#villain jay walker....maybe?
lightning-and-dragons · 2 months
So, after seeing Jay in part one of season 2, I began to wonder how Jay could become a villain, as many people have theorized (I love these theories so much, I would love to see him have a villain arc!).
Here's how I think it could happen with what we know about Jay now (sort of told in a story form....I'm a fanfic writer, so that's my default lol):
Jay was used to emptiness. Ever since he lost his memories, there was a void inside of him, a void created by not knowing. Not knowing who he was before the Merge. Not knowing his favorite color. Not knowing what he was like. Not knowing if anyone out there loved him. Not knowing if he even liked himself.
It was a numbing feeling, like staying still while the world moved around him, like being left behind as everyone moved ahead. He couldn't feel anything with that emptiness, that numbness in his heart. Perhaps feelings were something one gained from knowing who you were. Knowing where you came from. Knowing who loved you.
He pretended he could feel, that his world wasn't numb inside, and it worked to the people around him, but he could never trick himself.
Nothing in the Administration could fill that void. Nothing could make him feel much of anything. He tried to fill the void with paperwork, and then videogames, yet nothing could make him feel like there was something in him. That there was something about his life worth celebrating. Nothing made him feel like he was a person, someone with a history, someone people could like. Nothing made him feel real. Everyone at the Administration just treated him like another worker, which he guessed he was, and the emptiness grew.
The emptiness got bigger when he discovered that he could control lightning. He found that he had all that power, so much strength, yet no one to celebrate it with. Which made the power useless, didn't it? He couldn't use it in the Administration or else he could get terminated, he couldn't tell anyone, he couldn't do anything with it. It became just as useless as everything else about him, the him now and most likely the him from before.
The excitement he had felt soon disappeared, along with the worry. There was nothing he could do about it, and the numbness returned.
When he met that skeleton-person when the Administration was sent to find the machine known as Zane, Jay felt something change in him. The person had looked at him with confusion when he spoke up, and showed some care to how he felt about the job he was in. Sure, she was probably just trying to escape, but her words filled the emptiness, made him feel like a person, that there was something more to him that just a member of the Administration. And when he saw himself, dressed in something close to a ninja gi, in the yellow orbs reflection, he felt confusion and awe, the void filling once again.
It was in that moment that he wanted the void filled completely. He didn't want to live as an empty shell anymore. He wanted to be a person, someone more than an agent. And he hungered for it.
He was tired of being empty. He wanted to feel again. He wanted to be someone.
So, he escaped the Administration, leaving it as quickly as he could, searching, fighting to fill that void again, to feel more than numb, to find out who he could be. Could he be more than what he was? Was he meant to be someone incredible?
That was when Lord Ras found him. Ras promised Jay a life that he could be proud of, that would make Jay worth something, that his name would be known. That he could feel more than he had felt in years. That the void that Jay felt could be filled.
The emptiness in him screamed to be filled again, and he could already feel Ras' praises, his promises, filling it.
Jay didn't hesitate to put on the wolf mask that was handed to him.
And, with the resounding note of a gong, the emptiness was gone.
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i know im not the only one manifesting a cole and jay tournament battle parallel with season 4 but. also cole lets jay win again. think about it.
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nyaskitten · 2 years
still SO fucking pissed that they did NOTHING with the idea of Kai grieving Nya, his sister who he RAISED, and took care of for years! They made it all about Jay and Nya, and that pissed me off because Kai DESERVED some focus surrounding how he dealt with losing Nya.
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llannasvsp · 9 months
i cant help but think about jay in dragons rising. he went crazy in hunted- i dont even know if i want to see what's happened to him now.
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kamisama1kiss · 22 days
I know that I keep requesting, and I’m sorry but I have a head full of ideas which I have to get out somehow- 😭
The ninjas reaction to their Lover (A ninja) flirting with them at any given point? Like one day they start to flirt with them all day, during training, during battle even them doing the most mundane things-
But this is just like a prank from the readers side where they start to flirt all day and they wanna see their reaction. (The ninja can flirt back, obviously for someone who loves red that is a go-to 🤭)
Please don't apologise 😭🙏 I love getting asks even tho i can maybe be a tad bit slow at times!! 🤭🤭
Their reactions of the lover being a massive flirt as a prank {Ninjago Headcanons}
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~Lloyd Garmadon~
Genuinely, in a more general setting, he'd stop dead in his tracks with a light blush on his face, having not expected to hear your flirty comments. Would eventually loosen up and give in with a shy smile with avoiding eye contact. When he tried to flirt back, he wasn't exactly good at flirting at all. At least he tried.
Let's say mid battle against a villain and hiding, planning. He'd ignore it at first, but his heart would speed up lightly, tumbling on his words.
~Kai Smith~
His head would be within a flash turned to look over at you, a smug grin on his lips right before he bit his lip. Laughing to himself slightly before walking over to flirt back with no hesitation. Even planting a few short kisses on your neck, face, and maybe hand.
Now, let's place it in more of a fighting scenario? Yeah. He would most likely flirt back as a response if we know him right, winking back at you when the opportunity gives him time. Feeling a little giddy to be flirted with rather than the flirter.
~Cole Brookstone~
Believe he tried to be serious, but would instantly crack with laughter. No matter how many times his lover was flirty, he just stood their with a big grin on his face. Simply giving in with a simple peck on the cheek.
Yet again, if this was in a training way, he'd stop for a second. The warmth grew on his face but could be denied within seconds, shaking it off to train again. It definitely got his pulse up a few notches.
~Zane Julian~
Didn't get much of the memo of flirting, more specifically when you already had been dating for a while. Either way, he gained a smile depending on how intense the flirting could be his software could heat up a little.
Let's say everyone stood at the ship and tried to find where the villain had gone, and you pulling up with your flirting of the day, he'd simply pat your shoulders and tell you that the time isn't now. His emotions we're easily controlled when the time was needed.
~Jay Walker~
Simply would melt. His heart and soul makes a hard-core lover boy out of him. Tilting his head while watching you do your best work, the smile slowly grows while his feelings double, if that even is possible.
Shaking his if it happened mid battle, he would recreat the flirting when and if the time was given. For the time being, it had to be silent from his side, he needed to focused now.
~Nya Smith~
Her blush was set ablaze almost instantly, never having received that kind of attention. She simply did shy away at times in the start and did not even answer half the time. But now? Simply scoff and try to one up your lines, it's not a fun little game.
You know the drill by now. The training meant a lot to her, which meant you'll most likely be ignored by her. No hard feelings, she feels the need to be tip top shape to be respected by others since she is a girl.
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wyrmswears · 2 months
So what were the circumstances of Jays adoption in the libber super hell au?
Did she put him up for adoption with an adoption agency or did she leave him on Ed and Edna’s doorstep
If it’s the second one then why did she choose that particular couple to leave him with? was it because she knew them or was it just because she was in the area?
she chose the walkers specifically. in pretty much all my aus, i like to have the walkers be just normal people whose kindness touched libber in some way.
i sort of have this headcanon that libber has a tendency to end up with shitty partners. its no fault of her own, shes only ever kind, but the world is cruel to her. shes a bit of a tragedy story to me. when ice - the previous elemental master of ice that is - was around, he would console her after harsh arguments and shitty breakups with whatever asshole she was with. its unfortunate that cliff doesnt show that side of him until after ice is gone, then.
after a particularly bad argument, libber leaves the house she shares with cliff with little idea of where shes heading and ends up at the junkyard. ed and edna help her a lot that night, comforting a crying stranger on their doorstep. to the walkers, its only the natural response; it doesnt mean nearly as much to them as it does to libber.
and so, when in need again, she seeks this same couple. for this au, i imagine libber intended to come back for jay. he was only ever meant to stay with the walkers temporarily, just until libber had defeated the villain of the week and could safely take care of him again. maybe it would take a month at most, she thought. of course, she doesnt get the opportunity to return.
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sbggarakungfood · 2 months
I'm very into Jay's villain arc, it's just.. the whole Agent Walker/ the Administration set up is what I’m more into because:
The portal in Jay's division could be the key to find Arin's parents
Potential Sora vs Jay fight would be so cool
Zane's nindroid but human identity thing?? How the Administration discriminates Zane somehow
Jay. He didn't care about his job right? But does he care about his underlings? Make him see how badly injured his people are.. and make it personal. Let him invent something
What about this 'master of lightning joining *the path of darknessssss*'?? Would this be another "They use me because of my power" "The universe called me here" "I have to do this for (reason)" "The Administration didn't pay me enough so I'm here to get another income"
Maybe it's unfair to judge like that since the tournament episodes haven’t released yet.. I'm sorry, I might miss inventor Jay so much.. By being Agent Walker that means he has to rely on that side of him more. Him vs Sora fight would feel.. something else. It won't be just a fight but also a brain game (possible dirty play?). Jay ripping bunch of mech's cables when I just want to see him using cool gadgets more than just shooting bunch of lightning (It’s not like they're going to explore that power this time). He already did good with a gun..
Jay with any weapon actually
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
if we got a second season of tfatws what would you want to be in it 👀
Oh my gosh, such a good question to ask! 😆 A very hard one too Cassie, lemme think on this 🤔
Okay, a few things that would be a must would be:
A "Meanwhile, on the boat..." moment, or perhaps a montage of moments where things are happening throughout the MCU movies that happened post-TFATWS and Sam and Bucky are just 😂 on the boat, hearing about the events after the fact. I keep thinking about the scene in season 7 of Supernatural where they montage Dean commenting on what Castiel does with his new godlike powers while Dean fixes his car, but it doesn't have to be like that (3:16-3:46 here for reference lol).
Sam needs to save Bucky from falling. Sam had someone he couldn't save in the air. Bucky didn't have anyone to save him when he fell. Sam and Bucky both need that catharsis and it's wild that didn't happen in the first season.
Sam flying around as Bucky snipes at things 😂 Again - how did that not happen in the first season?
Sam and Bucky must either be already roommates or looking for an apartment which will be the place they will live in together.
Sarah, AJ, and Cass must be in it as well as other people we've seen like Carlos, Tommy, Isaiah, and Eli.
Another song by Curtis Harding must close the show's next sunset ending (it MUST be a good ending where they look into the sunset again, I'm sorry, I don't make the rules). Perhaps Can't Hide It by Curtis Harding?
Joaquín! There must be more Jay, I refuse to believe there wouldn't be so much more Jay in a season two.
FLASHBACKS. WHERE. WERE. THE. FLASHBACKS. Gimme Sam and Riley flashbacks, flashbacks of Sam with his family, gimme more info on Sam.
Can we???? Get more info on Sarah too???? Like was she married before??? Who are Cass and AJ's dad or dads??? How does she feel about Sam disappearing for a huge chunk of years??? I just want to know more about her.
Acknowledgment that Sam found Bucky in Europe but kept Bucky's secret and visited Bucky. Also that Sam visited Bucky during his time as a goatherder in Wakanda, possibly with a reference to the costco tub of lube 😂
Things I can live without but I think would be a waste if they aren't in a hypothetical season two:
A huge and exciting action sequence during a New Orleans Mardi Gras Parade with Sam being the King of that parade.
There's a team of villainous jugglers in the Marvel comics called the Death-Throws. I really want them as secondary comedic villains who may or may not be kind of good people a la Jessie, James, and Meowth from Team Rocket in Pokemon movies. Just let Sam and Bucky have some comedy villains in the background doing their thing, Marvel.
Visiting Steve on the Moon. I just think Sam and Bucky deserve space shenanigans. I will also take a Facetime, if that's too out of budget, though.
Misty Knight cameo where Sam and Misty either imply or outright talk about being exes. Probably amicable, though, it would be funny if Sam's a bit awkward about it, but Misty's chill with him.
Karli resurrection. She deserved more of a redemption arc than Walker. Bring her back to life, Disney, I dare you.
Bucky and Falcon!Redwing don't get along. More because Bucky is jealous than anything else.
A VISIT TO WAKANDA! Do they go to Birnin Zana? Do they visit the town Bucky was living in as a goatherder? Do they go to Ayo and Aneka's home for dinner? Maybe they possibly only let Sam into the country while Ayo is like "I told you to lie low for a while, White Wolf" to Bucky 😂
Baron Zemo can have a cameo, if only because Anthony Mackie was bummed that Daniel Brühl isn't a part of Cap 4.
Wildest Options I Don't Think Would Happen But I Would Love:
SamBucky wedding. It all takes place the days leading up to their wedding. Or, if I'm being more realistic, a wedding. Like, if, say Sarah and Rhodey were getting married or Carol and Valkyrie or perhaps Ayo and Aneka.
SamBucky kiss? Though, again, highly doubt that and I'm really okay with SamBucky not being canon.
Fourth wall break where Feige himself walks into a room, sits down, and apologizes about how he treated Sam Wilson's character in the MCU and promises to do better. He pulls out an entire slide show and the episode is just him talking about how he will be integrating Sam more thoroughly into the MCU. I'm talking how specifically Sam will cameo, where he will cameo, pitches for other projects Sam will be heavily tied to, the works.
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ninjago-sideblog · 11 months
Skybound had so many good ideas and concepts that I really like the season for. On the other hand, it fumbled like 80% of those ideas soooo hard that makes me want to cry.
(suuuper long indulgent rant about Skybound underneath cut read at your own risk)
Nadakhan is my favorite villain in a bubble. He’s this disgraced djinn prince who runs away from his home realm to become one of the most feared pirate captains in Ninjago and when he tries to return home, it’s all crumbling. He then exacts revenge on those who destroyed his home by manipulating them and toying with them psychologically, eventually trapping their souls in a sword? Badass, right?
Except that all of this cool characterization is contradicted and bastardized left and right. The season dumbs down the ninja instead of making Nadakhan smarter so he can win. When he gains the ability to make his own wishes, he resorts to immediately killing everyone. His obsession with Nya is really weird considering that she was the one who CAUSED Djinnjago to get destroyed.
Jay and Nya’s character arcs are really interesting too. In a bubble. Jay has to step up as a leader after all his friends were taken by this guy, who he has to face after he kidnapped and tortured him. He fucked around and found out the hard way and has to make up for it. Nya continues to struggle with her identity and coming into her own as a ninja and not having Samurai X to latch onto. They both have to fight to keep each other safe and make sacrifices and fall back in love.
Once again though, this is all fumbled and explored in a way that makes me tear my hair out. Jay is a selfish obsessive whiny asshole who’s pining for Nya is super uncomfortable and annoying to watch instead of cute or relatable. Nya is an even bigger asshole than he is. She lets Clouse get away in the beginning to throw a tantrum on Jay, which causes Nadakhan to be freed in the first place. She causes Jay to nearly get killed by the Tiger Widow and then get kidnapped/tortured, all because she was mad at him.
So many other plot points and character choices make me so upset it really detracts from the season as a whole. To name some:
Kai’s ultra inflated ego/obsession with social media and girls
Forcefully inserted misogyny
All of the prison arc. All of it.
Ronin betraying the ninja for the police. I get he likes money, but the ninja saved his ass and he is a known criminal. Just a weird place to take his character.
The ninja turning on Jay immediately and effectively sacrificing him to the ultra deadly giant spider
Cole and Lloyd being unceremoniously/anti-climatically removed from the season so Jay and Nya could be alone
Marriage plot (specifically Delara and the marriage plot only ever being used as an excuse for Nadakhan to fight with Jay over Nya which is really gross)
I wish Delara was explored more and was not a creepy Nya clone for Nadakhan to drool over, ew
Cole, Lloyd, and Nya using up their wishes immediately in really stupid ways
Tonal whiplash from the goofy lighthearted first half of the season to the dark hopeless second half
Echo Zane (before the Echo fans come after me, I like his character, but he just introduces a lot of plot implications that are never resolved or addressed for a character who has like 10 minutes of screen time max and never gets to come back)
We never learn why Cliff and ‘Libber’ abandoned Jay with the Walkers. Cliff obviously cared about his son, he made a shrine for him in his dressing room, so why did he never contact him before his death? What happened to Jay’s mom? Did Wu know? It’s annoying to have this plot point, only for it to never be explored in the whole show besides a line about being adopted in Prime Empire. Maybe we’ll get some context in Dragons Rising, but I doubt it.
We were robbed from a rematch between Captain Soto and Nadakhan
I honestly wouldn’t mind the ending, if it wasn’t for the fact that the writers can’t decide wether everyone remembers the alternate timeline or not. That and it’s seems like the events of Skybound don’t effect Jay and Nya in later seasons like at all besides a wink and a nudge at the viewer. Once again, Jay was kidnapped and physically/psychologically abused and tortured, and Nya straight up died. They are the only people who (completely) remember and gained what should be a massive amount of trauma but nope! Lloyd has more on-screen/canon trauma over Harumi than Nya does about DYING or Jay does about TORTURE. Again, I don’t think that Dragons Rising will explore this to any extent either.
I also don’t mind the whole trapping the ninja in the Djinnblade thing, I just wish the ninja could have had more screen time. Either by keeping them around longer before trapping them, or showing what inside the sword was like idk
Nadakhan and Jay are kinda weird because I’m not sure why he singled him out out of all of the ninja. I know the Doylist answer is that Jay is the focus character for the season, but I find it weird that instead of getting the other ninja while he could, he wasted a lot of his time toying with Jay on Misfortunes Keep. Why didn’t he just kidnap all of the ninja on Tiger Widow Island instead of giving them a chance of escape. His obsession with Jay could have been easily explained or explored it it never is?
TL;DR, Skybound is a mess of really good and really bad ideas Frankensteined together in the messiest, laziest way they could. I still like it quite a bit, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t frustrate the hell out of me.
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sivyera · 2 years
Dating Jay Walker would include…
PAIRING: Jay Walker x reader
WARNING: bad grammar
SONG: You & I - One Direction
gif is not mine
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At first Jay would be very shy around you
His awkwardness brings the best of him so he always stutter a little when he's talking to you
He's always trying to impress you but he failed multiple times
Kai would give him date advices all the time but Nya told Jay to ask you what you like not to listen Kai's stupid advices
Jay would try remember everything about you, and he's doing well
bring you flowers whenever you are angry
bring you hot chocolate whenever you are sad
he loves holding your hand in his, because he feels safe - he knows you're next to him so nothing can hurt you
Jay would be probably little overprotective
he's ninja so some villain can hurt you
he can't let that happened, if something would happened to you he wouldn't forgive himself
he loves cuddling with you while watching a movie
his favourite cuddle position is him laying on top of you, your legs wrapped around his body, his head buried in your neck and your hands in his hair
he can get anxious/stressed out from ninja stuff so when you play with his hair or scratch his head he is in heaven
you initiate your first kiss together
probably every intimacy thing initiate you, at first
but after a while Jay would get used to it and kiss you without blushing (maybe he'd blush a little)
he is also pretty jealous but his jealousy quickly turn into insecurity
he thinks you should date someone better and stronger then Jay is
like Lloyd, Cole or Kai
but you comfort him about it, that you don't want anyone else
All his close friends (Lloyd, Cole, Kai, Zane and Nya) were so happy when Jay asked you out on a date
his parents also like you
they see how much is Jay happy when he is talking about you and when he is with you he his even more happy
he would give you a ride in his lightning jet, secretly of course Wu can't know that (little spoiler: Wu knows it and he doesn't mind at all)
he loves your smile and laugh so he would do anything to see you smile
he loves dancing with you around the kitchen but neither of you can't dance so you two are just moving to the beat
in winter he loves ice skating with you, but he is not good at hit and he loves when you teach him it
he always look so focused at it so he makes the cutest faces
being in a relationship with him is like being wrapped in a cloud
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bulletnotestudies · 2 years
23 books i want to read in 2023 ✨
or, if you know me, 23 books of which i will maybe read 5 bc i am a mood reader to a fault lmao
in no particular order:
hell bent - leigh bardugo
we all fall down - rose szabo
because internet - gretchen mcculloch
call down the hawk - maggie stiefvater
all that's left in the world - erik j. brown
if we were villains - m. l. rio
babel - r. f. kuang
the atlas paradox - olivie blake
spell bound - f. t. lukens
jade city - fonda lee
heavenly tyrant - xiran jay zhao
cursed bunny - bora chung
senlin ascends - josiah bancroft
ace - angela chen
portrait of a thief - grace d. li
in the dream house - carmen maria machado
something wicked this way comes - ray bradbury
in other lands - sarah rees brennan
the long way to a smal angry planet - becky chambers
the marriage portrait - maggie o'farrel
a gathering of shadows - v. e. schwab
a conjuring of light - v. e. schwab
why we sleep - matthew walker
tagging @upside-down-uni, @serendistudy, @selkiestudies, @dreamofghosts, @melaschnie and anyone else who wants to share (some of) their 2023 tbr! <3
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felikatze · 2 years
s11 ice chapter is DONE and wawo. it was good.
i'm gonna talk about the benign shit first cuz wawo this season had Stuff Going On. man.
the filler episodes were, as with the fire chapter, top tier. incredible. fantastic.
also hello. 2d animated sequences?? in my ninjago?? it's more likely than you think
ofc these episodes fulfill the purpose of torturing viewers by prolonging cliffhangers but the subject matter is well chosen.
the first one answers your cinemasins ding of "hey wouldnt all the villains attack ninjago now" to which the show says "no because they're too dumb to escape jail with pixal on the block." also again as with the fire chapter the episode was hilarious.
seeing how some two bit villains perceive the ninja. height of comedy. also the "who the fuck is fugidove" running gag because who tf is he indeed. and why does he hate jay of all ninjas the most.
ALSO THE FUCKING. DBZ PARODY???? JAY WALKER AS GOKU??? HELLO??? DID I SEE THAT RIGHT??????? sorry i was just not mentally prepared for that existing i just. i paused the episode and ate lunch before i could proceed. my lunch was a bowl of pretzel shaped biscuits. i also ate three whole potatoes today i'm good
the next "filler" (cuz it's not REALLY filler in the anime filler sense but i use filler to mean "does not advance the main plot in any way") ep deals with pixal and wu and pixal fighting the fucking preeminent is fun (they brought it back for a joke??? i thought it was gone after nya drowned it?? is this a different one without hydra capabilites?? did it jusz.... grow back or did nya killing it send it to the departed realm) but also the episode depresses me
pixal and wu DO NOT deal with grief good those two are depressed as hell. pixal almost kills herself because she a) knows she's the only line of defense left for ninjago b) can't go on without zane and like. okay. goddd. what the fuck. i wish pixal happy therapy.
WU ALSO LIKE. he def has that "it should've been me" survivor's guilt shit going on. he's so desparate to find them. like that one scene where he and pixal find the departed realm and he deludes himself into thinking the growls of the preeminent are the sounds of the land bounty. and then he doesnt want to lose pixal too....... i'm so emo abt this.
side note pixal before almost frying herself saying she loves zane as her last words and zane's recording having him say he loves pixal as his last words. I'M SO EMO ABT THIS FR. pixane are the only bitches i respect
laaast time i speculated maybe kai just gets his powers back but he doesnt!! that's vry cool actually. he has to get some self confidence babeyyyy. it's funny how like. he manages to get fire again and immediatly gets cocky again but then the ice dragon shows up and his savior complex or whatever kicks him in the ass. hell yeah man.
nice setup for the climax where "oh look the ice dragon is an elemental creation" so he melts the thing and actually manages to save people for real this time. good for him
ALSOOO NYA. return of her s5 bane: not immediatly being good at stuff. CONSISTENCY!! we love to see it. vry sexy acknowledgement that ice is just frozen water, therefore shouldn't nya be able to control it? HELL YEAH SHE CAN! it's just vry hard.
mildly conflicted abt cole this season cuz. why set it up so that the traveler's tea can't bring them back only for cole to lose it anyway? it feels weird from a writing standpoint that the ninja never even notice. they could've easily just been told by like, sorla (is that her name? the wu stand-in), since at the end of the season she knows leaves aren't enough and cole pulls out the uh. berry.
the tea not working anyway undercuts cole's guilt over losing the tea i feel. bcuz the audience knows it would be a moot point if he'd kept it anyway. i don't think the mini-arc about cole feeling guilty over this is bad, it's good actually, but again! the effect just gets undercut cuz! yeah!!
that aside. rlly fun how cole dads krag. he threatens to revoke its (his?) gaming rights. i feel like cole still makes the ninja eat their veggies. it's sooo funny how he gets mad at them for talking shit in his dream. hello. my guy. you were dreaming.
3. akita. bark bark
next up. new characters. mainly akita!! woof. conceptually i find her vry cool. i love shapeshifters i think wolves are cool (<- is transgender)
i think it's great how lloyd reacts to her deceit cuz like. lloyd traumadumped to this random wolf and the wolf is a girl actually and god this random girl knows about his daddy issues now. he feels betrayed as he should bcuz otherwise s8 would feel for naught. lloyd got trust issues now babeyy!!! though he does forgive akita when its clear she had no ill intent and still needs help!! bcuz it's vry vry important that despite it all, lloyd's still kind
love the juxtaposition of revenge vs saving on akita and lloyd. and this isn't set up for shits n giggles it does actually result in conflict between the two when akita tries to stab zane and lloyd stops her, but still protects her from zane when that goes to shit.
i think her backstory segment was done amazing to answer all sorts of questions i wasn't even asking until they got answered, like why the fuck does zane have a castle?
her relationship to her lost brother is also a great parallel to everyone's search for zane. it shows the level of hope they have. akita has no hope, she believes herself to be alone. she wants revenge, and has no plans for a future after. why should she? she turned her back on her frozen home.
meanwhile, the ninja fervently believe that zane is still alive, and that they can find him. in the end, faith is rewarded with a happy ending. i'm happy that akita gets her family back, too. it's sweet, for one, makes the season less grim and more family tv friendly, for another, and ties into this comparison. even if she had no hope to start with, her efforts still weren't in vain.
the main downside to her character is her giving lloyd a kiss cuz like i UNDERSTAND that these two characters bonded a lot through mutual traumadumping and near death experiences but i do not think they had romantic chemistry and i will be ignoring this. thank you. lloyd remains unshippable to me.
sorry for mainly talking abt akita in conjunction with lloyd but these two characters spent the most time together this season and as such their plotlines are inextricable. thanks for understanding. moving on
gotta talk abt vex now i think. i like that he just sucks. he doesnt get an animal form cuz he's a distrusting selfish bastard. he's the cause of every problem ever this season. he just sucks.
he's the only one who tries to start shit with the formlings because they hate him for sucking and then the king tells him to fuck off thank god.
also how this bitch just??? gaslights zane?? like actual definition of gaslight gaslight??? hello???????????
zane..... zane my man. dear god.
first of all. i love villain arcs. i think they're sexy. i LOVE the scene where lloyd tries to get zane to remember desparately and then zane throws him in jail. that's good character conflict babeyyy!!
vex being all Gaslight Gatekeep ultimately takes the crux of all evil away from zane which i think is both the good writing choice for a kids cartoon and cowardly. cowardly because, gestures at above paragraph, and good writing choice because zane would never intentionally hurt people otherwise
the set up of the ice emperor really does only work because of the combo of evil advisor + corrupting artefact of great power
the flashback episode here did great work. obviously it can't depict zane's presumably gradual descent into madness over decades because it's one ten minute episode, but it still did a great job. it rlly hammered home that zane only used the scroll out of desparation, and was tricked in a vital moment. like we understand how zane got to being the ice emperor and it makes sense from a character standpoint, especially considering the frequently mentioned time gap that cannot be adequately portrayed in one ten minute backstory ep. more than one backstory ep would be too needlessly long though, so again ultimately the best choice.
s good ya
the twist itself was obvious see that one post abt zane's lil bright blaring blue gloves. like even tho i did get spoilered on it it's. ice powers. convenietly frozen staff. glowing blue eyes. the gloves.
the writers tried to red herring so hard with keitaro as the faceless prisoner and i respect that but frankly it did not work much. good on them knowing a red herring was necessary though cuz it sure was.
i love the detail of the ice emperor having to free his arms every time he stands up bcuz he froze himself to the throne by accident. adds flavor.
the final fight is sooo. goddamn it's good. like the aspheera fight it's plain fun to watch it looks amazing but i also love how it ends.
zane wins the fight. like with corruption arcs like this it's usually "hit friend over the head until good again" but none of lloyd's pleading or the fight itself did it. it was lloyd being helpless, it was vex gloating, and it was zane remembering his own mantra. he protects those who cannot protect themselves. THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD MOMENT FR. ZANE!!!! MY MAN!!!!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i liked this development can you tell. who cares if it's cliche or cheesy IT WORKS. the cheese always just works in this show. bcuz it's vry sincere. about its cheese.
side note i forgot to mention. it's super neat how the intro changes between red and blue to denote which realm the episode is set in!! so cool!
minor thing from last season: why does clutch powers use random german. the only fictional characters allowed to do that are klavier from ace attorney, and me. hey alter hör auf.
to summarize the ice chapter was amazing, i think this is the first time one of the ninja was a major antagonist? i love it. i want the writers to do it again it's just good.
next up is. the video game season? i know next to nothing about s12-15. i know it's another jay season because of that one very blue jay design with tboy swag i see art of. looking forward to it.
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im-a-mint · 3 years
As a way to try and redeem myself imagine s16 where Jay has been so mentally broken due to losing Nya that he runs away and becomes a villain in the search of an all powerful way to bring her back, but instead of it being Jay centric it’s actually Cole centric and four things end up happening:
1.- Jay becomes part of a crew of pirates
2.- The groups realizes how important Jay is to everyone in the group
3.- Jay finally accepts Nya’s gone and that she wasn’t worth his time but is still a villain because it’s thrilling for him to cause trouble
4.- It ends up with Cole joining Jay, becoming his second in command (and low key gay lover) and so they’re now the new villains for s17
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
The CW Rogues: My Biggest Gripe With the 2014 Flash Show
In many ways, the CW Flash show is what got me into comics. While I had watched (and loved) Justice League and Justice League Unlimited and read loads of DC guidebooks as a kid, it wasn’t until I saw a clip from the 2014 CW Flash show that I really got invested in the DC Universe. While I had already started watching B:TAS (and loving it), Batman wasn’t what got me into comics. No, that was the Flash...or rather, it was Captain Cold. While watching a clip from the Justice League episode Flash and Substance on YouTube, I saw a link to a clip from “Family of Rogues” (from Season 2 of CW’s Flash). Intrigued by the premise, I found the show on Netflix, watched the entire episode, and was hooked. Not only was the Flash just as nice as he had been on Justice League, but two of his Rogues were siblings, and they actually cared about one another. I wanted to know more, so I looked Captain Cold and the Golden Glider up. My research into Cold and Glider led me to the other Rogues, and soon I became a Flash fan. I watched the show, I re-watched “Flash and Substance”, I read articles about the characters from the comics...and eventually, I started reading the comics themselves. I loved the characters and the lore, and I enjoyed the generally lighthearted tone of the books even into the modern era. Unfortunately, as I learned more about the comics, I grew less and less interested in the 2014 TV show. It made too many alterations to character I liked in the comics...and eventually, I basically stopped watching the show out of frustration. Ironically enough, by getting me into comics, the show alienated me from itself....and a big reason for that was the way it handled the Rogues. Here’s a rundown of the CW Rogues, and why I was frustrated with most of them. 
1. Captain Cold. I actually enjoy Captain Cold on the CW show; he’s recognizable as Len Snart and his sarcasm game is on point. (It doesn’t hurt that Wentworth Miller is really attractive, either). His relationships with Lisa, Mick, and Barry are fantastic, and it’s a relief to have him be treated as a competent threat. That being said...he’s a bit too suave for Captain Cold, isn’t he? Silver Age Cold thought he was suave, but he wasn’t; and modern Captain Cold is middle-aged, grouchy, and very rough around the edges. His smooth, suave nature reminds me more of classic Sam (the original Mirror Master) than Captain Cold. 
2. Heat Wave. Dominic Purcell did a great job with the role he was given, and physically he’s an excellent match for Mick. That being said, CW Mick is very different from the Mick in the classic comics, who was a bit dim-witted and rather gentle and sweet for a supervillain. CW Mick, by contrast, is, as I think @gorogues put it, “Hothead McAngryman”, which wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t seem to have bled back into the comics themselves. Villains with fire powers being hotheads is a bit overdone, so I’m not thrilled to see comic Mick being put into that role. 
3. Golden Glider. Hands down, Lisa is my favorite of the CW Rogues. Despite the fact that her costume and power set are completely different than they were in the comics, they managed to get her personality down pretty well; making her just as dangerous and competent as the boys. Flirtatious, crafty, devious, and yet still at least somewhat sympathetic, the CW version of Lisa Snart takes home the gold for the best adaptation of a Rogue. If only they hadn’t completely forgotten that she existed. 
4. Pied Piper. Note that I have not seen his Season 6 appearance, so I’m just judging this based on his appearances in Seasons 1 and 2. Piper is disappointing; in his first appearance he wasn’t as fun as Silver/Bronze Age Piper or as sympathetic as modern Piper, and I’m not crazy about the idea of him being motivated primarily by revenge on Wells/Thawne, since that wasn’t his motivation in the comics at all. I also don’t remember him being able to puppet or hypnotize people with his music, which is too bad, since that’s his main schtick in the comics. What’s more, if you want to reform a character, don’t do it offscreen via reality warping and then forget about him for four seasons. It sounds like his Season 6 appearance was better, but I haven’t seen it so I can’t comment on it. Also, “the Pied Piper” is kind of a nonindicative name if he doesn’t play a pipe/flute. 
5. Trickster II (Axel Walker). Axel was actually decent in the CW show. I still like comic Axel better, but they got the gist of his character down and even made him a bit sympathetic. In fact, he’s probably in the top three best Rogue adaptations that the CW did. 
6. Trickster I (James Jesse). I love watching Mark Hamill play CW’s Trickster...but man, he is not playing Giovanni Giuseppi on the CW show. He’s playing the Joker with a different name. It’s especially weird since we know from JLU and that one short where Mark Hamill plays himself, the Joker, the Trickster, and Swamp Thing that Hamill can do a non-Joker Trickster and do it well, so my suspicion is that it was just because Trickster was also the Joker in the 1990s Flash show (where he was also played by Mark Hamill). Regardless, murdering random people and threatening to blow up small children during Christmas is not something the Trickster should be doing. 
Although this does prove Mark Hamill could do a live-action Joker. I’d pay money to see that. Mark Hamill is a great Joker. 
7. Weather Wizard. CW Weather Wizard isn’t egregiously bad. He’s not out-of-character like Trickster, and he’s not boring to watch, but at the same time it feels like there’s something missing. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t quote Twain. Maybe it’s because there’s not the sense that he was a loser before he got his powers. Maybe it’s because they changed his origin completely (and also made him older than Clyde for some reason). It could even be because he’s not wearing a green leotard with a huge collar, puffy sleeves, and ridiculous elf boots. Whatever it is, though, he’s just missing that spark that makes me like comic book Wizard so much. 
8. Mirror Master I (Sam Scudder). I don’t know how you make Sam Scudder more boring than New 52/Rebirth did, but somehow the CW version of the character pulled it off. Granted, Cold had already stolen some of Sam’s characterization, so that didn’t help, but they could’ve leaned into his skills as an inventor or his love of showmanship or something. Instead, we got a generic thug with what was basically Evan McCulloch’s power set. Boo! Boo I say! 
9. Top (Roscoe/Rosa Dillon). The Brave and the Bold Top is more interesting than the CW version, and he doesn’t even have spoken lines! That’s how boring this Top is. Also, the gender swap was pretty pointless. I wouldn’t have minded a female Top if she’d been intelligent and creepy and snobbish in the way that Roscoe is, but why even bother changing the gender if the character is going to have such a minor role? They also substantially depowered the CW Top, since Rosa can’t spin at super speed and isn’t telekinetic. A massive missed opportunity. 
10. Mirror Master II (Evan/Eva McCulloch). I can’t comment on how good of a character Eva is, since I haven’t watched any of the episodes with her in them, but I will say I am disappointed that the character does not seem to be Scottish, does not have Evan’s weird sense of humor, and lacks his tooth gap. 
11. Captain Boomerang (George “Digger” Harkness). Not only did he not actually appear on the Flash, but he was also boring and didn’t even seem to have an Australian accent. I was very disappointed with his role in the CW. 
And now for characters who aren’t Rogues: 
-CW Eobard is really good. I have no real complaints about him. 
-CW Grodd is also really good, though I do wish he was from Gorilla City as per the comics rather than a lab experiment. 
-CW Magenta got most of the important character beats down but felt a bit out of place with Barry as the Flash. 
-CW Shade was possibly even more boring than CW Sam, which is saying something. 
-CW Zoom didn’t really feel like Zoom at all. Not only was it weird to see him fighting Barry and not Wally, but he was just a generic serial killer and didn’t have Zolomon’s unique outlook on the world. The loss of his time manipulation powers was likewise disappointing.
-CW Jay is really good. I love him. 
-CW Jesse Quick has very little in common with her comic book counterpart; I like the comic version better but don’t actually mind the CW version all that much.
-CW Wally is decent enough, though I don’t see why they couldn’t have kept him as Iris’ nephew rather than making him her brother. Also, they didn’t use him nearly as much as they should have. 
-CW Barry I generally like a lot; Grant Gustin is a good fit for the character. That being said, I do wish they hadn’t given him the dead mom origin, which was a retcon I am not fond of. 
-CW Iris is quite good (in the first three seasons, at least); she’s intelligent, loyal to Barry, dedicated to her job, and quite independent. The fact that she and Barry were foster siblings in the CW universe is kind of weird, though, since it makes their romance kind of awkward. 
-Joe West is not Ira West (Iris’s father in the comics), but I actually don’t care. Joe West is made of awesome. (I like Ira too, but I like Joe enough that I don’t mind having him replace Ira.)
-The Fiddler on the CW had very little to do with the comic Fiddler. 
-I’ve never been particularly invested in the Thinker (comic or show), but I will say that the CW’s version of the character was very different from his comics counterpart. 
-CW Ragdoll was just as creepy and unsettling as comic book Ragdoll, though he had a very different backstory. 
-I never expected Baby Josh to make it into the CW, let alone as a gender-swapped teenager named Joss who wanted to kill Weather Wizard. It felt like they never knew where to go with her character, though, so it was a wasted opportunity. At least she didn’t die like poor Baby Josh, though. 
-Big Sir in the CW show is a MASSIVE improvement over the comic version. This is probably the only character I will say this about. Though I will say that I kind of wish he’d gotten his stupidly ugly comic book costume even though it would’ve made no sense. 
-Peek-a-Boo is a pretty solid adaptation of her comic book counterpart. 
-Rainbow Raider (Prism) is much better in the comics than on the CW show, where he only existed to be a boring plot device. 
-Linda Park dating Barry was weird, but they actually did a good job with her character before she vanished.
This is not intended as a criticism of anyone who likes the show or its characters; it’s just me musing about my personal problems with it. 
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greenygreenland · 3 years
Reset: Jay Walker x Reader
-inspired by my own hardships, as nearly all my writing has been
-we all know Jay is smart asf and a deep thinker. He may seem dumb sometimes, but he's really a nerd at heart and that's why I love him.
Summary: You're tired of life, playing hero, everything. It hurts to keep going and you're falling apart, but you can't stop. Jay is there to cheer you up.
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A sigh escaped your lips and your shoulders slumped as you rolled out of bed. Midday naps were supposed to make you feel energised, not tired and achy from sleeping in uncomfortable positions. It was hard to imagine being able to leave your room, much less make your way through the monastery for a late lunch.
Today was your day off. No training. No chores (it was Lloyd'd turn). And no running atound saving the day (unless someone called). You wanted to lay back down and cuddle close into your warm sheets again, but your head hurt from sleeping too much.
The door creaked open. Jay peeked his head in, allowing a bright smile to cross his face. "Had a nice nap?" You rubbed the gunk out of your eyes and smoothed any kinks in your hair. "Not really," you replied with a yawn. "My head hurts." Jay pushed the door wide and made his way across the room. It closed behind him with a soft click. The bed dipped as he settled by your side, affectionately bringing you close to his chest.
"Do you want some water? Or tea?" He ran his cool hands through your hair, gently untangling the tight knots. "You know what, I'll go get some." He began to stand but you firmly caught his wrist and pulled him back down. "Stay." you quietly said. "Please." Jay settled and leaned back against the headboard. You stayed like that for a few moments, with Jay running his hands theough your hair and you leaning against his chest.
"You know," Jay began, "if somerhing's wrong, you can tell me right? I promise I won't tell anyone." A light laugh escaped your lips and it could have been like a symphony. "It's not that bad Jay." He dropped his hand with a troubled frown. You blinked, lazily meeting his electric gaze. "What?"
"You're doing it again." he noted.
"Doing what?"
"Lying that you're okay."
You mimicked his frown and flopped down on the bed, intertwining your fingers with his. "I'm just...tired. That's all." Jay shook his head. He flopped down next to you, shifting his weight onto his side so he could clearly see your face. "What's making you so tired (Y/n)?"
You shrugged as best as you could while lying on your side. "A lot." That simple phrase held more weight than you thought it would. It reverberated, leaving the room in complete silence. You began to wonder if Jay would be mad, or freak out like he used to do when you both were younger. He was cute like that, always joking, always talking at the speed of light...
Time changed you both. Of course, Jay still smiled and joked, but he wasn't the same Jay you first met. The weight on his shoulders was as much as yours. It kept his mind from wandering like it used to, and maybe that was because if it did, old memories no one wanted would rise from the grave.
You wondered what it would have been like if you both were normal teenagers, free from the weight of this realm on your shoulders. Even if you didn't want to see it, you had changed too. It was harder to keep a smile on your lips, tougher to joke about the little things, and almost impossible to sleep with an empty head.
You were tired, not only of the weight you carried, but of all the things you knew you wouldn't have.
All the things you knew you couldn't have.
Those thoughts made you feel numb. You wrapped an arm around Jay, pulling him closer like you would a teddy bear.
"What would it be like to...to be normal?" you quietly mused. Jay thought for a moment in pire silence, knitting his brows together and humming as if it'd make the answer come faster. The silence refused wear thin.
"I don't know," he finally said. "But I'm not sure I'd want to be normal."
"We're all passing down legacies that've been around for centuries." he said thoughtfully. "I like to think of us as protectors of that power. If we don't keep it safe, then wouldn't we have another villain on our hands? I don't know about you, but I am done with evil people." You smile a little, appreciating the lightness in his voice. "That's true."
"And if we were normal, we'd have to go to school. Then we'd have to figure out college, and student debt. I can be smart, but I know I'm not that smart. And beside that, who wants to be stuck to a desk all day doing paperwork? I'd take scrapes and broken bones in a heartbeat. Paperwork is an absolute no-go!"
He threw a hand up in the air as if to prove his point. "Then we'd have to think about rent, and textbooks, and don't forget about wasting away in an apartment and answering to a boss. I don't know how normal people do it."
You knew he was right. Last time you all had to live in Ninjago City, it was straight-up a disaster. Having the monastery and the Bounty was a huge blessing. There was no rent to pay and absolutely no worries about going to work everyday. Here, you could see the mountains, the birds, and smell fresh air. It wasn't possible to have such luxuries in the city.
"You're right." you agreed. Jay raised a brow. "But?"
You sighed. "Sometimes it's tiring. It...it feels weird when we don't have any crime to fight. It gives me so much time to think, but then I start to wonder about what could have been better. Someone's always getting hurt, someone's always going missing, and I won't say any names, but it's worrisome. It's tiring and..."
Jay met your gaze. "You know, my dad used to tell me this when I wasn't feeling my best. He said that sometimes it's good to sit down and breathe. He called it 'resetting' and I think that's something you need to do." Jay pursed his lips together. You didn't need to be telepathic to know he was thinking hard. "Jay--"
"Stay here, I'm going to get something." You wanted to tell him you didn't need anything, but how could you say no to that cute face of his? Jay sprinted out of the room, leaving the door ajar as you sat up in bed. A few moments later, he came back with paper facial masks and iced tea. The glasses clicked as he set the tray down by your bed, the liquid swaying with the floating pieces of ice.
"I bought these masks for you. Nya said you like this brand, but since there's two, I'm going to do it with you." There was a bright smile on his face as he ripped open one of the packages. You peered up at him. "What kind is it?"
"This one's aloe and," he held the other one up, "this one's honey. Which one do you want?" You scanned the packages, weighing out the options before choosing (your choice).
It was nice to sit back and enjoy a cup of iced tea, much less alone with Jay. The soft bed seemed to blanket you like a cloud. Warm...bouncy...
You closed your eyes. It was nice and quiet, save for the occasional joke Jay threw out. But it wasn't like you minded. It was, after all, part of his charm.
"Feeling better?" Jay suddenly said. You nodded and took a sip of your tea. "Yes. Much better."
"What a shocking revelation." You shared a laugh together. It was short, yet sweet, warm, and filled with love. You pecked his cheek. "I love you."
"I love you more."
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kamisama1kiss · 1 month
I got another one for you, how would the ninja react if an enemy insulted their S/O and like calling their partner weak and stuff? To make it more interesting I added a list of villains, you don’t have to do this one with the list but you can if you want to
Lloyd it could be Harumi, for Kai, aspheera, Cole- Vangelis, Jay-nadakah, Zane-Nindroids? (You can change this one) and for Nya, kalmaar
I added the list to like make it their worse enemy so they can get more angry and such, idk if you wanna do this or not but I wanna hear your thoughts on this
Hehe, I love requests, so never stop coming with them 😚🙏
How would they react to their partner being insulted by the enemy in the middle of a battle? {Ninjago Addition}
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~ Lloyd Garmadon ~ {Harumi}
"Your so-called lover happens to be weak and... not much of help, can't we say?" Harumi says with a snarky grin, Lloyd stood grinding his teeth.
He tried to stay calm for the longest as he could, taking a deep breath as the facade cracked, and he lounged at her. Showing the little mercy he had left in him as the ninja he so proudly called himself.
Ways of simply saying it, he could never allow his anyone to talk down the once he cares about, no matter who said it.
~ Kai Smith ~ {Aspheera}
"You've both sssshowned sssuch little ssstrength, even the one without powersss won't reach anywhere in life" She laughed at Kai, finding the both of them weak. His eyes paired red with rage, raging into an aggressive battle of almost death and living.
When someone Nya any words, he gets overprotective but knows she can handle herself, but since his partner does not have this power, his overprotectiveness reaching a new limit none of them knew he had.
~ Jay Walker ~ {Nadakhan}
"They can not do anything right." He told Jay when his partner had been knocked out from Nadakhan himself. His hands became more electrifyingly warm before his attacks became unhumanly fast, as lightning some might say.
Never in his Jay's life would he let someone just simply get away with being negative, his hair even standing up at some point as if he was struck by lightning. It showed how he felt upset without saying so.
~ Cole Brookstone ~ {Vangelis}
We know all know how Cole got his like extra cool power upgrade in his season, yeah? Well, this extra salt in the wound by Vangelis's words made him only crack faster to uphold his potential. "Pathetic being of a human, absolutely astonishing how weak." was screeched by the butcher version of a King to the ninjas lover.
Having already lost someone important to whom he had no control over, feeling so absolutely lost and vulnerable. Clenched hands with a scowl resting on his features, this would definitely not slide by his side.
~ Zane Julian ~ {Nindroids}
"Haha! That was just sad to watch. Even a toddler is more capable of a simple task." The nindroids hollared to themselves. Never once had he felt truly upset for the first time when it had been with you.
Not because of you but rather what someone had told you, yet he lost his cabels and wiring over his own limit. With the collected nindroid, he is. Freezing every last one of them.
~ Nya Smith ~ {Kalamaar}
Gosh, she adored you as a lover she is. Rather, not surprised when seeing her rather aggressive movements with the sushi look alike strutting around on his tentacles as he talked as if his words meant anything. "Such awful attempts of helping go back to helping the other fishes. At least then you could maybe do something right." He spat.
She stood fiurius, uneasy breathing as she stood up against him. Similarly to Kai, she lost her senses and went to attacking him until someone held her back.
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