#venus is a name right
2008hondacivic · 11 months
List 10 songs with 10 names in the titles that I like, and then tag 10 people.
Tagged by @jettewing :)
(thanks for the tag! this was fun and it was hard to choose just 10 songs)
Drew Barrymore - SZA
Go Gina - SZA
Agnes - Glass Animals
Dan the Dancer - Mitski
Demi Moore - Phoebe Bridgers
Anne - Santigold
Dylan Thomas - Better Oblivion Community Centre, Phoebe Bridgers, Conor Oberst
Goodbye Earl - The Chicks
Venus as a Boy - Björk
Jimmy Fallon Big! - Japanese Breakfast
Honourable mention: Lindsey - Japanese Breakfast (this is a cover)
I’m going to do the thing where you just say “whoever sees this! I tag you!” because I am shy lol! So, if you are seeing this and you would like to do the tag please do it and you can say I tagged you! :) (also it will give me new music to check out which is always appreciated!)
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the--firevenus · 2 months
That one world quest with cassadee where we try to help her realize that her idolization of merlin maybe not for who he is as a person, but rather what merlin represent.. Which is magic itself....
Anyways, take that concept and put it to when young mirael when she was still merlin student. In a sense, her adoration for merlin appear the same to cassadee idolization for merlin, and once merlin had said to young mirael; "are you sure you're adoring me for who I am or are you adoring merlin?" and for the longest time mirael was so sure what she likes about her mentor IS for who that person really is, not the title he carries, not what he represent as a whole. Merlin was mirael dearest and she so sure of that, so sure she looked for her mentor for 20 years...
Then she meet her dearest again, except... He's different. no longer the same person she remembers (and he doesn't remembers her)
So once again came in the question... Is it merlin she adore, or her dearest "mentor"?
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nanoa1foryou · 7 days
Fun fact! You could still get tickets to see Käärijä, Kuumaa, Erika Vikman X Benjamin, and Bess shows at Allas Sea Pool this summer!
Other fun fact! What the fuck do you mean Erika Vikman And Benjamin coheadliner show back to back with Käärijä? How is anyone supposed to survive both or choose just one? And how is Kuumaa the only one out of these that has sold out a show and gotten an additional date, when they had 2 to start out with and the most expensive tickets out of this group?
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uwu-scraptrappy · 6 months
Consider the Venus Flytrap and the Eye Vacuum. Both traps have to do with the eyes, but one must sacrifice the eye, while the other must save the eyes. Why are we not shipping the guys in the traps.
Consider this; Michael (Venus Flytrap) entrusting the janitor (Eye Vacuum) with the knife to cut out the key in his eye. As the janitor saws away at Michael's eyeball to get the key, Michael is flicking the dial to break the janitor's fingers, and through them begging the other not to die, to just hurt them because if they don't they both die, they survive. Can you imagine that. Come walk with me. I'll guide you.
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razzafrazzle · 7 months
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the madelines! moon, mars, venus, and uh... that guy?
[image description: four headshots of original characters. on the top left is moon, who is a dark-skinned older woman with short white afro hair and freckles. on the top right is an unnamed dark-skinned man with dyed burnt-orange locs pulled into a ponytail, stubble, one blind eye, and a large mole. on the bottom left in mars, a younger dark-skinned man with thicker dyed red locs, thick eyebrows, a dyed red goatee, and freckles. on the bottom right is venus, a younger dark-skinned woman with dark brown and blonde dyed hair pulled into afro puffs, small round eyebrows, and freckles. end id]
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1-800-cuupid · 9 months
can someone tell me how tf simsdom's ugly ass scraper bot is faster at posting my stuff than me tftf
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mitamicah · 3 months
Btw while already going to Ruisrock I decided to also get a ticket for Käärijä at Allas Sea Pool - if anybody has ideas for a sticker design for that show feel free to let me know :3
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mooflettes · 6 months
Tbh, I think that Pecharunt used to be mischievous but never causing any real trouble. But after being banished, he became a lot more malicious and revenge driven. I’d say he needed the masks so that he can absorb them and be able to see where Terapogas is. Despite all this, he keeps his mischievous side as a facade, as a coping mechanism to forget about the physical and mental pain he has to constantly endure. Almost like a mask if you think about it.
I’d say that Pecharunt renamed itself to ‘Dokutaro’ or ‘Dokuwāro’ to sound more menacing.
Now, I really hope Pecharunt becomes the main antagonist on its own in this fic since most antagonists tend to be evil teams who sometimes controlled legendary Pokémon, in my opinion, it’s gotten a bit stale. So it’ll be interesting to see a Pokémon acting as an antagonist on its own and acting malicious (Pecharunt actually wants to KILL Millie).
So whatever Project Venus is, I can see Pecharunt sabotaging it and using it to its own benefits.
Now, for some headcanon powers, I think that he can release souls that he absorbed to have some kind of hive-mind. To make up his lack of combat skills, he’s a master at manipulating others and a master at psychological warfare. As he was able to manipulate Kieran to do what it wants but leave Kieran in the dust.
He would also kill his victims by manipulating them to kill themselves, since to him, it’s easier to absorb souls this way.
And, by psychological warfare, he does that again and again even at the end of the fic as before he unfused and everyone was celebrating, he used the last of his power to blast at Carmine as he knew that Kieran would save her. And that does happen. Carmine would be overwhelmed with guilt from that incident onwards. Since Kieran is now trapped in the timeline where the future paradox Pokémon live. Which is why I said this ending has a hollow victory, the protagonists won, but at what cost?
Kieran would break out of Pecharunt’s control later on by the protags, only to suffer later on again.
Since if I were to put in Pecharunt’s words when asked by the protagonists:
“The world has betrayed me, so why should I play fair?!”
(He can speak but choosing to Poké speak instead)
SORRY FOR RAMBLING ON AGAIN. I have some ideas but I think I gone a bit overboard. But again, you choose to use any of these ideas if you want!
WTF THIS ANSWER GOES HARD!!! I DONT THINK YOU REALIZE IT BUT YOURE A BIT ON THE NOSE WITH WHAT I BELIEVE ABOUT PECHARUNT WOULD IN PROJECT VENUS! Ofc, I wanna keep the twists and turns surprises, so I can't rlly go in-depth with how right you might be or WHO "Project Venus" is.
But I do believe that Pecharunt could absorb souls and release them, or like the toxic chain, chain those souls to itself (Think of how Shinigami gets Yuma to follow her around in Rain Code)
But it is also parasitic, in which it infects itself onto a main host and then that host has most of its power, which it can inflict onto others via zombification, resurrection, etc!
I cant say who or what gets possessed in Project Venus other than the obvious, but I'll say that the idea will actualky be used in canon, soon.
About Carmine...she is HEAVILY GUILTY for how she treated her brother, and in the fic I plan for Carmine and other characters to have tender moments, as pokémon doesn't fully get to delve into the nitty-gritty of family issues like I want them to (ie. Grief, jealousy, tension, etc.) And we already see such an example with Millie and her mother
I wanna cover as many bases as I can without making Millie seem like a "woe is meee" type character. While she is our protag and she has her moments I want to allow her, and many others, to at least gave clarity
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odysseys-blood · 2 months
Cliff, be five percent gayer and get into Monster High. You're like one of the only people in here I trust about fashion.
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you sound exactly like my brother
no however 😔 i fear the want to get into mh passed me by years ago the dolls r real cute tho
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spookymodernjazz · 3 months
Saw your tag about wanting to try embroidery again and I'm here to cheer you on every step of the way if you get back into it!
Awwww thank you!! I enjoyed most of it a lot, I just struggle with some of the stitches. Hopefully this time around I will manage to actually make a french knot 😭
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alloycord · 2 years
esmp!venus flytrap husbands but as the “my boyfriend wore a suit to his autism diagnosis appointment” “it’s a special occasion” “shut up”
who’s who? figure it out, it works several ways
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cherrycreamsicle · 1 year
Picture me like. Picking up a new companion in an rpg
VENUS has been added to your party!
Except that's me. I'm Venus 👍
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
music gig 2nite lets fuckin goooo
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trannydean-moved · 1 year
okay i need to mention jaime's tats in 1x20 bc i didn't for 1x19 and i want him talking abt which tats he's got so far
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daddy-socrates · 1 year
i was supposed to make a poster advertising my thesis and give that to my advisor like a week ago. alas, i am doing it now and am very anxious. so im researching tattoo artists about it
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risaonda · 1 year
I love remake luis genuinely I'm glad he's also allowed to be a real character now too
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