kwebtv · 9 months
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Aliens in the Family - ABC - March 15, 1996 - August 31, 1996
Science Fiction / Sitcom (8 episodes)
Running Time: 30 minutes
John Bedford Lloyd as Doug Brody
Margaret Trigg as Cookie Brody
Paige Tiffany as Heather Brody
Chris Marquette as Adam Brody
Julie Dretzin as Sally Hagen
Alice Dinnean as Snizzy (face and voice)
Michael Gilden as Snizzy (body)
John Kennedy as Bobut (face)
Bruce Lanoil as Spit (face)
Peter Linz as Varch, Elder of the Nertron Galactic Federation (in "Respect Your Elders"), Red Yukkle (in "Dissected and Neglected")
Joey Mazzarino as Spit (voice), Green and Yellow Yukkles (in "Dissected and Neglected")
David Rudman as Bobut (body and voice), Orange and Purple Yukkles (in "Dissected and Neglected")
Michelan Sisti as Spit (body)
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ewwwabug · 2 years
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varches for @gazgloom from january
it looks so normal i cant believe
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cedron2comicstrip · 1 year
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Homemade Batch of Varch
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444names · 2 years
reachman names from tes + tolkienesque, italian and dutch forenames BUT excluding "J"
Aafir Aanie Aaraniepo Abrio Achir Adaaria Adargi Adolines Adûna Aennedpeo Aerne Agolo Aighânbri Alaer Alberbar Albreke Alchieldo Aldwardor Aliekth Alloudeloog Allserm Almir Altregno Alugducrie Ambard Ambaska Ambelyn Amirn Amrohirine Amuzgata Anachand Analdra Anatrene Ancarn Andarits Andia Andinete Angelimo Annac Anoch Antianfauri Anttarl Aodfana Arahaddaleo Ardam Argelmë Arien Ariever Arigolë Ariscurinel Ariëllurn Artina Arugar Asthoron Atarchelan Atmardor Atondincar Atpeleendog Atperchmo Aulierwen Aydil Aärezimbog Baanna Balain Baldend Baranglorio Barastoon Barsandor Bathrene Beake Bearame Bearthéodda Bearvel Bedohedera Beirna Bellen Belyn Berth Bettahir Beven Biergil Blono Bodhear Bomelra Borach Borfillgal Boroacirina Bradertur Brana Brannela Breke Briaatin Briadenne Brian Brieve Brikangema Brinarte Brionie Bruuk Burte Bórwyllselg Cadandrine Cadregno Cagonst Calarumbas Caldo Calfolò Camil Cangorn Carie Cayll Cayren Cedelpe Cedog Cedorn Celach Ciadancard Ciliek Cirna Clairë Cobag Coife Coisberisep Colda Coliangas Coliannagh Cones Congo Conico Corchim Corik Crohtane Cuagh Cundor Dalfolane Darch Davian Dearch Delcar Dennar Deveerielm Dianoch Doromirk Dregardura Dregoth Driskann Drucarn Dryar Duglomena Duina Dwaol Dwiefaurwyn Déodeliela Eamuzgarveg Edanic Edhelena Elagard Elemmax Elenny Elethariën Elettârie Elgel Elgert Elgsor Ellian Elsan Eltanil Eltorim Elucir Eluil Elwend Elwil Emereaghach Emnal Eoinolò Eriaar Erigilla Ernelton Esgil Eslia Eslin Esmarla Euwile Evaro Evocnusa Evondo Evrofurn Eärnrosil Faegh Falberin Faolanna Fereralisk Ferrug Fieke Finar Finessa Finor Finullgerel Flado Forgionaith Fralino Franc Frardio Frate Frearo Fuingus Fulia Fulidui Fynaldo Fynvar Gabravin Gamanallaur Gando Gannaphirn Gariana Garistarn Garlandal Gelaerlo Gelassarve Gelcarnsth Gelimo Gellado Gellgalda Giaaldan Giaas Giaato Giand Giandavrac Giane Gianlia Gienatathôr Giloas Gimbregla Gimil Giorn Girna Giulig Giuska Glingel Gluiskinorn Glynda Glynde Glyne Glynna Golas Goldor Gorombal Gosierthort Griendras Guatar Guecth Gunínil Gwarinara Gwensta Haigh Hantiocler Hataramo Hearaviane Hearn Helne Hitan Hromar Huidh Hulwendro Hundë Huolë Icesumber Imrafinerth Inestons Ionoute Iratius Isaldine Iskalmaron Janetta Joldrino Kelda Kelegoldë Kelin Kevereeuwil Kharidovid Kielm Kievales Kynna Laine Leghair Levan Liack Lillen Liscarn Loaston Lorthain Ludurumon Luidorrn Luiran Lumbrahimo Lydsepo Maardaaldil Maarm Madamissa Madanto Madrisk Maefana Maefax Maella Maerugol Maighâl Maithela Malin Malmo Maloakus Mandohlleb Mandrenyf Manno Marandrigh Maritto Marondrika Marpaole Martura Matairko Mathrang Matina Matorta Maudo Medda Medpeovin Mellasto Mendorch Menke Menwë Micatell Miermara Milda Milhur Millbermo Minch Mindren Miran Mirropol Morik Moroldo Moutho Míriny Nelegol Nettarach Nólierindor Oifurn Ominwë Oramilla Orlondo Oselur Ovrane Pairyth Pelmarin Perth Pieng Pienon Piert Prumbas Prundil Pryllausk Ratri Renval Retharonilm Rillaosnoc Roldan Rolik Rondrannel Rosephach Rowenn Saandri Salla Sanaran Santa Scuret Seleo Shachor Shard Shimro Shornathose Silln Skulles Sméag Soriano Steno Stoothróf Súrië Tanne Tantizia Tarcemena Targiaara Tarmo Teancala Teelas Terin Tharrosto Thelegie Thilinaert Tholas Tholi Thone Thosargor Thredgelio Thung Tinedore Tisil Tregoel Tulara Tulieryar Turine Turrn Tynlia Ulaena Uline Ullaul Ulver Ulvoch Urfine Urgendo Vaintius Valkh Vandómis Varch Varda Varenne Varionich Varmarid Varviadena Vello Verko Vinola Vithar Vivio Volchelch Vundir Vundoro Vundrimlia Vánan Wilornsvys Woudil Wuhkus Wuhúr Yávin Zuruuk Íriel
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
the unfortunate narrative context of the last 4 seasons leading up to the end of 4x18 is now, of course, that archie really thought he was going to end up with betty when he was ready for her 
which, terrible sexism aside, is so gross when you think about how he must have known how much jughead loves her when bughead started dating 
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varchiefanfiction · 3 years
Is there any new varchie stories on AO3 or Wattpad
we try to reblog every update we hear about here on tumblr or in the @varchiefanfics twitter!
but you can find all varchie centric fics under the varche!centric tag on ao3. as for wattpad, we don’t really swim in those waters, but i’m sure you can find interesting stuff.
also, writers, please tag your work with varchie!centric on ao3 or varchie fanfiction here, so we can recommend it!
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flomilitant · 5 years
Pls someone help me find the video where that guy is like “tiiieruayyyy tzarnynar tzum varch er neurrrr tzarnynar tzum vart”
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you wear the hides of varch
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captainsquake · 5 years
So varch!e really gonna get back together like it’s nothing
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steroline-sk · 6 years
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Jeronica posts on Twitter; https://twitter.com/WriterRAS/status/969279568048631808?s=19 (Got more than 5000 likes in only 8hrs) And on Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/p/BfyorSVgXtl/ (got more than 20 000 likes in 9 hrs) You know for a little fandom like us it’s pretty impressive 😌 especially since Jeronica in 2 seasons hardly had any scenes together! Now, imagine when they get more scenes!!! People will go crazy about it😀 I know Buggies and Varch*e like to pretend that no one like or ship Jeronica but we have this to prove it. So congrats Jeronica family we can be proud of ourselves 😎
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veronicadvalle · 6 years
ugh r ppl really mad about that? what they dont seem to realize is that varch getting a nom is EQUALITY. next year it'll be chon, because shipremacy must never be tolerated.
shipremacy is my fav new term. 
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444names · 2 years
scottish surnames + tolkienesque forenames BUT excluding "mac"
Aendalaur Agheart Alaich Alais Alantarar Alasais Alatarn Albeach Alfhillech Allebhel Ambar Amhion Amirt Amlaog Amlottiùbh Amroinelmë Amronair Anaidh Anain Analabal Anfalmong Anndil Antin Anurch Aragriën Aramrona Aranaccil Arazôn Ardaich Ardain Ardan Argain Argob Arisheàrt Arlasdainc Armeis Armor Aroid Aroir Artanduil Artatamp Arundain Arvedh Arvin Atarr Athoireg Azaghainn Azagoldor Azogasge Bairegh Baracgil Barairn Barcrion Bargh Bauglemhg Beith Beldon Belech Belpeacia Belurgain Beorfin Beridh Berin Bertz Berumhar Bhais Bhillimir Bifuir Blasgainn Bluillech Blàradûn Blàrlail Blàrn Bocar Boith Bolanob Bolas Bolfhillas Bolgas Bollangon Bolìos Bomch Borod Bracuain Bradis Braichtail Braig Braigh Braighail Brain Brais Bramhalleg Breach Breataisin Bressë Bropheaig Bruib Buccin Buide Buidhia Buillegan Bulwais Cabhrag Cadain Cadan Caich Caichainn Caidh Caigh Cailledh Cainn Caith Calasgaine Caldailleg Calsacspor Canglóin Canhíri Caoire Carail Cataruidh Catathon Ceach Ceacha Ceachrinn Ceancagha Ceindair Celdill Celethain Ciadanion Cilleath Cillebhde Cillebrían Cillen Cillfin Cridh Criel Cuibhe Curle Càich Càigh Cèamhaim Cèamûl Còmhg Daigh Dandil Deacairgos Deallu Deata Deirbhàrry Dille Draig Dratach Dreartanwë Drids Druain Dírim Dòmhaid Dòmhaig Dùbhra Dùbhrambor Dùgais Dùgha Dùghang Dùghsh Elatuil Eldacgund Elebhrìde Elecarath Elech Elephanaha Eleth Eleòin Elfaston Elfin Elfwin Emehtan Emenborge Emhaina Endur Eoron Erimideis Erusacsir Ervinndor Eärean Eäreas Eärnaom Falada Fasdain Fasgaigh Feathar Fendómel Fennel Feregor Finnelmo Flion Foidh Foireghaig Foldiarn Folir Folór Forgilch Frearaich Frearch Freataran Fréaldber Fréalmori Fréawin Fréawing Frìdein Frìghach Fëanacuis Fëand Fëann Fílin Fírin Fòlasa Fòlassadar Fòlastin Gaidh Gaidhùghâd Gamdís Geacmhan Ghnach Gilianaidh Gillan Gilleacmha Gillein Gillfas Gillfin Gilloth Gilluglim Gillìm Ginel Glimel Golbhrain Goldalimer Goloinarar Gothail Gothar Grain Grais Gramhain Grasfan Greadhaid Gregon Grian Griarain Grongwë Gundorn Gunúmir Gwarantaig Gòrandirne Haichillor Haidhuis Haigh Haigharn Harach Heacilch Hirlasd Hubhir Hubhros Hubhruin Hyahirbeil Húril Idhgh Imein Ingein Innach Iryttaradh Isdail Iseathur Ishra Ivriaidh Ivrin Ivrië Khambadh Kílin Laibhith Leanwë Lemhan Lemir Liarch Libhrod Limlaich Lobalach Loidhg Lonaldë Lonfhithôr Luidh Lìosa Lùtarsa Madanalain Maerinaige Magolleach Maharacuin Maichaimon Maidh Makannak Malacgill Maldh Malduruf Mallechais Manaoina Manarual Maneler Maoigh Maoimel Maolbain Marair Mardaid Mardam Mardant Margon Marië Marvieng Mataras Matarvi Mathàig Mauranbre Maurui Mavir Measgar Mehthéod Meitha Menwë Mirbeis Miriog Mulwë Mundilzôn Mundrain Màrran Mèibûn Mèinnaig Mèinndille Nengeis Nielsa Nárion Nínian Nírdaeg Nólin Nómieliar Olcais Olcana Osacuir Osdeir Pacùisnor Paladorn Palladach Peachaid Peinn Periala Perin Peuch Peulfhel Peulwal Pheldar Phàsaceach Preulail Priel Puimë Racdidh Ragheas Randillarc Rodhuirch Rothain Rothoith Ròirimradh Róriar Rúmel Rúthil Saelephean Saibhareth Sainendor Sanair Scanacbhar Scomhedhon Seacil Seamithain Seann Sgaich Sgaigh Sgain Sgaldh Sgrin Sgrisuthir Shìch Siomch Smirn Sméalm Snorophor Sortain Stara Sualcwin Súriostë Tarfig Tarnuirin Tathair Tatáridh Teacceas Teantaladh Teatan Teatharr Telail Telessë Thadarim Thaiminel Thain Thaolìos Thathealdë Thornur Tiùbh Todeinn Todwyn Toriont Toros Tuain Tualdaidh Tulfin Tulleanákh Tulmoron Turuailzôn Tàich Tàigein Tàinn Tàinneath Uglóin Ullend Ulwingh Umborlain Undil Uorosd Urcil Valail Valattold Valvegolgh Varan Varch Vardain Varsa Waloraimen Yathan Yávia Yávidein Zimir
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gershwinn · 7 years
also can we not cut between bughead and varch/anyone elses scenes this time but just let them have full uninterrupted scenes thanks
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xstargaryenx · 6 years
If Falice do Have a child together or start up a relationship.. Its not incest it's just morally wrong for bugbites to date.. Same as Fred & Hermoine with VArch.. It weird and eew. Here is the thing I love Hermoine & Fred and Alice & FP.. I ship adult couples not the teen couples. TBH.. I think it was stupid for the Core 4 to date within so darn early in the season.
You’re right about it not actually being incest but it is still really weird. I can’t imagine dating someone who I share a brother with and whose parent has a thing for one of my parents. Too ick for me. Also weird with v*rchie considering their parents also dated and might still have a thing for each other as well. The B/A/V triangle was always going to happen because of the history behind it but adding Jughead into the mix did make it really messy. But it is a teen show so it’s to be expected.
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V R 🌹C H ® . . . . #VSCO #visualauthority #varche #artofvisuals #ig_street #newyorkcity #nycprimeshot #shoot2kill #shots2ill #highsnobiety #snobshots #respecttheshooter #urbanfashion #i_shot_ya #icapture_nyc #justgoshoot #mensfashion #portraitphotography #made_in_ny #instagramnyc #flick_canon #rsa_portraits #thecreatorclass #portraits #moodygrams #way2ill #killtheunderground #createcommune #lensculture #portraitsNYC (at New York, New York)
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awesomeblockchain · 6 years
In its continued efforts to strengthen the collaboration between startups and corporates, Microsoft ScaleUp (known previously as Microsoft Accelerator) has selected 12 startups to be part of its new 12th cohort. ScaleUp is part of the recently announced Microsoft for Startups initiative, a new program that delivers access to technology, go-to-market and community benefits that helps startups grow their customer and revenue base.
The selected startups in the 12th cohort are focused on areas of Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, Big Data analytics, among others to build solutions for the market. Microsoft ScaleUp focuses on late stage B2B start-ups and helps them accelerate their business growth through mentorship, streamlined go-to-market (GTM) activities and most importantly access to world-class technology.
During the six-month program, these startups will work closely with Microsoft leaders, industry experts and leverage the Microsoft Partner Network to scale their business models and serve enterprise clients. These startups will get access to Microsoft's rich technology expertise, infrastructure and Azure cloud platform to build a strong technology backbone for their business. As part of the program, these startups will also have access to a vibrant global alumni network of over 730 startup graduates, which will foster peer support and networking as well as access to Microsoft industry and customer events.
The selected startups for the 12th cohort are:
AppICE has built a proprietary platform that can take soft and hard sensor data from connected devices like smartphones and use machine learning to generate actionable insights.
Appiyo Technologies' Twixor is the first of its kind 'customer engagement platform' which brings together the power of 'bi-directional actionable messaging' and Business Process Management (BPM). Twixor delivers actionable customer engagement in a PWA (Progressive Web App) capsule powered by their versatile BPM AI based enterprise solutions for Mobile, Fixed, Transmission and IP Backbone Networks, Industrial Analytics, Security, Railways and the Internet of Things, transforming massive amounts of data into useful business insights and to build and drive government transformations across India using open source technology.
Gaia Smart Cities Solution is a Data Automation and Analytics Company focused on bringing together multiple IoT and digital data streams into a single platform to enable the clients to measure, monitor and manage performance and service delivery.
GrowthEnabler has created an AI and Algorithm based global intelligence platform that provides global enterprises the fastest way to leverage disruptive technologies, business models, and digital product innovations born out of the global startup economy.
Karo Sambhav is a tech-enabled, environmentally beneficial and socially responsible Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) that is setting up a robust India-wide transformative solution on e-waste management.
Kogence brings flexibility, agility and productivity in the High Performance Computing (HPC) based a patented Industrial IoT system for Predictive, Preventative and Electrical Maintenance of Industrial Machines. The company aims to build an IIoT platform for factory and building utilities that includes electricity, compressed air, water, HVAC, vacuum, etc.
SmartVizX is developing VArch Suite, a virtual reality product that improves interior design collaboration in the (AEC) industry by offering immersive visualization, spatial awareness, interactivity with design elements, data management and communication a self-service data ingestion, preparation and analysis platform built with the vision to simplify and automate data-driven decisions. By simplifying the analytics process, Xurmo enables faster adoption of data-driven decision making in enterprises.
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