#viktor licht fluff
xulcan · 3 years
Could u do Viktor or Beni with a really shy reader? Maybe they really dislike talking to people so they usually write or use sign language but when they're alone with Viktor/Beni they'll talk.
Bonus points if you add their first reactions 👉👈
a/n-peep the writing style change at the end i literally started this months ago
warnings- mention of blood in beni’s, suggestive in beni’sidk only if you think ab it really
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i truly feel like he would know sign language i mean he’s a smart dude
so y’all would just sign back n forth instead of talking he doesn’t really mind honestly
it would help him learn more sign language and he likes being able to hold a conversation only y’all would understand
but when you first talk he’ll just not notice it at first
“viktor can you pass me that beaker.”
“sure y/n”
takes a hot minute for him to realize you spoke cause he just didn’t notice
after a few short moments you just hear him gasp and he says “y/n did you just speak-“
freaked out a bit because he thought it was a voice in his head, but when he realized it was you he geeked out like a lot
“you’re voice is pretty- i mean objectively there is no way to rate attractiveness based on a voice i mean-“
you cut him off by pressing a sweet kiss to his lips and smiling “thank you viktor”
after that he was the only one who heard you talk really, he would also keep that moment to himself
but once y’all are alone he loves talking to you about anything
wouldn’t mind it at all, he barley likes talking himself so he would enjoy the comfortable silence held between the both of you
whenever you two do talk it seems to be one sided from a far but what they don’t see is you scribbling down your thoughts furiously
when the both of you go in public he would often speak for you, since he knows you so well he practically knows what you’re thinking
learned sign language so you could stop scribbling because he thought it was starting to irritate you, the very first thing he signed to you was “i love you”
when you saw it you hugged him tighter than ever before
he heard you talk when he was badly injured, he saw you rushing over frantically to check if he was all right, you found him by himself under a pile of rubble and started cursing aloud
“shit shit shit shit beni please be okay” he smiled at you with some blood running down his forehead “you know i didn’t think the heard first time i heard you speak it would be a string of curses”
“shut up”
“only if you make me”
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ultimate-cinephile · 4 years
Okay, so I've noticed a sad lack of both Maki and Viktor content, so I'm here to provide it!
GN! Reader
Genre: Some fluff for the soul
Characters: Maki Oze, Viktor Licht, Vulcan Joseph, Takehisa Hinawa
Maki Oze
quick pecks to the lips are all this girl requires
going on a mission? quick kiss to your lips
doing paperwork? quick kiss to the lips
running from a very angry Obi after the shopping incident? quick kiss to the lips before joining Sister Iris in a prayer because Sol knows you're gonna need it
Maki likes these because they're quick enough to not interrupt your day but just enough for satisfy her hopleless romantic side.
Plus it's a great way to show affection without Hinawa getting mad at you two!
Viktor Licht
let's get two things straight
this man is a big bumbling ball of awkwardness
and two, he's not the most romantic one in here
and i'm here to tell you that while he's not all that into PDA, he is very into showering you with love behind closed doors
in public, he might, m I G H T, kiss the top of your head
only because it's usually the quickest way he can get to you
i mean have you seen him
tall boi
in private though, i can see him being a fan of Eskimo kisses
basically he'll rub his nose against yours
it's really cute
actually, he might do this in front of the rest of the company while i'm thinking about it
the reason why this is his favorite way to kiss you is a) because his hair tickles you and you giggle and he (not so) secretly loves it and b) it's a simple yet unusual way to kiss
basically, viktor is secretly a fluffy boi
Vulcan Joseph
on the lips any time, any place
he loves you more than anything and he is not afraid to show it!
hinawa gets a little mad that it distracts you from your work but it's so worth it
seriously, vulcan will lean down and do one of two things
a) he just straight up kisses you
b) he'll kiss your nose before kissing you
he wraps his arms around you and the two of you kinda tend to forget that you're not the only people on Earth
for the love of Sol, kiss him back with just as much enthusiasim
he might get sad.... :(
1000/10 best kisser in the company
Takehisa Hinawa
he'll kiss your cheek
it's quick and easy and conveys his feelings perfectly
but that's while he's working
he is more than happy to kiss you fully on the lips as soon as he has the free time
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honeypirate · 3 years
AAAayYy Congrats on the 420 Follower Honey! I'm not surprised by the amount at all since how kick ass your writings are! I hope I did this right, but can I request Viktor with Indica/Sativa- 6, Joints- 8, and Pack the Bowl- 5? If I didn't do this right then, please tell me so I can fix it I don't have the best reading comprehension right now ;v; Once again though Congrats on your follower milestone!
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Thanks for your request I hope you like it!
Viktor x reader/ theme park / established relationship / disaster date with good ending
Summary- Early stages of the relationship where Viktor doesn’t tell reader he’s scared of heights and gets sick easy on rides but goes anyway determined to make it a good day for reader.
Event Masterlist
Two month anniversaries were not a thing. You know this and you know how cliche and stupid they are since you haven’t even been dating for that long. But you still wanted to plan a date even if it wasn’t a real anniversary, you still loved being with him these last two months.
“A-an amusement park?!” He asks with a strange chuckle and you raise your eyebrows
“yeah I love them and I thought it would be fun to go with you. But I mean it’s okay if you don’t like them” you shrug but he panics, he doesn’t want to make you sad or have you not be able to do something you love to do
“No I totally love theme parks! We’re definitely going!” He says and hopes you buy his excitement and don’t see through his anxiety.
You hug him close and kiss his cheek, trusting him when he says he loves them. “we’re going to have so much fun!!”
Fun. You had promised fun. But here he is closing his eyes, his organs trembling as the car rises to the top of the track. You’re giggling in your seat excited to get to the top unaware of his stress because of the shoulder and lap restraints that were keeping you safe and keeping you just out of reach and unable to see his face.
He is almost positive that this machine is going to kill him. He has to close his eyes to prevent himself from calculating the likelihood that you’d both die today.
You’re laughing when it spins and loops but Viktor is holding his breath hoping he doesn’t pass out or throw up that would ruin this day for you. He wanted you to have fun most of all. He’d never let anything ruin this day for you. Your loud screams drowning out the fact that he was deathly quiet.
He tried. He really tries his hardest but after the third ride you stumble off in giggles and he runs to the nearest bathroom, green faced with an upset stomach from the loops.
“Are you okay?” You yell outside of the bathroom and he heaves, making your heart drop into your stomach. You wanted to have a nice day but instead you made him sick. He should have told you he didn’t feel well.
“I’m fine!” He yells back, voice breaking and throat sounding raw. You hear a flush and sniffing before water turns on.
“Hey” you say softly and frown, worry in your eyes at his pale and sweaty face.
“Hey” he says with an embarrassed laugh and he looks away
“Viktor?” You ask and he hums, looking shyly into your eyes with an expression like he’s in trouble.
“Do you hate theme parks?” You ask and his face flushes in embarrassment as he looks away and says nothing
You throw your arms around his middle and bury your burning embarrassed face into his chest “you should have told me!” You cry and he hugs you close with a small laugh
“I just wanted you to do something you enjoy. I wanted you to have a good day” he admits softly and you pull back, looking up at him with sincere eyes
“I enjoy everything I get to do with you.” You say and then cup his cheeks with a little smile and say “A date is automatically not a good day if you aren’t having fun with me” he smiles softly, butterflies in his tummy and he holds you to his chest again with a gentle squeeze.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner. I just didn’t want to ruin your day” he says and then grimaces when a food cart rolls by
“You could never ruin my day!” you say “any day that I spend with you is a success no matter what we do” you gently pull his face down and he leans toward you. You kiss his forehead and then take his hand
“come on” you say with a small smile “today will not end in disaster”
You go home first, so Viktor can brush his teeth and not have to stay with that feeling in his mouth, then after dinner, you take Viktor somewhere you know he will love.
The Academy of Natural Sciences, the museum he took you to on your first date.
He laughs and squeezes your hand as you hurry up the stairs “y/n you’re a genius. I love you” you feel your heart skip and breath hitch as you’re taking stairs two at a time, forty minutes until they close, you’re not even sure if he realizes he told you that.
Although he’s been here a few times he always loves it, loves to see the displays and see the pre-cataclysm fossils and the interactive sets.
You love to watch how excited he gets, prefer him telling you all about the things instead of pressing the buttons, hanging on to his every word.
“And that’s the reason why the..” he looks at you and then gets shy which how you’re looking at him. Eyes soft and sparkling as you gaze up at him, looking at him and not the display “w-what?” He asks and rubs at his nose, thinking he had a booger or something.
“I love you too” you say softly and watch as his cheeks flush immediately. He looks at you for a moment before a grin slowly spread across his face.
“Good” he says softly and presses his lips to yours.
Before you know it the museum is closing and you have to leave.
Instead of heading back to the cathedral, you walk around the city, watching the sunset and talking about the new displays at the museum that weren’t there two months ago.
He sits on a bench when you end up in the park, watching the families that are enjoying the sunset and the warm spring evening, and pulls you down beside him, making you chuckle. Holy Sol how he loves your laugh.
Viktor feels peace in his heart as you lean into him, his arm wraps around you and kisses the top of your head, sending butterflies to your belly and tingles throughout your body.
“So, disaster date averted?” You ask with a small smile as you meet his eye, your cheek against this shoulder.
He chuckles and gives you a small peck “yes, disaster date averted”
you smile and he sighs happily before pressing his lips to yours again, murmuring how much he loves you against your lips.
“One more thing, before this date is over” he says as you walk through the cathedral hallway to his bedroom.
He stops outside his door and places a small black flash drive with hearts on it doodled in a silver marker against your palm
“What’s this?” You ask and he looks shy as his cheeks flush
“It’s a .. a song” he says and you beam up at him
“Really?” You ask, stars in your eyes as you smile up at him, amazed and feeling so special that he made you a song
He nods shyly with a little nervous laugh and you hug him tight “thank you” you whisper into his neck.
You’ve heard some of his EDM before and listened to him talk about it with extreme passion, but he still was shy about it.
It was his hobby and you respected that him about it. You told him that you loved it and that you were proud of him, but let him choose for himself whenever he wanted you to hear it.
You press your lips to his, humming when he licks your bottom lip and you let him deepen the kiss, every feeling of love on his tongue as your hands move to his neck, one a gentle fist holding the flash drive.
You pull back and give him a giddy smile “come on, let’s go listen to it!” You say and enter his room, he nods with a happy laugh and closes his bedroom door behind him.
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Viktor Licht - Drabble
Fandom: Enn Enn no Shouboutai / Fire Force Pairing: Viktor Licht & Reader. Content: Fluff! Errors due to lack of proofing. A/N: Was send a lovely prompt by an Anon – “Okokok so i know youre working and all, but do you think you could write a fluff or even smut for viktor licht? I feel like im thebonly viktor simp out here”.
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You knew better than to bother him when he was in one of those moods – the slightly manic kinds of focus because he’s this close to figuring out something – so instead you’ve made sure to conveniently leave food and water within his reach as you’ve tended to your own work. You left before him (of course you did) receiving nothing but a distracted mumble when you said goodbye.
Heading to work a bit earlier than you usual, you already know what to expect and the suspicion is proven accurate at the sight of the light streaming from underneath the door: Viktor Licht has pulled yet another all-nighter. Still...listening for a second by the door, there’s no sound of his fingers dancing over the keyboard to the rapid taptaptap.
You push open the door, concerned if he’s just waiting for someone to arrive that he can explain everything to. All of his genius. His unleashed intellect. The wish to share it all with someone, anyone.
Instead, you find him slumped over the desk, his hand still resting on the mouse and a bit of drool in the corner of his mouth as he snores quietly. A shallow wrinkle between his brows hints at where his dreams are but other than that it looks peaceful.
You move about quietly, placing your bag by your desk before shrugging out of your coat which you – ever so carefully – drape over the sleeping man. Your oversized scarf is folded into a decent pillow. It’s a bit harder to wedge that underneath Viktor’s head, but a little nudge and a few soothing sounds as he stirs (and mumbles about an algorithm that isn’t right) and he drags the offering into place himself and settles with a content sigh.
These are the gestures you can offer. A little show of affection here and there that he never notices because his mind is elsewhere. Of course, you’d love for there to be more – to be able to freely show how you feel and have it returned. He’s just not there yet. And that’s okay because one day he will be ready and you know you can wait for him.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
Heyo friend!! If you still have slots open you know I gotta officially indulge in my newfound love for Fire Force! I'd love to see either lee Shinra or lee Viktor (I recently learned I'd been spelling his name wrong, whoops)! Either one would honestly be amazing; I ended up loving both of them pretty much equally by the end! I can't wait to see what you come up with! Welcome back! ^^
Heyo friend! (I’m writing both arekdakrearkejk I can’t resist- so this is the first of two requests!) This is such perfect timing I'm not even gonna lie- the desire to write for lee!Viktor was strong! :3 I hope you like it!
“We know what you’re hiding Viktor. Tell us, now.” Shinra’s voice was laced with unreadable coldness, eyes narrowing as he slowly approached the nervous scientist.
Viktor felt his heart drop into his stomach, hands twitching as he slowly backed up in his wheely chair. “W-What? What are you talking about? I’ve already told you everything I know-”
“Silence villain!” Arthur cut him off, making him jump. “Don’t try to deceive the Knight King and His Devilous comrad!” beside them, Tamaki shot him a look, lightly wacking his arm with the back of her hand. “Erm…villain may have been a tad too strong of a word. My apologies.”
Still, Viktor felt his pulse race with anxiety, trying to think of everything he never told them. Did they find out about his research? What about his connections with Joker? Oh…oh god- was it that they still didn’t trust him because of his former ties to Hajima? He knew that would be an uphill climb to gain trust with that but still-
“Viktor…tell us now, where’s the ramen?”
“The super special limited edition spicy ramen you always have for lunch!” Tamaki cried, cheeks puffing with determination. “We wanted to try some, but it’s nowhere to be found!”
“Tell us, old wizard, or we’ll be forced to perform interrogation!” Arthur declared, earning an eye roll from his friends. Well- it was better than “villain”.
“The spicy….what now?” Viktor was at a loss. He hadn’t realized they’d been paying attention to his eating habits. The fact was, he had no idea where the ramen cups came from. A bag of them would always be found on his desk back at his apartment with a note saying “Eat”, the only indication Joker had stopped by.
Of course, he couldn’t exactly say that to these three.
“I…erm, forgot.” Viktor offered, backing up when the three closed in, determined eyed and scary.
“Forgot, or won't tell us?” Shinra questioned.
“Spill the beans, Viktor.” Tamaki glowered.
“Or we’ll torture you!” Arthur finished.
“I….I don’t know! I swear- I just found them in my apartment-Whoa!” There was a scuffle and a crash. Before long, Shinra was sitting on him, his back pinned to the ground and eyes wide as Arthur and Tamaki got into position. “Wait! Shinra, Arthur, Tamaki! Let’s talk about this!”
“The time for talk is over!” Shinra declared, raising his hands and wiggling his fingers. “Prepare for Hero Shinra’s ultimate attack! Ready, guys?”
“Shinra- Shinra waiahahhahahahahahhahahait!” Viktor jerked with a yelp, twisting to and from, giggling helplessly beneath the self proclaimed hero. Shinra’s fingers danced along his ribs, tapping away at the bones and bringing out the nerdiest of giggles. “Hohohooohohohld ohohohoohohohon! Dohohohohonh’t! Ihihihiihihihm tihihiihihihicklish!”
“Oh, are you?” Shinra teased, delighted by the reaction he got. “Are you ticklish, hm? Is the great scientist Viktor ticklish? How about here? What about there?” He teased. He looked up at his companions, nodding. “Come on, tickle him!”
“Shihihihihiihihihn-ahahhhahahaha! Tahahahahhamakihihihihi!” The scientist all but squealed when the catgirl attacked, her knees gently pinning his hands above his head and her delicate nails tracing his ears and collarbone.
“Hm? What’s wrong? Does it tickle?” She gave his scalpe a quick ruffle, making him squeak. “I’ve never met someone with a ticklish scalp before! We should get one of those weird massage things to try!”
“Nohohohohohoho! Nohohohohohoho mahahhahahahsahhahhhahahge thihihihihihihngs! Gahhahahahahhaha Shihihihihihinra plehahhahahahhahahse!” Viktor cackled, feeling the other drill into his hips.
“Hm…nah! I like seeing you laugh!” Shinra grinned.
Behind him, Arthur sat on Viktor’s calves, debating on his plan of attack. “The old wizard is resistant. So it be, I shall get our answers!” He tossed away Viktor’s worn sneakers, fingers scribbling into the socked soles. “Take this! And this!” His other hand squeezed along Viktor’s knee, making the older man shriek.
“GUHUHUHUUHUHUHUHUHUHYS WHAHAHAHAHAHHAIT!” Viktor’s cheeks were redder than wine, his usually cooky smile wide and bright with mirth. All his squirming tossed his fluffy hair into his eyes, nearly blinding him through the mirthful tears. “OHOHOOHOHKAY! OHOOHOHOHKAY I GIHIHIHIIHIVE!”
Instantly the trio stopped, eyes bright with mischief as they watched Viktor catch his breath. “I’d knew you see it our way!” Tamaki teased, reaching out and gently brushing Viktor’s bangs out of his eyes.
“Yeah! So…” Shinra waited until the other was mostly composed. “Where’d you get the ramen?”
“Heh…hehe…I seehee you won't let this go…” Viktor smiled with a huff of laughter. “Fihine. I get it from a friend. I don’t know where he gets it, but he always brings me some whenever he drops by.” He closed his eyes as he took in a steady breath. “So there’s…the answer.”
“That’s it? Ahh!” Tamaki groaned lightly, pouting. Shinra laughed and scratched his neck.
“So the origin shall never be known. Pity.” Arthur sighed dramatically. “Sorry for the interrogation.”
“It’s fine…” Seeing their pouting faces, Viktor held up his hands. “Okay, tell you what? I have too much of it anyway. I’ll bring a few tomorrow so you guys can try some.” The three’s eyes lit up, pouts replaced with bright smiles immediately.
“Really? Thanks Viktor!”
“You're the greatest, old wizard!”
“Don’t call him that- but thank you Viktor!”
The scientist just shook his head as the three got off him, helping him to his feet before running off to do who knows what.
He really did like being here at Company 8.
I hope this was good!
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hxnmantii · 4 years
Viktor relationship hc’s
Anon Requested~If you don’t mind, can you do general hc’s of viktor licht with a black fem reader
tw: fluff (none)
Pairings: Viktor licht x black fem!reader
Ratings: PG
A/n: welcoming new comer Viktor Licht to my fire force section😌
But anyways, although I don’t show it, Viktor is actually one of my favorite characters 😭 I love him so much so I hope I was able to portray him well. I also suggest looking at @astroavis account became they depict him (and some of the others) so well! But I hope you enjoy💞
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When it came to physical fighting, he more or less wanted to avoid it at all cost, Being that he was a science guy who solved his problems with logic and not his fist
(And he’s very very aware that he is not heat resistant)
But if it were you, he would take anybody on-fire user or not, risking his life to protect you by doing something he would normally consider irrational and idiotic (even thought you’re capable of doing it yourself)
And that’s how he found out he wanted to be with you, mid fight and surrounded by pissed body guards with you behind him and him in a fighting stance sweating bullets
Now after the whole fight (company 8 came with backup just in time), he comes to you privately with a smile on his face and a hand on his neck
“Every time you’re around, my heart beats faster and my palms get sweater but I’m in perfect health....what I’m trying to say is will you go out with me?”
If you say yes, he’s ecstatic but doesn’t know how to end the conversation so he’ll say something like “great thank you” and shakes yours hand before walking away💀
Let bring attention to the fact that he can’t hide secrets—his whole face gives it away— so the first date, he’s immediately telling you that he’s a double agent
Now expect to be given a bunch of cds filled with music that you like or reminded him of you or just to vibe to in general
This also includes making CD’s for you when he has to be away for awhile so you have a piece of him when you’re gone
Because his hobby is DJing and that one of the way he shows his love for you.
That also means expect random Dance Parties but with you being the only one dancing.
“Beautiful, I make the music not dance to it”
But if you beg enough, he’ll give in but he dances just like he runs—funny and stiff, like he’s trying to calculate the best moves to do in a sequence
Don’t laugh at him, he’s super insecure about it and will never dance with you again if you make fun of him😭 but he is willing to learn whatever dance moves you wanna teach him (his favorite dance is the cha cha slide because there’s instructions in the song)
Viktor can cook but it doesn’t ever actually taste the best because he’s jus trying to intake the most beneficial proteins and vitamins so in other words,
He’s eating because he has to not because he wants to
So if you can cook, whip something up with that black girl magic. He’ll be so shocked that something can taste so good and still be a balanced meal that he’s going to ask if you can cook dinner for him all the time
And if you make dinner for him and then bring it to his desk?? He’s falling even harder for you.
He tends to overwork himself without realizing it because once he gets into his genius mode, his focus is on whatever problem he has at the moment so you bringing him dinner to remind him to take a break makes him feel important
And you’re always rewarded with a smile and kiss
Viktor is always making little concoctions for you whether it’s product for your hair, your skin or some type of jewelry and he’s gets so prideful when he sees you wearing/using them
However before he even thinks about giving you the new hair product he made, he always test it out on his head because he doesn’t wanna mess up your curls
Every once in a while, his brain hurts and thinking about anything becomes to much for him so he’ll turn on the messiest TV show that’s just pure entertainment And grab you to cuddle
This allows him to relax and focus on you and this meaningless show
(You guys always place bets on who will get into the first fight just by their introductions)
Viktor likes to rub coco butter on your skin, like massage it in to your skin because it helps him concentrate and gives his hands something to do when he’s thinking. 
(He also just likes the smell of the lotion and the softness of your skin and the bliss look on your face-)
He also just like holding you in general because if you let him, he’d lightly trace little patterns into your skin, taking note of how soft you are and how pretty you are
He tends to rant a lot to you about his current genius problems.
You don’t really understand what he’s talking about but when he talks out loud it helps gather his thought and connect his ideas so when he finally figures out his solution to his problem, You can see the light bulb go off in his head,
he’s grabbing you by the arms and giving you a kiss on the cheek before returning to his lair yelling a “thank you” even though you didn’t do anything but listen
He is a big hit at cookouts
He helped one of the uncles fix his hairline with one of his concoctions and then proceed to make remixes of twerk dance song
Now he’s on the dance floor why you’re family members are screaming “go white boy go”
Unless you ask, he’s not going to go out of his way to show you off to everybody because he’s more of a private man and doesn’t want any of his coworkers to try something
In fact when he finally introduce you to everybody over dinner nobody actually believed that you were his girlfriend and interrogated him for the truth
You were just too gorgeous and your personality was A-1
If he wasn’t grateful to have you before, after watching you interact with everybody he definitely was now
Because you are the perfect package to him
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Reblogs are appreciated
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Viktor Licht with a medic S/O
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Viktor Licht with a medic S/O headcanons! 
Genre: Fluff 
Warnings: None!
Author's note: I am not too deep into fire force (Just starting season two and I would kill a man for Viktor) 
-Mod Kenma
-First and foremost, Viktor would love how smart you are 
-Like come on, you're a part of the one-man science team in company 8 
 -At first, Viktor wasn't sure if you saw him as a traitor like Captain Obi and Captain Hibana so he kept his distance
-He was totally surprised to find out you not only didn't see him like that and were excited to work with him
-You two share the lab, occasionally with Vulcan too 
-It's mandatory for you to do monthly checkups and it makes Viktor insecure 
-All the men in the company have lots of muscles while he's here looking like a string bean
-You've told him time and time again that you're not one for muscles and prefer to be with him and his big brain
-It's so easy to throw him off his game 
-Kiss his cheek while he's working, pet his head (even though he's taller than you), surprise him with coffee or tea
-He eats that shit UP 
-He also does the same for you which is super cute
-Okay okay your guy's first kiss!!: 
You two had been working on this project for two weeks now and it was starting to take a toll on the both of you. This project was given to you two by Captain Hibana and she was starting to have her doubts. You sighed and rubbed your eyes, hating the lack of confidence you were feeling. Staring at the same papers over and over again while typing away at a computer was giving you a migraine. Your stomach grumbled, making you sigh once again. When was the last time you two had dinner? You glanced at all the empty mugs and wrappers of granola bars beside you. The clock ticked and tocked, an endless pattern that was starting to annoy you. How could Hibana expect a two-man (maybe three if you count Vulcan) science team to solve something in less than two weeks? You looked back at the papers, reading over them once again. As you began to look deeper into the work, your eyes widened. 
"Viktor.." You whispered, grabbing a highlighter. Viktor's dark eyes looked at you, then what you were highlighting. You both looked at each other in shock. "That's it...th-" "That's the missing piece." You finished. You both jumped out of your chairs, almost falling in the process. You smiled brightly, giddy that these sleepy nights would be over. Viktor's smile was just as bright as yours. He scooped you up into his arms, spinning you around. "We did it!" You cried, happiness spilling out of the two of you. You grabbed his cheeks, giggling like a mad man. He was still smiling, hands on your waist. Maybe it was the rush of the moment or the excitement running through your veins but you didn't care. You pressed your lips onto his, eyes tightly closed. What surprised you is that he kissed back. 
-He loves wearing matching lab coats 
-Unlike him, you don't wear it under your uniform (Because it gets HOT under those things) 
-Sometimes you wear scrubs and Viktor loves playing with the pockets
-He'll take pens and pencils in your scrub pockets and never return them
-Even though he has no pyrokinetic powers (and if you have powers) he wants to protect you 
-He tends to be very anxious when you join on group missions (example: going to the nether) 
-He gets scared when you get hurt
-It could just be a scratch or burn mark and he'd freak 
-He can be very anxious and panic so please take care of him when he gets like that 
-You two (plus Vulcan sometimes) work like a well-oiled machine 
-Shinra thinks it's kind of creepy how in-sync you two are
-An example could be when someone asked what type of coffee you two wanted and you two responded at the same time with the same type of coffee
-You two accidentally switch lab coats all the time 
-It's super funny because your hands will be covered by his long sleeves while he's wearing yours and your sleeves reach his elbow
-At the end of the day, you two made a badass duo 
-After taking down a rather extreme infernal, y'all do a cute little handshake 
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mrs-barnes-library · 2 years
My Favorite Fire Force Fanfictions 🔥 🚒
Fluff : 🌺    Smut : 🔥    Angst : 😭    None : 🌲
If you like these characters don't hesitate to check the new arrivals, I update every day according to my readings.
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Shinra Kusakabe :
When His S/o Is Carefree And Shameless 🌺
When His S/o Is Cuddly 🌺
Kisses 🌺
When His S/o Is Asexual 🌺
A Date With Him 🌺
When You Have Segmented Vitiligo 🌺
When His S/o Loves Dancing 🌺
Jealous 🌺
Giving And Receiving Oral 🔥
Getting Caught Making Out 🔥
Kisses 🔥
Shinmon Benimaru :
Kissing Him 🌺🔥
How He Shows Him Affection 🌺
Under The Influence 🌺🔥
When His S/o Is Carefree And Shameless 🌺
Jealous 🌺
When You Get Injured He Confesses 🌺
When His S/o Loves Dancing 🌺
Smoochin Hotties 🌺
Sign Language 🌺
Slurred Like You 🔥
Photography 🔥
Giving And Receiving Oral 🔥
Shower Sex 🔥
We’ll Show Her 🔥
Getting Caught Making Out 🔥
Kisses 🔥
Karim Fulham :
When His S/o Loves Dancing 🌺
Getting Caught Making Out 🔥
Arthur Boyle :
When His S/o Is Cuddly 🌺
Kisses 🌺
Rubbing Hands 🌺
Getting Caught Making Out 🔥
Kisses 🔥
Viktor Licht :
Kisses From A Nerd 🌺
Old Spice And Something Nice 🌺
When His S/o Is Impressed By His Skills 🌺
Jealous 🌺
Morning Haze 🌺
Kisses 🌺
When You’re Clumsy 🌺
Sign Language 🌺
Sharing Clothes With His S/o 🌺
Freak Like Me 🔥
Cockwarming Him 🔥
N, P, S 🔥
First Time 🔥
Joker :
How He Shows Him Affection 🌺
Old Spice And Something Nice 🌺
Smoochin Hotties 🌺
Getting Caught Making Out 🔥
First Time 🔥
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daisies-daydreams · 2 years
Fire Force: Company 8 Men (When You’re On Your Period)
Category: Fluff, Slight Angst (If You Squint) 
Warnings: Mentions of Bleeding, Nudity (Non-Sexual; Obi’s Part Only) 
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Shinra Kusakabe
Doesn’t know what to do at first tbh.
He panics when you tell him about your “monthly visitor” is making you bleed profusely, but calms down when he realizes it’s just menstruation.
Fumbles around, trying to get you the pad/tampon size you asked for…only to come back with all of them.
“I-I didn’t know which one to get,” he says as he looks down at his feet.
You reassure him that it’s okay, and you appreciate the gesture.
Don’t worry. He’ll become more prepared over time. 
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Arthur Boyle
Oh boy.
He’s confused as h*ck. How can you be bleeding and not die?
He wasn’t really educated about these things, having been abandoned by his parents.
Blushes hard when you explain it all to him (he’ll still be confused and in shock for a little while before calming down).
Is on guard for you, 24/7.
“How can I assist you in defeating this red demon?” he bellows dramatically.
You can’t help but burst into laughter as you hug him tightly.
He’s very forgetful about what to do, but he’ll will try his best to help and support you.
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Vulcan Joseph
After living with Lisa, he’s got period prep down to a T. 
Need a heating pad? He’s already got it. Water? There’s a bottle already in your hand. Favorite music? Done. He’s got you, bb. 
Turns into the biggest softie when you’re having a bad day (cramping, breaking out, bleeding through, etc). 
“I got you some Midol, baby,” he murmurs as he rubs your sides, adjusting the heat pack to the best position that makes your cramps melt away. 
TL;DR: Vulcan has experience and he knows how to use it. 
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Viktor Licht
Tall gremlin man.
He knows what a period is…he’s just not familiar with how to help someone who’s on their period.
He’ll ask you if you need anything, trying to be casual about it (but still kind of awkward).
Viktor will research (aka Google) for days about what to do when a significant other is menstruating. 
He learns very quickly, both from being with you and his “research”, and becomes a pro in no time.
“I got you your (favorite candy), some tampons, and some pain meds. Oh, I also put on (favorite movie),” he says before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
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Takehisa Hinawa
(This man scares the crap out of me ngl).
He’ll keep his usual straight face when you tell him you’re on your period.
Hinawa will then promptly go to the store and get everything you requested.
His forte is getting what you need. Comforting you on the other hand…
“It’s a cramp. Just take some medicine,” he tells you, thinking that he’s giving you some light at the end of the tunnel.😬😬😬
He quickly learns that being blunt isn’t always the best way to comfort someone. 
He’s better than Arthur, but not as great as Vulcan. Hinawa is probably somewhere in-between (but he can get better, as long as you tell him how to emotionally support you just as well as he physically supports you). 
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Akitaru Obi
This tank of a man will drop everything and run to your place when you tell him you’re having terrible cramps and can’t get out of bed.
He’ll rush in and draw you a bath (if that’s your thing), making sure to gently place you into the tub while massaging any muscles that ache.
Obi will spoil you so, so much. He’ll treat you like the queen you are.
However, he won’t always get you unhealthy food you ask for. He wants his baby to be healthy and hydrated. 
“I know it’s not chocolate, but strawberries can be just as romantic,” he insists with his big, goofy smile and a wink. 
Obi’s just a big teddy bear. Even if you don’t feel beautiful, dealing with cramps, bloating, and break-outs, he’ll praise and encourage you until those negative thoughts go away. 
He’s always down for snuggling if you ask him to, holding you close to his warm body as you fall asleep in his arms. 
(Please marry this man). 
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xulcan · 3 years
the eighth and their love languages
a/n- a lil thing to help my brain work again 🙇🏾‍♀️
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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
obi: physical touch and quality time
the type of guy who would want you near by when he’s working out, he always asks you to sit on his back when doing push-ups and y’all normally hold a conversation
he loves receiving hugs from you after a long day, he would hold you tight and kiss you softly
hinawa: acts of service
he’s a very busy man so it always makes his heart skip a beat when you do some of his tasks for him
when he’s on his way to service the vehicles or clean up and he see’s that it’s already done he smiles knowing that you beat him to it to lighten his load
maki: words of affirmation and physical touch
it no secret that she’s a lil insecure about her muscles, so she likes it when you complement them on join her in on her workouts
she loves it when you hug her and kiss her cheek, or when you walk around carrying her bridal styling treating her like a princess, she especially loves when you kiss her muscles while hugging her it makes her feel happy and more secure about her body
iris: receiving gifts and quality time
she loves spending time with you no matter what it is, it could be y’all doing a chore together or a simple date in town
she also loves receiving little gifts and giving them too, the type of person who would give you rocks and flowers, not to be rude with the rocks she just thought it looked neat and that you would like it, and vise versa
arthur: physical touch
he loves holding your hands and fiddling with your fingers, but if you do the same to him his cheeks become a light pink cause he’s a lil embarrassed
he loves hugs from you out of the blue, right then and there you can feel his little knight facade disappearing and in your arms he’s just arthur boyle a guy who loves you
shinra: words of affirmation
he loves it when you call him your hero, he gets all happy inside and feels like he was able to protect the person he cares for the most
when you tell him that you’re proud of him or that he did a good job after a battle he smiles at you and calls himself “does-the-best-man”
vulcan: physical touch and acts of service
he loves it when you go out and get new parts for him or lend him a hand in his workshop, when you go out and get him new parts he always tells you that you didn’t have to but always accepts it with a smile
he loves it when you kiss his forehead cause he feels like he has someone who’s close enough to him to make him feel at home, when you kiss him after he rambles on about an invention he made he gets a little embarrassed and attempts to recover from it
viktor: acts of service, receiving gifts and quality time
he loves it if you get him new lab supplies when he just mentions he needs some new ones, he wasn’t even hinting at anything it was the truth
when you get them for him he asks if you wanna stay, when you accept the offer y’all sit in comfortable silence as you watch him finish up his experiment and when he finally finishes he cheerfully explains the process to you, he wouldn’t mind if you asked a question here and there while he was working either
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ultimate-cinephile · 4 years
Can I PLEASE request some Viktor Licht fluff!! I'm completely obsessed with this little weirdo and cannot get enough 💕 I loved your kissing headcanon's btw
You 100% can! I've been wanting someone to request for a month now. Tysm Nonnie!!
And I'm glad you enjoyed them! Also, I had no idea what to do for a plot, so I decided to do this again seeing as how I had a lot of fun with Joker's.
A- Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
He definitely admires that you don't judge him for anything. You completely understand that he's devoted to his mission (and you of course, but you didn't hear that from me) and you understand why he does what he does, and he absolutely adores it.
B- Baby (Do they want a family? Why or why not?)
In truth, I don't think he thinks about having a family much. He most definitely wouldn't mind having one in the long run (especially with you), but you'd have to be the one to bring it up.
C- Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Viktor loves spooning. By the time he goes to bed, you're usually asleep, so he crashes into bed next to you and pulls your back to his chest and he just sort of curling you because he's that tall. It's quite comfortable for the both of you.
D- Dates (What are dates with them like?)
It takes Viktor awhile to get used to the idea of dates. His idea of a date was just two people spending time together. So for awhile, you two just sat in his office while he worked. Then he did some research (watched some romance movies with maki and iris; he r e a l l y liked The Proposal) and decided to take you out on a proper date.
This being said, dates with Viktor are usually a spur of the moment thing and happen when you both have time, but they almost always open you up to a new experience and they're always fun. Sometimes you do something crazy like going to a casino for no reason and sometimes you do something peaceful like just walking around the city and sight-seeing and window shopping and all that cool jazz.
E- Everything (You are my ___; e.g. my life, my world)
"You are my reason for everything. You remind me everyday why I do what I do. Thank you."
F- Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It was just after Company 8 finished an Infernal. You had slipped away from the rest of the group and Viktor, being the curious boi he is, went after you. He found you comforting a crying child.
It turns out that the kid's parent had been the one to turn Infernal, and you refused to leave their side until they we laughing and smiling again.
Something about that made his heart melt.
He had no idea what was going on and later googled his symptoms (after consulting any sort of reliable medical book/website he could find) and nearly had a heart attack when he found out what it was.
G- Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how so?)
Viktor isn't really a rough man. It's just his nature (I want to make fun of him for being a pacifist, but I can't because I'm one D:<).
Anyways, he isn't overly gentle with you either. He knows that you're more than capable of handling certain things by yourself and he's happy to let you do those things, but if he sees you struggling, he won't hesitate to help you out.
H- Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He's very fond of linking pinkies. He's not a fan of PDA, but that doesn't make him uncomfortable and he likes holding you in some way. Though if he gets jealous, he wraps an arm around your waist (more on that later though).
I- Impression (What was their first impression?)
Well, since you are a part of the Fire Force (sorry to just assign you a role like this) he naturally thought you were a bit reckless, running into fires like that, but he can't really judge since he kinda did the same thing.
J- Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oh, he does. He's much better at hiding it than Joker. Licht is very rarely intimidating, and the man cannot glare to save his life. A telltale sign that he's jealous is that he gets more affectionate in front of others. He'll wrap his arm around your waist and pull your back into his chest while resting his chin on the top of your head.
K- Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Even though they're an expression of friendship, he adores eskimo kisses (when he can bend down to your height) or he likes gently kissing the top of your forehead.
Even though kisses with Licht are usually short-lived, they always communicate how much you mean to him and the words that he so often can't find to say himself.
You 100% had to initiate the first kiss. He was staying up late to work on something and you had to go to sleep or else you'd pass out on the floor so in your tired stupor you gave him a quick good-night peck to the lips.
He did not get any work done the rest of the night.
L- Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Surprisingly??? Viktor.
Just before he goes to the Haijima lab with Shinra (i'm waiting on the dub, but i sWEAR IF THEY KILL HIM-), you run up to him and kiss him.
"I swear to Sol, Licht, if you die there, I'm gonna kill you. I love you too much to loose you."
Shinra probably had to slap him cause Viktor.exe had crashed.
M- Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
You and him were watching the Sound of Music, and you, being a dork, pulled him to his feet and started dancing around the room with him. Both of you fell back on your bed, laughing like a couple of idiots.
N- Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Sometimes. He buys you stuff a lot, and sometimes if he's out in town and he sees something he knows that you'd like, he'll 100% get it for you. He loves seeing you happy and he's more than willing to spare a dollar or two to see you smile.
O- Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?)
Red. The first time you two had a proper conversation, you had accidentally cut your finger while cutting up something for dinner. He offered to help you after he saw you cursing yourself and wrapping your injured finger in a bandage.
P- Pet Names (What pet names do they use?)
I feel like Viktor isn't big on pet names but he sometimes calls you 'love'.
Q- Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?)
Okay so, this is gonna sound weird, but he has a genuine fountain pen that belonged to some famous writer. He's quite proud of it.
R- Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
He loves to work on rainy days. He loves it if you sit there and watch him or if you sit in his lap. If you manage to drag him away, he'll do anything with you. Sometimes, just for the heck of it, he takes you outside and you two just walk around with an umbrella shielding you from becoming drenched.
S- Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Viktor just stirs his problems into coffee. He has no idea how to solve his own problems, so he has no idea what he's doing if he comforts you. He usually just lets you cry and rant and scream until you feel better. He'll hold you in his lap if you want. He has no idea what to do, please help him.
T- Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Viktor will gladly talk about his research or if you manage to get him to watch something with you, he'll geek out about that with you. It's so cute watching him freak out about the ending to Rogue One, it isn't even funny.
U- Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
A nice, hot cup of coffee or tea and you
V- Vaunt (What do they like to show off?)
His fountain pen, you, sometimes his research
W- Wedding (Where, when, and how do they propose?)
It takes him awhile to even consider marriage. Honestly? It takes him long enough that you propose!
It was on a leap day, since that's traditionally the day a woman can propose, you had a nice ring in your back pocket. You tried seven times in one day to propose, but every time you got ready to pop the question, something would come along and you had to wait a minute.
Eventually you just got fed up with going through reports so you asked Licht then. He thought you were kidding when he said yes, but then you chucked a box and his head and he'd never been more happy for a mix-up in his life.
X- Xylophone (What’s their song?)
I know it doesn't ask for a relationship song, but the only song coming to mind right now is The Reason by Hoobastank.
Y- Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
As I said before, he doesn't really think about it until after you get engaged. After that though, he admires the ring with a smile as he counts down the days until you're married.
Z- Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Well, animals are uncommon, but once Vulcan showed him a picture of a gerbil. He has no idea what it is, but he wants one.
okay! that's it! i hope you enjoy it Nonnie!
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honeypirate · 3 years
Congrats on the milestone! You deserve it!! For the 420 event, could I request a Viktor Licht x gn! reader drabble?
Indica/Sativa: 8; sharing favorite music
Joints: 10; friends (coworkers) to lovers
Pack the Bowl: 11; the moment they realize they love you
Thank you!! Have a rad day 🤙
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I hope you like it! Thanks for requesting!
Viktor licht x gn! Reader
I tried to keep it sans the pronouns please let me know if I messed up and I will edit it asap.
Favorite music + friends to lovers + the moment they realize they love you
Event Masterlist
“Hey” you say as you poke your head into his room, knocking the door frame lightly
He looks up from his desk, paperwork everywhere, and gives you his signature lopsided grin “oh hey y/n! What’s up?” He says as he scribbled something on the page
“Since everyone else is busy and gone I was wondering if you wanted to hang out” you say with a smile as you lean against the entryway
“Yeah!” He says a little too excitedly as he stands quickly and knocks over his chair “woah there” you say with a chuckle and he laughs, his cheeks dusted a little pink as he picks up his chair.
“I have to finish one thing first though” he says and you nod “can I help?”
He takes you to his lab and explains what he’s trying to test and how the math works. You follow maybe half of it before you get lost and confused but you still listen and pay attention, hanging on his every word. You were truly fascinated with his brain and how he thinks and does things, you loved listening to him talk even if you didn’t understand.
You chuckle softly and place your hand on his bicep “I’m gonna be honest Viktor,” his brain goes fuzzy for a second, his heart racing from your warm hand against his arm and the way you say his name has his stomach filling with butterflies.
“I only understood the first half of what you said. Once you got to the scientific procedure and the mathematics of how it’s going to work, I was a little lost.” You drop your hand and he tries so hard not to frown
“But I love listening to you talk and explain things. You are truly fascinating to me. I could listen you talk for hours even though you’re levels more intelligent than I will ever be” you chuckle and he can’t help but laugh with you.
Your eyes sparkled as you looked up at him and he truly believed you found him fascinating. He never thought anyone would ever say that to him. He’s been called weird, creepy, annoying, too much. But never fascinating.
His heart beats seemingly out of control as he looks down at you in the fluorescent lab lights that you somehow still look amazing under. The only person in the world who still looks good in fluorescent.
He busies himself finishing his work as you look through different papers. When he looks back at you he smiles, you’re biting your bottom lip as you organize stacks of papers and folders and he gasps just too soft for you to hear. A shocked inhale of breath from a realizing that hits him like a slap across the face.
He watched as you moved around his papers and he realized that he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care if you touch his things. He doesn’t care if you mess it up. You’re the only one that it doesn’t bother him with. His brain flies through the deductions and connects all the dots until he’s drawing on his imaginary chalkboard in his head the word love and then circling it three times.
He loves you.
He loves you!
He LOVES You!!
His laughter catches your attention and you look back and meet his eye “are you done?” You ask and he nods with a grin, taking the few steps to be by your side “what have you done here?” He asks with a lilt in his voice and you drop your hands, your cheeks warming
“Oh I just. I saw how they were almost organized in this pattern that doesn’t really make sense but I figured it out” he looks through the stacks and realizes you actually made it better?? It’s so much easier in this pattern of pages as his eyes scan the order you out them in it clicks, his problem he was having with this particular research and you solved it by just rearranging his mess.
“You’re a genius!” He exclaims and hugs you tight to his chest
“Oh!” You say and laugh as you melt into him, hugging him back.
After the hug that lasted just a little too long to be considered just a friend slash coworker, he reluctantly let you go. “Wanna go to that place you like and get some food? I’ve been really craving their buns” you ask, scratching the back of your neck trying not to look as flustered as you feel.
“That’s an amazing idea” he says and nods, his hair bouncing with his energy.
“Let’s go then! I’m starving!”
After you guys have lunch you walk through the town, window shopping and talking. You spot a vinyl record store and grab his hand excitedly “let’s go check that out!” You keep your hand in his as you pull him with you across the street and into the store.
“What kind of music do you like?” He asks and you smile with a shrug “I like a little bit of everything, right now I’m listening to a lot of (y/f/m)” he hums softly “I’ve never listened to that before”
You look around the store until your eyes find what they’re looking for. Still holding his hand, you guide him with you down a few rows before you find your favorite record and then bring him over to the corner where there was a record player with headphones.
“I don’t have this one but I’ve wanted to buy it for a while” you say as you unwrap the packing knowing you’re just gonna buy it when you’re done. You place the record into the machine and hand him the headphones that were connected before you press play.
His eyes widen when the music starts and a smile slowly spreads on his lips. “I really like this!” He says a little too loud and you laugh, letting go of his hand and raising yours, placing your fingertips gently against his lips as you move one of the sides off his ear “I’m glad you like it” you say with a chuckle “did I say that really loud?” He asks and you nod “but it’s okay. I’m glad you like something I like” your cheeks warm and you smile shyly up at him. The song ends and he hands you the headphones “wait here” he says excitedly and then quickly makes his way through the aisles.
“Listen to this” he says as he changes out the record, putting yours back in its case before taking the headphones from your hand and gently placing them over your ears for you
Your heart skips as he pushes your hair back and you know your cheeks are as hot as sun.
He keeps eye contact as he presses play and the music that hits your ears is soft and comforting, it gives you goosebumps to hear the passion in the singer's voice. “This is amazing Viktor” you say softly, knowing how easy it would be to be too loud.
He doesn’t know why, but knowing you like something he loves, makes him feel all warm and tingly. He guesses it’s because he loves you but he’s not familiar with it all too well so it’s mostly just his own theories.
He grabs the other set of headphones and puts them over his ears so you can both listen together and then his hand instinctually reaches for yours.
Your heart skips when his fingers gently run across the back of your hand but when you look up into his eyes, you’re breathless as the adoration you see in them. You lace your fingers with his and smile shyly up at him as the artist sings into your ears, the music you can feel in your soul.
You pay for your records and leave the shop hand in hand. You’re not sure just what’s going on but you like it too much to say something and possibly ruin it.
“Y/n! Viktor!” Iris’s voice shouts from behind you and you turn around to see her and Shinra coming back from cleansing the weapons. You expected him to let go your hand but your butterflies dance when he just gives your hand a squeeze.
“Hey guys!” you say, your cheeks warm from being caught holding hands. You feel a little like you’re a teenager again as they stop in front of you
“Are you guys on a date or something?” Shinra asks and raises his eyebrows
“Uhh.. I” he starts before meeting your eye as you look up to him, he smiles softly and your heart races. you squeeze his hand and then turn back to Shinra “yeah. Kinda” you admit and you feel the excitement poor from Viktors body as you say that. You are on a date with him!! What?!!! How did he get so lucky?! That must mean you like him back! Right?! He goes through the deductions in his head, rapidly working through the day up until now and connecting the signs. You do,He realizes, You like him back.
“So we really should be going!” He says with a chuckle “since this date isn't over yet, we will see you back at the base!” He says and then drags you in a different direction, excitement fueling his actions.
“Where are we going?” You ask as you follow him, walking fast to keep up with his long legs.
“We‘re here!” He says and you round the corner to see the gardens that were by a church downtown.
“Ooooh it’s beautiful” you say, your eyes widening as you walk through the rows of flowers.
The sunset was warming your face, there were butterflies on various flowers and the trees around the edge looked like they were a fruit tree of some kind. He leads you to the bench in the middle with more trees behind it that makes it seem like it’s a world if it’s own.
“This is so beautiful Viktor” you say as you look around. He is sitting beside you, your hand in both of his as he looks down at you. “I know” he says softly and as you meet his eye he cups your cheek, his thumb brushing across your soft skin.
“Is this really a date?” He asks with an anxious chuckle and you gasp softly, your cheeks warming as you smile softly “would you like it to be?” You ask and cover his hand with your own.
He lets out a breathy chuckle and says “yes. I would”
You place your hand on his chest and lean in closer “I would like it too” you admit and watch as his cheeks flush as he leans down and then stops, looking up and searching your eyes “can I kiss you?” He asks and you chuckle with a nod, dropping his hand and reaching up to cup his cheeks as he closes the distance and presses his lips yours.
It was slow and soft, your lips moving together as you hum against his lips, matching smiles as his hands cup your cheeks.
“I love you” he says and peppers kisses against your lips slowly “I love you” he whispers between every other kiss.
“You do?” You ask, your heart beating wildly and your skin tingling
“Yes yes I do” he says and presses his forehead to yours as you catch your breath, his arm moving around your shoulders.
“I love you too, Viktor” you say with a shocked laugh, your heart practically bubbling over with happiness then you press your lips to his again, the sweet scent of the flowers surrounding like his arms.
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lams-creator · 3 years
Today's Lunch
{Viktor Licht x F! Reader}
Summary: You find yourself happily cooking for him, and you realize this is the first time you have felt happy cooking.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of: Past Misogyny, Past Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Sexism
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Cooking was never something you enjoyed, coming from a sexist home in where the women had to do everything around the home. You remember having to come home just to clean and cook endlessly after school. Having to make dinner for ungrateful men was the worst too, they always had complaints yet couldn't even bother to serve themselves. So as you grew into an adult cooking was never enjoyable, never satisfying, just another chore. Yet as a fool you find yourself humming while gently placing the shrimp into the oil. Making sure to not overcook them or ruin them. And when you realize this, you wonder how to feel...
He made you happy, well not just happy, he made you enjoy those things you used to despise without he himself knowing. It seems cooking has now been another thing he has taught you to enjoy. The thought of sharing something you carefully made along him made your chest feel warm. At first you had only cooked for him as you had seen him only ever buy food, either because he didn't know how to cook or was too tired from his research everyday. It started out as a simple sandwich that you had carefully placed by his side while he was entranced in his work. You were worried for your coworker since it didn't seem like he had eaten anything all day. So you had left it at his side without much thought and had left for the day from the fire station.
What you hadn't expected though was him coming to you the next day thanking you, after all that wasn't something you were used to and it had not seemed like he could tell you even placed the food next to him. Yet he did, too focused on the moment but expressing his gratitude in his own weird way...by showing you his collection of preserved animals..
It was nice though, he had cleaned his plate and thanked you. But that had been the end of it, or so you thought. You would find him again starving himself because he just couldn't keep his mind off his work. It wasn't that this was an often occurence but when it did happen you could notice the side effects on his body. You felt bad just letting him starve because after all he was the company's scientist who brought much contribution. And as his assistant in his research you felt a bit obligated to make sure that he at least wouldn't hurt himself. So you made him lunch again, then again, and until you found yourself in this routine of making him lunches everytime he went into those days he wouldn't take a break. During the course of those days though you found yourself changing up the meals as time passed. It went from the most simple cooking even the worst cooks could do to amazing meals that salarymen would find their housewives making them every day. It seemed you had even learned what he liked and disliked as well, always making sure to adjust to his likings. It wasn't like this had gone unnoticed by him though, he was a person with somewhat respect so he always tried to give back the favor. He didn't seem to know how but he had always made sure to always do a good portion of your work, bought you treats or even lunch as well, always made sure to clean after any mess you had made, and verbally thank you.
It was so strange though. Because now you find yourself smiling or laughing whenever you think about the joy on his face after he realizes there's a homemade meal next to him to enjoy after he's done with his research. He has a strange smile one can't lie, but truly whenever he showed it to you as he thanked you, you just couldn't help but feel your heart beating. You never imagined enjoying making food for yourself, especially not a man. It's not like you suddenly want to become a housewife or be praised by him as if your submissive. Not at all, just that it's now so enjoyable to share a meal with someone especially him. Maybe it wasn't so bad having to be-
"Ah! Is that today's lunch?"
Seriously has Viktor never learned to not scare someone so suddenly?
"Yeah. It is."
"Thank you Y/N! I'll come back in a bit yeah? Company 5 just shared new information upon the insects!"
You turned towards him.
Since when did he get that close to your face!?
"Your a little too close Viktor!"
"Sorry!" He backed up a little.
"Whatever, the food will be ready in a few minutes please don't let it get cold this time" You can't but sigh now that you remember how many times he eats the food cold.
"Yeah! Actually after we eat I've ought to show you something!"
"Yeah, but after we eat lunch!"
With that he waved and headed out before stopping at the doorway.
"Oh Y/N?"
"Mhm?" Sol you hope it's not another tangent of his.
"I can't lie I've never once asked this before but I suppose it doesn't hurt" He turned his head.
What? Is he?..
"Would you mind going out with me whenever your free?, just the two of us"
Is he genuinely smiling?
Sorry I had this in my drafts for such a long time I suppose I only just got motivation to finish this. I know it's not entirely good as I rushed it just to get it out of the way but I hope it's alright. Thank you.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
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Heyo! This is the last of the three Candy Hearts for the lovely @intheticklecloset​! I hadn’t had the chance to write for Vulcan yet, so this was an absolute joy! I hope you like it friend *sends all the hugs*
Sweet Heart- “Oh? Is someone ticklish?”
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” Vulcan’s tone shifted from friendly to mischievous in seconds, leaving the scientist little chance to react. Vulcan had asked if Viktor would help out with a new invention he created- something about “making sure the science fits the build” or something like that.
At some point, Vulcan had gone to grab a wrench, his hand brushing against Viktor’s side and making the other nearly jump out of his skin.
Now said scientist found himself beginning to sweat as Vulcan put down his tools, eyes dancing with curiosity. “V-Vulcan, ahehehe- shouldn’t we finish the invention first?”
“Oh we will.” Vulcan grinned, cracking his knuckles as he slowly approached the other. “First things first- I gotta see what makes you tick!”
Viktor tried to move away, but the table proved to be his enemy, catching his coat and forcing him to stumble. Immediately Vulcan was upon him, fingers worming into his sides and tickling away, making the other jerk with a squeal. “Vuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhulchahahahan! Waahhahahahahiit!” He cried, feeling his face already starting to burn, eyes wet with mirth.
“Wow, you’re really ticklish, aren’t you?” Vulcan mused, letting his hands wander to find the best places for tickles. “It hasn’t even been a minute and you’re already red as a beet!”
“Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhhsh! Ihiihiihihhm nohohohohohot a ehehehehehxperimehehehehnt-GAH! NOOHOHOOHO!” Viktor’s hands shot down and grasped at Vulcan’s wrists, the other’s hands firmly pressing into his hips. “Oh ho ho, is this a bad spot?” Vulcan teased, grinning from ear to ear as Viktor struggled. “You know, Lisa used to curse me out if I did this-” His hand suddenly shot to Viktor’s belly, going up the shirt and clawing at the sensitive skin there. “I wonder what you will do.”
Cursing didn’t come, but loud dorky laughter did. “VUUHUHUHUHUHULCAN STAHHAHAHAHP IHIHIHIHIIHIT!” Viktor all but whined, sinking down the table until he was curled into a ball, Vulcan’s hands following him down.
They’d get back to the invention eventually.
Send me a pairing + a candy heart phrase!
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t-tatsumaki · 3 years
— Cuddling their S/O
pairing: hinawa takehisa x reader and viktor licht x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
a/n: just want to say that I’m sorry for the slow updates I hope you all like this, also I’m changing the writing format ☺️
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VIKTOR wasn’t used to this type of physical contact, you were the first person he felt attracted on, but once you two started dating he felt so free around you, even though that sometimes he had a singular way of showing his love to you like touching your titties. As a scientist Viktor was really used to staying up until late and sometimes he didn’t even sleep. The first time the two of you cuddled it was because you threatened him because he didn’t had any sleep that day. He was nervous and he didn’t know what to do with his hands “should I put them here?” Or “it will be better if I let my hand fall around her”. But he was a quick learner and after a few cuddling seasons he ended up enjoying it. He knew that if that day he would come home late your would be waiting for him and cuddle, he always melted when he thought about cuddling with you when he arrived at home, your warm body made him so happy and he felt so protected that sometimes he thought that his heart would go out of his chest. He really loves you.
HINAWA is a man who knows what he wants, but when it came to ask you to cuddle with him, his words seemed to have left his mouth. But you knew him like your hand, even if he didn’t told you straight what he wanted you knew it. Hinawa is so obvious even if he thinks that he is the best at hiding his feelings. Sometimes it starts with subtle things, like holding your hand or touching any part of your body without any sexual way. He sighs a LOT. He will use excuses such as “you look tired today, you should go to bed”. His body is really really warm and once he cuddles with you there’s no way that you can scape from his big arms. He always tends to fall asleep with his head resting your chest and his arms wrapped around your waist. He won’t tell you, but when he has a bad day, your cuddles are medicine for him.
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discoclubofvenus · 4 years
FIRE FORCE  Masterlist
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𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙤𝙙𝙚...purchased!
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       Party Members
Smoochin hotties
✧ (Fluff) Kissing headcanons w/Obi, Benimaru, & Joker
Morning Haze
✧ (Fluff) Morning headcanons w/Maki, Victor, & Hinawa
✧ Kissing headcanons w/Hinawa, Viktor, & Maki
Freak like me
✧ (nsfw) headcanons of your first time w/Viktor and how he is normally in bed
Kisses from a nerd
✧ (Fluff) Imagine of the meaningful yet strange kisses Viktor gives
Viktor with a clumsy s/o 
✧ (Fluff) Imagine of Viktor w/a clumsy s/o on a winter day
Morning Haze
✧ (Fluff) Morning headcanons w/Maki, Victor, & Hinawa
✧ Kissing headcanons w/Hinawa, Viktor, & Maki
Morning Haze
✧ (Fluff) Morning headcanons w/Maki, Victor, & Hinawa
✧ Kissing headcanons w/Hinawa, Viktor, & Maki
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   LVL 10: BRIGADE 5 
   LVL 15: BRIGADE 1
   LVL 25: BRIGADE 7
Just me, her, and the moon
✧(Fluff) Imagine going on a ride through the skies with Benimaru on his Matoi
Smoochin Hotties
✧ (Fluff) Kissing headcanons w/Obi, Benimaru, & Joker
   LVL 30: BRIGADE 4
Coming soon
✧ Headcanons of a jealous Ogun
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Smoochin Hotties
✧  (Fluff) Kissing headcanons w/Obi, Benimaru, & Joker
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