#viola (mc oc)
dulciedeleche · 2 years
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Okay so, IDK if I showed this one yet, I doubt it, but here’s another older piece I wanna share
So who helped Vaati in making Octavo’s existence happen? That would be Viola!
Sometime after the Minish Cap manga (yes I use that as the canon for my Zelda AU), after Vaati’s redemption, he got another chance to wander the human world. At some point he meets Viola, a curious and imaginative woman, who is immediately fascinated by this strange lavender man. She tags along with him and soon feelings develop~
And before you know it, you’ve got, as I call it, the Nimshian bloodline started, leading to the birth of Octavo centuries later!
Unfortunately, good times don’t last forever with Vaati and Viola’s family. Despite reforming, Vaati became tempted by evil ways years after their children leave the nest, leaving a heartbroken Viola all alone, the children disowning their dad and vowing their descendants to never speak of him and Vaati turning evil again and later becoming the large eyeball monster we know in the Four Swords+ stories
At some point I plan to show their kiddos ^^
Also shoutout to my friend @1derpu2 who helped me design reformed!Vaati’s outfit
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pigeonmotel · 2 years
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patron saint of being fed up
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kanohivolitakk · 6 months
Close finishing Cassette Beasts and I think I have cemented my partner preference:
Excluding Barkhley, my partner preference is Felix > Meredith > Viola > Eugene > Kayleigh. A few of these are interchangeable, but this is what I think I'm soldified with.
Felix is easily my favorite character-wise. I love his laidback outgoing personality that feels very grounded and beliveable: I geniunely think I'd get along with him (before you ask yes, I plan to romance Felix thank you) . Not just that, Felix had my favorite story-quest to boot: his storyline with Kuneko resonates with any creative who has had those cringy OCs in their youth and man...I feel seen. TBH the only issue I have with Felix is his signature tape: while Fungogh isn't bad it's so dependent on its gimmick that your mileage will depend on how much you like it and...truth to be told I don't like Fungoghs gimmick at all to the point it was the only partner tape I benched. Sorry Felix, you're stuck with Triphinx now enjoy. (I could've gave Felix Kuneko but as a Ramtasm user it'd be redunant to have two AStral types on team, no matter how OP Astral type is).
I LOVE Merediths design and personality so much, but I think she has one of the weaker questlines? Like its not bad and I do love how it adds to the themes of nostalgia and art as sources of memory Cassette Beasts has going on, but it just feels so...insignificant compared to other questlines. Not to mention her Archangel boss felt...so insignificant to her character arc? Like yeah, Nowhere Monarch did prey on her weakness, but it didn't really feel earned thin my book. Beyond that though I do like Meredith: her design is really good, her serious no-nonsense personality is extremely tsundere without being unrealistic (she's arguably the most realistic character besides Felix) and like said, I love what she adds to themes. The best part though? Her signature beast. Like I'd argue Cat-5 is one of the best mons in the game period (especially in the early-game), and thus having her as your partner is always good, even if you don't like her character.
Viola has probably my favorite quest-line next to Felix and easily with the most fitting Archangel boss fight. Like yes, Robin Goodfellow is a b*tch to fight if you're unprepared, but its the one Archangel fight that does actually fit to the character. I love the twist of her being actually a fictional character and just the way she denies that and goes "Who cares if I'm fiction in someones world I'm real and I will show you". Her personality is great too. My only gripe with Viola is how late you get her: both Viola herself, and the ability to fuse with her. Since Robin GoodFellow is one of the last archangels you fight (if not even the last) you don't really have much time to use Viola by the time you beat her archangel and "properly" get her. So that is a really big drawback against a really solid character.
Eugene has really good design and is extremely likable and...that's it. His questline is one of the most frustrating to go through due to the LandKeeper offices being hard to keep a track of. Not to mention, while he is the second partner you get, he has the same problem as Viola where you fight his archangel so late, you don't really use him that much. Its even worse since you can't even bond with him due to partner relationships activating once you're able to fuse with them. Robindam is okay (if a bit too slow), but man is it pain to remaster as Clocksley is outright useless. I also feel that while Eugenes shonen protagonist "be gay and due crimes" personality is endearing, its also unrealistic: compared to the other more grounded and believeable partners it does stand out like a sore thumb. I still like him, but he just isn't for me.
Kayleigh is...solid. Solid design, insanely likable, simutanesouly quirky and relatable, solid quest, has one of the best signature tapes that's really good early-game, geniunely invested in the MC and their quest, is the bestly integrated to the main arch-angel plot....and that's kinda the problem. She has the "poster-girl" syndrome going on where her character is fine, good even, but since she's the first character the player encounters she's designed to be the most widely-appealing character. She gets relagated to the "vanilla" "default" option, and if you're anything like me, that is instantly a downside. Her status as the first/default partner just makes her look boring compared to the other partners, even if shes still an enjoyable character. I also have the issue with her where she's not as grounded as Meredith or Felix, and if anything has kinda the most nonsensical plot with the whole cult stuff going on. I also feel Kayleigh doesn't really have any motivations on her own, and just follows MC because shes attached to them...which is deeply ironic considering her story arc. Good character, just don't like her as much as others.
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hakugin0 · 5 months
Haku OCs Masterlist
Trying to get myself somewhat organised with this (let's see how long it actually lasts). So here's a list for all my ocs and their associated tags
[ Will hopefully be updated update ]
Obey Me
Ikaruga Kuon [ MC ] - #obey me kuon
Dantalion [ Demon OC ] - #obey me dantalion
What in 'Hell' is Bad
Kang Ryujin [ MC ] - #whb ryujin
Heritors of Envy 'Viola and Ran' [ fankids ] - #whb envy kids
Heritors of ?????
Degrees of Lewdity
Ines the Pre(y)dator [ PC ] - #ines the pre(y)dator
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Obey Me OCs
Yea, I got a lot. I share my universe with @perpetual-pathos.
Blaise (My MC)
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nesssblog · 2 years
Time to finally make an AU yeah
Monster Au
In a world where mythical creatures, the undead, and spirits roam around alongside humans. Here’s the Monster AU! Ruled by the king of mythical creatures, The Dragon King, alongside his assigned council of spirits and elementals, they keep the world in harmony. The monsters normally mind their own business, but until a group of humans decided to kill the Dragon Prince, it led to disorder of the balance of nature. A lot of the deities have noticed that due to the sudden hostility of everyone, their powers have significantly weakened. Some of monsters became easily susuceptible to a mysterious evil energy which turns them into a former shell of what they once were, just more brutal and ruthless, they now torment humans for fun, even their fellow monsters. Now revived, the Dragon Prince must find a way to restore what once was, however this may prove a problem as he was stripped of his royal status since he died, taking his strength with it. With the arrival of extra-terrestrial beings, rebellion of the humans, monsters killing and looting human areas, everything seems to be hopeless...
List of Monsters: (VERY inspired by derpposen’s momster au)
Joe - Ghost
Kaiser - Wiedergänger (zombie)
Disco - Satyr
Hippo - something like Leviathan ?
Hondo - Oni
Hugger - Werebear
Tiger - Naga (Who also doubles as a Magician!)
Don - Merman
Aran - either Leprechaun or Banshee
Soda - Yeti
Bull - Minotaur
Macho - Flame elemental (specifically, he controls the sun)
Sandman - he’s actually the sandman 😭
Gabby - Gargoyle
Hurricane - Weather Spirit
Bob - Dryad
Dragon - Dragon (MC DRAGON WOOOO)
Muscle - Chupacabra
Heike - Jorogumo
Clown - Demon Clown
Narcis - Vampire
Hoy - Jiangshi
Rick - Sasquatch
Nick - also a Sasquatch
monster au ocs (Feel free to add yours as well!!!)
Adarna - Bird Monster (literally the Ibong Adarna like 😭)
Viola - Werewolf
Ishigami - Rokurokubi
Celeste - Yeti
Kaya - Lunarian
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camillejeaneshphm · 3 years
link to the mc posts :)
template i’m using is by @scarlettroubles
open for romance
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see here
professor owen capell
caspian (profile tbd)
eamon (profile tbd)
cecelia (profile tbd)
all mc pics are picrew, and thus not my art !!
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chemist-ana · 3 years
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Catch up here: Ch. 1 Ch. 2
Book: The Nanny Affair
Series: Fractured
Characters: Sam, Ana Schuyler (MC)
Pairing: Sam Dalton (male) x Ana Schuyler (F!MC)
Rating: 18+
Content/Series Warning: Adult Language, Trigger Warnings: discussion of family member death: spouse and father.
Summary: Is there a secret being held in the Schuyler family?
Word Count: 1000 exactly *yes!*
All characters belong to Pixelberry except for my OCs.
A/N: This was a chapter I was not expecting to add, but I was inspired by this weeks @wackydrabbles prompt and viola this little drabble was born. A huge thank you to @txemrn for being my partner in crime, brainstorming with me, and pushing me to participate in Wacky Drabbles.
I am participating in this weeks Wacky Drabbles Prompt, it will be written in BOLD
If you are just tuning into this series, catch up above if you feel so inclined.
Song Inspiration: If I Could by Ashely Kutcher
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The grocery bag with four pints of Chunky Monkey ice cream swings from my fingers as I walk up to my parents’ door.
“Hello?” I called as it clicked closed behind me.
I hear muffled voices coming from the kitchen as I slip out of my pumps and shrug off my pea coat, hanging it on the rack. My mother rounds the corner towards me, followed by a serious-looking older man dressed in a suit and trench coat.
“Hi, honey, your fathers’ in the kitchen.” She smiles as she brushes past me, the stranger following close behind. I furrow my brow as I continue walking towards the kitchen, casting the two one last look over my shoulder as she shows him out the door.
“Hey, dad. I heard someone got their appetite back.” I swung the bag of ice cream onto the counter with a thud.
“Chunky monkey?” My father smiles, and I vow in that moment to make my dad smile every chance I could.
“As if I would dare to get anything else.” I gave him a crooked grin as my mother walked back into the kitchen. “So, who was that?” I asked, reaching into the cupboard and removing three bowls, lining them up in front of me.
“Oh, just a guy here to help us with some paperwork.” My mom answered quickly.
I scrunch up my face with a dry laugh. “‘Paperwork’? Could you be any more vague?” The room settles into a long silence as I grab spoons out of the drawer. “Are we talking insurance?” Silence. I turn to look at my parents, who were looking everywhere but at me. “What’s going on?”
“Apple. Breath. “I signed a DNR.” My father admitted quietly as his eyes met mine.
“Thomas…” My mom warns.
“Wait, I’m sorry, what?” Panic fills my veins.
“I signed a-“
“Don’t. Don't say it again.” I interrupted him, putting my hands up as if his words were a weapon I was trying to defend myself against.
I put my hands on the counter to support my weakening knees. Everything started spinning and the walls felt like they were closing in on me. I looked up into my dad's matching emerald eyes and they were glistening with unshed tears.
“Why?” I finally managed to ask.
“Ana, it’s not a decision that has been taken lightly.” The defensiveness in my mother’s tone catches me off guard.
“So, I wasn’t included in this conversation?” I take an involuntary step back.
“Ultimately it was up to your father.”
“Were you ever going to tell me?” I look between them.
My parents share a look.
“You were seriously going to keep this from me?” My voice cracks as my lungs struggle to take a breath.
“Apple.” My father’s tone is sad as silent tears slowly fall down his cheeks. “I’m so tired.”
“But what happens if I’m not here? What if I don’t get a chance to say goodbye?” My words are rushed.
“Ana-” My mom tries to interject.
“No, mom.” My voice hitches as tears start to build. “You are always here, what happens if I’m not? He just dies and I am left with the fact that I didn’t get to say goodbye to my father?” I turned my attention to my dad. “Don’t you want to say goodbye to me?”
My father looks down at the floor.
“Unbelievable.” I murmur. I turn around and walk away, and neither of them try to stop me.
There is a cold, biting, fall wind that whips at my tear stained, exposed cheeks when I step out onto the sidewalk. I take a deep breath, letting the cold air fill my lungs. I turn and walk, with no destination in mind, to try and clear my head in the fresh air.
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When I unlock and open the door, the apartment is quiet. My father is sitting at the window looking out at the view of the city.
“Hi.” I say quietly, placing my hand softly on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
He sighs as his eyes find mine and I sit down on the sofa next to him.
“I know you are upset, Apple.” My father says slowly as he takes breaths between each word.
“Dad, you don’t have to-”
He holds a finger up to silence me. “Let me tell you a story.”
I nod as he turns his wheelchair to face me.
“You have always been fierce.” He laughs softly.” When you were a baby...” He closes his eyes and smiles for a moment before his eyes meet mine again. “You gave us a hell of a time. You wouldn’t sleep, unless one of us was holding you. I insisted on taking the night shift, so your mother could rest. All night, I would hold you. Sometimes I would go for a walk, the fresh air would always calm you down if nothing else worked.
“Eventually you grew out of it, but I had gotten so used to watching you sleep, that I would stay in your room for hours, just in case you needed me again.”
His story is punctuated with shallow, shaking breaths every few words. He looked down and took a big gulp of air as the tears started falling from his eyes.
“I’m dying, Apple.” His voice catches. “But that doesn’t mean I will ever leave you. Whether you get to say goodbye or not, I will always be with you.”
I reached over and grabbed his hand as my tears fell.
“Dad, I don’t want to say goodbye.”
His lips turn down. “I know.”
I put my forehead on his knee as the silent tears turn to sobs.
“Apple.” He says softly.
I lift my head to meet his burning emerald eyes.
“I am tired.” Breath. “Of suffering.”
I nod my head slowly in understanding as I wipe at my tear stained cheeks. “No more secrets, okay?”
“Deal.” He says quietly.
“I love you, dad.”
“I love you more, Anastasia.” He smiles.
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Please let me know if you want to be added or removed to this tag list, I am just using my It Goes On tag list- no hard feelings.
Tag List: @txemrn @secretaryunpaid @pixie88 @thefrenchiemama @sfb123 @mainstreetreader @shewillreadyou @khoicesbyk @lady-calypso @choicesficwriterscreations @somersetmummy @melalicious8383 @chrissythadon @shannonwrote @jerzwriter @kat-tia801 @thefirstcourtesan @shanzay44 @queenrileyrose @forallthatitsworth @audburn @wackydrabbles
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 years
How do you come up with good ocs? Also hi I like your blog 👋
First of all thank you so much!!!
Secondly, making good ocs? Hm. Well I don't really think there's bad oc's..
Like. Okay.
I have a lot of oc's. Some are more nuanced that others ( like comparing my gym leader ocs to my main and secondary protagonist ocs). How I came up with them? Well that depends.
They all start with an idea. Alexis, my bw Mai protagonist oc, came from the idea " what if Hilbert was depressed?" ( Look. I was very young when I created him. Middle school-high school me didn't know much then.....also his name used to be Noah). Danica,Sinnoh oc, was " what if Danica was goth and creepy?". Of course, now both of these characters are much different than how they started out to be. Alexis isn't just " Hilbert but depressed"( god), he's a traumatized forced hero who's too afraid of the world and himself to properly heal. Danica isn't just " dawn but creepy", she's a lonely girl who manages to make friends with a lonely pokemon ( Giratina), and is struggling with both her ego and her imposter syndrome. Most of my protagonist ocs are made via me playing the game ( unless it's a nuzlocke) and experiencing the game through their eyes, all based on the idea before. Also, just in general, when I play a game, I'm already making characterizations to the mc I'm playing lol.
On the flip side, my gym leader and elite 4 ocs don't have to be as complex, since by default, the gym leaders already are? Well, no that's not it. I guess what I'm trying to say that they are just simpler due to them having an actual gimmick: the type they specialize in! And because of that gimmick I can tell how they affect the region around him. I made a set of Kalos gym leaders/ elite four members a while back to replace Malva and Viola ( cause I accidentally made a bug specialist and loved her too much to let her go...which is ironic since she didn't even replace Viola, but that's not the point). The whole theme was " challenging Kalos' beauty ideal". I made the headcanon that dark, ghost and poison are considered ' evil' types both in nature and no thanks to the evil teams constant usage of this. This is especially prevalent in Kalos, where said types don't meet there ideals and thus having one be a gym leader or worse, an Elite 4 member would cause an uproar( both from those against and for this change). Psyche, a ghost type specialist, had gotten the spot as the new Elite Four member. Chaos ensues. There's a lot more I could go into here, but to put it simply, these oc's help the worldbuilding of this world, about the what I think should be addressed and such. They don't all have to be like this though: sometimes you just make a fun oc and you just slap em onto the world lol.
Ah, I hope this was okay! I know I tend to ramble ( a lot) and not make much sense. A quick tdlr: I just have an idea, whether it's for a character or the worldbuilding that I want to do, and build up from there. Whether it's through playing the game again, or simply discussing it with mutals( or just thinking about them nonstop), they'll eventually grow into what you want to be/ just still be a fun character you can love :)
I hope this answer will suffice! And thank you!!
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What would your wand contents be? Do your OCs have any decided contents you'd be cool with sharing?
I’m so glad that you asked! My own wand is a bit of a funny story. So long as we’re going off Pottermore, I got two different results. The first time I took the test I got Laurel and Unicorn Hair. I didn’t like this though, for two reasons. One, I had recently dated a girl named Laurel, so that didn’t sit right with me at the time. (And my best friend never let me hear the end of it, bless.) But the second reason was because I don’t personally vibe with the description of Laurel wood wands. How they’re “fickle” and can change allegiance easily because they’re intolerant of laziness in their wielders. Dude, I’m already uncomfortable with the idea that my wand could be won away, so why would I want one that’s more likely to do it? No thank you! 
So I took the test a second time, and I got a different result. This is pure coincidence, I promise you, this happened years before Hogwarts Mystery came out. But my second result, and the result I’ve gotten on every try since, is Rowan and Unicorn Hair. Which I liked far better, a wand type for the pure hearted which is good at defensive magic. Yeah, I like that far better...and obviously, HPHM has only increased my appreciation for that result. Which brings us to Luca. 
I go back and forth on Luca’s wand results quite a lot, but what I have in my head is that they initially use their mother’s wand - this being the one that Rakepick destroys. Hazel and Unicorn Hair. This wand belonged to Nina Fawley and never properly “chose” Luca. After that, however, something interesting happened. The wand that Rowan was using, that they fashioned them-self, chose Luca. I’m figuring that wand would be Rowan and Unicorn Hair as well. Naturally, Rowan was over the moon and Luca, predictably, cried about it. 
As for the rest of my OC’s, it’s a lot more clear cut. For Gail Fawley, I’m not entirely sure what her first wand will be, or if she’ll even  have two wands. MC does, of course, but I’m thinking perhaps Dumbledore could repair the wand after Rakepick breaks it? Either way, Gail’s end-game wand is Aspen and Dragon Heartstring. Moving on to Accordance, Soomin Crowe’s wand is Red Oak and Dragon Heartstring. Lapis Tilandr’s wand is Alder and Unicorn Hair. Viola Quill’s wand is Blackthorn and Phoenix Feather. And all of those were chosen very carefully.
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pigeonmotel · 2 years
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akumuwabara · 5 years
Code Vein Headcanons! (Mostly OCs and characters I completely can write for. W.I.P btw)
He's a good natured revenant who cares a little too much about others. Tending to do dangerous things to help others.
He usually gives most of his blood beads to younger revenants. Gwendolyn (An MC of mine) worries about him going into a frenzy but still helps him.
He managed, in just the nick of time, to be saved from going into frenzy.
He tends to tank and rush into situations crazily. He is an amazing tank, terrible strategist.
He really needs to work on the strategist part.
He's a total softie and a silly older brother type.
A total mom when it comes down to it.
She's a friendly person with a brave exterior. She is the level head to Oliver's rashness.
She is a fast moving person with a bayonet or light sword. She is also a strategist.
Scolding Oliver is her favorite activity.
She avoided frenzy because of Viola (MC) can caring for her when Oliver was unconscious.
She has a hot temper and a need to fight things.
She is a sensitive person with a strong heart.
Total mom who worries about others.
She has a big heart and cries when she kills Lost because they were once Revenants.
She is a strong tank, but sometimes hesitates.
Her kindness is easily taken advantage of but pushes though and enjoys helping people.
The Silencer/Kagura
A good person who does bad things.
She has a big list of revenant kills under her belt. She only kills Revenants in a frenzy because she can hear their calls for death and mercy.
She kills them because she feels there is no other way to help them.
She was in the military with Yakumo and his friends. She kept her past a secret from them because she feels they're the only people who cared for her.
She has a little sister whom she looks out for.
She isn't very fond of Jack for no particular reason. She just can't get along with him.
She is also a successor who was saved by Viola. She was the other half of The Successor of the Claw (my canon. Not actual canon)
She is Kagura's younger sister who is a total sugarbun.
She cares for others and worried about her sister way too much.
She is a little sister type who worries too much.
She had no idea her sister was a successor until she began to start showing symptoms of frenzy.
She couldn't bring herself to fight her sister so she was nearly killed when she went into full frenzy.
She's a bit naive. But she is a fast learner.
The youngest sibling of Kagura's family.
He's a broken soul who lacks will to live.
He wants to be free from his torment but knows he has to worry about his sisters.
He works hard and is a total tank. He works hard and is really quick. He moves quickly and is a smart person.
He sometimes rolls his eyes whenever Kagome is naive. But he understands.
When his older sister went into frenzy, he was prepared to kill her. He was only stopped by Viola.
A stone cold killer with a queen complex.
She loves the heck out of cute things.
She has a saintlike temper. But is a badass killer. She has quick reflexes and a relaxed posture.
She barely shows emotions, but can't hide a blush or a small smile.
Her survival instincts are too the max.
She really really likes hot food. She likes the taste especially.
Singing is one of her favorite hobbies and loves listening to it.
She'd kill for a lullaby. But she never asks for one because no one can give it.
A hot tempered sweetie with an older sister complex.
She cares for her younger sister like Mia does for Nicola. But her sister never frenzied and is completely normal.
She would lay her life on the line for her family be it related or not. She cares a bit too much.
Like Viola, her kindness and care is easily taken advantage of. She, however, is more cynical about it. She loves people but hates people.
Kana's little sister who is around the age of Nicola.
She deeply cares for her older sister and many others.
She believes she can be a princess but she's just a kid.
She was forced to grow up quickly but doesn't know it.
She deeply cares for Nicola and felt guilty when he was a successor. She stated with him because she couldn't fight well and it always effected her. So she stayed and was protected by Nicola.
Her sister comes by every day to check on her.
A sweetheart who wants to be a knight.
He wants to protect his sister a lot and to be strong.
He really likes Kairi's company and is a very strong willed boy.
He likes compliments and wishes he could help more. Kairi tends to sing and cheer him up. Which helps.
He really loves his sister and wishes he could help her more. He doesn't want to be a bother.
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diabolikpersonals · 7 years
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iilived-blog · 8 years
the  rules  are  simple !!  post  TEN  CHARACTERS  you’d  like  to  roleplay  as,  have  roleplayed  as,  and  might  bring  back.  then  tag  ten  people  to  do  the  same  (  if  you  can’t  think  of  ten  characters,  just  write  down however  many  you  can  and  tag  the  same  amount  of  people.  )  repost,  don’t  reblog  !!
Jess from Until Dawn
Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon
Weiss Schnee from RWBY
Daphne Blake from Scooby Doo
Viola DeWynter from Saints Row: The Third
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
Elizabeth Comstock from Bioshock Infitine
MC from Mystic Messenger
Gracie York, Roxy Lexington, Tyler Soto (OCs)
Korra from The Legend of Korra
Snow White from The Wolf Amoung Us
Alice Liddell based from Alice Madness Returns but set in The Wolf Amoung Us
TAGGED BY: No one, I stole it from @ambiitiiously​ TAGGING: @ofblackwoodmountain @intothemines @onlyjokesherebro @yourenotreal @zieraks @quccnvictoria and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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Happy FAF from writingamongthecoloredroses! What Disney character would your OCs cosplay as?
heya, happy FAF, @writingamongthecoloredroses!!! thank you!!
Since Deity Complex is set on Earth, I figure the two MCs would be a good fit for this one!!!
Hunter is one of those people with ridiculously light blonde hair, and since they haven’t been able to get a haircut in a while, they’d probably cosplay Elsa, confusing the shit out of everyone who has ever seen them and assumed “boy”.
Meanwhile, Viola would probably cosplay Merida, since she can relate to the whole “shut up about dating/marriage” thing, and her hair is almost exactly the same color as Merida’s.
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inovaniteroi · 6 years
Diversas ações culturais compõem a programação do “Natal no Parque” em Piraquara
(Foto: SMCS)
Dia 15 de dezembro, a partir das 10h, para celebrar a data mais aguardada do ano, a Prefeitura de Piraquara, por meio da Secretaria de Cultura, Esporte e Laze, realizará o “Natal no Parque”. Música, vivências terapêuticas, gastronomia, brinquedos de lazer com monitores, exposição de carros e bicicletas antigas, e a exposição “Yai:Seres Invisíveis”, da artista gráfica piraquarense Kah Duarte, poderão ser apreciados nos espaços do Parque das Águas Jacob Simião. Haverão, também, Food Trucks nas imediações, com toda infraestrutura anexa (mesas, cadeiras, cobertura e banheiros).
O “Natal no Parque” é um evento alusivo ao Natal pensado para todos, especialmente para as famílias. É uma grande ação cultural que estará acessível à população ao longo do dia e parte da noite. Além das apresentações e exposições, serão disponibilizados diversos brinquedos de recreação às crianças e diversas atividades para públicos de todas as idades, gratuitamente.
No anfiteatro do Parque das Águas acontecerão as apresentações musicais, que terão início às 14h, com abertura de músicos do projeto “Noite da Tertúlia”, no total de três atrações. Na sequência o guitarrista e violonista Jhonatan Lopes trará repertório composto por clássicos da música brasileira de amplo escopo temporal, em formato solo.
Logo após, sobe ao palco a banda piraquarense Jazz Pras 5. O trio apresentará versões de clássicos do jazz, de Dave Brubeck Quartet a Herbie Hancock. O grupo se trata de um Power Trio formado por músicos virtuosos, com sonoridade de muita personalidade e interpretações inspiradas e vigorosas.
O grupo Virtude Íntegra é um grupo curitibano de rap, criado em 2017, que trará um pouco da cultura hip hop para o “Natal no Parque” deste ano. Atualmente é formado por: NegoZero, MC LD XM, Thelxie e Ferreiro, todos integrantes da Organização Conteúdo Sabível (OCS). O VI promete apresentar músicas cheias de conteúdo, musicalidade e muita informação.
A banda In The Rosemary Dreams apresenta canções autorais, com levadas de Post Rock, Rock Progressivo, Soul e Indie. Reúne, portanto, as mais variadas influências com muita autenticidade nas composições. Ou, como a própria banda se descreve na fan page do Facebook: “Visando desconstruir fórmulas óbvias, adotando andamentos pouco ortodoxos e continuas mudanças rítmicas e melódicas, a banda […] faz o ouvinte transitar entre os mais variados ambientes sonoros”.
A In The Rosemary Dreams surgiu em 2014, formada pelo baterista Alexander Medina, o baixista Zarce Matos e o guitarrista/vocalista Anderson Lima, que já tocaram juntos entre 2005 e 2012. O trio venceu o prêmio de melhor banda do V Festival de Música de Piraquara em 2014, participou do Corredor Cultural de Curitiba em 2015 e fez outras apresentações pela cidade.
A Academia da Viola é um movimento que teve inicio em 2016, no bairro Weissópolis, em Pinhais. Com o objetivo de ensinar a viola caipira, reunir os amantes do instrumento e, assim, manter viva a essência sertaneja e o legado cultural deste gênero musical brasileiro. O professor Valdir Donisete Ferreira foi o criador do espaço e do grupo musical que tem reunido cada vez mais adeptos ao aprendizado e seguidores da música de raiz.
Para o show do “Natal no Parque”, no anfiteatro do Parque das Águas, dia 15 de dezembro, a Academia da Viola trará algo em torno de 25 músicos – a maioria violeiros, naturalmente, mas o grupo também conta com o apoio de um baixista, três violonistas e um percussionista. E além deste instrumental poderoso, a Academia da Viola é um grande coro, com vozes na interpretação dos grandes clássicos da música sertaneja brasileira de raiz.
10h às 18h
Vivências e Terapias- Terapias na Praça
Centro do Parque
10h às 18h
Exposição Yai:Seres Invisíveis- Técnica colagem digital
14h às 18h
Brinquedos de Lazer com Monitores
Pátio do teatro
14h às 21h
Pátio do teatro
14h às 14h50
Laudi Gomes Voz e Violão
15h às 15h15
Claudio Seixas
15h30 às 16h
Zé Luiz e Rafael- Part. especial sanfoneiro Wolfgang
16h10 às 16h50
Jonatan Lopes
17h às 17h50
Jazz pra Cinco
18h às 18h50
Virtude Integra
19h às 19h50
In The Rosemary Dreams
20h às 20h50
Academia da Viola
O post Diversas ações culturais compõem a programação do “Natal no Parque” em Piraquara apareceu primeiro em Gazeta da Lapa.
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