#varian headcanons
sunnitheapollokid · 3 months
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. * ๑ ❀՞ ,, "who said sunshine and alchemy don't mix?"
varian x sunshine-coded reader! 💌
📫 sunni’s notes : these are my first headcanons & i literally love rapunzel she is literally me no doubt about it!!! anyyyhooo enjoy <3
first meeting!
✧ after var’s villain arc is when you met!
✧ you arrived with rapunzel while meeting her on her adventure expedition to follow the black rocks, you guys clicked instantly.
✧ when varian first saw you, he was reminded of rapunzel so much.
✧ though, you we’re much more flirty & just a tat more energetic.
✧ “YOU WORK ON ALCHEMY?! i’ve always wanted to try it!! but you know.. adventuring.. blah blah blah.”
✧ varian was a little caught off guard of how much of a chatterbox you were, but he’s friends with rapunzel! so…
✧ the dynamic was very much yapper x listener.
best friends!
✧ you two started to grow more as friends when he found you crying at attila’s, stress-eating cupcakes.
✧ “you don’t have to be cheery all the time (nickname). you’re great, being kind.. and—“
✧ “thank you, var.”
✧ varian was always such a nervous wreck.
✧ you were just your charming self!
✧ you two were so close, quirin would just let you in and you’d just come by and barge into his lab at old corona.
✧ varian would lose you around town whenever you’d go together and run some errands, like.. watching a child.
✧ “varian why are you wrapping a balloon on my wrist?”
✧ varian was a night person, and you were more of a morning person.
✧ you would drag him to the festivals in corona, even with his 12 projects piling on top of each other.
✧ you’d also teach him some skincare hacks to get rid of the bags under his eyes!
✧ varian however loved how enthusiastic you were and how excited you were about alot of things.
✧ though.. safe to say you were banned from his lab ever since you dropped that vial from fidgeting around.
when he realized he was crushing on you!
✧ he started crushing on you around the time he was really going through it with his sleep schedule.
✧ he was dead on the couch when the door creaked open and he found you bringing him some ham sandwiches and hot chocolate.
✧ you fed him that night and helped him up.
✧ “varian, if you can’t take care of yourself. i will!”
✧ the boy had heart eyes.
when you realized you were crushing on him!
✧ it was one of the karaoke nights of the snuggly duckling!
✧ varian was called to the front and was asked to sing.
✧ and oh my gods.
✧ he sang in such an angelic manner, you were practically lifting from your seat.
✧ in one of the more romantic parts of the song, he looked over at you.
✧ your heart was beating so fast, and boom!
✧ little miss sunshine was crushing.
✧ well who’s surprised? you asked him out.
✧ poor alchemy boy was so flustered, you could use him to heat up your leftovers.
✧ “you owe me my money eugene.”
✧ obviously rapunzel and eugene betted over you two.
✧ for being the one asked out, he was way more nervous than you.
✧ “i’m sorry (nickname). i wanted this to be perfect for you.”
✧ “you’re perfect.”
✧ you know those hops raps does before kissing eugene at their wedding? you did that before kissing him that night.
✧ from then on, he started calling you nicknames like, sunshine, or darling!
✧ you liked calling him sweetie, or bub!
✧ you’d flirt alot with him, despite dating, and had many pick-up lines up your sleeve.
✧ you’d get caught off guard whenever he’d flirt back, because HE’S ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD AT FLIRTING.
✧ you guys acted like how you were as best friends to be honest! just much more touchy.
✧ speaking of which!
✧ varian’s love language is acts of service and words of affirmation.
✧ yours was more of physical touch and quality time!
✧ and even dating, he gets stiff whenever you’d kiss him or get touchy.
✧ you find it funny.
✧ good ‘ol nonchalant x sunshine.
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nxmesdxnxtxsxst · 2 years
Varigo Headcanon 2!
Varian has a habit of using Hugo as a pillow. He just lies on him whenever without a word. His limbs have a habit of just kinda dying so he'll lie on Hugo to help him recover. All whilst Hugo begrudgingly wraps an arm around him in return.
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Just finished Tangled and it seems it is Christmas so a small HC for Varian.
Varian would be that one person who starts eating the Christmas dinner before everyone else. And they just end up staring at him because they were going to have a toast before they ate. Varian eventually notices everyone staring at him and stares back confused. His dad eventually explains to him that they were going to toast the dinner, and Varian just looks away embarrassed and doesn’t eat much they rest of the night in fear they would be more toasts he’d miss.
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annajustdraws · 1 year
I wwould have a kind of weird headcanon and I would like if you could tell me if you like it.
Or maybe even draw a picture with it.
I'd like to imagine that Varian is, despite his small size as a child, very strong. He's always pushing his body to limit, works as an engineer and farmer and we saw him, among other things, run through a storm, carry an adult woman and climb a rock barehanded when he was just a teenager. So I could imagine that he could easily carry Eugene or Raps or Cass, or all three of them.
Also, I love to think that Varian is going to have a late growth-spurt, or several, and that when he is in his mid twenties, he would be the tallest in Corona, including Edmund, the Stabbingtons, Fred and his father.
With 30 he could probably carry Maximus over his head.
What do you think?
I'd think he's always gonna be short . But yeah i bet he's pretty strong, i mean he did push around Xavier. (Short strong person lol) But i'd still like to think that Cassandra is one of the strongest people in the kingom.
And maybe i will draw taller Varian someday
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continentalblue · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈 varian and eugene?
For Varian, I personally headcanon him as bisexual and either cisgender or demiboy.
For Eugene, I headcanon him as demiromantic, demisexual, and cisgender. I think he needs to have a really strong bond with someone and trust them enough to really fall in love with them
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mexicanvarianz · 1 month
Mexican varian is real(just a hc!!)
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heres the gang! :3
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(More re-uploads of my vat7k art :D)
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nerdasstheatrekid · 1 month
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Drops the silliest gay people
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pansy-picnics · 2 months
when varian and hugo get bored they play wrestle like cats
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keithbutgay · 4 months
Headcanon that once Hugo got a bunch of period products to give to Nuru for the journey to be supportive but he didn't know Nuru's trans. So he holds out the pads and Nuru looks and them and slowly opens her mouth but before she can say anything Varian swoops by and just yoinks the pads like "THANKS I NEEDED THESE"
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oneshlut · 7 months
AHHHHH, YOU WRITE FOR VARIAN??? It's so hard to find anyone who does that- could you possibly write hcs for dating him?
A/N: EEEEK!!! yesyes, varian's one of my favs to write for!!!! i may have a thing for dorks,, ty SOSO much for the request, this was so much fun to write for! (for my followers, or just any1 else.. KEEP REQUESTING VARIAN)
Explosive Heartbeat (Varian x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General dating/relationship headcanons for Varian
As friends, you're kinda like nerd buddies! Varian would rant to you on and on when you visited him in his lab. After a bit, Ruddiger seemed to grow affectionate towards you, so you kept visiting. You'd help him with his experiments sometimes, but you'd mainly hang out with Ruddiger, reading a book somewhere. The two of you grew close! And.. Varian found himself hoping you'd visit more and more.
As partners? Well, Varian doesn't change much, but he definitely becomes a lot more awkward. He tries at romantic advances, but.. they don't turn out well. While dating him, expect lots of dorky, unsuccessful flirting attempts.
He tries for you, though! Varian doesn't know much about romance, other than how to artificially create it. Which he.. hasn't figured out how to do yet. At least he has a natural source, now. He finds himself relating to a lot more.. lovey-dovey things, that he'd normally never understand. In a way, you opened his eyes to love. All of these emotions, suddenly exploding inside of him--all because of you. Sweet, huh?
Varian often finds himself distracted when you visit. He hardly gets any work done because you're there.. which is partly his fault, for looking at you every 20 seconds. He's grown a love-hate relationship to you visiting. Mainly "love", though.
After you leave, he immediately groans, thinking of all the things he did wrong around you. You can find him ranting to Ruddiger afterwards, mainly complaining about the way you made him feel. Not the way you made him feel, but rather the way you made him act. He feels a fool around you.. and wonders why you even love him back.
Ruddiger isn't gonna stand for that bullcrap. This little rat rascal bites Varian to snap him out of it. Once he gets over his self-concious arc, Varian finds himself smitten. Sometimes he becomes a blushing mess just thinking about you. Now he's tripping over his own feet, (with as awkward as he is), and Ruddiger feels as if he's made him even worse.
About the failed flirtings. They're hysterical. But, talking about some things that actually land in your relationship, are nicknames. For him, you range from Var, nerd, V, to some of the more romantic ones, like "hun". He seems to get flustered at that one. As for romantic nicknames for you? He.. well, he tries. In turn, Varian also uses hun or honey, seeing as they're the most comfortable, but he doesn't use them often. Either calls you by your initial (if it works), or just some inside joke like "geek" or "smart-alec"
Surprisingly, or maybe not, Varian's an absolute sucker for PDA. Him, being the dork he is, will explain to you the physical benefits on the human mind to hugs and physical affection--and when you actually hug him, he'll freeze. He's grown used to your touch, though, and finds himself hugging back most of time time, if you don't startle him. If anything, he loves to hold your hand. If he's opened up enough, he'll let you hold his hand without his gloves.. may not happen often, though. But yes, anywhere you're going, Varian's holding your hand. No way around it.
Sometimes you'd fall asleep at his lab, most likely with a book in your hand, and it's the most adorable thing he's seen. Theres an 89% chance that Ruddiger's there, snuggled up next to you. Varian makes sure to wake you up before it gets late.. on your busy days. If he knows you have nothing to do in the morning.. he'll leave you be to sleep till morning. He knows you need the rest, and you looked too cute peaceful to wake up now. (This situation can go for Varian aswell, especially if he spends nights awake working on experimenting)
As for dates, you two would have many home-dates, but if you're going anywhere, you're going to the library! Despite the location being extremely tame, he still feels nervous asking you out. Corona's libraries were always quiet and peaceful, and the best place for Varian to nerd out to you about any chemistry books that they happened to have. Either this, or a field somewhere out in Old Corona. Exploring dates were fun aswell, where one of you would take a backpack and just wander around the forests, chatting about any little thing that comes to your mind. If nowhere else--Monty's sweet shop, if it's a special day of sorts, like the Day of Hearts.
Oh, how could I forget? The Day of Hearts was always a holiday that Varian would pass over, seeing as he had more important things to do than indulge himself in romance with.. himself only. So when you reminded him about it, he almost spit out his hot cocoa. And if he was being completely honest, he most definitely forgot about it. Feels slightly ashamed, but now excited for the holiday! Excited to spend it with you, mainly.. And of course, you sign the journal together. Varian's still a nervous wreck, so his signature was a bit more shaky than he'd like it to be. It was the thought that counted.. right? If you stumble into Rapunzel and Eugene at the festival, expect lots of adoring coo-ing from Rapunzel and relentless teasing from Eugene. He's still as dorky and sarcastic as ever when confronted with the teasing, but the fit of flushed red on his face gave away everything you needed to know.
But Rapunzel's right. The two of you are extremely cute together, you even look like you were made for each other! The simple thought of that makes Varian want to faint, but he'll come to terms with it eventually. Just know that romance is definitely not his strong suit, but he managed to not draw you away, so he's gotta be doing something. Otherwise, Varian stays his loveable, dorky, sarcastic self. But now, with just a little bit more of hand holding.
And you did sign the Day of Hearts journal together, so if that doesn't give you a telltale sign of where your relationship is going, I don't know what will.
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druidonity2 · 11 months
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My last two brain cells being investigated for identity theft and corruption.
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nxmesdxnxtxsxst · 2 years
Headcanon 20!
Varian gets really upset when called annoying or when he's just disregarded in the middle of speaking or flat out ignored. He goes into a kind of shut down whenever someone tells him he's too loud and annoying.
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parasitic-anomaly · 2 months
This is so stupid
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annajustdraws · 2 years
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Two Headcanons!! (Personaly)
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continentalblue · 2 years
Of course Varian
I personally headcanon him as bisexual and either demiboy or cisgender!
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glitchedvaporeon · 2 months
Hugo and Varian treat ruddiger like their child, and no one can convince me otherwise
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