#vegito imagines
imagine holding your f/o's hand and watching them visibly melt from your touch - shoulders dropping, posture becoming slack, etc - out of sheer contentment.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
for the valentines day event, can I request smth for vegito with 💙💌? either goku or vegeta, or both, have a crush on you, and vegito confesses after saving the day. I just want it to be really sweet and cheesy, but I'll leave the rest of the story up to you, so you can write it however you want!
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Vegito | love confession
content: ( implied pining!goku and/or vegeta, referenced pining, flustered vegito, confession, established friendship ) warning: ( referenced canon-typical violence )
I can feel it when you hold me, when you touch me, it's so powerful. - "Powerful"
Of all the things that could have surprised Vegito today, a congratulatory and very tight hug from you was the most effective. The moment he dropped the energy barrier, it was like you were magnetized to him. Drawn in by a moment of grateful relief after the life-or-death situation forced upon the Earth and the fused saiyan stepping in to outclass the evil once again.
The world was suffocating under the poisonous aura invading the atmosphere and crumbling to the pressure of the villainous force that brought it. Come to burn it all down in an effort to cross paths with the alleged powerful being meant to rival their own might. With options running low, Goku's quick thinking and instant transmission teleported him to the Realm of the Kais seeking a solution from the Supreme Kai while Vegeta stayed to guard the remaining untouched haven of Dende's lookout. But it was only a matter of time before something so dense with negative energy penetrated even the divine palace. Putting everyone you knew at risk, including yourself. Goku returned in a nick of time with Potara earrings and with minimal fuss from his saiyan countertop, Vegito came to life.
Naturally, the fusion wipes the floor with the evil invader, cleansing the earth of the poisonous energy in the process and returning to the gathering of all his friends when the deed was done. Thanking him was all you could think to do after all that, embracing him as you had once embraced your two friends on separate occasions just felt appropriate. Vegito's reaction to it, however, only mimicked one of them. The sharp flush of pink across his face is highlighted by his super saiyan features and easy for you to tell which personality it was from. Not at all what you would expect from the man who bantered and danced circles around an opponent who had the entire Earth backed into a corner. Vegito's smile following the color on his face was what really captivated you, somehow proud and modest all at once. But mostly content as he made no motion to leave your hold.
He attempts to brush off his blush, smugly rubbing his gloved finger across his nose. "You can count on us to handle it." Turning to look off the lookout at the restored atmosphere, he gave a proud grunt and folded his arms against his broad chest. Doing all of this while loosely held in your arms. "That was hardly worth the trouble of us fusing, if not for that repulsive energy. Oh well." He shrugs. Then he turns back to look down at you. "You're alright too, that's all that matters."
Your eyes twinkled looking up at him, delighted by his caressive tone and affectionate words. You withdrew your arms from around him to hold your chest, attempting to still the sudden rush of your heart. "You were worried about me?" You asked with a soft smile.
Pointing it out only makes the cocky fusion suddenly fluster, blue eyes widening and face darkening another shade. "I-It's not like that at all, you've got the wrong idea! I was just uh-...uh..." A loss for words, as well? Unlike him. The attraction held for you ran deep through his fused form. The gentle tilt in your head and joyful stare waiting for an answer was hard for him to deny and he's not certain why he is so paralyzed by it. To be gazed upon like this, held in your arms and become the object of your attention, felt like something he's always wanted. The mixed feelings between his two halves of owning up to his feelings settled into an inspiring sensation that flooded through him. "'I-It was only for a little while. I knew there was nothing to worry about once we fused".
"Ha, I knew it. You were madly in love with (y/n) all along!" One of your friends teasingly called out. "It's written all over your face!"
"Tch, You don't have to shout it to the whole world, we're right here." Vegito glowered. However, his face was still glowing in his awkward huff. It was then you pulled on his tucked arms to get him to lean over and placed a tender kiss on his cheek.
"It's about time you told me." You grinned. Correction, this was the most effective surprise.
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Head empty all I can think about is Mika sparring with Vegito and Gogeta in the back cheering them on as they’re learning to fight from Vegito and all I can imagine is among the sparring vegito let’s Mika hit him across the jaw to try and boost their moral to fight, however accidentally squares him in the face and poor Mika is freaking out because he thinks he broke his nose, but; vegito laughs it off and is all like
‘Babe, no offense but that barely tickled me. You aren’t gonna hurt me even if you tried. I just wanted to see how powerful your punches were. Might work on someone within your power level range, but not me. Don’t get down, though. Your stance is good as I showed ya.”
Gogeta just in the background laughing from vegito getting punched in the face because he and Gogeta are the only ones who could actually fight each other on a fair level. Gogeta is just a troll sometimes.
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vegitoswife · 8 months
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SFW Alphabet with Vegito because I felt like it. GN!Reader taken into consideration wherever applicable.
Didn't do much proofreading because this is long so y'all have to accept this how it is, typos and all!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
It depends on the current point in the relationship. Early on, Vegito isn't too affectionate. He's still at an awkward stage where he doesn't fully know how to display affection, at least not without growing flustered or uncharacteristically clamming up. Sweet words, slow caresses, gentle touches...all of it is foreign territory to him. Complete and utter contrasts to the brutality of a battle. He'll express his feelings in his own ways, but with time and your patience, he'll slowly grow more comfortable with more open displays.
After that comes to pass, you might end up thrown for a loop with how readily he shows affection. He probably would even initiate it more often than you! It's like he's transformed into a devoted puppy, with how eager he is to be around you or stick closely to your side.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Vegito would be the kind of best friend who likes pushing at your buttons and poking fun at your flaws, but he's undeniably loyal to and caring of you at the end of the day. A friendship with him wouldn't be the easiest thing to start up, since he is rather introverted and often keeps up walls.
The circumstances surrounding his permanence as a fusion has a heavy influence with how prickly he can get, because he's dealing with figuring out his identity on top of having to bear the reality of he not truly being what Goku and Vegeta were to their families. Chi Chi and Bulma aren't warm to him, and the children have an assortment of mixed feelings. It's a stressful situation to be in all around.
If you were to show Vegito that you do think of him as his own person and you don't try to shove him into the Goku box or Vegeta box, he will become more receptive of you and your company. He'll eventually start almost clinging to you, in a way. He really does need a friend in this depressing world.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Once he becomes open to it, he would like cuddling. He'd even love it. Getting to hold you close, nuzzle you, bathe in your ki signature...it'd swiftly become something that brings him comfort. Surely you wouldn't complain. Who would, about getting cuddled by such a sweet, handsome, muscular man? You'll feel so snug too.
Vegito would default to having you sit on his lap or wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you into his side, but he'd engage in whichever way you want if you request it of him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Though he would (try to) casually brush it off and have difficulty in admitting it, he really would want to settle down. Deep down, Vegito craves the concept of having a home for himself, and it would be even better if you were a part of that home. He can't imagine settling down with anyone else, nor does he want to.
When it comes to cooking, he's actually not bad at it. You can thank pre-existing knowledge bestowed upon him through Goku, as he learned how to cook at an acceptable level from his wife Chi Chi. Vegito would only try to improve his cooking skills, both for his sake (he has a massive appetite) and yours since he wants to take good care of you. He finds cleaning quite simple to do, and would do his best to keep things neat & tidy. It'd be very unbecoming for someone of his grandeur to live like a slob after all, and you also deserve better.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Oh...breaking up with you would be very painful for Vegito, but if he deemed it best, he'll do it. He's not one to back down from anything, even if it's with you. He'll be very blunt, laying down that he thinks the two of you should end things and give his reasons as to why. Whether you believe them or not, understand them or not, he'll walk away literally or figuratively (via Instant Transmision).
If it's all rooted to a big misunderstanding, or maybe he got an idea in his head that took hold of his inner insecurity problems, you could try to at least talk to him more. See if there's any way your relationship could get a second chance.
But if you made the grave mistake of betraying his trust...you're out of luck. He would never lay his hands on you outside of a sparring scenario, but he'd make his hurt and anger very apparent. Vegito is not one to forgive and forget, especially for someone he gave his heart to. You're never getting it back.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Contrary to how long it would take him to adapt to the concept of loving someone and especially being loved himself, commitment comes easy to him. Vegito's already attached to you and wants to dedicate himself to you, so why wouldn't he want to be committed? It's a no brainer to him.
He would be content enough with how the relationship manifests as long as you're content though, so he wouldn't voice any desire to get married himself. He wouldn't mind it if you wanted to get married, and if a fair amount of time has passed since the two of you started dating, he'd have little to no concerns. The only thing that would be changing in his eyes is that he'd get to call you his spouse, and it be accurate.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Vegito can be very gentle physically if he wants to be. You know his hands are capable of bending thick steel like it's paper or smashing massive boulders to pieces, but with you? Unearthly power is absent from his hands when they grab your own. When they rest on your waist or leg. When they brush against your cheek or arm. He treats you so carefully that it's almost surreal.
Emotionally? Hm. Vegito cares for you immensely, but when it counts, he's honest if nothing else. He'll tell you something harsh if he thinks you need to hear it. On some days, he has moments of indifference or callousness - it's just who he is. Overall, he's not as gentle emotionally as he can be physically.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are some of his most favorite things in the world. Again, once the affection barrier has been breached, you will find yourself being scooped into his arms at semi-regular intervals - especially if he's in a rather cheerful mood. His hugs are tight, but not too tight, and very warm since it's like his body is constantly giving off heat like a radiator.
You giving him hugs would tickle him pink, though you may have to be somewhat careful. Some days, some moods, he's not really up for heavy physical contact like that. When in doubt, you can always just ask him if you can hug him.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes a long time before Vegito gets to the stage where a "I love you" is even possible to form. Even then, you'll have to understand that he processes and feels love a different way from most. You could even say that he doesn't experience romantic attraction (or sexual for that matter) the "standard" way. What "love" means to him will be probably different from what it means to you. So, while the actual "I love you" statement won't make a fast appearance, it will likely have manifested in some other fashion prior to that point.
Vegito will show his love for you in many ways, through actions or how he speaks to you (even with his sassiness or snark), that you should probably at least have a knack for recognizing if you've been dating him for a while. Before he ever says it outright, if you've been paying attention to him for all this time, you'll have a strong understanding that he's loved you for a good while already and it shouldn't come as a surprise.
When he does say it, he'll be meek with a red face. His voice will be so low that you might have to ask him to repeat himself. Understand that for him to feel comfortable enough saying "I love you", shows that he utterly adores you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Vegito frankly isn't the jealous type. He trusts you and dislikes obnoxious coddling, so he'll believe that you can handle yourself in most situations. The closest he'll get to being jealous is more so when he gets protective, if he thinks someone is stepping to you the wrong way or is getting to you too closely.
While he has problems with his sense of self, he's ironically brimming with pride and confidence at the same time, so he'll very rarely believe there's a chance someone could "steal" you from him.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
What Vegito's kisses are like varies based on his mood in the moment. If he's just feeling affectionate, they'll be light and brief. If he's needy or in more of a "romantic" mood, his lips will be pressed to you more firmly and will linger. If he's amped up for whatever reason, irritated or mad or desperate, they'll be strong and rapid fire.
He likes kissing you in many places around your face. You'd think your own lips would be a common target, but he goes for your forehead, nose, cheeks, ears, and jawline more often in general. Your neck also won't be spared, especially if he's feeling spicy or playful. Most of the times where he guns for your lips right away is to try and quiet you while you're talking, just to be cheeky.
Vegito likes to be kissed no where in particular; he'll just be thrilled that you're kissing him at all. You could aim for his neck or collarbones if you want to get an...amusing reaction out of him. If you really want to show your affection, kiss his tail. The color of his skin will rival a red rose.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Children are a funny subject with Vegito. He has his own already and from what you've seen, he interacts with them just fine. With as old as Gohan is he treats him like a fellow adult, though he's more playful with Goten and Trunks, even somewhat bullying the latter. But as a whole, you can see that he does genuinely love them.
When it comes to other children that aren't his own? Well. If they're well behaved and have decent manners, he doesn't mind them. Don't ask him to stay around a kid or more that are whining or running around and making a ruckus though; he'll become increasingly annoyed.
If you ever want to have kids with him? He'll be initially surprised and will need some time to think about it, but chances are, he would like to have at least one with you. For your baby, he'll do his utmost best to be attentive and nurturing, though he'll be sure to teach them how to fight when they're old enough!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Aside from unpredictable circumstances, mornings will Vegito will follow the relatively same routine on weekdays. He usually gets up before dawn - doing his best to not wake you up - to go out and exercise for hours. When he's done, he'll return home if he can sense you still in the house.
If you're still in bed or currently up, he'll shower and join you in whatever it is that you're doing or start up breakfast if you haven't. If you're out working or running an errand, he'll skip going home to move forward with his near daily routine of checking in on his families and helping Chi Chi with the Son family farm.
On weekends, assuming you can sleep in and stay home, he'll still go out to exercise & train but will come home to shower before rejoining you in bed. He loves spending mornings with you when he's able to, so whatever you're feeling up to doing, you can count him in.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are almost always chill. Vegito usually won't have anything else to tend to for the rest of the day, so he'll be eager to just relax with you - watching TV, movies, or playing games if you want. Or, you could spend a little time sparring with him if you can. In his eyes, there's nothing like a good workout before a nice hot bath with you to end the night off with.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Vegito will be slow at opening up. You have to spend time on chipping away at his walls to receive glimpses of what's standing behind them. Eventually, he'll feel close enough to you to share more about himself. The fact that he's a fusion will be the most glaring thing he'll want to confess since hiding it will only cause problems down the line, so he'll need to be absolutely sure that he can trust you before he'll disclose such personal information. Once that's off his chest, other things will come more easily.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It really depends, but in general Vegito isn't the most patient. If he cares enough about something, if he feels committing time to his current focus is worth it, or if he's not really taking something seriously & just going with the flow, he can be very patient. If he starts thinking his time or energy is being wasted however, then a switch will flip and his temper will flare.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Vegito doesn't have a perfect photographic memory, but he'll be damned if he doesn't put in effort to learn & remember things about you! Your likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc - he'll take it all in and even create little notes if he doesn't want to risk forgetting a detail. And hey, when he's focused enough, he has moments of recalling minor things you mention in passing.
For example: if the two of you are walking out in the city and you appear to like some kind of item on display in a shop's window, he'll soon go back there and buy it as a gift for you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When he took you to a gathering of his families and few associates. He admittedly was nervous, only because he wasn't sure if someone would start drama with you or not. While they're on fine terms, he isn't terribly close to Chi Chi, and he gets into arguments with Bulma almost every time they talk. Not to mention, he still feels out of place with everyone and is reminded of the fact that Goku is no longer around. Krillin especially has been...very tense territory ever since Vegito was first created.
Above all else, he just hoped you had a good time. And, you did! Much to his relief. Chi Chi, Bulma, and Krillin were polite with you, and you hit it off well with Yamcha. You and Gohan had a pleasant conversation. Goten had manners, and Trunks thankfully chose to behave. When it was time to leave, you had a big smile and he felt the stress flee his body.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
When he thinks it's warranted, Vegito can be extremely protective. He's capable of horrible violence and you know it, but you also know that he has a lot of restraint and knows he shouldn't be causing harm to others just because they bothered you a bit. If you ever get attacked though and you end up getting injured, may the gods have mercy on the assailant. Vegito's fury is something to be terrified of, but don't worry. All he needs to know is that you're fine and you'll recover. He'll calm down quickly then cling to you a bit.
Protecting him? There's really no need, but you actually growing protective of him would honestly make him pretty happy. It would be more proof that you care about him, and he'd eat the attention up. Might tease you a bit afterwards once the situation has been dispelled.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
As much effort as he can! He's not the most imaginative outside of combat-related scenarios, but he'll stick to things and variants of them that he knows you'll always like. As long as you're smiling, he won't feel like his effort is all for naught. He'll be especially pumped to do more for you if you respond in kind and put in effort on your end. He's fairly easy to please.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
For all of Vegito's merits, he no doubt has flaws. He's arrogant and gets a kick out of putting others down, can be callous and shrug off someone's emotional plight, has a volatile temperament, and can overall say pretty rude or cold things.
He is who he is, and people can take it or leave it. With those who show genuine care towards him though, he'll try to be more considerate. He truly isn't as bad as he can come across sometimes, but not everyone will know that. Or care, if he upsets them.
Apologies from the warrior are uncommon, but he'll give one if he actually does feel regretful.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Vegito is devoted to his appearance. He knows he's handsome, pretty, gorgeous, sexy, all of the positive descriptors. He takes much pride in his looks, so he'll always attempt to keep up good hygiene and look his best. He does like to praise himself on his appearance and brag about it too, but it's mostly in a semi-joking manner.
He's more modest than most know, but again, he does genuinely think he's good looking.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He will always believe in independence. Vegito can live and get by on his own. He doesn't need anyone for anything. That being said...his life without you would feel far more empty.
He doesn't need you. But he wants you. He wants you to be in his life. He didn't grow attached to you because he was lonely or lost, he did because he realized how great of a person you are, and he wants to make you a permanent part of his world.
His world without you is one with less warmth, less passion, and less optimism to face the future. It's not one he would live in, if he could help it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Vegito loves domestic cats. Dr. Brief's cat Scratch is what first endeared him to the species, and ever since, he's thought they're very cute and funny. If you wouldn't mind a pet and didn't hate cats, he might ask you if the two of you could adopt one.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He's surprisingly carefree enough to mix well with an assortment of people, though Vegito of course still has his preferences. For one, he has no interest in getting involved with anyone who he'd group in with the "bastards" of the universe, like the Frieza Force. On a more realistic standpoint, he detests those who are malicious and delight in spreading suffering - on a small or large scale. Needless indifference or heartlessness also rubs him the wrong way.
He's not fond of the dishonest sort who will lie or trick other people to take advantage of them either. Vegito definitely would not ever entertain a relationship with someone who's shown that they can't be trusted.
This is minor, but he is turned off from people who don't clean up their living spaces and have poor hygiene if they're actually able to take care of themselves. Especially if they have bad body odor. His sense of smell, as a Saiyan, is sensitive you know.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
If Vegito goes to bed not feeling all that tired, he more so naps rather than fall into deep slumber, and thus wakes up easily from a sound that's just slightly louder than the room's ambiance. If he is tired, then he'll crash and sleep soundly. He won't wake up if you stir next to him or get up, but he will if you shake him. He doesn't snore, though if he's in deep enough sleep and his mouth is open, he can drool.
When it comes to positions, he likes cuddling you or pressing his body against yours, so they'll depend on you. One the two of you take up often is he laying on his back and you resting your head on his chest. Another is either one of you being the big or little spoon and snuggling your face into the crook of one another's neck.
Something funny you noticed after a couple of nights of sleeping in the same bed, is that even if Vegito falls asleep on the other side of the bed, he'll often find his way over to you - just to be closer or to drape an arm or his tail over you. It's cute.
(3 sleep habits here because wynaut.)
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littlepissbabee · 4 months
Messenger god Vegito
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This is vegitos design from my boyfriend's EPIC the musical x dbz crossover!!! Ive become fully devoted to epic and this crossover so ive been imagining stuff while listening to the music. Lemme tell yall it is SOOO good i def recommend it. listen ive never been a big musical person but oh my gosh these songs are LIFE CHANGING yall gotta listen. Anyways bye pookies
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ravoress · 6 months
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When it comes to fusions, I always felt Goku was the dominant one behind Gogeta (Likewise Vegeta with Vegito) .
Here being a good example..
I couldnt imagine any part of Vegeta wanting to hold Freizas arm, willingly.
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safflowerisyes · 2 years
Vegito x Reader
So this is just a little thing in my series of x readers I'm doing. In this one your an old friend of Goku's, and both he and Vegeta think highly of you, so when they combine to form Vegito, those feelings blossom into a crush. During an unbeatable fight, they come to the conclusion that fusion is the best option. Luckily Shin is there ready to allow them his potara earrings. Now onto the story!
Vegeta and Goku were in the heat of battle, and they were losing. Goku pleaded for Vegeta to grab onto him so they could escape, but Vegeta's pride refused. Goku had no choice but to grab him and IT the heck out of there.
They arrived on the Supreme Kai planet, where they found Kabito, Supreme Kai, Elder Kai, and you. You were Goku's old friend, and one of the few beings Vegeta actually tolerated. It was a relief to see you safe, but the worried expression you wore wasn't. "Are you guys ok? That was a tough battle," you asked, eyeing them up and down. "We're ok Y/N. Hey, Supreme Kai, can we borrow your earrings?" Goku was obviously ready to get back out there, he had full faith Vegito could beat that guy.
Vegeta, on the other hand, was having none of it. No way was he fusing with Kakarot, especially after he fought Jiren, and almost won(keep thinkin' that buddy). "I'll do it!" You called out, much to everyone's surprise. "I think my fusion with Goku would be better than Vegeta's anyway~," you taunted him. "Ugh. Fine. I'll do it," he grumbled, snatching the earring out of Kakarot's hand and roughly snapping it on.
There was a bright light, and much to your pleasure, there stood the magnificent Vegito. He was stunning. Standing heroically in the light, a confident smirk upon his attractive face. He made your heart soar, and it saddened you that you only got to see him in snippets of battles. "Well, time to take this guy down." Vegito said, and then he was off. You let out a sigh. You got to see his glory for a few seconds and then it was gone. Who knows how long it would be till they fused again. If they ever fused again. But that's what you get for having a crush on a fusion.
About an hour and a half later they returned. No, not they, he. Wait, what? "Vegito?" you asked, obviously confused. This didn't make sense. The fusion should have worn off by now. "Why haven't you defused?" Shin asked, equally confused. "Hu?" Vegito looked down at his form, then brought his head back up with a light shrug. 'I think this is a miracle,' you thought to yourself. Vegito stuck as, well, Vegito? What could be better?! "We should find a way to reverse this as soon as possible," Kabito stated, not ready to deal with the trouble that will inevitably come with this being. "No-!" you blurted, then quickly clasped your hands over your mouth, face red with embarrassment. "Well I didn't think you liked me that much~" the sayian teased, putting an arm around your shoulder. "Sh-shut up!" You yelled, turning around and burring your face into his gi. "Hey it's fine. I know, I'm irresistible," he put his hands on his hips and smirked down a you.
You looked up into his obsidion eyes. They had their normal beautiful sparkle, but they also had a gleam of something else in them. Something, longing, maybe even a little lustful. No. You had to be imagining it. No way he shared your feelings for him. It was impossible. Right?
"Let's go ask Bulma. Maybe she can check it out while you guys do some research," Vegito then picked you up bridal-style, and off you were.
You arrived at, not Bulma's place. Wait, weren't you supposed to be at Capsule Corp. right now? But instead you were in an unfamiliar room. Vegito set you down and you looked up at him confused. "The fusion's permanent," he sated darkly, a slight shadow over his eye. His face quickly lit up as he smiled down at you. "Well, I guess that means you can't get rid of me Y/N~." He was starting to scare you know. Not that you didn't like where this was going, it just didn't seem real. Too good to be true, I guess. "Wait, are you serious? Like, actually? You're not pulling my leg right now?" You questioned him, to which he rapped his arms around you and smirked. "If I were joking, would I do this?" he then leaned in and kissed you passionately. After you parted you stared into his eyes. "I love you Vegito," you said to him, seeing the lust in his eyes.
"Well then, strap in for a bumpy ride~,"
A/N: Ok, one last thing, remember if you have any requests feel free to ask. I'll be doing, TFP, MTMTE, TFA, TFG1, DBZ, MHA/BNHA, and CSM.
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unboundpower · 3 months
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Been playing a lot of SA2 recently, namely the Chao World (with mods ofc because PC version) since I cleared the story, and I've been imagining some of my muses having a chao or two....namely Amita. She'd love chao so much. Vegito would too.
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jamsofdeath0 · 1 year
I wish there were more explorations of Vegito that weren't romantic. Cuz while I know Goku and Vegeta are literally the "if your rivalry lasts more than 7 years you're not rivals you're gay" meme Vegito is just inherently more interesting outside the romantic implicationss.
Imagine you and your rival reflections of each other hand crafted to be opposite and the same. You're nothing alike outside the traits inherent to your species. You're the last of your kind and understand each other on a fundamental level because of it. One of you sorta hates the other despite this. You make a heat of the moment decision to literally become one PERMANENTLY. Extinction of self; the truest of deaths. You do this to save the ones you love from a beast you helped create.
It doesn't stay permanent. Y'all aren't one anymore. Y'all are two again and yet its many ways it's fundamentally changed both of yall. Both Goku and Vegeta seem different after the Buu saga. One could chalk it up to poor writing. (The actual probable cause) or one could have more fun with it and dig into the ways they're difference could be personality bleed.
Or or a world where it WAS permanent. Where they beat Buu and his weird absorption thing didn't split them. Now youve got one guy who was two. Two families. Two sets of kids. A guy who isn't technically any either of their parents but nows all of theirs parent.
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you know what? fuck you (affectionate) rainy for vegito
Ehe, of course you chose him for me. I need to add him to my list, but I need to figure out how to list that fandom, lmao. Anyway, let me answer this before my break is over.
rainy: do you and your f/o go out and play in the rain? or do you stay inside?
Honestly? I think it depends on our moods during the day when it rains
Like there will be some days we would gladly go out and play in it together, some where it's just me, maybe some where it's just him, etc.
I think on days where we do stay inside, it's quality time and maybe a movie date. Or we just sleep in and cuddle, depends on the day.
But regardless, any time spent with him, whether in the rain or inside, is time well spent and loved. So it really doesn't matter as long as we're together and having a good time~
Hope you liked this hun, lemme know if he's ooc or not. I tried, and this is just what I imagined for us. Feel free to come up with a ship name for us as well like with me and Atem~
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A/N: New indefinite fic project since, based on the last poll, a lot of people liked the idea of it! Certain parts may be chronological (which will be specified if so) but will in general be disconnected. Some parts may be lengthy, others short. It really depends on the prompt of them and what I can think up!
TAGLIST: @carnal-lnstinct / @yeowangies / @enayru (Like this post to be added to my tag list!)
Part 1 - Spending Time Together
CW(s): None.
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-Despite how much he loved to train and exercise, you two actually got a lot of opportunities to hang around one another. Unfortunately, Vegito wasn’t really…used to it that much.
-All of Goku’s past friends very rarely sought him out for his company, his and Vegeta’s children all had their own lives, and he refused to go near Bulma or Chi Chi if he could help it, so he adapted to being alone virtually 24/7. Until you came along into his life, of course.
-He tried to hide it underneath his cocky and playful demeanor, but his fondness of you was incredibly obvious with how he sought out your company almost every day. You found it a little cute, but it additionally took on a different meaning when you learned that the chances of him being truly lonely were incredibly high. Too high. Even if he brushed off the questions, you could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t the happiest. Overall, it would likely do you both some good if you spent time getting to know one another better.
If you’re a practicing marital artist or someone who simply likes fighting, bonding with him over either or will be easy. Vegito would even be thrilled to spar with you, and see just how you’d fare against him.
If you have absolutely no combat experience, you could still have some engaging conversations with him over his own love of it. Being a Saiyan, he’s quite literally built for it. Vegito would easily get wrapped up in discussing his techniques and style, whether you understood the terminology or not, that he’d basically ramble with an enthusiastic shine to his eyes. It’s endearing.
-Outside of fighting-related activities, both of you would spend a lot of downtime in the comfort of your home. You have your own hobbies that you could try introducing to Vegito, but there’s a moderate chance depending on what they are that he either won’t understand them much or will think they’re a bit strange. Goku’s hobbies were very construction-based (the Son family’s home needed regular upkeep) and Vegeta…didn’t have hardly any hobbies at all, so Vegito wasn’t exactly dealt a deck of cards that helped him view the world outside the lens of a recluse. He was admittedly technology-inept on top of it.
-Don’t get him wrong, he likes to join you in doing things you find personal enjoyment in regardless of how weird or pointless they might come across as to him, but you’ll have to expect Vegito to be somewhat awkward with them…initially anyway. For example, he’s not going to be the best at playing a video game with you at first, but you’ll be surprised at how fast he can learn the ropes.
-If you’re an avid movie watcher, one activity you can always fall back onto with Vegito is sitting down on the couch and showing him the films you either like or think he’d get a kick out of. Especially those of the horror genre. He would be very amused in getting to see what typical things Earthlings define “horror” as being.
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-If he’s not training, then chances are he’s with you.
-He honestly doesn’t really try to hide how much he likes being around you. He wouldn’t show it much on his face as he’s the stoic type, but if you ask him if he enjoys your company he’ll bluntly answer with something like “Yeah. Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
-He doesn’t talk to Goku’s past friends hardly ever, and he overall is a very reserved person. Being alone frankly doesn’t bother Gogeta much, but with you, the realization that ‘hey having someone else around is actually kind of nice’ lit up like a light switch had been flipped on. On certain days, he might even act like a puppy in a way. Just…following you around or just observing you quietly with a rather soft look.
-He’d like to learn about your hobbies, but if they’re tied to social media, he’ll definitely be staying out of them. He really values his privacy. If you’re into them: the only video games he’d ever be remotely interested in are puzzle games (especially the innovative types), but since those usually aren’t multiplayer you can’t count on him to play anything with you unless you catch him on a real good day & he feels like humoring you.
-Sure, it’s easy to discuss matters related to fighting with him, but you’ll find that he’s surprisingly very introspective; if not philosophical. There’s a lot on Earth and out in the cosmos that’s either barely known or utterly unknown. It’s not an uncommon thing to find the mysteries of life and existence itself engaging, and despite being one of the most powerful beings in the universe who has personally dealt with supernatural things, the same goes for Gogeta. His nature as a fusion already throws what’s accepted as “natural life” into disarray.
-It might be cliché, but he would greatly enjoy settling down with you somewhere quiet at night to stargaze or the like and chat with you about your own feelings about a variety of things. You can be a ‘deep thinker’ too or the sort who maintains a simplistic view of life, it won’t matter. He just wants to put in true effort to understand you, like how you do with him.
-Something else you may find surprising is that Gogeta does like to read. Have any books? You could lend one or more to him (don’t worry he’ll take good care of them) and see if they catch his interest. After he potentially finishes them, you could have discussions with him over them. Maybe he’ll have the same opinions as you, maybe not, or maybe you both could have fun ripping into the terrible story or characters.
-In general, your time with Gogeta will primarily be you both enjoying one another’s presence. Unless he feels up to talking, he’s content to merely sit or lie in silence with you. He doesn’t care for small talk, and definitely doesn’t need it to remain keen on sticking around you if you both aren’t doing anything at the moment. Expect most days to be relatively chill.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
The Candle Wick Beckons
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☆☆ Content: ( demon au. demon!gogeta & demon!vegito x female reader. m/f/m threesome. demon summoning. implied rivalry. oral sex-female & male receiving. rough kissing. rough sex. biting. spanking. double penetration. overstimulation. anal sex. 6k words ) ☆☆ Warning: ( dark theme, soft horror/occult elements, explicit language, manipulation, noncon/dubcon→ consent ) ☆☆ Rating: M / 18+. MINORS DNI ☆☆ A/N: *translation: "arise/awaken" -courtesy of google translate so it's probably inaccurate I am also now slightly less scared of the dark
This all happened so fast, but it finally happened! You could officially call yourself a homeowner and were proud of it to wind up with such a spacious house to fill up. It was in nice enough condition and you didn't waste time moving some essentials in as soon as you could. Traveling back and forth to your former residence took so much of the day away alone, you barely had the strength to move another box from the van afterward.
It was only after you bid your helpers a good night and tried to get comfortable with what you had that it finally sunk in you were going to be alone in this empty house for the night. Worse, the power wasn't going to be connected until tomorrow. You made use of your remaining light getting yourself settled in for a long, quiet night in the dark.
After setting up a little place on the floor with your mattress, sheets, and pillows, you took the time to search the home in hopes of finding something left behind by the previous owner to help you through the night. Scouring one floor after the other, you come across the attic area that was fashioned out to be an extra bedroom. With your phone flashlight guiding you, a glint reflects the light and catches your attention before you turned to leave. A candle holder carelessly left on the floor and to your fortune still holding a long, red candlestick. You quickly swipe it up and thought to go a third time over the room, shining the light under the built-in furniture. To your luck, another holder tucked against the wall underneath the counter and a candle attached as well. It made you work for it, but you were successful in leaving the room with the two extra candles and a bit of dust on your clothing.
Returning to the now darker living room, you pried open one of the boxes and took out a few scented candles of your own to help light the room. Once the lighter was located, you started with your own candles and their familiar scents, placing them throughout the corners of the living room and the visible corners of the hall between the bathroom and the kitchen. Letting your phone rest for the night as well, you switched its flashlight off and used the candles around to see, looking over one of the found candles from the upstairs room. Flicking the lighter on, tiny letters carved into the holder became more detailed and you squint to try and make it out.
"Mez-a-me-ru* Go-ge-ta." You sound out to yourself and felt certain you butchered the words but shrugged it off as you set the flame to the candle's wick. You sat it down to let the flame grow on top and reached for the other to repeat. This one's writing was slightly different, however. Once again bringing the holder closer to the lighter's flame to read: "Mezameru*... Ve-gi-to." These must have belonged to a real candle connoisseur or something to have such pompous names, you imagined. You gave a mocking snort and tilted the black candle over to the flame, making a note to look up the brand tomorrow to get an idea of the value on these unique candle holders.
Finders, keepers and profit.
The way the smoke rose from these candles would imply some sort of incense made into the wax or possibly the wick, but they did not give off any immediate smells. Not that you could notice right away with all the scented candles you already filled the space with. You take each candle holder in your hands and move to place them in their temporary set up for tonight, the red set inside the kitchen, and then down the hall to set the black into the bathroom before returning to your "bed" for tonight. It was still too early for any sleep and there was no power to cook anything right now, so you continued to dig through a few of your boxes for anything else to entertain you and distract from the silence. Adding on to your to-do list for tomorrow to look into playing cards and board games for any future power outages as you did.
Finding the contents useless without a power source, you push the boxes aside and fall back onto the mattress with a sigh. Choosing instead to pass some more time with thoughts on your milestone accomplishment. How the various smells circling the room opened your imagination to all the future sweets you could bake in your own home to give that wholesome feeling. It ended up making you hungrier, the sweetness in the air working with the heat that brought them to life.
A distinct burning smell hits your senses and you sit up on guard, looking towards the candlelit areas for any signs of excessive smoke or large flame but found none. A thump from the kitchen did draw your attention further. Afraid one of the boxes holding your dishes may have tumbled over, you pick up the closest scented candle and follow the path into the kitchen to look around. The burning scent had become stronger, as well. A halfhearted look around the dimly lit kitchen showed no signs of anything falling over, but the smell was definitely coming from that old candle. Fanning the incense-like smoke from your face you move closer to snuff out the wick with a quick breath, however the heavy thud directed your attention away before you could. Your eyes are immediately drawn toward the darkness where you felt the impact on the hardwood floor vibrate from across the room.
Vibrant eyes reflect the soft light, low to the ground and quickly flicking from left to right to you. Your heart pounded, then settled with a heavy sigh once you noticed movement just above it. A tail swaying. "Fuck, just a cat." You laughed to yourself. "I don't know how you got in here, but I'll let you stay for the night if you're good company." You leaned down a little with your free hand opened, inviting the little thing closer. "C'mon, little guy." You encouraged, the eyes lifting at the gesture.
The longer you looked upon the "small" silhouette the more your eyes adjusted to the darkness around it. You started to see a bit more detail, that it was in fact not small like a cat as you presumed, but something large hunched over and the light of its eyes rose higher and higher as it stood. Even across the room, it towered over you leaving you speechless and pumping your heart right back up. It was the large hand that reached back out to you revealed by the candlelight that shook you entirely and you sprinted out of the kitchen with barely a sound on your breath. Distance and concealment were sought in your panic, practically diving into the bathroom and trying to quietly close the door to not be detected.
You tried to wrap your head around what you saw— was it a burglar who had slipped in while you were all moving the boxes, waiting for the right moment, or maybe some shelterless man who made use of the emptied home without the seller's notice? Maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, the first night alone in a new house and all. It was hard trying to catch your breath surrounded by the strong, burning scent of the bathroom candle. It made you panic more. What if your short breaths could be heard through the door or the smell attracted the intruder? You held your hand over your mouth to try to keep from letting your worry slip out in fearful whines, turning your eyes to your candlelit reflection in the bathroom mirror. You left your ears opened to any sounds outside the door, yet your eyes honed in on the mirrored image of the bathroom.
Behind you was a mass of shapeless black forming where you should be seeing the empty towel rack reflected. It looked as if the smoke of the candle was twisting around it, giving the form of a head and shoulders taller than your own. You were frozen.
"You're not the one..." An eerie whisper creeps over your shoulder and into your ear. That's when you see them again, the pair of vibrant eyes that faded into view of the mass, the sharp blue color standing out and lowering to the dancing flame. "But you lit the candle anyway." The mass in the mirror leaned and you can hear a faint jingle, then see the darkness stretch across your shoulder. And you felt it, the heaviness of a warm touch, and you could see the contour of fingers. You let out a shriek from the depth of your chest and tore the bathroom door open to flee. The scented candle in your hand was carelessly abandoned and dropped, the melted wax killing the flame. You made a run toward the remaining candles to reach the front door.
Your path is blocked, the burning smell filling your nose again suddenly and you collide with hot skin and fur brushing your hands. Frantic hands try to fight off the body before you but you are sharply grasped by your arms and lifted off your feet, brought face to face with the intruder from the kitchen. The shine of its blue eyes scrutinizes you behind the long red mane framing its face. More humanlike features are further revealed to you, though the prick of claws in your arms and what you saw in the bathroom said otherwise. It was then you see the eyes flick past your head and its red brow narrowed further. A deep groan hums behind the creature's mouth and you are turned to face the other side of the living room like some lightweight thing.
"Quit your skulking. I already have her." The unnatural dual-tone voice makes you flinch as it passed your ears, your eyes bouncing around the darkened corners until locking on another set of glowing eyes peering around the corner of the hall. The black mass from the bathroom. Its presence stirs up a growl from your captor as it slides further into view with that soft jingle, crossing into the light of the candles and fading into a similar shape to the redheaded creature. Humanoid features with a more reddish fur, a black mane that grew away from its face and down its back with long strands still hanging in front of its eyes. And those glowing blue eyes as if they gave off their own light.
It smirked revealing the sharp canines, earrings jingling as it approached. "Well would you look at that, two candles lit at the same time. That's never happened before." Even their voices sounded the same.
"Mine was lit first." Answered from behind you.
"What does that matter? We're both here now."
"So the claim is mine."
The darker-haired entity moved to close the space between you, eyes glancing you over before going back to its kin. "There are no rules that say that."
"What do you want?!" You spouted in the growing tension, starting up a struggle to get free and out from between them. "I-Is it the house? You can have it! I'll-I'll leave it for you right now!" You declared in your useless thrashing. There is a silence that made you pause and look between them, noting the raised brow in the one before you. You're then set back on your feet, but not quite free of the grasp keeping you in place.
"You summoned us, Namekeeper." Your clutcher insisted, spinning you to face him. "What do you want?"
You tried to keep yourself still but you were terrified and the chill up your spine said to break free and run. Everything you'd just seen left your body shaking and your heart racing in your chest. You kept your head low, catching sight of his long tail swaying as you answered. "I-I didn't." You implored, "I just got here and I-I can leave if you need me to."
"-So you just came into this house to go pyromaniac on every candle you see?" The Darker-haired one spoke up again, glancing around at the scented candles.
"No no, this is my house. I paid for it!" You quickly rebutted, regretted it, and dialed your tone back down. "B-But you can definitely have it back."
"Then you are our 'Candelabra'. The Namekeeper." The red-haired one dictated to you, a clawed finger pokes your forehead tilting your head up to look at him as the dark-haired one wandered over into your line of sight as well.
"You spoke the magic words and lit the way between the realms to you- the candle with our names on it. And..." He paused, further observing you with a light tilt of his head. "—You really have no idea?" Your head lightly shook. Looking between them and taking in their distinct appearance side by side, it finally came to you.
One red, one black. "You're... f-from those old candles...?" You divulged out loud, both astonished and further petrified by what kind of monsters you accidentally let out just trying to comfort yourself in the dark. You start to see why they were abandoned in the attic room but they speak as if it's normal they are summoned from lighting the candles. Expecting you to know. There was little to no history shared about whoever owned this house before you, but it further clicks why it was obtained practically hassle-free. They were nutjobs cavorting with evil spirits! The whole house was probably haunted. Now it was your problem with the hope you would live long enough to get yourself out of it.
"Not a single protection ward in sight." Is pointed out by one of them, the pair scanning over the room before they exchange glances. Smirks rise in a synchronized manner as a common understanding is silently established between them. You clearly have proven that you were out of your element being so unguarded, but the fact of the matter is you summoned them anyways. Whatever it is that governs the conditions they adhere to, they couldn't just leave. As any stubborn or mischievous spirit, they must be removed. Or, a need must be met, and for that, they could not allow you to leave, either.
One who holds the names of demons has the power of everything they are at the break of their lips, the voice that calls them through the veil between the realms. You are The Candelabra now, they are yours. Not one, but two demons ( a moral foul in its own right with the fickle nature of demons ). Their very presence in this reality is tethered to their handler and it is every bit amusing to them you don't even know it. No commands to bring them to heel and no charms to guard your mind, body, or soul against their influence. Plenty before have been driven mad by such raw exposure to the otherworld, there may only be a matter of time before you share that fate.
They could simply do whatever they want now. At least until sunrise.
The black-haired entity's hand comes down on your shoulder as if to be viewed as a playful gesture, making you flinch all the same as he hunched over you. "Naughty human playing with demon seals. Don't you know how dangerous that is?" The utterance of the word "demon" gave your wary heart another jolt, the truth spoken into existence. You summoned demons! No amount of horror movies could prepare you for the real deal.
"Obviously not." The redhead hunched as well with a mischievous cant of his head toward you. "You hold our names and have no idea what that means." The two start to laugh, unsettling you even more at what they could, or would, do to you. A split second of bravery spikes in your body and you snatch away from them, stumbling back a little as you did.
"No! You don't know what it means!" You fuss, voice cracking with fear but with an authoritative tone backing it up. "I-I summoned you, you're supposed to obey me or somethin'! S-So go away! For a thousand years!" It put a stop to their laughing, but now they just looked at you as if you were the odd one. Another exchange of glances and one of them shrugs. Playing along.
"Aww, but we all just got here. Whatever. If you want us gone, then fine. As you wish, Namekeeper.." Red shoulders shrugged under dark locks, the earring demon speaking with a profound, condescending tone. His leer darkens on you. "You say the magic word and we're out of here." The brief instance of relief leaves you. The auburn-furred demon vanished from your sight and you felt the rush of heat along with that smoky smell brush over you, feeling his presence close behind you.
"...What is my name?" He whispered in your ear, the slight sight of red bangs appearing in your peripherals.
Your mouth gaped slightly, bottom lip trembling as if trying to speak whatever danced at the tip of your tongue. You don't remember what you read. Those words are muddled in your mind and of course there are no summoning candles nearby for reference. "Go-...Govito?" Uttered in lackluster confidence and immediate regret.
"Amateur." Followed a snicker. "You're a rude Namekeeper." A black claw traces up the contour of your thigh to your hip. "But with pretty skin."
In what little fight you had left it disappeared at the touch. You felt defeated and lost in how to deal with a situation such as this. Feeling threatened by the red-haired demon's remark, you began to softly cry to yourself. Begging the demon in a voiceless whimper. "Don't tear off my skin, please. Please, don't."
"Why not? It grows back, I hear." More venturous hands hold your hips, claws gathering the fabric of your top and pulling it up to expose more of your skin making you clutch your hands tight in discomfort. Your shirt was raised enough that you could feel the air around your waist and stomach, the weight of your breasts now settling in his large hands. You feel yourself being drawn back, closer to his igneous body. "Never tasted human skin fresh before."
"There's plenty that can be done with human skin, ya know." The other speaks up, closing in on you as well with a tameless leer. Licking his lips, his hands reach out to your exposed skin, caressing the invisible line from your sternum down to your belly button with his thumb. "But you get a little more out of it when it's still warm and flushed with blood." He chuckled with his red tail wagging behind him. The clasp of your bottoms is undone with a persistent claw, tearing the fabric to reveal the lower parts of your body while your breasts are affectionately fondled and squeezed. First through the fabric of your crumpled-up shirt, and then the heated bare hands against your supple, soft skin causing you to try to shake yourself loose from the provocative touching. You started to see your own death play out in your mind, being torn open like a paper bag by white fangs and black claws making you want to fight to live.
Another pair of hands capture your hips and hold you in place, frightful eyes watching the black head lower to your exposed body and give your lower stomach a tasteful lick. His tongue was warmer than the feel of his hands and moved with a mind of its own. Your fear made you certain it was just an act to mark the right place on your body before he gnawed a hole into your flesh and ate what fell out. Your fear prepared you for that, seizing your body up in preparation for unimaginable pain when he draws back.
However, it is your unprotected clit that his mouth closes over, hot tongue carving a line up and down your slit and skillfully lapping over the reactive nerve making your body jump in a mix of stimulation and genuine shock. As a delighted hum vibrates between your legs, your nipples are then suddenly pinched earning a vocal response from you that is further drawn out by the mouth "feeding" on your body.
"Very cute." The Red-haired demon purred behind you, further toying and tugging at your nipples as your hands grabbed onto his in response. His auburn tail slides between your breast, snaking around one to give it a fond squeeze. "I guess you could be a worse Namekeeper. You did tell me I could stay if I was good company. I'll be sure to make a lasting impression on you."
"-W-Wait, no don't do th-ah!" You tried to fuss between the strokes against your sensitive bud and teased tits. Your legs almost caved at their attentiveness, steadying yourself with a heavy hand clutching the dark mane below you. "Wait, wait-please I can't-" Your words were lost in the mewls you tried to contain, willing your body to not fall into pleasure given by these demons.
"What did you expect from us, you summoned demons." He snickered in his chest, his tongue now tasting your nape and shoulder as he continued to snug your breasts in his hold.
Defying them shouldn't be this difficult. This had to be wrong on numerous levels and everything in your morals told you so. Whatever obligation to you they had, you had already convinced yourself they were monsters. Killers, maybe. You reminded yourself over and over they are frightful beasts that no good could come from, clenching that thought in your mind to stay grounded. And like the beasts they are, they mercilessly set your body sensitivity through the roof, dialing up the heat within your core with such ease as if they were trained to do just that. You couldn't allow yourself to fall into the sensation lest you lose something to the candle demons you may never get back. But every natural reaction you struggled to hide made it harder to steel yourself. They worked in tandem against you, forcing your sensitive buttons to cast away your fear. And they were winning.
You are given a moment of relief as the heated mouth left your pussy, ravenous eyes admiring the nectar of his efforts with delight. "Your attitude sure changed. What's the matter, you wanna cum already? Then tell me how deep to stick my tongue inside you. I'll obey that." The earring demon teased, licking the taste of you from his lips. Any objection would be groundless if you did answer, the pitch in your voice would betray you. The other did not let up tending to your breasts and sucking at the skin of your neck. The impatient bulge rubbing at your backside was not subtle either nor did it help you hold onto your rational thoughts. It stirred an anticipation that made you startle yourself.
Your thoughts are occupied with the imagery of their foreign heat filling your walls, knocking your pleading nerves senseless with the intent to hate it. Until you could feel the phantom sensations of your walls caving in around them in ecstasy. Did you actually start to desire this? So weak-willed from your fear that the now less frightful pleasure building throughout your body was the means of survival? They hadn't exactly killed you yet or claimed the desire to do so. The anxious sensation in your chest still wouldn't let you admit it, but the throb between your thighs beckoned shamelessly. Perhaps the hesitation in your lack of words answered for you, it was all they needed to know. And so many tasteful scents from candles lighting the darkness around did set up a mood. Your eyes shy away from them, the tension in your grip relaxing.
You feel your feet being directed further apart and one of your breasts bounces back on its own weight. The deep purring in your skin grew louder in your ear and the prodding at your backside lowers, feeling your wet bloom suddenly open from behind you, the red-haired demon shoving his cock inside you without warning. You keened at the fullness and he holds your waist to steady you as he started pumping into you. Though focused on solely chasing his own pleasure, his other large hand still kneaded at your breast to get a rise out of you. It was too much at once, you buckled at the knees and leaned back into him with a loud moan where his arm wrapped around your waist to secure you against him.
An act that crossed the other demon, your eyes finding a hostile scowl that was directed towards the monster behind you. The black-haired demon let out a deep, gruff rumble from his chest and the two locked eyes over your shoulder. The purring against your skin took on a darker tone.
"I was summoned first." The demon growled to the other from behind you, reiterating their prior back and forth with no slack in thrusting into you. He quickened himself, using the act to stake his claim of being the one to fuck you first. He holds you more possessively making him penetrate deeper and leaving your mouth agape and breathless. It was hardly the time for an argument, but it seems the pair of demons would find a means to. The other certainly didn't see that reason as authority enough but he was the one who got the raw taste of you first.
"Whatever." He grumped reluctantly with a roll of his eyes, licking his lips impatiently. He presumed it would have at least been discussed first, is all. Though he couldn't stay mad about it with this view of you. The harsh bounce from your hips going all the way up to your breasts and the whiny gasps falling over your lips as you stop suppressing your voice. The grip in your hands on his auburn-furred counterpart said so much about your pleasure. He touched your thigh in appreciation of his perspective, rubbing a circle into your skin and eager to feel you around his cock as well. His leer finds your watery eyes as the corner of his mouth stretches into a grin, red tail continuing to swing behind him.
It was definitely overshadowed by the frenzy of emotions they put you through in the beginning, but watching one of them like this made you realize they're very handsome for demons. Despite the wild hair, fur, and other uniquely frightening things about them, they looked like human men who took their rockstar gimmick too seriously. But you couldn't deny their dark aesthetic really brought out the allure of their blue eyes, standing out even in dim candlelight. You don't want to imagine what they go through for such large muscles like these, but they carry them well. They feel amazing wrapped around you, holding you in place to endure the strong snap of hips carrying you into bliss. You could almost completely overlook what they are for the euphoria eating away at your sanity.
You're pulled into his stare and suddenly you crave more than you thought you wanted. Releasing the strong arms of the red-haired candle demon you lean forward to bend your hips and adjust your feet, bracing your hands upon the shoulders of his red counterpart. He doesn't seem to cause a fuss about it, he only moves both his hands to your hips and draws his cock out to realign, thrusting back into your hips with this new angle. It did give him a better view to admire after all, the way your plush asscheeks recoiled off his lower stomach and he wrapped his tail around your thigh instead.
To your welcomed surprise, the black-haired demon greeted you with a heavy kiss, muffling the moans being pumped out of you, and seized your freed breasts in his hands as well. The taste of yourself further drew you in, your hands finding a handful of dark locks and trying to keep on your feet as he kissed your breath away. The pleasure warming up inside you made it hard to remain sober and steady, however. Fortunate for you, you miss the taunting look the demon flexed in his brows to the other over your sudden preferred affection for him, purring into your mouth as he did.
Your mind is elsewhere, emptied of its sense of reasoning in favor of your immediate desires. That, and something else remains inside. When you closed your eyes it felt like the burning aroma of the demons had entered your thoughts and fed you images of the two candles, flashing over and over in a heavy wave. You can feel it, tingling across your tongue and holding your breath captive until you spoke it. Your lips slowly part from his, hovering close.
"Ve-...Vegit-to." Whisked off your panting, eyes opening to the demon before you. A moment of lucidity with the heat leaving your head, your fingers bump his earring as you moved to stroke his cheek. This is Vegito, the black candle. And the red, "Go...geta."
"At your service, Namekeeper." Vegito purrs, licking your lips before taking another hard kiss from you.
"Has a nice ring to it when you say it." Gogeta adds with a smirk and the momentum of his thrusts gets harder. You really are their Namekeeper, then. You suddenly felt weary, knees buckling again under the rough pounding at your hips as your orgasm crept in. Gogeta lowers to his knees and set you down on yours, but doesn't let up. You then find your head in Vegito's lap, mouth filled with his throbbing cock and you accepted it.
You felt a slick coat already around it, as hot as his flesh and tasteless on your tongue. But it tingled once mixed with your saliva and you felt a numbness churn with his thrusts at the back of your throat making it easier to slide his length further past your lips as he propped your head in his hand. That was unexpected, but it made sense when compared to the ease of the other burying his inside your tense hole without a moment to adjust. In spite of their size they just fit, painlessly, like magic. Pumping you from both ends like some plaything they were free to rough up and adding to the ambiance with their raunchy growls as they did. Black claws start to prick the skin of your hips and scratch at your scalp but you could barely feel them as you waited for your orgasm to take you. It felt so close and still so far away. Despite the steady, yet rough thrusts of Gogeta hitting your sweet spot or even you pushing your hips back into him it wouldn't land. Just waves of warmth pulsing with each impact and wetness dripping down from your thighs.
Vegito sensed your desperation in the way your hands kept finding new places to cling in his red fur and watching the way your back arched. Ever the one to instigate mischief, he pulls his cock from your mouth and reaches beneath you, rubbing your swollen clit and giving you the release you wanted. Your insides spasmed around Gogeta's cock so suddenly it made him cum as well, emptying his hot seed into your insides. Vegito snickers rubbing a hand at your twitchy hips and giving your ass a slap.
"Quit being so selfish, you've had your fun already." He's no idiot to know what Gogeta was up to. Even he was only patient for so long. Ignoring the annoyed glare thrown his way, Vegito pulls you off your exhausted knees and up into his lap. "Now that you're all warmed up, it's my turn." Off one cock and in no time onto another, you were barely given the chance to recover yourself before he props your legs over his large forearms and guides your soaking bloom down his length. You whined at the sudden fullness of him, every part between your legs still popping in the sweet ache of such an intense orgasm. It felt like you were still having it. Vegito gently gnawed your chin before pulling your bottom lip with his fangs, coaxing you to kiss him. Powerless, you leaned into it and his tongue beckons for your mouth. Distracting you with its smooth affection once you opened to it before bouncing you up and down the full length of his member.
Your tender insides flexed so deliciously around him, you feel his purrs vibrate against your lips as he muffled every little sound you made. It couldn't be helped to smooth your hands over the skin of his exposed chest, his tail stroking your backside in response.
Gogeta's tail was thumping the floor, now grumping at the lack of your touch and rubbing his cock in his hand as he sat and watched. Possibly biding his time for the chance to play dirty as the other had. There was a reason two demons never get summoned by the same Namekeeper. Though, he has no real idea why. As Vegito stated, it had never happened before. Especially not with their prior Namekeeper. It's not as bad as he thought playing off someone else to have a little fun with humans, however he never expected his first sexual encounter with one to be shared either. Whatever purpose— or mistake— brought them to you set up an unusual dynamic. But it would remain interesting to him. Especially with a vision like you. He may not be the one making you moan now, but your voice and short gasps ring in his ears so hot. He would never stop making you cry out, fisting his swollen cock in his hand more at the thought as he growled to himself.
Without thought, Gogeta crawls toward you, nipping the skin at the back of your shoulders and sucking at the warmth of your touch. He leans more into you, still rubbing down his cock in one hand and filling the other with one of your breasts again. He got your attention as you broke away from your kiss with Vegito and reached behind you to capture the head of red-hair and kiss him instead. You were met with a bruising force in return as if he was trying to devour your mouth. Vegito lets go of your legs allowing you to fall back against Gogeta's chest and held your ass in his hands instead, pulling you into the jerky thrust of his hips into you. Eventually, the ground found your back and your head rested in Gogeta's lap, torso slightly twisted and hands bracing him to swallow his aching cock.
You were being grabbed by so many hands and coiled all over with their tails that it was maddening. They managed to flip and adjust you around so much that they became less abrasive in sharing your body to accommodate all of your pleasures. It felt like only minutes had gone by since your first orgasm, but it had to be hours. Without rest in between you lost track of how many times you actually came, your over-aroused nerves just eager to get to the next one as long as you came when you needed to. Each one is more intense than the last and they still found a means to keep them coming. You eventually wound up pressed between the two demons as they both managed to work their cocks inside your pussy, snug inside chasing the frissons of pleasure. Taking turns between thrusting as deep as they could while the other kept you warm inside. They somehow find a way to turn that into a means to outdo the other, priding themselves on not only making you cum but the other one as well. At least until Gogeta chose to claim your ass after meddling around your puckered hole with his thumb long enough, the two now free to feed their pleasure at their own pace again. Bouncing you off the other. There was a moment you felt like you were dreaming and their back and forth was drowned out in your ears. When you didn't respond to them directly the only way they knew you were still conscious was through the mewls falling off your heavy breaths when Vegito stroked at your clit again, letting you cum for the last time.
You were in and out after, reciprocating kisses where you got them until you just didn't. Floating around in the emptiness of your mind until you came to again.
A banging sound pulled you back into reality and you awoke face-up on your mattress, limbs wrapped around your sheet. The room was brightened with the sunlight from the uncovered windows and all the candles you lit at the earliest of the eve had all gone out. The banging continued and you recognized it coming from the front door and your eyes recognized the empty surroundings as your new house. It must be the movers. When you started to stretch out, your limbs felt so heavy and sore. Slowly turning over to try to get up, the night's memories flooded back into your mind like a lucid dream and your eyes widened. You looked around and found the area was just the way you left it when you first lit all the candles. You remember laying back on the mattress after that. Was that when you fell asleep? You were still dressed in your clothes. Unless you changed? The knocking was making it hard to think. You slugged your way to your feet and made it to the door, shielding your eyes from the light beaming in. Greeted by the movers bringing the rest of your larger items and the electrician to connect the power, you let them in to do their job.
But you felt too tired to deal with all of that right now. You barely made it to the bathroom, using the outside light from the small window to look at yourself in the mirror. You looked exhausted and felt like you could sleep for a week. As a mover calls from down the hall asking your permission to blow out a red candle to move it, your eyes catch the black one. Wick still carrying a flame and looking like the wax never burned down the stick. You stare at it silently, then move over to blow out the flame instructing the movers to do the same.
It was just a dream, right?
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My main team in DBFZ TBH.
I wish I could enjoy it more but like..? I don’t have a Ethernet so my connection is ass online ;-; I wanna maul people as my husbands.
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supergito · 1 year
Fusion Revived - CH 2 (You Again)
➤ This story is actually complete (finished Sep 2021) over on my Ao3 already; I'm just publishing it here on tumblr too for archival purposes. I hope any and all curious readers enjoy if they haven't checked it out yet!
SUMMARY: Majin Buu has been destroyed, and the Earth has known peace for close to a year now. Life hasn't been too peaceful for the person responsible for saving the world and the entire universe however, but when an ordinary woman meets him one day, things start to change.
RATING: Teen and Up. PAIRING(S): Vegito x OC/Reader, alluded Gochi, alluded Vegebul CONTENT: Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Family Drama CW(s) THIS CHAPTER: None.
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She liked going for walks around the countryside. Some might think it’s foolish for a woman to live basically out in the middle of nowhere on her own, but the pros of she not having to deal with noisy neighbors or other human aggravations made it worthwhile. As did the beauty of nature that surrounded her.
It was a shame she couldn’t be completely independent from society though. She wasn’t knowledgeable enough on how to grow her own food or make her own clothing, and she was too dependent on luxuries like internet to go without them. Having heating, running water, and electricity was also very nice.
Her job out in the city thankfully wasn’t a huge pain to travel to or from, it paid well, and it itself wasn’t something that demanded she invest all of her time and energy into. She worked her absolute hardest during her shift, but outside of it, she gave anything related to work little attention.
Today was her day off, and she chose to spend it outside. Enjoying the pleasant weather and temperatures, she kept her eyes aimed at the sky, watching a group of birds pass by. There was something else in the sky that caught her attention, and after taking a moment to look closely, she could see it wasn’t another bird.
It was a person. She could make out that they had quite the impressive head of spiky hair.
She gaped up at them, unsure if she was just imagining things, but then they suddenly descended from the sky. Too nosy to just ignore what she witnessed, the woman quickly trekked towards the location they dropped down in. When she got there, she was face to face with someone she frankly thought she wouldn’t see again after their meeting a handful of days ago.
His face held a rather introspective expression, but it faded when he saw her appear over the hilltop. Recognition had his face lighten.
“You…weren’t you that apple woman from before?”
“Apple woman?” Of all things she could’ve expected him to call her, that wasn’t one of them. She tsked, crossing her arms. Now that he was standing this time instead of sitting, she took note that he was about a foot taller than her, but she wouldn’t allow that subtle intimidation factor to work.
“I have a name.”
“Oh?” That smirk of his was back, and one of his gloved hands came up to rest on his waist. The amusement that bled into his outlandish voice wasn’t missed by her.
“What is it then?”
She knew she should be cautious when it came to strangers. It was unwise to give your name to one, but in this instance, an idea came to her. She was far too curious about this man for her own good.
“I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours. First.”
“Aren’t you bold?”
He chuckled. Thanks to their close proximity to one another, behind his curled lips she could see the elongated canines of his teeth. A feeling of uncertainty had her confidence waver.
“…Huh?” She blinked.
“My name is Vegito.” He scrutinized her, for her reaction surely. He may have found it to be lack luster, as she only gave him an impassive stare and nothing more.
He was like a mystery box that just kept giving. She couldn’t determine if his name meant something specific in another language, or if it meant anything at all, but at least she wouldn’t forget it. Vegito…
His eyes widened ever so lightly. Before he could possibly comment on her name, she moved onto something more pressing.
“How were you doing that?”
“Doing what?”
“Floating in the sky.” Her gaze flicked up to it.
“Oh, that?” Smugness joined his playful demeanor, as he looked down at her with onyx eyes that sparkled with a certain light.
“I can fly. Nothing more to it.”
“…Fly?” This evoked a reaction. Shock erased her frown, and her arms went limp at her sides.
“Yes, fly. You know, what most birds and many insects can do.”
“I know what flying is.” She hissed, but unaffected by her irritation, Vegito snickered.
“How were you doing it?” Unlike flying birds and insects, he had no wings that she could see.
Silence was his initial response. The intensity of his gaze was truthfully unnerving, and even though she wouldn’t admit that, the woman felt herself starting to sweat.
“Before I can answer that…I must ask you this. Do you know what ki is?”
She wondered why that was relevant to the discussion, but she saw no harm in it.
“Yes. It’s supposed to be the life force of all living beings, or something like that.”
“You’re right.” Vegito was visibly surprised, not expecting her to be somewhat knowledgeable of the concept. She felt a small amount of pride at having managed to get that cocky look off of his face, if only briefly.
“Where did you learn of it?”
“I’ve looked into martial arts.” Pieces were starting to connect. Vegito wearing a gi made sense; he must have been a martial artist himself. It helped explained why he was so ripped at least.
“I don’t practice any though. Just read about some things that interested me.”
“I see….well, ki is the energy that our spirits naturally emit, but the strength of it varies from person to person. You can channel it, and use it in a variety of ways. One way, is by flying.”
That sounded far-fetched, but she wasn’t ignorant. Unlike a lot of humans out in the world, she knew there was more to things than what met the eye. Like this spiky-haired, fanged man here.
“How do you use ki to fly? Do you have it carry you?”
“Close. To cut a long explanation short: you force your ki underneath you to push yourself upwards. It generates lift, similar to what rotor blades do for a helicopter.”
“Really? That sounds…complicated…”
“Eh, it’s not. Anyone with sufficient ki and control of it can fly. Even children.”
The day she sees a child flying through the sky is the day she might question existence itself, but for Vegito, he was likely speaking from personal experience.
“I think you can learn how to fly. You’re strong enough at the bare minimum.”
“…Strong enough? Like, my ki is?” She quirked a brow. Vegito didn’t seem to be pulling her leg, but then again, she couldn’t be utterly sure. “How can you tell?”
His smirk returned with a strength that made her want to roll her eyes.
“I can sense ki.”
Sense it? How in the world was that done? Her head was starting to hurt.
“But I can teach you how to fly if you want _____. I’ve been pretty bored lately, and I don’t mind imparting knowledge onto someone else.”
He leaned forward, and the excitement upon his face was blatant. In the moment, he was like a child who couldn’t wait to do something fun. The abrupt innocence in his smile was…jarring, and she was at a lost for words. She was saved by a buzzing noise that cut through the air then, and an object vibrating in her pocket. She reached down into it to pull out her phone.
Checking the screen, she sees that she received a text message. It was from one of her co-workers, asking her to…come into the office in an hour? For a favor?
The rush of anger had her exhale a puff of air out of her nose.
 “I have to go. I’ll…take a rain check on that flying lesson.”
She turned on her heel to stomp away, furiously typing out a reply on her phone’s screen. Vegito watched her leave, slightly disappointed that his offer wasn’t accepted, but he shook if off. Standing straight, a hand went to his chin as he thought about one particular thing.
He was oddly motivated. This irritable lady has been a new spark, among his dull days…he felt like bothering her more, just for a little while longer.
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nebulousjoy · 7 months
Vegito is so damn interesting. Imagine if Toriyama didn't chicken out and he stayed permanent since the Buu saga. Imagine him living life and adjusting to the world. Imagine him training with his kids. If shipping must be involved then imagine him growing close to Chi Chi, pls I'm so tired of the Bulma favoritism.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 1 year
Fusion in mk would be interesting but it would probably suck if it happened by mistake. Like if Bi-Han and Hanzo are fighting and they accidentally fuse together since the Elder Gods like being dicks and decide to make their rivalry ten times more complicated.
Especially if the fusion themselves an entirely different entity like how Vegito is a different person from Vegeta or Goku, but in a twist, the original components are still there, just as separate sides of the mind.
You can imagine how often the two argue while their fusion is basically forced to listen to their banter.
It’s a mixture of DBZ and SU because you need to do a fusion dance.
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