#if you disagree with me then i respect that
What you need to hear right now - Pick A Card
The world is really fucking sad, so here is some good news
Here are some families and causes you can help that are in Palestine.
Song of the Day - Big Boy by Sikey M.
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P I L E 1 ~ P I L E 2 ~ P I L E 3
P I L E 1 - Be Radical.
Eight of Pentacles (Reversed), Queen of Wands (Reversed), The Fool, The Emperor
You don't have to push yourself so hard. There is no need to overcompensate because you believe that you aren't worried or special. You are where you are because you are someone special and worthy and so much more than you know. Spirit wants you to take that leap of faith. Sometimes believing in yourself is radical. Sometimes loving yourself is a radical act. You would be so upset if someone treated someone you cared about the way you treat yourself. Image in you had to live as someone you cared about for one whole year. What you do for that person in that time? How would you take care of them? What good would you have them do for themselves? That is how you should treat yourself. You are not your enemy. The negative thoughts you may have about yourself were never something that just came out of nowhere for your own head. People and life told you that you were wrong either through verbal or nonverbal communication. If you did not create these thoughts, why should you keep them? This Emperor is who you are meant to be. Take the leap. Be radical.
Thank you so much for participating in this reading. Feel free to like, reblog and share. If you would like a personal reading, you can check that out by clicking here.
P I L E 2 - Let Me Be Your Peace.
The Emperor (Reversed), King of Pentacles, Four of Wands, King of Cups
"Let me be your peace." is what I keep hearing. This could be one person or more than one person that wants to come in and your support. You have had people in your life that would come in and just treat you so awful but this person or people that are coming in, will not be like the people from your past. I say, "person or people" but I feel like that even if it's one person, that one person is going to come with people if that makes sense. and for someone of you, you may be meeting someone romantically and I think that's why even if it's one person, it will turn into people. Meeting one person will lead you to the one. The people that are coming in want to pour into you and they want to commune with you. You don't have to show up with something to give; don't worry about "what you bring to the table". The fact that you showed up to the function is enough. Your presence is enough. YOUR PRESENCE IS ENOUGH. YOUR PRESENCE IS ENOUGH. I just felt the need to say that way more than once so I can make sure you know. Maybe it can be your affirmation. The people coming in are less worried about what you can do for them but rather what they can do for you. They want to pour into your cups. I don't think it's because they don't expect less of you or expect you do less. I think it's because they trust and believe you will do right by them so they will trust and do right by you. They trust you. They believe in you. For those of you that have a romantic partner coming in, I hope you are ready to settle down/get married/have babies. Whatever the big step is for you and how that fits into your life, you will be doing that with this person.
Thank you so much for participating in this reading. Feel free to like, reblog and share. If you would like a personal reading, you can check that out by clicking here.
P I L E 3
Three of Pentacles, Two of Wands, Queen of Cups, The Star
This is your path. No one can make the decisions for you. You might be scared to get it wrong but there is no need. Open your heart and do what you truly believe is right for you; even if others would disagree. (212, 12, 2112 and/or 211 might be significant to you.) You can talk to the people that you respect and trust most in your life to get their opinion but, ultimately, it's all up to you. I keep getting distracted while doing this reading, which is weird because I was so focused for the other two. Losing focus of what you need to do or finding ways to distract yourself could be something that you relate to. I feel like if that's you, you're doing it because you don't want to make decisions but THAT'S NOW HOW THIS WORKS! The time is going to pass anyway, so might as well buckle down and handle your business. Yes, you could wait until it's the last minute but then you'll be all stressed out and it will make it even harder for you. Why put yourself through more anguish than you already are in? I feel like no matter what you choose, it will lead to a new beginning that will be very healing for you. Almost like you will be made new. you'll be born again in some, way, shape or form. Also hearing something about others making decision for you. Maybe people have made choices for you for a long time, maybe even your whole life. It doesn't have to be like that forever though. You got this. Believe in yourself.
Thank you so much for participating in this reading. Feel free to like, reblog and share. If you would like a personal reading, you can check that out by clicking here.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THESE READINGS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. no guarantees are implied. These readings are not a substitute or replacement for any professional help or services. My readings are not a substitute for any form of professional legal, medical/psychiatric, relationship, religious/spiritual or financial/ business advice nor consultations. You should always see a professional legal/trained adviser for help in any matter. I am not responsible for any decisions/ actions you take.
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olenvasynyt · 3 days
I have always been uncomfortable with the SF scene where Cassian takes Nesta on the hike, but I didn't fully understand why until my most recent reread. And it is one of the reasons why I am anti-Nessian.
This is a summary of my tiktok video, feel free to check it out, and follow me over there as well if ya want.
So this hike was right after Nesta lashes out and tells Feyre that the baby was going to kill her during the birth, and this was because of her frustration and hate towards Rhys and the IC and how she has been treated.  
Chapter 46 of ACOSF: “Is it respect that she offers you?” Nesta spat.  “Is it respect that your mate offers you?” Feyre went still. … “What do you mean?” “Have any of them told you, their respected High Lady, that the babe in your womb will kill you?” “…I do know that your mate ordered everyone not to inform you about the truth.  Did you all vote on that too?  Did you talk to her, judger her, and deem her unworthy of the truth?”
It broke something in Nesta—broke that rage, that roaring—seeing those tears begin to fall, the fear crumbling Feyre’s paint-smeared face.   She had gone too far.  She..oh, gods.
But as Feyre and Cassian both point out, she saw the parallels between Feyre’s situation and her own, and decided to avenge both of them.  Rhys and Amren were hiding the truth about Nesta’s powers, she knew that a lot of them did not trust her to know the truth about her own body.  
Chapter 47 of ACOSF: I think she saw the parallels between your situations, and, in her own way, decided to avenge both of you. That’s my feeling too.  Rhys disagrees.
I think Feyre’s situation was much more serious than Nesta’s powers being kept from her, but that is also why it was good for Feyre to find out the truth even if the situation was upsetting.  
Cassian was like oh "I’m sorry you found out the baby could kill you" and Feyre was like "I’m not.  I’m mad at you guys for not telling me.  Nesta was the only one brave enough to."
Chapter 47 of ACOSF: “I’m sorry you had to learn of it.” “I’m not.  I’m furious with all of you, I understand why you didn’t tell me, but I’m furious. Well, we’re furious with Nesta. She had the courage to tell me the truth. She told the truth to hurt you. Perhaps.  But she was the only one who said anything. — I wish you’d found out a different way. Well, I didn’t.  But we’ll face it together.  All of us. — I want you to come back home.  Both of you.
I love how Feyre, who is the one was the victim in this moment, was like “I’m not sorry this was how I learned about the baby but I’m glad someone told me.  Rhys overreacted, I calmed him down and I want both of you home.”
Rhys overreacted.  He completely and utterly overreacted. — Rhys had no right to chase you from the city, or threaten Nesta.  He has realized that, and apologized.  I want you to come back home.  Both of you.  
Now kind of going off topic with Rhys threatening to kill Nesta: people get mad at Cassian for not standing up for his mate.  And I can understand that, I also think that’s frustrating and Cassian not standing up for Nesta is something we see often, including the Ember and Randall bonus chapter in HOFAS.  But it can be complicated because a lot of people will defend Cassian like this: Rhys is high lord and it will be very hard to stand up to him as someone who’s not on his level, so of course Cassian couldn’t do anything to defend his mate in this situation.  And yes this is true, and we see a very similar situation between a High Lord and their superior with Tamlin and Lucien in ACOMAF. Lucien tried to stand up for Feyre but couldn’t, and was shut down and abused. 
But if people are going to use this idea to defend Cassian, that he couldn’t stand up and fight his high lord, we have to make this comparison between  Rhys to Tamlin.  And a lot of pro-Rhys people don't like that conversation.
But anyways, this argument cannot be applied to this hiking situation at all, because Feyre mindspeaks with Cassian and says that Rhys overreacted, she isn’t mad at Nesta, all of those things I talked about before.  Feyre says that she wants both of them home but Cassian still brings Nesta to a hike and says he’ll call it a punishment to sort of appease Rhys because he knows Rhys is still mad about the situation.  “Tell Rhys it’s a punishment.”  Rhys was not the victim in this situation, Feyre was, and she was like fuck Rhys!  He was wrong for overreacting!  Nesta was braver than you guys and I want her home.  
Where did you even head off to? The wilderness.  I think we’ll stay out here for a few days.  We’re going on a hike.   Nesta has never been on a hike in her life.  I guarantee she will hate it. Then tell Rhys this is her punishment.  Because Rhys, despite apologizing for his threats, would still be furious.  Tell him that Nesta and I are going to hike, and she’s going to hate it, but she comes home when I decide she’s ready to come home.
But Cassian still brings Nesta on the hike.
And he was definitely doing it for Nesta and to help her work out her thoughts and not solely because of Rhys, but this hike is a terrible way to help a suicidal person work out their thoughts.
This hike pisses me off so much. The way the IC decided to “rehabilitate” Nesta in general pisses me off.  I liken Nesta’s “rehab” to those therapy wilderness camps where people get kidnapped and brought to the middle of the mountains for.  Those rehab camps revolve around forcing people to get to their lowest to rehabilitate, to acknowledge their mistakes, and it is a horrible, abusive system and very often results in resentment at best and death at worst.  And I think Nesta being locked up was the same thing and this hike is the same thing.  One of the several things those rehab boot camps do is force their patients to go on strenuous hikes for multiple days, and when it’s beyond their physical capacity.  It can lead to exhaustion, dehydration, injury, and death.
And one of my least favorite things in this entire book is that when Cassian realizes that Nesta is suicidal, he continues the hike up the rocky cliffs of the Illyrian Steppes with barely any food and even less talk.  He doesn’t look at her or speak to her in days.
It is to force Nesta to get to her lowest moment so she’ll break down.  Exactly like what happens during those rehab camps.  It is forcing her into this breakdown in an unsafe place with no professional help. 
Cassian knew that Nesta often hated herself.  But he’d never known she hated herself enough to want to…not exist anymore. He’d seen her expression when he mentioned the threat of falling. And he knew going back to Velaris wouldn’t save her from that look.  He couldn’t save her from that look, either. Only Nesta could save herself from that feeling.
When I read SF for the first time I was so weirded out by this hike and I couldn’t figure out why.  I do not find these chapters moving or inspiring, I thought they were toxic and sad and I still very much do.  And if I’m going to be honest I felt like I was also being manipulated into getting emotional like how Nesta was.  
And this is where I’m going to get into my criticisms for SJM.  
I don’t know if she realizes this comparison between Nesta’s rehabilitation in general and the boot camps and just, bad, toxic therapy in general.  I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because I think a lot of Silver Flames is about how the Valkyries helped heal Nesta and SJM and their hike during the Blood Rite was so much more inspiring at least for me and was definitely the climax and resolution to Nesta’s healing journey.  SJM illudes to the IC’s biases very often in SF and I thought she was making Nesta’s rehab toxic on purpose, but the reason why I struggle with giving SJM the benefit of the doubt is because she said in an interview that that hike Cassian took Nesta on was inspired by a hike she and her husband went on during a vacation.
I also hate how she adds the idea that the mountains are healing, and there is a voice telling Cassian to keep pushing Nesta forward, “just one more mountain”.  Like no.  This again adds to the comparison of the fucking bootcamps because that is also a tactic they use.
Chapter 48 of ACOSF: The peaks weren’t as brutal and sharp as those in Illyria, but there was a presence to them that he couldn’t quite explain.  Mor had once told him that long ago, these lands had been used for healing. Perhaps that was why he’d come.  Some instinct had remembered the healing, felt this land’s slumbering heart, and decided to bring Nesta here.
This is fantasy, of course, so I am fine with this element of a higher presence that is healing to the characters who are struggling.  And there is the symbolic element of climbing your mountain.  But I need people to stop saying that this is a realistic way to treat people with actual problems in the real world, not only with this hike but also with all of the rehabilitation the IC made her do by locking her up.  I might make a whole other video on that but if Nesta was in the House of Wind because she was addicted to alcohol and fucking strangers and spending money, this is not the professional way to go about it.  
I like a lot of parts during this final breakdown where they talk about forgiving yourself, leaving the past behind.  But I did not like the journey they made Nesta take to get to this point.  Nesta could have very well had this breakdown not on this hike.  
And this part ends with Cassian comforting Nesta. 
“I’ll be with you every step of the way,” he whispered into her palm.  “Just don’t lock me out.  You want to walk in silence for a week, I’m fine with that.  So long as you talk to me at the end of it.”
Like I appreciate this sentiment.  
But, another thing that annoys me is Cassian’s conclusion after this scene
Chapter 50 of ACOSF: “She’d been suffering, and he’d had no idea how much it consumed every facet of her life.  He’d seen her self-loathing and anger—but hadn’t realized how much she’d been aware of it.  To know she’d hurt this much, for so long.
First of all, how would Nesta not know she was aware of her self-loathing and anger?  She had actively talked about it before this moment??? She fucking has. And how did Cassian not know that she had been hurting this much for long long?  I thought he was her mate who understood her?  He talked about her traumas before in ACOWAR.  Plus, I thought she was being rehabilitated.  Helping her get not addicted to alcohol and spending money and having sex?  
There is such a lack of awareness when it comes to the IC and this situation and I get frustrated when readers don’t understand it.  People say that Nesta’s rehab was very serious and complex but no.  It wasn’t.  It is a terrible way to help anyone.  
I think Nesta and Cassian still have to work on a lot to be an actual healthy relationship.  And we saw the issues they still have in the Randall and Ember bonus chapter so I am very curious to see how SJM resolves their issues in future books, if she does so at all.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 day
Babe not wanting to put more attention on this pathetic person but there’s someone here on tumblr who made a mock account of you
Hi there! I've been debating whether to address this publicly, but I received numerous DMs about this last night and have been made well aware of the blog in question.
For context: Over the last few days, the person behind the mock blog has used their main account to make their presence known on my blog, having reblogged one of my posts just to add a nasty comment to it, replying to another one of my posts and attacking my followers, and sending me a hateful Ask, all in escalating succession. This culminated in the creation of the new account last night, which had a name that was an almost identical dupe of my blog name.
To be clear, I have no intention of linking to this blog publicly, as this person's goal and aim seems to be for me to engage with them--someone I do not know, and to whom I have never spoken or responded in any capacity. It also seems that the URL of the blog has changed from being a copy of my blog name to something else, and given that I had a lot of people DMing me indicating that they reported the blog to Tumblr, my guess is that the name change is the result of that.
The only other thing that I will say regarding this is that I'm obviously not thrilled that someone created a blog for the purpose of harassing me (while ironically accusing me of harassing Georgia and AL, despite me repeatedly stating that I do not follow either of them on social media and am strongly against anyone leaving harassing comments on any of their accounts). At the same time, however, I have been subject to far worse in my previous fandom--most notably, one vile incident where someone falsely accused me of distributing pornographic material to a minor, and another incident where the same person contacted my employer in an attempt to get me fired in the middle of lockdown in 2020. So all things considered, this blog is relatively mild in comparison.
And while I'm enormously grateful for the support that I have received from so many kind folks, I would urge you to not engage with this blog on any level, and please especially do not send this person threats of any kind on my behalf. I've said many times on my blog that people are welcome to disagree with me, and that I'm happy to hear the opinions of others who do not share my views as long as they are civil and respectful. What this person is doing is neither of those things, and they've made it clear that engaging with them would be a fruitless endeavor, but that still does not make it okay to send anyone hate. And if the desired outcome here is attention, then the best course of action would be to not provide it.
Again, my deepest thanks to you @phantomstars24 and to everyone else who has let me know about the situation and offered their support, as it means more than I can describe. I'm hopeful that we can continue sharing the joy so many of us have felt over Michael and David these past few years, and leave the rest where it belongs...
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lagncx · 3 days
Dad! Astarion x reader
Tw:Cazador,thigh biting (chat….erm giving??), something else who knows I’ll edit it, oh yea….trauma, crying vampires
You stood in the middle of the room listening to the screaming match between your son and your husband. Your son had broke something, it wasn’t even expensive or sentimental but your husband and child have been boiling and keeping a tight seal on it so everything that came out was from a deeper wound. 
  “You know dad all you do is try to control me!!” Your son yelled, his nickname was Kay. It was a little thing you gave him after he would beg you to tell him the story of you, hero of faerun but your friend, Karlach, was the one he loved hearing about. “I control you? Don’t you even try that with me Kay! I’ve given you freedom totally appropriate for your age!” Your mind buzzes itself out of the conversation “Mom!” Your son looked at you, begged you to step in. You turned to Astarion who shook his head signaling for him to handle this. It was a respect thing. You don’t downplay Astarion in front of his son, not even if you disagree. It was so your son could understand the respect he gives you is also given to his father. So you stayed silent. “Seriously?!” Kay scoffed “yes seriously, you know you always have an excuse for doing anything kay it’s always ‘it wasn’t me dad’ ‘it’s not a big deal dad’ you need to be cautious and careful. What if that meant a lot to me?” Astarion asked, trying to be calmer for your son. “But it doesn’t so what?” Your son snapped “All you do is complain about how much you do for me. I hear about it all the time!” Your husband laughed tiredly “yea well I wish my son wasn’t some stubborn idiot!” You slapped Astarions shoulder “Hey, that’s eno-“ 
“well at least I’m not weak.” Your son's tongue was moving like a snake. It was going to sink his words into your husband like a fang. “That’s enough” you said but then Your husband pushed you “no, no tell me! What do you mean?!” Your husband walked over towards your son, your son stood up straight puffing his chest, his hands balled up and you felt that…rage. From both of them. Rage and pain. They were both looking at each other waiting. Your son decided he was going to take it farther. “La’zel told me about you dad. Before me, with the tadpoles, You and mom, but she also told me about Cazador.” You saw Astarions face twitch. “You just suffocate me dad! You tell me what to do, what not to do, how to act, stand, sit, behave. Not because your my father! You keep me under your foot because you don’t want me to be some victim like you.” The words slipped off his tongue like a slur and you were tempted to grab it. You stepped forward “Both of you! We’re all just tired and you are saying things you don’t mean.” You sighed one hand on Your son's head and the other on Astarions side “no…no he meant it. He meant all of it.” Astarions usual face of disgust and sadness stayed on his face “you have one more time to disrespect me, after that your going to uncle gale in water deep for winter. I pray to the gods that I do not rip the tongue of my only child right here.” You sighed your hands flopping over your face “both of you,please we’re all just tired.” 
  “Shut up! All you do is try to fix it. You can’t! He obviously thinks of me as some weak victim. Maybe he’s right.” Astarions voice shook and broke “Kay. Go prepare for bed.” Astarion hands shook as he pointed to the stairs watching your son walk off. 
  What a shit show
You had begun talking to yourself in your thoughts like The dream visitor just for some comfort? You turned to your Husband halfway out the door “Star where are you goin?” You chased after him “I’m going to kill that gith!” He stormed towards a traversal sigil “Woah! No no my love! Don’t do that, she is our friend, remember?!” You stood in front of the sigil. Your husband's striking eyes were like a force pushing you to move, but you stood there. You saw the way his eyes watered some tears trickling before he went full into a breakdown “How dare she? How Dare She!” He sobbed falling to his knees and you immediately were at his side shushing him “That wasn’t for him to know! Till he could understand! How could she release that to My child?! I’ll kill her!” He cried into your shoulder “shh..my star. She probably didn’t mean bad by it. She was telling him your story.” You rubbed his hair giving his droopy ears a small kiss “yea, a story about a broken man.” He gasped barely getting the sentence across “yes, a broken man. A man who pieced himself together took back his identity, met people, made freinds, learned that there is good in the world. Released vampires that suffered your same peril. And he wasn’t a victim. Wasn’t weak. He was a survivor and he was strong. One of the most fearless strongest of us all. And he didn’t see how selfless he was till the end. And seeing all the good he did all the people he saved all the lives he freed.” Astarion only sniffled looking up at you “then, our hero had another journey, love…learning what it is to be loved and not just lusted for. And after that scary journey he put himself in another challenge…being a father having a son.” You whispered in his ear it twitched against your cheek as it perked itself up Astarion still shook from his previous tears you sighed “My little star. You are magnificent.” You hugged him rocking him, kissing him down his cheek to his lips with his permission the small taste of salt slipped past your lips from his tears they continued to fall. “Hush my love…hush now.” You kissed under his eyes earning a small “hun” from him kissing away the tears pulling away and looking at those puppy eyes. You pecked him harder a few times hearing his sobs turn to giggles “There you are.” You said with a  smile getting up pulling Astarion with you. “Come my star…do not let someone or something. Separate you and our son. Cazador doesn’t get to take this away from you too.” You said sternly looking into his eyes he nodded silently his small “I know..” how could he explain what Cazador did to him to his son…he already thinks he’s weak. That he probably isn’t even a man. “Darling” you said, pulling him away from those thoughts, Cazadors grip. “I’ll be right next to you.” You wiped some dirt off his cheek and he only leaned into your touch. You guys were a team. 
  The conversation was hard. Astarion had to take a few breaks to step out of the room. He didn’t want to cry in front of his child. But when he got through it your son had questions you let Astarion answer them which was his right. But when it was heavy Astarion would grip your hand almost like he had wylls contract on his tongue but he was asking for your help. 
 “Why didn’t you just leave when you had the chance?” Kay asked a little confused and maybe some of it went over his head. No worries. Astarion gripped your hand tight. “Well son, it wasn’t so easy. Cazador was the one who turned your father and so Cazador was his master. Your father tried to run once before me and him met but he was punished by spending years in a grave, alive. Scared” you rubbed astarions knuckles with your thumb soothing him subtly “it was to teach him…no…scare him, to make him never run off again. That his purpose was to serve cazador. And the abuse your father went through” A death grip on your hand. Warning you not to go into detail to not make him relive those restless nights. Those torturous days. You let go of his hand pulling him closer by his waist and he scooted comfortably against you. You rubbed his side comforting him. His hand was on your waist also, he trusted you. “…the abuse your father went through. Well it was horrible and horrific. That’s all you need to know.” You squeezed Astarion a little and he breathed a sigh of relief. Your son nodded climbing out of his bed and to your husband hugging him shaking and sobbing “I’m sorry dad I didn’t mean anything I said. I know your not a victim and none of it was your fault.” He sobbed his ears drooping in shame. He knew his father was strong and you knew the boy looked up to him. You were the only one to see it. Mother knows. Your son copied everything about his father from his attitude to his confidence and even some of his flaws…speaking out of anger. “oh my sweet little one…thank you it’s okay…and, I’m okay.” Astarion rubbed your son's tears off his face “I’m not an idiot right da?” 
“No little one.” Astarion held him close and he looked up at you mouth saying ‘thank you’ he closed his eyes. You went to go eat it seemed inappropriate but you wanted them to have some time. Time to cry in each other's arms and realize that when you passed…and you will. They will only have each other. 
You walked in your son's room seeing Astarion get up and walk to you “watching him sleep huh?” You chuckled. “Hush now, let's go to our room, yes?” He sighed tiredly and you just laughed picking him up on your back walking to the bedroom and laying him on the bed you helped him undress not in a rough sexual way. Just taking his clothes off as he lazily lifted his arms above his head “darling…” he whispered you were busy taking off hiss shoes and rubbing his feet pushing your thumb into the bottom of his left foot moving it up and down hearing him sigh. “Darling..” he whispered again and you took off his pants folding them neatly like how he showed you and feeling you kiss from his ankle up to his inner thigh nibbling softly on the tender skin “mm~ love..” he asked for your attention this time you acknowledged it “yes my star?” You said rubbing away the red mark on his thigh “will you please come cuddle with me already?” You smiled “of course.” You smiled before grabbing a few more nibbles and pecks on his tender thigh he  giggled kicking you off “stop it, you’ll bruise me!” You kissed his hips and up his stomach crawling onto him his legs wrapping around your waist holding you down “behave…” he warned and you pouted whining into his stomach he rolled his eyes “darling let’s rest…please” and you looked down sadly “do my kisses not satisfy you anymore?” You sniffled and he covered his mouth to hide the awe. He said his eyes sparkling from Your cuteness “my love your kisses nurse me back to health. But it has been a…long long day baby. And all I need is for you to hold me and I do the same…you can kiss me the whole night while we cuddle.” He let his legs relax and you smiled laying next to him pulling him close his back to your chest and he got into a fetal position “there just perfect” he purred 
“Love, did you just bite me?”
 Hopefully you enjoy this guys like you guys enjoyed other papa Astarion but erm. Idk this is a bit angsty. I think it’s easy to write good fun parts but I always find I like the conflict and the resolve and I thought it would be important to have Astarion explain his past to his child unfortunately because of la’zel and her literal attitude she didn’t think before saying anything and well yea but it was out of pure love and admiration for Astarions perseverance and strength but it was supposed to be on his own time and I think that’s what made him so upset…I’m saying this like I didn’t write it.
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majaloveschris · 21 hours
Hi Maja.
First of all, your blog is one of the only ones I’ve always felt was sincere, on point, respectful, and not toxic. I’ve always had a good feeling about you and how you are kind despite all the toxicity on here.
That feeling has never wavered and there is a big part of me that wants you to be right and win against these ridiculous anons that seem to want to put you down.
An opinion (which I don’t claim to be fact, just some thoughts here): I see a lot of takes on here popping up from blogs that claim they have PR knowledge and claim to be experts and read and follow along the gossip, but I think nobody really knows and they can only hypothesize on what they think is the truth.
I think CE being married (by public knowledge and Wikipedia) was the main goal here. I’ve always sort of felt this, which is why I ultimately was not surprised after he did his SMA spread that he went public with Fish girl and then later on “got married.”
The reason I say this is because HW and society is very judgmental and superficial. Being single or unmarried at a certain age always raises questions whether or not it is valid to do so. I disagree with this sentiment but unfortunately the world is how it is. It happens to regular people, so why wouldn’t it apply to celebs? Especially the ones who have basically become a pop culture icon of being an eligible bachelor/desirable.
Let’s think about this. After 2019, CE was no longer under the marvel umbrella. He had to start defining his post marvel career, and then Covid hit. So many things derailed. He randomly got an IG in 2020 but people found out it had existed as an account since 2019. Perhaps it was always the plan or it was a plan hatched by his PR team to keep him in the public eye. He became relatable internet BF with a Prince Charming storyline of when will he find the one? It was almost overkill from 2020-2022.
Now it’s 2024 and he’s supposedly been with this woman since 2021. It shows longevity and then eventual commitment. He now wears a ring in public so they see him as “settled down.” That’s the image he is now portraying for the public who doesn’t dig or care to deeper in his life.
I don’t think it’s about rebranding to attract a younger audience - if so, his pr team would have realized that gen Z actually does not fare well to age gaps and the subject of grooming and etc always comes up for this hypersensitive on PC/wokeness generation. Then add on the racism and weird ass crap from her/her friends. Definitely not boding well for a generation that lives on the internet and knows how to deep dive. His PR team would have looked at how the public reacted to other relationships like this and I feel, if it was simply he was in love with her and it was real real, would have told him to keep it on the DL DL until it was absolutely certain they had walked down the aisle. At that point, there would be no turning back.
But they marketed this before that happened. They wanted to portray her as the one similar to how in movies, they want to portray a main character and love interest as meant to be even if the audience may or may not receive it that way. How many times do we hear “this movie tanked because the leads had no chemistry and the relationship they wanted us to believe was not believable?”
But ultimately, the endgoal of if CE and his wife are a good couple or not doesn’t really matter. They have achieved their goal of he is now settled down and no longer on the market. If you choose to continue to follow him, stay for his career and not his personal life. Meanwhile, her - well, they’ll keep trying to make her happen because her end of the deal was getting more visibility and breaking into the American market. That much has been clear.
But you can lead a horse to water, you can’t make it drink.
What she chooses to do with the opportunities given to her are left to be seen. Also, how the public and CE/her fanbases chooses to receive them are also left to be seen.
Will this marriage last forever? I have doubts. But I do think they considered many options and this is what they came up with. I also don’t believe CE’s actions show he is very happy with the arrangement, even less so than fish is. Because even from the subtle clues from photos and “videos” - body language does not lie.
To be fair to fish, I doubt she’s in love with him either. I think she’s getting more benefits from this because most of the negativity is being directed towards him, not her. His fans hating and harassing her are just a pinnacle of what he’s receiving from his own fanbase. Some people will disagree with me but he’s the one getting the P and G and disgusting comments and being called the worst person on earth because he married her. His own fans are turning on him and her fans can also blame him but victimize her. The general public doesn’t care too much but will say how he looks because he got with her. She remains “innocent” of any blame because at the end, she is young and he is older so he should know better. Do you see what I mean?
Meanwhile, her fans are just happy she’s getting attention and somebody to fund her poor attempts at becoming a fashion icon. She lacks in talent and work ethic but it’s an easy way for her to get engagement by being attached to him.
The day this ends and she no longer has his name will be interesting and that’s what I think his fans (remaining) are hoping for. They don’t want to reward laziness and clout chasing opportunist and I too support this. They want HIM to be better and find success and love himself more so he doesn’t continue to end up in these shitty situations. But again, he has to want that for himself. He has to want to deserve better so he can work on actually deserving of better.
I hope I didn’t offend anyone with this opinion. Just my thoughts and I support YOU. I hope things work out in the end in your favor because you are a great person and I selfishly want you to be right (haha). ❤️
I completely agree with everything that you wrote down. 
I remember seeing people criticize him for saying he wants to get married and have a family, yet he is still single and childless. As you said, it's stupid that people are being bullied and judged because they haven't already settled down, even if they wanted to. Finding a partner is hard, and finding a partner in his shoes is even harder. I obviously don't know whether he actually wants all of that, but saying he must not want all of that because he didn't do so is not right. A lot of people struggle with finding a good partner. 
I never agreed with people calling him by the P and G words. I guess these people either don't know what those words mean or are simply that mad as Chris that they feel the need to spread lies. He is not those things and never was. Yeah, 16 years is a lot, but she was a grownup when they allegedly met, and I think people exaggerate when they say she looks like a child. 
I think the reason most people are hateful towards him is because they are disappointed in him. I think most people had an idea about the person he is based on the information we had, and him being married to someone like her or even dating someone like her doesn't really fit into that. People aren't disappointed in her because most didn't even know who she was before Chris. We were just presented with her actual self, and we didn't have any expectations from her. But we had for him. 
I doubt either of them is in love with each other. Alba doesn't seem that happy or comfortable around him either. I think this is just business for both of them.
I still think he is a good man who made a terrible mistake. I just hope the best for him, to be honest, which I know is an unpopular opinion now because it seems like wanting the worst for him is what is trendy nowadays. Maybe I'm naive; maybe I'm just holding onto an image, but I don't think the last 20+ years were a lie. I hope he will prove me right. 
Thanks for writing this down and for being there. ♥
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yuri-is-online · 6 hours
sososo frustrated that mc takes so much sshit like!! i would be mean to them back!!! would also throw hands with leo and romeo!!! these bitches gotta learn respect me!!!!
I both agree and disagree, my friend. I don't blame mc for not picking fights since we know the ghouls are a lot stronger than she is or for being intimidated by strong personalities like Romeo or Jin, but I would like it if the game let her complain a bit more. Complain and refuse to enhance specific stigmas, Leo wants to listen in on something? Pass MC is busy actually and can't get dismissed.
I'm most sympathetic to Jin's weird servant shtick since he pays for stuff MC needs so like. She should just start pitting everyone against him. "Sorry Leo I am running errands for Jin rn :/ yeah it totally blows but I can't ditch! ttyl ♡" and then leave him on read while he seethes about Alan not trusting him or whatever. Romeo's rougher since I don't know how to dodge the mob. I do think it's really cute you can tell him he has wrinkles when he's yelling at you in the start of Episode 5; that's exactly what Taiga says to him and he complains about how alike you two are.
Maybe we'll be able to do that in Obscuary's episode since they have a bar. I hope Rui has hard liquor because miss mc really needs it...
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 days
[PPA Masterlist] [corresponding PAC]
🧜🏻‍♀️What’s Your Signature Style? ★ Concept Affirmations
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🧜🏻‍♀️signature style🧜🏻‍♀️
I’ve got a signature style. That is MY STYLE that tells the world what kind of a Superbeing I AM. People respect me for my signature style. I am honest and authentic in my style. Communication style, walking style, fashion style, learning style, working style, hair and makeup style, LIFESTYLE, you name it, I’ve got my own Signature Style. That is my colour and I’m proud to be authentically MYSELF. I don’t give a what if people can’t stand me. Small minds ain’t a vibe I intend to welcome in my Life~
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🧜🏻‍♀️vain sass🧜🏻‍♀️
Others may call me selfish, but I prioritise my mental and spiritual peace, first and foremost. I’ve got to be safe, secure and stable first. If that makes me vain, I accept it wholeheartedly, nonchalantly, casually and naturally. I love myself. I love my stability. I love my security. Anybody who disagrees can go to hell. This is my STYLE of living. Ain’t got the energy to sacrifice myself for other people’s little selfish satisfactions. They call my attitude sassy, but really, I’m just protecting my sanity. Society can burn. I’ll be here in my pretty little world.
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🧜🏻‍♀️iconic legend🧜🏻‍♀️
One day when all’s said and done the whole world’s gonna see that I’ve always made more sense than those who are people-pleasing. Pffft. By the time they realise that, much time they’ve wasted. I’m the winner, baby, in this cold game of cruel capitalism. I’ll be your hero, I’ll be a legend, and most of all, I’ll be forever ICONIC. Come get your dime. When all’s said and done, I’m the new paradigm. I came, I saw, and I claimed my paradise. All that’s left is my legacy of an authentic existence. I’m happy to be me. I’m glad I prioritised me. This is my Signature Style. No one can break this for me <3
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
[Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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penguinofspades · 1 month
This is probably an unpopular opinion I have but here goes:
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The fandom's bias and tendency to wanting to agressively associate EVERYTHING with Percy and getting upset when a character isn't associated with him really taints their view on actually significant relationships, and it ruins Percy's canon character tbh.
I came across a video edit appreciating Jason and Nico's friendship, and the comments were just filled with people raging on how Percy should've been included instead of Jason because he was "much closer friends" to Nico than Jason was. It's appalling how much ppl can turn to a blind eye when it comes to Jason.
People hate Jason SO much in this fandom that they literally refuse to admit that Nico canonically considered Jason as his first ever friend, not Percy (this is literally said in Tower of Nero, by the way)
You guys are seriously so hell bent on wanting to take away every little thing jason had that makes his character meaningful, simple to give it to percy when it isn't even necessary. Doesn't percy have enough good characterization already? Why deprive Nico of a genuinely good friendship? Jason spent time and effort to make Nico comfortable and succeeded in earning nicos trust. He taught nico to never push people away and not to be ashamed of being himself, Isn't that beautiful? Why do people get salty abt that so much? Because of course, it's about appreciating Jason for once, and not Percy, isn't that it?
My perspective on Percy and Nico is that, they were never really "close" to begin with and never ended up being close either, and that's okay. Percy tried his very best to be a brother to Nico, but they somehow always had tension with eachother because of Nico's internal turmoil of idolizing and crushing on Percy whilst simultaneously associating him with Bianca.
Sure, they talked it out a little in the end, but I'd like to think that some tension would always be there, because they started off at the wrong foot, and there was too much bitterness and resentment to come in their dynamic. And them never actually being close "brothers" makes their dynamic very significant and authentic. In the end, Nico acknowledged that Percy was a good person, and I like to think that's the farthest they've ever gone in their dynamic. They both are on amicable terms but the awkwardness still being there is very realistic, the weight of Bianca's death would always be associated with Percy to Nico, and it's neither of their faults. That adds SO much to their angsty dynamic, why get so upset about it when it's such an integral, and meaningful part of the story? Nico and Percy not being close friends shows how complex character relationships can be.
Percy doesn't have to be close with everyone just because he's the main character, it really deprives him of actually meaningful connections. The fandom forcing him to be buddy buddy with everyone simply because they HAVE to associate Percy with anyone and everyone, and getting angry that Jason is closer to Nico than Percy is, is just really weird.
Why do people feel SO threatened about Jason all the time that they have to get all defensive and suppress his connections by dragging Percy into videos that doesn't even have to do anything with him? I swear y'all are creating this whole Jason/Percy rivalry thing because you cannot bear to see someone rival Percy, and you want Percy to be the only powerful/good person in the books.
Let other characters befriend eachother without trying to insert Percy in there all the time.
Percy and Nico would never be like Reyna and Nico, or Jason and Nico, and that's completely fine. I like them better that way. You can't be best friends with everyone. That's just how life works.
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wumiings · 10 months
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i’m sorry are you telling me that after everything he said about his family supposedly being close— doting on his little sister and having a warm older brother whom yue qingyuan reminds him of— shen yuan was never once properly hugged before he died???
like i know he immediately tries to cover it with an uncomfy aside about how it wasn’t a pretty young woman hugging him or w/e, but he clearly isn’t talking about a first romantic hug specifically, because the context is being tackled by a crying 15-year-old whom he calls a huge baby for it.
so this is literally his first real, tight hug in his 20ish years of life and it happens in a ‘fictional’ world with a child he thinks might grow up to brutally-yet-justifiably (to his mind) torture him after he died alone and had his soul transplanted into someone else’s body.
babe??? i really don’t think your life was nearly as idyllic as you implied and i would love to know what the fuck is up with that
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fushitism · 1 month
i feel like ur opinion on who chara dreemurr was as a person is entirely hinged on how you interpret these lines
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my favorite thing about undertale is how interpretative everything is. it’s why i believe the fandom’s thrived so much
there aren’t any confirmation for a lot of things, only hints.
and chara is a character (heh) that defies easy categorization because of this
one minute they're getting halos drawn over their head, the next they're public enemy number one. 
are they good? bad? gray?
we get so hung up on the morality aspect of chara that we forget the most important thing of all, they were a person. 
a person— child.
a child that hasn’t had the years to work through it or even atone for the hurt they caused. 
a child that did not know love before they fell to the underground. 
a child, raised in darkness, suddenly thrust into sunshine. it's blinding, overwhelming. 
after poisoning asgore, their only reaction was to laugh. now, you can depict this in any way you like, but to me, it was an honest mistake. and chara's laughter was more of a nervous reaction. they probably couldn't fully grasp the gravity of their actions. this wasn’t an instance of them maliciously reveling in asgore’s suffering. i simply cannot see it that way no matter how hard i try
the dreemurrs were unlike any of the humans they knew. they genuinely loved and cared for chara who just… didn't know how to react or cope with it in a way most would consider "appropriate"
and actually! when you’re up against snowdrake’s mom:
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chara expects frisk to laugh, just like they did when their dad got poisoned. it's horrible to look at. it's terrifying. but all they can do to cope is laugh
they FULLY expected frisk to do so too, but frisk just.. Doesn’t. 
chara was a human that found a family where they least expected it. they weren’t devoid of any good. they weren't so despondent.
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they had hope in their eyes.
they were determined to liberate monsters
and having alrdy been hailed as the "hope" of monsterkind by their family n being the completionist (love this trait abt them btw) that they were:
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they were going to see this through. push all the limits. use all means. they will have power.
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this is where things get muddy.
chara is a creature of reason. their decision to poison themselves and die, allowing asriel to absorb their soul, was, in their view, the most optimal and effective choice. there was no future left for chara on the surface anyways. there was also no straightforward method to obtain a human soul. each realization logically led to the next until everything seamlessly aligned.
their plan kicked off and started going their way. they intentionally carried their own lifeless body and headed to their village, fully anticipating the reactions they'd provoke. they had hoped to show asriel just how horrible humans are. they had hoped that by doing this, asriel would understand. the reason why humans must all be eradicated.  
but to their utter shock, asriel resisted; he never fought back.
emotion foiled their plan, resulting in their own demise and that of their beloved brother. their sacrifice was for naught, the prospect of making peace between the two races has been tossed aside, irretrievably diminished.
asriel was right. chara wasn't exactly the greatest person. however, him acknowledging they weren't does not necessarily imply them to be a fervent force of evil (and i also think he meant it as in, he LITERALLY used to believe chara was the SINGLE greatest person, but eh, technicalities)
they were a flawed person, who died as such. they've made an abundance of bad choices in how they handled their trauma but that doesn't exempt them from redemption. especially not in a game that focuses on mercy and unconditional kindness and forgiveness and and and
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and you know what? pacifist is their redemption. they don't rlly do anything that explicit in this route but. the silly narrations. the encouraging words frisk hears during asriel's boss fight. how frisk was able to save asriel and call out to him. i like to believe it was all chara. they've seen you prove that humans can be good too and with that..... they became a tool to free monsters, just as they had always intended :-]
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unreadpoppy · 5 months
I think it's funny how the narrator basically asks you, before choosing to sign or not Raphael's contract, who do you trust more: The Emperor or Raphael, the devil himself.
And, honestly? I have no reason to trust the Emperor more than I trust Raphael.
Because give it or take, Raphael has been more honest about his shit than the Emperor. The first time you meet him, he shows you he's a devil. He kept his part of the deal after we killed the orthon, and even now, he straight up tells us what he's going to use the crown for.
The Emperor, however, has been lying to us since the begining. Like, him lying about his identity was a HUGE no no for me. I "understand" that he didn't want to scares us due to being a mind flayer, but at that point in game (when he shows his true self), we've already met Omelumm, who is a mind flayer but who tried to help us. Also, his instance on the "eat this tadpole, embrace your powers" is very iffy to me cause like dude i'm not doing it. Like you already lied about your true identity, why should I trust you with this bullshit?
Also, since I'm comparing the Emperor to Omelumm, I might as well compare Raphael to the other devil who is out there offering deals: Mizora. Mizora lies, adds shit that only makes Wyll's life harder. We have every reason not to trust Mizora, beyond the fact that she's a devil (which, i'm not gonna lie, i feel like a reason there's such a push against raphael's deal is bc he is a devil and y'know how religion messes with that But anyways, i'm not gonna get into that).
The Emperor looks worse in comparison to Omelumm, but Raphael looks better in comparison to Mizora, is basically what i'm trying to get here.
Also also, if you talk with Korilla, she legit says that Raphael's a good boss, treats her better than a FREAKING GOD did. Like, honestly, I (and i really only mean I,me,myself) up until this point in the game have no freaking reason to not trust Raphael. Like, ffs, he didn't even ask for my soul in exchange.
Anyways, this is MY opinion, MY thoughts on the choice my character has done.
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gxlden-angels · 5 months
Bro I hate fundamentalists and culturally-fundie parents they'll say shit like "spare the rod spoil the child am I right haha yea my parents used to have to beat my ass with a switch almost everyday but I sure did learn my lesson" but like??? no you didn't??? you were hit multiple times for something you very obviously did not, in fact, learn
Like studies about how harmful even lightly spanking children is aside, you're literally contradicting yourself?? Some even admitted they got worse as they got older cause they wanted to see how far they could push their parents before they got punished
And studies not aside, you're gonna get child raising advice from the same book that tells you to stone your wife if her hymen doesn't break on your wedding night instead of the decades of research we have now?? Just say you're a bad parent and move on my guy. Skill issue
#bro I had a coworker go 'unpopular opinion I think some kids really do need beatings' and I'm like????#unprompted???? what's going on there????#well anyways I ended up going 'yea so I plan on specializing in play therapy with autistic children so I've been learning about talking#to children and the ways their parents and environment affects them'#and they're like hmmm but beating this kid with a stick after they broke something or I upset them to the point of yelling is good actually#had a boss say it taught him and his kids respect cause they were hard-headed#and I'm like?? that's fear not respect! they fear punishment! they do not act out of respect for you!#he's a conservative christian black man tho so he's like 'But Authority!' like bro I don't even respect you what are you on about#'You don't respect police and their authority?' Nope! I fear them! I do not respect cops and every cop/cop-adjacent person I personally know#has reinforced that for me#'We'll agree to disagree' Cool! Doesn't mean you're not wrong! I could believe trees aren't real but that is in fact incorrect#then he pulled out the bible verse and I was like ah okay I forgot you like 'here's how to treat slaves' book you're so right bestie#I'm totally wrong now and so sorry for doubting you and your 2000+ year old book I don't believe in <3#They'd go 'well I turned out fine!' then say something that directly contradicts that#anyways I need christians to get their grubby little hands off the current state of Child Protection and Rights in the U.S.#So we can actually start working on helping kids without the force of christian hands suffocating them#cause homeschooling and child raising by evangelicals are so fucked up bro I'm tired of this shit#I'd only stay in my current state to help children get out of that cycle since I'm in the bible belt#ex christian#religious trauma#child abuse tw
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Just to minimize my chances of being genuinely misunderstood OR deliberately misinterpreted, and crucified for something I don't think, How Dare You Say We Piss on the Poor website etc...I'm gonna say this right up top. I absolutely understand why people don't like Thessaly as a character, if anyone does completely unironically stan her as some kind of feminist hero who Did Nothing Wrong uwu, I personally see it as a bit of a red flag. I don't like terfs real or fictional. In a vacuum, I could even completely sympathize and agree with the people who want her cut.
It's really something to me to see people clamoring for her to be cut, because she carries and expressed an ugly indefensible prejudice (transphobia) in words towards (1) person. Meanwhile Hob fucking Gadling enacted one of the most violent forms of antiblack racism I can even think of against thousands no, millions of people, the ripple effects of which still affect billions more today. Just a little light idk, profiting off the fucking slave trade and had to be told by someone else that it was bad...and he's a fan favorite.
People are saying Thessally being Dream's love interest reflects badly on him or is somehow endorsement by the narrative (?!?!?!?!?!? Didn't she (SPOILER ALERT AS IF IT MATTERS BY NOW) help participate in his extended assisted suicide? She's not painted as a great person to me just another character what are y'all SMOKING whatever fine. It's fine this is fine.) But shipping Dream with Mr. Former Slaver is not only not verboten or frowned on widely in the fandom but its THEE most popular pairing by far. So...why the difference?
Like where are the same fans who are saying Thessaly shouldn't just be more clearly shown to be wrong, she shouldn't even be in the show at all when it comes to Hobert's crimes??? Yes, transphobia is indefensible. Isn't racism?
And I hear the cries of "it's fiction!!!" Already rallying (if anyone who needs to hear this even sees it lol) to which I say:
HORSESHIT. I KNOW you don't, deep down, really agree because if you did, why get upset about Thessaly being included??? Why does what she said to one person matter if it's Just Fiction You Guyze. Fictional characters are allowed to do bad things and fiction isn't reality sweaty....except when you only apply that standard to fictional racists you like and simp for, but fictional transphobes you don't are SO HARMFUL they shouldn't even be portrayed in fiction.
Like. Give me a big fat BREAK. This looks like bullshit, no? I'm sorry, but I'd love for someone to try and give any other explanation besides one personally offended you or hit home for you, and the other doesn't.
And if that bothers you or you feel like it says something negative about you...idk what you want me to say??? You can't control how other people perceive you and that's how people outside this majority-of-the-fandom bubble see it. You don't need to respond, I just wish and genuinely hope this gives you a moment to think about why fans who ARE bothered by both (and not just paying lip service to being bothered by the one but railing against the other) are so frustrated with people saying everyone is welcome but in practice only bending over backwards for the comfort and emotions of themselves, and people they can easily relate to.
You don't have to like Thessaly (I don't. I find her an interesting antagonist, I don't stan her. And frankly that's not the point of her character) but you'll pardon me for feeling more than a bit cynical and side eying people's motivations for what seems a...pretty obvious double standard, on what fictional crimes related to real world issues matter to y'all, and which clearly don't. Either actually bring the same energy to the table for fictional people who committed atrocities, even if against a group you're not part of and thus don't feel the need to empathize with, or just carry on, but accept that you don't have the SLIGHTEST room to talk about cutting characters who do immoral things. And you also need to accept that you look like a hypocrite when you do.
#thessaly#wanda the sandman#hob gadling#I could've cried sexism!!! Problematic Male vs Female Characters except 1) I don't actually think that's the main reason *here*#2) there are WAY better examples of that particular double standard in this fandom#also i can admit when I'm a bit of a hypocrite or was.#i used to dip my toes into the dreamling stuff too early on#but idk. It just got too sour seeing ppl whitewash (lol I know I'm a comedian)#what he did over and over. And I genuinely had started to wonder#if the show hadn't included that particular crime and I'd just imagined it from the comics because#my memory is shit sometimes and I guess I was naive. I *wanted* to believe someone would talk aboutit#if it had made it in. but ultimately i went back and checked and no#and seeing how the whole fandom behaving affected my non-white mutuals some of whom...#like these are my friends man or ppl I just respect and I can't just. Ignore their feelings and their pov#and act like they werent making points or it doesn't matter#like it's all just fun and games for everyone on the same terms. And seeing how easy it was#for everyone to ignore was so unsettling. I couldn't keep pretending it was just fiction and didn't affect anyone real#Call me a bully a t3rf apologist (fuck you and for the record. no)#a puritan or a Fancop (actually stop comparing#people disagreeing with you online to what cops do. For fucks sake you just make it look like nothing is really real to you outside fandom)#whatever man. Whatever helps you sleep. I'm just gonna block you#if you're clearly sticking your fingers in your ears. engaging with you is a waste of time and energy then#Hell I have sympathy for anyone who doesn't like thessaly#especially trans fans. Especially rn. But lbr that sympathy for a lot of the white trans/queer fans only goes one way!!!#never gets extended to anyone else's issues. Like THATSthe issue. And it's shitty!#(sorry this post is not about me in the confessional lol that's why I put this at the bottom#I just had feelings to get out and yes its my blog but i didn't want to clog the airways)
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yazthebookish · 4 months
I'm pretty much drawing more boundaries because a lot of people get too comfortable in this fandom to go out of their way to be shitty (and a lot of readers and creators face this too)
You don't agree with my opinions on fiction? Please move on because I don't care. It's a huge fandom you'll find your own people. You don't like me as a person? Okay stranger on the internet, you can move on too and if stalking and shitting on me makes you feel better about yourself and helps you feel validated, I hope you will find healthier outlets and coping mechanisms one day to channel that anger—but in the end it reflects more on you as a person than it does on me.
I'm not changing my content and opinions to appease people.
The longer someone deals with all this chaotic mess, the more they're immune to it from experience that's why I'm not bothered by it but I still don't understand people going out of their way to cross boundaries. It's an immediate block from me, I have better things to do.
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raayllum · 5 months
laying in bed last night thinking about the trio's internal hierarchies of:
ezran: his community (the kingdom), the world, his loved ones
rayla: the world, her loved ones, her community
callum: his loved ones, the world, his community
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