#vesani tribe
yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
My AU Species/Races Face Close-Up (part 2)
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Umbrums :
The Umbrums are known as the most evil race ; pretty much all of them are evil. Almost none of them are nice people, and none of them are pacifists.
They are the Crystallings’s archenemies : they pretty much want to exterminate them, or enslave them.
Speaking of which, they don’t really care about the other races either ; if they stand in their way, they will more likely try to kill them too.
All of them have a deadly ghost look, long wavy and ghostly hair, skull-like teeth and lifeless eyes : + they pretty much acts like ghosts.
They are even said to be unable to control their power ; their power is pretty much overwhelming them.
Only a few of them are able to fully control their power ; those who are able to act “normally” were chosen by the ruler of the “clan”.
Furthermore, these people are able to blend in by taking a human appearance.
They are also able to infect other people with their magic, making them turn completely into an Umbrum, or making them able to use their ghost-like magic. Though everyone can learn their “basic” dark magic, none can learn their more ghostly nature of magic apart from the “infected ones”.
Kirinowies :
The Kirinowies are known as a “mystical” race.
They are also known to follow the rules of the Egyptian mythology. Becaus of that, it is said that some people that follows the Egyptian culture and others could be Kirinowies, or could descend from Kirinowies.
They have a “split” appearance : one of their side seems pretty normal with a dark red horn and scales. The other is darker as their eye is almost empty with a flame-like purplish-red tatoo appearing on it, a purplish-black horn and multiple blackish flames all over their skin.
They have a tiny little fang coming out of their mouth.
They have a special way of celebrating a young’s bapteme : when their hair gets long enough, they will cut it and wear it as a scarf. They change everytime they get a haircut.
They are in tunes with the artistic fields and are very talented at it ; they are the ones who gives the best theater plays, as said by other species.
Despite being overall a very calm and joyful race, you better not mess with them if they are in a bad mood : if you piss them off you might turn into ashes the next seconds.
Angels (coming from the Inazuma Eleven Universe / Reimagined by me) :
Angels are the race that looks the most like humans (apart from Earthlings, but it actually depends for some of them).
What makes them recognizable from humans are their two pair of wings : they have little bluish-green wings, and a big pair of white wings underneath them. We can also spot them by their shining halo floating above their head.
They are also immortals ; they will never die, at least of old age and diseases : we don’t know if they can get slaughtered.
When battling, they have an “armor” (see Inazuma Eleven’s Sky Team for understanding). Otherwise, they wear beautiful white clothes with charming accessories.
Another race, the Nightwalkers, wants them. Maybe for their power ? Nobody knows the exact reason for this...
Vastayans “Vesani” Tribe (coming from the League of Legends Universe) :
One of the Vastayan variant : these chimeras reunites the dogs and cats races (foxes, wolves, tigers, lions, etc...).
They all have fluffy ears and tails. Of course they can be completely different from one another.
All of them have various marks on their faces. They also have a dominant instinct.
All of them have a sharp tooth, but it’s more proheminents on cat races.
They all possess digitigrade legs as well as claws on their feet and hands.
Sharp eyes are a thing in this race, but again, it’s mostly on cat races.
A great rarity of them are “mystical” beings. As seen above with Ahri, who is a Kitsune.
Strandeads *also known as Undeads* (coming from the Death Stranding Universe) :
As their names suggest it, they are the “dead” race.
Following this, they were people of all possible races that eventually met their demise sooner than what was supposed to be, and they sort of came back from the dead ; they will be stuck forever in this deadly look of them.
If they came back, it’s for a reason : revenge, a goal to complete, something that only them can achieve, etc...
They all have black marks on their eyes and on their face.
No matter what kills them, they will always keep a scar of what have killed them, or a mark if it’s something like poisoning, which means everyone could guess what they died of.
They all have at least one physical traits that makes them inhumans.
Some of them can even control dead bodies to battle with them.
It’s really rare for a Strandead to not be in a relationship with another Strandead, but it can still happen.
Nightwalkers :
As their names suggests, they are the race of the night. Some even say that they could be a demon race, since there are Angels but no Demons.
All of them have sharp eyes, mostly yellow, red or pink. They also have sharp teeth and tongue.
We can recognize them for their “spiky” hair, bat-like wings and ears. Those makes them very sensible to high sounds, pitch or loud.
They have slight fluff on their neck, shoulders and belly. They also have cut out eyebrows, but it’s not always the same for any of them. That’s a sort of recognition sign.
They have a way of showing that someone is theirs so, let’s say they have a claiming kink : they claimed them by bitting them, mostly on the neck.
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piranhasbreath · 5 months
Ahri - About
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True Name: Unknown
Nicknames: Ahri, Little Fox, Monster, Man Eater, Last Vesani
Age: Unknown, around 2000 years old
Species: Younger than a Vastayashai'rei yet older than a regular vastaya, being in the middle generation, where she still has some contact with the spirit realm but not as much as the original ones and is more powerful than your regular vastaya.
Shape shifting- Ahri, while not able to stay like that for much longer due to the excess of human memories within her, can make herself look more ' furry', resembling a snow fox like the ones she was raised by.
Life Essense Manipulation - Ahri is able to manipulate and consume the life essense of living beings, absorbing their memories and experiences. She has aquired a particular laste for humans since it does give her a rush of memories and emotions that normal animals cannot provide. If she goes too longwithout feeding off that, her appearence becomes ´dirty´(hair and furr looking lifeless, skin terrible etc) and goes into a frenzy where she will attack anything that moves until she feels satisfied again, those frenesies can lead to two or more lifes ending depending on how long her last feed was. She can also choose to transfer that to someone, applying a healing effect on them but memories won't be transfered.
Fox Fire - It's a magical fire that only those of the Vesani tribe can call upon and manipulate, it can burn the literal soul of the person it touches.
Speed Rush - Ahri can move with great speed, almost disappearing from sight, except from a few flashes of foxfire and her tail.
Charm - Ahri has a special charm magic that allows her to enchant other creatures to follow her or do her biddin, making them easier to manipulate and twist to get her way. One way to tell if she is using charm or not is that her iris get a slight shade of pink and she has a slightly sweeter scent to her, like a pheromone.
Memory Manipulation - Ahri can manipulate memories that she has and absorbs. She can transfer them to objects if she so wishes, but avoids doing so because it requires a special vessel.
My Ahri follows the lore with my own little tweeks. such as listed bellow:
Ahri doesn't have many memories of her life prior to the snow foxes that she lived with, and now she knows it's related to whatever happened to the Vesani, her mind simply shut down after that what caused her to regress and lose her memory due to trauma. Considering she was still a child, it always has to do with the fact a child usually doesn't remember much of her earliest years.
After she killed her first lover, Ahri decided to go after 'bad humans' to try and ease her mind of the senseless slaughter that she caused. She will hunt from the harmless thief to the most vicious serial killer, but since those are still not the easiest to find everywhere, she will go hungry at times. If Ahri goes too long without feeding, she will lose control and go into a freenzy where she will hunt for any and all humans that she sees, going as far as eating body parts until she feels her hunger has been satisfied. Those episodes are often followed by a lot of guilt on her part.
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spirithunts · 5 months
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ahri's name is, alongside the ymelo sunstones (aka her orb), one of the few things her family (or people) left her. while lore states the orb is the only connection she has to her past, it gives no explanation to how she was named — and given her name seems to be important enough to her she does not volunteer it immediately (i'll get to that), i don't think it was just something arbitrarily chosen, and is rather part of her connection to the vesani. how it was made known to her i'm still debating, although her tribe is the one with the power to store and pass on memories, and i imagine they could have left something that would relay that to her innately.
regardless! identity is an important aspect of ahri's story — the central one, even, considering her motivation revolves around learning about her past to find her place in the world and know who (and what) she is. even her struggle against her nature is deeply tied to perception of self and who she wants to be. her name is part of her identity, part of who she is, and part that is held somewhat guardedly.
the first reason for the importance of her name is that it ties her to her people, a people extinct, to which she has very limited means of connecting to. it was given to her (or so she believes) by either her family or those of her people who may have looked after her as a baby. it was the first thing she had, alongside the sunstones. when she was very small and growing up among the foxes, knowing she was different but having no closer kin, the name was who she was and what she was. she wasn't a fox; she was ahri. she had yet to find out what exactly that meant but it was who and what she was.
that doesn't change as she grows and comes into contact with the human world. it's her identity, even if she's still figuring out what exactly that means. and, as a predator, she would not have offered anything about herself, much less her true self, to the people she hunted. it became a guarded part of her because it was who she really was, and from the start that wasn't something ahri opened up about immediately.
even when she is somewhat trusting (enough to be deceived and attacked, in a fair trade), ahri doesn't simply tell people her name.
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where one would expect someone to introduce themselves in response, she just skips that part and continues asking about the topic they had been discussing. all throughout the story, she doesn't tell hirin her name. in perennial, no one refers to her by name, implying she never said what she's called. and, perhaps the more significant example of this, she doesn't tell yasuo her name until they're already in bilgewater, even though they traveled together by ship from ionia for what was at minimum several weeks, at most several months and she had already hired him as a bodyguard early on (and even then, she doesn't tell him immediately, despite him pressing her for any information about herself).
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this exchange happens when they first arrive in bilgewater, and as seen above, ahri is still reluctant to tell yasuo her name. she more easily suggests they part ways than offers him her name. when she does tell him her name, it's after she charmed the innkeeper and yasuo is questioning her about what did she do to the man (and when he figures she's vastaya and she stops trying to hide that). i'd say even then, were it her choice alone, ahri wouldn't have said it — but because he was already insisting on knowing about other things, she gave in and just revealed it.
on top of her ancestry and how connected it is to her sense of identity, i like to think it's something ahri has become extra careful with the more she learned about vastayan culture. nothing in lore states anything in particular about names, but the vastaya do have a whole 'words have power' thing going on, with how a declaration of belonging to each other is enough to form a bond between two people, even linking (albeit weakly) their magic to each other. i like to think that, because of that, names would also be seen as somewhat.. sacred may not be the word, but deserving of respect. what you call someone isn't trivial; their given name isn't just a word, it's tied to who they are. and, learning about that, ahri would be even less likely to tell her name to someone she doesn't trust. being vastaya is also central to the identity she's been building (it wasn't always, but it became significant to her and she came to identify with it), and their beliefs and customs would definitely play a part and influence how she acts even though she didn't grow up immersed in that culture.
the main point here is that 'ahri' has always been who she was and it was also what she was for the longest time, as she believed there was no one like her and didn't know anything about her people. it was what she was even when ahri didn't know exactly what that meant. honestly i think she still doesn't fully know, but it's still something she sees as central to who she is, and she doesn't reveal anything about who she really is to anyone if there's not a degree of trust. if she eventually volunteers the information to someone, it's definitely because she trusts them; so being called by her name is usually something intimate, though there are exceptions to that (such as the entirety of the ruined king crew knowing her name because yasuo says it).
i don't know what exactly is the point to this or if i even said everything i meant to say but. yeah. names are important to her and she doesn't willingly share her name unless she trusts someone.
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shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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The White Fox Of Vesani
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In the northern regions of Ionia, particularly in the sparsely populated towns located in the Shon-Xan exists a local legend of a malevolent fox spirit, known as The White Fox Of Vesani or as its name is sometimes shortened into Vesani. Depicted as a massive, snow-white fox with nine tails and the power to control icy blue, ghostly fire, Vesani was regarded as a monstrous creature, capable of eradicating entire towns. However, as bad tongues liked to say, the targets, Vesani liked feasting on the most, were young children.
The legend of Vesani predates a time before Ionia had written language. Because of this, a lot of facts and fiction became blurred. Ionian scholars argue whether Vesani describes the name of a Vastaya tribe, now having gone extinct, or maybe a place that existed millennia ago.
The truth is that Vesani was the name of a small town in northern Shon-Xan, located at the edges of a forest, climbing up a mountain. It is here that a tragedy happened way before something like a Vastaya even existed. And it is here, where the birthplace of the white fox originates.
During the time of the war of the Titans, which threatened The First Lands, the spirits of Ionia offered their aid towards humans. Enlightened mortals should merge with them, thus becoming a powerful, magical being called Vastayashai'rei. Around this time, the town Vesani shared the beginning of the forest with a huge, malevolent fox spirit. The entity was willing to do its part in the fight against the Titans, however, it had a catch: It didn't want any human to merge with it. It asked specifically for a child.
Nobody was willing to hand over their child towards the monstrous fox. Even before the Titans threatened Ionia, this spirit had already caused a lot of harm and thus nobody trusted the creature. However, without a Vastayashai'rei, the small town would be left unguarded and defenceless against the overwhelming power of the Titans.
Among the children in Vesani was also a young orphan girl named Ahri. She had no next-to-kin or friends, however, from a young age, she had the uncanny ability to see and commune with spirits, both ghosts of the dead and the spirits, native to Ionia. What other healers had to study and train over the years, Ahri had an almost natural talent for. Because of this, the healers of Vesani were not really sure if that talent was a gift or a curse. Ahri was regarded as strange and people avoided her.
Realising that nobody was going to make that sacrifice, Ahri in the dead of the night tracked the fox spirit down and offered herself up as the one to merge with it. Ahri showed a lot of courage with this act as the fox spirit towered over her. It was larger and more fearsome than any being, she had ever seen. Yet Ahri didn't back down, even when the fox spirit used its powers in a variety of ways to test her resolve.
Impressed by Ahri's determination and unwavering resolve, the fox spirit accepted Ahri's offer, not without warning her that if they merged its nature would take her over. Its malice would become her malice. It would be everything, she had ever known. Ahri accepted that knowledge and said Vesani still needed protection against the Titans. Therefore, that warning at this moment was irrelevant to her.
The fox spirit merged with Ahri, forcefully ageing the child up into a young woman as it and she became one in the form of a Vastayashai'rei. Wanting to keep her word and the spirit's promise, Ahri returned to Vesani to tell them that she would protect them from the Titan. However, upon seeing the fearsome fox woman, the town's people were horrified and scared, not able to comprehend how this had happened. They accused Ahri of dooming them all and that they would rather face the Titans than be protected by someone who made a deal with a monster.
Ahri's anger made her change into a ginormous, snow-white fox and made her unleash the full power of the fox spirit upon Vesani. Now that it had a body, it could cause damage in ways, its spirit form had only ever dreamt off. Ahri felt hurt and betrayed; emotions, which were only exasperated by the spirit's inherited malice. Ahri killed every single person in Vesani, save for a pair of siblings, even younger than her former human self, who managed to escape her clutches. She destroyed the entire village and levelled Vesani to the ground. The town was gone. It didn't exist anymore.
When Ahri calmed down from her anger and realised with horror what she had done, she fled up into the woods and high into the mountains. The small traces of benevolence, she still possessed from her former human self, were so tormented by guilt and terror at what she had done, that Ahri begged for a way for this pain to stop. Eventually and entirely subconsciously, she used her own powers upon herself, inducing a powerful magical amnesia, which de-aged her back into the shape of a fox cub. Collapsing in the snow with a mind scrambled and memories jumbled and misplaced, Ahri as a little cub was discovered and taken in by an ice vixen, which had lost one of her cubs prior.
Ahri grew up under the care of the ice foxes, being accepted as one of them. She was blissfully unaware of the terrors, she had unleashed. However, as Ahri lived in the wilderness, the legend of the white fox of Vesani soon spread like wildfire across Ionia. The legend would only be revived and retold countless times as Ahri began to mingle with society and driven by the fox spirit's foggy memories, hunt after children, often preferring siblings over only children.
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shukuchiisms · 1 year
Why does no one seem to remember the Vesani? They seem as having disappeared in the last few hundred years? Collective magical memory wipe?
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This one is a great question that riot didn't gave us a great answer to.
I can nonetheless share what I think could be the cause. Thanks to the  Eduard Santangelo's Vastaya Field Journal. And wildrift guild lore, we know that the vastaya in general are not very known. In fact, most common people outside of Ionia think they're nothing but myths.
Add in the fact that the vesani were a nomadic tribe without an established place, and the fact they vanished at least one thousand years ago. and that from all cultures they had contact previously not only a few remain but most histories would be reduced to nothing more than myths.
Also, most places that are tied with the vesani like the blessed isles [ruined] and Omikayalan [forbidden to humans] are not from easy access to many.
Of course, this is just my theory in the case, what we know for a fact is:
1- the vesani were powerful as heck;
2 - they were nomadic;
3- they vanished at some point;
4- different from what people wrote on the wiki, they didn't get wiped out in the ruination;
5- this is what riot told me when I asked if ahri was truly the last of the vesani.
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
💛, 🤍 and 💜 for ahri!!!
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💛 - if s/i were a colour, an animal and a place, what would they be?
`` Hmm. . . To me, Seren has always been a deep blue; vibrant, captivating, mystical, and enchanting. I've heard humans say that blue is a sad color, but I don't think that's true at all. I think it's very beautiful. Now, an animal? `` [Ahri giggles.] `` A fox, of course! She is as much of a fox as me. She just looks a little bit different. Actually, we've spoken about this before! Seren doesn't quite know what she is. Neither do I. But we think she's a direct descendent from the Vesani, which is my tribe, and we're foxes! As for a place. . . She reminds me of the forest. I couldn't explain why, but it's just so obvious to me. She's a child of nature, as am I. ``
🤍 - when did you first realize you were in love with s/i?
[Ahri hesitates for a brief moment.] `` I’m not sure. I guess I loved her from the day I met her. There is something about her that is very. . . Captivating. She was easy to love. Too easy. It felt like I was the one being charmed, for once! `` [She chuckles lightly.] But as for the exact moment I realized it? Oh, it was years ago. . . If my memory serves me correctly, we were lazing in the forests of Navori, experiencing the first snow of the season together. I don't remember what were doing there, but I remember Seren's face. She glanced over at me—her features highlighted by the moonlight, sharp canines poking out from between her lips, fresh snowflakes peppering her face, a gentle-yet-wild look in her eye—and smiling. It was a kind smile. A loving smile. It sparked a fire within me that I never managed to extinguish. `` [She laughs awkwardly, waving a dismissive hand in your direction as she tries to ditch the sentimentality. It doesn't really work; it can still be heard in her voice.] `` I know it's small, but it stuck with me. I'm not sure why. I struggle to remember most things, but I remember that. Forever. ``
💜 - what is something you would like to say to s/i right now?
`` Hmm. . . I'd like to tell her that I love her. Sappy, I know, but. . . It's true. I feel like it's been an eternity since we exchanged 'I love you's. I miss her dearly. ``
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teeto-peteto · 6 months
Do you think the ruined king gang pay taxes? Answer carefully.
short answer: no
long answer:
Sarah wouldnt pay, she's the queen of Bilgewater, if anything taxes go to her. When Gangplank was king of Bilgewater she most definitely didnt pay taxes. Wont monetary support that guy. If he wants gold then he should take it from her cold, dead hands.
Illaoi would stay there with arms crossed and be like 'My tribe is always pulling ya'll out of your mess, what taxes are you even talking about??' and she's right. I mean. A part of the buhru protect Bilgewater. Also Illaoi is the closest thing to a force of order in Bilgewater as we saw in the start of Ruined King when she was looking for Pyke and ending misbehavings of people around. So no, wont pay taxes.
No shit Pyke would pay taxes. Never. Take the gold from his cold dead hands aswell. Would never trust the higher power and would rather give the money to the people in need with his own hands. Pyke likes sharing but not with the rich.
Yasuo could be a maybe. But at the same time. Does Ionia have taxes? I mean. Flying stones. Dragons. Kinda killed his brother so kinda makes sense he's just there to pay the taxes in hope anyone would see him a bit more redeemable but what do ionians pay with?? Anyway he's all over Runeterra now so no. Tax evasion in rule.
I mean as the only vesani, i dont think Ahri pays taxes. Same as Yasuo, who do they pay to? With what?? She's all alone and presumably carries no money so no. Queen is also a tax evasor if anything.
Braum is like when cartoons have to pay something and when they pull out what they have in the pocket is just fluff, used tissues and broken hairpins. He's that same image. Would pull out of his pocket snow and poro hair and maybe a poro snack. Althrough is the most likely to pay taxes i dont think he does. Mostly because he forgets or because he doesnt see value in money and rathers help the kingdom with humanitarian help. What a king. Wont pay taxes.
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goldlightwriting · 1 year
Ruination Reimagined
It’s been two years since Rise of the Sentinels, one of the most infamous story events in League of Legends history. Every aspect of the story has been broken down, dissected, analyzed and criticized, from its mishandling of iconic characters to the fundamental misunderstanding of its own premise.
Two years have passed, and the world has more-or-less moved on. We all know, understand, and accept that the event sucked, but it’s sadly too late to turn back. For better or for worse, Rise of the Sentinels has impacted the stories of both characters with significant ties to the Shadow Isles plotline as well as those who who were shoehorned into it for the sake of selling skins.
I’ve offered my own take on the story not just once, but twice before; the first was a rewrite of the visual novel’s script with more-or-less the same general restrictions that Riot had (ie one Sentinel/Ruined character per chapter, ten chapters split into 5 parts plus a prologue and epilogue, etc), while the second was an essay about how the story’s scope should have been greatly expanded to include far more characters and affected each region far more significantly... Because, you know, an undead apocalypse isn’t something that should should realistically begin and end in like a week with almost no impact.
Anyways, since that second rewrite, I’d more-or-less moved on. Every now and then I’ve taken the opportunity to dunk on RotS in a video, but never as much more than a gag or to make a point. However... For whatever reason, I’ve recently found myself thinking about the Shadow Isles lately. Maybe it’s because of some new cards added to LoR, maybe because of that Illaoi and Yorick story released a while back. I’m not really sure, but the more I think about it, the more I can’t help but feel like the Shadow Isles, as a whole, deserve a complete and total reboot. Not just a rewrite of Sentinels, but that the whole region and all characters connected to it could be executed so, much better.
I know it’s never going to happen, obviously. I know that many people will probably disagree with that take. That’s fine. Still, I wanna get my ideas out there, if for now other reason than to get them out of my head.
Below is a list of all the changes I would make to the story of the Shadow Isles and its core cast. Some characters I’ve kept more-or-less the same, while others I’ve almost completely re-imagined. Maybe you’ll like some of these changes better than the actual canon, maybe not. I’m not even sure how many will have the time or patience to read through all this, but whatever. Without any further ado, this is how I would reimagine the Ruination:
Fundamental Changes
-In this version, the Black Mist (otherwise known as Harrowed Mist) represents the evils of the human soul, while the Hallowed Mist represents its virtues.
-Those turned by the Black Mist are not technically undead, but rather warped into avatars of their own inner darkness.
-The monks of the Blessed Isles used a secret ritual to siphon the Black Mist (ie the literal evil in their souls) from the Isles’ criminals and sealed it inside a magical lantern, so that even their greatest sinners could find redemption and overcome their darkest urges.
-The Blessed Isles were hidden in the spirit realm, rather than being concealed by a mystical fog. However, they manifest in the physical realm during specific times; while such occurrences seem random, those who are able to learn and predict the pattern may land on the Blessed Isles before they vanish.
-The monks of the Blessed Isles were split into two main groups: the Sentinels of Light and the Order of Dusk. Both groups were devoted to spiritual study and enlightenment, but had different roles.
-The Vesani, a tribe of fox vastaya skilled in the art of manipulating emotions and memories, were crucial members of both groups.
-The Sentinels of Light defended the residents of the isles from those who threatened their way of life, primarily demonic entities. They wielded weapons capable of conjuring spirit light to combat their enemies.
-The Order of Dusk was responsible for purifying the souls of the wicked and laying the dead to rest. They were the keepers of many dangerous artifacts capable of tampering with the spirits of living things.
-Relicstone, originally called Lightstone/Soulstone, has the ability to channel the full power of one’s spirit, not just its virtues or vices. Those who wield it with righteous intent will manifest a golden light, while those who use its power for selfish means will cast a sickly green light.
-Thresh’s sickle and lantern are made from Lightstone.
-The Blade of the Ruined King, originally called The Blade of Kings, was a gift given to the Camavoran royal family long ago by visiting monks of the Blessed Isles. It is imbued with Lightstone, which was meant to serve as a means of testing a future monarch’s heart.
-The Waters of Life are no longer a thing. We literally already have a magical healing oasis in Shurima.
-The Ruination occurs when Viego is tricked into opening the lantern by Thresh. This, in turn, tears open the boundary between realms and causes the Shadow Isles to exist between the physical and spiritual worlds.
-When it becomes evident that their homeland is doomed, some Sentinels choose to flee the Isles with as many of their relics and teachings as they can hold.
-Thresh is the Warden of the Lantern, whose job is specifically to guard the lantern wherein centuries’ worth of evil is sealed. Unbeknownst to anyone, being in its presence for too long has corrupted him, allowing dark thoughts and sadistic tendencies to take hold of his mind.
-The lantern is enchanted so that it cannot be opened with malicious intent.
-Thresh initially just wants to set the evil of the lantern free, but when he sees that Viego has become a vessel for it, Thresh plots to take full control of the power for himself.
-Viego unleashed the Black Mist believing it could revive Isolde, but its corrupting magic could only resurrect Isolde’s inner darkness, creating the Maiden of the Mist.
-Isolde’s actual body remains in the Lantern Chamber.
-Viego is not trapped sleeping in his own sword, but rather was confined to the heart of the Isles by a handful of monks who resisted corruption just long enough to trap him there. He can command the Black Mist and those corrupted by it from afar, but cannot venture far from his confinement. However, the spell holding him periodically weakens, at which point he can expand the Black Mist’s domain, causing Harrowings.
-The Maiden rejects Viego and flees the Isles, returning to Camavor. There, she haunts the war-torn land, contributing to its eventual abandonment. Eventually, though, she comes across her old doll, Gwen, and the fondness for her creation stirs memories of love and joy in the Maiden’s heart. These feelings pass on to the doll, imbuing it with Hallowed Mist that would swell and eventually bring Gwen to life. However, the Maiden is unable to resist the pull of the Black Mist, and finds herself summoned back to the Shadow Isles.
-Gwen comes to life and makes it her mission to save her creator from Viego, no matter how long it may take.
-Realizing that the Maiden is but a perverse corruption of his love, and failing to see the irony, Viego casts her aside. She is eventually found and taken in by Yorick.
-In this version, Yorick’s body is altered by the Black Mist, but he is able to maintain his mind thanks to his discipline and training as a monk, even as others of his order have succumbed.
-Yorick continues to try and help lost souls find rest, though the process is slow and arduous as few willingly accept his aid.
-The remaining Sentinels of Light who fled the Isles devote themselves to opposing the Black Mist and one day purifying their ancient home. Their order slowly expands to every region as Harrowings become an increasingly large threat to the people of Runeterra, but to date, all attempts to storm the Isles and purify them have failed...
-The Reclaimer is a special Relicstone weapon deemed taboo by the Sentinels of Light. It was created by by the Brotherhood of Dusk in secret as a way to revive the dead by stealing a person’s life force and instilling it into the deceased. However, the Reclaimer can only be used so many times. This will be replacing the Absolver.
-The Reclaimer has been a closely-guarded secret of the Sentinels of Light since the Ruination. It has been moved from one hiding place to another across Runeterra. Its last known location was Shurima...
-Vladimir ventured to the Immortal Bastion during Mordekaiser’s reign to seek a means of reviving Isolde, only to be enslaved. Nevertheless, his twisted personality caught Mordekaiser’s attention, and so Vladimir was eventually allowed to start studying blood magic as one of the Iron Revenant’s acolytes. He would later ally with LeBlanc to send Mordekaiser back to the death realm and become a founding member of the Black Rose.
-Rather than seeking the Blessed Isles for him, Kalista is instead devoted to finding the one responsible for Viego’s attempted assassination. As head of the royal guard, she despises any traitors to the crown, and works with Hecarim to put down any and all rebellion. Even so, she harbors reservations about Viego’s ability to rule...
-Kalista accompanies Viego to the Blessed Isles to keep him from harm. However, when Viego escalates to violence against the monks, Kalista tries to dissuade him, insisting that his brother would never go to such extremes. In a sudden outburst, Viego counters that his brother was too soft for the throne, which was why he had the previous king assassinated. This revelation marks Viego as a traitor as well, prompting Kalista and several other soldiers to stand against him in defense of the Blessed Isles.
-Though the Sentinels of Light and the soldiers allying with Kalista fight hard, Viego’s remaining troops and artillery prove to be a match for them. Sensing an opportunity, Thresh tampers with the Sentinels’ defenses as Viego pushes further inland.
-Eventually, Thresh approaches Viego and offers to bring the mad king to the lantern chamber, in exchange for Viego sparing his life. This is, of course, a ploy to get someone else to open the lantern; Thresh believes that, because the mad king is ultimately driven by love and only wants to save his queen, such pure desire will be enough to bypass the lantern’s protection. This assumption proves correct.
-Kalista fights valiantly, but when the Ruination occurs, she is felled by a transformed Hecarim. As her life fades, she feels a burning resentment for Viego and all true betrayers; this hatred is amplified by the Black Mist, allowing Kalista to rise as the Spear of Vengeance.
-Kalista’s obsession with hunting betrayers overwhelms her mind and spirit. In time, she learns to harness the grudges of others as well, though doing so causes Kalista to slowly lose more and more of her own identity. Eventually, she starts roaming the Isles and even the lands beyond in pursuit of traitors, no longer even recalling the true cause for her hatred.
-Vex is no longer gloomy and depressed from the start, but is affected by the Black Mist due to staying on the Shadow Isles for too long; her shadow represents the cheerier personality she keeps locked deep inside of her.
-Karthus’s story remains more-or-less the same, but his obsession with death is changed to an obsession with viewing the darkest desires of humanity.
-Lucian and Senna maintain more-or-less the same backstory, but Senna won’t be revived until much, much later.
-Senna doesn’t have a fragment of Isolde in her this time. She joined the Sentinels because her home was attacked during a Harrowing.
-Akshan was once a young thief devoted to stealing from those who abuse their wealth and power and distributing his ill-gotten goods among the needy. He perished in an ambush set by one greedy aristocrat, but was found and saved by the Reclaimer’s previous keeper: Shadya.
-Shadya recruited Akshan into the Sentinels for his righteous heart. Their story plays out more-or-less the same, up until Akshan learns of the Reclaimer. Believing that such power shouldn’t be kept hidden away, he steals the Reclaimer and starts roaming Shurima, using its power to revive those he believes were wrong murdered.
-Devising a plan to take control of the Black Mist, Thresh manages to completely break the seal holding Viego captive. He informs the Ruined King of the Reclaimer, persuading Viego to trust him once more in the hopes that it will truly be able to revive Isolde’s corpse.
-Rise of the Sentinels becomes a race to find the Reclaimer, rather than a hunt for fetters.
-Lucian encounters Gwen on the Shadow Isles while hunting for Thresh. There, they encounter the Ruined King, who proves too strong for them.
-Lucian and Gwen are forced to retreat and seek out allies, but the Sentinels of Light have waned in numbers since Lucian went rogue. Thus, the two of them must travel around Runeterra seeking allies to stand with them against the Black Mist.
-Viego begins to spread his Black Mist across Runeterra with the help of Vex and her knowledge of Bandle Gates. He seeks the Reclaimer while occasionally corrupting the minds of Champions with excessive negative feelings he can exploit.
-Those recruited into the Sentinels of Light have Relicstone weapons made for them by the order’s Stonecarver, rather than just conveniently having their perfect weapons already made for them.
-The new Sentinels of Light include: Fiora, Quinn, Vayne, Poppy, Garen, Draven, Riven, Samira, Katarina(?), Braum, Olaf, Jayce, Vi, Seraphine, Ziggs, Irelia, Wukong, Shen, Yasuo, Ahri, Miss Fortune, Graves, Illaoi, Diana, Rengar, Sivir, and Akshan.
-Those Ruined by Viego include: Shyvana, Jarvan IV, Darius, Swain (demon goes feral), Ashe, Tryndamere, Viktor, Caitlyn, Akali, Yone (demon goes feral), Gangplank, Twisted Fate(?), Pantheon, Nidalee, and Shadya.
-After Viego is defeated in a duel by Gwen, Thresh steals the weakened king’s soul and seals it in his lantern. This allows him to take control of the Black Mist, and even revert to a more humanoid form if we MUST have Unbound Thresh be a thing.
-Vex goes into hiding after Viego’s defeat, with none knowing her whereabouts...
-Senna is ultimately revived using the last charge of the Reclaimer. If we must insist that she still has Mist powers, perhaps we can say that because her soul was being held captive in Thresh’s lantern, the Reclaimer is only able to bring a part of her back. Senna and Lucian can then dedicate their arc toward recovering the piece of her still bound by Thresh, and Senna struggles to keep her darkness from overwhelming her. This might make for more compelling relationship drama than what the original story gave us.
-Thresh becomes the new Lord of the Isles, with the intent to cover all of Runeterra in Black Mist. To do this, however, he needs to slowly but surely expand the Mist’s territory by adding yet more negative emotions to it. Thresh starts roaming Runeterra to extract as many souls as he can gather, adding their darkness to the Shadow Isles.
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Missy: okay so one for Ahri and one for Kai’sa
Kai’sa head cannon: when Bel’Veth was announced I had a headcannon that it would interesting if Kai’sa’s void spawn was a child of Bel’Veth. So the Kai’sa becomes the mixed child of Kassadin and Bel’Veth and become a mixed void family. After the cinematic and short story, this family could still happen.
Ahri head cannon: one thing I never understood about Ahri’s story was that she starts as a fox, not a human, a fox with a magical connection to the land. So my theory/hand cannon is that Ahri was born as a hushtail, a TFT champion that is a three tailed fox creature, hushtails are an extinct Ionian animal race and are the ancestors to the Vesani tribe. Ahri as a hushtail didn’t have much power and only had one tail, one day she comes across a dying human who’s cradling a sunstone with an intricate design on it, the sunstone actually holds the last memories, power and stories of the Vesani tribe before they fell during the corruption of the blessed isles. She sniffs the cracked sunstone and the powers inside flood into Ahri, the powers turn her human but due to the rush of immense power of three foxes her memories are scattered and she has so much power her tail turns into nine.
These are my headcannons that I haven’t put on my account but tell me what you think.
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ahri-thefoxylady · 1 year
The vesani will return
She can only stare as that word is said aloud. It has been some years since someone even uttered it, much less to someone of the tribe.
"I can only hope... My people have been gone for so long now.."
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 months
Pokémon in my AU : Fire Starters
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Designing all the Fire Starters in my AU. They will have their own designs and different possible races that exists in my AU, based on their classic designs in the Pokémon games.
Note that the First Stages are pre-teens/teenagers.
004 : Salamèche (Charmander)
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Name Given : Sadahige
Race : Draconequus
Gender : Male
Height : 6'0'' (183 cm)
Weight : 165 lbs (75 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Sagittarius
Blood Type : A+
Home : Bourg-Palette (Pallet Town), Kanto (Japan)
Nature : Hasty
Signature Move : Ember
"Anthem" : Burn it Down by Skillet
155 : Héricendre (Cyndaquil)
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Name Given : Heihachiro
Race : Earthling
Gender : Born Male ; Agender
Height : 4'9'' (145 cm)
Weight : 115 lbs (52 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Aries
Blood Type : A-
Home : Bourg-Géon (New Bark Town), Johto (Japan)
Nature : Impish
Signature Move : Smokescreen
"Anthem" : Welcome to the Fire by WillyEcho
255 : Poussifeu (Torchic)
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Name Given : Poko
Race : Vastayan ; Magmavia Tribe
Gender : Born Female ; Deminonbinary
Height : 5'4'' (162 cm)
Weight : 170 lbs (77 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Sagittarius
Blood Type : O+
Home : Bourg-en-Vol (Littleroot Town), Hoenn (Japan)
Nature : Rash
Signature Move : Aerial Ace
"Anthem" : Fighter by The Score
390 : Ouisticram (Chimchar)
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Name Given : Okyoito
Race : Vastayan ; Khonlui Tribe
Gender : Born Male ; Non Binary
Height : 5'8'' (173 cm)
Weight : 132 lbs (60 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Aries
Blood Type : A+
Home : Littorella (Sandgem Town), Sinnoh (Japan)
Nature : Hardy
Signature Move : Flame Wheel
"Anthem" : My Songs Know what you did in the Dark (Light 'Em Up) by Fall Out Boy
498 : Gruikui (Tepig)
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Name Given : Greyson
Race : Earthling
Gender : Male
Height : 5'10'' (178 cm)
Weight : 205 lbs (93 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Aries
Blood Type : AB+
Home : Renouet (Nuvema Town), Unova (USA)
Nature : Bashful
Signature Move : Heat Crash
"Anthem" : Warriors by Freedom Call
653 : Feunnec (Fennekin)
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Name Given : Félicité
Race : Vastayan ; Vesani Tribe
Gender : Female
Height : 5'5'' (165 cm)
Weight : 88 lbs (40 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Leo
Blood Type : A-
Home : Illumis (Lumiose City), Kalos (France)
Nature : Modest
Signature Move : Psybeam
"Anthem" : Just Like Fire by P!NK
725 : Flamiaou (Litten)
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Name Given : Fareani
Race : Vastayan ; Vesani Tribe
Gender : Born Female ; Transgender (Now Male)
Height : 5'7'' (170 cm)
Weight : 99 lbs (45 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Leo
Blood Type : A+
Home : Lili'i (Iki Town), Alola (Hawaii)
Nature : Lonely
Signature Move : Lick
"Anthem" : Rumble by Zayde Wolfe
813 : Flambino (Scorbunny)
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Name Given : Flanagan
Race : Vastayan ; Viscacha Tribe
Gender : Born Male ; Quoigender
Height : 5'6'' (168 cm)
Weight : 143 lbs (65 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Sagittarius
Blood Type : AB-
Home : Brasswick (Wedgehurst), Galar (England)
Nature : Adamant
Signature Move : Double Kick
"Anthem" : Fireball by Pitbull ft. John Ryan
909 : Chochodile (Fuecoco)
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Name Given : Chucho
Race : Vastayan ; Makara Tribe
Gender : Male
Height : 4'11'' (150 cm)
Weight : 187 lbs (85 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Leo
Blood Type : O+
Home : Cuchalaga (Cabo Poco), Paldea (Spain)
Nature : Relaxed
Signature Move : Bite
"Anthem" : Fire by BTS
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spirithunts · 7 months
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ahri's need to feed on people's spiritual essence is as much a basic need as a normal human's hunger — although it does not remove her need to also get nourishment from actual food. it is canon that the vastaya are highly attuned to the magic around them, which allows them to thrive (and that its absence impacts them).
ahri does not seem highly impacted by leaving an environment with an enormous amount of spiritual magic, like ionia, to travel to a place like bilgewater, where magic may be present but wouldn't be as naturally abundant — and i deduce this might be related to her tribe having evolved differently, perhaps because of their frequent travels (some of them did establish themselves for research in the blessed isles, and i assume others may have wandered to other places), which led them to actively absorb magic instead of passively doing so as seems to be the case with other vastaya.
which is an elongated explanation to say my headcanon is the vesani evolved to actively feed on spiritual essence as a means of acquiring sustenance for the magical part of their beings, which includes their powers but also affects them physically and mentally.
in her short stories and other content, ahri is said to feed on people's essences, although it isn't always explicitly established what this essence is. most of her depictions, however, make it clear this includes people's feelings and memories. her color story suggests this is all there is to it; but given that taken to an extreme her feeding on someone doesn't simply make them numb or wipes their memory clean but actually kills them, i believe whatever comprises one's life force is also absorbed in that process — which is why even if she doesn't kill someone, anyone she feeds on will be weakened for a time.
this also means she wouldn't feed on any kind of being, as well. any undead, ghostly or spirit-like sort of creature would not be seen as prey, and while she would be able to sense their feelings, she would not be able to feed on them. as a result, they do not pose a challenge to her control, no matter how intense their feelings and memories.
personally, i would also include demons in that category, as they do not live and exist the same way as mortals do, but like spirits and wraiths and whatnot, they have (or can have) memories and emotions.
in ruined king, ahri absorbs viego's memories, but not directly from him — rather, she absorbs them from the mist around gangplank, after viego is no longer controlling him. she might be able to see memories even from the creatures she cannot really feed on, but i honestly believe the indirect way this happens suggests it's either due to the mystical nature of the mist, or the contact with a living being making it possible.
another interesting thing to note is that maokai, who as per his bio is a spirit, seems to willingly share his memories with ahri, as he shows her what the blessed isles were like and asks that she, in turn, show/tell the others about it. the fact he is not at all harmed by it and that the process is done consciously (while when feeding ahri cannot control what is or isn't taken, as she states in that same game in an interaction with sarah), with him choosing what to share, also suggests to me the way her powers interact with beings other than living mortals is different, and she neither hungers nor harms them with these abilities as she would living mortals.
for that reason, i also think being around sentient beings that are not living mortals is much easier for her — and something greatly appreciated, depending on who she's around of course. regardless of the specifics, though, the fact she does not hunger to feed on them in itself allows ahri to be far more relaxed than she usually is, because she doesn't need to fear giving in to the hunger and losing control. being around 'normal' people can be strenuous and difficult, and it's always tiresome, because she never wants to let her guard down and possibly hurt someone. in ruined king, another conversation addresses this when she speaks to illaoi, who questions how little she sleeps — to which ahri replies she prefers to stay awake around them, as to be fully in control. the constant state of alert to keep herself in check would certainly take a toll on her after extended periods of time.
and at the end of the day, while she isolates herself to avoid hurting people, ahri longs for companionship. she wants people near. she wants to be able to love and be loved without fear. and i think that's simply made a lot easier when she's not near constantly struggling against her need to feed. she tends to feel a lot more at ease, comfortable and relaxed around people who are not living mortals, as a result. i mentioned maokai, and ahri is visibly at ease with him at the same time she tries to avoid the rest of the group in ruined king (with the exception being pyke! and the two of them have some really interesting interactions about their respective natures and clearly form a kinship over it).
to my ahri specifically, i think that's also part of why she was more open to eve from the start; their similar instincts, but also the fact she could finally relax around someone and not be afraid of losing control and killing them definitely contributed to why ahri would allow her to get closer.
as a side note not necessarily related to the hunger and feeding aspect of it, her nature allows her to recognize other inhuman beings immediately a lot of the time (as i expect she would be recognized in turn). and around them her attitude tends to be somewhat different. not that her personality isn't the same, or that there are drastic changes, but a lot of the barriers she puts between herself and others are immediately down. using pyke as an example, they have this dialogue:
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that in my opinion makes that very clear. she's not afraid to get straight to the point because she feels they are, in a way, similar. he is someone she can understand; not someone she has to be afraid of hurting, not someone who would scorn her for being a monster. all of this — being able to recognize other beings as inhuman, regardless of what exactly they are, as well as not being able (or feeling the urge) to feed on them makes considerably simpler for ahri to not hold herself back as much as she usually does, which results in her being often a lot more blunt and less evasive than she'd usually be.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 3 months
Pokémon in my AU : Grass Starters
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Drawing all the Grass Starters in my AU. They will have their own designs and different possible races that exists in my AU, based on their classic designs in the Pokémon games.
Note that the First Stages are pre-teens/teens.
001 : Bulbizarre (Bulbasaur)
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Name Given : Bussho
Race : Earthling
Gender : Born Male ; Trigender
Height : 5'6" (167 cm)
Weight : 198 lbs (90 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Aries
Blood Type : AB+
Home : Bourg-Palette (Pallet Town), Kanto (Japan)
Nature : Calm
Signature Move : Vine Whip
"Anthem" : Feel Like Fertilizin' by JTMusic
152 : Germignon (Chikorita)
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Name Given : Ginko
Race : Wyverian
Gender : Female
Height : 5'8" (173 cm)
Weight : 152 lbs (69 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Virgo
Blood Type : O+
Home : Bourg-Géon (New Bark Town), Johto (Japan)
Nature : Docile
Signature Move : Synthesis
"Anthem" : Sunflower by Post Malone ft. Swae Lee
252 : Arcko (Treecko)
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Name Given : Aritomo
Race : Vastayan ; Oovi-Kat Tribe
Gender : Born Male ; Demiboy
Height : 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight : 110 lbs (50 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Aries
Blood Type : A+
Home : Bourg-en-Vol (Littleroot Town), Hoenn (Japan)
Nature : Hasty
Signature Move : Mega Drain
"Anthem" : Natural by Imagine Dragons
387 : Tortipouss (Turtwig)
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Name Given : Toru
Race : Earthling
Gender : Born Male ; Quoigender
Height : 4'10" (147 cm)
Weight : 179 lbs (81 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Taurus
Blood Type : O-
Home : Bonaugure (Twinleaf Town), Sinnoh (Japan)
Nature : Hardy
Signature Move : Razor Leaf
"Anthem" : The Mountain by Three Days Grace
495 : Vipélierre (Snivy)
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Name Given : Victoria
Race : Wyverian
Gender : Born Female ; Demigirl
Height : 5'11" (180 cm)
Weight : 90 lbs (41 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Scorpio
Blood Type : A+
Home : Pavonnay (Aspertia City), Unova (USA)
Nature : Jolly
Signature Move : Leaf Tornado
"Anthem" : Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift
650 : Marisson (Chespin)
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Name Given : Marius
Race : Earthling
Gender : Born Male ; Bigender
Height : 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight : 121 lbs (55 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Libra
Blood Type : A-
Home : Quarellis (Aquacorde Town), Kalos (France)
Nature : Relaxed
Signature Move : Rollout
"Anthem" : You're Going Down by Sick Puppies
722 : Brindibou (Rowlet)
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Name Given : Bane
Race : Vastayan ; Cloudsdalian Tribe
Gender : Born Female ; Genderfluid
Height : 5'1" (155 cm)
Weight : 102 lbs (46 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Pisces
Blood Type : O-
Home : Lili'i (Iki Town), Alola (Hawaii)
Nature : Brave
Signature Move : Leafage
"Anthem" : Ready Aim Fire by Blue Stahli
810 : Ouistempo (Grookey)
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Name Given : Oakley
Race : Vastayan ; Khonlui Tribe
Gender : Born Male ; Apogender
Height : 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight : 150 lbs (68 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Capricorn
Blood Type : O+
Home : Paddoxton (Postwick), Galar (England)
Nature : Adamant
Signature Move : Branch Poke
"Anthem" : The Jungle by Zayde Wolfe
906 : Poussacha (Sprigatito)
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Name Given : Pacifica
Race : Vastayan ; Vesani Tribe
Gender : Female
Height : 5'7" (170 cm)
Weight : 141 lbs (64 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Gemini
Blood Type : A+
Home : Cuchalaga (Cabo Poco), Paldea (Spain)
Nature : Naive
Signature Move : Magical Leaf
"Anthem" : Magic by Mystery Skulls ft. Brandy & Nile Rodgers
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yutopia-eleftheria · 6 months
Five Nights At Freddy's 1 (Original 4) Squad Headcanon (my "Reborn" AU)
- - - New Year Special ! - - -
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A Bite At Freddy's (Fnaf Fangame) New Year 2024 Special Fanart
Freddy Fazbear :
Age : 36 ans
Height : 5'10" (178cm)
Weight : 159lbs (72kg)
Birthday : June 17th
Zodiac Sign : Gemini
Gender : Male
Race : Vastayan ; Khonlui Tribe
Occupation : Singer & Leader of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza's Band
Family : Toddy Fazbear (Younger Half-Brother)
Fredbear (Older Cousin)
Sexuality : Biromantic Heterosexual
Lover : Chica
Spirit : Gabriel
Bonnie :
Age : 26 ans
Height : 6'3" (191cm)
Weight : 155lbs (70kg)
Birthday : February 17th
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Gender : Demiboy ; Born Male
Race : Vastayan ; Viscacha Tribe
Occupation : Guitarist of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza's Band
Family :
Sexuality : Panromantic
Lover : Chelsea (previously Chica)
Spirit : Jeremy
Chica Ann :
Age : 36 ans
Height : 5'5" (166cm)
Weight : 152lbs (69kg)
Birthday : April 6th
Zodiac Sign : Taurus
Gender : Female
Race : Vastayan ; Magmavia Tribe
Occupation : Drummer of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza's Band
Family : Nika (Sister)
Sexuality : Asexual Bi-curious
Lover : Freddy (previously Bonnie and Foxy)
Spirit : Susie
Foxy Aiden :
Age : 26 ans
Height : 5'3" (160cm)
Weight : 157lbs (71kg)
Birthday : June 26th
Zodiac Sign : Cancer
Gender : Agender ; Born Male
Race : Vastayan ; Vesani Tribe
Occupation : Pirate / Animator of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza's Band
Family :
Sexuality : Demiromantic Gynesexual
Lover : Mangle (previously Chica)
Spirit : Fritz
Official Couples in my AU (as well as broken up couples) :
Freddy X Chica
Bonnie X Chica (Broken Up)
Bonnie X Chelsea
Foxy X Chica (Broken Up)
Foxy X Mangle
Bearnard X Bonifacio
Spring X Mangle (Broken Up)
Spring X Vanny
Frédérick X Félix
Rudy X Ricka
Ronnie X Rox
Lefty X Funtime Chica
Nedd Bear X Happy Frog
Glamrock Freddy X Glamrock Bonnie X Geeta (Geeta Left)
Geeta X Roxy
Monty X Éclipse (+ Sundrop & Moondrop)
White Rabbit X LolBit
Tangle X Hcather (My OC)
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spirithunts · 6 months
i like to think the tail-cloak matriarch is a vastaya from a related tribe, but not exactly a vesani
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although she shares some of ahri's fox traits, like the multiple fox tails and whisker markings, she doesn't have the fox ears; instead, her ears are more humanoid, albeit pointy. she also has antlers (if you look closely it's visible it's not a headpiece but rather actual antlers), something else she doesn't share with ahri. plus i like the idea of the distant kinship, and the almost motherly role the matriarch apparently takes, without undermining ahri's isolation as the last of her kind.
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Resisting the urge to bend Ahri over the nearest fallen tree and attempting to make more little foxes
Ahri: why don’t you come over here and stop resisting, let us repopulate the Vesani tribe together
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