nirahsa · 16 days
Aid of the Vespira
The skies above the Isle of Dorn had been relatively quiet ever since the fall of Dalaran. Xal’atath’s goal having been achieved. The remains of Dalaran smoldered upon the shores with dwindling arcane energy, but other than that the day seemed as serene as any other.
Until a disturbance began to flicker hundreds of feet in the air, a crackling orb of lightning coalesced before a crack resounded like manmade thunder. Before a ship burst forth into existence, lightning crackling upon the hull briefly.
It looked to be about the size of an Alliance destroyer if not a little bit smaller, violet sails shimmering iridescently against the light. Including two wide flat sails extending out from the hull in a position that would normally render them under water if not for the ship being held aloft by some magical or technological means.
The backend of the underside of the hull was equipped with engines and technology that would make one wonder if the ship was watertight at all.
A variety of other gadgets ran across the vessel including what appeared to be multiple turrets for defense as well as ports for broadside weaponry. However, the overall size of the ship suggested it wasn’t primarily designed as a warship at all even though it was probably quite formidable due to its engineering wizardry.
At the wheel of the ship was a blue skinned Draenei sporting goggles that hid her eyes, Nirahsa was the captain of this vessel, built in collaborations with Drogar and Finkswitch the Vespira was a one-of-a-kind ship.
Nirahsa swung the wheel to portside, causing the rear engines to flare as the ship banked and began a long turn towards the left as it moved inland, slowly heading towards the city Dornogal in the distance.
A dwarf called out gruffly from the deck, “Teleportation jump successful Captain, this be Khaz Algar!”
“Very good Noldric, yes yes!” Nirahsa stated in excitement, this had been the first time the ship had done a completely blind jump with the teleportation generator. In that no one onboard had been to where they were going, relying entirely on provided cooridinates. “Let’s take inventory of our cargo!” “Aye Aye Ma’am,” Noldric turn and headed off to carry out the instructions. The Vespira only had a small crew, relying greatly on technology to do a lot of the heavy lifting that people would normally have to do on a regular seabound ship. Though there were still lots of things that needed people to be done. Not to mention maintaining the machinery!
After Jaina had returned to Stormwind and warned the Alliance of the threat posed by Xal’atath, Nirahsa had gotten the Vespira ready to depart as quick as possible. Loading her up with anything that might be helpful for the survivors as well as a small contingent of Alliance Soldiers to help render aid and provide some additional protection. The Alliance Taskforce was still underway but due to the Vespira’s ability to jump it was able to arrive much more quickly.
Nirahsa had also been motivated to move more quickly because Dacianna had been in Dalaran when Xal’atath attacked. And while she was certain the Daci was perfectly fine, she still couldn’t help but be worried about her. Which had caused Nira to really depart as soon as possible, even though she’d have tried to leave quickly to bring some additional aid either way.
A horn could be heard sounding within Dornogal in the distance, which indicated they had been spotted. Though Nirahsa didn’t know if they would shoot first or not, she still decided to not spook them more incase no one was around to let them know the Vespira wasn’t hostile.
“Reduce speed Merzi, we’ll land close but outside the city all slow like, so we don’t spook anyone, yes yes!”
The draenei Merzi gave a nod before she adjusted the main engine output, bringing the levels down and having the Vespira slow to a crawl as Nira began to have the airship slowly descend via reducing power flowing through the billowing sails.
While she didn’t know what to fully expect from the Earthen that built this city, Nirahsa knew that things were going to be rather interesting either way.
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zynxsone · 2 years
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- Lipsticks are her favorite lip products, prefers ones with saturated colors
- When she brings you with her while shopping, she picks out lip glosses for you because she thinks It makes your lip glow and plump
"Lip glosses look better with you! They make your pretty lips shine"
- Likes to kiss you when she's wearing a high red colored lipstick, mostly to mark stains on your lips
- She'll be the one putting the glosses for you
- Doesn't use lip products that much
- Though she does use chapsticks, the plain ones that has no flavours
- She bought chapsticks because she didn't like kissing you with her dry lips ;(
- Just realized that they have flavors after that one time she kissed you
"Did you eat honey? Wait what? No I never knew"
- So she decided to buy chapsticks that have sweet flavors just for you! Candy flavors, and mostly melon flavors too
- She sometimes brings the flavored chapsticks with her if she ever wants to place kisses on you ^3^
- Uses any type of lip products as long as their shades are soft or light
- Doesn't like colors that pop out too much!
- Mostly uses lipstick since lip gloss is too liquid for her
- Chapstick? Definitely, only uses it when she wants to kiss you
- She thinks it would embarrass you if she kissed you wearing lipstick because It could leave a stain! :<
"Oh my, I'm sorry dear! Do you want me wipe them out?"
- She has organized packs and has one just for you!
- Loves honey flavored products (obviously)
- If you'd ever decide to wear lip gloss, lipstick, or chapstick she'd pick the colors and flavor for you sincerely she's picky
"I think this hue suits you better. You should try vanilla sometimes"
- Tries not to force you because she just wants you to be perfect, but respects If you don't like them
- Always prefers chapsticks, even if lipsticks makes her amazed she prefers chapsticks since lipsticks are too uncomfortable for her!
- Though she would test out lipsticks on you since she thinks it looks better on you •v•
"Hm, do you think pink looks better? I think they do!"
- Would always pick sweet flavors for her chapsticks like cherry soda, cotton candy, and mostly strawberry cake flavored
- She's definitely a lipgloss fan
- She loves to pick out lipglosses that have decorations on them!
- Would buy matching coloured lipgloss for both of you
"Let's but the ones with glitters! And they're purple too!"
- If you wear any color with lip gloss, she would make compliments on how you picked a perfect shade
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yolmalei · 2 years
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The bee miraculous looks best on Chloe
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soggycardboardbox · 10 months
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Two druids and an ex-warlock go on a road trip
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pumpkinpatchgarden · 1 year
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Been having a really long art block, and finally trying to get back at drawing. Since here I don’t post the art payment I do unless the person has a tumblr it’s been abandoned for a long time, but I hope that changes soon.
Top drawing: Mireille design by fantsaystaradopts on deviantart Amand design by landofadoption on deviantart Sol design by jollanars-adopts  (gifted by nyx-witch-blood) Some days ago to try and finally shake a bit of the art block, even if it means traditional coloring. Mireille (she/her cis woman) and Amand (he/him cis boy) are sibling, bot their parents are elves but from different types. Also, since I finally finished The Owl House I also took the change to use a design I had for a luminity child, so here we have Sol (he/they pronouns but a cis girl because fuck yeah gender nonconformity), who is the younger sibling. I'm not sure if I'll also use Mireille and Amand as ocasional TOH character because while I have a story in mind I'm unsure if I will fully write it, so we'll see I guess. Bottom drawing: Vespira design (six point star marks) by @rinaenergy17 Corona (crown marks on the first drawing) by auslaehistorian on deviantart Selenthea (moon marks) and Tiara (crown marks on the second drawing) by: @xx-simpfulstar-xx Did this in march of 2022 and wanted to digitalize before posting, but then art block hit so I think I'm finally going to post it and be done with. Story is a bit of a wip, but here is a small resume: Selenthea's sister, Corona, got married to the heir of another kingdom that was deeply trusted by the Butterflies... Sadly the heir (and idk if the father) ended up being rotten apples and wanting more power. They used Corona as a hostage and in exchange they wanted the wand, but upon refusal (and idk if Corona herself trying to escape or a rescue mission being send to get her back) they executed her. Selenthea entered in a war with them and won, but in the process developed trust issues, to the point of getting married to her first cousin despise the lack of love because she feelt the coun't trust anybody outside the family.
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olievu · 2 months
nightmares & refuge - 1
this post and all posts bearing the nightmares & refuge name and tag will MOST LIKELY contain blood and violence! if that is something that bothers you, please scroll on!
this post contains NO spoilers!
before you meet cain and his odd little family, i feel you need a bit of introduction to their world. the young family, or, the twins i should say; are an odd duo. one is a vampire, one is a ghost, you can do the math there. cain and abel are inseparable regardless of past events, a disorderly duo.
cain's home base is located above a small bookshop in blacksburg, virginia; however, he has a residence in seattle, washington for the off seasons. the andrews, his family, live in washington and have been there for centuries. before it was washington really.
you may be asking yourself how one family could have inhabited such a space and still be, well, alive. vampires, love! vampires! sit tight and i'll tell you about all sorts of them.
we'll start with cain's breed and work our way down by way of importance. cain is a caridea, a fairly rare breed under the circumstances necessary to become one. the breed is the result of a cross between a vespira and a tridacna. assuming the tridacna shows no signs of vampirism and is turned by a vespira. you get the idea. (ill be posting a more extensive guide to the vampire breeds later on, not to worry!) cain is a carnivorous vampire, meaning he can only get necessary nutrients from human blood. he does not condone feeding off of human beings without consent. even then, he's quite odd about it! caridea vampires, whilst hunted for sport in some places, are an immortal group!
next on the list are the vespira. this is a rather common breed, and includes the entire andrews family. they are herbivorous and feed off animals. similar to cain, the andrews do not feed directly from the animals. they do run a corner store where they sell meat and other goods from animals they've hunted. all vespira vampires were either born vampires or turned by an adult vespira. no one is sure of the origins of the breed. they are, in a way, immortal. then come the tridacna, which are... a rather odd group. put simply, the tridacna are a pure bloodline and frown upon interactions with other breeds and even human beings. they are considered the aristocracy of the vampire world and most sitting leaders are tridacnas. the tridacna breed is not immortal. humans have and will continue to fear vampires. it is a simple fact, they are called 'bloodsuckers' and 'the undead' by those who hold more hatred toward the species. as of lately, humans in seattle have begun to approach the andrews with a sort of curiosity. they are proceeding with caution, but the interaction is welcome nonetheless.
that concludes the brief introduction! let me know what you guys think so far, i'd love to hear it! as i said earlier, i'll be posting an extensive guide to the species along with character introductions later on. i do hope you enjoy it as much as i do. <3
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dwcmarshalarts · 4 months
more questions!
Why is major vespira’s uniform slightly different to that of the rest of the navy when it’s been shown before that naval marines dress the same as sailors (that piece showing off the marines & terizikan ground forces) and is it just an accidental oversight or similar to how USMC officers have different uniforms than enlisted marines?
2. It’s really weird to say “can I be your friend” however I was wondering what your thoughts were on more casual world-building discussion were, because you have inspired me with some aspects, like the civil war piece you made regarding how quickly the fancy parade uniforms of the us army went downhill during the civil war & the realities of who’d actually be wearing it, and it’d be great to have a kinda forum you’d be okay with to discuss various ideas and topics, especially because I’ve recently been trying to get into civil war related mythos, especially with the union
3. Damek critou, as far as I know dames is a character owned by another person yet is the main character of one of your side stories? if so that’s cool and I’d love to hear how that came about, aswell as I’d love to hear a little bit more about what’s actually happening in that story, as I’ve gotten the basic premise of cute traumatised lil blue fox gets whisked away by a dashing rebel officer after getting bored of Rafans 6am meetings (not exactly but that’s the gist of it I presume :pp)
4. Not really a question, but I sent a few more asks in but accidentally turned on incognito, one of them was about your characters (Xever’s unit) and what they were like to interact with as people, in a civilian and military setting with subordinates and strangers (because asking if they accepts hugs is kinda boring) because they all seem pretty interesting (also who’s the lieutenant? :pp)
1. Naval Marines and Voidmen (non-Marine soldiers on the Circuit’s ships) do have the same fatigues, but they don’t dress the same overall. The NM are a unique subdivision of the Navy which have their own internal command structure, they just happen to share some resources, and ultimately answer to their Naval Commanders- most often the folks in charge of their ship or squadron. As such, NM get their own dress uniforms.
2. My take on worldbuilding generally is that I think it is a fundamental aspect of writing stories, and I’m thankful that as of the recent couple years, plenty of people are interested in jumping aboard and doing their own. That said, I think there is a tendency with “going too far” into it, and people get very lost in the sauce. I used to be the consummate worldbuilder back when I was working on my In the Red series, but after a while I kind of noticed that a lot of the world-building that I was doing at the time was just a rote regurgitation of what I knew about real world history. This was also a trend with a lot of what I was seeing from contemporaries, no shade meant, but that was just what I was seeing. I stopped, as a result, and spent a while focusing mainly on the characters in my other series, which would become the flagship “Percivals” stories. I would only really start worldbuilding again after I had a clear idea for the character development and arcs, as well as how they, in conjunction to the world around us, would be relatable to a reader. That way, I could pull not from the rote history, but from what *drives* developments.
Not to mention, I’ve begun growing a little less patient with the worldbuilding-forward story aspects, as it can end up making a story feel less “real” or “lived in,” and break some of the immersion. A good worldbuild is one where you don’t think about the worldbuild. There’s this great line about dialogue in films where characters shouldn’t state information that they should already know, just because the audience needs to be let in on some exposition. This is true about worldbuilding as well. Take from our real world too: how often do people think about the Seven Year’s War? How many people drive past the Winfield Scott Hancock statue in Washington DC and consciously thinking about his role in commanding US Forces at Gettysburg? How many people think about the makeup of a fleet of ships-of-the-line when they pass by Nelson’s Column? The answer is- most people don’t even think about it. They don’t bat an eye and keep going about their lives- and- yes, these historical events have shaped the course of history. But more goes on than just those big events- I haven’t even mentioned mundane, bureaucratic processes that reshape neighborhoods, or public constructions that alter a landscape. Oftentimes, those things get overlooked for flashy, “historical” events, when in many cases, boring legislation or changes in regulation end up being far more wide reaching in scope, both in their immediate effect, and later down the line.
The truth behind the matter is that the key to good, “lived in” worldbuilding is restraint. Restraint of putting everything out there, restraint of not giving every single detail to a reader/viewer. Yes, worldbuild, yes, write about the logistics system in x nation, but have the restraint to keep it in the background as yet another mundane thing. Once you treat a world as having been naturally evolved as opposed to artificially developed, with highlights and whatnot, that’ll be when it’ll feel properly lived in.
As for any further discussion- I’m a little busy a lot of the time haha. If you have any more questions, I can always answer them, or get around to answering them through my inbox. Thank you for your interest!
3. I’ve known Damek for a little bit, and as we’re both interested in sci fi, we’ve had conversations about theoretical placement of his character in the Percivals for a bit. I did a piece for him a while ago that was a commission and I set that in-universe. As an idea, it was kind of just sitting there for a while. In the mean time, I had started another stand-alone story with Ezo (another person’s character who I’m chill with) and built up the antagonist for that story, an ICC Admiral Rafan Spex. Back then, he was a mustache-twirling villain who was unambiguously sinister. Andor, the Star Wars show, did a lot to give me an idea for what Critou could be like. After doing some thinking, I rewrote the Spex character, and connected it to Damek to bridge the two stories, and serve as the basis for a three-arc, eleven chapter story. I’ve written the synopses for every chapter except 11, but I won’t be releasing that widely any time soon to avoid overt spoilers.
4. The officers in Xever’s unit are pretty chill, for the most part. Maybe with the exception of Wynn. Now, I’ll admit, this is a pretty broad question, and one that I wouldn’t be able to reasonably or concisely answer in a single post, but I’ll go over Xever to start with. Xever has had a very rigid, and turbulent upbringing. His father was, for most of his crucial, developing years, a broken man with dead career prospects whose own father was also harsh and austere military patriarch. Xever only really ever connected with his brother, whose death early on in his military career robbed him of companionship, and turned his mother into a fish-out-of-water shut-in, too hurt by the loss to be too active. Despite Xever finding some peace with Tycho for a short while, Xever’s lack of broader social interaction made him socially awkward, ripe for bullying during the Academy. His interests, mainly music and introspective, vulnerable ideas were simply not the same as his peers, and that along with being gay, compounded his insecurities. He’d eventually get through the Academy (not without hiccups) but as he quickly rose through the ranks (largely by family connections), he was still largely socially awkward and masked that by talking to his coworkers in Ground Forces with very by-the-book, stock-standard speech. He’d been to explore himself more off-work, especially in the company of Tycho, and be more loose, particularly in areas where his father would be unlikely to know about. This would have made him more sociable and chill in the long run, but due to events in the story, that would be cut short.
Knowing this, we can tell a couple things: without support from others, or the comfort of well-rehearsed, by the book answers, Xever can be quite socially awkward, both to professional comrades and civilians.
Good question though, I’ll likely make more structured, separate posts about the other characters in time! Likely next will be about Ewan Figes, followed by Tycho, then Wynn, Rodriguez, and Dyer.
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I just realized something incredibly dumb. As far as Adrien knows Ladybug has permanently benched 2 people. Chloé and Marinette. Queen Bee replaced by Vespira. Multimouse replaced by Polymouse.
I mean. YEAH.
God he must be wondering what Marinette did to incur LB's wrath
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resetting37 · 6 months
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Ah yes the interpersonal drama within the council of Evelow. I've talked about and drawn them a few times here, but idk, I wanted to talk about the specific dynamics a bit more.
Some explanation
Atlas, Kenzo, Crystal, and Candace did know each other for a long time, as many old money families do. Things get more complicated when you're given a chair in the council, but to be fair, Atlas and Crystal weren't ever *that* close. Casual rivals means they don't try to remove each other's chairs, they're just haters.
Crystal Camryn and Kenzo Yamazaki had always been really close allies, but with "recent" story events, they do go through hardship. It's once Crystal dies that Atlas Vespira (aka the Vespira House) sweeps in to try to be the next close ally to the Yamazakis.
Esther actually gets along with all of them, after all, she's the empress, so it makes sense for her to surround herself with people she trusts. However, the only reason I've pointed out her allyship with Dr. Cloud Ellocast is that the doctor was the only new councilman she appointed when she became empress. This was a controversial, because as you can see-
Not many people approve of Dr. Cloud Ellocast being on the council. They're a very renowned figure of Evelow, but never one that ever held political power, and critics speculated they will use their position as councilman to funnel more money into their "mysterious gene project"
Dr. Rajan Tandon is a professional ally to Dr. Cloud due to his late father being heavily involved with Dr. Ellocast's research. Atlas Vespira is a professional ally to both because he was a top donor to the project. He's supportive of Dr. Cloud being appointed as a councilman, but the others can't say the same.
Atlas Vespira and Candace Hadler were once in an arranged marriage and did genuinely love each other, hence the unique "ex-lovers" connection. I talk about it in this additional text. (yes it's the same post I linked earlier but this version has more text !)
Some of this drama does reflect in how their families view each other, but it isn't entirely representative.
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phoinexboi · 2 years
Thoughts on vespira?
Honestly she's so forced I don't have any feelings. I don't care about Zoé because she was shoved in my face so much. But on the other hand I can't necessarily not like her because I haven't seen enough of her not to like her for! She uh... she's nice, has a good transformation and Zoé is pretty ig?
So overall. No thoughts. No thoughts LMAO.
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palehorntea · 2 years
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#Moovember Stubborn Duplicate for Vespira!
Timelapse: https://twitter.com/PalehornTea/status/1597382340086747137
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dizzy-pixels · 2 months
Starship Promise Lore
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So basically it was a time when more and more sentient beings were entering space and the humans saw this and wanted to establish diplomatic relations with them as well as explore the galaxy for more. They established the Union for this purpose. But soon what started as an endeavor for exploration quickly turned to colonization and exploitation. This resulted in the Colonial Wars. During the war, a faction rose to challenge the Union's rule, the Empire. While the universe is in a state of disarray, some try to take advantage of the chaos to establish themselves and gain great wealth resulting in the Underground where fortune hunters, bounty hunters, space pirates, arms dealers, and other shady deals take place. Sometimes either faction of the war may secretly use their services to gain an upper hand over the other.
The Union
The Union's official name is the Union of Democratic Star Systems. It was started by humans for space exploration and diplomacy with other alien planets and those it established diplomacy with entered the Democratic Star Systems. But the Union's benevolent image is propaganda which conceals a history of unlawfully occupying planets, seizing their assets, and oppressing their native residents. This resulted in the Colonial Wars and a faction that split into what would become the Empire. The Union's military is ruled by a collection of admirals and runs on representative democracy. Because the Union was started by humans, most high positions are filled by humans. Aliens may be faced with prejudice when attempting to rise the ranks. Admirals in the Union are dressed in pristine white uniforms with shiny gold trim on their uniforms. Underlings wear the same style of uniform, but colored in earthy tones.
• Admirals: Sol, Mirra, Vyrnas, Evander • Lieutenant: Aquilla • The Fire Falcons: The Fire Falcons was a Union Fighter Pilot Team. Atlas was once a part of it. It's now inactive as most members of this squadron have died. • Mechanized Forces Team: Constructed under Project Bahamut, The Union develops powered mech suits which include functions such as speech commands, flight, ammunition, and a shoulder cannon. These mech suits are only given to the Mechanized Forces Team which is led by Tyrian Aquilla. However, under Operation Echinemon run by Admiral Vyrnas, he implanted a chip in the robots. It's a failsafe in the suits the team members are unaware about where the Union can control whoever is wearing it by overriding the person and shutting off their feelings. Turning them into essentially killing machines.
The Empire
The Empire's official name is The Galactic Liberation Front. It's goal is in the name, to liberate the Galaxy from the colonization of the Empire by fighting back and then establishing themselves as ruler and protector of the galaxy. However they too aren't immune to using force to accomplish this goal, such as taking planets by force to expand their reach over the Union and believe the end justifies the means. For example, in order to keep their military supplied, they sow disorder in the colonies they rule over and leave them rundown so that they can get more recruits trying to leave poverty and join their military for a better life. Their military is ruled by its Emperor and his heir, Imperial Princess Vespira. The Empire consists of humans and aliens alike working together for liberation. Though there are sperate cells in the Empire who have conflicting opinions on how to reach this goal and don't agree with the current way. Officers of the Empire wear black uniforms fairly dripping with gleaming gold accents. Officers often wield "beam sabers," and can use them to deflect blaster fire.
• Commander: Bazirg, Fox, Petros • Admiral: Fairchild • Empire Black Ops: The Empire Black Ops was a small elite force of empire soldiers. However, it soon became a corrupt branch of the Empire military that participated in crimes. The group was disbanded after all its members were dishonorably discharged. • Super Soldiers: Dr. Xendalia often works commissions for the Empire. She herself is working on an army of Super Soldier clones. They are referred to with Greek letters. There's Alpha (aka Nova), Beta, and Gamma. • Super Weapons: Besides super soldiers, the Empire puts its resources into creating other super weapons. The main one was the creation of a super weapon named Ragnarok. The superweapon was intended for fighting smoke aliens. However, since they also used it to destroy smoke-infested planets while people were still living on them and not evacuating first, the Starship Crew destroyed it. Another superweapon was the creation of a nanobot swarm called Fenrir. They planned to use it on the Union.
Human MC
Human MC grew up on the Union Colony of Olympus-7 her whole life, never even seeing other systems or planets until the story starts. She worked as an engineer until people started coming after her, and she's capable of quite a lot of technological wizardry. While some routes focus more on her hacking and programming skills, other routes showcase her talents as an inventor. The story (for the original Promise Crew routes) always begins with Human MC making a discovery which draws the Empire to come hunting her, but the nature of that discovery is different in each route. She can be described as smart, quick thinking, but awkward and have a habit of talking to herself and saying things out loud. Her chain of thought bounces around like a ball in a pinball machine, lightning-fast but very easily sidetracked onto irrelevant tangents. But she's truly a genius engineer able to hack, build, and fix anything. She has the ability to solve what was thought to be unsolvable theoretical physics problems. Her other greatest quality is having a big heart. Her abilities cumulates to her saving the world.
Alien MC
Alien MC was a overachieving accountant major, studying at a big-name university when she fell in love with a private investigator. They became partners, both work-related and romantically. She dropped out of university to work cases with him full-time. On their first major job together, her partner sold her out. A professional and romantic failure. With no degree or other skills, she decided to stick it out as a PI on her own, but the scars of that failed relationship still linger. Not getting proper closure weighed her down more than she'd like to admit. MC's mom doesn't know she's a PI and thinks she thinks she's an accountant consultant. While not a genius like the Human MC, the Alien MC is still a gadget nerd and can repair her tech when it's broken as well as make some small modifications. She modified her wrist tablet on her arm that also has a built in universal translator. She also has great observation and critical thinking skills. She knows how to shoot a blaster, but doesn't know how to fly a ship. Her personality is being married to her job as she basically threw her life into her work after her first love betrayed her. She is more serious and want to be the best PI she can be.
The Evil Force
The smoke creatures that show up across various route are aliens of unknown origin who move from planet to planet, consuming all life and then moving on. They have the ability to evolve to the point where they have glowing red eyes in the midst of their dark, swirling masses. They can even maintain a form that can impersonate people (though their eyes are still red) allowing them to assimilate among people. Their weakness is bright light or particular crystals. The potential invasion of the smoke aliens is the overarching plot arc in the first few Promise Crew routes.
Space colonization allowed the Union to use outer space for permanent habitation as extraterrestrial territory. They set up colonies on space stations. These colonies have controlled gravity, oxygen, and weather. They are typically named after places of paradise.
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soggycardboardbox · 11 months
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My warlock got a final outfit update before their campaign ends
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wystaria-garden · 1 year
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Art trade originally for @doekis, character is now owned by Vespira (designed by @plushpon)!
(Do not repost, use for AI/NFTs, etc.)
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olievu · 2 months
nightmares & refuge - 2
this post contains information on the various breeds of vampires. it is color coded as follows:
this post and all posts bearing the nightmares & refuge name and tag will MOST LIKELY contain blood and violence! if that is something that bothers you, please scroll on!
this post contains NO spoilers!
Herbivorous breed.
Common breed, the gene is NOT recessive. All children of Vespira will be born vampires regardless of the other parent's species.
Omnivorous breed.
This breed tends to keep pure bloodlines in order to retain their status. Yes, this means inbreeding has happened and could still BE happening. We try not to acknowledge this.
Most Tridacna are males. This is simply an updated statistic, gender numbers fluctuate.
NOT immortal.
Carnivorous breed.
Cross between Vespira and Tridacna, this breed is very rare. No vampire is born a Caridea. They must be born fully human and carry the Tridacna gene. Their parents must also both be fully human with the gene.
These vampires tend to have trouble reproducing due to a chemical imbalance caused by the venom used to turn them reacting with the Tridacna gene.
Known for EXTREMELY sharp fangs.
Carnivorous breed.
This breed of vampire is exceptionally rare. Born of two Caridea vampires, they tend to die shortly after birth. Complications caused by the Caridea gene as well as the Vespira gene usually set the children up for failure, assuming their parents are able to conceive.
Herbivorous breed.
Strictly females.
The Eleadora gene mutated from the Vespira gene, and can skip up to ten generations. This makes them THE rarest female breed.
Statistically, most Eleadora vampires are Lesbian or a part of the LGBTQIA+ community in some way.
Omnivorous breed.
Offspring of a Cuon and an Eleadora.
The rarest LIVING breed. These vampires have beat the odds.
Carnivorous breed.
Ancestor of the Tridacna.
Extinct since 78 BC.
Referred to as 'The Titans,' these vampires ruled the earth in their time.
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dwcmarshalarts · 4 months
starting to feel a lil self concious about the volume of asks I sent but i forgot this too
What are spex, Harlan & vespira like? harlan stands out to me as being not too intense like vespira nor managerial like spex and overall seems like good company
that and the ears do make him look abit cute lol, we need more shirtless art of the boys!!!! Aaaaaagh
I’ll get around to answering as many as I can over time, takes a bit haha.
Spex and Harlan are very similar. Both are ladder climbers, paper pushers who haven’t actually seen too much combat, despite being high ranking officers themselves. They have office politics driven ambitions. Spex is simply a senior in this dynamic, and as such has more jurisdiction and control. Harlan serves as his immediate subordinate, and largely puts up with Spex’s demands as a form of getting ahead.
On a personal level, Spex is very dry, and what he lacks in charisma, he “makes up for” with his pretention. He is, however, a true believer in his mission, which is that “things that we want to do, we will do, and pull it off successfully.” No one really knows what Spex is like outside of the uniform, as that side is not something he chooses to show to others.
Harlan is a little more crass- self aware of the ladder climbing nature of his position, and lets the mask slip every now and then with confidantes.
Vesperia is the only of the two whose combat record is extensive. He is, however, loyal, as he feels Spex makes the right calls, not to mention Vesperia’s unshakeable respect for the institutions in place. He is a cold, brass-tacks, kind of individual. Not one for jokes or levity, which makes him one of the best Marine officers in the Circuit.
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