#voice biomarkers
hoursofreading · 1 month
Her name was Caitlyn, and she represented a company called Canary Speech. Canary Speech had developed a tool that analyzes human speech for “vocal biomarkers.” Caitlyn explained that vocal biomarkers are qualities below the level of human hearing that correlate with emotional and physiological conditions. By listening to just thirty seconds of recorded speech, Canary Speech could return a health audit that breaks down the user’s mood, energy, anxiety, and degree of depression, and identify pre-Parkinson’s traits, as well as early signs of Alzheimer’s. Caitlyn played a video in which she prompted a woman to speak for thirty seconds on any topic. The woman described her morning. She had woken up and fed her child. Her child had played with their dog. “Canary is analyzing the audio,” Caitlyn said. “You have medium anxiety and medium depression. Your energy score is at forty-six. Your power is at seventy-eight. Speed is medium, at forty-eight. Dynamic is twelve.” I could feel a collective intake of breath. A woman raised her hand and asked what would happen to someone’s diagnosis if the sound quality were poor. “That’s why we record forty seconds,” said Caitlyn. “So we get more audio than we need.” The woman’s question poked a hole in the dam, and more questions poured forth. Another woman identified herself as a therapist. “To be told you’re mildly depressed will make you depressed,” she said. “How can we be confident this won’t fall into the hands of corporations that will figure out how to sell things to depressed people?” asked another woman. “What about cultural differences?” said someone else. Caitlyn attempted an answer, but before she could produce anything cogent a male voice boomed from the back of the room. “WE’RE TALKING ABOUT MICRO-PROSODIC FEATURES BELOW THE LEVEL OF HUMAN PERCEPTION,” the voice said. The large and formidable man to whom this voice belonged rolled down the aisle on a mobility scooter. He introduced himself. He was a veteran of the original Alexa build and Canary Speech’s cofounder. “What is the baseline you’re comparing it to?” someone asked. “You compare it to a generic baseline.” “What is generic? Man? Woman? Teenager?” “These clues are generally universal.”
An Age of Hyperabundance | Issue 47 | n+1 | Laura Preston
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calculatesguilt · 4 months
40 between perceptor and rodimus
40. things you interrupted me to say
Perceptor had been going on and on and on about something or other of the implications of the life they found in some sort of nebula they passed through. Rodimus tried to pay attention. He really did! But as soon as Perceptor pulled out the word Astrobiological he felt his attention check out.
Instead, he focuses on the way Percy's hands move as he speaks, the way his lips move as he enunciates each, increasingly jargonistic, word. He narrows his eyes, wondering what it would be if given the opportunity to... no, no, that's silly.
Perceptor is, well, he can't imagine he sees him as anything other than his captain.. He's fucked up one too many times, and he wonders why he's even here still. On the Lost Light. After... He can't imagine Overlord was encouraging. Nor the addition of Megatron to their crew. Though, Percy never seemed too bothered by the latter.
"Do you follow?" Perceptor's question draws him out of his thoughts.
Rodimus waves his hand dismissively from where he's sat backwards on Percy's chair. "Yeah, yeah, astrobiological diversity in organic life."
Perceptor smiles, only just, and Rodimus feels ill at the sight. Primus this is getting out of hand.
Percy goes back to rambling, turning to the monitor and quickly typing something out to pull up images taken from the probe he sent out. The passion in his voice, the excitement, it's a stark contrast to the Wrecker he had come to know years back when he ended up tagging along after being stranded.
And it's... it's good to see. It's good to know that he brought that out in him.
He wants to kiss him. The thought is so jarring—
"What?" Perceptor says.
Oh kill him now, did he really say that out loud? "What?"
They stare at each other, a beat of silence.
"Can we uh... pretend I didn't say that?"
"Alright. Cool. I'm just going to leave."
"Nope. I'm going." Before he could scramble off in utterly mortified shame, Perceptor grabs his arm.
"Captain." There is a gentle firmness in the scientist's voice, as he lets go when he's certain Rodimus won't flee the scene.
Rodims fidgets, only to notice Perceptor is fidgeting with his own hands. There is a nervous glint in his eyes he hadn't noticed before. An almost... shyness.
"Rodimus... I... ah... well, I would not be opposed."
"Really?" Rodimus is surprised, to say the very least. Perceptor is very handsome, there's no denying that, and charming in his own weird way, but he's also married to his work. He set it in his mind that the scientist would be completely untouchable.
This is... well it's a turn and he has no idea what to do now.
Perceptor nods, then quickly adds, "Ah but... preferably not when I am in the middle of talking... Perhaps we should... talk about this more? Later. When you are free and I am not busy with these biomarkers."
"Yeah! Yeah. Yeah sounds good to me. Can this... also just stay between us? I hate rumors going around the crew about me."
"Yes, Captain. Now... where was I? Ah, right! Biomarkers..."
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So apparently none of these things are up for debate because no one can reblog or comment
Go ahead, "make an example out of me," but only after I make one of you.
First, I swear to god, the only ones making #miserablyDID a thing are people like you. What people like me are trying to tell people like you is that dysfunction is a fluctuating label, and the DSM entry for DID explains that dysfunction can be minimal to non-existent and you can still be disordered, and that's okay.
Disordered isn't a bad word and it's not synonymous with dysfunction, and the DSM explains why and how.
You just don't want to listen and instead continue to spread the idea that you have be miserable and struggling every day if you're disordered. As if people don't live fulfilling, happy lives with all kinds of disorders.
No, DID is definitely the exception, right?
You ignore that the DSM allows for someone to reach final fusion and still have DID based on their ability to split later in life.
You ignore that the DSM explains that a disorder doesn't mean need for treatment, and you silence and hide voices trying to explain that under the guise of protecting endogenics from "hate", meanwhile, the misinformation you're pushing is actively harmful to DID systems.
You ignore when we explain that the DSM states that you can be trans without dysphoria, and that in most cases, dysfunction in that case comes from failures on the side of medical practitioners and deniers. Transmeds go against the DSM and current research, and comparing syscourse to that is hugely dismissive of the fight trans people have fought.
In terms of DID/OSDD, the DSM explains that it IS a trauma-based disorder, but no one bothers to read beyond the criteria (which also mentions trauma? The and/or doesn't mean trauma is optional, but go off I guess). Sysmeds support the DSM and current research.
The fight isn't comparable, and you're basically denying science and history at this point in favour of an argument that doesn't actually apply.
You ignore the very real damage that IFS has done to the treatment of DID/OSDD, and you ignore our concerns when we say we see the same things coming with endogenics if the language used isn't changed and the line clearly separated.
You ignore that we have answers to all of those questions you asked in the tags. We know why and how the cut off age works, and how autism can increase that age to about 12. From the writers of the DSM.
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In b4 hypothesized, because we can see it now, and the DSM 5 TR has been updated to reflect this new understanding.
You ignore that we already understand how and why those with DID have alters and how trauma plays into that.
You ignore that this means that: those biomarkers, or injuries = DID/OSDD, and that if someone is apparently a system without those injuries, it is completely, 100% different. How can it not be? Those injuries affect every aspect of our lives-- the way we retain, recall, and manage memories and information, our emotional reactions to things. Someone without them isn't going to understand it, but people like you demonize people like me for pointing that out, despite the fact that it's kind of obvious when you think about it.
You ignore that the DSM is quite clear about what kind of cultural experiences are excluded and why and how, and it's not for teens on tumblr, and saying it is, is denying the long, hard fight to keep spiritual and religious practices out of the DSM, because they're not the same things.
We already have the answers, you just don't like them, and you just proved on this post that you don't actually care about education, you care about silencing people who disagree and try to point out that you're misreading and misunderstanding things.
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anniekoh · 5 months
Meanwhile, we operators, with our advanced degrees in the humanities, had aptitudes Brenda [the chatbot] lacked. At $25 an hour we also cost almost nothing to employ, by corporate standards. Under the Brenda–operator alliance, everyone came out ahead: the operators got paid better than they would as adjuncts, and Brenda became more likable, more convincing, more humane. Meanwhile, Brenda’s corporate clients were self-satisfied knowing they had not replaced their phone lines with a customer-service bot. What they were using, instead, was cutting-edge AI backed by PhDs in literature.
Laura Preston's year impersonating a chatbot for a real estate start-up also led to an invitation to a tech conference about conversational AI as their "honorary contrarian figure", where every talk led Preston down a frantic spiral of inquiry.
I couldn't stop reading studies on nursing home robots. ... Now that I knew about vocal biomarkers, I felt myself hurtling down a new tube slide of panic. What would the insurance companies do? Would they increase a patient's premium because their voice indicated pre-Parkinson's?
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nursingscience · 1 year
The list of lab equipment needed for the psychology lab.
1. Computers and software for data analysis and experiment design
2. Psychophysiological equipment such as EEG, ECG, and GSR sensors
3. Eye-tracking equipment for measuring eye movements
4. Stereotaxic instrument for precise animal brain surgery
5. Skinner boxes for operant conditioning experiments
6. Virtual Reality headsets for immersive experience and behavioral testing
7. TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) for non-invasive brain stimulation
8. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for brain imaging
9. Polygraph machines for lie detection
10. Sound-proof rooms for auditory experiments
11. Video recording equipment for observational research
12. Reaction time devices to measure response times
13. Stimulus presentation software and hardware, including monitors and speakers
14. Questionnaires and survey tools for self-report research. 
15. Digital voice recorders for recording interviews or focus groups
16. Psychometric tests for assessing cognitive or personality traits
17. Tactile equipment for haptic experiments
18. Olfactometers for investigating sense of smell
19. Weight scales and height measurements for anthropometric assessments
20. Blood pressure monitors for physiological measurements
21. Heat/cold pain stimulation devices for pain threshold experiments
22. Sleep monitoring equipment such as actigraphy watches and polysomnography machines
23. Specialized software for analyzing and visualizing data, such as SPSS or R
Climatic chambers for environmental manipulation in behavioral studies
24. Microscopes for examining cellular and tissue samples in behavioral neuroscience research
25. Mobile EEG devices for field research or studying participants in naturalistic environments
26. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) for measuring brain activity in real-time
27. Motion capture systems for tracking movement and gestures in experiments or simulations
28. Biometric devices such as heart rate monitors, respiration sensors, or skin temperature sensors for physiological measurements
29. Experiment control software for designing, running, and analyzing experiments
30. Virtual assistants or chatbots for social psychology or human-computer interaction research
31. Social robots for studying human-robot interaction and social cognition
32. Biomarker assay kits for measuring stress hormones, neurotransmitters, or immune markers
33. Magnetic bead separation systems for isolating cells or proteins from biological samples
34. Chemical analysis equipment such as gas chromatography or mass spectrometry for analyzing biological fluids or tissues.
35. Eye-safe lasers and retinal imaging systems for visual neuroscience studies
36. Microdialysis probes for measuring extracellular neurotransmitter levels in vivo
37. Microfabrication and microfluidics equipment for designing and building micro-scale devices for neuroscience or behavioral studies
38. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for analyzing brain chemistry
39. Automated behavioral testing systems for high-throughput phenotyping of animal models
40. High-speed cameras for studying rapid movements or reactions in experiments
41. Autonomic monitoring systems for measuring heart rate variability and other physiological signals
42. Neurofeedback systems for training participants to regulate their brain activity
Infrared thermal imaging for measuring temperature changes on the skin or body surface
43. Environmental monitoring equipment for measuring air quality, temperature, humidity, or lighting in experimental settings.
44. Animal behavior tracking systems for automated behavioral analysis of animal models
45. Optogenetics equipment for genetically modifying neurons and controlling their activity with light
46. Microscopy equipment such as confocal microscopes or two-photon microscopes for imaging neurons or brain tissue
47. High-density EEG or MEG systems for recording brain activity with high spatial and temporal resolution
48. Ultrafast laser systems for optoacoustic or photothermal imaging of the brain or other tissues
49. Microscale thermometry systems for measuring temperature changes at the cellular level
50. Animal housing and care equipment such as cages, bedding, and feeding systems
51. Laboratory safety equipment such as fume hoods, eye protection, and fire suppression systems
52. High-performance computing resources for large-scale data analysis, simulations, or modeling.
The specific equipment needs of a psychology lab will depend on the research questions and methods being used, as well as the available resources and funding. 
It's also important to note that some of the equipment listed here may require specialized training or certification to use safely and effectively.
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healthcareanna · 28 days
Vocal Biomarkers Market Demand, Opportunities, Key Players 2032
Vocal Biomarkers Market Overview:
vocal biomarkers market size was valued at USD 0.58 Billion in 2023. The vocal biomarkers industry is projected to grow from USD 0.681 Billion in 2024 to USD 2.13 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.31% during the forecast period (2024 - 2032).
The Vocal Biomarkers Market is witnessing robust growth globally, driven by increased research and development in healthcare technology. These biomarkers offer non-invasive methods for diagnosing and monitoring various medical conditions, including neurological disorders, respiratory diseases, and mental health issues. With the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and mental health concerns, demand for vocal biomarkers is escalating. Technological advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning further enhance the accuracy and applicability of vocal biomarker analysis. Moreover, collaborations between healthcare institutions, technology firms, and research organizations foster innovation in this sector. As healthcare systems prioritize preventive care, the vocal biomarkers market is poised for sustained expansion.
The Vocal Biomarkers Market is experiencing remarkable growth, driven by innovations in healthcare technology and the recognition of vocal cues as indicators of various health conditions. Acoustic markers and speech biomarkers play pivotal roles in this burgeoning sector, offering non-invasive and cost-effective diagnostic tools.
Acoustic markers, comprising vocal characteristics such as pitch, tone, and rhythm, are being extensively studied for their potential in detecting neurological disorders, respiratory conditions, and cardiovascular diseases. These markers provide valuable insights into an individual's health status, allowing for early detection and intervention.
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Speech biomarkers, on the other hand, focus on the content and quality of speech, including articulation, fluency, and language patterns. Research suggests that alterations in speech patterns can signify cognitive decline, mental health disorders, and even certain types of cancer.
The integration of advanced machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence further enhances the accuracy and reliability of vocal biomarker analysis. As a result, healthcare professionals can leverage these tools for personalized medicine, remote patient monitoring, and disease management.
In addition to clinical applications, vocal biomarkers hold promise in areas such as lie detection, emotion recognition, and voice-based authentication systems.
Overall, the vocal biomarkers market is poised for substantial expansion, fueled by ongoing research endeavors, increasing healthcare awareness, and the growing demand for non-invasive diagnostic solutions. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for leveraging acoustic markers and speech biomarkers in healthcare diagnosis and treatment will undoubtedly expand, revolutionizing the way we approach healthcare assessment and management.
Vocal Biomarkers Market Competitive Landscape
The global vocal biomarker companies  include Sonde Health, IBM Corporation, Beyond Verbal, Cogito Corporation, and Audio Profiling.
Vocal Biomarkers Market Segmental Overview
The segmental analysis of the global vocal biomarker market is based on indication, type and end users.
On the basis of indication, the market has been segmented into neurological disorders, psychiatric disorders, respiratory disorders, traumatic brain injury (TBI), cardiovascular disorder. The neurological disorders segment is further sub-segmented into Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, huntington’s disease, and others. The psychiatric disorders segment is further sub-segmented into disruptive behaviour disorders, attention deficit, depression and others. On the basis of type, the market has been segmented into pitch, amplitude, vocal rise or fall time, voice tremor, frequency, error rate, phonation time, and others. On the basis of end users, the market has been segmented into academic and research, hospitals and clinics and others.
Vocal Biomarkers Market: Regional Segmentation
The market has been covered across key regions, which include North America, Asia Pacific (APAC), Europe, the Middle East & Africa (MEA) and Latin America. North America is expected to remain highly profitable market for vocal biomarkers during the forecast period. In North America, the U.S. makes a significant contribution to the vocal biomarker market. This is primarily owing to the presence of effective reimbursement scenario and high healthcare spending. Moreover, faster acceptance of the advanced technologies in the U.S. makes it a potential market. Following on the heels of North America, Europe represents the second largest market for vocal biomarker. High level of awareness and growing healthcare expenditure are two of the key factors driving the market in Europe. Asia-Pacific ranks third in the pecking order in terms revenue. The market in APAC is touted to witness a strong growth over the next several years. India and China are major contributors to the market in the region.
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8dpromo · 2 months
Various Artists - Gravit - Tremulant Community Sampler (Tremulant)
8DPromo · Various Artists - Gravit - Tremulant Community Sampler (Tremulant)
In a captivating display of Seattle's underground electronic music scene, Tremulant unveils Gravit - Tremulant Community Sampler, a compilation album that pulls listeners into a mesmerizing vortex of deep house, minimal, and otherworldly sounds. This nine-track journey, designed to immerse the audience in the music, showcases the diverse talents of local artists, each contributing their unique voice to create a cohesive and immersive experience. From the opening notes of monotropa.'s "Deriva," listeners are transported to a spaced-out, biotechnical world filled with organic percussion, deep synths, and provocative grooves. The artist's second contribution, "Cava," is a late-night gem, simmering with pronounced organic elements and a sizzling lead that will keep dance floors moving until the early hours. Eliogold's "How Fast You Play" is a standout collaboration with renowned Las Vegas-based pianist Mirko Barbesino (MKB), seamlessly blending musical virtuosity with irresistible dancefloor energy. Kinj0's "Biomarker on Ilus" explores sinister yet groovy territories, crafting a narrative that balances deep space dystopia with a cosmic dance party—a perfect tool for story-telling DJs. Other highlights include Jon Lee's "Texture Color," a deep melodic beauty that audibly translates texture and color to life, and Monday's Heartbeat's "Square Jive," featuring a rotating ensemble of musicians, including Forrest Roush on guitar and Daniel "Danimal" Wilson on keys, with special guest Nathan Hall. With additional tracks from Diana Ratsame, Hector J Rodriguez, and Joe Bellingham, Gravit reveals the force of Seattle's underground electronic music community. As Tremulant eloquently puts it, "each of the collaborators here interweaves their creative abilities into a release representing the dynamic and versatile flavors of the deep house found in the local scene," emphasizing the sense of community and shared creativity. Gravit is an invitation to explore the depths of Seattle's thriving electronic music landscape.
Jon Fugler (Fluke) – “How Fast You Play, Texture & Colour & Square Drive the standouts from a first listen - lots to choose from and surely something for everyone here.” Trent Banks (Reflect) – “Joe Bellingham’s Selva Oscura is perfection.” Richard Hardcastle (Solid State) – “How Fast You Play is he standout for me - solid selections all around.” DJ Nelson (Power FM) – “A nice collection of tracks - and the flow for the compilation is really nice. Initial stand outs are Cava, Lusio, and El Cacique.” DJ Morpheus (Lysergic Factory Radio Show) – “Excellent and exciting stuff on this compilation. Loving it.” Bruce Tantum (DJ Mag) – “Some amazing music on this comp – and a vast variety of it too.”
Available Now From: Beatport, Juno Download, Apple Music, And Spotify.
Jon Fugler (Fluke) – “How Fast You Play, Texture & Colour & Square Drive the standouts from a first listen - lots to choose from and surely something for everyone here.” Trent Banks (Reflect) – “Joe Bellingham’s Selva Oscura is perfection.” Richard Hardcastle (Solid State) – “How Fast You Play is he standout for me - solid selections all around.” DJ Nelson (Power FM) – “A nice collection of tracks - and the flow for the compilation is really nice. Initial stand outs are Cava, Lusio, and El Cacique.” DJ Morpheus (Lysergic Factory Radio Show) – “Excellent and exciting stuff on this compilation. Loving it.” Bruce Tantum (DJ Mag) – “Some amazing music on this comp – and a vast variety of it too.”
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sallyyty · 3 months
Mount Elizabeth Orchard: Advances in ENT Care and Technology
ENT specialists in Mount Elizabeth Orchard utilise state-of-the-art diagnostic technologies to achieve more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans. High-resolution imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offer detailed views of the ear, nose, and throat anatomy, enabling specialists to identify even subtle abnormalities. These advanced imaging modalities provide invaluable insights into conditions like sinusitis, tumours, and structural defects, facilitating more precise treatment strategies tailored to individual patient needs.
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Minimally Invasive Procedures
Minimally invasive surgical techniques have revolutionised the field of ENT surgery, offering patients numerous benefits including shorter recovery times, reduced pain, and minimal scarring. In Singapore, ENT specialists are increasingly embracing minimally invasive approaches for a wide range of conditions such as chronic sinusitis, obstructive sleep apnea, and vocal cord disorders. Endoscopic sinus surgery, for instance, allows surgeons to access and treat sinus issues through the nostrils, eliminating the need for external incisions and resulting in quicker recovery times. Similarly, procedures like balloon sinuplasty and transoral robotic surgery offer precise and effective treatment options for patients with sinus and throat conditions, enhancing overall outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Telemedicine and Virtual Consultations
The emergence of telemedicine has transformed the delivery of ENT care, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine platforms enable patients to connect with ENT specialists remotely, offering convenience and accessibility while minimising the risk of exposure to infectious diseases. Through virtual consultations, patients can receive expert medical advice, undergo virtual examinations, and access treatment recommendations from the comfort of their homes. ENT specialists can review medical images, discuss symptoms, and prescribe medications as needed, ensuring continuity of care and improving patient outcomes.
Precision Medicine and Personalised Treatments
Advancements in genomic medicine and precision therapies are ushering in a new era of personalised ENT care in Singapore. By analysing genetic markers and biomarkers, ENT specialists can tailor treatment plans to each patient's unique genetic profile, optimising therapeutic outcomes and minimising adverse effects. Precision medicine holds great promise for conditions such as chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, and head and neck cancers, offering targeted therapies that address the underlying mechanisms of disease. With precision medicine, ENT specialists can deliver individualised treatment regimens that not only alleviate symptoms but also target the root cause of illness, leading to improved patient outcomes and quality of life.
Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly playing a pivotal role in ENT care in Singapore, enhancing diagnostic accuracy, treatment planning, and patient care. AI-powered algorithms can analyse vast amounts of medical data, including imaging studies, voice recordings, and patient records, to assist ENT specialists in making more informed decisions. Machine learning algorithms can predict treatment responses, identify high-risk patients, and optimise clinical workflows, leading to improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness. By leveraging AI technologies, ENT specialists can harness the power of data to deliver more personalised and effective care to their patients, ultimately improving outcomes and patient satisfaction.
The field of ENT care in Singapore is experiencing rapid transformation driven by advancements in technology and a commitment to innovation. From advanced diagnostic tools and minimally invasive procedures to telemedicine and precision therapies, ENT specialists in Singapore are at the forefront of delivering high-quality, personalised care to patients. By embracing emerging technologies and treatment modalities, the future of ENT medicine in Singapore looks promising, with continued advancements expected to further enhance patient outcomes and quality of life.
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For ENT care and personalised treatment options tailored to your needs, contact Aglow ENT Centre today. Our team of experienced ENT specialists in Singapore is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and innovative solutions to address your ear, nose, and throat concerns. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward improved ENT health and well-being.
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support1212 · 4 months
Laryngeal disorders encompass a range of conditions affecting the larynx, leading to significant impacts on voice, breathing, and swallowing. This article reviews recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal disorders, highlighting the integration of novel technologies and therapeutic approaches. Innovations such as high-definition imaging, minimally invasive surgical techniques, and regenerative medicine are revolutionizing patient care, offering improved outcomes and reduced recovery times.
Introduction The larynx, commonly known as the voice box, plays a critical role in respiration, phonation, and protection of the lower respiratory tract. Disorders of the larynx, including vocal fold nodules, polyps, laryngeal cancer, and vocal fold paralysis, can significantly impair quality of life. Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment are paramount to restoring function and ensuring optimal patient outcomes.
Diagnostic Advances High-Definition Imaging and Endoscopy High-definition video endoscopy and stroboscopy have transformed the evaluation of vocal fold vibration and mucosal wave abnormalities. Enhanced imaging quality allows for precise visualization of structural lesions and subtle mucosal changes, aiding in early and accurate diagnosis.
Biomarker Development The identification of biomarkers for laryngeal diseases is an emerging field. Biomarkers can facilitate early detection of malignancies and predict therapeutic responses. Techniques such as genomic and proteomic profiling are being explored to identify specific markers associated with laryngeal pathologies.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) OCT provides high-resolution cross-sectional images of the laryngeal tissues, offering a non-invasive means to assess epithelial thickness and detect subsurface lesions. This technology complements traditional imaging modalities, providing additional diagnostic information without the need for biopsy.
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drambikachestclinic · 5 months
Lung Cancer: Types, Stages, Symptoms, treatment
Lung cancer is a malignant tumor that originates in the lungs, primarily caused by smoking but can also develop in non-smokers due to various factors. Here's an overview of its types, stages, symptoms, and treatment:
Types of Lung Cancer:
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC):
Adenocarcinoma: Most common type, often found in non-smokers and women.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Usually found in the central chest area, associated with smoking.
Large Cell Carcinoma: Less common and tends to grow and spread quickly.
Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC):
Highly aggressive and tends to spread rapidly to other parts of the body.
Almost exclusively linked to cigarette smoking.
Stages of Lung Cancer:
Stage 0: Cancer is confined to the inner lining of the airways.
Stage I: Cancer is localized within the lung and has not spread to lymph nodes or distant organs.
Stage II: Cancer may have spread to nearby lymph nodes but is still confined to the lung.
Stage III: Cancer has spread to lymph nodes and possibly nearby structures or organs.
Stage IV: Cancer has spread to distant organs such as the liver, bones, or brain (metastatic lung cancer).
Symptoms of Lung Cancer:
Persistent Cough: Often accompanied by blood-tinged sputum.
Shortness of Breath: Difficulty breathing, especially with physical activity.
Chest Pain: Dull, aching pain in the chest, shoulders, or back.
Wheezing: High-pitched whistling sound when breathing.
Hoarseness: Changes in voice quality or persistent hoarseness.
Unintentional Weight Loss: Loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss.
Fatigue: Feeling tired or weak, even after adequate rest.
Treatment Options for Lung Cancer:
Surgery: Surgical removal of the tumor and surrounding tissue (lobectomy, pneumonectomy, wedge resection).
Chemotherapy: Use of drugs to kill cancer cells or slow their growth.
Radiation Therapy: High-energy rays to target and destroy cancer cells.
Targeted Therapy: Drugs that target specific genetic mutations or proteins in cancer cells.
Immunotherapy: Boosts the body's immune system to fight cancer cells.
Palliative Care: Focuses on improving quality of life and managing symptoms for advanced-stage cancer patients.
Emerging Treatments and Clinical Trials:
Precision Medicine: Tailoring treatment based on the genetic makeup of the tumor.
CAR-T Cell Therapy: Genetically engineered immune cells to target cancer cells.
Liquid Biopsies: Non-invasive tests to detect cancer biomarkers in blood or other bodily fluids.
Clinical Trials: Investigational treatments to assess safety and effectiveness in patients.
Early detection and timely intervention play a crucial role in improving outcomes for lung cancer patients. Regular screenings for individuals at high risk, such as current or former smokers, can help detect lung cancer at an earlier, more treatable stage. Additionally, smoking cessation and avoidance of secondhand smoke are essential for prevention.
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breathtechnologies · 6 months
Japanese Scientists Have Developed a Security Tool for Breath Detection
Biometric authentication uses fingerprints, facial and voice recognition, and even the eyes as a security tool to identify people, especially in public spaces like airports, workplaces, stations, etc. Some Japanese scientists from Kyushu University intend to revolutionize breath authentication security tools using breath detection methods to identify people. What could be more fascinating than this? In the first testing phase, the accuracy data was ninety-seven percent; however, testing continues to make it a hundred percent authentic and data proven. One of the scientists working on this project states that breath detection has far more potential advantages over other biometrics as a security tool.
The emergence of human scent as a security authentication process is an emerging trend since there has been a shift to understanding and recognizing breath as a vital sign or biomarker for various critical illnesses. Breath is being used as a preventive measure for early detection, recording, and collecting everyday data of individuals. The skin releases gasses, initially used for detection, but it has limitations as certain things for authenticating data were not full-proof. Click the link below from a Newsweek article on the progress of this marvelous tool.
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pre-illness-sonar · 7 months
5 Key Benefits of Voice Analysis in Precision Medicine
Voice analysis holds significant potential in the field of precision medicine, offering several key benefits:
Early Disease Detection: Voice analysis can detect subtle changes in vocal patterns that may indicate the onset or progression of certain diseases even before traditional symptoms manifest. This early detection allows for timely intervention and treatment, potentially improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.
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Non-Invasive and Cost-Effective: Unlike invasive procedures or expensive imaging tests, voice analysis is non-invasive and relatively inexpensive. It can be conducted remotely or in the comfort of a patient's home using simple devices such as smartphones or dedicated recording equipment. This accessibility makes it a cost-effective screening tool, particularly in resource-limited settings.
Personalized Medicine: Voice analysis enables the development of personalized healthcare interventions tailored to individual patients. By analyzing an individual's unique vocal biomarkers, healthcare providers can better understand their physiological and psychological state, allowing for the customization of treatment plans and interventions to optimize outcomes.
Continuous Monitoring and Remote Care: Voice analysis technologies can facilitate continuous monitoring of patients' health status, providing real-time insights into disease progression, treatment effectiveness, and medication adherence. This remote monitoring capability is especially valuable for managing chronic conditions, enabling early intervention in case of deterioration and reducing the need for frequent clinic visits.
Early Intervention and Prevention: With the ability to detect early signs of disease or health deterioration, voice analysis enables healthcare providers to intervene proactively, potentially preventing the development of serious complications or reducing the impact of chronic conditions. This proactive approach to healthcare can lead to better long-term outcomes and improved quality of life for patients.
Overall, voice analysis has the potential to revolutionize precision medicine by providing a non-invasive, cost-effective, and personalized approach to healthcare delivery, with benefits spanning early disease detection, continuous monitoring, personalized treatment planning, and research advancements.
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123567-9qaaq9 · 7 months
Global Digital Biomarkers Market Report | BIS Research 
The global digital biomarkers market is projected to witness significant growth during the forecast period 2022-2028. The high prevalence and growing incidences of chronic diseases and the technological advancements in digital healthcare systems are the key propellers for the growth of the market. 
The global digital biomarkers market report highlights that the market was valued at $1,808.3 million in 2021 and is expected to reach $16,174.0 million by 2028. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 36.06% during the forecast period 2022-2028.
Market Overview:
The Global Digital Biomarkers Market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, rising awareness about preventive healthcare, and advancements in wearable technology. The market is characterized by a diverse range of players, including technology companies, healthcare providers, and research institutions, all contributing to the expansion of the digital biomarkers ecosystem.
Global Digital Biomarkers Market Drivers
Conventional chronic disease diagnostics are very subjective and based on a series of visits. As a result, drug development decisions are based on limited, subjective evidence, resulting in large-scale Phase 3 trials of medications that were unsuccessful. Digital biomarkers can predict the efficacy of a drug more swiftly than a conventional clinical endpoint, thereby accelerating product development in the case of certain therapeutic areas. Moreover, the advancements in digital biomarker technology such as voice-based digital biomarkers, mHealth applications, and the adoption of smart wearable devices are gaining popularity among people.
To know more download our sample page @ Global Digital Biomarkers Market Report 
Market Segmentation
Global Digital Biomarkers Market (by System Components)
Global Digital Biomarkers Market (by Type)
Global Digital Biomarkers Market (by Application)
Global Digital Biomarkers Market (by End User)
Global Digital Biomarkers Market (by Region)
Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis
AliveCor, Inc
Pear Therapeutics Inc
Koneksa Health
Alphabet Inc
Neurotrack Technologies, Inc
Visit our vertical page to understand better @ Precision Medicine Vertical Page 
Key Market Trends:
Wearable Technology Integration:
Wearable devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, play a pivotal role in the collection of digital biomarkers. 
Remote Patient Monitoring:
The ongoing global shift towards remote patient monitoring has accelerated the adoption of digital biomarkers. 
Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics:
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics is integral to the processing and interpretation of vast amounts of digital biomarker data. 
Collaborations and Partnerships:
Strategic collaborations between technology companies, pharmaceutical firms, and healthcare providers are becoming increasingly prevalent.
Challenges and Opportunities:
While the digital biomarkers market holds immense promise, it is not without challenges. Privacy concerns, data security issues, and the need for standardized protocols are among the hurdles that must be addressed. 
Future Outlook:
The future of the Global Digital Biomarkers Market looks promising, with continued advancements in technology and increasing acceptance of digital health solutions. As the field evolves, we can expect a more personalized and proactive approach to healthcare, empowering individuals to take control of their well-being. 
The Global Digital Biomarkers Market Report unveils a transformative era in healthcare, where the convergence of technology and medicine is reshaping how we monitor and manage health. 
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jcmarchi · 9 months
The Future Of Consumer Healthcare: Unleashing The Power Of AI For a Holistic Approach
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-future-of-consumer-healthcare-unleashing-the-power-of-ai-for-a-holistic-approach/
The Future Of Consumer Healthcare: Unleashing The Power Of AI For a Holistic Approach
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Every individual’s healthcare journey is deeply personal, even if they have issues that we think of as common, such as back pain or headaches. For instance, someone experiencing chronic back pain may also have accompanying insomnia, anxiety or lack of mobility. Many have all of the above, causing diminished quality of life.
At the same time, the current healthcare system is fragmented, designed to treat individual health issues in siloes rather than addressing them comprehensively. This approach typically forces patients to cobble together whatever solutions they can find for relief but rarely leads to ideal outcomes.
This is why the answer lies with holistic care, and technology now allows consumer health companies to deliver. 
AI is Propelling Consumer Health Toward High-Performance Holistic Solutions
From medication to meditation, consumer health brands are seeing new, exciting opportunities to support individuals by offering highly personalized care in all aspects of health. 
Pharmacogenomics is one avenue that is experiencing huge advancements – examining how your genes affect your body’s responses to medications. This type of precision medicine gives pharmaceutical companies and physicians the potential to offer customized drug delivery optimized for the individual, leading to better patient outcomes with less trial and error. 
AI and ML tools are already helping patients become more informed. Amazon’s AI-powered voice assistant Alexa is one such tool, aiding users with health-related voice searches and facilitating virtual telehealth provider consultations. Additionally, pharmaceutical giant Roche Diabetes Care has used the power of virtual assistants to introduce Sulli the Diabetes Guru. This voice-activated assistant helps those with Type 2 diabetes manage the condition more effectively. Sulli’s advice is based on scientifically validated medical data, offering a comprehensive, easy-to-understand resource for anyone new to a diabetes diagnosis.
These advancements are just the beginning of what technology-fueled holistic care can look like. 
Technology Provides Greater Visibility
AI and machine learning can give brands a deeper, more complete understanding of what customers truly need from their healthcare. 
Companies can now analyze a person’s DNA and microbiome to identify nutrition gaps and other easy-to-miss deficiencies that could contribute to fatigue, hair loss or chronic aches.
This kind of AI-powered individualized analysis can be found with brands like Inside Tracker, which utilizes 48 blood biomarkers to provide insights into how to best optimize each person’s health. Other companies like Nutrigenomix use genetic testing to help determine how a person’s genetics affect their performance, heart health, fertility and overall body composition.
The ability to offer simple tests that can deliver potentially life-changing results is a fantastic opportunity to gain a broad user base and get deep, meaningful user insights. 
Consumer-Centricity Drives Product Innovation
For consumer packaged goods brands, innovation is a critical ingredient for growth. Taking a consumer-centric view opens a wider spectrum of innovation opportunities while creating a sustainable competitive advantage. 
For instance, a pain brand might have a full product catalog addressing different types of pain. However, pain sufferers have many related issues this brand could help alleviate. This opens the door to broadening the brand portfolio to meet additional needs and create a deeper connection with that consumer.
A logical next step is enhancing the physical product offering with digital overlays to provide additional support or enable better outcomes from using the physical products. 
Smoking cessation brand Nicorette is taking this approach. Research shows that it takes an average of seven attempts before a smoker can truly quit, though some may fail at much higher rates. However, offering as much comprehensive, holistic support as possible gives smokers a far better chance of successfully quitting. 
Besides providing a range of physical products, Nicorette now offers an app that teaches smokers new behaviors at their own pace, helping them manage and reduce nicotine cravings over the long term until they no longer need Nicorette products
Retail Can Play a Major Role
Retailers also have a major opportunity to curate holistic solution sets for customers. Most organize products by category, so solutions may be spread across multiple aisles and behind the pharmacy counter. This means customers must do a lot of legwork to find treatments for issues like chronic pain and its comorbidities. 
Retailers can delight customers by curating their offerings for convenience and simplicity. These solutions can be delivered by bringing a digital overlay to the retail experience, offering virtual consultation tools with product suggestions across an array of interrelated issues. This approach offers the kind of support that creates deep brand loyalty and creates’ competitive advantage.
Holistic Care Opens Doors For Powerhouse Partnerships
Collaboration is the key to enhancing brand loyalty, cultivating a sustainable competitive advantage and building better solutions that add genuine user value. By opting for partnerships focusing on boosting an individual’s overall well-being instead of only treating isolated issues, brands can create transformative experiences to elevate the industry. 
A recent example is Unilever’s partnership with gut microbiome researchers at Holobiome. The brands are working together to identify food ingredients that could target the gut-brain axis to improve mental well-being, which could profoundly impact how we treat mental health.
Pharmaceutical giant Bayer is a major manufacturer of women’s health products. They’ve partnered with Pollie, a startup with a mobile app helping women manage complex conditions like PCOS. This is a great example of how bringing a digital overlay to a physical product delivers better patient outcomes.
Technology is Empowering a Holistic Future
Leading consumer health giants are already embracing integrating physical and digital health solutions to provide a more holistic healthcare approach, and AI is taking a prime role in this evolution. 
Brands that have yet to venture into AI-powered holistic care are missing out on a critical opportunity for innovation and growth. Merely existing as a product on a store shelf makes a brand susceptible to being replaced. In such a fast-paced and changeable industry, it is vital to a company’s success to establish an indispensable role in consumers’ everyday lives with a multifaceted experience. 
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market-insider · 10 months
Digital Biomarkers Reshaping Patient Care: Beyond Traditional Metrics
The global digital biomarkers market size is expected to reach USD 14.0 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 22.3% during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Due to the rising acceptance of recent advancements and remote technologies, the market for digital biomarkers is anticipated to expand throughout the forecast period.  Development of the remote data collecting technologies, which make up the largest segment of the market for digital biomarkers, has been propelled by the improvements in wearable and mobile technology. Additionally, this market segment is being further assisted by the growing use of the internet.
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Digital Biomarkers Market Report Highlights
Cardiovascular and metabolic disorders (CVMD) had the highest revenue share of more than 20.0% in the therapeutic area segment in 2021 and is anticipated that it will continue to have a significant major presence given the rising prevalence of cardiovascular diseases among patient populations around the globe. On the other hand, due to COVID-19 and emerging new technologies, it is anticipated that during  the forecast period, market revenue share for respiratory disorders will expand at the fastest rate
Due to the growing use of diagnostic monitoring meant for clinical disease and daily living, diagnostic digital biomarkers had the largest revenue share in the clinical practice segment in 2022. Moreover, the fastest revenue growth is anticipated for monitoring digital biomarkers during  the forecast period
Wearable had a revenue share of more than 39.5% in the digital biomarker type segment in 2022, due to the release of new, cutting-edge wearable smart watches and other products. As a result of the extensive usage of smartphones, worldwide, it is anticipated that revenue share growth for mobile-based applications would happen at the fastest rate during the forecast period. Additionally, rising usage of new technologies, and sensors, would also confront intense competition during  the forecast period
Healthcare companies hold the largest, more than 50.0% market share within the end-use category, in 2022, as a result of the rising indications and demands for cost-effective clinical trial and product analysis strategies
North America dominated the market in 2022 and generated more than 58.9% share of the total revenue, as a result of its well-established advanced healthcare infrastructure and large expenditure in R&D activities. Furthermore, Europe would see the fastest rate of growth during  the forecast period
By engaging in partnerships, acquisitions, mergers, and product launches, key companies also help the market to expand. For instance, in 2022, Med able collaborated with the digital biomarkers business Aural Analytics to measure distant speech patterns and monitor their well-being and stage of decline
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Digital Biomarkers Market Report
Vocal digital biomarkers in particular have lately come into existence and offer enormous business development potential. They enable easy data collection through voice recordings and through patient-owned technology like cell phones, wearables, and other devices. Vocal biomarkers are being utilized more frequently, which might ease the strain on the healthcare systems and improve patient outcomes by enhancing early intervention and before-time identification of physical or mental illnesses, boosting the market's expansion during the forecast period.
Furthermore, in order to acquire market presence and further boost its revenue market share during the forecast, players have also begun exploring the vocal digital biomarkers. For instance, in October 2021, Sonde health launched a voice-enabled mental fitness monitoring technology platform.
Additionally, the market is anticipated to experience substantial expansion during the forecast period due to the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as the growing need for enhanced drug development to successfully control these diseases. In comparison to the conventional clinical trial process, digital biomarkers accelerate the development of new drugs.
According to a study by one of the well-known decentralized trial platform providers, Med able, 85.0% of all clinical trials experience some sort of delay, with the financial impact of delays costing between USD 600,000 and USD 8 million per day, decentralized clinical trials could save up to 1 to 3 months of time in phase 2 studies. As a result, medicine manufacturers are spending money on a digital biomarker for DCT, which is anticipated to fuel market expansion. For instance, AstraZeneca stated in March 2022 that it had invested USD 33.0 million in Huma, a UK-based company that provides decentralized clinical trials based on remote digital biomarkers. Through this alliance, the company will quicken the adoption of DCT.
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educationtech · 11 months
10 Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Day to Day Life - Arya College
With different applications of daily life, we are using machine learning and other techniques in the background. AI is everywhere and ranges from reading our emails to receiving driving directions to obtaining music or movie suggestions. AI and ML-powered software and devices created by the students of the best engineering colleges in Jaipur are duplicating human thought patterns to allow digital transformation of society. AI systems adopt their environment, deal with what they perceive, solve problems and perform tasks to make everyday life easier.
There are certain areas where AI plays an important role in helping humans with their everyday requirements:
1. Voice Assistants
Digital assistants like Google Home, Siri, and Alexa use AI-backed Voice User Interfaces (VUI) to process and decipher voice commands. AI provides freedom to the applications and leverage vast databases on cloud storage platforms. These applications can analyze thousands of lines of data per second to complete tasks and bring back tailored search engine results.
There is an extensive change in consumer awareness and an increase in comfort levels with this technology. Voice assistant interfaces are rapidly changing, especially finding use in healthcare to identify certain diseases via vocal biomarkers. Voice-based chatbots are also being integrated into telehealth applications for triage and screening by the students of top engineering colleges in Jaipur.
2. Entertainment Streaming Apps
Streaming giants like Spotify, Netflix, and Hulu are continually feeding data into machine learning algorithms to make the user experience. While looking at the user's interaction with various media, these streaming apps recommend custom content. Using AI to detect through the ever-increasing user data, these apps create catalogues of movies, music, and TV series suited to each individual user's liking.
AI also plays an important role in providing uninterrupted streaming by automating the collection of servers closest to the user. Also, Bandwidth allocation changes automatically as per the popularity of a specific piece of media.
3. Personalized Marketing
Brands use AI-driven personalization solutions as per the customer data to drive more engagement. A report by the students of engineering colleges Jaipur shows that 88% of consumers stated that more personalized content makes them feel better about a brand.
Consumers are more likely to make a purchase while directing products through personalized marketing via automated e-mails and feedback forms. Recent innovations with AI claim to use computer vision to show an advertisement’s performance, helping brands reach the right people and serve those who need those products. AI marketing apps allow both prospects and retargeted customers as per the marketing stage.
4. Smart Input Keyboards
The latest versions of mobile keyboard apps combine the provisions of autocorrection and language detection to offer a user-friendly experience. With the help of AI apps, students of private engineering colleges in Jaipur can efficiently correct mistakes, help switch between languages, and predict the next word in a non-intrusive manner. AI programmers are teaching these apps to understand the context of the message being typed and make right predictions.
5. Navigation and Travel
The work of AI programmers behind navigation apps like Google Maps and Waze are endless. Yottabytes of geographical data which is updated every second can only be effectively cross-checked by popular ML algorithms unleashed on satellite images.
Recently, researchers of top BTech college have developed a navigation model that tags road features in digital maps, all in real-time. Also, these digital maps are created simultaneously based on satellite imagery incorporating information about cycling lanes and parking spots. Imaging algorithms built on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Graph Neural Networks (GNN) have simplified continuous updates in routes. Also, AI helps ascertain routes on satellite images covered by natural overgrowth with the help of predictive models.
6. Gamified Therapy
AI had found a place in gaming from the time classics like Pac-Man and Pong were around for intuitive universe-building. However, innovations in gaming AI have focused on showing more interesting challenges to the gamer. Now, Gamified applications are being designed to gauge the gamer's mental fortitude in the face of certain defeat. This is helping to study methods to mitigate depression and anxiety in gamers and everyone in general.
Using Virtual Reality (VR) headsets, some of these gaming applications offers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for enhanced engagement with the person. AI allow games to adapt to the user's behaviour based on examined stimuli as the game progresses.
7. Self-driving Vehicles
The technology of Autonomous Vehicle AI is witnessing large-scale innovation driven by corporate interest across the world. AI is making innovations beyond cruise-control and blind-spot detection to include autonomous capabilities.
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is a subset of machine learning. Professionals of best artificial intelligence college in Jaipur has applied teaching vehicles to operate independently. Path planning in the face of static and dynamic obstacles is being made possible via different predictive AI models. Predicting accurately when neighbouring vehicles will deviate and other such unforeseen events are being taken into account. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is the technology that makes this possible with real-time orientation to surroundings through sensors.
8. Facial Recognition Technologies
Today, the most popular application of this technology is in the Face ID unlock feature in most of the flagship smartphone models. The biggest challenge faced by this technology is a huge concern around the racial and gender bias of its use in forensics. Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (GANN) are being applied to lower the margin of error in facial recognition software. Also, these neural networks are being trained to pinpoint the unethical use of Deepfake technology.
With this, various industries are developing AI software that picks up facial expressions to identify mood and intention. Emotion AI or Affective Computing is an emerging area of interest to attract customer experience.
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