#vampires in school
jessicanjpa · 3 months
A snippet from this chapter of 1935, in which Rosalie is getting to know a fellow engineering major. This is her first time going to college. Edward POV.
"Edward, for once, could you just leave me alone?"
Rosalie twisted her arm, breaking my grasp. Is it so bad that I want to have lunch with one of my classmates? You know I won't let it go anywhere.
"This is a bad idea," I growled as George walked up to us the second he entered the dining hall. He was frowning at me.
"Is there a problem?" he asked, lowering his voice. Oh, come on.
"No, my brother was just leaving," Rosalie said through her teeth. Get lost.
George relaxed visibly. I turned to him and crossed my arms, giving him a silent, menacing stare.
Good thing he's her brother… wouldn't want to have THAT for competition. "Well, let's go," he said to Rosalie, brushing past me. I followed them in and stood right behind them in the line, much to Rosalie's annoyance. George handed her a tray and gestured for her to step in front of him. The three of us passed through the line silently, loading our trays with the awful-smelling food. I wondered if it smelled any better to George; it seemed a little nicer than the fare at the high school, but I wasn't really the best judge of that.
As soon as George had paid for their food, Rosalie quickly walked over to a tiny table with two chairs. If you're going to be annoying, at least be annoying across the room. I frowned at her and went to sit alone at a similar table about fifty feet away.
Rosalie picked up her fork and started poking at her food, chattering away with George about the quiz. It was obvious he had found it difficult, but he was trying to hide that fact from Rosalie.
"He only got seventy percent of them right," I muttered, knowing she could hear me.
Rosalie ignored me; if anything, my interference seemed to be egging her on. She combed a delicate hand through her hair, smiling to herself when George's heart rate sped up. She folded her hands under her chin and leaned forward. "Oh, well, enough about engineering. Tell me about yourself, George. Where are you from?"
My fork clattered on the table in frustration. This was getting ridiculous.
George gladly talked about himself for most of the lunch hour, occasionally asking Rosalie questions about her own life, which she answered smoothly. She took special pleasure in pointing out that I was actually a year older than her, but had been held back while I was in foster care. "It's not that Edward isn't intelligent," she said cheerfully. "It's just that he was a little immature back then. He cried all the time."
George snuck an anxious glance over at me. "He's not your real brother?"
"Well, he is now. Carlisle and Esme adopted both of us eventually. My father was a brain surgeon up in Pennsylvania. He and Dr. Cullen were close friends. So when my parents died in the accident, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen adopted me."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea. Do you miss your parents?" George asked. And why isn't she eating anything? Maybe she's nervous, too.
She shrugged. "Not really. I was only three when it happened. But tell me more about your family."
I stood up abruptly, carrying my still-full tray past them on my way to the trashcan. I purposely bumped into Rosalie on my way. "Stop messing around," I growled under my breath.
"I take it back," Rosalie said loudly to George. "He's still immature." George smirked up at me, encouraged by our banter.
"It's too bad you have plans tonight," he said wistfully.
"Well, I suppose I could reschedule them. It was only a family thing, anyway. Maybe we could—"
My glass shattered in my hand, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. I quickly stuck my finger in my mouth, wincing at my "cut." After a moment, the conversations around us resumed, and I headed back to Rosalie's table, pushing my way through the crowd.
George was leaning forward conspiratorially, speaking quickly before I could reach the table. "Really? That's great! Could I pick you up at six?"
Rosalie hesitated just briefly. "That sounds lovely." She reached over and scribbled our address on George's napkin.
I finally reached them. "Let's go," I said sternly. "We don't want to be late for English." I picked up Rosalie's tray, quickly sweeping up George's napkin onto it when he wasn't looking.
See you tonight, Rosalie mouthed to him as I pulled her anxiously away. The human just grinned, reaching down for his napkin. He frowned when he realized it was gone.
My smug smile disappeared when I heard his next thought; he didn't need the napkin. He had already memorized our address.
We got to English with two minutes to spare. As soon as we sat down, I turned to my sister angrily. "That was idiotic, you know, even for you. He could tell you weren't eating. And I can't believe you gave him our address!"
"What was I supposed to do?" she hissed back. "Tell him I'd run over to his house?"
"You're not going anywhere! You are going to cancel the whole thing when you see him later."
"No, I'm not. And besides, I don't have any more classes with him today. And it's not like we really had plans tonight."
"Rosalie, if you don't cancel it, I'm going to tell Carlisle."
Now she was getting angry. "Go ahead! He'll probably tell you to mind your own business."
I snorted. "I doubt that."
She leaned in closer, talking at vampire speed; the professor was entering the room. "Just because you don't want any friends, doesn't mean that I don't. I just want someone to talk to."
"Why can't you talk to a girl?"
"You know there aren't any other girls in my major. I'll just go on this one date, and that'll be it. And you had better not follow me."
"I'm not following you, because you're not going," I whispered back. The professor began his lecture and we turned our eyes to the front of the room. Rosalie focused intently on the lesson, but she shot me one last thought before blocking me out.
I just want to be normal, Edward. Can't you understand that?
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marypsue · 10 months
Keep seeing that post where OP starts like 'Thinking about...grieving the undead' and then adds on about like. Real life situations where people have not died but have left your life and you would have reason to grieve them.
All respect, that's an important concept, but that is not what I am thinking about when I read 'grieving the undead'.
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panevanbuckley · 1 year
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irate-iguana · 1 year
Posts that would be found on the Sunnydale High meme account, in roughly chronological order:
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (1988)
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emerulynn · 10 months
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So like I have an automatic reflex that whenever I hear monster by marceline i start sobbing uncontrollably
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hermit-frog · 6 months
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they’re so annoying i hate them
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
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i blog for all the other girlies who leave halloween decorations up all year🎃💀✨
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vintage-tigre · 1 year
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fuzziiwuzzii · 3 days
*unleashes flood of doodles I never shared here*
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she is ALWAYS on my mind,,,,
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jessicanjpa · 5 months
In which Alice and Jasper are getting tired of apologizing all the time. An excerpt from this 1965 one-shot. (Jasper POV)
I tried to make it through. Alice would be at lunch and in my classes the rest of the day after this. I really tried to ignore the deepening thirst for a few minutes: the acidic pain spreading down my throat and into my belly, the tightening of my limbs in preparation for the attack, the curling of my fingers into claws around the edges of my chair. I looked slowly through the room, sampling the scents. By the time I realized what I was doing, I had already picked out my target.
The pain of thirst was one thing, but I was getting dangerously close to doing something about it. Again. I slid to my feet, careful to keep each muscle under lockdown so my instincts wouldn’t take over.
“I need to go to the nurse,” I informed the teacher.
“Again?” he said, frowning. I slammed the door on my way out.
Again? Esme’s emotions said when she picked me up from the nurse’s office. But she smiled and told the nurse I’d had a bad cold over the weekend and she was sure I just needed to rest.
“Jasper seems to get sick a lot,” the nurse said on our way out. “Maybe you should get him checked out by a specialist.”
“I’m sure you’re right,” Esme called over her shoulder. “Another bad day?” she asked me, handing me the car keys.
“Nobody’s dead.”
“Good enough,” she said with a little laugh.
No it isn’t, I thought as we got into the car, but I didn’t feel up to another round of her pity so I kept it to myself. Esme was more annoyed than she liked to let on with my lack of progress right now, and that was much easier to bear.
I began to pull out of the school parking lot, but then I slammed on the brakes when I saw Alice in the rearview mirror. She gave me a taunting grin and zipped out of the mirror’s viewpoint, running toward the reservoir half a mile away. My day was looking up; it wasn’t often she left school along with me. One mysteriously ill teenager was enough to keep us under the radar. Two would be pushing it.
“Change of plans,” I told Esme. She took the keys and sent me on my way with a concerned smile.
Alice was in a playful mood today, or at least she was determined to try. Her scent and her footprints led straight into the water and disappeared there. She’d hidden herself deep inside the pine-and-oak trails surrounding the reservoir. I could smell the other half of her trail somewhere along the sandy bank that stretched around in a quarter-mile circle, but I wasn’t sure which way to go around.
“I wonder where she could be?” I called out. A stifled giggle sounded over on the northwest bank. I took off at top speed, counterclockwise along that side. My prey never stood a chance.
“You’re not very good at this,” I teased once I caught her in my arms. I planted a kiss on her spiky hair, sighing in relief as her scent enveloped me. The thirst was receding already. “Don’t tell me you’re sick, too?”
Alice jumped straight up and planted a kiss on the top of my hair, too, and fell back down into my arms. She did a reasonably good imitation of a human cough.
“It hit pretty fast,” she said thoughtfully. “It must be that cold you had over the weekend. The nurse let me go since she could still see Esme’s car in the parking lot.”
“You’ll feel better soon,” I whispered in her ear.
We shared another kiss, one that lasted, and then we drew back and stared, considering each other. Another kiss had us sinking down together onto a bed of pine needles, ready to forget that school even existed. Alice’s hand found its way to the buckle of my belt, but just then her eyes glazed over. It didn’t feel like a good vision.
"We have to go,” she said when she came out of it. “In fact, I think we’d better go hunt now.” She stared at nothing for another second. “Right now. Come on, get up.”
I hauled myself to my feet with a sigh and we began to run. It was a close one, judging by how Alice pushed herself to her top speed a moment later. I wanted to turn around so I could run back and purposely kill whoever it was that had ruined the only perfect moment we’d had all week.
“This is far enough,” Alice said when we finally slowed to a stop. “But you still need to feed right now.” She pointed to the crest of a nearby hill and I trudged on up to follow the rancid scent of an elderly deer.
Its blood was ghastly. Possibly the worst I’d ever had.
“Sorry about the deer,” Alice said when I found her again. She was sitting against a tree stump with her arms around her knees, so I joined her. “I couldn’t find anything better in time.” She reached up and ran her fingers through my hair for a moment. “Jazz, I’m so s—“
“Don’t say it again. Just… please, stop saying it all the time.”
“I’ll stop if you stop."
We tried again to make love, but it was no good. My mood was too sour, and before long I had soured hers as well. And that was saying something, considering how low she’d felt this week. Her guilt and my thirst had been making each other spiral downward for days now. I finally let her go and rolled over onto my back to stare up into the sun.
Maybe I should go off alone for a while. Just a day or two, to give both of us a break. Alice waited silently; she was willing to let me go. Instead, I wriggled closer until my head was in her lap. A little burst of joyful relief flickered deep inside her, and that was good enough.
I closed my eyes. She began to slowly comb her way through my hair, humming one of the nonsense songs she used to hum back in the good old days when we had just met. The withdrawal had been so bad that I’d lain like this for days at a time, holding onto her love for dear life as tremor after tremor shivered through me and all I could think about was human blood.
It was nowhere near as bad now, but this was still a comfort for both of us sometimes. We both slowly relaxed as she hummed and combed her way through the afternoon.
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linovadraws · 2 months
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Some style and painting studies to justify the amount of time I spend watching IWTV gifs playing over and over again.
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avatarchai · 10 months
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Cover illustration and design for Sheridan Le Fanu's Carmilla 🦇❣
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cowchickenbeefpork · 1 month
Does anyone else get "mother who hates her daughter because she sees all the parts she hates in herself in her daughter" and "daughter hating herself because she's becoming just like her father" vibes within lestat and Claudia? No? Okay....
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menheim · 1 month
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Milo Manheim 🤍
via TikTok
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ningadudexx · 10 days
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commissions i did last month!!! thank you so much to everyone ^_^ these were really fun to draw!!
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