#verse: til death do us part
obxqveens · 22 days
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"stupid pictures" that shelby takes of rafe (against his will) while he's doing work on the house. lila's in the background singing chappell roan at the top of her lungs. @soughtserenity @obxland
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wntrscldier · 2 years
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nicromancytarot · 6 months
This is a general channelling based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my content is not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes.
I write songs sometimes in my free time, and I asked my spirit guides to give you guys a song which could have something that you need to hear right now. Pick a card and enjoy some lyrics.
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2
Pile 3 ———> Pile 4
promise me one thing,
you’ll never let this go,
we’ll be a forever answer,
to the calls of the unknown
nothing to tear us apart,
it’s the only thing i fear,
not having you anymore,
while i’m still stuck here
nothing can destroy us,
you’ll be by my side,
til the end of time
(til the end of time)
fuck death do us part,
i’m taking the swan dive,
i’m falling from the sky,
so you’ll always be mine,
fuck death do us part,
i’m taking the swan dive,
from the clouds into the ground,
i’ll be by your side
no one can compare,
to the love i have for you,
no one can treat me better,
than the way you do
when you jump i’ll jump too
i’ll always follow you,
to the deep depths of death,
there’s nothing i wouldn’t do
nothing can destroy us,
you’ll always be by my side,
til the end of time
(til the end of time)
fuck death do us part,
i’m taking the swan dive,
i’m falling from the sky,
so you’ll always be mine,
fuck death do us part,
i’m taking the swan dive,
from the clouds into the ground,
i’ll be by your side
my heart is tied to yours,
it beats when yours does,
we’ll be inseparable,
in the sky above
Swans mate for life, when their partner dies, the remaining swan flies high into the sky and falls to their death, performing their last swan dive. The narrator is serenading their partner, telling them that their love is to last beyond the grave.
sometimes i wish that i could live inside my mind,
so i could figure out what’s going on behind,
you greet me with a smile and open arms,
when i’m with you i feel safe from harm
you lean in to give me a kiss on my cheek,
and pass me a bouquet of my favourite flowers,
oh how it’s so good for us to finally meet,
i pace around my room and think about you for hours
and you say...
come on, come closer,
let me hold you til the war is over,
and if i ever let you go,
just know that i’m your delusional wonder
turn the page and dry your tears,
keep pretending that i am near,
and when we meet again tonight,
we can pick off where we ended last time
come on, come closer,
i’ll let you hold me til the war is over,
and if you ever let me go,
i’ll always know that you’re my delusional wonder
visit me again in my dreams,
like you do everyday of each week,
and when i hold your head in my hands,
i’ll remember it’s a fantasy land
when i wake up and see you’re not laying next to me,
a fear strikes deep deep inside my being,
you know there’s something wrong when you think something exists but it don’t (though)
and even when i beckon upon your name,
the sound of silence always stays the same,
the earth is a desolate place when you’re not here and only in my dreams
and you say...
come on, come closer,
let me hold you til the war is over,
and if i ever let you go,
just know that i’m your delusional wonder
turn the page and dry your tears,
keep pretending that i am near,
and when we meet again tonight,
we can pick up where we ended last time
come on, come closer,
let me hold you til the war is over,
and if i ever let you go,
just know that i’m your delusional wonder,
come on, come closer,
i’ll let you hold me til the war is over,
and if you ever let me go,
i’ll always know that you’re my delusional wonder
the narrator is daydreaming as an escape from reality, and falls in love with a character they have made up in her head just to realise that they are not real.
(This one was written purely for this.)
i’m like a ballerina in a jewellery box,
when the music stops,
my heart drops,
i cant be alone with my own thoughts,
without thinking about ending it all
what makes my mind so useless?
an apathetic version of what i say,
i often think that i’m going insane,
but it’s all in my brain,
yeah, it’s all in my brain?
i’m begging you, don’t let the quiet in,
cause i don’t know what is bound to happen,
the silence causes violence,
a rapture in my heart,
i won’t give in,
but the temptation is calling me
they think Im crazy,
they think i’m out of my mind,
embodying the devil,
won’t hear me out this time,
they think that i am crazy,
some part of a losing game,
one they won’t play for me,
confiscated their tokens away
i’ve got a taste for destruction,
pouring salt on my own wounds,
refusing to heal my past,
lifting the rug to sweep my dooms
i’m begging you, don’t let the quiet in,
cause I don’t know what is bound to happen,
the silence causes violence,
a rapture in my heart,
i won’t give in,
but the temptations still calling me
The narrators biggest fear is to be alone, to have to think about past experiences, so they overindulge in coping mechanisms, like constant partying.
racing through emotions,
throwing daggers at my friends,
i promised i wouldn’t hurt myself,
putting means to an end,
i’m enclosed in my room,
painting sheets with all my tears,
tearing myself apart,
analysing all my fears
i’ve got a target on my back,
but i’m the one with the gun,
inflicting harm on myself,
my mind won’t let me run,
i’m trying to let go,
but the storm cloud followed,
darting into alleyways,
i wanna be alone
i’m not scared of the dark,
but the monsters that live within,
i’m terrified of my reflection,
the mirror showcases all my sins,
the ghoul’s under my bed,
and he’s gripping on my legs,
pulling me under with him,
now the cycle repeats again
i pulled myself out of this before,
pinched myself so hard, blood could be drawn,
pressed my lips to a glass of cherry wine,
drowned my fears in alcohol,
i do this all the time
come with me into the night,
this time i won’t put up a fight,
i’ll let myself consume the darkness,
even though it don’t feel right,
let me fall onto my knees,
down by your gravestone i will plead,
let me live my life in comfort,
surrounded by the shadows in me
i pulled myself out of this before,
pinched myself so hard, blood could be drawn,
pressed my lips to a glass of cherry wine,
drowned my fears in alcohol,
i do this all the time
i’m not scared of the dark,
but the monsters that live within,
i’m terrified of my reflection,
the mirror showcases all my sins,
the ghoul’s under my bed,
and he’s gripping on my legs,
pulling me under with him,
now the cycle repeats again
The narrator can feel themself falling back into that dark place, they try to fight it at first, before letting it consume them, becoming victim to their own sadness.
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Flowers of Futamono (updated version)
Update note: I misidentified a couple of flowers and am posting an updated version. I will leave my original up as well.
My mind recently has been on one specific Hannibal tableau.
This one:
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I haven't been able to stop thinking about it in regards to flower meanings. I'm not all that versed in flower language, but I am aware that flower meanings differ from place to place. Japan in particular has a unique flower language. Yellow roses are known for being symbolism for friendship, however in Japanese flower language they mean jealousy. I bring it up because the entirety of season 2 uses Japanese dishes to name the episodes.
I have thus latched onto this and have drawn the comparison between Japanese flower language and this particular tableau.
I have of course run into a problem but I have a solution and thought process onto why this is the case.
Jack names three of the plants we see; belladonna, white oleander, and ragwort.
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Now, do you see the problem? That's right they aren't the flowers used in the tableau. Only one of them was actually correct.
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They look similar enough that most likely the showrunners just didn't think anyone would go through the effort to look up the flowers. I would like you to stay with me though because it's easy to headcanon and explain this glaring issue away.
Jack isn't the kind of guy to know flowers and neither are the people around. Hannibal though is absolutely the kind of guy to send a message with flowers that no one would understand.
Maybe it's on purpose though because there is the surface layer meaning with the flowers that Jack names, and then there's the actual flowers used and the true underlying meaning. And I'm going to assert that Hannibal is also experiencing such a dilemma. His Person Suit doesn't agree with the Ripper beneath the surface.
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Originally I called this one purple hyacinth but it's actually bittersweet nightshade.
The one place I could find a Japanese meaning had its meaning as "dark thoughts". Which makes sense given nightshade is one of the most poisonous plants out there. Nightshade is often called the devil's plant and is associated with death and betrayal. Google told me that the specific nightshade in the tableau were used in wreath making to mean fidelity ('til death do us part, I suppose) which I can't help but find hilarious considering Hannibal emotionally cheating on Alana the whole time he's with her (even if he's apparently unaware of his feelings until season 3).
This and the subsequent meanings are more than likely for Will as he is the real reason for the tableau in the first place. Previously Will tried to kill Hannibal via Matthew and in response he says he must get his appetite back, thus this tableau.
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For the next one we have the chain of white oleander which is actually two different flowers with some moss. The two flowers we actually have here are narcissus and pink hyacinth. Narcissus' meaning is; "self-love, egotism and unrequited love". Pink hyacinth is simple in comparison because it's sole meaning is: "play". Interestingly oleander's meaning is; "caution, beware". A sign that things are not entirely as they seem.
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More than likely this flower is a chrysanthemum indicum hybrid rather than the apparent ragwort that Jack calls it. While I couldn't find a meaning for the specific kind of chrysanthemum that is pictured, the meaning I did find for yellow chrysanthemums is: "slighted love". I couldn't find any significant symbolism for ragwort. I did however find lots of warnings about it being poisonous.
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The other one I got wrong is the one I called a blue globe thistle but its actually sea holly. I'm not surprised about being wrong about this one with how similar the two plants look. Looking up the symbolism gave me a bunch of different things. From prosperity, to luck, and independence, refinement, also attraction. One site even has its meaning overlapping with one of thistle's: austerity.
The red flowers are unfortunately not easily identifiable. The could quite literally be almost any red petaled flower.
While that covers the meaning of the flowers within the chest we still have the flowers of the tree.
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Another possible incorrect flower is the tree itself. While watching the episode again it's obvious they used various different shots of blossom trees. Some look like apple blossoms, others like cherry blossoms, and of course some look like plum blossoms. While they all have unique meanings specific to them, the overarching symbolism of blossoming trees is; hope, renewal, new beginnings, perseverance, and keeping promises. Generally just about surviving the winter because blossom trees tend to bloom before trees get their leaves in spring.On top of the incorrect flowers is the fact that I forgot that Will does end up seeing the tree in picture form in the next episode. His recreation of it is interesting because unlike others where he recreates where it happens, the scene shows him in Hannibal's office. That shows that he gets that the message is to him because that is where Hannibal had sown the seeds of Becoming into Will, but I get the impression he's blind to the whole meaning of the flowers. And what is the message Will is missing?
It's still a response to Will's attempted murder. Since the tree and flowers are in bloom there is a message of pride (narcissus) that those seeds he had sown started to sprout, that Will has stepped up to play (pink hyacinth) the game with Hannibal. He is disappointed and feels slighted (yellow chrysanthemum) by him using a proxy and that Will could use some refinement (sea holly) still. Overall though he's applauding the new beginnings (blossom tree) and the dark thoughts (nightshade) that has been sown into Will's heart.
I left a portion in the early part of this post asserting that Hannibal's Person Suit doesn't agree with the Ripper that lays beneath the surface in a similar fashion to the way Francis and the Dragon aren't entirely one. I have spent a lot of time deliberating whether or not the message he sends here is in agreement with the actions of his Person Suit. As I have left the aforementioned assertion I agree with my previous thoughts.
And I have Jack Crawford and his line where he names the flowers to thank for that. Why call one of the most notorious poisonous plants belladonna? If the team wanted to actually sell the whole poisonous man-tree thing I don't see a reason to not call it nightshade; a way more recognizable name. He calls it belladonna. By that point in the series we already know about Jack's wife Phyllis who he calls Bella. The audience is already aware of him calling his wife beautiful all the time. The association of Italian words and their meaning is present. Bella donna meaning beautiful woman is just a surface level meaning that is easily coupled with the blooming on screen relationship between Hannibal and Alana. A relationship that Hannibal seems to actually care about as he doesn't want to kill her and invites her to partake in his hobbies; the dinner parties and playing his instruments.
Yet the Rippers bouquet message to Will as well the subsequent actions show that beneath the surface his thoughts are only on Will. Even the canvas upon which he uses for this tableau is a white man with messy brown hair.
These details show that there's a dilemma going on with the Person Suit and the Ripper. And this is glaringly obvious because Will is unpredictable; especially after release. By being with Alana he was putting her in danger. Hannibal had to have a lot of faith that Will would never hurt her. Even after being baited by Will's flirting he still tried to send her away during the season finale. And even then it was Abigail who almost killed her, not Hannibal. Yet not once are any of the Ripper's actions defined by her. Those are all for Will. Underneath is an obsession and love that Hannibal has no clue what to do with.
All the Ripper could do was leave a lonely tableau in an empty parking lot, with the roots and guts on display, and no one around to understand. The only hint of the actions to come.
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foxes-that-run · 10 months
Love of My Life
LOML closes out Harry's House, it's a sad song about realising someone is the love of his life after he had lost them. Harry has spoken about an albums start and end, Harry's House starts with Sushi, imploring his muse to let love in and asking himself if just a taste of love is enough. LOML is about loss of that person and realisation that they were the love of his life. To Zane Lowe Harry said:
"Love of my life, I’ve always wanted to write a song about like home and loving England and all that kind of stuff. And it’s always kinda hard to do without being like ‘went to the chippy and I did this thing’ and to me Love of My Life was the most terrifying song for a long time because it is so bare, it's so sparse." He went on to say: "And in the spirit of what Harry's House is about, I think it started as an idea that was very literal, on the nose, [...] As I started making the album it wasn't about the geographical location it was much more of an internal thing."
So, what he said was that it is about his home and England is a metaphor. Home is common theme in Harry's work, most notably in Sweet Creature but even in 1D it has meant more than a place to him. The notebook also has a quote 'your mother is my home'. Taylor has also used home or homeland to refer to Harry, WomanExile has a great post on their usage of home as a metaphor for each other.
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The Lyric Video has roses, which Harry and Taylor Swift also use to refer to each other:
Since 1989, all rose and thorn lyrics are about Harry
Harry 's rose Tattoo is from 11 September 2013, when they started dating again after the VMAs.
Roses have been in videos, outfits, social media posts about each other, a list is here.
In the NY ONO show Harry said he wrote it in Rob Stringers' (Sony CEO) house and that the phone ringing in it is his. As it Was was recorded in the same session, and in part, has a similar meaning. This places it in the first half of 2021. After the rest of the album, California. Also after Folk/evermore which are about communicating and endings respectively. Harry had seen Taylor in March at the 2021 Grammy's. At the time it was written Taylor was still dating Joe. Harry had been dating Olivia for a few months.
California in particular refers to 'summers death left to breathe' indicating that there may have been an ending of sorts in 2020 before he returned to England and drove to Italy over the time Folklore was released.
Though not lyrically addressed, to me LOML is a 'yes' to Question..?'s "Did you realize out of time, she was on your mind?" Question was written in the same time period, after the Grammy's interaction but was released 6 months later.
Tracklisting, release and length
Love of My Life is Harry's only track 13, Taylor's number. It was released on her birthday. It is 3:12 long, or March, 31 2012 - the date they met.
Live shows
Harry said to Zane Lowe he thought he would close the show with it. And he did up until March 25 2023 when it was replaced by Fine Line in the last leg. Later that same week Taylor Swift replaced Invisible String with The 1 and announced her split from Joe Alwyn. It only returned for the 3 Wembley shows.
It was missing for 30 shows and is one of the least played Harry’s House songs, only above Boyfriends and Grapejuice which was added for the last leg.
Baby, you were the love of my life, woah Maybe you don't know what's lost 'til you find it
The first verse is a turn on the phrase “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” he reconnected with his love and found she is the 1 but it is past tense, he still lost her. This is similar to the Clean secret message, which also appeared in the OOTW video “She lost him but she found herself and somehow that was everything.” And the cyclical nature of this relationship.
Take a walk on Sunday through the afternoon We can always find somethin' for us to do We don't really like what's on the news, but it's on all the time
The second verse to me is remembering good times with this person, when he felt at home, with shared experiences and comfort. The Central Park walk with Taylor was on a Sunday.
I take you with me every time I go away In a hotel, usin' someone else's name I remember back at Jonny's place, it's not the same anymore
To me, I take you with me everytime I go away refers to what Harry said about an internal feeling, no matter where he is in the world his love is ever-present even when they are not.
In the Dublin show on the 22nd June 2023 Harry confirmed this refers to his childhood friend is Jonathan Harvey. This speaks to Harry’s concept of home as the feeling that you are loved and belong. To me this reference is to when Harry took Taylor on a tour of his home in England, to the lakes, where he grew up and she may have met Jonny in 2012. She said that was her best birthday, sharing his home with her was important to him. To me, this line means their relationship is different now to it was then. As it was is also similar with with an external view of how others would see them and their place in life.
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It's unfortunate, ooh Just coordinates, ooh
It’s unfortunate, just coordinates sounds to me like he’s reflecting on how they got from the Lakes trip to their current state. This applies to his feelings about love and home. The impact touring has had on his life, what is home and his relationships.
I don't know you half as well as all my friends I won't pretend that I've been doin' everything I can To get to know your creases and your ends Are they the same?
Knowing his love is a theme, in Sunflower Harry sang “Let me inside, I wanna get to know you” and in Fine Line “Spreading you open Is the only way of knowing you” to explore the idea of intimacy co-existing with distance with the same person.
He also sings about not knowing his love in Trouble “And I don’t even know you / But I feel like I do sometimes”. Interestingly in If I could fly he feels like she knows him “Now you know me / for you eyes only”.
The “are they the same” speaks to once knowing all the creases and ends but not now. “Super Pretty” has a similar theme of distant intimacy and vulnerability “do you still feel the same about me”.
Baby, you were the love of my life, woah Maybe you don't know what's lost 'til you find it It's not what I wanted, to leave you behind Don't know where you'll land when you fly But, baby, you were the love of my life
The final chorus adds “don’t know where you’ll land when you fly” which confirms he is singing to a person not a country. Specifically a person with a private jet who can fly without the destination known. For that person every mystery take off is relentlessly tracked by an instagram account. How alienating it must be to someone who loves and wants her to see that and not know.
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 4 months
For @sausage-rolls34, along with anyone else who would like to see it, here is a fic rec list for Hannibal, plus one Good Omens and one Supernatural at the bottom! I think there are too many to link, but I'll provide titles, authors, and ratings, as well if some are omega verse, mpreg, ect., and if they are post-fall or AU because I know my tastes in fanfic can seem strange to some. It's all under the cut!
Great Cathedrals by l3moncoffee- Rated G, implied/referenced mpreg.
His Shadow Suspended on Dust by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated T, omega verse, post-mpreg.
For Remembrance (Holes in the Floor of the Mind) by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated M, Hannibal gets amnesia, Abigail lives.
Chasing Thoroughbreds by HigherMagic- Rated E for sexual content and violence, omega verse, mpreg mentions/discussions, amnesia fic.
Nothing But Music From This Point On by RichlyJeweledHands- Rated G, POV Wally after he joins the FBI to find Will.
Stars Around My Scars by WordsAblaze- Rated G, Will and Hannibal discussing scars.
Perfect the Way We Are by capn_fuzzy- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg.
The Birth of the Lamb by HollyMartins- Rated M, mpreg, miscarriage included.
Earth Tones by sourweather- Rated T, Hannibal and Will in Cuba.
nothing in the world belongs to me but my love by antiheroblake- Rated M, injured Hannibal.
I want, I want, I want by horror (gazing)- Rated T, post-fall courtship done by Will.
I'm Not Made for This by stranded_labyrinth- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg.
DNR by herding_elephants- Rated M, includes Major Character Death.
Til death do us part by Ruiz_M- Not rated, dark and possessive Will.
bluebird waltz by indigocarnation- Rated E, suicide attempt
Mouth to Mouth Resurrection by McRibFarewellTour- Not rated, depression story.
Beneath the Brine by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated T, Major Character Death included.
Look Yourself in the Eye Before You Drown by McRibFarewellTour- Rated M, Hannibal feeling angsty.
I've Seen It All by threadoflace- Not rated, Will goes blind in the fall.
If Only by deathbymistletoe- Rated G, about Alana and Margot after they flee.
I love you more than the world can contain by wr3tchedthing- Rated G, they're old men in Cuba.
The Sweetness of Our Dreams by WinstonsDad- Rated M, omega verse, Will turns up shot one year post-fall and Hannibal is nowhere to be found.
A Verger Baby by myramcqueen- Not rated, Margot's POV about Morgan.
Your Own False Condition by McRibFarewellTour- Rated T, Hannibal tries to get Will a dog, angsty.
Unease Surrounds Us by FantabulousAss- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg.
Darkly, solemnly, softly by unwantedprayer- Not rated, Hannibal is severely injured post-fall and Will cares for him.
Scars, and how we got them by Dancycore- Rated M, Will and Hannibal talk about their scars.
Feast or Famine by BeetleBabble- Rated M, Hannibal has an eating disorder and Will notices.
lifeboat by wolfgraham- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg, very dark, baby death.
The Fisherman and the Beast from the Sea by ByJoveWhatASpend, PragmaticHominid, Pragnificent (PragmaticHominid)- Rated E, not exactly mpreg, Hannibal is a shark person Will falls for (Shape of Water AU), 1920s setting.
Letters to Hannibal by ElizaLeto- Rated M, Will goes to war AU, mpreg, written in the form of letters.
Caraval by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated M, magic AU based off the book Caraval, omega verse, referenced/future mpreg.
Like Calls by Buuuutidgaf- Rated E, omega verse, referenced/implied/future mpreg, everyone lives in the woods.
Deadly Courtship by flutterbydream- Rated E, mermaid/merman AU, omega verse, mpreg.
Autumnal by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated T, Hades and Persephone AU, part one of my series.
what you're given, what you live in by Flamin_Homosexual- Rated E, Tangled AU.
All That Shatters by AngelofSadness- Rated M, Victorian setting, omega verse.
From slave to mother by bravewhenfearful- Rated M, Victorian AU, omega verse, mpreg.
Hunt and Belong by hearteatertrih- Rated T, Will is a god, Hannibal a sacrifice.
We have everythin' (Our love is enough) by LaynaVile- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg, vampire Hannibal, werewolf Will.
Holding Moonlight by whenitstarted- Rated E, The Handmaid's Tale AU, omega verse, mpreg.
A Song of Love and Crime by TheSilverQueen- Rated M, GoT AU, omega verse, mpreg.
The Only Butterflies Will Be the Ones in Your Chest by faithfulDiscord- Rated T, god AU, Will is the god of death, Hannibal the god of life.
It Takes Two to Nest by The SilverQueen- Rated T, omega verse, mpreg.
Lonely Eyes by sourweather- Rated M, highschool AU, non-verbal Will.
Tower of Destiny by mz_hyde- Rated M, fairy tale AU, so funny.
Exalation by cactus_junkie- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg, Will was kidnapped and sold to Mason.
Sanctified by ms_masago- Rated E, omega verse, Will was held captive and abused by Mason, Hannibal tries to help him.
Like Home by Lady_Thunder- Rated E, omega verse, Will being held by Mason, Hannibal helps him escape.
Patient Is the Night by MooshiShoomi- Not rated, mpreg, post-partum anxiety.
Winter's Eve by MooshiShoomi- Not rated, mentioned mpreg, Christmas story.
Conflicting Desires by PinkDeviant (PinkieDev)- Rated M, Borrowers AU, Will is tiny.
SCRIMSHAW by KINGLEON- Rated M, they're dragons AU.
Daylight, Inc by DBMars- Rated E, vampire and vampire hunters AU.
Arranged To Be Married by Geekygirl24- Rated E, omega verse, Will and Hannibal are in an arranged marriage.
rise and fall by bearclaws- Rated E, omega verse, canon divergent AU.
arrangement by YouAreMyDesign- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg, loosely based on The Handmaid's Tale.
Every Single Glance is a Different Word by A_David- Rated M, college AU, Will pretends to be deaf to minimize interactions with people.
Iridescent by Stanxiety- Rated E, mpreg, Will's a merman.
You Name the Babies, I'll Name the Dogs by sourweather- Rated E, omega verse, Will and Hannibal have a family.
Footprints in Snow by scorpiobabylon (orphan_account)- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg, Hannibal meets Will while hunting.
sweet summer child. by SunnyJune- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg.
The Lost Royal Claim by slashyrogue- Rated E, Will is a king, Hannibal his husband, and Hannibal has amnesia.
I have no idea how to categorize these:
La Sposa del Mostro by Tina_Mairin_Goldstein- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg, Bedelia POV, time in Florence rewrite.
beginnings by orphan_account- Rated M, Bedelia gets pregnant in Italy rewrite.
How Sharp Her Teeth by lovetincture- Rated M, mpreg, season 1 AU.
What the Little Mouse Brings by WinstonsDad- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg, Hannibal rescues Will after killing his captor.
when the bow breaks by abstracteevee- Rated T, omega verse, traumatic birth.
Unfolding by Aqueronte- Rated T, Bedelia gets pregnant in Florence, miscarriage.
together they have trampled the green and golden rue by silvergoldsea- Rated G, Will and Hannibal are genderless forest dwellers.
blood, drying by wolverton- Rated M, the three years between the first and second halves of season 3 about Will's life.
Weaving fragments by BattyMadison- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg, Mizumono twist.
Predators by TheQuietWings- Rated G, boop war-inspired story.
Transition by Anonymous- Rated E, mpreg.
Winter by friendlyhostile- Not rated, Hannibal has a hard time with the snow.
The Note by j0uii- Rated T, crack-y fic, Will becomes two cats (yes, two).
No One Will Ever Love Me Like You Again by Will_Graham_My_Love- Not rated, a letter Will wrote to Hannibal after his arrest.
On Top by bcomplexe- Rated G but contains sexual content, Winston's POV about Hannibal.
Prevision by Dreams_in_Silence- Rated T, omega verse, mpreg, Christmas story.
How Can I Move On? by ElizaLeto- Rated G, Will and Duncan Vizla, sad.
What Brings Us to Now by Ineffable_Hannigram- Rated G, Hannibal has an eating disorder, but not how you think.
Happy Little (not so) Accident by MelodicWriter- Rated E, Jack makes the team go paint to build trust.
Halloweenie by adavice- Rated E, mpreg, Hannibal is impregnated by a mysterious creature and tries to solve the mystery.
The Haunting of Hannibal Lecter by BattyMadison- Rated T, Will gets hit by a car, turns into a ghost, and attaches himself to Hannibal.
'cause baby, I don't think I'm the one for by LaynaVile- Rated T, omega verse, mpreg, miscarriage.
Late Spring by Demiurgos- Rated T, omega verse, Hannibal's view during Mizumono.
Will in White by Lady_Thunder- Rated T, Will is a woman in white.
Little Mischa by AriesOnMars- Rated G, mpreg.
He Who Made the Lamb by Sanguineheroine- Rated M, omega verse, Murder Family.
Never Saw Us Coming by Words Ablaze- Rated E, set during the episode where they found Beverly's body.
satiation by HogwartsToAlexandria- Rated M, post Digestivo, mpreg.
There's a Monster Inside of Me by Stronglyobsessed- Rated M, omega verse, mpreg.
A Reflective on Incidental Fishing by SaitouLover- Rated G, mpreg, AU off season 1 and 2.
The Ravenstag's Lamb by orphan_account- Rated , mpreg, graphic birth.
Good Omens
Call the Midwife- Eldrich Horror Edition by ARealGoodPip- Rated E, Outsider POV, Crowley and Aziraphale have a baby. Part of a series.
Cucumber Lane by LittleAngelCassie- Rated E, omega verse, mpreg.
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
anon again (IT WAS ME POP)
I think I;m just going to tell you guys who the person is, they honestly are pretty fucked up.
(I tried to tell them on anon ages ago, but I wasn't as well versed as I am now. they are PROBABLY going to find this and get mad at me, so be it I've been through worse. being mentally ill is not a fucking excuse for anything, but an explanation on why you should do better in the future. I've had the same thoughts and was told similar shit I'm fucked in the head too, and you don't see me being actively horrible or death threaten people. there are lines and you crossed them I waited to see if it got better and it didn't, so yeah I'm snitching.)
but it’s just not a freaking excuse, this shit is never an excuse and they should get flack.
I'm probably going to do this in multiple parts fml
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yeah I sent the anon, it basically went like
"hey zionism isn't bad, here's some Palestinian blogs I suggest-
(yk some of the popular ones before I knew they were dicks to jewish people and "zionists" forgive me I went through like 7 character arcs this year)
-I don't think Aaron self immolating was good and I think it encourages people to do similar things and as a suicidal person I think thats pretty bad, I think he should have had help. also that he was doing it for pretty antisemitic reasons? and he followed alot of conspiracy theories? and he should have gotten help and not self emulated."
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again they went through some horrible abuse at fundie churches, KEEP IT IN MIND.
but yeah I think that anon is Bleh.
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that's why the anon I sent was deleted, they answered actually pretty nicely the first time then came back and reblogged it and was like "HOPE YOU FUCK OFF AND DIE GENOCIDE SUPPORTER" yada yada.
I have thick skin, but yeah it wasn't okay.
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<3 happiest "genocide apologist" around <3
(yeah guys forgive me I still believed most of the popular Palestine bloggers were normal about people, they weren't :P)
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again, I'm suicidal.
I've almost fallen for TOO MANY acceleratist death cult shit, just in general.
I am motherfucking disabled both physically and developmentally, as well as mentally ill.
(I will bitch and moan about it til the day I fucking die)
I have as much of a right as them to talk about it "oh your being ableist" for fucks sake your telling me the guy who has consoled my friends, mentally ill kids, and more that I'M? not a mental health ally and that I'm a saneist fuck?
thanks but no thanks, I don't think anyone should kill themselves needlessly.
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there's like 2 more posts these ones
I don't have enough space to include screenshots and I will get blocked after I post this ask probably.
anyway, I can't stop them from doing this and they have already harassed some Israelis
I want to help them change but they aren't that type of person.
anyway, love you all sorry for the horrors.
Should have ditched them earlier honestly
they used to a literal nazi?
like Pop my friend that's a red flag no.
I don't trust former nazis not to revert to their ways these days
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thesinglesjukebox · 2 months
We too are sticking together on this...
Jonathan Bradley: The catchiest and prettiest thing on Hit Me Hard and Soft is this micro-scale nighttime fantasia, a burble of dazed affection and death imagery; it’s Billie’s most mellow evocation of the macabre to date. Her vocal is light but dexterous, pushing some syllables away, swooning on others, opening out when restraint threatens to take over entirely. A lesser performer would melt into the production -- the sort that we used to call lap-pop, back when not all pop could be produced on a home computer and that could mark a sound. It's interior in outlook, a composition of detail rather than impact. And the details are what sell this: the pattering thump of drums, the sleepy sprawl of the synth textures, the faint sparkling of guitar arpeggios that decorate rather than dominate. It’s a toybox tune, but one where the toys come to life as you dream. [8]
Kat Stevens: This is how I remember it: Sharon and Tracey are trying to win a cash prize at a karaoke competition, presumably to get themselves out of some sort of financial scrape. Tracey is reluctant at first but eventually commits to their hamfisted "I Will Survive" dance routine. However, Sharon gets stage fright at the last minute, leaving their man-eating, snobby next-door neighbour Dorian to save the day. Dorian pinch-hits "Like A Virgin" to the delighted crowd, and I decide that the next time I do karaoke, I will copy this schtick down to the very last gyration. Everything else about Birds Of A Feather was shit, so Billie has a low bar to clear here. [5]
Katherine St. Asaph: The sort of genial soft-rock arrangement Haim have made a whole career of, enlivened by the kind of vocal acrobatics Billie normally holds back. [7]
Jackie Powell: When “Birds of a Feather” was first released, critics immediately projected that it could be a top 40 radio mainstay or song of the summer, as this track is the "purest pop" Billie Eilish probably has in her catalog. It’s a foot tapper, and the combination of kazoos, acoustic guitars and melodic synthesizers emulate how a bird typically flitters around. But I don’t view “Birds of a Feather” as Eilish selling out or chart-hunting. Creating a song that sounds like the younger sister of Wham!’s “Last Christmas" -- which Eilish’s main collaborator and brother Finneas believes is a major compliment -- isn’t complying with some sort of industry trend. It’s not like Eilish went country like so many other pop acts have in the past three months. She also challenges herself vocally. Eilish has always been gifted at blending her upper register with her chest voice, and she shows off her excellent mixing in each pre-chorus, especially on the phrases “I don’t” and “might not.” So where does she challenge herself? Right in that final chorus, where Eilish crescendos on each overlapped response that begins with “til.” There are three of them. She begins in her head voice, mixes on the second, and then takes a risk and belts in a way we’ve never really heard before, her voice going on the proverbial rollercoaster that vocal teachers always have their students visualize and try to execute in warmups. "I couldn’t belt until I was literally 18," Eilish told Zane Lowe. “I couldn’t physically do it.” Now she clearly can, and she's all the more versatile -- the exact opposite of an artist’s intent when “selling out." [8]
Mark Sinker: Not doctorate-level semiotics here, but this comes into focus as a song – from sweetly yearning fuzzgoth to something more bodily and bitter and present — when the verse rhyme-endings switch from open vowels (-ay, -oo, -ee) to that hard array of -its. Which, I mean, yes, it’s actually Californian alveolar tapping shading into glottal stops, and that final rhyme of “stupi… ” actually trails off into the Billie-est of ether, so the bitter bodily array is way more implied than it’s physically there. [8]
Alfred Soto: Part of the charm of "BIRDS" is how it sounds like a demo for a dance-floor banger. That's also one of its hindrances. "I'll love you till the day that I die" is fine once, a place-filler every other time.  [7]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: This John Legend, Lewis Capaldi corny-ass song sounds slightly pleasant when sung by Billie, but do yourself a favor and go listen to the "Guess" remix instead.  [6]
Ian Mathers: On the surface this is just pleasant (hits me soft, you could say), but I keep coming back to the "say you wanna quit, don't be stupid" part. Whether you hear this as about siblings or romance, there's just enough of that element to undercut (or maybe ground) the florid declarations of the rest of it. [8]
Nortey Dowuona: At one point in 1886, it was estimated that 50 American bird species were hunted for their feathers. Passenger pigeons and Carolina parakeets went extinct, one after the other. If not for the crusading of Harriet Hemenway and cousin Minna Hall and the passage of the Weeks-McLean Law (aka the Migratory Bird Act) by Congress in 1913, backed by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, snowy egrets would've been plucked to extinction. Think of all the years it took to get that passed into law and backed by the Supreme Court. Think of how much longer it will be until trans rights and the rights of the entire LGBT community are enshrined into law. And how much longer this song will last until that happens, long after me and Billie and you are dead. [7]
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king-of-men · 1 year
The Battle Hymn of the Republic is probably most familiar as music; but in translating it I found that it is really excellent as poetry. Consider that famous phrase, "the grapes of wrath"; it is a dead metaphor now in English, killed by overuse out of its original context. Seeing it with the fresh eyes of a different language let me appreciate the power of the image: The grapes of wrath, from which are made the wine of wrath - heavy on the tongue, hot in the belly, a fire in the blood; the wine that soldiers drink before battle, that makes them charge the cannon's mouth. It's a phrase anchored in physicality, if you don't slide right past it through familiarity; "He is trampling out the vintage" - I am pleased that in Norwegian I was able to add an additional verb here, "han har trampet ut en årgang og av vredens druer smakt". I don't know if Mrs Howe had drunk of the wine of wrath herself; but when she wrote that, she'd surely had a glass or two of the mead of poetry.
I have dropped the refrain "Glory, glory, hallelujah", which relies for its best effect on being sung by several hundred deep male voices marching down a dusty road with a battle at its end; it is fine music but does not really contribute to the poetry of the words alone. I've kept, however, the concluding "…is marching on" that punctuates each verse, making it "…er i anmarsj", slightly archaic Norwegian that fits well with the religious imagery. This turned out to be the most difficult part to illustrate, in a poem in which I struggled much more with the images than the words; in the end I gave up on getting any sort of metaphor for "truth marching on" through StableDiffusion, which I used for the triple-alpha rhymes, and instead put in contemporary paintings and drawings. At any rate this serves to mark the refrains as distinct from the main verses.
The final line, which Howe wrote as "let us die to make men free", is now often sung as "let us live to make men free", presumably on the theory that dead men do not actually accomplish very much and the real goal is to make the other side's soldiers die for their cause. The argument has undoubted force. On the other hand, so many of the men who sang these words in deadly earnest genuinely did die to free the slaves; died by the hundreds of thousands, by bullet and canister and cholera. My translation, somewhat unfortunately, avoids the difficulty entirely with "menns frihet er vårt krav"; the triple-alpha rhyme scheme is a cruel master here, and I could not find any way to work in either life or death.
Jeg har sett med egne øyne Herren komme i sin makt; han har trampet ut en årgang og av vredens druer smakt. Han har sluppet asgardsreien løs og lyn fra sverdet brakt. Hans sannhet i anmarsj!
I hundre vaktmenns leirbål har jeg sett ham klar til kamp; de har reist for ham et alter her i aftnens røk og damp; en rettferdig dom jeg leser, og jeg hører bødlens tramp: Hans dag er i anmarsj!
Jeg har sett hans skrifter flamme i stål og krigersk mot: ``Forakt skal dere hevne, og jeg tilgir deres bot''; la helten, født av kvinne, knuse slangen under fot, For Gud er i anmarsj!
Vi har hørt trompeten kalle, det blir aldri mer retrett; han veier alles hjerter, for hans domstol er vi stedt; Vær rask, min sjel, å svare ham; føtter, vær beredt! Vår gud er i anmarsj!
Han ble født i liljens skjønnhet langt der borte over hav; i hans bryst var det en glorie som hver enkelt nåde gav. Han døde for menns synder, og menns frihet er vårt krav! For Gud er i anmarsj!
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obxqveens · 1 month
shelby verses + relationship tags
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glasyasbutch · 5 months
playlist: day
first one to be done of currently 5, in all likelihood will end up being 6 playlists about this dude. (very normal about him). BUT all the other ones are ship playlists, this is the ONE the ONLY specifically day playlist (daylist?). anyways. enjoy!
link to playlist on spotify
explanations for songs below the cut.
1. Legends Never Die by Belle Sisoski
Legends never die, when the world is calling you, can you hear them screaming out your name? / Legends never die, they become a part of you, every time you bleed reaching for greatness
YES i know it's the league of legends song i know i know i know. But the original has been on my electrohouse but for d&d playlist for years and I like it and so help me god i'm PUTTING it on the playlist for the d&d character who is Literally A Legend Who Cannot Die. Aegis Iuramentum anthem.
chose the belle sisoski cover bc her instrumental stuff is very cool and her voice makes me a little. um. you know. and this playlist is for me.
2. We All Lift Together by Freya Catherine and Jack Victor
This the song of sons and daughters, hide the heart of who we are / Making peace to build our future, strong, united, working 'til we fall / And we all lift, and we're all adrift together, together / Through the cold mist, 'til we're lifeless together, together
Morgan sent this one to me veeeeeery early on as a potential Day song. Might've actually been the first song on the playlist. It's a song for his time with the Aegis: everyone working together for what is clearly some greater good, but the toll gets taken, and you start to mayyyybe get the sense it's gonna haunt you a little bit. haha.
3. Scarecrows by Dirt Poor Robins
They're Lazarus the last of us, the comatose, the dearest friends we've ever lost / Lift your head and see a tree become a forest, a duet become a chorus / Awake and feel the rush of your own blood / For the way we were was the way we learned to live, we couldn't give the things we never had to give / But when we fall we may ascend and begin again
Been obsessed with this song for YEARS. It was my #1 played song in like 2020 i think. I'm so excited I get to put it somewhere. Picking out "standout" lyrics in this song is nigh impossible, but the last verse I think best shows the dual (triple?) meaning I wanted for this song.
On the one hand, it's another Aegis song. It's about choosing to show up and fight the good fight and win against all odds, heavy on reincarnation imagery.
BUT! It's also about Day and Break choosing to walk away. Are they going to be brave enough to stand up against the Aegis and make it clear that something needs to change in the way they choose to fight and die, because their self-immolation is not sustainable. This part's mostly in the chorus and also in the BRIDGE (Remember when you find my bones, remember that I told you so, and when my ashes fall like snow, remember that I told you so) which drives me sooooo crazy insane forever. But also, the selected lyrics above I think have an inkling of this in it, since their whole point in leaving was to get more Aegis on their side. To inspire a movement. (To have their duet become a chorus.) AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's about Day and Break choosing to walk away. Are they really going to go back home with the rest of the Aegis and leave this group of mortals to run headlong into death on their own? God damn it. They've got an inkling of care for these people. No, no, we're going to join them and everyone's going to become stronger for it.
4. Giants by Bear Attack!
When we stand up strong, when we rise above, we'll be proud as lions / And they'll know our names, no matter where we are, we'll be tall as giants
OG party song!!! It feels good to be the good guys! It feels good to be the hero! It feels good to be knighted for your deeds, to be recognized on the street, to be The Party people look to to save the world, and to actually be the ones to do it! It just feels good! Haha don't worry about the last line of the song there are definitely no quencies
5. Welcome Home, Son by Radical Face
Ships are launching from my chest, some have names but most do not / If you find one please let me know what piece I've lost / Pick the scars from off my back, I don't need them anymore / You can throw them out or keep them in your mason jars
a song for crawling back to your demiplane with the body of your best friend and lover in your arms after having been gone two years and sitting down over a lump of clay to build her a new body and holding the tools and sobbing while trying to make the first cut because as soon as you do break is gone and someone just like her but not her gets born
and i'm completely regular and normal about the song closing on "I feel your thumbs press into my skin again" for reasons. morgan knows.
6. Losing My Religion by R.E.M.
Oh, life is bigger, bigger than you, and you are not me / The lengths that I will go to, the distance in your eyes / Oh no, I've said too much, I set it up / That's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight, losing my religion
listen it's just a fucking Good song i'll put it anywhere. I like it.
but also it is for Day choosing to leave the aegis AGAIN in the aftermath of break coming back Right and yet somehow it not being enough because Day's too different now
7. To the Mountains by Lizzy McAlpine
I'm trying to let go, I think it could help being alone / And I'm trying not to let you make me cry / I've spilled too many tears and I think I deserve to be alone / And don't you try to reach me when I pick myself up and go / I've got to do this on my own, I need to build myself a home
the og party: hey, um, Day, how's rebuilding Break going? how are you dealing with it? Do you ... want to come visit? Kez built a new tower. Theo's turning two in a few months and we're gonna throw a party. The news wants to do some more interviews and they really want you to come this time.
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8. Country Corner by Lance Takamiya
A song for Vigil. It really is a nice little town.
9. Solitary Confinement by Everybody's Worried About Owen
You cannot isolate me past the walls that I have built / So send your condolence cards, thinking that I have been held against my will / It's better you believing I'm fighting for some greater good, I know / I know that I believe in nothing, and I like being alone
This one's from Bekah in a round about way, she sent me some other songs by this artist, and then rec'd me this one later, and I said girl do NOT worry I already heard it on shuffle and it's on Day's playlist now. Because like, holy shit.
I almost don't know what to say here, the song speaks for itself so well. Day's self isolation was NOT made in a healthy mindset (I won't say that the entire time was unhealthy, because I stand by the fact that in Vigil he did actually become pretty stable, but only bc him "processing" his grief was actually him just getting SUPER good at ignoring it, and then he saw people that reminded him of it and he got bad at ignoring it again). But, point being, he put himself away, Unhealthy style, but refused to acknowledge that that's what it was.
He told people, especially people who didn't know any better, people who weren't as close to him, that he was out doing important, helpful things that just necessitated him being alone. This *especially* was what he told, and silently begged the rest of the Call to back him up on telling, Theo.
Day's pretty sure his absenteeism made him a fucking Hero in that kid's eyes, because he believed the lie that Day kept walking away from him, and his parents, and his uncle, and his aunt, for some greater good. Pair that with the next song about Day wrestling with the implications that Theo grew up on that lie and now he's gotta meet the expectation, and uh. Yeouch.
10. Psychomachia by I The Mighty
Wouldn't you love to be inspired, let the thought erode your fears / Wouldn't you love to be admired, does it get you through the years / Stay calm, you've got to carry on, oh even with the weight of all you've done / How does it feel to know they look up to you 'cause they're all so young?
Courtesy of Bekah, truly TRULY obsessed with this song. It's just good.
This one's getting us to current party era. It's about being asked to pick up your sword again and all the baggage and regret that comes with stepping back into that old role with a new group. It's about staring into the distance as Bard and Theo talk about "yeah haha wouldn't it be so great to almost die for a cause like Day and my parents did".
It's about wanting to be as good as you were before so you can be something for these kids and ignoring all the warning signs about which paladin in the party you're playing now (it's not the one it was the first time).
Also fun fact, in real life, it's about how the lead singer of Blood on the Dancefloor just sucks so much which I find. insanely funny
11. Heroes by MIKA
I wish there was a way, to give you a hand to hold / 'Cause you don't have to die in your glory, die to never grow old / It's your blood on me, and my blood on you / But to make you bleed's the only thing I wouldn't do
Court mandated MIKA kin song. If the last one was for the current party, this one's for Theo. And the OG party too. There's not much of a timeline anymore. Paladins protect. That's their JOB. and that's all I really have to say for this one.
12. The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance
So long to all my friends, every one of them met tragic ends / With every passing day, I'd be lying if I didn't say / That I miss them all tonight
Going from the last song into this one makes me want to throw up, just btw. It's fucking brutal.
Bekah also talked me into this one. I said girl idk if I want light behind your eyes on day's playlist I'll die every time i listen to it. And she said "that's the idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Anyways imagine being immortal and watching everyone you love die over and over and over and over and over and
13. the war by molly ofgeography
You, you think that bad things happen when your guard's down, it's getting hard now to get by / And you, you wish that you could tighten up your grip round that wind-up heart that never cries / But you don't feel that young anymore / Let the war be over
if we all lift together Wasn't the first song picked for this playlist, this one was. molly ofgeography is my one my only my tenderest lover and I will put her entire discography on character playlists if you let me.
BUT! specifically. This one is, I think, Break to Day. I made a post a looong time back about how Break is fundamentally fighting to be an optimist and Day is hiding that he's a pessimist, and I think this really really speaks to that. I don't have much to interpret here. Just listen to it.
14. Nine by Sleeping At Last
So show me what to do to restart this heart of mine / How do I forgive myself for losing so much time / Wake up, roll up your sleeves, there's a chain reaction in your heart / Muscle memory, remembering who you are / Fall in love again and again and again, wage war on gravity / There's so much worth fighting for, you'll see
he's figuring it out. how to heal. it took a while but he is he is he is he is he is
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27-royal-teas · 1 year
hi its lyric analysis time and uhh this time im tying Hum Hallelujah to the Best Buy incident because i really do think that pete’s past is integral in his writing and also i just kind of want to address it. It’s some dark shit so read with caution. Trigger warnings for lengthy (but not graphic) discussions of suicide, suicide attempts, and drug overdose.
i address things very jumbled and the verses are out of order so yeahh. In addition i did use lyricgenius a lot but im not just copying off them, i have my own ideas, give me some credit ://
For those of you guys who dont know, pete tried to commit suicide via anxiety med overdose in a best buy parking lot after FUTCT was released in 2005 (thus, ‘best buy incident’) but i just want to touch on how it affected his songs, this one in particular; it shows through the lyrics in this and i really dont see enough people talking about it because this song is a masterpiece (i am well aware Infinity On High released sixteen years ago (WOW) but you all talk about thnks fr th mmrs and arms race enough- this is not a bad thing, i just really like this song)
So hum hallelujah’s chorus goes like this:
“So hum hallelujah, just off the key of reason
I thought i loved you but it was just how you looked in the light
A teenage vow in a parking lot; til tonight do us part
I sing the blues and swallow them too.”
pete is pretty much known for his lyrics (aside from being a bassist and several media scandals) and a lot of his lyrics, if you havent noticed, are really fucking depressing. He thinks that maybe he can swallow the sadness which presumably alludes to the drug overdose (“i sing the blues and swallow them too”). It feels also like hes saying that he swallows his own words, as well- his style of lyrics is deeply confessional and tells a story, just like blues, of which is described to hold a conversational feel. It could also be a throwback to the saying you’re going to eat your words, which basically just means ‘you’re going to regret what you say’. He’s singing his sadness. 
For the rest of the chorus, it’s pretty much just the best buy incident. Hallelujah references what he was listening to when he tried to do it. lyricgenius notes that the key of c major is often referred to as the ‘key of reason’ (the original hallelujah was written in this key). HOWEVER, hum hallelujah was written in the key of D (which is right after C major) which makes it just off the key of reason. ‘A teenage vow in a parking lot’ (lyricgenius doesnt agree with me on this one rip) references the attempt- a vow of death; vows are meant to be binding, but a teenage vow might be broken as teenagers are typically painted to be naive (showing he DIDNT SUCCEED IN THE ATTEMPT). the parking lot is because best buy. You might also contrast this line with marriage and how those vows are supposed to be binding, although thats not always the case. ‘Til tonight do us part’ brings up the marriage vow (again) ‘until death do us part’. hes talking about how since he’s going to do it that day, that will be the day they are parted. 
i also wanted to look into the reasoning of hallelujah beyond the fact that that was what he was listening to, and google steadily reports that it means praise the lord or praise god and appears in several psalms in the Old Testament, typically at the beginning or the end. Its a phrase that, to me, symbolizes relief and new beginnings, and i think its interesting that its paired with this line in this way. 
Straying away from the musical explanation, ‘just off the key of reason’ could also be interpreted as ‘just off the verge of insanity’ (just off reason). 
thanking the lord while losing your mind… nothing patrick does in any of his songs is unintentional. to me the entire chorus itself feels like a musical panic attack.
lyricgenuis also brings up an excellent point with i thought i loved you but it was just how you looked in the light. It’s kind of a regret sentence. it could mean a lover, someone he had glorified until he actually got to know them (gee, i do get that) or it could be his outlook on death and his suicide attempt in general. He thought that dying would be an escape, but in another light, looking back later, he can see it was not the right choice after all.
The second verse goes: 
“The road outside my house
 Is paved with good intentions
hired a construction crew 
cause’ its hell on the engine”
This entire verse is telling us this: pete is trying his very best to live, to get outside his house, to wade through the massive depressive slump and his view on how he just messes everything up, but no matter what he does, nothing works and he hurts everyone else (‘it’s hell on the engine’). Hes saying that his best is never good enough because whenever people try to help him- when he tries to help himself- it only backfires. The prechorus goes like this:
“And you are the dreamer
And we are the dream
i could write it better than you ever felt it”
i feel like everyones dreamed of being famous at some point of time. I know i have. I still want to be famous. Its the dream, i guess, being credited for accomplishments. We all want validation (how sad is that?) but these two lines, you are the dreamer and we are the dream is kind of like saying dreams can come true, because look at me, im living it. 
as for ‘i could write it better than you ever felt it’ lyricgenius does have a pretty decent explanation. it could ALSO, HOWEVER, mean not being able to put a name to things, but even if you feel numb inside, you can write it down. i for one have an entire moleskine filled with potential song lyrics and poetry, and every single line is something ive felt. 
I think that, excluding the chorus, my favorite verse in this song would have to be the one right after the chorus.
“My words are my faith, to hell with our good name
Remix of your guts, your insides x-rayed
and one day we’ll get nostalgic for disaster
We’re a bull, your ears are just a china shop”
lyrical GOLD
I cant even decide which one i want to go through first so lets just start at the top. fall out boy was never known for being good; they were known for being different, weird, emo. ‘my words are my faith’ call to mind the mention of religion, something of which has been a controversial topic pretty much the entire time humans have been alive. he will fight to keep his ‘religion’ alive, even if it sours his name. And pete has spent his whole life writing; hes pretty much dedicated himself to this band, so it wont take much for him to throw away his name to keep it (perhaps this is linked to the best buy incident because he doesnt care anymore). 
Remix of your guts could mean someone changing the meaning of something you’ve poured your heart and soul into. your insides x-rayed is interpreted to mean being overanalyzed so much that the orignal meaning is lost (rip im doing that right now arent i) but honestly when i heard this line the first thing i thought of was that one time pete got his heart x rayed to give to his girlfriend, which was truly peak pete wentz. i dont think its correlated with the song but it would definitely be interesting
One day we’ll get nostalgic for disaster again its that LOOKING BACK. im a fucking sucker for nostalgia. Id get high on it if i could. Im so stuck in the past, but im trying to move on. Nostalgic for disaster,.. he probably misses the van days. those were definitely a disaster, but he can look back and go hey, that was one of the highlights of my life. 
We’re a bull and your ears are just a china shop calls back to the song’s second verse again-- it’s similar to hired a construction crew, 'cause’ it’s hell on the engine. It recalls the phrase a bull in a china shop which comes to mean ‘a clumsy person’. ‘a clumsy person breaking things’. He’s using a generalization (which I actually notice he does a lot, it takes the pressure off something being personal, it’s a tactic of YEP, YOU GUESSED IT, AVOIDANCE) to say that he will ruin everything he does, and that could translate into the listeners eventually, as well. 
The second prechorus of the song also ends with ‘I could write it better than you ever felt it’ but the first line is different. It goes:
“Sometimes we take chances, sometimes we take pills”
This is so clearly influenced by the Best Buy Incident. You can choose to live, to take a chance, or you can take the pills and take the fast way out. This could also mean taking a break from medication (I’m pretty sure pete went off his meds for some time). By going off his medication in order to feel things (sometimes we take chances) it could harm him, but he’d rather do that than take the pills. 
Halfway through this essay i have come to the realization that im writing in a really light tone and it could be taken as im joking about this situation and for the record i am not joking about any of it, i am very serious, pete attempting to commit suicide was terrible and mental health is not something to joke about. i understand the weight of what happened and im not trying to make light of it im just trying to analyze how this event impacted his work- specifically this song in particular- and i just want it known that i dont take suicide lightly and while the mood of this is supposed to be analytical and easy to read, im not trying to be casual about any of it. ok thanks for reading this interlude 
anyway the first verse, the intro, is actually really hard to hear the words in the song because patrick does not enunciate at ALL and even though i know the lyrics i still cant tell what hes saying lol but anyway the first verse goes like this:
“It’s all a game of this or that, now versus then,
Better off against worse for wear
And youre someone who knows someone who knows someone
i once knew
and i just want to be a part of this”
The first line here i believe correlates to the pressure that pete felt as the frontman of fall out boy; their entire goal AS fall out boy was to take something current and differentiate it with a spin. often the fans would complain that the sound had changed (im looking at you, everyone who hated mania, i am glaring, mania is my musical wife) and often their new sound would be compared to the old sound, mostly by fans who didnt like anything after take this to your grave- thus, ‘now versus then’. ‘This or that’ could also relate to this but furthermore i think its the choices and sacrifices pete made as the frontman. Im not going to go into specifics but uhhh yeah.‘Better off against worse for wear’ makes me think of mcr’s set at wwwy fest when they dressed up super old as a stab at nostalgia.,, perhaps here pete is saying that the fans would rather them have their older sound and be less mentally stable rather than doing better off with something new.
‘And youre someone who knows someone who knows someone i once knew’ im not sure this is completely relevent and slash or connected with the previous part of the verse but its definitely connected with the next line : “and i just want to be a part of this”. again connecting it to sickly sweet nostalgia. Maybe its about him himself. He thought he knew himself five years ago maybe but now he doesnt, and he sort of wants that back, when he was freer, and now here he is in a best buy parking lot, overdosing on ativan. 
I think the only thing that i have left on this is the second half of verse two (fuck, this is what i get for doing this song out of order over the span of four days) so um:
“I love you in the same way, there’s a chapel in a hospital, 
One foot in your bedroom and one foot out the door”
This might be the second part most linked to the best buy incident because it feels especially morbid, the idea of a chapel in a hospital, waiting for the people who are already dead. ‘One foot in your bedroom and one foot out the door’ sort of illustrates someone who is ready to escape at a moment’s notice, someone who is preparing for the worst. it sort of reflects the feeling of waiting for someone to die. Chapel in a hospital definitely plays into the ‘waiting for someone to die’ factor. when you’re holding your breath to make sure your best friend in the world is still alive… fuck. I cant even imagine what that feels like. I’d also be preparing for the worst. 
The bridge to this song is interesting. It’s just the main chorus of the original Hallelujah but still in the key of D, and it has a slightly faster tempo than the original. And, of course, patrick is singing it. It gives the feeling of a climax, a deciding factor. given the fact that its the bridge and the whole point of a bridge is to make the turning point of a song, i guess that kind of makes sense, but it feels even more like you’re holding your breath with anticipation and the cusp of regret. 
anyway this song is just really interesting and there are. so many different ways to take the words of pete wentz. i should make a lyricgenius account. 
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character-profiles · 1 year
-The Dark Web Spider Breach
-Quest For Status (The Status Revival Arc)
-The Pikmin Saga
-Experimental Ice Arc (Magical-Experiments)
-The Swap!Verse
-Til-death do us part
-The Citadel Siege
-Exclamania's Election
-A Shady Plan (shady and anton escape the game via robots)
-Amar Has Left The Game
-The Demicolon Saga
-The Heist
-The Battle Pass
-The Serotonin Patch (Vs Tyria)
-Insurgent Contingency (Vs Gabriel)
-Cold-Hearted (Mini/Terro/Jordan)
WIP Profiles:
-Nefarious(STILL???? GOD the procrastination on this is so BAD)
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emeraldxphoenix · 9 months
тнιѕ ρσѕт ιѕ α ωσяк ιи ρяσgяεѕѕ, вυт ιи α иυтѕнεll: I'м чσωzα, чσυ cαи αlѕσ ƒιиd мε σνεя σи ѕσмεωнεяεвεтωεεияαgε, αиd тнιѕ вlσg ιѕ cσмρlεтεlч иεω ѕσ ρlѕ вε ραтιεит ωιтн мε.
мσяε dεεтѕ вεlσω тнε cυт. ѕмσσcнεѕ <3
about | memes | aesthetic (new) | aesthetic (old) | visage | headcanons | open starters
Full name: Loki Odinson Laufeyson Friggason
Aliases: God of Mischief, Trickster God, God of Lies, God of Chaos, Prince of Asgard, God of Stories, the Heart of Yggdrasil
Age: verse dependent
Gender/Pronouns: genderfluid (tends towards male-presenting), any pronouns
Sexuality: Pansexual & panromantic
Religion: can a god have a religion?
Abilities: [WIP]
Traits: Narcissistic, Selfish, Cunning, Capricious, Mischievous, Manipulative, Seductive, Ambitious, Chaotic, Hedonistic, Dramatic, Intelligent, Self-sabotaging, Lonely, Traumatised, Desperate for Acceptance, Self-hating
Relationship status: single, open to relationships (poly or exclusive) with or without strings attached
Loved ones: Thor (brother) , Frigga (mother, deceased), -Odin (father, deceased)-, -Hela (sister, deceased)-, Mobius (friend, verse dependent), Slyvie (Loki variant, verse dependent), Oouroborus (friend, verse dependent), Casey (friend, verse dependent), B-15 (friend, verse dependent)
Face claims:
Primary: Tom Hiddleston
Alternative: Jessica De Gouw , Katie McGrath , Constance Wu
Affiliations (we adore)
Sigyn as writen by @cffidelityy
Ophelia as writen by @theresastargirl
Sigyn as written by @victoriousfidelity
(and also Katie on any blog because til death do us part @wcrriorhearts )
1. I’m no sweet dream but I’m a hell of a night: Main MCU timeline
Follows the events of the main MCU timeline, ending with their death at the hands of Thanos in Infinity War.
2. And if you don’t recognise yourself that means you did it right: Variant & God of Stories
Follows the divergent timeline explored in the Loki TV series, including their time at the TVA and afterwards as The One Who Remains. (Note that, to enable writing post Loki S2E6, Loki learns how to project duplicates of himself within timelines and across space.)
3. I was born with a spirit running wild; I've got to go on further than I've ever gone: what if Loki survived Thanos?
Follows the events of the main MCU timeline, however they manage to survive the encounter with Thanos in Infinity War and flee as far as they can from the mad titan and his war.
4. NEW You better sharpen up your knives; if you want to make it through the night: Mythology
More closely tied to the events of Norse mythology.
[ Closed verses:
Rescued AU - with victoriousfidelity - and I'm just getting colour back into my face
Reincarnated AU - with victoriusfidelity - but on a wednesday in a cafe i watch it begin again
Consort AU - with victoriousfidelity - we’ll be more than just a fable; we’ll be written in the stars; we’re victorious
President Loki also available on request
Rules at a glance:
mutuals only
i don't write smut
no god-modding or other stupid shit
i don't write suicide related stuff
there's gonna be spoilers, the show has been out long enough that i'm not tagging them
i'm 30+ okay don't lets make things uncomfortable with ages
You gotta have rules or an about or something otherwise it's not happening
if you don't know then ASK
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The journey of dementia and grief in the album trilogy. Part 1: Sundowning
I have briefly talked about how the three albums so far could display the journey of the speaker grieving a loved one who suffered from Alzheimers. Now a few lovely people said they wanted a long version of this interpretation (thank you loves <3) so I’m going to do that. I will do this in three parts, today we’re starting with Sundowning. TW: dementia, sickness, mentions of death, grief Now, this album was the one inspiring this whole interpretation due to it’s title. Sundowning is a phenomenon that can appear with dementia patients, where the effected person struggles with intensified confusion and/or anxiety around the late afternoon and evening. The songs on the album might be an attempt to let us, the listeners, understand the world of someone with dementia and their loved one. TNDNBTG pretty much throws us into a setting right away. The first verse refers to the relatively normal version of the patient, the version of the person the speaker loves (“When you live by daylight with angels at your side”). In contrast we have the bridge very literally describing the phenomenon of Sundowning (“And you remember everything only ‘til the sun recedes once again”). “The Night comes down like heaven” could reference the time where the patient finally manages to sleep, so get rest and be free from the anxiety they experience in the evening. Next we have the Offering. I feel like this might be the speaker’s attempt at enjoying the time they have with their loved one as they are aware it will be over sometime soon. “Take a bite” might be a command as in “Let us enjoy the time while you still remember things and know who I am”. Levitate is a strong contrast to this (and it fucks me up, respectfully). The speaker realises that while they try to enjoy time with their loved one, maybe they are spending a lot of active quality time together, it is already not the same it used to be. It seems their loved one isn’t aware of their own disease (a common occurrence with dementia) so the speaker tries their best to pretend nothing ever changed (“And we imitate a story of perfect days”). Dark Signs continues a similar theme. “Most days, you reach for safety [...] alarm bells in your eyes” once again describes the loved one’s suffering. “I miss the man I was the moment we left off”, is the speaker mourning the version of themselves they used to be before their loved one’s disease became noticeable. Now Higher is where we can see a change in behaviour on the side of the speaker; They are growing angry at their loved one. I’ve talked about this in my analysis of the 5 stages of grief in TMBTE, it is a common occurrence to experience anger in dealing with disease and/or death. The speaker’s loved one is treating them differently, worse than they used and while they don’t know what they are doing, the speaker feels mistreated (“You are killing me slow”). What really stood out to me here is the line “I look for scarlet and you look for ultraviolets” stresses how their perspectives on the world are entirely different.
Take Aim feels very similar, just a lot less aggressive. “How you love like weapons kill” shows us that the speaker doesn’t belive their loved one is trying to harm them, yet they feel like they aren’t being seen or treated right. For Give we have a switch in feelings again, which I think is a great depiction for how struggling with grief is entirely arbitrary and just really fucking random. The speaker wants to do everything they can to protect their loved one from the world. Furthermore they know that they are the responsible one now since their loved one barely knows what is happening to them (“I know how we got here”). In the chorus they are simply asking their loved one to give them whatever they have left in an attempt to remember they still love them.
In Gods we are circling back to anger. Not so much at the speaker’s loved one, more towards the world, the universe, God, existence. “It’s all so easy for me” could be a reaction to something people who take care of their sick family hear a lot “Oh my God, I could NEVER”. The speaker hates how everyone pretends it’s easy for them, when it’s clearly not. Now I will admit: for Sugar I’m reaching a little since this song has very clear sexual references that I will ignore entirely but I refuse to let this song hold me back from this interpretation. What I specifically want to focus on is the bridge. “You must be crazy if you think that I will give up the game” might mean something like “I will not give up on this person even if it kills me”. I suppose this as a general theme for Sugar is the best we’re going to get, let’s just move on (if you’re my literature professor reading this, you did NOT see me doing this x). Say That You Will implies the state of the patient’S disease has worsened since we started with TNDNBTG. “Is that a word you said my love or just a gesture in tongues” implies the thoughts of their loved one have been getting harder to comprehend, the speaker is struggling more and more to keep up with their mind. “I know you’re planning to leave in the end” foreshadows the death of their loved one. “Let the impulse to love and the instinct to kill entangle to one” portrays another common phenomenon in dementia patients, where they sometimes do not recognise their family and believe they are strangers trying to harm them.
Drag me Under shows us a last attempt at taking in as much of the speaker’s loved one as they can while they are still alive. “The Angels tonight are suffering as I am” metaphorically shows us how everyone in their social circle has to watch their downfall while not being able to do anything about. “The Gods will abandon the heavens just to find us” portrays the speaker not being ready to let go of their loved one; they know they are going to die, yet aren’t ready to accept this. Finally, Blood Sport. We see the speaker admitting that they “can’t win” in caring for their loved one, The “arrogance” the speaker talks about might refer to both their own anger and the actions their loved one has committed (even if they didn’t understand what they were doing). “Somewhere the atoms stopped fusing” references the point at which the disease first entered their life.
I feel like majority of Sundowning is pretty self explanatory, however if you have questions regarding specific lines I didn’t mention, ask away. Next, we will look at the continuation of this journey in TPWBYT. Take care!
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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Send me a 💕 and a ship: In-depth Edition || no longer accepting
@dynamoprotocol sent; 💕 Clarissa and Rick :)
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how did they meet? -- "Guess we both met during o-one of my adventures a-and I saw that cool electricity shit she does. Y-You could say it sparked my interest."
who flirted with who first? -- "Damn, m-maybe the both of us? I-It was equal effort, pfft."
was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? -- "Eh, maybe both, hasn't been too fast but not too slow either."
did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? -- "Shit, I-I think we might've started just dating."
what was their first date? -- "Don't think we've done that yet, i-it's been mostly spending time with each other, but.. I-I have an idea."
what are their favourite things to do on date nights? -- "So far we've been working on tech stuff a-and once in a while, we'll watch a movie and chill."
do they still go on dates after being together for a while? -- "Can't answer that, we've been together for just a little while."
what is their love language? -- "I-I don't know, being there for each other, motivating each other to be better."
who kissed who first? -- "Pfft, I did~"
who started the relationship? -- "I-I think she did."
monogamy or polyamory? -- "Depends on the verse." Cue a wink.
are they/do they plan on getting married? -- "Nope, nah-uh, I-I don't do marriage."
who proposed? was it a yes or no? -- "Neither."
do they want kids? who brought it up first? -- "Nope. Don't want any. We have Morty."
do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? -- "Does Morty count?"
do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? -- "We hang out a lot, go on adventures a-and shit."
how do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? -- "She, uh, sh-she's comforting, makes me feel like I'm not a fucking failure. I-I haven't taken care of her, yet, but, i-if she needed me to, I'd comfort her, be there for her, listen and all of that."
how do they like to spend time together? -- "We work on gadgets a-and tech, sometimes she shows me her shit a-and I show her my shit, sometimes we improve upon it."
what are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? -- "I-I like when she puts her fingers in my hair a-and I love laying my head on her lap. It's fuckin' nice."
what are some of their favourite things about their partner? -- "Sh-She's fucking badass, knows what she wants and knows how to do fucking do things the right way. She's really fucking strong, physically and mentally, a-at least, to me, she is."
how do they comfort the other when they are upset? -- "Didn't I already answer this question?"
who buys the other spontaneous gifts? -- "I-It's not that I buy her things, but sometimes I make some things for her."
what position do they sleep in? -- "I-I hold her real fucking close to me, it's fucking comfortable."
do they bathe/shower together? -- "Not yet, h-haven't really done that."
do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? -- "Nope."
in the bedroom - vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? -- "Kinky~"
for applicable ships - who tops/bottoms? -- "I-I'm a switch."
for applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive?
what is their favourite sex position? -- "Pfft, we haven't found a favorite, yet, but we try a little bit of everything."
do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? -- "We can, like I said, we try a little bit of everything~"
favourite place to have sex? -- "I-I don't know if it's her favorite, but mine has always been the garage."
most adventurous place they’ve had sex? -- "Inside that mecha of hers~"
how often do they fight? what about? -- ".... We've only had a few fights, uh, some misunderstandings, but th-they're small."
have they ever broken up? -- "Nope, th-that's the thing we're avoiding."
messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? -- "I fucking hope not."
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