#very long post! also formatting is probably bad but w/e
writingmochi · 2 years
i don’t do this much often but i just wanna write my opinion on tnc: temptation as a moa that also listen to many songs of differing genres (and also has been straying away from kpop/stan community—i may say that i have a pretty clear helicopter view). if i don’t write this, i would not live w/ myself, yet in the end it is my opinion so…
a honest review of tnc: tempation purely from musical observation (not proofread)
1. devil by the window: when this song was first announced w/o hearing any snippets of it until the release, i predict it’ll sound towards dark fantasy-esque genre, ethereal sounding like bts’ jimin’s “lie” or dpr ian’s “1 shot”. but it is dark fantasy-esque but more towards “cysm” kinda macabre type. i can see this playing in the wednesday netflix show.
but, the autotune makes the voice fuzzy in a way that it made my head a tad bit hurt. i think the sound engineer pushes the voice near the lower eq that it sounds as if its drowning in the instrumental and almost having its breath all taken out + the autotune is not great that i cannot make out taehyun’s voice from the song (why can’t i find my boy?!). i can hear some inspiration from billie eilish’s “bad guy” and “bury a friend” and w/ the peter pan concept, definitely make peter pan more like a creep. it’s also an all english song and i have a bad sentiment w/ kpop group singing all english song but that’s just my preference
2. sugar rush ride: the guitar sample is very nice, giving a funky taste to it. mid-verse parts w/ the voice sample before each pre-choruses are also very nice, probably my favorite parts of the whole song.
ngl, i think the producers has an epiphany w/ enhypen title tracks and realize that txt should do the same thing which is “making a title track without a bridge”. the format is literally verse > mid-verse > pre-chorus > chorus > post-chorus > verse > mid-verse > pre-chrous > chrous > post-chorus > outro. the idea of “sugar rush ride” doesn’t get elevated in the end and that is probably the reason why i think the song is “empty” instrumentally and the anti-drop in the chorus part doesn’t help. the song, imo, could be better w/ more instrumental tracks added at the end as if the song is stacking up to the climax that is the last chorus and outro. if “sugar rush ride” was a roller coaster, it wouldn’t feel thrilling for every1 who ride it
3. happy fools: the intro with the bossa nova melody and double bass sound makes me think it is a bossa nova sounding song but when the 808 drum beat starting, it becomes a hip-hop song that gen z likes to hear and in my opinion, a very common one that it doesn’t stand out as a txt track. it also has some salem ilese’s “ps5” coding to it. i think this song will blow up in tiktok as a background sound for a diy tutorial arts and craft type of stuff cuz it is artsy in a way. i’m also more convince it is made for tiktok because of its 2:35 length which very short and it cuts very abruptly at the end. i don’t like songs that are cater to tiktok even though it is the best way for them to market the album and this song has a whole “this song is made to be a tiktok sound that would go viral” all over it
4. tinnitus: this song definitely has a more tropical sound to it and it combine with the dancehall beat makes it feel that it is made to be danced by the ocean. the song is also stagnant as if it supposed to be a bgm for a video game that is supposed to be repeated. though the song fades unlike happy fools, the fading sound cuts to quickly that it is so abrupt i can’t even catch a breath fast enough. a short review for a short song…
5. farewell, neverland: when i hear the guitar intro, i already guess it’s gonna be great song. i imagine it like they’re going to tell a story by a campfire on the neverland sands as a farewell for them to go home. a good track to end the album! and even though it doesn’t have a bridge (cuz it’s 3 mins long aka i want more), the song has a clear arc on how it will be sing/presented especially with the closing that we met the guitar again. kinda like the hero’s journey but a small one, a current summary for the bigger hero’s journey txt has done in this album and the lore of it. though i haven’t read the lyrics, i could guess it’ll also be as beautiful as the melody, harmony, n rhythm of the song…
final ranking:
5. happy fools
4. devil by the window
3. tinnitus
2. sugar rush ride (the mid-verse part is very memorable that it pushes the song up the rank)
1. farewell, neverland (a clear no. 1 in my heart and soul)
closing remarks: why is the album so short? why are the songs not even pass a 3’ 30” mark? why are you making songs w/o bridge bighit n by proxy hybe? the problem w/ autotune is still there especially in devil, probably in the mid to low tier rank of txt’s discography but for album visual concept, it’ll be at the top along with tcc: fight or escape n tdc: magic
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enniewritesathing · 1 year
I just looked at the poll result (that button was for me really) and uhm.
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(i guess spoilers for the result under the cut and also cut to spare yall w/e I’m gonna say)
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out of 20 (it was 20 bc i voted, but it’s 19... rounding it up is easier because i can’t do math woth shit lol)
no one voted for any of my early stuff. which, valid I guess because I was absolutely horrendous on formatting it -- not even ‘script’ style. lots of blanks in between shots. the only reason I didn’t go back an edit it is because I guess I wanted to keep it as a progress thing. Started from here, now I’m here, etc. That said, I can probably see someone skipping over them completely bc of that. (or maybe I’m just projecting a little bit idk). On the other hand, idk John fighting a literal demon?? how can you not vote for that lol
5 voted for The Werewolf 4 for The Incident (which I am surprised because that story as a whole has the least amount of notes... granted the CWs and subject matter(s)-- and it’s the only story I have that doesn’t have any sort of dialogue. Kind of a fill in the blank sort of deal. 1 each for the proposal and country side, 2 for multiple/other, 4 haven’t read any/or didnt like anything in particular, and 2 (minus me) wanted to see results.
I’m trying to think of a takeway here. I was shocked that I got 19 votes and usually when I poll things, the turn out is very low for the amount of followers that I have (that’s if they did it bc obviously anyone can vote). Let me put it this way, only 2.5% voted. (I think.) idk how many are actually active, lurking, or abandoned.
as a story teller (on/off), it’s... hm. I don’t know what to feel about it. I got ideas and half the time, I go through with it because I think it’s interesting. (that and putting the boys in A Situation is fun). but I also think they’re just niche (or I should say it’s not aesthetic enough with reshade and whathaveyou and I gave my thoughts in the post via tags; it’s not that far back).
It’s pretty rare i get a message about any of it and I guess the lack of feedback/comments is getting to me (or even rarer, an ask that’s a follow up question to what i posted). like yes, I want to talk about things!! future things! speculation even. anon’s on! links have the posts in chronological order! everything’s finished! i put nav links in each story post so in the off chance someone rb’s it, you can start from the beginning!
maybe it’s because of how i do things that work for me. parts are long. there’s a fair amount of reading. it’s in script (storyboard?) format. i’ve tried being short with things but it never plays out. i even went textless once -- what you see is what you get. it’s like ‘oh, i’m not reading all of that’. i have a sneaking suspicion that’s why. it’s too long. no words on pics. or maybe it’s not interesting. (visually or otherwise)
it feels like this when I’m RBing my own work
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it feels bad, yall!! it’s like im begging and that sucks. sometimes I ask, why do I bother. why do I bother with tags, why do i bother with anything. rarely a story post will leave here. like, is it not worthy of like ‘hey check out this cool thing’ (or a rec list of sort? does anyone still do that?)
. . .
on the other hand, i don’t think there’s a takeaway here and i’m really way too much into this and hurt my own feelings. (ofc 🙄) it is what it is and I should just let this go and go to sleep it’s 330 in the morning
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caroloftheshells · 5 years
recent screen exploits (herein: parasite, good time, mr robot, twin peaks)
parasite: ik i sound like every person ever when i say this but man what an incredible movie. i’m so happy i got to see it in theaters on i think its last day of matinee-price screenings in my area. the pacing was great and so were the visuals/camerawork-- everything makes sense in hindsight and it’s one of those movies that has really stuck with me days after seeing it. starts out as kind of a dark dramedy / heist movie and then hangs a left into the thriller zone. the way bong joon-ho uses physical levels/space/enclosures as well as more subtle visual cues to emphasize the social/class horror elements is really neat and something that i guess this shares with snowpiercer (which i’m using as a ref because that’s the only other one of his movies i’ve seen) but i think this movie feels more nuanced & precise wrt that in part because all the characters across the board feel more real and lived-in. also this gets bonus points for being a movie with a food allergy subplot that isn’t totally ridiculous and actually contributes to the story rather than being a weird deus ex machina-- as previously stated everything makes sense in context and i think that’s cool. anyway tl;dr it’s really compelling & funny & disturbing; favorite movie i’ve watched this year by far (it’s only been 17 days lol but still).
good time: robert pattinson runs around exploiting various people / ruining various lives in pink & green lighting for an hour and a half. this is one of those can’t-look-away train wreck sorts of movies where everything just continually gets worse for our protagonist as various forces close in on him, but also the dude gets less and less likable as things progress. robpat’s acting is great and he fully embodies that increasing level of unhinged scumbag. the score is also really good and successfully anxiety-inducing imo. that said i feel like this is almost a good movie about privilege/racism/the criminal justice system but maybe the writers didn’t quite go there or commit in terms of the framing. like, i guess i’d say i feel similarly abt how this one treats racism as i feel about blade runner 2049 and misogyny(?). it’s definitely there and it’s soaked into the plot but the framing of it is not super precise i guess from my viewing bc we’re constantly stuck with the white guy protagonist. uhh other cw’s for csa / statutory sa involving a teenager; ableism; shaky cam; drug use
mr robot: finally caught up through season 3 on this; no spoilers allowed for s4 because i just figured out how to watch it and haven’t yet. anyway i went back to this show after uhh several years and despite It All because the number of disaster lgbt’s outranks pretty much every other genre show i know of currently airing, and i like rami malek, and also i heard there was a sad and screwy wlw ship that seemed very much up my alley. so lo. anyway i’m still struck by how much i care about all these characters whose fundamental surrounding plot/situation is kinda meh. sam esmail was really like “how bout a show about sad anticapitalists in their 20s, mostly bisexuals & lesbians, having wonky relationships and coming to terms with their trauma” and the result is i guess i’m having fun. i appreciate the commitment to Going There re the abundance & complexity of the aforementioned characters while also giving us a few token cishet white men who are either evil or die. i mean tbf everybody’s probably gonna die at this point but w/e
twin peaks: i’ve only watched the first episode but i am finally jumping on this train and it is enjoyable thus far. as i said earlier i appreciate the sorta record-obsessed ditz representation we seem to be getting with our fbi protagonist dude. i have managed to avoid a significant portion of the lore here despite having been a scifi/specfic nerd my whole life so it’ll be interesting to see how it holds up in 2020
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bioshock4k · 3 years
i genuinely have no idea what bioshock iz about so if u want to explain im all ears 👂
umm ok so!!! ignore how bad this formatting is going to be and how all over the place it will also probably be . im bad at keeping those coherent
so first game first, bioshock! the game opens in an airplane with the player character saying 'son, you were born to do great things. and you know what? they were right.' (important later i prommy) the plane then crashes in the mid atlantic ocean and you, jack, are the only survivor. after resurfacing you find a lighthouse (for some reason) and swim to it. inside this lighthouse is a bathysphere that takes you down to rapture, an undersea (attempted) utopia. on the way down you see some fish (gif of said fish below) and overhear a conversation between atlas and johnny. johnny dies as soon as the bathysphere docks (is that the word????? idk), but atlas speaks to you over the shortwave radio that is kept inside of the bathysphere, and helps you out of a few sticky situations
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i thought i had more than just that gif saved. oh well
okay um anyway. at first your main objective is to help atlas and his family escape rapture (i dont think he ever said he'd take you with him? which could have been foreshadowing actually). his family is trapped in the bathysphere in the smuggler's hideout in neptune's bounty, unfortunately when you do finally end up reaching the bathysphere it explodes, assumedly on andrew ryans command. sorry for not introducing him sooner. um he himself is introduced in the tutorial level hes the 'king' of rapture, he founded it and everything. very important character . moving on
after atlas's family is murdered yor objective changes. your goal is now to reach hephaestus and kill ryan. it takes a good bit to get there, but when you finally do, you learn that jack wynand is not only andrew ryan's son (i can elaborate on this later if u want, im skipping over like. a lot. im just going on major plot points here), but he is also not a free man. his entire journey here has been lead by atlas, and every time atlas requested something of you, it was always headed or followed by the phrase 'would you kindly', which is a trigger phase for jack. obv any request with that phrase he much obey yada yada u know the trope or w/e. jack is actually a 4y/o mess of genetic experiments and mind fuckery. after killing ryan and using his genetic key to stop the self-destruct on rapture that ryan put in place, you learn yhat atlas is actually frank fontaine who is. another character i forgot to introduce. hes supposed to have been dead for like 2 years at this point. anyway hes the big bad and ur objective changes yet again ^_^ now ur goal is to kill fontaine and escape rapture
after being knocked out by a fall, you wake up in tenenbaums safehouse. tenenbaum is yet anoyher character that i forgot to introduce yippie ^_^ shes um a geneticist who helped in the creation of jack and the little sisters youve heard me ramble abt them . ill explain more if u want. but now tenenbaum is helping u and shes undone the wyk trigger from jacks brainmush and now he is mostly free of fontaine's control yippie ^_^ umm after yet another long trek across rapture you reach fontaines lair and then kill him yahoo!!!! and depending on ur choices of wether or not to save the little sisters you get an ending where either jack and the little sisters have all left rapture and end up living full happy lives or jack kills all the little sisters and um? nukes the world????? idk. its weird.
ok i was gonna do bio2 but tumblr is starting to glitch bc of the length of this post so!!! if u want more just ask for more ok ^_^ this was a very bad explanation but i hope it makes a little sense
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herbgerblin · 4 years
Keep scrolling if you don’t want negativity :0! Tumblr fucked with the formatting, so I’m answering your ask here, anon. 
Herb have you been alright during these like awful current times?:( How are you feeling?
Short answer: Big Bad with hints of good. Long answer under the cut, because this is long and very personal. Please don’t reblog:
I am really really really tired of living in historical events.
I’m African American, and I live in one of the major cities that has been set with a curfew. I live five minutes from a number of stores that have been looted and it’s been nonstop helicopters and sirens all day. My parents called at 1am the other night forbidding me (and my sis, who is staying with me currently) from going out for the next few days. 
My sister has friends who have been protesting, and she’s been keeping tabs on them. A friend of mine (who is also black) said he was going to drive home through downtown an hour ago. My other friends and I told him to call if anything happens. He just texted that he got home okay but the police presence is e v e r y w h e r e.
Whatever small, bursts of creativity I’ve been feeling have gone to completing art commissions or my Adult Job™. Usually when I’m drawing, I’ll have a movie or a podcast playing in the background, so keep the hyperactive part of my brain at bay while I finish. Sometimes I play horror movies. It’s like, well if my brain is focused on fictional fear, it won’t spiral into worrying about real, tangible fear. And I can control when to turn the volume on and off, or flick to another tab. But lately it’s been like, a lot of that.
The hyperawareness is off the charts. I can’t look at twitter right now, it’s too stressful. I uploaded some stuff earlier so I wouldn’t forget to do so. But other than that, I can’t because every new thing that updates is more sensationalized than the last. On tumblr, it’s not as bad because it’s mostly text stuff about showing support. 
I know there’s a whiplash whenever I reblog “oh here’s a baby duck” vs “here’s what to do if you get tear gassed.” But I don’t have the luxury to not face these things because they have happened and are happening and continue to happen, and it’s infuriating. Also there’s some guilt about being mad? like, the fuck? the fuck??? I feel the need to yell but I don’t want anyone to be Yelled At.
In regards to the upside of things, I love this community so, so much. All the fics, and the art, and silliness, and just everything have been beacons of light. I’m honestly tearing up thinking about it. I feel like I could fill a whole text post of nothing but thank you’s for the amount of times I’ve felt respite just today alone. This is a big ole word vomit and I’m probably not addressing everything, but that’s the gist of it. 
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thecrenellations · 4 years
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Thick as Thieves Undead-Blog, Part Two | when your liveblog wakes up to drink some broth then goes back to sleep smiling because it trusts you | my notes from reading the book for the first time, Spring 2017
Format: Page number. My ridiculous thoughts (Context???)
Part One
Chapters 6-13:
Ch. 6 - Very intense chapter in which Kamet and Costis are captured by the slavers and escape
163. Costis <3 Muscles Good looking! (wow what a way to start this post)
one hot piece of attolian manflesh ... confirmed (people would call him this on LJ! I forgot about it for several years until reading this passage)
164. omg earring swallowed!
166. amanuensis? (perennial thanks to mwt for all the vocab words)
168. shit. severed hand.
172. wtf Costis don’t kill him
173. how do you silently kill someone like that?
174. wow fuck
men dead not even breathing hard. (compare to KoA assassination)
Everyone is a monster!
176. Thieves.
Ch. 7 - Lots of good conversation, potentially symbolic animals, and a surprise Eugenides
183. Grt scene (apologies)
184. now who’s asking rude questions? (about killing people)
186. lying to him <3
ok! unreliable narrator!
wait i thought they didn’t have slaves in Attolia?!
187. “I was unappreciated” ... I’m always lonely
so cute
188. me when mwt writes: what is this blatant unabashed fanservice?
189. Onarkus =/= Sandy?
190. okaaay #confirmed Gen!
195. he caught a snake (associated with a certain king and assumed bootboy “you viper” “you are a poisonous little snake” ... another ominous dead animal)
Is Costis’s earring for Eugenides (I was thinking of the god!)
196. a goat and a snake .... how poetic
Costis stalks goat ...
197. hmmm.... goat and hand and last trace of Nahuseresh (OMINOUS)
does Irene know her husband was a bootboy?
203. no this what? (“trouble with a maid” story exchange)
204. he was prepared to run away??
how old was he?
well this is a lot to chew on
205. K using past tense for N
C asking about slaves killed after emperor’s death... does he know?
Ch. 8 - This road trip was going great until SOMEONE fell in a well
208. Are Taymets taller than Eddisian mountains?
210. time passing, broad and focused
212. MY Attolian
classic minor mwt characters
215. singing Costis???
216. swearing gimme a break
please don’t let the Namreen kill them later...
217. Kamet says very little of what HE did/his interactions w them!
218. wot nice cut! (“Eleven days later...”)
219. “water finds a way” a saying from Eddis? how does C know that? also brings to mind QoA weather passages
Why doesn’t Kamet ask/wonder WHY Gen wants him?
223. They’re gonna do it? They’re gonna make it? So close!
224. does Eddis have comparable irrigation engineering?
227. NO!
228. u idiot you meant to leave him before!!!
at least look in the freaking well!!!
229. Kamet’s Face! wow he’s really in shock (at weapons shop)
230. SUCH FAMILIAR PHRASING! birds :( (I was caught up in the birds and completely missed the spilled wine!)
Ch. 9 - Retrieving Costis from the well, Ennikar appears again
231. “You’re certain he’s dead?” nice CUT
this time i heard him say?
was he talking?
232. thoughtfully tensing his lower lip?
who tf is this guy - another god?
mm grr I’m Kamet I have no friends
ok so he’s what’s his face Enkidu?
heroes walk the streets
234. AAH why
say his fricking name?!
god you’re so bad @ this
236. THIEF
238. omg so good flour!
239. OMG Costis. Nice. (Costis tries the Gen method of deflecting concern)
241. “as if we were close friends traveling together???”
242. Costis ... knows a hero when he sees one?
But ... delighted? not horrified?
Ch. 10 - Hanging out with Godekker
247. SO MANY HELPFUL STRONG MEN (Enter Godekker)
253. god so snarky
254. Kamet’s chops
fuck how is this book going to end???
256. You’ll never feel safe ... Gen + Relius’s fears?
258. Fuh!
259. Ok do i have hope?
he doesn’t have Tethys lesions does he?
263. aahhhh
Costis trusts him!!!! <3
264. Noli? where did he get that from?
265. yeah u did tell Godekker your name!
wtf is this god advice!
268. The So, so, so count in this book is OUT OF CONTROL!!! It may be a record.
Ch. 11 - Kamet’s stressful voyage
270. Lol Sophos is better @ assuming Attolian ships are there...
272. yesssss earring GOOD
274. yeah sure Kamet you still haven’t left!
I did not want to leave the Attolian!
276. watching Costis
277. my heart’s gonna break don’t leave, Kamet!
278. “as if the gods had cursed my wandering feet” nice. also iambic pentameter
also laying it on a bit thick there
280. Sea in the Middle of the World!
he’s so scared though. :(
the fuckin nerve!
Costis + Gen and their s3cr3t sign
281. nooooo it’s ok to lie, it’s endearing in this world!
also Costis seriously why do you think he would be ok w/ this!
I’m coming home! (to Attolia. In cursive, see image at top of post.)
282. war?
Ch. 12 - Dramatic times in Attolia
284. “I thought we were I + E” :o
shit where is his honor now (”I would have let you go”)
285. hey there Teleus...
my heart
285. yeah but C probs knows all those guards ... he thought punching Gen was the most embarrassed he’d been... (in retrospect, I don’t think he was embarrassed AT ALL during this scene. Costis fight mode was activated.)
yeah I mean she has given us the Magus all this time! (reflecting on the fact that Costis’s name has yet to appear)
286. Yesss angry Costis poking Teleus!
This is Something to imagine
287. THIS IS REALLY BAD (”the queen”)
holy shit
when is this???
she’s not THAT old!
288. THE room? (“filled with all the horrors I had fled in Ianna-Ir”)
289. 298 pages until this! (“Costis”)
289. Please stay alive Irene!
On some level I do feel that my childhood is ruined w the confirmation they banged. :( Gen is like 20! (Listen. I love them. I'm very happy for them. This is not exactly breaking news. 20-year-olds, and this one in particular, can obviously do anything they want. This note brought to you by me being Too Ace For This and having been both younger and older than him since first reading the books a very long time ago...)
292. Gggennn
293. Is this court respect a recent development? WHAT DID I MISS? (they watched him fight the entire guard, is what, c’mon me. Costis hit him on the head with an amphora.)
yeah we get it people underestimate Eugenides
294. is this Annux by any chance?
Boys ur making a scene!
King of Attolia vs of Attolians?
295. very ... dramatic
this is ... a private convo?
297. yup he’s Eddis’s best stalker!
Ch. 13 - Everything else that happens in this book!
298. “Do they know?” yeah wtf Gen
it’s like the new “and every1 was naked” (in KoA)
“and every1 was watching”
300. Gen: Yo Helen can u bring me that one coin?
Helen: sure. no prob
301. “Poor Costis”
yeah Melheret always sneaks up
302. “You’ve come from the prisons, not how an honored guest is usually received” UM ACTUALLY...
305. Kamet.... (crying in his room)
306. “the kind of Attolia sitting on the footboard” oh my god yeah classic
307. Irene comes thru with the stats
Was Kamet at the battle at Ephrata?
310. talk with the kitchen staff good god i would like to know. So bizarre.
lol toting around an ambassador all nite? What would Teleus say?
while Irene’s sick ...
WTF will Costis do now?
312. names ... Kamet ... Ormentiedes? 
Creeeeeeeeepy Relius (probably about “there are some questions you might answer for us” but possibly about the cutting up and feeding to wolves comment)
314. business arrangement uh sure
Yeah ok write it all down
316. talking to Costis?
(a note: the version I read was an advance reader copy, and the only major difference was that it did NOT include the scene with “the young Erondites”)
318. Attolia smiled at him!
anything worth doing is worth overdoing lol
319. alternate readings of poem?
322. orange trees!
324. sent Onarkus away RECENTLY???
Is Brinna Sandy!
Cooks r weird (thinking about the entry for cooks in the Tough Guide to Fantasyland)
326. the magus!
an ACHING void
oh I know I’ll just GO!
poor Gen can’t have any friends...
331. they have duffles in Attolia
and with Attolian duffles, the story ends! Thanks for reading, feedback is welcome. I promise I have more developed thoughts about this book. For another weird journey, listen to my Thick as Thieves playlist, maybe.
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impassiveesper · 4 years
What was your first impression of the roleplay community on Tumblr? And what’s your impression of it now?
Mun’s Asks: RP Edition
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1.) What was your first impression of the roleplay community on Tumblr? And what’s your impression of it now?
I’ve been on this hellsite since the beginning but I really only started RPing here after a few years.  Probably in 2012 or 2013? I can’t remember exactly when but I remember being very intimidated by the idea of RP on this platform in particular. There is a bit of a steep learning curve in terms of etiquette here that is even steeper when you factor in the near requirement for tumblr-literacy.  Like you basically need xkit to RP and you need to understand what kinds of asks get eaten and when/how cuts work and what behaviors do and don’t cause notifications and how ask posts work and how the block/blacklist features do and dont work and what tags tumblr will and wont index etc etc.  When you’re a tumblr old head it’s easy to forget newcomers don’t immediately know things like that. It’s part of the reason why I tend to be very basic in my approach compared to what is popular at the moment. I was one of those fabled newcomers at one point.
I don’t really think that tumblr RPC is any better or worse now than it was back then, just different. A lot of what’s popular now was a thing back then, but now it’s more commonplace in a much smaller population of RPers. I wouldn’t say that the RPC has many new problems as much as I would say the old problems have intensified.
When I started out I was in a fandom that was very cliquey and made me feel like shit a lot and those spaces probably still exist on tumblr but the difference is I know what my boundaries are and what behaviors I will and wont tolerate on my dash.  Overall the RPC is much better at talking about things like that than it used to be imo. That same fandom I just shit on was also a lot of fun and taught me that it was okay to not take RP too seriously and not be too worried about if it looks pretty enough or was fancy enough. I’m really grateful for people who would RP with me back then even though I unknowingly broke a lot of tumblr RPC’s unwritten rules.  
That’s why it’s very important to me as a seasoned RPer to be as approachable a blog as I can possibly be. In this the lords year of 2020 I still feel myself being set in my ways and avoiding trends that are ultimately harmless, but there is an extent to which I have to participate in order to be courteous to others so I do my best to be open minded about Neo RPC Trends. I end up being of two minds just about everything that’s popular right now. 
Take for example reblog karma / I AM NOT A MEME SOURCE type rules. I think that’s shits dumb, you guys can reblog anything you want from me, in fact reblogging it from me heightens the chances of me sending you one whether you sent me one or not. I’m not gonna get mad at you for using the website as it is intended by the devs to be used, but also if somebody else’s rules say it bugs them to have memes rbed from them, then I think their feelings are more important than my opinion on the matter. People are more important to me than policies in cases like these, so of course I’ll reblog the meme from the source instead of you or w/e.  
But at the same time, that idea about feelings also includes the feelings of people who are new to RP and maybe don’t even know the etiquette well enough to know they’re messing up.  There’s a lot to get mad about in the current state of tumblr RP but even when I agree that I want this particular tedium done, I don’t really agree with the idea that I should make it a rule that forces other people to stay away from me. Yes I dont want to be ponging an ask post back and forth. Yes I want our posts cut.  But also, I wont get mad if you rb an ask instead of putting it in a new post. I’ll just put in a new post myself. I wont get mad if you dont cut a post, I’ll just cut it myself. It’s not hard to do.
Take also graphics, banners, and all manner of fancy formatting. RPC has really really leaned into that a lot more than back in 2013. On the one hand, I think that’s great. People are so creative. Their stuff looks so pretty, and I really like the work people put in. I don’t think it’s a bad thing necessarily, but on the other hand it does heighten that already steep barrier for entry imo, especially in circles that require it and judge based upon it. For me it’s more important to avoid looking like that’s an expectation of mine. Like, I can do that stuff. I do sometimes, actually. I make icons in batches of hundreds, I take commissions for RP graphics, don’t tell anybody. I’m a freelance illustrator and I know my way around the adobe creative suite-- I CAN make these things and I do for other people, but I can’t be called to do it for myself in most cases. When I see a blog with very nice graphics I immediately assume they don’t care to interact with me. In fact I still tend to unfairly think this even when they’ve shown me otherwise. If we don’t have a long term rapport and you’re a blog with nice graphics and I reply to your posts, what you’re seeing is a neurotic prey animal that is afraid of you signaling alarm.  For whatever reason I tend to interpret very fancy looking blogs as confident and happy in their own existing bubbles with no particular interest in newcomers. I know that’s not always a fair assumption to make--it’s a problem with me that I need to work on--but also I know other people deal with similar feelings. That’s why I don’t feel particularly called to make much beyond the most basic of graphics most of the time and I’m highly avoidant of anybody who seems like graphics are a requirement for interactions with them. Not everybody has photoshop. Not everybody is skilled at that sort of thing. I don’t want people to think that I will judge their style based on what my own style looks like, so I don’t invest much in it. Again, there’s nothing wrong with graphics, but it’s more important to me than anything else that I am approachable and I make other people on the dash as comfortable as I can. I’m glad that it seems like a requirement for cohesive graphics has waned over the last few years.
But, yea. I’d say this duality--the “this is cool but also I have reasons I feel I shouldn’t participate”--is how I feel about pretty much everything that’s big right now.  And like don’t even get me started on the anxiety RPC has around things like soft blocking and mutuals and multiples and “quality”. These things in particular aren’t that new, but a lot of Neo RPC etiquette and trends surrounding those types of anxieties represent a whole quagmire that I try to avoid as much as I can, often to a fault, and lately I’ve realized that in my blanket avoidance I am actually missing out on some things I really should consider doing. My icons could do with some light color retouching. I do want to get my tags together eventually. Permanent starter calls, interests checkers, banners to make asks more easily rebloggable-- these things are functional and can be fun and make RP easier and help people feel emboldened to approach. Like, there are a lot of newish things that are actually cool and I should maybe consider trying them out, but being an oldster has really made me slow to adapt.
So yeah, idk if that was clear at all lol. Take these many, many unnecessary words to say that again, I don’t necessarily think that the current RPC is better or worse in an objective sense, but I do think a lot of the anxieties and trends that were starting in the old RPC have really caught fire now in a way that makes them hard to abstain from even if you want to. Since the RPC is so much smaller now than it was in 2013, you really do have to play ball on these things more than you used to have to in order to find partners. There is a lot of etiquette and anxiety that goes unspoken in the RPC and so I often avoid fairly harmless RPC trends as a means of mitigating that anxiety and clarifying the unspoken as much as I can. Tumblr already has a barrier for entry by being a broken website that hates its rp users, I don’t need to pile on any extra factors to make that barrier to entry look any taller.
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fandomplethora · 4 years
mystic messenger webtoon
(repost since my last post disappeared OTL) 
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warning: unorganized, rambling thoughts lol. (i’m all over the place right now, guys)
you guys. i have never been more excited and more *terrified* in my life.
let’s break it down.
it is officially announced that mystic messenger, as a webtoon, will be returning to us on april 11th. the prologue has already been released today.
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from what i have been able to read *very briefly* is that there is no plan for an english (or any other language) translation just yet. it will be released on bookcube, a pay to read site.
(someone on reddit mentioned a hope that it may come to tappytoon or tapas? but there is no confirmation of any other site besides bookcube.)
that being said - we have *wonderful* people in this fandom already ready with some english translations! at the very least :’)  
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creds, yo
let’s go into my (personal) negative outlooks first! (maybe i shouldn’t use an exclamation point when talking somewhat negatively...)
1. (not super negative) b u t - our mc is different. :,( i’m just attached to the idea of mc w/ bangs and long brown hair - the gold eyes. while other mc’s have made their way into art and ect...the mc from the game is the most popular one. i don’t understand the need for the change...besides to perhaps build upon this new version of the story with a brand new character. because mc *like this*, in this format, is a new character. she will, hopefully, have her own personality and traits and maybe backstory? even a minor one. b u t that could also, in the eyes of some people, be a negative...and, to others, a positive. we, as players, have been the mc this entire time so while good ending mc is looked at as, mainly, canon - which brings some fundamental characteristics to her character such as being empathetic, kind and...holy shit, incredibly *flexible* (like, apartment bomb? “nbd.” brand new group of people? “dope, let’s be friends.” cult? “well, what are we gonna do about it then.” mc, are you okay? mc: “are y o u g u y s okay tho?”)  mc has not had her own story. does this mean she will now? now we may get new traits on top of those, a unique personality to who t h i s character is.
SIDE NOTE: *SLAMS HANDS ON TABLE* ya’ll, holy shit...is MC getting a name? she has to get a name now. AAAAA, okay this may go another direction and i may just have another character in this damn story i’d willingly throw myself in front of a car for. dAMN IT.
2. okay, it somewhat makes sense that saeyoung would NOT be there in the introduction of the four to this mc shown in the webtoon prologue. same with jihyun. of course, with saeran. but my fear is...i want equal relationship development with every character. unless they are approaching this in a “reset” type of way...(which i’m not sure if they will tbh).
from, my guess, the already meeting of them (all at the same time) shows us that we may just be on one big route with almosteverything included? which i am down for. but...then do it like that, right? bring saeyoung and jihyun into the picture, as well, more consistently. bring vanderwood in too due to his major role in saeyoung’s route, the secret endings and the entirety of another story. (y’know? what could be considered the “main plotline” that affects everyone in mm.)  he IS a part of it. also, more moments with saeran. perhaps we will get (new) more mint eye scenes? a type of back and forth?
i’m really not trying to dictate how this story should go. i really am interested in this new take and what it may come with. but i just want...everyone there, y’know? i want those relationships equally delved into - how we all got to know them as we completed all routes and other dlc’s on the game.
3. i’m just...kind of scared of being disappointed. or *too much* changing. or...characters being made out in a way they are not? if that makes sense. i’m not trying to set it up for that...to play some “i’ve been here over three years and i know more than you” type of role, haha. they can bring in all of the angst from the game...but maybe change a few things to handle it better? deeper? make sure characters are more universally okay? add some things in too if you want! i also understand if not everything makes it in.
but they have a chance of really reigniting the fandom and also growing it. mm is a wonderful story that does capture your heart. and cheritz has done a lot of good, more good than bad in my eyes (personally!)...but also...sometimes have messed up too. i just want them to do the game, the characters and themselves justice.
1. okay, guys. c’mon. this mc is super cute UwU (not that that is what it’s all about lol) but i’m hoping we get to know her as a new character with unique traits. i’m excited to see her added into the story and for her interactions. we should all root for her! because we have allll been her shoes already, guys. <3 (also, as someone else pointed out, peep that bisexual bob, ya’ll.) let’s do this!
2. THE ART STYLE IS A M A Z I N G. they ALL look so good to me. i saw them and immediately went “there they are”. :’) kind of got emotional, ngl.
3. i do believe in one positive change that is going to happen! we are meeting them *right away* at least from what i can tell from this panel -
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i think this makes sense in order to see the story in this form (and i even said this so long ago in another post when musing about changes if they ever made mm into a tv show). meeting them right away makes sense. and i am glad they are doing it this way! that made me excited to see. (and now you guys know what i mean about every character, hopefully, getting the part they deserve in this webtoon that i mentioned earlier.)
4. so, i may be getting ahead of myself and i am NOT trying to continually ask for more and more. but the fact that this game became a webtoon...means it could become a show one day. perhaps this is a way to test the waters? feel it out and see where things go. either way though, a webtoon happening (all on it’s own) is beyond exciting.
5. there will be new additions to this fandom! just the other day (and, as i’m sure, many of us feel too) i just miss this game and fandom so much. i’m not ready for it to just be over, i think. mystic messenger meant, it means, so much to me - so much to others. it is a wonderful story, a different approach to this genre while including important themes and filled with i n c r e d i b l e characters. things are not perfect but maybe...this can be the boost we all need again. and i am excited to welcome people into this fandom!
let’s all be kind to each other.
final thoughts;
i’m probably going to hunting down a translation all over the place on april 11th (and every release following, haha). i hope we do see this story translated in numerous languages - to include our, truly, worldwide fandom. i will be reading this and i am excited for this new part and chapter of this fandom and story! to see it this way and read it as such. i’m glad to see a boost to this fandom and to find my love for mystic messenger again...and hopefully others will too!
overall - THANK YOU, CHERITZ. and while i am incredibly nervous - i am going to remain (mostly) positive and excited! and only *slightly* skeptical.
i’d love to hear anyone else’s thoughts and discuss more about this.
and i can’t wait to see you all (and welcome even more) into the messenger again. <3
until then!
oh, and also...
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...same, mc. same.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hunter x hunter thotz so far
soooo ruth and i started watching hunter x hunter woohoo finally! we’re like 10 or so eps in so i decided to collect some thots below on what i think so far (i havent rlly been spoiled so im interested to look back on this once ive watched more)
first off i love gon sm, hes immediately so endearing...hes just a baby!!!! just a little baby boy!!!! hes just so cute and good, im so not ready for him to get put thru the wringer later on as ive vaguely heard happens
the first few episodes were really fast paced which i enjoyed and thought was for the best. the characters came thru really strongly and i feel like we heard juuuust enough about the setting, premise, and what a hunter is 
i wasnt expecting leorio and kurapika to show up in the FIRST EP lmao that surprised me. i love so much how the three of them like IMMEDIATELY became a family unit in like 3 eps lmaoooo it was like ok here are 2 parents and their son bam. also leorio and kurapika having a showdown on the boat (which didnt end up happening) was a wild ride 
i have like zero fucking idea what a hunter is and the more they attempt to explain the more confused i get. its honestly kind of hilarious how little sense it makes. to be clear this doesnt detract from my enjoyment of the show at all (if anything it adds to it)
oh my god fuckgin hisoka is the worst he hasnt done much but i hate him so much already. good villain writing/design so far, hes so hateable
ruth every time hisoka shows up: WE HATE UR PUSSY BIIIITCH 
the character design in this show is....a lot lmao. ruth and i decided its a cross between soul eater, jojo, and one piece in terms of aesthetic. the designs are certainly unique and so many of them are just so ugly hvbjafdbdskgs it reminds me of that post thats like ‘masterpost of jojo characters who look busted as shit’ lmao
i already love this show a lot tbh like the way its structured so far has been kinda atypical for a shounen, at least in terms of fights - we really havent seen a lot of fighting yet. also nen hasnt shown up yet and its reminding me of stands not becoming a thing in jojo until p3 lmao 
anyways in litrally ep1 i already loved the 3 main characters we saw...leorio is a wild dude, i love him sm, especially as a fellow medical binch who wants MONEY. like, thats literally me. and kurapika is also wild, like damn they rlly just dropped their backstory in ep 1 huh. like we rlly are jumping right into this 
also when leorio said he was a teenager i was like WHAT???? just like evryone else which YEA omfg. i cant believe hes that young lmao. kurapika too
so leorio is one of those 19 yr olds who looks 40 and kurapika is the type of teen who looks like a 12 yr old
and KILLUA i love him sm also....hes an adorable assassin catboy and hes perfect. i love how quickly he and gon hit it off (tiny bfs.....) and how hes just like, this extra as hell 12 yr old with a SKATEBOARD and ASSASSIN SKILLS and then he sees gon and is like guess im gonna fall in love 
i gotta talk abt gon again i just love him. hes so polite and cute and kind and good, i just love him...wht a good protag. his motivation is just wild too, hes like well my dad abandoned me to go off and be a hunter (which he isnt even mad abt, what a nice lad) so im gonna do that to see what the deal is
i love how gon (just like the audience) doesnt really know what a hunter does/is and just goes into the exam totally blind lmao. also the fact that his skills seem to include jumping good, being speedy, having the energy typical of a 12 yr old, being a weather sniffer, being nice, and having good instincts/constitution as a result of having eaten random grass and forest shit growing up...amazing. 
is this gonna turn out to be one of those things where its like, wow theyve been using nen this whole time without realizing! tht would honestly explain a lot lmao 
i really enjoy how like....semi-normal the power levels are rn? while also being all over the place and wack as fucks obvs (like hisoka dissolving that guys arms in his first appearance was A Lot, as well as all the card stuff hes done..). like the part wher that blue guys (evil franky one piece) punches the ground and it leaves a crater and everyones like !!!! wow wtf thats unnatural! that literally threw me off bc that kinda thing is so normal in anime lmaoooo. but i like that thats the starting point bc it leaves a lot of room for power escalation w/out it getting too out of hand 
specifially our protags are starting out pretty low on the Shounen Badass scale - especially gon (and leorio, tho i kinda predict he wont be as fight-y? what with him being premed)
i find it kinda hilarious how killua hasnt done too much (aside from murdering those 2 randos in like half a second) despite being so clearly skilled...like when they have to do the 5v5 fight thing in the tower, i wouldve thought hed be the first up cause hes so badass but nope
actually thats what i find interesting - i was expecting all 5 (or maybe 4, we’re in the middle of leorio’s ‘fight’) of the fights to be physical smackdowns but so far nope, theyve been very cerebral. that bodes well, w/how smart the fights have been, bc i doubt the fights will get stale tht way 
tho they might be kinda frustrating sometimes - there are times when u DO just wanna see a good ole fashioned shounen beatdown yknow. but we do get enough of that now (and im sure we’ll get plenty more) to satisfy (like kurapika decking fake-franky) 
oh also the opening. its so charming and cute and i love the song...its also so hilariously basic and classic - like one of those typical 2000s anime openings where theres stock run cycles of all the main characters and theres a little animation of all the characters fighting together (and that fight doesnt actually happen, its just for the op) 
also love that leorios the only one who doesnt fight in the OP, instead getting saved from death by gon lmao. im curious if he’ll end up fighting at all (i assume a little?) and if he’ll use nen (probably healing type nen?) 
also i already wanna fistfight ging for abandoning his perfect angel son. also leorio is literally gons dad already, they even look alike wow 
that guy hanzo has done basically 0 things so far but i rlly like him already, im curious if thatll change. also sorry for calling u ‘hanzo overwatch!?!?!?!’ upon first viewing my guy 
tonpa is str8 up so annoying pls leave u pathetic loser 
tho it cracked me up when he and Evil Mr Clean were facing off and starting getting all detailed/shaded and i was like o shit is he actually badass. are we abt to see like a nen battle or st. but no....lmaooo
i found it interesting that leorio didnt really admit to wanting to be a dr at first...hes such a good dude, he kinda just let kurapika think that his motives were superficial and greedy when in actuality theyre selfless
also wanting to be rich can be a rlly interesting character motivation and i love when its done right
oh my god i cant believe it took me this long to mention the hilariously edge ED....like holy shit, its so 2000s, the song sounds like its been re-recorded like 40000 times bc of how bad the audio quality is, or something, idk how to describe music but its hilariously specific in tone and its rlly funny to see shots of the main characters smiling while this screamo whatever plays in the bg....wow. 
also s/o to killua for being king of edgy with that ‘tear of blood’ shot
i rlly like how much of the plot, especially the early hunter exam stuff, is moved along simply by gon being a good kind polite boy. 
love the fact that he and leorio and kurapika (and later killua) all team up without even saying anything...i love that, most shounen would have them be like ‘che, i cant team up with anyone, i have to prove myself ALONE or my victory wont be EARNED’ or w/e idk. who knows that might happen later but rn i love how they all effortlessly work together (and how they all contribute - without each other they would have all failed at different points) 
oh man also killuas first appearence was so funny when he drank a bunch of tonpas poisoned drinks and was like [smirks] tch, loser, im immune to poison. get dunked on. [skateboard away] i love him so fuckgin much 
omfg that part where killua looks all shoujo/kawaii and is talking abt how hes gonna kill his family or w/e and gon is just like ^_^? i love they
HOOOOLY FUCK I ALMOST FORGOT, BUT 65% OF THE REASON I MADE THIS POST WAS TO MENTION HISOKAS THEME LMAOOOOO his music being like fuckgin, spanish guitar/traditional mexican type music is sooooo goddamn funny to me for some reason, like the first time it played i was like ok whats going ON with this spanish guitar lmao but then i figured out that its his theme and god thats so funny 
hisoka is also so fuckign jojo like he could so easily be in jojo. he and dio would be the fakest best friends ever and would constantly try to kill each other on the lowdown and shittalk each other constantly in private but be super sweet to each others faces. also they would hatefuck. no im not taking criticism bye 
i rlly love everyones backstories also, and i find it interesting that weve gotten to hear/see at least some of all 4 of the MCs backstories. theyre all compelling and interesting and i cant wait to dive in further 
also calling it now but kurapika is totally gonna get way too absorbed in revenge and get fucked up/disregard their own life (maybe in the style of robin in one piece?) we’ll see but i feel like it aint gonna end well. i could be wrong, i really havent been spoiled at all, thats just my guess 
hbahjfbshjf the ep that was called ‘hisoka x is x sneaky’ was SO funny that reads like a dora the explorer ep title 
also i had no idea the ep titles were formatted like that w/the x’s and thats rlly funny 
ok but the part where leorio - who seems to be pretty bad at fighting - tries to fight hisoka - whose literal first appearence involved him effortlessly dissolving a dudes arms - is so fucking funny. leorio rlly b a premed w/no brain cells....same bro. 
also i loved the Cutthroat Kitchen portion of the hunter exam and how not a single contestant was any good at it lmaoooo. do they not have the cooking channel in hxh-verse earth 
ok i love how the main characters are all intuitive in different ways depending on their own skills, like how killua can immediately guess that kurapika has never killed anyone before after they didnt kill evil-franky
kurapika joined killua in the Edgy Corner during that part also. like, they both have legit reasons to be edgy, but the shots of kurapika sitting in the darker tunnel part was kinda funny
also killua, a literal 12 yr old, calling out kurapika for being a murder virgin was pretty hilarious 
ok also i didnt know that madhouse animated hxh which is rlly funny but w/e i love the animation especially the occasional chibi parts and the facial expressions (like killuas ‘i love murder’ catboy expressions) 
oh also when killua murdered those 2 guys and his hand was all vein-y and his nails were pointy, his hands looked like hisokas do...i wonder if thats a legit connection or it hisoka just b getting his nails did 
kurapika talking abt how even seeing a regular spider makes them rlly angry was both very sad and kinda funny. kura u have so many issues god bless 
kurapikas smackdown on evil blue franky was fuckin dope tho. and the red eyes reveal was SPOICY 
rlly love how the individual fights highlights the characters strengths/morals/motivations/whatever....the writing is already really strong tbh 
ugh ok ive ranted enough this is a Lot lmao its so disorganized but w/e 
basically i love this series so far and im rlly curious whatll happen next. also everything seems pretty chill and upbeat so far (relatively) and i know this shit gets dark and im NOT FUCKING READY. 
til next timeeee
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callioope · 5 years
Questions Meme!
Hello, yes, this HAS in fact been sitting in my drafts for ages and ages. Thank you to both @crazy-fruit and @ruby-red-inky-blue for tagging me and for waiting forever for me to answer (oops)! I’m sorry I took so long, but y’all ask really good questions and I had to think about some of them!
Question Set 1
1. How are you?
Oh, I’m doing alright! Thank you for asking. The earlier part of this year was rather rough, but therapy has been helping. I’ve been rather busy these past few weeks with traveling, and my schedule going forward is rather busy, too, so while I’m excited for those things, I’m also excited for the eventual moment I can just relax.
2. What would you say are your talents?
Writing. Making fancy color-coded spreadsheets. I’ve been told that my super power is getting random (annoying) songs stuck in other people’s heads. Does that count as a talent? 
3. If you had the chance to start your life again, would you take it?
NOPE. No thanks. I like where I am at right now, and I would not want to relive my awkward years. Er, at least, my more awkward, younger years. Cuz I’m totally still awkward. Just less awkward. I hope?
4. Which language would you like to speak instantly? 
HMM. ALL OF THEM. It’s really hard to choose! 
Language fascinates me, and in another life I feel like I would have devoted a lot more time to learning more of them. Unfortunately, I really hated German class in high school because of the teacher’s tendency to put people on the spot -- I think that is sort of inherent in a language class, but I get anxiety speaking in public. 
Anyways, I suppose I’ll answer Turkish to this question, since spouse and I keep saying we’re going to try to learn Turkish via Duolingo. For the record, my HS offered six languages, which was the most I’ve ever heard of an American school offering, and I was always quite happy with my choice of German. (The others were Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, and Latin.) I do wish I had maintained my German better, and I that I had more time to learn Spanish. 
5. Where would you like to be right now?
Honestly? I’m pretty happy when I’m at home. But if I had to answer where “else” would I like to be right now, out of the whole world? Being back on safari in Botswana is a top contender, as are a variety of places in Turkey, and also Munich. 
6. What name would you give yourself?
I’ve always liked my actual name (Elizabeth). I know I go by Liz; one of my HS friends was quite stubborn and I’m a bit stuck with it now, but I don’t mind it. There are worse nicknames that come from Elizabeth. I used to go by Fiona online; I’ve always been fond of that one. 
7. What is something you’re currently learning?
OOF, what a good question. I sorta blanked on this at first, and my first thought was uhhhh learning how to cope with my OCD??? I’m doing exposure therapy right now, ish. Emphasis on the ish. Also mindfulness. Does that really even count? I started a beginner’s knitting project several months ago that I never finished, does that count? (I just need to seam it, that’s what I’m putting off. I have knit plenty of scarves; however, this is my first hat.) I’m sort of teaching myself ukulele although I haven’t really learned any new chords or songs in awhile. I would very much like to take more photography classes with a focus on wildlife photography. That involves buying a new camera and... signing up for classes. 
Question Set 2
1. What is a detail in a piece of art/a text that you like that you really admire?
This was very difficult, at first because it was like looking at a bin full of loose things and just seeing an assortment of color and being overwhelmed by it all, and then because once I did start digging around, I kept finding different ideas and it was too hard too choose.
Character-building: In the A Song of Ice and Fire series, when Arya starts working for the House of Black and White, Martin stops using the name “Arya” as she dons different identities. For example, he uses “Cat” for a bit, among other names. It shows she’s trying to be someone else, but the caveat is that there are still little mannerisms and such that show she hasn’t really left Arya behind (I think maybe she bites her lip or something? I don’t remember specific examples because it’s been over 5 years since I read these books, but I do remember really appreciating the general technique at the time). 
Music: In The Beatles’ “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)” I love those repeated arpeggios, over and over, building, intensifying, as the white noise comes in and you can just feel the heaviness of desire, of want... (and then I love how it just breaks so suddenly! And I know it wouldn’t have been intended this way because that’s the end of side one, but since I listen to the whole album on spotify, then those bright chords of “Here Comes the Sun” come in and god Abbey Road is the best Beatles album)
Writing: the poetry of Florence + The Machine’s “All This and Heaven Too,” obviously, since literally the title of my blog comes from that. I’d quote that whole song honestly. There’s something that speaks to me about the incapability of language to fully encompass just... everything. I mean, love in specific here, but also just everything. Words are just these little boats we put meaning on and we hope they make it to the other side but everyone takes ‘em a little differently. 
Like, look at this: 
And the words are all escaping, and coming back all damaged And I would put them back in poetry if I only knew how 
And this: 
Words were never so useful So I was screaming out a language that I never knew existed before
Anyways, there’s also something just incredibly soothing about the music, too, and how she sings the song. There’s another line, from Sara Bareilles’ “Miss Simone” that goes “How does she know what a heart sounds like?” which pretty much sums up how I feel about “All This and Heaven Too” (and also many of Sara Bareilles’ song, especially that particular album, but I digress).
Anyways I did have some art examples, but I think I’ve rambled long enough.
2. Is there an idea that you really liked but had to discard because you couldn’t get it to work?
If I really like an idea, I don’t really “discard” it so much as put it on the shelf to attempt later. Out of recent fic ideas, I’ve really struggled with “How to Lose a Spy in 10 Days.” I first thought of this in late spring 2017, and for awhile I couldn’t stop thinking about it, but I was working on Whatever I Do at the time, and wanted to wait before starting another WIP. By the time I got to writing this, the inspiration well had sort of dried up. 
I really like the idea of a fun cat-and-mouse rom-com idea where Jyn and Cassian keep outsmarting each other, with a whole lot of competency kink, some “oh shit we actually work well together!” and maybe some battle couple. And I was really looking forward to both the moment when they both finally let their guards down around each other and the big confrontation when they actually find out each other’s identities. But it involved more mission writing than I was prepared for, and I really struggled with it. I think I need to start over but that involves a lot of working, so it’s unfortunately shelved for now, and I’m working on a “You’ve Got Mail” concept instead.
3. Is there something fandom-related you would like to be able to do (i.e. I’d like to be able to make gif sets but can’t)?
Oh, yes, absolutely! Really anything that’s not writing related, lol. Gif sets, art, etc. But most of all, I have a music video idea for the song “So Close” from Enchanted--like I have a whole story board plotted out in a google doc. But I don’t have any video editing software, don’t even know how you get the scenes for a music video, etc. I have made videos before, but not since high school, and I don’t even have the cheap, basic video editing program I used back then. Sometimes I think I should just attempt make a gif set instead, but there are so many lyrics! and scenes that go with the lyrics! that I don’t know how to consolidate it into that format anyways. 
4. What is a skill you’ve acquired through fandom work?
Hmm, this was tough. I’m going to say HTML. I’m not up-to-date on webdesign at all, but back in my early fandom days, I ran a few fansites. I still sometimes use HTML while leaving comments or to edit posts on dreamwidth or w/e. It’s super basic, but it has helped me at work at a variety of jobs. I take it for granted that people my age should know basic HTML, but a lot of them don’t, and then a lot of people I work with now are older and definitely not tech savvy. 
5. Do you think anyone can learn to create great art, or does it take talent?
Well, I’m going to cheat a little. I do think think that anyone can learn to create great art, but I also think that everyone has a talent at something, and part of learning to create great art is recognizing your skill sets and honing those. If that makes sense? I’ve sort of seen both sides to this. I’ve seen naturally talented people create great things, but I also think that they’re probably cheating themselves if they’re not learning and honing their craft and trying to get better. But I’ve also seen people who started out making things that maybe you wouldn’t call great, but they worked hard over and over again, and looking at their work now, you’d say they were talented without ever knowing the difference. Great art = talent + learning + passion. Did that even answer the question? ...moving on
6. Do you prefer AUs or in-universe? Why?
I prefer to write in-universe, for sure. I find modern AUs more challenging, mostly because--and I feel kinda bad saying this--it’s very difficult for me to tap into Jyn and Cassian’s characters without some kind of tragic background. Their experiences and how they coped with them shape their personalities, and it’s really hard to separate them from those. My WWII was easier because, hey, it’s war, not so different from in-verse. But I initially tried to write Learning Curve in a modern AU and I was just totally bored. Putting it in universe made it more interesting to me, especially having to finagle a happier plot inverse. IDK, it might even be that I generally struggle to make up any conflict in modern AUs that feels interesting.
THAT SAID, lol, I definitely read either. So it’s probably strange for me to be hung up on it because I’ve read nice fluffy modern AUs and found them perfectly engaging.
Tagging: @theputterer, @magalis, @allatariel, @mythologicalmango, @threadsketchier  MY USUAL DISCLAIMER APPLIES: no pressure if you just don’t wanna, AND if anyone sees this and was like “aw hey i wish she’d tagged ME” well guess what, I wish I did too! so go ahead and do it and let me know and then i’ll know to tag you next time, too :-) 
When you suffer a setback or a series of setbacks when creating (writing, drawing, knitting, any kind of crafty project thing you work on... even work), what are some strategies you use to cope with that stress and move forward?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to create/make and what did you learn from it?
What part of a bicycle would you be?
What’s a helpful writing (art/crafting/work) technique you’ve learned?
What’s a piece of art that made you see things differently?
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
What was the last board game you played and what did you like or not like about it?
*sorry these came out rather writer heavy!
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
regarding recent absences
And other such updates!
If you want the tl;dr, here it is: my mental health isn’t in the greatest place right now, and I figured I ought to explain why I must ask you for continued patience for the snail speed on this blog. I’m not announcing official hiatus, but just know that I...might continue to be pretty scarce, but I’m trying my best to be here and to be writing here. To hopefully get me more active here, I plan on dropping a few threads and cleaning out my dash re: people who follow me but aren’t writing with me. You’re more than welcome to keep following me if I unfollow you, and if you want to write with me and just haven’t gotten the chance and would like me to re-follow you, pls just go ahead and shoot me an im. I will be making a separate post about both those things, it’s just that I can’t deal with how fast my dash is moving at the moment.
If you care for the long version, under the cut so as to not bother everyone else!!! Be warned that it’s uh...it’s l o n g. TW for depression and anxiety and the general things my brain does to me lolol. 
Wow I haven’t used the post title function in a l o n g time. Anyway, hi, it’s me, Ro, your friendly neighborhood mun of a 20+ muse mumu. Don’t let the kind-of-serious format scare you - nothing bad is happening. I just have a few things that I felt the need to address that have been happening either in my life or just in my screwed up brain :D Buckle in and get ready for the ride, I guess?
Starting with something y’all already know about - I’ve not been here a lot recently. I joke about that a lot, but really, if you catch the pattern, my activity here is: exclusively after 10 pm, 2 drafts at most a day, inbox straight up clogged from like a month ago. IMS basically desolate, because I haven’t worked up the courage to pick them back up since I last forgot about them in the endless stream of things I had to do about a month ago! (that being said, uh, if you want to talk to me your best bet is probably through discord. Ro#6782 - pls, mutuals only, and tell me who you are!)  
And - because I h a t e being that mun that reblogs memes and asks for for them and then never answers their askbox / puts out starter calls when she has 10000 drafts / puts out plotting calls when she has unanswered ims, (no problem at all when other people do this but somehow when it’s m e I’m like “no you’re a terrible person”???? hmmm), I’ve also been avoiding t h o s e. If you’re new and you followed me in the last month, I’ve been putting out n o t h i n g that indicates a willingness to interact with new/more people, while the opposite is true. I’m always willing to interact - if I follow back, I want to write with you, only, well, aforementioned issue aside, I also have m o r e problems.
Namely, IRL and the fucked up thing called my brain. 
As most of you know, I got a job ~end of may or early juuuune~ and....well it’s pretty damn time consuming. I can’t have my phone during the course of my job - by the way, 4 hours - and so in those 4 hours (from 4 pm to 8 pm) I can basically get nothing done here. Then there’s also the fact that the time my shift is placed mentally and physically drains me a lot. Because it starts at 4, most of my morning is spent thinking “god I don’t wanna go to work” and because it ends at 8, most of my evening is spent trying very hard not to doze off. It also drains me a lot socially - I work at a call center, and all day I’m basically calling people who don’t want me to call them and are very irate even when they pick up, and uh, that already doesn’t do well for my anxiety haha. 
The other thing, of course - is my sort-of-seasonal depression. Winter tends to equate to anxiety for me, and summer tends to equate to depression. Again, I think I’ve joked about this a lot, but I apparently can only do drafts when I have 3 finals tomorrow and I haven’t studied for any of them. When it’s break, I get into a really weird slump - when i wake up in the morning, I don’t really want to wake up, and sometimes just stare at the wall for like, an hour. Nothing that I enjoyed during the other months, I seem to enjoy doing now. There’s too much time and too little time. It’s like i spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing meaningful but I can’t break myself out of the cycle so I keep doing that, rinse and repeat day after day, and sometimes my definition of spending time is just lying down in bed again and doing nothing for an hour randomly in the middle of the day. I feel guilty for wasting time as much as I am clueless as to how to fill it in a fulfilling way. “But Ro, you could do drafts!” A Concerned Person May Say. “You like writing!” Well, Kind Person, on some of these days, absolutely n o t h i n g Sparks Joy. 
“But Ro, I follow you on your other blog too!” The Concerned Person might continue.“You’re kind of active there, aren’t you?” And the answer, Kind Person who supported my career even if that blog is mostly obscure af fandoms - is yes.  I am kind of active on my other blog, @storyblcd. This brings us to the third and final reason why I’m.....moving at snail’s speed here, and that, my good friend - is anxiety. Well, mixed with a certain amount of mental exhaustion, of course. Note: this is n o t anyone’s fault. People’s interactions with me have not been negative - and they are not responsible for how my brain chooses to reaact to it. 
I’ve not lost muse for the muses on this blog, per se - but I’m getting burned out really fast writing them, for multiple reasons. First, muse imbalance. Now I know, I definitely k n o w - that sometimes people like one muse more than another, or have more interest in writing with one or the other, and I get that. I’ve said multiple multiple times that that is p e r f e c t l y fine. But honestly the reason I’ve lasted so long on a multimuse is because I can pick which muse I have muse for when, and I can respond accordingly / ask for interactions accordingly. But when I get so many people coming at me at once for the o n e muse when I have t w e n t y it sometimes gets a little? Discouraging? It makes me question whether or not only that one muse is popular for a reason. It also exhausts me re: the portrayal of that muse, because I”m putting out so many replies for that muse in a lot of sort of similar plots/scenarios that I just get burnt right out. And then I get scared that if I keep going I’ll want to drop the muse, so I’m staying away from those threads a little bit.
Second, I’m at a point in my portrayal of certain muses where I feel like there’s a certain expectation for how it’s going to be. My personal feelings aside, I think every mun expects their own portrayal to be different and unique and exciting - and it’s not different for me, only now I feel like the expectation and the pressure of coming up with something good and meaningful outweighs the feeling of exploration as I’m “discovering” the muse. Like most writers - I still crave validation, though more and more lately, I’m at a place in my writing where I f e e l like me from 2 months ago could have probably done a better job. While it’s not necessarily true, and these pressures are coming from m e and not any outside source, I f e e l like I have to consistently Make Good Writing, and simultaneously feel like some days I sit down and I try to do drafts and all I write is garbage. It just - doesn’t feel the same? So - more and more, I’m staring at the empty drafts page and then closing it - because if I don’t w r i t e I don’t have to admit I peaked two months ago.  
Both of these reasons have made me rather a bit avoidant of my muses here / this blog. Now, I’ve been struggling with anxiety for long enough that I know that a lot of this is - well, p r o b a b l y just my brain lying to me. See even as I’m writing this post now, my anxiety is saying “haha guess what n o one cares you’ve been gone” and my rational Anxiety-is-a-stupid-asshole voice is saying “nahhhhhh your brain is probably just lying to you.” But! In the battle, anxiety is kind of pummeling me now. I will r i s e again and win the war, most likely - but for now it’s anxiety: 1 and ro: 0.
AND finally - if you made it all the way down here, you’re a c h a m p. The solution! Well, as much of a solution as I’m hoping to get anyway - we’ll have to see if it implements well. I’m going to unfollow a few blogs so I can get my dash cleaner/more organized/less fast-moving and b r e a t h e. I’m going to drop a couple of threads, I might make a couple more muses request only/exclusive only for the like 2 people that have threads with them, I might drop a couple muses (though I don’t think this will really happen, Idk tho). There will be separate posts on those things coming soon, this is just to notify y’all. Thank you for all of your patience, thank you for all the wonderful people who’ve allowed me to write with you, I love all of you!!!!
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unkindrewind · 5 years
* Charlie, his setting, and plot were all developed and conceived by myself and Bunny @gcrefxed / @killerxquccn. While we’re totally fine with others adding their characters into the setting / plot, it must be discussed first by either Bunny or myself. Theft will not be tolerated and WILL be called out.
* Unless it's something applicable to our muses collectively, Please reblog memes or posts in general from the source. I'm not a resource blog and if treated as one, especially by blogs who never interact, I will soft block.
* I will NOT interact with blogs that use youtubers, social media influencers, or anime / drawn characters for their Fcs. Nothing against you, it’s just not my thing.
* I will BLOCK personal blogs that reblog, like, or follow, as I like to keep interactions here between fellow rp mutuals. If you have an rp side-blog, let me know beforehand so I dont mistake you for a non -rp personal.
* I WILL NOT interact with minors. Given the content on this blog and the fact I’m an oldie, I just feel more comfortable writing with people of age, not to mention feel more comfortable exploring the darker / horror themes of this blog with adult mutuals.
* As stated I am MUTUALS ONLY,   meaning i will only write with mutuals. While I do greatly appreciate people following and showing interest, if i dont follow back there’s genuinely no hard feelings. Its not a slight against you or in any way me thinking less of your character or taking some weird high and mighty attitude but : 1. I just get very overwhelmed with an overly busy dash and need to be a bit selective to prevent my anxiety from going nuts 2. At the time, I'm not seeing a way or know how our characters could interact. You’re more than welcome to unfollow. Alternatively please dont feel obligated to follow back if I follow first, aside from understanding this blogs content might not be for everyone, i don't believe in follow for follow. So if you're not genuinely interested in writing, I'd prefer a soft block.  If you want to interact but don't follow me, chances are I’ll say no as I take following as a sign of interest. I may take a while to follow back as my notifications on here are the worst. If I don’t follow back within a weeks time, feel free to unfollow. .
T H R E A D S  /   P L O T T I N G
*  I love plotting. If given my way I'd be plot exclusive but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea. If you're ever interested in plotting, know I am already onboard.
*  If you want to turn a meme or ask into a thread, I’d prefer to be asked before hand. Simply because sometimes its nice to have memes just be stand alone things or for fun.              
  -   Additionally I take the memes I send in to others as just memes for memes sake as well, so if you want a thread to continue off one you'll have to let me know , otherwise I'm clueless.
S H I P P I N G   /   D Y N A M I C S
As of 8/14/20 Charlie is no longer open to romantic ships with female muses specifically, and will ship only with Bunny’s female muses: Irene @gcrefxed and Sarah @killerxquccn  , with her characters being detrimental in Charlie's story and to his character. Sarah specifically has always been the love of Charlie's life with the likelihood of anyone (beyond Irene) able to come close slim to none. This in no way means I will not interact with female muses or am being exclusionary  from this point; I always want to explore the multitude of subtleties in dynamics between Charlie and muses of every gender - even female muses having feelings for charlie, flirting with him etc - but dynamics with those female leaning will not result in anything romantic. Male muses, however,  are still open to the possibility of such a dynamic as that aspect to Charlies sexuality and character hasnt been delved into and I would find really interesting to explore. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! But please respect this decision and don't try to pressure or force me to change my mind as that will result in an automatic block. I ship based on chemistry between muses, but Im also very okay with pre-established dynamics (whether that be romantic, friends with benefits, enemies, platonic, familial, whatever!) Considering that can be a bit easier thread wise for some people instead of starting from the very beginning.  As with most things, I like to talk through it beforehand. If you have anything in mind, you're more than welcome to approach me! But I also reserve the right to respectfully turn things down or offer alternate options if things don't mesh.
While I, and my muse, are of age, I’m not entirely comfortable writing smut unless it’s with a mun 1.) I know well and 2.) Is of age. So for the most part any if it all suggestive scenes will lead to a fade to black, time skip, etc.
My muse being horror related there may be some triggers here. There will be mentions, and maybe -though rarely- the occasional image, of : Blood,  Violence , Murder , Serial Killers . Knives / Bladed weapons. I will ABSOLUTELY tag NSFW material [ with the tag nsfw > ] and triggers where applicable, though if you would like me to tag something specific to your needs or if there’s something I missed, don’t hesitate to let me know and I will do so right away!
* I write under the alias Nox! ( She/Her ) and I am of age
* i am a-okay with questions, especially about my muse! if you have any about anything at all i will be more than happy to answer them the best i can! 
* Also totally fine with random IMs! despite being spacy as hell sometimes, I love talking to people. Even if we havent talked or interacted  before, doors always open. I also have discord which I'll hand out to those I chat with and ask for it.
* I am very forgetful and easily distracted! Its the ADHD / Anxiety in me, added in with my irl stuff going on. Sometimes I forget to respond to IMs, but I promise it's not me ignoring you or a sign of disinterest [if we're mutuals, Im interested]. Dont be afraid to give me a poke if i take too long.     
    - Adding onto that I also have Depression . Which tends to put me in a bad headspace not only fairly often but fairly easily and makes me a bit tentative about trying to start things with others, based on bad past experience and my own mind being a bastard and thinking most people don't want to interact with me. So I promise, if we're mutuals, even if Im not sending things, I want to interact but probably being a clown and just afraid to while admiring you from afar until I can make a move. If you want to go ahead and go for it, I highly encourage it! Your best bet would be to approach me first.
* You can also find me on my other blogs:
@rapturcd // Bioshock OC
@fullcfwoe // CAOS OCs
@synthend // Cyberpunk OC
@sxnned // Demon  OC
@disowncd // Dylan Massett from Bates Motel
@clovcn // Lucifer from CAOS
R E S P O N S E T I M E / A C T I V I T Y
As it is i have a hard time keeping muse, just the way i am sadly. i know this is something a lot of people, myself included, can find frustrating (especially when you’re really into a thread) but a fair amount of the time i may take a while to respond. as much as i love this, aside from being a hobby, i have a chronic illness that makes me exhausted most days or just not in the mood to write and not in any kind of state to type out a response you lovely people would deserve. though i will always try to quickly reply when i can.
Yes. please. send as many as you want, as often as you want. Even if we haven’t interacted, you’re free to send one my way; They can be a great place to start things off.
P O S T L E N G T H  /  F O R M A T T I N G
 * I tend to use icons and small - but not super tiny-  text,  and usually some form of para, multi-para , or novella, but it really depends on my mood etc. Though all these things can vary : If you dont use icons, I can do iconless threads. If my formatting is too small, obnoxious, or hard to read, let me know! And I'll change to whatevers easiest to read. Want something short and sweet, mostly dialogue based? I can do that too. I go with the flow
* You don’t have to match my length in posts! sometimes i can write far too much when i get really into writing (and alternatively not write enough), so don’t feel obligated or pressured to follow suit by any means! whatever you are comfortable with is totally okay! it’s not a contest, this is all for fun.
G R A P H I C S / C R E D I T
* all icons and graphics are created by me unless stated otherwise
* icon psd by plutocommissions
* border by venuscomissions
Thank you sm for taking the time to read!
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werewolfchoir · 5 years
My stance on ace discourse is honestly that... I don't really care anymore. Not that nobody should care, because I am sure people have various reasons. But I am burnt out and disillusioned and maybe this is my brain trying to find the ultimate milquetoast opinion that requires no emotional energy from me. If you have strong emotional reactions around the discourse maybe don't read this?
Individual organizations and spaces can honestly do whatever they want! I don't think they are obligated to include cishet ace and aro people but the actual consequences of inclusion seem much less disastrous than a lot of exclusionists assume. Some cishet ace and aro people want to hang out in existing LGBT spaces and while I don't find that affinity intuitive (nor do I think it reflects a long historical tradition), it's good if they get something out of it. There are always gonna be cishet people who feel an affinity for LGBT culture and find they fit in well in LGBT-heavy social groups, and maybe ace and aro cishet people are more likely to fall into that category. (And this is a morally neutral category btw, even if you can probably think of some annoying or shitty people who fit in it.) I also get that there aren't a lot of ace and aro-centered groups, so they benefit from LGBT groups as a way to meet people who understand the concepts they use to describe themselves. This is fine. So long as people treat each other with respect in the space, I have no problem with it. Individual bad actors should get dealt with, but there are already bad actors among any demographic. There are some cishet ace and aro people who will be lovely to hang out with, and some LGBT people who will be a fucking nightmare. You can make the power differentials argument here, but keep in mind that applies to basically any LGBT space where people of different genders, cis/trans statuses, and races interact (not exhaustive).
I feel somewhat less good about cishet ace and aro people using more finite LGBT resources, like scholarships. I'm generally sympathetic to exclusionist claims that cishet aro and ace people have a different relationship to homophobia than those of LGBT people.
I find it hard to emotionally grasp the idea that exclusionists are always bigoted despicable people, but I don't think that inclusionists are inherently bigoted or despicable either.
AVEN-style asexual and aromantic identity politics contributed some very useful stuff to the conversation, but they deserved criticism too. I saw good criticism of these politics from a lot of exclusionist types (shout out to @scissortailedsaint). However, at this point in "the discourse" it feels like exclusionist rhetoric devolved into "look at this giant virgin loser", and I don't care for that. I think it's ironic (and unfortunate) that the exclusionist rhetoric has shifted from "not wanting to have sex is neutral" to blatantly associating someone's sex life (or celibacy) with social status. In general, I find this style of insult cruel, but it's also kind of bizarre in this context from people who swear that they are the ones with the reasonable and humane sexuality opinions. Whatever, I'm sensitive about this (though at times I am hypocritical about it, and I feel bad about that).
(This doesn't really address problems in inclusionists' behavior or w/e, and those definitely exist, but I think my general circles on Tumblr know what they are, because The Discourse fetched every Bad Inclusionist Opinion published between 2013 and 2016.)
Anyways, I am not going to express this on a wider public platform because it seems inflammatory as hell towards almost everyone involved in the discourse. But I hope you guys are like "I guess that opinion is okay to have?" Thanks for reading.
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clonerightsagenda · 6 years
Gill and I may not live together anymore but we can still Do Damage
Kat: me, working on the alpha kid portion of my AU and also watching she-ra: Dirk.... Entrapta.... (does he still have prehensile hair? You Decide) Gill: Anime spikes are now real spikes I'm also happy to give him Doctor Octagonapus arms Hedgehog man Kat: someone: so it's the princess alliance right actually we had to change the name because we THOUGHT it was the princess alliance but uh Gill: Junior Royalty Alliance Princex Alliance? The Gay Agenda Kat: lmao addendum: Jake is sea hawk Gill: Who's Glimmer, telling him to set his boat on fire Also: Dirk stop experimenting on the planet Kat: Jane Jane is glimmer trying to be responsible and controlling people Gill: That is perfect and I love her Kat: Is Roxy bow? I'm not sure Gill: Also she'd be adorable as a blue sparkly glitter fairy Who's Adora and Catra Also autocorrect I understand correcting Adora to Adorable but Why did you change Catra to "Avatar" Kat: I mean Adora and Catra do have some pretty strong Vrisrezi vibes Also that way if Adora is Terezi you can have Janerezi if you want it Gill: I am resistant to Vriskerly Actions and yet I cannot deny that it works Also Glimmerdora is a rly cute ship... Kat: Catra is like Vriska done well Gill: And now Vriska has a friend who is a scorpion lady It's fitting Kat: god who's scorpia omg NEPETA cat scorpion switch Gill: And DIRK WHY ARE YOU HANGING OUT WITH VRISKA TO HACK THE PLANET, I DONT APPROVE OF HER SHES A BAD INFLUENCE Mr Strider go to your room Kat: I was going to say how long could dirk possibly tolerate Vriska Doc Scratch is prob shadoweaver Gill: Instead of getting a mask knocked off it's just His whole head Kat: ok I fixed it Dirk makes Hal and Hal gets left behind and Hal is much more bitter about shit and so more willing to join up plus Hal would take Vriska-Catra in stride just like lmao check this DSMIV entry out Gill: Have both, Dirk is acting like an Actual Captive while Hal is having a good time with the girls Kat: Hal: I know why you're in the Horde. You've got a complicated relationship with your pseudo parental figure and feel abandoned or treated as less than by your former friend. Vriska: And why are YOU here smart guy Hal: Absolutely none of those reasons. Gill: Hal: you know I can ask them to let you out Dirk: I will not stoop to the level of a traitor Hal: w/e Nepeta and I are gonna go watch anime Kat: Hal: Hey Dirk if you hadn't cut your hair you could use it to pick the locks on those shackles. Dirk, who chopped his hair off years ago bc #dysphoria: Eat shit Gill: Dirk: I replaced it with robot arms for a reason Hal: yeah thanks for the extra arms by the way Is Dirk's hair bubblegum pink naturally, does he dye it Kat: oh god Dirk has anime hair Gill: I feel like he'd either Constantly be trying to act like the main character he thinks he is, bc he knows what pink hair means Gill Or trying to AVOID his calling as a Main Character bc he will not be pigeonholed into your limiting archetypes He is a main character of his own narrative conventions Kat: Can Entrapta's hair feel pain?Would cutting or bleaching it hurt it the real questions Gill: He dyes it red and It comes out orange and it's a fair enough compromise because bleaching it doesn't feel Pleasant Most AUs: Nepeta, tiny fluffy cat girl She-Ra AU: Nepeta, enormous buff scorpion cat girl who is the tallest character in the cast Some day if and when I need background Nepetas for the Dreambubbles I'm adding Scorpeta to the Nepeta Squad Kat: I always imagine Terezi as shortish so Terezi suddenly becoming 8 feet tall is hilarious to me Gill: Giant... dragon woman... Oh no it's everything I ever really wanted Kat: so Jade's probably perfuma Rose is Frosta. She's still 12 years old and angry Gill: Can Jade's Kingdom be full of furries I politely but firmly request furries Kat: god i guess???? so is this trolls = horde humans = alliance where are john and dave Gill: Terezi: I have a sword. It's sharp. Dirk, probably: ...I want a sword Oh man we're out of male characters already Kat: i mean there's dudes in the horde Gill: Unless John is Bow... but Bow is the Power Of Heart dude... Yeah that was my other thought Kat: John and Dave WERE the patronees of Terezi and Vriska Gill: They're Background Horde Dudes, the one guy who immediately latches onto Bow when he's taken prisoner is Very Dave What was his name Steve Kat: get wrecked I thought it was Kyle? Gill: KYLE Kat: it's funnier if Bow is Roxy latches onto his mom Gill: It was very much an Inherently Funny Plain Dude Name If and when I draw this I'm giving Jake (Sea Jake... Jake Hawk...) a terrible pubescent mustache A pubestache, one might call it Kat: ew Gill: Jake Hawk sounds like a Generic Action Dude name, like what you'd call Solid Snake if you were writing a novelization of Metal Gear and knew nothing about Metal Gear Kat: i'm formatting this for an initial tumblr post Gill: Excellent We Have Done It Again, My Dudes Kat: our trail of devastation knows no bounds Gill: The Crossover Gremlin's reign of terror has yet to be stopped
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nottodaylogic · 6 years
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Summary: It’s the social media AU you never wanted but got anyway! Starring: Roman, a writer gay! Virgil, an artist gay! Logan, a aesthetic/edit/headcanon/not-really-sure gay! Patton, a crafts gay! Continuity? Who’s she? Never heard of her. All we have is fluffy gays and bad attempts at everything else.
Warnings: Gratuitous musical references, especially Be More Chill and Falsettos because they're my favorites and I'm trash, basic knowledge of them might be required? Also spoilers for Parks and Rec if anyone’s watching that right now, that happened apparently. Unrealistic depictions of online interactions/dating, probably. Panicking. Disappearing from the Internet. And, of course, lots of gay.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15745062 (Ao3 deleted my formatting, words can’t do describe my annoyance, I’ll fix it later)
Ships: Prinxiety, Logicality, platonic lamp (every form, not gonna even try)
A/N: Well, we made it. I am happy (and relieved) to finally post this. This is my Big Bang ( @ts-storytime ) fic! It’s a weird format because my dream of making a Social Media AU has finally been realized. This is rEALLY LONG because I am a dumb child and thought, “it won’t be that bad!” It is. It is that bad.
My artist is @hghrules , they are fantastic, I’ll post a link to their part later! 
...later has become now, I’m screaming, https://hghrules.tumblr.com/post/177446248126/what-up-heres-my-ts-storytime-art-for check it outttt!
Virgil’s photos were taken by my amazing friend, she has an Instagram at @tofushoes_photography, if you like the photos please consider following her! 
And without further ado, let’s start this thing!
Greetings, fair citizens! Thou mayest address me as Princey! I draw occasionally, as well as writing quite often. I am the gayest of the gay, forget this not!
Salutations. I am Logic, Lo if we are friends. He/him pronouns please, asexual homoromantic.
99% anxiety, 1% mess
call me anxiety, or anx if you want. i draw. i’m a socially awkward mess. that’s all.
Your happy pappy Pat!
Hiya, kiddos! I’m Pat, and I love puns, cute animals, and crafts! He/him, feeling ace pantastic as pawssible!!  Feel free to chat! :D
Starbound-big-bang posted: After months of writers writing, artists preparing, and general anticipating, the writer/artist matchups have been made! Writers, show the artists everything you have so they can start. Artists, you can make as much or as little art as you like, but make sure it’s something you’d appreciate for 6 months of work.
Have fun!
1. @Veerleft — @perisureimace 2. @boundinboundinnrollin — @vectnxaer 3. @awkwardkitty — @veertrash 4. @disneynbroadwaynprinces — @anxiousanxietyart 5. @veertrash71 — @ilovegayrehearsal 6. @pastapastadad — @booksnstuff 7. @mewmewmew — @read-write-water 8. @mostlyhamilton — @drawing-n-art 9. @owlsareawesome — @becky-becca 10. @thefandomlife — @casey
Read more
Anonymous asked: Hey, Princey! Oh my gosh I love your art??? And your fics are fantastic aahh???? Especially your collabs with LogicallyLo? How did you two meet?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: Thank you most kindly, Anon! Thou hast earned shiny Internet Golden Points! ‘Tis a long, thrilling tale, full of magic and danger! @logicallylo and I met when I rescued him from a vicious—
L: We’re brothers. That is the extent of the tale. Princey is exaggerating. As always. He is quite incorrigible.
P: You take the drama out of everything, dear Lo.
L: As the elder brother, it is my job.
P:  ANYWAYS, I introduced him to Starbound after listening to the musical soundtrack, and we read the books together. We became quite obsessed.
L: I also beta his fics. That is what brothers are for: so that they don’t make foolish spelling mistakes.
P: I do not?? Rude????
L: Sure. Lie to the Internet.
P: Everyone makes mistakes with these things!
L: I don’t.
P: October 24th, 20XX?
L: We agreed to never speak of this again. Thank you for asking, Anon.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: Greetings, Bounders! I humbly beg forgiveness for lack of content lately. I can, however, promise that that will change, very soon. No exact date yet, but keep your eyes peeled!
Veerleft replied: Dark Princey show us the Veer angst
Perisureimace replied: Ooh, can’t wait!
Veertrash71 replied: You literally posted a doodle yesterday. It hasn’t been that long…
Anonymous asked: Hey there Princey! I really love your art, but I was wondering: what the heckety heck is Starbound? Thanks!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: Greetings, Nonny! Welcome to the Starbound fandom! We have red space gelatin and canon gays. Allow me to explain:
Starbound is a book-series-turned-musical-turned-almost-TV-show about space exploration and aliens with no concept of the gender binary. The cast of characters includes the protagonist, Peri, a part-human ace child who can kick some serious butt. There is also Vect, the bi/pan/is it bi if it’s in space/who even knows anymore disaster mechanic with some blaster talent. He used to date Peri, but now they’re the best platonic buds around. There’s also Xaer (Xay-eer), a pan cinnamon roll genderqueer fashion extraordinaire who has never even heard of the gender binary, zey are amazing and I love zem.
Veer is the ship Vect/Xaer. Need I say more? They are heavily coded gay and canonically queer, so it’s only a matter of time, I say.
To say any more would spoil stuff, so go read the books and listen to the musical and avoid the movie like the Black Plague and wait for Starbound: Awaken and the TV show while writing 50 tons of Veer fanfic like the rest of us!
Pattonhead: Heya, Logic! I saw your concept art for a Murder Mystery Detectives Veer AU, and I was intrigued! I’m not that good at drawin’, but maybe I could make something? Or maybe just talk about it?
Logicallylo: Salutations, Pat. Please, call me Lo. Feel free to do whatever you like with my AUs, so long as you tag me in the finished product.
Pattonhead: Aw, thanks, Lo!
Logicallylo: You are very welcome. It is my pleasure.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Stop pondering the meaning of life and come eat dinner, nerd!
Logicallylo: On my way, prep.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know, you could have just typed omw?
Logicallylo: MYOB.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No one says that anymore
Logicallylo: MYOB.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Greetings, Anxiety! It has come to my attention that we have been paired up for the Starbound Big Bang!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I am Princey, it is a pleasure to meet you.
Anxiousanxietyart: umm… hi, Princey?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hello! Do you happen to have a Google Docs? I can share what I have with you so you can begin to do your drawing thing!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, yeah.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Splendid! Here’s the link: XXXXXXXXX
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Here’s to working with you, Anxiety!
Anxiousanxietyart: patton why did i let you convince me to do this big bang thing, i had to meet a new person, why
Pattonhead: Now, kiddo, it’s just one new person. That’s progress! I’m really proud of you!
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, i guess?
Pattonhead: You have a lot of love to give, my child.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...okaaay then?
Pattonhead: You know I love you, you majestic and amazing sea otter giraffe, you.
Anxiousanxietyart: sea otter giraffe? that’s a new one
Pattonhead: ssh child sleep now
Anxiousanxietyart: ...it’s 2 pm
Pattonhead: s s h c h i l d s l e e p n o w :)
Anxiousanxietyart: ...okay then
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: P: So, recently, my good ol’ bro @logicallylo was an idiot, and he might have thrown his computer at a wall. It’s broken now. So he’ll be using mine for now. Because of this inconvenience, I have decided to take this opportunity to make it into a bonding excercise!
L: Bonding excercise?
P: Yes, just go with it Supernerd!
L: Essentially, you may now ask me and Princey questions, and we will answer them to the best of our ability.
P: So let’s do this thing!
Anonymous asked: Are you two twins! Who’s older?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: L: I am the elder, and yes, we are twins.
P: But I’m taller!
L: Tallness has nothing to do with it. I’m older, I have always been older, I will always be older.
P: Sure, shortie.
Veerleft asked: What’s your favorite Starbound book?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: P: TAKE OFF! It’s really fantastic, and very gay.
L: For once, I must agree with my brother. Yes, Take Off is the best, objectively.
Perisureimace asked: Any pets?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: P: Verily!
L: ...verily?
P: Just roll with it. I have plans to procure a hamster, and will post a poll for names soon!
L: No pets here.
Anonymous asked: Lo, what’s your favorite book? Princey, what’s your favorite musical?
L: I could not possibly pick one favorite book. There are simply too many to pick. That being said, I would be morally obligated to say that I am quite fond of detective novels, such as Sherlock Holmes and The Murder of Roger Ackwood.
P: ...that all could have been said in about 6 times less words…
L: Perhaps. However, unlike you, I prefer to use a great many words, as it shows my infinitesimal knowledge.
P: mhmm. Sure.
L: What does that mean?
P: oh, nothing! Nothing at all!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: L: I have now procured a computer. You need not send any more questions, but thank you for the previous ones.
P: This was very fun! I thank you all most kindly, young Padawans!
Anxiousanxietyart posted a photo: this is just a sketch i made. i was listening to silhouette by owl city and angst happened. i’m sorry in advance.
Veertrash71 replied: Wow I didn’t need my heart???
Veerleft replied: Why would you do this Anxietyyyyyyyy
Pattonhead: Virge? You doin’ ok, kiddo?
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah, i’m fine, why?
Pattonhead: Just checkin’ in. Love you <3
Anxiousanxietyart: love you too <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yo, Anx!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, what’s happening?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So, my dude, if we are to work together for the Big Bang, we should know some more things about each other.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...okaaayyy?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Soooooooooo:
Anxiousanxietyart: sooooooooo?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Twentyyyy questionsssss!
Anxiousanxietyart: what.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know, twenty questions!
Anxiousanxietyart: how does guessing objects help to get to know a person?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What?
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, I ask you a question about yourself, you answer, you ask me a question, and so on!
Anxiousanxietyart: ...i think we’re thinking of two different games here.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No kidding, Sir Glooms-a-lot
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It seemed to fit.
Anxiousanxietyart: well, you know me well enough if it seemed to fit. guess we don’t need to do the question thing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, we’re doing this!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’ll start us off:
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What’s your favorite color?
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: really?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes really!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Mine is red, specifically stage curtain red, although gold is suitably regal as well. What is your answer?
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: i like purple.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ah, purple! The color of kings!
Anxiousanxietyart: also black.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Let me guess, like your soul?
Anxiousanxietyart: no
Anxiousanxietyart: like the void where my soul would reside, if i were to still have one.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ooookaayyy. I asked for it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Now you ask!
Anxiousanxietyart: are you bored or something?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: MASSIVELY.
Anxiousanxietyart: sorry, gotta go help out pat with something.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh, okay. See you later
Anxiousanxietyart: bye
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Can we do something? I’m really bored aahhh
Logicallylo: Could you bother someone else?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Anxiety left, and everyone else is offline, and my theatre friends are sick or busy
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Help me Logi-Wan Kenobi
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re my only hope
Logicallylo: Very well. Would you like to meet me in the kitchen?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YES! 
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: did i mess it all up?
Pattonhead: Oh, kiddo.
Pattonhead: You didn’t mess anything up! You’re a sweet summer child and you could never mess anything up!
Anxiousanxietyart: i feel like i made him hate me. how could he not hate me after that?
why am i such a mess, patton?
Pattonhead: You just need to talk to him! Explain yourself! 
Pattonhead: And you’re not a mess! You’re Virgil Brava. You are an amazing, kind, loving person, and if you say one more self-deprecating thing I will physically fight you <3
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, pat. love you.
Pattonhead: Love you too <33
Anxiousanxietyart: hey
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Greetings!
Anxiousanxietyart: sorry
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What for?
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s just
Anxiousanxietyart: i feel like we got off on the wrong foot, and i definitely should have phrased needing to go help feed the pets better, and i’ve been thinking about this slightly obsessively all day, and i
Anxiousanxietyart: i just felt like i owed you an apology or something.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hey, no biggie! Lo and I figured out how NOT to make cookies and instead make a huge mess of flour fight residue, so no harm done!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: (except to the kitchen. rip kitchen.)
Anxiousanxietyart: haha, thanks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No problem.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I have to go now, but maybe we can finish 20 questions later?
Anxiousanxietyart: i’d love to.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: @logicallylo Trade-off poetry, go!
Logicallylo replied: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Saw
Logicallylo replied: It
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: In
Logicallylo replied: The
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Window
Logicallylo replied: And
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I
Logicallylo replied: Couldn’t
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Dismiss
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ...you guys are literally quoting bmc.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: ;)
Logicallylo replied: Wow.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: princey. you are the biggest nerd I’ve ever known, and i know lo.
Logicallylo replied: …he has a point.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Betrayal!! How could you do this?! I trusted you!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: do you know me.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces:   You know BMC?!
Anxiousanxietyart: duh.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces:   I can’t get any of my friends into it for some reason!
Anxiousanxietyart: maybe because “listen to this musical! it’s about a guy who takes a computer pill to boost his self-esteem but it takes over the school” is hard to promote?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …a fair point to you.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, you have friends?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces:   RUDE. Who else would put on Falsettos with me in a few weeks?
Anxiousanxietyart: who are you? jason?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ha ha, no. Too tall to be 13.
Anxiousanxietyart: maybe marvin, then. you’re self-obsessed enough, if nothing else.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Marvin is a wonderfully well-developed character, shush.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I’m Whizzer!
Anxiousanxietyart: the one with the worst name.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Mendel. Weisenbachfeld.
Anxiousanxietyart: true.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Who would you play?
Anxiousanxietyart: trina. i’m always breaking down, it’d be easy.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I knew you were a (Michael) Well Of Despair, but no need for theatrics! Don’t say such things!
Anxiousanxietyart: we’re discussing musicals. with you, most dramatic of dramatic. theatrics are a given.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, too late :)))
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nooooo! I’m forbidding you from saying bad things about yourself!
Anxiousanxietyart: you sound like pat.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Darn right I do! From now on, every time you say something bad about yourself, you have to come up with at least 3 good things.
Anxiousanxietyart: and if i don’t…?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’ll tell Pat and he’ll fight you. Heck, I’ll fight you!
Anxiousanxietyart: you couldn’t beat me in a fistfight. you’re too small.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces! Square up cutie, I have a black belt in karate and I’m not afraid to use it!
Anxiousanxietyart: hmm. really.
Anxiousanxietyart: does princey have a black belt in karate?
Logicallylo: Well, brown belt black stripe, so technically no. Why do you ask?
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, specs
Logicallylo: You are welcome, Eyeshadow^3
Anxiousanxietyart: …umm you should… probably work on your nicknames
Anxiousanxietyart: you liar.
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: BETRAYAL! The karate studio closed the week before I was to get my black belt!
Anxiousanxietyart: details, details…
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: After I go fight Lo, wHO WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO GET HIS BELT BEFORE IT CLOSED, you’re next.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m terrified. you’re so fierce.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Heck yeah I am!
Anxiousanxietyart: i was being sarcastic.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: rude.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted a photo: [photo] BEHOLD THE AS-OF-YET-UNNAMED HEIR TO THE KINGDOM, PRINCE HAMSTER! Help vote on his name! Here are the top cantidades as of right now: - Evan Hamsen - Alexander Hamsterton - Jeremy Heerester - Mendel Weisenbachham - Why do so many musical characters have last names with the first letter H? Opinions?
Veertrash71 replied: ALEXANDER HAMSTERTON
Logicallylo replied: You are not naming your hamster any of those.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Watch me.
Pattonhead replied: All these names are really ham-tastic!
Logicallylo replied: ...stop.
Pattonhead replied: :) no
Anxiousanxietyart replied: these are all simultaneously terrible and amazing. how.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: You all still have to VOTE…
Logicallylo replied: All of them are terrible.
Pattonhead replied: All of them are wonderful!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: nah.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: You are all the worst. I guess Alexander Hamsterton it is.
Veertrash71 replied: :D
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thank you, Pat, for your help with finding hamster puns!
Pattonhead: My purr-leasure! :3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do you happen to have any more?
Pattonhead: Fur sure! Coming right ruff! :D
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m sure Lo would love for you to send him puns… :)
Pattonhead: Ooh that’s a pawsitively wonderful idea!
Pattonhead: Fur reals, we need to talk more!
Logicallylo: …did you mean to send this to me?
Pattonhead: Yep, purr-etty sure you are the one :)
Logicallylo: I don’t like puns… why?
Pattonhead: Are you suuuure? That seems like a ruff decision to make.
Logicallylo: …
Logicallylo: Very sure.
Pattonhead: I coulda sworn you liked them… guess I was wrong…
Logicallylo: I am the wrong target for this. You are barking up the wrong tree.
Pattonhead: …
Logicallylo: Oh no.
Pattonhead: you mADE A PUN!!!!!!!!!!
Logicallylo: Unintentionally! This means nothing!
Pattonhead: I will get you to make more puns if it’s the last thing I do!
Logicallylo: We shall see.
Anxiousanxietyart: patton.
Pattonhead: Yes?
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re flirting.
Pattonhead: No?? I’m not???
Anxiousanxietyart: yes you were.
Pattonhead: What?
Anxiousanxietyart: never did I ever think I would see the day
Anxiousanxietyart: that Patton Spider
Anxiousanxietyart: my best friend and roommate
Anxiousanxietyart: flirts with someone
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m shocked.
Pattonhead: Who would I have possibly flirted with?
Anxiousanxietyart: with lo, of course.
Pattonhead: ...oh.
Pattonhead: Well, I wasn’t flirting with him!
Anxiousanxietyart: i saw your messages. that was flirting.
Pattonhead: ...you can’t prove anything!
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm. anyways, come over here. i have cookie dough. wanna make chocolate chip?
Pattonhead: Virgil. I love you so much. You know me so well!
Anxiousanxietyart: love you too pat.
Pattonhead posted an image: Chocolate chip cookies with the best best friend in the world! <3 @anxiousanxietyart deserves the world and I’d give it to him if I could and he helped me make these so at least I can give him half of these cookies!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: no, you’re the best best friend in the galaxy, pat.
Pattonhead replied: I love you more than the stars and moons and universes.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ...you win this time
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Those look really good??? I want one????
Anxiousanxietyart replied: too bad, princey :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: whyyyyy
Anxiousanxietyart replied: :)
Pattonhead replied: Now, now, kiddos, be nice.
Logicallylo replied: Those do indeed look quite delicious, Pat.
Pattonhead replied: Aww, thanks Lo! :3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is that what you call flirting Logan?
Logicallylo: Shut up.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wrote a bit on the fic, check it out!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, okay.
Anxiousanxietyart: hey, so one question.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Bring it!
Anxiousanxietyart: did. you. make. a. little. mermaid. au???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes, duh!
Anxiousanxietyart: ...well, if nothing else, it will be fun to draw.
Anxiousanxietyart: that being said, why.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It was fun! Also it fit really well! Thou mayest judge me, but that will be your loss!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Also, since I find the most plot holes (read: any) of any Disney movie in it, it is my sacred duty to fix them in this fic.
Anxiousanxietyart: i mean, it’s a good idea?????? it’s just not what i was expecting is all
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But of course, doing what others expect is not the Roman way!
Anxiousanxietyart: roman?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...Logan’ll kill me
Anxiousanxietyart: logan???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Curse my loose lips! Ah look at that, tis time to leave! Places to be...
Anxiousanxietyart: your name... is roman?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...yes...
Anxiousanxietyart: that's a pretty name
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You think so?
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: well, thanks, Anx.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...do i need to say my name? is that how it works?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No! You don’t have to!
Anxiousanxietyart: okay.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...maybe later, who knows.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: !!!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, it’s only if you want to! It’s your decision!
Anxiousanxietyart: gtg, bye
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Goodbye, Anx.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uhh, Logan? I think I did a mistake.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Logicallylo: Roman. You are an idiot.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I knoooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What do I do now?
Logicallylo: Do I need to give you the Stranger Danger talk?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Please don’t.
Logicallylo: I won’t, but only because it would be more effective to tell you in person.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ughhhhhhhhh fiiiineeeeeeee. I know I deserve it. Kinda.
Logicallylo: ‘Kinda’?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Absolutely deserve it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But he’s not a creepy stalker! He’s Anx!
Logicallylo: “Anx” could be a front in order to lure disaster gays to meeting with him in order to murder you or eat you or something.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: EAT me? Now, I know I seem delicious, but that seems just bizarre. I thought I was the creative one here!
Logicallylo: Oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And fear not, I will not be meeting with him anytime soon, if ever. Besides, there are possibly many Romans in this world, much less the US!
Logicallylo: That does seem reasonably logical… However, be careful. You never know what people’s motives are on the Internet.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yeah, alright.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And now…
Logicallylo: Roman. What are you doing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ;)
Logicallylo: You are going to die.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Live a little, Logan!
Logicallylo: You can’t do if you’re dead.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: PAT! COME HITHER AT ONCE!
Pattonhead: Yes Princey?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thou mayest call me Roman now.
Pattonhead: Oh okay!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And do you perchance like hamsters?
Pattonhead: All pets are valid!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Boom.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I know :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Your crush knows my name now.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Logicallylo: First of all, he is not my crush. I have no crush. I am unfeeling.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nice try to the person who’s known you since you were sobbing because you lost your stuffed bee.
Logicallylo: I’m going to ignore that.
Logicallylo: Second of all, I hope I don’t have to explain to you why that was a terrible idea and if you get murdered in your bed, I won’t mourn you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Pat won’t murder me in my bed. He’s too soft.
Logicallylo: Oh I meant by me. Out of anger at your stupidity.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Point taken.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But don’t my brave actions inspire you to do something about your situation?
Logicallylo: No. Not really.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Talk. To. Him.
Logicallylo: Why would I do that?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because he’s a soft puffball and he likes you.
Logicallylo: No he doesn’t. He doesn’t even know me. And I don’t know him. He could very well be 80 years old and wishing to murder me.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Not romantically! Not yet, at least.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: He likes you as a person! That means the spark for romance is there!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Besides, this is Pat you’re talking about. Biggest-puffball-in-the-universe Pat. Are you aware of the words exiting your fingertips?
Logicallylo: Oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: tALK TO HIM! IT IS YOUR DESTINY!
Logicallylo: ...fine.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: HUZZAH!
Logicallylo: Only because I know you will pester me until I do.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know me too well.
Logicallylo: I. Am. Your. Brother.
Okay, Darth.
Logicallylo: So.
Logicallylo: Hello, Pat.
Pattonhead: Hiya Lo! :D
Logicallylo: How has your day been going?
Pattonhead: It’s been pretty good so far! Yours?
Logicallylo: It has been satisfactory.
Pattonhead: That’s… good?
Logicallylo: It is.
Pattonhead: Yay!
Logicallylo: ...so, how’s the weather where you are?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: The weather? Really?
Logicallylo: Why are you still here? Why are you looking over my shoulder? ...why are you messaging me instead of talking?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because I can.
Logicallylo: But why?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because I can.
Logicallylo: Ugh.
Pattonhead: It’s raining a little, but I don’t mind! Virgil and I are havin’ a lil movie night!
Logicallylo: That sounds nice. What movie(s) are you watching?
Pattonhead: Well, I say movie night. I really mean we’re rerererewatching Parks and Rec for the 45th Time.
Logicallylo: I see.
Pattonhead: It’s a good show!
Logicallylo: It is indeed. Where are you at?
Pattonhead: Season 3 :)
Logicallylo: What’s your favorite character?
Logicallylo: Because I wish to know more about you.
Pattonhead: Oh.
Logicallylo: Yeah.
Pattonhead: Uhh, I would honestly die for Ann she is my child I love her
Pattonhead: Also Leslie in general? She’s just great?? AND tHE TRIPLETS!!!! I cried aah
Logicallylo: Ann is indeed a good character.
Pattonhead: :D
Logicallylo: Objectively, everything about Tom’s business strategies is terrible and ineffective and illogical. However, Roman appears to enjoy him to some extent, for what reasons I cannot fathom.
Logicallylo: Ron has earned my admiration, although the probability knowing how that happened is as unlikely as Mark Brendanawicz (how is his last name spelled again?) returning.
Pattonhead: Oh yeah I forgot about him! Aww I’m sorry now
Logicallylo: There is need to be. He was likely removed for a reason.
Pattonhead: Who’s your favorite character?
Logicallylo: …
Pattonhead: Hey, there’s no bad characters!
Logicallylo: ...while I do enjoy Ben (despite his infuriating refusals of perfectly logical job offers for Leslie, of all things), he is not my favorite character.
Pattonhead: Who is it? You can tell me!
Logicallylo: …
Logicallylo: Objectively, I respect the heck out of Jerry.
Pattonhead: That… is not what I was expecting.
Pattonhead: But Jerry is good too! He deserves love <3
Logicallylo: I agree, and when he got to be mayor it was quite satisfying.
Pattonhead: Virgil likes April, of course. He seems to find her relatable :)
Logicallylo: That makes sense.
Pattonhead: What about Roman?
Logicallylo: He is quite fond of “Treat yo self”, obviously.
Pattonhead: Ooh that’s good too!
Pattonhead: Oh! I gotta go now, Virgil’s looking at me weird.
Pattonhead: Talk to you later?
Logicallylo: Of course.
Pattonhead: YAY! See ya, Lo!
Logicallylo: ...Logan.
Pattonhead: ?
Logicallylo: You can call me Logan. That is my given name.
Pattonhead: Oh. I’m Patton!
Logicallylo: So your username is not a typo?
Pattonhead: Haha, nope! XD Night, Logan! <3
Logicallylo: Goodnight, Patton. I hope you sleep well.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: That went well ;)
Logicallylo: His name is Patton.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...you got his NAME?!
Logicallylo: His URL is a pun.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It wasn’t a typo?
Logicallylo: A self-referential pun.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Exactly your type, isn’t he?
Logicallylo: ...I am going away from you. I have no destination in mind. I simply need to exit your presence.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Rude.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wait, who the heckity heck five abs and a peck is Virgil?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Logan?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Didn't get that answer, huh?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ugh, nvm.
Anxiousanxietyart: patton, you’re not even paying attention.
Pattonhead: Sorry kiddo! I guess I’m a little distracted.
Anxiousanxietyart: there was a puppy onscreen. you didn't even look up, much less start screaming and crying as usual.
Pattonhead: ...a little distracted, that’s all.
Anxiousanxietyart: this isn’t distraction, this is straight up black magic.
Pattonhead: Kiddo, it’s you and me here. It cannot be straight up.
Anxiousanxietyart: true, but not the point.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...wait.
Pattonhead: What is it?
Anxiousanxietyart: you’ve been staring at your phone all night, smiling like
Anxiousanxietyart: ...oh.
Pattonhead: ??
Anxiousanxietyart: you’ve been talking to lo, haven’t you?
Pattonhead: ...yes, what about it?
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh Patton, you are not subtle at all.
Pattonhead: He messaged me, and we’ve been talking a lot, and he’s just really nice, that’s all!
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm…
Anxiousanxietyart: don’t lie. lying is wrong.
Pattonhead: I'm not lying!
Anxiousanxietyart: if you say so…
Pattonhead: I do say so!
Anxiousanxietyart: then come watch april be socially awkward and relateable in the corner
Pattonhead: Okay! :D
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wait, who the heckity heck five abs and a peck is Virgil?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Logan?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Didn't get that answer, huh?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ugh, nvm.
Anxiousanxietyart: ?!?!?!?!?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh, sorry Anx! I meant to send that to Logan.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...or logicallylo, since he seems to be telling everyone his name tonight.
Anxiousanxietyart: where the hell did you hear that name?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uhh, while spying on my brother messaging with his crush, why?
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: no reason. i just know someone named virgil. that's all.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ah, okay.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So not because your name is Virgil?
Anxiousanxietyart: no
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m not a murderer, don’t worry. I will not use this information to find you and kill you.
Anxiousanxietyart: um.
Anxiousanxietyart: not reassuring.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What can I do to prove my identity?
Anxiousanxietyart: give me your full name? sell me your soul? sign an oath in blood that you are prince roman of singalongland?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YOU might murder ME if I give you my full name, I already sold my soul, and how would you know it was my blood?
Anxiousanxietyart: you could take a video of you signing it?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: OF COURSE! A SELFIE!
Anxiousanxietyart: eww no.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: eWW YES!
Anxiousanxietyart: why.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You cannot dissuade me now! It is too late!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But you must take one too, so as to prove I’m not sending my beautiful visage to a random 80 year old man named Chuck.
Anxiousanxietyart: i… haven’t ever taken a selfie before… and i'm not a random 80 year old man named chuck...
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well, I am a champ in the Great Selfie Game, so you may learn from a mASTER!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I'll believe it when I see it, CHUCK.
Anxiousanxietyart: Okay, but until I see you, you can't prove you’re not an 80 year old woman named gertrude, so you have to go first.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m not an 80 year old woman named GERTRUDE!
Anxiousanxietyart: Whatever you say, gertrude.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Logan help me
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh wait you’re asleep
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So if I get murdered because of this, it’s your fault okay
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: For not stopping me I mean.
Anxiousanxietyart: patton help i don’t know how to selfie
Pattonhead: Kiddo, it’s late? I thought you were going to sleep now?
Anxiousanxietyart: sleep is for the weak.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, i might have promised roman a selfie…
Anxiousanxietyart: help.
Pattonhead: Why would you do that?
Anxiousanxietyart: i have a death wish
Pattonhead: KIDDO NO
Anxiousanxietyart: also because i'm weak and gay
Pattonhead: Don't talk bad about yourself!
Anxiousanxietyart: that’s not talking bad about myself…
Pattonhead: Anyways, I will help you with taking a selfie!
Anxiousanxietyart: Thanks, pat.
Pattonhead: Np! :D
Anxiousanxietyart: um. it’s hardly that.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nonsense! I’m sure you look as fantastic as you are inside!
Anxiousanxietyart: uhh.
Anxiousanxietyart: can you go first?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Absolutely!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ta-da!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Feast upon my glorious visage!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...Virgil?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You there?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wow I can’t believe my stunning good looks actually killed a man
Pattonhead: Kiddo, what was that thunk?
Anxiousanxietyart: i'm gay.
Pattonhead: Hi gay, I'm Patton!
Anxiousanxietyart: can you come here?
Pattonhead: We’re in the same room, Virge.
"Patton please burn my phone I can't stand to see such magnificence."
"...I'm sorry, what?"
Virgil held up his phone, blushing furiously. There was the picture that had murdered him. The brown and green eyes that had captured him. The reddish brown hair that he wanted to run his hands through. The smirk on his face that he wanted to ki...
"If you ever cared about me, you will get rid of this picture of Roman so I can stop looking at it." His face was as red as Roman’s magnificent locks.
Patton looked smug. Too smug. "Sorry, kiddo, but nope."
Virgil fell over sideways on the bed, groaning, face flushing. Patton patted his head comfortingly.
Suddenly, Virgil shot up. “OH MY GOSH I NEVER RESPONDED!”
He lunged for his phone.
Anxiousanxietyart: you are really wow.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It took you 25 minutes to say that? My self esteem is pretty high already but wow, you could have warned me.
Anxiousanxietyart: no, like good wow.
Anxiousanxietyart: like stunning wow.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thanks.
Anxiousanxietyart: i only speak the truth.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’d hope so!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Okay, Chuck, your turn?
Anxiousanxietyart: okay um so i’m not as pretty as you or anything or at all but um here you asked for it
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: i know i took like half an hour to respond but honestly please don’t.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Um
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wow
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re kind of really stellar, you know that?
Anxiousanxietyart: i most certainly am not!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You most certainly are! Beauty calls to beauty!
Anxiousanxietyart: wow.
Roman gasped openly at the sight of such beauty, and didn't care if Logan heard him or not.
The purple and black hoodie covered part of the boy's face, but even in the dark room, Roman could still make out his utter splendor. His dark brown-black hair was dyed a brilliant purple, and it partially covered his eyes, which were a stunning indigo color. Black eyeshadow was smeared beneath them too carelessly to be truly careless. He had a small, almost shy smile on his face, and beneath the white foundation, were those...
"FRECKLES?!" He yelled in surprise and delight.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So my brother is awake now.
Anxiousanxietyart: ???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I screamed upon seeing you and woke him up.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oops.
Anxiousanxietyart: well there goes the last of my self esteem
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, good scream! Very good scream!
Anxiousanxietyart: oh
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: okay
Anxiousanxietyart: wait what time is it for you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Like 1 am-ish?
Anxiousanxietyart: same here, but go to hecking sleep!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Says you!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fiiiiiiiine. But only to appease the angry monster of a brother woken from his (much-needed, if I may say so) beauty sleep.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Goodnight, Virgil. Sleep well.
Anxiousanxietyart: night, ro.
Logicallylo: Why was I the only one to get any sleep last night?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let me sleep
Logicallylo: You woke me up, I wake you up.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Why.
Logicallylo: Because I can. I believe the correct emoticon to use here would be “:)”
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You make me so proud, and yet so furious.
Logicallylo: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And now, LET ME SLEEP FOR GOODNESS SAKE!
Logicallylo: Sure. If you can.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: oh good lord.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: wHY ARE YOU PRACTICING THE CELLO AT 6 AM
Logicallylo: I shall not respond, for I am too busy playing the cello.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uuuuughhhhhhhhh you’re evil. Evil.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh gosh what have i done
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Logicallylo: Why are you messaging me specifically with this? I play no part in this. I was asleep.
Anxiousanxietyart: because you have more common sense than anyone else i know.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, patton is asleep, and i’d rather die than wake him up.
Logicallylo: True.
Logicallylo: You were tired, I believe, and not thinking straight. Is that correct?
Anxiousanxietyart: i never think straight, lo.
Logicallylo: True. However, I did some research, and there are 81,875 people in the U.S. with the first name Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: how did you—you know what? never mind.
Logicallylo: I used logic. It was quite simple, but the fact that Roman has used the same password for his phone for 10 years helps.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh.
Logicallylo: There are 6 time zones in the US, so 81,875 divided by 6 is approximately 13645.833 Virgils in this time zone, so the odds of a potential stalker finding you is very unlikely.
Logicallylo: Plus, I can vouch for Roman.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: He’s sleeping on the couch right now. It is almost noon. He should not be sleeping. This is not promoting a healthy sleep schedule.
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, lo.
Logicallylo: Call me Logan.
Logicallylo: And you’re welcome.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...but warn me before you send me these images? i need time to prepare before another pic of roman?
Logicallylo: You mean this guy?
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: This boy right here?
Anxiousanxietyart: stooooooppppppppp
Anxiousanxietyart: i’d take a photo of patton in retaliation, but he’s asleep in the other room and i would rather be tortured in tartarus for all eternity than betray him.
Logicallylo: I see what’s happening here, Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: ???
Logicallylo: You cannot hide from logic and reason.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes i can.
Anxiousanxietyart: freakin watch me.
Logicallylo: Virgil. Why.
Anxiousanxietyart: because i’m in denial and i will run from my feelings forever
Logicallylo: That is not healthy, Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: well well well, look who’s a hypocrite.
Logicallylo: I do not run from my feelings! I simply do not have them.
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm. go message patton, then.
Logicallylo: That I will.
Logicallylo: Salutations.
Logicallylo: ...I have realized that he is asleep.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes.
Logicallylo: You knew this.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes.
Logicallylo: You said this multiple times.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes.
Logicallylo: Virgil Lastname.
Anxiousanxietyart: brava for you on your attempt at guessing.
Logicallylo: Honestly. Why.
Anxiousanxietyart: because it’s fun.
Logicallylo: You are evil.
Anxiousanxietyart: i know :)
Logicallylo posted: I will now list all the reasons why a regular sleep schedule is necessary, and what not keeping one does to your body. @anxiousanxietyart and @disneynbroadwaynprinces will listen to every single reason, as payment for their crimes.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: you called me evil.
Logicallylo replied: Reason number one: sleep helps you think. Without sleep, you cannot think straight.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i have a few choice words to say about that reason, lo
Logicallylo replied: Hush, I am chiding you for your behavior.
Pattonhead: Sorry Logan! I was asleep. How’s it goin?
Logicallylo: No need to apologize, Patton. It is going well here, how about you?
Pattonhead: I’m good! A wee bit tired, but that’s ok!
Pattonhead: Lolo look Khoshekh is on my legs aaaahhhhh???
Pattonhead: [image]
Logicallylo: I
Logicallylo: Um
Logicallylo: Who is Khoshekh, why did you take a picture of your whole body, how did you take a picture of your whole body when you’re not even holding the device?
Pattonhead: My cat! :3 Virge named him, of course!
Pattonhead: Virgil also offered to take the pic so he wouldn’t leave, haha!
Logicallylo: Ah, of course. I see.
Logicallylo: Virgil, you evil, evil man.
Anxiousanxietyart: chaotic neutral baby :)
Logan was in awe. The boy on the other end of the screen had light brown curly hair and glasses that made him look, somehow, even more adorable than he already was. He was blushing, and had freckles spanning across his entire face and neck. His eyes were the color of clear, clean, blue-green pool water. His grin radiated joy. Everything about him seemed alive alive alive.
Somehow, he was even more cute than the fluffy orange kitten on his lap.
Patton was absolutely stunning, and Logan could do nothing but sit there and attempt to control his heartbeat.
If he had had feelings before, this was nothing compared to now.
He was, objectively, done.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: I suppose that it is only logical that if you send me a picture of yourself, one of me is in order.
Logicallylo: And I thought Roman was the overtired one…
Pattonhead: Kcoadkdksskmasajxkff
Patton stared at the picture of the most handsome man he'd ever seen (and he'd gazed upon Virgil's glory). He had black hair with fading blue tips, an angular face (were those freckles on the cheeks? Adorable!), and glasses with the same frames as Patton's own (who'da thunk?). The glasses framed beautiful navy eyes, the precise color of sapphires. He had the small smile of someone who didn’t smile quite as much has he deserved, but when it did, it counted.
Logan was beautiful.
Patton was in love.
He threw his iPad across the room.
A surprised yell came from Virgil in the other room.
Logicallylo: What happened?
Pattonhead: I’m sorry, Khoshekh got on the keyboard!
Logicallylo: Ah, I see.
Pattonhead: You look really nice!
Pattonhead: I mean good!
Pattonhead: I mean pretty!
Pattonhead: I mean—
Logicallylo: Thank you, Patton.
Pattonhead: ^-^
Pattonhead: Soooooo, Virgil!
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah?
Pattonhead: So as it turns out, i miiiiiight have been flirting a liiiiittle with Lo
Pattonhead: Because I might have a teensy weensy itsy bitsy tiny little bitty crush…
Anxiousanxietyart: i heckin knew it!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I have awaken from my beauty sleep!
Anxiousanxietyart: didn’t know you needed it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did you just
Anxiousanxietyart: i meant—i—oy vey
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You did! YOU DID! Oh happy day!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Great Zeus almighty, I thought this day would never come!
Anxiousanxietyart: we’ve known each other for only a few weeks, ro.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Forever.
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm totally.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I can taste your sarcasm, Virgil.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But no matter!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I only have to scroll up to remind myself what you REALLY think about me.
Anxiousanxietyart: that you’re annoying?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: That I’m hot.
Anxiousanxietyart: was that selfie really necessary?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes. Yes it was.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And you didn’t denyyyyyy iiiitttttt
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re not hot, roman.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: He said, like a liar.
Anxiousanxietyart: he said, like a man in denial.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: He said, like a man in a river in Egypt
Anxiousanxietyart: ??
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: De Nile
Anxiousanxietyart: oy vey why
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted:
I was too lazy to think of a title but it involves Hamilton so
Summary: It’s Vect and Xaer and Peri being the friendos they are, but they’re Hamilton buds and that makes it all better.
Word count: who knows? not I, not I
Warnings: a lot of Hamilton
A/N: Writer’s block sucks. It most verily does. That is why this exists. (In other words, I miiiiiiight have hit a wee bit of a snag with my Big Bang fic…) It is an attempt to salvage my writing skills.
Read more
Veertrash71 replied: I loooooveeeeee it! Aaaaaahhhhh it’s so fluffyyyyyy
Perisureimace replied: I’m pretty sure I’m gonna explode from all the Hamilton haha
Veerleft replied: This is canon now I decided
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Lo and I are having a mooooovie night!
Anxiousanxietyart: weren’t you up super late last night? why is he endorsing this behavior
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because we’re watching Rogue One and he’s gay for Cassian Andor (who isn’t tbh)
Anxiousanxietyart: i… haven’t seen it…
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: G A S P ! ! ! HOW D A R E
Anxiousanxietyart: umm i just? never did? it can’t ever be as good as the original trilogy so
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Umm, it’s pretty far up there! Worth watching at the very L E A S T
Anxiousanxietyart: you’ll have to tell me about it
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You. Me. FaceTime. Now.
Anxiousanxietyart: um??? what is happening
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You are Going to Watch this Movie with me, and you Will Like It!
Anxiousanxietyart: is there a choice?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do you have a pressing appointment?
Anxiousanxietyart: nope, free all day
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Than nope!
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh roman
Anxiousanxietyart: i didn’t peg you for a diehard star wars fan?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …how??? I’m like the biggest freaking Star Wars nerd since Logan (well, he likes Star Trek better, honestly how are we even related)
Anxiousanxietyart: i have realized my mistake
Anxiousanxietyart: (and star trek is totally better?)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: nO NOT YOU TOO!?!?!
Anxiousanxietyart: there are a lot of reasons, which i can and would list, but i only need one:
Anxiousanxietyart: which was first to have canon gays, hmm?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Finn and Poe came before Culber and Stamets??
Anxiousanxietyart: but stormpilot isn’t canon 
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Not with that attitude it isn’t!
Anxiousanxietyart: oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Also, Baze and Chirrut are totally married wHICH REMINDS ME, ROGUE ONE. NOW.
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: please?
Anxiousanxietyart: alright fine.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YAY! ONWARDS, MY NOBLE KNIGHT, AND LET US B E G I N!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Sooooooooo?
Anxiousanxietyart: so what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Whaddya think?
Anxiousanxietyart: it was alright, i guess
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ALRIGHT YOU G U E S S?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Falsehood! You cried so hard you turned off the camera!
Anxiousanxietyart: who’s falsehooding now?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Still you! You loved it and you know it!
Anxiousanxietyart: you can prove nothing
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You may try, but you cannot deny the truth that is your tears
Anxiousanxietyart: try harder, lor san tekka
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Dangnabbit!
Anxiousanxietyart: i know my star wars lor
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did you just
Anxiousanxietyart! patton is right over my shoulder i couldn’t just not
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: well, LOGAN is over MY shoulder, and he’s absolutely done
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well done young Padawan
Logicallylo: Why, Patton. Why would you do this.
Pattonhead: Oh hello Logan! How’s it goin’ in Logantown?
Logicallylo: Alright, I suppose. I was just consoling a sobbing Roman because of Rogue One, and now he has been sent off to bed because he was up late last night, and he has rehearsal tomorrow.
Pattonhead: Ooh, rehearsal?
Logicallylo: He is in a production of Falsettos with some friends of his (yes, he has friends).
Logicallylo: How about you?
Pattonhead: I’m not in any plays, if that’s what you’re askin’, Lo.
Logicallylo: No, I meant how was your day?
Pattonhead: Ooohhh! It was good!
Logicallylo: That is good.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m a badawan, thanks very much?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yoda Chronicles, and I'm a Jedi Knight
Anxiousanxietyart: i am ready to fight
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: foR THE SITH!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ZOOM POW ZAP ELECTRICITY
Anxiousanxietyart: why haven’t more people watched that thing
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Who knows?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Honestly I was super freaking gay for Jek-14 when I was younger
Anxiousanxietyart: who wasn’t?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Truth hath most verily been spoken here
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Look look look look look
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s a lesbian from next door!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Followed by her lover who’s a lesbian from next door too!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But seriously look here
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: is that
Anxiousanxietyart: a freaking
Anxiousanxietyart: jek-14 lego set???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YES IT IS INDEED
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: LOOK AND WEEP
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh
Anxiousanxietyart: you freaking nerd
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nerd?! I thought I was more of a geek!
Anxiousanxietyart: okay jeremy
Anxiousanxietyart: (nerd)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: r u d e
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: VIRGIL
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: V I R G I L
Anxiousanxietyart: three m o o n s what the heckity heck do you want?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wings of Fire, and are you awake?
Anxiousanxietyart: no, definitely not
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh okay then
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...wait
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You little
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re welcome
Anxiousanxietyart: now why did you message me at three in the morning?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I can’t sleeeeppppppp
Anxiousanxietyart: not with that attitude you can’t
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I have a Very Urgent Question for you
Anxiousanxietyart: shoot.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do dryads have skin? Or is it just bark?
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because like if they have bark, how do they move? And like they’re tree ladies? So like how
Anxiousanxietyart: can you facetime me? i need to see your face while you say that.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Mm ok
When Roman accepted the FaceTime request and was greeted with five solid minutes of Virgil laughing. Which was a nice greeting, yes, but a wee bit annoying, it being at him rather than with him.
“Rude,” he said when Virgil finally calmed down. This, of course, made him start laughing again.
“I’m sorry, haha!” He wiped away a tear. “It’s just—such a random—haha—question!”
“Doesn’t mean you had to FaceTime me JUST to rub it in.”
“Umm, yes I did. Obviously.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “But do dryads have bark?”
“I’m gonna say no.”
“But they’re trees, Virgil!”
“Tree people!”
“Trees! Have! Bark!”
“But they have to move???”
“Yeah, but if they have tree spirits, then can’t they have flexible bark?” Roman asked, trying to convince Virgil.
“No? That’s not how it works?”
“How would you know?!”
“Because I have basic sense?” Virgil sighed, laughing. “How did you even come up with this?”
“I was rererereading Percy Jackson, and I just thought of it,” Roman said.
Virgil shook his head, smiling. “Only you, Roman.”
Roman looked like he didn’t know whether to be pleased or offended. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That you’re unique and hilarious and creative and dramatic.”
“Heck yeah I am!” Roman flipped his hair, and Virgil covered his mouth to keep from laughing too hard. Roman finally lost all control of his traitorous gigglebox, and let out a snort that turned into a giggle that turned into a laugh that he muffled with his pillow in order to keep from waking up Logan.
Virgil stared, his cheeks growing red in the darkness.
“I gotta gay—I—um—go.”
He hung up quickly, leaving Roman to wonder what the heck had just happened.
“Wait, but do they have skin?”
Anxiousanxietyart: Patton holy crap
Pattonhead: Language, kiddo. Yes?
Anxiousanxietyart: i think i have a crush on roman
Anxiousanxietyart: i have feelings for him and i don’t even know him and it’s terrifying and i don’t know what to do
Pattonhead: Aww, kiddo, come over here.
Anxiousanxietyart posted: i’m sorry guys, there’s not going to be anything for a while, maybe ever. sorry im such a failure.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I have many ideas to tell you of!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thou must come here so I can tell you them!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh Virgil?
Anxiousanxietyart: im sorry.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What for?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You on?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hello?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fine, I’ll give you some space
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virge you okay?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil stop ignoring me
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Answer me! I command you!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virge?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fine. You don’t want to talk to me, I don’t want to talk to you. I’m done.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m sorry Virgil I didn’t mean it just talk to meeeeee
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is it something I did? I’m sorry for whatever it is, just tell me what to do to make it right. Please.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil, I really miss you. Please come back. I’m begging you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: I’m sorry, all, for the lack of content. I’ve just been really sad lately. I’ll be back soon, hopefully, maybe, sometime.
Logicallylo: Virgil? Are you on?
Logicallylo: Virgil, normally I would respect your privacy, but this is not a normal occurrence.
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Logicallylo: Did something happen with Roman?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...sort of?
Anxiousanxietyart: how did you guess?
Logicallylo: It’d be impossible not to know, seeing how much he’s moping around lately. Living with him is… well, like living with him how he is usually only with more sad songs played around the house and more moping, as well as less general cheerfulness. It’s concerning.
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: oh crap what have i done
Logicallylo: Virgil. Breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth.
Anxiousanxietyart: what do i do???
Logicallylo: You need to talk to him. Now. Before it’s too late.
Anxiousanxietyart: do i have to? can’t i keep repressing my feelings longer?
Logicallylo: No.
Anxiousanxietyart: fine, but you need to talk to patton then.
Logicallylo: What about?
Anxiousanxietyart: don’t play dumb.
Logicallylo: …fine. But if he doesn’t respond well, I’m blaming you.
Anxiousanxietyart: he won’t, but ditto.
Logicallylo: Very well. I will leave you to contact my brother. I wish you luck.
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, lo. you’re a good friend.
Anxiousanxietyart: ro? you there?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: SWEET MOUNTAIN DEW RED YOU’RE ON!
Anxiousanxietyart: sorry for disappearing like that. i just had to think through some stuff.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well, warn a prince next time!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, ro?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes?
Anxiousanxietyart: i need to tell you something, and it wouldn’t really… work… over messaging. could i call you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, Virgil. Anytime.
Virgil stared at the number on the screen in front of him. It seemed to dare him to do what he did best: panic enough to avoid doing this, Tell Roman to forget about it, it was nothing, go back to how it was before. Don’t risk this friendship, the possibility of the other man not being who he said he was, and just let things stay the same.
It was a tempting thought.
He looked to his left to see Patton sitting next to him, giving him a supportive thumbs-up and mouthing, ‘you can do this!’
What would he do without Patton, honestly?
He took a deep, grounding breath. I can do this. I can do this.
Virgil dialed the number, and he heard Roman pick up.
“Hello? Virgil?”
Virgil threw his phone across the room.
It hit the other wall with a thunk and hit the floor.
Problem solved.
Patton looked at him. “Uhh, kiddo, what was that?”
Virgil huddled into himself. “I can’t do this!” He hugged his knees to his chest, shaking his head.
Patton took hold of his shoulders. “Hey. Virgil. Look at me.” He did. Patton’s sea-colored eyes were wide and comforting. “I believe in you. I know Roman feels the same way. You can tell him. It’s all right. Okay?” When Virgil hesitated, the other boy continued: “You don’t have to do this today. It will be perfectly fine if you don’t. However, you will have to do it sometime. Better sooner rather than later. One step in front of the other. You have got this.”
Virgil nodded. He let go of his knees, and stood up. He crossed the room slowly, his heart in his throat. He slowly picked up the phone.
...the phone had not hung up.
“Sorry Roman!” Virgil stared at Patton in panic. “I—uh—I don’t know what happened!’
“Uh huh.”
There was a silence. It was tense, awkward, expectant. Virgil knew he had to be the one to break it. He took a deep breath—
“So what was it you wanted to tell me?”
“Uhh—I—um—” Virgil lost all control of his filter. “Ithinkimightkindareallylikeyouandthatterrifiesmeandpleasedontbemad”
There it was. His soul laid bare. Virgil had done it. Patton was grinning and giving him the thumbs up. He felt a weight lifted off his chest.
What the freaking heck had he done.
A bigger weight fell on top of him. Roman hadn’t spoken yet. He didn’t like him back. It was official. He hated him. He—
“Oh. Wow. Cool. Um. Ditto?”
Roman laughed awkwardly. "Um. Oh wow this is not how I wanted this to happen. I had a whole thing planned and it was spectacular but. The feeling is mutual. I quite like you too. Romantically."
“Wait, really?!”
“Oh.” A pause. “Well what do we do about that?”
“Um. Wanna date?”
“Cool.” There was silence. Neither of them knew what to say.
Suddenly, Virgil began laughing. He tipped over, giggling uncontrollably into the phone. He snorted and rolled around, laughing and laughing and laughing.
“Virgil? You alive?”
“I—I just can’t believe,” he began between laughs, “that I avoided you for all that time, and all I needed to do was just call you? It’s just—it’s really ironic, isn’t it?”
Roman caught on, snorting into the phone. “Yeah, it is.”
They finally stopped laughing minutes later, drifting into comfortable silence. No one said anything. They didn’t need to. Everything that had been needed to say had been said, and all the tension was gone.
“So what happens now?” Roman asked.
“I guess we just try and see how things work out,” Virgil answered.
“You really have no clue, don’t you?”
“I really don’t.”
Roman snorted. “Neither do I, so it’s fine.”
Virgil let out a soft laugh. It felt good to be talking to him, really talking, nothing left as a secret.
They really should do this more.
And that’s when Roman broke the spell.
“NOW, LOGAN JOAN BERRY, GET YOUR TUCHUS OVER HERE AND TALK TO PATTON!” He yelled, his mouth still next to the gather-sound-thing on his phone. How could Virgil tell? Because it was right in his ear.
“Um, ow?”
“Oh, sorry Virge!”
“No worries. My bleeding ear will recover. However, my traumatized eardrum will not.”
“My voice is lovely, your eardrum should be thanking me for allowing it to hear my magnificent voice!”
“If you say so.”
Roman made a wounded and offended noise on the other end of the phone. Virgil snorted.
“If you want Logan and Patton to talk to each other, can they have their own call? I don’t want them to be flirting over my phone.”
“...oh yeah, that’s a good idea.” Roman paused a moment. “Uhh, maybe hold the phone away from your ear.”
There was a thunk and a faint yell. A different voice shouted, “WHAT THE CRAP ROMAN?!”
“Whaaaaaat is happening?” Virgil was very confused. Patton, still sitting next to him, had even less idea of what was going on.
“Umm, kiddo, is everything alright?”
“Who knows?” He shrugged. Patton did not seem to calm down or seem less confused.
And that’s when his phone rang.
Virgil and Patton both stared at the phone vibrating and playing “Baby Bumblebee” on the table. It kept ringing, undisturbed by the stares. Phones don’t care about you or what you do. They just ring.
Roman cleared his throat, yanking Virgil’s attention back to him. “Virge, tell Patton to pick up his phone before Logan spontaneously combusts, taking me with him and rendering the world devoid of this magnificent face.”
Virgil repeated this sentence word for word, dumbfounded.
“I, um, okay?” Patton walked over to the phone and picked it up. “Hello? Hi, Logan. Umm, what did you want to talk to me about?”
Patton walked out of the room, still talking.
“Lo? What’s going on?”
Logan cleared his throat, preparing himself. Now was the time. He’d say ‘it’s now or never’, but after The Last Jedi, he swore off the phrase forever. Besides, it was inaccurate. He could always procrastinate.
No. He would confess now.
It was time.
He opened his mouth.
“How was your day?”
Nailed it.
Patton sounded a bit confused. “Umm, it was okay. Steve Carlsberg died today. It was sad. We had a funeral for him.”
“Oh, one of our fish.”
Silence on both ends.
Logan opened his mouth to ask about the other fish names.
“I kind of really like you!”
Wait what.
What in the holy name of the pythagorean theorem did he just do.
Patton was silent for a long, nerve-tearing-into-pieces minute. When he finally spoke, it was to say that, “I like you too, Logan! That’s why we’re friends.”
“I—no.” Logan took a deep breath. If he didn’t say it now, he never would. Also, he would have to live with this miscommunication on his conscience for all of eternity. “Romantic like. As Roman would say, ‘I’m gay for you’ like.”
“Oh! I like you romantically too.”
‘Wait what’ was what he would have thought if he had had the ability to form coherent thoughts.
“I. Um. What?”
“Yeah.” Patton sounded like he was probably blushing. No, definitely. He was definitely blushing. “You’re really nice and kind and smart and beautiful and amazing and yeah I like you romantically back!”
“I—that was. Um.” Logan, you’re speaking nonsense. Collect yourself. I swear, sometimes you’re just too gay to live. “That’s good.”
“I’d hope so.” Patton’s voice was filled with a feeling Logan couldn’t place, but it was good. Definitely good.
“So,” he said, “what will happen now?”
“I don’t know!” Patton giggled. “I’m honestly just happy to be here, talking to you.”
“You are simply too sweet.”
Patton made a slightly flustered noise.
Logan cleared his throat. “Shall we just continue how we’ve been continuing and just see what happens?”
“Whatever we do I know will be just fine.” Patton spoke with an air of wiseness that said he knew what he was talking about. He was more people-smart than Logan, and that was one of the many reasons they complimented each other.
“Why is that, Pat?” Logan asked.
“Because dogs exist, and nothing bad can happen in a world with dogs,” he said very seriously.
Logan snorted. While that may have not been strictly logical, Patton was correct. They would be just fine.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: Guess who’s not a single bean anymooooreeee??? This guy!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: oh my gosh
Veertrash71 replied: wait WHAT
Pattonhead replied: I was confused for a sec there, kiddo, but then I remembered.
Veertrash71 replied: UM
Logicallylo replied: Congratulations. You have found someone to deal with your nonsense. Lucky for all of us.
Veertrash71 replied: Is no one else going to freak out??
Perisureimace replied: Oh congrats!
Anxiousanxietyart: hi
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Greetings and salutations!
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: is there, like, protocol for talking now that
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: you know
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Your guess is as good as mine.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh okay
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uhh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Any pets?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I had to think of SOME conversation topic.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Your answer?
Anxiousanxietyart: a cat and fifty billion fish.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What are their names?
Anxiousanxietyart: the cat is khoshekh, the fish are all named after wtnv characters but i can never remember who’s alive anymore. i think janice ate carlos last week, but i’m not sure.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: How dare you Janice?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do you perchance happen to have any pictures? If a pic of you came into the mix, I wouldn’t complain, just sayin’
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh ro
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Love you too <3
Anxiousanxietyart: ajckskskkckdkfes
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did I break you?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...maybe
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Honey
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Sweetie
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Apple of my eye
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: My one and only
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Knight in dark and angsty armor
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: take my pet photos and freaking leave
Anxiousanxietyart: babe
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Amckskjdhdjsjsjakkadf
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh my gosh is that you with your cat???
Anxiousanxietyart: yes
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No mere mortal eyes should gaze upon such cuteness!
Anxiousanxietyart: good thing you’re not a mere mortal
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aww!
Anxiousanxietyart: your ego alone is godly enough for ten zeuses
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...I retract all my praise.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Alexander Hamsterton and I go on all sorts of adventures.
Anxiousanxietyart: ajdkdkskfjkssa
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fair play is turnabout, Virge >:)
Anxiousanxietyart: why would you do this terrible thing
Anxiousanxietyart: my mind is dead now
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I tease because I love <3
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: uhh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh gosh I didn’t mean like that it’s too soon aah ignore me oy vey
Anxiousanxietyart: um okay
Anxiousanxietyart: so
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hey so I’m wondering
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Why do you always text with no caps???
Anxiousanxietyart: it's for the a e s t h e t i c
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh my gods you utter and complete e m o
Anxiousanxietyart: thank you for the compliment
Anxiousanxietyart: much appreciated
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It… I… I give up.
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh you NERD
Anxiousanxietyart: said the theatre geek to the emo.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...what is that supposed to mean??
Anxiousanxietyart: no hecking clue.
Logicallylo: Greetings and salutations, Patton.
Pattonhead: Oh hello! How are you?
Logicallylo: I am doing well. And you?
Pattonhead: Same here! A wee bit tired, but good all the same!
Logicallylo: I feel an urgent desire to sleep as well.
Pattonhead: Well, that’s one way to put it!
Pattonhead: HELP
Logicallylo: What’s going on?
Pattonhead: [image]
Pattonhead: SPIDER!!!!!!
Logicallylo: It appears to be a Pholcus phalangioides, or daddy long legs. It has venom, but is so small that it cannot bite or transfer venom. It is harmless.
Pattonhead: STILL! SPIDER!
Logicallylo: Do you have arachnophobia?
Pattonhead: No, but I’m terribly afraid of spiders!
Logicallylo: That’s what I said. Arachnophobia.
Logicallylo: I have no idea of Virgil’s whereabouts.
Logicallylo: Perhaps you can message him?
Pattonhead: SPIDER!
Anxiousanxietyart: i’ll be there asap
Pattonhead: Virgil has taken the spider outside! It cannot return any more.
Logicallylo: That is good. I am glad that it is gone.
Pattonhead: Just had a scare there!
Logicallylo: Is your emotional state better now?
Pattonhead: Much, thanks, Lo.
Logicallylo: No problem. Would you like me to call you now?
Pattonhead: Ooh yes please!
Patton was now sitting on top of his bed, idly petting Khoshekh and staring at his phone intensely. Maybe if he stared hard enough, Logan would call sooner!
As if on cue, the phone started ringing. Patton picked it up without even looking at the screen.
“Hiya Lo!” He chirped, bouncing up and down.
“Salutations and further greetings,” replied the voice of Logan. Patton’s heart melted upon hearing him. “Is Virgil in the room?”
“Nope, just me! He’s trying to make brownies in the kitchen, apparently ‘to sacrifice to the great and almighty deity of removing all feelings’, so the normal reason, pretty much!”
“Ah. Usual Virgil?”
“There’s nothing usual about Virgil.” Patton’s tone was very serious. He loved his kiddo a lot. He was a small angsty baby koala kangaroo child who needed love.
“I am aware of this.” Despite the words, which would have sounded annoyed, Logan’s tone was fond, and Patton could picture him smiling as he said so.
“You may want to hold the phone away from your ear,” Logan said.
“Why is that?”
“ROMAN, WHERE IS ALEXANDER HAMSTERTON?” Logan’s voice was muffled, but he was obviously yelling.
A quiet reply that might have been “I was playing with him”, but sounded like “I mass gaying with him” was shouted from somewhere else. Patton was slightly confused about what was going on.
“Uhh, Logan? What’s happening?”
“Roman’s hamster wasn’t in his cage, but he’s back now,” explained Logan reassuringly.
“Oh okay! Thank goodness he’s back!”
And that’s when Virgil spoke.
Patton shuddered, whispering. “It’s ironic because I have a very large fear of spiders.”
Logan laughed over the phone, and Patton’s heart did some cartwheels. “Ironic indeed.”
They shared a blissful few seconds of silence, nothing to say.
“I should probably go,” said Logan. “You may want to assist Virgil with the brownies.”
“But I don’t wanna hang up! I wanna talk with you!” Patton protested.
“We can talk later, if you wish.”
“Ooh yay okay!” Patton bounced up and down. “Bye, Logan!”
“Goodbye, Patton.”
Logan hung up, and Patton ran to save some brownies from certain doom, still thinking of Logan.
Logicallylo posted a photo: My boyfriend @pattonhead sent me these brownies today. They taste absolutely delicious! Love you Pat.
Pattonhead replied: Aww, so glad you like them honeybee! <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: THIS is a Marvelous Cookie! (or brownie, whatever)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: SWEET! With an excellent CRUNCH!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: perfect to follow a dinner
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Or just after breakfast
Anxiousanxietyart replied: and prior to lunch! (really though pat, they're probably really good)
Pattonhead replied: Aww thanks kiddo! <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know all my obscure references! A man after my own heart <3
Anxiousanxietyart: you cannot hide from my musical knowledge with frog and toad.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Shall we make a competition out of it?
Anxiousanxietyart: i'm listening.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: We each shall make as many references as possible without telling the other.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: If the other doesn't catch it, the referencer gets a point. If the other does get it, they get a point.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: The one with the most by the time our Big Bang project is posted wins!
Anxiousanxietyart: ro, you got yourself a challenge. let's do this thing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Can I FaceTime you so we can shake on it?
Anxiousanxietyart: yes
Anxiousanxietyart: can i call you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, Virgil! Might I ask why?
Anxiousanxietyart: i just need to talk to you rn.
Roman picked up immediately. “Virgil? You okay?”
“No.” Virgil sounded out of breath and terrified to his own ears. “Patton isn’t home and he left his phone and I’m alone and there’s noises and I’m fREAKING OUT and—”
“Hey. Virge. Breathe.” Roman’s voice was calming, cool, soothing. “In. Out. In. Out. Breathe with me, okay?”
Virgil took a deep, shuddering breath. He heard Roman do the same, in sync with him. In. Out. In. Out. They continued, for how long was unknown.
After several minutes of silence, accompanied by the noise of their breathing, Roman spoke. “You feeling better?”
The hesitation of a few moments that seemed to take an eternity followed his words before Virgil replied.
“I—yeah. I’m better now, I mean.” And he was. Who knew that for once the most-recommended, least-remembered tip would actually work?
“Why were you panicking, if I may ask?”
“I kept hearing noises? Not sure how exactly.” A pause. “Thanks, Roman.”
“Anytime.” And he meant it. He would do anything to help Virgil.
He didn’t exactly know what to say after all that. “Do you want me to leave?”
“NO!” Virgil blurted out before realizing what he just said. “I mean, umm, if it’s okay, could you please stay? I don’t really want to be alone right now.”
“Of course,” Roman said softly. “Anything.”
“Is exactly what Han Solo said before getting stabbed by his son.”
“Why are you like this?”
Virgil snorted, and Roman felt a sudden urge to hug him.
“I kinda really love you, you know that?” Roman blurted out. He then slapped his hand in front of his mouth.
Virgil was silent. Utterly, completely silent.
You utter and complete dunce! You’ve driven him away!
“I—ditto.” Virgil let out a small, slightly awkward laugh. “This is not what I expected this day to be like.”
“What did you expect?”
“You can’t see because this is a call but I’m shrugging.”
Roman laughed. “That sounds about right.”
Virgil cleared his throat. “Patton just sent me a text, you don’t have to stay. He’s coming back in a few.”
“I can stay if you like,” Roman said. “I won’t leave you if you don’t want me to.”
“No, it’s fine. You can go.”
Roman shrugged. “If you’re sure. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye, Ro.” Virgil hung up, and Roman sat there, shocked and blushing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You feeling better?
Anxiousanxietyart: yes. patton’s home now, we’re watching the princess bride.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Glad you’re ok.
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks again, ro.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: All you need to do is ask. I’m here for you, love.
Anxiousanxietyart: anfkdmfjsjfk
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did I mess up? Oh gosh I’m sorry
Anxiousanxietyart: no
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: kind of like it???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Okay love
Anxiousanxietyart: gonna pay attention now, gnight, love
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ajkfmsjdhjfjd
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: sleep well, mi amor
Anxiousanxietyart: how the heckety heck do you know spanish
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ;)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: HAVE I GOT THE STORY FOR YOU!
Anxiousanxietyart: good morning to you too.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It’s 1 in the afternoon.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...
g o o d m o r n i n g
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ANYWAYS
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: SO
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I just saw a woman.
Anxiousanxietyart: whoa. never knew women existed.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hush, I may be gay, but I know women exist and are amazing
Anxiousanxietyart: never knew that you were gay???
Anxiousanxietyart: truly shocked
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ANYWAYS, BACK TO MY STORY!
Anxiousanxietyart: oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: At the salad restaurant.
Anxiousanxietyart: …salad… restaurant?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes it exists
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ordering a salad.
Anxiousanxietyart: wow. never would have guessed.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...wHILE EATING A FREAKING DONUT.
Anxiousanxietyart: i… what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You heard me!
Anxiousanxietyart: no, i didn’t. we’re texting.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know what I mean!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: A chocolate covered donut. In line. Ordering a salad. To-go.
Anxiousanxietyart: why were you at a salad place?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because they have the best gosh dang Mac n Cheese in the galaxy and I was in Urgent Need for it
Anxiousanxietyart: huh
Anxiousanxietyart: so, not because you suddenly decided to take care of yourself?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Despite Logan and Patton’s best efforts, no. Never.
Anxiousanxietyart: good, i was starting to worry you weren’t you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fear not, I am still my magnificently fantastic self!
Anxiousanxietyart: and that’s a reason not to worry? counterproductive.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: RUDE.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Someday, I will take you to Crunchy & Emerald, and you will see just how fantastic their Mac n Cheese is.
Anxiousanxietyart: really?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Couldn’t stop me if you tried. And don’t try.
Anxiousanxietyart: i guess it’s a date, then.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ahfkdmfjdkf
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Evil. Truly evil.
Anxiousanxietyart: said it before, i’ll say it again:
Anxiousanxietyart: chaotic
Anxiousanxietyart: neutral
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Chaotic good, myself
Anxiousanxietyart: i can see that. class?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Paladin, Fighter, sometimes Bard
Anxiousanxietyart: huh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You?
Anxiousanxietyart: rogue
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You dark, angsty soul.
Anxiousanxietyart: got that right.
Anxiousanxietyart: you ever actually played d&d?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aye, verily! Logan and I once arranged a campaign with friends (he was a sorcerer). It was quite fun!
Anxiousanxietyart: sounds like it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yep! What about you? Have you ever embarked on the nerd adventure of a lifetime that you can take more than once?
Anxiousanxietyart: i have one (1) friend who’d consider it, and he’s clueless about these things (patton)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well, now you have 3! We shall organize a campaign at once!
Anxiousanxietyart: three?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Me, Patton, and Logan!
Anxiousanxietyart: he’d like that?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Are you kidding? He LOVES nerd stuff like that!
Anxiousanxietyart: ...somehow, i am not surprised.
Anxiousanxietyart: wait.
Anxiousanxietyart: aren’t you lactose intolerant?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: :)
Anxiousanxietyart: i forbid you from eating that mac n cheese ever again
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Try and make me. I dare you. You will never separate me from my one true love! NEVER!
Anxiousanxietyart: what about me?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Babe.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I love you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But if you try and keep me away from Crunchy & Emerald’s sweet sweet cheesy macaroni, you will be unboyfriended.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my dog.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You have a cat.
Anxiousanxietyart: umm, my point still stands
Pattonhead: Lololololololololo!!!!
Logicallylo: I am here, Patton. What’s the matter?
Pattonhead: I’m at Target with Virge, and on the way we had the most magical encounter!!
Logicallylo: Would you like to tell me about it?
Pattonhead: That’s why I’m here! :3
Logicallylo: I am listening.
Or rather, watching. This isn’t a call.
Pattonhead: SO me and Virge were walkin’ to Target, and I heard? this? “meow meow” noise?
Logicallylo: That does indeed sound adorable.
Pattonhead: The kitty ran up to us and went between Virgil’s legs and around my legs and I petted him and then he walked away it was amazing and pure and magical and I feel blessed
Logicallylo: Wow.
Logicallylo: That seems like a pleasant experience.
Pattonhead: It was the BEST DAY of my LIFE!
Logicallylo: I can believe that.
Pattonhead: Aaa gotta go, the friend is on the Virge of leaving me behind to shop alone :)
Logicallylo: I shall see you later, Pat.
Pattonhead: Byeeeee Lo!
Anxiousanxietyart: pat and i went out shopping today for some sweet sweet starbound preparation materials, and look what i got
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is that
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: A freaking
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: XAER PIN?!
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Anxiousanxietyart: they had them at the store, and even though they were out of vect pins, pat got a peri one and i got this
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: That
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: COOL?!?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I am so jealous you have no idea
Anxiousanxietyart: i know
Anxiousanxietyart: whiiiich is why i lied
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ???
Anxiousanxietyart: they did have vect pins
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: and it’s for you
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ?!?!?!?!
Anxiousanxietyart: i wonder if he’s excited at all
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: THE M O S T!!!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: THANK YOU SO MUCH VIRGE <3
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re welcome :)
Pattonhead: Lololololololo!!! :D
Logicallylo: Yes?
Pattonhead: Look look look look look I got a new beanie!!
Pattonhead: [image]
Pattonhead: I’m a cat!!!! :3
Logicallylo: I
Logicallylo: I need a moment.
Pattonhead: You like it?
Logicallylo: Patton, you are adorable. You know that?
Pattonhead: Aww, that’s so sweet! ^u^
Logicallylo: You are so cute that I fell on the floor.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: You have slain me.
Pattonhead: Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww! Nooooooooo don’t dieeeeeeee!
Logicallylo: Roman has taken this opportunity to “conquer the foul beast of Calculatortown”.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: Why will he not stop stepping on me.
Pattonhead: Whyyyyyyyy Roooomannn?!
Pattonhead: Step off of my boyfriend!
Logicallylo: He is gone now.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: With your encouragement, I have slayed the brother.
Logicallylo: Or rather, made him leave my room.
Logicallylo: And now, I can get back to my book.
Pattonhead: Nooooooo keep talking to meeee!
Logicallylo: As you wish.
Pattonhead: YAYY! :D
Pattonhead: What’re you reading?
Logicallylo: Rebel Rising, by Beth Revis. I had a desire to learn more about Jyn Erso, and this is about her backstory.
Pattonhead: Ooh, sounds fun!
Logicallylo: It is, although I find it interesting how Jyn had a boyfriend before Rogue One, and the reason why she is captured by the Empire is somewhat unexpected.
Pattonhead: Huh!
Logicallylo: But enough about me, or about Jyn. What about you? How is Khoshekh?
Pattonhead: Adorable as ever!
Pattonhead: [image]
Logicallylo: You speak no falsehoods about that. Khoshekh is, indeed, adorable.
Logicallylo: However, you are even more so.
Pattonhead: Awwwwww, Lo, you’re makin’ me blush!
Pattonhead: [image]
Logicallylo: The evidence you have just sent has only strengthened my case. You are incredible, Patton. You make people feel, despite their original hesitance. You love so much, and are so many wonderful things.
Logicallylo: I haven’t the words to describe how I’m feeling. Emotions were never my forte.
Logicallylo: However, you… you are incredibly good at forcing me to feel things, and at making me like it.
Pattonhead: I
Pattonhead: I just don’t know what to say?
Pattonhead: I love you too, Logan. Always.
Logicallylo: I
Logicallylo: That
Logicallylo: You said you didn’t know what to say. But that was perfect. It was absolutely, positively perfect.
Logicallylo: I have no words.
Pattonhead: I can give you some of mine?
Logicallylo: I’m not entirely sure that’s how it works.
Pattonhead: I’m not entirely sure that I care.
Logicallylo: I feel as though you should probably care about that.
Pattonhead: I do, I just care about you more <3
Logicallylo: ajdkskndjdjs
Pattonhead: Did you just
Pattonhead: Did you just keysmash???
Logicallylo: Umm.
Logicallylo: If I said no would you believe me?
Pattonhead: YOU DID!
Logicallylo: Oy vey.
Pattonhead: Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me <3
Anxiousanxietyart: help me roman i’ve been laughing at this for like 5 hours
Anxiousanxietyart: https://youtu.be/JMV3lRrduf0
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m just watching it on repeat and dying
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: AND THAT WAS THE FRIEND
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: NOW TELL ME
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: E N D
Anxiousanxietyart: this is true art right here
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes indeed.
Anxiousanxietyart posted 6 photos:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
i’ve been attempting some photography, and here’s some of my and pat’s favorites. he’s the one who talked me into posting these. if you hate them, blame him.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: HATE them? H A T E them? H A T E T H E M ? !
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I L O V E T H E M ! ! !
Anxiousanxietyart replied: oh.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: thank… you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I do not say these things lightly, Virgil. You have real talent, my love!
Pattonhead replied: I told you, kiddo! Your photos are amazing!
Logicallylo replied: They are indeed absolutely fantastic, Virgil. Well done. You have a true eye for photography.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i don’t know what to say?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: No words needed.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Only more pictures, if you please! I haven’t seen true beauty since I saw your selfie (or maybe my mirror image), and your photography is truly stunning! Almost as stunning as you!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ajkfmfjfhgnzkdjfm
Anxiousanxietyart replied:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Anxiousanxietyart replied: take my photos and g o
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Amazing!
Pattonhead replied: What’d I tell you, kiddo? You’re great at this!
Logicallylo replied: Spectacular. Simply spectacular.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: here’s some more, i guess
Anxiousanxietyart replied:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I haven’t the words to describe just how talented you are, love.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: wow. i never would have thought anyone would like these? thanks, guys
Pattonhead replied: No need to thank us! You’re the one who took the photos, Virge.
Veertrash71 replied: wHOA ANX HAS TALENT???
Pattonhead: Hey kiddo!
Pattonhead: I’m proud of you.
Anxiousanxietyart: why?
Pattonhead: For opening up, and showing your pictures even though you didn’t know how they would be received. I knew you were nervous, but you handled it like a champ.
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, pat. love you.
Pattonhead: Love you too, kiddo. Wanna draw and listen to music?
Anxiousanxietyart: gosh yes.
Anxiousanxietyart posted a photo: a bunch of sketches and an actual decent fanart i made. i just really wanted to draw xaer more. zey are really fun to draw.
Pattonhead replied: Nice job!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: You have quite a lot of talent!
Logicallylo replied: Well done, Virgil.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Loooogannnnn helpppp
Logicallylo: What is it?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It’s just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil’s so good at so many things
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And he’s really nice and sweet and amazing
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I love him so much
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But he doesn’t realize how talented he is?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I wanna tell him and help him but I don’t know hoooowwww
Logicallylo: Roman.
Logicallylo: You are helping him already. By being there and letting him know you’re there for him, you have already done more than you know.
Logicallylo: As for letting him realize his worth, just keep doing what you’re already doing. The two of you have a great support system, and you both know how good at so many things the other is.
Logicallylo: But both of you are oblivious to how amazing both of you are, and neither of you see how the other isn’t superior to you. You both are equally talented in different areas.
Logicallylo: That is how the world works, Roman. You need to let him realize how talented he is on his own, but help him in any way you can. Don’t rush it. One thing at a time.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...wow. Thanks, Lo.
Logicallylo: You’re welcome, Ro. Now go get that boy. Again.
I should get paid for my matchmaking skills.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hey Virge?
Anxiousanxietyart: what is it ro?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re really amazing, you know that?
Anxiousanxietyart: no, i’m really not, but thanks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, seriously. You’re super talented and great at so many things and I feel like you don’t know that enough.
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: i don’t know what to say. thanks, roman.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re welcome.
Anxiousanxietyart: why are you saying these things, if i may ask?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just felt like you needed to know this.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Love you, Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: love you too.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: @logicallylo and I will not be here for about a week? There’s a family gathering for a cousin’s bat mitzvah in another state, and we won’t be able to be on for a while. There shall be a surprise when I return, however! ;) See you soon!
Pattonhead replied: Awwww, we’ll miss you!!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: goodbye, ro. stay safe, and tell me when you get back.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I shall miss you very much, my love.
Pattonhead replied: You can’t really see him because we’re texting, but Virge is blushing like a tomato and I felt it important that you know :)
Pattonhead replied: [image]
Pattonhead replied: See?
Logicallylo replied: Oh my gosh I love you.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: this is complete and utter betrayal?!?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: aaaAAAAWWWWW! Baabeeeeee, you have a crush on me?!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: we’re dating, andy
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: that was an easy one, it doesn’t count!
Pattonhead replied: Oh my gosh you totally have a crush on him!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: if i’m being made fun of, it totally counts.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: We’re not making fun of you! It’s just adorable, that’s all!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: This face can make many a man swoon ;)
Logicallylo replied: If it helps, his cheeks are a bit flushed as well. You can see in the image.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Wow thanks Lo?? Honestly why would you point that out???
Anxiousanxietyart replied: that doesn’t help??????? it’s only worse now?????? you are e v i l
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Chaotic good, love. We’ve discussed this?
Logicallylo replied: Lawful neutral myself.
Pattonhead replied: Neutral good! :D
Anxiousanxietyart replied: chaotic neutral.
Logicallylo replied: Somehow, the fact that I am the only lawful one makes sense…
Pattonhead: Viiiiiiiiirgiiilllllll
Anxiousanxietyart: yes?
Pattonhead: I miss Logannnnn
Anxiousanxietyart: i know. i miss roman too.
Pattonhead: I just wish they were here, y’kno?
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah. i know.
Anxiousanxietyart: wanna have a game night?
Pattonhead: Anytime, kiddo :)
Pattonhead: I’m going to the store, want anything?
Anxiousanxietyart: a soul
Pattonhead: ...kiddo, I have 5 dollars
Anxiousanxietyart: what were you gonna buy with 5 dollars?
Pattonhead: Chips.
Anxiousanxietyart: chips… don’t cost 5 dollars…
Pattonhead: ...chips.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’ll be there in a sec
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: I AM HERE, I AM QUEER, AND I HAVE RETURNED FROM MY QUEST! Did you miss me? (oh, and @logicallylo ‘s here too)
Pattonhead replied: LOGAN!!!!!!!!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUUUCHHHHHH
Logicallylo replied: I missed you too, Patton. A lot.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: hey, ro.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: VIIIIIIIRGILLLLLL!!! Did you miss me?
Anxiousanxietyart replied: no.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: ?!?!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i’m kidding! yeah, missed you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Missed you too, my cruel and heartless love.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i’m not cruel and heartless.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I know that you are anything but.
Anxiousanxietyart: facetime me?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, my dear Virgil.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted a video: In celebration of returning from a week-long hiatus, here’s a video of me singing! I chose A Whole New World because it’s Disney and it won the wheel spin of fun songs to sing haha! Enjoy!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i’m dead. you’ve killed me.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Haha thanks babe
Anxiousanxietyart replied: you? just? keep murdering me? in cold blood? honestly
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: It’s what I do best ;)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ughhhhhhhh help meeeeeee
Anxiousanxietyart: what’s happening? You ok?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just having a bad day…
Anxiousanxietyart: wanna talk about it?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just have writers block and no play rehearsal because I got the most HORRENDOUS cold and Logan is out doing things and I’m alone and in pain and bored and these few days before the new Starbound are always the most terrible and I’m just uuuughhhhhh
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m sorry, ro. anything i can do to help?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just being here is amazing, thanks <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Also wanna have a Harry Potter marathon with me?
Anxiousanxietyart: how could i refuse?
Anxiousanxietyart: facetime?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I don’t really feel like my normal magnificent Princey self…
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m pretty sure that you could never be anything near less than godly in looks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: aww, thanks
Anxiousanxietyart: besides, i see worse every time i look in a mirror.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: nO BABE
Anxiousanxietyart: kidding, i had to say that, i’ll call you
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thanks for binge watching Harry Potter with me, Virge. I owe you one.
Anxiousanxietyart: no problem, love.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh my gooooshhhhh
Anxiousanxietyart: did i do something wrong?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: NO
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: HEAVENS NO
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aaaaaaaaahhhhh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: you killed me
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m deaded
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Slain
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: By my own boyfriend
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re so lucky i love you
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aodkdjdakkdkslskdjdk
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Pattonhead posted: TODAYTODAYTODAAAYYYY!!! :D
Anxiousanxietyart replied: wow, I wonder if he’s excited
Logicallylo replied: Of course he is, Virgil. It is rather obvious. I’d have thought you’d have noticed. No need to wonder.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: sarcastic.
Logicallylo replied: Ah. Very well.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Thou art a bunch of liars! All of you are most excited as well, I know this with absolute certanity!
Logicallylo replied: Certainty, and falsehood. I am not excited. I have no emotions.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I saw you dance in your room earlier. Don’t lie.
Logicallylo replied: Falsehood. That was you. I saw you.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i never said i wasn’t excited. only a fool wouldn’t be.
Logicallylo replied: ...I suppose I shall concede a point to you. I do feel an adequate amount of excitement to read the newest book of Starbound.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: yeeEEEESSSSSS!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: woo.
Logicallylo replied: Are you satisfied?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED
Anxiousanxietyart replied: god i hope you’re satisfieeeddd
Pattonhead replied: AAAAAAAAAA VIRGE TIME TO GO GET IT NOW!!!!!!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: coming.
Logan walked into the crowded bookstore with low expectations, if any.
Roman had, of course, come down with a cold, but nothing was going to stop him from running down to the bookstore himself if Logan didn't go and get them both copies of Starbound: Awaken, so here he was. Alone. In a social setting.
Why was he here again?
Ugh, there was a line. He walked over to stand in it. While waiting, he pulled out his phone to check Tumblr. Roman was complaining on the dash about being sick, Virgil was retaliating with sass, and Patton was being cute with puppy and kitten photos and energy in the corner. Logan held back a laugh. He really loved his friends.
He turned off his phone and surveyed the people around him. There were kids with parents dressed up as Peri and Xaer and Vect and all the other characters, making Logan smile a little. One confused adult was dressed as Luke Skywalker, which made him sigh a little. Honestly.
He made his way to the front of the line, purchased two copies of the book, and began making his way towards the exit. The smell of new books was particularly strong in this bookstore, and Logan stopped to stand and enjoy it a while. He was about to continue walking when he could have sworn he heard the most familiar voice.
"C'mon, kiddo! Let’s get in line! Aaaa I'm so excited!"
"I can't tell at all..."
Logan's head swiveled around 180 degrees like R2-D2's. Standing there was a pair that looked too good to be true. There was no way Patton and Virgil could possibly be here. It just wasn't logical. And yet, a purple-hoodie-clad back and another with a blue shirt and gray cat hoodie tied around his shoulders were standing there, chatting animatedly.
"No way in Crofters," he muttered to himself, staring at the two. And yet, there must have been a way in Crofters, as they were there, weren't they?
He was debating the pros and cons of approaching them (Venn diagram and all) when Roman called. He took that as a sign to leave, but made a mental note of this day.
Logan had a lot to think about.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: How about them Starbound?
Anxiousanxietyart: it was very good.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: GOOD?! It was INFURIATINGLY AMAZING! SPECTACULAR!
Anxiousanxietyart: good.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oy vey. You’re lucky I love you.
Anxiousanxietyart: ahsidjsndhshhsidiska
Anxiousanxietyart: why.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know you love iiiittttt :)
Anxiousanxietyart: i know nothing except hatred.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: As Logan would say,
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: FALSEHOOD!
Anxiousanxietyart: how often does he say that?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: More than you could possibly know.
Starbound-Big-Bang posted: Friendly reminder that you have one more week before posting time! Authors: You must have your fanfics done and above the word limit. Artists: You must have your drawings/projects done and ready for posting.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh congrats! i’ll read it in a sec
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: AAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s very good, congrats
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aww thanks! Call me?
Anxiousanxietyart: of course
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: Only 3 days ‘til Showtime!
Pattonhead replied: Break a leg, kiddo! :D
Anxiousanxietyart replied: what pat said. you got this, ro.
Logicallylo replied: Fracture a femur.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ????
Logicallylo replied: It WAS break a leg, but I improved it.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ...never say that again.
Logicallylo: Virgil, may I have a word?
Anxiousanxietyart: what is it?
Logicallylo: You are aware that Roman is to do the thing where he makes a fool of himself in front of others while pretending to not be himself?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...you mean acting?
Logicallylo: Yes, that is what I said.
Anxiousanxietyart: how could I not know?
Logicallylo: And are you aware that I believe that we do not live too far away from each other?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...how would you know that?
Logicallylo: I… may have seen you and Patton at the bookstore…
Anxiousanxietyart: WHAT
Logicallylo: On the day Starbound: Awaken released.
Anxiousanxietyart: which bookstore?!
Logicallylo: Formerly a Bruegger's Bagels
Anxiousanxietyart: and you were going to tell me WHEN?!
Logicallylo: It slipped my mind.
Anxiousanxietyart: it. slipped. your. mind.
Logicallylo: I wasn’t positive it was you.
Anxiousanxietyart: why didn’t you SAY anything?!
Logicallylo: You left before I could approach you.
Anxiousanxietyart: and how did you conclude that we don’t live too far away from each other?
Logicallylo: Roman and I live only a block away from the bookstore, and you and Patton appear to have walked. You are too lazy to have walked more than a mile, even with Patton’s puppy eyes as a factor, as well as the fact that it’s the newest Starbound. Hence, not too far.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...i could have been visiting from australia. i could have wanted some exercise for once. heck, i could be a serial killer. i know where you live now!
Logicallylo: You didn’t have an Australian accent, we are in the same time zone anyway, I don’t think that’s likely, and I highly doubt you’re a serial killer, as we’ve known each other for too long and too well. Also, you don’t know exactly where I live, as I didn’t give you the address.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...logical, as always.
Logicallylo: Of course. Necktie.
Anxiousanxietyart: what were you going to ask me?
Logicallylo: Virgil, Roman has his play in a week. It is at the school auditorium.
Anxiousanxietyart: …no.
Logicallylo: Whyever not?
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m just anxious
Logicallylo: This is not news to me. You are always anxious.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...yes, but
Logicallylo: Your name is AnxiousAnxiety.
Logicallylo: There is an “art” in there as well, but it is not beneficial or necessary to the point I am attempting to make.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes, but
Logicallylo: So why won’t you come to see Roman preform?
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s just…
Logicallylo: You can tell me.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’ve known him for 5 months, and we’ve only ever talked here or on the phone. the thought of meeting him in person, it just…
Logicallylo: It seems daunting. Final. Real. I know.
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah, exactly.
Logicallylo: You don’t have to come. It would be fine if you didn’t. However, for Roman’s sake and yours, please consider it.
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Logicallylo: Just consider. That’s all I ask.
Anxiousanxietyart: alright. but if i die, i’m blaming you.
Logicallylo: I wouldn’t expect you not to.
Anxiousanxietyart: Hey, ro.
Anxiousanxietyart: so, today's the day. showtime.
Anxiousanxietyart: i know you won't be able to read this until later, because you're backstage preparing and all, but i wanted to tell you
Anxiousanxietyart: break a leg, ro.
Anxiousanxietyart: i know as well as you that you'll do amazing, and you will rock this show, you hear? you'll blow us all away with your splendor.
Anxiousanxietyart: you always were too much for anyone, and you're so energetic and alive, and i
Anxiousanxietyart: i just really love you.
Anxiousanxietyart: i had to tell you that before the show started.
Anxiousanxietyart: break a leg. you'll be amazing.
Anxiousanxietyart: you truly are a star.
The theater was dim, as one would expect.
It was packed, as one would not.
At least not from a 7-person show in the auditorium of a school that was only available for this one night. There were plenty of seats, and there was an actual stage with actual curtains obscuring it, which was honestly all it really needed to set the theatre mood, at least in Virgil's opinion.
He and Patton were roaming the isles, looking for a person they'd never actually spoken to in real life, in the same place, not on the phone. The murmur of hundreds of whispers at once was somehow almost deafening. It was certainly overwhelming, whatever else it was, and if was all Virgil could do to keep calm.
‘it's okay, you've got this, you're only going to go see your boyfriend for the first time in the same room as him, no biggie,’ he thought. This did not calm him.
"C'mon, kiddo! You excited?" Patton was bouncing up and down on his toes, clutching his gift bag (containing two homemade plushies) with all his strength. No points for guessing if he was excited at all.
"Yeah..." Virgil brushed some stray violet strands of hair out of his eyes and sank further into his hoodie. Patton looked at him, concerned.
"You alright there, Virge?"
"Just anxious… More than usual, I mean."
Before Patton could respond, his phone rang. When he answered it (the ringtone was the Baby Bumblebee song; Pat had great ringtones for all his friends. Virgil's was the Little Einsteins theme song (why? no one knows.), and Roman's was I’ll Make a Man Out of You), his face lit up.
"Heya Lolo!" Patton listened intently for a few moments, during which Virgil could barely make out Logan's voice on the other end of the call.
"Mhmm... Uh huh... Okay... Alrightie!... Love you!... See ya in a sec!" Patton hung up and turned to Virgil.
"He's in Row G, Seats 7-9. C'mon!"
If Virgil wanted to turn and run out the door screaming, he couldn't have. Patton had him by the arm in an iron grip. There was no escape.
Patton tugged him at a run to the seats, which were full of people. However, Patton had eyes for only one person.
A man turned, his glasses glinting in the light. His hair was blue in the dim light despite being black, the ends lighter and in need of a re-dyeing, and his expression, which had been neutral yet nervous, now sported a fond smile.
Said boy ran and tackled Logan in a flying hug. Virgil was content to watch.
"LOGAN!!!!!!!!" Logan was unable to reply, his face being smushed into the shoulder of Patton.
"Mmph," he managed to get out.
Virgil felt like he was massively intruding on a private moment.
“Um, I’m just gonna go over there, away from here.”
Logan said something that might’ve been “You do that,” but also may have been “I like hat” or “potato fat”.
Virgil edged past them, giving Logan a sympathetic pat on the shoulder as he did so. He headed to his seat, and read over the program (it was a folded piece of paper with the show on the front and the cast list and people-who-helped list inside) in boredom. At one point he opened his phone and scrolled through Tumblr a bit, but he couldn’t concentrate. His nerves were up so high they’d breached the atmosphere and now couldn’t breathe because they didn’t have spacesuits.
He turned off his phone, sighing. There was nothing for him to do now but sit, wait, and check and double check and triple check that his bag was still there.
Minutes passed, and the lights did not dim, the chatter did not stop, and Logan and Patton had not returned. They were probably still catching up.
‘Or they’ve been kidnapped. Or they’re dead. Or they’re lost. Or they’ve abandoned you. Or they’re—’
Patton, hand in hand with Logan, was heading towards him. His freckled face was very flushed, his curly hair mussed up a little. He was waving, and almost pulling Logan behind him as he walked. Logan also appeared to be holding the gift bag Patton had given him.
“I’m baaaack!”
“I noticed.”
Logan looked a little sheepish. “Salutations, Virgil. Apologies for not greeting you earlier. I was, er, occupied.”
“No biggie,” replied Virgil, grinning. He then hugged Logan, who seemed to be a little more unaware of how these things went than he was.
They headed to their seats, chatting about life, the universe, and pie. Lots of pie.
“Chocolate is obviously the best!”
“No, pecan pie!”
“You’ve never even had pecan pie.”
“I know it’s good!”
“You’re allergic to nuts.”
“...it’s good!”
“Pumpkin is still the best.”
“Objectively, chocolate has the best taste.”
This discussion had been carrying on for a while when the lights finally dimmed. Virgil elbowed Logan (he wasn’t sitting next to him, but he would have rather been sucked into the dark, cold, unforgiving void than accidentally hurt Patton) to get him to stop ranting about chocolate pie and shut up.
“Shh! It’s starting!” He hissed. Patton and Logan instantly shut up, and soon, so did the rest of the theater.
There was a pause.
Then, the curtains opened.
The play began.
Virgil sat up anything-but-straight in his seat.
There, onstage, in real life for the first time, was Roman, as animated and alive as possible up in front of hundreds of people.
It was impossible to see the details of his face (beyond "beautiful") through the makeup and lighting, but it was unmistakably him. The energy was too alive and purely Roman to be anything but him. The hair was the precise shade of Roman's, the infectious grin was the same, the singing voice was obviously his. It was a judgement no one needed talent to make.
Also, Virgil knew this play. He knew who Roman was in this play. He couldn't NOT figure it out.
Whichever friend was playing Marvin started singing about being an idiot, but he wasn’t paying attention. He just kept staring at Roman, on the side, watching Marvin, still in character. Obviously. This was Roman. He had enough acting focus for all the people in this room, and then some.
When Roman actually stood up and started having an actual singing part in “Thrill of First Love,” Virgil nearly died.
"Shall we head out for chocolate?" Logan suggested.
Neither Patton nor Virgil was one to turn down chocolate.
They exited the theater, and were overwhelmed instantly by the crowds you only seem to find during intermission: every single one desiring candy, not enough time for everyone to be fortunate enough to get some.
It was quite overwhelming, and Virgil decided that Logan and Patton could be left alone for the sake of him getting a moment of relief.
"I'm going to hide over there, can you get me some MNMs?" He asked. “I’m just gonna get away from people for a little bit.”
Patton nodded, and Virgil took that as his cue to leave.
He walked away, dodging crowds and clumps of clustered humans, huddled together so as not to lose each other. He did his best to avoid contact with them; fleeting touches were hard to deal with emotionally. He managed to make it to the bathroom, where he figured he could be alone for a few moments.
Virgil stepped into the bathroom, and collided with a blur of a person.
“Oh, pardon me!”
“It was my fault.”
Virgil separated himself from the stranger, and made it a full 5 seconds before halting.
He spun around at the same time as the “stranger”. His green-brown eyes were wide with surprise and recognition.
“Oh my gosh it’s you!” Virgil exclaimed, eyes widening even more than he’d thought possible. Roman ran at him and wrapped him in a huge hug. Virgil hugged back, burying his head in Roman’s shoulder as he did his very best to hold back tears.
He was not prepared for this.
When they finally separated, they each kept their hands on the other’s shoulders, not ever wanting to let go of each other, even for a moment. They just looked at each other for a full one minute, not sure what to say.
“You’re still in costume,” Virgil said.
“You’re still wearing that same hoodie you always are,” said Roman, and hearing his voice and touching him and seeing him talk and him being right there, right now was just too much.
“Please tell me I’m not the only one on the verge of tears here, because if I’m the only one crying, it will be really bad.”
“Are you kidding?” Roman laughed. “If I smudge my stage makeup, I’m gonna be really upset, and so will everyone else in this gosh darn ding dang show, but they’ll just have to deal with it because I just saw my gosh darn ding dang boyfriend for the first time, in real life, so heck yeah I’m gonna cry!”
“Oh thank goodness you’re gonna cry too, I’m gonna return to Logan and Patton with smudged eyeliner and they’re gonna be so confused.”
They both laughed, wiping at their eyes. When they finally calmed down, they just kind of stared at each other some more, drinking each other in.
Roman was the one to break the silence. “Oh, here!” He fished around in his pocket. “I accidentally put the eyeliner in my pocket instead of back in the makeup bag,” he explained. “Can’t do anything about the eyeshadow, but from your selfies, I’m pretty sure at least some havoc there is normal.”
Virgil snorted. “Alright. Eyeliner me up.”
Eyeliner him up Roman did. A few moments later and Virgil had wings so sharp they could cut a man.
“There!” Roman exclaimed when done. “Your makeup-strewn beautiful mess of a face is no longer makeup-strewn!”
“Wow, thanks.”
He suddenly realized that Roman had not pulled back, and was still very much in Virgil’s space bubble. Normally the space bubble was a holy, sacred space. This was not one of those times.
They were staring at each other. Virgil could see the flecks of gold in the depths of Roman’s eyes.
He was truly extraordinary.
Finally, Virgil had had enough, and pulled Roman in by the face. Their lips met with all the pent-up passion of many months of desire. He was filled with a kind of happiness and love he'd never even thought possible.
Inevitably, regretfully, they parted. Both faces were flushed. Cheeks were very red beneath white foundation (Virgil) and loads of stage makeup (Roman).
"Ah, shoot!" Roman cursed. "I must take my leave—I must be behind the stage by the time intermission is almost over. They only let us out for bathroom breaks, and even then time is tight. My apologies, Virgil."
"I get it, Ro. The show needs you." Part of Virgil wanted to scream 'but I want you to stay here with me!', but he couldn't make himself do it. Also, his brain was short-circuiting a little. He had kissed Roman. Roman had kissed him. His brain would never work right again.
"I shall see you in a bit, then!" Roman kissed his cheek quickly, and the space where his lips touched was suddenly the place where his blood wanted to be at this moment. "Or rather," continued Roman, "you'll see me." He winked.
"Uhh," Virgil said, very intelligently.
"See you later, alligator." Roman swished out of the room with a flourish he was certainly quite proud of.
"Uhh, crocodile."
He was ruined. Ruined.
When he got back to his friends (whose hair was not as neat as it once was, but if you thought Virgil was going to point that out, you also probably thought the Percy Jackson movies were good), any hope of them not noticing his slightly messed-up makeup was shattered.
"What happened to your face?" Patton asked.
"Um, so I think I just saw Roman."
Logan tilted his head. "How do you know?"
"I made out with him in the doorway to the bathroom."
Patton squealed. "Wait, really?!"
"Why and how would I make this up?!"
Patton made some more incoherent excited noises. Logan cleared his throat.
"You were sure it was him, correct?"
"Don't worry, I didn't kiss some random stranger. He was in costume too. And he looked exactly like Roman. And sounded like him. And talked like him."
"If it looks like a tomato, smells like a tomato, sounds like a tomato, it's an orange!" Patton said.
"That's... not how it goes..." Logan sighed. "You're lucky I love you."
Patton smiled and leaned his head on Logan's shoulder. "Love you too, honeybee."
"I feel like I'm intruding," said Virgil. "Should I maybe leave?"
That's when the lights dimmed again. Apparently not.
The curtains parted, and there stood Mendel, waiting to begin the second act.
Mendel was pointing at them. He was freaking pointing his little airplane guide things at them.
Did he know anything?
Mendel winked at them before continuing.
Curse you, Roman.
The rest of the show went quite smoothly (and bonus, Virgil learned just how attractive Roman was with sunglasses: very attractive indeed). By the end, Patton, the only one who didn't know what was coming (Virgil was a theatre nerd and Logan was the brother of another), was sobbing openly. Virgil was, for the first time, grateful for his earlier cry. It helped to hide the tears streaking down his face at the moment. Even Logan was trying to hide that he, too, had shed more than a single tear. Lo, you good ol' liar.
Roman’s voice was beautiful, as usual.
Even when what he was singing was heartbreaking.
Many tears were shed that night.
By the time the show was done, and the cast ran out for bows, there wasn’t a dry eye in sight. A roar of applause sounded around the theatre, and Virgil could feel his hands hurting from clapping so hard. One person stood up. Then another. A tidal wave of people rose to their feet, and Virgil was among them. He couldn’t have resisted if he wanted to.
In the spotlight, Roman seemed to thrive on the cheers and applause of the audience. He had never looked better, more comfortable in his own skin (which was ironic, because he was just acting).
He was, simply, stunning.
The journey from the theatre to the overcrowded hallway was a blur of wow. Logan and Patton were chatting (read: consoling Patton as he sobbed into Logan’s shoulder), but Virgil was in a daze and didn’t pay attention.
He certainly rectified that when he saw a specific, familiar grin and eyes like the prized jewels of power in some fantasy novel.
“ROMANNNNNN!!!!!” Patton ran and hugged Roman, then was confused when no one else joined him.
“Am I the only one?”
Logan cleared his throat. “I’ve known him long than any other combination of two people here have known each other.”
“And I just met him for the first time. Sorta kinda.” Virgil thought for a moment. “Is it the first time? Or not? How does this work?”
“You cannot fool me with the play I just starred in!” Roman smirked. “Oh, also, who knows? I certainly do not.”
“You know nothing.”
Roman let out an offended noise. “Rude!”
Virgil snorted. “What else is new?”
Roman looked him up and down slowly. “For once, the fact that you are actually here, in person.”
“What are you going to do with me now that I’m here?” Virgil asked.
He was answered with a smirk. “Well, first—”
“You’re going to accompany us to the nearest restaurant,” Logan interrupted, “where we will have a nice dinner, free of any icky romantic-type shenanigans. After that, you are free to do as you wish, without informing me about it, and certainly without me right here. Witnessing it. With my eyes. Which need bleach now.”
“Any romantic shenanigans?” Patton and Roman asked, for completely different reasons.
“Any. At all.”
“Pretty sure you don’t really think you can stop them…” Virgil pointed out.
Logan sighed. “I am aware. However, that will not prevent me from trying.”
“Fair enough.”
Roman raised his hand. “I vote Crunchy & Emerald!” He fingergunned at Virgil. “I hear the mac n cheese is excellent there.”
“Oy vey.” Despite his words, Virgil was smiling, and his tone was fond.
“Sounds good to me!” Patton nodded.
Logan shrugged. “Why not?”
Roman extended his arm to Virgil. It was a very olden-timey gesture. It was also adorable. “We never did finish that game of 20 questions, did we?”
Virgil grinned, taking his boyfriend’s arm. “That is indeed not something that we did.”
“I believe it’s your turn to ask a question.”
“Nah. Can you start?”
“I will gladly do that, love.”
“Shall we?”
“We shall.”
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted:
Summary: Xaer, heir to the mer kingdom, wished for more than a life of sitting (or hovering above) a throne. Vect, prince of the mainland, wanted adventure and exploration. Peri just wanted a nap in the seaweed.
Word count: 34716
Warnings: Drowning (or rather, almost-drowning), water, sharks, blood in said water, a gigantic octopus lady
A/N: At Last, posting time has arrived! I have waited anxiously for the time to come to share this with you, and now you can see for yourself! Art by my lovely boyfriend and partner for the Bang, @AnxiousAnxietyArt , is here! Enjoy!
It was all quiet under the cover of night and dark waters.
Anxiousanxietyart posted a photo/photos:
here’s the art for the starbound big bang. My partner was @disneynbroadwaynprinces , and his fic can be found here.
When Virgil went to ring the doorbell, he almost hesitated. For the first time since Roman and Logan had taken a trip 3 months ago to go see about 10 million musicals in New York and summer break ended, Virgil was going to see his boyfriend again. What if Roman didn't still love him? What if he was possessed? What if he got SQUIPped over the summer? What if—
Patton pushed the doorbell with enough enthusiasm and energy to power China for three years.
Okay then.
Virgil had just enough time to wonder why the doorbell was apparently the "Ma-na-ma-na" song from The Muppets (possibly from Patton messing with it) when the door opened and a very familiar voice yelled his name.
He was pulled into a tight embrace by his boyfriend. Virgil hugged Roman tight, ignoring the tears leaking past his eyelids. He was barely aware of Patton edging past him to greet Logan. You do that, Patton. I'll just stay right here.
"I missed you," Virgil whispered.
"I missed you too," replied Roman, dipping Virgil and kissing him passionately (like everything else he did). Any stray ends of thought that may have been there instantly vanished, gone into the void. There was only Roman, the reality of him, he who lives in fantasy. His chest filled with a jumble of emotions, and for once he didn't try to repress them.
When they finally broke apart, both were content to stand there, basking in the presence of each other. Neither wanted to break the silence.
"So, we watching this thing or not?" Virgil said finally. There would be plenty of time for saying all that needed to be said, doing all that needed to be done, all of that later.
"Not so fast, mister." Roman looked stern, but also like he wanted to laugh. "Where's that art you promised me?"
"Aren't I art enough?" Virgil joked.
"Well, yes, but a promise is a promise! Fulfill your oath, or you shall feel my wrath!"
"Nothing." Virgil reached into his bag and brought out a piece of paper that had been looked at many times over the course of the last month.
Roman stared at it. It was an image of the day the two had met the first time, Roman onstage, in his costume, radiant. He was utterly spectacular. In the spotlight, he seemed to glow.
“I—Virgil, this is…”
“Full of mistakes and terrible line art, yes, I know.”
“Shut up!” Roman’s face was very, very red. Normally, Virgil would have teased him, but something stopped him. Maybe it was the expression on Roman’s face, maybe it was how he turned to look at Virgil, maybe it was the star struck look in his eyes, maybe it was—
Maybe it was the fact that Logan chose to speak up just then.
"Come over here, you horrifyingly sappy gays! It’s starting!" Logan was standing on the doorway, arms crossed as he looked at the pair. They jumped apart, surprised, the drawing fluttering to the floor. It landed face-up.
"Rude!" Roman yelled back.
Virgil placed his arm on Roman’s shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go join the others.”
Roman nodded. “Alright. Let’s go.”
They walked over to join a frantically-bouncing-up-and-down Patton on a couch with Logan, who looked extremely calm for the situation.
Roman settled himself on a comfortable armchair. Virgil perched on the armrest of said armchair.
"Why are you on the armrest?" Roman asked. “You're not an arm. You would be the blue lion, if anything. You’d be a leg. The leg of Voltron, but still a leg.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. "Because places that aren't meant to be sat on are always more comfortable than regular chairs. Duh."
“Oh, of course.”
Patton bounced even higher and faster, if that was possible. “Come on come on come ooooonnnnnn! Starbound is here!!!”
Logan stared at his boyfriend, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Did you happen to have any sugar within the last 24 hours?”
Virgil sighed. “I told you not to, Pat!”
“But there were MnMs! I had to have the MnMs!” Patton protested, not slowing down in his frantic movements.
Logan kissed his cheek. “Patton, I love you, but that was a very illogical decision.”
“I knoooowwwww, but MnMs!”
“There is only one way to resolve this conflict!” Roman declared. He ran into the other room, returning a minute later with a bag full of marshmallows.
“Ro, what the heckety heck are you doing?” Virgil asked.
“We must ALL eat excessive amounts of sugar in order to have Patton be less hyper by comparison!” He ripped open the bag and tossed a marshmallow into his mouth with ease.
Logan raised his hand. “That would be not only quite damaging to your health, but also illogical.” Logan walked over to Roman and stuck his hand into the marshmallow bag, grabbing a large handful.
“I cannot allow you and Virgil to consume this entire bag. It would be bad. Also, the fact that the amount of sugar in a few MnMs is quite different to the amount of sugar in marshmallows is quite different. To even it up more, we must all eat marshmallows.”
He stuffed the entire handful of gooey marshmallows into his face.
Virgil burst out laughing as Roman stood there, looking scandalized at the actions of Logan. “How dare?”
Patton made grabby hands. “Can I have some marshmallows?”
Logan grabbed one (prompting more protests from Roman) and gave it to his boyfriend. They all settled back down in their seats, prepared for what was coming.
Khoshekh ran into the room, meowing. He made a flying cat leap onto Virgil’s lap, purring contentedly. How he perched there when Virgil was sitting on the edge of a chair, no one knew. He was a cat. Cats make their own rules.
Logan, who was (after a unanimous decision) in control of the remote, set up the TV. A few minutes later, everything was up and running and ready.
Virgil put his arm around his boyfriend and cuddled him close. “Ironic, isn’t it?” He laughed softly. “This is what brought us all together.”
Roman leaned into Virgil’s touch. “Yeah. To think that we’re here now, it feels… right.” He kissed his boyfriend’s cheek.
Patton paused his bouncing long enough to nod excitedly in agreement  and give Logan a long hug. Logan closed his eyes and attempted to kiss Patton, but by then he’d resumed his bouncing.
“I can’t believe Logan is dead,” Roman whispered in his ear.
Virgil shook his head. “Rip Logan. He will be missed.”
Logan the corpse leaned over to punch Roman’s shoulder. “Shut up.”
“Shutting up now, sir.” Roman smirked and pantomimed zipping his lips.
“Let’s watch this thing!” Patton exclaimed, making grabby hands for the remote. If Logan didn’t start it soon, he would do it himself.
Lo finally managed to kiss Patton’s cheek. “Alright, let us begin.”
He pressed play.
176 notes · View notes
ask-shakespearehigh · 6 years
Q&A post with the Mods!!!!
This is going to be a long one oh boy
How strict is the delineation of creative control vis-a-vis characters/plays between the mods? (@pedanticlecturer)
We generally have the plays split up along lines of “what we know”— we have a list at the very beginning of the blog. Sometimes we’ll draw the others’ characters (mostly me drawing some of Star’s…) but even then the final say on characterization is up to the “main” mod for that play — mod aster
what aster said -- mod star
What is your favorite play? What is your favorite character in terms of how they were written in the source material? (@pedanticlecturer)
I think my favorite play overall is Macbeth, just because I like the vibes (and the fact that I too could kill Macbeth), the fact that you don’t say it’s name in theatres, and the fact that it’s a play I did a full read through and analysis of in class. Favorite character? Puck from Midsummer. — mod aster
uhhhh,, hmm. ive always had a soft spot for midsummer since i saw it with aster esp bc of how fun the costumes were. of the comedies it has the largest potential to be the most visually pleasing bc of the concept of fairies,,,and im gay and dramatic so i love that. id die if i got to costume design for midsummer,,,or be in it,,,yeah. fav character. hmm. probably mercutio?? i recently saw a version of romeo and juliet where mercutio was played by a woman and oh my god it was amazing!!! not to mention mercutio’s portrayal in baz luhrmann's INCREDIBLE version of r n j!!! (I based my mercutio design on him) he just spends the entire time making dick jokes. love that. -- mod star
How do you answer asks so fast? I mean it's great but I'm impressed 😂 (Anon)
Personally, it’s a mix of: notifications on, quick drawing speed, and using the blog to avoid my class work — mod aster
aster is fast and (as you can see from all of my answers) im lazey -- mod star
Are there any elements/characters of the plays you're covering that you would have liked to work into this blog's plot, but couldn't due to the constraints of the setting or the synthetic nature of the blog? (@pedanticlecturer)
I wanted to make everyone gay but unfortunately due to plot constraints we have to have some hets but that wont stop me from making it lgbt as possible. -- mod star
I did want to make The Tempest more of a central play, but it just didn’t translate well. Similarly, other supernatural elements like the witches in Macbeth. This isn’t so much a constraint mentioned, but my own time/energy means that I want to show the Macbeth backstory, in a specific format, but I can’t right now— mod aster
Is there a hierarchy of import when it comes to each play's individualized impact on shakespeare high's general arc? If so, what plays are crucial to the foundation of the story? Which ones did you do mostly for shits and giggles? (@pedanticlecturer)
This is phrased like an ACT question and i might not answer it right so sorry in advance but: mod aster and i only selected a few plays for each of us to do given we dont know all of shakespeare’s works, but we tend to put more emphasis on the the more well known. But it also comes down to 1. How much we have plotted out for each play and 2. What the followers ask about most. Our two most popular are hamlet and macbeth bc people are familiar w those but around march caesar always becomes relevant again. I didnt even have designs for some of the characters until someone asked about them. -- mod star
I would say the same as star— it generally comes down to what people ask about. I will say that the overall plot is sort of separated into “has happened” and “is happening”. Like, the human potion of Midsummer, Julius Caesar, and Macbeth are all in the “aftermath” portion, while Twelfth Night, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet, among others, are happening. We’re trying to incorporate as much as we can, and I don’t think any of them were really put in without some thought.— mod aster
What personal significance does shakespeare hold in ur guys' lives? (@pedanticlecturer)
I go to a theater school rn and so ive dealt w shakespeare (although not all of them) it also helps that i was in loves labours lost last year as moth and that i read hamlet and r n j. Theres also a theater in my state that always does One Big Shakespeare per season and they always do them super well!!! My love for shakespeare probably started w seeing midsummer at that theater w mod aster!!! So. Theater kid rights!! -- mod star
To be honest, I got back into Shakespeare Because of the blog. I’ve been friends with some people that got really Pretentious about Shakespeare, and it kinda put me off of it. I did have a book of abridged plays (the plays’ plots written out in prose, basically) that I read as a kid, which is what got me into not only the plots of a lot of the plays, but also the idea of having them illustrated. And, same as star, the theater in state does the One Big Shakespeare— and they tend to do some really cool things with the costumes, setting them in diff time periods. I haven’t been able to see any lately since I’ve moved, but they still slap. — mod aster
🥰😘💙🥰🥰💜💟🥰I 😍💗💚😍😍LOVE🖤🖤 YALL ♥️♥️🧡💛💚💝❣️💕💘💖💗💓💞💝❤️💛💜 okay now i have a question i swear— how long have the two of you been doing art??? and what were your first shakespeare plays??? (@hellaghosts)
Uhh i started drawing when i was like idk 12 and i have the giant boxes of sketchbooks to prove it!!! I moved to digital art at abt 14-15 but mostly stayed traditional until this yr when i got a Neat New Tablet so some of my sketchbooks are sitting abandoned rip. My first shakespeare was either romeo and juliet or midsummer nights dream and i love both of them v much!!! I have a very old piece of art that i did for r n j for my freshman class assignment on it and it hasnt aged well alsdjfjafd circa 2016 i think??? -- mod star
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Oh man. I started drawing when I was about 10, but it was Bad. I don’t think I got much into drawing again until I was about 14? Sometime around the end of middle school/beginning of high school. I would say I started getting into drawing as more than doodling/coloring edits sometime around 2015-16? I would draw on my iPad with my finger, then I got a tablet for my computer, and now I pretty much stick to my iPad with an Apple Pencil. My first Shakespeare play was….. uh…… probably Midsummer???? I have No idea. We would go to plays when I was little, so I honestly don’t remember if I saw others before. It may have been Romeo and Juliet— I had that book where it was the original and the “modernized” with the little dog that explained things— which, if you know it makes sense, but if you don’t is probably a bonkers answer. — mod aster
Do you think this blog has like? An overarching thesis (be it b/c intentionally or simply b/c ur own take on the world has bled thru to the point where u believe it’s central to the piece at this point)? (@pedanticlecturer)
Not gonna lie, I had to read that like three times AND dm you to figure out what you were asking from us and all I have is “be gay, respect women, write your own happy endings”. — mod aster
This blog started with an ides of march shitpost and you think we have enough brain energy to write a whole thesis? I projected feelings of found family onto my half of the blog but idk if that counts. Be gay do crime 420 69 -- mod star
What’s the nature/rough dynamic of ur relationship? How do y’all know each other? (@pedanticlecturer)
Met mod aster when i was like 4 and even tho we didnt live close we became like, best friends although the Best part didnt start until we were like 13-ish and eventually we talked like non stop (about anime and homestuck. Yknow. 13 year old kid things) and we didnt see each other a lot bc of Distance and now its even worse bc aster is in colleg.,e but we consider each other siblings regardless of family bc we’re adopted into our own respective families so that bled over into our friendship and it would feel weird calling him anything other than my brother now. We’ve seen each other at our best and worst and if you really want a good insight on what we’re like as siblings watch griffin and justin mcelroy’s overview video of catlateral damage wherein i am griffin and he is the long suffering justin. -- mod star
Star is basically my long distance sibling and functionally the only cousin I recognize bc like their parents are basically an aunt and uncle and like our dads look enough alike that we’ve both accidentally gotten the wrong dad for a hug or similar so like. Anyways yeah Star is the Griffin to my Justin, complete with our absent middle brother who we love dearly— mod aster
Dubiously relevant q but what kind of music do y’all listen to when u do art (if that is indeed a habit either of u partake in) (@pedanticlecturer)
It can depend on the piece? I was working on some (unrelated) oc prints that were song-focused, and for those I just listened to said song on loop. Sometimes I have playlists. Sometimes I’ll just be in a Mood and throw a song on loop. But a lot of time for the blog, I’ll listen to The Adventure Zone for the billionth time, because I have Too Much Attention. I’ve also, on request from Star, linked the most recent “loop song”.— mod aster
I tend to obsess over the same like 3 songs every few weeks so those get listened to on repeat but it also depends on the tone of what im drawing or who im drawing i might genre switch bc of that. If im drawing ophelia i stick to lana del rey and if im drawing hamlet its the neighborhood, horatio is sufjan stevens etc. i have categorized,. Most of the characters i draw into different songs/genres/energies of music but not like i ever follow that. Sometimes i just pull up a really long nonsense video and forget to draw. Essentially: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -- mod star
How’d y’all come up with ur pseudonyms? (@pedanticlecturer)
I love space so much and my main blog is starryeydsailor space gay rights!! Im also tiny and full of energy and bright so basically i;m star -- mod star
Uhhhh i was like “hey i want to do uhhhhhh flower?” And then I google searched flower names until I found one I liked —- mod aster
How did you end up deciding the rough timeline of events in canon? (@pedanticlecturer)
It’s mostly determined by like. How we choose per story? If that makes sense. Like, we just take story by story, and decide “is it happening, has it happened, and when?” And then we fit them together in relation to each other just by dint of. All existing at once. Like, I knew I wanted Macbeth to be in aftermath, because like, even though there’s no murder, the way I’ve translated it to the AU is still kinda heavy, and it’s something that I don’t know that I could do properly if it were happening right now. Also, it’s more interesting IMO to have them at different times. Tl;dr we wing it per story and slot them together— mod aster (mod star agrees I just can word better, in theory)
If you could tell the story of shakespeare high in a different format than an ask blog, would you? Obviously y'all are making very good use of the format, but would you want to write this as a animated series or like? a comic book? or is the form inseparable from the story? (@pedanticlecturer)
I kinda wanted to do a webcomic or maybe to plot develop through like, animatics but the element of surprise comes from the asks we get and really makes us think so the blog is a good start. We didnt think we’d get this far -- mod star
Pretty much what Star said— there are certain elements where it’d be neat to do as a comic or as an animatic. Like, the fantasy dream is like, an anthology webcomic of each story, where you can like, see other characters in the background and stuff. But to be honest, we develop a lot by what we’re asked— there was a post about developing worldbuilding by being asked questions and then pretending you’ve thought about the answer, and it’s not far off. Personally, it’s hard to just lay out a story, because I have a whole WORLD and what’s relevant? What are people interested in? It’s by getting questions that I can then focus in on an area to develop. And yeah, we Super didn’t think we’d get this far lmao — mod aster
Any headcanons about your characters that you don't think will ever come up on the blog through asks or plot posts? (@pedanticlecturer)
I could make a whole separate post for this!!!!! Mostly its voice headcanons (and by mostly i mean like 1 or 2) or relationship hcs!!!! -- mod star
Honestly same. I don’t think I have voice headcanons for mine, though I bet I could find some. I’ve got a bunch of miscellaneous headcanons that just kinda float around, but like they’re scattered, too numerous for this post, and also not always things I’m sure are canon yet.— mod aster
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