#vendetta sequel spinoff
vendetta-if · 7 months
Hey author!! Would you mind if i ask a few questions about the sequel?
How old is sequel mc and their brother? How many years has gone from the year in the current book? Can you give a more detailed describtion of kostya?(like general describtion, his hair style, what kind of clothes he usually wear, etc)
This is part me just wanting to know and part me wanting to make a fanart of the sequel siblings+the children of my current mc in my headcanon, but i'm currently very busy so i have no idea just when can i draw these, hopefully soon tho!
I don’t mind questions about the sequel at all! 😁 Although, a lot of things are not set or confirmed yet, but I’ll try to answer with what I have in mind right now. Just know that some aspects or parts of the answers to these sequel asks may be subject to changes in the future.
I’m not really set yet on their ages, but they should be in their 20s as well. MC might be more in the early 20s range and their big brother, Konstantin or Kostya, maybe around mid 20s? 🤔
Like almost all of the Morozovs so far, Kostya is going to be very tall, broad shoulders, with kind of lean and fit body. He has midnight black hair like both of his dads, usually styled parted and slicked to the side neatly kinda like Luka’s or Male Rin’s, but he’s less meticulous about it like them and sometimes, as the day goes on, some strands would fall to his forehead a bit or get out of their slicked style. He just doesn’t really care and somehow, it just fits him and his more “laid-back” attitude.
Probably like these pics below.
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As for the style of clothes he wears, he most often wears formal and expensive three-piece suits, and other more formally styled clothes. The most casual he would go is probably preppy style (like Polo Ralph Lauren-type of stuff).
Also, what I mean with expensive three-piece suits is, if you have seen John Wick 4, it’s similar to the outfits that Marquis de Gramont wore in the movie.
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Also, whenever you manage to make a fanart of the sequel siblings and your MC’s kids, please do tag me! 🥺🥰
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sapphire-weapon · 18 days
I’m getting so hyped for RE9 now. I know to take every rumor VERY lightly, but God, I need more RE stuff to get hyped about. I really hope it’s a Leonfest. It’s been too long since we’ve seen what he’s up to (in universe). When will he return from war…
i can't believe they've let it go this long tbh. i was shocked when 8 was a continuation of 7, because it fucked up the numbering convention of leon being in every even-numbered game. so when DG said years ago that village was originally a spinoff that got made into RE8 because of other development delays, i was like
okay so
maybe they'll release a movie to get everyone up to speed with what everyone else is doing???
but then ID took place in 2006?? and DI was a sequel to vendetta??
and i was like what the fuck are they doing
because now it's been so long it's like we've completely lost touch with the entire rest of the world, lore, and cast outside of chris and the winters family -- to the point where it almost feels like the rest of the cast and the other institutions have been abandoned.
but after DI being so ensemble-focused and after i heard bawk say that RE9 would be a jill game, i was tentatively like... ok mite b cool. the implication here is that jill is doing something separately from chris, that could be interesting.
and then when DG went "no leon actually" i just
despite my better judgment
and it's not even really about leon so much as it is that i'm just ready for RE to feel like RE again, because 7 and 8 were not what i expected or wanted or enjoyed from the series. and if we stay focused on chris for a third game in a row, RE continues to lose more and more of its identity in terms of being an ensemble cast series of stupid wacky bullshit that's only loosely connected by hyper late-stage capitalism destroying the world's society because billionaires decided to go "what if monsters actually."
like i want RE9 to be a leon game for his own sake, but i also want it to be him because it'll re-broaden the scope of the world and make it feel like RE again by pulling in characters that aren't directly connected to just one continuous source of drama.
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noirapocalypto · 10 months
ᴍʏ ᴏᴄ: ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ
Tagged by @katsigian to show what my OC would be like in a horror movie. Thank you, bestie! 🖤 I'm gonna do this for my special boy.
Outfit / Role
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ
oh, you're the one doing all the killing. you're the violent little guy with a chip on your shoulder, the undead nightmare with a mind only for revenge, the unhinged psycho who just likes to inflict pain for fun. either way, you're the catalyst of this whole narrative, the lynchpin on which the entire plot rests. you either die in the end or live on through numerous sequels, prequels, reboots, and spinoffs.
I was kinda hoping for the tragic hero for Salem, because he is 100% someone who would sacrifice themselves to save the ones he loves sdkjfghld but thinking of him as the villain is pretty fun too. 😂Salem is violent and he does have a chip on his shoulder though, so I can see him being the guy who's motive is that he got pushed a bit too far and decided to get back at everyone who has ever fucked with him. It's for sure one of those "I'll give you something to be afraid of" situations. Never innocents, only people he has a vendetta against though. So he easily blends in with groups and maybe he's not a suspect...yet. And if we wanna include Salem's mystical side too, sacrificial ritualistic killings also?? For some deity he devoted himself to?? This was fun though! I love horror and it's really fun to be able to incorporate Salem into that genre since he fits right in.
Tagging without pressure: @a-pirate @saevus-brutalis @ne0n--rust @spicyraeman @humberg @kharonion @aldcaldos @cybersmallz @thesavagemuffin @werewolves @mistymymoon
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
Okay, so you've magically gotten the resources, time, and skilled developers you need to create your dream game, what would it be? It can be any genre (fighting, platforming, open world), starring your own original ocs you've had for a while or completely new ones made just for the game. Or a game adaptation of a movie,show, or novel, or even a sequel or spinoff of a video game franchise. Or you could just tell us about both options if you want.
I think someone has asked me this question before, but I'll answer again, since it's been a while if so. If I had the chance to make any video game in the world, it would be one of two things. Both of which are adaptations of earlier works, and both are SLIGHTLY on the obscure side. Only slightly though. LOL
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First up is The Shadow. The Shadow is a character who started off as the narrator for a crime/mystery program. The character became so popular, he was turned into the protagonist of his own pulp magazine series, and then a new radio show all about his adventures. Since then, he has mostly survived in comics, and has passed through various publishers over the decades - both DC and Marvel owned him at different points, and he is currently the property of Dynamite Entertainment. The character is most well-known today for being "the father of modern superheroes," as he inspired characters like Batman, Daredevil, the Punisher, V from V for Vendetta, Rorschach from The Watchmen, and - to a lesser extent, mind you - Superman. He also spawned a series of other pulp-y characters with similar concepts, such as the Green Hornet and the Spider. He's even been parodied in cartoons: Darkwing Duck is actually based largely on The Shadow, with a bit of Batman thrown in. For you all, you'll probably recognize him best because his universe was the inspiration for my "Black Dragon AU," with Malleus Draconia as the Shiwan Khan to the MC's Shadow-esque hero. I've always loved the Shadow, and I've always wanted to see him in one of two types of games. One is a Telltale-style choose-your-own-adventure murder mystery game, similar to "The Wolf Among Us" or the "Batman: The Telltale Series" titles. The other is a stealth-action game similar with controls similar to the Arkham series or the PS4-started Spider-Man games. The big draw in either case would be the style: everything done in black and white, with a noir-esque sort of aesthetic and matching music, with splashes of color - like red and maybe occasional hints of gold or green - to emphasize characters and moments. I'd pick Maurice LaMarche or Roger L. Jackson to voice the character, personally; not sure who I'd choose if you wanted someone more celebrity-like.
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The other option would be a game based on Frank Beddor's "The Looking-Glass Wars" trilogy. This is a series of novels (with some spin-off comics) that are reimaginings of the "Alice" stories. The premise sees Wonderland as a war-torn universe, with elements of dark fantasy and sci-fi sort of blended together to create its world and aesthetic. The overarching plot of the series has Princess Alyss Heart and her allies - including Hatter Madigan, Bibwith Harte, and Dodge Anders, just to name a few - battling the sinister forces of Alyss' evil Aunt Redd, and a mutual enemy of both of their sides, the treacherous King Arch. I would specifically like to see a game based on this universe done in either a "League of Legends" format, or, even better, a "Star Wars: Battlefront" format. In the former, you can play as different major characters from the books, with different types of enemies to conquer depending on where in the conflict you stand. Or, in the latter, you can actually play as soldiers from each of the warring factions, as well as Hero figures from each end of the spectrum, with perhaps some minigames that allow you to play with those different elements more. Admittedly, both of these TECHNICALLY have games already: the Shadow was originally planned to have a beat-em-up game in the 90s, but the game was canceled. However, you apparently CAN find the unfinished game if you look hard enough to play; not sure if it's an emulator or something, but it's out there, trust me. LGW, meanwhile, has (or had, not sure if it's still up) an online card game you could play themed around the books. However, neither of these are really what I would like to see from either franchise (and the Shadow game wasn't even really properly released or completed), so there's still room for these dream games to exist. They likely never will, but there's room. :P
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newsintheshell · 2 years
Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san, online un primo teaser per il film in arrivo questa estate
La commedia sentimentale di Soichiro Yamamoto sbarcherà nei cinema giapponesi dal 10 giugno.
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Diffuso un primo teaser trailer per il film d’animazione di “Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san”, atteso nelle sale giapponesi a partire dal 10 giugno di quest’anno.
L’episodio cinematografico della commedia sentimentale slice of life, basata sul popolare manga di Soichiro Yamamoto (Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru, In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki), sarà diretto ancora una volta da Hiroaki Akagi (Those Snow White Notes, Combatants Will Be Dispatched!) e prodotto presso lo studio SHIN-EI ANIMATION (Those Snow White Notes, Tonari no Seki-kun).
Le prime due stagioni televisive della serie animata, composte da 12 episodi ciascuna, sono andate in onda fra il 2018 e il 2019. Entrambe sono disponibili in streaming on demand: la prima la si trova sottotitolata su Crunchyroll, mentre la seconda fa parte del catalogo di Netflix ed è anche doppiata.
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La trasmissione della terza stagione si è appena conclusa in Giappone; questa volta, però, non è stata distribuita in simulcast in italiano. 
Lo studente delle medie Nishikata, costantemente preso in giro dalla compagna di classe Takagi-san, giura vendetta cercando (invano) di ripagarla con la stessa moneta.
Il manga viene serializzato in patria dal 2013 e ad ora conta 17 volumi in corso di pubblicazione. Con il 9° è stato allegato anche un OVA, che adatta i capitoli 57-59.
Dell’opera esistono già due sequel, il primo dei quali si intitola “Karakai Jozu no (Moto) Takagi-san” e vede i due protagonisti ormai adulti e sposati, mentre il secondo si chiama “Nishikata-chan” ed è incentrato su Chi, la loro figlia che nel fumetto frequenta le scuole medie.    
Il manga principale ha anche ispirato due spinoff intitolati rispettivamente “Ashita wa Doyubi” e “Koi ni Koisuru Yukari-chan”, entrambi con protagoniste Mina, Yukari e Sanae, le compagne di scuola di Takagi e Nishikata.  
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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kervinredfire · 3 years
My Other Fanfics in the Future
Well, I made announcements about my 2 Loonatics fanfics-related stories coming soon. So here are my other fanfics that I am making. But before I am going to show you my other fanfics, I like to share what most of them are like. Kervinverse related. If you checked my Tumblr header it's pretty obvious.
As you may wonder what is the Kervinverse is all about? The Kervinverse is like the multiverse but with all different kinds of Kervin. Inspired by Spiderman Into the Spiderverse all the versions of Kervin contained different personalities, stories, almost the same appearance, fighting styles, and special abilities. One of the most signature outfits is the black and red formal suit.
I already made a folder in toyhouse. However, most of it are unfinished and still ongoing.
People think that those stories a self-insert but it is actually not. Me and my other Kervins are the same but they are different the appearance, abilities, and personalities. An example is Denk Ops’s Chris Danger from the WWE games. And note that this is another long announcement for the other fanfics
So anyway, here are my Kervinverse stories that I would really like to share about Wattpad in the future. So are book covers later
KERVINVERSE STORIES (Including crossovers):
Grand Theft Auto Origins: Kervin Made Liberty – Set in the GTA HD Universe. Before Kervin (GTA Online) came to the place called San Andreas, he was just a very young boy who was born in the place called Liberty with his parents. His father Claude who became rich and retired to a life crime and his wife Misty who used to be a prostitute. It was normal and happy life for him and his parents. But when years passed when he is getting older, he slowly starts to realize what kind of broken world he is living in.
Now for those who played the HD Universe of the GTA Games you know every protagonist in the HD universe like Niko, Johnny, Luis, Michael Franklin, and Trevor. As much as they have different stories and perspectives but this story about GTA OC that he was living with full of offensiveness, disrespectfulness, brutal honesty, and others. An example in GTA IV a radio commercial of Babies Overnight that said that someone was not satisfied with the baby it can be disposed of. Although it would be interesting to have that backstory for my next OC for GTA. So, this story may contain a lot of murder and crimes on what led to him going to San Andreas. So, watch out. And for those who have not played GTA Online why his parents are both Claude and Misty is because it was part of the premium edition for free in Epic Games.
Def Jam X Kung Fu Panda: Book 1 Fight for A New Fight (maybe a working title) - After the events of Def Jam Vendetta, Fight For New York, and The Kung Fu Panda Trilogy including Legends of Awesomeness. Set during Paws of Destiny Season 2 in the Kung Fu Panda universe while in Def Jam 2 years later in the year 2005 after Crow's death (Fight for NY still takes place in 2003) Kervin (Def Jam Fight For NY) the new leader D-Mob's crew but also officially known as the Def Jam Crew after Blaze appointed him to take his place. Kervin has to manage every venue, club, and arenas in New York including places that Crow took over. But in Chinese New Year there was something strange that Kervin and his crew got transported to a different universe. Including former members, fighters, and circuit fighters.
Now, this fanfiction sounded really odd. As you may know why I am making crossover fanfic of Kung Fu Panda X Def Jam? Easy. The first one is because this is what would have been my PS2 games if I ever have a PS2. I was thinking of Mortal Kombat or Yakuza for Def Jam but Kung Fu Panda is the only thing I know when I was 7 years old. The second is because back in the days Hip Hop mixed with Kung Fu was very popular. Although Def jam may be a wrestling game martial arts stole my heart in Def Jam Fight For NY. I heard about things like the Wu-Tang Clan for example but the biggest problem for me is that I am not a true fan of Def Jam because I don’t know about hip hop artists. Just only the games so I will be focusing on their video game counterparts in their fictitious manner meaning pretending real-life characters with their real name are fictional characters. So, if there and fun facts in those real-life counterparts I may add them to it like easter eggs. The third is that there are Kung Fu Panda characters that did not get enough love and mostly art. So many recognizable characters like Po, Tigress, Tai Lung, and many more have become the most recognizable characters in the movies. But what about the tv shows like Legends of Awesomeness and Paws of Destiny? One of my favorite characters of Legends of Awesomeness is Peng, in short, he is the nephew of Tai Lung and he is such an interesting character that he deserves a lot more love. While for Paws of Destiny is Xiao because she is such a cute character, so is her personality and the best character to have hugs with. So, what I am trying to say is that I need to start off with the character that is unrecognizable then bring it recognizably. I may also add characters from shorts like student Mei Ling in the future book and it would be funny and to see rogue Mei Ling. 2 Mei Lings in one. Even Su and Master Snow Leopard because are both female leopards with the same appearance and outfit. I may also include some characters from the flash game Tales of Po and may possibly rewrite them in different stories because I love the character designs thanks to Blue Maxima’s FlashPoint. And the fourth and final part is that to make the Def jam games more recognizable. Def Jam in music is not absolutely enough but video games are. The Def Jam games did not bring a sequel after Fight For NY so I might as well make a sequel with interesting and experimental crossover fanfic just like The Loonatics Road.
The Red Fox (Kingdom Force Spinoff and maybe a working title) - The Kingdom Force has 5 members defending the 5 Kingdoms. Luka the wolf who leads in red, Jabari who runs in yellow, TJ who drills in green, Delilah who swings in orange, and Norvyn who strengthens in blue. Each of the 5 drives Kingdom Riders and turns them into Alpha Mech to fight against evil in the 5 Kingdoms. But even if they save the day multiple times the 5 Kingdoms are still filled with more crime and every antagonist came back doing other crimes and evil deeds because they were not arrested or eliminated. That's is when a red fox came along...
I have seen popular fandoms in cartoons that were supposed to aim at younger kids like Lion Guard, MLP, Paw Patrol, and even Bluey. But Kingdom Force is the cartoon that did get enough love. It's like Power Rangers and Voltron but with anthropomorphic animals like Zootopia. However, the stories and episodes in the show is very confusing and give me almost a lot of questions. But I do like the character designs in the show. My favorite hero is Luka who is a leader with and cute cuddly character personality and my favorite villain Envie Fernadez which she has a pretty hot design, name and voice and so is her personality. Reminds me of Sly Cooper but I have not played the game yet. But for the red fox also OC Kervin (Kindom Force) It’s still at work.
APB Reloaded X Zootopia: Anyone Can Be All You Can’t Be: - In Zootopia “Anyone Can Be Anything” But in San Paro “Be All You Can’t Be” Zootopia is a place where vicious predators and meek prey live in harmony. This means that people in Zootopia live together without the prey getting eaten by predators and predators not getting feared by the prey. They almost eat like us, they sleep like us, they speak like us, they walk like us, they run like us, they bathe like us (well almost), and most importantly they use technology like us. While San Paro maybe has a good look to sightsee but this city has a lot of crime. Robberies, bombings, thefts, drug dealing, murders and causalities, vandalism, and much more that we can think of. But that does not mean there is no justice in this world. When the Criminals like the Blood Roses and the G-Kings try to take over San Paro? The Enforcers Prentiss Tigers and Praetorians from come and save the day. What would happen when a human Enforcer meets a police fox and a police bunny? And how did it happen? Only one way to find out.
Now this one is also a Kervinverse crossover story. It focuses on Kervin (APB Reloaded) meeting Judy and Nick. I am trying to find a way on how will they meet each other. But the only thing ideas I know is that it can be a delivery gone wrong, an invention gone haywire or maybe a criminal stole something magical that is transported to a different universe. But I have a lot of strange things in the game like the Christmas events and Halloween events. I like to see any volunteers who play APB Reloaded. And for those Zootopia fans who have not played APB Reloaded you check it here. https://store.steampowered.com/app/113400/APB_Reloaded/
Well, that is it for the Kervinverse stories. Now it’s time for the other stories that I also planned in the future.
Alza Flare (Road Rovers Fan Spinoff)- Alza is a black cat born in the place in New York City, USA. He was born inside a pet shop without cat parents since he was born. His parents' status is unknown. Although he did make friends with other cats and non-cats in the shop. But it was a short while until a human customer named Drayson Flare and adopted him as Alza Flare. Alza has been Drayson's pet for 3 years and they instantly became best friends but when during the time when they are about to go home from the park. A terrible accident happened.
A long time ago I watched Road Rovers on my phone just to try something nostalgic and the show is pretty good though although there are some parts that don’t use their powers all the time. One part that caught my eye is how brutal car accident in the episode “Dawn of The Groomer” which gave me an idea of my new anti-villain OC character named Alza Flare. Sadly, he does have an image of him yet. But I will tell you that I will give you an interesting revenge story for him.
The Best Surfer In The World (Surf’s Up Spinoff. Maybe a working a title and synopsis change) - After the events of Surf's Up and Surf's Up 2: Wavemania. There was once a wolf who lives in the place of Chicago Illinois. He quit his own career due to being a rejected member of Hang 5 for being too unstable and after beating J.C. in a tournament years ago and after his early retirement, he spends his normal life as an ice cream man in his own ice-cream motorcycle with one of his own freshest ingredients and swears to himself that he would never in the waters again. Until he met a young Toyger.
Surf’s Up is my first favorite mockumentaries since I was young. It’s like you are watching animals andromorphic animals absolutely existed in the world we live in. It had an interesting story and writing so are the interesting characters. But when I watched Surf’s Up Wavemania. Well, I honestly love the WWE Superstars and Diva came into the movie but the story did not actually surprise me a lot. Even if the movie has a lot of beautiful locations it still did not surprise me enough because it is more like an adventure than a tournament. That is why I am planning to start my fanfiction in a new different approach with a real story and a real rivalry. Starting with wolf inspired and based on CM Punk during the part when he won the WWE belt against Cena in Money in the Bank when I watched it since intermediate school with a little rename change so it won’t be obvious. And of course, my Toyger OC because he would be trained by his own surfing master. Also, I added a Slam City easter egg
Fire Pro Wrestling World Origins: Story of 2 Angels – There is no synopsis of them yet. But I will tell you they are brother and sister with the last name “Angel” The brother who is a pop artist while the sister who joined a motorcycle club. What they both have in common is they both can fight. Their stories about my 2 new Fire Pro OCs will be coming soon. But they are not part of the fighting roads.
Well, that is all for all the future stories with some summaries that I really want to share coming soon. Thanks for following including Wattpad
For those who are new here follow me on both Tumblr and Wattpad with the orange word link
Feel free to donate to me in PayPal
Also making fanfic is really long to make just like making an announcement. So again. I only post all chapters in 1 book.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How the Jaws Scene in Back to the Future Part 2 Predicted Modern Blockbusters
Back to the Future Part II is a strange movie. As a sequel that director Robert Zemeckis and screenwriter Bob Gale never intended to make, the ambitious follow-up to one of the greatest sci-fi comedies of all time was put into production simultaneously with Part III, which may have ultimately hurt the middle chapter since Zemeckis was still shooting scenes filmed in the Old West while editing Part II’s trippy vision of the then distant future…of 2015.
Even so, there are elements in the second Back to the Future that still play like gangbusters today, particularly in the sequences set during 2015. To be sure, part of the charm now is what those wild guesses about the future got wrong—such as the idea we’d all be driving around in flying cars, or even simply own cheap cars that didn’t run on fossil fuels. There were no real hover boards in 2015 (or 2021 for that matter), nor even automated Texaco pumps. Yet what Back to the Future Part II got very right is the numbing horror of something like Jaws 19.
Indeed, one of the best bits in the whole film is a slight dig at BTTF’s own studio, as well as the legacy of the film’s producer. The original Jaws is of course the first modern Hollywood blockbuster and it put Steven Spielberg on the map. With its innovative storytelling of leaving the monster to the imagination before finally providing the spectacle in the third act, Jaws is a masterpiece in narrative restraint that could still play for all audiences.
…Which is something no one would say about the three cash-in Jaws sequels that Universal Pictures green lit in the span of 12 years after 1975. In fact, when Back to the Future Part II was released in ’89, it’d only been two years since Jaws: The Revenge, the one where the ghost of Jaws went Bahamas and chased the Chief Brody character’s widow to the Caribbean while on a vendetta for what happened in ’75. It’s kind of hilarious.
As is the scene in Back to the Future Part II. In that sequence, Michael J. Fox’s Marty McFly stands slack jawed in the middle of Hill Valley’s town square, the same space that was so memorably used in the first BTTF film where Marty was forced to finally accept he’d traveled to the year 1985. In the sequel, he comes to realize what it means to be in 2015 when he turns around to face the local multiplex, which has only one film on its marquee: Jaws 19. And then to demonstrate to Marty the state of 21st century special effects, the “HOLOMAX” release teases its thrills as a holographic Great White Shark emerges from the building and descends on Marty’s head.
Perhaps like many an audience member who choked on their popcorn kernels in ’75 with fear, Marty screams bloody murder—and then realizes it’s just a movie and scoffs, “The shark still looks fake.” Yes, it always did, but at least in the first movie that didn’t matter so much.
At the time, the scene was a nice dig at Universal’s expense as well as the Jaws franchise as a whole. What was once the most revolutionary Hollywood movie of 1975 had become a punchline by 1989: a once glorious title that’d been run into the ground with endless cash grab sequels. And the joke is even funnier because of the “19” in the title. Nineteen movies of the same franchise. Could you even imagine?!
Oh, how sweet the irony is, then, that one of the most absurd notions in Back to the Future Part II turned out to be the most true! No, there haven’t been 19 Jaws movies (yet), but that might be by virtue of the studio churning the franchise’s mystique into putty before Gen-Xers and Millennials could grow up with it beneath unsullied nostalgia glasses. Nevertheless, the future where Jaws 19 could exist came true.
Consider that we scoff at the idea of 19 Jaws movies being made in 40 years, but Marvel Studios has released 25 pictures in only 13, with two more due out before Christmas 2021. And that doesn’t even include the television shows that are now coming to dominate Disney+.
I know what some will say: Marvel movies are a series of interconnected franchises, as opposed to one amorphous content farm. But that’s not entirely accurate. There are exceptions, of course, which stand out as singularly distinct from other MCU efforts. There’s Black Panther, for instance. That 2018 Oscar nominee is totally removed from the events of The Avengers, you might say. Then there’s Guardians of the Galaxy and its wacky space opera shenanigans occurring literal light years away from the events of Iron Man 3.
And yet, the appeal for most moviegoers, and the brilliance of Marvel’s marketing strategy, is that they all seem like the same thing to the undiscerning eye. And even to the discerning one, there is a pat familiarity to the formula, story beats, and sitcom-esque ability to wink at the audience at its own silliness. Tonally, they all feel of one piece. Hence why the first Shang-Chi movie was gladly welcomed by the industry last month as Marvel’s latest blockbuster hit—a feat borne in large off it being the next Marvel movie, as opposed to a new original property without a built-in audience.
It’s an aspect to the whole series which caused Dune director Denis Villeneuve to suggest that some Marvel movies are “cut and paste.” It’s also a formula which aids the studio to force its millions of fans to see it “as all connected” and be encouraged to go see the Ant-Man sequel they might otherwise skip in order to discover how its post-credits scene will set up the deus ex machina for Avengers: Endgame.
And that aforementioned Black Panther originally had its protagonist introduced in Captain America: Civil War, an Avengers movie by another name. It’s also the only “Cap” flick to cross $1 billion because they stuck Iron Man in it. Similarly, James Gunn’s Guardians films are genuinely auteur-driven, yet they still worked as a years-long tease of Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame’s big bad: Thanos. Hell, Infinity War’s biggest selling point in the trailer was seeing the Avengers and Guardians meet face-to-face for the first time.
The methods and talent being used to produce these endless sequels are far more sophisticated and entertaining than the hack work which produced Jaws: The Revenge, but then that’s why Jaws only lasted four movies and Marvel’s already mapping out its 30th “event” in the next few years.
This is not meant to only criticize Marvel, however. They are simply the most successful studio at exploiting their intellectual property in the 21st century. Universal’s own Fast and Furious movies aren’t half bad at that game, though. This summer just saw the 10th “Fast Saga” movie when you count Hobbs and Shaw. And while Vin Diesel claims the 11th main line Fast and Furious movie will be the last, you just know with its own Avengers-sized cast that Hobbs and Shaw will be merely the first spinoff franchise from “the family.”
Even Spielberg, who was reportedly never happy with the Jaws sequels and what they did to his first masterwork, has been much more ready to “open up” later successes like Jurassic Park. Considered a “smart” blockbuster entertainment in 1993 that inspired genuine awe from millions of moviegoers, that film’s fourth sequel (which was produced by Spielberg, like all the follow-ups) reveled in watching dinosaurs stalk around a haunted house, as if they were Frankenstein and Dracula. Next year’s Jurassic World: Dominion is supposedly intended to be the “final” film of the three most recent, Chris Pratt-led sequels, as well as another sendoff to the original 1993 movie’s cast. Yet it seems dubious that it’ll be the last film set in that “universe.”
After all, the “Skywalker Saga” ended with a whimper in 2019’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but Disney is preparing to churn out more Star Wars movies and TV shows than ever before in the next decade.
This is not to say you should feel ashamed for enjoying any of these movies or franchises. Folks like what they like. But what Back to the Future Part II perhaps unintentionally predicted was that audiences would have an appetite for a proverbial Jaws 19.
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When BTTF became a trilogy, sequels were still seen as a creatively risky proposition. Filmmakers often maintained artistic credibility by attempting to turn sequels into a larger thematic whole—often as a trilogy. Lucas set that standard with Star Wars, and only after his buddy Francis Ford Coppola claimed he’d never make another Godfather movie after Part II. Spielberg originally walked away from Indiana Jones after three movies, and many likely wish he’d stayed firm about that in retrospect. Meanwhile, Zemeckis and Gale have done the near impossible thing: refuse to allow Universal to make a fourth Back to the Future movie or reboot the series entirely.
But equivocations in the industry about a proverbial Jaws 19 are long gone. What was once a cheeky riff on the dystopian Coca-Cola billboard ads in Blade Runner have become a modern day reality in 2021. And hey, there’s now a real holographic Times Square billboard ad for that, too.
The post How the Jaws Scene in Back to the Future Part 2 Predicted Modern Blockbusters appeared first on Den of Geek.
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sol1056 · 6 years
This is what my inbox looks like, now. One ask after another, and none of them happy. Are you paying attention, @dreamworksanimation​, @voltron​? Because this is what a dedicated and loyal fandom looks like when it gets tired of its loyalty being rewarded with nothing but contempt. 
Do the EPs themselves even care about their story anymore? Because at this point it feels more like they just warped it into a personal vendetta against the higher ups after they were forced to change their original vision. Trying to reinforce that their ideas were right, instead of adapting like professionals.
And then re-litigating their position in every interview, too, along with being really noisy about their animosity for the character they were forced to keep. 
More behind the cut.
If they had time to include pointless scenes with a space wolf they could have, idk, maybe used that screentime for some character development. But then again that requires basic writing skills and not copy-pasting your series together.
In twenty years of fandom, I have honestly never seen a hatch job of a season quite like S7. It’s one for the books, certainly. 
I still find it sad how many groups from different sides of a fandom can actually give a damn about its characters, story, world, and pacing while the actual writers themselves couldn’t even give a shit.
The EPs should’ve stuck with storyboarding.  
How could they disappoint so many fans? Every corner of the fandom is disappointed at VLD. When I started reading metas, I was certain the story was getting shitty just because of nostalgia, but now? After S7? To me sounds more like spite. "We can't do what we want so we'll make it shitty because we're children that don't want to listen to our bosses."
My own boss would string me up if I were to boast about a full do-over when the product was already in the can. She’d draw and quarter me on top of that, if I also publicly specified what the clients almost got, but didn’t.  
The only way I would watch a VLD spinoff is if JDS & LM were not producing it. I know that there would probably be lots of logistical complications that would come with that, but personally I just cannot sit through another show where the plot development is as nonsensical as VLD's currently is. I don't see how new writers could do worse tbh. If Netflix does a spinoff I hope they keep the same art team and animation studio but get new EPs, writers, and directors.
Agreed, but at this point, DW’s lost a lot of good faith from me. She-Ra’s been knocked right off my to-watch list. If this is how DW execs manage their projects, I’m not willing to risk falling down this rabbit-hole again.  
I felt uncomfortable when the season came out, and they started patting themselves on the back for choosing not to give Shiro a happy ending. I hope these EPs never get another show.
I’ll be keeping a careful eye on IMDB in the future. From other conversations, I know I’m not alone. I see those two names pop up, and it’s an immediate and flat no. Once was enough. More than enough. 
Petition to fire the EPs and everyone responsible for changing the story 2/3 parts in and violating everything it stood for and disrespecting the characters and the audience, and hire a new capable and respectful staff to rewrite the series from the point where everything was changed. An (actual) apology from DW and the story rewritten to be what it was supposed to. They owe us that.
Or find whomever did S1/S2, and put them back in charge. I’d be willing to forgo a formal apology, if DW just made clear they were fixing things -- whether that’s the staff or the story. Just do something.  
I wanna know the part DW played in this. That interview cleared up that DW didn't object and the EPs didn't have to fight. So did they go to DW with THIS specific storyline? 4 dead gays, 1 resurrected just to suffer, 2 evil ones? And that's what they were OK with & greenlighted? Or did the EPs go with 'just Shiro is gay & there's 3 more queer characters' and they got the OK and wrote and animated the rest themselves and showed that? Because "DW didn't find anything wrong morally" (as they said) is very different between these two cases.
That’s the statement I’d like to hear from DW: just where do they stand on that? Because you’re right, there’s a huge difference. Did the execs think they were okaying mild LGBT representation, or did they know and approve a double whammy of Bury Your Gays? Or did they know and figure controversy was better than silence? It’s a matter of degree.
Who's really to blame for how VLD is handled story-wise? The EP's or the higher ups at DW? Assuming that the DW execs get the final say, then they're the ones that okay'd the clone storyline and making Keith the BP for good while Shiro is turned into a side character.
I have no idea, but we’re three weeks out, now, and no one’s getting any happier. The longer it goes on, the more it’s all going to be associated not with this one production staff, but the entirety of DW’s TV brand. 
If DW has their shit together (not allowing the EPs to kill Shiro which was smart), it looks like DW trusted the EPs but the EPs failed. If DW apologizes to us and fires the EPs for the many things they did wrong in VLD, and announces a sequel with competent and decent creators who will fix the series to respect the S1/S2 premise, I'd watch it.
I might, but I’d need to see the new staff’s IMDB credits, first. DW has lost the benefit of the doubt from me, after this utter destruction of a childhood favorite. And even then, the very first sign of a multiple-minority character being treated as the series’ punching bag? Outta there. 
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italianaradio · 4 years
20 cinecomic Marvel e DC dell’ultima decade mai realizzati
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/20-cinecomic-marvel-e-dc-dellultima-decade-mai-realizzati/
20 cinecomic Marvel e DC dell’ultima decade mai realizzati
20 cinecomic Marvel e DC dell’ultima decade mai realizzati
20 cinecomic Marvel e DC dell’ultima decade mai realizzati
L’ultimo decennio è stato davvero rivoluzionario per i supereroi dei fumetti, al cinema. Basta pensare che nel 2010 gli Avengers non esistevano ancora, bisognava aspettare il 2012, che La Trilogia del Cavaliere Oscuro era in corso e che Spider-Man e X-Men erano brand forti in mano alla Fox.
Sono cambiate tante cose nel corso di questi 10 anni, e a fronte di molti film arrivati in sala con grande successo, soprattutto dai Marvel Studios, molti altri progetti messi in cantiere non sono poi stati realizzati. Ecco di seguito 20 cinecomic Marvel e DC dell’ultima decade mai realizzati (e il motivo per cui non sono mai stati realizzati).
X-Men/Fantastic Four/Daredevil/Deadpool Crossover
I dettagli su questo progetto sono venuti alla luce solo recentemente, ma nel 2010, gli sceneggiatori Zack Stentz e Ashley Edward Miller sono stati assunti da Fox per scrivere un film di squadra con tutti i personaggi Marvel di Fox. Ciò significa che avremmo visto X-Men, Fantastic Four, Deadpool e Daredevil condividere tutti lo schermo contemporaneamente!
Il film avrebbe battuto Capitan America: Civil War sul tempo, visto che avrebbe dovuto parlare del Superhuman Registration Act e del conflitto che avrebbe visto questi eroi iconici schierarsi a favore e contro l’atto. Lo sceneggiatore di fumetti Warren Ellis ha accettato la sceneggiatura ed è stata offerta la regia a Paul Greengrass. Sfortunatamente, i problemi di pianificazione hanno impedito al progetto di andare avanti.
The Runaways
The Runaways è diventata una serie di tre stagioni su Hulu, ma nel progetto iniziale doveva essere un film.
Lo sceneggiatore di fumetti che ha creato la squadra, Brian K. Vaughan, è stato inizialmente ingaggiato per scriverne la sceneggiatura e nell’aprile 2010, Peter Sollett ha accettato di dirigere e lo sceneggiatore di Iron Man 3, Drew Pearce, ha partecipato al progetto. Tuttavia, poco più di un anno dopo che il progetto è stato accantonato poiché i Marvel Studios si sono invece concentrati su The Avengers.
Mentre per un certo periodo è stata plausibile una versione del film nella Fase 3 del MCU, Feige non era così interessato a questa giovane squadra di eroi, quindi Jeph Loeb ha finito per portarla in tv.
Sinister Six
Prima che The Amazing Spider-Man 2 uccidesse effettivamente quella versione dell’arrampicamuri, il piano di produzione era che Drew Goddard prendesse il timone di uno spinoff sui Sinister Six. Le basi per questo film erano state goffamente gettate negli ultimi minuti di quel sequel, e lo spin-off avrebbe visto l’eroe costretto a lavorare con questa squadra di criminali.
Ci si aspettava che un Sandman di dimensioni giganti e un Norman Osborn di ritorno si inserissero in Sinister Six, ma oltre a ciò, non sappiamo davvero che cosa avrebbe comportato il film.
Con la Sony Pictures che si è poi rivolta ai Marvel Studios per riportare ancora una volta in vita Spider-Man, il film è stato demolito, ma le voci insistono verso la ripresa del progetto. Per un po’, si diceva persino che Goddard avrebbe assunto la regia di Spider-Man: Homecoming, andata poi a Jon Watts.
The Batman
The Batman si è rivelata un’esperienza frustrante per i fan, visto che dopo l’annuncio ufficiale, il progetto ha cominciato a perdere i pezzi. Ben Affleck ha gradualmente abbandonato la regia, la produzione, la sceneggiatura e infine anche il ruolo dell’Uomo Pipistrello, chiudendo nel cassetto la storia che aveva scritto con Geoff Johns.
I dettagli della trama non sono mai stati realmente rivelati, ma si diceva che l’Arkham Asylum fosse l’ambientazione principale, mentre Joe Manganiello è stato successivamente scelto come il malvagio Deathstroke. Si pensa che il cattivo avrebbe preso di mira l’eroe mentre era stato assunto da Lex Luthor affamato di vendetta, ma quando il DC Extended Universe iniziò a sgretolarsi, nessuno si è meravigliato che il film non abbia trovato seguito.
Il progetto di un nuovo film su Batman è ora nelle mani di Matt Reeves, con Robert Pattinson nel ruolo.
Justice League: Parte Due
I fan di Zack Snyder chiedono ancora una Snyder Cut di Justice League, ma che dire del sequel che ora non vedrà mai la luce del giorno? Il film era originariamente concepito come un epico racconto due parti, ma quando Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ha incassato meno di quanto ci si aspettava, lo studio ha deciso di rivedere i piani sul dittico.
Basandoci su quel poco che sappiamo, Justice League: Parte Due ci avrebbe portato nella desolata terra che abbiamo visto nella visione “Knightmare” di Batman, con Darkseid e un malvagio Superman.
Dopo che Channing Tatum ha espresso il suo interesse per il ruolo di Gambit, il produttore di lunga data degli X-Men, Lauren Shuler Donner, non ha perso tempo nel ingaggiarlo per interpretare il mutante.
Sfortunatamente, non c’era davvero un vero e proprio progetto in cantiere e il film su Gambit cominciò rapidamente a diventare un miraggio (Tatum ha persino abbandonato a un certo punto, ma si riteneva che fosse una tattica di negoziazione in modo da poter guadagnare più soldi per il ruolo).
Proprio quando sembrava finalmente che potesse diventare realtà – Fox ha anche fissato una data di uscita per il 2020 – la fusione Disney / Fox ha demolito il film una volta per tutte.
The Incredible Hulk 2
Quando The Incredible Hulk è uscito al cinema, era chiaro che Edward Norton non sarebbe mai stato convinto a riprendere il ruolo di Bruce Banner nell’ancora giovanissimo Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Una volta c’erano piani per un sequel, e Tim Blake Nelson ha recentemente rivelato che il suo personaggio sarebbe diventato The Mantle nel sequel. Sembrava quindi che il Gigante di Giada sarebbe tornato in sala da solo dopo The Avengers, ma l’acquisizione dei Marvel Studios da parte della Disney ha sancito la fine del progetto. La Universal infatti detiene i diritti di distribuzione del film. Quindi non si è fatto nessun accordo.
Di conseguenza, Hulk è diventato un personaggio non protagonista nei franchise di The Avengers e Thor.
Gli inumani saranno probabilmente ricordati come una delle peggiori cose che la Marvel (beh, la loro divisione TV) abbia mai fatto, e mentre Jeph Loeb ha preso una enorme cantonata con l’adattamento di questi personaggi, è stato proprio Kevin Feige a decidere di non portarli al grande schermo.
Rispetto a Game of Thrones, sembrava che questo prodotto sarebbe stato buono almeno quanto gli altri film dei Marvel Studios, ma Feige è stato spinto a farlo perché il CEO di Marvel Entertainment Isaac Perlmutter voleva sostituire gli X-Men e i Fantastici Quattro con Gli Inumani dei fumetti, una strategia che si è rivelata un fallimento completo.
Come accennato, lo show televisivo ha finito per non avere nessun tipo di successo e ora girano voci che Feige potrebbe riavviare i personaggi per inserirli nella serie di Miss Marvel in produzione con Disney +.
Venom è uscito nel 2018 e ha ricevuto una risposta mista ma originariamente doveva assumere una forma molto diversa, ma quel film ovviamente non è stato realizzato. Un film su Venom / Carnage ha attraversato diversi stadi di produzione ed è passato per molte mani per diventare parte della serie di The Amazing Spider-Man. Alex Kurtzman avrebbe dovuto dirigere e produrre il film, insieme ad una squadra che includeva anche Avi Arad, Matt Tolmach, Roberto Orci ed Ed Solomon. Tuttavia, il franchise del di Spider-Man è crollato e la Sony Pictures è tornata al tavolo da disegno, quindi il film – che era diventato noto come “Venom Carnage” – non è stato portato avanti.
Più tardi, la Sony avrebbe ridisegnato il personaggio nella versione che abbiamo visto l’anno scorso, ma è difficile non chiedersi cosa sarebbe potuto succedere se il progetto di cui abbiamo parlato fosse arrivata nei cinema.
Fantastic Four 2
Che ci crediate o no, Fox era così fiduciosa nella visione che Josh Trank aveva di Fantastic Four che aveva programmato un sequel per il 2017 prima ancora che uscisse il primo film! I piani del regista furono pesantemente cambiati dal produttore Simon Kinberg il quale scrisse e diresse delle riprese che trasformarono il riavvio in un disastro totale. Inutile dire che quel sequel non è mai avvenuto!
Tuttavia, c’è stato un tempo in cui Fox ha pensato di andare avanti con un sequel che avrebbe usato stesso cast e tono, ma le orribili performance al botteghino e le recensioni hanno chiuso quella porta per sempre (così come il fatto che nessuno dei convolti sembrava desideroso di tornare).
Si dice che sia Galactus che Silver Surfer avrebbero dovuto apparire in una scena post-credits del film del 2014 al fine di preparare il palcoscenico per quel sequel, ma sono stati rimossi per motivi di bilancio e Fox ha deciso di portare la serie in una direzione diversa, o con un film di Doctor Doom o con un film sui Fantastici Quattro che avrebbe avuto luogo dal punto di vista dei loro figli.
Quando Warner Bros. decise di svelare la sua lista completa della DC Films, praticamente tutti furono sorpresi nel vedere che un film su Cyborg era in programma per il del 2019. Dopotutto, per quanto Victor Stone possa far parte della Justice League, non è esattamente un personaggio che possiamo facilmente immaginare protagonista di un film tutto suo, e senza sceneggiatore o regista, nessuno è stato davvero sorpreso nel constatare che il film non si sarebbe fatto.
Da allora l’eroe è stato usato in televisione in Doom Patrol, e non sembrano esserci piani per il grande schermo per il supereroe.
Logan è stato una mossa audace da parte di Fox in quanto ha preso il Wolverine PG-13 di successo commerciale e lo ha gettato in un ambiente R-Rated per un film che alla fine si è rivelato un successo critico ed economico (si diceva addirittura che potesse ambire agli Oscar, dove è arrivato come nominato alla migliore sceneggiatura non originale).
Alla fine del film, Hugh Jackman era giunto al termine della sua carriera come Wolverine, ma era stata lasciata aperta una porta per uno spin-off che ruotava attorno alla Laura / X-23 di Dafne Keen.
Il regista James Mangold avrebbe dovuto iniziare a lavorare su questo poco dopo aver terminato Le Mans ’66, ma mentre era al lavoro sul film biografico, la fusione tra Disney e Fox è avvenuta e presto è stato chiaro che esplorare questa versione del personaggio non sarebbe stata una priorità nel riavvio del franchise degli X-Men ai Marvel Studios.
Green Lantern Corps
È stato recentemente rivelato che la HBO è al lavoro su una serie tv su Green Lantern, tramite HBO Max, il suo servizio di streaming. Un report successivo ha affermato che il film di Green Lantern Corps rimane una priorità per Warner Bros. Col passare del tempo è diventato chiaro che non sarebbe mai stato realizzato prima del 2020.
Lanterna Verde non è stato nemmeno inclusa nella Justice League nonostante fosse un membro fondatore della squadra secondo The New 52, e per quanto i fan fossero infuriati, probabilmente la decisione è stata della Warner Bros. che voleva creare la giusta distanza tra il disastroso film del 2011. Sarebbe bello vedere il film ma, per ora, rimane bloccato nel limbo.
The Flash
Seguire il viaggio di The Flash è stato frustrante quasi quanto quello di The Batman, come negli ultimi anni il film ha avuto diversi registi, scrittori e trame.
Il film si è trasformato, prima doveva essere un adattamento di Flashpoint, in seguito si è trasformato in un buddy movie in squadra con Cyborg e, a un certo punto, Ezra Miller, l’interprete, ha persino arruolato lo sceneggiatore dei fumetti Grant Morrison per creare una versione più scura che sperava che la Warner Bros approvasse.
Al momento il film di Flash non uscirà a breve, anche se la Warenr Bros ha deciso che la regia sarà affidata a Andy Muschietti di IT.
The Amazing Spider-Man 3/4
Chiaramente fiduciosa che The Amazing Spider-Man 2 sarebbe stato un enorme successo, la Sony Pictures finì per spendere troppi soldi per il sequel diminuendo il margine di profitto e finendo a gambe all’aria.
Prima che il film fallisse e Andrew Garfield offendesse i boss della Sony non riuscendo a partecipare a una cena in Giappone, erano stati annunciati altri due film del franchise ed era già stato pianificato il film sui Sinister Six.
The Amazing Spider-Man 3 avrebbe avuto a che fare con una sorta di pozione magica di risurrezione che avrebbe riportato in vita personaggi del calibro di Gwen Stacy, Norman Osborn e il Capitano Stacy e, onestamente, forse è meglio che il film non sia mai stato realizzato.
The New Mutants
La saga di The New Mutants è attualmente in corso e ora siamo tutti costretti ad aspettare e vedere se uscirà davvero ad aprile 2020. Nonostante il film possa plausibilmente arrivare proprio ad aprile in Italia, sembra strano, vista l’intenzione di Kevin Feige di riavviare tutto il franchise.
Quando il film era già pronto per la distribuzione, la Fox ordinò riprese aggiuntive per modificarne il tono.
Quelle riprese non sono mai avvenute, e dopo diversi ritardi, The New Mutants è nelle mani della Disney … e molto probabilmente si sta dirigendo verso una (molto) tranquilla uscita sul servizio di streaming Disney +!
Sì, Ant-Man è uscito nel 2015 e se si considera Ant-Man e The Wasp, in effetti, ci sono stati due film con questo supereroe dalle dimensioni ridotte in un ruolo da protagonista negli ultimi dieci anni (è apparso anche in entrambi Capitan America e Avengers: Endgame). Quindi, perché il film è incluso in questo elenco?
Perché non siamo mai riusciti a vedere Ant-Man di Edgar Wright! SI è messo al lavoro sul progetto per la prima volta al progetto nel 2006, ma l’ha lasciato nel 2014 con la giustificazione: “Volevo fare un film Marvel ma non credo che loro volessero davvero fare un film di Edgar Wright”. Lui non ha mai rivelato i dettagli della trama, ma si pensa che Scott Lang avrebbe combattuto la malvagia formica nera di Hank Pym.
Le cose andarono in pezzi tra Wright e Marvel Studios quando usarono sceneggiatori interni per aggiungere più collegamenti al MCU, e sembra che non sia qualcosa su cui il regista era d’accordo con lo studio.
Doctor Doom
Con l’interesse per i Fantastici Quattro a un minimo storico a causa di quel terribile riavvio del 2015, Fox ha deciso di arruolare Noun Hawley, showrunner di Legion, per occuparsi della storia delle origini di Doctor Doom.
Sulla carta, sembrava un’ottima idea (anche se Doom è al suo meglio quando fa il villain) e sono state rivelate alcune cose della trama, in cui sembrava che il personaggio fosse destinato ad abbattere il dittatore di Latveria, sua città natale, che era stata chiusa sotto a una cupola.
Hawley ha incontrato Kevin Feige dopo che la fusione tra Disney e Fox ha fermato il progetto, ma non sembra che questo film con l’iconico criminale diventerà realtà nonostante le voci di una serie Disney +.
Silver & Black
Nonostante abbia collaborato con i Marvel Studios per l’acclamato Spider-Man: Homecoming, la Sony Pictures era ancora determinata a lanciare una serie di spin-off, tra cui un film guidato da donne che ruota attorno ai famosi personaggi secondari Black Cat e Silver Sable.
Gina Prince-Bythewood era stata assunta per dirigere il film dal titolo il titolo Silver & Black, e mentre la produzione stava per iniziare a marzo 2018, dei problemi legati alla sceneggiatura hanno comportato un ritardo “indefinito”.
Ciò ha portato alla perdita della sua data di uscita, prevista per l’8 febbraio 2019, e in seguito è stato rivelato che il film era stato cancellato e i due personaggi avranno due film dedicati. Secondo quanto riferito, Prince-Bythewood produrrà entrambi, ma non ci sono aggiornamenti da molto tempo ormai, quindi o sono stati accantonati o semplicemente non sono una priorità per Sony Pictures in questo momento.
Gotham City Sirens
Quando i critici e gli spettatori hanno criticato il tono oscuro di Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, alla Warner Bros. si sono fatti prendere dal panico e hanno ordinato le riprese di Suicide Squad film con una atmosfera completamente differente.
Mentre sarebbe diventato un successo al botteghino, l’adattamento della DC Comicsè stato massacrato dalla critica e quindi non è stata una vera sorpresa quando i piani che vedevano David Ayer dirigere Gotham City Sirens sono stati cambiati. Non sappiamo fino a che punto fosse arrivato, ma era destinato a raccontare di Catwoman, Poison Ivy e Harley Quinn.
Con Birds of Prey in uscita, è probabile che questo progetto sia invece morto.
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
20 cinecomic Marvel e DC dell’ultima decade mai realizzati
L’ultimo decennio è stato davvero rivoluzionario per i supereroi dei fumetti, al cinema. Basta pensare che nel 2010 gli Avengers non esistevano ancora, bisognava aspettare il 2012, che La Trilogia del Cavaliere Oscuro era in corso e che Spider-Man e X-Men erano brand forti in mano alla Fox. Sono cambiate tante cose nel corso di […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Ooooo Yandere RO you say? *steeple figures together whilst grinning* 😏 Well well well, My interest has indeed been piqued.
That brings to question though...Will I still flirt with other characters or accept their advances? Yes, yes I will. Is it a good idea while going for an Yandere LI? No, no it isn't. Will I regret it, Who knows. Lmao!!
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I see that you guys are pumped and ready for the sequel Yandere RO 😆
Well, I suppose I can reveal a bit on my plan for them. Right now, I’m planning to let readers to be able to choose whether sequel MC and them were either friends or friends-with-benefit type of thing before they had a “fallout”. These all took place before the events in the sequel 🤔
Of course, I’m still in the pretty early planning stage for the sequel (I still have a whole book to finish first 💀), so, I can’t really reveal anything more for now because they’re more uncertain.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
your hc of 40 yo leon going full dicaprio absolutely killed me. but so, i was wondering, since you mentioned this was about OG leon and not remake leon, where do you draw the line between OG and remake in terms of movies? do you consider that every cg movie featuring leon is OG leon, including death island and infinite darkness, or do you consider that cg movies that have been released AFTER the re2 remake can be apart of the remake timeline, let's say? cause if capcom decides to go for a whole new canon it would be really cool, but then i wonder how they would categorise the movies. logically i'd say the movies are still apart of the og timeline since they're built on the og events. but if the remake canon theory turns out to be true, it will be interesting to see where the movies fall in terms of timeline
Look, man, I'm just sayin. With Leon being "The Protector" archetype, there's no way this man doesn't have a nurture kink. And if he's going to be filling in a nurturing role with girls who are going to want to call him Daddy, he may as well just go all the way with it and fuck girls who are legitimately young enough to be his daughter. Just go full YOLO with it, because it's either that or drink more.
Basically, I'm going off how the title logo looks. If it's in the style of RESIDENT EVIL then it's remake series. They're the only games that do this because the R and the E being red is supposed to be like. RE-Resident Evil 2, aka, Remake-Resident Evil 2.
And I look at it this way because, if the intention is to make the remake games their own spinoff series, Capcom is going to have to find a way to clearly label which title goes where. And right now, the only thing that's been uniform and distinctive among the remake titles has been the coloring of the logo.
So, yes. All of the CGI movies are OG canon, including Infinite Darkness and Death Island -- especially Death Island, since it's being referred to in marketing as a direct sequel to Vendetta. Literally only the remakes of 2, 3, and 4 are in the remake "timeline" so far.
Though I guess you could throw the original REmake in there, too -- because the events of the Spencer Mansion incident still had to have happened for RE3make to happen, so. It would have to be the original REmake, even if the logo isn't uniform.
At least for now. Who knows, Capcom could go stone cold fuck nuts and remake RE1 again just for the remake series or someshit.
But other than RE1make, there will be no overlapping titles. That's the point of making it a new series. The remake series isn't bound to anything the OG canon has done, and they can (and will) throw shit the fuck out that they don't want in there anymore -- especially the CGI movies, because they're not games and no one is attached to them and no one cares. So, if they don't want Damnation to happen in the remake-verse? Bye. BYE DAMNATION. SEE YA.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
craving some angst because i like hurting my own feelings 💀💀 how would sequel MC family (luka, jackal, older brother of sequel MC) react if sequel MC were to fail an assassination and as a consequence end up losing their life?
This is so cruel, especially for Luka 😭😭 This is, of course, assuming your MC has good relationships with all three of them 😰
Also, this might not be fully final for now, but I'm pretty confident I'll end up choosing Konstantin as the sequel MC's big brother's name 😉
I spent too much time writing out a drabble for this ask, but there are just some ideas that immediately made me wanna write something for it 😆 Well, this one's one of them! Enjoy the drabble!
“They dropped their body right in front of the gate. It was dark and we couldn’t really see the people in the car nor the car’s license plate,” the guard informs you nervously. “I’m so sorry, sir.”
But the words feel distant to you. “Leave,” someone commands the guard. Wait, it’s you. You can barely recognize your own choked voice.
There’s a rustle of clothes—the guard bowing, you suppose—before the door opens and closes. Stepping closer to the dining table, where they laid the body, you feel your stomach sinking and the familiar and cold fingers of grief and sorrow closes over your heart once again.
You stand over the drenched body, looking down at your now-dead child. It’s hard to kill a haemokinetic in battle. For every drop of blood leaking out of your body, they can heal the wounds you dealt them.
Except, of course, if you manage to wound them so severely without bleeding yourself, or a killing shot straight through a vital organ. In your child’s case, it’s a clean shot straight through the head. Probably wouldn’t have even felt it… You hope…
A choked sob tears through your throat. Maybe it’s better to cry it all out before Tyoma and Kostya hear of this—
Suddenly, the door is thrown open, jolting you a bit. Snapping your head up, you’re ready to lash out against the intruder, but your gaze softens immediately as you see that it’s your husband and son who walk in.
Kostya lets out a scream of anguish as he quickly runs to the table you’re standing by. He kneels and grabs his siblings cold hand in his, muttering something that you can’t make out. You know how painful it must be for Kostya. Despite his lighthearted teasings, he actually cares so much about his little sibling and always tries his best to protect them.
You feel a familar touch on your arm and you turn to see Tyoma. He looks sad and determined at the same time, but when he lays eyes on your face, his face soften into a concerned one immediately.
Huh, do you look even worse than you thought? You feel numb right now. Must’ve been the shock. In the next few hours, as the realization starts to dawn… Shaking your head, you try to dispel the thought.
You don’t really want to leave this numb spell right now. You don’t want to break down in front of your grieving husband and son. You want to be strong for them, like your father was when your brother died. Become an anchor, a tower that they can lean on in this hurricane.
Once they’re okay, and then you can grieve again. But it seems you can’t. You’re not as strong as your father was and as Tyoma reaches up to cup your cheek gently, the tears start to flow down.
You lean against the comforting touch, bending down as Tyoma brings your head to his chest, and strokes your hair lovingly. You sob against his clothes, “I’m so sorry, Tyoma. I failed my brother, and now I fail all of you again.”
Kostya lifts up his face, his light blue eyes glisten with tears. “What are you talking about, Dad? It’s not your fault.” He shakes his head before looking back at his sibling’s body. “I’m supposed to be the big brother—”
Your dear husband's hold tightens around you. "Stop it. The two of you. It's none of your fault." He cups your cheek gently and raises your head so you look up at him. "Luka, you're a perfect husband and I would never be able to picture being with someone else but you," he says softly.
"Yeah, you're a great dad, Dad," Kostya says, looking down at his dead sibling again. "And I know they also felt the same."
Tyoma nods. "We'll find the ones responsible and we'll have our revenge," he says coldly and Kostya's eyes harden as he snarls.
"Who," he growls out. "I'll hunt them down."
You want revenge as much as they do, but you don't think you can handle it if either your husband or your eldest child got killed because of this endeavour. You've lost too much in this life.
Gripping the front of his hoodie, you plead him, "Please... Just let the lieutenants and their soldiers handle it."
"But, Dad!" Kostya exclaims but quiets down when Tyoma sends him a look. Sometimes, you hate how they can communicate with each other with just a look.
"Okay... Okay," Tyoma reassures you softly. "I'll send them to try poking around to find out who did this."
"I'll reach out to the Aikawas and all our other contacts," Kostya says, promptly standing up and pulling out his phone before stepping out of the room.
"Tyoma..." you say, straightening back to your full height. "I know Kostya... He's gonna try find the ones who did this himself... I can't... I can't lose him or you or anyone. I don't think I'll be able to take it."
Your husband steps closer and lays his head on your left shoulder. You instinctively bring your arms around him. For a moment, the two of you just stand there, drawing comfort from each other's company.
"There's no use trying to stop him," he sighs. "I won't let him get out of my sight, so try not to worry too much, okay? Last thing we'd want is for you to get sick."
He lifts his head and looks up at you with such love and devotion, it manages to soothes the pain racking through your heart slightly.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
We'll have a brother???? Please please pleaseee can you tell us about him a bit 🥺👉👈
I am begging you.
Hehe 🤭 Yes, sequel MC will have a big brother. I don’t have a definite name for him yet, but once I have it, I’ll reveal it.
He’s charming and more lighthearted like Viktor instead of being the stoic and gloomy/brooding person like Luka or Grandpa and Grandma 😉 So, yes, he’s one of those rare Morozovs 😆
But, don’t take his more laidback nature for weakness, because he’s just as ruthless as both of his fathers, of course 😊 He’ll torture you with a sharp charming smile still plastered on his face and dressed in his fancy three piece suit.
He’s also a good boi who really loves and cares for his family, including his little sibling.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
SOOO HAPPY ABOUT THE SEQUEL!!! I really love Vendetta and cannot wait to read more of your works (yandere RO??? sign me up!!!).
Since we will have an older brother in the sequel, will there be option to choose his name too? So we could have matching/similarly-themed name? I think that'd be super super cute T____T
(And as fellow Indonesian... please include option to call him with the proper family term..... i don't know russian but there's always 哥哥!!!)
Hehe, glad to see your enthusiasm for the Sequel Spin-off 🥰 And, hello to fellow Indonesian!
For the first question, sorry, I’m not really planning for a custom name for the big brother 😅 There will be a set name for him, and right now, I think I’ll stick with the name ‘Konstantin’ for him.
But, yes! I’ll include an option to let readers choose what nickname to call him, if MC has any for him, or maybe MC calls him by a title, like gēge that you suggested (which makes sense since Jackal’s native language is Chinese, after all).
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vendetta-if · 1 year
*Sighs* I know, I know... This shit again. But like, have you ever given thought to, uh... to sequel ROs? 👀👉👈
Just asking for a friend-
I have thought about the sequel ROs, but I’m still constantly changing and shaping them in my head slowly, so I can’t really tell you too much yet.
However… One thing that I’m more confident in is that one of the sequel ROs would be a Yandere RO 😉
I’ve always wanted to write a Yandere RO. Ash is not fully Yandere, but they kinda have characteristics of that archetype. If they were, they would be a goddamn menace for the other poor ROs tbh 😂 (except Rin).
But yeah, Yandere RO is very likely to come in the sequel 😁 I actually already have a bunch of songs fitting their vibe, but I haven’t made a playlist yet tho.
Nonetheless, let me share one of those songs whose lyrics match their vibes.
Habits - Mr. Kitty (feat. PASTEL GHOST)
At night I travel My nerves unravel It hurts to hide myself from you With care I held it Inside I felt it My favorite pain comes pack to me
Don't break me Don't let go Don't try to leave Let your habits control you
These blades I'm hiding Keep safe the tidings Of bridges crossed that soon collapsed No fear of falling Endlessly calling You make me feel like I'm alone
Don't break me Don't let go Don't try to leave Let your habits control you
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vendetta-if · 7 months
First (non-anon) ask in....actually just first! Been enjoying this since the first time you teased this whole project! Gabriel, my MC, has a mind of his own and decided to romance the Poly despite my initial attempts of sticking to either or. Now I'm not sure if it's been asked but I'm curious as to how that would play out in an ending with the sequel? Will it be mentioned or is the 'canon' ending up with either? Also if it is mentioned in any way in the sequel, how would the cast (Konstantin, Seq MC, etc) dynamics be?
All of the endings are technically canon endings, and your choice of RO and what you choose to be at the end (Vigilante, Heir, or Superhero) would be touched upon or at least mentioned in the sequel spinoff. Although, those who became heir, they might have more cameo than those who chose other endings simply because the spinoff sequel would be focused more on the underword operation of the city, so they are more relevant 🤔
As for the dynamics for Konstantin and the sequel MC… Kostya would always be fond and caring of his little sibling 🥺 Would love to tease them too every chance he’s got. He was raised to prioritize family over everything, just like the rest of the Morozovs.
Right now, the plan is that you’ll be able to choose what your sequel MC feels and thinks about him in general, which might impact some interactions with him.
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