#very extremely accurate in vibes and style
kaledya · 12 days
HIIIII @marquisev first of all I'm so sorry for the late return!
And how are you? I hope you are well! And I heard that school is back in session and if you are still studying I wish you a good school year!
The Prince and the Spy
This episode was simply amazing I loved the way Serenity and Constantine's relationship was written Even I don't think I could write them that accurately Your description of the scenes and the writing of the dialogues are excellent. Also the description in the episode was very nice. And  Serenity's interpretation of the overlord meeting from her perspective, where she expressed her opinions about Alastor and how she found it strange that his act had changed so much, was also very well written.And I was really glad that we got a little glimpse of Hürrem.In one word it was great
Assistant and detective
Hurrem's dialogues are really fun to read.I've already warmed up to his personality.Hürrem has self-confidence and wants to achieve the glory that lies before her.Even though she is a little nervous on this path, she is someone who does not let herself be crushed and chooses her words well in a conversation.
I really liked the writing of the dialogues.And my god, you really write and describe Constantine wonderfully, every move and every speech is written wonderfully, it's just perfect!!He has an extremely calm demeanor, speaks with care and never tries to crush Hürrem, he shows her kindness and respect.
The part where Hurrem wanders around hell looking for the meeting point was nice, and her little dialogue with Gio already gives a nice preview of their dynamic!
It's really fun to read about Gio and Hurrem's relationship, they have a really great dynamic.I really liked the jokes in between, it makes the reader warm up to the characters quickly.its like A spin-off series like Helluva Boss , although the main series is more story-oriented, here we get to know Hell much better thanks to the characters.Seriously great write up
And I think that the duties of the two are well explained in the chapter and Hurrem's situation as Goetia is also well touched upon.You captured that serious and playful vibe perfectly.And I really liked Gio's inner thoughts too.In general, the way you wrote him is great. The Judy and Nick vibe between Hurrem is very nice!!
*It's so cute how Hürrem makes parrot sounds when 
she gets angry!
My eyes are blessed, Maid Verdelet is so beautiful
And congratulations on 200 kudos!!! Honestly you deserve so much more!!
And I don't know exactly what kudos is too, but I think it's something like ‘ like’, which means "thanks for writing this fanfic.”
And yes, the introduction of Baxter! It was really fun to watch that little animatic. I'm really curious about the impact Baxter will have on the story.
I think the interactions between Baxter and Lolica would be really interesting and I think they could be friends. Lolicia could be one of the people Baxter talks to the most at the hotel.
Before battle
The scene at the beginning of the episode where Alator was hallucinating was really nice. I think it added a great air of mystery to the episode, and as always, it was great to read Alastor's inner thoughts.I find the details you put in your dream really clever. It's nice to see such small details for both the future of the story and Alastor's own story.
I really like the way you portray Charlie, her interactions with Alastor are so beautiful to read.And I liked that she talked about the hotel's condition, so we can learn what the hotel is currently like.
The detail of Alastor not liking Precious really made me laugh.
Alastor's interpretation of Charlie's movements was really nice, and the dialogue that Charlie talked about caught my attention.
‘’I can understand that! she laughed heartily. I made mistakes for a long time and a lot of people don't want to see me again either’’
YAAY the part where Alastor remembered Serenity's memory was so cute!!
Alastor's advice to Charlie was also great!
The part where Alastor discusses his strategy with himself and thinks about his enemies and allies was really good.
I can't wait to see Charlie's reaction to him after this little massacre he's about to commit.
IS IT AN EPISODE FROM LOLICAN'S MEMORY??? WHAT IS HAPPENING???There were too many details, too many descriptions in that memory section?? That part was really well written.Who and what is coming for her!???
There are so many questions, I can't wait for this scene to be illuminated in the future!
First of all, it was great to read Alastor and Lolicia's conversation and planning as always. You really write their relationship wonderfully. 
And is Vittorio okay?? Please don't let anything happen to the little guy, there's no need to cause emotional damage to Lolica like this….
And yipppe they're finally heading towards the forest I'm already so excited for the chaos those two will cause.
Chapter 77 Fairy Ointment
It was really nice to get to know Lysander in this episode, I liked the parts about his childhood or the little fairy ointment story. And again, it was great to learn about Lysander's personality traits, his likes and dislikes, and to see his perspective on hell.The episode had a slightly mysterious and really nice atmosphere, the descriptions were good as always, I can picture all the scenes.
Chapter 78 nettle breeze
The action scenes in the episode are very clever, even though Lys is the weak than the two in the book he know How to use forest for himself, and I think it's very nice that poison and mushrooms come to the fore in the war.I really think the war scenes are  well described, it's really fun to read.The internal dialogues between Lolicia and Alastor as they interpret the events are also really nice.And despite Alastor killing sinners, they’re resurrected again and again.And the mushroom effect on them reminds me of Last of Us
 I Imagine the sinners turning into more mushroom zombies every time they die.It was a really good episode, action-wise.
OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING???????First of all, I am amazed by the general culture you have with each episode. I did not know that nettle had such an important place in Scandinavian mythology.And everything is so detailed, from the type of tree Leiv died on to the meaning of the braids he knitted for fishing. Just wow I seriously learn new things in every episode thanks to you.
And the scene where Lolicia finally recognizes Leiv and reveals her identity was so beautiful and the way s Leiv shed tears was SO BEAUTIFUL
I really liked the dialogues Lolicia used there 'You called yourself my guardian  but you died before me’
And for God's sake how did Leiv make enemies that they impaled him on a tree with a sword????
Also in the previous episodes Lolica was being chased by someone, what's going on?And why did they both go to hell, what did they do?
Overall, I really liked the emotional atmosphere of the episode. I think you did a great job of introducing the connection between Leiv and Lolicia.Seriously lolicia's confrontation with Leiv was so sweet
Yeeey finally Alastor's shadow brought news!!
And the water rising in the last scene AAAA I'M SO EXCITED
Popcorn: I think Leiv's design is simply amazing and very creative, he really has a great design.And it was really cool to read the details about the design!
chapter 81 The bear,Gold &heir saga 
This episode's atmosphere was very nice, it reminded me of old folklore animations.The animations and storytelling are made by the studio that made Wolfwalkers.
I really warmed up to Leiv as a character. Even though he made the people under him work like slaves, his interactions with Lolicia were really fun to read. It was sweet to see Leiv get embarrassed or excited in front of her. 
AND this episode left me with a lot of questions about Lolica having the Snow White passive 
And ‘'and the girl with the amber eyes and golden halo’’
Facts like the color of Lolicia's hair, the fact that animals don't attack her, and the fact that she came all the way from New Orleans without a boat make the event really interesting.
So was Lolica an Saint l before and then she fell? Or was she in New Orleans when she died or was she never human?What's going on right now?
The song between Lolicia and Leiv was really beautifully written lyrically, I really liked the song
And it makes a lot more sense why Leiv referred to Lolicia as an angel.
Seriously, I have so many questions in my mind and thanks to your writing style , I look at every detail again and everything can be related to the story.
The episode was great for both getting to know Leiv better and learning more about Lolicia!!
DAMN LEIV IS HANDSOME Seriously your design talent is amazing Leiv's design is really beautiful And it was so much fun reading the information you wrote about him.
I think you have really great drawing skills. 
Chapter 83 The calving of glaciers
I love everything about this episode so much
First of all, I've said this a few times, but I love the way you write Charlie,  she stands her ground and also worries about her friends and tries to protect those around her.But she also knows that she can show her power to take control of the situation if she wants to.
Charlie talking to Husk about Angel was really nice, I really liked the dialogue between them.And I love The way you write Husk, as the depressed old but wise bartender, even though he's had too much to drink, sometimes he gives the best advice.
The scene where Charlie notices the water on the ground and tries to call Vaggie but her voice doesn't come out was really nice.
And Constantine's warning to Charlie was really very logical, as a reader I said, okay, something must be going very wrong.
And I think the warning system is really creative and logical!
I really liked the confrontation between Charlie and Alastor. Charlie not giving in or retreating despite Alastor's objections really suited her character.
In general, I liked the episode very much. The descriptions are good, it is a preparation for the other episodes, the general atmosphere of tension and mystery is very good.
Episode 84 The Calving of Glaciers
I don't know where to begin praising this episode.
Lolicia's reactions to the events were SO good Fitzroy's betrayal was really effective in the story, and Lolicia being cornered for Vittorio  really increased the tension in the story.
I really loved the dialogue between Fitzroy and Lolica, there was great tension and I really wondered what Lolicia's next move would be.
Also, the scene where Fitzroy throws Vittorio's severed arm in front of Lolicia is very impressive.Also Fitzroy's purpose in entering the Maze actually made sense and Lolicia remembered Serenity's words where it was really nice.
I really liked how Charlie was so worried about Lolicia and it makes perfect sense that Alastor was trying to hold her back 'believe me my Dear , as someone who has experienced it, I advise you not to do this’
Every stage Lolicia goes to her demon form is so cool, you described it perfectly
NOOO LOLICIA HAS TRAPPED THEM IN A BUBBLE OF SILENCE CHARLIE DO SOMETHING GIRL!!…Your friend  losing her control a bit…But of course, as a reader, I wouldn't say no to cool scenes and I'm very excited right now.
I really liked Charlie asking if Alastor was manipulating Lolicia. The fact that She made a move with the information she had and questioned Alastor was really nice.
And I really love how you added Precious to Charlie's scenes, it's a nice reminder that she's there too.
It was nice that Alastor laughed and rejected the question 'who am I to manipulate her’
And Constantine gives another warning message 
things are getting worse.’
And Alastor says he's seen Lolicia like this before YIPPE FLASHBACK IS COMING!!
Chapter 85
YEEEY FLASHBACK I think Alastor made the mistake of his life by going after Lolicia, but we'll see.
I can understand Alastor's questions, why is Lolicia so powerful if she's not doing the things the Overlords do to gain power?
AWWW Alastor remembers him trying to comfort Serenity because of her fear of the dark.
The scene where Lolicia appears from the darkness is so cool!
+I liked her dress
The indifference and ego that Alastor showed before he was defeated by Lolica was really funny I mean, with all this arrogance, it's a great chance not to lose to anyone today, you know what they say, radio demon, arrogance and pride are the things that blind a person the most.
Did he grab her chin? Alastor seriously where is the gentlemanliness in war? Tch tch tch
Okay, I loved Lolicia's cold and professional attitude in this war, it was very cool.It was also very good that she said 'you are too weak' to him specially when she had all the cards.
The poetic words that Lolicia said were really beautiful, I thought they were all very meaningful.
The last 3 warnings Lolicia gave to Alastor were really cool. In general, I really liked Lolicia's attitude in the episode. It was very fun to read.
She acts very noble and mysterious and You are very good at describing the environment and characters.
Then, the part where Alastor walks around injured and questions his actions and mistakes is really good.Then, in the part where Zestial comes to Alastor and gives a speech,It's always nice to read Alastor and Zestial's dialogues.And at the end of the episode it was nice to finally have an alastor who had suffered losses and probably learned from his mistakes.Because if he hides that ego, he won't be able to stay there for a long time.
In general, I really liked everything in this episode, the character dialogues, Lolicia's writing, Alastor's writing, the events, everything.
and I have gifts for you!!! and first of all I think you are a very good designer I really think your outfit designs and character designs are great please don't stop drawing you have a really great talent!
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fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55936840/chapters/142045639
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I was watching some weapon/character analysis' on youtube recently for hyrule warriors and I've come to the conclusion that link is VERY VERY good at backflipping... like.. EXTREMELY GOOD
50% of his special attacks most likely include him doing some sick ass backflip and it is insane how no one has mentioned that... like he is actually so acrobatic, HE HAS ACROBAT POTENTIAL!!!!
now this is making me imagine that the chain has no idea that warriors is capable of doing such a thing so when he's out fighting enemies with the others and decides to just start attacking and backflipping across the area with the most accurate precision it is DEFINITELY going to cause some heads to turn.
no because now I’m just picturing the others watching him fight once they KNOW about it, waiting to see if he’ll just do it, and like Wild or someone shouting “DO A FLIP!” and then SCREAMING cheering when he does 😭
Wind would think thats so so cool and try to copy him, just to end up landing flat on his face
god i love looking at the chain’s different fighting styles and all that, the differences are just so cool and interesting, and especially with Wars it’s fun to look at all his special attacks (i really wanna write more fight scenes and incorporate some of those because he just goes fuckin crazy sometimes and i love that for him so much)
fr tho, just in general, Wars absolutely has the energy of a guy who knows how to do back flips for absolutely no reason. He’s just that friend you have in college who can just do a flip in heels too, and everyone’s shocked ofc, but also it just matches his vibe so well people aren’t too surprised when he’s like “guys…. guys look at this”
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guavi · 8 months
I made Aziraphale’s waistcoat about two months ago and boy it was a journey
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Rant about the process under cut!
First thing to do was pick a fabric. For the visible fabric on the front and collar, I knew I definitely wanted to use something piled. I also did not want to use a synthetic fabric, which would have been cheaper but miserable to wear. I settled on cotton velveteen which would be more comfortable, slightly cheaper and easier to work with than silk velvet, and generally less shiny than silk. I was able to order some beautiful cotton velveteen from someone local.
Unfortunately it was not even in the same ballpark as the color I needed. This was due to a combination of reasons including the lighting in the photos they had (they were online only and didn’t have a storefront I could walk into), piled fabric in general being nigh impossible to accurately photograph the color of, and probably also some variations between dye batches. This is why we buy swatches when we can, folks.
The fabric itself was absolutely lovely though. So. No biggie I’ll just dye this myself what could go wrong
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The dark brown here is after the first dye; the scrap laying on top on the right is the original color; the beige coat underneath for color reference. Note that even the colors in this picture looked quite different from irl. I did dip a scrap in first to check the color, but because Dyeing Is Weird and also I made some mistakes the final dye did not end up the same. I can write several more paragraphs on why this probably happened. We’d be here for a while.
But maybe it’ll be fine right? The color’s not exact but not offensive, maybe I’ll just start sewing and it won’t bother me that much.
Here’s a bit of that process, where you can see the interior of the waistcoat with interlining and twill tape, following some 19th century construction techniques. Lots of tedious but relaxing hand sewing. (Also, real pockets!)
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I chose broadcloth for the interlining rather than a more typical canvas, because I wanted a more soft and aged look rather than crisp and new.
(I made another mistake here using cotton twill tape straight off the roll, which shrunk later in the process. You can see this later in how the edges pucker a bit. Oops. Oh well.)
(I also have no other photos of this stage because I went into the hyperfocus zone and forgot about everything except the task in front of me)
Turns out I was not ok with the color. It bothered me a lot.
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So I tried to bleach it a tad to lighten the color, but Bleaching Is Also Weird and doesn’t always give you back the same color but lighter.
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I got back something extremely orange tones, which bothered me even more. Had a minor breakdown until reboot papped me and helped me talk through how to fix this.
This ended up going through another round of light bleaching, and two rounds of dyeing over with blue to cancel out the orange. Finally I got something I was happy with!
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You can very clearly see the puckering here caused by the shrinking tape..thankfully a good steaming was able to get rid of the worst of it.
The color is also slightly uneven if you look very closely, because rounds of the dyeing/bleaching happened after it was sewn together rather than as fabric pieces. Oh well. I can chalk this up to an “aged” look.
Time to finish it off with some buttons and 19th century style hand-worked buttonholes! The buttons aren’t accurate but I just went for ones that were the right size and vibes.
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Last step was to add the wear around the buttons, hem, and collar. I’m sure there’s some faster way to do this, but I did it with a pair of eyebrow tweezers to pluck out the pile and a bit of sandpaper to finish off.
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And that’s it! For the waistcoat at least. I also made the outer coat, the bow tie, and the blue shirt because I couldn’t find one for purchase that fit me. I still need to make other things. But that’s for another time.
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amrass · 28 days
8 films that inspire my RDR2 fanfics
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So this is for the kind and patient anon who asked me for some movie recs relevant to my writing, and for anyone else who might be interested.
This list has genres like western, drama, crime and horror. Most of the films have darker themes, half are non-English, and some have that surrealistic edge that I try to emulate as a nod towards Rockstar games. I consider fanfics closer to screenplays than literary fiction, and so it feels natural that this list has an emphasis on fun!!!
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1. Il Grande Silenzio / The Great Silence (1968)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is my favorite western film of all time. It is a classic, a spaghetti (Italian) western made by Sergio Carbucci ("the second greatest spaghetti western director"), and it has a Morricone score - buuut it is set in snowy mountains as opposed to deserts, have anti-fascist themes and is revisionist and dark.
The main character Silence, who is an outlaw who kills bounty hunters, reminds me of Arthur Morgan, and the main villain, the evil bounty hunter Loco, of Micah Bell. I think it served as an inspiration for them. It's great if you want to get that western atmosphere seen through a colder lense.
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2. Utvandrarna & Nybyggarna / The Emmigrants & The New Land (1971 and 1972)
These two movies are best seen as one imo, as they follow the same Swedish family of farmer immigrants through the 1800s, as they travel across the sea to settle in the USA. These films are great for getting into the history at the time, as they are quite accurate, and might give you a realistic portrait to "lawful" human beings lived and died, such as Abigail and John in RDR1-2. To say it's a harsh life puts it mildly, but there is also joy, and I love how unflinching this film is in showing the life at the time. Great for seeing why it isn't easy for the Van der Linde Gang to settle down.
The last one might be the most relevant since it's set wholly in the USA, but personally I adore the shift from the Scandinavian landscape to the American one, a contrast that helps me describe it better. It has great actors you might associate with Ingmar Bergman films (no one is as good at dying as Liv Ullmann lol, kudos).
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3. The Thing (1982)
AHHH I couldn't not put it here, and not only because the main character wears a cowboy hat, or it being my favorite horror film. No, this one is just great for learning how to write tension. The whole movie is super tense, and made more so by the characters being smart, the stakes being high, and the whole setting being used. It’s also gory and FUN.
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4. Le Cercle Rouge / The Red Circle (1970)
Lolol when I first wanted to watch this I got the German one made many years prior, which was pretty meh. Afterwards I watched the correct version, and MAN, truly a great heist film. It really gives young Dutch & Hosea vibes. This one is great how at showing how much planning and carefulness one has to do if one wishes to lead a life of crime, and how it might not save you. It’s also just a cool movie. Old school cool.
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5. Le Trou (1960)
More tension ... And god, the sound picture in this movie is something else. This is a French prison escape film, and can help you if you want to see just how important loyalty is among criminals. It really has that harsh, high testerone vibe to it lololol, and I'm sorry, but the French butts in tight and sexy prison uniforms are a sight to behold.
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6. Sin City (2005)
Okay this is the sort of film I can't watch with just everyone because it's so exploitative and over-the-top, but it's my favorite comic book style movie. It has extreme violence, very sexy men and women in nice coats or underwear, and it's just so much fun. The character Marv reminds me of low honor Arthur Morgan, and Dwight, of high honor John Marston. I love the comics too. Just know that this isn't for everyone, but it is very me.
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7. Female Trouble (1974)
LOLOL another film that isn't for everyone, but it's kind of considered mandatory viewing if you're queer. I know this is an odd choice to inspire RDR2 fics, but I write crack fics, and believe it or not they require work as humor requires a degree of form, seriousness and precision.
I love also John Waters so much, I remember watching this exact movie with my first queer friend at sixteen and we were like, hugging and kissing each other in sheer joy. I am inspired by this type of surralist, over-the-top, dark humor across all my stories. Tbh if Divine showed up in the Rockstar universe, probably toned down for Rockstar due to marketing reasons, would you be surprised? I'd love to see her on a horse spray painted with glitter.
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8. The Hateful Eight (2015)
I almost translated this movie title into Italian just for fun, but ... Yeah, I guess I had to kind of end this list with a circle composition, what with The Hateful Eight being inspired by Il Grande Silenzio and all, and those two GIFS before the list being from the film.
I grew up with Tarantino movies, and when I watched this in the cinema I liked it but was underwhelmed. It's only after rewatching it a couple of times that I started to really, really like it. I like and understand the references, I love the atmosphere, it just helps remind me how fun a movie can be. It's also great for giving characters the necessary degree of coolness. I reference this one a lot in all my works, and would love to do write a fic directly inspired by this.
That was it! I can mention some more movies I like that are kind of relevant to this list: Army of Shadows, Django, Man Without a Past, Werckmeister Harmonies, Jackie Brown, Diary of a Country Priest, The Price of Fear (French one!), Event Horizon, Hellraiser, Braindead, Green Room, Rec, Withnail and I, Ravenous …
I always welcome movie recs! Just know that I got specific tastes lol.
Thanks for reading!
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sheikfangirl · 5 months
Positively adore your art!! Thank you for sharing it!! Also, would you happen to know of any fics that sort of resemble your art style or ones that inspired it? I’m right there with you I love the basic vanilla vibe and I have been trying to find a decent fic to get into before I finish totk
thank you!!
Thank you so much for your kind words for my art
🙏 I greatly appreciate!🙏
I have a confession to make dear friend! I hadn't read fanfictions in several years but beating Totk made me go FERAL for Zelda material and explore what's been written since BotW came out.... oh boy the rabbit hole is deep!
There is a lot of good stuff out there but I have read so many fanfics in a short time that the whole thing is a blurry mess in my brain. BUT! There is one in particular that really stood out and left a lasting impression on me: Displaced written by socksock https://archiveofourown.org/works/21128084/chapters/50279321 It was originally written in 2018, before the release of TotK so there are some small and harmless inconsistencies that can easily be ignored because, duh, it was written BEFORE totk. I particularly liked this fanfic because it has all the qualities I'm looking for!! Also several key moments and general ideas in that story are extremely close to my own headcanon to the point it almost scared me. The story focuses on Zelda trying to find her place in post-calamity Hyrule. The characters are very well written and credible, Link's personality is player behavior accurate (MORE OF THAT PLEASE!!!!!!!!) and obsessed with completing his quests backlog and I thought it was amazing. Damn i love a player accurate Link!!
It's a wholesome slow burn romance, lots of humor, it's sexy, does not take itself too seriously but can be very emotional at times. Also, I was amazed by one scene in particular....I don't want to spoil anything for you, but the Big Damn Kiss moment is *CHEF KISS*: the setting, the tone and the resolution HSGDKJS, I would've slow clapped if i could've (I was holding my phone lol)
Reading that scene, I thought to myself : F*** YES! This person gets it hahaha !!
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My own Zelink Big Damn First Kiss moment shares a lot of similarities with that fic so, Im going to say it now: when 'll post the Zelink first kiss i'm currently crafting, be sure to know that Socksock and their fic Displaced did something in the same general vibe FIRST! They are awesome. I hope i answered your question haha Have a great day!
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tobiotaesan · 2 months
ハイキュー!! x 보넥도 2
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synopsis: which haikyuu characters i think bnd resembles the most
genre: bnd! haikyuu au!
cw: none
note: i am terrible at these so theyre probably not accurate
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they both possess that motherly vibe
soft but firm at the same time
myungnyangz actually give off daisuga energy (sungho ofc is suga)
remember when sungho said in a video message for mj that he knows mj doesnt want to be a harsh/strict leader to the other members (probs bcus he doesnt want to end up hurting their feelings unintentionally) so instead he (sungho) will do it for him
now if that aint love
if that doesnt scream daisuga
thats literally vice capt sugawara in kpop idol form
also, they tend to be similar in the sense wherein they both appear to be calm ppl until someone tests their patience lol
plus the random bursts of energy
like when suga is just being the chill seniors with daichi and asahi and then the next second he is the cheer captain with the hyper juniors
thats sungho with 03 line and then suddenly being with gongfourz + woonagi
hes also good at dealing with the destiny boyz extroverted outbursts, very sugawara of him
to summarize: MOTHERSSSS
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i honestly dont know how (best album) i didnt think of the hoshiumi x riwoo
i saw someone say this on twt and id like to take this opportunity to say thank u to that person for enlightening me of this agenda
so the reason why i think this makes so much sense is
1) blonde riwoo was literally hoshiumi (refer pics above)
2) riwoo is to bnd what hoshiumi is to kamomedai if u know what i mean ( if u dont then thats a you problem)
3) they both embody this sense of confidence with their awareness of their skills that they know how to showcase
like he knows hes that good and he shows it but is still able to be humble about it
riwoo "performance director" = hoshiumi "the little giant" (i know he doesnt own the nn its for comparison)
and apparently they even share the same mbti, isfp (a bit unsure, sources dont match)
theyre like the golden player/member of the team
theyre just that good and they know it too (king behaviour)
ofc with that level of confidence there is also competitiveness
hoshiumi plays with a grin on his face especially when the opponent's skills are on par with them
i think it mirrors to the bright smile we see on riwoo's face when he does those tiktok challenges with the more complicated dances or just when he uploads one with the choreography he made himself in the car within like 10mins
i mean i would hype myself up too if i was insanely talented like them
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noya never d worded but welcome back nishinoya !
i think lots of onedoors who have been through the haikyuu phase would agree with this one
him, woonhak and taesan are the ones who have a definite and stable parallel character in haikyuu
noya plays a very important role in the team as the libero and they are often described as the backbone of the team's defense
like its meaning in italian ("free") they are free to move in and out of the court during gameplay, they go in when support is needed especially with receiving and covering the weaker areas of the players
the role reminds me so much of mj's leadership style in bnd
he seems to always be there for his members when they need him and is always ready to support/encoruage them at all times
like the way liberos tend to be well-aware and perceptive of the court to be able to support the teams defense, is the same as mj being a well-rounded, talented leader who is always looking out for his members
i say "myung jaehyun" you say "best leader"
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need i to explain this
visual parallel? check.
tsundere qualities? check.
extremely talented? check.
the end.
nah but fr they mirror each other so well it makes sense how i ended up liking tobio whilst being a taesan biased
they are so black cats idc if tobio is in karasuno whos mascot is a crow
both born with talent (i could never)
kags setting skills = taesanpop
tbh if taesan plays volleyball i think he could play to be a setter too
he produces songs for bnd whilst being able to integrate his own colors in it so i think he would know what its like to craft smth specifically for someone with the use of ones ability
the same way kags honed his passing skills so that shoyo can control the direction of his spikes better
was actually going to keep his short bcus i feel like i dont really need to explain this further like it just makes sense that taesan is kageyama
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HOLD- ✋️✋️
listen to me *holds face, squishing cheeks* he 👏 is 👏 not 👏 kenma 👏
i said what i said
kenma is wayyyyy too introverted, he actually lowkey hates humans and leehan is actually an extrovert yall
im gonna give u time to digest the information and think about leehan x suna
i know, right?
when he went "you like it?" at kcon la after showing his moving adams apple, thats the rintaro suna from within him speaking
the smugness? impressive how they express it without making it annoying but attractive instead.
or maybe im just down bad for pretty boys with long hair
they're also both kind off give off this "suavé" fine looking lad that make heads turn but deep inside is infected by loser-trapped-in-a-hot-body virus type of dude
jelly obssesion suna 🤝 leehan
pls support this agenda
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woonhak's thirst for becoming one the most talented idols out there is the same as shoyo's dream to becoming the next "little giant"
i love how woonhak has mj and taesan like shoyo has noya and tobio
noya being like one of shoyo's favorite senior that he admires so much
and also the one who actively and openly encourages and motivates shoyo when he needs it, like the way mj is to woonhak to the point of treating him like he gave birth to him
tobio being the not-obvious, nonchalant and lowkey support system to shoyo
hes aware of his potential and capabilities and so he works hard to make shoyo achieve the results he wants
the same way taesan shows his "형/hyung" side with the way he shows his support to woonhak (by teasing the heck out of him)
they both also have this child-like enthusiasm for a lot of things especially on their interests
they both show ecstatic responses to volleyball/performing
and the way they try to be smug about things they did good in accidentally
OH and plus the "im good at doing this" and then fails miserably
but its fine bcus they looked cute
`•°☆°•` `•°☆°•` `•°☆°•` `•°☆°•` `•°☆°•` `•°☆°•`
©️ tobiotaesan
do not repost or translate without permission !
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ok so i know i've literally never posted abt sanders sides before on this blog (i haven't been keeping up for a few years) but i've been tumbling down a waterslide lined with my old hyperfixations for the last few hours and ended up creating D&D au character designs for the core four sides using heroforge. images and descriptions under the cut if you're interested ❤ bonus points if you can guess what classes they are (this is EXTREMELY self-indulgent so pls forgive the ranting abt them, they're very important to me ok)
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First up we have Roman! my beloved. one of my first questions when starting his design was how can i make him look as cunty as possible? the answer: heeled boots and winged eyeliner (It's a little tricky to see but he's got gold metallic eyeliner). I ADORE Roman's colour pallet so i kept it as close to accurate as i could, making white the base colour and accentuating it with the gold armor and the dramatic red shoulder cape as my stand-in for his sash. he's wielding a katana OF COURSE how could he not be. he's slaying ⚔ 🐉 and slaying 💅💋
moving on:
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Patton. my baby, my honey, my ragtime gal. i decided to make his hair a little longer than roman's bc i thought it made him look softer and more approachable. it was UNBELIEVABLY hard to find something that sort of replaced his cardigan without looking too chunky but i did like this kind of loose tattered mantle, so i went with that. kept the sky blue shirt and gray cardigan/shawl, but gave him more greyish blue pants so they didn't blend into the shirt too much. glasses are round instead of square bc again i thought they made him look friendlier than the square ones. freckles bc i personally think freckles are very cute and patton is very cute so he got freckles. no shoes he's travelling the realms like the gods intended. the dad vibes are strong i want him to give me a hug 🥺
next up:
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logan is quite possibly my favourite side so i really wanted to get his design right. the MOST important thing was giving him his iconic necktie, which ended up being pretty much the same color as his canon design. i couldn't give the tie specifically a pattern, so i made his vest stripy like his tie is in the show and i think it looks really good. his glasses are the more classic nerd ones which is perfect for him and i gave him black eyeliner bc i thought it made him look more serious. i added the coat for more of a d&d look (it doesn't make sense to traverse planes wearing a vest and tie) i think it gives him an extra bit of style that i love.
and last but not least:
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the Anxious BoiTM himself (i've only had him for five minutes seven years but if anything happened to him etc etc). virgil's was one of the easiest designs aesthetically and hardest mechanically (you'll never guess what class he is guys i took some BIG swings). I knew i wanted him in black and purple (obviously) and i knew i wanted to give him the iconic purple hair dye and eyeshadow. i almost said screw the genre and put him in a zippered hoodie but i do think that a cloak and cowl would suit him very well (good for hiding in) and i found a combo that looked equally cosy and spooky. a bow is good for attacking long range and keeping out of danger (appropriate for anxiety, i thought) and the mask looks intimidating but actually helps him with sensory overload (with the cowl and mask on he's basically in a mini sensory deprivation bubble). an eyebrow ring bc he's edgy idk why honestly i thought it looked cool.
So that's basically it! As i said before if you can guess their respective classes i'll give you a cookie (🍪). since i can't draw, heroforge is usually my go-to for character creation and i have to recommend it (i think i talk abt this site a lot but 🤷‍♀️) it's so helpful for non-artist types like myself.
I hope you enjoyed! please leave comments if you liked they feed me (if you didn't like it, please just move on and don't let me know, i'm doing this for fun and i don't want any negativity please ❤) @thatsthat24 hope you like 🥰
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spacenintendogs · 10 months
Hi! I love your art and I’m so curious to know what your art process is like!
i've been trying to figure out how to answer this & i've honestly realized that my process is a mess LOLOL i did record myself!!! drawing fishlegs bc he is the fave & easiest for me to draw! i hope everything i explain under the read more makes sense!!
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it took me over 44 minutes to draw & the screen recording in the art program i use (autodesk sketchbook) brought it down to about 7 minutes and 25 seconds. i didn't wanna speed it up even more bc it'd be way too fast & jarring i think but!! i've uploaded the video to youtube (with some animal crossing music <3)!! i will still try to explain what i did here tho!!
my initial sketches are EXTREMELY loose! i start with the head by drawing a circle & extending past it for the chin of the character & proceed to do the nose, eyes, & mouth!! hair is next, but if there's a helmet i need to draw, i'll do that before the hair!! then i'll do the body starting from the shoulders & going down!! for the hands i just do circles/a general shape! no details!!
the sketch layer is a layer of black for the brush color with with lower opacity
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i immediately do lines on top with the same brush but with black at full opacity on the kayer above!! this time i actually take my time to be more careful with details BUT i am still very sketchy & if smth isn't 100% accurate after i try a few times, i leave it be! hands however...
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i almost always end up taking a photo of my hands using the front facing camera set to a 5 second timer on my phone! i also draw using my phone so it's literally having everything i need all in one place lol!! i do trace my own hands but obv i adjust based on what i'm drawing!! fish's hands are def gonna be wider than mine!!
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NOW for color i color pick directly from screenshots!! however i use it mostly for flats & then pick my own for shading!! let's focus on the flats for now!! i start with the skin always!! the skin is going to have color layers above and below it, so it's easier for me to see where everything else will go if i've got the skin all settled. here you can see my color layers!! these are ALL flats!!
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shading & lighting i don't rlly... focus on being accurate 100% but i try to do it based on where a shadow would absolutely be/to give the appearance of some type of depth (my art is very flat either way tho!) like where his lower hand is cupping i'll shade but leave the top of the upper hand unshaded for the most part! i lay out everything in a multiply layer first (can be any color u want based on the vibe u want!!) & then use a smudge tool to blend it out!! same goes for the lighting layer!!!
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my art overall is a lot of scribbling big lines & curves then using the lineart to do the same but slowly make adjustments until it looks acceptable to me. it's SO much erasing & reshaping & i always have sketch lines everywhere but i like how it looks. it looks like i drew it, u know? plus the httyd books art style is a HUGE inspiration to me, at my core. i didn't even realize it was until ppl on here pointed it out :') i also enjoy drawing fast & moving on!! which is just smth i've trained myself to do since my star fox days (the reason i draw in the first place!!)
thank u!!!! i hope this made sense!!
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Hello!! If it's not too much trouble, do you have any sites you'd recommend for fashion/outfit visuals besides Pinterest? I'm trying to cobble together some fashion visuals for the deity of eternity template but I've honestly just been fighting for my life during the past *checks clock*...... four hours 😔✊🏽
Underneath the readmore, I include both:
Fashion resources (links to posts with even more resources, lists, etc.)
How to find better images on Pinterest (Best done after looking at fashion resources!)
GENERAL resources - I was vehemently looking for a post I reblogged with stock free photos sites, but it's poofed ;; but I remember Pixabay, Unsplash and FreeImages being mentioned! Something very similar to Pinterest, but not copyright free, is WeHeartIt. These sites are very general, though, so it might be hard to find any actual fashion inspo.
European period-accurate fashion - Here is a post about a HUGE site where you can find period-accurate fashion! It also includes a link to an extremely extensive post on period-accurate fashion with resources such as books, blogs, sites, etc. My only gripe is that a majority of these resources are very eurocentric, but the post included a small non-western section for resources.
Uroboros-specific - I made a post all about the fashion of Uroboros here! This is good for finding fashion that is actually within Uroboros, but it is also great in general for finding keywords / search terms for fashion. You find the best resources by knowing the specific time period/fashion you want.
Hanfu - Traditionally worn by the Chinese, but it persists today! This is one of the fashion inspos of Uroboros. The sites suggested in this post will be more modern/inspired than period-accurate, but they are gorgeous! My preference is to use Taobao, a Chinese site for buying hanfu, but currently, I am unable to access it. Hence, this post has a list of non-Taobao shops.
Deel - traditional Mongolian clothing, also one of the inspiration for Uroboros (desert region). Mongulai is a Mongolian shop founded by a Mongolian man!
Once you find all the kinds of dresses you want, though, you might consider looking for them in Pinterest. You only need a general idea of what you want, not extensive knowledge on it--so you might not want to sift through actual books!
For that, equipped with knowing what you want, the best way to get a lot of images quickly is by
Finding things on Pinterest
Finding things on Pinterest is great for general ideas, but the best things you get on Pinterest is by being specific. I already know I want Rococo, Song style hanfu, and some paintings/vibes/aesthetic, so I'll start searching up those things.
Once I find an image I like and save it, Pinterest learns what I like and starts recommending me things through my feed that are even more accurate to what I'm looking for. And of course, clicking on that Pin will suggest other Pins like it, which sends you down the rabbit hole of finding things. This is how I get 90% of the images I have, with only 10% of it being directly searched.
Here's an example of just searching for vibes/aesthetic. I start my search with "ethereal aesthetic", nature aesthetic, and "marble statues aesthetic":
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It took a couple of minutes of scrolling to find these after looking through the search results, since my search terms were relatively general.
After saving only a few images, I went back to the feed and it started suggesting me some pretty similar things:
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However, when you know SPECIFIC things you want (after looking at the resources I suggested), you get even better results just from searching (in addition to having amazing suggestions from your feed).
Here, I looked up "Rococo paintings," "Mediterranean aesthetic," and "Song style hanfu":
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These are pretty specific things, so they find specific things that I want! And after saving them, here is what my feed looked like--chockful of everything I wanted!
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(Tip! If you want board-specific suggestions, aka only finding suggestions from a Pin board you made, go to that board and find "More Ideas"! ✨)
Closing thoughts
I hope this was all useful to you! ♥️♥️ I know it included a little more than you wanted, but I hoped it helped anyway! If you want me to help you look for things, drop me a DM, de-anoned ask (which I can answer privately to you), or even just an anon ask again, and I can help you find some keywords and resources to find. I love doing research!
Thanks for sending an ask 💕💕💕✨
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Hi I hope this isn’t rude I just want to understand your approach to kibbe is all but what determines a type for you ultimately comes down to their energy then? Like the sort of image they present? Or temperament ig
that does play a role for sure but its important to consider their face and body together, not separate from each other. the word "image" you used is correct but let me explain.
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let's compare Angelina Jolie & Alicia Vikander who both played Lara Croft
Angie has something to her that makes her very convincing in action roles. Like you genuinely believe she could kick your ass. She's slim but still very tough looking.
Alicia is more delicate, dainty, soft and petite looking. She looks like someone you need to protect.
Any body who looks convincing in an action role is easily a Natural type (Jolie is a verified FN)
I suspect Alicia to be a Soft Classic
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these 3 women are all verified Flamboyant Naturals
(L to R, Angelina Jolie, Cindy Crawford & Shirley McClaine)
Its hard to say they all project the same "image". Imo Naturals are the most common type as well as the most diverse, if you look at the list of verified FNs & SNs you see people who look very different from each other. This is not so much the case for Rs, TRs & SDs.
AJ has Romantic, Dramatic & Ethereal Essence
Cindy has Romantic, Natural & Classic Essence
Shirley has Romantic, Gamine & Classic Essence
Nobody would ever cast them for the same role. They do not project the same image.
Naturals are the most common because MOST people don't look good in heavy makeup & styling, or have waspish waist definition. MOST people have wider torsos and a Natural like build. The reason why lesser common IDs dominated the entertainment industry in the 20th century is because you had to be truly unique and distinct from others in order to be a "star". From the 90s onwards with the rise of supermodels, who are almost always FNs btw, Naturals became far more represented in the media but since this type can facially look very different from each other, its not always understood in terms of "image identity". Diet & exercise culture promoted the Natural ideal because they are the ones who can have a lean yet athletic built and suit the kind of clothes that fast fashion companies sell. There is a reason why jeans and tshirts are the most common articles of clothing in this world. They are most flattering on Natural types.
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Most VS Angels are FNs
Fashion houses hire models who have a "rectangular build" (their words not mine) because of the way they carry the clothes; the focus remains on the clothes not on their body or silhouette. They don't need clothes tailored to fit them because they're frame dominant.
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with someone like Liz Taylor (verified R) or Salma Hayek (verified TR) the focus will always be on their body and not the clothes themselves. This makes curve dominant women unsuitable for high fashion where they have to sell clothes not themselves.
Anyways, coming back to my point. Certain people are extreme caricaturish examples of their ID. Some are less so. Individual essences can also make typing more complicated. At the end of the day, every individual is unique and its important to consider their individuality (vibes, body, face, mannerisms) before settling on an ID.
If you read Metamorphosis by David Kibbe, he speaks of yin-yang & IDs in an almost spiritual, metaphysical way. Its very interesting. Maybe I'll post some excerpts from his book one of these days. But I highly recommend reading it!! The whole concept of Kibbe is about using styling to accurately project who you are as a person and like Claire Nakti makes connections regarding how different nakshatras manifest physically in a person, there is a correlation between one's appearance and one's inward nature.
I hope this clarified some things.
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picathartidae · 3 months
For the most recent round of ask game I'd love to hear your answers for 5, 9, 23, and 26. 💙
I'm still answering for Alassane, despite him being a Dark Urge, because my Tavs are all from a different D&D setting and none of them are sufficiently fleshed out when it comes to the Forgotten Realms. I really hope that's okay!
5. Did your Tav have any formal or informal employment? If yes, what was their job? If no, how did they make ends meet? How did they feel about it?
The closest Alassane ever got a real job was when he was about 10/11 years old and found himself homeless and briefly wandering the Outer City. Through various wacky happenstance, a blacksmith took pity on him and he ended up becoming the man’s apprentice for a few years. It ended, as all nice things in Alassane’s backstory do, with murder, when he was 15. From that point on, he was a career criminal and assassin, and finally ending up as an adventurer/mercenary during and after the events of the game.
It all instilled a very blunt pragmatism in Alassane, as well as a general lack of respect for money or the concept of private property. He doesn’t have strong feelings about what he does, he just does whatever he has to in order to survive and achieve his goals.
9. What was your Tav doing when they were taken by the mind flayers?
He was catatonic, as he had been for maybe nine months by that point, and imprisoned in the mind flayer colony deep beneath Moonrise Towers. Then his pod was shoved onto a nautiloid, and the rest is history.
23. What are 2-3 songs that your Tav would relate to?
I always struggle with these kinds of questions, because I don’t really engage with songs based on lyrics, but rather entirely on vibes. Alassane’s vibes are mainly aggressive electronic, grunge, and alt rock — with a few bits of other extremely eclectic nonsense thrown in. The best I can do are songs I have written Alassane doing things to, and why I picked them.
1991, by Golden Features
This is literally the song I wrote the dance scene in his first chapter to, and is probably the closest I have to a ‘main theme’. It’s electronic nonsense with no lyrics at all, which I liked and thought fit him because the heavy synth feels very artificial and unnatural in a medieval fantasy setting. Since Alassane (as the Dark Urge) was created rather than born, it seemed very accurate for the character, and helps give off this terrifying and uncanny vibe. And I could so very easily imagine him doing an impromptu Fosse-style jazz ballet dance routine to this song.
Let You Go, by RY X
For slower and more introspective scenes, usually dream sequences that aren’t outright nightmares. This is very much a song for post-amnesia Alassane that kind of has come to represent his growth as a character because there is actually a bit of symmetry with his arc in the lyrics.
Elddansurin, by Heilung
It’s a good aggressive sounding song with lots of percussion and growling that flows into something a bit softer and more melodic as the song goes on. It’s got some nice dualism to it, and I think that reflects Alassane’s whole deal very nicely. Heilung is also one of my favourite bands and this song is amazing fun to write violence to.
26. Does your Tav have a treasured item with them? If yes, what is it and why is it special? If no, how do they feel about item sentimentality in general?
He’s not an overly sentimental guy, at least not about material possessions. The closest thing he has to a treasured possession is a serrated dagger he woke up with on the nautiloid, and that’s because it’s basically the only connection he has to his past after the amnesia. Before he lost his memories, I doubt that knife meant anything to him at all.
What he is sentimental about is his name, which is its own complicated mess of a subplot that relates to his foster family and how he perceives himself. It's his last connection to the person he wishes he still was, when he was still an innocent child and before Bhaal ruined everything. His foster family was desperately important to him, and their murder was what broke him. He clings to his name in the vain hope that one day, he can find that boy in himself again.
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Here is my Comiket haul, for those who may care!
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Arranged on the apartment chabudai for maximum weeb vibes. I won't go through all of them, just note a few to showcase the diversity of things that were on offer. If there is one someone wants a deep dive on, let me know, happy to take photos!
First up, the centerfold star - A Bocchi/Shimo-Kitazawa Fan Celebration doujin in the shape of a vinyl record:
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Its extremely adorable, these guys went all in. It comes in an album case with "tracks", the vinyl-shaped doujin has an A side and a B side with totally different content when flipped, and when you are reading it the text slowly rotates page by page as if you are "playing" the disc.
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Some of it is the circle's thoughts on Bocchi, but more is about their love for the part of Tokyo that Bocchi takes place in, Shimo-Kitazawa, with sections on show-accurate locations and favourite cafes and stores. They even included a map with all of the spots they recommend you visit in the area!
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This one is to me the most "magic of doujin": we all have favourite parts of our cities, and if we sat down could maybe make a map like this. But why would we do that? Who would care? The joint power of a locally-set anime & Comiket, however, makes that personal map into a piece of art people want to own. This piece is pure creativity & passion, and its very special for that - a symbol of doujinshi.
Also one of their members spoke fluent English and aggressively upsold foreigners at the event ^_^ Successfully so! Good job.
For something a little less high concept, this tiny artbook of Rin from Laid-Back Camp as Ghibli characters is adorable:
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A smol kiki, too cute. And look at her as Nausicaa! Full blue and ready to kick ass.
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Its like 5 pages and each page is a gem, great buy.
This next one is a genre of book I really love - the photography/anime composite book focusing on scene locations, starring our girl Haruhi Suzumiya:
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I appreciate how much fun this one has with its concept, lots of cute drawings on the margins; and the photographs are not all Haruhi related, instead it is just the author's own journey put through a Haruhi lens. This book is another great example of how "transformative" these works are, breaking the bounds of their source material.
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"Hey, its me!"
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Okay, now for some extreme Ash-brand doujin - Flowers for Yamada-san, a history doujin about Hiroyoshi Yamada, also known by the name Koji Kawamoto, a manga & magazine editor who played an instrumental part of the lolicon boom of the 1980's:
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He passed away this year, and so this doujin is a memorial to him, an accounting of his influence and role in early manga, a wider discussion of the lolicon boom in general, and its own creative work; sandwiched between essays are comic depictions of moments of his career done in a mimicry the classic loli/bishoujo early 80's style:
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This will of course take some time to read - I am excited to dig into it. As I have mentioned before, I am toying with the idea of a deeper research project on the "lolicon boom"; its, for understandable reasons, extremely neglected in western discourse of the history of anime & manga. But that moral aversion doesn't change how instrumental this period was, so I think a lot of good work could be done documenting and explaining its place. This book was an amazing find to stumble upon, and the creators are extremely well-researched on this period.
Anyway this is probably long enough lol. I did find some ero-doujin as well of course, though very few - as I mentioned, Comiket was a warzone, and I did not 'prep' for that side of things. I laughed at the idea of people doing days of research to prep of their porn buying adventure - I was the fool, they the wise, you absolutely need to do that if that is your goal. It wasn't really mine but I respect it now for sure - and I actually found the Comiket experience sort of liberating on that front, I "get it" now in a way I didn't before.
This is of course a tiny sliver of the book buys from Japan - hopefully I can make a few posts about the rest soon.
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nearestend · 7 days
assigning fragrances to my (canon) muses. for funsies because it's my favourite activity ever, also utilizing my favourite website of all time, wikiparfum. continue reading if you'd like to see me infodump about perfumes. this is completely unnecessary. like many other things on my blog, none of this really matters, but it matters to me.
if you would also like an unnecessary perfume analysis for your muse, go ahead and give this post a like and i will get back to you with a customized presentation.
amanda: i highly doubt mandy is wearing scents at all, i don't think she cares for that. but i'm giving her one anyways because i can. (it was extremely hard to find one i felt suited her though.) inexcusable evil by toskovat. now, i have never actually smelled anything from this brand and i think their bottle design and logo both kind of suck, but based off the description of the fragrance, this might be mandy's. the descriptions i found for this on both wikiparfum and the brand's website are WILD. one of the top notes is gunpowder. heart notes include burn accord, iodine, and blood accord (LMAO???). i mean, i did purposely look for one that has blood accord, but i didn't expect to find any because that's not like, a popular scent. and then base notes are actually normal things like olibanum and sandalwood. also has cypriol, which gives a smoky, woodsy scent, which is the vibe i wanted for her too.
amy: this was also quite hard because amy is most definitely picky. she'd go for something very elegant and classy that is out of her price range, but she saved up all her money for. yellow hibiscus by jo malone is probably her style, which i also love because jo malone makes some of my favourites. it's very femme, but technically unisex, which i think is neat because i could also see laurie wearing it to. (i can see them sharing the same fragrance. they're that kind of couple.) it's very green and floral (hibiscus, rose, jasmine) and quite citrus forward. most importantly, lime! for the most obvious reasons of all (amy canonically loves limes). it's a really bright, fresh, sunny, and radiant scent, all very fitting for her. also my backup option for amy was bergamot by malin & goetz, but yellow hibiscus is way more fitting. i also considered going with something from the brand fragonard because that's a personal favourite of mine (i was gifted a set of them once and they are very nice), but couldn't decide on one in particular.
cameron: yes, i know the best we'll probably get from cam is that she puts on deodorant. i'm still giving her one anyways, because that's the whole point of this post. not going to bother with trying to find era accurate fragrances though, that's too much work for me. i really want to give her spacewalk by demeter fragrance library, both because it's cheap (cam is not spending more than $45, guaranteed) and because it's inspired by space! which according to an astronaut, smells metallic. (shoutout to the spacebike chronicles.) i do feel the need to include a high end option anyways, so odeur 53 by commes des garcons. it's got ozonic notes, which give it airy, metallic, and aquatic elements, as well as chlorine undertones.
camille: okay so i'm realizing that very few of my muses would wear perfume. i mean, camille is simply too depressed to bother, but again, this is not going to stop me. i decided on black vetyver cafe by jo malone. definitely something she would never buy for herself, but maybe she would wear if someone gave it to her. this one's got coffee, which i think she would like because coffee is her favourite ice cream flavour. there's also coriander, which makes it a bit sharper and peppery, while also green and fresh. warm notes of sandalwood, nutmeg, vanilla, ciste labdanum and woody vetiver. overall, very earthy and autumnal.
connell: he probably starts with something inexpensive from banana republic (either classic green or classic acqua). he's a simple dude, mostly just wants to smell fresh. if i'm going to give him something fancier (we can always say marianne got him a christmas present or WHATEVER), then i'm giving him skin by clean reserve. it's described as tender and intimate, with notes of honeysuckle, orange blossom, musk, and skin accord (which is basically just their way of saying it smells like an intimate embrace). it's all about intimacy, babeyyy.
harry: i have to give him rainbow bar by 19-69, for so many reasons. it's not just the name (and you know, the gayness of it all), but that's a huge factor. the fragrance is inspired by the rainbow bar on the sunset strip, which is pretty synonymous with sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. harry's role in adam's story is very much a representation of desire, intrigue, and the seductive nature of all the aforementioned elements. there's a warmth to this scent that's both comforting and mysterious. i really wanted to find something with notes of whiskey (taking into context, not only harry's introduction, but also his death), so this really fits perfectly. this might be the most "character accurate" choice on the whole list.
jess: i'm not even going to bother giving him something fancy because it feels wrong. smoky and earthy palo santo play by hawthorne is like $50 and that's literally like the maximum i can see him spending lmao. it's got notes of oakwood, sage, palo santo, and guaiac wood. very earthy and smoky, hints of tobacco and whiskey. because you know that boy smells like cigarettes and old leather and pretentiousness, but like, in a cheap way.
jia-yi: i chose fresh honeysuckle by fresh, despite the fact that it's discontinued, because fuck it, she can time travel anyways so that doesn't matter. honeysuckle also happens to symbolize nostalgia and memory, which is fitting. there's additional notes of fruit (peach, plum, blackcurrant bud) and florals (cyclamen, magnolia, ylang-ylang). honestly, i'm just kind of hung up on the fact that it's discontinued because this scent was SO good.
kate: there are so many options i wanted to go for with kate, but i think i have settled on realist extrait de parfum by ilk. it's categorized as being both a woodsy and a watery scent, which is primarily what i was looking for with kate in mind. (because like, weather and rain, you know.) it's got a bit of floral (rose, everlasting), a bit of citrus (yuzu, bergamot, lemon), wood (cedarwood, vetiver, olibanum), with the warmth of amber and pepper. it's described with concepts such as crisp mountain air and rain, appropriate for everyday and casual use. she's not formal or fancy and would want something nice, but versatile.
orla: she's a footballer, so i have to go with something athletic. i'm not like a huge fan of most "luxury sport" fragrances and like yeah, it's not about me anyways, but i don't think orla would be either. she's not someone who would care much about that even if she had the means to, so we're going with something pretty simple and affordable like team five by adidas. technically, it's for men, but she also does not care about gender. it's very fresh, fruity (green apple, lemon), and herbal (basil, pine needles, peppermint, clary sage, lavender) which i think are all scents she'd like. absolutely none of these words mean anything to her; she likes what she likes and doesn't overthink its meaning or importance. her other choice was hot wheels dino by jequiti, which she would 100% buy with no trace of irony whatsoever.
sydney: i felt the need to pick something with cherry notes because of course, the cherry donut that marcus named after her. 18-12 by ormaie is just that, as well as notes of almond, sandalwood, florals (rose, violet, heliotrope), fruit (lychee, bergamot, mandarin) and clary sage. it's quite fresh, youthful, and summery. i like her having sort of a fun and bright scent because her job is just so stressful and sometimes depressing, she needs something to uplift and contrast against all that.
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lauri-rosehearts · 9 months
Silver Millennium planet civilization and society headcanons (for the inner senshi)
I mainly came up with these based on how I think biology would work and adapt based on the climate of the planets as well as the pre existing personalities of our girls. I have yet to really give thoughts on the outer senshi so I’ll stick to the 4 inner senshi for now. Please know, I’m not an expert in biology so this is in no way actually accurate to real life
Mercury: I feel like Mercury would have dystopian vibes. Even back in the silver millennium, they would be super advanced in terms of moderns day technology. Like what we have today, they already had then. Mercury would have very technologically advanced advanced culture due to their value of knowledge and wisdom, using their intelligence to constantly continue innovation. Mercury has very polarizing climate, being very hot during the day but very cold during the night, the people of Mercury tend to be born with either very pale skin or very dark skin, with anything in between being very rare. The darker skinned citizens have a better resistance to the heat of the day while the paler citizens are more resistant to the freezing temperature of the night. Because of this, a lot of people have a preference for when they like to go outside and be productive, meaning the planet is always up and running. When half of the population is asleep during the day, the other half is working, and the same thing vice versa at night. Now because of the innovative technology, what temperature resistance you have hardly matters anymore since there’s plenty of accessibility to technology that can counterbalance it, but some people still have preferences. Magic isn’t really used and is only really accessible to the royal family. Even then, Princess Mercury prefers relying on technological gadgets to go about everyday life rather than her powers, said powers which reflect the planets climate quite well through the different forms of water, from instant vapor and mist reflecting on the heat of the day, to the solid ice that reflects on the cold.
Venus: Venus is the hottest planet and as a result, the people there are often born ranging from tanned to very dark skinned to adapt to the hot climate. Venusians are also very sensual people and in touch with their sexuality. These two things mainly influence a lot of the fashion, which is very revealing and leaves not much to the imagination, both for practicality as it makes dealing with the hot climate a lot easier, and because the people of Venus have never been ashamed of nudity and have always normalized the human body at its most vulnerable state. If anything they actually find it kinda weird to wear anything at a beach. They also greatly value beauty and fashion as a form of self expression, and the planet is known by the reat of the solar system for having very beautiful people and very high value and taste fashion. They celebrate celebrate beauty and love in all forms. They believe beauty knows no limits, and isn’t about how you look like, but how you style and express yourself, essentially they believe confidence is the key. They’re very firm about their acceptance of love of all kinds: self, platonic, familial, and romantic regardless of gender. To them, love is a spectrum that shouldn’t be held by rigid norms. Due to this, they can sometimes come off as arrogant or intrusive to outsiders, but in reality, they’re just very comfortable with who they are as people and the expression that comes with it. They’re also extremely just, and won’t hesitate to fight to the end for what they think is right. Magic is a pretty common in everyday life for them but they also have great respect for Blacksmithing and weaponry, so much so that the two things have sorta meshed together over time. They especially take pride in the fact that their planet has been the home of the sacred sword since pretty much the day it was created, having been entrusted to the members of the Venusian royal family. Since the sword is magical, it gets magically bound to the current wielder. And with each generation the sword gets passed down and magically bonded to a new member of the royal family. The current keeper of it is Princess Venus herself, as only she can really wield it with its magical properties. Her powers also reflect on the use of metal and light magic as well. With her magic often taking the form of physical objects or beams of light, which in a way parallel venus as a planet being the hottest in the solar system.
Mars: Mars is a very cold planet, and this is at its core what defines most things about it. The people native to Mars are very often very pale, like Snow White levels of pale to adapt to this cold. Back in ancient history, during the age of the primordial deities, Mars was barely habitable due to the harsh climate. Because of this suffering, the planet fell into chaos, leaving the planet without a ruler and hardly any sense of society, in a way this is why its historically associated with War (in reference to Mars being the roman god of war idk). This all changed when a miracle happened. A girl with a mysterious fire power with psychic connections was born from a magicless family. This fire was impossible to put out due to its magical properties. As the girl grew up, she used her abilities to spread warmth into the homes of people, each family getting a piece of the flame in the hearths of their homes. With this, civilization slowly started to rebuild, and the girl was proclaimed a hero by the people of Mars. When she came of age, she was proclaimed the rightful ruler of Mars and was crowned Queen. Since then, the magical flame has been carried through the royal bloodline, with there being ome wielder per generation. The current keeper of the flame is Princess Mars, and she is dead serious about her responsibilities with said power. Due to this history and legend, the people of Mars are very deep believers and in touch with their spiritual sides, since it was a miracle born child that essentially saved their society. Because of how in touch they are with the spirit world, its not uncommon for very talented psychics to come about from planet Mars. Contrary to Mercurians who prefer logic and a scientific explanation for their beliefs, Marsians are more flexible when it comes to believing in superstition and legend. (The flame backstory was admittedly very heavily inspired by the Dragon Flame in Winx Club lol)
Jupiter(warning, this is where I start pretty much mostly ignore science and factual biology): As the biggest planet, half of it is actually pretty deserted and unpopulated. Despite this, due to the abundance of “land” it has, its one of the richest planets to the point poverty is pretty much nonexistent. Pretty much all of the civilization is built on the air, as in, all of the buildings float still up in the air due to the lack of solid ground from the planet being a gas giant. Lots of outsiders seem to think the planet would be a terrible place to grow vegetation but its actually great. Due to the solid ground the citizens built up on the air, growing vegetation is very much possible. In fact, the planet’s Kingdom is home to many beautiful flowers with magical properties. Its also because of this “built on air civilization” that pretty much everyone is able to live in Jupiter. So natives are born with all different kinds of skintones and features, albeit their bodies are often a bit more fit due to them being naturally very strong. In fact, Jupiter has a pretty high population of immigrants from other planets BECAUSE the climate in the city is good for anyone. Since Jupiterians greatly value a balance between physical and emotional strength, as well as a balance of masculine and feminine traits regardless of gender, with the average citizen naturally having the strength of 10 earthlings (and thats without having to build any muscle) but also processing great emotional intelligence and being extremely good at taking care of others in time of need, you could say they’re great in both the offensive and defensive. They are proud of their planet being the home to the great storm but they also greatly value nature and plants. These traits are best reflected in their heir, Princess Jupiter. Having even greater physical strength than the average citizen, but also having a very nurturing, loyal and loving presence around her citizens. This duality is also reflecting in her powers as she can make vegetation and plants grow at will, while also being the one with the ability to call upon the Planet’s storm, controlling and using its thunder to defend her people and loved ones.
That’s pretty much what I have for now. Thank you for letting me share!!
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finsterhund · 2 years
For whatever reason I've been hyperfocusing on Skinamarink (2022) even though I think it is an immensely flawed movie. (I guess it's like a Seventh Brother scenario. Where I don't think it's peak cinema but I still find something very specific that I can relate to and thus become obsessed and incorporate it into my existence) Maybe it will continue to grow on me. Who knows.
I summarized it in the friend group as “Childhood neglect simulator” and I do stand by that. Analogue horror childhood neglect liminal space simulator is perhaps more apt.
But this film really embodies just what it’s like to be a terrified toddler left to fend for himself in the dark all alone.
Spoilers under this
Unfortunately I have to be honest and confess that the movie lacks substance and the style it oozes doesn't make up for that. It's slow, drags, and is boring at times. So much of the movie is "stare into a dark void and nothing happens." There's build up, and then there's “ASMR spooky liminal house tour” and this sadly felt like more of the latter. So much of what makes the movie standing out to me is because I am nyctophobic and never actually grew out of the primal toddler-aged fear the film invokes. Especially as there are periods of worse mental health where I regress all the way down to that age. The joke my friends made about it putting me to sleep if I ate an edible and watched it is not accurate. Because it simulates nyctophobia remarkable well. So I couldn't be bored out of focusing lol.
I was immediately offput by how much excessive cheesy after effects film grain filter was dumped onto the footage in post. I joke a lot about how it wants to be 70s vibe film but then it is a 16x9 resolution which took me out of the vibe pretty hard. And due to much of the movie "holding on this shot of practically nothing" I was especially distracted by modern aspects of the house such as the extremely modern 2010s wall outlet cover and the dollar tree night light (which REALLY distracted me the first viewing. I could not stop thinking about that motherfucker was not from 1995.)
The movie also did not have a folley artist and presumably the creator Kyle Ball did all the mixing himself and used free sound effects from a public domain stock archive himself. Which unfortunately really shows. Folley is an art and strange sound effect choices took me out of it on several occasions. It also feels like the background noise wasn't layered over top of specific sounds properly at certain points.
Another issue was inconsistent subtitling. There are times when there are then and times that you think really should be like those and have them but they don't.
I understand this film unlike his YouTube videos were crowdfunded and he had other people on the team so it's somewhat disappointing there isn't a noticable increase of production value(?) Just mostly an increase in length. Other than additional actors there really isn’t much that sets it above his short film “Heck” which due to its shorter length I felt was more engaging. (Although the cancer thing was very :/ you are on thin ice mr ball)
What substance is there though is very good. You can tell the creator started out with short form liminal space nostalgia "analogue horror" YouTube shorts and ASMR aesthetic soundscapes. This would work so much better if it was like his shorter videos and trimmed the fat. Otherwise it needs to have a cast that the audience can actually see and observe the interactions of more. There's gotta be a balance, again, style and substance.
The fact that it’s like watching a childhood nightmare is incredible, and if that’s what Kyle set out to achieve then he for sure succeeded. But a story this is unfortunately not.
I feel if there was media like this that had more emphasis on how the characters experienced their predicament it would do wonders. It could easily be peak experimental HoDcore.
The entity itself was so criminally underutilized. I think there's maybe a minute of combined dialogue when you add up its dialogue with that of the human cast.
Which is a shame because I feel once again, if we had more of character interaction it would be more engaging.
The entity toys with the little boy Kevin and I didn't realize until I watched it a second time and read someone else talk about the movie that one of the later scenes shows it killing him and immediately bringing him back to do it again presumably for its own amusement. (Extremely relatable character right here. I am Kevin 🤣)
This was shown by blood splattering and then being reversed like a tape being rewound. The importance of the tape metaphor became more apparent on the second watch. The first watch I felt the film relied too heavily on showing the public domain cartoons. It wasn't until much later the entity is shown YouTube pooping them and it actually becomes relevant and the comparison is more obvious.
There were instances where I feel things were a bit too vague in a "what does it mean" way. I'm torn because I don't think every little thing should be explicitly explained, but I think there should be some context, you know? (Why the entity moved things, what it did to the mom, etc.)
A big reason why I can overlook how empty and slow it is is because this experience is so quintessential as a toddler in Canada during the end of the analogue age. I feel that the toys and the public domain cartoons featured were things that never were distinctly important childhood items of significance but they were things I recognized for sure. So it was this uncanniness of it being the stuff you had and remembered but never formed lasting long love/influence from. It isn’t your favourite film on VHS, it’s that compilation you’d watch sometimes ,etc.
The phone call the dad makes is so viscerally similar to the way my mom would talk to family members in phone calls about me. The uncanny warped by darkness face of the parent/entity at the end is SO MUCH like how that shit felt to me. And that got me thinking about additional aspects of that experience that if part of the movie would have amplified it further.
The biggest thing I think would really expand the concept is shadow play. Would require more special effects or very intentional practical effects but having the shadows tangibly move/behave abnormally would have been spectacular. That is one of the most defining horrors of my childhood. How shadows seemed to shift and move. A serious source of terror growing up was how the baseboard heater made the curtains above it move, and the shadows projected by the nightlight of those curtains would twist and roll and coil. During sleep paralysis I fucking grew to hate those curtains so much.
I personally care very little for edgy "child was in a coma the whole time" theories or "child's paranormal experiences were just a metaphor" theories so I'm not even going to bother getting into those. You know we're team "Not A Dream" on the Finsterhund channel. As far as I'm concerned the entity was literal.
There were a few jumpscares but they were just that really. The first one, where the older kid is looking at something freaky on the ceiling and the younger accidentally sneaks up behind felt natural, but the reveal that the entity took their face was unintentionally humorous. I literally said "Slenderman sister jumpscare" out loud and had to pause it because I was laughing so hard I got the mood ruined.
The fisher price jumpscare though I really liked. The actual face changing wasn't too spoopy but oh my god when the camera shows what it looks like with the flashlight off, with the very faint glint of the outer circles of the whites of its eyes. That freaked me out so bad. That is the embodiment of nyctophobia making you see demons out of regular items. I don't even know if that was an edit or if those phones just normally look like that under very low light but man.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Every time someone gives me shit about leaving the lights on I will pin them down and force them to look at this until they understand.
I have a personal anecdote in that when I was a toddler I was dumped off at somebody’s house. Not someone I know of and not a family member. And they had a fucking mask on the wall and they made me sleep in that room in the dark with that stupid fucking mask. And I  fucking hated that goddamn mask. Fuck it. Fuck those people andtheir creepy fucking mask.
Some of the more tangible things the entity does that made the story more engaging were sadly also detrimental towards the mood. The toilet disappearing with a silly noise being one such instance. Removing the doors and windows and removing/incapacitating the parents I can understand. But why did the entity remove the toilet? There's even a scene where the children slide buckets into the bathroom to show the aftermath of this porcelain pilfering. Was it just for the entity to dehumanize and further torment them? I feel there were better ways to demonstrate that without silly disappearing toilet.
Because of my prominent nyctophobia I have no clue how much I can credit the movie for in it's "camera pointed at a dark void" shots and how much was just my brain filling in holes. For certain scenes I did take screenshots and blast up the contrast to see if there were literal things in the darkness pixels but every time there wasn't except for the face at the end. It was just my brain, not intentional edits in the film. I feel if there were intentional nyctophobia hallucinations they outright edited into the voids that effect would be brought to people who aren't me lol.
Honestly the biggest thing this movie instilled in me was wanting to make my own with more meat and potatoes hahaha. I'm thinking actually using a camcorder instead of editing gimmicky filters in post, including practical effect tangible interactions between the cast and the entity, etc.
I know I'm acting really harsh but I do feel like it had an exuberant amount of potential to cater directly to me but then it just sorta fizzled out if that makes sense. And I do think that so much of it was excellent that it makes what didn’t work hurt more. Unfortunately I don't think setting the mood is the only thing you need to do to create engaging horror you need a reason to care about the ones experiencing it.
Like I said, it had so much style. But style alone doesn't do it for me. Mainly because my brain already does that on its own. So I wish Skinamarink had more to it in regards towards the stuff that I can't just go and do to myself when the power goes out.
In regards to watching it with edible vs without, the edible made my nyctophobic perception of the dark void shots worse. Which is something important I should be aware of in the future for sure as this likely would have real world implications as well.
Again, I want to stress that I am glad to have seen this movie and I feel my disappointment is because I'm aware of just how far beyond this movie could have been. Or something.
Lastly, a nitpick. The song that the movie derives it's name is in the public domain. Most people know it from The Elephant Show, but the song itself was made in 1910. I really feel like it could have been incorporated somehow. And on the subject of music I feel there could have been if not outright musical scoring, some more prominent ambiance(?) What's that called where you basically write ambiance as if it's music. There's a HoD fan album that does this.
IDK call me a normie for wishing we saw more of Kevin as a character but yeah. I do wish that.
Also a running joke I had in both watchings was calling the entity “asthmatic master of darkness” because of its voice. I want to specify this.
Anyways, disassociating Cayden simulator looking pretty good.
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
if you're still answering astrology questions 🥺👉🏾👈🏾 could you tell me some things about gemini venus + taurus moon placements?
rubs my hands together like a greedy little goose...don't mind if i do!
so, a small reminder of the base functions of the signs. venus - your approach to love and moon - your internal emotions and desires.
the one thing that ties all air venus placements together is a touch of flightiness. picture an air venus as a feather. they'll caress you, they'll comfort you, they'll give you a comfortable place to rest your head but when the wind blows, they may not be there. independence is more important to some (aquarius) than it is others and gemini is the one that independence is least important to imo. a gemini venus holder is the one who is being gathered around at a party because they make everyone feel important. extremely charismatic, oftentimes very attractive, not difficult to win but can be difficult to keep if you aren't interesting or stimulating to them in some way. a gemini venus may try to test how stimulating you can be through stoking little petty tiffs to suss out your communication style, casually mentioning an ex to see how you react, loosely making plans to be chased a bit, a little aloof a little unreachable but if you can pass these tests, you have a keeper.
taurus moon is a very gentle placement. taurus moon holders tend to hold a lot of space for their own feelings and validate them within themselves far better than any external validation could ever attempt. taurus is a placement that can indicate luxurious taste and i don't even mean in a material aspect totally although this is generally how it manifests, just indulgent in pleasures, in emotional attachment.
coupled together i feel what is being said here and i'm not claiming it's 100% accurate but just a general vibe is that you don't necessarily need material things to be happy but you want to be spoiled with time, effort, and a genuine energy match. you want someone who rides for u as much as you ride for them and they don't mind being kept on their toes a bit bc variety is the spice of life.
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