thank god I had the urge to throw up before I let myself melt into his gaze earlier. God that would've been so embarrassing for me.
And his eyes.
Brown eyes but up close and in the light there were specs of light brown. Almost like a pool of honey. So warm and pretty.
Suddenly I hear some cheers and take notice there's a balcony door. I shrug and get up and walk over to it. Might as well.
I open it and walk out to the small patio and look down at what looks to be a party.... With Miguel sitting down in front of the pool playing the guitar. I was high up but because the crowd was so silent I was able to hear his voice clearly.
I mean deep down I knew I liked a few of his songs, hell maybe even had one or two saved in some playlist but actually hearing his voice, singing without a microphone or him wearing ear pieces to hear himself- it was mind blowing how he was able to sound almost identical.
Besides the occasional breeze rattling the trees making it harder for me to hear him. It sounded like he was singing the chorus and I lean against the railing and listen closely.
Love dovey lyrics, soft tone, nice strums of his guitar. Not too bad.
Suddenly he looks up at me and gives me that smile after finish the chorus, I try to ignore the way my stomach was doing flips and give him the smallest smile possible.
He looks away from me and back to the crowd making me let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I calm myself down as his strumming slows down and he hits the final note, instantly earning himself an applause.
I take that as my sign and I walk out of the patio and into the bedroom. I quickly fix the bed then walk out and head towards the stairs. I go down the stairs fast and careful, and after a good minute I made it to the main floor but there's already lots of people all around and mostly by the front door.
I freeze and look to my right to see a side door so I hope for the best and walk towards it. I open the door and slide in unnoticed only to be met with a garage and five different cars. Damn.
I sigh and walk in front of the cars not even sure how I'll get home. Lord this was such a long night-
Suddenly the door opens and I prepare for the worst which it was, being Miguel. God now he's gonna be thinking I was trying to be nosy on purpose...
"A donde vas?" He asks walking in and shutting the door shut behind him. (Where are you going?)
"A la casa? I think I've overcome my stay." I say and shrug. (Home?)
And I really don't want to explain all of this to my family...
"Alright pick a car." He says and motions to his variety of cars.
I scoff and roll my eyes then turn my head to the last car, a red supra. It looked gorgeous.
Well since he was offering...
I hear him laugh and I stride over to the car. I made my way to the passenger seat and I couldn't believe I was going to ride in a car like this... I mean me of all people?
He unlocks the car and I carefully open the door then hop in. The interior was so nice to look at and it even smelled nice, maybe it was new. I'm sure Saraí would know..
He hops in and turns the car on, revving the engine a little making my eyes go wide. Damn.
I didn't know too much about cars but I knew if they looked sexy on the outside and sounded like that then they were definitely good.
He opens the garage and asks me for the address which I happily tell him to get there as fast as possible but he said he wasn't planning on driving fast, which I thought defeated the purpose of practically having a race car but he said it was because he didn't want to draw any attention to himself. So dumb.
As if we weren't riding in a fucking apple.
He drives and we're sat in silence which I didn't mind so I can quickly think of an excuse as to why I abandoned my sister and not the other way around...
And to try to ignore my growing attraction to this man... because why the fuck did he have to look good driving?
I shook my thoughts away and pressed my now melted ice pack on my head, I won't turn out like my sister. I can't.
He turns the radio on and coincidentally one of his songs started playing. And it had to be one that I actually liked...
He hums the lyrics and I just turn my head to look out the window and mouth the words but making sure to not let out any noise. It was a decent song, a duet he sings with another artist that had such a beautiful melody and perfect guitar playing in the background.
Well I couldn't deny how pretty the song actually was, and he had a decent voice too...
But my way of thinking is different from Saraí, she is obsessed with this man and everything about him. But I can appreciate a song or two. To myself. And never out loud because I wouldn't hear the end of it....
We spent the rest of the car ride like that, except whenever a song that wasn't his, I'd actually start to quietly sing to it. I just couldn't bring myself to sing to his knowing deep down it'd be hypocritical of me to.
I finally saw the familiar street of my abuela's house and he pulls up to the driveway. He parks and we sit in silence for a few seconds. "Listen I was just wanted to apologize-"
"No need, it was an accident. It happens I guess." I say and shrug, undoing my seatbelt.
"Now you can go back to your lavish amazing life and I'll go back to mine." I say turning to face him and give him a forced smile.
He sighs and shakes his head, "eres tan difícil." (You're so difficult)
"No te preocupes, no me vas a tener que ver después de esto." I snarl and roll my eyes. (Don't worry, you won't have to see me after this.)
"Thanks for the ride and see you never." I mutter and open the door.
I get out and close the door shut without turning back and walk along the side entrance of the house.
I sigh opening the door and walk straight to the kitchen. I open the fridge and get myself a cold water bottle then open it before chugging half of it down when I hear a knock on the window by the front door.
I sigh and close the water bottle, leaving it by a coffee table before walking on over to the window. I move the curtain and groan, I quietly open the window and feel my eye twitch. "Leave-"
"I will give you five thousand dollars if you can do me a favor." Says the man who I didn't want to see ever again.
"It's not a favor if you're paying for it." I scoff making him grin.
"So you'll do it?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
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I open the garage door for him and as soon as his supra can go in he slides in almost making me scold him in case it fell down or something but I kept my mouth shut.
He parks then gets out of the car and walks on over to me, "you'll be gone before the morning, right?" I say and he just chuckles.
"No one will even know I was here." He says and I roll my eyes as I got on a step stool to reach for a blanket.
"I will unfortunately know." I say and hit it on his head making him groan.
"Thanks." He responds sarcastically giving me a face and catches the blanket.
"Is there anything I can wear para que los chismosos no me reconozcan?" He asks and I shrug, lazily pointing to the boxes behind him. (so the annoying paparazzi won't recognize me?)
"You can check inside those." I mutter slowly feeling the tiredness creep in. "But is this really necessary." I add and he just groans.
"You've got no idea." He says then opens the top one, going through whatever is inside until he picks up a black baseball cap that had a small Mexican flag on the side.
I recognize it and frown but then smile at the memories of my grandpa always wearing it when he's mow the lawn, or plant his vegetables. It was his favorite thing in the world and of course had to have his flag on it.
"Era de mi abuelo, siempre se lo ponía cuando arreglaba su jardín." I tell him and look at the hat in his hands. (It was my grandpa's, he'd always wear it when he worked on his garden)
"Oh- perdón-" he murmurs and quickly takes it off but I wave him off. (sorry)
"Esta bien- te queda un poco bien." I reassure and give him a small smile. (It's okay- it fits you kind of good)
My words versus my expression were somewhat contrasting one another but he just chuckles and puts it back on.
"So are you all good?" I ask and he nods.
"I think so." He answers and looks back at his car.
I'm sure he'll be sleeping like a baby in there...
"Alright well goodnight-" I start to say and was about to walk off when he grabs my arm.
"Y/n." I turn to look at him and he starts to smile, I swore his eyes were sparkling-
"Stop doing that." I say and shake my head. I need to stop too..
"Doing what?" He asks making me roll my eyes. He cannot be serious...
"Ya lo sabes- y más seguro se lo haces a todas." I start and then feel myself stuttering as well as feeling nervous. (You know it- and you probably do it to all the girls.)
"Les haces..." I say and motion to his face making him grin, leaning in, "esa cara y expertas que todas se enamoren de ti." (You do... that face and expect all the girls to fall in love with you)
I take a step back and cross my arms against my chest, "pero no va funcionar para mi, entonces vas a tener que soportar." With the final word I walk to the door and press the button to close the garage then walk out. (But it won't work on me so you'll just have to deal with it)
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It was the next morning and I had completely forgotten that Miguel slept in my grandmas garage until said grandma told Saraí that the news was doing a story on Miguel.
I rolled my eyes then quickly came to the realization of last nights events and ran to the living room beating her to it. I try to grab the controller until I feel her on top of me and her hands gripping the other half of the controller. "Que te pasa wey- you don't even like him!!!!" She exclaims and I let out fits of coughs to try to be louder than the tv. (What is with you- you don't even like him)
She screams in annoyance and shoves me making me land on the couch. She puts the volume up and excitedly looks at the tv, oh god...
"Lyla llegó a su fiesta de cumpleaños anoche sin su mentado novio. Aunque nadie lo vio llegar al club para la celebración, testigos confirman que Miguel O'Hara hizo una apariencia secreta para cantar para la casa llena de invitados." Says the reporter making me feel sick to my stomach. No one knows. (Lyla arrived to her birthday party without her supposed boyfriend. Although no one saw him arrive at the club for the celebration, witnesses confirm that Miguel O'Hara made a surprise appearance to sing for the full house of invitees)
"Testigos dijeron que el cantante se fue inmediatamente después de cantar una canción, nomás para reaparecer en su mansión de Beverly Hills, horas después, con una diferente chava." My heart drops to my stomach and I suddenly feel nervous and ill. (Witnesses said that the sunder left immediately after singing one song, only to reappear in his mansion on Beverly Hills, hours later, with a different girl)
How the fuck did they know????
My eyes were wide and mouth agape while Saraí next to me was just scoffing and shaking her head. "Mis informantes me dicen que está chava misteriosa tal ves le robó el corazón de nuestro favorito galán musical." I tried my hardest not to gag, especially since mom and abuela were still nearby but god did they really have to exaggerate that much? (My sources/informants fell me that this mystery girl might have stolen the heart of our favorite musical heartthrob)
I then look at Saraí and try to snatch the remote from her again but she yells and tries to get it back. "Que haces?!?" (What are you doing?!?)
"Lo quiero ver!!!" She complains and I just shake my head. (I wanna watch!!)
"Porque? Son puras mentiras y exageran todo posible!!" I say trying not to give myself anyway. (Why? They're all just lies and they exaggerate everything possible!!)
"Y que te importa?! Ni te gusta-" (and why do you care?! You don't even like him-)
"No pero para que quieres caer en mentiras de los reporteros!?!" I say and push the remote towards me but she wasn't budging. (but why do you wanna fall for the lord of those reporters!?!)
"Oigan!! Ya paren!" My dad yells but we still don't stop. (Listen!! Stop that now!)
Suddenly my grandma stands up and reaches behind her to grab her car keys, "ya se! Esta hermoso afuera, saquen el caro y vayan a la playa!" (Oh I know! It's gorgeous outside, take the car out and go to the beach!)
She threw the keys to Saraí who let go of the remote and caught the keys with ease, "gracias abue!!" (thanks grandma!!) 
She skips out of the kitchen until my mom yells at her, "Lleva a tu hermana!!!" (Take your sister!!!)
She groans and stomps her feet on the ground then walks off. My mom turns to me and gives me a look before nodding to where Saraí made her dramatic exit. "Ve." (Go)
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And just like that we had made our way to the beach, Saraí found a lucky spot really close to the beach. I took off my seatbelt and got out of the car. "Why are we in Malibu? Weren't we gonna go to Venice?" I ask and she rolls her eyes as she gets out and walks to the trunk of the car.
"Because Miguel surfs in Malibu." She says matter-of-factly earning herself a glare.
Jesus she's obsessed.
She gets the beach chair she got for herself and closes the trunk then locks the car. I follow her lead as she squeals and looks left to right. On the lookout.
"Today is the day- I feel it in my bones, he's here." She says and I just chuckle.
"Sure he is." I say sarcastically but she just ignores me.
"I'm praying he's not with Lyla, she's not pretty enough for him." She says making me laugh. Damn.
"I wonder what his eyes look like.... Like really up close...." She rambles and lets out a sigh.
"Chocolate brown. A really pretty brown." I imply but she just completely ignores me and runs off to a random direction.
I stand there watching her leave me and scoff. Sisters.
I sigh and take a look around the beach to see where I can sit and just chill without her nagging me about that man anymore.
Suddenly I see something familiar out of the corner of my eye and I look around me and see that no one has noticed what I have.
I shrug and stroll on over to a man sitting by himself next to an empty chair, "hey is this seat taken?"
I walk behind the chair and place my bag on the floor, taking a seat ignoring that he didn't respond. "Don't mind if I do." I tell the man and sigh.
"Esta tan bonito afuera hoy, no crees?" I turn to look at the familiar man who I ended up spending a lot of time with yesterday. (It's so pretty outside today, don't you think?)
He then shifts in his seat and I can't tell if he's recognized me or not but I'll have some fun with this. "Ay perdón estaba dormido- lo desperté?" I ask and smile. (Oh I'm sorry you were asleep- did I wake you?)
He shakes his head and looks down crossing his arms against his chest, as if a small ass hat and little sunglasses are gonna hide his big stature.
"No? Ah que bueno! Me puede poner bloqueador en la espalda?" I ask teaching over to my bag and pulling up a bottle of sunscreen. (That's good! Can you put sunscreen on my back?)
He then turns to look at me and tips his glasses down so I could see his eyes, then laughs and shakes his head. "Como sabías que fui yo?" He asks and gives me that smile I've now seen plenty of times. Jesus. (How'd you know it was me?)
"La cachucha." I respond and look up at my grandpas hat. (The hat)
"It smells like grass." He says making me chuckle.
"Might just be you." I reply and he laughs.
He gives me another smile before taking off his glasses and turning to face me, "what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here? Go home." I joke and he sighs.
"I tried...."
He looks away and waves me off, "no lo entenderías." (You wouldn't understand)
I scoff and roll my eyes, "ahh entonces crees que eres tan especial que alguien normal como yo no podría entender que difícil es ser tu?" (so you think that you're so special that someone normal like me isn't able to understand how hard it is to be you?)
He laughs then shrug, turning his head to face me again, "hay diez carros de los chismosos afuera de mi casa." (there's ten cars filled with paparazzi outside my house)
"Damn.... That's fucked..." I mutter and refrain from saying something stupid.
He hums in agreement and we sit there in silence for a few seconds before he speaks again, "necesito un carro que ellos no reconozcan para ir a las casa." (I need a car that they don't recognize so I can go home)
I hum and fight the urge to offer our car, I couldn't even imagine him driving abuela's baby pink beetle. He definitely wouldn't fit in it anyway.
Then he looks me up and down, plotting something and asks, "que estás manejando tu?" (what are you driving?)
I grin and lean towards him, "oh you'll love it, it's a classic. Really pretty."
I bite my lip to not laugh and he smiles, "perfect I could pay you-"
"Stop- stop doing that-"
"Stop doing what?”
"Throwing your money around like that. Todavia me debes cinco mil por quedarte en el garaje de la abue." I say and he chuckles. (You still owe me five thousand for staying at my grandma's garage)
He smiles at me and I smile back, "give me your keys." I say and bring my hand up to him and motion for him to give me them.
"Why....." he asks and raises an eyebrow. As if he couldn't trust me.
I could've easily asked for more money... I really should've..
"Well if you're gonna have our car you can't just leave us without one." I say and he hesitates.
His face crunches up and it really looks like he's about to change his mind. He cannot be serious....
He reaches down to his pocket and grabs his keys, I open then close my hand ready to snatch em as soon as he gives them to me. He brings them up and right as I was gonna close my hand he pulls them away. I give him a look and he gives me one right back. "Okay listen-" I try to grab them but he pulls them back.
"She's a-" I try to snatch them again but he brings his hand up. Oh my fucking god-
"She's a three hundred and twenty horsepower-" he brings his hand down slightly and I try to grab it but again he moves it. This piece of shit-
"1998 model-" Hand comes back down and I quickly try to grab it but again no use.
"Brand new wrap-" He moved his hand making me groan.
"Look I love Gabi okay?" He says with such a serious look and tone.
He nods and I prevent the urge to roll my eyes at him, "you name your cars?"
He nods again hesitantly and I now grab the keys from his hand. I give him a look then roll my eyes getting up and walking over to where Saraí was tanning.
I tip toed to her which didn't matter because she had headphones on and eyes were closed. Perfect.
I grab the keys to grandma's car then slide in Miguel's keys before making my way back to him.
I motion for him to follow me and he stands up, jogging over to me as I lead him to his hot new ride. I walk us towards where the beetle is with Miguel on my tail and still on the lookout.
I then stop in front of the car and grin up at him, "Miguel meet Petunia."
He stops and blings his sunglasses down, face disgusted. "Bring her back within the next hour." I tell him and grab his hand, putting the keys on his hand while letting out giggles.
Suddenly he grabs me and pulls me down, hiding us behind the car while mumbling to himself. "How the hell did they find me-" he says grabbing my hand and making me follow him to be by the hood of the car.
"Oh please my sister found you easily and we're from Detroit." I mumble and he turns to look at me for a second with a puzzled look and I just shrug.
We then hear the sound of vans pulling up to the parking lots and doors opening with people talking. He lets go of my hand and takes his glasses off, "here put them on."
I take them and look at them for a few seconds before he gives me a look, "Now. And get in."
I lift my hands up in fake defense and put them on as  he goes to the drivers seat. I walk on over to the passenger seat and fix the glasses when the door opens and hits me in the face.
I fall back and I quickly get up to glare at him through the window, "you cannot be serious- quit fucking hitting me O'Hara." I hiss and he shoots me an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry- I'm sorry- get in- get in-" he mumbled and I roll my eyes, opening the door and hop in.
He then opens the glove compartment and goes through it, "what the fuck are you doing now-"
He shushes me and pulls out a scarf and hands it to me, "put this on."
"Just do it."
"Okay Nike sponsorship." I mutter and wrap it around my head.
He then starts the car and start to reverse, he propped his shoulder up and his head down then leaned over as if he had back issues. I bring the glasses to my nose and hold my breath, sinking int the sink as I felt and heard the paparazzi outside the car thinking he was in here. Which they technically weren't wrong about.
But nonetheless they groaned and pulled the cameras away from the car and us. Thank god.
After leaving the beach I let out a sigh and turn my head to look at him, "manejas como mi abuelo!" (you drive like my grandpa!)
He shifts and gets more comfortable, "Y tu te ves como mi abuela!" He jokes making us both laugh as I looked forward and to the highway while taking off the scarf. (And you look like my grandma)
"Necesito mis lentes." He says and I smile, shrugging feeling his gaze on me. (I need my glasses)
"No se... creo que me gustan..." I say and fix my hair, putting some strands behind my ear. (I don't know.... I think I like them...)
"Te los regalo... al rato." He says and I gasp. (I'll give them to you... later)
"De verdad?!?" I ask then quickly continue trying to mimic Saraí, "mis amigas nunca me lo van a creer que yo, tengo un par de Miguel O'Hara lentes que el mismísimo Miguel O'Hara se a puesto!!" (For real?!? My friends will never believe that I, have a pair of Miguel O'Hara sunglasses that have been worn by Miguel O'Hara himself!!!)
I then gasp and turn my body to face him, "me los firmas porfis?!?" I beg and he just rolls his eyes. (Sign them for me please?!?)
"Te crees bien graciosa eh?" He says making me grin and nod. (You think you're so funny)
"Que?" I tease and give him an innocent smile. "No pero de verdad si quiero estos lentes." I say and look at the dark maroon color of the frames. (What? No but seriously I want those glasses)
"Un huh... dámelos. Come on." He says and does grabby hands. (Give me them)
I sigh and take them off handing them over to him. "So how long am I stuck with you this time?" I ask earning myself a laugh.
"Until the paps leave the beach...." He says then turns to look at me, "let's go do something."
"Like what?" I ask and raise an eyebrow at him.
"Anything. What have you seen since you got here?"
"Nothing. I've been too busy following you around." I say and his eyes bright up.
"Really?" He says in a soft tone and I just playfully roll my eyes.
"With my sister... she idolizes you." I say and he shakes his head, rolling his eyes.
Why'd it seem like he was disappointed?
I shrug and continue, "I mean I couldn't care less about you or your city."
He gasps and shakes his head in disbelief, "I already knew you didn't like me but you don't have to take it out on Los Angeles. It's a beautiful city."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, yknow what, I'll be your tour guide."
"I thought you were going home..."
"Meh I'll just take the long way." He says and gives me that smile as he puts his glasses back on.
He turns the radio on and just to my luck his song came on. He gives me a grin and I just sigh, relaxing into my seat as he drives us to who knows where.
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He ended up taking me to Santa Monica Pier, Venice beach, Rodeo Drive to buy me stuff (which I wasn't complaining about), the walk of fame to see the stars of my actual favorite celebrities, to the Hollywood sign which was huge in person.
He had bought me a Polaroid camera while we were at the pier and ended up using all the film, and he bought me a two pack. Now I just had forty little Polaroid pictures in my purse along with other cute souvenirs.
We were singing along to the songs on the radio when I noticed he drove us back to his house. "Gonna keep me for longer huh?" I tease and chuckle, looking up at the huge mansion he calls home.
He smiles and nods as he parks in front of his house and unlocks the doors. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door getting out of the car.
I had shocked myself today, actually enjoying myself and letting myself not be so judgmental of Miguel as well as getting to know the real him. He was nice, very sarcastic and somewhat funny. But I'm not gonna admit that to his face.
I was appalled when finding out he wasn't narcissistic or rude and was actually chill and fun to be around. Again not admitting that to his face.
And he was a total gentlemen, opening doors for me, paying for everything even though I kept fighting him on it. It felt like a first date even though our circumstances were just odd and weird. And it technically wasn't even a date.
I followed him inside and he beckoned me over to his living room while he went to get us something to drink. I plopped down on the longer couch and it felt like a cloud.
Didn't even look too luxurious which was a green flag in my books. I laid back and sighed, what have these two days been?
How did this happen to me? And why was I enjoying it more than I thought I would?
Miguel comes back with two glasses and a bottle of wine, I laugh as he sets them on the coffee table in front of me. He pours both glasses and hands me one which I gladly took.
Free wine? Say less.
I take a sip then immediately take another, was pretty good...
He plops down next to me and I turn my body to face him, I couldn't even deny how attractive he was. Not that I did before but he just looked really good today...
Kept giving me that look with those eyes and that pretty smile flashing me his pearly whites that were the smallest bit crooked but still looked pretty.
I take another sip then place the glass on the table and put all my attention to him. "So couldn't get enough of me, you had to bring me back?" I tease and lean my side into the couch.
He laughs and shrugs, "Well I thought we had a fun day..." he says and scoots closer to me.
I nod and try not to react too much, if he moved just a tiny bit more his leg will be touching mine... and I wouldn't even mind.
"And I thought why not continue the fun..." he says and leans in, his face now much closer to mine.
I felt my skin grow warm and tried to calm my breathing. Why was he making me so nervous?
Did one day really just change my entire mindset on him?
"Surely this isn't the wine hitting you already right?" I tease in a softer tone, wanting some kind of reassurance I'm not imagining things. No way I'm delusional after the day we've had...
He laughs then gives me a smile, "it's definitely not the wine."
I hum and nod, my cheeks growing warmer by the second and I just prayed he couldn't see it. This felt so embarrassing.
"Is this okay?" He whispers and scoots until there was no more space between us.
His leg was touching mine and I couldn't trust myself to speak so I only nodded. He then reached over and placed his glass on the table before leaning back on the couch, turning to face me. Why did he have to look so good?
Even better up close-
My thoughts were cut short when I felt him place his hand on my thigh, touching my bare skin. I looked into his eyes noticing he was even closer now, my nerves never leaving my body. I look down to his lips and god I really wanted to kiss him.
As if thinking the same I was, he brought his other hand up to cup my cheek and leans in. I close my eyes and close the gap, kissing him gently. He kisses back instantly and I feel his hand squeeze my thigh then running his fingers up and down making me gasp.
He slides his tongue in and I gladly let him, bring my hands up to the back of his neck to play with his hair. I twirl some curls between my fingers then lightly pull on them, earning myself a groan from him.
I felt myself growing more needy, craving more and feeling the familiar heat rising down to my core so I squeezed my thighs together then pulled away for a second and nibbled on his bottom lip. I felt his hand graze my inner thigh, fingers slipping under my shorts making me let out a sigh.
He turned my head and attached his lips to my neck, leaving wet kisses all over while his fingers kept rubbing but not where I needed them most. I tilted my head back and spread my legs to which he slid his hand up and to the zipper of my shorts.
He sucked gently on my skin then kissed it a few times before I felt his hands slip down. I let out a whine and buck my hips up, to which i then felt his touch right above my centre. I squirmed and was about to lay my head back until he grabbed me, moving my body and placed me between his legs.
His hands trailed down my legs slowly then came back up and to my stomach. Thinking he'd stop there I was left shocked seeing and feeling his fingertips work their way between my tits then back down.
I laid my head back against his hard chest and let out a shaky breath. He turns his head to kiss my neck and continue his grazing. I was already breathless and he's barely touched me, I needed him.
"Estas tan hermosa." He whispers in my ear making me whimper and squirm against him, now directly on his crotch. (You're so beautiful)
"Miguel-" I breathe out but cuts me off by pecking my lips softly.
I moan into his mouth then feel his fingers coming back up but this time he groped my tits with both hands. I whined and grind against him as he continues kissing me, leaving me a mess already.
He groans and squeezes them, fondling them in his hands as I kiss him back. Suddenly he brings a hand down, slowly trailing it down my body until he reaches the waistband of my shorts.
He undos it then quickly pulls the zipper down before quickly sliding his hand in and starts rubbing my soaked cunt through my panties. I feel my eyes fluttering as he moves his hand steadily while I bring my left hand to grip his left arm that was now pinching my nipple.
I bite my lip, moving my hips up and down, needing more. "Miguel por favor-" I breathe out and he just hums. (please)
"Dime que quieres nena, te quiero escuchar." He purrs into my ear making me whimper. (Tell me what you want baby girl, I wanna hear you)
"I- fuck-" I mutter and close my mouth with my right hand.
He was now rubbing circles over my clit, so fucking slowly. This piece of shit thought it was nice to tease me like this?!? As if he couldn't feel how badly I wanted this...
"Dime que quieres amor." He murmurs continuing his teasing pace as I buck my hips up but still doesn't change anything. (Tell me what you want love)
"Te necesito Miguel- por favor-" I plead and whimper when he slows down again. (I need you- please-)
"Me necesitas?" He mocks in my ear and I just nod repeatedly as he speeds up the tiniest bit. (You need me?)
"Pero todavía no haz dicho que quieres nena..." he murmurs and leaves a soft kiss on my neck. (But you still haven't said what you want baby girl...)
I felt my eyes flutter and a blush rose to my cheeks, why did he have to sound so perfect?
Just his words alone were enough to make me more wet for him. He was driving me insane.
"N-necesito tus dedos..." I whimper and spread my legs as he moves my panties to the side, "por favor fóllame con tus dedos-" I whine and he slides two of his long fingers inside without another word. (need your fingers, please fuck me with your fingers-)
I gasp feeling them fill me up, surprised to feel how thick they were. I felt my legs shake slightly while I tried to keep my breathing steady considering he was just starting. He was already filling me up so nicely and it felt incredible. "So tight and wet for me baby." He whispers and pumps his fingers inside me, my walls enveloping them.
He worked on my cunt almost expertly, curling them up making me arch my back against him. With his available hand he wrapped it around my waist, as if to make me refrain from moving. "Miguel- M-Miguel-"
He hummed and started going faster, I could feel my creamy juices slip down to my asshole as he went faster and deeper. I let out whines and closed my eyes when I feel his lips on my cheek then on my ear. "Such a pretty mess for me huh baby?"
I whimpered and couldn't help but clench against his fingers making me let out more whimpers. "S-so good-" I moan out and kisses my neck softly.
"I know baby, I know." He murmurs and goes even faster leaving me a moaning mess on top of him.
"Estas tomando mis dedos tan bien princesa." He praised making me whimper and clench against him once again. (You're taking my fingers so well princess)
"Te gusta que te hable así hm?" He teases and I open my eyes only to roll them and bite my lip. (You like when I talk to you like that)
Starting to despise him again, I hated his teasing but couldn't help but like it.
"Contéstame nena." He purrs in a low tone, that making my orgasm quickly approach. (Answer me baby)
"Si- si me gusta mucho- me encanta como me hablas-" I moan out and he slows down but fucks me deeper. (Yes- yes I like it a lot- I love way you talk to me-)
"Good girl." He moans and starts pumping his fingers faster again.
I whimpered and tried to buck my hips up but his strong arm didn't let me and just gripped me to stay still. I held on to it and laid my head back against his chest, then look down at the sight. His fingers fucking me effortlessly with my arousal being the main thing that's being heard in the room. "Aren't you just taking it so well baby?" He purrs and I nod, looking up to look at him.
I crash our lips together and he suddenly starts fucking me even faster making me moan against his mouth. He slides his tongue inside my mouth as I continue moaning and try to kiss back.
I felt the familiar feeling of my orgasm approach in the pit of my stomach as he continued fucking me fast as well as deep. "I'm gonna-" i murmur against his lips and he just hums, continuing with our kiss.
I glide my tongue against his but then stop, letting out whines and whimpers as my orgasm hit me hard with Miguel not stopping. "Fuck- Miguel!" I whimper feeling my legs shaking violently.
He lets me ride my orgasm and slows his pace down as he gives me light pecks while I try to catch my breath. He then pulls away after one final peck and leans his forehead against mine. Not able to keep my eyes open, I lean into his touch, a weak smile forming on my lips. "That was incredible." I say and let out a small giggle.
He nods and grins, "you did so good love."
He kisses me softly and I kiss him back the same way when I feel him slowly slip his fingers out of me. His fingers come out and I feel more of my juices slip down to my asshole, "oh my god baby-" he moans and brings his fingers up to our faces.
I grab his hand and lazily open my mouth, taking his fingers into my mouth and lick my arousal clean. I looked at him and innocently bat my eyes while he groans. I made sure to lick every drop before he finally slips his fingers out and crashes his lips onto mine.
I immediately kiss back and move my body to no longer be on his crotch but on the couch with my legs over his thighs. His tongue slid into my mouth making me melt as I felt one hand go to cup my jaw and the other to my thigh.
He rubbed my skin softly and I felt myself melt into his embrace, "you're incredible." He murmurs against my mouth making me pull away.
I lean my head against his chest as he now wraps both arms around my body, feeling shivers run down my spine. "No you are." I whisper and chuckle.
Then we just sat there in comfortable silence, I was listening to his heartbeat as he played with my hair and my breathing was now back to normal.
"So do you like me now?" He whispers and I burst out laughing.
I then stop and shrug, "maybe a little bit..."
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sheeluvsme · 1 year
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"Even the dogs in Las Amas know not to bark at me."
Cw/ mix of NSFW and SFW head cannons!! , it’s pride month so this is a sapphic post !!! THIS IS FOR ALL THE GIRLIES!!!! Also not proof read 😭
She absolutely secretly adores you. She’s never one to proceed physical contact or say too much in public, she isn’t totally big on pda , not because she doesn’t want to show you off. She’s afraid someone will find out how much you mean to her and use it against her in the cartel.
She watches you LIKE A HAWKKKKKKK . can’t come with her? She has her people watching over you. She always has to know your ok, if they fail to let her know your location or your safety well someone is getting fired lol
She loves secretly when you’re getting ready for bed and you play with her hair. Again she’s not huge on touch but will definitely reciprocate it if you do it. But her hair? Lorddddddd secretly makes her heart sore. She loves how after all the shit she has to put up with she can come back to you and have some genuine time. Domestic love. It’s one of her favorite things
SHE LITERALLY LOVESSSS when your walking past her and there not too many people around, so she can roll her tounge at you or whistle while slapping your ass. She thinks your expression after is SUPER funny ☝️
If your a tall girly she loves giving you kisses on your shoulders/back , no one can really see her do it but you know it’s her
If your a short girlie she literally won’t stfu about it , she loves teasing you and frustrating you till you snap at her “¡callarse la boca!”
Running into NSFW territory!!
She really likes being dominant, she is VERY HARD to convince to let you take care of her. She likes being at your service when having sex
She can be very mean and teasing but she always whispers sweet things in your ear..
If it ain’t her fingers or tongue ITS HER STRAP ONNNN
she loves fucking you over counters or like infront of a mirror!!!!! Especially if your a plus sized girlie ! She loves showing you how beautiful and perfect you are in the mirror while kissing your shoulder whispering “Mírate bebé ... eres tan hermosa, mira el espejo.”
She doesn’t like public or risky sex , she is EXTREMELY Jealous and she only wants her to be able to see you so vulnerable , your Hers !! HER ASS IS NOT SHARING
lord FUCK ANYONE THAT TRYS TO FLIRT WITH YOU especially if it’s some guy , she internally goes nuts , she will make a small comment if someone flirts with you “ella no necesita tu pobre excusa de coqueteo. ella tiene a alguien..” if someone keeps pushing there luck , don’t be surprised when she grits her teeth basically threating that dudes life 😭 can’t blame her she’s just a woman in-love with her bbg!!
She lovessss dancing with you to music… especially if you’ve had a bad day ,, she comforts you and dances with you in the privacy of your apartment..then she lays you down and eats you out till your squirming fr
“ mm- Val- ¡demasiado!” You whine. She can’t help but smile smugly and go faster, her tongue on your sensitive clit and her fingers pumping in and out. “Poor baby.. vamos hermosa ven por mí? Te lo mereces..” as she soothes her free hand over your thigh. Trying to calm you down as you shiver around her.
She’s actually a BOSS at after care fr , she’ll shower with you washing your body for you then she’d make you a small bite to eat then relax with you in bed while watching a movie.
Inspired by mactavleyprovider !!
I hope this finds the girlies and feeds you well 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
If i was in charge of the character of stella i would make her the principal victim(alongside octavia) of his guilt tripping tactics, i think that stella could at least have some respect for stolas before the affair, trying to please him, learn astronomy to conect with him, and trying to be a good wife, but stolas being the narcissistic prick he is just thinks about himself and dont apreciate stella's efforts and that ends with stella enraged(with stolas, herself, maybe both?).
This lyrics of labour says it all
"Apologies from my tongue, and never yours
Busy lapping from flowing cup and stabbing with your fork
I know you're a smart man (I know you're a smart man), and weaponise
The false incompetence, it's dominance under a guise
If we had a daughter, I'd watch and could not save her
The emotional torture, from the head of your high table
She'd do what you taught her, she'd meet the same cruel fate
So now I've gotta run, so I can undo this mistake
At least I've gotta try"
The part of the weaponize incompetence is really fitting for Stolas.
Most of the cheaters/trashman use the incompetence to avoid doing tasks that are MEANT to be fullfied between BOTH MEMBERS of the relationship.
It feels as if in this case that you are telling, Stella was doing all the joint tasks of a couple, including, for example, the ones they are supposed to do like Goetia (with political themes). and I can honestly see Stolas using the excuse that his work is limited to professions (even using his depression as an excuse) to not give more to the family.
Stolas doesn't care that Stella wants to get close to him or get along with him, she is just a step up in status for him.
Stella has the status she has thanks to her marriage to Stolas, he could use that as a way to control her from leaving or from feeling in DEBT to him (after all, the luxuries she has she couldn't afford. alone) and even applied something similar to Octavia but with a different approach.
if we go with Stolas not really caring about Octavia in this AU, I can see him doing a Mother Gothel on her when she does something he doesn't like or wants to leave the house. Tell her how that is "harming" her, how hell is dangerous, that she couldn't do it on her own, etc.
Overall, it's a very fucked up idea, but VERY GOOD ANON, keep it up.
La parte de la incompetencia armada es realmente apropiada para Stolas.
La mayoría de los infieles/hombres basura utilizan la incompetencia para evitar realizar tareas que DEBEN cumplirse entre AMBOS MIEMBROS de la relación.
se siente como si en este caso que estas relatando, Stella estuviera haciendo todas las tareas en conjunto de una pareja, incluyendo por ejemplo las que se supone deben hacer como Goetias(con temas políticos). y sinceramente puedo ver a Stolas usandonla excusa de que su trabajo se limita a las profesias(incluso usar de excusa su depresión) para no dar mas a la familia.
a Stolas no le importa que Stella quiera acercarse a el o llevarse bien con el, ella es solo un escalon en el estatus para el.
Stella tiene el estatus que tiene gracias a su matrimonio con Stolas, el podria usar eso como una forma de controlar que ella no se vaya o que se sienta en DEUDA con el(después de todo, los lujos que ella tiene no se los podria permitir ella sola) e incluso aplique algo similar a Octavia pero con un enfoque distinto.
si vamos con que Stolas realmente no le importa Octavia en este AU, puedo verlo haciendole un Madre Gothel cuando ella hace algo que no le gusta o quiere irse de la casa. decirle como eso le esta "dañando", como eo infierno es peligroso, que ella misma no podria por su cuenta, etc.
en general, es una idea muy jodida, pero MUY BUENA ANON, sigue asi.
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luceracastro · 5 months
𝐄𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐜 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Bayona believes his shy niece just needs to be surrounded by people close to her age, so he allows her to come along for the filming of his next big movie and one of his actors become taken with the young girl
Warnings: this fic will have warnings as the chapters go, this is an age gap relationship
You were always quiet, shy, and not really put out there since you were consumed with the fear of being humiliated, being shy was what mostly stopped you from common life experiences.
It was why your mom was pushing you at the moment to travel with your uncle, “Amor sería algo bueno para ti, estarías con gente cerca a tu edad” she said and you shook you head “no mami, la verdad no me convence” you sighed
Ever since this whole shy thing got into you, you had gained a handful of activities such as art, whether it was painting or sketching, reading, baking, even needle work which you took the time to learn just to distract you from the real world
You were a college student and focused on school as well so it wasn’t a huge problem when school work and class filled your schedule, “como sabes que no vas a disfrutar esto?” She asked and you gave her a look “mami, yo no conozco a nadie de ahí como voy a nomas llegar?” You asked
She chuckled “amor te juro que esto sería algo muy bueno para ti” she promised and you sighed “bueno bueno nomas una semana y regreso” you said with a slight warning edge in your tone “si corazón si! Deja llamo a tu tío!” You mom had a skip in her step as she went to grab her phone
You knitted your brows in confusion and turned back to the cookies you were baking, there you realized maybe she was right.
You were seated on the plane with your eyes glued to your book and AirPods in your ears, a tactic to keep anyone from speaking to you, you were making way to Spain where filming would take place
Now you were stuck in the airport waiting for your uncle to come and get you, you sat inside of the airports coffee shop drinking a latte and listening to music, you now kinda felt homesick, missed your mom and home
Hands on your shoulders startled you but you calmed down once you saw your uncle standing behind you with a delighted smile on his face, you paused your music and stood up “Tío” you smiled giving him a hug “hola amor como estas?”
“Bien, y tu?” You asked “muy bien, pero vamos amor porque quiero que conoces a todos!” He sounded quite excited for you to meet them, way more excited than you that’s for sure.
He had gotten you both down to where the entire casts was staying, their home for a few months, the hotel was huge and it was also a bit intimidating, how many people stayed here? How long? Would you have to interact with any of them?
Your uncle has someone take care of bringing your bags up but in the meanwhile he led you up the elevator, down the hall and looking at the many numbers of the various doors until you both reached the right one “aquí” he sighed satisfied and scanned the keycard before swinging open the door
“Esto sería tu hogar por unos meses” you cringed a bit at that, you knew you would go home in a week, “esta bien tío,” he nodded “bueno vamos a que conoces a los actores” you gave a protesting look and he chuckled a humorous smile on his lips “vamos” he said with a slight demanding edge in his voice and you sighed following after him
“Este es el lobby privado donde pueden estar juntos y convivir” he showed you a private lobby which was filled with many people, you froze up but tried to keep calm “Chicos!” His voice caught the attention of everyone then their eyes landed on you
“Ven, quiero que conozcan a una persona muy importante” they all walked over and stood in front of you and your uncle “Ella es T/n, mi sobrina y ella nos va a acompañar en esta rodaje” he said and they all smiled at you which you returned to not be rude
“Y espero que todos se comporten bien con ella” he warned almost making you want to run back to your room, it wasn’t their job to take care of you “Si como no” a certain tall guy was the first to answer “Ah perfecto, Mira el es Enzo” he came forward and your breath caught in your throat “Hola” his voice was sweet and not very intimidating “Hola” you let out a small sigh of relief
“Bueno los dejo” you uncle was quick to leave and you looked back to see them all coming towards you “Hola, me llamo Fran” his hand extended towards you and you took it, he looked nice, like the sun in a way, very sunshine like “me llamo Juani, como era que te llamabas?” You forced yourself to speak “T/n”
He nodded “bonito nombre” you smiled shyly “gracias” you were slightly overwhelmed but tried to stay calm, plus they all seemed nice enough, after they all introduced themselves to you, you thought you could sneak off but a hand grabbed yours, you turned to see Alfonsina
“Ven siéntate con nosotros,” you could not say no to the kind girl “bueno, si esta bien” she led you to sit on a couch right in between her and Enzo, “entonces donde creciste?” Alfonsina asked and you looked at her “Barcelona, España Barcelona” you answered and she nodded “y tu?” You managed to ask “Montevideo” she answered and you nodded “escuche que Uruguay es muy lindo” you said and she nodded
“Lo es” you nodded “y tu estudias?” You did actually “Si,” she smiled “Que bueno, y que es lo que estudias?” She asked “estudio biología” she nodded “Que bueno, y vas en persona o lo estas haciendo en línea?” At the time you were doing it online especially since you were here and not where your college was
“Por ahora hago en línea” she nodded “y que te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?” She then asked “bueno me gusta hacer arte como pintar, dibujar y también me gusta leer y escuchar música” you felt like she was doing all the talking “y a ti, que te gusta hacer?” You asked “bueno me la paso en el teatro pero también me agrada leer, estar en la música o salir con amigas”
You and Alfonsina passed time just talking and you began to let loose and open up to her, she was really nice and sweet, she was patient and understanding of why you even took a while to start engaging into the conversation
You finally were able to get back to your hotel room and you were proud to have actually been able to hold a conversation with someone, a knock on your door did slightly startle you, walking over and opening it you didn’t expect to find Enzo standing there
“Hola linda” he smiled, you stood like a deer caught in the headlights “Hola” you saw your phone in his hands “lo dejaste en el lobby” he handed it to you and you nodded a small smile on your lips “gracias, de verdad” he nodded “Nada que agradecer linda, vas a desayunar con nosotros mañana verdad?” He asked and your confused face gave away that you had no idea what he was talking about
“En el Lobby nos sirven la comidas y me gustaría si tú nos acompañarás para el desayuno” he said and you nodded, it was all you could do “Si, si como no” you chuckled and he did the same nodding “bueno linda buenas noches, descansa bien” you nodded “tu también, buenas noches
He walked down the hall and you closed the door, you looked down at your almost dead phone and sighed. “Oye la sobrina de Bayona está hermosa” Simón said and Enzo looked over at him “si esta hermosa, pero con respecto es la sobrina” he nudged Simon making Matias and Pipe chuckle
“Oye pero porque crees que ella vino al rodaje?” Pipe asked and Alfonsina sighed “se ve un poco tímida y penosa, pero es muy linda a lo mejor tiene que ver con eso” she shrugged “bueno a lo mejor”
“Le dije que debe de desayunar con nosotros mañana” Enzo said “Buen idea” Matías agreed. They all retreaded to their rooms after their smoke break.
A/n: So not a lot in this chapter but more will come I promise my loves! Also I hope you all enjoy this part and likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated but not required my babies just as long as you enjoy the read, and let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
Taglist: @creative-heart @espinasrubi @castawaycherry @madame-fear @luv4fati
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