kitty-mactabbysh · 8 months
Also you know what while we're at it
Halo S2 is coming up (oh nooo), and I just got reminded that my favorite genre of character is 'Characters Played By Burn Gorman Who I Did Not Expect To See In This'
Like fr??? I love being jumpscared by this man
My favorites out of these really were him in Halo (?????) and jumpscaring me in Enola Holmes??? Like????
I hope this trend never stops 👍
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@/christian-latte-anon, you won't see this but I wrote it for you.
“Where is he, Pete?”
Pete Henshaw, driver and bodyguard to Vinsher Grath, nodded at the woman walking toward him. “In there.” Pete jerked a thumb over his shoulder.
Violetta Franco gave a tight-lipped smile. “Thanks.”
“Hey, Vi,” Pete said as she stepped past him. “He’s, ah…in the water.”
Franco gave him a sidelong glance. She knew what he meant.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before,” the lovely, dark-haired assassin quipped.
That was true enough, Pete mused to himself. He let Franco pass and assumed his position at the door, scanning the hallway for potential threats. This also protected him from seeing his boss in the state of nature.
“You’re late,” Vinsher’s voice echoed on the rock walls.
Pete leaned his head against the wall behind him and rolled his eyes. Here we go.
“My sister was late to watch the kids,” Franco explained.
Pete groaned to himself. Oh, could they just stop.
“With what I pay you, you should invest in proper childcare.”
With what I pay you in alimony, Pete thought from his vantage point. These two had been insufferable enough as spouses. As exes they were positively terminal.
Calling it a night at 36:09. 18:24 to go!
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
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Vinsher Grath, Halo 1x04 “Homecoming” | Halo 1x07 “Inheritance”
For @christian-latte-anon 💖
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zekoagun · 5 months
looking at vinsher grath: ooh yeah grandpa strut it okayyyy 😗
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a-carnie-and-a-cop · 8 months
also i forgot vinsher actually died???? I'm so disappointed
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 2 years
What I assume Halo 2022 is like, as summarized by The Onion headlines, based solely on @christian-latte-anon and her posts about it:
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stitchlingbelle · 9 months
"So how did your tribe become, you know, witches?" Kwan asked between bites.
Desiderata sighed. "We're not all witches."
"You are," a younger woman down the table pointed out, grinning.
"Yes, but you aren't," Desiderata returned.
Kwan leaned around to call down the table. "So what are you?"
"Programmer," the other woman answered. "You don't need to stay in place for that."
"Yeah? Who do you work for?"
The other woman's grin acquired a feral edge. "Vinsher," she said. "There's a reason you shouldn't outsource your security software to people you don't know."
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tuppencetrinkets · 5 months
Sorted caps from Halo, seasons 1 & 2.
Pablo Schreiber - Master Chief ~19,000
Shabana Azmi - Margaret Parangosky ~4,500
Natasha Culzac - Riz ~2,300
Olive Gray - Miranda Keyes ~6,000
Yerin Ha - Kwan Ha ~9,000
Natascha McElhone - Catherine Halsey ~12,000
Bentley Kalu - Vannak ~500
Kate Kennedy - Kai ~5,000
Charlie Murphy - Makee ~7,000
Danny Sapani - Jacob Keyes ~2,500
Cortana ~1,800
Bokeem Woodbine - Soren ~4,000
Fiona O'Shaughnessy - Laera ~2,500
Tylan Bailey - Kessler ~400
Joseph Morgan - James Ackerson ~5,000
Cristina Rodlo - Talia Perez ~2,500
Bronte Carmichael - Julia ~500
Ryan McParlan - Adun ~1,500
Burn Gorman - Vinsher Grath ~1,400
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!
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ALSO ALSO, I know you don't write for these fandoms, but if you DID, Halo's Masterchief/John & Vinsher and Pacific Rim's Newt?
Masterchief seems very whumpable to me and honestly probably who I would pick to hurt if I were to write Halo fic (either him or maybe Kai) so 9/10! His kicked puppy vibe and manipulated puppet energies have bewitched me. While he’s generally very subservient he also Does Not lose fights so if I were to write him it would be either him getting curb stomped and dealing with the consequences or potentially getting manipulated by a figure that he should’ve been able to trust. maybe both.
vinsher I. Have not seen much of so I don’t have a SUPER good handle on him, he does seem very easy to hurt? To me? His power seems strictly political. 7/10 due to my ambiguant understanding of him, I’d probably write him getting like, tortured or something because I think that’s what it would take to break his confident persona
Newt is like. Again probably my number one whumpee from this fandom. 9/10 he is very small and hurtable, to me. He also shakes and stammers which is cute. I could do any number of things to this man I just want to see Hermann maybe rescue him from it
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ohhhhh no one will give a shit but i must write gay vinsher halo (2022) or i will explode. that man's not heterosexual
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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“Aurora.” She voiced the words subvocally. “Yes, Quinn?” the AI replied. “We’re going in, alert C&C we’ll need exfil.” She reloads the needler and walks into the flood infected compound.
Halo, Season 1 - Episode 4 “Homecoming”
Master Chief
We open with the fire team was a kid, every single SPartan we’ve seen and we’re pushed forward into the memory of John. The kids are march along singing a jody ( rhythmnic chanting during marching), and thus we see how the UNSC abducted and indoctrinated kids to make the Spartan IIs.
We jump back to the modern day as Halsey and her aide argue over what the Forerunner object is. Oh, wow, this woman is in a ride for her hell for what she’s going to unsleash. Cortana pops up and we get a bit of an overload on what’s going on, and Chief’s having anxiety. Heh, tear out a fucking emotional suppression implant and this happens.
Eridanus looks like Madrigal in that it appears to be another craggy dirt ball, I thinkit’s just the spots they choose. Wait not, even the terraformed deciduous forest is kind of gnarly. I’m going to call that it’s some sort of fall sitch. Oh, and the forest IS terraformed, called it. Plus some nice foreshadowing where John locates the spot where his plot mcguffin paper is! YAY PLOT PAPER!
Dig it up - up oh, HOLES! Back on Eridanus, John is gophering along w00t! Out comes a box, (A MAGICAL BOX!), filled with “drawings and samples? What by the Nine is this wonderful weird shit! Welp, Foreunner tech is all kinds of mind-fuckery, so John drawing the same image plus Halo over and over again makes sense. Into the House! Cortana compiles images to provoke John’s memory. Giving us some shots of what his family home was.
Little John runs by with the dog and he hears his father speaking. This is something that really humanizes the Chief, and will make him more epic later on. A memory is unearthed, and we learn where John found the images. WHERE, he found the Forerunner tech! Baby John and big Jouhn as a scene was...adorable. And, he figures out that Halsey stole him. yup, fuck this lady.
Wow, Kai-125, is basically experience an existential crisis, and yup, she’s gone and removed her chip. Fuck, go for you girl, just please don’t go all murdery please. I wanna see this as a woman reclaiming her agency, not as another “emotional female” soldier bullshit trope.
They are really placing up subtle bits of how the Spartans don’t feel, and how they explore their awakened emotions in this story. Kai, spreads blood in her hair, and I’m, not sure, how I feel on this. I think the dying of hair with you’re own blood is interesting, and it shows a small level of psychosis as well. I mean its’ her fucking blood! She’s also a literal murder machine, so I guess this is okay as well.
The doc staring Kai after the hair, and Kai calls out her bullshit. Wow, please please just don’t go all murdery. I just wana Kai to not go down that route! Okay, she’s a kid, cuz you know they were stolen kids. Keyes getting some more knowledge drop as the Spartans talk like a bunch of 10 year olds discussing Halo Weapons (like when the game first dropped) was - pretty cute. Makes sense, it would be Kai who helped Keyes break Sanghelii. I’m shipping these girls now, deal!
Keyes drops some reasons why she doesn’t like Spartans II. Wow, Spartan II pets was...fucked up. Keyes really gives an idea of how shitty their children. Hooyay, your mom supported Child Abuse! Kai and Keyes are back working on things yeah, shipping this shit. Kaiyes ftw. Heh, Kai coin’s Halo, call it.
Our girl is off with kill-daddy Soren on Madrigal so she can spark the blood insurrection about Vinsher the Butcher. Soren relates on how he felt as an early escapee of the child soldier abuse system *COUGH* Spartan II program! Yup, and he killed his dad, wow that’s not at all surprising. Ship design in this series is nice as it really does fit how things felt in the games.
The capital of Madrigal being carved from a mesa is pretty bad ass. And, I do like how it’s obviously this Colony is Korean founded. We see Hangul everywhere, plus, it emphasizes how much the colonies are evolving. There is also a definite Middle Asia and perhaps even Indian feel. Kwa runs into a contact, and I think this bitch is gonna betray her. Yup, betrayal runs on his face hardcore.
Oh Kwan has a bounty, looks to be about 100,000 bells!
The Folk gathering for Jin’s memorial is righteaously a mix of different rituals! A Madrigali (is it wrong I want to rename the planet Casita?) gather. Will Kwan find the generals? I mean, general in the we’re a bunch of bad ass hero commandos ala fantasy movie! Not, actual serious ranking army figures! I say this, because this is a fucking militia, genral doesn’t mean the same thing!
Kwan welp, our girl, get’s reality dropped on her. Called it! Vinsher’s actions have quelled the rebellion, and Kwan isn’t living in reality. Yup, in come riding the strongmen, and Soren’ kicks some serious ass, and saves our delusion girl. I mean, yeah, this delusion makes sense, but damn, hope she gets a kick of grounding.
Meanwhile, at the Legion of Vinsher.
Kwan is...just stuck on this road, she’s lying to Soren, I can see it. This is going to end bad. We split to Vinsher planning her death like a fucking Mafia Don. (Yup, fuck this guy he ain’t getting his own POV section). At least he’s sending an assassin, and hopefully, they’ll realize how fucking dangerous an ex-Spartan is. Vinsher is wow, he’s like a slightly less imposing Baron Harkonnen, and not as smart.
Ah Soren, being a fucking Pirate! Kwan, girl, y ou need to stop hoisting this unrealistic dream. How her father basically got a prophecy for his family. Kwan, I think is starting to realize her actions has consequences,and that in a world of fucking colonists you need to think things out.
Yup, he keeps taking off that fucking helmet, I’ll just have to accept this Inferior Chief I guess. Lucky the actor isn’t shit, and I actually like him.
Lol, the side quest feel of this episode was...fucking great. I love that they are hunting for a literal piece of PLOT PAPER!
Seriously Kwa, you better deliver girl, or you’re world is going to shatter.
Kai please don’t go unhinged and get some agency BEFORE ALL THE SPARTANS DIE!
Vinsher and his bunch in pristine black as night costumes where as everyone else is in shades of grey, and orange and yellow is pretty great.
Lol, the exaggerate Spartan stompiness is...funny.
Kai dropping all the creds on Dr Keyes was...satisfying. I like Keyes, but she’s also a bit on her high horse.
Master Boof (that white shepheard of kid John), is the best fucking boy!
Kwan is...just as disconnected as one could assume.
SNERK, the assassin’s name is Franco...best ever.
GO JOHN! Calling out his kidnapping shitt abusive mother figure!
I bet you Kwan has a link to Forunner tech, calling it.
More Halsey being shitty, yup yup, stripping kids of their humanity. Cuz we can’t have a woman with severe empathy repression feel uncomfortabl when her hens come back to roost.
Seriously, I will sing and dance when this bitch dies. Fuck abusers, fuck Halsey.
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the-ridiculous-blog · 2 years
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Burn Gorman as Vinsher Grath in Halo: Episode 4
Bonus posterior under the cut:
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I would love to continue the rarepair swap! 5 sentences for tom x Chy: Play it safe this time. // FranSher: oh, that was *not* flirting.
(Send me two characters and a sentence and I’ll write the next five)
OK this has languished in my inbox for long enough.
“Play it safe this time.”
“Would you like to say that again?”
Tom looked across the lightyears at his wife. “Just because you have an expert marksman badge doesn’t mean you have to use it!”
Chyler looked entirely too amused. “How’s it feel being on the other end of this?”
“Oh, that was NOT flirting.”
“Really?” Vinsher said, maddeningly nonplussed.
“Really. Now put out the cigar.”
“I’ll tell that wonderfully punctual nanny we just hired that her services are no longer required.”
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jimmymcgill · 2 years
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Halo 1.02 “Unbound”
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newtgottlieb · 2 years
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Burn Gorman as Vinsher Grath in Halo, Episode 7
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a-carnie-and-a-cop · 2 years
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i mean is he Michelangelo's David or something
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