#vegan alert tho
cerise-grenadine · 8 months
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Quick pencil sketches of teenage Snape for @momo-t-daye's Snapetober 2023!
Hadn't reactivated my tumblr then, so here they are now :)
Amphibian • Apple • Spider • Scarecrow
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elliespuns · 7 months
I was wondering, would you mind introducing yourself a bit? Your age, hobbies (except for blogging of coure), music taste, your favorite movies, etc? I love the content you post and i love you and I don't even know you. I wanna know my favorite blogger.. lol. Only if you're okay with it
First of all, thank you for such a lovely compliment. I love you too and I don't even see your blog, mate!
To answer you; I was answering something similar once. This anon sent me questions and I filled them in, so if you allow me to just copy and paste those so I wouldn't have to type it all again (nothing has changed since then, honestly) then I'll be happy to oblige.
How old are you? I'm 30
Tall or short? Very short, I'm only 5'1 ft, 1,56 m
Sexuality? Eh, I don't like labeling myself but if I HAD TO, it'd say bisexual/demisexual.
Describe yourself briefly I'm an introverted dork that doesn't vibe with most people. I dig music, art, and I love a lot. I either love too much or not at all. I've been vegan for over 10 years now and I love funny people. Other than that, I'm just a very poetic soul that also loves to play video games from time to time and I write. I write a lot.
Something you like about yourself? I'd say it's my knowledge in English. I've been self 'learning' it for 9 years now (never been abroad) and I was able to learn the language to the point where it became a huge part of my life. Like I literally use it more than my mother language. That's a thing I'd say I like about myself.
Favorite hobbies outside your blog? I write; creative writing, poetry. Both fulfil my mind. Then I love reading (ofc). I also draw, play video games, work with graphic programs and I love taking pictures.
Something no one would guess about you I have a very high sex drive, lmao 🫣😂 and people would never say so about me, because I literally look like I have a ribbon buckled to my vagina.
Weird quirks you have Oh, god, I can't stand hand cuts. Like you can literally show me a video of someone having their throat slit and I'll be fine, but then you show me a vid of someone having their palm sliced, or simply just someone cutting their finger and I'll go all asdfghjklsdfghjk.
One talent you wished you had Damn, I wish I could draw from imagination. I can draw but I can't seem to draw anything just by trying to see it in my head. That's so fucking frustrating. And weird. Anyone else having this problem?
A word your friends would use to describe you Idk about one word, but my best friend says I'm the funniest person she has ever met, so does that count? Lol, Idk why she says this. I'm literally a potato.
Craziest thing that's ever happened to you Omg, trauma alert… when my boss (a 70 year old male) caressed the top of my head telling me I'm pretty.
Have you ever been in love? Yes, for over 10 years now (no, it's not a fictional character, lol).
What is your biggest fear? Fuck, it's hurricanes and tornados. I actually have a phobia, it's called 'ancraophobia' and it's a fear of strong wind. (I swear I don't fear normal wind tho, I'm not that weird, actually, ok?).
Why did you start this blog? When I came here one day I realized that there were only a few blogs that were dedicated to the game stuff. So I said why the hell not? I didn't expect to have an actual fanbase here, it's crazy. Love you guys.
Your favorite food? Lentils, that's the shit.
Least favorite food? I'd say meat.
Favorite TV shows? Okay, not gonna mention TLOU cause it's obvious, but the very first show that pops into my mind every time is Breaking Bad. I love this show to bits. Then I also love TWD, OITNB, Better Call Saul, Wentworth, This Is Us, Lost, The Killing.
Favorite movie of all time? My most favorite movie of all time will forever be Ginger Snaps (2000). I've loved this movie ever since I was 11. It's been 19 years ever since and I still love it to pieces. Aaaaah!
Favorite musicians? I love a lot of music, but my most favorite is Damien Rice. I love that guy and what he does. Right behind him are Cigarettes After Sex and Mazzy Star (just pure love). Then it would be Joshua Radin, The Hope Arsenal, Yaeow, The Paper Kites, The Smiths, R.E.M., Blur, BoDeans...
Do you have any pets? My chonky boi guinea pig.
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femalebookworm · 9 months
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Jan 7, 2024 (keeping the date here until I can access desktop version to edit publishing date)
It seems like it’s time for the second volume of Eva Rae Thomas FBI Mystery, and let’s see how it goes. It says it will take me 4h24min to read all the 314 pages. I say I won’t be able to end it today, January 6 at all, cause I feel a headache coming. And yes, I did the intro before I even began the book. Let’s go, let’s see if on this volume Eva Rae is actually good of a detective (she was good at profiling on the first book, but her detective work was lacking)
OMG, this one was over-top-emotional. Like, she ain’t a good detective I’m afraid, this case in particular she’s good at putting the puzzles together, but very bad at looking from all angles to spot the interesting bits. The “then” bits threw me off, cause I thought it was past from the killer, like before, but nope, SPOILER ALERT: our main character is part of the flashbacks. And she knows this killer, in a way. And so much happening with her own daughter missing (read sold?black market) and the book just ends there with her almost crying deciding to chase this tail.
On another note, Eva Rae found her sister, found the killer, her mom is still living with her. She still dislikes gluten free and vegan food. So many deaths. At least two were alive, even tho one was lacking a couple of body parts. Oh, and a cop was injured very badly. He hasn’t shown up much in this volume. Oh, and Matt and Eva Rae are dating. Duh.
I started this around 11:30pm, but had to put it down sometime before midnight cause I was exhausted. Finished it on mid-afternoon, 4:30pm. Idk why I’m sharing the beginning/ending time. I’m weird. The posting of this review has been delayed, cause the Tumblr app has been giving me a hard time opening. Oh, well… Onto the next.
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only-luce-the-goose · 3 years
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this scene tho 😍😍
just a fluff about losing each other then finding each other, enjoy!
Jasper Whitlock was the best man you had ever met. He joined the confederate army when he was 17 and became the youngest major they ever had. He was a headstrong, testosterone filled sweetheart. He was turned into a vampire by Maria at 20, and you never saw him again. You and Jasper had been dating for a year and half when he joined, and you were broken when he never came back. You found Jasper’s boss and asked how he died. “He didn’t, he ran away” he replied. You were shocked. Jas had run away, not a word to you. You began waking home, it was dark and eerie, and you were walking alone. You didn’t care, the man you loved had run away.
There was a bunch of loud, rowdy people in front of you, and they made you nervous. You turned the go a different way to house you used to share with Jasper before the group could see you. Unfortunately, you tripped, and squealed as you fell over, alerting the group you were there. You quickly got up and kept walking, trying to avoid them. They caught up to you pretty quick. “What are doing out here on your own darlin?” he rasped. The group gave you a hungry look, and you were desperate to leave. “Heading home to my husband, so I better get going, goodbye” you replied. You felt bad about lying, you so badly wanted it to be real.
“I don’t think so, you can hangout with us for a while” he replied at your attempt to freedom. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into him, biting into your neck. Agony coursed through your veins, they left you on the ground, screaming in pain. A tall pale figure appeared above you. He had blonde hair, slicked back, and sharp features. He picked you up as you passed out. You remember his skin being stone cold, shocking you, yet calming you as he carried you away.
You woke up in a white room, a doctor’s office maybe. The man who picked you up walked in and started to talk to you, asking your name, what happened and why you were walking out by yourself. “My name is Y/N, those men came after me and bit my neck and left, and I was alone because I was trying to figure out where my boyfriend would be and why he ran away”. You were upset, yet you shed no tears. The man introduced himself as Carlisle, he was an experienced doctor and started to explain why they bit your neck.
You decided to stay with Carlisle, he took care of you and introduced you to his family, Esme, Rosalie, Emmet, Edward, Alice. You learnt how to control your blood lust and you became “vegan”. You still thought of Jasper every day. You had heard about the war that vampires had wagered against humans, and how the vampires lost, taken out by someone on the inside. One night you decided to go and have a look at where the war was waged. You ran there, not before telling Carlisle you were going to be out for a while. Once you got there, you saw how beautiful the sight was you were stunned.
You heard someone behind and turned around as humanly as you could. As you turned around, you were met with the sandy curls you missed so much. It was Jasper. A very pale Jasper with red pupils, unlike your golden ones.” Jasper?” you called out, making sure it was him. He hasn’t changed at all, then it occurred to you, you couldn’t hear a heartbeat or smell blood. He is like you; he is a vampire. “Y/N?” Jasper called “What are you doing here?” he asked, slowly walking towards him. You explained what had happened to you and how the Cullen family had taken you in. You continued to slowly walk towards him. “Where have you been Jas? I missed you”. You saw hurt flash through his eyes. He explained how the became general and was turned by Maria, who used him to fight her war, only for her to end up dead, and him, alone and scarred.
 You couldn’t take it anymore; you closed the gap between you and hugged him. It took hm a second to process what was happening before he hugged you back, snuggling into your neck, mumbling “I missed these”. You giggled and hugged him tighter. “Why don’t you come back to the Cullen’s with me? We can be together, like we were supposed to before all this madness happened?”. You pulled away to watch his reaction, he looked you in the and nodded, you smiled and kissed his cheek, took his hand, and ran back to the Cullen clan. You introduced him to your “family” and told them his story, while he shyly stood behind you. They accepted him as they did you, and decided to take him hunting, you came with him, of course. He was very clingy towards you, not wanting to leave your side.
He struggled with his bloodlust. You went hunting, just you two. You could smell a human, rock climbing. Their blood was pumping. You quickly rain in front of Jasper, trying to get his attention. “Jas? Jas! Look at me, look at me!” you held his face and made him look into your eyes. He put his hands on your waist, gripping you hard. You kissed him. It was the first time you had kissed as vampires. It was different then before. It was soft and tender and loving, above all else. That is when you knew, he was all you would ever need. You would happily spend forever together.
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letterboxd · 4 years
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We examine what Letterboxd reviews of Hamilton reveal about the musical’s cultural currency in 2020.
In this absolutely insane year, when our love of movies feels helpless in the face of pandemic-induced economic collapse, some extremely good decisions are being made on behalf of audiences. Studio Ghibli on streaming platforms. Virtual screenings to support art house cinemas. Free streaming of many important films about Black experience. And: Disney+ releasing the filmed version of Hamilton: An American Musical—recorded at the Richard Rodgers Theater in 2016 with most of its original Broadway cast—a year ahead of schedule, on Independence Day weekend.
“Superlative pop art,” writes Wesley of the filmed musical. “Hamilton wears its influences and themes on its sleeve, and it’s all the better for it. Lin-Manuel Miranda and his team employ an unlikely cocktail of not only hip-hop and showtunes, but also jazz (‘What’d I Miss?’), British-Invasion pop-rock (‘You’ll Be Back’), folk music (‘Dear Theodosia’) and Shakespeare (‘Take a Break’) in service of developing an impressively vast array of themes. This is a testament to the power of writing, an immigrant narrative, a cautionary tale about ambition, a tragic family drama, and a reevaluation of who decides the narrative of history.”
2016 may only be a half-decade ago, but it feels like an eon in American political years. With theaters dark and America’s long record of racism under urgent scrutiny, the complex smash-hit lands back in the spotlight at an interesting time. Is Hamilton “the most offensive cultural artefact of the last decade”, as Lee writes? Or “timeless and wholly of the moment”, as Tom suggests? The answer, according to a deep read of your Letterboxd reviews, is “all of the above”.
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First things first: why now?
Sophie has a theory:
“Disney executive: Hey we’re losing a lot of money because our parks are closed. How do we start making money again?
Other Disney executive: It might be nice, it might be nice… to get Hamilton on our side.”
Sure, business. Still, it’s historically unprecedented that a Broadway show of this caliber (a record-setting sixteen Tony nominations, eleven wins, plus a Grammy and a Pulitzer) would be filmed and released to the public while it’s still, in a Covid-free universe, capable of filling theaters every night. Will people stay away when Broadway reopens because they’re all Disney+’d out?
No chance, reckons Erika. “I’d still kill to see Hamilton live with any cast… I get why producers are afraid that these videos might hurt ticket sales, but I’m fucking ready to buy a ticket and fly to NY one day just to see as many shows as I can after watching this.”
Not every musical fan has the resources to travel, often waiting years for a touring version to come near their hometown. And even if you do live in a town with Hamilton, the ticket price is beyond many; a daily lottery the only way some of us get to go. So Holly-Beth speaks for many when she writes: “I entered the Hamilton lottery every day for almost two years but I never got to be in the room where it happens… however, this 4K recording of the original cast will do very nicely for now! Finally getting to see the context and performances after obsessing over the music for years was so, so satisfying.”
“Finally” is a common theme. Sydnie writes, “I love this musical with every fiber of my body and it was an extraordinary experience finally getting to watch it in Australia”. Flogic: “To finally be able to put the intended visuals to a soundtrack that I’ve had on repeat for such a long time: goosebumps for 160 minutes.” Newt Potter: “Now I fully understand people’s love for this masterpiece of a musical!”
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I’ve got a small query for you.
Where’s the motherfucking swearing? Unsurprisingly, Disney+ comes with some limitations. For Hamilton, it’s the loss of a perfectly placed F-word.
“I know Disney is ‘too pure’ to let a couple of ‘fucks’ slip by,” writes Fernando, “but come on, it’s kind of distracting having the sound go out completely when they sing the very satisfying ‘Southern Motherfucking Democratic Republicans!’ line.”
Will agrees: “Disney cutting ‘motherfucking’ from ‘Washington on Your Side’ felt like sacrilege akin to Mickey Mouse taking an eyebrow pencil to the Mona Lisa.”
Nevertheless, sings Allison:
“Even tho Disney stripped the story of its f***s, Don’t think for a moment that it sucks.”
(Yes, she has a vegan alert for Hamilton.)
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Does it throw away its shot?
The crew filmed two regular shows in front of live audiences, with additional audience-less sessions for a dolly, crane and Steadicam to capture specific numbers. The vast majority of you are satisfied. “It’s the most engaging and expertly crafted life filming I’ve seen since Stop Making Sense,” writes ArtPig. “The film does an incredible job of placing you right in the action. It feels like the best seat you could get in the theater. You can see the sweat and spit.”
“Translates perfectly onto the small screen,” agrees Ollie. “There’s a level of intimacy that feels hard to replicate in any other filmed production. We see those close ups, the passion and gusto behind every actor’s performance.”
“Shockingly cinematic for something filmed on such a small stage,” is Technerd’s succinct summary, while Paul praises director Thomas Kail: “He knows when to back away along with moving nearer when appropriate, and the choices always serve to govern the power and stamina of the performances.”
Though cast members’ voices were recorded on individual audio tracks, Noah had a few quibbles with the sound quality. “Some of the audio capture is off in the recording, sometimes voices being too soft or too loud. It’s not immersion breaking, but it is noticeable enough to irk me a little in pivotal moments. Some of the shot composition doesn’t fully work either. Of course nothing is going to be as good as seeing it in person.”
Robert, recalling another recent cinematic escapade of musical theater, lets his poetry do the talking:
“This will do for now until the true movie’s made, Though if Hooper directs, there’ll be an angry tirade.”
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I think your pants look hot.
Hamilton fans have their cast favorites, but something about being able to see Jonathan Groff’s spittle and Leslie Odom Jr’s scowls in 4K has you losing it all over again. Several specific shout-outs we enjoyed:
“Daveed Diggs the Legend! Go watch Blindspotting (2018), it’s one of the best movies ever!” —Kyle
“It’s hard to believe anyone will ever top Leslie Odom Jr. as Aaron Burr. I already loved him from the original cast recording, but seeing his full performance in all its glory was just godly.” —Erika
“Thankful that it was made possible for me to view with such clarity the phenomenon that is Renée Elise Goldsberry and spectacular Phillipa Soo.” —Thea
“Daveed Diggs was electrifying and Jonathan Groff was absolutely hilarious. If they interacted together the stage would’ve combusted from the sheer will of their talent.” —Nick
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This is not a game.
On one hand, the release of Hamilton is sweet relief for music theater nerds riding out the pandemic. A generation of kids knows every word by heart, rapping (this version of) American history like it’s no thing. On the other, the Obama-era musical already feels behind-the-times, even for many Hamilton lovers, and the filmed version has brought that into sharp focus.
“I listened to the OG cast album about 50 times when it came out, the production is about as good as I’d always hoped,” writes Josh. “Since then however there’s been a very important and broader reckoning with the failures of neoliberalism and the Obama years ([from] which this has to be the most emblematic piece of art) and for me personally a drifting further to the left that has resulted in a very different relationship with the material. So my feelings today are a bit more complicated.”
“Hamilton is extremely non-committal about its politics,” writes Sting. “It doesn’t examine much of what Hamilton dictated besides ‘he wants complete financial control of the country’ (which would sound like a fucking supervillain in any other context, including reality).”
That lack of political commitment, reckons Morgan, is what helped Hamilton as a musical become so popular: “It’s fun. It’s catchy. It interweaves trendy and socially relevant artistic tools to infer a subversive subtext, while simultaneously sanitizing and, at times, flat out fabricating the historical narrative and downplaying the brutality of the true origin story, for the sake of appeasing those in power. Classic Bill Shakespeare stuff.”
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History has its eyes on you.
Much criticism lies with the fundamental storytelling decision to make a modern ruckus about America’s Founding Fathers, the men (including Alexander Hamilton) who in the late eighteenth century united the thirteen colonies and co-wrote the Constitution. Undisputed titans of history, they also have blood on their hands, and HoneyRose writes that the musical “glorifies these men, and paints them as self-sacrificing heroes, and honestly normalizes and validates slavery, as well as the behavior of slave owners.”
Stevie, who saw the Broadway production as well as the filmed version, confesses: “I’ve tried (I’ve really tried) to understand what makes people lose their minds over this but I’m still completely baffled by the hype… These were horrible men and a romanticism of them through song and dance just seems entirely misguided.”
Sean is not convinced that Hamilton is a hagiography. “I can’t imagine anyone watching all of this and thinking it paints a portrait of the Founding Fathers as anything other than childish, greedy, venal and self-aggrandizing.” Wesley agrees: “I don’t think Hamilton is trying to be a history lesson, so much as a lesson about how we think about history. It’s a compelling human story told in a revolutionary way.”
That “revolutionary way” is the musical’s central conceit: that of a cast-of-color playing the white founding fathers as they bumble towards independence. Journalist Jamelle Bouie, who regards the musical as “fun, exciting, innovative and, at points, genuinely moving,” wrestles with the “celebratory narrative in which the Framers are men to admire without reservation. Through its casting, it invites audiences of color to take ownership of that narrative, as if they should want to take ownership of a narrative that white-washes the history of the revolution under the guise of inclusion.”
It’s complicated for Matt, too: “It’s widely agreed upon that the show encapsulates the Obama era better than anything, how it coddles white liberals with a post-racial vision of history in a superficial sense, overlooking the insidious and oppressive systems that they benefit from (hearing the audience clap to ‘Immigrants, we get the job done’ unsettled me). Of course hopefully its legacy will be that it opened up more Broadway roles for POC. But I really think that the show doesn’t make Broadway more appealing and accessible to POC, it just makes hip hop more accessible to white people, a launching pad of course to listening to Watsky or something.
“No hate though to anyone that’s completely in love with this, it’s definitely worth seeing despite any hang ups.”
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I wanna build something that’s gonna outlive me.
The story doesn’t end, just because the music does. Kai_Kenn has a suggestion: “I have been a part of discussions that dissect the culture that created Hamilton, as well as the culture that Hamilton created, and whether or not Hamilton appropriately addresses the modern issues [that] the cult following proposes it does.
“This is an ongoing discussion that I am trying to be an active listener in and, if you consider yourself to be a conscientious consumer of art, you should too.”
Noah is on board with that: “Reflecting on the past and focusing on the future are not two mutually exclusive actions. Both are a must, regardless of who you are or what you do. A five-star experience in a four-and-a-half-star film. I think that’s just fine.”
Related content
Want to see more of the key cast? Watch Daveed Diggs in ‘Blindspotting’; Renée Elise Goldsberry in ‘Waves’, Jonathan Groff repeat his role as Kristoff in ‘Frozen 2’, Lin-Manuel Miranda in ‘Mary Poppins Returns’, Leslie Odom Jr. in ‘Harriet’, Phillipa Soo in the forthcoming ‘Broken Hearts Gallery’, Christopher Jackson in the forthcoming ‘In The Heights’, Jasmine Cephas Jones in ‘The Photograph’, Okiereriete Onaodowan in ‘A Quiet Place II’ and Anthony Ramos in ‘Monsters and Men’ and ‘A Star is Born’.
Ways to support the Black Lives Matter movement
Official Black Lives Matter’s Resources
Teenagers that have ‘Hamilton’ stuff on their bedroom walls
Films where they mention ‘Hamilton’
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caroline-dalton · 4 years
hi everyone. rose here! i have no self control so here is my third character, caroline dalton, 33, a therapist, and originally from san francisco but she moved here 10 years ago. if you wanna know more about her/plot with her feel free to read below/like this and we can talk! you can also find me on discord at rose#6275 lmao that was so long lets get into it
tw - death
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listen... im gonna apologize because this is about to get long
caroline is an eccentric person to say the least 
she grew up in san francisco. she was an only child, her mother was a doctor and her dad was a banker aka pretty rich 
when she was super young she spent more time with her parents but as she got older, her parents became more busy and so she spent time with a nanny
her father was from frostford, so during the summers, she would come stay with her grandparents. she absolutely adored the town and always begged her family to stay, but of course she went back to sf every august
when she was a teen she started rebelling. nothing crazy, but she really came into her own and started exploring things she liked to do. 
she went a bit crazy, her dad kept her from going to frostford for a few summers, which was enough punishment for her so she quickly straightened out. 
eventually, she went to college. she did her undergrad at tulane, double majoring in psychology and english 
TW DEATH - in 2009 she was looking for where to do her masters. it was around this time her grandmother passed. she felt really bad just leaving her grandpa all alone. so she decided to go to UA to get her masters
her dad was against this, he didn’t think it was the best school for her, but her and her grandpa really pushed him on that, and eventually her father understood (or at least said he did) 
over the next two years, caro spent time with her grandpa and taking care of him. DEATH TW - he passed in 2011. 
after his death, caro gained his house. she still lives in it today. 
in 2011 she started working as a CBT therapist. she has been working as one since. 
ok here is the fun part.. she is insane 
she loves FF because it’s small and homey and gives her the family she never had really. especially a big family feel. basically if you are her friend she’ll be like come to my house for a dinner !! 
she is such an ASTROLOGY girl... believes in chakras and crystals... offers to sage people’s homes and things
is a vegan.. will mention it 
does yoga and will make all of her friends join her whether they want to or not.. oops 
has a cat, lulu, and loves her sm.. she couldn’t live without her 
WEARS DRESSES all the time... if u see her in jeans there is a problem! red alert 
is kinda shy when you first meet her but homegirl can go crazy.. she is soft spoken though and very much the MOM friend 
she is actually pretty spontaneous and loves going out and trying new things.. also caroline will suggest to do the quirkiest things ever bitch will be like.. let’s paint the sunset.. but lets do it on the roof !
she is TOTALLY committed to her work tho.. she hasn’t been in a serious relationship in forever bc she feels like she cant commit to a person
she is wacky but i love her sm, she needs all sorts of connections! literally anything !
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badgalkatzha · 5 years
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What's up Alpha Gang!! Welcome back to my channel if you're new here hi i'm BadgalKatzha but feel free to call me Kiki this is my corner of beauty where i do reviews, full faces of brands, challenges, transformations, 8/10 hr wear test and much more if you like what you see and wants to be part of the Alpha Gang u just need to hit da subscribe button and bell so u don't miss any of my videos you can also follow me on simstagram BadgalKatzha where i have my IGTV/KIKISGLAMTV and i also have more makeup related content. Alright my luvz now da the intro is done let's get started on the actual review
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This is the brand new Tati Beauty Textured Neutrals eyeshadow palette i'm very excited to review this palette right of the back is very luxurious the packaging is like matte texture on the outside you get a huge ass mirror you get 24 shades to play with something different da this palette haves is the set up of the shades as you see not all the shades haves names underneath it daz cuz is set up in into four different textures and in six different tones so the textures are glitter, metallic, sequin and matte so daz why they across and each tone have a shadow in each texture this palette retails for 48 dollars is cruelty free and vegan
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I don't believe in swatches cuz we all apply our palettes in our lids not in the arms and also ik this is debatable but a formula and pigmentation not all the time can be judged by a swatch this are the colors i will try to combine this shades for today's look is been a while i don't do smokey eyes so idk how this is going to go so y'all wish me luck
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Alright luvz i'm blending the shades Memory in matte with Aura i will also try to apply the shade Memory in glitter to make this look pop whenever i play with glittery shades i use adhesive or something to stick the glitter better but i want to try miss Tati by herself the shades blended together very nicely they do look pretty good also the pigments are amazing one issue i have w/this palette is da people might not get her idea witch is very unique also lazy of naming the palette by section the down below is the shade names and the left corner saids the texture of the shade like i said before is literally six shades repeated in different textures issa everyday palette w/nudes and neutrals cuz Memory in Metallic and Glitter looks very cold tone but don't get me wrong they still performs well in case you wondered i use P Louise base to prime my eyes also if you don't see the bangs daz cuz they fake i would never cut my hair for bangs y'all i bought 2 in brown and black to create once in a while looks with em and right now i'm flexin em cuz they make me look like a all different person ok guys now let me finish my other eye off camera and i'll be right back with my final thoughts
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I'm back and the look is done just like my thoughts on this palette the packaging is stunning the problem for me is this is six shades repeated in different textures all tho they have different formula i don't think this is necessary i would have been more interesting for me the palette with different colors and different formulas meaning textures and not six shades repeated 4 times in different textures we all have glitters, metallics and mattes in our favorite palettes da makes us confident to use em and we know perfectly the Sequin shades daz something new i would love to see more cuz da Poet shade is STUNNING DA HOUSE this palette is pigmented the glitter formula is to die for however this palette is not for me i'm a colorful bitch i only use neutrals and nudes when i'm on meetings, meet and greets, events, dinners, parties etc but for my looks you guys know i'm always colorful i ain't afraid of color in my eyes this palette is also for the people who wants to support Tati Westbrook and her brand da loves her and supports her from day one i don't see myself reaching for this all tho i will continue using it to maybe grow the hype of this palette in me but i don't see myself doing several looks and hype this to y'all for me this palette is worth the coin but the thing is DO YOU NEED IT? Only if you want to have new formulas in your palette collection as a business standpoint the palette is amazing but as a makeup consumer do we need this? Only if you don't own a neutral and nude palette with different formulas and you feel Tati Beauty is your call this palette is also perfect for people who are intimidated by colorful shades and are just into nudes and neutrals and this palette is perfect too for beginners in makeup but this palette ain't for me but might be for you just keep in mind do you need this palette? Is this going to satisfy my nude and neutrals hunger? If you're interested Tati Beauty Textured Neutrals is sold out so be alert for the restocking day alright luvz this is all for this review i hope you find this helpful thank you guys so much for watching and leave in the comment section what are you into nudes, neutrals, metallics, sequins or mattes would you pass or snatch miss Tatilynn? i'll see you on the next one bye guys 🐺
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fearedfully · 5 years
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introduction to (1) forty quinn ( fc: james scully ) ! tw / drug & alcohol addiction, domestic abuse, murder, suicide mention.
my filthy rich DISASTER child forty, he is from netflix’s you. spoiler alert for season two ahead !!!
forty was born in los angeles two minutes after his twin sister whose name is love, to parents ray & dottie.
the quinn family is super rich and influential & can get away with some SHIT. forty is the favored twin, his parents baby him and so does his sister due to his many various mental health issues & addiction to drugs / alcohol. his sister was treated horribly by their parents, something forty resented them for, but it never stopped her from being protective of him. their bond is unbreakable, well it was.
when he was a young teen he was in a horridly abusive relationship with a girl named sofia. he was really in love with her tho and didn’t recognize it. but his sister did, and took matters into her own hands---she made it look like a suicide. forty was devastated.
forty got into drugs & alcohol after that. he has struggled with it ever since. has been through at least four 12-step programs & always relapses.
he never suspected love in anyway shape or form & little did he know her disturbing behavior went on. completely unnoticed by him. forty is always so wrapped up in his own problems & being self-absorbed, that he became blinded to the tragedies around him. he loves attention & falls off the wagon constantly & is always held up by his family.
dates , falls so deeply in love with them & rushes into things. never worked out for him. he always ends up single
ever since he was a kid forty wanted to be a writer & director. he loves telling stories but sadly all of his stories suck / don’t make sense & the people around him know it. he hasn’t caught a break yet because apparently money can’t buy talent. that’s why he instead became the owner of the trendy-vegan-inclusive-bookstore owned by the quinn family. he never stopped trying to write though.
why did he choose castle rock? let me tell u, it’s as far away from la as he can get without leavin the country. how did he ever decide he wanted that? basically he uncovered that his sister was a disturbed serial killer & was dating another distrubed serial killer so he yeeted the f out
here’s his about page !
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girlbookwrm · 5 years
it took us two entire days to watch this, back in whenever we were watching this. I’ve got a Bundle of Papers here in front of me, and the CW Bundle is by far the thickest, and that’s with minimal salt content.
Speaking of Salt: The Roommate and I had to approach this as an Avengers movie. Because otherwise the salt levels in this would be toxic, possibly fatal. Even so, ppl with high cholesterol be warned
Winter Soldier: 
what is this
what is this please
dat beef tho
what is this op sec
NO mask
~ooooooo he’s a ghooooooooooooost~
he’s got an extremely dedicated and very harried cleanup crew is what he’s got
The Roommate: That’s a lot of sugar
i ain’t judging
what, you think her powers run on optimism?
is there an accent? is there not? Shroedinger’s accent.
droney the drone
sam’s lil sky roomba
i love him
guhhhh this scene every line shows character and growth and i just *clenches fist*
did falcon just throw steve
just yeeted him at the enemy?
god i love that
also: has steve bulked up since TWS?
that’s also on Sam, yeah?
Steve, throwing himself into a room full of an unknown poison gas without a mask: I bet i can survive this
Bucky, in Bucharest: *breaks whatever he’s holding without knowing why*
god i love sam
“I don’t work like that no more” Means ?????????????
“both grunting” is always one of my favorite subtitles
2 white boys fighting in the middle of the street like it’s a video game
god someone took the murder strut to heart wow that is some. that is some something that’s for sure.
give me even one (1) heterosexual explanation for "your pal your buddy your bucky"
there’s no way that bucky ever said this, right? this is just Rumlow fucking with steve, and the screenwriters fucking with us
wow i wonder if that will be relevant to anyone’s emotions here in the year of our lordt 2019
anyway, what bucky actually said was:
“please tell rogers... that he’s a big dumb dildo and he should wear a gas mask and also a parachute.”
listen i love this opening scene but also wanda is not at all responsible for this explosion and the fact that they act like she is undermines my ability to suspend my disbelief.
also, tony the fact that you are using your literal dead mom as an actual therapist is
BARF feels right to me
too real, tony
it’s too real
how ARE you getting around the strings and taxes tho
Also can i say that i actually love that Pepper’s absence is this profoundly important to the story. The hole where pepper should be is a huge part of this story and i like that. i like that a lot.
more a+ visual storytelling with the elevator
I’m just so mad that they blame wanda and play that straight?
all they had to do was outright acknowledge one (1) time that the media is picking on her because she’s a woman/a foreigner
imagine that speech coming from nat instead of steve
though i do love Steve’s pep talk
again. give me one (1) heterosexual explanation
though why not have Steve say “they’re just bullies, you did the right thing” and hearken back to smolsteeb
The Roommate: Remember how i was mad at his Oscars Velvet Blazer? I am also mad at this sweater.... it looks... so soft... i don’t know if i want it on him or off him... just wanna tuch....... and wear..........?”
Vision’s Ascot is. Something else man.
The Roommate: Why is ross secretary of state?
Me: Why is Trump President
Me: I bet Ross is vegan
the roommate, who has vegan-related trauma: UUUUGGGHHHHHHHH
Nat's reaction to vigilantes: Bitch please. she is Unbothered.
you don’t have to show us footage we’ve got the ptsd nightmares
400 pages in 3 days
[tired american sighing]
we honestly can’t even criticize this plot point anymore just
[my longest and most american sigh]
hail hydra continues to be the Most Terrible last words
but WHY does ross have the congressional medal of honor
do you know how HARD it is to get one of those????
sassy black friends sassing at each other
is definitely a
thing that is happening rn
Vision: Well Actually
no one cares, vis
ok like
a kid is dead but
3.6 is an okay GPA
maybe all my friends are overachievers
maybe it’s just because most of them are women but like
it’s an okay GPA
i’d have 8000% more respect for Tony if he was more upfront like “look this is on me” especially here
are we supposed to be picking all this up as subtext, actually?
because i know that this movie ALSO had a Troubled Youth ala ant man
and i really do appreciate the Russos for relying on a smart audience but there’s a lot going on
and it’s very obvious to me that they had to shift gears 18,000 times in the script writing phase
so like, you’ve got old man vet steve
but it’s painfully obvious that he missed vietnam right?
it’s painfully obvious
and he’s v egotistical and self righteous too 
it IS a battle of the egos
and no one is right
except natasha
Steve: i have to go
me: mood
oh god
oh god no
steve god no steve oh god
gfhskfdjjjksjdjjhrrrrhrhhrhfhh [wailing and rending of garments]
Re Peggy’s age:
so the True Hallmark of a Cap Movie is Peggy telling steve what to do.
so weird to have that in an avengers movie
i do love this. GOOD BRO NAT CONTENT
Um. is vision a minor? is wanda?
again, nat is the only Correct one here
stay together guys
it might be
reeeeeeaaaaally important in 
*checks watch*
two years’ time.
god i love the xhosa in this
There is a level of worldbuilding in this that we p much only get from the russos/markus&mcfeely. i mean -- internal consistency worldbuilding? if that makes sense? we get a lot of visual worldbuilding in black panther, but this is distinctly different and hard to articulate and it has to do with the way they approach things and how they assume audience intelligence
it just works for me
oh no chadwick boseman don’t be cry
Sharon deserves better
than being cockblocked by her own aunt
and also sam wilson (who also deserves better)
Nat did you get that suit from jenny agutter?
LA Brunch Mom Nat
mah girl
she’s just so tired
steve (bless him) is just so exhausting
couples date sam and steve dressed to match
“at the gym”??? really? the arm is... a bit of a giveaway
i do feel bad for zemo in this one specific case
russian IS hard
how. did he get that in there?
Soft Plumboy Bucky
Captain’s Log: Buck’s place is a shithole
Sergeant’s Log: Steve’s face is pretty
surprise bitch
“That’s Smart, Good Strategy” is an excellent phrase to use in everyday conversation in order to weed out who Knows and who Doesn’t.
What i have learned from civil war: 
Captain America is a projectile weapon
further query:
did bucky ever hurl small steve at assailants?
Bucky: *punts steve down an alley*
Steve, 90 lbs of rage at 90 mph: GET WRECKED
Bucky’s got big tommy wiseau cryptid energy here
And now there’s a cat
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I love this vampire running and also bucky’s thighs
Steve Rogers: Excuse me sir I need to commandeer this vehicle. YEET.
Bucky Barnes: Excuse me sir I need to commandeer this vehicle. YOINK.
Bucky and Steve: Wrecking your morning commute since 2014
god vis has the biggest dorkiest crush
so vis are you a child prodigy? or? what?
The Roommate, a cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure: vis have you eaten anything between CW and IW?
Me, sinnamon roll, not to be trusted: *dying* *thinking about how Vision’s got schroedinger’s dick. does it exist? does it not exist? who knows.*
Me: Y. Yes. I th. think he has. eaten something. between now and. and IW. something.
The Roommate: *betrayed look*
The Roommate: *is so disappointed*
Bucky is. So tired. Let him rest.
fucking up the morning commute again i see
u like cats??
I love the ratio of overkill:ineffectiveness with this glass box they put him in.
why did tony  bring these fancy pens
the time spent explaining them could’ve been spent doing literally anything else
*i still don’t understand the accords*
“my fault”
there it is
“truth is i don’t want to stop”
THERE it is
“i thought the accords could split the difference”
"no, i don’t.”
no but really what are the accords
here followed a 20-30 minute convo about the accords
basically the summing up was:
Nat is 100% Right Ross is 100% Wrong Everyone Else is In A Grey Area
look this is actually a really good avengers movie
this is a moment when the back catalogue works against them because this conversation is so -- it implies a lot of friendly interactions between these two. they seem to have a relationship
but i keep looking at all the other movies they’ve interacted in like
i am anticipating this will cause me A Grief later
The Roommate, looking at Steve in his Grey Shirt and Jacket: Damn, sir. Stop wearing clothes.
“j a m e s”
big holt talking to rosa vibes there
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Zemo’s plan is so ridiculous i genuinely don’t have time to get into it i still have two pages of notes to get through holy shit.
this fight scene. does things. for me.
(oh tony left with no suit? growth dot gif)
T H I G H S ! ! ! !
Sam out here, serving looks, casually modeling
B I C E P S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
TOO SEXY! *crashes helicopter*
I need twelve more scenes of steve and bucky faffing about in the water.
A more effective restraint than the custom made bucky bottle
(BRIEF 1991)
haaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAa biceps u stop that
Is Tony having a heart attack???
he has no concept of how to treat children because he never was one oh no i gave myself a sad feeling
“I’m having a big fight in a parking lot with my superhero friends better go pick up a child as backup.” - tony stark
tony he doesn’t have a passport and if he understood what was happening he would not be on your side
Now That’s What I Call Vigilantism.
Why are you bringing a CHILD to a gun fight
Tony’s face, to me, suggests that he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing
also? it’s painfully obvious to me that these scenes were copypasted in late stage when they finally found out that yes they would have the rights to spiderman lol
for some reason they don’t feel the need to tell is that this is avengers compound in 400 point font
i’m so lost
where are we?
without the 400 point font i can only assume we are on mars
THAT’s a fine way to greet YOUR FATHER, WANDA
hawkeye is in fact the team lynchpin
is it
is it because they listen to him but he listens to natasha
i bet it is
Vision: I have been FALLING! for THIRTY MINUTES!
“i know someone who does”
i’m confused by the cut here, because it seems to imply that Sharon, deliberately or inadvertently, rats them out to natasha?
Birds and raccoons do not get along
steve no
ur timing is shit steve
Scott Lang might be the best thing in this movie
well except for Dat Bone Structure
*costume change in a parking lot to the yakkety sax soundtrack*
Thinking about the coming battle i am forced to concede that Iron Man Has A Point?
“do you really want to punch your way out of this?”
Steve: I ALWAYS wanna punch my way out
god scott’s such a fukkin nerd
tiny quibble but Scott “got punched by hope van dyne” lang would never say that to the black heckin widow
people in falcon houses shouldn’t throw spider stones, samuel
those cars belong to people
oh god iron man has a point
*catfight sounds*
“then why did you run?”
dude you attacked me in a catsuit
Tony’s true superpower is that he knows steve, that’s how spiderbabby gets the upper hand
althought god
Tony was pre-gaslighting peter
he was pilotlighting peter
*my longest UGH yet*
“Queens?” “Brooklyn”
ant man is the MVP
hmmmmmm “we don’t trade lives” HMMMMMMMMM
why did that truck explode
also *omg iron man has a point*
tony tedward stark how did you not know how old this child was
also peter stop pretending you don’t know what Empire Strikes Back, AT-ATs and Hoth are.
why doesn’t Vis get more flack for this
hey. hey tony. you know what sam is? A MEDIC. maybe let him LOOK AT YER FRIEND THERE instead of SHOOTING HIM IN THE FACE.
zemo’s plan is noooooonseeeeennnnnnsssse
guh these two beautiful men emoting in different directions KILL ME
this doctor is just like “yup there’s a giant purple robot here seems legit”
natasha is the only one who’s 100% right
did... did the russos kill themselves in this movie? did they cast themselves as dead extras? was this a statement of some kind?
HOW did ross get the congressional medal of honor. H O W.
“you read it”
tony this is Some Nonsense
ffflslkds he’s taking one of Nat’s guns KILL ME
one (1) heterosexual explanation.
rode back in a freezer truck
got pneumonia
already had pneumonia
and you blew three whole dollars on some slut
(seriously. gimme one. i’m waiting.)
srsly tho, whether you ship it or not, these two are old marrieds
the red star looks weird on his beefcake arm. did they forget to scale it up?
listen zemo is just really turned on by cam and he didn’t mean to say that and that’s the most relateable thing he’s done so far.
It’s not just that bucky killed his mom. it’s that bucky killed his mom AND STEVE KEPT IT FROM HIM.
life alert a senior citizen has fallen
T'Challa, observing this White Nonsense™: I truly should... check myself. Before! I wreck myself.
agism is what it is
god this bit
steve dropping the shield
look at him
he is Stick A Fork In Him D O N E
Rhodey really deserves better than this? He deserves development showing the evolution of his opinion between here and IW
i wish we could get more of him grappling with this
that said
gosh wouldn’t it fucking suck if Cap and Bucky got relegated to End Credit scenes in their own got damn movie to make room for Iron Man to emote at his buddy his pal his rhodey?
*looks directly into the camera like i’m on the office.*
Steve rogers: getting the last word in every argument since 1918.
“from the bottom of my heart: My Bad.”
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Hey! I’m Willow, 16, bisexual (or at least demi) from NY. This is my first time submitting something, so I might ramble (I do that normally tho). I’d really like people to talk to, preferably in a two-year age range. We could be just friends or maybe more. I’m pretty nerdy, adventurous, and more outgoing via text than in person. I like Star Wars, Marvel, GoT, cool music (aka 60s-90s, specifically rock, pop, and grunge), reading and writing. I’m a vegan and a Sagittarius. Hmu if you relate or think I’m interesting (spoiler alert: I’m really not). (Sorry, this was long lol)
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elliespuns · 1 year
I've seen ppl answering these and I know you probaby don't do these but I thought I could at least try via ask. Anyway, you don't have to answer these if you don't want to. Love you dude, btw
• How old are you? • Tall or short? • Sexuality? • Describe yourself briefly • Something you like about yourself? • Favorite hobbies outside your blog? • Something no one would guess about you • Weird quirks you have • One talent you wished you had • A word your friends would use to describe you • Craziest thing that's ever happened to you • Have you ever been in love? • What is your biggest fear? • Why did you start this blog? • Your favorite food? • Least favorite food? • Favorite TV shows? • Favorite movie of all time? • Favorite musicians? • Do you have any pets?
I don't usually participate in these, but you being so nice and all... I can make an exception.
How old are you? I'm 30
Tall or short? Very short, I'm only 5'1 ft, 156 cm
Sexuality? Eh, I don't like labeling myself but if I had to, it'd say bisexual.
Describe yourself briefly I'm an introverted dork that doesn't vibe with most people. I dig music, art, and I love a lot. I either love too much or not at all. I've been vegan for over 10 years now and I love funny people. Other than that, I'm just a very poetic soul that also loves to play video games from time to time.
Something you like about yourself? I'd say it's my knowledge in English. I've been self 'learning' it for 9 years now (never been abroad) and I was able to learn the language to the point where it became a huge part of my life. Like I literally use it more than my mother language. That's a thing I definitely like about myself.
Favorite hobbies outside your blog? I write; creative writing, poetry. Both fulfil my creative mind. Then I love reading (ofc). I also draw, play video games, work with graphic programs and I love taking pictures.
Something no one would guess about you I have a very high sex drive, lmao 🫣😂 and people would never guess this about me, cause I literally look like I have a ribbon buckled to my vagina.
Weird quirks you have Oh, god, I can't stand hand cuts. Like you can literally show me a vid of someone having their throat slit and I'll be fine, but then you show me a vid of someone having their palm sliced, or simply just someone cutting their finger and I'll go all asdfghjklsdfghjk.
One talent you wished you had Damn, I wish I could draw from imagination. I can draw but I can't ever draw anything just by trying to see it in my head. That's so fucking frustrating. And weird. Anyone else having this problem?
A word your friends would use to describe you Idk about one word, but my best friend says I'm the funniest person she has ever met, so does that count? Lol, Idk why she says this.
Craziest thing that's ever happened to you Omg, trauma alert... when my boss (a male) caressed the top of my head.
Have you ever been in love? I still am.
What is your biggest fear? Fuck, it's hurricanes and tornados. I actually have a phobia, it's called 'ancraophobia' and it's a fear of strong wind. (I swear I don't fear normal wind tho, I'm not that weird, actually, ok?).
Why did you start this blog? When I came here one day I realized that there were only a few blogs that were dedicated to the game stuff. So I said why the hell not? I didn't expect to have an actual fanbase here, it's crazy. Love you guys.
Your favorite food? Lentils, that's the shit.
Least favorite food? I'd say meat.
Favorite TV shows? Okay, not gonna mention TLOU cause it's obvious, but the very first show that pops into my mind every time is Breaking Bad. I love this show to bits. Then I also love TWD, OITNB, Better Call Saul, Wentworth, This Is Us, Lost, The Killing.
Favorite movie of all time? My most favorite movie of all time will forever be Ginger Snaps (2000). I've loved this movie ever since I was 11. It's been 19 years ever since and I still love it to pieces. Aaaaah!
Favorite musicians? I love a lot of music, but my most favorite is Damien Rice. I love that guy and what he does. Right behind him are Cigarettes After Sex and Mazzy Star (just pure love). Then it would be Joshua Radin, The Hope Arsenal, Yaeow, The Paper Kites, The Smiths, R.E.M., Blur, BoDeans
Do you have any pets? My chonky boi guinea pig
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motheritsnotaphase · 6 years
the girlwife lily cloud 2, 9, 24, jamie 5, 28, 40, penelope 16, 23, 32, catalina 11, 47, 50, matias 18, 24, 30, steve 15, 22, 45
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
she does not! that’d be cool tho
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
she wants animals to love her but they’re indifferent to her :(((
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
she’s a light sleeper, but she does snore a bit. she prefers soft mattresses and usually curls up in a ball when she sleeps
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
they’re an only child!
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
they’re not scared of anything, especially not heights or sudden loud noises or penelope,
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
yes to all of the above
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
she collects old technology, circuitboards, spare parts, etc. and tries to make stuff out of them! she keeps them in her Secret Hideout which is just one of the fancy apartment she owns and pays for with money stolen from rich people
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
her memory is crazy good, although her long term memory is a lot better than her short term memory.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
she likes retro clothing (from a futuristic perspective) + leather jackets! she wears makeup sometimes but can’t be bothered most of the time
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
nope! they wanted to be a vegetarian for a bit but then realised they like meat too much to attempt it
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
they think fancy parties are fun! they like socialising even though they’re a little shy
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
they’d make sure they have extra food and water no matter where they’re going as well as some weapons and something to entertain them
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
a lot of the stuff he reads and watches is educational/informative because he likes to Know Things. he also likes philosophy! he likes fiction enough but doesn’t spend enough time reading/watching/etc. it to have a favourite genre
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
he doesn’t snore because he does everything perfectly, including sleeping
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
he exercises regularly! he’s into Sports
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
he’s okay at it! he doesn’t do it often but he’s not bad
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
if he has an issue with you he’ll tell you to your face, usually in the form of a mean joke
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
well penelope sees him as straight but that’s not exactly accurate. people see him kinda as a fuckboy but he just thinks he’s having fun :////
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endlesshourglass · 6 years
20 Questions Tag
Just kidding I got tagged in 2 10 Questions tag games so I’m just going to do them together...
Thank you to the wonderful @micastarsandmirrors and @bronwyn-writes for the tags!
Answer the 10 (x2) questions - Make 10 new questions - Tag people!
1. Kindergarten AU! Pick one MC (main character) and tell us which they’d be: The kid who cries all the time, the kid who pinches the kid who cries all the time, the kid who hugs the kid who cries all the time, or the teacher who has a very very bad headache?
I’ll pick Trent and Blair from The Endless Hourglass! Trent would definitely be the kid who pinches the kid who cries all the time, while Blair would be the teacher who has a very very bad headache. 
2. Which of your characters had the most wholesome childhood?
Probably Jazz! Them and their dad are very close, and he is very supportive of them and everything they set out to accomplish! Who wouldn’t flourish on that unconditional love and support? 
3. If any of your characters were real, which one would you likely get along with the most?
Hmm thats a hard question because I have a LOT of OCs and a lot of them are lovely people. I’d have to say Jazz, Tomas, Sagan, Blair, and Ingrid. They are all either really sweet, really funny, really responsible (in a good, respectable way), or all of the above! 
4. When your villain/antihero was a child, what did they want to be when they grew up?
Prince Florien always wanted to be a great and powerful leader. His father puts a lot of pressure on him, you know. Imagine dealing with your parents, but for 100s of years... yikes. 
5. Do any of your OCs play instruments?
Yup! Adrien plays the drums, Ingrid plays the violin, Blair plays the piano, Michael plays the guitar, and Ella sings really well!
6. Who is the snarkiest character in your WIP?
I have to choose??? Eh probably Blue. That wasn’t as hard as I thought. 
7. Do you have any characters who you hope NOBODY EVER TRIES TO SHIP?
UH YEAH. Blue and Adrien (excuse me while I hurl), Michael and... anyone (love my aro boy), Ingrid and Hayden (ewewew). There are more, but those are the ones that would bother me the most.
8. Which of your OCs has a weird hidden talent?
Adrien can pick things up with feet, really well, kind of like a monkey. His toes are like mini fingers. It’s weird... the dude could be an acrobat or circus performer or something. 
9. How would your MC handle being around babies?
I’ll answer for all of them because thinking of this question made me laugh:
Jazz loves babies! They would coo at them and ask to hold them and probably start crying at how cute they are. Ella would be indifferent but would still ask to hold the baby, just to get them away from Jazz. 
Maddeleina doesn’t really care for babies. She would probably say “cute baby” and leave it at that. No fussing, no holding, nothing. 
Trent would try and steal its candy. Literally, he would steal candy from a baby. Blair would then scold him, apologize to the parents, and give the baby its candy back and then probably more candy. And if she happened to get to hold the baby or touch its tiny baby hand, then that would be an added bonus to making them smile!
10. Pick three of your characters and tell us what their battle cry would be.
Rhonda: FUCK YOU *stabs with a metal spike*
Adrien: *barely hurts someone* oh god I’m so sorry!!!!
Ella: take that *kicks someone into next week*
1. What would your MC’s favorite sitcom be?
I know that Jazz and Ella would love B99. 
2. How would your MC react to space travel?
Depends which one... Ella and Jazz know its a thing so they wouldn’t be all that impressed besides the usual “wooooaahh SPACE!” Maddeleina would be freaked out (because space is a thing?) but ALSO really excited because now there are even more places she can explore and travel to. Trent and Blair would probably think a Magician was pulling a trick on them somehow. Maybe someone who can make illusions? 
3. List three OCs and name their worst vice.
Trent: being an asshole to innocent people (and also greed)
Rhonda: bias, pride, and rage
Adrien: secrecy, inanity, intemperance 
4. Would any of your OCs cheat on their s/o?
I’d HOPE not. Jk Hayden probably would... if he actually ever got someone to like him. 
5. If you had to kill off one OC in a WIP, who would you choose?
6. If your MC could choose to live in any time period, what would it be?
Jazz would want to live in the 90s maybe. A but nostalgic for their young toddler years. Ella thinks the Renaissance was cool. 
7. Name a video game that an OC would love playing if they had exposure to existing video games.
Adrien would love games like Life is Strange. I could see Blue playing Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild and beating all 120 shrines (what nerd does that ahehehe...he..he ok me). 
8. How would your OC react to having to adapt a vegan diet?
Blue is a carnivore who only eats meat and drinks literal fire so... not so well. He would literally die. 
9. What’s your MC’s worst fear?
For Trent its dying, and the ever present, looming threat of our own immortality. Blair is afraid of being alone. Ella fears the unknown. Maddeleina fears failure. Jazz is terrified of spiders. 
10. Do you ship any romance that will never happen in your WIP?
Not really? Because honestly... if I ship something  I just make it canon. :D
Ok sorry that was a lot. But here’s MORE! Tagging: @no-url-ideas-tho @lady-redshield-writes @gettingitwrite @dantedevereaux @violet-clouds-and-skies @incandescent-creativity @spacebrick3 @tinydragonadventures @jaimistoryteller @hawksnbooks @lonelylibrary @cabaretofwords and anyone else who wants to do it! 
The questions are:
1. QUICK, your MC is on a sinking ship and there is one seat left in the life boat! Do they take the seat or sacrifice themselves?
2. What OC is most likely to pet every dog that they see?
3. Your MC can only eat one thing for the rest of their life. What is it?
4. Do you have any relationships in your WIP that you are afraid people won’t ship?
5. Choose 3 OCs and name their best quality.
6. What inspired the name of your MC? 
7. What OC would be most likely to randomly break into song?
8. How would your MC react to someone punching them?
9. Which OC(s) are your favorite?
10. If you could have coffee with any of your OCs, who would it be?
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nerdymedzebra · 5 years
Round up of my mentions of MCAS reactions
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“ Escape to the mountains for breathable air! I know grass makes my throat swell up and my chest get tight, but but I've not known what my other triggers are. Til recently. I downloaded the weather Channel app on my phone and now it alerts me during Ozone Action/Warning Days, and woops, they match up with my swelling, too. So this weekend I saw that the grass pollen was high AND it was an ozone action day, and tho I hate using the car on such days, my house apparently doesn't protect me from bad air (and I sure as heck can't afford an air purifier) so I just needed to escape. Picture 2 is just outside of Boulder, where I live, and my throat was already swelling up before we made it out of the area. But by the time we got into the mountains, it was calming down again.thank goodness! And TG for accessible overlooks, like in Pics 1 & 3! No hiking required to see prettiness. :) “
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“ Whoa there, face. You look like you've been outside in the cold for an hour.. But I haven't left my couch all day! It's hard to get with this annoying portrait filter I can't turn off, but you can see the diff between my face and neck. I usually look much more pallid and anemic! ) I always say I have very little skin involvement with#MCAS (and I've only had hives once in my life) but I wonder how much of that is true and how much is just me not putting two and two together before. Like, my face has felt hot all day, I used to call this "fevering", but I've recently realized it's only my face that's hot and red, so it's prolly MCAS flushing, not a fever at all. Which is interesting that before I had an app for it, the only way I knew I was about to start my period is that I'd get one of these "fevers" for an hour or two the night before! I must be reactive to one of my own gd hormones. 😅😅😅 Yup, sounds like an MCAS thing! As I'm on my period now, (tho I don't think I usually am flushed at this poiny/for this long) and my stomach still feels full of good from yesterday, and who knows what else, but maybe I'm just reacting to a bunch of stuff. My face is redder irl, and I startled myself a few minutes ago when I went to the bathroom and saw my face. I've NEVER seen it this red while just sitting around the house! “
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“ Oops I ate an often-trigger food without tacking my Cromolyn first. :( I feel like I have a fever and my belly is angeryyyy. Sighhh. “
MCAS & Cromolyn
(Jan 2019)
#MCAS: where normal food can make you shiver violently while your face blazes and your stomach thinks it's been poisoned.
Woops forgot to take my Cromolyn Sodium before eating. ☹️😷😱☠️
Also, this is what it looks like. Supposed to take 2 viles 4x a day, but I have yet to remember all 4 even once. :-x
Edit 1 hour later: my stomach and face have calmed down, but now my heart rate Is in the 130s as I'm laying here, and I feel like if I open my mouth I'll be like a megaphone and the sound of my speeding, thumping heart would loudly reverberate through the house.. It honest to God feels like my heart has grown wings and is violently trying to escape my chest.
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“ Ok you can't really tell here, but my face is rosy. I'm wondering if these random few-hour "fevers" I've always gotten are really jus t flushing? Does your face feel warm and tight and similar to when your fevering when you're flushing from #MCAS? Or Allergies? We are house sitting a doggo, but I'm allergic, and I'm feeling it way more than I have before when we've watched him! Waaah. "I need vogmask, but for my eyes!" Me, earlier. “
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“ Wait, what?! I react to freshly cut grass exactly the same in all months. Could it really be from different things?! Although maybe I do react differently. I feel wayyy itchier lately and maybe less swollen sinus cavity & throat, but I've only recent started noticing how itchy I get when I'm walking outside, particularly if I'm sweating even minutely, which could mean it's started up recently, or not. Adhd makes it so hard to keep track of symptoms :( :/ Fwiw, I think the same allergy test that told me I was allergic to grass said mold as well... 🤔 This post brought to you by my overwhelming need to scratch all my skin off. (Also my skin doesn't seem to really turn red til I scratch it, then it gets v angry btw). #allergy #GrassAllergy “
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“ Ugh, motility issues are more than just delayed!! My psych had me request a emptying study from my GI to check for RAPID emptying (bc my meds don't work if I eat with them and she needs the results for dose adjustments) but this report is clearly looking only for delayed. Now, I sometimes do experience delayed for a few days a month, but I don't mind it much, it's the rapid that screws with my meds and makes it risky to eat at a restaurant without hanging around a half hour afterwards in case I have to run to the bathroom (in those cases my dysautonomia (and pain) also flares while my stomach is emptying, then I seem to get hit with reactive hypoglycemia or whatever it's called. Ugh.) Nausea is only a small symptom a few times a month, max, yet it is THE symptom on this test. Annoying. As I said day-of, my stomach was behaving that day, so I'm not surprised it was normal, but from the penciled in average emptying time I found, it does suggest that even when it's not acting up, it is a bit faster than normal. “
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“Post treadmill stress test dinner. Vegan Pad Thai. It's been almost two hours and my muscles are still goop and I'm still extra shakey. My body did not approve. I'm surprised I made it a whole 5 minutes tho, tbh. “
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“ Reverse progression of my chest today. I just now took the first picture. I removed the electrodes 6 hours ago, and boy, my body still wants it to be known that, I guess the gel that was over the round electrode itself, And to a lesser extent, the sticky stuff, was v annoying. When I first took the Holter monitor off, it was really only red on the circle bits, and where I'd been scratching (see pic 3). But then once they were off, I scratched a bunch because OMG, and that left me super red itself (pic 2) now where the sticky bits were seem red too. Is this normal, or allergies or mast cell (I've never been tested for it, but I think I should be) or what. 6 hours seems a long time to still be so red! “
Gastro follow up: Endoscopy, MCAS talk!
(Apr 2018)
During the appointment I told her that I had less rapid gastric emptying than I had been before, but more constipation and fullness-- but especially BLOATING.
I don't think I fully realized how frequently I have the sensation of bloating or stomach discomfort, because, I have noticed, when I experience it, I instinctively... eat... MORE. Especially crappy foods that frequently cause the rapid gastric emptying symptoms. That makes sense, but it's interesting to realize since I was doing it pretty unconsciously! But it hasn't been super helpful lately AND I've gained 10lbs in the last month alone! (after having gained 30+lbs in the ~8 months prior!)
And finally, I told her that I had been reading up on Mast Cell Activation Syndrome/Disease lately and it's fairly likely that I have it, and it seems to have a huge effect on the GI system. Surprisingly, her eyes widened a bit and she said that, in fact, she had just been to a conference this weekend, and they talked about Mast Cells as a cause of Functional GI Disorders! So, she said she will read up more on MCAS & EDS/HSD and how they influence the GI system.
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erekashealthylivng · 5 years
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📣NEW MAKE UP HAUL & SAFTEY ALERT 🚨 !!!! 🧫Don’t let bacteria grow on last years products🦠 🧽Marie Kondo ur beauty Drawer🧹Toss the old, in with the new! 🧼Always clean, replace & Invest in products u put on ur eyes 1st. 💰 👁 Perfect your makeup look with eyes that really pop! 🤩I know my signature glamor look is all centered in my eyes 🙀No false eyelashes necessary with the new volume mascara ! 🔮From subtle to dramatic these gemstone-inspired shades can deliver a spectrum of looks to suit your mood. 🕊when In doubt ...just wing it with a boss liquid eye liner Shadow pallet recommendations: 💚Green eyes & dark brown👇🏻👇🏻 “It’s all about the eyes Vol. 2” 💙Hazel - Blue eyes 👇🏻👇🏻 “It’s all about the eyes Vol.1 “ .... I have super sensitive eyes 👀and allergies 🤧to most brands who formulate🧪with fillers & toxic chemicals ☠️especially those formulated for eye make up in the black pigments🖤.... no worries tho!!!! 💡I have perfected the art of the natural Cali girl look with pure, botanically based 🌱”beauty must- haves” ...all scientifically formulated by Arbonne’s clean, vegan, gold standard ingredient policy (tested & certified by 3rd party. + bans over 2,000 harmful ingredients) shadow pallet by @arbonne 12 colors one pallet! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #arbonne #arbonemakeup #arbonnemascara #speakvolumesmascara #arbonneeyeshadows #Makeup #CleanBeauty #Cosmetics #MakeupLover #InstaMakeup #Lashes #Eyeshadow #InstaBeauty #Beauty #CrueltyFreeBeauty #greeneyeshadowlook #wingliner #vegancertified #veganmakeup #makeupcollection #makeupblogger #makeuptalk #makeuplook #beautyblogger #makeupaddict #makeuplover #wakeupandmakeup #makeuphaul #beautyjunkie #arbonnemakeupartist (at Los Angeles County, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByuciWcg3Bj/?igshid=1je3q47ozbrip
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leeviathans · 7 years
I ganked an OC ask list so here’s the whole thing for Max.
   1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything? Maxwell. It was chosen becauseee that’s what his dad named him? Idk. It doesn’t have any significant meaning to it. 2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them? Eeeeeehhhhhhh 3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? His childhood was pretty ok, save for his stepmother being physically and verbally (mostly physically) abusive. But he learned how to avoid her for the most part and otherwise his childhood was very uneventful. He spent a lot of time hanging around his dad’s lab (aka the basement) as a kid. 4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? Only knew his dad, his mom is very dead. He was very very close to his dad though. 5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults? He does but the only one I’ll talk about is his half sister. Her name is Liza. Their relationship was always very distant, they grew up practically being just... strangers who happened to share a house. When they’re adults their relationship is much different, they become very good friends. 6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate? He hated school in general and was an awful student. It was’t that he was bad at the classes he was in (he’s actually quite smart), he just absolutely couldn’t be bothered to care. He dropped out his senior year, basically as soon as he was able to do so without anyone stopping him (when he turned 18) 7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? NOPE. Max really didn’t have any friends at all. He was a weird kid and just kind of couldn’t click with anyone. He did have one friend for a good amount of years of his childhood, though. But his memories of that friend are very fuzzy. 8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? I mean yeah he likes animals just fine but I don’t think he technically has any pets himself. 9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? He gets along ok with most animals, nothing remarkable one way or another. However, he does NOT get along with dogs. They don’t seem to ever like him. Just as well, he doesn’t like them either. 10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect? He’s actually GREAT with kids. He doesn’t think so, but no he’s awesome at dealing w/ them. Not sure if he’d actually want kids or if he ever has any at any point in his future. 11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies? Nahhh. But in his wolf state he will eat like all the meat in the house. Or go find fresh meat. 12. What is their favourite food? He LOVES junk food. Pizza’s his favorite. Spicy food’s also good, and he has a godawful sweet tooth. 13. What is their least favourite food? Not sure? He’s not horribly picky. Probably acts like super healthy food is nasty though. 14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal? ...no... this is such a weird question. 15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking? He’s very good at it, and loves doing it! He doesn’t do it often though because he’s incredibly lazy so I doubt anyone really gets food made by him much at all. 16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? As far as I know he doesn’t collect anything! 17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos? He’s actually not big on photos. He’s indifferent toward others taking them and has zero interest in taking them himself. 18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else Trash. Especially in terms of movies and tv shows. The worse the writing and/or acting is, the more he loves it. 19. What’s their least favourite genres? Probably stuff like sitcoms or daytime TV dramas, things that he really can’t get any amusement out of. 20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when their favourite song comes? He likes music a lot! He’d prob just turn the volume up obnoxiously high and sing along with it. 21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper? HE HAS THE WORST TEMPER. He has a really short fuse and it doesn’t take much to make him snap if you’re pushing the right buttons. What he does when he loses his temper varies depending on the situation and who he’s angry at, but his outbursts are usually pretty quick and end just as fast. He holds a HELL of a grudge afterward though. 22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back? Can’t say he has a go-to insult? But he’d insult someone if he felt insulted first. Without hesitation. 23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces? Generally speaking his memory’s pretty good! It’s really nothing remarkable, just kind of average. 24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress? He snores horribly. Sleeps on a really soft and very beat-up and old mattress. Is not aware that mattresses are a thing that need to be replaced eventually. Builds up a very large collection of blankets. 25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves? He finds really dumb things funny. Usually things that aren’t really meant to BE funny. I’d say he has a good sense of humor?  26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? He’s VERY visible about it when he’s happy. Smiles a lot, probably hums or sings under his breath, generally is much more sociable and friendly when he’s in a really good mood. 27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad? He completely shuts down when he’s upset. He has a habit of isolating himself and utterly closing himself off to others. He becomes very distant, very unwilling to talk. He doesn’t usually cry like... at all, but when he does it’s really not something he can hide. 28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared? He does have a weird fear/aversion of clowns/jesters/anything like that. He usually responds to being scared with anger and defensiveness. 29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? For the most part he’d just acknowledge that it’s really none of his business. He might lightly tease them about it here and there, but otherwise he’s not gonna go sticking his nose into such a personal thing for others. 30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out? HAHA NO HE’D DIE. 31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing? Never struck me as the type to drink much, just occasionally. He is the type to be STUPID-HAPPY when drunk tho. Like everything’s awesome and hilarious and super good mood all around. He’s indifferent towards others being drunk around him and will usually just kinda respond like he normally would to them? 32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like? The boy frequently looks like he fell into a closet in the dark. He usually just buys what’s cheap but he has no idea how to dress to his body type so none of his clothes fit properly. Boring probably-super-worn-out pajama pants to bed. Doesn’t wear makeup. His hair is just kind of a thing that exists and he might brush it like once in the morning and that’s it. 33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties? Boxers 34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body? VERY VERY thin. He has a very fast metabolism so he just flatout does not put on weight. He’s... some very tall height above 6′6″, haven’t quite figured out how tall he is exactly. He’s decidedly indifferent toward his body, it’s just kind of there and he has no opinion of it really. 35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? He has no guilty pleasures, only things that are stupid and awful that he feels no shame in enjoying. 36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing? He can! He’s good at singing and cooking, interests he picked up years ago from a friend. 37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction? ...he likes to read comic books does that count... otherwise he really doesn’t enjoy reading. He doesn’t have much of an attention span for it. For what it’s worth though he can read pretty fast. 38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had? Sometimes he wishes he were more patient or altruistic and admires those traits a lot in others. Though he’s totally capable of being these things already. 39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? Nah on both levels. 40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert? SUGARY FOOD. And soda. And coffee with a lot of sugar in it. 41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship? I have no idea, I just know he thinks his girlfriend is the prettiest thing to exist and is crazy about her. 42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition? Gonna skip this onnnneee. 43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people? He’s not, and has no opinion of those who are other than that they’re just dong their own thing. 44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? He likes warm weather. Warm springtime weather is probably ideal. He has zero cold tolerance and will complain a lot if he has to go out in the cold. 45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? It realllly varies from person to person, since the way he acts depends a lot on how well he knows someone and how comfortable he is with them. 46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves? He CAN make a good impression? But he’s usually standoffish with new people. 47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event? He’d have a good time it if it’s something someone really wanted him to go to, but he really wouldn’t socialize much. He’d prob just lowkey cling to people he knows or stay where the snacks are. He’s not the type to want anything to do with formal events on his own, though, and he feels weird dressing up. 48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? He’s not big on them, but like with formal events he’d be fine if someone else wanted him to go. Otherwise he just really gets nothing out of them? 49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them? He has a sentimental attachment to the beat-up old baseball cap he wears, and especially to the tooth necklace he wears. He’s almost never seen without that necklace. 50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials? He’s psychic. He’s a big cheater and would just bypass this by teleporting whatever he wants/needs at any given time. But generally speaking, when he travels he doesn’t bring much of anything with him.
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