#venus malfoy
mokkkki · 6 months
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swte's narcissa black
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pbielik · 5 months
„'cause i'm a real tough kid
i can handle my shit
they said, "babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it"
and i did”
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1) Tiana Adara Lupin-Black
2) Dracon Lucjusz Malfoy
3) Adrian Henric Pucey
4) Lucas Marcus McKinnon
5) Jake Lewis
6) Venus Amelia Cregence
7) Haruki Ishikawa
8) Harry James Potter
9) Davi Silva
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ffire-and-ice · 2 years
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draco & ginny : natal charts Draco Malfoy, 05.06.1980
☉ gemini sun – quick-witted, inquisitive, agile, adaptable.
☾ aquarius moon – curious, detached, cold-minded and sociable. strong individuality. can be possessive at times.
Ⓐ capricorn rising – may appear restrained and distant, though well-mannered. their stares could kill. their love is possessive. very dominant, very materialistic, very ambitious. slytherin in it's purest form. usually have piercing sight and expressive chin. lips slightly pursed. often comb their hair back, opening their forehead; have a habit of clasping fingers or propping up one cheek while talking. a little old-fashioned.
☿ cancer mercury – intuitive, secretive and creative. great people-readers. vulnerable and demanding, yet need lots of privacy. usually have quiet, intimate voices.
♀ cancer venus – a secret idealists who grew up admiring the image of their mother. devoted to their name and family values. the propensity for fleeting infatuation in youth is cut off after marriage. caring husbands and lovers.
♂ virgo mars – very hardworking, have brilliant abilities in science. ambitious, organized, clean. high standard of living. may be restrained with the object of their true desire, as they are afraid of rejection, though will be very happy to please them in so many sensual ways.
Ginny Weasley, 11.08.1981
☉ leo sun – generous, loyal and confident. heart of the group.
☾ saggitarius moon – enthusiastic, active, adventurous. have a rich imagination, flexible mind, natural talent and good intuition.
Ⓐ aries rising – natural born leaders, warriors and adrenaline junkies. daring, rebellious souls with a fiery heart. in marriage – loving wifes and mothers; true matriarchs of their family. usually short and athletic build; chestnut or red randomly styled hair; brown, wide-set eyes. bright blush, freckles, moles or scars. hot and seductive.
☿ leo mercury – sincere, straight-forward, artistic. ambitious, optimistic and free from prejudice. usually have loud voices and boisterous laughter.
♀ virgo venus – may appear distant and cold. have high moral standards. usually very idealistic and judgmental. rarely fall in love, but when they do – they're gone for good. have a heart of a healer. will take care of their loved ones with actions, not words. can be extremely shy with the person of their interest. have a strong need for care and comfort. simps.
♂ cancer mars – protective of their loved ones and devoted to their family. attached to parental home. may be demanding and territorial, but vulnerable at heart. usually reveal their true sexual potential in love and trust. need a sensitive, but courageous partner, will not settle for less.
Ginny is the fire itself. Her big three unites all fire signs and it shows. Draco, on the other hand, has no fire at his chart at all. His big three combines every other element, which makes him versatile, yet stable. Their moons complements each other so well – Leo and Aquarius are always gravitate towards one another. They are definitely not perfect together, but they match, and they match fiercely. His air to her fire, her venus to his mars... ahhh.
Such a perfect storm.
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astro-tag-9 · 5 months
hey love! 🖤
what character am i?
scorpio sun
leo moon
taurus rising
libra venus
🖤Narcissa Malfoy🖤
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fred-art-95 · 2 years
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More and more late. But I couldn't help drawing Draco as Venus … it was something that had to be done!😂
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bccksmarts · 10 months
This tiktok makes me scream so much uGH Hardy sent it once but I got it sent again by my mans and I'M SO!!!
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astro1derland · 1 month
In today’s transits, the Sun 🌞 at 20° Leo ♌️ 16’ forms a square with the Moon 🌙 at 18° Scorpio ♏️ 46’. Our collective sense of illumination clashes with our perception of emotional fulfillment in a fiery and intense way. Expect some outbursts today. Work on yourself today. Keep calm today.
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ur-local-anti-hero · 5 months
Speak now
James Potter x Malfoy!Reader
Summary: If the marauders are against something, its agaisnt pureblood families ideologies. Sometimes that implies to wreak havoc on a white veil occasion.
Genre: Hurt/comfort, Fluff and a tiny bit of Angst. Arranged Marriage
CW: Forced Marriage, Familiar problems, talks about blood purity and blood traitors. Breaking into a weddig idk.
Word count: 2.2K
This is part of my Speak Now (Marauders’ version) collection 
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“So don't say yes, run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door.
Don't wait, or say a single vow. You need to hear me out”
When you were younger you saw a fair amount of weddings. They were always presented to you as big emotional events in which two people promised eternal love to each other. 
Even when you didn't know anything about love as a kid, it was no wonder that you yearned to have your own wedding once you grew up. It was a dream to have your own white dress, a beautifully decorated venue and a partner you loved so deeply you’d be willing to spend your whole life with them. 
Looking back maybe you should’ve known better. The first sign should’ve been your surname. A Malfoy has expectations they have to meet, keeping the bloodline pure, for starters. 
The second one should’ve been your parents’ loveless marriage, when you were younger you used to wonder why they’d married at all, now it was quite obvious. 
The third and most evident should’ve been when Andromeda Black was disowned. At that time you didn’t truly understand what that entailed, and why it was such a hassle that she wanted to get married. Now you understood that the problem was not the wedding, if not the groom. 
All your fantasies about the commonly named ‘Big day’ were completely shattered when your 18th birthday came, and with it a letter from your parents which contained the name of your soon to be husband. You tried to fight it, which only made your parents move the date of the wedding forward and get you out of Hogwarts, your education didn’t matter anymore to them now that your future as a housewife was inevitable. And being away from Hogwarts also meant being away from the ‘bad influences’ in your life. 
Now the corset of your white dress was suffocating, you felt trapped. Looking at the mirror was like looking at someone else. The girl with lifeless eyes and heavy make-up that couldn’t hide her eyebags was supposed to be you, yet it felt like a perfectly modelated version of yourself, made to impress the high class families attending the wedding. 
Narcissa’s gentle hands were bradding your hair, finishing your look before the wedding. Usually her presence was able to calm you down. Ever since she married your older brother, Lucius, her presence was regular in family gatherings and you’ve always felt some kind of kinship with her, seeking shelter on her whenever the phony and pompous encounters became too overwhelming.
You could attribute your shifted feelings towards her to the fact that she was unknowingly preparing you for eternal misery, or maybe because she was replacing the ones who you would’ve chosen as bridesmaids - there was no place for muggleborns in an event celebrating the union of two pureblood heirs -. Or even because it was her little cousin the one you were to wed. 
“You look beautiful” said Narcissa once she was done with your hair. 
You nodded and gave her a small thank you. However, you disagreed completely, the girl she was looking at was not you, it was your parent’s perfect daughter. 
“You do look lovely, father and mother are going to be delighted” your brother’s voice came from the door, where he was leaning on. “I brought you some company” he gestured behind him. 
Pandora and Dorcas stormed into the room, the former embracing you into a tight hug when they spotted you. Lucius and Narcissa left the room. 
“How are you holding up?” Pandora asked as soon as the door closed behind Lucius and Narcissa. Her arms were still holding you tightly, Dorcas standing behind her. 
You shrugged at her, not being able to talk due the knot in your throat and the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You kept your eyes glued to the mirror. 
Pandora stepped out of the hug and stood next to Dorcas, who had yet to speak. 
“Evan and Barty are with Regulus, I swear I never thought I would see him in a tux” said Dorcas, trying to make conversation. The thought of Regulus being in the same situation as you didn’t make you feel better, the knot in your throat was getting tighther by the second. You promised to yourself you wouldn’t cry anymore, to be honest you thought you had run out of tears days ago. 
“Sirius is here too” Pandora was trying to distract you from the wedding. If she was being honest with herself there was nothing they could do to make you feel better. But maybe knowing that your best friend was out there could help a little. 
That made you finally look away from the mirror, a small wave of hope cursing through you. If Sirius was here it meant that James could be too. In the eyes of your family his family’s name was not good enough for yours, but maybe it was enough for him to be a guest. 
Maybe it was selfish to wish for him to be there when you knew how much it would hurt him, but you needed to talk to him, he was the only one who could actually comfort you right now, the only presence that would make everything feel normal again. You yearned to feel his touch against your skin and his lips against yours, even if it was for one last time, as a farewell. 
“Is he… Is James here?” you spoke for the first time. 
The answer was clear in the pitiful look they gave you even before Pandora replied with a soft ‘no’. 
You don’t know what did it, if the look in the faces of your friends or the fact that you would never see James again, but tears started rolling down your face. In seconds you were being embraced by Pandora again, and Dorcas’ hand was wiping away your tears. 
“It’s okay, you are going to be okay” Pandora didn’t believe her own words, but there was little she could do to calm you down and you both knew it. 
There was a knock on the door and your dad’s voice came from the other side “Y/N, it’s time” 
Pandora gave you a squeeze before letting you go from the hug. They both left the room, not without giving you a forced smile. 
“Oh, merlin” you said to yourself as soon as you were left alone, going back to the mirror, you wiped the few tears that were left on your face, and tried to fix the smudged make-up around your eyes with your fingers. You didn’t want to give your parents the satisfaction of seeing how much this affected you. 
Once you looked mildly presentable again you exited the room. Your father was waiting for you and he offered you his arm to lead you towards the venue. 
You could see the whole venue from the end of the aisle. The green and black motives contrasted beatifully with the white flowers decorating the aisle and the top of the altar. The guests were placed in black chairs at both ends of the aisle. 
You weren’t brave enough to lift your glaze from the ground, knowning that you wouldn’t see the love of your life waiting for you as you had dreamt since you were a kid. The heavy veil of your dress made your steps slow and lethargic. 
It was not until you were halfway down the aisle that you gathered enough courage to finally look at the man in front of you. Instead of the boy with unruly curly brown hair and eyes filled with love, there standing was Regulus, his black hair slicked back and eyes drowned by the same defeated look you wore. 
Once you reached his side everything went in a blur, all you remember is him taking your hands into his and the officiant talking. 
“If anyone has any objection, speak now or forever hold your peace” 
You were really going insane because you swore you saw James standing at the end of the aisle, wearing a tuxedo and with his hand up in the air. 
“I oppose!” His voice was loud and clear, your eyes widened. 
All the guests' eyes went to his figure and several surprised gasps were heard. Maybe you were not hallucinating. 
If Fleamont Potter ever found out how James was using his inherited cloak of invisivility he’d be horrified, or maybe oddly proud of his son. 
Not even James thought he would ever sneak into a highly patrolled wedding on a common Tuesday, but honestly if someone had told him a year ago he’d be doing this he wouldn’t be surprised. 
Sneaking in a wedding filled with pureblood families and slytherin students was the perfect setup for a Marauders prank. However, what would have surprised him would’ve been the reason for interrupting a white veil occasion. Dating a Malfoy was something he hadn’t expected to ever do, but you had gotten past all his defenses with your kind and bright personality that proved to be so different from your family’s pretentious ways. 
Therefore, he was now standing on the aisle you had walked minutes ago. He had a perfect view of you and Regulus from his stance, your white dress was gorgeous, and your hair was neatly done. If it weren’t for your puffy and bloodshot eyes, and the obvious defeated look in your face, a look that had no place in a wedding, he could almost believe this was a normal marriage ceremony. 
When you had received the letter from your parents you had been inconsolable, and rightfully so. James had tried everything to stop the wedding, he even went as far as asking your parents for their blessing and to be the one you'd wed instead of the Black heir. Turned out to be useless as his family had been marked as blood traitors for eternity. 
But James isn't known for giving up easily, and the Marauders were not going to let an opportunity to cause havoc pass by. 
With the promise of being on his best behavior, Sirius had convinced his parents to attend the wedding as a guest, acting as a mole for his friends' plans. Remus and Lily were outside the venue with their ride home -a couple of broomsticks they borrowed from Hogwarts' supply closet. 
And the last part of the plan, and its success rested on James' shoulders. 
The preacher spoke 'Speak now or forever hold your peace' James smirked, that was his cue. It was on. 
James took off his invisibility cloak and without a single trace of shame or shyness in his voice James stated loudly "I oppose!"
James would've loved to stop for a moment to memorize the looks of complete horror in the faces of the guests, but he had to be fast and make total use of the element of surprise. 
Without hesitation James sprinted towards the altar. He could see the way your brother had stood up and pointed his wand at him, his spell being intercepted by Sirius' expelliarmus spell. 
As soon as James made it to the altar chaos erupted from everyone in the venue, he could make out the shouts of your parents and some spells that were being intercepted by yours and James' friends. 
At the sight of James Regulus let your hands go, he raised his arms in defeat and left the altar without much hassle. 
"Gentleman" James greeted Regulus' groomsmen, Barty and Evan who were just as stunned as everyone, all they could do was nod in acknowledgement to James, not even trying to interfere. 
"Hi, love" he was finally looking at you, your eyes were wide with surprise and tears were gathered in your waterline. James took your hands in one of his and the other was raised to stroke your cheek. 
“James what- how-” you were completely astonished, and unable to formulate a single phrase. You knew your boyfriend loved you, and the lengths he would go to prove it, but you would have never guessed he’d be willing to break into your wedding ceremony. He was always proving you wrong. 
“Hey Peter, mate, it’s your moment to shine” Following james’ words a rat came out of his pants’ pocket. 
And suddenly Peter was standing in front of you. He pushed the appalled officiant slightly to the side and took his place. 
Peter cleared his throat before speaking “Do you, James Fleamont Potter, take Y/N Malfoy as your wife?” 
“I do” 
“Do you, Y/N Malfoy, take James Fleamont Potter as your husband?” 
You could hardly mutter a low “I do” before Peter spoke again 
“I declare you husband and wife. You might kiss the bride” 
James didn’t hesitate for a moment. To add dramatism he spun you around and dipped you, holding your weight with his arm. And without waiting for another second he kissed you, sweet and slow, conveying all his love for you with that gesture. 
When you became breathless you broke the kiss and looked at James straight into his beautiful eyes, which only show deep adoration. “I love you” you mouthed to him, which made his eyes sparkle with joy and a wide grin to break into face. 
He took you in his arms bridal style and walked down the aisle. You coudln’t even care about the chaos and spells that were aimed your way, all you could look at was James. 
And as he muttered “I love you too, Miss Potter” you knew he’d do anything to prove his love for you. 
Author's note: This one is of my faves of the collection ngl, James is my soft spot Thank you for reading! Likes, comments and reblogs are welcomed and very appreciated. I'd love to hear what you thought about it so don't be shy!! To be part of the taglist Dm me or send me an ask <3 Taglist @feral-posts @izuoyarmin @aremuslupinsim @yourfavgay @imobsessedwitholiviarodrigo 
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pit-and-the-pen · 5 months
Harry Potter Masterlist
Let me know if you want to be added to my general or character specific tag list!
George Weasley:
In my defense...
1- Black Hole Sun
 2-One hundred sleepless nights (NSFW)
 NSFW Headcannon
But what if...Jk...unless...
A small piece of Home
Dirty Little Secret
Kissing In Cars
Mix Up
Fred Weasley:
Good Night Moon
Drunk and Half Asleep
Baby It’s Cold Outside
Anger Management 
Lighten up?
Draco Malfoy:
Protective Draco
Neville Longbottom: 
You’re too Sweet
Luna Lovegood:
Achilles come Down
Regulus Black:
Look at The Stars, Look How They Shine for You
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dr3amlab · 2 years
archetype (so pretty that you kill me softly), dm.
SUMMARY — Draco wasn't listening to you for he was too distracted by your beauty.
PAIRING — Draco Malfoy x reader
GENRE — one shot, established relationship, flufffff lots of fluff.
WORD COUNT — 389 words.
INSPO ⏤ archetype by omar apollo
The words coming out of your mouth were undoubtedly interesting but draco didn't seem to pay attention to any of them. With his cheek resting on the palm of his hand, draco nodded occasionally to make it seem like he was interested in whatever story you were telling.
Don't get draco wrong, it's not that you aren't interesting or that your storytelling skills were mediocre because on any other day, malfoy would have been listening eagerly to you.
However, today was an unusual day because draco looked at you a little differently ; It may have been the way you styled your hair today or how the rays of the late afternoon sun casted on your face making your skin golden but draco found you even prettier than usual.
Draco's eyes trailed from your eyes, to your nose and lips thinking about how gorgeous you were. All of your features matched perfectly and made you looked ethereal. Malfoy sometimes wondered if you were a creature from Venus for there were millions of girls in the world and none of them were close to looking as perfect as you.
The blond boy's eyes perhaps lingered too much on your lips that he didn't realize that your eyebrows frowned, "Are you even listening to me draco?" you said catching your boyfriend's attention. Draco looked at you with guilty eyes, "yes I totally am listening to you!" You quirked an eyebrow, "then what was I talking about?" you questioned while watching him with an amused gaze, "uh⏤ you were talking about your family vacation?" he said with uncertainty laced in his voice while bearing a confused expression of his face as if he didn't even know what his sentence meant.
Seeing how confused he looked, you laughed heartily which made Malfoy's face relax into a smile for the sound of your laugh sounded melodious to him, "draco, you weren't listening, were you?" you asked and he nodded his head with an apologetic expression on his face, "so, a penny for your thought?" you tilted your head, "did I ever tell you how pretty you are?" he said with a soft voice, "you always do dray," you giggled.
Draco put his hand on yours, "good, 'cause you're killing me y/n." the blond boy planted a kiss on your cheek, "I'm so lucky to be your boyfriend," he smiled.
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ladylluan · 3 months
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Auror!Harry and Singer!Draco
Harry: Oh, you're already falling in love with me.
Draco: I'm gonna make you wish you were dead. Poor guy.
Harry is tasked with an undercover mission by the Ministry of Magic to investigate the illicit dealings of an entertainment venue recently thrust into the limelight, accessible only to the upper class.
While conducting his research, he decides to attend a performance by the renowned singer lauded by all.
However, to his surprise, Draco Malfoy stands on the stage, singing with an angelic voice. His immediate conclusion from this encounter is that 'Draco Malfoy is up to something.'
To confirm his suspicion, all Harry must do is get closer to Malfoy. Yet, much to Harry's annoyance, Draco always manages to stay a few steps ahead of Harry.
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pbielik · 5 months
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Rozdział 157 - „Bitwa”
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ashdreams2023 · 5 months
Hi again! I absolutely loveeeeed the Draco Malfoy smut. I kept reading it again and again.
I was wondering if you could make another?
I was thinking of wedding night smut 👀 since I haven’t encountered something about that yet
Alright finally got to this one
Draco Malfoy x fem reader
TW: NSFW 18+
Wedding night
Draco sighed then looked back at the house elves cleaning down the venue you two just held in the house.
It was only family and friends, no extended relatives or unwanted classmates.
"Are you gonna stand there all night or come help your wife out of this puffy mess of a dress" you called out for him from where you stood beside the bed.
Draco chuckled and closed the curtains.
He took his sweet time walking up to you, you looked enchanting in your dress, but it was time to appreciate withs beneath it.
His hands sat comfortably on your hips, his lips kissed yours gently, holding back his hunger for you.
Draco’s hands turned you around, he pulled down on the zipper in the back, your dress fell effortlessly off your shoulders and your entire body was exposed to him.
"No undergarments I see" he mused warping his arms around you and pulling you to be prepared to his body, with one hand warped around your breast and the other holding you by the waist.
"I don’t need them…not tonight at least" you mumbled moving your head to the side to expose your neck to him.
He kissed your soft skin, like a vampire getting ready to feast upon his new victim, tormenting them just enough before lavishing on their blood.
You moaned when his wandering hand touched your core, spreading your lips with his fingers and moving in circled motions.
"Always thinking ahead, one of the many reasons why i married you" he breathed against your neck, sucking on a sweet spot of yours.
Your body reacted by pressing your behind to his clothed crotch, you can feel how hard he is underneath the pieces of fabric.
He groaned and squeezed your breast, assaulting your hard nipples and twisting one between his fingers.
"Take…your clothes off…" you breathed, you pushed away from him, as dreadful the feeling of his hands not touching it was only fair, you’re not done conman prostitute and you will not be treated as such.
Draco swallowed as you laid on the bed, the same bed he had jerked off on god knows how many times, fantasizing about having his way with you.
Piece by peace he took off his suit, using magic would’ve been easier but the rush that comes from the wait was addicting and the way your lustful eyes followed his every move drove him mad. 
You bit your lip as he climbed on top of you, he kissed you hungrily, as if you were his last supper, his only and last desirable he had before leaving this earth.
It made your body set on fire, your hands warped around his neck and pressed your chest against his, fire on fire it felt.
Your opened your mouth a little more so he can slide his tongue, his lips were soft as ever, just like many times you’ve kissed him before but tonight he didn’t hold back.
"Fuck me" you gasped when he broke the kiss for air, his pale blue eyes hid behind his locks of messy blond locks, a look you only get to see in private.
"Whatever you say, my beautiful wife" he smirked.
You licked your bottom lip "I like the sound of that"
He chuckled before lifting both your legs and warping around his waist, he licked his twin fingers and pressed them down on quivering core, you were wet already.
Fingers pushed inside of you.
You took a deep breath, your chest rose up and your back arched with need for more.
His finger moved upwards, just for a split second you swore you can just get off on his elegant fingers then he pulled out and angled his cock towards your hole and slid right in.
You moaned loudly, who cares who can hear you, your husband was taking care of you and that’s all it matter at the moment.
Draco move his hips back and forth groaning in pleasure, he gripped your wrists and pinned you down as he bounded into you.
Your breath hitched with each slam, his eyes looked at you with intensely, devouring you both physically and mentally.
"Fuck…you feel so good around my cock" he moaned throwing his head back and changing his speed.
"I’m so…close" you clenched your fists as you felt the orgasm coming in.
"Cum for me…let me see you cum on my cock, come on, it’s all yours" he fastened his movement again, rilling you up and speeding your release.
You screamed as you came on his cock, you body shook as it ride onto your every nerve.
Draco kept moving side of you with a look of absolute bliss, he warped his arms around you and fucked his way to his own orgasm.
Both of you laid breathless afterwards, lips puffy and knowing that by the next morning you’ll be sore in the hip and sleeping in till the afternoon.
The sheets magically changed underneath you and you could feel the remaining mess between your legs has disappeared.
"I can’t believe you charmed the bed to do that…"
"I’m always prepared" he sighed and pulled you close to him, he needed a few before you both can clean up properly later and maybe even have a second round in their huge private bathroom.
You laid your head on his chest, letting his heartbeat calm yours.
"I love you" he said.
"I love you too" you replied.
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starsluver · 2 months
The Slytherin Boys fav artists
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Notes: realistic but kinda delusional (not tiktok kinda delusion tho🎀) ALSO NONE OF THESE GIFS ARE MINE!!
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Before we start, we all know FOR A FACT. They all listen to UK drill rap cause they're all British. Kinda Except Theo,Mattheo and Blaise AND DEFINITELY TOM. Theo's Italian and he'd probably listen to Italian hip-hop which is a thing 😭. Mattheo's LATINO which a lot of people forget, Benjamin Wadsworth is Mexican but ngl I feel like Mattheo would either be Colombian, Puerto Rican, Guatemalan or Mexican or like a mix of either two. I feel like Blaise would like 90's and early 2000's hip hop like 2pac,Eazy-E, etc. Tom wouldn't listen to music at all because he thinks it's a waste of time🎀
Mattheo Riddle
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He def listens to the smiths, We know thissss. But he'd definitely listen to Arctic monkeys but he'd be the type of person that's like "well you don't like the song LIKE I LIKE THE SONG" (our sassy king) and would gatekeep every unreleased song. He'd probably also listen to Peso Pluma but either people wouldn't believe him or he wouldn't tell anyone. I already know he listens to Kali Uchis and Melanie Martinez, they're literally his celeb crushes like he'd have literally all of their merch NO MATTER THE PRICE and when someone says they like Melanie or Kali he'd be like "oh well do you have the crybaby coloring book/ red moon Venus tote bag? I didn't think so 🙄" low-key feel like he's a theater kid but wouldn't tell ANYONE (Tom would threaten to tell people tho) He'd definitely listen to Ivan Cornejo and Dannylux and Junior H (blud is MAD depressed) I also feel like he'd listen to Chicano oldies or modern Chicano oldies like parachute, la vida es fria, nobody's clown, etc. ( I NEED CHICANO!MATTHEO RIDDLE!!!) he also listens to Mon Laferte and Selena Quintanilla<3
Theodore Nott
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We already know he'd listen to Deftones but he'd DEFINITELY listen to Pierce The Veil. I feel like he'd listen to Lana Del Rey because People kept telling him to, he listens to Lana with Mattheo but Theo's not like the "I need this song injected into my veins" fan. He'd listen to Cigarettes after Sex to be mysterious. HE'D LISTEN TO MANESKIN!!!! I can't even lie he'd listen to Daniel Caesar and Frank Ocean because Blaise made him (Frank PLEASEEEEEE DROP ANOTHER ALBUM) secretly listens to beach Bunny and Laufey but wouldn't tell anyone. I feel like him and Mattheo would listen to Mac Miller and/or Mac DeMarco but that's probably out of delusion
Lorenzo Berkshire
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To be fr, Enzo would listen to Brent Faiyaz and the neighborhood. But out of delusion he'd listen to Laufey, Sabrina Carpenter, and Olivia Rodrigo. He'd definitely listen to the weekend, Arctic monkeys, Chase Atlantic, and Montell Fish. BUT OUT OF DELUSION AGAIN he'd listen to Ariana Grande. Honestly all the Slytherin boys would listen to Frank Ocean and the weekend.
Draco Malfoy
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My fav ferret. I already know this MF listens to Chappell Roan, he won't admit it but it's not like everyone can tell (he listens to Good luck, babe! Thinking about Harry) he'd definitely listen to Chase Atlantic and the neighborhood, it's like common sense. But this MF listens to Sabrina Carpenter, Megan Thee stallion, Lady Gaga, and Ariana Grande when everyone thinks he's listening to The weekend/ Brent Faiyaz. Ngl I feel like he's team Drake and would try to convince himself that Drake won as Blaise and Mattheo play not like us for the 7th time.
Blaise Zabini
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My underrated king. My man has TASTE. he listens to Bob Marley, 2pac, Eazy-E, 50 cent, Lauryn Hill, Mary J. Blidge, Destiny's Child, TLC, Megan Thee stallion, Sade, Flo Milli, Kendrick Lamar, Micheal Jackson, The Weekend, Tyler the Creator, Bruno Mars, Frank Ocean, H.E.R. and Childish Gambino. Superior music taste but HE DOES NOT PLAY ABOUT HIS MUSIC, if you change one of his favorite songs while he's listening to it. You're done, you're cooked.
Tom Riddle
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Funny than you think he'd listen to music but anyways he only has Spotify to listen to true crime podcasts. He'd secretly listen to Arctic monkeys and Queen and possibly the smiths if you're really delusional. And I mean REALLY REALLY DELUSIONAL. Mattheo would tell everyone that Tom listens to Karma by JoJo siwa and no one would believe him (he actually does)
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bccksmarts · 1 year
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➤ @oracle-venus asked: ‘ I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn. ’ (( From Draco ))
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   ❝I would never have guessed.❞ Hermione responds with a huff and a roll of her eyes. He was like that when he first entered the Great Hall with the other Durmstrang students, not making much eye contact with anyone, not really involved in too much conversation, either. Most of the time, he was translating for Viktor Krum, who had taken a shine to her, it'd seem. Harry and Ron were going nuts when he entered the room, but when Draco Malfoy walked in... admittedly, Hermione's intrigue clearly wasn't on Viktor. She'd never say that out loud, though; it would've earned some absurd comment from Ron, surely.
   Hermione knew he was rather fed up with being Viktor's translator, his silent huffs and eye rolls of irritation were easy enough to spot. Viktor was lovely, and he was nothing but a gentleman toward her, but she did feel a bit bad for Draco in some sense. Even if he was a bit of a ponce about it when Viktor's back was turned.
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   Her brow raised toward the platinum blonde wizard, ❝If you're as unsociable as you claim, then why are you here talking to me?❞ Her head tilted, curls bouncing to the side. It sounded as if she didn't want his company, but honestly? She was just interested. Unsociable, but willing to actually speak to her. Interesting, as she thought. ❝Are your schoolmates not as entertaining?❞
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infin1ty-garden · 2 months
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✧. ┊ summary: your rival is in a band ✧. ┊ character(s): blaise zabini, draco malfoy, lorenzo berkshire, mattheo riddle, pansy parkinson and theodore nott ✧. ┊ warnings: mention of alcohol consumption ✧. ┊ word count: 847 ✧. ┊ author note: it's a day late. verry sorry
masterlist. & 100 follower celebration
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✧. ┊ Blaise was a guitarist in the band. Your relationship wasn't exactly a good one but you respected each other. You were surprised one of your friends was a fan of said band.
✧. ┊ All in all their music was pretty good and you ended up listening to their songs. That's what you were doing in the library, when Blaise interrupted you.
✧. ┊ "You like my voice that much," he just had to interrupt you as one of his rare solo parts came on. For weeks he didn't let you live it down. He visited you after class and shoved a ticket in your hand. Didn't say anything else.
✧. ┊ He couldn't keep his thoughts straight. You are listening to his voice. Well, songs but same thing. The scene kept replaying in his head. Do you like him? Does he like you?
✧. ┊ You were in rival bands. Known to dislike each other. Most of your songs containing lines to make fun of the other band. What you didn't expect was finding Draco in your dressing room.
✧. ┊ "What are you doing here?" He didn't say anything as he made his way to you. Stopping right in front of you. His expression is unreadable. "I wanted to ask you out on a date."
✧. ┊ Your head was spinning. Your rival is asking you out for a date. What has the world come to?
✧. ┊ Draco didn't really hate you. How could he? You were talented, great, caring and just awesome. He had to ask you out if he'd end up waiting for too long. He didn't want to regret not asking you out sooner.
✧. ┊ Lorenzo was trying to impress some girls with his guitar skills. You rolled your eyes as they swarmed around him. A sensible person would run in the other direction. "I could do better."
✧. ┊ "Try," he heard you, passing you the guitar. Everyone was looking at you but then the gryffindors crashed the party. Saving your ass.
✧. ┊ "I still wanna hear you play," Lorenzo insisted. A few days after the incident, Lorenzo asked you to play him something. You prepared in advance and asked one of your friends to teach you something simple.
✧. ┊ he was mesmerised, watching you play. He isn't sure why he feels like that. He hates you, doesn't he?
✧. ┊ You had gotten drunk at another slytherin party. Barged into a random unoccupied room. To find a drum set and decided to fool around.
✧. ┊ Mattheo stumbled in with a girl in his arms. Confused once he spotted you on his drum set. Ignoring the girl he'd been making out with a moment ago.
✧. ┊ "What are you doing?" You stopped. Looked around finally realising this was Mattheo's room. "Sorry, I d-didn't..." you left the room. Letting them continue what they were doing.
✧. ┊ Mattheo was so confused. Why were you in his room? Why didn't it bother him? He cornered you. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't think it was your room and I was drunk."
✧. ┊ "Would you like to learn how to play?"
✧. ┊ Pansy was a great singer. You randomly found out she was apart of a band. You can't deny her singing capabilities. You can't stand her but she is talented.
✧. ┊ You decided to go to one of their shows. It was a small venue. You still hoped she wouldn't see you. Just your luck as soon as she got on the stage, she spotted you.
✧. ┊ She kept looking at you while singing certain parts of songs. You thought she hated you. Clearly you thought wrong.
✧. ┊ After the show she came up to you. "What did you think?" She'd placed her hands on yours. "I...um loved it?" You were uncertain what she wanted to hear your opinion on. "Yeah?"
✧. ┊ Pansy didn't realise her feelings for you until one of her friends pointed them out. What she thought was hate was actually love? She couldn't deny it anymore.
✧. ┊ "What's this bullshit," you found Theo in the courtyard writing. You assumed it was an essay or something but it was lyrics. You grabbed his notebook and started running. "Is it about a girl you're madly in love with?" He chased you as you read the lyrics. Slowly coming to the realisation that they were about you.
✧. ┊ "You can't come up with a better title than I hate you, die," he took back his notebook and ignored you for the rest of the week. "Hurt, I read your little diary?" He threw a paper at you. You read the top 'I hate you, die'. The lyrics had been reworked to include a certain event. Despite this the song was a love song. He loved you?
✧. ┊ Love and hate can be mistaken for one or the other and Theo knew he loved you. He just didn't know how to say it. Words left him when he was around you. He felt like a fool. It was a dumb idea but he did it anyway. Writing a song for you.
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Thanks for reading!
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