#violet matthews
Any headcanons for Nyo!Canada?
I’m going to headcanon her name as Violet Matthew’s because I think it works for her. And I was unable to find a common name that people call her I just looked it up on the Hetalia Wiki and the fandom seems to not have picked a name for her soooooo. Here we are.
An absolute sweetheart with a heart of gold 🍁
Her home is decorated with all Sanrio, large stuffed teddy bears that are dressed in red and white ribbons with maple leaf charms.
Her closet definitely has a plethora of berry, bunny, and teddy bear-themed sweet Lolita-Fashion clothes. She attends tea parties with Alice in them and is active in her community of frilly friends.
She’s talented at sewing and embroidery. She even crafts some of her own hats and hair accessories.
She makes the most fantastic baked goods and of course, her famous Maple pancakes that never fails to light up the face of any who try. The soft fluff of the pancakes mixed in with the fresh butter that is made by a local farmer pulled together with the fresh farm eggs will make you pause and relish in the delightful flavor.
She can be timid unless she’s accompanied by her loud and rambunctious sister Amelia. Whom also gives her lessons on how to be brave. She’s learning slowly. But she still likes to keep to herself with her cat and talking bears up in the Canadian woods. She goes shopping every so often at the local markets down below in Saguenay, Québec .
She definitely stargazes on most nights when nights are calm and quiet and she enjoys the sound of the calm crisp winds that whistle past her ears. She also lights to watch her fair town illuminate at night with colorful lights that grace the river beside it. It’s where she does find her inspiration to create and comes up with new ideas to create embroidery patterns. She also does a little bit of light sketching while she lets her mind wander on the rooftop.
She enjoys the festivals that are put on ear year but her favorites are: The International Rythm of the World, FIAMS Festival des arts de à marionette a Saguenay, and Festival des Bières d’Alma. (She does like to get swifty from time to time with Beer or wine.)
She’s talented at ice skating and does beautifully executed Salchow jumps, Axel jumps, and her favorite : the Quadruple Axel. (Anya definitely helped her learn these moves together the two of them look like graceful swans.)
Her favorite musical artists are Taylor Swift, Porter Robinson, Benne, Shawn Mendes, to name a few. And yes, she totally dances around in her home and has fun with that for hours.
❤️ Her Psychology & Relationships ❤️
She can be co-dependent on her older sisters Amelia and Alice when they come to visit. What that looks like is she’s overly apologetic when Amelia or Alice cause a ruckus with their antics. Alice when she summons demons and it causes some poor shop owner, or anyone who may have been rude to have a haunting until she can get an exorcist or Alice herself to reverse herself. She even comes to the person who has been at the back end of the curse to bring them flowers, sweets, and an apology letter. When it’s Amelia, she usually has to apologize to anyone foolish enough to challenge her because they will usually end up in the hospital or sometimes dead.
Amelia somewhere in the background: “IT HAPPENED ONE TIME, DAMN IT AND IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!”
Viloet’s mantra in her head is something to the effect of if they’re upset about something she will do anything to fix it even if it’s something that is out of her control or not even her fault. She wants the two of them to approve of her and her activities constantly. It’s a hit or miss usually when she presents new trade deals, treaties, or economic plans when at world meetings. Violet does have to practice in a mirror for at least an hour or so before she goes to any world meetings. Her anxiety dictates that she has to do so unless she feels like she’ll fail miserably if she doesn’t. However, if you do listen closely she does quiver a little bit.
Her anxiety also applies to some of the things that she crates if she doesn’t deem it perfect then she won’t post it on her Pinterest or other social media that she uses on occasion.
Violet is close friends with Anya they are able to meet up every six months or so for a week to go shopping, go to a convention, go to a spa, and other fun things they do together and keep it on the down-low. Anya to some degree acts as her confidence coach and teacher her to stand up for herself by having rage room sessions and giving her tips on how not to give into her overbearing anxiety.
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the wedding dress
Violet ran her hands over the smooth silk of her wedding gown and sighed. A soft breeze blew through her bedroom window, and although it wasn’t cold, she shivered. Her mind wandered as she traced patterns over the seams of her dress. She thought of the wedding that would never be, and of all the money that Harold had spent planning for it - money that would now go to waste.
And all because of me, she thought.
Violet blinked away her tears and instead focused her eyes on the chestnut tree that stood at the far end of the yard. Its limbs were bare now, but she could still imagine how it looked in spring, covered in leaves and surrounded by her mother’s marigolds and mums. Violet had always loved to play by the tree as a child, and she and her brother Frank had even constructed a swing that hung from one of the lower branches. She thought of him, and of the fact that he was so far away in Princeton and not likely to return home anytime soon.
I wish he were here, she thought. 
I wish that none of this was happening.
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pharawee · 4 days
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Humans are complex, whether in life or in death.
—THE HIDDEN MOON · เดือนพราง · 7 September 2024
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ha-bloody-ha · 3 months
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Was Javier Garcia "not bisexual enough" in ANF?
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I feel like everyone reading the title of this essay is going to say, "Well, yeah? Obviously? Javi didn't show any interest in men outside of that one optional moment of flirting with Jesus and then he was confirmed bisexual by one of the writers after the season ended. If they wanted to make him bi, they should've done more with it because that's not enough."
That's a commonly expressed opinion no matter where you look, and it's not like it's unfounded, either.
On a surface level, I agree. While I understand the excitement of learning a character is canonically bi, in the case of Javier Garcia it still feels like celebrating crumbs tossed to us by Telltale after they had their cake and ate it, too. They snuck in some bisexual representation at the last minute for queer audiences without it being explicit so the homophobes wouldn't throw a tantrum.
Stuff like that happens. Sometimes the representation is subtle or implied in the subtext. Or, the queerness is condensed into something digestible and sanitized for straight audiences. Or, it's stated after the fact with little to no actual evidence to support it in canon.
Hell, even if it is obvious, like with Clementine being bisexual in TFS, you still have biphobes who will die on the hill of denial. Even now, in the year 2024, we have people insisting "Clem being bi came out of nowhere! They should've showed it in earlier seasons if they wanted it to make sense. I'm not homophobic but here's my essay PROVING that violentine is bad and forced and that Clem isn't bi!" Or, on the other extreme, "Clementine is a lesbian to me, bisexuality isn't real :)"
But I've already talked about Clementine and what her bisexuality means to me. I want to talk about Javier now.
He's an interesting case, both in the way his queerness was handled and portrayed in the game, and how audiences received it... as in, a lot of people said, "That's great and all, but is it really representation when it's not actually present? It's not enough."
That. That right there: "It's not enough." That's what I want to break down and examine.
Is Javier Garcia not valid as a queer character because he didn't reach this concept of "enough" in the eyes of the player? But what would have been "enough" then? Do people really understand what they're asking for when they discuss what they think Telltale should've done? Does it actually matter if Javier is queer when it comes to the plot and his journey as the protagonist, and if it doesn't matter, is that okay?
Should we just accept these crumbs sprinkled in our hands?
I want to make it clear that I'm but one bisexual examining a bisexual character and doing an analysis. I've climbed out of my bog to write this because I want to discuss Javier and the writing as it pertains to his queerness, or lack thereof. I'm also aware that I'm not providing any irrefutable, concrete evidence here one way or the other; I'm speculating about Javier through a queer lens. I encourage any other bi, pan, or other queer person to add to these discussion points, whether in agreement or not.
Prior to TFS, the queer representation in TWDG wasn't great...
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Though the games do get progressively gayer as the seasons go on. And some even get to live! Progress!
S1 had... uh, none? Wait, is that right? ...Yeah, no, I'm tuning my gay radio and it isn't picking up any signals, Captain. Nothing gay in these waters.
S2 had Walter and Matthew, who both died shortly after being introduced. There's some homoerotic undertones between Luke and Nick but nothing was ever confirmed. Also, they both died, so... not great.
The Michonne mini-series had Jonas and Zachary, but Zachary will always die no matter what. Jonas can die, too, but it's determinant. Paige was confirmed to be queer by the writers, though. Uh, progress? Kind of? Not really, it's never talked about and you only pick up on her feelings for Sam if you squint and pay close attention. But hey, at least she got to live!
Then, in ANF we have Javier, our playable protagonist, and Paul "Jesus" Monroe, a gay character who also showed up in the comics and TV show. Would'ja look at that, they both got to live! I should also mention nothing was ever confirmed about Ava but... c'mon, y'know? Captain, there's a faint signal on my radio; when you know, you know. Except she died, to, so... still not great.
Then came TFS, who really said, "Screw you, here's all the gay!"
They gave us bisexual Clementine with both of her romance routes. Violet, Minerva, James, mentions of his past boyfriend, Charlie... Aasim was planned to be bisexual and I don't see why we can't reclaim that for him, and one day I'll crawl out of my bog to write my analysis on the queer-coding/subtext of Louis' character because if I read "lmao Louis is such a Straight" one more time, I'm going to let the gators take a bite out of me just so that I can feel something other than irritation for once.
Sigh. It's so hard being a "Louis ain't straight" truther out here, so few understand.
My plights aside, there's no avoiding the queerness of TFS. Even if your Clementine doesn't romance anyone, or romances Louis, you can't avoid the fact that Violet and Minerva were girlfriends at one point. It's determinant if James will tell you about Charlie, but that doesn't change the fact that James is gay.
But it runs deeper than that. This is a story about these troubled youth who were abandoned by their families and teachers, the ones who were supposed to love and help them, because "something was wrong with them, they did something bad... they need fixing."
These young people have to fight against an oppressive group of adults looking to steal their autonomy, change them, mold them into what's expected to survive. Their identities don't matter to the raiders. All the raiders care about is erasing such identities so that they fall in line and obey, and if they don't comply, they die... or worse.
Yes, it's a story about Clementine and AJ finally finding a home, but no matter how you play, it's also a narrative steeped in queer themes and subtext. You can tell that the people who made it not only cared about these things and wanted them weaved throughout the story, but that some of them were queer themselves.
But where does that leave us with Javier?
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With everything TFS did, it's easy to look back at ANF with a critical eye and pinpoint its flaws in every aspect. While I don't believe it's the worst game Telltale ever made [I mean, Minecraft Story Mode exists], in my opinion, it's the messiest game in the main series. It's not bad, but I'd much rather play S1 or TFS.
For all the criticism it received, most players did like Javier as the playable protagonist. Well, they did once they got over the fact that Clementine wouldn't be taking on that role again, and was instead relegated to only being playable in flashbacks.
Javi's personality can vary depending on player choices, but for the most part, he's a charismatic man who loves his family. He used to be a professional baseball player before he was booted from the league for gambling. He can be cocky and sarcastic, and it usually lands him in trouble. He tends to cope and deflect using humor. He has a past of being irresponsible and selfish; he wasn't even there when his father died, despite knowing he was dying of cancer. His relationship with David is complicated, only made messier if he and Kate end up together. He's trying his best... for the most part. Javi even ends up being a father figure to Gabe and Mariana after they all thought David was dead, and he's very open about his grief following Mariana's death.
But given everything we learn about him while playing ANF, how do we know Javi isn't straight? After all, his main love interest is Kate, a woman. He also has opportunities to flirt with Eleanor, another woman. He doesn't show any signs of being attracted to any of the men who are around... until Paul "Jesus" Monroe.
At the end of ep5, Javi and Jesus have a conversation where one of the dialogue options is, "I like you, Jesus." Granted, that doesn't have to mean "like-like;" you can say you like someone without any romantic intentions. Plus, Jesus IS a cool character. Players who picked that option likely weren't thinking of it in a romantic sense.
It's the way that Jesus responds to this option, though: a flirtatious smile, lidded eyes, the deep dip of his voice.
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Javier: I gotta admit, man. You're a fucking badass! Jesus: You're a real charmer... You know that? Through and through.
It's not difficult to see Jesus is being flirtatious, and Javi sees it, too. How does he react?
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Forgive me, but I'm about to over-analyze this six-second gif. I love his reaction so much. That subtle jump of his shoulders as if a jolt just ran through his gut at the way Jesus lowers his voice. Surprised, and then the movement of the brows, the slide of the eyes, and the little upturn of the mouth says to me "Oh… oh." Caught off guard, perhaps a little bashful.
Option 1: Javier: Oh, you know what they say. Takes one to know one. Jesus: That they do. Option 2: Javier: Are you really sure you don't want to stay? There's room. Jesus: Oh, uh... I'm sure there is, but... we got other people depending on us, Javi. Just the way it is. Option 3: Javier: Meant to tell you... That, uh, armor you got is great. Jesus: Oh... Oh, uh... Hmm... Well, uh... Thanks, um... It gets the job done.
Javi knows what Jesus is getting at regardless of your choice. He understands this is flirtatious, but is startled since he likely didn't consider that Jesus likes men, too. We the audience have a better chance at knowing if, especially those familiar with the character from the comics and the TV show. Javi wouldn't because why would he? It's not like Jesus is obvious and flaunting with the fact that he's gay.
What's funny about that is, given our topic of discussion, we could also argue that Jesus wasn't gay enough, couldn't we? If we're going to pick on Javier for not being more open about his sexuality, then it's only fair that we pick on other characters, no? Did Jesus need to be gayer? Would that improve ANF?
In fact, now that I think about, was James gay enough in TFS? Was one moment where he talks about his boyfriend, a scene that's determinant so not every player got it, enough? What about Minerva? We know she and Violet were girlfriends before Marlon traded her away, that's information that's unavoidable, but did she actually reach this apparent high standard of "enough" in the eyes of the audience?
Are we entitled to unequivocal evidence of queerness, and the heaping amount we deem necessary, otherwise it's not good enough and shouldn't be bothered with at all? Are more casual displays of queerness bad?
I can already hear people jumping to defend James and Minerva, and likely Jesus, against this because "it's totally different!"
Sure. Javier's situation is different from James, Jesus, and Minerva's respective situations. James actually uses the word boyfriend and he keeps a picture of him and Charlie in his pocket. Jesus appears in The Walking Dead universe outside of the game with more evidence of queerness. Minerva's past relationship with Violet is made clear even when you don't pursue Violet's route, not to mention the underlying metaphor of conversion with her being changed/brainwashed/traumatized by the raiders to be just like them.
Javier is different because that scene with Jesus is the only in-game evidence of his queerness, right? Then he had to be confirmed as bisexual by one of the writers once ANF ended.
Surely, they could've brought up the fact that Javier's bi earlier, right? Made mentions of a past boyfriend, or had a flashback about Javi coming out to his family? Why only let him flirt with Kate and Eleanor? Why wasn't there an option to flirt with Tripp, or some other male character? What about a darker turn where David didn't accept Javi for it? David's portrayed as an antagonist, anyway, why not toss a little homophobia into the mix? Why not reveal it if Javi rejects Kate? What if Kate was so hurt by the rejection that she asked him, "It's true, David was right. It's because you like men, isn't it?"
It feels like they decided at the last minute to just toss it in, like someone walked into Telltale one day and said, "Y'all, I just thought of the funniest thing- Javi should be bi so that we can make jokes about him swinging both ways!" And then everyone clapped.
Here's the deal: Something about this sits differently with me, and that's probably thanks to one of ANF's writers, Adam Esquenazi Douglas.
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He's the one that confirmed Javier as bisexual.
Adam had his hand in writing for 4/5 episodes, and he said he wrote the scene where Javi can flirt back with Jesus, but it's that last line of his: "After all, they always say write what you know."
I don't know how many of you who are reading this are writers, or creators in general, but I assume many of you are. It doesn't matter if you write fanfiction, create fanart, write essay posts or headcanons or whatever. I have a firm belief that creative people pour so much of themselves into their work that, if given enough material and studied enough, you can get a glimpse of their soul. Even if done unintentionally, we project ourselves into these works; the characters, themes, conclusions, everything.
Am I suggesting that Adam was secretly a bisexual mastermind who threaded queerness throughout the entirety of ANF and we were all too blind to see it? No, and if he did, then he needs to step forward and tell me so that I can study ANF frame by frame to compile the secret evidence into a new essay.
...Actually, on second thought, maybe don't do that to me, Adam.
My point is, yes, it's true that it's likely Javi being bi was added in at the last minute... but can we really dismiss Javier as "not bisexual enough" when Adam had influence over Javi's character throughout the whole season? And I ask again: is the casual queerness of Javier bad?
Time to speculate and answer some of those questions about Javier
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Let's talk about Kate for a minute. She is Javier's main love interest, whether you choose to accept her feelings or not, so she can give us a good point of reference for what Javi looks for in a partner.
Kate and Javi share a similar sense of humor that bounces well between the two. Kate wants to travel, Javi's well traveled from his time as a profession baseball player. They both exist in this space of "we're kind of the family screw up." Granted, Javi's more in it than Kate is, but you can see parts of her that come through where she's a little rebellious, a little not good enough [ironically]. They both feel trapped in their situations; Kate in her marriage, Javi in a slow downward spiral of not knowing what to do with himself now that he's booted from his career. They have complicated relationships with David, and together, they've raised Gabe and Mariana through the years after they believed David was dead.
They're a lot alike in many ways, so this is hardly an opposites attract type of romance.
What's interesting is if you then look at Jesus, he has some similar qualities to Kate; a sense of humor even when things are looking bleak, they to help and protect people, are willing to throw themselves in danger to save Richmond. Then if you add Eleanor, the other person Javi has some flirtatious dialogue with, you can apply those qualities to her, as well... though the big difference with her is Eleanor sells the group out because she wants to stay.
With the little information we have, we can speculate on Javi's preferences. He prefers someone more similar to him. I know, I know, everyone loves a good opposites attract tale, they're so different but similar at their cores, they fill in each other's gaps, yada yada... except not everyone is like that, obviously.
My working theory is that a partner who would act as the opposite of Javi would be someone who acts like David... and does Javi really want to date someone like his brother? Though that then opens up a whole can of worms since if Javi and Kate are so similar, and David married Kate... this isn't an essay about David, but that's certainly a thing to chew on.
With that, I suppose we can answer the question, "But if Javi's bi, why didn't he flirt with any men prior to Jesus?"
What men?
No, seriously, where are all these men Javi's supposed to flirt with? Are they hiding? I know you hid them in the game, Adam, where are they?
Wait, do you mean Tripp?
I don't want to step on the toes of any Javi/Tripp shippers out there, but let's actually think about this. When we meet Tripp, Javi's just been separated from his family. He was knocked out and tied up by these assholes who caught him siphoning their gas, then this teenager cut down a tree which resulted in him getting into a car accident. Said teenager then tried to rob him before agreeing to escort him back to his family but first, they gotta go to Prescott. I wouldn't say Javier's in the flirtatious mood by the time he meets Tripp.
But he can flirt with Eleanor, right?
So, why not Tripp?
Because Tripp is a man and he has feelings for Eleanor. That's made quite clear from ep1. He told Javi that he and Eleanor had a thing once. Sure, Javi could still harmlessly flirt with him, but have we stopped to consider that Javi isn't as confident with openly flirting with men like he is women? After all, who initiated the actual flirting between him and Jesus in ep5? That would be Jesus, and it happens after the danger is over and Javi doesn't have to worry about dying for a little bit.
Listen, I understand that Tripp is big. He's built like the lumberjack of our dreams. He has a nice beard. He's not afraid to talk about his feelings even when he fumbles all over them. He's strong and caring and brave. He could easily toss me over his shoulder like I'm a sack of flour and then throw me across the room... what's not to love? Surely, if Javi actually liked men, he would've made a move on Tripp at some point.
Except, would he? Is Tripp even Javi's type? Because I'm pressing X to doubt.
Also, why does he need to?
This is where I question why some people think Javi has to flirt with a bunch of men to "prove" he's bisexual? I'm sorry, do you believe there's a quota all bisexuals have to meet to maintain their membership card? You have to flirt with this many genders a month otherwise they'll revoke your premium status?
Sometimes I wonder if people unintentionally lean into the "promiscuous bisexual" stereotype, or if they do genuinely believe that bisexuals have to express interest in multiple people of different genders in order to prove themselves queer enough.
Did we ever stop to think that Javi's just not like that? An open flirt, I mean. Yeah he's charismatic and funny and all that, but Kate, Eleanor, and Jesus all initiate the romantic dialogue with him first; Kate tells him she needs to get laid hint hint, Eleanor calls him pretty, and Jesus calls him a real charmer.
Tripp never gives him any indication that he's interested or that he even likes men, so why would Javi make a move?
As for any other man? Again, what men? Max? Dr. Lingard? Clint? Conrad? And forget adding a new character to ANF; it could barely handle the characters it already had and you want to add a new one just for Javier? Let's face it, Tripp was the best option and that's just it, he wasn't an option.
"But my Javi WOULD flirt with Tripp and the game didn't give me the option!"
And there it is.
Javier isn't your OC
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ANF isn't a massive RPG where starting a new game brings you to a character creation menu, and you get to decide every factor about the character you want to play.
ANF is an episodic, point-and-click Telltale game, and Javier isn't your OC. Like with Lee and Clementine, there are some things you just don't get a say in, and I think that gets to the player sometimes.
When I sit down to play a Dragon Age game, I go into it knowing that my character is mine, I get to decide who they are and who they're interested in. DA as an RPG has the capacity to give me a bunch of romantic options both in and out of my party that shape who my character is.
When I sit down to play TWDG, I go into it knowing that while I have my own Lee, Clementine, and Javi, I didn't create them but I am influencing who they become. I know it's a Telltale game, and that means limitations.
These games have always had the "illusion of choice" criticism chucked at them from the beginning. Usually that pertains to the choices you make that affect the overall story, but ultimately don't matter in the end.
For example, it doesn't matter if you save Carley or Doug because no matter what, they both die. My counter-argument for this has always been that the choice does matter in the way that it shapes your playable character, and how if affects the characters around you. A Lee who saved Doug over Carley had reasons for making that choice, and in turn, has a different experience going forward than a player who chose to save Carley.
Does it matter who shoots Duck in the woods after he's bitten? Or if he's left to turn? No matter what, he's going to die, so is that the illusion of choice? I don't believe so, because it does matter. It affects player experience.
That being said, I believe players who become invested in this series, especially those who engage in fandom, develop a warped sense of what should've been, forgetting the nature of a Telltale game. I know this because that's the foundation my blog was built on.
Javier Garcia isn't a blank slate. You didn't create him. He had a life before the start of the game, he has a personality that you didn't choose for him, and there are things you have no control over. If anything, we act as an influence over the TWDG playable protagonists. Most every option given is something that could reasonably play into their character. I say "most" because we all remember that [GLASS HIM] moment where Javi tells David that Kate's going to leave him and we were all like "THAT'S NOT WHAT I THOUGHT THAT OPTION WAS!" and it felt out of character.
Anyway, you don't dictate who these characters are but you get sway over the direction they take.
Javi can be a real prick to everyone, but that plays into the selfish and entitled part established with his character from the beginning. You can play him as genuine, trying to step up and do better for the sake of his family, another thing brought up from the very beginning.
"But why couldn't I make Javi flirt with Trip!?"
Because it's not an option. I don't know what else to tell you. I don't know what you want me to tell you.
ANF is a Telltale game that centers about Javier Garcia. It's a story about a man who, prior to the outbreak, screwed up and was wasting his life away. His relationship to his family sat upon a rocky foundation, crumbled by his own hands. He wasn't even there when his father died. We follow this man through a story of a family trying to survive, we watch him reunite with his brother and risk losing everything that kept him grounded and going. He experiences grief and anger and sorrow and happiness. In the end, he comes out of it all a different man, for better or worse.
That man just also happened to be bisexual.
And that's the thing: This isn't a story about Javier's sexuality. He isn't going around making moves on these elusive men that mastermind Adam Esquenazi Douglas maybe hid in the game somewhere because the game isn't about Javi liking men.
It's a game about his complicated relationships with Kate and David made messy by Kate being in love with him, and whether or not Javi loves her, too.
It's about Javi helping Clementine back on her path after she's been alone and bitter for so long. It's about them fighting to take down a group of people doing really shitty things to other communities. It's about losing Mariana and avenging her by killing the man who shot her. It's about Gabe feeling conflicted about his father, a man he always wanted to be just like, after realizing that David isn't this idealized figure Gabe thought he was.
It's about the promise Javi made to his father.
The fact that Javi happens to be bi doesn't matter in the grand scheme of the plot. It's just something that's apart of who he is, but because it's a small detail we feel was added in at the last minute, we decide it's not enough.
But what if it is enough? Do we even truly know what this concept of "enough" is?
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Throughout writing this piece, I've found myself in a loop.
I'm happy Javier is bisexual. -> But should I be? -> We shouldn't settle for crumbs, we deserve more explicit representation. -> But is there really anything wrong with casual representation where the story doesn't focus on sexuality? It doesn't take away from other stories that do. -> I'm happy Javier is bisexual. -> But should I be?
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Queer stories are important and our voices need to be heard. We need stories that don't shy away from experiences that are hard to stomach. We need queer stories told by queer people. We need stories that are unapologetic, that aren't afraid to face their audience with pride. Stories that don't say "yeah but we have to bend a little to the bigots to maximize our profits." We need these stories that inspire us, hurt us, make us cry and piss us off. We need queer stories with happy endings that give us hope, that push us to seek a better future so that new generations of queer people don't feel alone in their struggles. We need queer stories that make us feel heard, seen.
Do stories with casual representation of queer characters fit in there somewhere, too? I think they do, because TFS is a casual representation story.
Clementine is bi and it isn't a big deal; she never has a moment where she's openly questioning, she doesn't have this big coming-out scene, there's no tears shed or anything. She isn't stomping around with her bi pride flag and announcing who she is with a heartwarming speech.
She just is.
Same thing with Violet. She never comes out to Clementine as a lesbian, no one ever calls her that, she just is.
Clementine's romance with Violet is treated just as it is with Louis, sincere and normal. No one questions her or Violet because to the Ericson crew, it is normal. They knew Violet and Minerva were together before but no one has any quips about it, positive or negative.
If you romance Violet but then save Louis, he makes mention that Clementine and Violet are close so why save him? But Louis, for as much as people side eye him for making jokes and never taking anything seriously, doesn't say anything more. He could've made a joke, "Ah, you like girls, I guess I never stood a chance then, haha." He doesn't, because it's not something out of the ordinary for him and it's not something he feels the need to pry over.
If you go fishing with Violet and Brody, you find the carved heart with Violet and Minerva's initials and AJ asks what it means. Clementine can tell him they were girlfriends, and AJ doesn't go, "Oh, that's weird," or "Huh, I didn't know girls could like each other." He just goes, "Oh. Love." and moves on because he grew up differently, it isn't a big deal to.
Even the antagonists aren't out here spewing homophobia, at least that I recall.
The Ericson crew are a generation that understands and accepts. Where Clementine could end up with either Louis or Violet and no one will raise a brow, or even feel compelled to signal their alliance like, "Ah, yes, I am accepting of you and your choice, good for you, I am an ally, I'm making this about me."
The Final Season of TWDG is great, and it proves that the writers at Telltale at the time wanted to explore these topics earnestly. It wasn't pandering or trying to score "woke points" with the LGBTQ+ community like some bigots will insist. If it were, it would've been way more obvious about it, I think.
Casual queer stories or serious stories that tackle the hardships of being gay?
Like the bisexual I am, I like both and everything in between.
Clementine didn't need to prove her bisexuality as "enough" in TFS, but since the circumstances were different, did Javier?
I'm going to take the potentially controversial road and say no. I understand why we wish they did more, and I understand why people have frustrations over creators dropping that information without actually having to commit in their work... but I also have some appreciation for the casual reveal of Javi being bi, regardless of why it was dropped.
Javier is valid. He didn't need to "prove" anything.
In a way, I believe we do have some control over the portrayal of Javier, and that's by engaging in fandom. If you were disappointed that Javi's queerness wasn't explored in game, then find a fic that does explore that side of him, or write your own. Engage with other people and their work about it. Comment on fanart, fics, and thought pieces. Write brain dumps. Find other Javi/Tripp shippers and prove me wrong, prove that Tripp is indeed Javi's type and have fun while doing it.
Telltale gave us the crumbs, so let that inspire us to bake a cake.
I don't think this concept of "not enough" is the most productive way we could go about discussing topics like this. Not everyone has the same level or standard, and every work is a unique case. But I think it is fun and productive to share ideas of what we would've done differently so that it may inspire us.
ANF, for all of its flaws, could be a tool used to teach us where our priorities are in storytelling, and influence what we want to create ourselves.
In conclusion: Javier Garcia is enough to me.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to crawl back to my bog and begin research into the meaning and metaphors behind walkers and their existence.
But before that, I want to give a big thank you to @pi-creates for making the Javi gif used in this essay, as well as for listening to all my bullshit during the writing process.
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strawberrythiefs · 2 years
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in the end, you’re my sister. 
requested by @such-g00d-luck
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thena0315 · 4 months
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New Brettsey Wedding Stills
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jammunin · 6 months
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what being stuck on an island for 8 seasons does to a mf
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This lady reminds me of Violet <3
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kajaono · 1 year
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How can you not love her?!
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velvet4510 · 1 month
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 4 months
various OC doodles i never posted from around the past year
i do have more but i hit the 30 image limit oops
read alt text for fun details
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kierancaz · 5 months
Rewatching the first ep of downton abbey before I start the final season and there was soooo much that I missed. The little seeds planets so early on between Anna and Mr. Bates. The great introduction to literally every person but specifically everyone upstairs and also a great introduction into all of the important relationships and the main plots.
Like I’m sure that none of this is new information but it’s just all stuff that I spotted just like half way through the episode.
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servants-hall · 7 months
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Call The Midwife
BBC One and BBC iPlayer
Call The Midwife’s 2023 Christmas Special begins two weeks before Christmas, with Apollo 8 poised to circle the moon. Sister Monica Joan (Judy Parfitt) is convinced this could be her final Yuletide and decides she’ll not live to see man walk on the moon. The Nonnatus Family, including Trixie’s (Helen George) brother Geoffrey (Christopher Harper), decide something must be done to try and lighten her state of mind. Nancy (Megan Cusack) has recommitted to staying at Nonnatus House and Sister Julienne (Jenny Agutter) has offered her and Colette (Francesca Fullilove) a room for the foreseeable future. Trixie and Matthew (Olly Rix), fresh from their honeymoon, are preparing their first Christmas together as husband and wife when Geoffrey pays them an unexpected visit days before Christmas. Cyril (Zephryn Taitte) gently intervenes when he discovers a lost soul living alone in a dilapidated basement flat. For this man, Christmas is a reminder of all he’s lost and all he’s never had. Nurse Crane (Linda Bassett), away on her refresher course, makes it home in time for Christmas festivities despite a treacherously heavy snowfall. Call The Midwife (1x90) is a Neal Street Productions for BBC One and BBC iPlayer. Executive producers for Neal Street Productions are Pippa Harris, Heidi Thomas and Ann Tricklebank, with Gaynor Holmes for the BBC.
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loz37 · 1 year
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Period drama week 2023-
Day 2: Favourite drama from TV
This is a tough one because there are so many! But I am going to have to be cliche again and go for the queen of period which is Downton Abbey.
I'm not one of those doe hard fans that think its perfect. It definitely has its flaws, character regression to push new agendas in later series and skipping some juicy time slots are the main ones. But regardless it just has that je ne sais quoi, and Dame Maggie Smith.
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kanencrow · 1 year
(UPDATED) Request Guidelines/Masterlist Links
Here's a simple post that goes a bit more in depth on what I feel comfortable with writing, as well as what I don't feel comfortable writing. I'm a multi-fandom writer, but I think it'll be better if I clarify which fandoms I'm willing to write for, as well as which characters in said fandom I'm willing to write for.
Fandoms/Characters I Write For:
(HIATUS) The Walking Dead:
(HIATUS) Spiderverse:
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen
Black Cat/Felicia Hardy
Natalie Scatorccio (1996)
Lottie Matthews (1996)
Van Palmer (1996)
Shauna Shipman (1996)
Jackie Taylor (1996)
I'd also like to add that I DO NOT write for male characters. As for the reader, I usually tend to write them as gender-neutral or as female, but if you specifically ask for one or the other, I'm totally down to write it!
Also, as shown in my previous posts, I don't focus on traits. Anyone is free to read without feeling as though they're being alienated. The last thing I want is for you (the reader) to not feel like the fictional you in the one shot or headcanon you're reading.
Genres I Will Write:
Alternate Universes
NSFW (Depending on comfortability)
If you are wanting to request a particular AU, all I ask is that you give me some detail of the idea you've got, just so I'm not doing your request a disservice.
What I Won't Write:
Non-Consensual Relationships
Discriminatory/Hateful Relationships
It'll really be up to me on whether the request is too intense or not. I'm usually easy going on what I will write, though the things I listed are things that I'm usually not going to be comfortable doing, if requested.
At the end of the day, I want this blog to be a safe place for everyone, so please be respectful with your messages and requests.
With that being said, though, request till your hearts content!
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TWDG Masterlist
Spiderverse Masterlist
Yellowjackets Masterlist (Nothing Yet!)
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