#velma west side story
a-way-of-forgiving · 6 months
i haven’t posted in over a year lol but my wss fixation is lowkey coming back??? anyways graziella and velma are so special to me. i love them so much. my favorite besties. they’re always there for each other and i love when that is represented in fics.
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sl-newsie · 4 months
Warm With Love (Ice x OC)
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Can I make a request for Ice from WSS? Where Velma likes him and makes her think that he cheats and she tries to leave but then he catches her at the train station and stops her from leaving? Thanks and happy new year!!
(I looked up Ice’s real name and it’s Diesel Smith. Not to be confused with the other Jet named Diesel!)
Whoever says snow is a nightmare doesn’t know what they’re missing. Yes the wind is so cold my face hurts, yes my feet are ice cold numb. But it’s all worth it to see the bugs die. And along with the bugs my emotions feel just as lifeless. It’s amazing how a single moment can change someone. Sometimes it’s a fight, sometimes it’s an injury. For me it was a kiss.
I love Diesel Smith. A love skin-deep that I’d never betray. Apparently he had other ideas. 
The annual Snow Ball is supposed to be a magical event, one filled with fancy dresses and fun dancing. I wore a pretty dress, I danced along with Maria and Diana. I was so happy. Then I saw Ice, Diesel Smith, dressed handsomely in a nice suit. I was so looking forward to dancing with him. Next thing I know I turn around to find him locking lips with Velma Anderson.
That was two days ago. Two days for my heart to wither and die. My parents agreed that a fresh environment would do me some good so they arranged for me to visit my grandparents in Maine. Now that I’m at the station, still numb from the blizzard outside, all my feelings start tumbling through. How have I become this? Was I too stupid to trust him? Will I be able to handle homesickness-?
And now I’m even hearing Ice’s voice in my head.
“Elaine! Wait up!”
Scratch that. He’s running up from behind. Wait- what?
I turn around and see Ice racing towards me. Just keep going! It’s not worth it. I’m almost to the ticket counter-
Suddenly I feel someone grab my hand. He’s got real guts for showing his face!
Ice pants to catch his breath. “You never answered my calls. I went to your house and your folks said you was leaving.”
I yank my hand away and avoid his gaze. “Why would I answer your calls, Diesel? After the stunt you pulled it’s pretty obvious that I don’t want to hold onto what will make me sad. I’ve become the juiciest gossip, the laughing stock of all the goils at school, all because I wasn’t good enough for you.” I give one final nod to clarify my decision. “Goodbye, Ice.”
He keeps staggering after me as I walk down the hall. It’s after the holidays so there’s not much traffic. Maybe I can get a seat to myself-
“But- But honey I luv you!”
God, why do you have to make this so hard?
I take a deep breath and stop to grab the side counter to steady myself, still avoiding his gaze. “I thought you did too. Then I saw you there with Velma.” Fighting my nerves, I look up slowly. “I’ll miss you, Ice, but I will not be part of something like this. I will not be the other woman.”
Before I burst into tears I sprint onto the train just as the doors close. After quickly finding my seat I hear the train begin to start. I suppose now I should start looking for a temporary job once I get to Maine-
Tap tap!
A loud noise jerks my head up to see the maniac himself clinging outside my window.
“Please, Elaine? Just let me explain. Open the window!”
Now I really am crying. Hot tears stream down my cheeks and remind me of how much I’ve been holding back. I don’t know why I’m listening to him but sure enough I unlock the window to allow the Jet inside. The frigid air outside sends a chill down my spine and almost freezes my tears. Ice tumbles into my lap and I feel he’s just as cold.
“Just let go, Diesel!” I shove him off.
He’s quick to stand up and kneels in front of me. “Do you remember when we met?”
When we…? What’s he playing at?
“I’ll always remember. It was January, on your birthday. You were helping your dad with my car in his shop, and it was so cold the oil froze. Your dad said to keep working. I gave you my gloves, your hands were so cold…”
Ice sees I’ve started to calm down (even though I’m still mad) and he cautiously reaches his hands out to grab mine.
“Yours are cold.”
I bite my lip to keep a sob down. “Cold numbs pain. But I don’t think this pain will go away.”
“You’re right.” Ice’s simple words clench my heart even more. “It won’t until I prove it to you.”
I slowly lift my head to look at him through watery eyes. “Prove what?”
Ice is closer now. His eyes aren’t the same. Not so cold or fearless when he’s with the Jets. Instead they’re… afraid. Soft and timid, as if he’s afraid he’ll never be happy again.
“Prove that I love you. Velma kissed me. I never said yes. She just- just sprang it on me. But I understand why you don’t believe me.” Now he’s starting to tear up too. “You deserve the world and more, honey. I’m jealous of the guy who’s gonna steal your heart wherever you end up. But if he’ll make you happy, then I’ll be happy.”
Oh God… He does luv me. It was all Velma, not him! Relief and joy rush through my veins, rekindling the spark for Ice I thought I’d lost. There’s no way I could trade this for any other man.
“Then you’re jealous of him,” I point to his reflection in the window.
Ice looks back and forth between me and the window with a stunned expression. “I don’t get it. All I see is me.”
“Exactly.” His eyes widen as I press a soft kiss to his cheek. “I want you in my life, Diesel Smith.”
“Oh my God thank you!” Ice falls into my lap and pulls me in for a hug to kiss the top of my head. “I promise you will never be the other woman, you’ll be my only woman. And I’m your man, sweetheart. It’s you and me against the world.”
“Won’t the Jets miss you?”
Ice shakes his head and lays it on my lap. “I quit. Told Riff I’m giving up the Jets to start a clean life.”
My jaw drops. “But I thought-!”
Ice presses a finger to my mouth. “The Jets aren’t gonna miss me, Elaine. Yeah I’ll admit I’m sad to leave but I’d hate it even more if you’re not with me.” He snuggles closer. “Could ya wake me up when we get to- wherever it is you’re going?”
I laugh and stroke his soft hair. “Sure thing, Diesel.”
We both settle down in the seat in a comfortable silence and as Ice falls asleep I watch the billowing snow through the frosted window. The weather can dish up the coldest winter but I don’t care. Ice keeps me warmer than the sun.
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This boy-
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Me and one of my best friends watched West Side Story and I've already seen if but she hasn't so here's how it went.
*first scene with Tony*
Me: so who's your favorite character?
Her: uh, Tony.
Me, holding back tears: oh thats... lovely...
*Dance scene at the school*
Her: Riff is so fucking funny I think he's my second favorite.
Me: OHhHh, ThAt'S... AmAzInG, Good FoR YoU, ReAlLy,
*beginning of of the Rumble scene*
Her: I like Bernardo a lot too, he's probably my third favorite.
Me: OHHhhH, WoW ThAtS So CoOL
*end of Rumble*
Her, crying: They didn't have to do my boys like that
Me, sobbing because I'm in love with Riff: man Riff you messed up my fucking mascara
*Scene after Rumble with Anita and the Jets*
Me, burying my face in her shoulder: GRAZIELLA IS WEARING RIFF'S FUCKING SHIRT oh shit its this scene, buckle up girl
*after Anita is saved by Valentina*
Her: if Riff was alive that never would have happened. He's a racist but he ain't no rapist
*Finale scene*
Me, sobbing into her shirt: Riff is dead..
Her: Get over it theres been two deaths and an almost raping since then
Her: mine too *we sob together*
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elysiandances · 1 year
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒛𝒛 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒐 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒍 . . .
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a mouthpiece x velma short written by @elysiandances
character count: 7.5k (1.4k words)
summary: mouthpiece has had a long day and is questioning if he deserves the beautiful girl he calls his girlfriend.
cw: doubting a partners love, crying, slight breakdown, fighting
prompt created by @dumplingsjinson
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it was a normal night at velma’s, the brunette had gotten off work at the diner and had headed home eagerly, knowing her blond boyfriend would be waiting either on her fire escape, or already in her room. when she’d opened the door, her suspicions were correct, he was sitting on her soft duvet near the pillows, in his hands held his cap, a blue one, one he didn’t wear as often, only when requested by velma..
when he heard the door click open, his eyes snapped up from the hat, seeing her, and offering a smile, but it wasn’t his usual happy one, no, it was worried.. almost saddened? velma picked up on this immediately and set down her bag on her dresser, brows knitting together in concern.. “honey,,? are you alright?” she asked softly, watching as mouthpiece rose to his feet, setting his cap down on the bed and walking over, grabbing at her hands.. “mouth?” she whispered once they were face to face, looking slightly up at him..
it didn’t take a long time to decipher the look in his eyes, something had happened that day, but wether or not he’d tell what had gone on was a different story entirely.. “sweetheart, you’re scaring me,” she said quietly, wiggling her hand away from his and caressing his cheek, leaning forward to kiss his nose bridge.. “you’re okay, it’s all okay.. you wanna sit and tell me what happened..? i think that might do you some good..” she whispered, getting a nod in response as she immediately began dragging him back to his place on the bed, sitting him down and sitting down right beside him, one of their hands still locked and sitting on top of her thigh.. “take your time.. tell me what happened,”
a little shake of his head seemed to free mouthpiece of the dazed state he’d been in since before she entered the door, swallowing hard and looking down to his lap, which only spiked more concern in the girl sitting next to him.. “it ain’t nothin’ big, vel—“ he began, but stopped as he felt a squeeze to his hand, smiling a little.. “okay, okay, fine, jeez,” he teased, sending her a playful glare and giggling softly. the little moment caused some of her concern to melt away, falling into giggles with him and kissing his cheek.. “today was just a hard day, that’s all. me ‘n a couple of tha boys got in a tussle, all said some real mean things, but— guess some of them stuck to me more than they should’ve,” he explained, eyes focused on his leg as it bounced anxiously..
“oh.. oh i’m sorry.. are you alright? what did they say to you, sweetheart?” she asked, noticing the shaking of his leg and setting her hand on his knee. it stopped his shaking, his eyes going to her hand, then lifting to look over at her..
“i don’t wanna talk about it, the things were so stupid, really. there’s not a reason to be so upset, but i am,” mouthpiece said with a sigh, feeling another squeeze to his hand and bringing velma’s hand to his lips, kissing across her knuckles.. “some lame stuff ‘bout each other.. it was just mean, that’s really all. i don’t think any of us meant it, but we wanted to hurt each other’s feelin’s, so maybe we did, i dunno,” mouthpiece finally finished his explanation, shoulders sinking.
“that couldn’t have been an easy situation for you.. can i do anything to help? i’m sure whatever they said wasn’t meant to hurt you, and i know you know that too deep down..” velma soothed, moving her leg to press against his, which he welcomed.. “wanna get some food,,? take a bath? i could wash your hair?” she offered, giving him the most tender look the brunette could muster.. she was met with silence.. silence that lingered far too long to be normal, especially for the energetic and usually hyper teen beside her.. “mou-“ she stopped, behind cut off by a little sniffle.. immediately, the panic rose in her body and she quickly retracted her hands from his body, eyes wide with worry, “hey— hey,, oh my god, why are you crying? are you okay? did i— did i do something wrong, sweetheart? what’s going on, baby, talk to me,”
slowly, mouthpiece’s head turned towards her, tears falling down his freckled cheeks as he smiled towards her, just a bit.. “no, it's just— you're always so gentle ‘n carin’ with me and it makes me— god, it makes me feel like i don't deserve you, velma.. no one's ever treated me like you have—“ he whispered out, voice breaking a few times throughout the explanation, finishing what he was saying and hiding his face in his hands.. he was comforted by feeling her hands on his forearms, tugging his arms away from his eyes..
“oh, come here, sweetheart,” velma said quickly, pulling him into her body.. mouthpiece immediately curled over into his lover, face hiding into her shoulder and stifling his cries as his hands grasped desperately at her uniform, frame trembling under her finger tips.. “it’s okay.. shhh.. you’re okay.. you’re okay, baby.. god, you deserve everything, y’know that? you deserve the world,” she muttered, kissing his temple and holding him tightly..
“i’m sorry vee- i—“ he was cut off as she shushed him, hand moving to the back of his head and burying into the blond curls against his neck, tugging him in closer..
they stayed like that for a while, mouthpiece breaking inside of velma’s arms, but eventually, their little words died down, as did his cries.. mouthpiece’s breath began to even out again and he raised his head up, looking down at her with red and puffy eyes.. “i love you vel, thank you— for everythin’ you do for me. you make me so happy,,” he muttered, leaning to push their lips together in a kiss, one that was almost like an unsaid promise.. one that told mouthpiece that she’d always be there for him.. one to show that he wasn’t alone, and that through everything, velma was there, and she wasn’t going to leave..
“i love you too, sweetheart,” she said as they parted, kissing the corners of his lips and his chin a few times, then trailing the little chaste pecks along his jawline as she shifted back, beckoning him to follow with her kisses.. “let’s lay down, yeah? you need to rest for a little, then we can give you a bath..” velma whispered, leaning back against her headboard as she pulled her lips from his skin, planting a final one on his lips before she encouraged his head to her lap.. mouthpiece didn’t fight it, falling into her lap and kissing her knee before settling, curling up into himself and sighing quietly..
velma’s hand went to his hair, burying in blond curls as she gently massaged his scalp, nails dragging to aid in comfort.. “that’s it, mouth, it’s okay,” she muttered, looking down at him.. “it’s okay.. it’s all okay.. you are doing so good, i’m so proud of you.. you’re doing everything just right..” velmas voice fell to a whisper, the only sound being the low buzz of the radio down the hall.. “breathe, okay? that’s it,” velma quietly reassured, making sure he was comfortable and loved..
that night, velma ran him a bath, a warm one with her expensive new soaps and fluffy new bath towels and candles, things to make him feel spoiled and appreciated. she let him braid her hair and they told silly little stories to pass the time.. when they got all settled into bed, velma curled up on his chest and he read her a few chapters of a book she’d been putting off reading.. eventually, they both fell asleep. he knew he was loved that night, and thought he still may not think he deserves her, velma sure does, and she’d try and prove it for the rest of her life.
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bestmusicalworldcup · 4 months
Chita Rivera has passed away today at the age of 91. She originated many of the most iconic roles on Broadway, including Anita in West Side Story and Velma Kelly in Chicago. Rivera was nominated for 10 Tony Awards, winning Leading Actress in a Musical twice for her roles in The Rink and Kiss of the Spider Woman.
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thesobsister · 5 months
The legendary Chita Rivera has left the building, age 91. One of the most distinctive and distinguished singer/actor/dancers of the second half of the 20th century, she worked with some of the leading lights of Broadway and originated roles as iconic as West Side Story's Anita and All That Jazz's Velma Kelly, winning two Tonys in the process.
Here, she pulls off some very Fosse-ish moves in a dance number on The Judy Garland Show just over 60 years ago.
As they say, the lights of the Great White Way are dimmer for this loss.
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scottyzoomz · 2 months
So, my friends has a blog called @ask-tony-wyzek and @ask-riff-lorton. Those are the only west side story character blogs (from what i have seen), and yknow, it's getting kind of boring.. so if you wanna be a west story character this is your chance !! This is just for being fun and being silly, the rumble hasnt happened yet and it's just an au where the Jets and the Sharks are just still arguing on whose turf it is. No killing has happened, Tony, Riff and Bernardo is still alive, . And OC's ARE ALLOWED !!! Fanon ships are allowed, Oc x character is allowed too !! just PLEASE dont make it weird/illegal. be logical, a 1-2 year age gap is fine but dont make it illegal. so far we have RiffxTony (im sorry for those who i have offended do not harass me just for a silly fanon ship if you don't like it, kindly scroll this doesnt hurt anybody.) AND THOSE WHO KNOWS ANY ACCOUNTS LIKE THIS OF THE WEST SIDE STORY CHARACTERS PLEASE TELL ME I WOULD LOVE TO INTERACT WITH THEM !!! Jets ( those who are taken have a blog ) Riff - @ask-riff-lorton Tony - @ask-tony-wyzek Ice - Snowboy - Baby John - @ask-baby-john Action - @ask-action A-rab - Tiger - Joyboy - Big Deal - Mouthpiece - @ask-mouth-piece Gee-Tar - Anybodys - @ask-anybodys Diesel - @ask-deisel Numbers - Balkan - @ask-balkan Little Molly - ----------- The Girls in the Jets Graziella - @ask-graziella Velma - Clarice - Tessie - Debby - Hotsie - Pauline - Luna - ====================== ( these are all that i found on the Sharks wiki so these not might be accurate, feel free to put your headcanons on these characters ) Sharks (note: who nicknames their friend anxious what???) Bernardo - @ask-bernardo Chino - @ask-chino Pepe - Indio - Luis - Anxious - Nibbles - Juano - Toro - Moose - Quique - Chago - Braulio - Pipo - Julito - -------------- The girls in the Sharks Maria - @ask-maria Anita - @ask--anita Rosalita - Consuelo - Teresita - Francisca - Estella - Marguerita - ====================== The OC's in the roleplay !!<3 The Jets - @ask-scotty - @ask-hops - @ask-mizumi - @billie-jones --- The Sharks none:( AGAIN. THIS IS FOR FUN!!! YOU CAN JOIN AS AN OC !! If you have more questions please feel free to go to my ' Ask Me Anything ' or in my dms. !!! Feel free to reblog:)
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Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 2B
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Bebe Neuwirth (1958) “BEBE NEUWIRTH (Velma Kelly), B’way: A Chorus Line-Sheila, Little Me-Monique, Dancin’-principal, Sweet Charity-Nickie(Tony Award), Damn Yankees-Lola. Regional: West Side Story-Anita, Sweet Charity-Charity, A Chorus Line-Cassie, Chicago-Velma Kelly (L.A. Drama Critics Award), Kiss of the Spider Woman-Spiderwoman/Aurora (London’s West End). Revue: Martin Charnin’s Upstairs at O’Neal’s, Cabaret Verboten. TV: “Cheers”-Dr. Lilith Sternin (two Emmy Awards), “Wild Palms”- Tabba Schwarzkopf, “The Adventures of Pete and Pete”-Mailwoman McGinty. Film: Say Anything, Green Card, Bugsy, The Paint Job, Malice, Jumanji, Pinocchio, The Associate. For this performance, Ms. Neuwirth has been honored with the Tony Award, Drama Desk Award, Outer Critics Circle Award, Drama League Distinguished Performance and Fred Astaire Award.” – Playbill bio from Chicago, August 1998.
Charlotte d'Amboise (1964) “CHARLOTTE D’AMBOISE (Roxie Hart) returns to Chicago this winter after starring as Fastrada in the Tony Award-winning revival of Pippin. For her portrayal of Roxie in the show’s first national tour, she earned L.A. Drama Critics Circle, L.A. Ovation and Bay Area Theatre Circle Awards. Her other NY credits include A Chorus Line (Cassie, Tony nominee), Sweet Charity (Charity, Fred Astaire Award), Can-Can (Encores!), Contact, Damn Yankees (Lola, Fred Astaire Award), Jerome Robbins’ Broadway (Tony Nomination), Company, Carrie, Song and Dance and Cats. Film: the acclaimed documentary Every Little Step, Frances Ha, The Preacher’s Wife, The in Crowd. With her husband Terrence Mann, Ms. D’Amboise teaches a summer musical theatre intensive. Visit www.triplearts.com” – Playbill bio from Chicago, January 2015
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"We are once again in a world where Bebe Neuwirth is back on Broadway where she belongs, in a Kander & Ebb, no less. In exactly two-weeks' time, I will be facedown on the floor of the August Wilson Theatre because her "What Would You Do?" has killed me dead. Bebe is my ultimate Diva. I would follow her to the end of the earth and back again. (Not) Fun Fact: Bebe Neuwirth is the only living original Velma or Roxie left..."
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"I watched Charlotte d'Amboise give Lillias White a lap dance less than two feet in front of me. I have not been the same since."
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a-way-of-forgiving · 4 days
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talia ryder and patrick higgins as tessie and baby john (plus maddie ziegler as velma!). some little bts crumbs of one of my fav jet couples <3
if you guys want me to post bts pics of other characters and ships, pls send me an ask of who you want pics of and i’ll try and find some :)
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Chita Rivera, First 'Anita' in 'West Side Story'; Was 91
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Broadway legend Chita Rivera, a two-time Tony winner and nine-time nominee, died on Tuesday morning after a brief illness, her publicist announced. She was 91.
The actor-singer-dancer originated the role of Anita in the original Broadway production of “West Side Story,” as well as the title character in “Kiss of the Spider Woman” and the role of Velma Kelly in the original Broadway run of “Chicago.”
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ms-nesbit · 1 year
random musical shit about the batkids
dick fucking BAWLED when he first heard amanda seyfried and eddie redmayne sing in my life. he sobbed so hard when eponine died that he had to leave the theatre to stop from drawing attention to himself
just an fyi, he cries every time he thinks about moulin rouge. big crybaby but we stan
jason knows the choreo to the original west side story (live on broadway, NOT filmed, btw) for america. he reveals it to no one.
o duke??? doesnt like musicals as much, and makes him feel uncomfortable when the first musical number comes up. but he does enjoy hairspray
cass loves little shop of horrors and nothing else
damian refuses to indulge in such trivialities
CHICAGO, you say??? as if dick hasnt already mastered the choreography for roxie hart's duet w velma at the end of the show? hmmm????
damian stumbled upon sweeney todd and let it happen
steph likes the muppets
but more importantly, chicago. she is dicks dance partner for hot honey rag
now duke didnt know disney counts as musicals, so he'd like to formally include nightmare before christmas and TANGLED of all movies???
(and enchanted, but nobody can blame him!)
tim unabashedly adores sound of music, and julie andrews' voice is such sweet honey to him.
he sings along to the soundtrack when on the job :)
WHO loves kinky boots, u may not have asked??? well, im glad u didnt, bc its steph.
alfred likes the classics ofc
think chitty chitty, bang bang and singin' in the rain
he actually introduced most of the boys to musicals, since bruce has an aversion (well bitch i wonder why???)
dick loves brad majors in rocky horror picture show. do i need to say more?
tick tick BOOM is too contemporary for everyone. except dick, whose personality transforms into whatever musical he loves atm
miss saigon and les miserables have both been banned by bruce wayne to be referenced or watched in the wayne manor.
its bc it makes him tear up.
barbara only likes chicago and dreamgirls.
she loves jennifer hudson to death
and introduced duke to wicked, which he now hums almost intuitively
no, jason detests literary-based musicals. he always complains about it.
"yo jay, why are look down and no good deed on your spotify most played??"
and nevermind that jason absolutely sings maria like no other fucking man on this planet. idk what demon youre singing it to, jaybird, but FUCKING GET IT.
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When watching West Side Story 2021 but the one scene with Anita and the Jets towards the end iykyk but it was so powerful that in that moment, Graziella, Velma, and the other girls stopped seeing race and they saw another woman in danger and distress. Those girls fought for Anita, they tried so hard to get the guys to stop, and that was just so powerful to me. At that moment I really respected the Jets girls' character arcs.
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liiviingdeadgiirl · 6 days
theater dream roles!! (and why i'll never play them)
a LOT under the cut, get ready for a yap session
Heather Duke (Heathers): I'm always type cast as the nice one
Gretchen (Mean Girls): I'm always type cast as the nice one, I wear glasses and for some reason that makes directora ignore me
Cady (Mean Girls): By the time the musical is being cast, I'll be a sophomore and seniors/juniors play the leads 99% of the time
Emmett (Legally Blonde): I am a woman
The Squip (Be More Chill): I am a woman, even if a director gender blind casted the show, I can't hit the Squip's lowest notes
Cordelia (Falsettos): Too young (for now)
Karen (Spongebob): I cannot beatbox
Sandy (Spongebob): I can't do a southern accent well enough
Marcy Park (Spelling Bee): I'm not flexible
Elder Cunningham (The Book Of Mormon): I am a woman
Ilse (Spring Awakening): Nobody puts this show on
Meg Giry (Phantom): I can't dance
Ricky Potts (Ride the Cyclone): I am a woman
Mischa Bachinski (Ride the Cyclone): I am a woman
Rizzo (Grease): I actually have no issues here but I do look ugly with short hair
Anita (West Side Story): White
Velma Kelly (Chicago): I can't dance
Mama Morton (Chicago): JUST too low for me to sing comfortably
Jack Kelly (Newsies): I am a woman
Jack (Into The Woods): I am a woman
Marius (Les Miserables): I am a woman
Carrie (Carrie): No particular reason I just don't think anyone would ever cast me as her
Orin (Little Shop Of Horrors): I am a woman
Hope Cladwell (Urinetown): I'm not conventionally attractive
Little Sally (Urinetown): I'm way too tall
Brad Majors (Rocky Horror Show): I am a woman
Janet Weiss (Rocky Horror Show): I just don't think it will happen
Shakespeare (Something Rotten): I am a woman
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popballadtourney · 1 year
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Welcome to week 1 of the ultimate Frankenstein character showdown!
Side A [Doctor Bracket]:
Dr. Frankenstein (Young Frankenstein) vs. Dr. Logan (Day of the Dead)
Danny Elfman (Weird Science Music Video) vs. The Inventor (Edward Scissorhands)
Dr. Finkelstein (The Nightmare Before Christmas) vs. Dr. Pretorius (The Bride of Frankenstein)
Isaac Cameron (Stuff of Nightmares) vs. Dr. Frankenstein - (Hammer)
Dr. Frankenstein (novel) vs. Dr. Steinman (BioShock)
Dr. Suhendra (V/H/S/94) vs. Dr. Frank-N-Furter (The Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Sid (Toy Story) vs. The Guy Who Sings The Monster Mash
Bob Morton (RoboCop) vs. Dr Frankenstein (The Bride)
Jeffrey Franken (Frankenhooker) vs. Mary Mason (American Mary)
May (May) vs. Dr. Heiter (The Human Centipede)
Victor Frankenstein (Frankenweenie) vs. Dr. N. Brio (Crash Bandicoot)
Herbert West (Re-Animator) vs. Dr. Frankenstein (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein)
Dr. Frankenstein (Junji Ito) vs. Victor Frankenstein (Victor Frankenstein)
Dr. Stein (Soul Eater) vs. Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy)
Dr. Fritz (Gregory Horror Show) vs. Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil Village)
Dr. Frankenstein (Universal) vs. Dr. Frankenstein (Penny Dreadful)
Side B [Creature Bracket]:
Frankie Stein (Monster High) vs. Frankenstein's Monster (The Monster Squad)
Amy (May) vs. Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Adam (novel) vs. Eva (Igor)
The Creature (Hammer) vs. Princess Monster Wife (Adventure Time)
The Creature (Junji Ito) vs. Franken Berry
The Creature (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein) vs. Frank (Hotel Transylvania)
Sparky (Frankenweenie) vs. Six (Scream Street)
The Subject (V/H/S/94) vs. Elizabeth (Frankenhooker)
The Monster (Universal) vs. The Monster from The Monster Mash
Gloria (Bride of Re-Animator) vs. Frankie (Drac Pack)
The Creature (Penny Dreadful) vs. Jurgen's Monster (Sam and Max)
Herman Munster (The Munsters) vs. The Monster (Young Frankenstein)
The Monster's Mate (Bride of Frankenstein) vs. Venturestein (The Venture Bros.)
Tony Soprano (The Sopranos) vs. John Marlott (The Frankenstein Chronicles)
Rocky Horror (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) vs. Elsa Frankensteen (Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School)
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gone2soon-rip · 4 months
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CHITA RIVERA (1933-Died January 30th 2024,at 91).
American actress, singer, and dancer. Rivera received numerous accolades including two Tony Awards, two Drama Desk Awards, and a Drama League Award. She was the first Latina and the first Latino American to receive a Kennedy Center Honor in 2002, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009.She won the Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2018.
After making her Broadway debut as a dancer in Guys and Dolls (1950), she went on to originate roles in Broadway musicals such as Anita in West Side Story (1957), Velma Kelly in Chicago (1975), and the title role in Kiss of the Spider Woman (1993). She was a ten-time Tony Award nominee, winning the Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical twice for her roles in The Rink (1984) and Kiss of the Spider Woman (1993). She was Tony-nominated for her roles in Bye Bye Birdie (1961), Chicago (1975), Bring Back Birdie (1981), Merlin (1983), Jerry's Girls (1986), Nine (2003), Chita Rivera: The Dancer's Life (2005), and The Visit (2015).Rivera acted in the film Sweet Charity (1969) and appeared in Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978), and Tick, Tick... Boom! (2021). She played Connie Richardson in the CBS sitcom The New Dick Van Dyke Show (1973–1974). She also appeared on television in The Judy Garland Show (1963), The Carol Burnett Show (1971), and Will & Grace (2005). Chita Rivera - Wikipedia
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