#vernon roche x y/n
Request: The Heros: Vernon x Ciri- Just Love Me
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Pairing: Vernon R. x Ciri
Pov: Vernon Roche
Warnings: smut, fluff, undescribed feeling for each other, direct feelings, straightforward emotions, almost smut, kissing, making out.
Summary: Ciri is hopelessly in love with Vernon, but Vernon has a hard time showing her the same feelings back.
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 1.6k
The Witcher Master List // The Hero Master List // Requests Master List
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Ciri had been staring at me since the second we had sat down. Her eyes never left me, even though she was holding onto her beer she never once took a sip. I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Her cheeks were rosy, and her eyes were wide with wonder like she had never seen someone like me. Nothing let in wonders like that, Ciri was wonderful, smart, and exquisite. It was harder than it seemed. Yeah sure I had feelings for Ciri, but I wasn’t able to just belt those feelings out. 
Not only was Ciri strong-headed and always well most of the time got what she was after, her father was number one a witcher, and a dear friend of mine. I could imagine the look I might get from him as I ask him if I could marry his daughter. Those daggers of yellow stared deep into my very human soul. If it was just the two of us that I had to worry about I would have turned in that seat and belted out to ciri that I loved her, and I wanted her as much as I felt that she wanted me. 
But at last, it wasn’t just the two of us. Zoltan and Dandelion sit across from us. It also doesn’t help that Zoltan is a rather great much better friend of Geralts than I. I sip at my beer, as Dandelion rambles on about his next song, and the adventures he wishes he could manage to go on. Zoltan listens with intent which I think personally is skewed by just how long the two of them have been around each other. 
Ciri is still staring, she looks so dazed, her finger twirls a bit of her hair as she half listens to the story that Dandelion is making up on a whim. The tavern had been closed for far too many hours now. The crowd of late drunks had run out hours ago, so it just left the fours of us, and let us be honest here. 
No tavern owner or barkeep was willing to kick Ciri out. A witcher, and a princess even if that part was kept quiet. “So Ciri, when is the next time you see your father?” Zoltan asked I watched from the corner of my ear as her blush grew with color, and her face went through a few different changes. With a few fumbles of her words, she was finally able to get what she wanted out. “Oh, you know how Geralt can be sometimes. Yennefer has him all tangled up.” Ciri managed to get out before taking a sip of her beer. “I don’t know about that, Ciri. Geralt doesn’t exactly let people tell him what to do.” Dandelion was most definitely correct, but Yennefer was different. “I would say that you would normally be right, but this Yennefer we’re talking about.” Ciri motioned towards the two empty chairs that sat at the other sides of the table. 
They were supposed to make it our little lunch date with everyone.  Reunion of sorts, but Ciri was spot on. Yennefer had sent a message saying that they wouldn’t be able to make it, something about something. “I think the Geralt I met long ago is not the same that’s around nowadays,” Dandelion commented as he gulped down the rest of his beer. Zoltan chuckled, and as I looked over the edge of my shoulder it wasn’t Ciri staring at me or whimsically trawling her hair around her thin finger. She was biting her lip, tongue coming out to coat her lips in wetness. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. 
I cleared my throat. Ciri had let me catch her. Right here in this moment, but so many times beforehand. I had caught her staring at me as we camped one night. My clothes had been ruined so that needed to be washed, then dried. She took that time to gaze upon me, scars flattering my skin. I caught her that night, and every night after I have caught her gaze at me from afar or from the side of me when she pushes me into a booth so nobody else gets the chance to sit down next to me. 
I could feel my cheeks rise in heat. “I think…” With one last long sip of my beer, I got up, dusting off my clothes. “I think I’ll be retiring to my room now. It’s been great talking with you again. I hope to see you soon…” Towards the end, my words started to mix, as panic began to ensue in my body. Ciri was getting up, smiling at Zoltan and Dandelion. “I must go now… with Vernon. We’ve got an early day tomorrow.” My mouth hung open as I tried to think of anything to say to Zoltan or Dandelion. 
There was a knowing look from Zoltan and a more dumbfounded expression on Dandelion’s face. Ciri began to walk away, a pep in her step. I stood like an idiot, a slap to my shoulder jolted me out of my cationic state. Zoltan, a raised brow. “Are you gonna keep lettin’ her stare at you or are you gonna do something about it boy?” I was stunned, I figured he would have been more protective over his best friend’s daughter. I swallowed. I shook my head and with a laugh, he pushed me closer to her. 
Once more hard swallow and my breath got stuck in my throat as I walked behind Ciri. She leads me towards a door, and then she’s walking in like nothing was about to happen. Ciri somehow knows that I’m following her, that she’s taking me in the right direction. Her hips are of course swinging in full motion. Her dress flows with such a swing that I almost trip over my own feet as I follow behind her at one point. When she stops I’m not even paying attention, I bump into her.
Pushing her into the doorframe and everything. Ciri held her breath, “You’re so close Vernon.” The way she pointed it out with such a sultry tone in her voice made my knees almost crumble to the ground. I could praise the women that stand in front of me if I was worthy enough to praise her, to stand next to her, or hold her hand and heart together at once but at last. Ciri deserves someone more, someone who deserves her and that’s not me. 
She must know that I’m in my thoughts and far too long. When she turns grabs the handle of the food and grabs me. Pulling me into the room with a force I haven’t felt in a long time. It’s a small room, a utility room, a pantry of sorts. There’s just enough room for us, but ciri has her chest pressed up against mine. Her breasts pressed into my chest, I can feel her racing heartbeat against my chest, I wonder if she can feel mine.
 The door is shut. It’s just the two of us in the small closet space. All I breathe in is her, her scent is wrapped up in everything that’s around me. I can only look her in the eyes, and then she’s staring back at me. She licks her lips, and then her voice fills the void around us. “Vernon I just… I need to tell you this because it’s driving me insane…” She licks her lips again and her eyes don’t leave mine. I can smell the beer on her breath as she talks. 
“Vernon I just want you… Do you understand?” Her words are more than sultry, she isn’t drunk instead she’s drunk on her own words and feelings. I can’t think of words at all, nothing shows up. Not even as she leans in and her lips ghost mine.
Or as she whispers against my lips, “I’ve tried so hard to show you, Vernon.” Lips against lips, but not just yet kissing. I don’t have the time or the space to back out of this at all. I know Ciri deserves better, deserves more. And that’s just on top of the long list of other things that would make this all the more wrong. Geralt would have a lot to say seeing that Ciri is his daughter after all. 
“Do you think I didn’t notice? Do you think I didn’t notice the way you’ve always looked at me Ciri, but it’s just…” I try, “It’s just what?” she presses, “You’re Geralts daughter, and I’m not good enou…” Her lips are pressed against mine, she’s kissing me hard. Like her whole body is pressed into mine even more so than before. She doesn’t care that she took my breath away. She doesn’t give a shit that I can feel my heart racing against my chest. I can’t hold back as her lips attack mine. She’s tasty, and fills me with a sort of warmth that I haven’t felt in a very long time. She pulls away, and her lips are bright red, puffy. But her eyes are glossed over with a relaxed look. 
She pulls me forward my head reaching her shoulder, “Vernon will you just fuck me already and forget about everything else!?” Ciri isn’t begging, or really even asking me. She’s demanding that I fuck her right then and there in the tiny little closet space. I can’t deny her, I’m just all too weak to deny what she wants, so I let it happen. 
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Completed on: 05/08/2023
Posted on: 05/30/2023
The Hero's-
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lunarbreaksblog · 6 months
Vernon Roche x male medic reader that is trying to get him to rest and is worried about him
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Vernon roche X Male!Medic!Reader
“Rest my dear kinght”
Sure, he was the commander of the blue stripes but as your position as the blue stripes' medic, you could command him in an emergency. This was an emergency you'd say.
Vernon hadn't been sleeping and when he managed it would only be for a hour before he woke. The man was clearly under stress and a hell lot of it since the elves had decided to ambush your team earlier this week. Now, they made your commander stress and paranoid.
You knew he would never listen to you but it was worth a try.
Vernon immediately looked at you from his sitting position by the fire.
"What can I help you with (y/n)?"
"It would help if you would get some sleep" you spoke back.
The man just angrily huffed at your suggestion
"I'm perfectly capable I can—""Nope, don't want to hear excuses. It's bedtime for commander Roche" you interrupted him.
You shouldn't have interrupted but you were glad you did— it got him up and defiant.
"(y/n), know your place"
You couldn't help but like his gruff tone.
"Then rest my commander" you stated as a matter of fact
Soon, with his great annoyance, you were guiding him to his bed roll.
"Do you want me to tuck you in—"'Fuck off" he spat and you merely chuckled at his tantrum.
So, you left him, coming back often to check if he was actually sleeping. Surprisingly he was.
You felt happy to see him finally rest.
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Timing <Vernon Roche>
My Vernon Roche obsession continues...
The edge of the bar dug into her back as she pressed against it. Soldiers were shouting over card games, while others were caught up in the thrill of their dice roll. Catching the glass of Temerian Rye the bartender slid her way she took a few sips. The Commander leaned over the bar ordering a second round. Blue linen brushed her arm as he turned to settle next to her. “None of the men interest you?” He inquired, nudging her smaller frame with his shoulder. 
A blush threatened to bloom on her cheeks. “I wouldn’t say that.” She mumbled, taking a sip of the burning liquid. 
Chip. Chip. Chip. (E/C) eyes flickered over to Roche’s hands as he sparked up a pipe. The scent of tobacco flooding her senses. (Y/N) opened her mouth to say something more, but Ves’s voice called from a table by the fire. “Commander! (Y/N)! Up for a round of Gwent?” 
A smile pulled at the corner of her lips as she sauntered over to the table. Taking a seat at the table she grabbed the Northern Realms deck sorting through the cards. Vernon took a seat next to Ves. Smoke filled the air as the pair laid cards down in silence. “Torrential Rain?” Ves whined, throwing her cards down. “Pass.” She grumbled, picking up the coin they were using to keep track of rounds. 
(Y/N) drew another card as the round winner, before laying a hero card down. “Geralt of Rivia.” Ves mused, lost in pleasant memory.
A fine brow crooked up at Ves, “I take it there's a story?” (Y/N) inquired, her eyes flickering down to the painted portrait of the White Wolf.  
“Let’s just say the stories about Witcher stamina are completely true.” A loud coughing came from Roche as he sat his glass of ale down. 
“Fuck, I’ll toast to that.” (Y/N) said, with a tilt of her glass. Vernon looked at them incredulously, “when, how?” His words were jumbled before he cut himself off. “I don’t want to know.” He mumbled, waiving Ves off. 
“But I do, spill.” (Y/N) said leaning forward, eager to be privy to Ves’ information. 
A mischievous smile appeared on Ves’ porcelain face. “Well for starters, three rounds wouldn’t sate him.” A small giggle escaped her lips, as she took in Vernon’s tense shoulders as he inhaled the smoke from his pipe. 
“And you…” (Y/N) trailed off. 
“Came?” Ves finished for her. “Every single round.” 
“Damn.” (Y/N) said, throwing another card down. “Maybe I should find a Witcher.” 
Ves gaped at the board, “did you really just distract me, so you could win at Gwent?” 
A smirk appeared on (Y/N)’s lips. “I saw an advantage and took it.” Ves’ eyes flickered between Vernon and the board as (Y/N) made her way to the bar for another round. “She’s ruthless.”
Chocolate eyes watched her at the bar as a soldier sidled up next to her. Wooden chair legs scraped against the floor as his legs carried him over to the bar. “Commander.” The soldier said, surprised by his presence. 
“You’re dismissed.” His smoldering gaze locking on her wide eyes. The young soldier was quick to scurry away leaving the two alone. “You’re cunning.” He stated, taking a step closer. Her heart thudded in her chest at his proximity. She wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol contorting her vision, or if Vernon Roche was blatantly checking her out. “Any man worth a damn can give you three rounds.” He added, his breath fanning her neck. His thumb ghosted against her chin tilting her head up to his gaze, “especially when that woman is you.” 
“Commander?” In an instant Vernon Roche had crossed the room, as if nothing had happened. (Y/N)’s jaw went slack, as her eyes followed the outline of his broad back. Her eyes shifted over to the table Ves had occupied. The blonde was caught up in another game of Gwent with a medic. (Y/N) stumbled out of the tavern into the night air, hoping the cold air would give her some clarity to the situation. She could chalk it up to the drink. Perhaps it would be best if she returned to her tent. 
Vernon’s chocolate eyes snapped toward the door when he heard it close. He cursed himself as he bit down on the pipe stem. Usually he was able to keep a tight lid on his thoughts, but lately he found words slipping from his tongue in (Y/N)’s presence. He definitely didn’t mean to admit to the more primal urges he felt for her. He could blame it on the alcohol, but the truth was he hadn’t even finished his second beer. He was stone cold sober when it slipped out. Leaning against a wooden pillar he watched a dice game without his eyes actually seeing. He wasn’t sure what was holding him back from fully expressing his feelings. 
Ves studied Vernon for a moment before deciding to speak, “it’s obvious you like her.” A sharp look that would cut most soldiers to the core met her cornflower eyes. “Just go for it. She’s crazy about you.” Ves added. “Trust me.” 
He lingered in his thoughts. After a few puffs of smoke he made his way back to camp. Making up his mind he would express his true feelings he followed the path to her tent. Outside the small tent he called her name. There was no reply, and no sound came from the inside of the tent. Peeking inside he saw her curled up on the cot asleep. She hadn’t even bothered removing her boots. 
Taking a seat at the edge of her bed he unlaced the boots setting them next to her cot. Grabbing a quilt he tucked it over her. Candlelight illuminated her features, and Vernon took the opportunity to study her face. He hadn’t noticed how thick her lashes were, or how long her hair was. Most of the time she had it pulled up, so it didn’t interfere with her daily tasks. He made his way to the candle before blowing it out.
“I’ll tell you later.” His deep voice settled in the tent as he left her to sleep in peace.
It was another campsite in the middle of Temeria. (Y/N) crested the hill, eyes bright, her assumption was correct. A blanket of stars littered the sky. Pulling the thin blanket from her satchel she spread it on the grass. Leaning back on her hands she took in the night sky. 
“Am I interrupting?” Ves’s voice hissed from the tree line, soliciting a smile from (Y/N). 
“Care to join?” (Y/N) asked, scooting over on the blanket. Ves jumped up excitedly, practically pulling the Commander of the Blue Stripes up the hill behind her.  
Both of them smelled strongly of alcohol and smoke. They’d joined the others at the tavern earlier before trekking into the valley to find her. Ves offered her a bottle, but (Y/N) waved her off. Ves shrugged, taking a long pull from the bottle before handing it to Vernon. 
“Why do you wander off by yourself?” Ves inquired, tilting her head in (Y/N)’s direction.  
(Y/N) shrugged, “I like the silence.” Truth was she came out here to contemplate her thoughts. She still wasn’t sure if she’d imagined the words Roche had said to her at the bar. He hadn’t acted differently the next morning, so she assumed she’d made it up in her drunken haze, but some part of her told her it had all been real. “I can hear myself think.” 
Ves grew quiet, “what do you think about?” 
“Sometimes it takes me time to process how I feel, or why I feel it.” 
Vernon’s brow furrowed. Logic ruled his decision making, he rarely let his feelings intervene. Which is why he made such an excellent commander. (Y/N) had always been reserved in his presence, but he wanted to know what ran across her mind everyday. Part of him hoped he held a place deep in her thoughts. “What does your instinct tell you?” Vernon asked, leaning closer to her. Y/N felt his fingers touch her’s, but he made no move to retract his hand, or offer a half hearted excuse.
 Ves had wandered off at some point. Tired of watching the longing stares, she was determined to push the two together. Both too stubborn to make the first move, Ves saw no harm in speeding the process along. 
(Y/N)’s eyes widened. He knew what had clouded her mind as of late. She’d been mulling his words over for weeks trying to decide if she’d heard him right, and here he was confirming what she already knew. “Did you actually mean that?” She inquired, “what you said at the tavern.” 
Vernon’s deep chuckle sounded like honey in her ears, “I mean everything I say.” Chocolate eyes flickered over to her, “you’re everything I’m not. Warm, kind, and gods that smile.” He brought his thumb up to run down her soft lips. 
“You’re drunk,” she murmured, hypnotized by his gaze. 
The corner of his mouth pulled into a half smile, “that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.” 
“I can’t take advantage of you. It goes against my honor.” She teased, nudging him with her shoulder.
He let out a wolfish laugh at the thought of her taking advantage of him. “Fair enough.” He conceded, “we’ll get the timing right. Eventually.” 
Vernon Roche had headed straight for her tent as soon as Ves gave him news of the ambush. His blood felt thick pumping through his veins as he played out the different scenarios in his brain. 
His keen ears almost missed the muffled sobs coming from her tent. Ducking inside the tent he found her face buried in her hands, as sobs wracked her body. Ves had told him she’d been the only one to survive the ambush. She’d dragged another soldier back to the Medical tent, but he’d died as soon as they got him on the table. 
“You did everything you could.” His words were soft, afraid anything else might startle her as he took a seat next to her. 
Jumping at the sound of his voice she wiped at her eyes, “I’m sorry Commander, I-.”
“Vernon...just call me Vernon.” He said, gently coaxing her to sit back down. “I didn’t come here as your Commander.” Soft eyes took her in, she’d been through hell in the past 24 hours, and the only thing he wanted to do was hold her. “I was worried about you.” He confessed, “I just needed to see you. To know you were safe.”
(Y/N) leaned against him, “can you hold me?”
Vernon nodded, pulling her close. He smoothed her hair. “You feel everything so deeply,” he murmured, “you don’t have to carry it alone.” 
Pulling back slightly, she gazed up into his chocolate eyes. “Are you saying that you want me?” 
Vernon Roche nodded, gently caressing her jaw with her thumb, “I’m saying that I love you.” 
She pulled him into a deep kiss, before settling into him. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, pulling her close once more. Content he finally got the timing right. 
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
I requested this a while ago, but, I’m guessing that tumblr probably ate it 😅 but how about Roche X reader where Roche has a nightmare and the reader comforts him?
A/N: Ah tumblr did! Tumblr hates me I swear :( I'm sorry about that! I hope you like this! I miss writing for Roche! I haven't written for him in so long, I absolutely love him
Roche jolted awake, the sound of clashing swords and shouting still echoing in his ears. His heart racing his chest threatening to break through his ribs if he didn’t find it in himself to calm down.
You stirred in the bed to his right, reminding him of where he was. He was safe at home. There was no danger lurking around the corner, no matter how much his mind was trying to fool him.
Roche turned on to his side so that he could focus on you. He learned a long time ago that you calmed him better than any stupid breathing or counting technique you tried to teach him.
Your back was to him, the blanket pulled up just over your hips.
As his brown eyes glided over your sleeping form, they stopped at every scar that crossed your back.
There was one just beneath the left side of your ribs. It was a particularly thick and jagged scar. Roche could recall almost exactly where it came from. You had been shot with an arrow just a year after meeting him. If it hadn’t been for an Elvan healer, you would have died.
The next scar he found was along your spine. There were a few thin, scratch-like markings located in the middle of your back. Just last year, a wagon you had been traveling on was ambushed. There was a fiery explosion that threw you on to the dirt road, causing the markings. Roche had his own fair share of scars to come from that ambush as well.
As he starts to recall the memories that come with the next few scars, Roche found that doing so isn’t calming. If anything, the memories lead to a sinking feeling in his stomach. The desire to vomit began to form, but he knew that it was only because of how often you had come close to death.
His heart began to beat frantically again. Breathing was no longer an easy function. He needed to get out of bed. He didn’t want to walk you up.
Roche began to sit up, pushing the blankets off of himself.
But in doing so, you felt the bed move and shift. You had never been a very heavy sleeper.
“Roche?” You turned over on your back so that you could look at him.
He brushed a hand through his messy dirty blond hair, taking in a shaky breath.
“Go back to bed, Y/N.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He answered a little too quietly.
His reply didn’t bring you comfort. Something was wrong.
As he turned for the door, you saw that his hands were trembling by his sides.
“Don’t leave, please.” Your voice was quiet. Roche stopped just shy of reaching the door. “Stay, Vernon.”
“I just…. I have to check on things.”
“Did you hear something?”
You were quiet for a few moments.
“This place is safe, Roche. We don’t have to worry about anything.”
“If we start to think like that, then we will end up dead.”
“Come to bed, Roche.”
He let out a heavy breath before turning on his heels to return to the bed. As he settled down on the bed, you inched closer to him.
“Did something happen?”
He shook his head stubbornly, but you knew him better than that.
You kissed his shoulder and rubbed his arm.
“I can feel when something is wrong with you, you know.”
“Then we have known each other far too long.”
You smiled a little. Perhaps you had known him for too long.
Roche was quiet for a few minutes. He turned his head to look down at you, brown eyes holding your gaze.
“Thinking about how often you are hurt…. It’s upsetting.”
“I don’t get hurt that often.”
“You get hurt enough.”
You rested your cheek on his shoulder.
“Was it another dream of me dying?”
He stiffly nodded, eyes closing as he rested his chin on top of your head. You rubbed his arm again.
“Everything will be okay. I love you, and you know I’m not going anywhere.”
He gave you a little hum, though you know he doesn’t believe your words. Your line of work is unpredictable. He would love nothing more than to believe you, to trust that you aren’t going anywhere. But the truth of the matter was that he didn’t know when he would lose you, or even if he would get a tomorrow with you.
“Lay down with me, please?”
As the both of you laid down once more, you had him lay his head upon your chest. You began to brush your fingers through his hair while you hummed quietly.
Taglist will be reblogged because tumblr hates me :)
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...& Steel for Humans (Geralt x fem!Witchress, Part 2.)
Series description: The Butcher of Blaviken has a long and famous past, thanks to his friend Jaskier. Yet, neither of those dies easily and it still lurks behind Geralt like a shadow after all those years. History, neither unfriendly relationships, doesn't die easily.
Part summary: After a talk with your old friend, there is one thing - a contract which is supposed to keep you rich for at least other ten years. But there are things you are not going to like about is. 
A/N: Honestly, Dijsktra is one of my favourite in-game characters and I sincerely hope that he will make an appearence in the Netflix series. That mf is so fun honestly.
Tagging: (tell me and I will add you :)) @osgon-azure​ @davnwillcome
Word count: 2.1 K
Master list: H E R E
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To your good luck, Dijkstra was very clear with the place of his staying - that fat rat was hiding at the Novigradian Bathhouse. You never held anything against Dijkstra - he was being a dick? You told him. That man knew famous non-humans like Geralt and even legends upon men, like Vernon Roche or the Redenian King Radovid. And he didn't hesitate to shove those connections into other people's faces. And you were one of them at that point.
So naturally, it didn't mean anything good when Dijkstra not only contacted you but knew where you were staying at the time. Novigrad was just three days of a slow ride on your horse and you didn't have anywhere to rush. Dijkstra only informed you, very kindly you must've said, that he would like to speak to you once you reach the city walls. It was for an important matter of saving lives or what.
Yeah, you weren't over your heels because of his demand. But you stopped in front of the famous bathhouse two days after the whole werewolf situation with a cape in your face. It wouldn't be exactly clever to walk around one of the biggest cities of the Northern Kingdoms just showing your face to everyone around you. Novigrad was looking just as you remembered it - it was dirty, it stank, beggars were on every corner and elf prostitutes only. That was the thing you didn't like on Novigrad. You had to be either a demon of a shapeshifter to cover that you're a non-human or you had to be a prostitute to be a non-human living in this city.
The cult of Eternal Flame was going nuts there. One of the priests even noticed that cats were hissing at you and that dogs ran away when your warhorse was driving through the streets and tried to verbally insult you and on top of that, he was calling you a heretic and a sinner. Instead of pinning him to a wall with your sword as a warning, you scoffed at his words and continued to Passiflora where you turned left. Not too long after that, you were standing in front of the bathhouse.
A bald man took your house, saying his name is Happen, and lead it to the nearby stable so the people there would take care of the poor animal. It needed some proper rest and some clear water, you couldn't deny that you weren't able to give your horse this kind of comfort on your travels.
To be honest, from the first moment you stepped in, you knew that the bathhouse stank. You hated those lingering, sweet smells that usually settled on the tip of your nose. Bathhouses usually used these scents because the humans found it more relaxing. Yet it was like a catalyzer for your damn nose - that was maybe for the first time in the last years when you sneezed. And it was damn uncomfortable.
Finding Sigismund wasn't exactly challenging - that man couldn't be ignored with the bright colors he tended to wear and with the size of his body. One of his legs also wasn't exactly in the best shape, so the limbing was quite easy to recognize when he was on the moe. At least to witchress's ears, it was unique.
Once you entered his office, you could see him sitting behind a table, going through some papers. You were quiet, so it took him a while to notice a caped person standing in the corner of the room. His face lit up with a smile that wasn't soothing nor comforting; he looked like a dick if you had to be honest.
"It is always a pleasure to see old friends. Have a seat with me, come on." - He said when you took the hood off and your face and white hair could be finally seen. You snorted when you sat down, taking a few grapes without even asking Dijkstra a word. He was quickly pouring you some of the sweet wine he had on the table but both of you knew that your lips won't even touch the drink.
"We aren't friends, Dijkstra. And also, it is never a good sign when you can find me without too much of trying." - A short answer to his greeting could be heard while your eyes scanned the books in his bookcases. Law things, political archives, some of the Novigrad's biggest family chronicles, nothing too extraordinary or interesting. Yet the Gwent packs caught your eye, so you took the Northern Kingdoms deck and started to go through it, looking at the cards with interest.
"Well, it didn't take too much of an effort to figure out that a witcher is in the Mire West currently. People talk and news spread quickly, don't forget about that. Especially quickly when you know who to ask for details." - The man slowly leaned into the chair behind his back while you turned your attention back to him, eating the grapes slowly.
"You torture people, you don't ask for details, Sigismund, don't you try to make me laugh because I am not in the mood for jests. You're just as much of a bitch as I am." - You smiled ironically, being tired of his little welcoming games. - "What is it that you need? Don't tell me that I came all the fucking way to Novigrad from Mire West just to see your fucking handsome face. And lemme tell you, you are fucking ugly."
At that, Sigismund laughed and shook his head. You two couldn't be exactly considered friends since everybody knew that you don't like Sigismund one bit. That wasn't too hard to understand - Sigismund was a spy who couldn't be trusted. But you two couldn't be even called enemies, since most of the time, you both stood at one side of a case - if you ever decided to take a stand in anything political.
"I have a friend in need and I told her that I will try to ask you for a helping hand." - He looked you in the eyes. Sigismund had a job... For a witchress? With that, you rose your eyebrows and furrowed. - "She offers you a ridiculous amount of coin - for searching and killing the source. And also invites you for a damn dance and pays for your stay Novigrad, no matter which inn you'd name." - He told very seriously so you could understand that Dijkstra isn't in a mood for games either.
"Damn. That must be a real matter of life and death if they're putting so much coin into it. What is going on?" - You asked and stole another grape from the small silver plate, putting the deck back on its place. You liked the grapes, they were sweet. Dijkstra surely had to offer them in Passiflora, the whorehouse just a while from Saint Gregory's bridge.
"No-one knows. We only know that whatever the fuck it is, it breaks trees and rocks like small wooden sticks and that it cooks humans for dinner. We dunno much more than what I've told ya." - Dijkstra told you and your face got even sourer than before. This wasn't just some ordinary Vampire, nor a Fiend. - "It lives in the mountains east from Novigrad and the Vegelbuds are rather concerned with it. No matter what in the horse's ass it is, it already massacred two villages."
Again, you pushed yourself more into the plushy chair Dijkstra had offered you. This wasn't a matter you could laugh at. Whether you liked it or not, it was more than fucking serious. Women and children were killed, men could be eaten or stomped to death.
"Bullshit. There ain't no monster who can destroy a whole damn village just because it wants to in Redenia. There ain't one like that on the whole Continent. Before you jump in with Fiends, they are too lazy for any that." - You started slowly and put a strand of your hair behind your ears.
"Dijkstra, honestly, I ain't a dumb bitch. You're the mediator between me and the Veganbrods or what the fuck is their name and I know that you'll have a lot of money from this. But no witcher, squirrel, or human will take this fucking job. This ain't a job. This is suicide." - You said, looking him in the eyes.
"Oh, Y/N, I just love how honest you can be with me. This ain't a one-man job, of course. We already have some... Takers who are gladly willing to accompany you." - Dijkstra said in a solid-sure tone.
"If it's Letho of the Viper school, tell him to fuck off right away. I hope it's not a sorceress either, I can't stand these bitches either. Lambert would be a nice company, tho and I wouldn't mind me an Eskel either." - You said honestly with a small smile. Yeah. You knew how did your witcher brothers work on their contracts, you knew you would get along with them and if there would be anything that would go bad, they would have your back.
You liked Lambert the most of all the witchers you knew - it didn't matter if they were from your school or the Griffin school or the Vipers, you just liked Lambert the most. There were rumors that you and he had some kind of a relationship - whether it had ended up or was going on. And any of that wasn't confirmed either denied by any of you. When people asked you, you both just smiled and changed the subject.
"It's not Lambert, unfortunately, but it is someone you know, which is some good fucking news. And it is someone you don't like, I have to say - one of them sings all the fucking time and the other one is a grumpy moron who had fucked up my leg. But don't think about that. Business is business, darling, it's not about liking someone. It's about money and surviving the fucking trip to the mountains." - Dijkstra looked you right in the eyes. You sat there in silence, watching the man with a dead serious face.
Of course. Of fucking course. Your partner for the trip, who you had to believe with all your will power, the partner who was supposed to be someone you should be able to trust with whole life, that man was supposed to be the white-haired moron. And his possibly gay friend. You looked at Dijkstra, having that daring look on your face.
"I can still say no, you ugly bastard." - You said honestly. At that, the idiot sitting opposite of you started laughing.
"No-one denies your right to deny - only your financial state and the reputation you have around Novigrad and other big cities now. Tell me, Y/N, you and the other witchers have some kind of a competition which should determine who is the worst person of you all?" - Dijkstra asked, having you speechless for a moment. - "Because according to my people, you have the leading position now. The incident with Stjepan got pretty known here over the last few days. And I know you like to keep your honor clean."
"I had never hurt a woman or a child. And that's it." - Was the sentence you said coldly as ice.
"People heard otherwise. Almost dragging the children out of the bed, abducting them so you can bring them to your witcher school as payment and all of that came with your promise of the next generation of witchresses... Oh Y/N, you know that one small rumor can completely ruin your business, huh?" - He leaned in, closer to you, watching your reactions. You hated Sigismund but there was one thing that needed to be said - he was a damn good businessman.
Why did that hiding rat want you to take the contract? You had no idea. But even though you didn't want it for some reason, he knew how to make you take it.
So it was said and done - you were supposed to travel to the mountain alongside Geralt of Rivia and his small musician puppy Julian. But not before a grand ball held at the Vegelbud family residence three hours away from Novigrad. Which, on the other side, you were excited about.
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crowtrobotx · 8 years
ABCs about me
Tagged by @king-foltest ((Thank you friend! I love talking about myself.)) rules: copy/paste, replace answers and tag people
a - age: 26 b - biggest fear: Insanity. I know that’s weird considering it’s not something I would probably be aware of even if it was actually happening. Idk. I am also SUPER freaked out by moths. WHY are they so fuzzy?? c - current time: 5:53pm d - drink you last had: I’m drinking this Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough beer that is fabulous let me tell you e - every day starts with: checking my phone for the awful memes my friends have texted me overnight f - favorite song: "I of the Storm” Of Monsters and Men g - ghosts, are they real: **X FILES THEME INTENSIFIES** I would never rule out the possibility entirely. h - hometown: A very small, very white city on the shores of Lake Erie. i - in love with: Adam Driver, Carrie Brownstein, Vernon Roche, Philippa Eilhart.... oh I guess I’m married IRL so my husband is okay j - jealous of: I am a Scorpio. I am fiercely jealous of everyone and everything at all times. k - killed someone: holy shit I certainly hope not l - last time you cried: I hate to be that person but I hardly ever cry. We’re probably going on almost a year since I’ve seriously wept. n - number of siblings: 0. o - one wish: I know I should say something like “world peace” but I would love a pair of sick Doctor Octopus arms p - person you last called/texted: My mother because I am a quality daughter. q - questions you’re always asked: "When are you having kids” *screams internally* r - reasons to smile: Books. Vidya games. Dogs. Food. Shamelessly inserting OC’s into my favorite series. s - song last sang: May or may not have done a great rendition of “Judas” by Lady Gaga on my way home from work. t - time you woke up: 7:00AM u - underwear color: I’m wearing Wonder Woman underwear right now so.... multicolored? v - vacation destination: Disney World has a special place in my heart because it’s where we went on our honeymoon. If we’re talking about planned vacations, I’m going to Minnesota for a wedding in May, Toronto in July, and possibly Portland in October. x - x-rays you’ve had: None? I’ve had 2 ultrasounds if that counts. y - your favorite food: I am a slut for sushi. z - zodiac sign: Scorpio! I’m a passionate jerk. I’ll tag: @daovihi, @catladyofficial, @stanniskingofwesteros, @temerias-last-hope, and @scoiataeled only if you fellas are bored or haven’t already done something like this! You will not offend me by not participating.
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(R) Blurb: Vernon & Ciri: Best Part
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The trip to Kear Morhen already was one that tried out even the best of witcher. Cirir and Vernon had gone there thousands of times, but never to just spend a healthy flightless weekend.
A weekend was bound to be filled with peace, training, and good sex.
A full weekend just for the two of them. Everyone else had managed to leave Kear Morhen. It was cold and dark when they first arrived, and it only got colder as Vernon and Ciri settled in.
It took nearly two hours before the two of them had a good warmth traveling around the rooms.
Vernon had caught a good-looking stag hauling with them as they made their way up to Kear Morhen.
"You know you might wanna cook that Roche," Ciri said as she gathered clean fabric for the beds. Vernon could cook a good meal even when the two of them were on a dirty path traveling together in the winter's cold breeze.
But here at Kear Morhen Vernon was the master of food. Cirir and Vernon hadn't gathered much hoping that Kear Morhen had some food left behind. Both being right, that night Ciri and Vernon ate like kings and queens in their books.
Stag, some small potatoes, and wine. A good meal that any witcher or traveler would dream to have every night. Cirir and Vernon didn't talk much during dinner. Rather than stuffing their faces with juicy meat, a wine that soothed the throat.
Later that night Vernon couldn't stay still from the lull of sleep coaxing him to bed with Cirir but that big beautiful sky that Kear Morhen looks out on was dragging him outside before he could manage his own feet.
It was beautiful outside. The contrast of lower city lights that were like stars in the distance, and cold that splashed hard against his warm flesh. Cirir hadn't noticed Vernon was gone til she walked outside, her gear had been taken off. A loose-fitted shirt that looked like it once belonged to Vernon was wrapped around her frame. Concealing her from the harsh cold outside.
"Vernon?" She said quietly. "Hi, doll." his words are short a roughness to them. "Are you okay?" The ever-concerned Cirir couldn't help but feel on edge even here at Kear Morhen. Not with her lover standing in plain sight.
"Yes, everything is fine, the stars they just caught my eye. We should go back inside. The cold is making your nose redden." Vernon said turning and taking Ciri's hand his own. The warmth was still laced around his skin heating Ciri up even with her cold witcher skin.
Ciri was like a heat magnet when she was in the right place and it didn't take long for the two of them to gather underneath the sheets.
Between the sheets, the warmth only grew. Legs tangled as the two of them faced each other with small smiles tracing both of their faces.
"You said the stars caught your eyes, "Ciri said first. Her hand was combing lightly through Vernon's hair. Small talk isn't what Vernon is good at, but something about Ciri always caused him to do the unthinkable and the uncomfortable because she was worth everything to him.
"Yeah, the stars they remind me," Vernon said, his hand resting nicely on her hip. The dip of her warm skin. "Come now Vernon don't keep me on a short leash," Ciri said tugging lightly on his short hair. "Fine fine, you win Ciri but only because you're so warm."
"They remind me of what it felt like. My childhood. Cold nights on the streets watching my mother from afar. Wishing and hoping for a better life. I wished on a lot of damn stars. But nothing ever came." Vernon said. The truth of his words hit him a little too hard for his liking.
"I wished on stars when I was a child to Vernon. I always wished for someone a warmth that I could never find. That was stripped away from me as a child." Ciri said as she snuggled deeper into Vernon touch. His body was a solid brick but it gave her safety and warmth. Even though she was a witcher Vernon had always been her safety. Her secure place. Arm and legs tanlged together in perfect harmony. Blancing on the string of love, hope, and tender moments.
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Completed on: 12/19/22
Posted on: 12/20/22
The Heros-
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