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bir ask hikayesi.
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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radgeorgie · 11 days
I send this song to your spirit every night in the hopes that you realize just how much it hurts to live without you
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atypi-cals · 1 year
phone is in big v
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70s80sandbeyond · 1 month
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Fox Studios model Nick Vodak
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s3d4t3m3 · 17 days
Shopping list~
☆ xanax
☆2 handles of vodak
☆ slice of cake (optional)
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harepare · 2 years
kaanflix gibi surekli kamerayi insanlarin yuzune sokup mal mal sesler cikaran, ali abi gibi gordugu en absurt seyleri teklemeye calisan, mentor gibi ota boka cok samimi bi sekildw kahkaha atan, hugola gibi gordugu her seyle ritim tutan, emir gibi sessiz sakin olup ortamin en fisek karakteri olan, yex gibi sessiz sakin isi gucu manitasi olan, vodak gibi icten ama agresif insanlar sayesinde youtube daha kaliteli
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coreytasticc · 1 year
girlies btw im on.... i think about 2.3 pint of vodak and i havent hit post limit so we're ginna have fin <3
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orphanofkos · 1 year
crystal light lemonade + vodak = i feel like a soccer mom
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queenofthieves · 1 year
for the infamous mc asks: performance, bandmates, tattoo, fame?
Thank you, Meredith c:<
Performance: What are they thinking and feeling while they’re performing? How do they act on stage?
When performing, Crystal feels on top of the world, unstoppable, like this is what she was meant for. She doesn't really care what the size of the crowd, (tho she does absolutely think the band deserves fame), she wants everyone to hear her music.
On stage, she's Crystalx10 with "two shots of vodak" worth of LETS OPEN UP THIS FUCKING PIT, I WANNA SEE YOU RAGE.
Bandmates: How do they feel about the members of the band? Would they still be interested in stardom if they weren’t with that group?
Crystal loves and adores her band members, they're the family she never had and she knows she can count of them and trusts them to count on her. They've been together for so long, and she's hoping that August can become family too.
Hmm I think the interest would still be there, the main question is "how would she make stardom happen." Part of their allure is the authenticity their relationships with one another, and their relationships are also a big part of creating the music. Maybe she'd try, but I worry that she'd be a bit more critical of people that she's not close to because she wouldn't be able to trust them to get the sound correct, or understand her.
Tattoo: Did they keep the tattoo with Seven’s initials? Why/why not? What was that decision/execution process like? (Bonus: What do they think of Seven keeping their tattoo?)
Fame: Do you think your character will enjoy fame? Do they think they will? What elements do you think they might struggle with? Do you think they’ll be happy at the end of this road?
oof that's a hard one. I think she'll enjoy some aspects of fame, but there are parts that might make her bitter, especially if people aren't focusing on what her music is about and focus more so on the group's aesthetics or something. Though, at the end off the day she might be okay, she's getting her music out there to a wider audience. She'd probably also not be okay with how demanding or entitled fans can sometimes be. Another element she'll probably dislike is that talent and passion isn't everything in the industry... These aren't aspects she's really taking into consideration at the moment, unfortunately.
Crystal absolutely thinks she'll love fame, and that her band deserves it. They make amazing music, perform electrifying sets, and are genuinely talented and passionate about music.
I'm not sure she'll be happy at the end of the road... I could see a turning point for her where she isn't blinded by the positives and will be forced to consider that it may not be the best thing in the long run... but who knows :3
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thelibraryofbizmir · 2 years
The Guardian of Bizmir
In the centre of Vodak Square stands the statue of the Guardian of Bizmir. A bronze figure of a dura clad in armour from the time of the height of the Dura Empire. They hold a resolute stance, shield and axe held ready at their sides. Though this is the image of a real dura who lived in the past, they have become much more. They came to represent the very ideals around which the people of bizmir would rally in times of hardship.
  Mahnaz Salehi was a member of the Shah's Crypt Guard in dura Bizmir who began their service towards the end of the dura inhabitation of the city. As the Dura Empire collapsed and it came time for the city to be abandoned, the Crypt Guard decided that one member would stay behind to continue on their divine duty. Mahnaz Salehi volunteered for this task. So as citizens of Bizmir travelled north to the safer lands of the central empire, the now Captain Salehi stayed behind to live out the rest of their days with only the bodies of the long dead Shahs of Bizmir to keep them company.
  The next they would be seen was over six centuries later when the party of Markgrav Dravk Yanyek discovered Bizmir. They found the body of the Captain peacefully sitting at the doors of the Shah's Crypt, weapons by their side. Dravk, moved by their dedication, ordered that a tomb and monument be made for Captain Salehi before the gates where their body had been found. It would be two centuries later that Captain Salehi would become relevant once more. For Bizmir, the long war was a trial by fire. They were besieged by the Mark of Hetska and many other states of the Gathei Empire. If they were to make it through this hardship, they would need to hold strong with untiring determination. To inspire the people of Bizmir, the councillors of the Vodak shaped the image of Captain Salehi into the model of unrelating determination that is the Guardian of Bizmir. It was in this time that the statue in Vodak Square was built.
  In the end it all seemed to work. Bizmir survived the Long War and those values of unrelenting determination became core to bizmiri national identity.
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jarflies · 2 months
my shorts are soaked with vodak an my nose burns
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gorepill · 4 months
5, 6, 10, 12, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 29, 32, 43, 44, 47, AND 48
I put a lot more than I thought I would HBJCSX
5-what color are your eyes? central heterochromia, green inside, blue outside !!! 6-why did you do that? :O) honk 10-would you slaughter the rich? ANY DAY OF THE WEEK <3 kill maim murder
12-what kind of day is it? I dunnooooooo yet 19-imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? Naturally! Ur getting tranny colorz 20-do you say soda or pop? Sometimes I say sooderpop but usually I just say whatever type I mean!! :3 21-something you’ve kept since childhood? American flag blanket. Not mine anymore, I guess, since mamaw has used it and now it's. unsanitary to use no matter how I wash it :( 23-how do you feel about chilly weather? EVIL. EVIL. but fun...BUT MOSTLY EVIL 24-if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? OH BROTHER WE'RE POPPIN EDIBLES AND CHUGGIN VODAK 100 PERCENT 29-how do you like your shower water? HOT. boil me. BOIL ME!!!!! 32-do you have a favorite towel? ...yesssss? i think. Two? this white one and this pink-and-white one!! 43-what’s your take on spicy foods? They HURT ME i LOVE THEM!!! 44-you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? ummm...Boyfriend's family. Probably his dad or his brother-in-law. ^-^ violently. painfully! 47-what was the last message you sent? This. it's literally just my dream post but send to my bf IUERIWER
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48-can you skip rocks? YES I'm so fucking awesome at it too, just gotta get one with a flat side!!
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teptep202 · 5 months
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#SLU cee
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s3d4t3m3 · 10 days
Lowkey nvm im hella chillen had a caprisun and 4 shots of vodak feeling normal again 🤭💝
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
So idk if you remember, but I told you how I had like 6 shots of vodak and was puking for like 2 hours and worse. When 6-7 months ago, I was able to drink double that and be fine (I could also down 5 shots of whiskey in like 10 min no issue.)
Well, I found the issue 🥲 (most likely). I have a 3.5 x 2.4 mass in my liver, so that's great. I already have a 1 in a million auto immune disease, and now this 😭 the world really has it out for me
oh my god!!! oh my god???? oh my god?!!??????!!!!!!
i’m so sorry babe :( what’s the plan of action? anything you can do?
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