#versailles foundation
gracie-bird · 9 months
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Princess Grace of Monaco attends accompanied by her friends, Maree Rambo from Philadelphia and fashion designer Vera Maxwell, Florence, and Gerald van der Kemp Reception (founders of The Versailles Foundation) at Versailles on June 11, 1980.
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animefeminist · 10 months
Transmasculinity and queer sexuality in the works of Ikeda Riyoko
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Content Warning: Discussion of transphobia and suicide
Spoilers for Dear Brother, The Rose of Versailles, and Claudine
Ikeda Riyoko—perhaps the most famous member of the “year 24 group” that played a large part in creating the foundations of the shoujo manga genre—is often credited with laying the groundwork for depictions of queer characters in shoujo, and in particular with creating the archetype of the gender-bending heartthrob heroine, or “girl prince.” Building on earlier representations of butch or transmasculine characters in early shoujo manga such as Princess Knight, and the Takarazuka theater tradition of the otokoyaku male role actor, Ikeda’s enormously popular gender non-conforming heroes—Lady Oscar from The Rose of Versailles, Rei from Dear Brother, Julius from the Window of Orpheus, and the titular character of Claudine—helped to establish that there was a major mainstream audience excited to cheer for a hotheaded, androgynous tomboy with a heart of gold. Lady Oscar in particular has fingerprints all over the history of anime and manga, from a gender-bending cameo in Pokémon to serving as the inspiration for iconic characters like Tenjou Utena.
When I first read The Rose of Versailles last year, I expected its depictions of queer and transmasculine characters to be somewhat limited—after all, the comic was written for mainstream audiences and a mainstream publisher in the 1970s. But across Ikeda’s work, I was deeply surprised with the level of care and nuance with which Ikeda approaches transmasculine love stories. While there is obviously a lot about Ikeda’s portrayal of transmasculine characters that feels dated to modern audiences (for example, her comics often do fall back on “biological” ideas of women’s weakness and emotionality, and sometimes psychologize her character’s genders in uncomfortable ways), I was surprised by how much of these comics still hit for me today. What makes them work for me is both the extreme pathos with which Ikeda writes transmasculine character’s experiences of rejection—and, at rare moments, gender euphoria —but also the fact that her trans characters are not simply given a one-size fits all born-in-the-wrong-body narrative. Instead, they are each portrayed as unique individuals with varied personal relationships to their gender, their sexuality, and the historical context of the society they live in.
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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hisclockworkservants · 4 months
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SCP Foundation art, SCP-5000 - Why?
Based on the voice from the radio:
Voice: Seven. Five. Can you hear me? There is a hole shining in the holes between your eyelids. I have never been to Versailles before. I want to be loved. Nine. I am standing behind you now. Five. I am two of us, standing behind you now. The goddess eats the city in the sea. Nine. There's a hole in the floor with an answer waiting in it. Seven. Look, you're hatching. You're hatching!
SCP-5000 - Why? by Tanhony: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000
Patreon | Author Page | Art Hub | Twitter | DeviantArt
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andibuilds-simblr · 1 year
Poplar Hall · 50x40 · An Unfurnished Manor · CC
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Can't stay away from historical Henford...
Downloads and details under the cut!
Poplar Hall is a Georgian Era estate, based on Marble Hill in London. This beautiful Neoclassical house is bright and airy, finished with beautiful touches of crystal and plaster...
I came across a beautiful building in London called Marble Hill while watching 2018's Vanity Fair (definitely recommend, Olivia Cooke is a fantastic Becky Sharp!) The exterior and layout of this build is almost directly taken from Marble Hill, which was used in various interior and exterior shots for the show.
(Also, I forgot to add doors to the third level... oops! Feel free to add the boiserie doors to match!)
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CC is not included, and you will need the following items/sets.
Required Packs:
Horse Ranch (only one light in kitchen, can swap out if needed)
Cottage Living
Discover University
Get Together
Get to Work
Romantic Garden
Note: for some reason Batuu is showing up, but no items from this pack are needed.
Huge continued thanks to @felixandresims, @harrie-cc, @lilis-palace, @ravasheencc, KTA Sims, and @anachrosims for their lovely content!
Required CC, Not Included:
Georgian Set (Windows, Peaked Pediments)
Schwerin Trim
London (Pilasters, Windows, Stone Walls, Doors/Arches)
Paris (Boiserie Doors, Large Cartouche)
Colonial (Plaster Walls, Fence)
Chateau (Door Frame, Various Walls, Stone Foundation, Stairs)
Berlin (Ornate Trim)
Ionic Columns (Full and half, 5m)
Versailles Chandelier
House of Harlix Orjanic (Flagstone Floor)
Harrie Coastal Trim (all)
Lilis Palace
Classicist Manor Pediment
Folklore Skanzen Wall
Beidermeyer Wallpaper
EasyPeasy Lumen Squeezy Hidden Ceiling Light
KTA Sims Paper Walls (half)
Anachrosims Gorgeous Georgians Wallpaper 3
Download Here (SimFileShare)
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brooke0297 · 2 years
Make You Feel My Love (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus Sized Female Reader
Summary: “I will tell you everyday how much I love you and how perfect you are to me. If you can’t believe it for yourself, I’ll believe it for both of us.” When the reader is having trouble loving herself, Bucky tries to remind her.
Warnings: Angsty beginning with happy ending; talk about gaining weight/slightly negative body talk; slight allusions to smut (blink and you'll miss them); mentions of past injury (gsw, passing out).
Author's Note: For me, being plus sized can be great and sometimes not so great. So I wrote this story for me and I hope that you like it. Comments and reblogs always appreciated!
“I’m not going!”
Bucky leaned his head against the door to the bathroom and sighed.
“Doll, please come out so we can talk?”
“No! Bucky I’m not going so can you please leave?”
“Baby, please I just want to talk to you.”
Bucky waited, and he could feel his heart cracking when he heard the muffled sniffles coming from the bathroom. He glanced over to the doorway into his room and shook his head at Steve and Wanda, who were peering into the room. They slowly backed away as he continued to knock on the bathroom door. 
There was a September Foundation gala happening in just over four hours and the compound was buzzing with preparations. Tony had been at the tower all week, waltzing around and telling a team of interns and designers to move decorations three inches to the left (with Pepper following close behind to move them back to their proper place). The team was in full glam mode with stylists and makeup artists running from room to room.
Which is why when he’d heard the slam of the door to Y/N’s room and a personal stylist huffing angrily down the corridor, he had poked his head into her room to see what the matter was. Only to catch the tail of her robe disappearing into her bathroom. He’d knocked, only to be denied entry with a firm refusal to open the door. Which is where he was now, standing barefoot in front of her bathroom begging her to let him in.
“Can you at least tell me if you need me to track down that stylist and put the fear of God in them?” he tried.
“Please don’t, Bucky.” Y/N whimpered and Bucky sobered immediately. 
“Baby, please let me in because I’m starting to panic and I will break down this door if I have to. Especially if someone hurt you.” he said gravely.
“No one hurt me, Buck! Please I just need you to leave me alone!” she insisted. Bucky sighed, turning from the door to sit beside it. He was trying really hard to not let the rejection sting, but there was a part of him deep down that was still bothered.
He and Y/N had been together just a little over 8 months. She had started working at the compound a few weeks after he’d joined the Avengers as an analyst and had become an integral part of the team. He’d never known mission briefings to be as interesting as they were once Y/N had come aboard. They had flirted, a glimmer of the old Bucky breaking through the trauma and insecurities, and he’d been toying with the idea of asking her to dinner.
But then a mission in Versailles threw a wrench in the plans. It was supposed to be a quick in and out reconnaissance mission: Steve and Nat with Bucky for backup. But Y/N needed to also come to decrypt the files Nat was retrieving from the museum. Nat was on lookout, but the guards were too quick and before she could take them all out and before he had reached the threshold of the office, one had gotten off a shot. Dr. Cho had told them later that a millimeter closer and it would have severed Y/N’s carotid. Instead it had fractured her collar bone and sent her careening into the window behind her, shattering the glass. Bucky had felt a glimmer of the old soldier, long dormant since Shuri’s reprogramming had been successful, take over and the remaining guards were dead before they could draw another breath. Steve ordered him to provide cover as the four of them escaped and flew home as fast as they could. All Bucky remembered from that night was holding Y/N’s hand as she sobbed in pain and whispering assurances in her ear until she passed out from the pain and blood loss.
He hadn’t left her side the two days she was in the med bay. When she woke up after surgery, he was there. He had tried to leave her once, to give her space, but she had already tugged him closer and pulled his lips down to meet hers in a gentle but passionate kiss.
“Sorry it took me so long, but getting shot will do that,” she’d murmured. He’d laughed and kissed her again. And he hadn’t stopped for 8 months.
Now though, he worried that something had happened. Maybe she had finally realized the Soldier and his actions were too much to excuse and she couldn’t bring herself to break it off gently? Maybe she’d found someone with less baggage?
“Y/N. I just…I just need you to know how much I love you. You are the most important thing in the world to me and your happiness is priority number one for me. I…I would not be alive now if it wasn’t for you and you are the reason that I wake up in the morning.”
He heard some shuffling and then he could feel her body lean against the door. He got up and rested his head against where he knew hers would rest.
“I love you too, Bucky.” she whispered. Bucky felt the hole in his heart mend itself and he sighed in relief.
“Baby, I know you might not want to talk about it and if you really don’t want to go tonight, I will respect that. But I really do need you to open the door. Please, because I never want you to feel like you have to shut me out. We’re partners and when something bothers you, it bothers me.”
“I know Buck. It just…ugh I hate this feeling!” she groaned. She sniffled again and Bucky waited.
“My dress doesn’t fit.” she whispered. Bucky felt his heart skip and he sighed in defeat.
Y/N was plus sized. She was a beautiful, confident woman who embraced her curves and never let archaic societal expectations get in the way of loving herself. Bucky was enamored with her confidence and considered her the sexiest woman he’d ever met. But there were days where clothes fit tighter or sitting in a theater was uncomfortable, and Y/N was reminded that the world was not created for people who looked like her. Bucky would try to listen to what she needed in the moment: space, righteous anger, ect. And he was always sure to worship her body when they were alone. He loved all of her, every single part, and he tried everyday to tell her.
The stylists had received strict instructions from Nat and Pepper (and him) to provide more than enough dresses in her size to give her a wide range. She’d had a ball trying them on and modeling them for the girls and she’d promised him that he could have his fun getting her out of the dress (with a slight preview that night).
“Baby,” he murmured sadly.
“I know that I haven’t been eating super well and my shoulder was bothering me so I haven’t been to the training gym in a couple weeks but… I just thought… it hasn’t been that long! And the dress wasn’t snug the last time I tried it on…” she sniffled again.
“Y/N, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I know how much you loved that dress.” he said into the door.
“It’s dumb,” she said, tearfully. “I shouldn’t be crying over a stupid dress but…it’s just one of those things, y’know?”
“It’s not dumb, Y/N.” Bucky said, vehemently. “Nothing you feel is ever dumb. And you never have to minimize what you’re feeling, especially with me.”
“I know, baby. And I love you so much. I just…I don’t want to feel like this. I’ve worked really hard to love my body and all it takes is a stupid dress for it to all come crashing down.”
Bucky stood silent for a moment, wishing he could take away the hurt she was feeling. Even for a moment.
“Doll? Can you open the door for me? I want to see you.” he murmured gently. He heard Y/N sigh before the lock twisted and the handle turned. He waited as she gently swung the door open.
The dress was a cobalt blue, tea length dress with pleats in the skirt. The bust had molded cups and was held up by thin spaghetti straps. Bucky’s eyes ran up the dress to meet Y/N’s frustrated glance. Her eyes were swollen from crying and she looked frazzled and defeated.
“It’s the most beautiful dress I’ve ever worn, and it won’t freaking zip,” Y/N grumbled, turning and showing Bucky the gaping back. Sure enough, the clasps of her strapless bra and the top of her shapewear showed from between the teeth of the zipper.
“The stylist tried three times to get that zipper to work and they finally gave up. Bucky, this is humiliating!” Y/N’s lip trembled and her eyes began to glass over with tears.
“Hey, hey look at me,” Bucky insisted. He took her face in his hands and met her gaze intently.
“First thing is: I love you more than anything on this earth. You are the single most important thing in my life.” he began. Y/N choked back a sob as Bucky pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“The second is…” he turned them to face the full length mirror sitting in the corner of Y/N’s room. Bucky’s arms wrapped around her waist and he rested his head on her shoulder. He could feel the smooth fabric of the dreaded dress in his flesh hand and the warmth of her skin underneath. How many times had he held her this way, reveling in the feel of her surrounding him? How many times had he traced patterns on her soft skin? He didn’t think he would ever tire of it.
“The second is that you are perfect no matter what you wear. You could be wearing the most haute couture outfit or my old t-shirt that mysteriously keeps finding its way into your laundry basket and you will still be the most beautiful, most radiant woman that I have ever had the honor of calling my partner.”
Y/N bit her lip to push back the tears as her arms came up to cover his around her waist. He could feel her melting into his embrace and he kissed her shoulder beside the loose strap of her dress.
“I know that there will be other days like this ahead, and while I wish that there won’t be, all I can do is promise to always tell you all the ways that you are so much more than the dress size you wear. You are sweet and kind and smart and hilarious. You never let Sam and Tony get away with the bullshit and you are fiercely loyal to the people you love. And I have never seen someone be able to reconnaissance a three floor HYDRA warehouse faster than you can. You are the glue that holds our team together, Y/N. You have saved our lives more times than I can count. 
“And there are still days that I can’t believe you even glanced in my direction, let alone chose me to hold your heart. You saw through the darkness and destruction in my soul and you helped me let the light in. I will spend everyday making myself worthy of your love, but you never ever have to shrink yourself to a box to make others love you.”
Y/N turned in his arms and pulled him down to meet her lips in a searing kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck to tangle in the hair at the base of his neck, and his hands traveled from her hips and around her back to pull her closer.
When they pulled away, lips swollen and breathless, he cupped her cheek and stroked his thumb across her face.
“If you don’t want to go to this gala, I will happily tell Tony to fuck off and we will do whatever you want to do,” he promised. Y/N sighed, looking away briefly.
“I want to go so badly, but the dress…”
“...has arrived!” came a voice from the doorway. They turned to see Nat and the stylist from before striding in with a garment bag slung over their shoulder. Bucky remembered suddenly that their name was Zo.
“What?” Y/N asked, confused. “What are you talking about? I’m currently wearing the dress and it does not fit.”
“You’re currently wearing that version of the dress,” Zo said, unzipping the garment bag to reveal an identical dress to the one Y/N was wearing. Y/N stared at it, dumbfounded.
“I was told this was one of a kind,” she murmured, reaching out to feel the fabric.
“Well as far as the stylists knew, it was. But I know this designer and she is working on expanding her plus size brand, so I had a hunch she had some sample sizes stashed somewhere. All it took was a quick phone call, a police escort thanks to Tony Stark, and now you have your dream dress that I will happily tailor to you. But I am not a miracle worker so say buh-bye to your hunky arm candy and let us work our magic! We only have three and a half hours to make you dazzling.”
“She already is,” Bucky interjected strongly. Zo rolled their eyes and motioned to Natasha, who grabbed Bucky and began hauling him out the door.
“Hang on a second!” he protested, pulling out of her grasp. He turned back to a bewildered Y/N and kissed her deeply. 
“Could I at least help you out of this one?” he teased cheekily. Y/N laughed as Nat groaned in disgust and pulled him away.
“I swear to God I will kick your ass, Barnes,” Nat grumbled, “Now go get yourself pretty while we pamper your girl.”
She promptly launched him out of the room as a team of makeup artists and stylists filed in and slammed the door behind her. Bucky grinned and made his way back to his room to put on his tux and grab the surprise he’d been waiting to give Y/N.
Three and a half hours later, he was back waiting in front of Y/N’s door. His short, dark hair was styled back, and the cobalt blue pocket square tucked into his classic black tuxedo jacket matched the color of Y/N’s dress perfectly. His vibranium hand, encased in a black glove, fiddled with the box in his pocket and he tapped his shiny polished dress shoes nervously. Just as he was about to knock, the door flew open and Zo appeared, looking positively giddy.
“She is a masterpiece!” they declared, ushering him inside. When Bucky made it through the door, he froze at the sight of Y/N’s figure in front of the mirror.
The dress, now zipped and tailored perfectly to her body, seemed to shimmer in the light as it accentuated her curves before flowing from her waist, around her hips, and stopping at the middle of her calves. She wore two inch high, black block heels and her hair was styled down and loose around her face. Her makeup made her skin look luminescent and her eyes bright. When her gaze caught Bucky’s, she smiled widely and Bucky knew the storm had passed. 
She was absolutely ethereal.
“What do you think, Y/N?” Zo asked, moving past Bucky’s prone form to pick imaginary lint off of the dress. Y/N smiled brilliantly at them and took their hand.
“It’s perfect. And I cannot thank you enough for everything, Zo. I feel…”
“Gorgeous,” Zo finished, squeezing her hand. Y/N nodded and Zo discreetly stepped aside as Bucky’s breath returned to him.
When he took a step towards her, Natasha’s hand flashed out to stop him. She had changed into her figure hugging black gown with a sweetheart neckline and long side slit and it made her look even more dangerously beautiful than she was in her widow suit.
“If you even think about messing up her makeup, I will take you down. Behave.” she murmured. Bucky rolled his eyes. He had been to enough events with Y/N that he knew to never kiss her directly on the lips or cheek when her makeup was that flawless.
Instead he approached her and took her hand in his, stooping down to plant a gentle kiss to her knuckles. He heard Zo and the other stylists swoon behind him, but he only had eyes for Y/N.
“Hey handsome. You clean up nice,” Y/N teased. Bucky stood up straight and pulled her closer.
“Ни на одном языке нет слов, чтобы описать, насколько ты прекрасна,” he whispered in her ear. Y/N shivered and he grinned. He knew how much she loved hearing him speak Russian.
“I love you, моя любовь” he murmured fiercely. Y/N smiled and smoothed her hands across his lapels.
“I love you too,” she murmured back. He chuckled and she cleared her throat, remembering their audience.
“Shall we?” she asked. She moved to step around him before he gently pulled her back.
“One second. I was waiting to give you this until tonight.” He handed her the box as Natasha herded the stylists out of the room. She glanced up at him in confusion before opening the top of the box. She gasped in surprise and delight.
“Oh Bucky,” she breathed. Bucky reached in and pulled the necklace out, letting it shimmer in the light.
“The sapphire is from an old brooch of my ma’s that Steve helped me track down. My dad saved for a year to buy it for her and she wore it to church every Sunday. And I had it set with a couple of the diamonds from your mom’s ring.” Y/N reached out and held the pendant of the necklace in her hands.
The sapphire was set in the center with two oval diamonds on either side. They touched at the bottom before fanning out away from the sapphire.
“I remember that brooch from a picture you showed me. Bucky, this is the most amazing gift you could have ever given me! Thank you, my love,” she said, reaching up to kiss him. She turned and let him place the necklace around her neck and fasten it before he pressed another kiss to the clasp at the nape of her neck. She turned back to him and wrapped her arms around him.
“Thank you,” she murmured. Bucky smiled.
“For what? The necklace?” he asked, brushing her hair back from her face.
“Well that, of course. And for loving me when it’s really hard to love myself.”
“I meant what I said,” he insisted. “I will tell you everyday how much I love you and how perfect you are to me. If you can’t believe it for yourself, I’ll believe it for both of us.”
“Back atcha, baby.”
With one last quick peck, she turned and took his hand to lead him into the hallway. They made their way through the hallways until they reached the main elevator.
“Wait…weren’t there two sapphires on that brooch? What are you going to do with the other?” Y/N asked as they entered the elevator. Bucky grinned.
“I have something special planned for that one,” he said slyly, pressing a quick kiss to her left hand ring finger.
“Ни на одном языке нет слов, чтобы описать, насколько ты прекрасна,”= “There are no words in any language to describe how beautiful you are.”
"моя любовь" = "My love."
Thank you everyone for reading! Let me know what your thoughts, feelings, ect.
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officialpenisenvy · 6 months
okay I'll bite. should I watch patalliro
hard yes if you like yaoi melodrama teenage boywife bishonen and child endangerment. also hard yes if you like slapstick gag comedy with incomprehensible puns demon child kings and child endangerment. also hard yes if you watched the rose of versailles at a foundational age and it had a devastating impact on your aesthetic sensibilities. i watched only the maraich episodes and the movie and i was never happier than those few weeks
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empiredesimparte · 4 months
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Live broadcast of ‘Le Sacre de Napoléon V’ on the national channel Francesim 2, hosted by Stéphane Bernard
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(Stéphane Bernard) This is an exercise rarely undertaken by the French imperial family. In truth, few could have imagined that this ceremony would take place on the occasion of the coronation, especially considering the recent turmoil. However, His Majesty is determined to deliver a powerful message to all his detractors and to strengthen ties with the French people.
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(Stéphane Bernard) Emperor Napoleon V must establish his style and herald change to win back his people. After the coronation ceremony, will we witness the swearing-in of all the bodies that constitute Francesim, thereby renewing their allegiance to the Emperor? His Majesty must make a successful entrance into his reign and, I believe, in some way, significantly transform Francesim.
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(Stéphane Bernard) He will need to find the right words, gestures of appeasement, and an attitude that will bring about national unity. Many skeptics doubt his abilities due to his young age, barely 19 years old. Yet, this walkabout evokes the image of a thaumaturgic emperor, soothing ailments through direct contact with the people. This, in fact, is one of the foundations of the Napoleonic idea: the Emperor and the People. Of course, thaumaturgy is irrational, and hardly anyone truly believes in it nowadays. Nonetheless, the people display a strong desire to form a connection with this young emperor, in whom they can see themselves.
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(Another journalist) What do you think, Stéphane, about Empress Charlotte? Will she live up to the role that awaits her? She's only 19 too
(Stéphane Bernard) Empress Charlotte will undoubtedly be an essential pillar for His Majesty Emperor Napoleon V. Already, she enjoys immense popularity among the French. She is a woman of great intellect, full of charm, and remarkable beauty. Strangely, she gives the impression of having always been part of the imperial family. She understands the role: sacrificing her private life on the altar of the monarchy. The couple must now take up the mantle and embody modernity.
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(Stéphane Bernard) On screen, you can see the majestic entrance gate of the Château de Versailles. It is here, in this historic location, that the gala is being prepared, where tonight all the greatest heads of state in the world will be present. Choosing Versailles is not incidental. It is about showcasing French culture and refinement, a heritage to which we are all deeply attached!
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(Stéphane Bernard) A glimpse of the famous Hall of Mirrors where the Imperial Household is preparing for the arrival of the Emperor's guests. It's an unconventional coronation, for several reasons. Tomorrow, Francesim will become the center of the world. The young imperial couple, in the spotlight, will seize this unique moment to assert themselves brilliantly on the diplomatic stage. The Emperor has wished to showcase all the splendor that Francesim is capable of. His Majesty has spared no expense to ensure that these days are truly unforgettable.
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(Stéphane Bernard) Allow me to tell you about the regalia, these symbols of power that are currently safely housed in the Palais des Tuileries, in the heart of Paris. They will soon be transported to the cathedral for the grand ceremony. I must confess, I have been preparing for this event for nearly ten years, and like all of you, I am eagerly awaiting the realization of this historic moment!
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(Other journalist) Isn't a coronation somewhat outdated today? Couldn't it be "simpler", like republican ceremonies?
(Stéphane Bernard) Yes, it's quaint. However, it remains an indispensable rite for the Nation to commune and identify with. In these times of identity retreat, the monarchy provides a path to overcome these divisions. As long as this symbol endures, it will continue to serve as a unifying force – and the Napoléons, better than anyone, have understood this well. Unfortunately, our Presidents of the Republic have never managed to accomplish this mission with the same grandeur.
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°1 | Francesim, Paris, 27 Thermidor An 230
The imperial couple took a walkabout on the eve of the coronation. It was broadcast live on television by Stéphane Bernard, the famous journalist covering crowned heads in Francesim.
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⚜ Traduction française
Le bain de foule demeure un exercice fort peu usité par la famille impériale française. En vérité, bien peu parmi nous pouvaient imaginer que ce cérémonial se déroulerait à l'occasion du couronnement, surtout en considérant les tumultes récents. Cependant, Sa Majesté, avec une détermination à toute épreuve, aspire à délivrer un message puissant à tous ses détracteurs et à resserrer les liens avec le peuple français !
L'empereur Napoléon V doit arriver à imprimer son style et à annoncer le changement pour reconquérir son peuple. Après la cérémonie de couronnement, assisterons-nous à la prestation de serment de tous les corps constituant la Francesim, renouvelant ainsi leur allégeance à l'Empereur ? Sa Majesté doit réussir son entrée de règne et, je crois, d'une certaine manière, bouleverser la Francesim de manière significative
Il va devoir avoir les mots, les gestes d'apaisement et d'attitude qui permettront de ramener l'union nationale. Bien des sceptiques doutent de ses capacités en raison de son jeune âge, à peine 19 ans. Pourtant, ce bain de foule évoque l'image d'un empereur thaumaturge, apaisant les maux par le contact direct entre le peuple et le souverain. C'est d'ailleurs, l'un des fondements de l'idée napoléonienne : l'Empereur et le Peuple. Bien sûr, la thaumaturgie relève de l'irrationnel, et plus personne n'y croit réellement de nos jours. Néanmoins, le peuple manifeste un désir ardent de créer un lien avec ce jeune empereur, en qui l'on peut s'identifier
(Autre journaliste) Que pensez-vous Stéphane de l'impératrice Charlotte ? Sera-t-elle à la hauteur du rôle qui l'attend ?
L'impératrice Charlotte sera sans doute un pilier essentiel pour Sa Majesté l'empereur Napoléon V. Déjà, elle jouit d'une popularité immense auprès des Français. C'est une femme d'esprit, pleine de charme et d'une beauté remarquable. Etrangement, elle donne l'impression d'avoir toujours appartenu à la famille impériale. Elle a compris le job : aliéner sa vie privée sur l'autel de la monarchie. Le couple doit désormais prendre la relève et incarner la modernité.
A l'écran, vous voyez le majestueux portail d'entrée du château de Versailles. C'est ici, dans ce lieu historique, que se prépare le gala où seront présents ce soir tous les plus grands chefs d'état du monde. Choisir Versailles n'est pas anodin. Il s'agit de mettre au premier plan la culture et le raffinement à la française, ce patrimoine auquel nous sommes tous si attachés.
Une vue sur la célèbre galerie des glaces où la Maison Impériale prépare l'arrivée des invités de l'Empereur. C'est un couronnement atypique, pour plusieurs raisons. Demain, la Francesim deviendra le centre du monde. Le jeune couple impérial, en pleine lumière, saisira cet instant unique pour s'affirmer avec éclat sur la scène diplomatique. L'empereur a souhaité mettre à l'honneur toute la splendeur dont la Francesim est capable. Sa Majesté n’a pas épargné la moindre dépense pour que ces journées soit véritablement inoubliables
Permettez-moi de vous parler des regalia, ces insignes de pouvoir qui, pour l'instant, reposent en toute sécurité au palais des Tuileries, au cœur de Paris. Ils seront bientôt transportés à la cathédrale pour la grande cérémonie. Je dois vous confier que je me prépare pour cet événement depuis près de dix ans, et comme vous tous, je brûle d'impatience de voir ce moment historique se réaliser !
(Autre journaliste) N'est-ce pas un peu désuet aujourd'hui, un couronnement ? Ca ne pourrait pas être plus "simple" comme les cérémonies républicaines ?
On peut penser qu'un couronnement est une tradition désuète de nos jours. Oui, c'est désuet. Cependant, il s'agit d'un rite indispensable pour permettre à la Nation de communier et de s'identifier. En ces temps de repli identitaire, la monarchie offre une voie pour surmonter ces divisions. Tant que ce symbole perdure, il continuera de jouer son rôle de rassembleur – et les Napoléons, mieux que quiconque, l'ont bien compris. Nos présidents de la République, hélas, n'ont jamais su accomplir cette mission avec la même grandeur.
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
From a cultural perspective it does feel a little short sighted to me to elevate media from the 2010s as the pinnacle of queer revolution in fandom just because it's American/European when fandoms for things like the Takarazuka Revue have been femslashing the hell out of everything since 1913 with immeasurable effects on queer fandom and original property culture with foundational onscreen depictions of openly lesbian and genderqueer characters in The Rose of Versailles, Sailor Moon, etc. being patterned on the troupe's shows
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fritzmonorail · 3 months
A gorgeous and foundational anime
I feel it is my obligation to tell as many people as I can to watch The Rose of Versailles. A stunning and surprisingly historically accurate shojo anime that I feel should go down not just as one of the greatest Shojo Anime of all time (which it surely is) but as one of the all time anime classics that have helped shape the medium as we know it. This anime has aged like fine wine. I have the box set and It's one of the best anime purchases I've ever made. so many people when they think about classic anime can only seem to think as far back as the 90s or the mid to late 80s but the 70s are what really got everything started.
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scotianostra · 1 month
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On August 11th 1919 Andrew Carnegie, the Dunfermline-born steel industrialist and philanthropist, died. During the late 19th centuries, several entrepreneurs became famous due to their wealth and influence on society. Carnegie was mostly famous due to his reputation for philanthropy. When Andrew Carnegie died, they discovered a sheet of paper upon which he had written one of the major goals of his life: to spend the first half of his life accumulating money and to spend the last half of his life giving it all away. And he did! During the last 18 years of his life, he gave away around $350 million (roughly $6.5 billion in 2023), almost 90 percent of his fortune, to charities, I honestly can't see the likes of Bezos, Musk or Zuckerberg doing the same. I covered Carnegie's philanthropy in a previous post, this time I will take a look at his last will and testimony.
By the time of his death, Andrew Carnegie, despite his best efforts, had not been able to give away his entire fortune. He had distributed $350 million, but had $30 million left, which went into the Corporation’s endowment. Toward the end of his life, Carnegie, a pacifist, had a single goal: achieving world peace. He believed in the power of international laws and trusted that future conflicts could be averted through mediation. He supported the founding of the Peace Palace in The Hague in 1903, gave $10 million to found the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in 1910 to “hasten the abolition of international war,” and worked ceaselessly for the cause until the outbreak of World War I. He died, still brokenhearted about the failure of his efforts, in August 1919, two months after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
I couldn't find out about his will in the US, except he left almost everything to his wife, Louise, and there only child, Margaret.
In Scotland Carnegie’s estate, saw each labourer on the payroll at Skibo who had served more than two years was given $50 (about £12.50 at the time – the average annual wage for an agricultural labourer was about £46) and those who had served five years got $100.
His estate in Scotland was modest compared to that in New York. His will was made up almost entirely up of lists of people who paid duties to him as a laird, with labourers getting payments connected to length of service and crofters being remitted two years’ rent if of good standing, with a third year’s rent paid to all crofters for improvements to their homes.
He also left money to friends and relatives in Scotland., a sum of five thousand dollars to his cousins in Dunfermline about $78,543.75, that's over $61,500 .
The inventory of his estate in Scotland was presented at Edinburgh on 21st October 1920. It was modest compared to that recorded in New York with a value of £67,541, 8 shillings (s) and 2 pence (d) which would be in the region of £1.96 million today (2023)
Back in the states, after his death his daughter eventually had to sell the family townhome because it was too expensive to maintain. But that was it—the rest of his immense wealth went to his charitable causes and endowments.
You might think that that would cause some resentment on the part of his heirs, but they apparently all agreed to the arrangement well before Carnegie passed away.
Apparently he wrote his own Eptaph, he wanted it to read, “A Man Who Knew How to Enlist in His Services Better Men Than Himself.” His wishes were not upheld, however—his gravesite includes a relatively simple Celtic cross bearing his name, birthplace, and lifespan.
To end with Carnegie's charitable foundations continue to comtribute tio good causes today, Through Carnegie Corporation of New York, the innovative philanthropic foundation he established in 1911, his fortune has since supported everything from the discovery of insulin and the dismantling of nuclear weapons, to the creation of Pell Grants and Sesame Street.
Barely anything is left of Andrew’s personal fortune, which was once valued on par with the oil tycoon Rockefellers and the banking Morgan family. The 13 fourth-generation members of Andrew Carnegie’s lineage now have the self-made wealth of white collar professionals. Their children and grandchildren make up a large fifth generation and a growing sixth.
Linda Thorell Hills, one of Andrew Carnegie’s great granddaughters, said her family has “lived conservatively and privately,” noting that it is easier to blend in since they are all descendants of his only daughter and none live with the Carnegie last name. Still, she said they’re emboldened by his legacy.
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local-philocalist · 2 months
Repurchased Beauty Products
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Over the weekend, I finally had time to treat myself, I've been so slumped with work and clients that I haven't had time to indulge in a beauty day. I visited W Cosmetics, Dusk, and Mecca, treating myself to a mini-shopping spree. Below are some things I picked out!
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Creer Beaute The Rose of Versailles Oscar & Rosalie Face Mask 7PCS
Creer Beaute The Rose of Versailles Oscar Face Mask 7PCS
I love “The Rose of Versailles,” one of my all-time favourite series, so I always stock up on their sheet mask and other beauty products. Honestly, Creer Beaute mask are decent and high quality, which is why they are so popular. I like how hydrating and smooth they leave my skin. That said, I purchase The Rose of Versailles mask more for aesthetics, and there are better sheet mask out there.
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Kiss Me Heroine Make Volume Up Mascara Super Waterproof in black
Kiss Me Heroine Make Smooth Liquid Eyeliner Super Keep in black
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Glossier Stretch Fluid Foundation
Glossier Stretch Face Brush
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Peripera Sugar Twinkle Liquid Glitter
Sampar Addict French Lip Oil 4.5g
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Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil Pump 230ML
Beauty of Joseon Matte Sun Stick
Two beloved skin care products in my collection. I use the Softymo cleansing oil to remove makeup and double-cleanse with my African black soap.
I use the Beauty of Joseon sun stick to reapply my sunscreen throughout the day; I usually use another SPF 50 in the morning and have the sun stick in my purse to reapply every few hours.
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Dusk Tokyo Eau de Parfum 15mL
Dusk Tropical Spice 3 Wick Soy Scented Candle
The Dusk Tokyo perfume is the only first purchase on the list. I’m absolutely in love with the scent. I sprayed it on my wrist and could not stop sniffing my wrist all day, so I had to return and purchase it. If you like floral and lactic fragrances, I recommend it! Dusk only has the 15mL bottle, so I’m layering it with my Burberry Goddess and Mugler Alien Goddess. It layers nicely with vanilla-heavy fragrances.
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racefortheironthrone · 8 months
Would you put Louis XIV as overrated?
Oof, that's a tough one.
It's particularly hard to answer because the reign of the Sun King also saw the tenure of some of the most influential chief ministers in French history: Mazarin, and Colbert.
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While perhaps not quite as famous as a certain cardinal whose schemes kept getting foiled by the Three Musketeers, these guys were world-historically important.
Mazarin was Richelieu's political heir, and brought his predecessor's policy of using the Thirty Years War as a way to break the back of Hapsburg dominance to a successful conclusion. The Peace of Westphalia not only served as the foundation for modern international relations, but also expanded France's position in Alsace and the Rhineland - especially when Mazarin pulled off an anti-Hapsburg alliance with the new League of the Rhine.
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At the same time that France was winning the Franco-Spanish War, which won them a big chunk of territory in the Low Countries around Artois, Luxembourg, and parts of Flanders, and all of the territory north of the Pyrenees Mountains including French Catalonia. It also got Louis XIV the hand of Maria Teresa, which would eventually create the catalyst for the War of Spanish Succession and the War of Austrian Succession...
And while Mazarin was doing all of this, he was also busy crushing the Fronde uprising led by le Grand Condé, which he eventually accomplished in 1653, and creating a formidble system of centralized royal government through the intendants that ended the power of the feudal nobility.
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As for Colbert, he was the guy who figured out how to pay for all of this. The single biggest reason why economists need to shut the fuck up when they talk about mercantilism, Colbert was the financial and economic genius of his age. Remember all those canals I'm so crazy about? Colbert built them. Specifically, he was responsible for the Canal des Deux Mers, transforming France's economy by linking the Mediterranean to the Atlantic.
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He also turbo-charged France's economic development by restructing public debt to reduce interest payments and cracking down on tax farmers, reforming (although not ultimately solving) the taxation system of the Ancien Régime by using indirect taxes to get around tax evasion by the First and Second Estate, equalizing (but not ending) internal customs duties, and putting the power of the state into supporting French commerce and manufacturing. This included significant tariffs to support domestic producers, direct public investments into lace and silk manufacturing, and the creation of joint-stock corporations like the French East India Company. (This also meant Colbert's direct promotion of the slave trade and the Code Noir in order to generate hugely profitable investments in Haitian sugar and tobacco plantations for import into France and the rest of Europe.)
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This makes it a little difficult to separate out what credit belongs to these guys versus the guy who hired them. What I can say is that Louis was directly responsible for Versailles, but also for the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
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animefeminist · 1 year
“An Inner Revolution Of The Japanese Women”: The Rose of Versailles As Feminist Historical Fiction
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It’s not an exaggeration to say that Ikeda Riyoko’s The Rose of Versailles is one of the most influential shoujo manga of all time. The18 volume historical fiction retells the story of the French Revolution through the eyes of a number of female protagonists, including Marie Antoinette and the fictionalized character, Lady Oscar. Many shoujo manga historians consider it to be a foundational text in the medium and Ikeda is often credited for popularizing  the sumptuous linework and stylistic expressions which shoujo manga is best known for today.  
Unfortunately, shoujo manga—like most media targeted towards women and girls—is often dismissed as frivolous and apolitical, which means that Rose of Versailles is often overlooked as a work of feminist historical fiction. However, Rose of Versailles is actually remarkably well-researched and it’s clear that Ikeda was dedicated to educating her readers about the history of the French Revolution by centering women in her story. Similarly to English-language commercial successes like Titanic and Hamilton, the Rose of Versailles uses the framing of genre fiction to allow modern audiences to connect with history. The Rose of Versailles makes the argument that women’s lives and the romance genre can be radical and revolutionary—and, in fact, they were always central to revolutionary movements.  
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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gracie-bird · 4 months
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Princess Grace of Monaco arrives at Florence and Gerald van der Kemp Reception in benefit of Versailles Foundation Charity in Versailles, France, on June 11, 1980.
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canmom · 3 months
watched the mappa!rose of the versailles trailer. colour design is uh, not exactly doing the work here is it?
I'm all for new interpretations of a thing, but... i feel like I don't really get the need to remake works that were iconic and foundational in their time, like Urusei Yatsura and Rose of Versailles, in an incredibly middle-of-the-road modern style. artistically, anyway. I'm sure having that name cachet sells. and here I am talking about it, so I guess the joke's on me.
anyway this seems like a great reminder to watch the rest of og!rose of versailles
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marquisedegramont · 5 months
Who are your top five favorite characters in John Wick?
-🧸 (<- If this hasn’t been taken yet)
[ Ooohhh I think this list would be pretty clear based on who is reading this but yeah here are my top five! :D ]
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It was already a big start when I watched John Wick and really liked Alfie Allen’s performance as Iosef. Only just recently I started to like-like Iosef as a character more. I love his sort of biker aesthetic with the leather jacket and hoodies, which is a BIG difference from the other three big bads of the movie series since they’re all dressed in this formal-business sort of outfit which really goes to show Iosef’s difference in terms of character to literally everyone in the movie series.
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The man, the myth, the legend! He’s obviously gonna be on this list because the movies aren’t completed without him and he’s genuinely such a well-written character it’s just that most people (atleast on other platforms) just know John for killing an entire criminal organization over a dog and while yes that’s true, I can literally just yap over and over about how Daisy just symbolizes John’s remaining innocence and his connection to Helen/the overworld.
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Watching John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum and actually noticing everything after watching the fourth movie in the series was like a hit to the face. So Adjudicator— fucking awesome! I loved their entire wardrobe throughout the movies and how they all look so stylish yet refined. And I love the subtle story telling with their dangly earring which represents the fact they don’t necessarily have everything under control and so does the High Table.
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People truly sleep on Gianna because, hey, she got like ten minutes worth of screentime and had relatively a short time alive for the audience to look at her and like her as a character. But to me, I love her. I love my bitches who show up once and then never again. She’s evil, she’s ruthless, she’s a cunt; Santino’s just mad he can’t do it like her. Aka, be as good as her when it comes to ruling the Camorra. I love her so much, because as much as we were so close to see a truly ruthless individual who is a woman rule something as large and brutal as the Camorra, and also be a canon seat holder in the world of the High Table— Gianna remains one of my favorite due to how beautiful she is and how intuitive she was, her death scene was just absolutely beautiful.
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We all saw this coming. He’s practically my brand, in fact I am him. He is me and he is I, don’t mind the fact he died in 2015 and I got pushed into this world against my will in 2005. Look at him. He’s literally the perfect villain for a movie like John Wick Chapter 4. He’s a cunt, played by Bill Skarsgård, he has a fuckass French accent, he never shows up in scenes without his pocket watch, the shoes are Prada and the suits are Valentino. All his suits are drenched in glitter, and every scene feels like he owns the place. The Louvre? The Louis Vuitton Foundation? The Palace of Versailles? The Palais Garnier? The fucking Tour de Eiffel? He’s always surrounded by his bodyguards, he’s eating cake and living his best life. God, he’s literally me. I am him bro. He is literally me. He’s a ruthless and brutal little cunt ass bitch who finds pain fascinating but I do not have a single fiber in my body that gives a hecking shit. Anna Wintour would have loved him. If there was an Anna Wintour in the John Wick world, Vincent would be her fucking soul son. If you were to tell me the bitch named Keith from Barbarian would suddenly be throwing on a French accent and walk the way he does now, I would have exploded. Vincent is nothing but the pure embodiment of the campiness of John Wick Chapter 4. The suits, the character, the attitude, the sheer level of audacity. He is a mixture of the villains before him, he is the campiness of John Wick Chapter 4, he is Bill Skarsgård having fun, he is an insufferable bitch who deserves the way he died and even then, his death was both relieving and also beautiful. The Marquis, Vincent Bisset de Gramont is everything in a John Wick villain; the design, the European, the mythology references, the hatred for John, the cowardice, the deceitful nature, the ability to serve so much cunt yet be so cringefailure loserboy at the same time. Chad Stahelski made a great decision casting Bill Skarsgård as the Marquis de Gramont because I cannot think of another 6’4 white man who looks like a disturbed Victorian era child who has never seen a cellphone. He looks like he would get pissed off if you called him cunty and he would die if you gave him Sprite to drink. Making a guillotine joke around him would have you executed on site. He has a nice ass and beautiful, glorious hips and thighs that he is gatekeeping from the community using his glittery tailcoats. He is a thirty three years old twink with perfect thighs and even better fashion. His hair has so much hairspray I don’t think that shit was moving for the duration of the movie. The perfect villain to have ended John Wick alongside the legend himself. The motherfucker comes from Southern France and I hate and love him even more because of that. He is such an insufferable little shit that if I were there in the agreements scene I would have done everything in my power to make sure the duel starts now so I can leap across the table and rip him to shreds with my bare hands. I am kissing him with tongue afterwards. I hyperfixated on him and hated him at first but then I remembered that his fanbase was lacking at the time so now I’m him yeah sorry Chad Stahelski himself told me I am him so yeah move out of the way ladies. Or don’t. I’m married to like three women I don’t know because I’m him. His hell is being middle class in Paris because I said so.
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