#vigilante movie
abs0luteb4stard · 6 months
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John Woo's first American movie in 20 years.
The first movie theater outing with my mom since before she began chemo therapy. 🥹
"On Christmas Eve, a man witnesses the death of his young son when the boy gets caught in crossfire between warring gangs. Recovering from a wound that cost him his voice, he soon embarks on a bloody and grueling quest to punish those responsible"
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Sometimes I think about how the turtles are just kids, y’know? Just kids and yet it’s up to them to save people, save New York, save the world.
It’s honestly really sad. They were created to be soldiers and while they chose to protect rather than destroy, they remain soldiers all the same.
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cliffside-wisteria · 6 months
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shuthefanby · 8 months
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empressgeekt · 3 months
Trolls - Accidental Knight Branch AU (Field of Forget-me-nots part 1)
My hyper fixation continues and for some reason I got this idea while watching a Bug's Life. And i"m thinking of linking this to my Keith and Branch Brother hood Au (link to that post if interested - https://empressgeekt.tumblr.com/post/744629825487126528/trolls-branch-and-keith-brothers-au). I think I'm going to re-name it A Field of Forget-Me-knots Au. If they end up linked that is.
The Au would start before the first movie. Branch is still grey and on his own, with the exception of his little stalker. Keith had been following him for the past year, and branch had taken a reluctant liking to the kid. Pretty much becoming a big/little brother duo that no one in the village gets. Keith's habit of story telling, is encouraged by Branch, who buys the kid notebooks to put his idea on paper. During the summer evenings, Branch would help edit his grammar and spelling, while working on a latest trap as Keith read his latest chapters. The trolling's current story fixation, being one about a trolling knight who protects his village and wears a suit of armor in the brightest green leaves. Branch askes Keith where he found the inspiration for it, and Keith explains that it came to him when he was helping Branch with the alarm systems and predator preventions he made for the village. Branch is flattered when he learn that the kid thinks of him as a hero, but doesn't admit it.
When Keith's birthday rolls around. In addition to another note book, and some custom made drawing pencils, Branch decides to bring Keith's character to life. With all the mechanical know how, he learned from making traps and weapons, (and sewing skills thanks to Grandma), the grey troll can pretty easily fashion together a suit that is both functional and how Keith described it. With room for all the Gadgets that Keith gave his character. Which on the weapons side Branch kind of cheats due to him already having multiple back up bows and spears. He just paints those to match the suit. Keith is ecstatic to see Branch in the suit, and insists on Branch wearing it while they check the traps that day. Branch allows it, partially because it makes the kid happy, and partially because he wants to show off his gadget re-creations. Keith even calls Branch, "Forest Guardian" all through the walk. At some point, Branch falls into a flower patch, and pollen gets all over his hair making it turn into a maroon color.
Their on the last of their safety checks, this one just outside of the village borders, when suddenly the alarm strings go taunt and screaming is heard in the direction of the village. Branch tells Keith to run back to the bunker using their escape tunnels, and keith says that, "Forest Guardian is needed". Branch rushes off, completely forgetting that he's in a ridiculous looking suit, finding a rabid wolf charging through the middle of the village. Most the pods are too high for the predator to reach, but the trolls on the ground are done for...Branch grabs hold of the spear tied to his back.
Poppy is on the ground, trying to get as many trolls away from the wolf, but she's at a lost of what to really do. A predator like this had never gotten this close to the village, so she's scrambling. All she knows is that everyone is screaming and running, their afternoon song is ruined, then suddenly out of nowhere the wolf is taken down. Poppy looks up, and finds a troll with maroon colored hair, clad in armor of the brightest green, their hands gripping a spear that was impaled in to the base of the wolf's skull, killing it. In the corner of her eye, she sees one of the trollings, Keith, Call out "It's Forest Guardian!"
Branch is very uncomfortable with all the people suddenly staring at him, once the wolf is down. Then he hears Keith call out, and suddenly remembers he's in the costume. They don't know who he is. Still he doesn't like being the object of all there attention. Branch rushed back into the woods before Poppy has the chance to thank him.
Keith meets Branch back at the bunker. Branch immediately takes off the suit, and confronts Keith as to why he was in the village and not safe in the bunker. Keith said he wanted to see Forest Guardian in action. Branch retorts he's not Forest Guardian. Keith said he could be, and gets upset, because he based a the character off of branch, but the grey troll doesn't want to be a hero. Branch said he wasn't a hero. Keith says that he is, and recounts all he does for the villages protection and no one sees it! And they are all mean to branch. It makes the trolling frustrated, and this way they can be nicer to branch without Branch having to deal with them invading his personal privacy.
Eventually Branch gives in, after all the armor stopped him from getting hurt by the wolf, and it would make it easier to carry needed essentials. So when ever he goes after predators that get too close to the village he wears the suit. Keith promises to be Branch's man on the inside and reports to the grey troll on all the rumors that were spread about them. They have a good laugh over it.
Meanwhile, the village is set on fire with news of their new hero. People are gossiping and word of the "Forest Guardian" is spreading fast. And one troll in particular has become engulfed by the flames. Poppy has become obessed with the Forest Guardian. She wants to thank him, know who he is, and become his best friend. No she is totally not fangirling over him, like the twins tease. The snackpack is equally enthralled with the new village hero. Cooper, Biggie, And GD are impressed with how cool he looked, The twins have been making fan wear based on eye witnesses on the armor, Fuzzbert and DJ Suki want to know who his gear works, and Smidge wants to know where he learned how to take down a wolf. They are all willing to help Poppy find the Guardian. Creek is grateful for the new hero, but he is a little apprehensive about Poppy wanting to find him. After all he could be dangerous, and what kind of troll would use violence before friendship.
Nothing could stop Poppy's hunt. She askes everyone in the village what they know about the Forest Guardian. She sadly doesn't get much information. Until she asks Keith. The little trolling tells her all about how the Guardian lives out side of the village in the forest, and that he's been defending the village from predators for years, the wolf had been a rare instance when they snuck passed his defenses.
Poppy: Keith how do you know about this?
Keith: I see him. I go into the woods sometimes, he's always looking out for us.
Poppy: And no one knows? No one's thanked him!
Keith: He's shy and a little different. He doesn't think the village will accept him.
Poppy: He's our hero, we'd always accept him
Keith: he doesn't think so. He's seen how you treat other people who aren't like you.
Poppy: We aren't mean.
Keith: not actively.
Poppy: Look Keith Sweetie, you think you can get me meeting with him?
Keith agrees and leads poppy out into the woods. And calls out to the "Guardian". Branch and the trolling had come to an agreement that if he was refered to Guardian or Forest, then someone was with th trolling and Branch needed to play the part. Branch just didn't think Keith would bring the princess of all trolls. Poppy excitedly begins to ramble, until Branch clears his throat. In a deeper voice he sends Keith home, and asks what Poppy wants.
Poppy: We'll first to say thank you
Branch: I don't do this for thanks your highness
Poppy: Well, we're going to give it to you now that we know about you! Especially since you've been protecting all of us for so long.
Branch: How do you know about that?
Poppy: Keith told me.
Branch: Of course.
Poppy: Now, to show you how grateful the village is for all your work, we're throwing a party for you and officially inviting you-
Branch: Pass.
Poppy: WHat?
Branch: Apologizes for my brashness Princess, but I do not enjoy big loud parties.
Poppy: Why not?
Branch: You're larger celebrations attract a lot of attention from Predators your highness. Any part you through means a lot of work and stress for me. After years of this, I've lost my taste for such gatherings
Poppy's thrown by this, but in some form understands. The Forest Guardian's work is dangerous, he could've gotten hurt many times over while they partied. She had no idea that their parties attracted predators. She asks if their was any way to prevent that
Branch is shocked, all he had to do was save the village and put on a mask and suddenly people wanted to listen to him?! Taking advantage of this new found respect. Branch takes Poppy around the forest explaining how he keeps everyone safe from the forest, and just how vulnerable they all are. And that he deosn't want them to stop their fun, he just doesn't want anyone to get hurt or worse.
Poppy takes all this information, back home to her father, and suggests a few changes to make life better for both their guardian and the village. Peppy says that some of these suggestions would need to be consulted by the council however one of them they wouldn't need approval for. When talking with Keith the trolling had offered a less explosive way of thanking the Forest Guardian. Peppy agrees to knight the hero.
Word spreads quickly as troll village hadn't had a knight since before bergen town was established. So everyone is really excited. When keith tells Branch about the knighting thing, it's really surprising to the grey troll. After all he only took down one wolf their acting like he conquered the sun for them. Still the kid talks branch into going to the ceremony.
The ceremony goes smoothly although branch doesn't stay very long at the after party. Keeping up appearances is hard. Not to mention Poppy is all over him wanting to dance and find out his real name. He doesn't give it. Still some how rumors fly about hiw the princess and the new knight are smitten with each other. Keith teases branch about when ever they meet up. Branch is just worried about Poppy getting too close to him. After all in reality he isn't the hero they all think he is.
Life goes on, Poppy tries to reason for more safety measures but the council won't allow them. She goes to branch as the forest guardian for help. Shockingly its easier to standup and reason his ideals while in costume. He gets them to think about it, and Poppy offers lunch as a thanks. She disappointed that he won't take off his mask to eat, which leads to a conversation over why he hides his face. Once more rumors about the knight and princess pick up pace.
When the 20th freedom anniversary rolls around, Poppy trie to invite the knight but Branch declines saying that such a party 2as too big of a risk during predator season. Poppy doesn't head his word as Guardian or normal branch and goes trhough with it. You all know how this ends. Poppy goes to the bunker and asks Branch if he has seen Forst Guardian any where worried about if the Bergan had already gotten to him as he didn't show up to fight the bergen. Branch said he didn't know. As in canon Poppy stuffs the village in his bunker. Keith tells Branch to go after her as Guardian. They both know Poppy has 0 to none on survival skills, and this way no one will stumble onto his secret while in the bunker.
Poppy is at first thrilled when Forest Guardian joins her, however her excitement dwindles as she realizes that he's more of a grump then she thought their hero was. He doesn't join in on her songs and she's desperate to hear his voice. So also probs him on his back story, which Branch lies and says, "I don't have any."
Poppy: what how?
"Leta just sya that the story of the escape isn't as happy as everyone makes it out to be princess."
Cloud guy pissess him off as usual. And they can't spare Creek from getting "eaten". When freeing the snack pack, some of them ask for his autograph which, branch thinks their crazy for. Not the time and who has a pen on them at the moment anyway.
Branch still refuses to sing, with Bridget, and when cornered all he can say is that it tore his family apart. With a mix of truth and lies forest guardian says that he used to sing all the time with his family, but that made them prime targets for bergens. He became silent that's what saved him. "So forgive me if I'm not comfortable with singing in bergen filled town. I stay silent so that others don't have to."
The date goes the same, only Poppy is more giggly than in canon when Branch says she has a nice smile.
They both choke creek
True colors happens
then when confronting the chef, she doesn't react for Branch when she tries to for feed gristle. She reaches for Poppy. Branch jumps in and stabs the chef in the hand protecting the princess. Chef would then pull out a knife and with it smach brnahc into the far wall. Severally injuring him. Gristle orders for Chef to be captured. While Poppy runs over to Branch. She pulls off the mask and reveals the identity of the village hero. Shocking everyone.
Brnach remains unconscious for weeks afte the event. Poppy and Keith at his bed side. The village is rebuild. Peppy announced his retirement. And Poppy planns to create a team of well trained trolls to help bench protect the village.
When he does wake up, Branch is welcomed back home and offered the position of head of village security. If he wants it. With peace with the bergen established. Branch accepts the job. Creating the Forest Guardian's. Pop villages own defences force.
Not sure what will happen in the othe movies yet, but branch is definitely sporting a new scar that JD will freak out about.
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Just like heaven (dp x dc)
Maybe diving head first into a rapidly disappearing portal in pursuit of the Phantom Menacetm was something she could’ve thought about a little longer. Because, though it was generally a good thing Valerie didn’t know when to quit, it also tended to lend her in difficult situations. This time she had landed herself in a strange city with no idea of how to get back home.
Worse still, Phantom and his furry partner in crime were nowhere to be found which mean she couldn’t threaten them into answering her questions.
“Alright, Val,” she muttered. “You can do this.”
She looked around wearily, noticing the seedy atmosphere of the urban landscape she’d found herself in. Valerie turned towards the other end of the unfamiliar dirty alley and spotted a shadowed figure.
“Hello?” Valerie called out but the person didn’t move.
The teen hesitated a bit before approaching slowly. “Hi, sir?” She tried again.
There was still no answer, so Valerie walked up to the figure. She side-stepped to place herself in front of the figure to find herself facing what looked like a teenage girl wearing an oversized purple hoodie and sweatpants.
“Hey,” Valerie repeated, waving her hand in front of the girl’s face. “Are you ok?”
The girl’s eyes widened as she looked up into Valerie’s visor. “You can see me?”
Valerie frowned behind her helmet. “Uh, yeah?”
“You can see me,” the girl repeated, her blue eyes, wide.
“Uh,” Valerie let out. “Do you need help?” She couldn’t help but ask though she herself was in a pickle already, the girl was clearly in distress.
“No, it’s just-“ the girl’s voice hitched. “Nobody has been able to see me.”
Valerie raised a hand to pat the girl on the shoulder awkwardly, as she didn’t know what to say to that but as she did, her hand passed straight through the girl as if she wasn’t even there.
“What the-” Valerie almost cursed.
“Are you a medium?” The girl asked, uncaring of the fact someone had just put a hand through her shoulder. “Please I need your help.”
“My help,” the teen vigilante repeated blankly as she struggled to reconcile her previous encounters with ghosts and this very human-looking girl in front of her.
“I think-” the girl started haltingly before taking in a steadying breath. “I think I died.”
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n0brainjustvibes · 10 months
Finally watched ATSV. I see your "bug-themed teenage cape" and raise you one "predatory-cat-themed teenage vigilante with black and purple colour scheme":
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(I may have misremembered Shadow Stalker's colour scheme. Eh, close enough.)
And, because - fun as it is to draw Sophia in cool outfits - I will go to bat for Taylor, I had to include her Wards rebrand...
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alltears · 1 year
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abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
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pizzagame4000 · 3 months
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we all know human vigilante… but what about… slightly human vigilante
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trolls-with-tails · 5 months
The Black Falcon (Vigilante John Dory AU)
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Hello, Trolls fandom! Seeing the influx of John Dory AUs on the rise, I've decided to contribute with my own: an AU where John Dory is a mysterious, deadly vigilante known as The Black Falcon!
More information under the cut:
What is The Black Falcon AU about, exactly?
Like in canon, John Dory revisits the Troll Tree a few years after the disbandment of BroZone, and what he finds absolutely devastates him to the point of turning gray. Discovering that his old home is now abandoned and in ruin, JD is quick to believe that his family lost their lives to the Bergens, and with this revelation, so, too, does is spark the inferno that is his drive for vengeance against the beasts that wronged him.
JD makes his first debut as the terror of Bergentown when a passing Bergen finds him on the day he returned to the Troll Tree. Miraculously, John Dory manages to kill his captor away from the prying eyes of other Bergens, and such a grim twist of fate is what sends him spiraling into becoming the shadowed killer, born of blood and retribution.
For the next twenty years, John Dory continues to haunt Bergentown in secret, picking off the monsters that destroyed his family, his home, and his people one by one by targeting pressure points using a tied needle and crossbow, as well as becoming quite acquainted with different varieties of poisons. Somewhere along the line of his endeavors, he befriends a falcon and names her Striker (having never met Rhonda in this AU, as much as I love her), and using his new companion's pitch black feathers as inspiration, JD sheds his old identity and becomes The Black Falcon.
The John Dory from before has died long ago, and from the bones and ashes, The Black Falcon rises, a harbinger of death and retribution, an omen that sends chills down the spine of any Bergen who hears an utterance of his doings, a quiet and coldly calculative husk of the happy-go-lucky troll he used to be, all in the name of avenging his loved ones.
So what happens when he comes to learn that his brothers and the Pop trolls are still alive?
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wastemypotential · 11 months
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While he was doin' lines and crossin' all of mine Someone told his white-collar crimes to the FBI
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berryblu-arts · 4 months
anyways, going the unhinged route with the little ninjago vigilante/magical girl au
crack treated seriously go brr- we´re working with precure logic over here and that includes little shapeshifting creatrses giving people jumpscares and traumadumping sdhkjfhhg
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bonus doodle: watermelon bros + a zane
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no nya, srry U_U, drawing zane is always a sruggle, ran out of steam ToT!!
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kirkenovak · 11 months
I feel… I feel like Vigilmaker fandom needs to be made aware of this.
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cametotheshowinsd · 1 year
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She don't start it, but she can tell you how it ends. 🚨🩸⚔ VIGILANTE SHIT (2022) | Written & Directed by Taylor Swift Dial (800)013-1989 for more info. Don't get sad, get EVEN.
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sasswonfp · 3 months
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I had. a really. really funny dream. Crossover of the century.
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