#vinyl dungarees
hockeydogwoof · 1 year
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In the Amazona WorkXtreme PVC mechanics workie suit.
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luveline · 1 year
Hi! Could you please write a daddy-daughter day with Roan and Eddie? Like Eddie and Roan listening to Eddie's music, going to Wayne's, and just doing cute things like when Reader went out with her friends please?
hi sweetheart yes I can, I loved this idea, tyty! dad!eddie x fem!reader, 3k (cw reader is tipsy at the end)
"Okie-smokie," you say, standing at the door with two options. "Ro, pink or silver?" 
You show Roan your earrings. Eddie crams his foot into his sneaker and ties the laces, listening as Roan deliberates your two choices. "I think you should wear the pink ones because you have pink gems on your bracelet." 
He can hear your smile. "I think so too. Thank you, lovely girl." 
"Roan, you have your shoes on still?" Eddie asks, toeing into his second shoe. He stands tall when he's done and brushes down his jeans. "Coat?" 
"I don't know where my coat is," she says. 
"I'll get it," you say. "It's in our room." 
"Okay. You have your purse?" Eddie asks. 
You laugh as you run up the stairs. "Stop doing your dad checklist! We have everything." 
Roan waits by the door in what Eddie believes to be her nicest outfit ever. He's been experimenting with elaborate hairstyles, and this one takes the cake. 
He'd woken her up early for a shower and washed her hair, some tactile bonding to start what's looking to be a great day. She'd nearly fallen back asleep, and again when he was drying it with the cold diffuser. After that he sectioned it and pulled two triangular sections from the front backward, and with the help of four rubber bands and a little bit of hair mousse, he secured it out of her face, curled and pretty. 
She's wearing a short-sleeved white t-shirt under stiff black dungarees with black sneakers. You suggested white sneakers, but Eddie joked that he wouldn't make her look too perfect (her white sneakers are full of mud from when they went looking for frogs last weekend, and he hasn't told you yet). 
"Hey, can you get her, uh, her blue jacket? The navy one? I think her vinyl coat will be too uncomfortable with the short sleeves." 
You appear on the top step already holding it. "I'm psychic." 
Once Roan has been helped into her coat and Eddie's made sure you both have money and water, he locks the door to your (his) house with his key. It took him a long time to start calling it his house. Not that he ever thought you'd shoot him out of it. So far, there hasn't been a day since you got together where he worried it wouldn't last. 
And here the kissing begins. 
You might pretend otherwise, but Eddie knows you're jealous of today. Not in a cruel way, the envy isn't eating you alive or anything, but he knows you wishes you could come, and he also knows you know that's not how these kinds of days work. If you're with them, Eddie would have to share his attention. Alone with Roan, he can pour it all in. You're not so codependent as to resent that, and you're happy for them. But again, you're jealous. 
"Why did I make plans?" you ask him, your hands bunched in his t-shirt. 
"Because you'll have fun," he says, dipping his head down to kiss you. 
You smile and lift one shoulder. "I will. You have fun too, okay?" You bend at the waist to kiss Roan's cheek. After a moment, you kiss the other. "My big girl, you look so grown up today, we should've taken more photos." 
"I think ten was enough," Roan says.
"It wasn't," you and Eddie say at the same time. You sigh morosely, though it's not entirely genuine. 
"Okay, I love you both. Say hi to Uncle Wayne for me." 
"We love you," Eddie says. You pout and get in your car. You've parked behind him, so they stand waving at you as you leave. "She loves you so much," Eddie says to Roan. 
Roan shrugs her shoulders, pleased and trying to be humble about it. "Dad," she grumbles. 
He puts Roan in her car seat and they drive to Uncle Wayne's for lunch. It's not far, but it's enough to listen to Roan's tape, featuring her current favourite song, a nonsensical rock song called 'She Don't Use Jelly' by The Flaming Lips. It's not Eddie's taste but it's worth it just to listen to Roan shouting along to the song, her building excitement before she gets to sing, "He uses maaaa-gazines!" 
After that is Sheryl Crow. Eddie wants to switch the tape to something harder but Roan's already singing, and it's so funny to hear her sing 'All I Wanna Do' that he can't make himself change it. He rolls down the windows so she can feel the wind on her face and she dances in her seat, tripping over the words with gusto. 
Sheryl Crow is all your influence. As soon as the song ends he pops the tape and drives the car at a crawl. He's had Roan's favourite, and then yours, but now it's time for real music. He isn't raising no prep. 
Roan is more than used to rock music. She loves it most of the time, though her taste complicates as she ages. Eddie puts on a tape you made him painstakingly at Christmastime full of ripped live performances, the sort of music you can't find on CD yet. The very first song is 'Sad But True', Metallica live from Mexico, '93. Roan bobs her head up and down with the beat. Eddie literally could not be more proud, better when she pulls out her air guitar and challenges him on who's best. 
After almost crashing the car into the picnic bench on Wayne's front yard, Eddie pulls Roan out, and grins as she races up the steps to the door. She doesn't knock —Wayne's home is Eddie's home is her home. 
"Uncle Wayne!" she bellows. 
The smell of sausages and fried onions is inescapable. Eddie loves Wayne, and he loves his extra special hotdogs, but he can already sense the mess Roan's about to make. Ketchup stains have defeated half her wardrobe over the years. 
Wayne's turning from the stove with a huge grin. He wipes his hands on a rag and chucks it at the counter, bending down with his arms opening to catch Roan as she sprints at him. 
"Oh," he groans, "Hi, Roanie. Where have you been? I told your dad eleven thirty, and it's almost twelve." 
"We had to help Y/N find her nice pants," she says, wrapping her arms around Wayne's neck. 
Wayne gives her a grandfatherly squeeze, adoring but nonchalant. 
"We didn't have to help," Eddie says, "but she made breakfast, so it would've been mean to not help." 
"Still sounds like dad's fault," Wayne says. "Yeah?" 
"Yes," Roan says, turning in Wayne's arms to beam at her betrayed father. 
Wayne kisses her head and puts her down. He asks how you are, to which Eddie can answer honestly. You're good, and you're very happy lately making wedding arrangements even though you don't know what you're doing for lots of it. Roan is still torn on whether she wants to be the best man or the maid of honour. You'd been winning, until Eddie told her she could still wear a dress as best man. 
The hotdogs are ready for eating straight away. Unlike Eddie, Wayne is prepared for Roan's mess. He pins a bib around her that he's had since she was two with a rabbit on the front. It should've been trashed a while ago, but in a show of quiet love, Wayne scrubs it spotless every single time she wears it. The white background is still a bright white. 
They eat hot dogs and talk about nothing. Wayne and Eddie see each other every single day, but Wayne and Roan definitely don't. Now that she's getting older, there's been talks of consistent sleepovers. Eddie doesn't want Wayne to spend all week in work and then have her on the weekend because, while she is an absolute delight, Roan is also hard work, and especially on Fridays when she's tired. But Wayne wants to have her, and Roan loves him more than anything, so sooner or later Eddie's going to have to say yes. 
He won't lie, he could use the break. But not tonight. 
"Dad," Roan says, fried onions and bread falling down her front and back onto her plate.
"Yes, my rude girl?" 
She licks her lips. Wayne tilts her head back to wipe her mouth clean with a paper towel. "Thank you, Uncle Wayne. Dad, can we get a movie tonight?" 
"Yeah, babe, we can get a movie, but I thought you wanted to go to the Hawk?" 
"There's no space for talking in the Hawk." 
"And you want to talk to me," he summarises. 
"Duh. Wayne, can I have more smustard, please?" she asks through chews. 
Wayne meets Eddie's eyes as he squirts mustard on her hotdog. It's a look Eddie didn't know he wanted to see until Wayne started giving it, a mixture of she's funny and you're raising a good one, kid. 
Eddie cleans up the hotdog mess before Wayne can stop him and they dawdle, not wanting to leave but with things to do. They're ten minutes late for their manicure appointments. 
The Hawkins manicurists are slightly judgemental middle-aged women who love Roan. They've seen her a couple of times, once when Eddie had been on a few dates with you but was far from your boyfriend, and Roan wanted, "Pretty nails, like Y/N," after she'd seen your painted nails for a wedding, and then a couple of times after with you, but it's been a while since he was here, and the new young nail technician surprises Eddie. 
"Hi," she says, smiling at Roan, "I know you, don't I? You and your mom came in a couple of weeks ago. How did your gems last?" 
"They came off when we went waterfall walking," Roan says, sounding exuberantly pleased by this. 
"Wow, waterfall walking, that sounds fun!"
Eddie grabs Roan under the armpits to help her into the tall chair. "It was fun until her wellies split. She had cold feet." 
"Oh no. What do we want today, miss adventurer? The same as last time, or are we trying something new?" 
Roan looks up at Eddie. He takes a seat beside her, her coat in his lap. "Whatever you want, Ro. No, um, extensions though." 
"No, I wouldn't suggest it," says the nail tech. "Maybe I can show you some pictures and you can see if you like something? I can do whatever you want me to." 
Roan ends up asking for nails that look like the ocean. The nail technician is an artist, creating a beautiful illusion of real water on her nails, and colourful sea creatures on the nails big enough to accommodate them. 
"Are you bringing your wife back soon?" the nail tech asks, covering Roan's skin with her hand as her nails cure under a UV lamp. 
"She's not married, yet," Roan says. 
"She's my fiancé," Eddie says mildly. He kind of liked wife better. "And she doesn't let me spoil her often, so probably not." 
"She couldn't stop talking about you," the nail tech says. "And you," —she nods at Roan— "I was kind of jealous. I'm still jealous. I hope my baby comes out as pretty as you." 
"You're having a baby?" Roan asks, gasping, almost knocking over the UV lamp. 
"I am! Yeah, I am, she's not coming anytime soon though. But by Christmas I'll have her." The nail tech brings a buffing file to Roan's pinky finger and sands against the edge gently. "She better be as nice as you, miss adventurer." 
"I think Ro might be one of a kind," Eddie says. 
Roan smiles at him as though he's hung the moon. 
They visit the video store after the nail salon, hand in hand. Roan is more than ecstatic at the aquarium on her nails, and it's making her sweet. She walks as close to Eddie as she can without stepping on his shoes, and doesn't let go for anything. Or, almost anything. 
"Steve!" she shouts when she sees him, Harrington himself bent over the kids aisle arranging movies. 
"Oh, no," he groans. Roan runs full pelt at him and he pretends to almost fall over. Roan laughs and tugs him back up, and he says thank you with a short hug. "Hi, Roan." He looks up to see Eddie, and glares with a mock disdain. "You. Where's my spirit level?" 
"Your–" Eddie's lips part, and then snap shut. "My bad, Stevie. I still have it, I swear."
"Well give it back, I want to mount my new TV on the wall and I can't because you never answer the phone." 
"I do," Eddie protests. 
"No, you don't, I think I've spoken more to Y/N since you moved in with her than I've spoken to you. Which, actually, I prefer her. And I want you to invite her to my housewarming party next week." 
"Am I invited, too?" Roan asks. 
Steve smiles at her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Of course you are. Robin's going to bring Mr. Stink too." 
Mr. Stink is Robin's big fat tabby cat. Roan loves him so much she cries every time she has to say goodbye to him.
Eddie and Steve hug and only pat each other on the back once, which is progress. Having guessed why they're there, Steve pulls them into the backroom to show her all the new kids movies, and lets Roan pick as many as she wants to put on his account. Despite his hug and his party invitation, Of course you're invited too, Steve glares at Eddie fiercely from across the checkout counter. "Do not bring them back late, Munson. You cost me six dollars, last time." 
"And I tried to give it back to you," Eddie says, the bag of movies hanging from his elbow, Roan the other. 
"Don't insult me. Bye, my favourite Munson, make sure you bring me a nice drawing for my new fridge," Steve says. He speaks much more kindly to Roan than he does Eddie, but Eddie doesn't think for a moment that Steve doesn't like him. They've just always been like this. 
"Okay! Tell Robin I miss her, please, and Mr. Stinky." 
"Anything for you. Bye, bye," he calls. 
Eddie waves at him and they stroll out of the video store like kings, Eddie with all their movies and Roan with one of the huge bags of ready popped popcorn. She's walking on sunshine with every step, nearly skipping by the time they reach the car. 
He doesn't understand it. Eddie's just Eddie. He doesn't get it, but he has a moment when he's strapping her back into her third car seat, knowing one day she's gonna be so tall they can get away with a booster seat. One day she won't need a car seat at all. He just loves her so much he can’t handle it. 
"Show me those nails again, babe," he says. 
She pulls her wrist up, her fingers hanging down, and says, "Lookit." 
He loves her. She learned it from you. You'd done it as a joke, Roan does it because it makes her feel cool. 
"Gorgeous." He pulls her hands into his. "What else do you want to do today?" 
She shrugs. Eddie strokes down a crop of windblown baby hairs with a licked thumb, waiting for her to decide, but she must get distracted. She reaches out to do the same to him, moving his hair behind his ear. 
"That's for me," she says, looking at the little 'R' behind his ear. 
"Yeah, that's for you. I was going to get your full name, but I couldn't take the pain," he lies. 
Her nose wrinkles in amusement. "Then how did you get the big ones on your arms?" 
"I was less of a crybaby when I had those ones." 
"You're not a crybaby, dad," Roan says, giggling.
He pouts and sniffles at her. "You really mean that?" he asks tearfully. 
Roan pushes his shoulder lightly. 
"Did you decide what you want to do?" 
She nods vehemently. When she tells him what she wants, Eddie really could burst into tears. 
You're a little tiny bit tipsy when you come home that night. You try not to show it, but Eddie knows you better than he knows the back of his own hand, and as soon as you sit down he's taking big sniffs of you to make sure you know you've been found out. 
"Stop, you're like a puppy," you grumble fondly. "Wait, where's my Ro?" 
"Bathroom. Come here, let me take your shoes off." 
You lift a tired foot into his lap. "I had, uh, a margarita. And a cosmo, too. It was happy hour!" 
"Sweetheart, I couldn't care less what hour it was as long as you had fun." 
You preen, your face swinging into his shoulder. One of your earrings jabs his bicep. "Did you have a good day with Roan?" 
"We had a great day." He struggles to get your shoe off as you slide down his arm. "Maybe my favourite day with her I've ever had that wasn't with you." 
"Really? I'm so happy. Oh, wow, what? Nice nails, handsome." 
You pull his hands into your lap. They're painted in a uniform black, but there's a clownfish painted on his thumbnail. "They're super goth," you say. 
"You think so?" 
"The clownfish is a choice. Can I get one too?" 
Eddie kisses your flushed cheek. "Yeah, babe. The nail tech tried to get me to have a seahorse–" 
"Bit on the nose." 
"Exactly," he laughs. "Exactly. But our day was awesome. She was such an angel, and she must've made everyone smile everywhere we went, she–" Eddie sits up, speaking with pride in every word. "We went to Wayne's, and the nail salon, and the video store because she said the movies aren't good for talking and she wanted to talk to me, and I asked her if she wanted to do anything else, and she said," —Eddie squeezes your thigh— "she'd do anything as long as we could have a hug." 
"She has you in the palm of her hand," you laugh, looking up at him with eyes nearly closed. 
Roan skips into the room, hands dripping water, and catapults herself over the armrest back into Eddie's lap. Without asking, she dries her hands on his t-shirt. 
"Hello, princess," you say. 
Roan drags the half-eaten bag of popcorn over to your side. "Hi. I saved you some." 
You take a handful of popcorn and promptly spill it down the front of your shirt. Roan helps you by picking them off of you and eating them, cramming her mouth until her cheeks have chipmunked. 
"Don't do that, you'll choke," Eddie says.
"I won't," she says, little bits of popcorn spraying him. 
"Ro," he laughs, his hand held over her mouth, laughing so hard it wobbles her in his lap. 
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senor-plume · 5 months
Rubber Soul Blessed
rubber soul burning hot from my turntable
there are a few flakes of happiness dropping outside of my window
ground gathering white
only the slight glow from the Christmas tree is illuminating this room
I pull a pack of matches from my dungaree pocket and introduce it the the wick (with it’s gentle cinnamon scent) and it is a miracle we’ve all come to accept as not a big deal
this convenient flame does its job with no complexity
just sit there, hot and wait to be blown out
from behind my ear I slide a joint out but it tangles (just a bit) in my hair and I drop it to the floor where three curious cats give it their utmost attention
shooing them (with love) I pick up the slight bone and place it to my smiling lips
I bring the lit match to the tip as George Harrison croons to me about thinking for myself
taking a long pull I close my eyes thanking all of the gods for Rickenbacker guitars and fuzzy bass boxes
I exhale and blow the mellow smoke to the spinning ceiling fan where it scatters like love notes wild from the breeze
the snow is picking up and the album is nearing it’s ‘Side A’ completion
time to become mobile
time to rise for a quick flip and then back to my ultra-comfy chair for a few more puffs
a few more tunes while watching it all go down outside
walking towards the stereo I step over: two cats a pair of slippers catnip dust and an ornament that should still be hanging proudly on the tree
lifting the needle from the vinyl I am hit with a bolt of pure joy and hurry to get that 'B-Side’ rocking
ah, tonight
thank you for the snow and music
with my billowy weed and three cats this night could not have been any more enjoyable
I’m blessed
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uglypastels · 2 years
Could I also request Grapejuice with Robin? I’d love to see how you’d capture her with it x
this is my first Robin fic so I hope it's alright <3 thank you for sending in the request!!
no explicit warnings. underage drinking.
Spotify Wrapped Blurb event > send in a request! (masterlist)
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1982. Freshman year. 
First day of class. 
Everyone in your class was technically new, but you had an extra disadvantage on you, having just moved to Hawkins only a few weeks before school started– your new room was barely rid of the giant cardboard boxes. So, while everyone might be nervous about stepping inside the halls of Hawkins High for the first time, you knew that they all were already ahead of you by knowing their classmates. All these small-town kids knew each other. You were an outsider, and it was evident from the moment you noticed how everyone was staring at you. An unfamiliar face will do that. 
For most of the first half of the day, you didn’t speak to anyone. Keep your head low and stay out of trouble; that seemed the most straightforward strategy to survive this place. But then, at lunch, that whole strategy got interrupted when someone sat down next to you. 
Her hair was short and messy. Strands poking out at unnatural angles, wearing dungarees and an oversized sweater underneath, which felt too warm for the post-summer heat, even just looking at it. 
‘Uhmm, hi.’ The girl said with half a smile. 
‘Hi,’ you replied, mouth half full with a sandwich, but you hadn’t wanted to be rude by not responding.
‘I’m Robin,’ Robin introduced herself. You mumbled back your name. 
‘Yeah, I know,’ she said, quickly adding an explanation: ‘we have English together, so I heard the introduction Miss Fredrickson gave you.’ All you could do was nod. 
But the conversation continued and never really ended after that. Quickly and rather effortlessly, Robin became your best friend. And four years later, you were still glued to the hip. 
Spring Break. 
The first day of the free week and, magically, the first day of good weather. Yesterday it finally came. A sunny afternoon, but the warmth followed up a little later. Suddenly it became unbearable to stay in the house, so you and Robin decided to meet up. Just hang out around town, and tell each other what to buy with the money you didn’t have. 
‘Tell me, when did stuff get so expensive?’ You sighed, looking at a Blondie tape in the record store. Robin just shrugged as she skimmed through the store’s merchandise. There was a moment of silence between you as you both looked through the racks of cassettes and vinyl– not entirely silent, as the store had music playing. Still, neither of you spoke, just enjoying each other’s presence, showing finds the other might enjoy, knowing fully well you couldn’t afford any of it. It was time to get a job. 
‘Are you going to Steve’s party tonight?’ Robin asked eventually as you were leaving the store. 
‘Uhm, I guess. Don’t really have anything else going on.’ You weren’t the biggest fan of Steve “the Hair” Harrington, but ever since the previous summer, he and Robin had become genuinely friends, so you had very little to object about him. But something about the guy still irked you. 
And the chances of meeting the host of a house party are quite small—especially a party like Harrington’s. But somehow, the chances of meeting the last person you want to see at a party are much bigger. So therefore, you were immediately greeted with the sight of Steve and Robin talking when you walked into the house that evening. They were standing in a corner, chatting. He was holding a cup, most likely containing beer or a concoction with a remarkable percentage of alcohol. Robin also held a cup, but you didn’t even have to ask what she was drinking. It was always the same thing for the two of you. The cheapest red wine possible. The cheapness was an added and acquired taste. 
Robin spotted you almost immediately, ending the conversation she was in the middle of.
‘Here, have mine, I’ll go grab the bottle,’ she handed you her solo cup and almost immediately slipped away to the kitchen, leaving you in her spot next to Steve. 
‘Nice party,’ you said, looking out at the living room filled with drunk teenagers. 
‘Thanks.’ He took a sip of his drink; your eyes never met, and the conversation ended. It was your new record of most exchanged words between you. 
Objectively, there was nothing for you to hate about Steve. You knew there wasn’t. But every time you saw him hanging out with Robin, something boiled deep inside you. 
Luckily, Robin didn’t leave you alone for too long, coming back with her own cup and the remains of the wine in its bottle. Steve immediately saw that as a sign to go, departing with the words, “see you around, guys”, and disappearing in the crowd. 
You took a sip of the wine. ‘This is shit.’ 
‘I know,’ Robin said. You both took large gulps to finish your cups. When done, you both spoke up, simultaneously interrupting each other and laughing it off. ‘You go first,’ Robin let you. 
‘What were you and Steve talking about? When I walked in?’ you remembered how quickly Robin shut the conversation up, and immediately left the room. And then Steve was so quick to leave too. 
‘Uhm, that’s kind of what I wanted to talk about actually, but— not here, preferably.’  She took your hand and guided you through the masses. It wasn’t a smooth passage, as she kept bumping into people, and you lost grip on each other in several instances, but finally managed to get up the stairs and into a bedroom. The music was still audible, but much softer. At a comfortable volume the both of you could keep. It just got so overwhelming sometimes. 
You sat down on the bed, sipping from the solo cup, watching Robin walk up and down the room.
‘So, we’ve known each other for a pretty long time?’
‘I’d say so, yeah,’ you chuckled. This probably wasn’t the longest friendship for either of you, but for sure the most significant one. It felt like it had lasted centuries. 
‘Right, yes. So I really don’t want to say or do anything that might ruin that because that would really suck, and I’ve been trying to find a way to say it in the least destrucitble way, but every time I just seem to spiral down this hole of sentences and my mouth vomits out words pretty much like I’m doing right now.
‘And you asked me what I was talking about with Steve, and he was actually trying to help me figure out what to say but I already screwed that up and I’m still going for some reason–’
‘Rob!’ She froze at the sound of your voice. ‘How much did you have to drink?’
‘A couple glasses, but I’m not drunk. Not in that sense at least. Like, I know what I’m doing— or I’m trying to do what I know I want to do, I just don’t know how to do it– or say it. It’s not that it’s difficult either, per say, but I’m freaking myself out about it, you know–’ she couldn’t contain her nervous giggling in between her words. 
‘Ok, so just tell me. I promise I won’t be mad.’ You couldn’t think of anything that Robin could do to upset you as much as she thought it could. 
Robin opened her mouth and the beginning of a word came out, but she pushed it right back in. She took another sip of her wine. You mirrored her and when you were both done, you could hear her take a deep breath. 
‘I like you– like, really really like you.’ 
You blinked slowly, trying to comprehend the statement as Robin kept on rambling: 
‘You don’t even have to say anything back, I really don’t expect it. And if you don’t want to be friends anymore, I totally get that, but I couldn’t keep it in anymore because everytime we’re together my heart just explodes and my head spins so here’s my trying to sort all of that out by being honest–what?’ She only stopped talking when you got off the bed. 
‘Don’t be mad,’ you said, softly, before cupping her face and gently kissing her. It was brief, sweet, and both of you melted into it. Then, when you pulled away, ‘And yeah, you’re right, I don’t want to be friends anymore.’
‘What?’ She blinked, dazed and confused, but you quickly elaborated before breaking Robin’s heart into a million pieces. 
‘“Just friends” won’t cut it. I really like you too.’ And you kissed her again. 
the end
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thank you for reading!! i would love to know what you thought so don't be shy to comment and reblog <3. you can also leave a review here.
no Robin taglist
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Saturday, 10 December 2022:
Melancholy Mood Bob Dylan (Columbia) (released on Record Store Day 2016)
As the enormous Dylan fan that I am and as a once completest Dylan fan, it is hard to fathom why I have ignored this EP, an exact replica of a Japanese tour EP Dylan released in the same year).  Well, maybe not so hard.  Dylan was on his second album of Sinatra covers and if there is one musician/signer I dislike it is Sinatra.  Dylan ultimately did five albums of Sinatra covers (it’s still hard to fathom) and I must have decided I didn’t need to own one more piece of what I think is Dylan’s worst period.  (I must admit I do like his vocals on these albums, but a Dylan lover has to find something to applaud during this era.)  Since this EP provides nothing I didn’t already own when it came out, I must have thought it was best to pretend it didn’t exist. 
Today in Springfield there was a record show brought to you by Younger Than Yesterday, an affiliation of a record shop owner my brother and I call Craig Gonn.  I’ll not get into why we call him that, but he hosted this record show yearly since time began and I have attended on an almost yearly basis.  With each subsequent year it gets less and less attended by dealers and collectors.  Today it was almost absurd anyone bothered as there were only six tables of dealers.  Considering I attended the CHIRP Record Show in Chicago where there had to have been 75 to 100 tables of music, this show in Springfield was anemic to say the least. 
The lady who takes tickets has been there as long as I can recall and these days her table (which I didn’t count in my total count, which means there were seven tables) she only traffics in Record Store Day releases.  The problem is all of the albums cater to classic rocker aficionados who seem to have the most pedestrian taste.  I went through everything and in her two boxes of RSD 45s she must have had 20 copies of this Dylan EP.  I decided it was time I bought it, but I made sure I bought it last.  I am not walking around a record “fair” hanging onto a Bob Dylan record even if I do not dress in the uniform of men my age.  I lack the pot belly, the white goatee and the white hair (I dye mine brown, a natural looking brown mind you just like my grandmother did) and the dirty white tennis shoes.  I wear the uniform of an out of touch college prof--suit coat with a scarf, dress shoes, but sadly I wore dungarees like most of the sad pathetic men my age.   Anyhow, I would by htis 45 last.  Above you see the cover and the back of the picture sleeve. 
Below you can see a close up of the hype sticker on the cover, even if maybe this is overkill.
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This 45 is pressed on red translucent vinyl just like the original Japanese EP was.  Check out the look of it below as well as an outside shot on a grey, grey foggy day.
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As always I enjoy closing with my favorites, the labels for both sides.
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carharttme · 4 years
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You know she’s the one when listening to vinyl also means strappin’ up in bibs! Both of you!
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rgmv · 6 years
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
Okay, so I've got the bulk of We'll Always Need Each Other Part 4 in the pipeline, will edit over the next few days and have it out hopefully on Thursday!
Here's a sneak peak:
The drive is not even 7 minutes from Med, yet it’s the most eternal drive Will has ever experienced in the back of an ambulance. With you as stable as you could be in transit, he lets the paramedic in charge do the work as he grasps your cold hand in his warm ones. Eyeing the monitor intermittently between studying your face, you were still so young, your life shouldn’t have ever been so close to ending. Your hand seems more fragile and tiny than it ever has in his, even more than when you were a literal toddler whom he used to carry on his shoulders.
Taking in the stillness of your body he’s reminded of the last time he had seen you similar to this. It makes him smile. 
“Will, hurry up, we’re going to be late!” You hollered from the living room.
“Alright, give me a second, Jay got the wrong size for this thing!” Will huffs from the bathroom, brushing his hair to suit the costume he was now stuffed into. 
“This is ridiculous.” He mutters, shaking his head with a small chuckle, knowing how much you’d both hate and love his Halloween outfit. 
He picks up his car keys and the two pumpkin buckets he had bought for collecting your candy. You were 15 but you were only growing to love Halloween more and more. This year District 21 was holding a party, and Jay had selected you and Will as a unified plus one. “Okay, alright. Let’s do this thing.”
Coming out to the living room he doesn’t see you, frowning in confusion as he could have sworn that’s where your voice had originated from. He doubles back to check in your room, only to find it empty. 
“Y/N? Where are you, you goofball. Don’t you dare make me jump!” 
He moves further into the living room, scanning carefully every conceivable nook and cranny before he spots a long object in front of the couch. A coffin. 
He laughs now, heading towards the black vinyl box. Giving it a courtesy knock before lifting the lid. 
There you were, in stunningly realistic makeup, hollow cheeks, pale skin, fangs protruding from your mouth, a velvet suit and cape squished into the plush lining of the prop coffin you’d managed to find. He hadn’t even seen that thing before now, when the heck had you got it into the apartment?
“You, you’re a creepy kid. And I love you for it. Good freaking job, short stuff!” 
You crack an eye open, your luminous red lips turning up into a grin as you hold out a hand, waiting for Will to help you up and out of the coffin. 
Springing to your feet you take in the sight of your big brother, snorting and chuckling as you realise what Jay had picked for him. 
“Oh my god. Chucky? He got you a Chucky outfit? Dude, those dungarees are giving you a major wedgie. Nice job on the hair, you look SO weird, but awesome.”
“Don’t I know it, but it’ll do. And thanks, glad I could pass quality control.” He grins then falters into a grimace as he wiggles in his dungarees, a fake knife tucked into the front pocket. Bending to help you lift the coffin. 
“I assume this is coming with us?” 
“Duh!” You exclaim, swishing your cape as you grab one end to take down to Will’s car. 
[End of Flashback]
Will gets Connor’s attention the second they’re through the ED doors with you, reeling off the injuries he knew about, had seen, had felt beneath his hands, knowing he couldn’t do anything for you now except wait and hope it would all be okay in the OR.
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awhkacey · 4 years
Types of people as types of coffee:
Original latte: Reading the last chapter of your romance book as you wait for the sun to rise, sad love songs, denim jackets, iron on patches, walks on the beach, toxic friends :(, organised, pretty aesthetic notes, crazy weekends with the girls.
Macchiato: black denim, shopping sprees, always in a rush, sleeps in late, nail appointments, takes the longest to get ready, party Friday, tight fitted dresses, sneaking out with friends, chill weekends, Netflix marathons, Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.
Cappuccino: neutral coloured clothing, turtlenecks, cute little dungaree dresses, coffee dates, organised stationary, pastel highlighters, studying for 4hrs straight, always hands in assignments early.
Espresso: Falling asleep @5am,late night studying sessions, oversized hoodies, playing Arctic Monkeys in the background, vinyls on the wall, considering dying their hair again, meditation sessions to calm suppressed anger, reading sad poetry they can relate to, thrifted graphic tees.
Almond iced lattes: Has the tendency of pretending to be someone they’re not, social media addict, part of the ‘popular’ crowd, fake smiles, deeply sad, music is used to suppress their negative emotions, competitive, needs new friends who really get them for them.
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trendresearch · 4 years
2) Reading Week Homework
Before the module began, my tutors gave homework to help prepare me for the module. 
The first was to read Holland. G and Jones, R (2017). ‘Fashion Trend Forecasting’ 
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and the second was to research trends, considering the following criteria:
My chosen trends...
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Image taken from: https://www.wmagazine.com/story/miniskirts-womens-liberation-trend/
Title/Theme: Mini Skirt
Fabric Selection: Varies from Denim, stretchy Cotton, Leather to Knit and tweed
Key Shapes/Garments: Usually tight fitted but can be flared and free flowing, A-line shape, pleats, ruffles.
Colour Palette: Patterns vary from plaid/checkered to floral- Denim blue/black. Colour palette is broad and open ranging from anything to colourful and bright to more muted and monochromatic tones.
Key Words: ‘Women’s Liberation movement’, ‘Mary Quant’, ‘1960′s’, ‘Mod’, ‘André Courrèges’, ‘Swinging London’, ‘Space Age’, ‘Twiggy’, 
Contexual Information:
Since the early 1960s, miniskirts have existed as a symbol of women's liberation. The pioneers of the mini skirt are attributed to designers Mary Quant and André Courrèges.  Popularised in "Swinging London," by the likes of model Twiggy whose most famous attire was that of a mod mini skirt.
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Image taken from: https://byronsmuse.wordpress.com/2015/08/09/twiggy-the-face-of-1966/
Paris adopted this look and became part of the Space Age trend and becoming a staple part of a political standpoint with activists like Germaine Greer and Gloria Steinem making the miniskirt a symbol of the women’s movement. It wasn't long before the miniskirt became a symbol for female liberation.
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Images taken from: 
However, not everyone agreed with the design with society deeming the high hemline as controversial even designers like Dior refusing to feature the hottest trend on their runways and Chanel questioning the trend wearers if they: ‘‘Have they all gone mad?’’
However, despite much acquisition from the public The Miniskirt has never quite faded throughout history since it began—with icons like Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell and The Spice Girls sporting this look throughout the 90′s. However, it made a more prominent comeback in the early 2000s, with American designers like Tom Ford bringing sexy back into fashion, and It girls like Paris Hilton raising hemlines even further with denim miniskirts, concluding what we now call the ‘micro mini’.
Even today, the miniskirt is still a staple part of fashion and is frequently seen being sported by the likes of Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner and super models alike.
2) Punk
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Image found and taken from: http://devilinspiredgothicpunkdress.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-1970s-punk-fashion-for-men-and-women.html
Title/Theme: Punk
Fabric Selection: leather, fishnet, tartan/plaid, vinyl, rubber
Key Shapes/Garments: Tight fitting leather jackets, ripped jeans, shorts, black tights, studs, pleated skirts, loose flannels, chains, chunky boots; motorcycle boots, combat boots and doc Martens, tapered jeans, tight leather pants and ‘bondage’ attire
Colour Palette: Typically a darker selection of colours; black and red are common colour combinations.
Contexual Information:
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The Punk subculture first emerged in the mid 1970s in London as an anarchic and aggressive movement. It is generally regarded as a defining moment in British cultural history; encapsulating the socio-economic and political climate of the late 1970s. Punks deconstructed garments into new forms, using clothes from charity and thrift shops, destroying the fabric and refashioning outfits that was often thought of as crude-attracting attention. In this day and age torn fabrics, frayed edges and defaced prints are now considered normal but in the 1970s it shocked many people, because it had never been seen before. Until then fabric had been treated as a material to keep as pristine, and as beautiful as possible.
Black leather, studs, chains, bondage, animal print bum flaps and leg straps epitomise some of the looks that immediately spring to mind when thinking of the early punks.
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Image found and taken from: http://www.anothermag.com/fashion-beauty/9432/the-ten-most-iconic-safety-pin-moments-in-fashion
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Image found and taken from: http://devorahmacdonald.blogspot.com/2014/06/vivienne-westwoods-seditionaries.html
Vivienne Westwood is often coined as the pioneer of the Punk subculture; from her little boutique ‘Worlds end’ in Chelsea, Vivienne Westwood designed original punk clothing, adding tears and safety pins to clothes long before the punk aesthetic hit mainstream attention. Her controversial ‘God Save The Queen’ T-Shirt quickly rose to notoriety in the public eye after she faced prosecution under the obscenity act. Punk as a style succeeded even more when Vivienne Westwood and her husband Malcolm McLaren launched the infamous ‘SEX’ shop which was renamed Seditionaries in 1976 which was considered a hub for rebels and riot kids. They sold leather and rubber fetish goods, especially bondage trousers and produced designs flexed by the band ‘Sex Pistols’ and Siouxsie ( Siouxsie and the Banshees) now, back in fashion with Cara Delevigne. 
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Cara Delevigne wearing a Seditionaries 'Tits' inspired T-shirt by Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm Mclaren.
3) 90′s StreetWear
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Image found and taken from: http://www.thefader.com/2016/10/17/how-to-wear-90s-streetwear
Title/Theme: 90′s Streetwear
Fabric Selection: Denim, velour, leather, nylon, corduroy 
Key Shapes/Garments: oversized and loose fitting; baggy jeans and ‘sweatpants’/joggers, loose T-shirts, ‘sneakers’/trainers, bucket hats, bandanas, tracksuits, windbreakers, dungarees, denim jackets.
Colour Palette: Bright colours, primary colour palette, bold designs
Contexual Information:
The '90s valued colours and aesthetics in designs; colour blocking is a common occurrence. The 90′s style is focused on baggy jeans, loose fitting t-shirts and jackets and can have ‘grunge’ elements with ripped jeans and flannel shirts. Sport and Athletic brands such as Adidas, Nike, Fila, Kappa and more alike were heavily sought after and worn; with their bold colourful logos never going a miss.
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hockeydogwoof · 20 days
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Well-protected in a helmet and heavy ProS Opalo rain suit in a tough-to-miss shiny orange and blue.
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therucrap · 4 years
RPDR 13 Episode 1 RuCrap
Hello dear internet! I just started a new page for my first ever RPDR RuCrap so please share and follow and I’ll continue if they catch on! Hope you enjoy!
The lucky 13th season of RuPaul’s Trauma Spectacular launches with the promise of “all new surprises” and a brand new twist that will leave you wondering how you ever sat through a boring old premiere with a coherent intro, climax, and conclusion when you could be enduring a dizzying hour and a half of WOW presents Happy Death Day 3: Covid Edition!
We open up on the trusty trauma center - I mean Werk Room - and the first to enter is NYC’s “Dominican Doll” and human drag lingo See ‘N Say Kandy Muse in an elaborate bejeweled patchwork jean mini dress and MATCHING DENIM BOOMBOX and she immediately informs us that we may know her from the now former Haus of Aja which was recently deconstructed like the pair of Wranglers that Kandy is wearing as fingerless gloves. Kandy is no longer alone in VIP because the befeathered Joey Jay arrives and half-heartedly delivers her intro line. “Filler queen!” We discover that Kandy is likely going to provide our Greek chorus confessional this season and all in a soft smoky eye when she informs us uncultured swine that Joey is wearing the cheapest variety of feather - chicken. Kandy didn’t construct an entire outfit from the remnants section of a Joanne Fabrics and not learn a thing or two about quality, sweetie! Joey is determined to beat viewers to the punchline and immediately clucks around branding herself as “basic” and “filler.” Joey is from the city of Phoenix (and possibly the online University as well) but she’s here to rise like a chicken!
Thunder mysteriously rumbles as RuPaul appears on the digitally enhanced Werk room TV but what could this be?! For all you newbies this is one of the several instances in every season where Ru mixes things up and gives us what we really want: a twist that is equal parts confusing, fucks up the natural order of the competition, and is ultimately unfulfilling! Come on season 13, let’s put a bunch of queer people through even more turmoil in a pandemic! Ru has a surprise but they’ll have to head to the mainstage to get the full story that they’ll be recounting to a mental health professional later!
We’re merely four minutes in and here comes Ru down the runway dressed like a glitterdot jellyfish! Our tour guide on Trauma Island introduces us to the main panel of judges for the season - Disco Morticia Addams and the two human Trapper Keepers who are now separated by glass because for the first time in Drag Race herstory we’re in the middle of a international health crisis, mawma!
Now let’s get down to trauma! Ru explains that the queens will be pairing off to lipsync unexpectedly as they enter! What could possibly go wrong? Well if you’re hoping that someone comes in wearing blades on their feet well just stick around because I have quite the treat for you! Our Dungaree Diva and the Chicken Feather Filler hit the Mainstage looking as confused as Shangela researching CDC protocol on her way to Puerto Vallarta last week. The judges interview our test subjects and immediately bring up the Haus of Aja and Kandy clarifies that she’s now an esteemed member of The Doll Haus along with last season’s ever-gorgeous Dahlia Sinn. I personally prefer not to say that Dahlia was eliminated first but instead that she was season 12’s brocco-leading lady! (Writer’s note: if you’re thinking “there’s a drag show called The Doll Haus in my hometown... is it THAT Doll Haus?!” No, there’s a drag show called The Doll Haus in almost every city in America but now, like with the former Sharon Needles, Kim Chis, and Penny Trations of the world, this one’s been on TV and alas, the others must now rename themselves)! Joey also charms the judges with her plucky demeanor and it’s already time to lipsync feather they like it or not!
Gay anthem Call Me Maybe by Canadian legend Carley Rae Jepson begins and Kandy immediately pushes a fake button on her DENIM BOOMBOX to start the party. Honestly... crown her right there on the spot. We will ALWAYS give points for prop work and the Carrot Top of the Bronx does not disappoint. Both are energetic but it’s The Dutchess of Denim who wins by infusing humor and our feathered friend is given “the Porkchop” but before we can even wrap our head around what this means for the state of the competition we snap back to the Werk Room to meet our next unsuspecting victims!
Now dear reader, this is the part where I’m just going to cut the shit. The set-up they’re selling us is that the losers of these premiere lipsyncs will be eliminated from the show but they are obviously not about to Porkchop half of the cast on day one so just stick with me while we suspend disbelief and go on RuPaul’s Totally Twisted Trauma Adventure as she convinces 6 gay people who just spent upwards of $10,000 on clothing, jewelry, and hair and then meticulously packed it into regulation suitcases to travel here during a pandemic after probably not making any money for the last four months (this was filmed in July) that they are going home on day one! This herstory-making twist, like so many before it, exemplifies the show’s worst qualities: a lack of empathy for its contestants, an underestimation of viewer intelligence and ability to decode heavy-handed editing witchery, and its love for completely dismantling its own format every year for the sake of drama. Whatever keeps the Emmy’s coming, baby! When you’re on the other side of one of these twists you usually feel like you just finished your morning coffee only to find out that the barista gave you decaf. Your mind will be blown when it’s happening but the payoff is usually at the expense of the show’s own legitimacy. With that said... this is the punishment we come to gleefully endure every year and we’re not here to complain, we’re here to watch gay people break down, dammit!
It’s deja Ru all over again as we snap back to the Werk Room where Chicago’s Denali walks in on ice skates and immediately ruins any chance of a deposit return for the bumpy, rented roll-out vinyl floors and declares “Let me break the ice!” She’s wearing the expensive feathers that Joey Jay didn’t spring for. Denali might not be the first ice skater on Drag Race but she’s the one I didn’t watch shit on a dick on Twitter last week so let’s give credit where it’s due. Ugh I wish Trinity the Tuck could block THAT from my memory! Next up is Atlanta’s Lala Ri whose white blazer, body suit, and unteased hair is immediately called basic by an icy Denali in confessional. Denali is confident but we know something that she doesn’t and Lala is wearing a sensible dancing ankle boot not two blades on her feet so let’s see how this turns out!
The lipsync song is “When I Grow Up” by Nicole Scherzinger and her assistants who were accidentally given microphones a few times! Denali struggles to conceal her wayward nipples during some ambitious dance moves and all while in skates but Lala gives us a good old fashioned drag performance and a big finale split unbothered by an elaborate costume and ultimately ices Denali who signs off with “Feeling icy, feeling spicy!” Asking these queens to lipsync upon entering is one thing but asking them to improvise their exit lines 10 minutes in is just cruel!
Denali heads backstage devastated where SURPRISE... Joey Jay is sitting alone in a sad room made of plywood walls featuring a bunch of pictures of first eliminated queens, an ominous “Porkchop Loading Dock” sign, and some cocktail tables with no cocktails (how dreadful).
Before we get the full picture and God for bid our bearings on Mr Charles’ Wild Ride let’s leave this plywood hellscape and jump back into the familiar comfort of the Werk Room’s pixelated neon pink faux brick walls where LA’s modelesque Symone stomps in wearing a dress made of tiny Polaroids of herself. She’s stylish, her energy is fresh, and she’s clearly one to watch. Then dear reader life as we know it changes. A breeze comes through the room and God herself blesses us when living legend and matriarch of the Iman dynasty Tamisha Iman from Atlanta arrives in a pointy-shouldered red power suit and proclaims to us simple townsfolk “Holler at me, I know you know me. Holler at me, I know you know me. Tamisha is here!” The sea parts, the crops are replenished, and all war stops on Earth. On stage Tamisha reveals that she’s been doing drag for 30 years (which seems like a long time to us mere mortals) and that she was originally cast last season but was diagnosed with colon cancer two days later and had to stay home for chemo. The lipsync gods wisely choose The Pleasure Principle by Janet Jackson and Tamisha gives us exact Janet arm choreo while Simone is sultry yet commanding as she shakes her Polaroids. The judges determine that Simone was picture perfect and American hero Tamisha Iman is sent to Porkchop’s Shipping Crate of Horrors to join the nest with the fancy feather option and the chicken feather option.
We begrudgingly crawl back onto RuPaul’s ever-circling carousel of doom and plop back into the workroom where accomplished LA celebrity makeup artist GottMik stomps in wearing a wacky toile dress and a full face of white makeup declaring that it’s “Time to crash the system!” GottMik is Drag Race’s first trans man contestant (and first knowingly cast trans contestant at all) for which we cheer excitedly and then immediately look at our watches because that took too long. Next up Minneapolis’s towering Utica wriggles in with a sneeze and declares “She’s sickening!” which is just the pandemic humor I came here for! Contaminate me, mom! This gay scarecrow is wearing a series of crazy patterns and a big strawberry on her head and the two of them appear to be from the same traveling circus. These two Big Comfy Couch characters slink over to the main stage where Utica explains that her cranial statement fruit symbolizes tackling obstacles because she used to be allergic to strawberries as a kid but she grew out of it. In RuPaul’s heavy universe of heart wrenching struggles that contain chronic illness and societal rejection, Utica’s animated world that suffers only of outgrown childhood strawberry problems is a welcome one. These two lanky rag dolls will be lipsyncing to Rumors by her majesty Lady Lohan of Mykonos and the vibe is instantly wacky. I wouldn’t say that either of them are the next Kennedy Davenport but they did complement each other well on the invisible obstacle course they were both miming through. Utica’s hair flops over her eye, there’s galloping and floor humping, GottMik does a split, there’s elbows and knees aplenty, and all that’s missing is dancing poodles. The judges are tickled by the kookiness of both of these human windsocks but Gotmikk snatches the win. Neither of these two are going to win So You Think You Can Dance but luckily this is RuPaul’s So You Think You Can Trauma so we’re in luck!
Our homosexual Groundhog Day continues back in the Werk Room where we meet NYC’s Rosé who gets the Brita treatment where she’s presented as a legendary New York queen and then the editors quickly get to work making her look delusional. She’s accomplished, confident, and Drag Race’s favorite personality type to dismantle and then trick into returning to All-Stars for a redemption only to dismantle again. Rosé’s fresh-faced foil Olivia Lux enters and lights up the place right away in a velvet pink and yellow gown. She’s a humble NYC newby who has competed in shows hosted by the established Rosé and we already know what’s about to happen here. The lipsync is Exes and Oh’s by Elle King which which was a choice. Olivia strips off her gown to reveal a bodysuit so she can really articulate and Rosé does the world’s least exciting split that looked like me trying unsuccessfully separate wooden chopsticks. Olivia triumphs and Rosé fizzles as she heads to the It Didn’t Werk Room aka Porkchop’s sparsely decorated storage closet to be with the other Have Nots.
We’re almost to the finish line and we limp, slightly disoriented, back to the Werk Room where we meet Tina Burner, another NYC theater kid with the confidence of a thousand Patti LuPones who is dressed like a Ronald McDonald firefighter. What she lacks in nuance she makes up for in nonstop fire puns. Next Chicago’s glamorous Kahmora Hall saunters in glowing and is clearly unimpressed with Tina’s constant Joan Rivers impression but maintains a full pageant smile. No choice but to stan. Our final queen is the refreshingly optimistic Elliott with 2 T’s who busts in wearing a bolero jacket, some red pants from the store, and a short pink wig that screams “Sorry I’m late! Here’s my flash drive! I can go on whenever!” Elliott dances in sing-talking her entrance line like the TGIFriday’s server she is: “I’m the queen you want to see. Elliot with two T’s. Okay! Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh! Okay!” Elliot is a dancer from Las Vegas and has the unhinged camp counselor energy of someone with snacks in her purse at all times.
On the Mainstage Tina cycles through the last of her introductory fire puns and tells the judges she was in a boy band which honestly tracks. Tina and Rosé share a similar NYC gotta-get-a-gimmick energy but for some reason production has decided to give Rosé the womp womp edit and Tina the superstar edit. The song is Lady Marmalade because we haven’t been though enough and Kahmora serves subdued sexy glamour, Elliott does the splits, and Tina bobs and weaves between the two with full play-to-the-back-row comedy queen energy. Tina extinguishes the dreams of the other two and RuPaul sends the final two losers to the chokey.
The worst is over (we think) and our frazzled cast of hopefuls finally gets to know eachother in their two very different groups. The winning queens in the Werk Room are celebrating and as blissfully unaware of the doom around them as Miss Vanjie and Silky Ganache at a Puerto Vallarta circuit party during a pandemic. Over in Porkchop’s Junk Drawer the camera looms unnecessarily close to the crestfallen losers’ now disheveled wigs and sweat drenched makeup. Ru’s voice bellows over the speaker to tell this motley crew to get out and then as the last bit of light leaves their weary eyes she checks back in to tell them that she wasn’t serious! Oh good! Finally a moment of mercy for these once hopeful queens on their first day of RuPaul’s Wipeout! She then reveals that the full twist is that she is only going to send one home but they have to vote amongst the group of losers to decide who it is! Yes, that’s correct! This group of broken queens who just met and mostly have never seen eachother perform will now be expected to turn on eachother and give up their last bit of dignity to either grovel or just straight up fight with eachother! This must be what the Donner Party’s last night looked like. The queens look around broken and wounded but still hungry, their eyes barely open, their lacefronts only partially attached to their heads, and start deciding which of their own is about to get consumed. Her highness Tamisha Iman reminds them "Well, I'm the only black girl so don't vote me off” and just like that we are TO BE CONTINUED!
Thus concludes our first headspinning episode that despite being reliably frustrating has once again sucked us in and against our better judgement entertained us to the fullest! As for our 13 queens- you can use code HERSTORY on Talkspace while relaying tonite’s events to a sickening liscensed therapist!
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vinylfromthevault · 5 years
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Amyl and the Sniffers “Big Attraction” and “Giddy Up” 2018. Damaged Goods Records. A comp LP of the Australian punks first two EP’s from 2016 and 2017 (both self-released). Raucous, punchy, FUN punk in the spirit of The Ramones, Sex Pistols, mixed with a loud hard edge (they’re influenced by AC/DC, of course). We saw Amyl and the Sniffers play in July and it ranks as one of the best shows - and definitely the best punk show - we’ve seen in years. Side A has Big Attraction (2017) and my favorite track is the riotous “Balaclava Lover Boogie” which is also hilarious; I’m pretty sure the chorus goes “Balaclava with my llama, balaclava lover boogie!” but they are Australian so it is very likely I’m not hearing it quite right (back in the early 80′s I thought AC/DC’s “Dirty Deeds” went like this: “dirty jeans, they’re dungarees” so clearly I’m not to be trusted). Also great are “I’m Not a Loser,” “Mole (Sniff Sniff)” and “Westgate” so basically the whole EP because there are only six songs. Side B is Giddy Up (2016) with just four tracks: “Pleasure Forever” (such a great classic 70′s punk sound), “Caltex Cowgirl” (a startling slow track that is almost melodic but not quite), “Mandalay” (super-raw) and “Stole My Pushbike” (and she’s pissed, she wants it back!). Apparently they wrote, recorded and released Giddy Up in a mere 12 hours. 
The comp ended up going to #8 on the UK vinyl charts in 2018; they signed with Rough Trade soon after (I think we may have picked up this record at Rough Trade in London this past summer).
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senor-plume · 1 year
Rubber Soul Blessed
rubber soul burning hot from my turntable
there are a few flakes of happiness dropping outside of my window
ground gathering white
only the slight glow from the Christmas tree is illuminating this room
I pull a pack of matches from my dungaree pocket and introduce it the the wick (with it’s gentle cinnamon scent) and it is a miracle we’ve all come to accept as not a big deal
this convenient flame does its job with no complexity
just sit there, hot and wait to be blown out
from behind my ear I slide a joint out but it tangles (just a bit) in my hair and I drop it to the floor where three curious cats give it their utmost attention
shooing them (with love) I pick up the slight bone and place it to my smiling lips
I bring the lit match to the tip as George Harrison croons to me about thinking for myself
taking a long pull I close my eyes thanking all of the gods for Rickenbacker guitars and fuzzy bass boxes
I exhale and blow the mellow smoke to the spinning ceiling fan where it scatters like love notes wild from the breeze
the snow is picking up and the album is nearing it’s ‘Side A’ completion
time to become mobile
time to rise for a quick flip and then back to my ultra-comfy chair for a few more puffs
a few more tunes while watching it all go down outside
walking towards the stereo I step over: two cats a pair of slippers catnip dust and an ornament that should still be hanging proudly on the tree
lifting the needle from the vinyl I am hit with a bolt of pure joy and hurry to get that 'B-Side’ rocking
ah, tonight
thank you for the snow and music
with my billowy weed and three cats this night could not have been any more enjoyable
I’m blessed
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lanamemories · 5 years
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hLO itsa me nai-io!!!!! (read shrieked in a high voice like mario if he buckled his dungarees too tight around the crotch)...... im sad i missed opening bt i had a pretty busy past 2 days so i didn’t hav any chance at all to b online bc i ws staying at a friends bt. anyway. excited to b here nw regardless of my Fashionably Late entrance. i’m 22 n live in manchester (the u freakin k Bay Bee) n cackle a little too mch like a witch fr supernatural suspicions nt to arise. thts all u rly need to kno. like this or hmu fr plots!! 
p.s. this is her pinterest for those of u tht like tht kind of thing
「 bridget satterlee. cis-female. 」have you seen lana jameson around yet? i hear SHE decided to be in ALPHA NU for their JUNIOR year as a DANCE major. the 21 year old SHEEP is known to be vivacious, alluring, childish and impulsive. ➨ the muse is written by nai. she is 22, in the gmt.
some random aesthetics: a red water pistol topped up with caribbean rum and covered in stickers of cartoon pin up girls, a vinyl record whirring silently because you got too distracted by a stranger’s hands to reach over and flip sides, giant inflatable flamingos floating in the aftermath of a pool party, smudgy lipstick kisses left like an autograph on someone else’s mirror, seventies platforms covered in bowie inspired lightening stripes, fanning the flush in your cheeks with a bright red flamenco fan in the back of a crowded lecture hall, michelangelo reminiscent statures clasping at their stone in suggestive places, bopping stranger’s on the forehead with heart shaped lollipops, a bumper sticker on the back of a convertible cadillac that says ‘SCRAPPY DOO IS A FILTHY SLUT’, lighting a paper lantern and saying “aw, how pretty,” only for the whole party to shriek as it crashes into a children’s tent in the next garden over, a ball point pen that turns a woman naked when you click up the nib, cackling so ferociously that you almost throw up and your ribs ache.
ok im a Lay Zee gorl n dnt wna waste any mre time redoin lana’s intro so im pastin in her old one so i cn hop right to interactions. the only thing i can think tht needs to b added is the stuff abt danny nielsen (an evil npc of mine bc im a sadist) who recently beat up zeke van doren (full name this is Official feel like im writin a journalist article) bc he found out him n lana slept tgether n her n danny were kind of dating if....u can call his idea of romance tht. danny is in custody nw bt its a whole Thing like.... is prob... known around lockwood bc it ws a pretty intense..... thing tht happened n danny ws quite a popular senior
grew up in a big house in albany, NY, bt also spent time all over the place n was in the city a lot
okay so her mum is an old money socialite / three time campaign model way back when n her dad is a big record label mogul. he owns a label called jameson records n they repped a few big rock bands back in the eighties, altho they’re mostly known for ‘poppy injects’ whose lead singer had a big heroin scandal tht brought down his career. lana p much grew up around musicians snorting lines instead of spooning down cereal fr breakfast n her parents were v much absent her whole life
they’re pretty well off obviously n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably very pretty
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her. it was v clear that she was an accident after her older brother caleb n that even when they just had him alone they weren’t cut out for parenthood. they always kind of jst… ignored her n hoped she’d go away. she had to mke herself microwave meals when she ws only like 12 bc they’d forget to get her anything. once she went like 6 days without her mum even looking her in the eyes once
despite this tho!!! she’s always been insanely close w her brother caleb. he’s her whole world. thts why when he decided to sign up to the army she ws understandably scared bt supported him after initially bein mad tht he ws leavin her all alone. bt then he wound up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed his best friend die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home n he was never the same n lana kind of felt like he’d died out there too. he’s in n out of hospital a lot n it’s rly hard on her bt she doesn’t tlk abt it to anyone rly
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. jst literally…. knew everyone n everyone definitely knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. she has this magnetic way abt her tht is kind of hard to find in real life. it’s something ud only rly expect out of a movie character n she like. deliberately puts tht on sort of. kind of.... is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as
she’s always been insatiably spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand stories tht always earn a laugh or a gasp over how ridiculously absurd they r
anyway so after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not
she also currently? is working as a cam girl. she found this website bc she trawls… porn stuff a lot n she wound up applying to work as one bc she thought it’d b fun n wld earn her some disposal income (even tho she frankly doesn’t need it bc she’s already well off). the guy tht manages all of the girls on the site is kind of suspect n it’s a whole plot i’m gna unravel where it’s actually like the front for a cult or something wild so. stay posted ig. kgjdkgjh
personality/some fun facts: uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. her fav book as a child used to b alice in wonderland n she’d fantasise abt having her own little wonderland too where everyone knew her name n asked her things n took her on adventures. at the time it didn’t rly strike her how evident it was tht that was bc she was so lonely. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s strawberry laces or gummy bears or cherry lollipops. she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. wildflowers r her favourites bc they’re the brightest and u can’t buy them. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
plot ideas: exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other. someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh. an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool). someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label. someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh. umm a good influence too mayb? oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days
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russiantsarlag · 5 years
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Here I go again. Heading out on the road with my good friend Dan Talbot. Playing some haggard, echo-ed out ‘pop’ songs. Peddling my internal ramblings on paper, vinyl, and audio/video cassette. Does this mean I’m still ‘punk’? Hardly. I can’t stand all that screaming. I’m not angry, just lost. 
5/24 - Philadelphia, PA @ Space 1026
5/25 - Pittsburgh, PA @ Collision
5/26 - Columbus, OH @ Dirty Dungarees
5/27 - Chicago, IL @ Cafe Mustache
5/28 - Milwaukee, WI @ Quarters
5/30 - Iowa City, IA @ The Egg Sac
5/31 - Minneapolis, MN @ VFW
6/4 - Seattle, WA @ Lo Fi
6/5 - Portland, OR @ Floating World Comics (book event)
6/5 - Portland, OR @ Seizure Palace
6/7 - Oakland, CA @ Dildo Factory
6/8 - San Francisco @ ATA (early show)
6/9 - Los Angeles, CA @ Handbag Factory
6/10 - Los Angeles, CA @ Family (book event)
6/11 - Phoenix, AZ @ Trunk Space
6/12 - Santa Fe, NM @ Etiquette
6/14 - Denver, CO @ Rhinoceropolis
6/15 - Kansas City, MO @ Stray Cat Film Center (music/video screening)
6/16 - St. Louis, MO @ Chill Dog Cove
6/17 - Nashville, TN @ Betty’s
6/18 - Knoxville, TN @ The Pilot Light
6/19 - Chapel Hill, NC @ The Nightlight
6/20 - Baltimore, MD @ Aquarium
6/21 - Brooklyn, NY @ Desert Island (book event)
6/22 - Brooklyn, NY @ Bohemian Grove
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