#vampire suho
marshmallow-phd · 6 months
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won't let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5
Lightning lit up the thin curtains covering the two small windows on either side of the carriage. Thunder rumbled and you felt it deep within your chest. Tugging your silk cloak closer, you closed your eyes and prayed that the driver would get you through the storm. There was no one to comfort you, to reassure you that a little rain and noisy sky wouldn't delay your journey.
Your father had insisted you take your sister or even a friend, but the two day’s journey didn’t  seem consequential enough to need a companion. Besides, what would they have done once you arrived? Your elderly aunt had only asked for you. From what you could decipher from her letter, she needed you to be a companion as she traveled to the southernmost coastal town. Apparently, it was now the ultimate fashion to travel to for the summer. Just the idea of rolling waves made your stomach churn. But what was worse was who else would be there–
The carriage jolted to the right. You spread out your arms, only barely catching yourself from falling to the floor. No sane person would have endured such dangerous weather. This storm had come from nowhere. Skies blue and cloudless as you had ever seen bid you farewell in the late morning. Most of the day's journey had been uneventful. Then the joyful light faded. Thunder shook the walls of the carriage. Rain pounded on the roof. When would you reach the inn? Bile rose up in your throat, burning the sensitive tissue as the carriage continued to rock violently. The horses neighed over the sounds of the storm. 
The carriage shifted hard to the left. And kept falling. You slammed into the door, nearly opening it with the force. You didn't know what was happening. The floor was now the wall and the wall the floor. A downward momentum made it impossible to stand. Screams ripped at your throat.
Then it stopped. 
The rain continued to pour and the thunder roared on but the carriage was still. Your legs wobbled as you slowly stood. With your palms, you pushed open the door. The thin wooden panel clapped against the outside of the carriage. Immediately you were pounded by the storm. Large drops pelted your face, obscuring your vision. It was dark. You could tell that much. And there were trees. In every direction. 
You climbed out of the carriage, calling for the driver. Your feet slipped in the mud, but you managed to keep your balance–for now. The mud was thick and sticky as you trudged to the front of the carriage.
 No. No, no, no. Both of the horses were gone. And so was the driver. Somehow, the carriage had fallen down a hill or ravine. With a storm this terrible, you needed to get to higher ground or risk possibly being carried away–or drowning. Clawing and digging your hands and feet into the soaked dirt, you climbed the hard incline back to the road. 
Once you could make out the road, you called for the driver again. No answer. He was nowhere to be found. You needed to find shelter. The storm gave no promise of letting up. You wouldn't survive the night in this forest, even if you went back into the carriage. The only choice was to find sanctuary. You stared in the direction you believed you came from. Nothing but trees and darkness. You turned to the other choice. All the same–wait. 
There was something... when lightning brightened up the sky. Your heart began banging in your ears. Spires, towers. Not trees. It was some distance away, but it was shelter nonetheless. 
With near tears in your eyes, you picked up your skirts–your fingers numb from the cold–and hurried towards the castle that could be your saving grace. 
The manor was calm tonight. Odd, considering the amount of bodies roaming around these haunted halls. Only the beautiful storm outside and Chanyeol's sorrowful melody from the piano broke the silence. Jongin had draped himself over one of the arm chairs as he inspected the wine mixture within his goblet. The taste was… adequate. The cellar would need replenishing soon.
In the corner, a rather lax game of cards covered the small, round table. Minseok smirked at his winning hand. The faded wooden chips with bits of white painted around the edges were piling up in front of Yixing, who leaned back carelessly, sure of his next win. Little did either of them know that the youngest among them had a little... trick his sleeve. As the quickest, Sehun had perfected sleight of hand long ago. None had caught him yet.
A fire roared, coaling the usually gray and brown room in flickering orange. With how close he stood near the fireplace, Kyungsoo's silhouette was visible through his loose shirt. He leaned his palms on the mantel and let the warmth of the flames engulf him. Warmth was all they could feel after all these years. It could be an addiction so strong it was tempting to throw himself into the fire. 
Junmyeon joined him at the fireplace, leaning his shoulders against the brick. The bite of the edge hardly registered in his mind. Pain of that measure... it was only a ghost that had nearly crossed over. 
“Such strong thoughts for a night like this.”
Kyungsoo didn’t look from the fire, but raised a questioning eyebrow in response. 
Junmyeon shrugged a single shoulder. “I can’t read minds, but it's obvious you're turning something over more times than a praying rock.”
“It's the same thoughts,” Kyungsoo murmured in his strange, monotone voice. “Always the same thoughts.”
“One day you will have to let it go,” Junmyeon sighed. “This is our existence now. And forever will be.”
“Acceptance of the present doesn’t erase the past.”
“But it does make the present more enjoyable.” The red liquid sloshed against the rim of the goblet as Jongin draped an arm over Kyungsoo’s shoulders. He wore a mischievous smile. A clear indicator of his true intention. 
Junmyeon shook his head. “We’re not going out tonight. There’s nothing out and about in this storm.” Hunting in these conditions would wield no trophies. Tomorrow would be a better night. 
“Jun’s no fun tonight,” Jongdae teased as he and Baekhyun emerged from the hallway. 
“If you want to go out in this mess,” Junmyeon waved towards the front door. “Be my guest. Just don’t you dare get mud on the rug–”
Bang! Bang! Bang!
“Help! Please! Help!”
Nine pairs of eyes snapped to the echoing sound. None moved. 
Bang! Bang! 
One of the double doors burst open and a figure fell to the floor, landing on its knees and palms. It looked up. A flash of lightning illuminated the face.
The face of a beautiful young girl. 
Your knees vibrated when they hit the wooden floor. Water fell from your loose hair that clung to your cheeks. The chances of  the door opening when you pushed on the handle had been low–yet the barrier that kept you victim to the storm fell open and you crashed downward with it. 
Greeting you in this strange hall were several men, their jaws hanging open in a mirror of your own surprise. More men appeared from a side parlor, curious as to who dared intrude on their evening. One, two, three–you counted nine total. Nine men. This was not ideal–a bit terrifying, really–but you didn't have a choice. The storm raged outside.
"P-please," you stammered past chattering teeth "The st-storm overturn-overturned the carriage.” 
The men stayed silent as they exchanged unreadable glances. One raised a questionable brow. 
"Jongdae, go run a bath," ordered the man closest to you. One of the shorter residents nodded and disappeared into the darkness that led into the rest of the manor. 
That's what this place was. A grand old manor, not a castle. Isolated. When you'd first run through the rusted iron gate, you'd feared it abandoned. A long dormant instinct whispered that you might have been better off if it had been. 
The first man approached, each motion slow, deliberate, and hauntingly graceful. He crouched down in front of you and captured your frightened stare. The fear in you began to melt away. He was… beautiful. Obsidian fell over his forehead in gentle waves. His tunic was of a fashion your grandfather would have worn. There was something strange about this man–all of these men. Something... different. 
"Let's get you warmed up." He held his hand out and you were up on your feet before you even realized your fingers were resting on his. "Don't worry," he murmured. "You're safe here. My name is Junmyeon." 
You nodded, somehow believing him, but unsure if you should. Through your violent chattering, you managed to stammer out your name in response. 
You jumped at the sudden noise. One of the other men had somehow appeared behind you to shut the door you'd fallen through. 
"Thank you, Yixing," the man beside you said. The one named Yixing nodded and then shifted his eyes to you. “Come.” A hand pressed into the space between your shoulder blades and guided you down the hall, leaving a trail of mud in your wake.
The man led you down several halls until you reached an unoccupied bedroom. Red blankets draped the oversized bed. Matching curtains hung limply from the canopy. All of the wood was a dark sort, rich in color but not quite welcoming like other, brighter woods. 
Jongdae emerged from another door on the other side of the bedroom. Steam rolled out after him as if it were following him for its next set of orders. “Anything else?” he asked drily. 
“No, thank you.”
Jongdae strolled the from the room without a glance either of you and closed the door behind him. Your breath hitched in your throat. The two of you were… alone. It wasn’t appropriate. It was…
You looked to the man still with you, fear causing your heart to pound painful against your chest. You tugged your cloak closer to you, but it was soaked from the rain. Shivers violently raced down your arms and spine. The man didn’t seem to notice as he walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a long white cloth. 
“These should suffice for tonight.” He held up the cloth for you to see. A nightgown. An old one by the cut of it, though thankfully it hadn’t been devoured by moths or mice. “If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.”
You nodded. “Thank you.” 
He visibly suppressed a laugh at your small voice and waved you into the adjoining bathroom. Taking the nightgown, you tried your best to avoid his gaze. You scurried inside and shut the door. 
Junmyeon smirked at your mousy state. It was understandable why you were so frightened. The women of this period were warned of being alone with a man. And now you were alone with nine. 
Nine very dangerous men. 
The proper action for him to take was to leave your room now that you were safe inside the bathroom, but his feet didn’t move. Somehow, the storm had stranded you in their forest. What had happened to the driver, he wondered. Surely a gentlewoman such as yourself was not controlling the carriage. And yet, you were all alone. Circumstances were… ideal.
A small hiss echoed in the bathroom. It stretched out, along with the sound of sloshing water. Junmyeon frowned. 
He stood there for a few minutes more, listening to you sigh as your skin grew used to the scalding water. The sound of soap scraping against skin reached his ears, followed by more sloshing water. Soon, you would be getting out of the tub. Time to leave. 
He emerged from the bedroom, careful to close the door as quietly as possible. Everyone had gathered out in the hallway since they were too curious about their visitor to go about their night. Junmyeon found Jongdae blending in with the cluster. He glared at him as he hissed, "The water was too hot." 
Jongdae merely shrugged. Why would he care about water possibly being too hot? It would never hurt him. 
On the opposite end of the group, Yixing cleared his throat. "What are we going to do with her?"
Junmyeon glanced at the door behind him. There was only one best option, for all their sakes. "Tomorrow morning, we will send her on her way." 
The eruption was instant. 
In an instant, the hissing ceased. 
Baekhyun huffed and folded his arms against his chest, collapsing against the wall. Jongin scoffed. "Such a waste." 
“A waste that will keep this household from tearing itself apart,” Junmyeoun countered. It was an outcome none of them wanted. No one wanted to cause a fight, but resisting was difficult. The temptation was great. The quicker you left, the better off they would all be. 
"Do you really think it’ll end so well?" Minseok’s mocking comment hung in the air. Silent agreements rippled through the air. 
Junmyeon looked to Kyungsoo, whose answer was to look away. "No one touches her," he ordered. They all would try, he knew. But their strength would only get them so far. He stared down a few of them especially, so they knew he meant it.
Sehun pushed off the wall with a roll of his eyes. "Just get her out of here so I can get some peace." 
Junmyeon started to call after him but was interrupted by a soft thud from the room behind him. Confused, he opened the door to find you lying on the floor.
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halosmoon · 3 months
Why am I always a victim to doomed yaoi ships
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i-kent-belib · 1 year
EXOLs, it’s so over for us, because WTFFFFF
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colesawicn · 1 year
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if the concept is not sexy vampires…. then sexy PIRATE vampires..
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baemye0n · 1 year
cream soda ver.
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
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*:・゚✧.for you, 𝐼 ★•¸— ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ pretend like ❝.╭.+I w͟a͟s͟ h𝑎ppy°⊹when I was⋆◟̆๑𝓼𝓪𝓭; for you❝.:*。I could p͟r͟e͟t͟e͟n͟d͟˘.+*✦like I ɯαs▾₊˚𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 wh𝑒𝑛 I。*☆𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩; ℐ wish・゚。❥love was ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ❀⊰。as love ̶i̶t̶s͟e͟l͟f͟╮ⵓ❞¸I ɯısh all あ.♡my 𝔀𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 could ❞.ᔘ❀be 𝖍𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓; I୭.° grew a 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟+*.♡:th𝑎t can't be ↬,。˚𝘽𝙇𝙊𝙊𝙈𝙀𝘿 in a↷.dream•that c͟a͟n͟'͟t͟ come ★*̣̥⁄⁄𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓮৴☽❰❪+
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↳¸•.↑✿cited song: fake love by BTS.
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➷°.[✩] BTS ╭⟡;💜
➷°.[✩] BLACKPINK╭⟡;🖤
➷°.[✩] ITZY ╭⟡;🧡
➷°.[✩] Stray Kids ╭⟡;💙
く く く EXO: Yandere Baekhyun (Romantic), Yandere Suho (Romantic). く く く TWICE: Imagine as Classmates.
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➷°.[✩] Greek Mythology ╭⟡;⚡
➷°.[✩] Egyptian Mythology ╭⟡;𓂀
➷°.[✩] Historical Characters ╭⟡;📜
く く く The Lost Queen | Yandere!Alexander the Great ❝You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn't understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren't safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won't let you go so easily.❞ The Lost Queen Series Masterlist
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➷°.[✩] The Vampire Diaries // The Originals╭⟡;🧛
➷°.[✩] House of the Dragon╭⟡;🐉
➷°.[✩] Game of Thrones╭⟡;❄️
➷°.[✩] The Sandman╭⟡;⌛
➷°.[✩] Outlander╭⟡;🗿
➷°.[✩] Wednesday╭⟡;🎻
➷°.[✩] Brooklyn Nine-Nine╭⟡;👮‍♂️
➷°.[✩] Bridgerton╭⟡;🐝
➷°.[✩] Shadow and Bone╭⟡;☠️
➷°.[✩] Outer Banks╭⟡;💰
➷°.[✩] K-Dramas╭⟡;❤️
➷°.[✩] Reign╭⟡;👑
➷°.[✩] The Tudors╭⟡;🗡️
➷°.[✩] Hannibal╭⟡;🍽
く く く The Bloody Viscount | Yandere!Anthony Bridgerton ❝You had fallen in love with Viscount Bridgerton and he had fallen in love with you. The marriage seemed perfect, but then why did Anthony Bridgerton always come home late and bloodstained?❞ Prologue; Chapter 1; Chapter 2;
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➷°.[✩] Percy Jackson╭⟡;🌊
➷°.[✩] Harry Potter╭⟡;🔮
➷°.[✩] A Court of Thorns and Roses╭⟡;🌹
➷°.[✩] A Song of Ice and Fire╭⟡🔥
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➷°.[✩] Attack on Titan╭⟡⚔️
➷°.[✩] Naruto╭⟡🍥
➷°.[✩] One Piece╭⟡👒
➷°.[✩] Death Note╭⟡📓
➷°.[✩] Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir╭⟡🐞
➷°.[✩] How To Train Your Dragon╭⟡🐲
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➷°.[✩] Marvel╭⟡۞
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➷°.[✩] Love Letters╭⟡💕
➷°.[✩] Love Letters II╭⟡💕
➷°.[✩] Kinktober 2023╭⟡🎃
く く く A Black Rose | Yandere!Ian Daerier ❝A cruel and narcissistic reaper falls in love with the woman he was supposed to take the life of.❞ Oneshot;
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kpop---scenarios · 6 months
Cravings (2)
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Pairing: Vampire! Baekhyun x Reader
Warnings: Stalking, Launuage etc
Word Count: 5.3k
"Who the fuck brought a human home?"
You sat there, your stomach twisting as nerves filled your body. You couldn't help but twiddle your fingers as you stared at these men who had such disgust on their faces. You subtly glanced at the men, taking in the features of each one. They were exactly like Baekhyun, stone cold faces, pale but extremely handsome.
Seconds later it hit you. Human? Why did they ask who brought a human home? Weren't you all humans? What was he talking about?
You looked back at the one who asked the question. You opened your mouth, ready to question his question but before you were able to speak, the bedroom door swung open, and in walks Baekhyun. He looks around the room, glaring at the men who surrounded you.
"What the hell are you guys doing in here?" He asks, walking towards the bed, where you were huddled up.
"Ah, Baekhyun, well then that makes sense." One of them says, The rest all nodded their heads.
"What?" Baekhyun asks.
"Why is she here?" A man asks, looking at Baekhyun with a pissed off face.
"She was in trouble when I was dropping her off. She needed somewhere to go, Suho, she doesn't know anything.” Baekhyun tells him.
What was he talking about?
“What is it that I don't know?” you ask.
“Get her the fuck out of here. You know the rules, Baekhyun.” Suho yells, walking out of the room with the rest of the men following closely behind him.
“Get dressed, we gotta go.” Baekhyun says, turning around to walk out the door, closing it behind him. You quickly scramble out of the bed, slipping on your pants and your shoes before walking towards the door at a quick pace. When you open it, Baekhyun is standing there. He doesn't say a word to you but instead grabs your wrist, pulling you towards the large staircase. His hand feels like ice on your wrist.
You tried to question him as the two of you descended down the stairs, but ignored you, he was in a rush to get you out of the house. You didn't know what you did to whoever that was in your room this morning, but it was very clear that you were not welcomed in this house.
“Baekhyun.” You call out as the two of you walk out the front door. He still doesn't acknowledge you as he slides himself into the driver's seat of his car. You get into the passenger seat, crossing your arms, annoyed at the lack of communication skills he apparently didn't have.
“Are you not going to answer me?” you ask, turning to look at him while he focuses on the road. He doesn’t say anything for the remainder of the drive with you, you guys sat in complete silence.
Baekhyun pulls into the parking lot at your apartment, he parks, turns off the engine and turns to face you. His eyes stare deeply into yours, making your heart flutter. He starts leaning in closely to you, you lean into him. He raises his hand, placing it on your cheek, the coldness sends a shiver down your spine. He moves in closer until finally,he presses his lips to yours, and you feel fireworks. Baekhyun begins to deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth as you melt into the kiss. He begins to pull back, his teeth gently biting your bottom lip, he pricks your lip before swiping his tongue over the small cut, healing it without you knowing. Now that he’s tasted your blood, he knows no other males can take you. It gives him a little bit of comfort before he says what he’s going to say to you.
“That was.. Wow.” you exclaim. It was like something out of a book, a kiss like you’d never had before.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He says quietly, almost in a whisper, as “’I shouldn't have kissed you, or gotten involved with you. I knew better than to do that. You just..” he pauses, “You need to pretend I don't exist. Forget you ever met me.” He finishes.
He turns to look at you. He hates seeing the pain and confusion in your face. He more so hates that he’s the one that's causing it, mates are supposed to make things better, heal and protect you, while loving you unconditionally, but he was doing the complete opposite. He wished he could explain it to you, he wished he could stop your pain, it would be easy for him but he couldn’t risk exposing himself and the others. He wished he was able to take your memories of him, but he can't, mates can't manipulate mates.
Baekhyun puts the car in park, turning to look at you. He can’t fully read your face. It's a mixture of anger, sadness and confusion. And he understood that. “Why?” you ask. “I’ve felt a very strong pull to you and I know you’ve felt it too, so I'm confused on why you're suddenly trying to leave me.”
Baekhyun felt a pang in his heart, one that he hadn’t ever felt before. He didn’t want to leave you, but he couldn't tell you that. He couldn't say anything to you that would make you think there was a chance he didn't mean what he was saying. You needed to believe that he didn't want you.
“Nothing is going to happen between us, understand? There was nothing between us anyways.” he says.
You turn your head, you can see the window to your apartment, your curtain drawn, and suddenly it moves. You can see someone peeking behind the curtains. You immediately know it's Chad.
“Do you want me to handle him?” Baekhyun asks.
You shift in your seat, unsure of whether you say yes or no to his offer. You didn't want to feel like a burden, especially to have someone protect you that doesn't want to do it.
“No” you whisper, moving your body away from him. “Thanks for the ride.” you say, getting out of the car and walking away from him.
Once you’re back in your apartment, a crying Chad stands in your kitchen, with his head hanging down. “Why are you still here?” You sigh, placing your purse on the table.
“I truly feel awful for hurting you like that. I was not in my right mind, and I'm so sorry. I love you, Y/N, please forgive me?” he asks.
“Chad.” you begin. “I forgive you but I do not want to be with you. This is a one sided relationship and you have anger issues that you need to deal with. You need to leave and you need to leave me alone now. We're done. I’m going for coffee, you have an hour to grab your stuff and go, whatever you leave is going to donations.” you finish. You walk out the door and head outside, heading towards the coffee shop near your house. You sat with your drink, thinking about what Baekhyun had said to you. You had heard him loud and clear and that he didn’t want you but you didn’t believe it.
An hour later you wander back to your apartment, walking in immediately you notice a lot of your things on the floor, along with broken plates and glasses. You look around some more, seeing your clothes thrown all around your room, some of your shirts and pants are ripped, your bed is messed up, your pillow is cut open with feathers laying all over your bed and floor. You go to the living room and your TV has been pushed over, and your gaming console is gone.
“Fucking Chad!” you scream. You fall to the floor crying, not over the broken things or the torn up clothes, not even over your console. Your heart hurts so bad from Baekhyun’s words. There was something between the two of you, you knew it and so did he, even if he didn't want to admit it.
You let yourself be sad for a little bit before you decided to get back at CHad. he was the one who fucked up but hes taking it out on you? Real mature. You take pictures of all your broken things, your clothes, your bedding, your tv and your lack of console and march over to the police station to press charges. If he wanted to be petty, you could be petty right fucking back. When you were done at the police station you went to the bar, you really hoped he would be working today but unfortunately he wasn't there but one of the men who stood in the room to intimidate you was behind the bar.
The handsome man stared at you as you walked up to the bar. “Good afternoon.” He says, his voice is deep. “What can I get for you?” he asks.
“Double vodka and cran, please.” You say. You sounded so sad and monotone.
“Are you okay?” He asks, smiley widely. He stares into your eyes as you look at him while he smiles, he's waiting for you to get into the daze, where you'll do whatever he asks of you, but it never comes. He hands you your drink, frowning at you. “What's with that expression? You were very pissed off early this morning.” You say, taking a big gulp.
“I thought that was you.” He says clearing his throat. “My apologies for that.”
“It's fine.” You sigh. He continues to stare at you, confusion plastered on his face while he thinks, and then it hits him.
“Oh fuck no.” He mutters. “I'll be right back.” He says to you before disappearing into the back.
Seconds later you feel a presence beside you. You look over and there's another handsome, pale, dark haired man sitting beside you, but this one you did not recognize.
“Where did the bartender go?” He asks. You shrug your shoulders.
“Into the back, I think, he looked mad.” You say, finishing your drink. “He needs to hurry up though, I need another one.” You sigh.
“Bad day?” He asks, your mind flashes back to the night you met Baekhyun and he had asked you the same thing.
“You could say that.” You reply. “What about you? Why are you drinking at 3pm?” you ask.
“Bad day.” He says. “Lady problems.”
“You can vent to me if you want, I'd love something to take my mind off today.” You suggest. “I'm Y/N by the way.” You half smile. He turns to look at you, a smile plastered over his face. “I'm Jaehyun.” He responds. “It all started two weeks ago..”
In the back, Chanyeol angrily pulled out his phone. He quickly dialed Baekhyun's number, anger flowing through him.
“Hello?” Baekhyun answers.
“Please tell me you're not a huge fucking moron? Please say you didn't do what I think you did.” Chanyeol begs.
“I.. didn't do it? I don't know what you're talking about dude.” Baekhyun says.
“Did you fucking mark her? Did you mark Y/N? Because she's sitting at the bar, completely unbothered by me.” Chanyeol yells.
“She's there?” Baekhyun asks. “I'm coming.”
“No. Suho said you can't see her anymore, remember? And if he finds out you marked her.. it's going to be bad.” Chanyeol says.
“Yeah I know but fuck I need to see her, please man.” Baekhyun begs.
“I'll keep an eye on her.” Chanyeol says. “Stay away. Besides, Jaehyun is here talking to her already. Don't ruin your plan.” Chanyeol finishes before hanging up. He takes a deep breath before heading back out to serve customers.
You and Jaehyun talked for hours. You sat at the bar, drinking, chatting about life.
“I told you my history.” Jaehyun smiles. “Now it’s your turn.”
“Are you sure you want to hear this?” you chuckle.
He nods his head yes.
“Alright then, buckle up.” you giggle. “I was dating this guy named Chad”.” you began. Jaehyun stopped you there, immediately.
“That's your first mistake. Chad?” he says, cringing.
“Just wait.” you laugh. “We dated for over a year, and he did absolutely nothing. He never planned anything, he never went out of his way to do something nice for me but expected me to do anything for him at the drop of a hat. One day, he brought his clothes over in a garbage bag and then he kinda just like never left.” you shrugged
“And you accepted that?” Jaehyun asks.
You nod your head. “I didn't think I could do any better, but don’t worry, it gets worse.” you tell him. “He didn't help with any of the bills. He never bought groceries, he spent all his money on himself and his boys, Brad and Connor. They even showed up to our valentine's day date and then left in the middle of it, Chad included and left me to pay the entire bill.”
“Wait, hold on a second. Chad, Brad and Connor?” he asks.
“The three musketeers.” you laugh.
“Is there more?” he asks, hesitantly.
“There's a lot more.” you sigh. “So one night I'm stressed out trying to figure out how to pay my bills, if there's a bill I can skip paying, whatever. So Chad calls me over, he’s playing on my console again, and asks me to get him snacks. I asked him if he was going to pay for said snacks and he said he didn't have any money.” you say rolling your eyes. “So I lost it. And I mean lost it on him. I unplugged my console and i told him to get the fuck out of my apartment. I left and wandered for a while, and I ended up here.” you say, your voice going a little quieter. “That night I met Baekhyun, and seeing him for the first time felt like home.” you explain. “I know that sounds cheesy or whatever, but I had never felt so comfortable and safe around a person before.”
Jaehyun just nods his head as he continues listening.
“I ended up getting really drunk, he and I talked for hours before I had to go home. So I left, Chad was still there but I just needed to go to bed. I woke up in the morning, called in sick to work and Chad was still gaming.” you sigh. “But oh i forgot, Brad had brought him snacks because i was throwing a temper tantrum and he wanted me to venmo Brad for the snacks.”
“Please tell me you kicked his ass out?” Jaehyun asks.
“I did, and he left. But there’s more. I took the weekend and ate junk and did whatever, then on Monday evening I came back to the bar, and Baekhyun and I talked some more, and he was proud of me for kicking out Chad. but then he texted me, asking to talk.” you sigh.
“Oh no. Please don’t tell me..” Jaehyun cringes.
“He sucked me back in, promising to change and blah blah. There wasn't even a second that he tried to change. But I just accepted the fact that this was going to be my life, and I would be stuck with a man like Chad or just Chad for the rest of my life. But I was barely home, and he didn't notice. I spent my time here if i wasnt working and Baekhyun and I got really close. Honestly he knew me better then Chad knew me. And then one night, Baekhyun cut me off. He told me that I needed to go home because there was a storm coming. I told him I would just get a room at the motel across the street but he heavily objected to that.” you laugh.
“Good, that place is infested with roaches and rats.” Jaehyun says.
“He brought me home himself. We opened the door to a surprise party for me, for my birthday.” you tell him.
“Was it your birthday?” he asks you.
“Nope.” you giggle. “Anyways, Chad was mad that i didn't appreciate his effort of inviting 2 people i know, which are his best friends and the rest being only people they knew. He was also very whiskey drunk, he grabbed me, Baekhyun intervened and took me back to his house.” you continue. “ I slept there, woke up to seven men standing around the bed, I got kicked out, Baekhyun drove me home, he kissed me.” you sigh. “He kissed me and then told me to forget about him and that there's nothing between us.” you weep. You didnt want to cry but fuck your heart hurt. You sniffle and take a big breath. “ I went back to my apartment and Chad was still there. He was crying and saying sorry. I told him to get his stuff and leave. So I went for coffee and when I got back he had trashed the place and stolen my console.” you smile, chugging your drink before waving it at Chanyeol, who comes over with another one.
“And I thought I had problems.” Jaehyun says. He was absolutely flabbergasted. “This is some of the craziest shit I've ever heard. Your life is like a movie, holy shit.” Jaehyun says. You laugh at his comment and take another sip of your new drink. It’s quiet now, only the whispers of others at tables, the soft beating of the music above.
You turn your head to look at Jaehyun, but he’s already looking at you. He leans in closely, staring at you with a dazzling smile but while you're looking at him you feel nothing. He was nice, and you wanted to be his friend but that was it. There was no attraction to him. He places his hand on your thigh and moves in closer. “You’re beautiful,” he whispers.
“You’re more beautifuler.” you hiccup, trying to focus on him, focus on his hand on your thigh, but you feel nothing. There’s no butterflies, there is no nervousness. You felt nothing when he touched you. Jaehyun continues to stare at you, confused, as you begin to slide off the stool. You continued to look at him, the thought finally donning on you. You felt nothing for him.
“Huh.” you whisper, looking at him. “Absolutely nothing.” you shake your head at the thought. “Barkeeper!” you yell. “What do I owe you?” you ask.
Chanyeol nods his head towards Jaehyun and says “he took care of your tab for you already.” you turn towards Jaehyun again and thank him before stumbling your way out of the bar.
Behind you chanyeol looks at Jaehyun and gestures towards you. Jaehyun understands, and he’ll make sure you get home safe.
You walk along the sidewalk, stumbling here and there but you're okay. You can hear people talking behind you so you feel better knowing that you're not alone, until you really focus on what they're saying.
“She's really drunk, she'd probably be easy.” One man says.
“Doesn't she know how easy it would be to throw her in the back alley and do whatever we wanted?” Another laughs. You felt like you recognized the voices, but they were also deeper than anyone you knew. You were anxious and you did your best to pick up your pace and get home quickly. As you turned a corner the men continued on going straight. You felt some relief as you finished the last block to your apartment. You ran inside the building and quickly made your way up to your floor. You unlocked your door, slamming it closed behind you before locking the deadbolt. You put your keys and purse on the table, but couldn't help but feel like something was off. You quietly tiptoed around the house looking around, but you didn't see anything. You shook it off as paranoia and got ready for bed. You slept decently that night, but dreamt of Baekhyun the whole time. You missed him.
For the next few weeks your days remained the same, you woke up and felt like something wasn’t right. The few weeks that you felt were off, you were never able to place what was making you feeling off, you shook it off to still get over everything you had gone through with Chad and Baekhyun. You went to work, barely survived the day before going home and making your way to the bar, and 9/10 times Jaehyun was sitting at the bar, your drink set down next to him in a spot that he declared as yours. Though, on the off chance Jaehyun hadn't shown up at the bar, you had become pretty good friends with the two bartender’s that alternated nights. Chanyeol and Jongdae, they were both chipper, goofy and extremely good listeners, but they were also good at keeping their mouths shut, especially whenever you asked about Baekhyun, and you asked at least twice a night. One night after drinking a little too much, you had told Chanyeol that you were going to try to drive out to the house to see Baekhyun.
The once smiling man’s face turned stone cold. “Don’t you ever try to go out there by yourself, ever.” he snaps. You stay quiet and nod your head every so slightly as his eyes stay trained on you. “Do you understand?” he asks.
You nod your head again.
“I need to hear it Y/N. Do you understand?” he asks again.
“Yes.. yes i understand.”
You just wanted to know that he was okay, to see him, or really find out why he couldn’t talk to you. No one would tell you anything, not even Jaehyun, being left to your own imagination was almost torture. Even though Jaehyun wouldn’t tell you shit about Baekhyun, he had honestly become a very good friend to you. He fixed your shower when you needed help, he helped move in a new mattress to your place, the two of you went for coffee or dinner, if you weren’t at the bar, you were very good friends, and to your surprise that was honestly all it was. You had no sexual desire towards Jaehyun in the slightest which seemed weird to you. Clearly he was just your type but you wanted nothing but a platonic friendship from him.
You missed Baekhyun. Even though you knew better than him showing up to work at the bar, you still hoped you might catch a glimpse of him, but in the weeks that it’s been, you hadn't given up hope.
That night you said goodbye to Chaneyol and caught a cab home, you fell asleep pretty quickly and dreamt of nothing that night. In the morning you crawled out of your bed and shuffled to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee. You glanced down at your kitchen table as you passed it and something made you halt. You looked down and there laid out on the table was a picture of you, sleeping. and it was from last night. You quickly went around, making sure all your windows were shut and locked, and you looked at your front door, it was still locked. So how did someone get inside?
At that point you had completely forgotten about making your coffee and headed towards the bathroom to hop into the shower before you had to go to work, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling you had. As you wash your body, you’re startled by the sound of something breaking. You rinse your body quickly and turn the shower off, wrapping yourself in a towel, and you walk carefully to the kitchen. You see a glass shattered on the floor, you look around and everything is still where you had left it, the door was still locked as were the windows. You tried your best to shake that off as well, but you couldn't stop thinking about either of it. It was still on your mind when you walked into work that day, heading towards your cubicle, and you see a vase of dead roses placed nicely on your desk.
You were beginning to get thoroughly creeped out now and you weren’t sure who could be doing this. You went through your day with a terrible feeling in your stomach. As much as you tried to tell yourself it was okay, it wasn't and you were scared. That evening you didn't even bother to go home. You went straight to the bar, where Jaehyun just happened to be sitting.
“Hey stranger.” he smiles. “Double vodka and cran for her please.” he says to the bartender.
“Hi.” you say quietly.
“What's up? You okay?” he asks, seeming concerned.
“Some weird things happened today. I'm a little shaken up about it.” you admit.
“Like what?” he asks, adjusting his position.
“First I woke up to a picture of me sleeping on my table, then I was in the shower and a glass broke, and I went to work and there were a dozen dead roses on my desk.” you sigh, taking a big gulp of your drink. Jaehyun looks at you worriedly, but you wave him off.
“I'm sure it's just someone trying to be funny. Probably just a one time thing” you smile. “How was your day?” you ask.
“I really didn’t do much.” he sighs. “I ran a few errands, did a little bit of work and that was pretty much the most exciting thing,” he says. He still looks at you concerned, you roll your eyes at him.
“Everything is just fine.” you tell him. “I’m going to the bathroom, will you please stop worrying.” you laugh, trying to seem nonchalant about it. As soon as you were out of ear shot, Jaehyun pulls out his phone, dialing a very familiar number.
“Baekhyun, there’s something weird going on.” Jaehyun explains. “Someone is messing with her. Whoever it is has been in her apartment, and she’s acting like it’s nothing but I don’t think it is.”
“Do whatever you need to do to figure it out, Jaehyun, you need to keep her safe. Nothing fucking happens to her.” Baekhyun says before hanging up the phone.
Jaehyun hoped for the person’s sake, it was a one time thing.
It wasn’t a one time thing.
Unfortunately for the next few weeks, at least 4 times a week, something different happened. You swore you felt like you were losing your mind. You would wake up in the morning, go and turn on your coffee pot that always sat on your kitchen counter and then make your way to the bathroom while it brewed. When you would get out of the bathroom, you’d go back into the kitchen and your coffee pot would be on your island plugged into the outlet on the island and the pot was full of coffee.
You would buy groceries, put them away in their designated spots, and the next time you would go get said snack, it wouldn't be where you left it. In the mornings when you’d get into your car to go to work, you’d notice your rearview mirror would be adjusted into a different spot, and you tried to think if there was ever a time that you had actually adjusted it. When you would come home from work, to set your stuff down to get ready to walk to the bar, you would notice a dead rose laying in the middle of the floor of your bedroom. You would open the fridge, you’d see a wilted rose petal on the shelf. In the following days you had also found one in your bed, on your couch, in the bathroom, and in your car, along with your rearview mirror having been adjusted each time.
But tonight was the icing on the cake. You had gotten home from work, unlocked your door and entered your apartment. You walk in, placing your keys on the kitchen table when you hear a faint hissing. Your stomach drops as you look around. You look towards your bedroom and see nothing, but as you turn your head to look at the living room, you see the biggest snake you’ve ever seen, hissing and slithering quickly towards you. You never thought you could move so fast, being so scared. You let out the loudest shriek, before fumbling to get to the door, you needed to get out.
Now, you were extremely scared. You hadn’t told Jaehyun about any of the other things that were happening because you didn’t want him to worry about you, but now you were panicking that you weren’t going to be able to take care of yourself. On your way down the hallway, you run into movers bringing things into the vacant apartment that was two doors down from you. As you’re fast walking past the open door, a woman steps out into the hallway, trying to block your way. “Hi.” She says, but you’re not focused on her. You needed to get out of there, and find someone to help you, and you knew exactly who to find.
You ran into the bar and disappointment filled you, as you see Jaehyun’s usual seat is empty. You sit down next to it, pulling out your phone to call him as your usual drink is set down in front of you. Your call rings, but goes to voicemail after three rings. You decide to try again, but again it goes to voicemail and this time you leave one.
“Hey, it’s me.” you sigh. “I was really hoping you would be here tonight, some fucking weird stuff has been happening and i’m really scared. There was a goddamn snake in my apartment, and Jae, I don't know what to do. Please call me as soon as you get this.” you sigh. You hang up, and set your phone down on the bar and take a long sip of your drink to try and settle your shaking hand. You take a few deep breaths before your phone begins to ring. Quickly, you answer it, hoping it’s Jaehyun.
“Hello?” you ask.
No reply.
“Hello?” you say again, noticing an echo of your voice through the phone. You take the phone from your ear and look around, but there is barely anyone in the bar. “Who is this?” you ask, and again no response, just your voice faintly coming through, with the same song playing on both ends.
You end the call, and stand up. Something didn’t feel right. Your whole body was panicked, and your face must have showed it. You slapped a couple bills on the bar, not bothering to count it before you left. Just as you began heading for the door, Chanyeol stepped out from the back. He noticed your worried face, and scared body language. He tried to call out for you but you didn’t hear him. He pulls out his phone to call Baekhyun, he could feel something wasn’t right.
“She just left the bar. She didn’t look right, she looked scared, Baek. Jaehyun isn’t here, I don't know where he is but something’s not right.” Chanyeol says. Baekhyun doesn't reply, he hangs up the phone and Chanyeol questions himself, whether or not he did the right thing.
As you’re walking, tingles of hyper-awareness have all muscles in your body, twitching at every noise. You picked up the pace of your steps, your eyes looking all around you. As you begin to pass an alley on your left, you see a darker shadow. Before you can breathe out a scream, your arm and collar are pulled into the darkness. A hand covers your mouth as you try to fight off whoever had you… You weren't going to let anyone take you.
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mymoodwriting · 7 months
Omega!Reader x Werewolf!NCT
Genre: A/B/O
Warning: Yelling, Manipulation, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Mentions of Genocide, Mentions of Murder, Threats, Biting, Blood, Kidnapping
Words: 3.2K
Chapter Five
(Prev//Next) (@peanutpinet @starillusion13)
Prompt: By removing the weakest link, werewolves were able to grow far more powerful than anyone could ever imagine. They lived in peace knowing they were top of the food chain. That is until a certain pack made an unbelievable discovery, causing them to question their past, present, and future. Omegas aren’t supposed to exist anymore, but they couldn’t deny the fact they had found one.
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“Why did you lie?”
“Jumping to conclusions, aren’t we?”
One of the witches at the table stood and came over to greet Suho. Neither was one to shake hands, so the witch offered a slight bow.
“I’m Jinki, leader of this coven, and these four are my consultants. We’re the elders here, and I hope the journey here wasn’t troublesome.”
“Good. Now, we’ve welcomed you, but you come here with accusations.”
“Am I wrong?” Suho questioned. “Are your familiars not omegas?”
“Not all of them. So, we’re here to have a conversation.”
Jinki made his way back over to the table, summoning forth some chairs in case the others wanted to sit. This could take a while.
“You seem upset.” Jinki noted. “Why is that?”
“Because you witches lied to us. This whole time you’ve kept omegas alive and hidden from us.”
“What exactly did we lie about? Your ancestors wanted omegas removed from your pack dynamics, and so they were.”
“Then why do they still exist?”
One of the other witches burst out laughing, prompting another to do the same. It certainly added to the tension in the room.
“Is something funny?” Jeno growled.
“You guys are so dumb.” The laughing witch commented. “You really think we’re in the wrong here? That you’re the victim?”
“Kibum, that’s enough.” Jinki said. “You too, Taemin.”
“You know I’m not wrong.” Kibum countered. “The werewolves are the monsters.”
“Excuse me?” Ten spoke. “You wanna say that again.”
“This is supposed to be a civilized conversation.” Suho reminded. “Let’s not start a fight. We are guests here.”
“They started it.”
“I don’t care. In case you forgot we are in a witches coven, they outnumber us.”
“Apologies.” Jinki commented. “They’re usually better behaved, but their comments are not wrong.”
“Is that so?”
“Amuse me. What are the details of our treaty?”
“My ancestors wiped out the abomination that was vampires.” Suho explained. “To help the witches restore balance to nature. In return we were granted power by eliminating our weakest link, omegas.”
“Correct. Now tell me, when was the last time an omega was born into your packs?”
“Omegas aren’t part of our packs anymore.”
“Precisely. If it hadn’t been for this little incident, you’d be continuing your lives none the wiser to the fact omegas are alive. Outside your little pack members, no other werewolf knows omegas exist. It’d be no trouble at all to wipe all your memories right now and return you to your pack.”
“Don’t you fucken dare.” Taeyong yelled. “You can’t pretend you’re not guilty here!”
“Taeyong, isn’t it? My witch informed me of you, the one who’s very possessive of the omega. If I’m being honest with you I could have wiped your memories the second you set foot into my coven.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
“Out of respect to Suho I figured a conversation would be far more beneficial. As much as you don’t want to hear it, you fail to see your fault in this.”
“Then enlighten us.”
“Your ancestors committed genocide.” One of the witches stated. “Not just once, but twice.”
“Damn, Minho.” Taemin commented. “Straight to the point.”
“It’s stupid to ignore the obvious. There is a natural order to things, a balance to maintain. Of course vampires, being undead creatures that feed on the living, go against that order. To eliminate them all was to restore balance, and then your ancestors turn around looking to break it once more.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Suho asked. “My ancestors did you a favor.”
“One we did not ask for, but payment had to be given, didn’t it? Your ancestors just wanted power and they were blinded by it that they didn’t realize what the consequences of their actions would be.”
“We’re living just fine.” Ten mentioned. “So no need to worry about us.”
“Are you now?” Kibum teased. “Tell me, do you have a mate?”
“It’s not something you werewolves partake in anymore, is it?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know, your soulmate, the person you feel inexplicably drawn to, who’s very scent calls to you. The one you mark with your bite, binding your souls together. Does none of that sound familiar? I bet not.”
“Your point?”
“Balance.” The last witch spoke. “Alpha, beta, and omega, the dynamic between the three maintains balance. So if you remove one, it’s all thrown off. From what everyone has seen you werewolves have surely grown in strength, but you’re far more vicious and heartless than your ancestors. So to come here and complain about your choices, it’s pathetic.”
“As far as I’m concerned, you just keep insulting us.”
“Jonghyun isn’t wrong.” Taemin added. “You wanted omegas gone, and they are.”
“You’re still lying.”
“You got what you wanted, even if it was such a ridiculous request. My ancestors knew that balance had to be maintained, and so they did just that. Omegas were removed from your packs, but kept alive. That way the natural order stayed in place, or at least well enough not to cause issues.”
“And then you kept them to yourselves.” Taeyong spat. “Like slaves. Denying them their own identities and-”
“Your ancestors slaughtered omegas!” Minho yelled. “Tore them to pieces once the magic was complete. My ancestors barely managed to save a handful for the sake of balance! You had no problem removing omegas back then, forgetting about them and moving on, and now that you discover they’re alive, all of a sudden you care for them again? When you were the ones who threw them away in the first place?”
“My kind may not be completely innocent here but you’re the ones who’ve been lying and manipulating us this whole time! You took advantage of the treaty!”
“Everyone calm down.” Jinki cut in. “Please. What happened in the past is between our ancestors, we’re only here to discuss current events. As for what was said, it’s never been our intention to take advantage of omegas, but to care for them. Despite all this, both parties have held up their end of the agreement. Your packs don’t have to deal with omegas anymore, so it’s in your best interest to let this go. Let her go.”
Being back home was great, and you hadn’t even realized how much you missed it. There was a lot you needed to catch up with, but it wasn’t long before you realized you weren’t entirely alone. Seokmin noticed eyes on you, seeing two others watching. You thought maybe it was one of the witches, but you were quite surprised to see Xiaojun and Yuta. Before the other two jumped to conclusions you explained to them.
“Easy, those two are part of the pack that looked after me.”
Without invitation they got closer, probably cause they overheard you vaguely mention them. Of course both Seokmin and Jun got a little protective, stepping in front of you.
“It’s alright, they’re not going to do anything.”
“Are you alright, y/n?” Xiaojun asked. “You kinda just ran off.”
“I’m fine, just wanted to see my friends again.”
“So you two are werewolves?” Seokmin questioned.
“Yeah, why? Is there a problem?”
“No, it’s just not common to see werewolves around witches.”
“Well we’re not used to seeing wolves as familiars.” Yuta added. “Witches tend to use other creatures, so it makes me wonder.”
“We’re just as capable as anyone else.” Jun mentioned. “No need to look down on us.”
“I wasn’t, I swear. I’m just curious about the whole familiar thing. We’re not so different, so I’m just thinking out loud.”
“I guess y/n didn’t say much on the matter.”
“No she didn’t.”
“It’s not like I wanted to talk about that stuff.” You said. “It was already weird being with a pack of werewolves.”
“What’s it like?” Xiaojun asked. “Being a familiar and all that.”
“I’m not sure I understand the question.” Seokmin asked.
“I wanna know how you wound up here.”
“Xiaojun.” You hissed.
“I’m genuinely asking.”
“Well there’s not much to tell.” Seokmin continued. “We’re taken young and given to our master. We bond and grow up together. For most of our youth we remain as a wolf until we are old enough to be given a more human form. We learn to walk and talk, and begin to learn about the world around us and its history.”
“And what exactly do you as a familiar?”
“We help our master in any way we can. We learn to fight so we can protect them, and are taught about magic so we better understand those around us.”
“So you’re like a bodyguard?”
“Not quite. Witches don’t tend to leave the coven. I’d say we’re more like a connection to nature for our masters.”
“You sound more like pets than anything else.” Yuta commented.
“What? It’s true.”
“We’re not just pets.” You stated. “We’re important companions to our masters and a source of strength. We owe them our lives and are happy to serve. I’m glad I’m home with my master.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I don’t want to go back to your pack if that’s what you’re insinuating.” 
“Well it’s not up to us right now, is it?”
“If you think my master is gonna hand me over to you, then you’re crazy.”
“Woah, woah, what the hell are you talking about?” Seokmin pulled you closer to him. “What do you mean hand you over? What happened?”
“It’s nothing…”
“Y/n, as your mate it’s my job to protect you, and I can’t do that if you don’t tell me everything that is going on.”
“Mate?” Xiaojun questioned. “Werewolves don’t mate with each other anymore, let alone an omega.”
“Xiaojun, shut up!”
“Y/n, what is he talking about?” Jun wondered. “What’s this about omegas, they don’t exist anymore.”
“It’s nothing, really.”
Jun’s sharp gaze and tone made you whimper, causing your ears to drop. The last thing you wanted to do was lie to your friends.
“The werewolves think I’m an omega…”
“You are.” Yuta corrected. “That witch admitted it. These two are the same.”
“That’s not true! It’s not…”
“I don’t care what’s true or not anymore.” Seokmin cut in. “You two can go back to your alpha or whatever and leave us alone. I’ve had enough of you.”
“Y/n is not leaving our sight.” Xiaojun stated.
“Fuck off.”
Seokmin tried to pull you away from the scene, but Xiaojun quickly grabbed your arm and yanked you back. Next thing you knew Xiaojun and Seokmin were growling at each other.
“Let go!”
“I don’t care if you think you’re her mate or something.” Xiaojun snapped. “She stays with us.”
“Please don’t fight.” You whimpered. “Or we’ll all be in trouble.”
“Y/n, you may think this is your home, but it’s not.” Yuta said. “Not for them either. You belong with us, in a pack, not as a familiar.”
“I should get to choose for myself, shouldn’t I? You guys were all about giving me a choice when it seemed like I would stay with you, but now you want to take that away? I don’t want to be an omega, and I don’t want to be in your pack!”
“Everybody just stop.” Jun cut in. “We can talk in circles but clearly our elders are speaking on whatever matter this is, am I right?”
“Yeah.” Yuta admitted. “They are.”
“Then let’s wait to see what happens on their end before we do anything.”
Xiaojun let you go, and Seokmin pulled you into his arms. He was still glaring at the other two but for now you all had to behave yourself. It was hard for Yuta to see you in someone else’s arms as he wanted nothing more than to rip you away from them. None of this felt right.
“I understand you’ve gotten very attached to her, but she will not be leaving here with you.”
“And I’m just supposed to leave her here with you?” Taeyong spat. “Where you deny her true nature and use her.”
“You’re crossing the line.”
“Am I? When I removed that mark on her she was free to be her true self. Her scent was that of an omegas, she went into heat and we took care of her, she recognized her alpha, she-”
“Did she like it?” Kibum asked. “Seungcheol, I presume you told her what she is, correct?”
“And how did she take that?”
“She denied it and wanted to come home.”
“So it seems she has no interest in your pack. Shouldn’t you respect her choice?”
“Is it really a choice when you’ve raised her with lies?”
“That is for her own protection!”
“Kibum, calm down.” Minho said. “Truth is I’m grateful that she was found by you. Another pack may not have discovered what she is, but even then all you had in mind were good intentions. It’s nice to know that not all werewolves these days hate omegas, but that is still not reason enough for her to go with you.”
“Why not?” Johnny questioned. “Like you said, we’ve looked after her. We’re capable of-”
“You can’t mate with her, or bond, or anything. You may have been affected by her heat as a result of lingering ties, but you certainly can’t get her pregnant. Omegas were removed from your packs, and the bond you share with each other is not able to include her.”
“Then put her back.” Taeyong suggested. “You can undo what you’ve done.”
“It doesn’t work that way.” Jinki spoke up. “Powerful magic removed omegas, so you’d need the same, if not more, power to return them. Even then, it’s an all or nothing situation. I understand you have no issue here, but what about the rest of your kind? If omegas suddenly reappear are you so sure they won’t be killed? Not to mention this goes against the treaty. Such actions without consulting all werewolves could lead to war, and omegas will lose the most.”
“Finding out you lied will do the same.”
“To be honest with you, even if I could return omegas to you right now, even if it was only her, I wouldn’t. There is nothing you can do to convince me otherwise. Your kind have become brutal creatures, and I don’t trust you to take care of an omega. Your people betrayed them once, I don’t trust that they won’t do it again. So by now I think you understand this conversation has just been a courtesy.”
“Courtesy? For what?”
“Suho, being the elder here, I’m sure you understand how this has to end. It would be no trouble to wipe the memories of your pack mates to make this all much easier. Of course the omega in question will also forget the events that have transpired. And I say all this as it is a means of keeping the peace.”
“You can’t-”
“That’s enough, Taeyong.”
Taeyong glanced between Suho and Jinki, realizing they had come to their conclusion. He couldn’t believe any of this, and didn’t want to hear anything more. He left the room, and soon enough the others did the same. Suho sighed when that happened.
“It’s not your fault. This is a very unique situation. My proposal still stands. I’m sure you know what’s best.”
“I do. Although I still need to discuss with my partner if that’s alright.”
“Of course. As long as this stays among us for now there should be no issue.”
Taeyong couldn’t believe what the elders had been talking about, feeling that everything had been pointless. He had to find you, so he went off the way you did before. Your scent was long faded, but he could easily track his own members. It wasn’t long before he saw them with you and two other individuals.
When you heard your name you looked around, kinda surprised to see Taeyong. As soon as you locked eyes he stormed over to you. He didn’t care to ask about Seokmin or Jun, just grabbing your arm and yanking you towards him.
“We need to talk. In private.”
“Who the hell are you?” Seokmin asked.
“Her alpha.”
“Come on.”
“She’s not going anywhere with you!”
“No, no, no, wait!” 
You managed to hold your ground. You didn’t want a fight breaking out, especially now that the others had shown up. Seokmin and Jun would be outnumbered, but even then you didn’t want other witches to get involved.
 “Seokmin, I’m just gonna go talk to him for a few minutes and then be right back, okay?”
“I don’t trust him.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Please. I’ll be right back.”
“Five minutes.”
“Okay, I can do that.”
From there Taeyong pulled you along, dragging you into the forest around the coven village. You kept quiet until you couldn’t take it anymore.
“How do you feel about the pack?”
“Uh… I… I’m happy I met you, and grateful that you looked after me but… I’m home, this is home for me.”
“Do you know what the elders talked about? They intend to wipe your memories about us, and we’ll forget you too.”
“They can’t do this.”
“Taeyong, the elders… what they say…”
“Are you okay with this?”
“I trust my master. If this is what is supposed to happen then I’m not gonna fight.”
“Y/n, you can’t just submit to-”
“We won’t even remember each other. There’s no point arguing now.”
“They’re gonna wipe out memories?”
Both you and Taeyong looked over to see Yuta. Without realizing he had followed you and was listening in to the conversation. Now that he knew what the others had planned he came over and grabbed you.
“Is that true? You’re just gonna forget us? After everything?”
“This is out of your hands, Yuta.”
“You can’t just leave like that. You’re one of us.”
“I’m not part of your pack.”
“Then I’ll make you.”
You didn’t understand what Yuta was talking about, not until he sunk his fangs into your shoulder. A scream ripped from your throat and you managed the strength to shove Yuta off of you. Along with the pain your vision was starting to get blurry. You stumbled back a few steps before collapsing to the floor. The world was spinning around you and slowly fading to black.
“Yuta! What did you do!?”
“I… I don’t know… something just told me to bite her… and… is she gonna die?”
“Not if I have a say in it.”
Taeyong checked on you, seeing that you were barely conscious. Thankfully the scream only caught the attention of the rest of his pack mates and no one else. They rushed over, quickly questioning the scene.
“What do we do?” Xiaojun asked. “The witches-”
“We can’t tell them.” Taeyong stated. “And we can’t stay here either, we need to leave.”
“Leave?” Ten questioned. “How are we gonna do that without having the whole coven after us? Where would we even go?”
“I have an idea, but I need you to call the others. There’s a spell I’m gonna have to use.”
“Trust me. She’s my omega, and I will take care of her just as I will take care of my pack.”
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xxktnexx · 5 months
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Who Does It Better
A succubus and incubus who really hates each other and decided to settle their differences in an unusual way. HOT but still unusual if you consider how they hate each other.
This is a Chanyeol x Reader pairing
Chapter 1 - Picking a Fight
The club was noisy. As always.
You and your friends just arrived and were lucky enough to get a good spot out of the place.
You look around to the familiar surroundings and an evil smile crept on your lips when you felt the sinful atmosphere.
The closed establishment was fully packed again with different breeds.
Vampires, werewolves, demons, and all the other night child like you.
You went back to your drink but was not oblivious to the lingering stares that some of the males gave you. Human males to be exact.
You feel sorry for those pitiful creatures for being too ignorant with their surroundings.
They felt delated for little things they possess, failing to see that they might cause them their very lives if they move by mistake.
A clueless rat leisurely stepping on a field full of landmines.
That's not good girl. Feeling sorry for your food would upset thy stomach. You thought to yourself.
"Yah gongju-nim you never fails to amaze me." Your friend Juna told you.
"We only got here and look, you already now have--- seven meals to feast on." She pauses for a moment to secretly count the men who is visually undressing you.
"Come on Jun it's not like it's new." You gave her a cocky smirk.
"Bet your right." Jina the other twin friend chime in.
The twins are vampires and you on the other hand is a Succubus.
You came from a rather well respected family in your race and sometimes called gongju-nim(princess) by your friends for fun.
It was annoying but just let it slide since your irritation would just fall from deaf ears considering the type of friends you have.
"So, who's the meal now?" Jina asked.
"I don't know. The ones who fantasize about me on their way to sleep, like the usual I guess?" You shrug answering.
"Wahh, and I think that means all seven of them. What a glutton. How does it even work?" Juna says her accusation and confusion.
"You call yourself my friend, but you know nothing?" You round your eyes like you were surprised but not the very least.
You were just teasing.
"Hello? We have different nightly activities if I remind you. And it's not like I fuck my food on their sleep."
"Excuse me lady bat. Don't say it like there is any physical contact okay? My succubus spirit form enters their wet dreams and consume some of their life forces. And it's not like I can help it when they think about me. Nor it was my fault that we feed that way." You said informing her.
"Ohh so that's how it works." The voice who talked behind you was not unknown nor uninvited.
"Oh, hey Jong In oppa. Glad you made it." Jina excitingly hugged her older brother, followed by Juna.
"That answers a lot. I was actually wondering how that works.”
“You my friends needs some get-to-know-Y/N-well session.” And place the glass of liquor on your lips to sip on.
“But you don't actually kill them, right?" The fairy Bacon who sneakily wrap his arm around your shoulder said in amusement.
"Yeah Bacon, we don't need to kill to eat. Me on the least never killed before but I might soon. If someone don't keep their arms to themselves."
I slowly looked at him and that made him retreat his limbs.
"Does that work the same way with you too Chanyeol?" Suho asked to the person behind you.
You froze for a moment and quickly consealed it from the others. You didn't expect him to be there.
Well, maybe a little. His presence is always present inside the bar since he never strays off away from this kind of places but behind you?
No not the slightest.
"Same." Just the low voice that came from him made you frown in annoyance.
Nevertheless, you were planning to ignore him for the whole night.
But the thought jinx you almost instantly. He was not thinking the same thing.
"Bad to see you doing well Y/N. Guess the nickname gongju-nim was not just for show after all." He said as he rounds up to your view and sat on the high chair just next to you."
Though the nickname did irk you most time no one would deny the pride that the title gives.  
Considering your age, you were already one of the best Succubus around earning you the title.
And you’re not liking the way Chanyeol roll your name on his tongue.
Sad thing to say he is actually one of the best league with you.
"Don't call me that scambag your tainting the name." You answered back with the same amount of sass.
You saw how he slightly clenched his jaw and that pleased you for sure.
But got the amusement withdrawn when you notice human girls flirty eyeing the big eared man.
Shit. Same number of victim or maybe greater. Tsk sluts these days. You thought.
Chanyeol scan what caught your attention before smirking.
"Oh, don't be too bitter if I fuck better than you." He notices your reaction and suddenly said.
"Don't mix up our activities Yoda. I only eat for food unlike you. You literally screw food for good."
He suddenly looked at you. Mock is visible on his eyes.
"Wow who would have thought that the great Y/N is still a virgin." That statement speaks fluent sarcasm but that was not where it shuts you off.
For what he said was true.
You're maybe incomparable in being a Succubus but honestly speaking, you never had any experience in physical interaction.
You bit your lower lip before looking at the bottles on the shelf in front you. You tried to stay nonchalant but Chanyeol already saw through your facade.
He leans in towards you. You could feel his hot breath brushing the side of your face.
"Aren’t you quiet shy for a sex demon?" You can feel your canine and claws aching in anger and you have to close your eyes to calm yourself down.
Chanyeol only chuckle at it because he knew he won.
"Whoa, we better stop this now before we make a scene here. There's too many humans around guys don't forget that." Suho stood in between you.
Chanyeol thankfully stopped and so did you.
"You two can't just get along well. You always fight every time you see even the tip of each others’ fingers." Juna and Jina said in a matter of fact.
"And to think you both came from the same ancestry." Sehun added.
The three immediately regretted they ever open their mouths when you and Chanyeol threw them killing glares making them gulp in sync.
They should have known better than to make open comments like that.
You understand that the younger friends don't know anything since it is a very long-time matter.
Actually, hidden incident and was only known by close friends and family member.
Ranging from your age and up knew about what happened.
The incident took place when the twins and Sehun were even born.
You can clearly remember. You were six years old at that time when you’re aware enough to know that your only older brother
was going out with Chanyeol's noona.
You sincerely liked her too. She was pretty and smart and talented and was very kind.
You want them to end up together. Not to mention how you saw the affection they gave when they look at each other.
Your brother is a total tease but still kind, handsome, and cool.
And even though he would tease you until you whine and tear up in annoyance, he would always do something that would make you forgive him.
He loves you dearly and you're well aware of that.
He's a well know player too but changed when he started to date with Yoora unnie.
For you, they might be the total opposite, yet they were made to be together.
They were loving each other tenderly like any normal couple do until you find yourself traumatized one night.
You saw your brother return home cover in blood. Face busted with tons of bite marks covering his skin.
When he enters the main door of your house your mother barely catches him.
You stood frozen, watching as the horrifying scene unfold.
You just stared as your father run to your brother’s side casting some spell you usually hear when you get wounded.
A healing chant.
You were just staring as your mother cry in vain as she hugs her only son, asking him to hold on.
Just staring as your dying brother repeat the same name over and over again. Yet you couldn’t move because of pure shock.
"Yoora." He said in gasp.
That's what prick you up. You ran beside him hurriedly enveloping his cold hand with yours.
“Stay.” The silent plea made your brother look at you with his somehow cloudy and unsteady sight.
You asked him, no you beg for him to hold on.
But his eyes are full of apology. And you realize what he meant.
His leaving. Leaving you.
You vigorously shook your head in disagreement and hugged him. "Please, not like this." You whispered.
He finally drew his last breath and died in your arms.
Your dad silently cried as your mom screams her agony and pass out in the process. You willed yourself to stay awake.
Refusing to pass out even how much your body wants to.The shocked is helping you to stay upright.
 You hugged your brother's body again as it slowly glimmers and fades away into ashes.
Your brother was gone but tears never came to you.
The nightly enforcers came and investigation resulted in murder.
Who would hate him so much to kill him like pig?
Many thoughts of suspects come and go through your head but none made sense.
Until the investigator told you that the suspect was a suitor of Yoora unnie from another clan.
On that most sorrowful days of your life many people came to mourn with the whole family. Including the Park family.
You remember clearly, Chanyeol was there too.
Following behind his father as they enter your household.
For the first time, you saw a glimpse of the woman your brother loved.
She was thinner and paler now. Her pretty face was painted with sorrow and pain.
She looks like a walking ghost because of how gloomy she looks.
But who are you to criticize? When you look as bad as her.
"We are sorry for what happened." Mr. Park said and pat your dad's shoulder. Who thanked him in return.
Mrs.Park hugged your mother too making her cry again.
Chanyeol look at you and smile but you didn't return the gesture. You could almost see your appearance in his eyes.
A pale life sized doll that would break any time soon.
But still he slowly walks up to you, held your hand and led you to the garden where both of you sat side by side.
He was talking about some things but you didn't listen. You can't focus to him even if you wanted to.
You’re too occupied, too sleep deprived, too dejected and what’s worse? You’re still bottling it up.
Tears never shed even once.
It had completely left you. Like how your brother did.
Chanyeol looks like talking to a lifeless doll but he seems not to mind.
The investigation cross to your mind and you spoke for the first time.
Your words were not thoroughly filtered, and you just muttered what comes first to mind.
What seats right with your jumbled thoughts and feelings.
"If oppa didn't love unnie that much maybe he’ll still be with us." Your voice was scratchy hollow.
Chanyeol look at you gaping in horror. "Are you blaming my sister?"
His voice was controlled but a glint of anger can be heard.
You didn't bother on explaining yourself and let him think whatever he think fits with your words.
He sighs. "I know you're in pain but you should not blame others for your loss. You are not the only one feeling the pain." He stood up and left you.
You didn't care.
Week after the incident you never saw Chanyeol. You never apologize for what you said and never even planned to.
It was another sorrowful day on your house when another tragic news came crashing in.
Park Yura is dead. She ended herself.
Your family went to sympathize with the Park family this time.
Until the end they still end up together and it might be in a wrong time but it made you smile.
They are so selfish to leave us like this.
Your parents are slowly recovering and you're pretending to.
Maybe a little forceful and slow but still better than not trying.
You saw Chanyeol for the first time after what happened in the garden.
He was as bad as you look a week ago and you feel sorry for him.
You knew the pain too well.
You walk towards him but didn't talk and just sat silently beside him as both of you stared at the same direction.
"If only my sister didn't love your brother that much maybe she’ll still be with us."
Chanyeol told you the same thing you told him last time.
You look at him with cold eyes.
"You are right. How selfish of them."
Chanyeol face painted with bafflement and anger again. He suddenly stood up.
"You're crazy." He mutters before leaving.
The word slowly sinks in as he left you there. "Yeah, maybe I am." You said in emptiness.
That was the final moment that snapped the thread of friendship that ever existed between you two.
You never talked since then.
It even took you 5 years to have a proper conversation out of each other and what you mean by proper conversation are exchanging arguments.
You still have the same group of friends.
You still grew up together.
Both of your families are still close to each other but not you and him. And you think that would never change.
"Hey gongju-nim. Are you okay?" The simple tap that Sehun gave you pulled you out from your long and heavy thought.
"Yeah. I just have a sudden--- drift." You said as you started twirling the glass of liquor on your hand.
"Thinking about me?" Chanyeol's words interrupted again.
He wore his famous smirk that would make all human or not swoon. The usual cocky smirk that surely mocks.
"Yeah." You answered back honestly.
For the first time in a long while you caught him off guard. He looks funny for a moment but then covered it up immediately.
You pretended you say nothing and he pretended he never heard anything.
These unplanned personal moments happen between you and him from time to time. But none made a word out of it.
No one acknowledges the thought that both of you can talk without fighting.
You don’t want to encourage the feeling, because of a hatred that sprouted from nowhere.
Just then you notice that your friends aren't even giving you guys a fuck.
Even Sehun just spare you some tap to pull you out from the comfort of your own world.
All of them are already busy with their own conversations.
In the corner of your eyes you saw a young beautiful petite woman coming towards your direction. And by the looks of it you already knew for whom.
She smiles seductively before seating beside Chanyeol, touching his arm while she's at it.
"Hi handsome. Mind if I take the pleasure of your company?" She opens her pouty red lips.
You were just watching through your peripheral view and did not dare to look over.
Afraid that Chanyeol might take it differently. You’re not really interested with his life.
You saw how his lips curled into a lap sided smile but what came out from his mouth after was unexpected.
"Sorry but I already have one." He drops the smile and just shot her cold eyes. The statement shocked you for a bit but keep it to yourself.
That should have offended the female human but in contradiction it only made her drool more for the incubus in your side.
"You look so wickedly hot and cool at the same time how do you even do that?" She whispers and bit her lower lip in appreciation.
And you did the same in annoyance.
Can you people stop flirting within my range of sight and hearing?
And when I said it that way that means go outside the club so you can spare my succubus eyes and ears from your corrupted interaction. You thought.
Chanyeol didn't respond at all and just enjoyed the bitter taste of his drink.
His face was scary calm too.
You know that face, he's not in the mood for any shits right now and you’re not sure what caused it.
"You're not really gonna talk to me?" The girl cares his arm through his leather jacket again, almost making her moan because of the delicious muscle she could feel under her touch.
That made Chanyeol face harden but says nothing.
The woman finally grumbles in defeating annoyance and walk away from the both of you. You fought a smile which you didn’t know where it came from.
"Now that's new. I never saw you rejected some hot babe like that before." Juna suddenly said and it made you agree silently. When you look at your friend you know she's already tipsy or maybe drunk.
"Not really in the mood." Chanyeol mutter while smirking.
"How can the both of you be so attractive without even trying?" She said again after gulping another shot down.
"It's in our kind baby. Now stop drinking you'll look like a piece of shit later and I know you'll regret it." You said as you reach out for the second shot.
"I know. I know." She was raising the glass away from you. "I know it's in your kind but you two are exceptional." She added.
"That's right twin sista!!" Jina was already drunk too. They high five each other barely missing each other's hands.
"Tch you girls can’t handle your alcohol well. Why did you guys even let these two drink?" You asked the other boys but fell in deaf ears.
"So, who does it better?" Juna suddenly blurted out.
"Does what better?" Chanyeol asked as he look at the drunk woman over his shoulder. His brow furrow in confusion.
"Who fucks better?" Her face was in pure innocence.
 Like a curious child who is asking what is the sun for. Her twin sister is clapping her hands together in total agreement.
That question caught yours and Chanyeol's attention.
You look at each other for a good second, actually preparing to answer the question like it is about who's so much better at school.
Succubus and Incubus take pride at their sexually related life.
It's in their nature. In their vein. In their genes. And you rather loss to anyone but him.
"Of course, I do." Both of you said at the same time.
Head snapping again towards each other. Throwing sharp glares while you’re at it.
But then Chanyeol's smirk slowly crept on his lips.
"You? If you haven't notice you just admitted earlier that you're a virgin."
You scowl at him. "Let me correct that Dickhead. I admit nothing. I stay silent, you assumed, your loss." Once again calling him with curse names other than his own.
When was the last time I called him by his name? I don't remember.
"You're not gonna fool me woman. You can play with anyone but me."
"Say what you want but I'm still better than you." You said.
"This will lead us nowhere." Jina mumble realizing that none of you wants to back down.
"We cannot prove who's better with just claim words and we can't do anything about it."
"Actually, we can." Juna interrupted. You can almost see the bright bulb that just lit inside her head.
"How?" Chanyeol and you asked again at the same time.
Can he stop talking along with me. Your inner beast growl.
She giggle at her inner humor before blurting out. "Simple. You two should have sex with each other."
You surely felt the long pause.
Okay, what the hell was that?
"Excuse me?!" You snap first.
"You've got to be kidding me." Chanyeol mumble under his breathe.
Words suppose to be said upon himself though you heard it still. Without a valid reason you felt offended with his reaction.
What the fuck. You don't want to sleep with him Y/N. Sort out your priorities will you?!
"Well you know. If you go with who gets the most victim would be tiresome and long. And I swear it won't end right there and then.
For sure one of you would want a rematch then another then another and another. Besides that game sounds quite slutty. We don't like it." Jina reasoned out.
"So if you guys just do it between yourselves. Maybe make some rule about who cums first, loses. Then we can settle it more simply and neatly." Juna added.
"No." You said flatly. "I won't say any other reason just plain no."
Chanyeol's meaty laugh beside you made you stop yourself from shoving the fucking wine bottle in his mouth. It was a hard restrain.
You glared at him making sure he can feel its intensity.
"Don't get me wrong but man, you're a coward. You just say no without even hearing anything out. Can't blame you though. Who would fight a losing battle."
"You really are a pain in my ass." You squinted your eyes at him.
He suddenly leans forward brushing his hot breath on your ears by the process.
"I can also inflict pain somewhere else in your body if you want." He whisper on my ears and thankfully the twins didn't catch that up or else I'm done.
He did not specify where but you could not help but to think dirty on that 'somewhere'.
Nevertheless, you hide your real reaction with a scoff and redden in annoyance but mostly in embarrassment.
Thankfully the stroblight is covering your face. 
"If I didn't know any better, I would think you're flirting with me." You smirk at him hiding your bashful side.
He did not talk for a second. But you saw him bit his lower lip as he was eyeing the seductive smirk on your lips.
The lip bite was gone as soon as it surface. He mask it with the sudden chuckle that made you doubt if that really happened or were you getting drunk?
"You can keep on dreaming. You cannot even fight me as an equal. How can I look at you like a probable consort."
You don't want to admit and you would never admit but his statement made a painful jab inside and you spoke before you could stop yourself.
"I feel sorry for Yoora unnie. To have a namjadongsaeng as fucked up as you."
You saw Chanyeol's face turn sour. You know you hit the wrong button but he was also hitting the wrong one.
The way Chanyeol's eyes turn cold almost made you feel guilty. Key word, almost.
"I feel sorry for your brother too. To have an egocentric, insensitive, and loser sister like you."
You are already on each others throat. You can feel your gums ache in absolute anger.
Canines threatening to bite on something fleshy to ease the pressure your giving it. Chanyeol being that something fleshy.
You both fell silent. An act of dismissing the argument unsolve or even finish.
This conversation is getting nowhere. Why did he even sat beside me if he hates me as much as I hate him.
To pissed you of course. A voice said in your head.
Damn Incubi and all his fucking tricks.
"Whoa, the world is swirling!" Juna squeals on you right arm. Jina taking the other.
It was already pass 1 when the three of you got out of the club. Too early for creatures like you. But Juna and Jina is nowhere close to sane now and you could not let them take another minute or second inside the club. Even though their vampire blood these two are still children and you don't want them to go bersik in there.
You could not spot Jong In and you've got the brightest idea that he may have hooked up someone and left the place.
What a good for nothing brother.
Sehun is also drunk and you let Suho take good care of him.
To make the situation worse it started raining and you could not find your keys anywhere.
Maybe, you have dropped it or worse stolen.
What can a lone Succubus do under the rain without a car, with twin drunkards each arm of her?
You can handle them both really. With their petite body and your inhuman strength that would be a piece of cake.
But you would not dare to soak them or yourself under the heavy pore of rain.
"Shit. And it so happens that I love this heels." You mumble under your breath when you look down to your black strapped footwear.
The sudden arm that snake over Jina, taking her away from your arm scared the wits out of you.
You were about to raise your leg to beat whoever's trying to steal the sleeping girl within your grasp.
"It's just me." Chanyeol's voice stop you from the attempt. No wonder you did not feel any presence.
He carry Jina on his arm like a lady and by pure instinct she lean closer to him encircling her fair limbs around his neck and burying her face on the crook of it.
You know Jina did not mean harm or even aware of what she's doing now. But the sudden frown consumed your face shocked you to no end.
You are irritated with something and it's so frustrating that you could not pin point the cause.
Chanyeol look at you for a moment. "I'm not doing this for you. It's for the twins."
Ahh it must be it. I was irritated that I am receiving help from him. Your inner you said but deep inside you know there's something more.
You followed Chanyeol to the side alley. Giving your best effort to stay dry including the young lady you are carrying beside you.
You can now see Chanyeol's car up ahead.
Both of you put the twins on the backseat but you stopped when you were about to open the front seat of the car.
He didn't say you can ride dimwit. You thought making your hands balled in withdrawal.
"What are you waiting for? Get in." Chanyeol eradicate the hesitation inside you.
You gladly hop in and welcomed the comfort inside the vehicle.
Chanyeol turned the car on and drive it out of the place.
"Thank you for taking the twins home Y/N." Mr. Kim said with a smile. You return the gesture openly.
"Thank you as well Chanyeol."
"It's no problem Mr.Kim." Chanyeol also smile and you stared at it for a moment.
What a rare display.
You averted your eyes when he looked over to you.
"You heard me Chanyeol? You cannot hide that feelings forever." Juna suddenly yelled. Pointing her perfectly painted nails to the big eared man beside you.
You look over at Chanyeol and gave him an asking look but he's as shocked as you.
"And you Miss Y/N, you should hop down your high horse for once. So you can finally see it." Jina suddenly joined the moment.
"Yeah. Yeah. Now go to sleep you two. Thank you again."  Mr.Kim said as he escorted his daughters into their own room.
Chanyeol and you descended the stairs as the door behind you closes.
You keep on thinking about what the two just said. What am I blind about?
The rain began to pore harder again and a sigh escape your lips.
"Let's get you home."
You just can't believe what you heard. "What?"
"Do you want to walk home wet?"
"No." You said in an instant.
"Then get your butt in the car before I change my mind." Chanyeol said before walking round the car.
And that’s what you did. You race to get inside the car before he really did change his mind because enemy or not, you are not going home wet and that’s final.
You had your eyes on the road but for a moment you turn to look at Chanyeol. He was frowning while tapping the GPS.
"What?" You asked, curious by the ugly emotion on his face.
"The road on your home is blocked."
"Blocked?! Why?!" You sat up from lazily resting your back on the leather seat.
"Seems like the water had rose up. The car can't pass."
"You've got to be kidding me." You cup your forehead.
What now?
You stayed rooted on your current place when Chanyeol suddenly U-turn.
"Where are we going?" You asked.
"My apartment. Nothing good will come to us by just staying there."
"W-what about me?"
He glances at you once. "You stay with me for tonight." His lips pressed in a thin line.
"No. I can't do that."
Jina's words suddenly echoed inside your head.
"Then take your choice. Stay with me or swim home?"
You bit your lower lip. "Fine. I'll stay with you."
Chanyeol unlocked the door looking back at you for a second before finally opening it up.
His apartment is crystal clean and its beautiful.
To be honest, you did not expect it to be that neat.
Everything is organized from the slippers on the doorway to the kitchen and living-room.
You look like a lost child. Roaming your eyes inside Chanyeol's place. It's your first time to enter his space and you feel nervous altogether.
Chanyeol disappear into his room and when he came back he's now holding clothes by his hands.
Handing it to you nonchalantly.
"You can use the bathroom if you want. And feel free to use that spare clothes."
You did.
You grab the opportunity and make full use of his bathroom. Everything about it screams Chanyeol.
The bathroom’s black tiles, the towels and other equipment, especially the soap and shampoo. It all screams his name.
You take the soap and take a whiff at it. It surely smells like him.
Surprisingly it gives you comfort but you are not admitting that cause you yourself find it ridiculous.
You push yourself to dismiss the matter. Treating it like it’s once in a blue moon appreciation that you’re not telling him.
Hurriedly, you took a bath and got dress on the given clothes.
It was his black t-shirt and maybe the smallest of his boxers.
You stare at the mirror and honestly feels like a cloth hanger because of how big his shirt is. But it still looks good in you and it made you smile for able to rock even with the least clothes you can get.
When you got out of the bathroom you saw Chanyeol near the closet. Rampaging around.
"Hey, I'm done. You can use the bath now." You silently said. You could not even voice a thank you.
He looked at you and felt him stiffen for a moment. Chanyeol stare at you for a good time and you feel like scanning yourself.
"What? Do I look weird?"
That snap him from whatever thought he is having.
"You look ridiculous." He mocked.
"Oh, I'm so sorry your majesty." You said, sarcasm oozing in your words while rolling your eyes at him.
You decided to leave him alone.
Your feet lead you to the bar counter and you cringe at the thought of drinking again.
Nah. Enough is enough. Maybe a cup of hot coffee will help.
You take over of his kitchen again not minding if he would find you being nosy.
Making a drink for yourself won’t be label as one, considering that you're also making some for the guy who is currently in the shower.
Time comes by as fast as it went and before you know it you are seating side by side with Chanyeol on the couch.
Sipping on the hot coffee that you prepared while staring at the heavy droplets running down outside the glass window.
He was wearing his usual black hoody and gray sweatpants. The typical Chanyeol style when he’s ready for bed.
How you know that? Well let’s just say you do notice.
Both of you shared the comfortable silence that you never knew existed but that didn’t last long.
You should have known.
"You sleep in the couch."
You looked at him bewildered. "Pardon?"
"You sleep in the couch." He told you again.
"You should be a nice host and let me take your bed. I'm a lady if I remind you."
He scoffs. "I see no lady in you. And my bed was bought for me. So, it’s mine."
"Cheap." You mumbled.
"Uncute." Chanyeol mumbles back as he took another sip on his cup.
"Rascal." You retort back. The game of insulting each other began.
"Ugly." He said nonchalantly.
"Loser." He sip again not sparing you a glance.
This time around you are getting a little irritated.
He glared at you for a moment then. "Virgin."
You glared back. Was that supposed to be an insult?
And to make it more annoying he didn't just stop there. He continued his blabbering while enjoying his coffee.
If only you knew, you would have put poison in it.
"You really don't live for your name do you? Gongju-nim? Gongju-nim for what? Gongju-nim of virgins? Or maybe Gongju-nim of losers.”
Chanyeol was chuckling on his own joke which you didn’t find funny.
“You can't even be on par with me." He smirks and did not even bother to give you a glance as he place his finished drink on the table.
You felt a vain pop on your forehead and the last thin strand of resistant snap with it.
You smile menacingly.
"You know what I change my mind." You stood up beside him while slowly putting the cup on the center table.
Chanyeol look at your every move. Wondering to himself what are you up to.
"Change your mind on what?" He asked, you can tell that his confusion is genuine.
"On not taking you on. I can tolerate bad mouthing from others but just not yours. I had enough and I would not let you look down on me any further."
Chanyeol was confuse in what the hell is going on. And before he knows it, you're already sitting on his lap, straddling him.
"I'm gonna make you taste your own dose of medicine and beat you on your own game." You whisper under your breath.
He was shocked and stayed frozen for a moment before he immediately catches himself.
He did not expect for you to be this bold but who's complaining? He surely don't.
You lick his earlobe whispering seductively. "You should surrender now before it's already too late." You look down at him.
"Make me." His smirk made your blood boil. He counters your stare with his own.
"I warned you." You smirk back at him and he just shrug playfully.
"So, shall we start?" He said and grab the back of your neck to smash his lips to yours.
Next Chapter
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bellabellaball · 2 months
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Park Chanyeol was the most powerful vampire the world had ever seen. He was a pureblood from the Park clan, the oldest vampires known to man. In the vampire world, the Parks were basically royalty. They lived in a beautiful Gothic mansion that dated back to the 1700s, said to have once been the property of an ancient ruler. It now served as the residence of the vampire lord and his four lovers: Park Suho, Park Minseok, Park Jong-dae, and the youngest and most recent mate, Park Baekhyun.
Chanyeol met each of them at different times: Suho in Europe in 1351, when he neared death from the plague; Jong-dae in the early 1900s, as he suffered from the depression that swept the United States; and Minseok, Chanyeol's most recent find, saved from death as he lived with AIDS in the late 1980s. Minseok had been the most compliant of the three, as the concept of vampires wasn't foreign to him. He struggled with his loss of humanity, having been a vet in his past life, but life with Chanyeol entailed more than he could ever imagine.
Last was Baekhyun, a victim of a hate crime in 2010. Chanyeol happened to be passing by when he saw the young boy left for dead. The century-old vampire was no stranger to death and often wouldn't care when he saw murder, as it was a part of life. Yet when he saw the young man's face, he couldn't help but feel empathetic.
The blood of a pureblood was something to treasure. Many vampires would give themselves as slaves just to have a taste. Purebloods were the only ones capable of turning a human into a vampire. While most vampires were descendants of purebloods, they did not have the same power. For a time, it was heavily recommended that purebloods breed with one another to grow the vampire race. However, after a few centuries, vampires began to procreate with humans and other species. Now, 90% of the vampire population were low-level beings created by unions of vampires. Only 5% were still purebloods, and vampires like the Parks, created by purebloods, were known as aristocrats.
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Ironically, the very night Baekhyun was turned happened to be a full moon. While not much could harm a pureblood vampire, werewolves had been their enemies for centuries. As Chanyeol held the boy in his arms and fed him blood to awaken him, a pack of wolves charged at him from behind. This attack would have sent any normal vampire to the ground, but Chanyeol came from a special lineage.
The attack left him badly injured, requiring him to slumber for years until his body fully healed. He had yet to meet his new mate, and his older companions were forced to explain to the fledgling what had happened.
Cut to 2024, fourteen years later, Chanyeol was waking up from his slumber. The house remained unchanged, courtesy of Suho, who struggled with change. Chanyeol could detect a sweet, unfamiliar smell in the air.
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The first person to see Chanyeol since he woke up was Xiumin, who had chosen to spend the decade beside him, finding solace in the quiet of Chanyeol's room. As Chanyeol lifted the lid and emerged, Xiumin couldn't contain the tears that slipped down his cheeks at the sight of his beloved awake once more. Chanyeol stepped out slowly, stretching stiff limbs as he adjusted to the world beyond his slumber.
Approaching Xiumin, Chanyeol embraced him tightly, pressing a tender kiss atop his lips and brushing away the tears that adorned Xiumin's cheeks. "I'm sorry I made you wait, my love," Chanyeol whispered softly, his voice a soothing balm after years of silence. "Where are the others?" he asked gently, his hands still resting on Xiumin's shoulders.
"Awaiting your return, Lord," Xiumin replied , feeling the warmth of Chanyeol's touch. Chanyeol tightened his grip around Xiumin's waist, a familiar gesture that spoke of years spent together. "After forty years, I'd think you'd be more comfortable dropping the honorifics with your husband," he teased gently, a smile tugging at his lips.
Minseok's cheeks flushed, his gaze dropping to the floor as he fiddled nervously with his hands. "I'm sorry, Chanyeol, it's just..." he began, his voice hesitant. "While you were away, the others made it clear how fortunate we are to have been turned by you. I don't want to be disrespectful. I am truly thankful to you," he confessed, sincerity lacing his words.
Chanyeol's smile softened, his thumb gently brushing across Minseok's cheek. "Well, I'll have a talk with them," he assured, his voice carrying the weight of authority tempered by affection. As they walked through the grand halls of their home, Chanyeol couldn't shake the feeling of displacement. It had been only a decade since he last roamed these corridors, yet it felt as though a century had passed. Familiar shadows danced upon the walls, memories etched into every corner of the mansion they called home.
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Spotting his love, Chanyeol used his speed to tackle Jongdae. They crashed to the floor, the wind knocked out of Jongdae as his century-old lover lay on top of him. "I thought you'd be weaker after your slumber," Jongdae managed to say, chuckling despite the weight on his chest.
Chanyeol laughed softly. "Always be alert." He quickly helped Jongdae up, brushing the dust off both of them. "You've grown your hair out," Chanyeol observed, noting the stark contrast from the buzz cut he remembered.
Jongdae smiled, tucking a loose strand behind his ear. "Yeah, it just felt right, Yeol. It's more accepting now, so I thought..." He trailed off, studying Chanyeol's face, trying to read his expression.
Chanyeol met Jongdae's gaze warmly. "No, it's just... you look beautiful," he said sincerely.
Jongdae's smile widened. His second husband had been an army veteran, serving in the early years of World War II. Even then, Jongdae had known he was gay, coming to terms with his identity had been a struggle, even after being reborn as a vampire. Expression and identity had always been significant challenges for him. Chanyeol knew Jongdae was perhaps the most outwardly feminine among them, loving to paint his nails and finding joy in baking and housework.
Even when deciding who would carry their offspring, Jongdae had made it clear he would be the one to bear Chanyeol's children. This arrangement didn't sit well with the others, but Jongdae managed to give Chanyeol twins—more children than the other boys had.
"Where are the others?" Chanyeol asked. "Suho and Baekhyun are starting their lessons," Jongdae replied, guiding Chanyeol down the hallway and pointing towards the room where their children were completing their studies. "And Baekhyun..." Chanyeol's voice trailed off. "Has he been informed of the rules?"
Jongdae paused for a moment, confused, then realized Chanyeol hadn't had the chance to explain to Baekhyun before he was attacked. "Yes, Lord, he's completely untouched. I made sure of it," Jongdae assured him, but he couldn't meet Chanyeol's gaze as he continued, "We have all remained abstinent since your slumber."
Chanyeol smirked slightly, pride evident in his eyes at the loyalty he had built over the years. "Well, I'll have to address that later," he said casually. "But you and Minseok will have to drop the 'Lord' title. We'll discuss this."
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Why shouldn't they address you correctly?" a voice spoke from inside a nearby room. Chanyeol walked forward, spotting Suho holding a book with their son in his arms, reading him a story. "Chanyeol, you've forgotten who you are. It's only right we remind you," Suho said calmly.
With his perfect hearing, Chanyeol realized he should have anticipated that Suho would be aware of his presence. As the oldest among his mates, Suho possessed powers that surpassed the others by light years. "So you're the one I should blame for this," Chanyeol remarked, walking into the room. Almost immediately, his youngest son Sehun ran into his arms. "oh my goodness you've gotten so big" he remarks "I have fangs appa" sehun bars his teeth showing little fangs "that's my boy you'll be caught up to me in in time, he holds the boy adding small kisses to his face.
Looking up he sees the new edition holding his other son jongin in his arms he puts down the book he held looking at his sire.
"and you must be beakhyun,your more beautiful then I remember.“
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itstokkii · 7 months
35,46 and 50 <3
35: Post a Hetalia sketch or draft you want an excuse to share
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this was for a soojin-based playlist! I'm still working on it...so many songs I wanna cram here. for now, accept it as a march 1st movement art piece!
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also this! it's part of an au idea i was cooking up of turkey being a streamer and desperately trying his best to break through vampire uzb's mansion to explore it. she shooes him every time.
46: Who gives the warmest hugs?
surprisingly, north korea? when either of the korea twins needed emotional support due to working and living in the courts of goryeo and joseon, the other would be happy to give it. but one thing still remained and it's that north korea's hugs are soft and warm and comforting. to this day, when soojin/yongsoo's experiencing breakdowns, the one thing they miss is suho's hugs. warm tea or a nap works less and less each time.
50: Repost your favorite work (that you created) and say why
my favorite work...omg...do I have one??? I don't know! but it seems like everyone loves my vday yongsoo art so I'll repost that one!
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marshmallow-phd · 3 months
A Manor of Shadow and Blood
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won’t let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5
The grand hall was lit as bright as midday. Every surface was polished to perfection, reflecting the candlelight at a greater force. Brilliant brass and gold surrounded you as you made your way through the dancing couples, their movements in perfect sync. Wrapped in each other's arms, they spin around without a care for your wandering presence. 
While all who surrounded you were decorated in blacks and whites, your own dress was the color of freshly spilled blood. The heavy skirts that hug from your waist made it difficult to navigate the ballroom. Their fullness was of an older fashion, one that maybe your grandmother would have worn in her youth. The dropped shoulders left you exposed, your skin chilled despite the amount of bodies in here. 
You kept navigating the dance floor, on the look out for something, though you didn’t know what. Then you felt the familiar burn of eyes boring into your back, which sent a shiver down your spine. You whirled around to find the source, the dress brushing at your feet with the sudden motion. Through the crowd, you spotted Baekhyun leaning against the wall. With a single finger, he beckoned you over. And you obeyed. 
Breaking through the sea of dancers, you took in his elegant suit, the hems lined with gold thread that shimmered against black velvet. 
"You shouldn't dance alone," he purred. Arms crossed over his chest, he smirked at you with a grin even the devil wouldn't wear.
"I have no partner," you retorted. He held out a lazy hard. Hardly the romantic gesture. "No, thank you." 
"How about me?" asked a sweet voice in your ear. 
You turned your head to find Junmyeon at your back. He laid a soft hand on your hip to keep you from escaping out of propriety. When you didn’t shove him away, the hand slyly moved to your stomach, pulling your bare shoulder blades into his chest. With the fingers of his left hand, he tilted your chin towards him. 
"Am I a suitable partner?" 
No answer passed your lips. You could think of nothing to say. The thought of him twirling you around the dance floor was not… unpleasant. 
Junmyeon neither needed nor cared for a reply. He dipped his head to your shoulder and pressed a kiss to the skin. A small gasp passed your lips. And then he pressed another. More and more as he climbed up the curve of your neck. Heat rose from every inch of you as you sighed into the affectionate touches. You relaxed into his touch, welcoming each new contact of his lips. 
"It's rude not to share, Junmyeon.”
Your attention snapped back to Baekhyun, who you had forgotten was there. He pushed himself off the wall and stepped closer to you so he stood in front of the minor. 
No, not a mirror. There was no reflection. 
Except… there was. The mirror reflected the floor, the ceiling, the candlelight. You. 
But not Baekhyun. Not Junmyeon. And not the dancers still spinning behind you. 
Fingers snaked through your hair and pulled your head back, your vulnerable neck exposed. From the gallery above, Kyungsoo watched as elongated fangs flashed behind Junmyeon’s lips and plunged into your neck. 
You woke with a start, the blanket flying off of you as you sat up in a fury. Sweet drenched every pore of your skin. Your day old dress clung to your skin in a way that felt suffocating. Each breath was a struggle for your lungs. 
Vampires. The nightmarish tale that had kept you up as a child until you were convinced they weren't real turned out to be true. But how could they be real? 
Creatures of the night. Blood drinkers. Horror stories meant to keep children from wandering about after dark. 
Curling your legs to your chest and encasing them in your arms, you tried to think of a way out. To escape. With what strength you possessed, you slid off the bed and walked over to the window. The sun, so bright and full of life, was just beginning its descent towards the horizon. Night–their domain–was hours away. If the legends were true, then they would all be asleep at this moment. Any risk that was to be taken had to be taken now. 
After changing into a sturdier dress, you retrieved your still mud-covered boots and, keeping them in one hand, you carefully pushed away the pathetic barrier and snuck out of the room. 
Each step was taken with unmatched caution. You tested every board with your foot before fully committing. Any squeak of a floor or stumble down a stair could alert them to your escape. But by the grace of a miracle, you made it to the front door. Fingers trembling, you pulled on the boots and tied up the laces before opening the door only wide enough for you to slink through. 
The next breath taken outside was like the first breath of life. But there was no time to take it in. 
Gathering your skirts in your grip, you took off into the trees. The dirt was dry and sturdy under your feet. Branches and leaves crunched with the weight of your boots. A lady’s delicacy was out of the question as you ran without abandon. You didn't know what direction you were running. But vampires needed blood to survive and they weren’t drinking yours. And Jongdae had brought those buns from a bakery, not their own kitchen. You doubted any of them knew how to cook. That meant a village or town had to be nearby. Junmyeon had lied about the isolation of the manor. If you just kept going, you could find freedom. 
However, your stamina was running out. This was never your preferred activity. Your lungs and throat burned in an unfamiliar way. The sun still shined above. A short respite could be spared. 
You leaned against a tree trunk for support. In your boots your feet pulsed. Only now did you realize that you had run away without food or water. Not knowing where the kitchen was located, you didn't have time to waste on it. You could survive, you told yourself. Just a little farther. The town couldn’t be too far. Unless you were headed in the wrong direction. 
A rustling rippled through the silent forest. You snapped to attention, trying to find the source. 
“The wind,” you gasped between ragged breaths. “It had to be the wind.” 
A low, rumbling growl said it wasn't wind. 
In the distance, large silhouettes emerged. Wolves. Nearly a dozen of them. 
You ran as fast as your crying legs could take you. With their superior nature built for the hunt, the wolves caught up to you within seconds. Their growls and howls grew louder and more threatening behind you. Running from the manor had been easy. Running from the wolves was to be your end. 
Powerful paws slammed into your back. You were thrown to the ground, rolling across the ground as a scream ripped at your throat. The momentum stopped you on your stomach. Hair covered your face, but you could still see your death through the strands. 
Wolves of gray and black gathered in a half moon circle. They had their prey in perfect position. The middle wolf pounced. All you had time to do was throw up your arms to protect your face. Claws raked across your forearm. Another scream echoed through the merciless trees. The wolf landed on the other side of you with pride. Now you were surrounded. A second wolf leapt. 
A blur appeared in front of you and collided with the wolf midair. The two bodies tumbled across the forest floor. A human and the wolf. 
Not a human. 
Chanyeol. The wolf trapped within his grasp, Chanyeol tightened his grip–
The wolf fell limply to the ground, its tongue hanging from its jaw. 
The others appeared seconds later. Not understanding what they were up against, the wolves let you go to attack the newest threat. 
"Are you alright?" Junmyeon knelt down in front of you. His hands were outstretched as if you were the wild animal on the verge of attack. Behind him, snarls and whimpers told of the fight–and who was winning. Despite not answering him, he caught sight of your bleeding arm. "We need to get back to the manor." 
He didn't ask permission before picking you up into his arms and sprinting through the forest. Everything blurred past you, your loose hair whipping at your face. He burst through the manor doors and didn't stop until he was able to set you down in the largest chair. Once you were safe, he fell to his knees, only his palms keeping him upright. The others soon stumbled in behind him, heaving and collapsing onto the floor. Only then did you notice the smoke floating up from each of their backs. Patches of burnt, red skin sizzled on their knuckles and faces. Anything that had been exposed to the sun. 
"Baekhyun," Junmyeon gasped. 
"I already have it." Kyungsoo came into the parlor with bottles stacked in his arms. He quickly passed them around, waiting until the others were quenching their thirst before pulling the cork out of his own bottle and chugging the contents. 
With his bottle empty, Junmyeon tossed it to the side and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Red smears stained the ivory fabric. You shrank back in the chair as he turned towards you. 
"What hell were you thinking!" He growled. "I warned you about the wolves!" 
"Junmyeon, she's shaken up enough," Jongdae defended. Before your eyes, his burnt skin healed to be like new.
"She could have been killed!" 
Your head was pounding. He was… concerned about your life? The legends said that the sun was a vampire's deadliest enemy. It was why they thrived in the darkness. But they had all risked a final death to come after you. 
"Did you hear me scream?" you whispered. You could barely feel your own lips moving. All heads tuned to you. 
Yixing was the one to answer. "Yes. We all heard you." 
"Why were you out there?" Sehun asked aggressively.
You sucked in a sharp breath. There was no escaping the truth now. You stared at Jongdae. "I figured it out.” 
Baekhyun laughed. "At least we don't have to walk around delicately anymore." 
"When exactly did you do so?" Minseok mocked.
"Then you should remember what I said to you before was true. Harm would not come to you within these walls." Junmyeon crouched down next to the chair. His eyes... there was something behind the darkness that tugged at your still wildly beating heart. "I know you were running away. And if you're desperate to get away enough to get yourself killed, then the choice can be yours. We can send you on your way with every provision. Or," he cleared his throat, "you stay here. With us." 
A choice? He was giving you a choice?
Your gaze drifted over the faces that stared back at you. Even Kyungsoo refused to look away while he waited. There was almost a plea in his expression, a subtle beg. But was it to stay? Or for you to run as far away as possible? 
Junmeyon took your attention away when he picked up your wounded arm with delicate fingers. His pleading was much more clear. 
To leave would be the better choice. The more sane choice. But what would happen afterwards? You could claim being lost in the woods. With evidence of the carriage and the missing driver, what else could they believe? After a few days on bed rest, you would be back by your aunt's side, following her every whim. Including indulging her on a "perfectly adequate" suitor because you had no other option, no other path. That suitor who would then become your future. But you didn't want it. You refused to give in to it. 
Already within these few days, you were… changed in a way. They might not be human, but these men would forever be burned into your memory. Who could move you with music the way Chanyeol had? What silent strength could match the aura of Junmyeon? You had been promised that none of them would harm you. The chance for something extraordinary was right in front of you. The kind of chance you had only read about. It just had to be taken.
"I think… I think I want to stay."
The moon became an ever changing friend. You hardly saw the sun anymore. Like the men you had given yourself over to, you lived under the stars. It was oddly beautiful. This time was often forgotten about by you and many others. The night was only a background to your time within your dreams. But now it was your entire world. 
Every evening, you awoke to the dying orange light of the day. Breakfast always waited for you outside the door. It was the rule that no one broke; none could enter your room without explicit permission from you. Those walls remained your safe haven when things grew too overwhelming. 
Despite your decision to stay, discovering that other creatures walked the earth required a step away once in a while. Especially now, with you aware of their true nature, the men were refusing to hold back. 
Dropping from the roof, running around with spectacular speed, and lifting objects that ten men couldn't hold. It was remarkable. Except for the diet and inability to walk in the sun, the… condition seemed more like a blessing.
"You're rather thoughtful this evening,” Jongdae commented. He walked beside you like he did every twilight. 
After you finished your breakfast, you met Jongae at the front doors to go on a walk around the manor grounds. Often others would join you as well. Junmyeon was the most frequent, though Yixing, Changed, and Jongin made many appearances over the past week and a half. Boundaries were constantly tested, but one word from you and they retreated.
"I guess you could say I am thoughtful tonight," you finally sighed. You hadn’t realized that you were being so obviously quiet. Funny, since you would have thought Jongdae would enjoy the silence. You typically had many questions or comments of your own to make. 
"Should I go steal a penny from Sehun?" 
You laughed. "I'd like to think my thoughts are worth more than a single penny.”
"They must be if you've become so skilled in deflecting from them." He crossed over to block your path. Gaze narrowed, he studied your carefully guarded expression. "What are you thinking about so hard? Regretting your decision to stay already?" 
"No," you insisted. "Not at all."
He raised an eyebrow that simply asked, "Then what?" 
"Do you always stay here?" you countered. "At the manor, I mean." 
"We travel," Jongdae answered with a nod. "Not too often. It’s a bit difficult, you see."
"But we like traveling north.” Minseok dropped from who-knew-where, landing with barely bent knees and hands folded behind his back. "In the winter, the night lasts longer. Junmyeon has a small hunting lodge up there. 
A hunting lodge? "Then why do you stay here?" 
Minsoek shrugged. "This manor is bigger." 
"Having nine of us in one household can be a bit volatile,” Jongdae added. He stepped aside to continue the stroll. "We need the room to separate so we don't level a building." 
Your foot caught on an invisible lump in the grass. "You could destroy a building while fighting?" 
Minseok snickered as he caught your stumble and helped steady your stance. His hand lingered at your waist until your sharpened glare made him remove it. "We haven’t crumbled a wall in a few years."
You scoffed at the casual tone. "What sort of fight caused that?" 
"I can't remember." Minseok leaned forward slightly to look at Jongdae for help. But he didn't seem to recall either. 
"Who knows what started it between Chanyeol and Kyungsoo.”
Your mouth dropped open in shock. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol had fought over something to the point of destroying a wall to crumble? It didn't feel plausible. Neither seemed like the hot-headed sort. You wanted to know the igniting incident so desperately. 
Both Jongdae and Minseok suddenly whipped their heads towards the front of the manor. 
"What is it?" you asked when neither offered an explanation. 
"Junmyeon's calling for us." Jongdae scooped you up into his arms without warning. At your confused expression, he explained, "We're not leaving you alone out here." Remember your last adventure in the woods lingered in the silence.
The short lived wind whipped at your hair that you still wore loose to cover your neck. As soon as he stopped running, you wiggled out of his arms to be back on your feet. Everyone else was already gathered just outside the door. Several eyed you and Jongdae with suspicious and annoyed glares. You took a step away from him for some separation. 
Clearing his throat, Junmyeon called everyone to attention. "We have to go hunting–real hunting. Now, normally, we all go together, but now that we have our guest," he nodded towards you, "some will have to stay behind with her until the first party… comes back." 
"If you all need to go,” you couldn't quite speak the word feed, "then I'll be alright. For a few hours, at least." You weren't sure how long this excursion would take.
Junmyeon's features softened. "No. We'll go in groups. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Minseok and I will go first. We shouldn't be gone long." He reached out and patted the top of your head before disappearing into the trees. Kyungsoo gave no goodbye as he followed suit. The last two playfully shoved each other while taking off. 
"Come." Yixing took hold of your hand and started pulling you inside. "I want to show you something."
"But–" You had wanted to ask Jongdae a question, but the traitor was already gone, off somewhere to do something he would never tell you about. So, you let Yixing take you into the manor and up the main staircase at the end of the hallway. At least he let you stay on your own feet instead of insisting on going at his speed. 
Going down an unfamiliar hallway, you were reminded how big this place was and how much you still had to explore. The men occupied most of your time, vying for your attention and pulling you this way and that so you didn’t have much time on your own. It was odd and overwhelming at times. 
During your seasons in town, you were hardly a well-sought after prize. There were prettier girls with grander dowries. You had accepted that fact. Now you were the center of a courting dance to which you knew none of the steps and possessed endless partners. 
Yixing paused in front of a door that looked identical to all the others. He kept his fingers tight around yours as he slowly turned the knob with his free hand. The door swung open. 
The gasp inhaled through your parted lips wasn't enough to convey your awe. 
Maps of all the places you'd heard of and dozens more you hadn't covered the walls like homemade wallpaper. Slipping out of Yixing's grip, you walked further into the study, spinning slowly around to take it all in. The maps were varying degrees of tan, some as light as his skin, others as dark as animal leather. 
Instead of bookshelves, doorless cabinets waist high lined three of the walls. Their squared shelves were stuffed full of parchment and ink and quills. A lone sketcher's desk sat in the middle, an unfinished drawing laying against the tilted surface. 
"What is this place?"
"It's my personal study," Yixing answered as he laid a hand on the edge of the desk. "Kyungsoo gave it to me after I had accidentally taken over one of the parlors." 
Your awe increased ten-fold. Your initial assumption was that he was a collector, not the original artist. "You drew all of these?" 
He nodded almost... shyly. "I did. I was a cartographer. Before." 
"Before?" You understood what he meant, but you didn't know how to ask for the story. 
Turning his eyes to the parchment, he pinched it between his fingers. "I didn't just love traveling. I loved capturing it on paper. I wanted to make these places into art, but not like every other painting. I wanted them to be perfect. Exact replicas as if you were staying at them from God’s point of view. And I wanted to be the best. I couldn't be, though. I wasn’t good enough." 
You moved closer to him, entranced in the story. "What happened?"
A rueful smile tightened at his lips. "I was given a chance to become perfect. What I didn't know was that I traded everyone knowing my maps for the talent to make it happen." Sorrow rolled from him like the tide warning of an oncoming storm. 
Feeling the pull to comfort him, you reached out and covered his fidgeting hand with your own steady fingers.
"People will be able to know your work some day," you whispered. "I’m sure of it." 
Perhaps you had been a bit too forward, a bit too open. 
Yixing moved gracefully forward to eliminate most of the space between you. A smooth thumb that once must have been calloused when it was human caressed the edge of your jaw. His flickering eyes made intentions obvious. 
Clearing your throat, you stepped out of the touch. "Why isn't this one finished?" You pointed to the drawing on the desk. It was an aerial view of the manor, with the top half of the parchment containing the beginning edges of the garden hedges. Disappointed, Yixing sighed and went along with your distraction. 
"I'm still working out the maze. It is intricate. Much more than I was prepared for." 
"Goodness." You were thankful that you hadn't wandered in there yet, especially on your own.
Both of you turned towards the door to find Sehun standing under the frame. 
"Yes, Sehun?" Yixing said through somewhat gritted teeth. The young vampire wasn't phased. 
"I need to speak with you." 
"Fine." None of you moved. 
Sehun looked at you with a pointed glare.
You received the hint loud and clear. "I'll leave you, then.” 
With more relief than you cared to admit, you scurried out of the room and down the hallway. 
Around the corner, you pressed your back against the wall and forced yourself to take deep breaths that filled your lungs to capacity. Panic had been the response at Yixing's closeness. You didn't mean for that to be the response. You didn't want to be closed off to any of them. But you couldn't help it. Maybe it was merely the closeness of the situation. 
Giving yourself a small amount of grace, you pushed off the wall and made your way downstairs. So used to your time being absorbed by the men that you weren't sure what to do with yourself. Two of the ones that remained behind were currently occupied. As for the three others, they could have been anywhere. 
You wandered around the main floor with a fleeting hope that one would come to find you. Then you saw them. A row of grand doors evenly spaced along the north wall called you forward.
The grand ballroom took your breath away. Not so dissimilar to the one in your dream, though this one’s lack of warmth and light left you heartbroken. Memories of dancing figures and lively music haunted these walls. In the corner, you could imagine a small orchestra strumming their instruments in delight. 
You walked to the center where dozens of pairs used to twirl and bow and embrace each other in time with the melody. Ghostly laughter echoed in your ears. What had once been  bright and golden and full of life was dull, dark, and covered in cobwebs that swayed in the breeze of unknown origin. 
Glancing around, you confirmed that you were truly alone before closing your eyes, lifting your arms, and began a soft hum. 
You danced with an invisible partner in the fashion that your grandfather had taught you as a small child. It was more intimate than the choreographed dances currently popularized. You had always imagined your first ball like this, instead of the disappointment you really experienced. You had pictured a boy you didn’t know catching your eye. As the music was struck up, he laid a hand on your waist.
Just like now. 
Hm. Your imagination was running wild, even pretending the weight of a palm was there on your lower back. And now in your lifted left hand. 
No. That wasn’t your imagination. 
Your eyes snapped open. 
Jongin had taken the place of your imagined partner. He smiled down at you with a feline smirk as his hands tightened around you, refusing to let you slip away. There was no choice in leaving this musicless dance. You had stopped humming but he continued to whirl you around the marble floor. He controlled the dance, in charge of every step. He led with an expertise he shouldn’t have possessed–if he were a man of this age. 
In one final move, he slipped his arm fully around your waist, pulling you so close that no room remained between you. Without breaking the spin, he lifted you from the floor as if you were no more than a kitten and whirled you around like the heroine from your favorite novel.
When the spin came to a close, he set you back on your feet, but didn’t let go. Your lungs heaved from the exercise–and from the way your bodies pressed together. Each rise of your chest brought you even closer to Jongin. He kept your gaze like a stablehand trying to calm a wild horse. His right hand slipped from your fingers, softly tracing the delicate inside of your arm. The touch left behind a fire you couldn’t explain. A cold, simmering fire.
He cupped your jaw as his eyes drifted down to your lips. This was a different reaction to Yixing’s wandering gaze. Not panic, but something similar. 
Jongin held you in place as he leaned down, his lips pressing gently into the corner of yours. The thin breath in your lungs hitched. He lifted his lips only to find a new patch of skin. The delicate skin covering your pulse. Every muscle in your body froze. He kissed the skin softly. Surely, he could feel the race of your blood. 
“Whenever you need a partner,” he said in a hush against your neck, “just whisper my name.”
And then, he was gone. 
You stared off at the empty path left behind Jongin. The sheer hubris.
His name lingered on your lips, wondering if he would really come back like he said. But you kept the whisper inside and left the ballroom just the same. 
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luvshse · 2 months
i was thinking i should post some of my fics from ao3 over here… so:
kill the director - luvshse
I’ve met someone that makes me feel seasick!
Oh what a skill to have, oh what a skill
Suho doesn’t know what’s wrong with him. His immune system is great, and he feels in tip-top shape mostly all the time. The last time he got sick was when he was ten. So then why did he feel like this all the time now? Like he was seasick; stomach churning uncomfortably inside of him. His heart was all weird too. It would either beat wildly inside his ribcage, or give up entirely, coming to an abrupt halt.
It all got worse whenever he looked at Sieun. Or when he was close to Sieun. Or when he was thinking about Sieun. So maybe he was the problem. But it wasn’t always like this, when had it started?
Was it perhaps that time when he’d seen Sieun on the bus? Or the time he accidentally came to Sieun’s apartment for a delivery? Or maybe it was that time at the hospital. When Sieun plopped that beautiful bag of ox bone soup in front of him, then gave Suho the most beautiful smile.
Suho remembers feeling like he was going to implode. Like fire ants were crawling up his skin, like his brain was going to melt and spill out of his ears. ( “What’s this emotion?” it was most definitely love.)
That must’ve been it. The moment he fell.
It’s a hell of an inconvenience now. He can barely look Sieun in the eye. Whenever he does, he has to look away, afraid to be burned by the sun. His heart does that dumb thing, and he feels like he’s going to throw up.
And Sieun is so much more than Suho is. He’s smart, witty, and always has something to say. He’s more resourceful and a better fighter than people give him credit for. He’s so much and Suho, despite being taller and bigger than Sieun physically, feels small next to him.
(To have so many skills that make her distinctive
But they're not mine to have, no, they're not mine )
Is that really what a crush feels like? Like you’re going to die? Suho decidedly doesn’t like it. It’s nothing like those soap operas his grandma watches. The cheesy ones he hates (or pretends to).
Well, he has to say that some parts of his life are feeling like a rom-com. Mostly the com part. The comedy. Suho always feels like the butt of the joke, though.
Sieun will do all these things that drive Suho up the wall. And Suho doesn’t even think he realizes.
The way he pouts when Suho kicks his ass in video games, the way he looks up at Suho and blinks slowly after studying late into the night, the way he’s so defensive about the music he listens to (and the way he opens up only to Suho).
It’s pure madness, and it’ll surely be the death of him. Why was this happening to him? How could he function like a normal person anymore? How could anyone, after being exposed to the perfect angel that was Yeon Sieun?
Whenever she looks, I read the nearest paper
Though I don't care about the soaps;
No, I don't care about the soaps...
Though I'm acting like I'm in an EastEnders episode!
There must be something Seriously Wrong with Suho. Yes, it’s already been established, he’s crazy, insane, loco, all of that. But seriously.
He can barely even talk to Sieun! He could have everything he wants to say perfectly planned in his head, but as soon as he goes to say it… goodness.
Take this, for example.
Suho and Sieun are sitting in the park. The weather is nice, and Sieun is studying, because of course he is. Suho doesn’t mind, as long as he can spend time with him. But it’s too quiet. Suho needs to make conversation, because lord knows Sieun won’t.
Wow, the weather’s really warming up, He’ll say. It’s gonna be sweltering hot soon, though. Let’s try not to melt, Yeon Sieun.
Cute and simple, right? How could anyone mess that up?
Suho found a way.
“Hey, Sieun-ah.”
“Huh?” Sieun responds, not looking up from his math sheets (what even is a polynomial?)
“It’s sunny. That’s nice, right? Well, not if you’re a vampire,” He doesn’t miss Sieun finally looking up, expression incredulous at best, judgemental at worst. “Not that you’re a vampire… Well you stay inside all day and hiss at the sun but…”
“What are you talking about?” Sieun asks, face blank as always. Suho turns beet red. What was he talking about?
“Huh, oh, I don’t know.” Suho laughs sheepishly.
“Weirdo,” Sieun mumbles, going back to his math (how does one factor??)
And this is my head and this is my spout
But they work together; they can't figure anything out
Suho thinks that if his life really is a rom-com, someone should really just kill the director. Maybe then he’d be able to make sense of himself, maybe tell Sieun how he feels? He feels like he’s not the one writing this story, that it’s some cruel, money milking old man who wants the show to run as long as possible.
Just his luck.
This is truly, truly, miserable. When, oh when, would he get a beautiful fairytale ending with Sieun? One where they hold hands and run off into the sunset like a coming-of-age movie?
If this is a rom-com, kill the director!
Suho might just be dead. Or sleeping. One of those. Because something is happening that only seems plausible in his dreams, or heaven.
Sieun’s lips. On his. They’re kissing. What?
How did they get here again? What was Suho’s name? Is he having a stroke? Did he get concussed? What’s happening?
“Shut up,” Sieun says, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Suho must have said that out loud.
“Yes sir,” Suho replies dutifully, wide eyed and in awe.
If this is a rom-com, he needs to thank the director.
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jugyeongim · 8 months
i actually found a really nice suho/jugyeong fic on wattpad. check out: https://www.wattpad.com/story/336691520?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=thn__n
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sexygrass · 1 year
7. living Ghost.
Tumblr media
genre: smut, supernatural AU, soulmate au, vampires au, werewolf au, Sub/Dom dynamics, angst, mention of traumas, mention of torture, deaths of some characters, and blood, explicit language, fluff, mature content, sadism, lots of killing, and many plot twists.
"do you prefer to stay in the car or come inside with me?" she asked after unbuckling her seatbelt. "No, I'll wait in the car. Plus, I have company. just don't stay for long." he leaned and pecked her nose and flashed her a smile. sighing, she hopped out. Baekhyun's car was parked in front of hers. patting Wes's head, he watched her making her way to the big house.
Samantha discovered jeno's habit of pecking her nose whenever she's angry or when he wants something, and the hybrid has no objecting to it. as she's a person who enjoys skinship.
waiting for baekhyun to open the door for her, she unbuttoned her coat and walked into the big house. the sound of her heels clicking turned it residents' attention towards her and by their shocked look, they had no idea about her sudden visit. sending a look at baekhyun, who refused to look them in the eyes, they smiled at her.
"Samantha, what a pleasant surprise," Xuimin chirped; "thank you, Xuimin." she offered him a smile before taking her white coat off and handed it to the maid, leaving her in her oversized v-neck Argyl sweater that was tucked in her black jeans. "I'd like to have a word with Suho. where is he?" her dull voice gave them a hint of her mood.
"He's out right now." Sehun answered, skeptical, "Call him then, I'm in a hurry and my patience is thin, you know that." taking a seat on their white leather couch, she checked her wristwatch.
seven minutes later, suho entered the house with a thumping heart. Samantha stood up and smiled sweetly at him, her cheeks rising. "rough day, I take?" he laughed lightly before loosening his silver black tie around his neck. "yeah...I heard you wanted to talk to me, what is it?"
she eyed him, wordlessly, building the tension around her; a habit Samantha enjoys as she wreck her target's nerves. "Remember the offer you told me about? that day at the grills?" she tilted her head and walked to him. Suho took a breath and nodded. "you haven't stuck to your part of the deal, have you?" he nodded again.
"Samantha, listen—" Putting her index finger on his lips, she grinned. "your wrist," she demanded calmly and the latter warily did as told. the rest eyed them with sharp nerves and racing hearts. they're aware of the meaning behind that demand; whenever she suspects one of them lying or hiding something from her she bites them and tastes their blood if there's vervain in their system; thus, knowing if her compulsion is working and if they're telling her the truth or not.
sinking her teeth in his flesh, she swallowed a small amount of blood that she sucked and let a happy hum, "clean," she chirped. letting a humorless laugh, he flashed a tight smile "Yes, of course. We aren't allowed to drink vervain... not willingly." smiling at his correct statement, she placed a hand over his cheek.
"Did you go behind my back and told those vampires about me at the party two days ago?" her honeyed voice caught them off-guard and with them widening their eyes in disbelief proved that they had no idea of what he did. 
the elites felt their hearts hammer inside their chests. they wanted to speak up for their leader and say he didn't but they can't. simply, because they're scared of her, and it's against the rules to speak back against her in such situations. 
Feeling as if her alluring blue orbs swallowing him into a soothing abyss, he nodded, he answered her truthfully, "I did go and told them that you're after them and trying to kill them." clicking her tongue, she leaned on one foot.
"I know you care about those vampires and hate to see them hurt but your pledge is to me. only to me. I'm your constant priority. and you have broken my most important rule, suho. you know what you did?"
swallowing hard, he lowered his head. "I betrayed you," he mumbled between his quivering lips. "Look me in the eyes and say it. for me and the rest to hear," she demanded sternly. taking a shakey breath, he rose his head slowly till he met her angry gaze. if her eyes could kill, he would've been dead on the spot. "I have betrayed you."
his friends winced when she grabbed him by his neck and threw his body harshly into the wall, making it crack. "What did those low-lives offer you and I didn't?" she barked.
kicking him to the other side of the big hall harshly, he spat out blood and coughed aggressively. "Family?" she punched him, "Power?" she grabbed him from his dress shirt and slammed him to the ceiling, watching him fall down and whimper, she scoffed, "Love?" looking down at him with eyes flickering with rage, the blue-eyed vampire grabbed him harshly by his throat and lifted him up, strangling him up in the air.
"Cause I gave you all that. I gave you your immortality. I gave you this power that made you what you are. I made you. you're my creation that I can end with a swift move of my hand." loosening her grip around his neck, she watched him with a crooked grin as he crumbled to the floor.
barely opening his eyes, he struggled to stay at his knees after she dropped him down. "please don't kill him!" Kai and Sehun implored. "he learned his lesson. we'll make sure he won't do it again." Chen and Chanyeol added, beggingly.
"I'm sure he won't." she looked them over her shoulder, "And kill him? Why would I kill him? I knew him for five hundred years. I won't throw that behind my back just for a small mistake. if anyone to die are those pesky cockamamies snobbish knobheads," kyungsoo's eyes brimmed up. "you're not?" he asked, unsurely.
"Baekhyun, come here." she looked down at Suho who dropped his arms to his side and lowered his head, shamefully. Samantha saw his wounds and cuts heal and no bruises were left, only traces of blood covering his face. squatting before him, she placed her index under his chin and then grabbed it with her thumb and index finger, making him face her. her touch was ever so delicate as if she was treating a porcelain doll.
without breaking her eye contact with suho, she demanded baekhyun, "Take his daylight ring." Baekhyun froze midway and looked at her with raised brows. "you informed me about his treachery so you're the most meritorious of this honor." Suho barely lifted his hand for Baekhyun to take his daylight ring from him.
"one week without your daylight ring would be enough to teach your lesson, right?" she asked with a joyful voice. nodding, she asked him to stand up and look her in the face.
her smile made him let a warm breath that lingered inside his cold body, narrowing her lulling blue eyes at him, she cupped his face between her hands, "Now, my love. from the day on. I'm your priority. me before your friends. me before your family. me before yourself. and those vampires who caused you this are unworthy of your kindness, I'm I clear?" he nodded again. clasping her hands, she stepped away. hearing him hiss when the sun came in contact with his hand, she smiled.
"wait," Suho called, voice groggy. "I need to tell you something. my part of the deal." giving him a bored look, she motioned for him to speak. "not here." taking a deep breath, she whooshed in his direction before grabbing him and disappearing to his office on the second floor. throwing him on his seat behind the wooden desk. he let out a hiss. 
"Sunny day, huh." pressing his lips shut, he crawled to the corner at light speed. "talk. I have places to be and someone waiting for me." sniffing, he took a deep breath. 
"doppelgänger, your soulmate's doppelgänger. he's part of the group. this time, his name is Mark Lee," feeling her chest stung, she let an airy breath and put her hand on her mouth. 
"ten years ago, I started to see the resemblance between him and the other doppelgängers. so I start taking care of him...secretly, till one day while we were out of town. he had a car accident and died but thankfully, Johnny, a vampire, and his friend, and part of the group saved him and turned him into a vampire. he's a vampire, Samantha, he won't die. not that easy at least. this ...this was what I was preparing for you. I was taking care of him for you since you know...he's your epic love" he completed with a sigh and dropped his head back at the wall.
"thank you," he offered her a small smile. "but this doesn't explain what you did." he nodded his head at her frugal reply, "I know, and if it means I'll spend my immortality to earn your trust again I'll do it. you're my sire. you gave me a second chance in life to be a better version of myself. you took me under your protection. 
offered me a family. put a ceiling over my head. trusted me when none did. taught me how to prevail over the unjust, wicked life. gave me the tools to stand against those who wronged me. shaped me into my eternal shape, and for that, I'll be forever thankful." he reached for her hand and held it between his.
"Now, my sire, I will give you my word that I will bring you, Damon and Stefan. and if I have to burn Mystic Falls while doing that, I'll do it." planting a tender kiss on the back of her hand, he knelt before her. placing her hand on his cheek, he leaned into her touch, "I know you will, next time when I visit. Make sure it's not for punishing you." chuckling, he leaned on the wall to dodge the sunlight. "goodbye, suho."
walking downstairs, she walked toward the seven vampires. "Kai, you're coming with me." she walked over to the frightened maid, turned, and let her put her coat on before leaving. closing the door behind him, the tanned vampire jogged catching up with her fast steps. "you and Taemin will go and find this witch, The Gemini Coven witch that helped those knobheads. Taemin will tell you what you're going to do to him."
nodding, he went to the left side of the house to grab his car meanwhile Samantha went to hers. nearing it, she halted when she found it empty. clenching and unclenching her fist, she huffed a breath and got in the car wordlessly.
Twenty minutes earlier...
"Okay, it's you and I now, Wes." caressing his soft black fur, the cat let a purr, "what do you think is going on inside?" he asked the cat when he heard voices shattering coming from inside the house. "yeah, whatever, not our business." he shrugged. picking the cat in his arms like a newborn baby, he caresses its nose with his thumb.
"you do look like her...but her eyes are prettier." he smiled to himself. tickling its tummy, the cat bit his arm playfully making him jerk his hands in hopes of freeing it from its sharp claws. but what he didn't think about is the cat would jump out from the open car window.
letting a flow of curses, he stepped out. "my god! she'll kill me if I lost it." he knelt under the car but found nothing. "but she'll kill me too if she saw me out." he mumbled, anxiously. "Oh, here you are," he let a relieved sigh when he spotted the black ball of fur on the other side of the road, between the bushes. "don't move. I'm coming to get you. don't move." he spoke calmly at every steady step he took towards it. relax, jeno. just don't make any sudden moves. he repeated in his head. 
reaching it, he called it and stretched his arms towards it and nearly got it but the sound of a heavy object hitting the front door of the house startled the cat making it widen its eyes and run away. "Oh fuck!" jeno jumped into the garden and start chasing it.
"but that doesn't explain why I got only 60!" ebony black-haired replied back, frustrated. "it's math, Renjun. no matter how much you study you won't pass, just give up already." his friend comforted him. Renjun scoffed and carried on dragging his bicycle side by side with his friend, who was riding his.
Wes, you fucking bitch! get here!
"did you...did you hear that?" Renjun questioned, looking at the park to his right. "that voice...", taking a deep breath, Renjun halted. "no, Jaemin. it can't be. maybe—"
ow! Okay, that's it! no patting for a month! The hissing was nearing them.
"Jeno!" jaemin pushed his bike to the side and started running towards the voice, his body started feeling light, and his heart hammered inside his ribcage. He mourned the loss of his childhood friend the longest among his friends. Renjun once revealed that jaemin didn't move on from it, but how could he? his best friend is what we're talking about. His tragic, sudden death left a deep, painful scar engraved in his heart.
letting a curse, Renjun run behind his friend but halted when he saw jaemin abruptly stop in front of the entrance of the park. "gotcha—"
"jeno..." jaemin's low voice came as a whisper, Renjun felt his legs wobble and could no longer hold him the moment they both saw him, in the flesh. hair in every direction with small scrapes on his cheeks, forearms, and hands. mostly from running between the bushes.
turning on his heel, oh so slowly. He faced them with a black cat in his hands. "how—" jaemin croaked out, eyes brimming with tears. "I— we thought you died..." Renjun whispered with his hand over his mouth. 
jeno looked at them with wide eyes. apparently, he took his face mask off while he was running since might it suffocated him; so his identity wasn't as low as he claimed to keep it. putting it back and pulling the hoode of his grey hoodie, he took a subtle step back. "I need to— uhm—"
the honking of a car cut him off, and all three of them turned toward the blue car. the sight of Samantha stepping out of it made Jeno let a relieved breath but when he looked closer and spotted the furrow of her eyebrows, his body temperature dropped, and as if his body began to freeze.
She was raging, pissed, angry, mad and all the adjectives that describe someone who's in her shoe. "before you kill me and rip my gut out and throw it on top of the trees, let me explain myself! the cat jumped from the window when I was playing with it. she scratched me, so as a reflex I yanked it off my arm away and it jumped out. I went out to look for it but the loud thud that came from the house made it run so I chased it! I swear to god I wasn't planning on running, why would I run? haha, please don't kill me!" he freaked out and yelled that all in one breath as he held the cat up in front of his face.
"in the car, now." her dull voice sent chills down his spine but he obliged anyway. turning his body toward the vehicle, a throat-clearing resonated. "what the actual fuck is going on?!" Renjun asked, frantic and anxious. 
sure seeing someone who you assumed was dead isn't something common you start to cope with easily but to see him acting normal did play some tricks on their minds. seeing him scared of this ominous girl, regardless, made it a lot more confusing; "and who the hell are you? what are you planning on doing to him? Are you—" Jaemin's body lifted off the ground and the evident sudden fear in his face drew a smirk on her face.
"My name is Samantha Mikaelson. The hybrid. You're going to forget that you met jeno and me today. you were idling around and nothing special happened. now leave." she looked into both Renjun and Jaemin's eyes. watching them nod, she stepped back. 
turning on their heels, they left, wordlessly. taking a deep breath, she opened the door and peeked over her shoulder, "Want me to drag you in or you're coming yourself?" snapping out of his bewilderment, he jogged to the passenger seat and got in. buckling his seatbelt, he gave her a timid look, "are you mad at me?"
his low voice sank into her foggy head and snapped her out of her deep thoughts. releasing a deep sigh, she turned the car on, "No, I'm not." she answered him curtly. "you didn't lie. that's enough."
"You know....for a second there...I thought you were going to kill them." he stroked the soft black fur of the sleeping cat. clicking her tongue, she took a u-turn. "well, they're your friends so it won't be a nice way to start a date now, is it?" letting an airy chuckle, she arched a brow at him. "they're your friends, right?" nodding, she sighed.
"so we're still having the date?" rolling her eyes, she answered him with a taunting smirk. "let's hope it ends pleasingly." sending him a wink, he caught her meaning. "more reasons not to escape I guess." she chuckled at his smug grin.
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acatwhowritesthings · 11 months
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Below the cut is a collection of my EXO fics that fit the season due to vibe or content. If you know of a story of mine not listed here that you think should be, let me know, and I'll add it! I just had a lot to sift through... (All links here are DreamWidth, where this was originally posted, but the individual posts include links to AO3, AFF, and LJ.)
Horror and mystery are two of my favorite genres to read and write. I welcome suggestions and prompts, if any reader is inspired. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Supernatural creatures and/or horror:
Doom Advances to Zero (Chen-centric, Chingu-line) Jongdae and his friends plan a viewing party for a rare green comet, staying up late just to witness the end of their world.
Striving for the End of the Medical Middle Ages, Mistakes are Made (Chanyeol+Baekhyun) Chanyeol's a medical student, proudly class of '61. He hasn't questioned where the cadavers come from until a classmate asks him to ride along on a pick-up, in the middle of the night, at the cemetery.
Deep Waters Don't Run Still (ChanKai) Jongin keeps busy for his own good, so he's told. Meeting Chanyeol, a traveling musician, makes him long for freedom.
It's Hard to Find Inner Peace with the Worst Parts of You Running Free (Chanyeol+Kai) Chanyeol finds a weird book in the library. He tries to read the weird book. At the time, he didn't know it was a spellbook that would divide his soul and give the bad half a physical manifestation and allow it to roam free. Live and learn.
The End of Summer (Chanyeol-centric) The end of summer break means the end of summer camp, yet camp counselor Chanyeol wishes he never had to leave. This summer, he may get his wish.
A Will to Live (Baekhyun-centric) To free his mother from her marriage, Baekhyun plans a double murder.
The Rotten Roommate (ChanBaek) Chanyeol's innocent Halloween prank reveals two things: Baekhyun can still kick his butt, and they haven't ever been alone.
Who We Are Inside (Sehun-centric) A body and its reflection always match. They have to.
Now the Ghosts are Due (ChanKai) Chanyeol thinks Jongin's so cute when he's scared, so he gets the bright idea to take Jongin to a graveyard for their Halloween date.
Sentimental Spirits (Chen+Xiumin) Aided by Xiu hyung, his self-proclaimed bodyguard, Jongdae returns the names of the spirits his grandfather had collected.
Sacrament of Sin (Chansoo) Father Do Kyungsoo makes a deal with the devil so the damned thing will behave in church.
Halloween Treats (SeKai) To a vampire, Jongin covered in blood—albeit fake—is the sweetest treat.
Lonely Island (Kai-centric) Jongin's days are like the horizon: Empty.
Daemon of a Demon (Chen+Xiumin) Minseok's mortified to realize that the cat he pet and fawned over wasn't just a figment of his drunken imagination but rather the very friendly daemon of his very friendly—and mysterious—new neighbor.
Prisoners of Paradise (Kai+D.O.) Jongin travels to the bottom of the ocean to learn about marine life from the safety and security of an underwater city only to find it's neither as safe nor as secure as advertised.
A Future Together (KaiBaek) He’s stupid resilient, persistent, and completely in love with his wife and their babies. He’d never miss a future together.
The Man Behind the Masks (Luhan-centric) Lu Han takes a job as caretaker to an invalid living in the country. If the isolation doesn’t kill him, his new boss might.
Soul Nice to Meat You (Chanyeol+Xiumin) Chanyeol finds a man sleeping on his balcony and has questions. One: How did he get there? Two: Could he have anything to do with the death of his neighbor?
a most undesirable sentiment (Chensoo) On the 5th anniversary of their friend's death, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, and Jongdae return to the scene of a tragic accident.
a will is a dead giveaway (Chanyeol+Suho) Kim Joonmyun is a forensic pathologist and firm believer that the possibility of zombies existing is really stupid. It just so happens that on a perfectly normal day at work, Joonmyun cuts into a body, and the body says, "Ow."
i'm friends with the monster (Chen+Lay) "Monsters out here are just wildcats," he said...
birthday moon (LuKai) Everyone who lives anywhere near the Wild Forest is told since birth to not go into the Wild Forest because of the three capital Ds: It's Dark, Dangerous, and the probability for Death is heightened.
Into the Woods (Chanyeol+Kai) A dare sends Chanyeol into The Woods.
Something They Become (Tao-centric) Zitao understood and embraced his duty as a protector. All he believed he needed to know was that Elder Bairns must be destroyed.
Bad Feeling (Chanyeol-centric) Chanmi has a bad feeling.
Gaoxing (Lay+Suho) The world goes to hell, and Yixing holds happiness in his arms.
Sell Your Soul for Just a Piece (D.O.-centric) Kyungsoo makes himself dinner.
Dream of a funeral, and you hear of a wedding. (BaekSoo) Baekhyun imagined his wedding would be happy...
Good Deeds (Chanyeol+Baekhyun) Chanyeol just wanted to be a Good Samaritan. Not all good deeds pay off.
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Witches and magically-focused stories:
A Good Day to Have Stayed Home (BaekSoo) Baekhyun's prank on his demon boyfriend ruins his weekend.
Hocus Porcus (Baekhyun-centric) Baekhyun always expected his Patronus to be some type of dog. He's surprised when it's not.
Means to Change (Baekhyun-centric) Baekhyun is known for his pranks and jokes and general fun-lovingness. This works against him the one time he's involved in an actual accident: effectively changing his best friend's little brother into a little sister.
Good Mousekeeping (Baekhyun+Chen) Minseok leaves Jongdae and Baekhyun alone for a week (not even), praying his house will still be standing and that there will be no corpses once he returns. (It is, and there aren't)
Charmed, I'm sure. (Chanyeol+Suho) Jooyeon just got dumped, and Chanmi hates seeing pretty girls upset.
Accio Veneficus (Baekhyun+Chen) Chen the cat has "too much personality." Store patrons love meeting him and petting him, but no one seems willing to adopt him. Baekhyun didn’t realize that cats adopt wizards, too.
To the Depths of Love (Chanyeol+Suho) Once upon a time, a merman fought his way to the surface and found it unforgiving and cruel. He plunged to the bottom of the ocean, where he felt safe, until drawn out by fate or circumstance.
This World is White (Baekhyun+Chanyeol+Chen+D.O.) Baekhyun and Jongdae discover another world at the back of an old closet. The world is trapped in an unending winter with no holidays or warmth. When they discover one of their friends is missing, they have to choose to search the unfamiliar new world or go home and hope their friend makes it back on their own.
Summoning Demons isn't Cute (But You Are) (Kai+Sehun) Jongin's just a dumb witch, but he's doing his best, and Sehun supports him.
For the Greater Good (Baekhyun-centric) Baekhyun's job as an Auror gets more difficult when he hears rumors of Gellert Grindelwald's army in Asia.
Lucky (Tao+Kai) Jongin lives beneath a cloud of bad luck that's chased away by a black cat.
It's magic, you know. (TaeKai) Jongin needs another tattoo, and his magic really likes Taemin.
The Dogs are Howling All over the Neighborhood (That Ain't No Good) (Chen+Lay+Baekhyun+D.O.) Jongdae's a fourteen-year-old student wizard suffering from acne and hormones and the frustration of not having a familiar of his own. He would be totally happy with one, but he ends up with two, and all is not idyllic. He's totally got this, though. Totally.
I Put a Spell on You (It Didn't Work) (Chen-centric) It's difficult to do many things as a cat, mostly due to lack of thumbs. Born-cats don't know the struggle. Made-cats, like Jongdae, do, but he supposes it's punishment for being a dumbass and mixing up ingredients.
Cattus Redit (Chanyeol+Chen) Chanyeol finds a cat and a magic stick and wants nothing to do with either.
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