#video motion design underground
cutiekaijumuseum · 3 months
A little trivia for those that just got introduced to Ultraman thanks to Ultraman Rising
You know that part where baby kaiju Emi is shown a kids cartoon with an earworm of a song?
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That cartoon is real!! It's called Kaiju Step Wandabada and it stars cute kid versions of different monsters from different Ultraman series (mostly the original from 1966 wich Rising is also based on). The opening shown in the movie is in stop-motion while the cartoon itself is in 2D.
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The Ultraman heroes don't appear in person, but bizarrely enough they seem to exist as fictional superheroes in-universe, with the kaiju kids having toys and dolls of them. It's no surprise Emi liked it so much! She would be right at home in this show!
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The episodes are 5 minutes long, there are two seasons of 26 episodes each for a total of 52. The official Tsurubaya channel has the first episodes of both seasons uploaded...
...but the rest were sadly only up for a limited time cuz gotta sell the dvds. What is officially available online right now is a series of educational shorts.
Some years ago Marvel Comics got the rights to make Ultraman comics and made a mini-series called "The Rise of Ultraman" (no relation), and these Kaiju Step designs got to appear as part of in-universe instructional videos about dealing with monsters and aliens:
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So let's have a quick rundow on the little monsters and where each comes from:
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Pigmon or Pig-chan is the main protagonist and new kid in town (forest). This coral-looking guy is one of the most iconic and recurring ultra monsters and the go-to kid-friendly one, as he stood out among the original set of kaiju for being friendly and heroic (as well as human-sized). He has the bad habit of dying in many of his apperences but fortunately that's not the case here.
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Kanegon or Kane-chan is the second member of the protagonist trio, and the most energic and simple-minded. A coin purse monster that eats money, and usually a human kid under a curse. He actually pre-dates Ultraman, appearing in the black-and-white anthology series Ultra Q wich had monsters but not superheroes. Fortunately this one doesn't need to eat money and was born a kaiju.
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Alien Dada or Dada-chan is the reliable but temperamental inventor of the trio, he dreams of building a rocket ship. One of the most iconic villains from the original 1966 Ultraman (and that's saying a lot), it's a weird alien with weird powers looking for human subjects for his weird experiments, like testing his shrinking ray. He really earns the name of a weird art movement.
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Gomora or Gomo-chan is probably the most iconic ultra kaiju of all. Remember how in Ultraman Rising there is this whole sequence where the dad omniously talks about fighting him? There is a good reason for that. Gomora had the only two-parter in the original 1966 series, and was able to actually defeat Ultraman in their first figh. He's essentially Godzilla if he lived underground rather than underwater (He's even been a good guy and had a robot counterpart). Here, however, Gomora is a chill guy who's passionate about agriculture. (btw, you can also spot Gomora in Rising on a screen around an hour and eight minutes into the movie).
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Red King or just Red is another iconic ultra dino, that looks like corn. In the show he's brute but well-meaning, and has a friendly sport rivalry with Kemur-chan. But in the Ultraman series he's a sadistic and murderous bully who beats up weaker monsters but gets his butt kicked rather easily by Ultraman (although more recent incarnations have have been more positive, both in his fighting ability and sometimes even becoming a loving father). (and yes, you are right, he's not red).
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Jamira or Jami-chan is a passionate archeologist and fossil collector in the show, whereas in the original Ultraman he was a human astronaut that got infected by a virus. He hasn't appeared much beyond his debut... but doesn't need to, as his episode was very memorable in how sad and tragic it was. I can't imagine the target audience's whiplash seeing this cute creature one moment collecting fossils and the next having a horrible sad death. I guess one could say the same for most of the characters, but this one takes the cake.
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Miclas or Mic-chan is the youngest character, a baby, and loves bugs. He was one of the "capsule monsters" from the second ultra series, Ultra Seven. Sometimes the titular ultra wouldn't be able to fight himself so he would summon up to three very loyal monsters from little capsules to do the fighting instead (or at least buy some time, they weren't very strong). One was a triceratops, another was a robot bird, but the most iconic had to be Miclas because really, what even is he? Some kind of bull toad hybrid? (By the way, fun fact, the capsule monsters were one of the inspirations for Pokemon).
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King Joe (yes, that's his name) or Joe-chan is a robot controlled by alien invaders and is to Ultra Seven what Gomora is to the original Ultraman: he's the subject of a two-parter and was able to beat the hero to a pulp at first, made harder to fight by his ability to divide into three flying parts. Fortunately this Joe is very shy and very friendly.
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Eleking or Ele-chan from Ultra Seven is another of the "mascot" ultra kaiju. If two ultra kaiju have to appear in anything, chances are they will be Gomora and Eleking. In fact, in Ultraman Rising you can see Eleking in a monitor right next to Gomora (around an hour and eight minutes in). It's a dinosaur-like eel monster with (of course) electric powers, and the enforcer of an all-female bug-like alien species set to conquer the earth, that are nonetheless very affectionate towards their pet-weapon dino-eel. The fact that Eleking's masters are always women may explain why the Kaiju Step one is a very femenine and elegant girl despite having King in the name, though no less dangerously electric.
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Alien Guts or Guts-chan here is a very little alien bird child who can multiply into three separate individuals to cause all the destruction in their sincere attempts to help out. The original duo from Ultra Seven meanwhile are ruthless alien invaders that are infamous for freaking crucifying the aforementioned hero, leading to decades of japanese media having christian imagery for the sake of looking cool, most notably Neon Genesis Evangelion, because these birds did it first and it looked so cool.
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Alien Kemur or Kemu-chan is a very agile alien that comes from the distant future of 2020 to consume humans and extend his lifespan. Here he's a friendly but competitive ninja from the present, and has a rivalry with Red King being the speed to his strenght. Like Kanegon, he pre-dates Ultraman, being from Ultra Q.
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Motokureron or Kureron-chan originates from the whimsical, fairy-tale like Ultraman Taro. A kid found him as a baby and fed him until he grew to giant size, but when the kid couldn't feed him anymore he turned destructive; fortunately he was easy to pacify with food, including the kind that made him shrink. He retains his glutonny and clumsiness in Kaiju Step, often doing the bad thing (tm) so the others can teach the kids in the audience why you shouldn't do the bad thing (tm).
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Nova or No-chan originates from the surprisingly dark Ultraman Leo. This creepy and bizarre ghost-like alien created a red mist that made people go crazy, and manipulated a kid with illusions of his deceased family, and under his cloth there are lots of tentacles and a scythe. So of course, in Kaiju Step she's a happy and energic little girl that loves to sing.
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Mugera or Muge-chan is by far the most obscure kaiju of the cast. She's from the 2001 series Ultraman Cosmos, the one where the titular hero protects monsters instead of fighting them. Mugera is an ET-like cryptid that lives in an amusement park that only kids can see, with the ability to fix toys and heal wounds with her magic. After the amusement park closes down she phones home and the protagonists have to protect her from the goverment wich is a little too eager to shoot down the UFO that came to pick her up. In Kaiju Step she likes reading and plants.
And that was your daily dose of kaiju sugar, that may be overdose because you probably already met Emi. Cheers!
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okkultmotionpictures · 8 months
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Excerpts: BEECH-NUT LIFESAVERS Commercial by Fred Mogubgub (1966)
'Beech-nut LIfesavers' is a commecial created by Fred Mogubgub (1928–1989), an influential figure in the world of animation and painting, particularly known for his contributions to the pop art movement during the 1960s in New York City. His career gained significant momentum when he co-founded Ferro, Mogubgub and Schwartz in 1961 alongside designer Pablo Ferro and Lew Schwartz. However, Mogubgub's creative ambitions led him to leave the company in 1964 to establish his own firm, Mogubgub, Ltd.
Mogubgub's artistic style is characterized by its rapid, staccato jump-cuts—an innovative blend of cartoons and photographs that flash across the screen, creating an effect that could be likened to subliminal advertising. His work, which often featured iconic American objects, was celebrated for its ability to capture the essence of American pop culture in a unique and engaging way. Among his notable commercial clients were Ford, Coca-Cola, and Life Savers, with his creations leaving a lasting impression on audiences due to their memorable and distinctive style.
His commercial work was groundbreaking, and several of Mogubgub's films have been recognized by the Museum of Modern Art for their innovative approach to animation and advertising. One of his most famous pop artworks was a large-scale sign erected in Manhattan in 1965, provocatively asking, "Why Doesn't Someone Give Mogubgub Ltd. Two Million Dollars to Make a Movie?" This piece reflected Mogubgub's bold and creative spirit, showcasing his ability to blend art with advertising in unprecedented ways.
Mogubgub's work extended beyond commercial advertisements to include underground short films that merged animation, illustration, and live action. One of his notable films, "The Pop Show" (1966), featured Gloria Steinem and demonstrated Mogubgub's adeptness at navigating the avant-garde film scene. Despite his significant contributions, Mogubgub's name is often omitted from discussions on avant-garde and experimental film from the late 1960s and early 1970s. However, his films were included in underground screenings, such as the 1970 New York Underground Film Festival, highlighting his role in the experimental film movement.
Fred Mogubgub passed away in 1989 at the age of 61 from bone cancer. Despite his death, his creative legacy continues to inspire animators and filmmakers, illustrating the enduring impact of his work on both the commercial and artistic realms of animation and pop art​.
| Hosted at: Internet Archive | Full Video Download: MPEG4
‘The EXCERPTS series by OKKULT Motion Pictures transforms images from open source films of important historical and artistic merit into the internet drug we’ve come to love: GIFs!’ (Vice)
(Thanks to archive.org)
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wormmongerer · 2 years
Time and Motion
Barrett presents us throughout block of text explaining time (implied, actual, recorded) and the different forms of time manipulation in a myriad of mediums. Alongside time, motion is given as an actual medium (ex. kinetic art) and can be seen as a key element in the world of 4D arts.
Any artist in the modern world has a grand opportunity to explore these components. With ready access to computer software and advanced tools, we are given a change to stretch and squish time in a way that might've been much less achievable even just 20 years ago. Videos, gifs, videogames, digital medias -- such as tumblr -- open a window for creators to manipulate perceptions of things such as the passage of time, or the migration of inanimate objects for example.
As an artist who find them self stuck and unmovable in the mediums and styles I've explored my whole life, these concepts are indescribably appealing. Collaging not just a collection of 2D images, but rather compiling a variety of different mediums (both physical and digital) extend an opportunity of story telling and narrative I had not explored before.
In the realm of technological, digital arts, where does video gaming and that specific kind of coding come into play? Video games seem to be an ever-growing trend in modern media, and as our technology becomes more accessible and diverse, I wonder if video gaming will soon become a more popular underground movement from artists rather than big brand name designers.
I am curious about videogaming as an art form in the realm of 4D arts. Technology has advanced and is now more accessible than ever before, and I am curious how that kind of coding can be used by more underground artists rather than big name gaming producers, as it is a content that involves time and motion heavily.
Unfortunately Tumblr deleted my efforts to eloquently talk about some of the artists referenced in the text. Out of frustration and laziness I will shorten and paraphrase.
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Marjane Sutrapi's ability to put narrative and motion into single frames was very impressive, and I have always loved her book Persepolis so I wanted to show my affection towards her work, and excitement that she was referenced in the text book.
Louise Bourgeois' Arch of Hysteria caught my eye as a piece that, by being suspended rather than placed on a pedestal, allowed the viewers to see the piece from almost any angle. This depiction of the male form is unlike what is commonly presented and the use of reflective surface brings in an interesting element of implied motion.
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Laurie Anderson's performance piece drew me in because of how much control she gave up to outside influences such as sunlight exposure melting the blocks of ice. Her inclusion of time passage presented audibly by her violin music gave a lot to the piece.
These readings introduce many exciting ideas, but they are just that: ideas. By giving examples of how the ideas are utilized, the theories become more tangible. But, because they are ideas, they are able to be used, expanded, distorted, and manipulated in so many different ways (by many artists in many mediums). The concluding text gives some great questions to the content: Will the artifact move the viewers eyes of their whole bodies? Will the art itself move about or be in a restricted place? Will it be permanent or ephemeral? So many fun ways to play with time and motion!
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govindhtech · 5 months
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl – Sequel in Sep 2024!
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 leakes
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is set in the perilous factions, mutations, and anomalies of the post-apocalyptic Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Stalker, a scavenger who searches the Zone for precious artefacts, is the character you control.
The series draws on the famous Strugatsky science fiction novel Roadside Picnic, especially its description of the “stalkers,” desperate freelancers who endure terrible weather, mutated creatures, and inexplicable “anomalies” to find precious artefacts. From the minute you wake up in a trader’s bunker in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl, you must explore scrubby hills, abandoned buildings, and underground passages to “kill Strelok,” the only message on your PDA.
The original STALKER’s washed-out colour palette and decaying post Soviet design establishes the tone, but it’s hard to define how it evokes curiosity, trepidation, and fear. Surviving a gunfight with desperate bandits or invisible “Bloodsuckers” may feel good, but it won’t last. STALKER is unpredictable, so you’ll be peeping around corners and counting bandages every few minutes. Radiation pockets can kill you rapidly, and logic defying oddities can surprise even the most dedicated player.
With only a few damaged weaponry and patched armour, you explore a mundane-yet-alien terrain. Though odds are against you, you continue.
STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl
Visuals greatly improved STALKER games have always had great graphic direction and mood, but gaming tech has advanced since 2009. Developed in Unreal Engine 5, Heart of Chornobyl will use current features to create the most immersive Zone yet. Motion capture and advanced photogrammetry give the Zone a real-life look.
Continue a stale tale The original STALKER trilogy encourages players to explore the Zone, talk to vendors, and complete side tasks to learn about the factions. Call of Pripyat’s different endings left Strelok’s fate and government participation in the Zone unanswered. The series’ underlying narrative is appealing regardless of game endings. In STALKER 2, the player controls “Skif,” a new individual who will influence the Zone’s future.
Find out about Zone
Continuing from there: Though S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl may not directly continue the original trilogy, the Zone’s mysteries will be there.
Each STALKER entry has had rogue scientists or stalkers trying to harness or comprehend the irradiated environment, and Heart of Chornobyl should be no different. Expect more mythology, worldbuilding, dangerous monsters, and strange events here.
A renewed survival focus STALKER pioneered the survival FPS subgenre, and Heart of Chornobyl will expand on this. Pre release documents say S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl has hunger and sleep systems, in-depth radiation effects, a day-night cycle, and more, making the Zone feel alive. Popular fan-made mods provided new mechanics to the original STALKER trilogy, so Heart of Chornobyl may have more depth and complexity after launch if that’s what you want.
Better AI for realism The original STALKER trilogy used the greatest AI available, and Heart of Chornobyl does too. The revival will contain A Life 2.0, which will imitate every Zone component to enhance immersion.
Every day (and night) in Heart of Chornobyl will be different, from roving mutants to skirmishing brigands. Be prepared. Each play session is a new story inspired by the Zone’s shifting landscape. STALKER is about unpredictability, so anticipate your opponents to utilise the greatest techniques to defeat you.
Broken firearms and poor gear are fun
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl In Skif first skirmish in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl as an adolescent, skif rusty AKM jammed. skif will never forget his incredulity and premature death at the hands of Russian-spewing warriors.
It was his first video game gun break, and it established the tone for playing. Most shooters give you entertaining toys to play with within minutes, but STALKER forces you to use second-hand guns that fall apart while firing and may jam if you don’t take care of them.
Like Resident Evil 4, upgrading your favourite weapon and exoskeleton armour via sidequests is fun. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl will likely deepen these systems.
Your Journey with Stalker:
You put in the shoes of a Stalker, a mercenary who has entered the Zone to loot priceless relics. Making difficult decisions and navigating the hostile surroundings are crucial to your survival.
Accept the Nonlinearity The way the tale goes depends on your choices. Explore at your own speed, align yourself with various factions such as Duty or Freedom, and finish objectives that affect the power dynamics of the Zone. Each decision has consequences.
An Inanimate World with Life: Your actions have consequences in the dynamic environment created by the A Life 2.0 technology. Every game is different because factions struggle, mutants roam, and anomalies change.
The only thing like it While other games, especially multiplayer shooters like PUBG: Battlegrounds and Escape From Tarkov, are similar to STALKER, the latter fills a unique niche that has not been satisfied by any other game. The uncommon fusion of horror, survival, and immersive simulation in STALKER drew in viewers and resulted in a follow up film fifteen years later. If you have never been to the Zone, even if you appreciate modding, you should play one of the original three games or STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Release date Bookmark September 5, 2024! Windows PC and Xbox Series X/S gamers can visit the hazardous Zone in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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f10ri222 · 6 months
Week 7,8,9- Puppet & Stop Motion Project
The Research-
With the project we had to choose someone famous depending where you would spend your christmas , so i chose Coventry because thats where I live and everyone here knows who The Specials are they were a really famous 2 Tone band during the 70-80s era.
Who would communicate political and social issue during that time through their music . My chosen character for my puppet was on Terry Hall the lead singer of the band , so i researched into him sketched different still life drawings by watching his music videos or band rehearsals or concerts shows, then, the environment he was in as we are paired with a graphic design student who builds our set up place so i talked to my pair and we decided on what tone mood colour scheme and things i wanted to include so chose like an edgy underground music studio basement room , as it makes sense for terry aswell , then i used to experiments from trimester 1 where i did the two complimentary colours only using pen and pencils for his face shots then also did some fineline drawings of places in coventry he has been too which are mostly cathedrals-
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The Puppet Making Process-
Then to get started with our puppet we used wire thin and thick, clay two different types ; milliput and polymer clay, also pliers drills and aluminium foil.
For the body we used the wire we twisted the arms and the legs then twisted the hips and the torso together then made a loop for the head, hands and feet, The used tinfoil for the head hands and feet , then i started molding the polymer clay for the head hands and feet and sculpted the face i wanted to exaggerate him and make him unappealing so i made a long pointy nose heavy eye bags sunken eye sockets with no eyes and a downwards big clown like frown with a sculpting tool-
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After i did the same for the hands and feet i baked them and put magnets inside the bottom of the feet so it could stick to my stage when i animate it.Then i used the milliput to hold the elbows torso chest hips and limbs of the legs but still left some wire so it could bend- then we used foam we cut it a bit bigger than our puppets body shape then glued it together, i wrapped rope around the foam so it could form the shape and hold it in place after 30 minutes i took the rope off and started shaping the limbs to my preferred size it was more bulkier and thicker than i wanted it to be as my puppet was supposed to be thin but we worked with what we had so thats a tip for next time-
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44gamez · 9 months
Best Xbox first-person shooters: Unbeatable FPS games
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We're taking intention on the greatest first-person shooters on Xbox. The primary-person shooter (FPS) style is without doubt one of the hottest in gaming. The record of first-person shooters obtainable on Xbox is consistently rising, and with so many FPS video games obtainable, there's one thing on the market for many tastes, from sci-fi worlds full of futuristic weapons and alien monsters to video games primarily based on actual conflicts that recount a number of the darkest moments from our historical past. In case you're seeking to determine which first-person shooter it is best to play subsequent, look no additional, as we have narrowed down the selection by utilizing a mix of web site evaluate scores, neighborhood rankings, and a few editorial enter to place collectively our record of the greatest Xbox first-person shooters.
13. Prodeus
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Launch date: September 23, 2022 Developer: Bounding Field Software program On Recreation Move? NoThe Doom-inspired Prodeus completely shouldn't be missed. It’s fairly a novel first-person shooter as it is a trendy sport, with all of the efficiency and visuals that include that, that options old-school gameplay much like the bomber shooters of yore: Quake and Doom. The sport is a bit gentle on the narrative facet of issues, however that does not matter an excessive amount of when you're blasting your approach by rooms of gruesome-looking enemies along with your arsenal of weapons, leaving nothing however a bloody mess in your wake.
12. Superhot
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Launch date: Could 3, 2016 Developer: Superhot Crew On Recreation Move? NoThe Superhot workforce managed to take what looks as if a reasonably easy mechanic and switch it right into a sport that is stuffed with potentialities. Having time's motion synced to that of the participant offered a recent twist on the shooter style, and real-time replays give the participant one other likelihood to really feel superior about what they simply pulled off. Regardless of the comparatively quick size of the principle ranges, the Problem and Countless modes ought to present most gamers with lots to sink their enamel into. The quick, quick, and livid nature of the degrees will not be for everybody, but it surely's one of the modern shooters in years, and everybody ought to undoubtedly give it a strive.
11. Metro Exodus
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Launch date: February 15, 2019 Developer: 4A Video games On Recreation Move? NoTo carry a historically linear sport into an open-world mould with out breaking what made it particular is a monumental activity. Metro is a sequence identified for its means to seize a dreary underground with a way of horror, and desperation. These components stay intact, however the brand new construction brings a lot extra to play that Metro Exodus turns into a greater sport than its predecessors in each approach. The extent design is impeccable, seamlessly mixing linear ranges and open-world design whereas providing you with a selection in the way you strategy a state of affairs.By breaking out of the subway tunnels, the sport additionally provides a far larger vary of environments to discover. The world itself is fantastic to expertise, with tons of little particulars to take pleasure in and simply the correct amount of horror to maintain you on edge. Fortunately, regardless of transferring into the open world, there may be simply sufficient stealth gameplay to maintain followers of the unique two video games satiated.
10. Rainbow Six Siege
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Launch date: December 1, 2015 Developer: Ubisoft Montreal On Recreation Move? SureThe change in path for Ubisoft's Rainbow Six sequence wasn't to everybody's tastes when it launched again in 2015, however for individuals who love aggressive multiplayer shooters, many discovered a brand new sport to grasp with Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. Matches in Siege supply an intense expertise that may have your tactical mind kicking into overdrive as quickly as a spherical begins. With its harmful environments and a plethora of Operators every with their very own distinctive talents, there are numerous methods you'll be able to strategy a state of affairs as both an attacker or a defender, however whereas it is tempting to attempt to go it solo, wins will solely come from working your squad.
9. Battlefield 1
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Launch date: October 21, 2016 Developer: DICE On Recreation Move? Sure through Recreation Move Final with EA PlayThere are such a lot of nice Battlefield video games, and it is arduous to select only one, however we have opted for WW1 shooter Battlefield 1. DICE completely nailed the WWI aesthetics with Battlefield 1, with its gorgeous areas and attention-grabbing multiplayer maps. There are deserts, Italian mountainsides, and metropolis streets, which all evoke the interval so staunchly you are feeling like you might be there. Even at present, the visuals nonetheless arise and simply seems to be higher than its sequel, Battlefield V. The marketing campaign could be very quick, however the entire sport simply sounds and feels so good in motion. That feeling if you nail a long-distance shot is like no different sport sequence. Add within the incredible class system, good destruction mechanics, and enjoyable automobile play — there isn't any higher place to enter the battlefield.
8. Wolfenstein: The New Order
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Launch date: Could 20, 2014 Developer: MachineGames On Recreation Move? SureThis single-player FPS from Machine Video games sees beefy hero B.J. Blazkowicz come up from a coma after attacking a Nazi fortress in WWII and failing. When he wakes, the world is in a reasonably terrible state — the Nazis received. This new order is wealthy with a steampunk aesthetic which shapes the linear degree design with incredible selection. Do not let the linear ranges put you off, although, it is a trendy shooter full of untamed concepts. One second you're warring in a focus camp, taking out the worst Nazi grandmother in historical past; the following, you're on a moon base. The New Order is commonly brash with its villains, however — maybe surprisingly — this implies it is not afraid to indicate you the worst of the Nazi regime in methods that may stick with you for a very long time but. Most significantly, that offers you prime context for committing ultraviolence in opposition to the worst individuals possible with dual-wielded weapons firing reams of bullets at males who find yourself as little greater than bloody pulps by the point you're finished with them. It feels good, it sounds good, and the array of weapons is depraved — the sum complete is ideal.
7. Titanfall 2
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Launch date: October 28, 2016 Developer: Respawn Leisure On Recreation Move? Sure through Recreation Move Final with EA PlayRespawn took every little thing that made Titanfall successful and adopted it up with one of many best first-person shooter video games round with Titanfall 2. The inclusion of a single-player marketing campaign was very welcomed by many, and though it is fairly quick in size, it's an exhilarating journey with some gorgeous set items and memorable moments, and the refined multiplayer will maintain you consumed for months to return. Some argue that the unique Titanfall's multiplayer is healthier, due to its attention-grabbing and extra different map design, and there's a case to be made there, however with the bonus of the marketing campaign, Titanfall 2 is the sport that makes our record.
6. BioShock
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Launch date: August 24, 2007 Developer: Irrational Video games On Recreation Move? NoArguably the most effective video games of all time, BioShock is a kind of experiences you may always remember. After your airplane crashes into the Atlantic Ocean, you uncover the closed-off underwater society of Rapture, and what follows subsequent is a 12-hour thrill journey full of narrative twists, compelling characters, and genetically enhanced mutants. Whereas the fight is different due to weapons and plasmids, what actually makes BioShock stand out is the story and setting. Rapture, with its Artwork Deco model, is gorgeous and eerie and simply the most effective online game settings ever created. If you're but to play BioShock, be sure to leap into the remastered Xbox One model; you will not remorse it.
5. Doom
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Launch date: Could 16, 2016 Developer: id Software program On Recreation Move? SureWhereas Doom and Doom Everlasting are each incredible first-person shooters, we’ve opted to focus on Doom on our record. The 2016 reboot simply feels extra like a conventional Doom sport, with its glorious fight and gameplay. When you decide up a rhythm, you'll be able to simply end up misplaced in a world of demise, brutal executions, and gore — and all of it feels so fluid! Certain, the story is probably not nearly as good as Doom Everlasting’s, and it won't look as fairly, however Doom’s gameplay is simply excellent. In Doom Everlasting, Id Software program made some tweaks to the fight and added some platforming sections that type of mess with the rhythm of the sport and may cease you from attaining the zen-like killing-machine state which you could so simply slip into with Doom.
4. Future 2
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Launch date: September 6, 2017 Developer: Bungie On Recreation Move? NoIf you will get previous its seemingly impenetrable lore and story, Future 2 is without doubt one of the greatest first-person shooters obtainable, which is sort of what you'd count on from the creators of Halo. The web shooter options some extraordinarily tight and satisfying fight, absolute bucketloads of story content material, and extra weapons and unique gear to gather than you might ever dream of. Whether or not you are enjoying solo or squadding up along with your friends to tackle the newest difficult Raid, there may be at all times one thing thrilling happening in Future 2.
3. Name of Responsibility 4: Fashionable Warfare
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Launch date: November 9, 2007 Developer: Infinity Ward On Recreation Move? NoWhen Name of Responsibility 4: Fashionable Warfare initially launched in 2007, it blew individuals away with its cinematic marketing campaign, tight capturing, and an unmatched aggressive multiplayer expertise that took the world by storm. Remastered for the Xbox One technology in 2016 as a part of an expensive Infinite Warfare bundle, Name of Responsibility: Fashionable Warfare Remastered lastly launched a standalone title in 2017. Full of memorable missions and characters, the action-packed marketing campaign is nicely value revisiting once more — who would not wish to replay All Ghillied Up or work their approach by Mile Excessive Membership on Veteran issue once more?
2. Halo: The Grasp Chief Assortment
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Launch date: November 11, 2014 Developer: 343 Industries, Bungie On Recreation Move? SureThat includes one of the best of what the IP has to supply, Halo: The Grasp Chief Assortment is the final word assortment for Halo followers and would-be Halo followers alike. The gathering consists of six Halo titles: Halo: Fight Developed Anniversary, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Attain, and Halo 4. Not solely will these six campaigns maintain you busy for hours on finish, however every sport consists of its personal multiplayer, maps (there are nicely over 120 at this level), modes, and sport varieties, so there's a ton of Halo content material right here to wrap your head round. In case you missed the sequence till now or need 1000's of Gamerscore in a single field, begin right here. Grasp Chief was, is, and at all times would be the official mascot of the Xbox model, so for those who're critical about seeing all of the inexperienced workforce has to supply, there isn't any cause to look previous this seminal sci-fi sequence any longer.
1. Apex Legends
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Launch date: February 4, 2019 Developer: Respawn Leisure On Recreation Move? NoThat includes glorious gunplay, attention-grabbing and different maps, and fast-paced moment-to-moment gameplay that feels recent and thrilling, the free-to-play battle royale sport Apex Legends tops our record. With its eclectic mixture of characters, every with their very own talents, strengths, and weaknesses, you are dropped into one in every of Apex Legends' ever-evolving and rotating maps in a squad with two different gamers to battle it out in opposition to 19 different groups to be the final workforce standing. Whereas it's nice solo, the true enjoyable is discovered with mates — nothing fairly beats teaming up with friends and securing a frantic win simply if you thought your workforce was down and out. Respawn has finished a wonderful job with Apex Legends, and it is constantly evolving, with new characters, maps, and modes always being added, and all for the value of free! Do you agree with our record? What first-person shooters do you suppose ought to have made the lower? Tell us down within the feedback. Source link Read the full article
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ayushsisgain · 2 years
An Informative Guide to Creating Addictive Video Games
What is The Most Significant Aspect of Creating a Successful Video Game
Players shouldn't only take pleasure in it; they should be eagerly anticipating the next opportunity to do so. Those who are really dedicated to a game will shell out for all of its expansion packs and updates, and they will advise their friends to keep up with the trends and purchase everything the game has to offer.
It's the idea that a game's "rabid followers" would spread the word about it and help it gain popularity without any financial investment on the part of the developer. How then can you maximize the likelihood of this happening with your own video game?
Plan your strategy with an awareness of what makes games so engaging.
Planning from the beginning with these outcomes in mind will assist your video game success.
Keep morality in mind as well. When does the creation of something addicting for the sole purpose of increasing profits cross the line into unethical behaviour?
What Elements Do Video Games Have That Cause Addiction?
In the context of this article, the term "addictive" will be used in a favourable manner to describe the features of video games that contribute to their widespread popularity.
Features like this are what make playing video games so compelling:
When you do something challenging, your brain releases a neurotransmitter called hyperarousal, which makes you feel wonderful.
Exciting plot with unique protagonists, antagonistic goals, and surprising developments.
Creative, on-topic, and visually attractive visuals
Tips for Generating ideas for a Unique and Engaging Game Concept
Develop the Key Elements of Your Story
The first step is to sketch out the story's central concept. For starters, who exactly is the protagonist? To what end are they scheming? Just the main character, or are there others as well? Find out the protagonist's major goal. In what ways does the setting of the tale influence the action? In what ways will the protagonist encounter obstacles? You will still need a general sense of the story's arc, despite the possibility of several outcomes.
Creating a whole narrative idea, particularly one that can keep gamers interested, is challenging. Your story's storyline, according to the rules of basic storytelling, should consist of the following:
An inciting incident is a pivotal moment that forces the protagonist to take action and sets the story in motion.
What obstacles stand in the way of the protagonist's ability to complete their goal or function?
A climax when tensions peak and the protagonist generally emerges victorious. The last showdown with a powerful boss usually serves as the game's finale.
Solution: what happens as a direct consequence of the mission's completion?
Understanding the impact your tale has on your players is essential, no matter what genre you write in. When we reach a goal, our bodies release a hormone called dopamine to celebrate success. There's a chemical here that'll put a smile on your face. If a video game is any good, it will make gamers feel this chemical and make them like to play more. Make certain that, in order to progress through your novel, your protagonist faces a number of difficult but ultimately rewarding challenges.
Create a World for Your Story
What comes next is the creation of a world. Do you believe that magic exists? High-tech and from the future? Is it mainly an inside or outdoor event, or both? Is the location in the midst of a tropical forest? where? in a castle In a small, traditional town? Underground? Think about how the setting will influence your protagonist and the goal you're trying to accomplish. What obstacles or aids can you put in their path that you've designed to make things more interesting? Among the most crucial aspects of attracting gamers is the game's visuals. Keeping your gamers engaged requires an environment that is both familiar and fresh.
The music you choose to accompany your tale world is a major factor in making it more immersive. The player can get a much more complete sense of the weather and setting thanks to the inclusion of music.
Find Out What Kind of Game It Is
The first step is to choose the genre of the game. Is that the case, a first-person shooter? An RPG? A movie with a lot of action and excitement? You'll be missing a crucial piece of the puzzle if you neglect to keep this structure in mind while you work on your strategy. Identify the game's genre first, then go on to the next step.
While it's ultimately up to the player, switching out the genre might give you a fresh perspective on the environment. The third-person view may be more enjoyable in games.
To Create the Characters
Once you have them nailed down, you may begin developing your main character (MC) and any ancillary characters (villains, pals, random bartenders, etc.). What drives them on a daily basis? Is it clear whether or if the secondary characters are working toward the same objective as the protagonist, or whether or not they have their own hidden agendas? What do they resemble, exactly?
The appeal of your game hinges on its primary character. Is there a way to make the main character (MC) more human? Many gamers feel the same way about video games as moviegoers do about major characters: if they're unlikable, why bother finishing the film? Or, in this context, get in on the action.
A nice and engaging main character may be created in a few different ways. To begin, you must provide your gamers with a means of identification with and personalization of the character. Don't try to dictate what they wear or how they arrange their hair. When I play games that let me customize the main character's appearance, I always try to make them look as much like myself as possible. Because of this, gamers will be able to immerse themselves even more in the action.
Providing a character's history or peeks into their lives beyond the main narrative is another technique to pique players' interest in your protagonist. Your story's supporting cast may provide insightful commentary on events from the past or crack jokes about your protagonist's most infamous missteps.
Establish the Rules and Goals of the Game
The rules of your video game concept are one of your most valuable tools for making players feel like they've progressed and kept them coming back for more. This is sometimes neglected, yet it is likely to be a major role in why you don't like a certain video game.
Because a game without rules soon loses all interest and significance, crafting the rules for your game concept should take up a significant amount of your time and energy.
Discuss Your Video Game Concept with Others
This might very well be the most crucial stage. To what extent can you guarantee that your game's replay value will be higher than that of similar titles? Ask the other players for their thoughts.
You probably won't have the entire game coded just yet, but you can at least have some pals check through the scripts you've come up with. Examine your thoughts to see where they may be simplified, differentiated, or made more remembered. You should anticipate criticism and take it in a mature manner. No one is trying to ruin your game to spite you. If you take their advice to heart and implement the modifications they suggest, you won't have to worry about negative reviews ruining the experience for you after the fact.
By following the above ideas, you will be able to come up with engaging and interesting gaming concepts. Once you have an idea ready, you can contact SISGAIN to lead the process further.
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bookingtrust · 2 years
Ea sports ufc 4 platforms
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#Ea sports ufc 4 platforms series#
In North America, it was the 16th most downloaded game of 2021 on PSN. It got to number 2 in the USA, behind Madden, setting a sales record for the franchise. The game was also number 1 in Australia, New Zealand, and the EMEA, but only got to number 28 in Japan. The game topped the sales chart in the UK, however first-week physical sales were down 47% on UFC 3. EA later apologised for the inconvenience and removed the pop-up advertising in response to the backlash.
#Ea sports ufc 4 platforms series#
A post on Reddit showing advertisements in the game for the second season premiere of the Amazon Prime Video television series The Boys, which included two full-screen pop-ups at the beginning and end of the replay, a smaller pop-up on the timer overlay during gameplay, and the show and service's logos layered in the middle of the Octagon canvas, garnered over 86,000 upvotes as of September 5, 2020. The game was heavily criticised by fans for the addition of in-game advertisements that were added two weeks after the game's release. He further described the game as the "terrific next step" for EA's UFC franchise. Brian Shea, writing for Game Informer, described the submission system as one of the game's best additions. GamesRadar praised the clinches but criticised the camera. Push Square stated that it was "significantly better" than its predecessor, however, Hardcore Gamer said it was "fun albeit bland". IGN praised the new submission system and career mode, but said that "longstanding problems still remain in the ground game and some dated visuals". Reception Īccording to review aggregator Metacritic, the game received generally positive reviews upon release. The game was released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 14, 2020. On the day of announcement, EA also revealed that Israel Adesanya and Jorge Masvidal would be the cover fighters for the game. Players who pre-ordered the game would get exclusive access to play as Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua. Joe Rogan, who provided the commentary for previous games, did not return due to his dislike for voiceover in video games. EA also recruited Daniel Cormier and Jon Anik to provide commentary for the game. The tech also helped create new takedown animations which respond to how players play the game. Similar to UFC 3, the game utilized the Real Player Motion technology, which was designed to make clinches believable. The game was officially announced on July 12, 2020. However, unlike its predecessor, Ultimate Team would not return in UFC 4. In addition to fighting in The Octagon, players can also fight in Backyard and Kumite, which resembles an underground fighting arena. Multiplayer modes, including Blitz Battles, and Online World Championships, would also be available. The control scheme was also improved and streamlined to make the game more accessible. As players progress in the game, they can choose to accept or decline fights, which will affect the development of the fighter's career. (which stands for "greatest of all time"). The goal of the career mode, which allows players to create their own custom fighter, is to become the G.O.A.T. The game features a career mode, which was designed to be an "onboarding experience" to teach the player the basics of four MMA disciplines which include boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, and jiujitsu. There are 229 unique fighters, with 81 alternate versions. Like its predecessor, UFC 4 is a fighting game based on the mixed martial arts promotion Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).
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alefdramos-blog · 6 years
Baile Faustino - 
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shadowjackery · 2 years
Departing from Antarctica
We land at Williams International, to transfer to the train that will take us south to Orion First Starport. Just another generic big airport, everywhere pandemic posters and ads for McMurdo Ski Lodge, very few windows.
At the train station, we see groundskeepers spraying to kill the wild grasses and flowers that have sprouted in the bare patches exposed by global warming. They're invasive species, you see, and some kill penguins. A few fat, molting rockhoppers, sullen like gang members, block access to the wastebins and charge anyone carrying Moon Fries, hissing. Someone sprayed "FUCK penguins" on a junction box in hi-vis orange, and a group of tourists loudly agree.
The Starport Express arrives, and we embark. Across the land we go, a perfectly straight path, periodic lights stretching forward into the long night. It's a full moon tonight, but cloudy, as it often is down here. The land goes dark, then dim again, then dark, then momentarily bright, then dark again. A long cargo train rumbles past on the return line.
We must have missed seeing the fortified gate to the branch line, but during one bright period, we catch on the horizon the lurking silhouette of the Fuel Depot. Somewhere in there are the peaceful nuclear bombs. I keep watch for the steward while you use your binoculars app -- it's against the rules! Later, I help you identify the dug-in tanks and artillery that surround the armored bunker, the spiderweb of covered trenches that presumably hold shivering infantry. Here and there, twin flags flutter over a strongpoint -- the blue of the UN, and whichever army happens to be in that sector. It seems Italy had the honor this week to be closest to us.
Then it's down the tunnel to the Starport Concourse. Another airport, except the parts we get to see are entirely underground, save for the observation deck, topside, which is overpriced. Down one tunnel is the commercial quarter we've seen in photos, the fields and hangars of standard orbital cargo containers. Down another tunnel is Quarantine. And, it is rumored, yet another tunnel has more military.
But we don't board our launch here. No, after final luggage and health checks, we turn off and stow our devices, don the required bunny suits and face masks, wrap our carry-ons in disposable baggies, then board the bus. It's lead-lined, too heavy for its engine, and lurches slowly into motion, belching the smell of Moon Fries, penetrating even through the masks.
Across the field we roll, the headlights of maintenance vehicles weaving around us. Another horizon away are the lights of our waiting ship. Kids bounce around the cabin. People keep getting up to use the toilet in the back of the bus; last call before launch.
We arrive at the gantry, and they hustle us aboard so we don't slow up the loading of the next cargo container. They spray us down, and we drop the suits, masks, and baggies in the designated receptacle at the passenger lock, keeping the tags as a souvenir. Then we fumble into our cabin, and I doze through the steward's safety video while you take nervous mental notes. But I'm always awake in time for launch.
Your choice of video channels for the festivities: cameras all along the ship, the camera at the distant Control Bunker, or peaceful nature scenes. You tell me it seemed to take forever for the trucks and forklifts to clear the field, scurrying to their safety pits or rattling back over the horizon, and I nod. The steward checks that we're strapped in, scolds us for failing to properly stow and latch one bag and a pair of headphones, sets the air to standard, leaves us again. You switch the AC back on.
Countdown, and the first bomb kicks us in the back. After that, it's easy.
To keep our minds off things, we get into an argument over how much each Orion launch raises global cancer rates and kills penguins, and lament that we're not allowed wifi during takeoff to look up our numbers.
Ageless minutes later, we're orbital. I took my SAS pills because I know free fall makes me hurl. You didn't, because you didn't, and so you do, but it's not too bad, and you even start to feel hungry once we're under acceleration again.
As always, the first dance on the first night out is to the Blue Danube Waltz, as the Moon spins past the ballroom wallscreens, and only a few nerds like us know why.
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power-of-plot · 4 years
Iida, Mirio, and Aizawa dating hcs please
Of course! But holy cow apparently this seriously inspired me, i hope this is ok xd
Oh yes robot boi. Iida is someone nerdy in every aspect, his language even with close friends like Midoriya is very formal and polite, the same rule would apply when it comes to his significant other. Unlike what some would think, this doesn’t give your conversations a cold touch, on the contrary, it’d make him look chivalrous.
He’s a classic gentleman, he’d be the kind who opens the door and waits for you to walk in first or gives you his jacket when it’s too cold and you don’t have anything to cover yourself with, the second one would happen often in the classroom if you’re sensitive to cold. We are talking about U.A have you seen the measures of the classrooms and the entire area? It’s impossible they don’t have those huge air conditioners.
He highly respects the rules wich means, no PDA, on a certain level, no kisses to be specific. That doesn’t mean he won’t give you any affection, though every gear of his robotic soul is having a bad time working properly inside, he’d hold your hand or put his over your shoulder pulling you close when you’re sitting together. 
He definitely would do that thing of caressing you with his thumb. As you expected it from Tenya, this is a sort of robotic motion, his finger would move like a metronome but that doesn’t make it any less nicer, he is slow and gentle.
Honestly, he’d be nervous most of the time. ALSO! Tenya is very thoughtful, he’d ask (often verbally) if you’re okay with whatever he’d do, as times goes by the questions turn non verbal, for example he’d hold his hand above yours waiting for you to give green light or grasp it. 
“..Can i hold your hand?” “Sure!” “*DEEP INHALE AND BLUSH*” He couldn’t help to blush the first times. Specially on the firsT kiss but how would it be? A clasic scenenario after classes! And after you both have grown comfortable enough to each other’s touch. Seriously, if you like to go slow he's got you.
You two would be walking around in the campus after classes and he feels the tension grow.. he is analyzing every detail, he wants to ask but what if things get extremely awkward, he’s very tall- he’d have to bend down slightly (unless you’re nearly as tall as him) to do it so what if you flinch because it was unexpected.. he stops walking, he simply manages to say your name. You stared into each other's eye and then it happened, a big smile unexplainably forms in his lips complemented by a scarlet color across his whole face, his haircut made his head look like a strawberry.
There are going to be days you don't see him as much as you'd like, Tenya is very comitted to his hero patrols, he certainly would do extra hours from time to time or if the situation called for it. Let him know you like his hero suit! He’s thankful it has a helmet otherwise his flustered face would be exposed. 
Whatever position you cuddle in Iida would wrap his arms around you, not only that, he’d interlock his fingers so he has a nice grip. His cuddles would be the classic spooning or having your head on his shoulder with your arm over his chest and in case you worry about his arm, this guy doesn’t know limb numbness- he literally tenses and holds his arms up every five minutes.
He sends good morning/good night texts often on the weekends since you're practically living together thanks to the dormitory system, they vary depending on the day, some are a reminder to get a proper amount of sleep or! To get done with homework so you can enjoy your free time and maybe ask if he can go over to study *cough spend time together*
He'd send the classic heart emoji, very detailed but easy to comprehend videos explaining any difficult lesson and history related stuff like paint restorations or facts about iconic sculptures. Please don’t send him those videos of people accidentally breaking things on museums, he’s gonna feel like something breaks inside.
This ray of sunshine fell for you? Your luck is so big you’d get jackpot on a slot machine on the first try-. You’re undeniably going to be good friends with Tamaki and Nejire, specially her, expect to get questions one after another without the chance to reply when she finds out you’re Mirio’s significant other, Tamaki would take it way better.
Mirio’s goofyness and confidence combined with his feelings give a unique result: he literally spoke to the boss of mafia himself twice like he was the manager in a store, but, the case is different when you’re around, he’s saying and actually good joke and suddenly.. it goes away, his mind goes blank. “So what happened after Mirio..?” “Ah.. i had practiced a lot, i don’t know what happened haha my bad!”
You’re going to get tons of his jokes and something more “intense” such as the classic “What’s in your shirt?” to make you look down so he can boop your nose with his finger, you should expect some gentle headpats as well. 
If you’re shy he’s cool about it, he knows what do and adaptates to your pace, you’d start off with hand holding or rather pinky holding, he’d interwine his pinky with yours and show a bright smile. His hugs are the warmest, he doesn’t do it half-assesly, when you hug, YOU HUG, he uses both arms and slightly lifts you up! Height or strength are not a problem he’s actually one cm taller than Iida i just found out
He seems like the kind who loses their pen or eraser despite seeing it on their desk just one minute ago, if you happen to be that kind as well you’re both going to lay down your faith on poor Tamaki’s hands, i’m sure he has all his material complete.
He hardly ever gets nervous or scared by anything, things like the first kiss would go pretty smooth, instead of blushing intensely he’d just chuckle with slight disbelief, his mind is racing like “I just did that? woah!”. The biggest trouble for him would be gifts, he wants it to be perfect but asking Nejire for advice is not a good idea, roses are too formal and they don’t last long, going to the movies seems a little cliche.. his first gift would end up being a plushie of your favorite animal and a bamboo.
He’d sneak a kiss or two, specially before the class is begginning a training session, he’d send you a text telling you to go outside the changing rooms and oop! He phases through the wall poking out his head to give you a kiss kiss. If you don’t mind a prank from time to time he’d give a little scare using his quirk.
This guy is the big spoon during cuddles, no arguing! He could switch but as time goes by he’d slowly shift into the big spoon, that’s just the way he is, the most usual position would be where you’re facing each other with your limbs wrapping around the other’s body. Waking up with him would be adorable and attractive, morning and night are the only times of the day when his hair isn’t gelled into his All Might-like hairstyle, those blonde locks would frame his face, a heavenly sight.
Would send you a pic of stray animals he rescued with a “:D!” and Sir. Nighteye 'torturing' Bubble girl (half of his head visibly on a corner of the image). If you longed for a pet badly he would bring a nice dog/cat he finds around! In his hero suit to make the moment more special. 
He uses the smiling emojis and emoticons! And shares videos of animals he finds adorable, if you sent him fails videos he'd laugh as long as the falls don't seem extreme or too severe, small trips on the beach or slips on the snow are fine. Mirio sends gifs i just know.
Have you taken a look at him? You must be a big The Walking Dead fan to like him lmao. Aizawa gives me an unexplainable gut feeling that he'd prefer a civilian (perhaps quirkless?) significant other over a hero, he wouldn't want his partner to go into the same dangerous situations he does.
His affection is tired, let me explain, he'd hug you and all that physical stuff but it'd kinda feel like his arms fall limply around you, still, even with his minuscule clingyness he loves you with all his might! He doesn't fall for anyone.
Not very fond of PDA, in public he'd preferr temple/forehead kisses and having your hand on the crook of his arm instead of hand holding (thinking about it Iida would do that too), seems more discret and! you don't let go when his hands are busy. He'd initiates it by gently resting your hand on his arm and sinking his hand into his pocket.
Surprise! He does smile, not that maniactic-looking grin he has sometimes during his shifts at U.A when a student impresses him, this one is less wide but somehow more tender and sweet, he tilts his head and for once his eyes seem relaxed, a relationship would make his cheeks hurt.. either for he's not used to smile so much or he smiles more than he thought he would.
If you give him a cat.. that's a strong blow straight to one of his weakest spots, he'd stare both at you and the kitten with a dumbfounded look before picking it up in his arm like a baby, his hand gravitates towards his it's head giving some nice pets before he shows a rare and somewhat bright smile "Thank you very much." Next time have a camera ready damnit! That smile rarely shows up.
He's practical, he wants his gifts to be nice but useful as well. He’d get you those mugs with candies inside, you get the candy and you can use the mug later for your coffee or tea; a power bank with a nice color or design and in case he choses something smaller: a bamboo, those one don’t wither away. Aizawa is fine with whatever you get for him, big or small he appreciates it. Sweaters, scarfs and blankets would be his favorite thing to get though, he likes to stay warm while working late at night
He’s sneaky, as an underground hero he’s used to work at times when the streets look disolated and the dark crime has more freedom to do as it pleases, he wouldn’t want to wake you up unless you asked him to. He’d leave a note on is pillow with the time he wrote it at and a short loving phrase like “i love you, i’ll be back soon, good morning”, before he leaves he’d always lift the sheet up to your neck or drag it away if you seem to be kicking it off you and give you a small kiss.
You’d find him passed out in his sleeping bag with his laptop besides him at random spots of his appartment, if it wasn’t because of the unatura position he adopts to fit in his sleeping bag he’d give you a death scare ‘cause let’s be honest he doesn’t look one hundred percent alive even when he’s awake. “Shota..? Shota can you hear me?!” “I’m not dead.”
Hibrid of big-small spoon. Most of the times you cuddle he’s asleep and you go snuggle him, his hair is a mess so better prepare to get tickled all night. He pull you close the best way he can when you’re behind him, not very comfortable for his arm but it’s worth it. He’d have you like a pillow over him, his chin over your head and both arms around you.
This man doesn’t bother typing when he can use his voice, the only situations he uses regular text messages are when he’s on shift or with you sleeping next to him. Send him gifs of kittens and a ‘i love you’ it instanstly gives him a good mood! He’d send pics of cats he sees around and gifts he bought you, doesn’t use emojis.
*COLLAPSES ON THE GROUND* Big oof- requests are open.
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of Jani Lane who Died: August 11, 2011 in Woodland Hills, California
Jani Lane (born John Kennedy Oswald; February 1, 1964 – August 11, 2011) was an American recording artist and the lead vocalist, frontman, lyricist and main songwriter for the glam metal band Warrant. From Hollywood, California, the band experienced success from 1989 to 1996 with five albums reaching international sales of over 10 million. Lane left Warrant in 2004 and again in 2008 after a brief reunion. Lane also released a solo album, Back Down to One, in 2003, and the album Love the Sin, Hate the Sinner with a new group, Saints of the Underground, in 2008. Lane contributed lead vocals and songwriting to various projects throughout his career.
Lane was born John Kennedy Oswald (later changed to John Patrick Oswald), on February 1, 1964 in Akron, Ohio to Robert and Eileen Oswald. He was raised in Brimfield with four older siblings: sisters Marcine Williams, Michelle Robinson and Victoria Ley, plus older brother Eric, already an accomplished guitarist. With sisters Micki and Vicky and brother Eric harmonizing and playing guitar, Lane taught himself to play drums, guitar and piano by ear by age five. He grew up listening to Cleveland rock station WMMS (100.7 FM "The Buzzard") and was introduced to a variety of music by his older siblings.
With connections from siblings Eric and Vicky in and around the music scene (and with his parents' help), Lane made a name for himself at a very young age. He played drums under the pseudonym "Mitch Dynamite" in clubs by age 11 and with a local band "Pokerface." By that time, his siblings had left for college or marriage, although Vicky was still active in the entertainment industry in northeast Ohio and southwest Florida. Due to Vicky's numerous connections, Lane was able to network with industry execs in pursuit of his dream. Lane graduated from Field High School, in Mogadore, Ohio, a nearby city to Brimfield in 1982.
Lane is credited as the vocalist/drummer on Warrant's Latest and Greatest CD. Throughout his career, Lane would sometimes play drums/acoustic guitar and piano with his band and played the drums in various formats and gigs with other musicians.
After high school, Lane joined the band Cyren, featuring vocalist Skip Hammonds, guitarist John Weakland, bassist Don Hoover (and later Rusty Fohner) with Lane on drums and vocals. Many of Cyren's shows opened for a popular local band called Risque'. When their bassist, Al Collins, noticed Lane's vocal talents, he convinced Lane to form a new band they eventually called Dorian Gray. The new band also included Steven Chamberlin on drums and Dave Chamberlin on lead guitar. Dorian Gray was designed to have Lane as the lead vocalist and to perform original material, but Lane wasn't ready to be the lead singer and quickly returned to the drum kit. Billy Denmead was hired as lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist. After only a few shows, Collins left the band, vowing to put a band together when Lane was ready to be a lead vocalist.
Lane moved to Florida in 1983 with Dorian Gray. He eventually formed Plain Jane with Collins and Chamberlin, adopting the stage name "Jani Lane" (Chamberlin would also soon rechristen himself Steven Sweet). He took the name "Jani" from his German grandparents, who spelled his name "Jani" and pronounced it "Yay-nee."
Lane began vocal training with vocal coach/trainer Ron Feldmann, who introduced him to Creative Engineering, Inc. in Orlando. Lane worked there as a programmer of the animatronic character Dook LaRue, the drummer for The Rock-afire Explosion. His vocal debut was at The Station in Fern Park, Florida.
Lane, Collins, and Chamberlin recorded the first Plain Jane four-track demos at their rented house in Winter Park, Florida. Although reluctant to leave Florida, they rented a trailer in the spring of 1984 and moved to California with hopes of landing a record deal. They were broke by the time they landed at the Hollywood Bowl Motel and resorted to making sandwiches with mustard packets while taking turns calling their parents for cash.
Struggling to make ends meet as a musician, Lane resorted to working in a pornographic video warehouse. The band, along with a new road crew and a few girlfriends, pooled their wages and lived in a two-bedroom condominium rented by new Plain Jane guitarist Paul Noble. At one time there were 13 people living in the crowded space.
By 1985, Plain Jane had become a regular feature on the Los Angeles club circuit and opened many shows for a band called Warrant. Plain Jane's bassist and guitarist both left the band on the same day Warrant's singer and drummer quit. Erik Turner, who had founded Warrant in July 1984, was impressed by Plain Jane's songwriting and vocal performance and invited Lane and Sweet to jam with his band at Hollywood's db Sound in September 1986.
After generating notoriety on the club circuit, Warrant began to attract the attention of record labels. Following an abortive deal with A&M Records over a contribution to the soundtrack for the motion picture Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, the band signed with Columbia Records. The Columbia deal came via the partnering of Warrant and manager Tom Hulett, known for working with The Beach Boys, Elvis Presley, The Moody Blues and others. Hulett became Lane's mentor and friend until Hulett's death from cancer in 1993.
As lead vocalist with Warrant, Lane wrote all of the material for the band's 1989 debut double platinum album, Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich, including four Top 40 hit singles: "Down Boys", "Sometimes She Cries", "Big Talk" and the No. 2 Billboard Hot 100 hit "Heaven." The album peaked at no. 10 on The Billboard 200. Lane also wrote four Top 40 hit singles ("Cherry Pie," "I Saw Red," "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and "Blind Faith") for the second album, the 1990 double platinum Cherry Pie, which peaked at no. 7 on the Billboard 200. Lane also co-wrote and performed with Warrant the song "The Power" in the 1992 movie Gladiator. In 1992, Warrant released Dog Eat Dog, their gold third album, which peaked at no. 25 on the Billboard 200.
Lane left Warrant in March 1993 to pursue a solo career. He returned six months later, helping the band secure a new record with Tom Lipsky of CMC International. Warrant recorded Ultraphobic in 1995, Belly to Belly in 1996, Greatest & Latest in 1999 and a cover album, Under the Influence, in 2001.
Due to personal and business disagreements, Lane left Warrant again in 2004. In January 2008, the band's agent, The William Morris Agency, issued a new photograph of the band with Lane prominently featured, confirming his return to the band. It was the first time that all original members had been in the band since 1993. The band's first show with all original members was in May 2008 in Nashville, Tennessee. Warrant performed a series of shows during the summer of 2008, but by September, the band and Lane agreed to move forward separately due to "too much water under the bridge." Warrant and Lane both continued to perform Lane's compositions live and Lane continued to write for himself and other artists.
Lane became involved in acting in the early 1990s. He made a brief appearance in Caged Fear and appeared in High Strung in 1991.
In 1993, Lane started working on his first solo project. Titled "Jabberwocky," the album represented a significant musical departure from previous work. Between 1997 and 2000, demos of Lane's solo material began surfacing on the Internet, with some bids on eBay reaching an estimated $100 per copy. In 2002, Lane decided to postpone the "Jabberwocky" project and released a new project as his debut solo album. The "Jabberwocky" project remained unreleased.
Lane's official debut solo album, Back Down to One, was released on June 17, 2003 through Z Records and in the U.S. in 2006 on Immortal/Sidewinder Records. It carried a "power pop" sound more closely aligned with the sound of Warrant than "Jabberwocky." Shortly after the album's release, Lane was admitted to a rehabilitation center for alcohol and drug-related exhaustion.
In the fall of 2004, Lane contributed lead vocals for the first ever theme song to a novel, Billy McCarthy's "The Devil of Shakespeare," along with James Young from Styx, Ron Flynt of 20/20 and Chip Z'Nuff of Enuff Z'Nuff.
Lane contributed vocals on the track "Bastille Day" and "2112 Overture/Temples of Syrinx" for the Magna Carta 2005 Rush tribute album "Subdivisions."
Lane had success with the "VH1 Classic Metal Mania: Stripped" discs, where the acoustic version of "I Saw Red" was included on disc 1, a new acoustic swinging version of "Cherry Pie" featured on disc 2, and a new acoustic version of "Heaven" featured on disc 3.
In 2005, Lane became a fan favorite on the popular VH1 series Celebrity Fit Club 2. His problems with alcohol were highlighted and many viewers supported his efforts at recovery.
With the reissue and U.S. release of "Back Down to One" in 2006, Lane attempted to restart his version of Warrant. Although "Back Down to One" was credited as a solo release, Lane assembled a new touring band called "Jani Lane's Warrant." The band's first shows in Michigan were stopped by legal action from former bandmates objecting to his use of the Warrant logo on his posters. Lane subsequently continued touring without the Warrant name and logo.
Lane lent his vocals to numerous tribute CDs during the 2000s. In 2007, he released a solo cover album titled "Photograph," featuring a collection of his tribute contributions.
Keri Kelli and Lane wrote a song for Alice Cooper titled "The One That Got Away." It was recorded by Cooper on his 2008 record Along Came a Spider. Lane also finished work on a side project, Saints of the Underground, which included Kelli and Bobby Blotzer and Robbie Crane, (both from Ratt). Their album, Love the Sin, Hate the Sinner, was released on April 22, 2008 by Warrior Records, and was mixed by producer/engineer Andy Johns, who'd worked with The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. The album featured additional bass work by Chuck Wright (Quiet Riot, House of Lords). The band was originally called "Angel City Outlaws" when they posted their first two promo singles, "Bruised" and "Exit."
In summer 2010, Lane toured with Great White, filling in for singer Jack Russell, who was recuperating from surgery after suffering internal complications.
On August 11, 2011, the Los Angeles Police Department and local news stations announced that Lane was found dead of acute alcohol poisoning at a Comfort Inn hotel in Woodland Hills, California at the age of 47. Lane was pronounced dead by fire department personnel who responded to a call shortly before 5:30 p.m.
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baconpal · 4 years
pokemon rant time
this one’s about the 2 new things, and is at least slightly intended for people actually excited/interested in them, click keep reading or perish
Gonna try and keep stuff short cus there's a lot of topics this time and I've already gone off about how pokemon Isn't meant for me or meant to be a good video game anymore, but gamefreak is right back on their bullshit, so I feel I need to at least point it out.
I'd like to preface all this with, if you are a fan of pokemon still, please realize you can ask for more out of this series. Expect perfection, even if you don't think you'll get it anytime soon. Pokemon won't go anywhere, the old games won't go anywhere, and gaming is a hobby, not a necessity; don't accept low quality products from a company just because you feel like you're supposed to.
With this next wave of pokemon games, gamefreak is clearly testing how little they can put in to a $60 game while still keeping the 2 major audiences they've cultivated. By responding to the most obvious and vocal complaints from the community, gamefreak is aiming to make games that seems like what most players want, without having to put in the work on quality products.
GEN 4 REMAKES Pokemon BS (I am not calling this shit BDSP) is intended for the audience that put up with let's go and RS remakes. The most vocal and obvious complaints for these games is their failure as definitive versions of the games they are remakes of, such as missing features/content, or drastically changed story/dialogue/style. In a way, the recent remakes are inferior versions of incredibly old games, which shows a lack of improvement in pokemon as a whole.
To address these issues, BS is very, very, VERY clearly aiming for a more 1-to-1 recreation of the DS games, but with fully 3d graphics. Clearly the map layout has been transferred exactly, and gen 4 already had mostly 3d environments to begin with, and everyone knows about the future-proof pokemon models at this point, so the amount of effort required to create something like this is absolutely minimal. Assuming dialogue, trainer teams, move lists, etc. are also lifted directly from DP, then this game could be developed in basically no time at all, leaving the team time to ensure the product is of decent quality and includes ALL of the content of the originals, if not more, like the earlier pokemon remakes did to ensure they were truly definitive versions of the games. That being said, it is unlikely the team behind BS has been making use of this saved time to improve the game.
One failing already clear is that the quality is not very good, at least graphical quality. The footage we have shows environments lacking in color compared to the original, with messy, unpleasant textures that contrast poorly with the simplistic environments. The characters especially do not work. As cute and fun the fanart of tiny dawn has been, BS dawn and all other characters look awful. They have gorilla arms that reach down to the floor and lifeless faces, as well as incredibly stiff/simplistic animations. As it stands, BS is a visually inferior game to DP, though most consumers will simply see it as 3D>2D without any understanding of what an artstyle is, so this might not be a problem for many, but that doesn't mean you should accept it.
What remains to be seen is what content will be added/missing from pokemon BS. It is very possible that massive parts of the game, such as the underground, variety of online modes, postgame areas, and content from platinum could be missing entirely. We also do not know if pokemon from after gen 4 will be worked into the region, or even supported. Gen 8 still currently does not support a large number of pokemon, and the remakes may continue this limited dex trend.
Even assuming the remake includes everything from the DS games and doesn't add anything that slows down the story or harms the experience, it will still only be an exercise in forced obsolescence. The main reason people can't really play DP still is that the online isn't supported anymore. If BS turns out to be exactly the same as DP, then you're buying the same game for at a higher price, only to play it until the online service goes away again, or the next game comes out, if both don't happen at the same time.
Don't let yourself buy a 13 year old game at twice the original price.
GEN 4 NOT-REMAKE KIND OF NEW THING On to legends now, gamefreak is targeting the people who put up with sun/moon and sword/shield. The obvious problem with those games to most people was simply a lack of change from the standard pokemon formula. Even when changing the gyms to trials or stadiums, most people still understand that the format and story structures are mostly unchanged. Of course, this problem has seemingly been addressed by changing the game structure a fair bit, but almost entirely by removal.
Trainer battles, and by extension, gyms and tournaments/elite 4 have been confirmed to be absent, meaning all battles are only vs single pokemon, in spite of the player likely having a team of 6 pokemon. Even if battle difficulty is increased to compensate (doubtful), this will still drastically increase the simplicity of combat and make it even less likely for the game to include any meaningful challenge. Exploring towns and meeting NPCs is also seemingly missing, as the game is confirmed to have only a single village, which frankly looks incredibly boring and we've yet to see a single NPC inhabiting the village.
Battles now use an ATB format instead of a turn-based format (for those of you who don't know what that means, it basically means nothing, it's still turn based, it just means the speed state determines who gets more turns instead of who goes first, that's it), but beyond that there seems to be no noteworthy changes, pokemon learn 4 moves with limited PP, type advantage will still definitely be the most important aspect to battle, and the player being able to walk around during battle provides no meaningful impact. While the little dash the pokemon do to approach each other is cool, it is already a sign that gamefreak will not be addressing the issue of lacking animations for pokemon battles, as they can't even be assed to animate and program pokemon walking around the environment during combat, and lucario doing 1 kick for a move described as a series of punches isn't a great sign either.
On the topic of lacking animations, the new "pet simulator feature" for legends seems to be an advancement on the ride system from sun/moon, which presumably people missed from sword/shield. Being able to ride on your pokemon to do stuff sounds cool, but in all likelihood, this system will be limited to only a select few pokemon who will each do a select few actions, and is not a reasonable replacement for all the other pet raising features that have been removed in the past. Similar to BS, the total number of pokemon included may also be limited arbitrarily, in spite of the fact that no new pokemon need to be added, as these games are not claiming to be a new generation.
The largest issues I personally have with this new game is the horrible technical quality and gameplay quality shown in the initial trailer. Unfortunately, these types of problems seem to be difficult to explain to the average consumer, even though the issues seem incredibly obvious and inexcusable to people like me.  Most people were able to understand the problem with the berry trees in gen 8, because it was easy to explain, "this tree doesn't look like the other trees, and it sticks out, isn't that weird?", and so gamefreak has eliminated any immediately obvious issues like that, sticking with a very consistent artstyle for legends, making it almost impossible to easily explain its faults to the average pokemon fan.
People have been really quick to compare legends to BoTW; the game that invented grass, trees, and mountains. In spite of these comparisons, nobody seems to point out that legends looks dramatically worse than that almost 5 year old game from the previous generation. Plants are stiff and lacking in energy, draw distances are poor, colors are drab, and textures are messy. Many parts of legends seems to ape BoTW on just the surface, essentially just following market trends. Even the controls seem to follow after modern 3rd person shooters/stealth games, including a seemingly pointless roll and a clunky looking ball lobbing arc that feels unfun before even getting to play it myself.
The largest issue, painfully obvious to some, and impossible to explain to others, is the framerate. The trailer clearly was ran on actual switch hardware, and not prerendered, which would be a good mark for gamefreak if it didn't result in a trailer that never once hit 30fps. Even with empty fields, with only 1 or 2 characters on screen, the game was incapable of meeting the target speed, and had to resort to optimizations like reducing the frame rate of pokemon only inches away from the player to stop-motion levels of choppy. If situations with almost nothing going on result in slow-down, how will the game perform during actual gameplay? Even though slow-down is something everyone can feel, many people aren't capable of identifying it.
The major things to wait and see for legends is if the removed aspects of the series are made up for by some additional systems or content, and definitely wait to see if the performance improves. As with BS, preordering a game like this only shows that gamefreak only has to market the game by saying it's different, not improved, like they've been doing for years now.
TL;DR FUCK GAMEFREAK One major thing of note is that gamefreak is releasing 2 games based on gen 4 at the nearly the same time, meaning they have no obligation to design new pokemon or even include pokemon not from sinnoh, and also that the sales of each game can be used as an indicator for which of their 2 audiences is more loyal to them. Both BS and Legends are in a position to be pushes aside if they fail, but if either succeeds, gamefreak can continue in the direction of the more successful game and reap the benefits, without any need to innovate, improve, or adapt to criticism.
The last thing I feel I have to remind people about is that gamefreak is a company; you don't need to be "grateful" to them. I've seen that word thrown around far too much by people who seem to buy pokemon games like its a tax, and not something they want to do. You don't have to suck up to a company that made games you liked as a kid if the games aren't what you want anymore. Pokemon is so wildly successful that it can't possible die, so don't buy the games out of pity, or out of some feeling of obligation. Buy the video games you want to play and nothing more.
Basically, if you are considering getting any of these new games, please wait until the games are out before purchasing them, and decide for yourself if they are worth your money, and more importantly, your time. Preordering these games only lets gamefreak know their audience will buy and put up with anything. They have no real competition at the moment, so the only thing the audience can do to encourage improvement is show some of restraint.
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ghostbustershq · 3 years
Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Trailer 2 Full Breakdown
This is it, this is definitely it!
A meaty and goosebump-evoking trailer just dropped today for Ghostbusters: Afterlife.
Much like the first trailer, the main focus of this is the family - forced to move to Oklahoma after falling on tough times. Janine, Terror Dogs, Mini Pufts, and Ghostbusting in motion as Jason Reitman has referred to it are all here. There’s a whole lot here to unpack, plus a whole lot that I’m sure we still haven’t seen. In fact, I would argue that we now have a pretty complete picture of what’s in store come November and are being shown just enough to tide us over until the fall.
This was a solid trailer. It hit all of the right notes. It invoked goosebumps on several occasions. And oh boy, does it demonstrate that Jason Reitman wasn’t kidding when he told us hardcore nerds that if we loved easter eggs, we were in for a treat.
Let’s break it down, shall we?
The trailer begins with a very quiet and intimate bit of dialogue between Paul Rudd’s Mr. Grooberson and Carrie Coon’s Callie.
The two sit at a table, and while the trailer frames it to appear to be Spinners, a quick glimpse at the wall next to the two in a later shot shows they’re actually in a Chinese restaurant. In fact, I love that Grooberson has what looks to be one of the deluxe Benihana cocktails in a ceramic glass in front of him. Grooberson tells Callie that she’s a great mom, but she’s not so sure. Callie feels like she’s been a great mother to her oldest, Trevor (Finn Wolfhard). But feels like her introverted daughter Phoebe (McKenna Grace) keeps her at a distance. There’s a sense that Callie and Phoebe can’t find much common ground, and for this her mother is struggling.
I really love how the trailer gently brings us into the world, helps set the stage, and gives us several glimpses of some of the incredible cinematography in store from Eric Steelberg.
Grooberson’s dialogue reassures Callie that what Phoebe is going through is normal. He calls her an “awkward, nerdy kid” to imagery of her at school being teased. Ghostbusters: The Video Game fans concerned about if the story and events from the game will somehow be referenced or acknowledged in some way will probably quickly notice the Doritos product placement. Hours of gameplay has trained them well.
Anyway, not only is Phoebe failing to connect with her mother on a deeper level, but it appears that she’s an outsider at school as well. It makes the friendship we know she’s to have with Podcast (Logan Kim) that much sweeter. And you feel for her right out of the gate here, hoping that she’ll find that friend as soon as possible.
Callie and Grooberson’s conversation comes to a conclusion with Phoebe’s mother just wishing, “she’d get into some trouble.” As her mother laments about her daughter needing to be bold and a little more adventurous, we see a continuation of the scene from the first trailer in which Phoebe solves a puzzle built into the floor of the farmhouse in order to find a hidden ghost trap. Perhaps Ghostbusting is exactly the trouble the young and brainy kid needs?
As we, the audience, see the familiar ghost trap, there’s quite literally a drum roll added to the music scoring of the trailer. Perhaps Ghostbusting is exactly the trouble we need too.
The trailer continues with the Trevor dialogue we heard in the first trailer as he explains to Lucky (Celeste O’Connor) that they’re broke and the only thing they have is a “creepy old farmhouse” left to them by their grandfather. But that is the lead in to our first major surprise of the trailer: a glimpse of Annie Potts’ return as Janine Melnitz!
Janine jokes to Callie that her father wasn’t much of a homemaker. “He could hardly keep the power on,” Janine says with a chuckle. If there was any question of the family lineage, this trailer solidifies that Callie and her family are Spengler through-and-through.
It should be noted at this point that the quiet music that accompanied the beginning of the trailer suddenly has these eerie choral notes added to it. Adding a little bit of that paranormal/otherworldly feeling but keeping the trailer light and playful. I’m not sure if this is Rob Simonsen’s score, but if I had to guess given the way the music builds and shifts, this is an original music bed for the trailer only.
It’s also interesting to see how we’ll be able to revisit the past in the film by use of footage from the original (as seen in the YouTube videos playing on various computers) but also the use of one of my favorite set photography moments framed and displayed in the farmhouse presented as a personal photograph. I know, given how some people reacted to seeing a headshot of Sean Connery used in an Indiana Jones film, these types of touches can take people out of a film. But I think the trailer gives us a great idea of how these moments will be integrated and I love it.
The trailer takes a hard turn with a great back and forth between Callie and Janine. Callie tells Janine that it sounds like her father has left her nothing. Janine playfully retorts, “Well, I wouldn’t say nothing.” This line is masterfully juxtaposed with Trevor opening the barn doors to find the Ectomobile housed under a tarp. The music comes to a crescendo as Trevor lifts the tarp and reveals the Ghostbusters Mooglie logo.
Let’s call this goosebumps moment number one.
It’s this part of the trailer where it does something that’s a rarity these days, and that I appreciate so much: the music takes a breath and completely drops off to give us a small vignette of a scene from the film. Phoebe enters the barn to find Trevor working on the Ecto. She ribs him that, of all the broken down cars on the farm, he’s chosen “the station wagon.” Trevor responds that his vehicle of choice was the only one with an engine.
The music and percussion come back in full force to score Trevor on a joy ride through the wheat fields of the farm. He seems to be having a good time.
So am I… this was definitely goosebumps moment number two.
Act Two of the trailer starts with a dark and ominous storm coming into Sumerville. There’s trouble in small town Oklahoma. Grooberson reiterates his line about a town with no faultlines shaking on a daily basis to Trevor and Phoebe. Only this time, he receives a response: “Maybe it’s the apocalypse.” Phoebe delivers the line to Grooberson with such amazing deadpan earnestness that you can tell she and grandpa might have a whole lot in common. Including their sense of humor.
The line gives us a good chuckle to break the tension but also sets the stage for what’s to come in the trailer: exactly what Phoebe has predicted.
As Phoebe tells us that “Egon came here for a reason,” an archival piece of footage and dialogue from the first film plays on her laptop: the commercial playing on Dana Barrett’s television at 55 CPW. As the original Ghostbusters give you their sales pitch, this is where the trailer really kicks into modern trailer overdrive.
Flashes of imagery including the PKE meter, Mini Puft mayhem at Wal-Mart, and more quickly breathe in and out. In fact, if this trailer is our Christmas present in July, this is where we’re unwrapping and unpacking what’s inside the box.
But we also get glimpses of a creepy underground temple with some pretty intense architecture and even creepier statue work. Terror dog/human hybrid statues flanking what looks to be a pharaoh with wings. And gaunt peasants all reaching out to it all. Did Sumerians have pharaohs? Or is this something else? Certainly seems like if there were Gozer worshippers out there, this might be a stone tribute to them.
The kids discover the terrifying temple and Trevor gives us an “oh my god” to punctuate as they see what we see.
Right about this part of the trailer is where my brain explodes and I’m not sure where to start. Imagery is rapid fire as the shit hits the fan.
Phoebe looks into a cauldron in the temple (where there’s numbers behind her that we’ll have to analyze further at some point). And the cork pops on the bottle. As she does so, there’s a terrifying growl in the background foreshadowing some familiar imagery we’re about to see.
But before we get to that, two incredible things are seen as well: familiar purple PKE trails that look a whole lot like those that explode from the firehouse and converge at Spook Central. And, as Grooberson’s line about New York City looking like “The Walking Dead” is repurposed to sound like he’s talking about Sumerville, there’s an incredible physical creature design sitting at a lunch counter. A half-decomposed cabbie maybe? Wearing a 1970’s collar and neckerchief. To my eye, I’d be willing to bet that’s the work of Arjen Tuiten and his team of creature designers. And it’d make Steve Johnson proud.
Plus it’s such a funny image of this corpse sitting at a lunch counter, and the waiter is pour him coffee like it ain’t no thing. I love it.
Back to man’s worst friend: the terror dogs make several appearances in the trailer. First as a cool half-manifested entity above Groobersen and again chasing the poor guy out of a Wal-Mart. Is Groobersen haunted by these things like Louis Tully? Or is something else going on here?
If there was a moment that I expected Ray Parker Jr.’s iconic theme song to kick into full gear, this would have been it. The icing on the cake of the trailer, after we see the dead rising from the grave and all hell breaking loose, is Trevor, Phoebe and Podcast all in the Ecto chasing after what we now know is Muncher. The editorial of this is insanely cool. And we get to see the Remote Trap Vehicle (RTV) deployed from the Ecto and how it’s used in the pursuit of Muncher. We’ve seen the gunner seat, but the beats that this moment in the trailer hit, well…
Goosebumps moment number three.
After all the debate among friends if there would be a “Chewie, We’re Home” moment in this trailer - where we’d see one of the original Ghostbusters live and in the flesh, we got the perfect tease. As Grooberson, Phoebe and Podcast watch the conclusion of the original 1984 ad, the trailer closes with a phone ringing inside a very familiar looking Occult Book shop.
Tattooed arms (I’ve tried with everything I can to see what the tattoo says) pick up the phone and the familiar voice of Dr. Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) curtly tells whomever is on the other end of that phone that, “We’re closed.” A perfect little tease if you ask me. Let’s save seeing Peter, Ray and Winston on-screen to the main event.
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bluepenguinstories · 3 years
Remoras Full Chapter XLIV: Sting Ray
Exhaustion set in as soon as the form before us faded. Vague shapes of the people around me blurred further until they were just airbrushed silhouettes who swayed from side to side. They were both close to me while also being further away. Miles away, even as they stood in place, next to Sunny and I. Even without exhaustion, I would have felt the same, thanks to the high setting in.
“I can’t believe it’s over...”Sunny muttered as she puffed the last of her joint. I think we were all shaken by the experience, even if none of us were naive enough to believe we were rid of such a monster.
Before we were ready to move on, Remora stepped out in front of us and lowered herself down to one knee.
“Aw, are you about to propose to someone?” Sunny leaned in and teased. Remora looked up and tilted her head.
“...What?” She asked, perpetual confusion. “No. I just...well, I do have a proposition.”
“Well, out with it!” Sunny urged.
Remora lowered her head, then continued:
“I left you all at a time when I suspected we weren’t rid of the one who sought to harm us. Thus, I put you all in danger. For that, I am sorry.”
“It’s fine,” I tried to reassure her, “I don’t think any of us knew Cronus could conjure up a fog like that.”
“Even still...I left and I shouldn’t have. For so long, I wanted a home, some place I felt right in. Maybe this place wasn’t what I would have considered ‘home’ at first, but over time I found you guys to be important to me. Yet I left you all behind, because I was scared. Because I didn’t understand what you all meant to me. So, even though I know I have no right to ask this of you, I will do so anyway: may I be a part of your lives once more? If you refuse, we’ll part ways once we reach the surface and you’ll never have to see me again.”
We all stood in silence. Despite the haze which was taking over, I took the initiative and cleared my throat.
“Oh my. I wasn’t expecting this,” I remarked.
“I’m serious,” Remora replied.
I can’t do serious. Not when I’m starting to feel the buzz kick in.
“I know. It’s just that you should know by now that at least in my eyes, you’ve always got a home here.”
“Yeah, I don’t see why you’d need to worry about something like that,” Sunny added.
“Still,” Remora turned her head away from Sunny and I, “I want to make sure it’s okay with everyone.”
Tigershark stamped her feet as she marched up to Remora, then tapped her on the shoulder.
“I still don’t like that you used to kill people. That’s not a very nice thing to do. But the you that I know is a good person now, so that’s what matters to me. Besides, you’re still one of my precious older sisters!”
“I…” Remora sounded ready to object.
“If you don’t stay, I’m going to be mad, so you have that to think about!” Tigershark roared, hands on her hips.
“I guess I do, huh?” Remora chuckled a humorless chuckle, awkward smile to boot. Afterward, she turned her attention toward Demetria, to which, the rest of us did as well.
“What? Why’s everyone looking at me for?” Demetria stammered, then on the defensive, took a step back and crossed her arms, “what do you need my opinion for? It’s not my decision to make.”
“Everyone means everyone,” Remora told her, insisting on an answer.
“Sure...Yeah. Whatever.”
“Is no one gonna ask me how I feel?” Tigershark jumped up as she asked.
“How do you feel?” Sunny looked down to humor the child, still with enough energy to jump in place.
“Terrible! Thanks! This whole thing has been a nightmare! First, there was that other you,” Tigershark looked over at Remora, “who turned out to be a monster. Then we fight rock monsters. We’re all bleeding and getting hurt. Then we fight another guy who’s a monster and apparently he’s the one who killed my parents? It wasn’t a blizzard, but a scary guy? And now...I’m ready to wake up.”
“Aw, we’re sorry, dear,” Sunny pursed her lip.
“No, I agree, though,” rasped Demetria’s rough voice. Odd, ‘rough’ when I had known her to have more of a mouse-like voice. “What else could it be called other than a nightmare?”
She didn’t speak another word after that, opting instead to hobble her way closer to me, and further from Remora. It was remarkable, that even in my high state, I could notice such subtleties. As we made our worn-out strides out from the room of Cronus’ design, I noticed little pebbles fall into my messy black hair. I ruffled through my hair, trying to shake the flakes out, all while more fell onto my head.
Of course. This part of the tunnel is one of his own design. Once he’s faded away, so too do his illusions.
“Don’t mean to rush any of you all, but I think this place is about to collapse,” I dropped the hint, and being the smartypants that they were, they looked at each other, eyes bulging, then in a panic, began to pick up their pace.
“Demetria, if you find it hard to walk, you can hold onto the side of my suit,” I offered to her. She scowled, though the scowl dropped to a more relaxed frown. As if to say, “fine. If it comes to that, I’ll allow it.”
“Good, and Sunny,” I added, then turned to my wife, my life, “you can do the same with Remora. If either of you need to lean on each other, that’s totally fine,” I gave the thumbs up. Sunny winked.
It was more like a game of hopscotch than a race of peril. Really embarrassing, if I were to be honest. If I had thought to bring a video camera, or even just record them on my phone, I’d look at the footage of us running for our lives and I would laugh. As it stood, I didn’t have that luxury. Any reason to laugh had to be put on hold as my breaths grew short and shallow and the collapsing rocky ground continued to close in behind us. Its pace picking up alongside our own increasing pace.
Other short breaths followed my own as if the other four were a barbershop quartet with stage fright. Hell, with me alongside them, it may as well be a quintet.
Remora and Sunny were both tall ladies. Tigershark was somewhere. Demetria was not a tall lady and I was a Short King (OK. So actually, I am Average Man height. Like 5’7”-(on my good days) 5’9”. Probably). Together we made up a group of people trying to get by with our lives.
I felt a little pull against my arm sleeve. I looked down and saw the orange jelly bean, Tigershark herself, held on tight to my sleeve.
“Hey! Look at you! Good job!” I congratulated her as I tried to work up a smile. If not for myself, then for the kid. She still looked ready to cry. Maybe when we got back to the diner, I could make a cake. If we even still have enough ingredients. Dammit Cronus (because the fog, not because he stole our food, which in an indirect way, he may as well have).
“Fancy weather, innit?” Sunny tried up a Parisian accent.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re underground,” Remora replied in a non-emotive shout, partially muffled by the rumblings around us.
Out the false tunnel and into the original tunnel as we slid our way through as the collapsing illusion. As it shut behind us and became a wall once more, it caused a miniature quake and had us all jump into place before we fell into the ground.
“Worst trampoline I’ve been on in a while,” I remarked as I rubbed my sore bum.
Tigershark was the first to stand back up and made cymbal crashing motions as she danced around with an angry chicken look on her face.
“When I get back, I’m going to bang pots and pans, because I deserve to!” She roared.
“Yeah, can’t argue there,” Sunny murmured. Then her and I laughed.
When we struggled back up and continued walking, I decided to break the ice:
“So, anything you wanna talk about?” I peered at the Demetria beside me. She didn’t say a word.
“Ah, the quiet game. I see,” then I turned to Remora who had a confused look on her face, but also said nothing. “You’re playing too, I see.”
“You’ll have to excuse my Ray of Sunshine, he’s a little high right now,” Sunny waved her hand around in a fanning motion.
“High?” Tigershark looked up. “What’s that mean?”
“He’s ascended,” Sunny then fluttered her hands to the side, like she was breaking out of her cocoon and becoming a beautiful moth fairy.
I tried to keep quiet. I knew I should. There were rules, and if all the world was a stage, then I was a character just as much as anyone else around me. Which meant, there were rules. One of those rules was that I was to stick to the established personality traits of my character. Any deviation was forbidden.
Oh, but much like someone who drank a gallon of tea needed to pee, if we walked through this long tunnel with neither Sunny nor I saying a word, I think I’d be in throbbing pain.
“A word,” Sunny took one for the team. “That’s all I’m going to say, though.”
Wow. Do we share the same mind?
“Thank you, dear,” I told her.
“Any time. Just remember: you’re my wife.”
I chuckled in response.
“I’m your wife, just as you are mine.”
“Wife and Malewife. We’re a gay male and female couple,” Sunny snapped her fingers and remarked.
“That’s what I’m saying!” I exclaimed in agreement.
Collective groans were made from the other three ladies.
Much of our trip back from then on was a blur, other than the fact that at one point, Demetria remarked, “gee, I bet everyone else back at the diner’s wondering what’s taking us so long.”
Although I was still a little outside of my mind, I let out a chuckle.
“Yeah, they’re probably thinking, ‘it can’t possibly take this long just to turn the lights back on’.”
Speaking of lights, as weary as we were, the sight of the bright, yellow glow flooded into view the closer we reached the entrance back into the basement. I looked beside me and saw Tigershark blink several times and rubbing her eyes. The others might have been just as astonished to see light again.
For my part, I was just hoping I had a spare pair of glasses somewhere once we got back up to the surface.
We walked through and everyone’s astonishment was voiced through low “ooh”, “aah,” and “wow.” While they all looked around, I couldn’t help but notice little red streaks on the otherwise clean floor.
No doubt from the fight that went on.
Everyone else made it up to the ladder before me. When it was my turn, I noticed some red marks upon the bars of the ladder. Whether blood or rust, I couldn’t tell. I just hoped they were dry enough that none of the others had gotten it on them. Even without getting it on them, one thing was certain: all five of us were due for a bath (but not at the same time).
Once I made my way up into the kitchen, I closed the hatch behind me. Sunny dropped to the floor, a wide grin on her face, then shot her arms up.
“Whee! Let’s do that again!” She cheered.
“NO!” The rest of us shouted in unison. It couldn’t be helped, of course. She was still riding that high, even if I was starting to come down.
I half-expected for someone, or a few someones, to bolt through the kitchen door and check in on us. When that didn’t come, I expected to hear commotion from the dining hall. Then, when that didn’t come, I just had to investigate. My heart beat like a dog would wag their tail at the prospect of a treat. Though replace ‘treat’ with ‘mystery’.
So I strolled, or strode, whichever suited my fancy, out into the dining hall where I saw the crowd...that wasn’t there. Yes, despite my poor vision, I still couldn’t believe my eyes at the emptiness of it all. There were still plates and messes on each table, signs that life had been there. But where they had gone, that was still a mystery.
Everyone else came out from the kitchen soon after me. Behind me, I heard Tigershark ask, “where did everybody go?”
Yes. Good question. Just how long were we gone? What could have happened in the meantime? Were they all hurt?
“That’s a good question, pipsqueak,” Demetria replied.
“Hey! Who you callin’ pipsqueak? In a few years, I’ll be taller than you!” Tigershark shouted back with ferocious fury.
“Man, I love you all,” Sunny drawled out, an adorable smile spread across her face.
“Uh. OK? Thanks?” Remora didn’t know how to respond.
Two things caught my attention: one, though outside looked fuzzy and dark, it did not look foggy. Which could only mean that the fog was lifted. The other thing I noticed were a few sheets of paper spread out on a nearby table. Ignoring their banter, I wandered over to the table. Each sheet had our names written on one side, with a series of text on the back. Although I couldn’t make out the individual words of our names, I could tell who was who by the individual letters shown and the vague shapes that made them up.
I chuckled at the absurdity of not even being able to read a simple letter.
I hope I have a spare pair of glasses somewhere.
“Hey guys,” I motioned for the others. It was my own little way of obfuscating from the fact that I couldn’t see what was written, “come check this out.”
The others scrambled on over and noticed the sheets of paper on the table, just as I had.
“They’re...letters?” Demetria blinked, astonished, and just a slight tinge of confusion.
“Man, oh man! This is too much!” Sunny held one hand over her face while the other held the sheet of paper, “she spelled it ‘hoomin’! Like Moomin, but with an ‘H’!”
“It’s Astraea!” Tigershark gasped as she read her letter, “she said that everyone else went to the hospital and she followed them there! Apparently there’s someone in particular she wants to see.”
“What does yours say, Demetria?” I turned to her as she parsed through the page. Before she answered, she folded up the paper and put it in her pocket.
“Nothing important,” she answered in a dry manner.
“Same here,” Remora added with a shiver and a shifty look.
Nervous, much?
“In that case,” I smiled, still trying to save face, “I’ll keep my letter private as well. They are meant for the individual, after all.”
“Aw, I wanted to know what yours said,” Tigershark whined. I pat her head and chuckled.
“Maybe I’ll tell you about it later,” I suggested as a means to reassure her.
“...Heh...Hoomin,” Sunny mumured to herself and laughed a howling laughter.
Now that I think about it, she probably has less of a tolerance to that kind of stuff than I do.
I strolled over to each table and picked up each plate, ready to take it to the kitchen. As I held a stack in hand, I turned to the other four.
“Now, we’ve all had a long day, so how about we all relax? Go ahead, sit down, I’ll get you guys something to drink.
“I’ll take vodka,” Remora requested whilst lowering herself down to the booth next to her.
“What’s vodka?” Tigershark asked.
“Shitty alcohol,” Sunny answered, not seeming to care about the swear, “I’ll have whiskey, take it or leave it.”
“Both of those sound gross!” Tigershark stuck her tongue out. “I’ll just have some hot cocoa.”
“Whip or no whip?” I asked.
“Lots and lots of whip cream!” She roared and cheered, fist pumping into the air.
“How about you, Demetria?” I turned my attention to her and watched as she slumped over in her seat, next to Sunny, and sulked at the table.
“Coffee,” she stated, which I found interesting, as I never pictured her to be a coffee drinker. Then again, I didn’t know what kind of drinks she tended to like.
“And how do you take your coffee?”
Her response left me no choice but to make my expression as dull as hers as I teased, “oh, really? And here I thought you took yours rectally.”
“Wha...no. I mean, black, I guess.”
Sunny cackled into a thunderous laughter and slammed her fist on the table, which shook the poor thing every which way.
Sheesh. It’s like I’ve got my own laugh track. Thanks hun.
As I worked my magic in the kitchen, washing dishes and preparing drinks, I thought it over and decided that what Sunny really needed was water. As for everyone else, it went over just fine: I didn’t have to venture back down into the basement to get some vodka (thank goodness) as there was a bottle in the fridge. After I poured a shot, I filled another shot glass with water from the tap. Next, I brewed a pot of coffee, boiled a kettle of water on the stove, and as I waited for each one to heat up and fill up, I took off to the back of the diner to search for a pair of glasses.
There were none in my desk drawer. Next, I ascended to the upstairs bedroom. Sure enough, on the night stand, there was a box for glasses. I opened it up, half-fearing that it would be empty, but my heart fluttered upon seeing that there was indeed a pair for me.
Thank my lucky stars. Feels like things are finally starting to turn around.
As soon as I put them on, the world opened up to me.
“I can see clearly now the rain is gone,” I hummed and made my way back down.
Before I went back into the kitchen to prepare the final three drinks, I unfolded the paper and read its contents. For the sake of posterity, I will transcribe it without so many spelling errors (trust me, just about every word was misspelled):
Dear Ray,
Thank you a lot for letting me be a waitress. I appreciate what you taught me about humanity, just as much as I do with the things Sunny and Tigershark have taught me. Tigershark is my friend, you know. Also, I liked asking people what food they wanted to eat. I learned so many names of foods.
I think we’re a lot alike, because we’re both curious about things. It’s good, I think, because there’s always more to learn. While I didn’t understand what was going on at the time, I know a lot of people weren’t doing too good and you looked a bit sad. But I think even if bad things happen, you’re still very nice. I also want to be very nice! But I think I like tricking people too. That’s fun (Tigershark taught me about tricking).
As for how I managed to write all this after everyone went to the hospital it’s because I can write fast (Tigershark taught me to read and write). I’m very fast! Maybe not running but I can do things fast!
Also everyone left because someone called the doctor and the doctor mobile picked them up. I was in my room but I heard that someone fell over. It sounded interesting, so I’m going to walk to the hospital now. I might come back, but it also might take me a lot of days. I can’t always tell where I’m going.
P.S. I think you would like Animal Crossing. Tom Nook is kind of like you. He’s a nice man and maybe human.
I smiled and folded the paper back up, placed it into my desk, and strolled back into the kitchen. There were still some missing pieces, some gaps that needed to be filled in, but I’m sure they would be explained in time.
Actually, I’m growing a little impatient on that front.
After pouring in the hot cocoa mix into the boiling water, I stirred it. Then I filled it sky high with whipped cream. The coffee was easy, since it was all automatic. Really, needed no explanation. As for my tea, I chose a nice cup of ceylon and jasmine tea, and let it steep. While it sat, I decided to call up Dr. Cole-Slaw. To my surprise, she answered right away.
“Ray! You better have a good explanation for all this!” She huffed into the phone, clear annoyance rang through her voice.
“I’m sorry, Shir – Doctor, but I was hoping you could give me one. I was away while everything went down. One moment, I was attending to business in the basement, the next, all my patrons are gone.”
“Are you aware what ‘DOA’ means?” She asked, a little ‘tsk tsk’ in her tone.
“Yeah. Of course. I’ve been a wanted man in a few cities.” That was a joke. I wasn’t as popular as some might have believed me to be.
“Dead on arrival, smartass. One of your friends, Xena Warrior Princess over here, called me to go retrieve a dead body. Is this some kind of practical joke?”
Dead body? What?
“Whoa, whoa, slow down. I don’t know anything about that. Also, Xena Warrior Princess?”
“I dunno, purple sword lady.”
“Wendy. I don’t think she’d appreciate being called that.”
“Oh, no, she does. I ran it by her first. She said it’s quite amusing. Anyway, care to explain?”
Still the same Shirley, I see. Still...this is concerning.
“Trust me, I’d love to. I’ve buried a couple of people outside of the diner, but there shouldn’t be any corpses inside.”
“Excuse me? There’s more? Have you gone off the deep end, Ray? I know you’ve done some questionable stuff, but I didn’t know you had it in you to be an ax murderer.”
“It’s nothing like that. Look,” I slid back from the counter, “I’ll tell you what I’ve been dealing with for the past year: there’s been a terrible fog, maybe you’ve seen it? Maybe not. But there’s been monsters in the fog attacking people and I’ve been sheltering as many people as I could, trying to keep everyone alive on what limited supplies we had.”
“No offense, but I’ve got a hard time believing that.”
“Maybe it’s better that you don’t. I’d rather it wasn’t real, myself. But as you could see, it’s been lifted. For equally supernatural reasons, I presume.”
I got to thinking about all that I’ve endured the past year. All that we’ve endured. How all that time, I never bothered to learn the names of the people I sheltered. It was just as Aurora said. Perhaps if I had gotten to know everyone, I would have figured out Sister Cecilia’s identity sooner. I would have figured out Captain Aca...okay, that one was obvious. But still, I wished that I had a stronger bond with the others. Maybe then I might have had higher spirits.
“Say, do you know who it was you picked up?”
“No, sorry. But your cohort seems to have an idea. I’ll put her on the line. She’s agreed to mop the hospital floors while she’s here. I figure it’s a fair enough deal since I ended up hauling off a whole crowd of people.”
“Great. Do it.”
“Oh, and by the way, our little Jane Doe’s still breathing. For now, anyway. She’s in, uh, not good condition, but it’s something.”
“What a relief. Wait, I thought you said dead on arrival?”
“Yeah. But I didn’t say arrival to the hospital. I’m a genius, I know,” she gloated.
“OK, let me hear from Wendy.”
She passed the phone on over, then I heard Wendy’s raspy yet sly voice.
“Hey, Ray, guess who I’m with at the hospital right now?” She posed the question.
“Are you going to tell me?” I wasn’t really in the mood for guessing, nor did I have enough information on hand to do so. “I know they’re a woman, that’s about it.”
“Hmm…” she lingered on that last ‘m’, “have you taken a look in the mirror since you got back? I do take it you’re back, and not just calling me from underground.”
“No, I haven’t. I should get on that, but I’m busy preparing drinks for the other four.”
“You sure sound exhausted, that’s for sure. I bet you look just as bad as you sound right now,” she suggested.
“Probably. I just sound this way because I’m coming down from a high, but we all need our rest. Now, since you’re not going to tell me about this mystery patient, will you at least tell me what went on while I was away?”
“Aw, you’re no fun. But sure. Basically about a minute or two after you went down, the lights flickered back on and we were all excited. I told everyone to temper their excitement, as we still don’t know what to expect. What a statement that turned out to be, as maybe a little more than an hour later, we hear someone coming back up. Some of us got all giddy, thinking it was you guys, but instead walks out this woman none of us recognized. Well, some of us thought we did, but I’m not gonna name names. She fell down once she saw us, but not before saying something, I think it was, ‘that’s all, folks’ in a weak voice.”
“Someone besides us was down in the basement?” My heart skipped a beat. I knew there was that impostor, and later on Cronus, but I didn’t think there would be anyone else. “Did she sneak down there and hide or something?”
“Couldn’t tell ya. I’m as lost as you are on that front. But I’ll say this: upon seeing her face, I flew into a panic. I shouted for someone to call a doctor. Others thought it was ridiculous, but then we saw that the fog was gone and that was when we all wanted a doctor. Someone had the number to your good friend, Cole-Slaw, and she was happy to come out and get us all.”
Something tells me she wasn’t very happy at all, but let’s put that aside.
“Speaking of coleslaw, what’s the deal with it? You put mayonnaise on radishes and lettuce or something and for some reason that’s supposed to taste good?”
“Any other time, I’d love to talk about what constitutes as food, but I’m just a little beat.”
“I get you. I think even I would be, given what you all must have gone through. But hey, now we’ve got clear skies. That’s something to celebrate, no?”
“Yeah. Maybe in the morning I can get a good view outside. As it is, it’s just a little too dark for my liking. But anyway, I should go,” but before I did, I got to thinking, “oh, and hey: if this mystery patient manages to make it, I’d like to meet her in person. Maybe you can invite her back to the diner and Tigershark and I will treat her to a nice meal. How’s that sound?”
“Sure thing, Ray. We’ll see.”
There was a great list of things to look forward to, and that just became one of them. But anyway, I needed to deliver everyone their drinks before the hot drinks turn cold and the cold drinks turn warm. So once I ended the call, I brought out each of the drinks on a platter and strode out into the dining hall.
“Here you go, ladies,” I set down each drink onto the table. Sunny, without hesitation, downed her shot.
“Damn,” she wiped her mouth, “that’s the best whiskey I’ve ever had.”
I suppose the irony may have been that it would have been easier to mistake water for vodka than it would be whiskey, but since she was still riding a high, perhaps it was just a little hard to tell.
Tigershark sipped on her hot cocoa, a little whipped cream mustache forming above her lips.
I, meanwhile, too my seat at the booth just behind them. It wasn’t a matter of isolating myself from the others. No, I just liked to listen in as an outsider while I took comfort in the solitude.
“It really has been over a year. How old are you now, Demetria?” Remora asked, working up her best kind voice.
“Twenty-four,” Demetria replied and shrugged whilst sipping her coffee.
“Aw, man! That means I missed your birthday!” Remora then complained.
“Uh, yeah? That’s what being away for over a year means.”
“Still, it’s good to see you,” Remora smiled and continued to try to lighten the mood.
“It is? Why?”
“Because I’ve missed you.”
“No you didn’t. You just missed the attention.”
“That’s not true…” Her voice turned desperate, before lowering it.
“Sorry. That was maybe too harsh of me,” Demetria looked away as she mentioned.
“No, you’re right.”
Demetria got up from her seat, took the coffee cup, chugged it down, then announced, “I’m going to my room.”
She walked off a couple of paces, then turned back.
“Don’t worry, Ray. I’ll wash out my mug before I go.”
She walked a couple of paces once again, almost to the kitchen, then turned back once more.
“Actually, I’m going to take a shower, then I’ll go to my room.”
I couldn’t help myself, perhaps a tad insensitive of me, but I cupped one hand over my mouth and called out to her.
“Actually, you’ll go through the hallway, then take a shower, then go to your room!”
She twitched, it seeming to strike a nerve, but then just said, “yeah…”
I then saw Tigershark, still with her whipped cream mustache, look over with an incredulous face, then turn back to Remora.
“What was that for?! We just got back and she’s already got an attitude?” Tigershark thew her hands up.
“It’s because of me,” Remora turned somber and stared down as she explained, “the whole reason why she left last time, and why I left.”
“Because I told her that I didn’t, and couldn’t care about her. Or anyone. I really thought that at the time, too. She didn’t take it well, which...understandably so. So I tried to bargain with her, and...that made it worse, because I panicked and I wasn’t feeling well, just recovering from being sick, which probably contributed to the whole thing. So...I can’t blame her for being wary around me.”
“Well, that’s stupid! You care about us, right?” Tigershark was incensed and poised for a rant.
“Yeah, but it took a long time to figure that out.”
Interesting. I never thought I’d hear her say that. Perhaps in her absence she went through a long journey of self-discovery and probably has many stories to tell of her adventures.
“So? Just tell her that.”
“It’s not that simple…”
“Yeah it is. You just told me.”
“I’m sure she’d want me to prove it, and I don’t know how to.”
“That’s dumb too! And I’m sure you missed us, too! Also, what’s wrong with wanting attention? Who says you can’t miss people and want attention at the same time? Attention is good.”
“You don’t get it. You’re just a kid.”
“So what? What’s that got to do with anything? I’ll have you know, I’m eleven now!”
“Wow. I’m gone for over a year and all of a sudden everyone’s a year older,” Remora muttered. It was almost like she was making an observation, but to anyone else, it may have come off as sarcasm.
She looked out the window, listless, then peered her head over to where I was; to be honest, I was a little caught off guard that she would notice me, given that I was just there sipping my tea and listening in to everyone else.
“I’m going to my room, too, and, uh, Ray?” Remora announced.
“Yes?” I addressed her.
“Your wife’s asleep at the table.”
“Ah. Thank you. I suppose it’s time we get some rest. In the morning I’ll make us all a large meal, how does that sound?” I offered.
“I can do it! You’re still hurt pretty bad!” Tigershark shot her hand up.
“Very well. I’ll leave it to you, then,” I gave a light chuckle as I got up from my seat, took one last sip of my tea, and led Sunny up, first by tapping on her back.
“Come on, hun. It’s time we got ourselves to bed,” I coaxed as I helped lift her up.
“Boobas…” She murmured in a half-asleep daze. She must have been dreaming about bubble tea or something.
“Yes, dear. I understand quite well.”
We stumbled our way to the back, then up the stairs to our room. She rubbed her eyes a bit, but rather than start to wake up, as soon as we were next to our bed, she collapsed right into it. I followed suit.
The following morning, I fumbled getting my glasses back on, surprised that I had slept without taking them off, and my head almost crushing them while asleep. Once I had conquered that battle, it was time to...well, check the time. My phone read 5:31 AM, and as early as it was, I accepted it and forced myself out of bed.
As I got up, I felt the intense soreness of yesterday’s struggle. What a terrible and aching physical reminder it was. It got worse when I went down and took a shower; the hot water stung against the wounds on my sides and on my face. After getting myself dressed, I headed to my desk in the middle of the hallway and sat down. Yes, it may have been wiser to have brewed another cup of tea, or perhaps, dare I say, coffee, but I just wanted to sit and think for a little while.
What a day yesterday. For better or worse, we all made it back, and the diner is once again empty save for the five of us. While I do hope to get some customers sooner or later, I must say that I enjoy the quiet. We’ve all earned it. Now, even if some things may be different in terms of everyone’s personalities, if we are getting back to business as usual, then I ought to make a phone call.
The downside is that based on our timezones, Cybele would probably still be asleep.
I know. I’ll just send a text.
Me: It’s safe now. You can return if you’d like.
I set my phone down on the table, then almost jumped out of my seat upon seeing Remora seated across from me. Her serious expression made whatever she was there to say seem urgent.
“So, I just had a dream that we were all on a battlefield and then Demetria died and I got sad, so there’s no denying it now: I’ve got a crush on her.”
I matched her dull expression with my own.
“Remora, it’s like 6 AM,” I informed her.
“Is it? I don’t have my phone with me, so I can’t really tell the time. Anyway, I don’t see what that has to do with the dream I had, so quit beating around the bush and tell me what you think.”
Is this really all I’m good for?
“It doesn’t really sound like a crush,” I shrugged, figuring she wouldn’t give up staring until I gave her an answer, “it just sounds normal. You’d be sad if I died, wouldn’t you?”
She paused. Didn’t say a word. I let it linger for a few seconds longer, then I couldn’t help myself.
“What?! No answer?!” I spat out.
“I’m still tired,” she replied, “I have to think about this.”
I was still just a little baffled, but I let it go.
“Even if it turns out you haven’t developed a crush, like you theorize, I can still tell you’ve discovered some things about yourself, so I commend you for that. Maybe later we can discuss some of the things you’ve learned.”
“Anyway, I’m pretty sure it’s a crush,” Remora dismissed, as if she didn’t even listen to what I had to say, “but I’m going to deny it, because I already know a relationship wouldn’t work out.”
“I agree. As it stands, I don’t think either of you are ready for such things. Besides, I know how she used to be, but do you think that’s something she wants now?”
“What? That’s not what you’re supposed to say. You’re supposed to say, ‘go for it, what do you have to lose? You only live once, et cetera’.”
“I’m agreeing with something you said. Isn’t that good enough?”
“We’re friends, right, Ray?”
I put my palm over my head.
“Yes, Remora. We’re friends.”
“So you’ll tell me anything I wanna hear, right?” She closed her eyes, crossed her arms, and smiled.
“That’s not how that works.”
“I know, but can’t you just pretend?” Her smile lowered and she pleaded.
“OK. What do you want to hear?” I humored her.
She just slammed her head against the desk and groaned.
“Ugh...I don’t know. What should I do?”
“First you should get your head off my desk,” I instructed. She didn’t, at least not at first.
“Ugh...you’re so mean, Ray,” she whined before lifting her head.
“Now, you should go back to bed. You clearly need some rest.”
“Yeah. You’re probably right,” she blinked, her face back to the blank expression I was used to seeing on her. “What are you doing up so early, anyway?”
“I’m just sitting and thinking. I like to do it sometimes.”
“Wow. That’s such an old man thing to do. You’re not that old yet, you know,” she pointed out.
“Don’t you ever do that?”
“Only when I need to.”
“Well, then, I think you need to do some of that after you’ve gotten a little more rest. You said yourself after we got back last night that the reason she’s acting the way she is around you is because of what happened before you left over a year ago. So don’t you think that should be addressed first before any prospect of a relationship?”
“Hm. Yeah. OK. Back to bed I go.”
A few hours later, Tigershark had made pancakes with strawberry syrup for everyone. She, Sunny, and I sat together while Remora and Demetria sat alone in booths at opposite ends of the diner silence.
“So, I was thinking, hun, how we don’t really charge people for meals most of the time,” Sunny brought up in between bites of the fluffy pancakes.
“Yeah. We used to a few years ago, but there’s been many changes since then,” I replied.
“Right. But you don’t mind that we don’t charge, do you?” She pondered.
“I suppose not.”
“So I’ve got a couple of ideas: we could turn this place into a hotel and start charging. If we hire more staff, then it shouldn’t be all that stressful managing all those people. Yeah, we had to house many people already and it was awful because of the circumstances, but if people can go in and out, then it should be fine.”
“It would cost a lot of money to expand this space in order to accommodate,” I pointed out.
“Right. My other idea is: why do we need to be a business at all? Like, sure, the front half is pretty much designed like a business, but there’s nothing saying we have to. We get by just fine on our own as it is. So maybe we could provide free meals to anyone who comes in and advertise that.”
“So basically what we’ve already been doing, but announce it?”
“I won’t rule it out. Not sure if I really want the attention, but it’s an option.”
“What do you think, Tigershark?” Sunny turned to the kid.
“Hmm...oh! You could do both! Make it like a free hotel!”
I put my palm over my mouth and chuckled.
“So like a homeless shelter, but fancy...not bad, not bad. Still would be expensive to see it through, but it seems like the kind of thing Wendy would approve of. Not to mention, just like with the previous hotel idea, we’d have to hire more staff, and even if they’d live here with us, they’ll probably want to get paid for their labor.”
“Oh! Have you heard from Wendy?” Tigershark asked.
“Yeah, I talked to her last night. She’s doing fine. Just hanging out at the hospital.”
“That idea…” Sunny scratched her chin. “Tigershark, you’re a genius! It’s easy! We make lots of money by taking on requests again!”
“That’s one way...but then there’s the chance of Cronus striking at any moment. Sheesh, everything’s become so complicated.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure out something, hun,” Sunny reached across the table and gave me a pat on the shoulder. When she sat back down, I felt my phone begin to ring. I picked it up and saw that it was Cybele.
“Oh my Goddess! This is the best day ever!” Cybele gushed over the phone, her excitement at maximum capacity.
“Is it really?” I chuckled.
“Yes! I can’t wait! I’m going to head back on over right away! Oh, but what should I do about the big house? Should I sell it? Should I give it to a homeless person? Oh, but if I do that, then they wouldn’t be able to afford to pay utilities, so that wouldn’t be very fair.”
“You can sell the house, then give the money to a homeless person,” I suggested.
“Yes! Brilliant! Thank you so much, Ray!” She hung up right after, without so much as a goodbye.
“Who was that?” Sunny asked.
“Cybele. She’ll be coming back soon,” I informed her.
“Awesome! We’re getting the band back together!”
“Band? What band?” Tigershark looked at the both of us, turning her head back and forth.
“It’s a figure of speech,” I explained.
After breakfast, Tigershark and I tended to the dishes. Once we had finished, I headed back to Sunny and I’s bedroom so I could fetch myself a book to read. We had an extensive collection along multiple bookshelves, enough that if we expanded the space just a bit more, we could have ourselves our own little library.
After much deliberation, I decided to settle on a collection of Akutagawa’s short stories. His tales were amusing, if nothing else, so it should at least pass some time away.
As I made my way back downstairs, I heard some commotion between Remora and Demetria.
“We need to set boundaries! So you stay at your end of the hallway, and I’ll stay at mine!” Demetria shouted whilst holding a stick of chalk.
“But the bathroom is on your end of the hallway and sometimes I have to pee. Also, what about showering?” Remora stated her case.
“You’ll have to get creative! We’re not good around each other, and this is a good solution!”
I made my way to the bottom of the stairs, then turned to the two.
“Hey Demetria, I need to cut something, so can I borrow one of your knives?” I asked.
She looked up at me, blinked, then dug into her pocket.
“Uh, sure, here.”
I took her knife and held it up, making a slashing motion into the air.
“Yep. It’s just as I thought. The tension in the air’s so thick that you have to cut through it with a knife.”
“What?!” Demetria stomped her foot at my little theatrics. I handed her knife back to her, then smudged out the chalk line on the floor with my foot. She, of course, took issue with that. “Hey! What are you doing? I’m setting boundaries, here!”
“You’re acting like a child, is what you’re doing.”
“Am not! She started it!” Demetria pointed at Remora. I faced Remora, who then backed away a step.
“I was just trying to talk things out with her, but I understand wanting space and I’m willing to compromise, but please let me take a shower sometimes,” Remora pleaded.
“There’s the bathroom in the dining hall,” I explained, “but yes, there’s no reason to restrict what bathroom you use. That’s just ridiculous.”
“First off, when she tried to talk things out, she just made things worse,” Demetria was still going at it.
“Look, I’m fine if you guys fight with each other, but can you two not take up so much space? Sit down at a table, or go to a room and go at it there,” I told them.
“I don’t want to go at it with her, I just want us to coexist,” Remora explained.
“We can’t coexist! We’re not good around each other!” Demetria shot back.
I shook my head. This was really trying my patience.
“Maybe you’re right,” I relented.
“Ha!” Demetria gloated.
“What I mean is, if you two can’t get along, you both can leave. We don’t need any of this bickering.”
“What?! You can’t do that! I was here first!” Demetria protested.
“Technically speaking, Remora was here first,” I pointed out.
“Well I came back first!”
“Well, I’m...uh...taller?” Remora interjected in an absentminded fashion.
You do realize this isn’t a competition, right?
“I’m serious. Get along or else,” I reiterated.
“But we can’t get along!” Demetria whined.
“...You won’t have to. I’ll be in my room, so, there should be no issues,” Remora stated, then walked away back to her end of the hallway. Even if she didn’t look like one, the image of a sad little puppy conjured up.
Once she entered into her room and closed the door behind her, I turned to Demetria.
“Anything you would like to drink? Tea? Coffee?” I offered. She looked up, confused, but answered.
“Very well. Go ahead and sit down, I’ll make you some.”
I brewed a cup of espresso, then set it down for her and sat across from her at the booth.
“What gives? First you say I’m acting like a kid, and now you’re rewarding me?” She asked after taking a sip.
I smiled before I spoke.
“I figured ‘let’s have a drink’ would sound less like you were in trouble than ‘let’s have a talk’.”
“I see. It was a clever ruse.”
“Not really. So, care to tell me what I missed?”
“Nothing much,” she scoffed, “she just came up to me and said she was sorry and that she’s started to feel things. I didn’t get it and I still don’t. She asked me if we could be friends, at least until she figured things out.”
“What did you say to that?”
“I asked if it was even possible for her to be friends with someone.”
“Don’t you think that was a bit harsh? It may have hurt her feelings.”
“Does she even have feelings?”
Can you not tell?
“Sure she does,” I answered, “maybe she doesn’t express them in the same way that you do, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t. I don’t know, but I’m thinking she’s started to figure that out as well.”
“I’m sorry, then,” she muttered, then slumped her head down onto the table. I wanted to get her head off the table, but...I let it slide.
“I don’t need any apologies.”
“Well, she said in response to that, ‘I don’t know, but I’d like to try’ and so I gave in and said that I guess I could do that much. It’s just, what does she mean?”
“I think she means that she’d like to be friends?”
“But what does that mean to her? Can I really do that? It’s not like I really know what to do with friends either. I’ve never been good at that kind of stuff.”
“In that case, maybe it will be a good learning experience for both of you.”
“Why...why does anything have to be a learning experience?” She grunted, “I don’t want any more learning experiences. That’s not what I came here for. I don’t even want to like her anymore.”
“Don’t want to?” I questioned.
“That’s...you get what I mean.”
I do. It’s just that you’re trying to convince me that you didn’t say what you meant.
“Demetria,” I commanded, “what is it that you want?”
She looked up, leaned back toward the window, and looked out.
“I don’t know,” she replied.
“Because you don’t have to be her friend if you don’t want to. It wouldn’t be right if you forced yourself to, would it?”
“Look: I came back to protect you guys. She wasn’t on my mind at all. I did everything I could to get her off my mind and just move on with my life, but I couldn’t bear the thought of the rest of you in a dangerous situation beyond your control. So if for nothing else, I wanted to return for that.”
“And I thank you for that. Seeing as the cat’s out of the bag, I think it’s fair to say you know what I think of you.”
“But I wish I didn’t have to be in disguise to hear it.”
“Yes, but I’m telling you now: we all like you. Tigershark likes you, even if she might like to pick on you sometimes. Sunny took a liking to you right away.”
“I’m not interested in stealing your wife from you,” she replied and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Not what I meant, but I’m amused that you took it that way.”
She puffed her cheeks and scowled. I felt like getting a needle and popping one of her cheeks, though I doubted it would pop like a balloon.
“We’re all happy to see you back, don’t get me wrong. But you should have known that there was a chance of her coming back as well.”
“Really? I thought she didn’t care about anyone.”
“Oh, come now,” I flashed a toothy smile, “and I thought you knew better than to take people’s words at face value.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She turned to face me.
“Figure it out yourself.”
Again, she puffed her cheeks. I wasn’t going to spell it out for her, but I figured an elaboration was in order.
“Don’t get me wrong, even if she was how she was just a couple of years ago, she’d have justified it by saying ‘I’m only doing this because it’s my mess and I need to clean it up’ or something to that effect. But how is that any different than ‘I only came back to protect you guys?’”
“It’s plenty different! What? You saying I’m a liar? It was a big motivating factor! If I never heard that you guys were in trouble, I probably would have never returned. That would have been that. Like I said, I wanted to move on with my life.”
“I don’t want to put words in your mouth. You say you came back to bail us out, I believe you. And so you did and we are thankful, so now there’s nothing stopping you from moving on with your life.”
“Uh, yeah there is. Cronus is still out there and he could come back any time. What then?”
For a moment, I had forgotten that whole matter. Oh, such sweet ignorant bliss.
“It’s true he really had us on the ropes. Drove me to the point of despair, took lives right in front of me, all for the sole purpose of wearing me down. But if the same incident were to happen again, even more hopeless this time, I want to maintain compassion just to spite him. I want to learn everyone’s names, that way even if their lives end up lost to his petty game, at least they would be remembered. However, now that we have more knowledge at hand, going forward it will be that much easier to prepare. What I’m saying is that while there’s no guarantee, you shouldn’t have to hinder your future for our sake.”
“You wouldn’t be hindering my future,” she muttered.
“Oh? Why not?”
“Because if it’s something that I chose to do, then it’s on me.”
“I see. I’m just saying, you can choose to do other things. It’s true that there are times situations are out of one’s control, but you’re crafty in ways that even surprise me sometimes. If you need support, I could try and assist you in any way. Even if there’s something you want to do and you can’t achieve it, I’m just saying that I want you to have the option of trying.”
“Thanks,” she replied, then let out a dejected sigh, “she’s going to be disappointed. I’m not the same person she remembers.”
“So what? Why worry about disappointing her?”
“I’m not. I’m just saying, if she’s expecting things to go back to how they were before, she’s setting herself up for disappointment.”
“I think it goes without saying that we’ve all changed since we’ve last seen each other, but now I’m curious: how exactly have you changed?”
“First of all, I finished school. I can be a marine biologist if I want to now.”
“Good job. I’m proud of you,” I gave a little clap, “if you want to be a marine biologist, you should. There are many benefits to being a marine biologist. If you want to stay in the area, you can find an aquarium to work at and visit here from time to time. We could talk about how your job’s treating you, and how life’s been, and we can both share a good laugh.”
“I just don’t know. I didn’t get it because I want to be a marine biologist. I wanted to, once, but I don’t know. I didn’t finish school because I wanted to finish school, either, but because I didn’t want it to go unfinished.”
“So perhaps it was a pride thing less than interest?”
She either laughed or scoffed. It was hard to tell.
“Yeah. Might have been something like that. I...also killed a few people.”
That took me aback. Though not appalled, just surprised. But given where we were at, who she was talking to, she should have known that there wouldn’t be any moral condemnation.
“You and Remora have something in common, then.”
“Is this a joke to you?” She rasped.
I smiled and shook my head.
“No. At least not one I benefit from laughing at.”
“I didn’t enjoy it.”
“I doubt she enjoyed killing, either. She was just conditioned to treat it as a chore or routine. Just another assignment.” However…
“That said,” I continued, deciding not to keep my thought to myself, “there is a certain thrill she gets from intense fights, hunts, perilous situations. It may not be that she enjoys pain. Whether it be inflicting or receiving. But...it’s a rush that’s hard to satiate.”
Demetria gulped, as if she knew what I meant. Sensing that she was afraid to speak, I continued once more:
“There are things that she was conditioned to believe about herself, things that she’s told herself, that she’s had to unlearn. Then after that, there’s learning new beliefs in its place. I can’t imagine it’s easy. I’d say it’s probably been scary for her, as well, and in that process of challenging such old mindsets, she’d resist them. Maybe she’s changed since then, and she’s not the person you first had a crush on and maybe you’ve changed and you’re no longer the person she was hoping to see again, but even if that’s the case and things can’t work out between you two, I think you should still have a talk with her.”
“About what?”
I snorted, then coughed up a laughter. It wasn’t like she said anything funny, nor did it warrant a laugh, but I couldn’t help myself.
“Anything. Just say anything to clear the air. Even if nothing’s resolved after, at least it would be better than avoiding each other. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you have to, nor do you need to do it right away. If you need time, if you don’t feel ready, that’s fine. But I do think it should happen sometime.”
“It’s going to be hard to face her,” she replied, and some of the edge in her voice had diminished, in its place an aching timbre.
“I can imagine.”
“What if we try to talk, but then I snap or lash out and that just makes things worse between us?”
I shrugged.
“I’d rather than not be the case, but at least then you’d have made an effort. Forty percent is better than zero, y’know?”
“Sounds like a wasted effort if it still ends in failure.”
“No effort is wasted, dear.”
She got up from her seat without another word. Her face looked a little more relaxed, though I wondered how much that had to do with the talk and how much it had to do with the caffeine. Then again, there’s the possibility that giving her so much caffeine would have done the opposite of relaxed her and make her unable to sleep, so...my god, why did she want that? Why not some relaxing herbal tea?
After dusk, Tigershark made tartiflettes for everyone with buttered sweet rolls on the side. Again, Sunny, Tigershark, and I sat together, while the other two (no need to name names) sat far away from each other at opposite ends of the diner. Both were thankful for their meals, but they remained fixated on the food in front of them, not on anyone else, let alone each other.
Once that was said and done, I walked back to my desk, gathered up papers, and examined any possible requests or avenues in which to make money through unethical means. Just me, a middle aged man, sorting through papers. As if that was what my life had been reduced to. Even with my glasses on, the words all seemed to just bleed into each other after a while. Every little option or scheme carried with it some kind of risk, and balancing risk and reward...man, it was a stress and a half.
I reached into my drawer, hoping for a joint, but none were to be found.
Sunny must have taken them. She might even be getting higher than a hot air balloon in outer space right now. Lucky her. Can’t really blame her, either. To quote a certain little nun, we all ‘went through hell.’
Going back over to the stack of papers, I looked up and saw Demetria emerge from her room and saunter (maybe ‘saunter’ wasn’t the right word choice, but she couldn’t stop me from describing her movements that way) through the hallway. She caught my gaze and turned her head.
“You said it didn’t have to be right away, but better now than never,” she told me, before crossing the threshold into the other end of the hall.
I expected that she would have knocked on Remora and Tigershark’s door (I didn’t know where the kid was, at the moment. My suspicion was in the kitchen, either cleaning up, or baking treats for herself). Instead, I watched as before she could get to the door, she bumped her head on an invisible wall. I heard her hiss, “ow,” then slide her back down against the wall until she sat, legs folded up, and her head down.
“Figures you would put up a literal wall. You’re not really one for metaphors,” she muttered, “then again, at least you’re direct. Here I’ve been trying to keep you out of my mind and avoid you to little success.”
I figured after saying that, she’d get up and go back to her room, given that it didn’t seem to be the right time. Props to her, though. She was a persistent one.
“Funny how that works, huh? I started out all obsessed with you. I wanted you, or at least I thought I did. Well, I’m pretty sure I did. I had all sorts of fantasies you probably wouldn’t want to hear about. Somewhere around the line those fantasies faded and in their place, I just wanted to know you better. Even then, though, I was still pretty attached, and I still think I wanted you to notice me, more than anything else. Now…” She shook her head, “Ha. You don’t need the whole recap.”
She folded her arms over her legs. It was like she was trying to cradle herself, but she remained still and just held on tight.
“You probably can’t hear any of this. That’s fine, too. Maybe it’s better sometimes to talk to myself and pretend there’s someone else listening. I’d do it more often, but I don’t like the sound of my own voice.”
I watched as the illusion shattered, the wall must have come down, and in its place, Remora sat at the opposite end of Demetria, in the same position. To boot, her back was against Demetria’s.
“I only caught the last bit,” Remora spoke up, “what was the rest of it?”
Demetria, startled, but regained composure within the same sentence, replied, “I’m not going to repeat myself.”
“That’s fine. But what are you doing on the floor?”
“I came to talk to you.”
“About what?”
“I don’t know. I guess just to try to work something out. Figure out where to go from here.”
“Well, you don’t have to believe me, but I’m glad.”
“I’ll choose to believe you – but only because if you aren’t, it doesn’t really affect much, but if you are, then it makes things a little better.”
“But what if you believe me, but then it turns out not to be true?”
“Dammit. Why do you have to ruin this?”
“I just want to cover all the bases.”
Demetria huffed, then answered, “I think I’ll choose to believe you anyway. I know how I’ve been since we got back, but I really would like us to be on good terms as well.”
“Do you mean that?”
“What? Now you’re doubting me?”
“No. It’s just that if you didn’t want to, I’d have understood.”
“Well...when you asked about being friends, it really caught me off guard. For one, the last time the subject came up, it was how you said you could pretend if I wanted, but it wouldn’t be real. When you brought it up this time, it was ‘at least until I figure myself out’. Which means that maybe after a while, you’ll come to the conclusion that you don’t want to be.”
“I know. It’s a risk. One that you might not want to take. I can’t really say what conclusions I’ll come to or how things will turn out. But I prefer to be upfront about what’s on my mind and how I feel, and at the moment, how I feel is that I would like to try being friends with you. I think I’ve reached the point where I can say that whether it’s pretend or not is a moot point, because if I think of us as friends, then I’m going to treat it as real.”
“B-but...what does being friends even mean to you?”
There was a pause and Remora lifted her head up.
“I’m not sure. Friends are...friendly to each other? Well, that might go without saying. I know friends are people who like each other. Get along. But then there are friends who don’t get along. So I’m not sure. I feel like I should know, it just seems more vague when I try to put it into words.”
“Well,” Demetria replied, “that makes two of us. I’ve never been good at that sort of thing, myself.”
“Then...we can not be good at it together,” Remora suggested. “Maybe we can both learn.”
“But how would we do that?”
“I don’t know.”
“I don’t know, either.”
“See? We can not know together.”
“But how would we both be friends if we don’t know how to be friends? That just makes no sense.”
“I know. But I think if we were both in elementary school, we wouldn’t think so much about that sort of thing. One of us would just go up to the other and be like, ‘let’s be friends!’ And either the other would say, ‘yeah!’ Or say something like, ‘ew! Go away!’”
“That’s kind of a cute idea,” Demetria remarked, “if only we had met that way.”
“Hm. I don’t know. Even as a kid, I preferred to be left alone.”
“Oh. Yeah. Me too.”
“But now we’re adults and we’ve spent so much time wanting to be left alone that –”
“– you no longer want to be left alone?” Demetria suggested as she tried finishing that statement.
“Hm. No. I was going to say, ‘even if we have some friends, we don’t really know what it means.”
“Oh. I guess that’s true, too.”
“Yeah. But I like your answer better.”
“Yeah. But your answer applies to you and mine applies to me.”
“It’s kind of nice that way, though. Each different perspectives.”
“You know, when we talked earlier, and you asked me to hug you, it felt weird, but I said sure. So I held out my arms and walked up, but then you backed away and said you didn’t think you were ready after all and I didn’t take it well.”
“It wasn’t your fault. I wanted to, too. I’ve just never been comfortable with others touching me, and even if it would have been okay, I was still a little hesitant and nervous.”
“It’s okay not to be ready. I should know better. I was just hoping that things would be different.”
“They might be, in time.”
“You know, it’s still hard. Because I want to be friends with you, I do, and I feel like I should be happy about that, but then I just think about when we talked right before we both left and it hurts. Like, I was so convinced that we had gotten closer and that you cared, and hearing you say that you didn’t, I wanted it not to be true. But you pushed harder, and I just thought ‘maybe you’re right.’ Now you’re saying ‘I don’t know’ and it’s like, nothing’s really changed, has it?”
“You’re wrong there. I’m sorry about what I said and how it affected you and it makes sense that it would hurt, but you’re wrong in that nothing has changed. Before, I was so sure it was a ‘no’ and now I’m not so sure, but I’m more optimistic, and even leaning toward the possibility that it’s a ‘yes’. It just feels messy and gray.”
“I think I can understand that. To be honest, it’s going to be awkward. Us, as friends.”
“We’re awkward people, so it’s to be expected.”
“But at the same time, you might not like who I am now.”
“Maybe. But I’d rather find that out for myself. It’s only been a couple of days.”
“You’re taking this rather well,” Demetria remarked.
“Not really. I’m just taking it.”
“Well, I’m just saying, I’m different than how I used to be.”
“I’ve changed as well, you know.”
There are many obvious things you could say, so what is it you’ll say? I wondered. Remora lowered her head, and when she answered, it wasn’t an answer I would have expected. But then again, it wouldn’t have been her if she didn’t throw a few curveballs in between her signature style.
“If I was the old me, and I still had that job, and you were the target, then I wouldn’t hesitate to kill you.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Demetria spoke in what was like a half mix between a growl and a tease.
“You wouldn’t even see me coming.”
“I’d like to see you coming.”
“Well, maybe with how you are now, you would. But then, maybe with how I am now, I wouldn’t mind you seeing me coming.”
This is still about a hypothetical assassination, right?
“I suppose that’s how we’ve both changed, huh?”
“It’s not much, but it’s honest work.”
“So what are you thinking about now?” Demetria asked.
“How much I have to pee,” Remora answered. “That’s why I undid the barrier, so I could go to the bathroom, but then I saw you sitting there talking so I figured I’d hold it and sit too.”
“Oh my fuck. Just go to the bathroom.”
“But we’re in the middle of a conversation. It would be rude.”
“That doesn’t matter! We can continue when you get back!”
“But then you might lose your train of thought or I might not feel like talking anymore and just head to bed –”
This is ridiculous. I’m done eavesdropping. I should’ve just left my desk the moment they started talking. Why did they have to talk in the middle of the hallway, anyway?
I got up and headed out into the front of the diner. If those two had anything more to say, they could have at it. As for me, I went into the kitchen to check in on Tigershark.
“Hey, what’s going on?” I greeted after a knock with the back of my hand.
“I made cookie brownies!” She cheered, and I saw a large casserole dish filled with brownies.
“Oh, good. May I have one?” I asked.
“You may have two!”
She put two pieces on a saucer for me and had two on her saucer as well and she jumped down from the stool she stood on and we both walked out into the dining hall and sat at a booth together.
“Mm. Good job,” I complimented.
“Thanks. I was still hungry and sweets are sweet.”
“That they are. Just don’t have too many.”
“I won’t!” She scowled. “Maybe three. Or four. But that’s it.”
We both laughed together as we ate our brownies. Just a few minutes later, Sunny walked up. She looked (not) high, and her eyes were (not) bloodshot red. I suppose she might have moved the stash elsewhere and planned to smoke them some other time.
“Hey hun, you gotta come check this out!”
“What? I’m busy spending quality time with Tigershark,” I replied. And it’s quality time because I’m not hearing about bodily functions.
“I see that, but this is important!” She urged, and motioned us to come to the back with her. Tigershark and I hopped out from our seats and followed. When we reached the hallway, Sunny pointed and went, “aww” and Tigershark and I saw what the fuss was about: Remora and Demetria were asleep, leaned against the wall, and backs against each other.
“I guess that’s what happens when you hold it in for so long,” I remarked, then, realizing I had said that out loud, added, “emotionally, I mean.”
“Aww, so adorable,” Sunny continued fawning over the scene.
“How am I supposed to get to bed tonight? They’re blocking the way!” Tigershark complained.
“It’s okay, you can sleep with us tonight,” Sunny replied.
“Tigershark,” I turned to the child next to Sunny and I, “get the broom and dustpan. There’s something on the floor.”
“Don’t!” Sunny nudged me, “leave them be.”
“Tigershark,” I continued, “I give you full permission to draw on their faces with a sharpie.’
in response, Tigershark grinned and ran off to go find one. While she was gone, I turned to Sunny.
“So, shall we head off to dreamland as well?” I offered.
“Oh yes. Two tickets, please,” she replied and yawned for added measure. We locked arms with each other and strolled up the stairs. I’d like to say that in the coming days, the dynamic between everyone improved greatly, but the truth is, it was more like slow and drunken baby steps.
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k3ro · 3 years
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Stoked to finally get this iPhone app out, been working on it for over a year with @movax creator of #decim8 ⚠️⚠️⚠️ https://apps.apple.com/us/app/du-vfx/id1563142095 Free download on AppStore. #DUVFX 📲 LINK IN BIO. [ photo collage by @christophgruenberger ] :: DESTROY MOTION GRAPHICS ::: Transform any video into extreme digital art. Play on the intoxicating fringes of glitch video with 37 exclusive video filters. Be creative. Push the boundaries. Legendary music label Detroit Underground presents a totally new tool by the creator of DECIM8, designed to digitally mangle and twist your videos. DU-VFX is an experimental app for experimental people. The line-crossers, the button-pushers, the ones who don’t fit into basic boxes. Load up any video from your camera roll. Tap the randomize effects button. Find a VFX filter combination that makes your content POP - or explode into digital fragments of its former self. Scan through the frames of your video and export any affected frame as a still image. Activate and arrange the effects stack manually or rely completely on the nature of chaos - the choice is yours. • Load any video from your camera roll as source material • Apply 37 insane video filters in infinite combinations • Arrange and activate a video effects stack manually • Blend the glitched-out version with the original in 22 blend modes • Randomize filters for unique chaos • Optionally, parameters can drift and change over time • Save any effected video frame as a still image Code: @movax Design: @djkero Logotypes / branding: @aokuco #ios #iphone #glitch #glitchart #glitchvideo #iphonevideo #shotoniphone #video #photography #nature #appleiphone #iphonephotography #iphonography #love #iphonephoto #mobilevideo #designfeed #iphonevideography #shotoniphonex #decim8 #vfx #duvfx #videoart #experimentalvideo #motiondesign #detund #detroitunderground https://www.instagram.com/p/CUTR77sP1X7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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