#violence and blood
safehouse-if · 1 year
I don't know whether to love S or hate them. Because this is the biggest red flag I've ever seen, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I have to know that feeling when you're trampled in the mud.
Can we see some fluff with S? Something where even they would be a good partner. Pretty please
I did not set out to making S the biggest 🚩 ever but thank you. 😅 What I aimed at was making them complicated and tempting bad decision and leave the rest to readers. It might be because I'm having lots of fun writing them? You could try their route and then read again with someone who would pick you up from the mud?
As for fluff... And also warning for injury/blood...
You feel hands turning you over, and you flinch away. It does nothing against their strength, only making you cry out as the broken and bruised ribs grind together. The pool of blood beneath you makes a slurping sound, the blood already starting to clott. Your eyesight is wavering, hazy but you see a pair of hazel eyes under frowning dark drawn brow. The hands, strong and cool, glad in leather gloves, cup your face. A thumb wipes away moisture from the corner of your lip. Either a tear or fresh blood from your split lip.
"You awake?" It's a command masquerading as a question. You don't know if you can utter out anything but moans so you nod. S feels it through their hands and you just make out their reaction, how their lips disappear with how tight the line of their mouth is.
They let you go, a snap of fingers and then other hands are lifting you up, ignoring your pained complaints. You are carried, manhandled and escorted to the bag seat of a car, S slipping in from the other side. A surprise when they lift your head enough to lay it on a blanket, another covering your body. Without the plastic tarp under you, it would almost be cozy. If not for the constant, unluckily not, faded pain. The gloved hand comes back, resting against your head.
"Hospital, now. You three," the last is said to the people who helped you in. "find the bastards. We have a meeting in the cooler in 24 hours."
When the car starts, a whimper escapes your lips. The gloved hand disappears, then comes back. Warm, steady and resting against your pulse. "You are not permitted to die. What would I do without you?" The thumb at your pulse makes a small caressing motion.
You gather what strength you have and close your eyes. "Be completely lost," you whisper and pass out before you can hear their response.
Something like this?
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oldloveforever · 1 year
Butterfly Effect
She waited patiently with her back pressed against the wall. The cool walls of the Domo stiffened her bones, making it hard for her to bend even a finger. Her eyes bounced across the room, looking for a threat. She was just a distraction, prepared to fight her own brother.
The relationship between her and Ikaris has never been particularly easy. He was always loyal to Mommy, hanging by the top of her skirt like a baby on his bottle. Fighting him was not easy, but winning was child's play in many ways. Ikaris relied entirely on his physical strength and the cosmic laser beams. But he lacked the knowledge and the discipline to use them wisely. That's why he beat up his opponents without thinking. It was reckless in many ways.
When he broke through the ceiling, she pushed away from the wall with her palms and created one of her cosmic swords. "Where is Druig?" he asked, indifferently, as if he had no intention of killing his own brother. "He's busy." She walked toward him without losing even a hint of her elegance. "Thena, play nice." She twirled the sword above her head and then forward. He grasped it with one hand as if it were merely the toy sword of a small child.
"You've never had to fight me." She smiled and it disgusted him. "But I've always wanted to." As soon as she finished speaking, she turned the sword into a spear, forcing her brother to let go of the weapon. She twirled her weapons several times and made him recoil with a thrust to the stomach. Ikaris lifted off the ground and drew on his sister with his lasers, who devalued his attack with her shield.
As Ikaris smashed her shield and pressed her against the wall of the spaceship, shreds of memories flashed before her eyes. And in this moment, she snapped. Anger overcame her. The longing for peace for her mind overwhelmed her. It was not the Deviant she had to kill for her inner peace. Kro was not the culprit who had taken away her anchor to reality, to her life.
She grabbed his wrists and turned the tables. She pinned him against the wall and jammed two daggers into his hands to hold him in place. She lost control of herself and punched him in the solar plexus to knock him out for a moment. "Scraggly bitch!" He pulled his hands down. The daggers stuck in the wall tore his hands in two. In pain, he clenched his bloody fists and punched the goddess of war. Thena barely got a scratch. The adrenaline and the desire to kill her brother filled her from head to toe. He killed Ajak, who involuntarily had to give up her powers to a beast. He sacrificed his mother for his moronic conviction.
She rammed her elbow into her brother's gastric triangle. He stumbled backward and lost his balance. She knelt over him and rammed a dagger into his liver. Ikaris tried to fight back, but his aim left much to be desired. He coughed and spat blood. Thena's blow burst the fine blood vessels in his stomach. "This is your fault." she whispered in a low voice. Ikaris cried out as she drove her blade through his chest and into his lungs. "I wouldn't have to do this if you hadn't been so selfish."
Another stitch.
"If you hadn't killed her, if you would have let her live-"
Another stitch. Her hands were shaking.
"Then none of this would have happened!"
She became louder, her stitches sloppier.
With each sting, the blood in her face multiplied. The wall was broken through. Everything she had ever felt poured out and her tears covered the blood on her otherwise pale skin.
Another stitch.
Another stitch.
"T-The-na, p-plea-please-"
The blood flowed from his mouth. She was befuddled, trapped by her feelings, guided by pain.
One last stab.
Her trembling hands clutched the dagger stuck in her brother's chest. Tears dripped onto the blue-gold armor, the blood spread and covered the floor like a carpet.
"You killed him." she whispered. "And you didn't care." The dagger vanished into thin air. She braced herself heavily with her hands and leaned limply against the wall. "Your choices..." She pulled her knees to her body and clutched them. "...cost them both their lives."
"You killed him." she sniffed.
"You took him from me." She buried her face between her arms and legs.
There she sat now, huddled against the wall, next to her brother's corpse. Her sandy white hair, her porcelain colored skin soaked with blood.
It could have turned out differently. But every decision has consequences.
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 year
☥Madness, Pain and Shadows
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Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Down un a hole
Chapter 3. Growing Darkness
Chapter 4. Deathly Lost < AO3 Links
Mary Goore depicted as The Crow
Summary: So, Finally I will start uploading by chapters what I have about my story of Mary Goore as The Crow, inspired by the original work, plus references to some comics of the same name, specifically The Crow: Flesh and Blood, it seemed to me that the crow as female rage energy matches better with the kind of disaster in which Mary unleashes his fury.
The main idea, as I said, comes from the original story of The Crow 1994, but I also took small details from the sequel movies, such as Salvation, in terms of the design of Alex Corvis and City of Angels in terms of the main plot of father and child.
In this story, I would like to clarify, I decided to make the child gender neutral, so that the reader can freely imagine what that little character is like, who is the force that moves the gears of the story.
Mind the tags please
@ghestie93 @onedaughterofman
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  Sharing Cigarettes
(This isn't my best work, but I recently got back into this series sooooooo)
Y/N took the last sip of his coffee and hung his head back, sighing quietly.
  "Rough day, handsome?"
   His head snapped to the direction for his eyes to be met with a young man in a leather jacket with leather gloves, around his own age. Y/N would be lying if he said he didn't think he was attractive. 
  Dark and curly hair, with one strand sticking to his forehead, and a playful grin across his lips. He raised an eyebrow as he waited for a response. Y/N's face heated slightly, but he chuckled lightly. 
  "Guess you could say that. Rough might be an understatement, though." He looked away from the man to dig through his pockets for a cigarette.
  The man slid his gloved hands into his pockets, smiled lessening but not fading completely.
  "I think I know how ya feel. I'm Jimmy, though. Jimmy Darling." 
  Y/N grinned. "'Darling?' Fitting." 
  Jimmy laughed and leaned back in his stool, his feet looped through the stool legs.
   Y/N lit his cigarette, taking a long drag off of it. He breathed the smoke out through his nose.
  "I'm Y/N. That's about all you need to know." Things spread fast in this town. The last thing he needed was to out himself immediately. Jimmy hummed and stood up from his place.
  "It was nice seein' a fresh face. I'm sure I'll see you around." Jimmy then strolled out of the diner, and Y/N could've swore he saw a wink before the man walked out. 
  He decided to boil it down to his imagination. After finishing his cigarette, he left his money on the counter and left.
   Y/N was cornered by two other guys against the back of the diner. He sighed as they began to laugh at him.
  "Well hey, fagboy. You enjoyin' yourself tonight? Suck any dick?" One of them snarked. They both burst into another fit of laughter. Y/N's nose scrunched in disgust.
  The other one shoved him hard, his head hitting the brick wall. 
  "I gotta know, do you prefer takin' it up, or puttin' it in?" They howled with laughter. 
  Y/N tried to keep his cool, really. He's learned pretty well. Being gay in this time was a pain in the ass, and if they called the cops, he'd be fucked. No questions asked.
  Today was different, though. The news of his 'sickness' had gotten out to his job, so now he didn't have one. All Y/N wanted was a meal from the diner, but of course, that was fucking impossible.
  He couldn't help it. Before he even knew what he was doing, Y/N punched the man to his right, knocking him to the ground. 
  He immediately jumped on the man on the ground, punching him repeatedly. The man screamed, punched, and kicked, landing a lot on the other. Y/N felt his blood boil as the guy's blood started to splatter onto his knuckles. The guy below him was knocked unconscious at some point, so he backed up, now panting.
  Y/N was jerked away as the other man pulled him up, his arm around his neck. He held him higher, beginning to choke him. Y/N squirmed and thrashed, trying desperately to escape.
  Right as he was going to pass out, someone yanked the man off of him. Y/N gasped for air, falling to his knees. 
  "Get the fuck away from him!" Jimmy screamed, shoving him into a wall. He then kicked him square in the ches. The man stumbled up, grabbed his friend, and limped out of the area, screaming profanities.
  Y/N managed to look up at Jimmy and grinned, wiping spit off of his bottom lip. 
  "G- Good to see you again, Darling." His voice came out raspy and low. 
  Jimmy laughed breathily, gently pulling the other up. "I could say the same. What were those guys pissy about anyways?" Y/N considered telling him the truth, eventually deciding to as they set off. What would be the harm?
  He spit off towards the side, grimacing at the blood in his saliva, and looked at Jimmy.
  "This town isn't too fond of fairies, I've noticed." Y/N answered, voice flat. Jimmy paused, trying to get what he was referring to. 
  "Uh, what- oh. Oh." He smiled. "Well, you certainly did a good job roughin' one of' em up. Two against one ain't fair." 
  Y/N laughed. "Aren't you a charmer?" He lit another cigarette, wincing as he put it between his lips. Stupid split lip. He took a drag and offered it to Jimmy. 
  Jimmy hesitated. He took off his gloves, revealing his deformed hands, and then looking to Y/N for his response. Y/N just smiled.
  "Well, those are cool."
  He blinked a few times and started laughing, taking the cigarette from the other man.
  "Thanks, toots. You're something else." Jimmy pressed the cigarette to his lips and scrunched his nose at the taste of blood. He looked at Y/N.
  "Your lip's bleeding." Before Y/N could apologize for giving this dude a bloody cigarette, Jimmy reached out and wiped away some of the blood from his lip. His hand lingered near the other's face a little longer before dropping to his side. 
  Jimmy took a hit from the cigarette and offered it back to him. Y/N swallowed thickly, taking it back. His face felt very warm again; he felt like he was drowning, but in a good way.
  Y/N smiled. "Now you're just being cruel." He put the cigarette in his mouth. Jimmy walked closer and leaned in a bit.
  "Hey, what'd ya say we go out sometime?" He grinned, leaning right by Y/N's ear. "Got something I wanna show ya. More people like me." His voice was very audible. Y/N grinned and backed up.
  "Yeah, I think I'd like that, Darling." 
  Jimmy grinned and kissed his cheek. He waved as he started to walk off.
  "See you around, handsome."
  Y/N smiled, shaking his head. "Seems I've gotten myself into something."
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marcelshorjian · 8 months
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catsharky · 4 months
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Create cool summer treats for your vampire with this one neat trick
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lgbtlunaverse · 8 months
Nothing will dispell the "the curtains were just blue" myth faster than writing something yourself, because the amount of pretentious symbolism i am putting in my silly little fanfics is ridiculous. I mean SO much with these words, literally every single one of them. This fic has twenty five typos and zero correct uses of punctuation but if there's curtains you bet your ass I put thought into what colour they were.
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igottatho · 4 months
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A new world is possible, my friends. Le Guin famously said: “The profit motive is often in conflict with the aims of art. We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable; so did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings.”
We WILL free Palestine
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lyss-butterscotch · 2 months
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The art of violence
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somerandomdudelmao · 2 months
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Part 1!
..of an episode that reveals that if something looks like a space horror and sounds like a space horror, maybe it is a space horror.
Who would've guessed?~
Previous Next
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macchitea · 5 months
my part for the Hayloft II MAP!!
love animating a woman who can maim and kill <3
EDIT: process video now up on youtube!
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butchostile · 7 months
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 year
☥ Madness, Pain and Shadows
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Chapter 9. Tearing You Asunder < AO3 Link
Mary Goore depicted as The Crow
Summary: We're in the endgame now, so no summary :D Last Two Chapters
Please mind the tags / Many TW Depressive Story
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ba1laur · 1 year
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thank you for teaching me how to kill (id in alt)
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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gold, diamonds & any precious gems that are extracted and commodified in order to lavish [mostly] the rich & affluent -or for those who want them for symbol and status [which can include many people but especially those of wealth, even if acquired over time]... because yes, no matter the context -ya'll are wearing items that are drenched in the blood of young children/people from the Global South.
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shepscapades · 28 days
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [PART 6] [Part 7]
[This comic is part of my dbhc au, following the chaos and panic that ensues after Doc and Xisuma try to get Etho back online at the start of s9 after a very rough s8 finale that leaves him a little. broken. It's set to the vibes of Joywave's Destruction!]
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