#vista bird
flight-to-mars · 3 months
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Someone put the top of an Oldmobile Vista Cruiser station wagon onto a 1962 Ford Thunderbird and the result is beautiful.
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fatchance · 16 days
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There was a ruckus in the pines behind my house yesterday. I watched a Cooper's hawk bullying two great horned owl fledglings. The owlets were very protective of each other, huddling together and shielding each other from the hawk with their wings. In the final photo you can see one of the owls lost a down feather in the brawl.
Great horned owls / búho cornudo (Bubo virginianus), in Sierra Vista, Arizona.
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reesieroo-spark · 17 days
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Why get into online arguments when you can play Bass Pro Shops: The Strike instead?
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sitting-on-me-bum · 8 months
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Sandhill Cranes in Monte Vista
Sunrise photograph of two sandhill cranes in flight.
Photographer: Gary Gray
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hiimlesphotos · 9 months
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It’s a Bird
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lies · 8 months
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Sometimes when I'm birdwatching
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elite-amarys · 5 months
opinions on crispin?
(// also hiiiii this is mod romeo from the crispin blog !! feel free to mention any of the blog's canon teehee >:D)
Crispin!!! That's my second favorite elite guy🤩🤩 Which DOESNT include mom btw, because she's the ELITESTEST😤 But Crispin is sooooo fun! And gots such a busy noisy lil head 🥰 especially around D-R-A-Y-T-O-N 😈 -Rollo
Blech. Fire types are nerve wracking, and I can't handle spicy food. Makes me overheat. Personality wise he's...fine. A bit much for Sierra and I. -XP
Hairrrrr-tastic babyyyy ✨🤤 -Adware
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musicollage · 1 year
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Andrew Bird — Inside Problems. 2022 : Loma Vista.
[ support the artist ★ buy me a coffee ]
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theroseandthebeast · 1 year
Yuletide 2022 Recs, Batch One
11 recs for Andor, Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar, Batman, Beyond Evil, Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn), The Black Phone, Clue, and Critical Role / Exandria Unlimited
All Blue and Gold and Glittering
Tay Kolma/Mon Mothma - In search of a present for Mon Mothma, Tay Kolma pays a visit to an antiques shop he’s been told she’s fond of.
Maarva Andor/Clem Andor, Maarva Andor & Cassian Andor, Cassian Andor & Clem Andor - It turns out that taking in this boy is like taming a wild Loth-cat. Clem tells her that, one night: “It has to be on his own terms, in his own time.”
(A family study of the Andors, from initial adoption through what happens on Rix Road.)
Two Can Keep A Secret
Barb & Star - Barb doesn't like to let anyone talk about her best friend like that.
shine a light
Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain - Everyone watches Dick.
Follow You into the Dark
Han Joo Won/Lee Dong Sik - Han Juwon watches Lee Dongsik watch young men in Seoul nightclubs, his eyes tracing the shapes of their bodies as they dance. There’s a hunger there, Juwon can tell.
Or: instead of using a woman as bait, Juwon decides to use himself.
when you came in (the air went out)
Han Joo Won/Lee Dong Sik - Inspector Han Juwon transfers to the small town of Manyang in order to prove that disgraced police officer Lee Dongsik is behind a string of missing girls in the area.
Also, Dongsik is a vampire.
sparring partners
Helena Bertinelli/Dinah Lance - “Yeah,” Helena grabs a water bottle, “No one to punch, gotta punch something. Otherwise I’ll never sleep.”
Dinah grins, “Some of us just jerk off.”
pricking the garter
Albert | The Grabber - Masks, and the people who wear them.
True Colors
Mrs. White/Mrs. Peacock - In which Mrs. White succeeds at solving a murder and fails to avoid being smitten by Mrs. Peacock.
Laerryn Coramar-Seelie/Patia Por'co - They tended to turn to each other for comfort. That's how it had always been.
Their Fond Pageant
Laerryn Coramar-Seelie/Loquatius Seelie - The kid reporter cracks first, unable to withstand the Loquatius Seelie charm offensive. "Not all the wedding invitations to the Feywild made it there!" she blurts out.
(Or: Loquatius and Laerryn's wedding turns into more of an adventure than anyone in the Ring of Brass planned.)
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stinkman007 · 1 year
guess who is going to comic con today as eric carr!!!
i am so exited bro my costume is so cool
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sebring5 · 5 months
IMG_0027 by Henry Via Flickr: Sparrow
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sinceileftyoublog · 6 months
Andrew Bird, Margaret Glaspy & Julian Lage Gezelligheid Preview
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Andrew Bird; Photo by David Black
It's that time of year again--not just for Christmas or Hannukah or beer and wine advent calendars, but for Andrew Bird's annual Gezelligheid concerts at the Fourth Presbyterian Church. This year, Bird will perform 7 shows: tonight, tomorrow, and the 11th-15th. Usually, he plays a mix of original songs and holiday-related covers or standards. In 2020's Hark!, Bird has his first ever Christmas album to his name, so you can expect to hear a few of those tunes, too.
If it were up to me, Bird would gift us some instrumentals. That is, earlier this summer, he followed up 2022's Inside Problems with a companion album, Outside Problems (Loma Vista), improvised instrumentals recorded outdoors in Ojai, CA. Though it follows some of the formless themes of Inside Problems, it's wholly original and some of Bird's most inspired work in years. "Epilogue" is flaneur-like, Bird purposefully not giving thought to the potential for other band members or a chorus or structures, while cheekily titled tunes like "Mormon House Party" and "Tik Tok" use repetitive sways to lull us into the bends of Bird's violin. Best, his gorgeous voice does appear, but in the form of wordless vocalizations, harmonizing with his plucks on "Mancey" or popping up on the off beat on "Mormon House Party".
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Margaret Glaspy; Photo by Josh Goleman
Opening for Bird each night is a duo comprised of Margaret Glaspy and Julian Lage, creative and life partners who have never released any recorded duo material but have plenty of history showing up on each other's records. For one, each had a hand in producing the other's 2023 album, Glaspy's terrific Echo the Diamond (ATO) and Lage's Grammy-nominated The Layers (Blue Note). Echo the Diamond prominently features both Lage and Bird collaborators (The Bad Plus drummer Dave King, bassist Chris Morrissey), and you can certainly hear Lage's jazz influences on the skittering Ryan Lerman co-write "Hammer and the Nail". Not to take anything away from Glaspy--Echo the Diamond is far and away her best album yet mostly thanks to the increasingly worn twang of her voice and ability to make worlds out of fleeting moments and the conversations we have with ourselves, in our own heads. From country-tinged odes to new love ("Act Natural") and feminist rallying cries ("Female Brain"), to reverent admittances to the power of our minds ("Memories") and self-criticism ("Turn The Engine"), Echo the Diamond runs the gamut of emotions in a lean 35 minutes. At the center of it all is Glaspy's observational prowess, or as she describes on closer "People Who Talk", her ability to "make like a fox and start listening."
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Julian Lage; Photo by Alysse Gafkjen
Glaspy's influence on Lage's The Layers is a tad more palpable. Written as a described "prequel" to 2022's View With A Room, the record showcases interplay between Jorge Roeder's bass and King's drums, and at times between Lage and Bill Frisell. Glaspy's able to emphasize the raw timbres of Lage and Frisell's acoustic guitars on "This World", or Lage's expansive, twinkling playing on "Missing Voices" atop King's creaking percussion. And the title track is a chugging, almost country rock number, an instrumental that could back Glaspy without batting an eye. In fact, it wonderfully previews Lage's latest choogle of a single "Omission", produced by Joe Henry and that will feature on an upcoming Blue Note album next year. It's hard to predict what Glaspy and Lage will play, but both artists, individually and together, have the chops to make it a memorable opening set you won't want to miss.
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fatchance · 25 days
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Broad-billed hummingbird / colibrí pico ancho (Cynanthus latirostris) and her two tiny eggs. On my neighbor's patio, in Sierra Vista, Arizona.
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calochortus · 8 months
Arizona here I come!
Arizona here I come! by Ruby 2417 Via Flickr: Off for my annual birding drip in the morning! Inca Dove seen on a cloudy day, in Sierra Vista, Arizona. March, 2020.
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juliaridulaina · 8 months
A vista d’ocell🦅Bird's eye view🦅A vista de pájaro🦅
De vegades m’agafen ganes de ser un ocell i deixar de ser l’eruga que només pot anar pel terra. L’ocell vola per damunt de tot; la seva vista ho abasta tot i pot decidir on posar-se segons hi vegi possibilitats. L’eruga te la vista limitada al seu entorn i no pot albirar on s’amaga el perill. Benedicció: Que sigueu una ànima elevada que vola constantment amb les ales del fervor i l’entusiasme.…
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hiimlesphotos · 7 months
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Flying High
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