#Irresistible Mistakes Fan Fiction
kamyru · 2 years
Turn my experience as a med student into fan-fiction ideas
Some of you know I'm a med student, but some don't. So, as a background: I am in my 3rd year of med school in East Europe. And I study the six-year-long program, where the first three we study general sciences regarding medicine (microbiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology, etc), and the last three we study medical fields. Also, we are allowed in the hospitals, have labs in there, talk with patients, are required to have one month of Summer practice every year, can volunteer at the emergency room, and other things. During these years, I accumulated a little experience in how hospitals work. 
There are some things that I went through that I'm ready to write about, especially because one of the otome I take requests for is "Romance MD: Always on Call" (Now, I write for Kasumi, Takado, and Sentaro). However, if you have ideas, you can request things from here for other games. And here is my idea: I tell you my experience, and you send me requests based on it. 
Trigger warning: Mention of sexual harassment, death, suicide attempt, suicide
The doctor declared the patient dead while I was the one doing CPR.
One of our professors tried to convince a museum to give them a deformed human leg because they had never seen anything like this and wanted it for their collection.
One older doctor sexually harassed my friend and me while we were on the night shift because they knew there was no one to punish them or be on our side.
A colleague saved a woman on the streets by giving her CPR in time before the ambulance arrived and didn't tell anyone for more than a year.
While visiting the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit), we found out that three out of five prematurely born babies that were at the time in there were abandoned. 
A colleague who was too afraid to choose medicine from the start decided to try their chances and enter the university. The year they chose to be their last try, they finally got accepted. 
One of the colleagues, who was doing their practice at the Forensic Medicine department, found out that the dead patient was their cousin. 
A patient that came into the ER after a suicide attempt told us that their dream was to be a doctor, but their parents told them to give up because they were an ethnic minority.
I found out my mom was in the hospital during the exam period. 
More than 10% of the dead people from Forensic Medicine that we saw during practice were doctors that committed suicide. 
A doctor from ICU gave us a motivational and full of empathy speech about how we must be kind to all the patients even if we are tired because no patient wants to come to ER just for fun.
My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend while I was away at the university because "he felt lonely and ignored".
A parent from the ER tried to convince the doctors to let them go home because they had a kid to take care of, and the kid was left alone at home. 
Missed holidays with my family because I had to prepare for exams.
Saw my best friend quit medical University due to mental health issues.
As I said, my blog isn't about my medical experience. But there are stories that I want to tell, and I think that incorporating them in fiction would help me get this out of my chest and others find out more about the medical system. So, if you have any ideas, don't hesitate to send them to me. 
I write about:
Her Love in the Force (All characters)
Irresistible Mistakes (Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Jun Araki, Toshiaki Kijima, Toma Kiriya, Natsume Asaoka)
Oops! I Said Yes?! (All characters + Daimon Togo)
PLUST Loving U so True (Mikoto Amamitsu, Ryoga Buto)
Professional Boyfriend (Ikki Tatsumi)
Romance MD: Always on Call (Toshiki Kasumi, Munechika Takado, Sentaro Kyogoku)
Tokyo Love Hustle (Taro Akuchi, Suzumu Mado)
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truelovevoltage · 5 years
Pregnancy - Yukihisa Maki
It started off as a harmless meeting every Friday night. At first, it was all fun and games no feelings attached, that’s all there is to it until that one night. Y/N wasn’t quite sure what really happened, she knew that she was having one of the best nights with Yukihisa. The further they kept going the deeper her feelings fell into the well. 
She thought to herself that even if she did fall in love with him, she will not tell him. She will do everything in her power to keep that feeling to herself. She’s going to keep the promise that she will not say the “L” word. She’s not going to tell him how she really felt about the Doctor who has a weird way of showing his affections to others. 
When her monthly was late, it didn’t really bother her because she would have irregular visits from time to time. However, a few weeks have passed and she started to worry. She tried to remember that night and how amazing it was, it must’ve happened that night, where the protection broke but neither of them realized it. 
Once that was done she went and bought a pregnancy kit to test out her theory. She was nervous, she knew her status between Yukihisa and she didn’t want to ruin his life but how is she going to deal with the pregnancy by herself? What is she going to do if she is indeed carrying his child at this very moment? Her hands shook as she waited for the test to deny or confirm her theory. 
After a few minutes, she was scared to look at the results but she needed to see it herself, there’s no going back. She held the edge of the sink for extra support, she was going to be a mother soon. A lot of things ran through her head and it was too much during that time. One thing’s for sure she was going to keep the child and raised them on her own, all she has to do now is leave her dream job. It’s a huge sacrifice, but it’s a sacrifice she’s willing to make. 
The following day Y/N walked towards Shunichiro Tachibana’s office and gave him her resignation letter. “Mr. Tachibana after this project I will be resigning from the company.” Y/N stated. Shunichiro was confused, there was no problem with the production or the project itself, why is she suddenly leaving the company? “Hmm... May I ask why? This is your dream isn’t it?” He clasped his hands together and rested his chin on top. “It is my dream job that is correct but I feel like I’ve lost myself. I am resigning because I want to find myself and be happy.”
“Is this because of Yuki? Are you two not in good terms? Are you just going to run away like that?” 
Hearing his name made it hard for her to breathe but she needed to keep her composure. “No Sir, this is not because of Dr. Maki. I’ve been meaning to visit my parents as well and I’m hoping that they can somehow help me with this slump. This is my own decision and I just need a change of pace, change of scenery even and I know what you’re going to say... Why can’t I just take time off and bounce back after I’ve gotten out of my slump but I believe that this is something that’ll take time. As much as it pains me to say goodbye to my dream job, I have to do this. I apologize for the inconvenience.” 
Shunichiro knew that there was some truth behind what Y/N has just declared to him but he wasn’t quite convinced. He knew that she was hiding something but he wasn’t going to pry. “It’s really sad to see someone young and talented like you go just like that, but I’m not a demon and will decline your resignation letter. I don’t know what you’re going through right now but I hope you overcome it.” 
That same night, Y/N invited Yukihisa out. She knew that it’s not their usual Friday rendezvous but she needed to do this now. He happily agreed to meet with her that night at a bar where they could talk. “Someone couldn’t wait to see me until Friday huh?” He smirked. 
Y/N tried her best to act normal around him so that he doesn’t get suspicious. But knowing his friendship with her boss, he must’ve said something about her resignation letter to Yukihisa. “What are you going to drink this time? I suggest the -” 
“Yukihisa I’m in love with you.” Y/N looked at him to show that she was serious. 
Y/N’s sudden declaration of love took Yukihisa by surprise. He held his hand out and she knew what he wanted. “You knew from the very start that this is going to end the moment you fell for me.” He gave her an icy stare. Y/N already knew that this was going to happen, it was easier this way because then she can leave without raising his radar. “I know and I’m sorry but I can’t help it but fall for you. I love you, very much. I know what this means it’s the end but at least I was able to tell you how I feel right? And don’t worry, I’ll be back to my normal self in no time.” She smiled at him. 
This is the very first time the Yukihisa couldn’t anticipate what was running through her head right now. “I’m sorry but I need to go, I still have a project to finish.” She excused herself and left Yukihisa at the bar. 
It was her last week in the company and just like she said, she was back to normal and ready to bounce back. It was still a mystery to Shunichiro how cheerful Y/N is right now considering that she was going to be gone from the company in a couple of days. Once the project is released, she’ll be gone from the company forever. Shunichiro wanted to talk to her and persuade her to stay but that is something she can’t do. There was no one who could change her mind. 
The two tried to avoid each other in the company but Shunichiro would find ways for them to cross paths. This irritated Y/N but she needed to calm herself. She didn’t want Yukihisa to detect any change in her behaviour due to her pregnancy. It seems like Shunichiro didn’t bother telling Yukihisa about Y/N’s resignation, he didn’t feel like he needed to know what was going on with her life since they already ended things with each other. 
The advertisement was a huge success. Everyone loved it and gave a positive vibe to those who saw it, even the actors really got moved. But since it’s the day of the release, it also meant that it’s Y/N last day. Only a few coworkers know that she was leaving but no one really knew the reason why. Natsume wasn’t buying her reason but he knew there must be something else. 
Y/N knew that she needed to at least attend the party tonight. Since she’s pregnant she needed to stay away from liquor or anything that’ll harm her child. Yukihisa watched her from a distance, he wanted to make sure that she was okay. He knew that she pushed herself to make this production a success and it paid off. He also noticed how one of her coworkers was very close to her the entire night, he didn’t like the feeling of jealousy but he knew he had no right to be feeling this way. He was the one who didn’t want any relationship blooming from his little game and he basically turned her confession down.  
Natsume didn’t leave Y/N side the entire night, he didn’t know why Y/N was acting strange and why she needed to quit the job at Addison & Rhodes. “I don’t know what the hell is going on Y/N but please tell me why you’re leaving.” 
“Natsume please not now. Let’s just enjoy the part and I swear I’ll tell you in a bit on the way home okay?” 
Natsume didn’t like the suspense he all he had to do was to be patient. He just wanted to be by her side at this time he was afraid that she might do something stupid. After making their rounds and greeting everyone, Y/N suddenly felt fatigued. Natsume noticed right away and held her by the waist to keep her balance. The two excused themselves from everyone and decided to go home, Yukihisa’s eyes, on the other hand, followed as the two of them exited the party. 
Natsume waited for Y/N to explain what was going on, Y/N said it was a long story and asked him if he wanted to stay at her place for a bit and then she can tell him the story. She hoped that her childhood friend wouldn’t judge her for what has happened during the past weeks. She knew that he’ll probably lecture her about everything that has happened and she was prepared for that. Y/N started her story from day one and Natsume was listening, but as he was listening his hands formed into a fist. “Natsume... I’m pregnant and he’s the father. I’m not going to tell him, because this is not what he needs in his life right now.” 
“Are you insane?!?! How are you going to take care of the child by yourself?!? Aren’t you being unfair to Dr. Maki and your child? He’s not going to know that he has a kid and your child won’t know who his father is.” 
Y/N knew the consequences, she knew what she was going to say to her kid if they look for their Father. She was going to tell them that their father is no longer with them and it was just the two of them. “You know how stupid and crazy that sounds Y/N? I wish you could’ve told me about it earlier.” 
It was suddenly quiet but Natsume’s words shocked Y/N. There’s no way she’ll let him do that even if he volunteered. She just couldn’t, this isn’t what she wanted for her childhood friend. People would be suspicious and she didn’t want to ruin his life just how she didn’t want to ruin Yukihisa’s life. “I’ll be the father of the child.” 
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emilyplaysotome · 6 years
Chapter 20 - Hard Choices
Catch up on all Chapters here: http://emilyplaysotome.tumblr.com/post/173554646607/down-the-voltage-rabbit-hole-the-sequel-master 
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It was nearly impossible to concentrate at work considering the morning I’d just had. Here I was, supposed to be excited about seeing Zyglavis and my heart kept aching at the thought of Hijikata.
On top of that I heard my own nagging negative ego spoken in Meg’s voice echoing my head, playing devil’s advocate.
“Why do you even care about either of them? If you weren’t so insecure you’d try to find something real instead of falling into the same otome traps over and over again.”
I glanced up, through the glass walls of my office and looked at the activity beyond it.
Young men and women milled about, living their lives - no doubt dealing with all the difficulties this world presented while for the past few years I’d retreated into a fantasy land. I wondered how they’d been strong enough to do it. I wondered if it had been luck or perseverance that had brought them theoretical happiness and as I judged myself for having neither and not really trying these past few years.
In a sense, the games coming to life bled into my instinct to avoid “real” men in this world on apps or through other means. They provided a perfect excuse to erect walls around my heart and never leave seeing as how inside my world I happy and safe. Before I’d even landed in the otome-verse I’d used the games to avoid putting myself out there for years and so in a sense my prayers were answered when I’d been inexplicably thrust into this strange but familiar world.
However at this point in my life, I was being forced to ask myself what I really wanted.
I’ve never thought of myself as a cowardly person, but I’d recently come to realize how fearful I was in my personal life. I had a narrative that it never worked out with the people I liked, but when I thought back on who those people were I realized that these relationships were often doomed from the onset.
There was something about choosing people that deep down I knew would never be right as a way of protecting myself. This wasn’t about me having bad taste or liking the wrong things - it had to do with me running away from success and failure. Time and time again I reached for the man who was emotionally unavailable and when he disappeared it hurt, but not as much had been ready and decided to go with another.
In a way, dating and living within the otome world was no different and Meg had brought that to my attention. Both options kept me sheltered from putting myself out there in a meaningful way and thus, feeling the sting of rejection that came with someone knowing you for exactly who you are.
Yet, having lived this way for so many years it was going to be hard for me to just reject what they provided all of a sudden. Beyond being comfortable for me, it also felt hasty and when I really searched my feelings I couldn’t say honestly that the things these otome men made me feel were less real than what my experience might be with someone of this world.
If anything, it wasn’t about feelings or success or failure when it came to my current situation but this question of choice that Meg had harped on.
She had me questioning if it was possible to pursue a relationship with an otome man all the while understanding that the nagging voice in the back of my head might never be quelled? That years from now, should I marry and procreate with them would I wonder if for not this miracle if I would have been strong enough and worthy enough to find happiness with another...
The voice shook me from my thoughts and I saw a concerned looking Toma standing in front of me.
“Sorry - what’s up?”
“Are you alright? I was calling your name again and again...”
“Just thinking about stuff. Do you need something?”
Toma gave a brusque nod and slid an iPad over to me.
“Oh nice. The mockups look great.”
“Yeah, I worked with Cara and Roxie on the visuals. We have a few copy placement options for you to pick...A,B, or C.”
Toma flicked through the different layouts as he spoke. There were several options of each.
“More than a hotel,” had become our main tag and then depending on the image there was additional copy. “An exclusive fitness club for NYC VIP” was overplayed on an image of a boot camp happening on the roof, under the stars. “An oasis in the city” fell over images of the luxury spa - our option for Nee Yorkers who couldn’t necessarily afford a membership but wanted the occasional pampering. “A restaurant worthy of New York” showed off some of the delicacies from the flagship hotel eatery - mouthwatering images of truffle gnocchi with fresh chickpeas and perfectly presented filet, still tender with potato whip and garnish.
“Toma - these are amazing,” I finally said. ��I defer the placement to what the team likes, but I’m leaning towards B if you really want my opinion.”
Toma brightened at my praise and retrieving the iPad said, “Us too.”
“Great! B it is. I’ll confirm with Anita what time the presentation tomorrow is but we’re in a great shape.”
“Are you sure?”
“What do you mean? Is there something you feel I’m missing?”
Toma flashed me an abashed smile and shook his head, “I just feel like there’s a catch...it’s not even lunch and we’re feeling good about this stuff. I’m used to a guaranteed late night before a presentation of this magnitude.”
I smiled and shrugged, thinking of my time at Addison & Rhodes and how often I saw the people around me putting in crazy hours.
“I don’t give feedback for the sake of feedback. If you feel like there’s more to do by all means, I won’t stand in your way. I love what the team has done though.”
Toma blushed a little at the mention of “love” and saw himself out, feeling good about being to relay such positive feedback to the others. With the knowledge that the LT Hotel account was in good shape, I tried to refocus on my other work that needed attention.
For a solid hour and a half I managed to put emotional blinders on and commit to my work and when I’d finished I realized that the clock read 3 pm and I’d forgotten to eat. On top of that, I grabbed my phone and saw that I had a missed call and voicemail from Terek Bishop, the NYPD officer who’d arrested Soryu.
I was curious as to why he’d be calling and put his voicemail on speaker in my office as I got ready to grab a quick bite.
“Hi Naomi, this is Terek Bishop of the NYPD. I got contacted by a Jin Namba who is trying to locate Soryu Oh and said he was working on your behalf. If you could give me a call back I’d like to discuss this with you directly rather than go through a proxy. Thanks.”
I figured Terek wanted to confirm that Namba was indeed working on my behalf so called Detective Bishop back immediately. When I did he advised me against working with a PI and informed me that he was concerned that our meddling might affect Soryu’s case.
He admitted to not knowing Soryu’s whereabouts but confidently relayed that he didn’t think he would pose any threat to me. Having missed his court date, Soryu was now a wanted man and would have a hard time flying under the radar let alone committing another crime.
“I understand and respect your desire for justice,” Detective Bishop said, completely unawares as to the real situation, “but please leave this matter in the hands of NYPD professionals.”
“But Mr. Namba is ex-NYPD!” I insisted. “He used to work at the TriBeCa precinct. If you don’t believe me you can ask Patrick Fitzgerald. He goes by ‘Fitzy’ - he’ll tell you there’s no better person to help you.”
There was a pause and I could tell Detective Bishop was slightly taken aback by my passion before he said, “Alright. Usually we advise against this but maybe we can figure something out. I’m doing this for you though…”
Perhaps I’d been around too many otome men the past couple of weeks but there was something that last statement that made me wonder if there was more to what he was saying. He agreed to talk to Jin so long as we didn’t get in the way or derail the NYPD’s investigation and we hung up shortly thereafter with a promise that he’d update me in a couple of weeks.
I didn’t think much of it, but figured I might as well stop by Jin’s office before picking up lunch just to let him know I’d spoken with Detective Bishop.
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“What can I do you for little bird?” Jin asked plainly.
He was looking through various letters that littered the surface of his usually clean desk, sitting casually on the edge rather than his office chair.
“I wanted to let you know I spoke with Terek Bishop - the officer who arrested Soryu,” I said only a few steps in from the door, feeling as if I’d interrupted something.
“Ah yeah. I left a message for him.”
“He said he’d be willing to work with you so long as we didn’t get in the way. I guess Soryu skipped his court hearing so he’s in more trouble than I thought.”
Jin nodded at me and I instantly saw that there was something different about his demeanor today.
He was wearing a nicer dress shirt than usual, but he’d rolled the sleeves up and unbuttoned a few buttons making it feel less dressy than it actually was. The light blue of his shirt was complimented by fitted navy slacks, and resting on the corner of his desk was a folded up tie that he’d obviously removed before my arrival.
He didn’t seem as lighthearted as usual, and I couldn’t tell if this was about a different case or something personal but reading the room it made sense not to wear out my welcome.
I smiled at him and quickly said, “That’s all. I figured he’d be in touch soon but I might as well swing by.”
I turned to leave but Jin called out, “Hey wait. Can I ask you something?”
I paused and spun back around only to see him looking at me with a conflicted expression.
“Fitzy and I got lunch today and he asked me how it was going with all this,” he said gesturing between me and him. “I…how come you won’t tell me how we knew each other?”
The question was asked in earnest, but I was unsure how to answer it. He was clearly searching for something specific but I was unsure as to what that might be and I didn’t think the king would appreciate me telling him the truth.
I thought about the history we had back in his world, as well as the memories we’d made in mine. I thought about the last time together in the onsen, and the look on his face in the penthouse suite when I told him that I was choosing Zyglavis.
I kept returning to this idea of choice that the spirit of Meg had been torturing me with, and how it felt that out of all of the men Jin always had the emotional maturity to make it clear that he always choose me - no matter how free his will actually was.
Not wanting him to hear I’d broken his heart time and time again, I felt like all I could do was smile and say, “Someone once told me it’s best to let memories return as they’re meant to, but if there’s something specific you want to know and if I can help I’m happy to try.”
It was obvious by the way he looked at me that he could see through me. His eyebrow twitched slightly and with a scoff he said, “This city is filled with beautiful women, you know?”
Unsure as to what he was getting at I stood uncomfortably near the door and nodded. He ran his fingers through his hair as he spoke, and his movements made it all the more evident that his muscled physique was still very much intact from what I remembered back in the otome world.
“This weekend I went out with one - smart as a whip, sexy as hell, and kept throwing compliments my way the whole date.”
The comment took me completely off guard and left me taken aback to say the least.
This was the first time I’d heard about the secret lives of these otome men, now that they were away from me. If Jin was going out on dates I had to assume the others were as well. It was a strange thought that some woman unbeknownst to her would go out and not realize or understand who she was actually with.
It was selfish of me to feel possessive over them all when I’d made my choice all those months ago but I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness as he spoke. I did my best to hide what I was feeling from him but as a result I felt as if my smile was plastered on, and I was too afraid to move for fear he’d see how much the thought of him on a date bothered me.
“Yet the whole time I was with her I was thinking - why do I feel so indifferent about her...about this? She was everything anyone would ever want from a partner. When we said goodbye, she kissed me and I was surprised at how little I felt. I’m a man, you know? Most men are wolves.”
He said the last bit in a tone that I was more familiar with. He was flirting with me, being playful and goading me to see what my reaction would be. I responded by daring not to move as he continued speaking.
“And then today at lunch Fitzy brought you up and ever since I can’t shake the nagging feeling that...well, that I was never indifferent about you.”
The way Jin delivered that statement made me momentarily weak at the knees.
It was self-assured, fearless, and direct in a way that provided the type of validation any woman would want. No matter what I may have felt about him he was secure enough to let me know that his feelings were steadfast and true. It took real bravery and a complete lack of ego to say such a thing to a woman you barely knew and hardly remembered and it made me recall why I’d been so drawn to him in the otome world.
This was a man in the truest sense to me and under his direct gaze I felt as if I owed him some sort of transparency shy of the whole story.
“You’re right. You never were.”
“I was engaged.”
I nodded, my eyes finally falling from his.
“I see.”
I found the silence that followed that statement to be awkward but couldn’t find the right words to say. As I struggled to form a reply I failed to notice that Jin had gotten up from his desk, and gently taking my hand said, “So I guess this is the part where I go for it, eh Little Bird?”
He lifted my hand to his lips, and gently placed a kiss on my ring finger.
He gently lowered my hand back to my side, and placed his hand on my waist. Gazing into my eyes our faces drew closer together until his passed my lips and instead came close to my ear as he whispered, “Oh no. I’m not that easy. If you want me, you need to choose me.”
There was that word again.
I stood stunned, frozen and stammering as he pulled away, chuckling as he took a seat behind his desk.
“I’m a PI Naomi Lee. I know everything that I could know right now…and while I’d love to take you right here on my desk and pleasure you until you can’t think straight, I don’t mess around with women who juggle men the way you’ve been doing. Let me know when you’re done with all the others and I’ll consider taking you on the best date you’ve ever had in your life.”
My face must have been bright red, but Jin was no longer paying attention to me. Instead, his eyes were on the papers in front of him and he went back to work as I slinked out of his office and onto the street, realizing that choice was something that went both ways.
If you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend or buying me a coffee (https://ko-fi.com/emilyplaysotome)!  
Thanks for reading :)
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hljournal · 4 years
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Today’s author is abrighteryellow / @a-brighter-yellow ! Don’t forget to give the fics kudos and leave a comment!
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He is about to decline, though. If he has to sit through forced merriment, the least he can do is avoid participation at all costs. He is about to, but then the guy with the microphone is looking out into the crowd. He’s saying things, too — about rules and prizes and team names. At least, Louis assumes so. He can’t really hear him over the ringing in his ears.
“Alright, mate. I’ll play.”
A pub quiz has invaded Louis’s favorite dive. Fortunately, it comes with a charming host.
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stubbedbakutoes · 4 years
Ignorance is Bliss
*TW: body image issues* (y/n) overhears Todoroki badmouthing a certain insecurity of hers in front of his friends.
pairing: todoroki x fem reader
genre: angst i guess
word count: 1.3k
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(y/n)’s the type of person who'll go "Holy shit I’m an irresistible human being" one moment and then she's going, "ha ha who am I kidding I've got zero attractive traits," but it’s all a part of growing up and slowly learning to accept herself, she suspected.  
She's progressively learning to love herself, because she's got Todoroki as a boyfriend, a man who’s the expert in telling her that she's "so, so perfect," and whenever Y/N says as much, she'd get a disbelieving scoff and then a list, almost, about why she's apparently so good-looking inside out whenever Y/N started to doubt herself, doubt him, doubt everything and anything.
Todoroki's the one who's been all "you're so sexy," and "I don't understand how you don't see it, baby," and "if I'm a six then you're literally off the charts". He's been the one to slowly but surely coax her into loving herself, to making her do things (like going on a diet, or to the gym) because she wants to – not for the sake of fitting into society's standards of beauty.    
One day Y/N entered his house whilst making sure that her presence remained unknown for the surprise visit to be successful. Then, the sound of some video game echoed around the house, followed by the voices of Todoroki's best friends.
"Not really, guys." She heard Todoroki scoff obnoxiously. "I mean, her legs though. Sometimes her thighs takes so much space, more than me, even when I'm manspreading since it flattens out to the size of an island, or something." He complained, and just laughed like he hadn't just said something insensitive and heartbreaking thing for (y/n) .  
Usually they'd be laughing with her – not at her – but shit happens and now they're too preoccupied laughing over her for them to have noticed her come in.
She can tolerate criticism from some strangers online or even face to face. (y/n) takes those words in her stride, beaming at them, even, as they spit out their insensitivity to her. When it comes from Todoroki, who was all cold on the outside but is dimpled grins and endless, selfless love for everyone around him – that. That she can't handle.
Y/N can't help but think if all his body positivity been a joke all along. Like a bad fan fiction, where Todoroki actually has a split personality wherein he's a massive playboy who'd lost a bet and had to be all lovey-dovey with her until a certain length of time. (y/n) hoped that in the process he saw through her flaws and fell for her, hard. But god damn, it seemed to far-fetched from how passionate Todoroki sounded while hating on her earlier.
If he did turn out to be a massive twat, then (y/n)'s made a grave mistake by falling for this asshole's cheap tricks, hasn't she? She'd been too blinded by love that she's never thought there would come a day where she would regret falling for him. Looking back at how she believed that Todoroki and her were going to last was too naive of her. This must be one of the most gut-wrenching feelings she's ever experienced. It's true when they say ignorance is bliss.
Y/N inhaled deeply. I've got to be logical about this. She contemplated, bringing a hand to her forehead. Can't just immediately jump to conclusions, right?    
She took a couple steps into the house, plastering on a grin. whilst hiding her thighs with the tote bag placed near the front porch, for some reason. With a glance to the wall clock, she realised that she's been gone far longer than she thought and that the guys he was previously chatting with are out of the picture.
"Hey," (y/n) greeted, almost nervously, before she yelled at herself internally because she's got to be all nonchalant about this, afraid of blowing up her cover. Didn't want to give her boyfriend more things to list about things he hated about her, did she?  
"(y/n)! Come here, baby." Todoroki called from the living room, head tilted back and lips immediately lifting into a grin as she came into his line of vision. He lovingly grabbed onto her hands and tugged her down to sit her on his lap like how they routinely do. But if he thinks that my thighs are big as fuck, he must also think that I'm, like, too heavy.   
So with a forced laugh, she refused his offer and sat on the sofa beside him, rushing to a rest a square pillow on her thighs as she gave him a tight-lipped smile, earning a small laugh from him.
"Cuddle." He demanded, almost, much like a greedy child, making grabbing hands towards her.   
Y/N poked her tongue out at him, "Not now," she said in a playful tone – so practiced and perfect. Normally she'd agree right away, but it's obviously different this time because she's cross with him and also doesn't want to accidentally squash him or something.    
Minutes later, he's clearly waiting for her to let her guard down and then come cuddle him. But it never came. He's frowning now, “Ok, what’s wrong?”
“What?” (y/n) asked, pulling herself out of her day dream. "Oh I’m just-”
“And don’t say you’re just tired, we’ve been together long enough for me to know there’s something bothering you.” He said, cutting her off from the usual excuse she would give to anyone.
(y/n) breathed in slowly, eyes darting to the pillow on her lap, "I, uhm. I heard you talking about me just now."  
"You were here earlier?"  
"Went in, then stayed there for awhile, 'cos I – doesn't matter. I was just a bit... I guess, hurt, is all. I'm fine now, though, honestly."  
"Why were you – " he started, then his shoulders are tensing and his eyes are widening as his eyes dart down to the pillow on her lap and he's instantly cursing. "You heard me say that thing about you – about your – fuck. Baby, I'm sorry. I'd take it all back in a heartbeat. I didn't mean it like that, I didn't mean it at all. I just — It just. I'm sorry, baby, please don't be dissapointed. I love you so much," He looked at her from head to toe, his eyes glimmering with adoration. "I love all of you. Every bit of you."  
"It's no big deal, anyway," Y/N mumbled quietly in response.    
"Ofcourse it is," Todoroki insistently shook his head and then scooted so much closer to her, literally hauling her into his lap. (y/n) choked out a squeal, trying to get out of his hold, but he held her down, hands on either sides of her hips like she's weighing nothing more than a leaf, or something. "Baby, please." His lips moved against her skin and she stopped struggling because he's so much stronger than her. "I'm so sorry. I'm a shitty boyfriend to even think that way about you, to my friends, too, but — I just." Todoroki sighed, dropping his forehead onto her shoulder.    
"This is some bullshit excuse but, but. I wanted to– pride. It was a pride thing 'cause they were saying shit like I was whipped, 'cause I kept praising you infront of them by going on and on about you being the epitome of beautiful and how I was insecure about you leaving me one day and how I don't think I'd be able to physically and emotionally cope with that. And I just... you get the gist. Fuck. Being a male is infuriating, honestly," Todoroki huffed out, pouting at the idea of his girlfriend in agony with a pained expression after hearing his insensitive words earlier.
He lifted his head up, placing a chaste kiss to her lips, "What I said – that thing about your thighs, or whatever, I don't even remember what I said 'cause they're right — I talk about you like you hung the moon and the stars and other sappy shit like that. Plus I literally find no fault with you. I love everything about you, baby. I bet I always will."  
She scoffed, then she's smiling, letting out a little laugh, this time it's genuine. I'm definitely in love with him. definitely don't regret it, either.   
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sadaveniren · 4 years
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🎄31 Days of Recs - @a-brighter-yellow 🎄
More of a Comment than a question
After guest starring in a popular science fiction series, Louis is invited to attend his first fan convention. He arrives ready to take it all in stride, but finds himself distracted by a handsome stranger who seems to know exactly who he is.
Not that Gone series
Louis’s 20-year high school reunion takes a turn when a celebrity classmate – who also happens to be Louis’s long unrequited crush – unexpectedly shows up.
A famous/not-famous AU inspired by Chris Evans.
Call it True
With dreams of being a successful novelist, Harry’s been working so hard that he almost doesn’t notice the smoothie shop that just opened down the street. But he can’t miss the mysterious, irresistible boy who works there, nor the strange but entirely positive effect his drinks seem to have. Harry needs to know what’s going on and he wants to get close to Louis, though not necessarily in that order.
Sometimes Fires Don’t Go Out
With a corporate chain eyeing their town’s ragtag independent record store, Harry and his coworkers have one day to come up with a way to save their jobs – and possibly mend some hearts in the process. Featuring unrequited love, the best and worst of the mid-’90s, and one long-suffering James Corden.
All My Friends Are Here
A pub quiz has invaded Louis’s favorite dive. Fortunately, it comes with a charming host.
You, Who Never Arrived
Louis Tomlinson is days away from marrying a perfectly nice podiatrist when he gets a phone call that changes everything. Or, the Only You AU in which Louis has a soulmate and it's definitely not Harry Styles.
What You’re Signing On For
Back at home in London after a whirlwind romance, Louis wants nothing more than to break ties completely with the sophisticated Frenchman who swept him off his feet. In order to do that, he needs the help of Harry Styles: former town bad boy and adopted brother of Louis' flatmate.
An O.C. AU about flawed first impressions, the seductive power of French pastries, bad romance novelists, and getting on the same page.
High Enough for you to pull me under
Louis makes a mistake that alters the course of his entire life. The universe wants him to fix it. 13 Going On 30 AU.
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Book Review: It Had to be You by Georgia Clark
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After being secluded and quarantined for most of the past year, and with social gatherings limited to nothing more extravagant than the occasional FaceTime, I found this ensemble romance to be rejuvenating. Restorative, really. The wedding backdrop gave me the pandemic break I needed. It was nice to imagine throwing on a curve-hugging dress again, some high heels and lipstick, escorting guests to their seats with a smile. I had a lovely time picturing the New York wedding atmosphere with its flowers and scents, with foods simmering on stovetops in the kitchen, my foot tapping as the band jammed to well-sung cover songs, a flute of champagne still in hand as an old friend approached to ask for a dance. There was something so joyous, so irresistible, about remembering what it's like to be sociable again. To attend an event (even a fictional one) where the energy and ambiance is palpable. To be reminded how it can feel to gather with family, friends, lovers, colleagues, or strangers for one night. Raising a glass to happiness. Taking a sip of spontaneity. Celebrating love and commitment. As a reader, it was wonderful to be so fully immersed in wedding season. To feel the angst and stress of what it meant to plan someone else's Big Day. The book itself kicks off with a Bridezilla disaster turned tragedy. Liv Goldenhorn, co-owner of In Love In New York, a successful wedding planning business, learns in the middle of a work crisis that her husband, Eliot, has not only died but has left his half of the business to his twenty-something mistress, Savannah, who had no clue the man she'd been seeing was married. Even though Liv is initially appalled by the idea, Savannah insists they work together. That they run the business as equal partners. Since one is young, eager, and sweet, while the other is middle-aged, reluctant, and sharp, the two could not be more different in personality let alone in life experience. Yet, still, they manage to come to a tenuous work agreement. They also learn to lean on as well as confide in each other over time. It's beautiful! From there, the focus widens to introduce other characters who are either connected to the wedding circuit or to Liv and Savannah in some way. Gorman and Henry are the florists. Sam is the chef. Honey is the Kentucky-to-NY, fried-chicken-loving transplant. Zia is the in-between-non-profit-jobs waitress, Clay the famous actor. And Darlene and Zach are the musicians. Usually I'm not a fan of crowds - whether that be in real life, or in books where tons of POV's are swirling about in constant rotation - but I didn't mind them here. In fact, I rather liked all the bumping shoulders, all the intertwining stories. I had fun skipping about from trope to trope. I enjoyed perusing relationships from a variety of ages or genders, sexualities or experiences; from vantage points I hadn't considered. The narrative winds its way in and out of all the characters' lives, peeling back the layers of their separate journeys. What readers are gifted as a result is five different couple vignettes. Five separate romances. And they feature hetero, LGBT, and interracial relationships alike. What I liked about that, aside from the diversity that was depicted in or around the couples themselves, was how love was shown not to be one size fits all. Where convention worked for some, it was restrictive, undesirable, to others. Where a few knew what they wanted from the beginning, a bunch didn't. Mistakes were made, promises were broken. Forgiveness had to be earned. Second chances could happen out of nowhere. Happiness wasn't guaranteed. It was work, it was a choice the couples had to find a way to forge together. The point is love in this book was a unique experience for everyone, and I appreciated the message of that. So, listen, if you miss weddings or love ensemble romcoms then give this one a read. Strap yourself in because you'll be floating on a sweet summer's breeze in no time!
3.5/5 stars Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC.
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gadgetgirl71 · 4 years
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Book Blitz:  House of Diamonds  (House of Jewels, #1)  by Amber Jakeman
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House of Diamonds Amber Jakeman (House of Jewels, #1) Publication date: February 10th 2021 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
A heartwarming, emotionally satisfying contemporary Australian romance with an international flavour, by Amber Jakeman
A fresh start. An instant enemy. But Stella is determined.
Sparkles fly when former office manager Stella Rhees, 30, flees a failed affair with her old boss, Damian. Determined to run her own show, she pursues her dream of creating and selling her own jewellery.
The problem? She’s opened her jaunty stall directly outside the famous Huntleys House of Jewels at the very moment handsome James Huntley the Third, 33, asks her to move so he can stage a publicity stunt. Feisty Stella won’t budge.
Despite a mutual physical attraction, Stella and James become instant enemies, their rivalry fanned by a social media war.
While Huntleys appears prosperous, it’s facing bankruptcy, and James’s mother and playboy brother are squandering the family fortune overseas.
James finds Stella and her fresh ideas irresistible, and she becomes the catalyst for him to change Huntleys ’path of self-destruction. He offers her a job, but how can she accept when she’s vowed to never fall into the old trap of falling in love with the boss?
For Stella and James to find their Happily Ever After, each must overcome personal demons, take risks and learn to trust the other. In this delightful first book of the House of Jewels series, will this dazzling couple ever work out how to put a Huntley engagement ring to its proper purpose?
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo
What? Move? Why would she move? She’d only just finished setting up. It had taken her months to prepare, and so much time just that morning, arranging her earrings and bracelets. What on earth could he mean?
“… just for a short time, thank you,” he said.
Her hackles rose. However handsome he might be, with that sun-kissed brown hair, and that way of smiling just on one side, as if life was a bit of joke as long as he was in control, he had no right to push her around.
“Actually, Mr …”
“Huntley. James Huntley.” He tipped his head back a little, indicating his connection with the three-storey building behind him, and she turned and read the ornate sign. Huntleys House of Diamonds.
Stella sighed. She didn’t reconfigure her whole life, resigning and moving here from Perth on the other side of the country, only to fall into the trap of obeying the next handsome man. No. She’d been there and done that. For too long. She’d been totally, pathetically, at the mercy of her boss Damian’s demands.
Obeying handsome men was a bad habit she’d finally kicked, hadn’t she?
This new Stella was strong and independent, she reminded herself. Stella now worked for herself, trusted only herself and obeyed only herself. She would no longer be told what to do by men who assumed she’d comply. So, whatever this man wanted, and however attractive he might be – and he was, quite attractive, every bit as good-looking as Damian, his hair more fair, and with a bit of a wave at the front, and those eyes – intense – she knew she had every right to stand her ground. And she would.
He waited expectantly, but she was only just ready to trade. With customers gathering, she needed to sell, sell, sell – and not waste another moment. Her licence to trade wasn’t a give away. It would take her months to pay back the loan she’d taken out to pay for it.
He lifted one hand up toward the side of her stack of display trays, as if to test his strength against its weight, to simply push her stall away. She could swear she saw his healthy bicep flex beneath that high quality pale grey woollen fabric.
How dare he! The flame of defiance inside her flashed fire. No. She would not be shoved away.
“Stella Rhys, Mr Huntley,” she answered, keeping her voice low and controlled, and extending her own hand to be shaken. His was smooth, the hand of a businessman, as cool as her own. It was a fine handshake, pleasant even.
Her mother would have fun reading this palm, she thought, smiling. It was a mistake. He must have interpreted her smile as acquiescence. Nodding and smiling in return, he held her hand just a moment longer than necessary.
“Thanks, so much, Stella. These stalls… There was nothing here for months, and suddenly you appear! Today of all days. It’s so good of you to move. Just for an hour or so.” He gave her the full blue gaze again and smiled.
For a moment Stella weakened, but she remembered the advice of Fritz, ther nearest stallholder, who’d welcomed her to the mall only that morning.
“I’ve been here nearly thirty years, young lady,” Fritz had said. “Seen a thing or two in my time. Seen stalls come and seen them go. Can be tough out here on the mall. Don’t you let anyone push you around.”
Stella knew the terms of her licence. Thursday to Saturday, 11am to 7pm. Right here. So she lifted her sunglasses and fired back a dose of her own dark eyes – bright, quick and determined.
“Actually, James,” she began, amiably enough, with a hint of steel. She gestured at the small crowd gathering to admire her unusual brooches, rings, earrings and pendants, all laid out so temptingly in the bright sunshine. Her excitement ratcheted up a notch. Behind James, two older women, sisters perhaps, were pulling out their purses. Her first customers! It was James who needed to move, so she could trade.
“Look. This is my business, James ‘ –Stellar,’” she continued, polite yet firm, her voice steady. “And I’m not moving it. Not at all. I don’t mean to be unreasonable; nothing personal; but as I see it, the Huntleys property boundary begins at the edge of your doorway. The mall here is public space, and this patch is mine.”
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Author Bio:
Partial to sunsets, picnics and poetry, feel-good fiction writer Amber Jakeman was a journalist, ghost writer and editor before succumbing to her addiction to uplifting endings.
She writes from her tiny apartment on the edge of Sydney Harbour, creating wholesome historical and contemporary romance with an international flavour.
When not writing, Amber enjoys time with family and friends, sailing with her husband, travel, walking and savouring other writers' creations.
Amber Jakeman acknowledges Australia's first storytellers and offers respect to Aboriginal people past and present and to their descendants.
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Title: Finally
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2627
Square Filled: Mutual Pining
Summary: After what was supposed to be a one-night stand, Y/N and Dean get to know each other and eventually become friends, but as their friendship grew, so did their feelings however, neither of them knew how the other felt.
Warnings: Mentions of Cheating, Mentions of dick boyfriends, Fluff, Smut, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex (always be safe), Consumption of alcohol, and some adult language.
Written for: @spndeanbingo
A/N: When mindless writing actually turns into a whole fan fiction! And it just so happened to fit in well with SPN Dean Bingo! What a coincidence! Hope you guys enjoy the smutty goodness. Written in third person… why? I don’t know. It just kind of happened. Happy Reading!
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He was a little bit vulnerable, and she was a little bit drunk, but at the end of the night, after they’d gone a few rounds between her bedsheets, what ended up not being a mistake was the fact that, after all of the sexual tension was exercised out of their system, they somehow became really good friends.
Y/N had become his rock, and Dean was the one thing keeping her above water.
The night they met at the bar, Dean caught his girlfriend, of four years, cheating on him with her boss from the advertising company she worked for. They were in his apartment and in his bed. After giving the guy a near death experience that would haunt him forever, Dean kicked Anna to the curb, literally tossing all of her belongings out onto the street like the piece of trash she has proven herself to be.
What brought Y/N to the exact same bar that fated night was her boyfriend of one year. He broke up with her, but not before giving her the worst excuse of a life time… “Sorry babe, we just don’t have a lot of sex anymore. I need someone who can cater to my needs.” She had never been so insulted, hurt, and felt so insecure in all of her lifetime, hence her overconsumption of a dearest friend – Tequila.
After some drunken and emotionally needy sex at her apartment, the two of them stayed in bed, pouring their sad story to one another, just getting things off their chest in the comfort of each other’s company. It was the one thing they needed the most. Not just the comfort of someone to listen, but a companion that they could count on to understand and not judge them. They needed someone on the same wavelength, and that was exactly what they got. They got each other.
Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, and they had become inseparable, but despite their drunk escapades in the beginning of their relationship, it settled in something strictly platonic. They were just friends.
“Dean! Seriously? Get your own!” Y/N grumbled, trying to push him away as he tried to reach over to take another bite of her slice of pizza.
“No, I want that one in your hand,” he whined, obviously deliberately trying to mess with her. She hated when people tried to eat her food when there were more than enough to share.
“Dean!”  She chides.
“Y/N! You love me don’t you?” He asked, pouting, flashing those deep emerald orbs that suckered her in every… single… damn… time.
Y/N froze, staring at her best friend and his stupidly annoying and irresistible green eyes. Dean had no idea how she felt about him. She loved him, there was no doubt about that, but she was in love with him. She had never loved someone so much as she did him, and it scared her. She didn’t want to ruin what they had, but she also knew that she wouldn’t be able to bare the idea that one day he might fall in love and leave her behind.
“I hate you,” she mumbled, offering her slice to him. Dean grinned in triumph, leaning in to take another bite, but instead, Y/N jammed the entire slice into his mouth, almost choking him.
As Dean coughed, managing to keep all the food in his mouth, she laughed full body, her back crashing onto the back cushion of the couch. She was loud and obnoxious, as if she couldn’t contain herself. When Dean finally was able to compose himself, he glared at her, watching how the tears ran down her cheeks from laughter. Just seeing her that way, lost in amusement, he couldn’t help but admire her. In his eyes, she was the most beautiful person he’d ever met… inside and out. Hearing her call his name was enough to awaken the butterflies in his stomach. What he wouldn’t do to be able to call her his and to have her call him hers. He had it bad. Really bad for her.
“You’re a dick, you know that right?” He huffed, a soft chuckling falling from his lips.
“What can I say, I learned from the best,” she replied, wiping her eyes.
Dean couldn’t take his eyes off her even if he wanted to. He noticed a stray tear sitting on her cheekbone and he reached over, swiping it away with is thumb. “Missed one,” he said, the words coming out soft and winded.
“Thanks,” she smiled, pushing down the whirlwind taking place in her tummy. The things he did to her was alarming in the sense that… she had no idea how long she could control herself until she just snapped and jumped his bones… and other things.
Dean didn’t relent, the proximity they were in was enough for him to smell her sweet scent. What amazed him was that she didn’t wear perfume or body spray. She naturally smelled really good. All the times they’ve cuddled on the couch or bed, one of his favorite things was her scent. How it stuck to his shirt, how it mesmerized him. It was his favorite scent, even more than the smell of freshly baked pie, which was saying a lot.
She was staring into his eyes, deep and expressive, and she feared he’d know what she was thinking about, and when his eyes dipped down to her lips, she figured he did, but in reality, he didn’t. He was lost in his own emotions, getting caught up in his feelings and his desperation to feel her lips on his. He’s wasn’t sure when it happened, but he fell in love with her.
Their first meeting felt like so long ago, and he can barely remember what her lips tasted like, let alone what they felt like, and all he wanted to do was refresh his memory. He wanted to remember everything. He wanted to feel his rough hands on her soft skin, feel her under and over him, feel her take all of him like she’s done that first night.
“Shit,” he hissed out of nowhere, unbeknownst to the fact he’d said that out loud.
“What?” she asked, sucking her bottom lips into her mouth before trapping it between her teeth. She was just as captivated as he was, soaking up how attractive he was. It was practically illegal to look the way that he did. Even in a tattered shirt and sweatpants with his hair angling in all sorts of ways, to her he looked like a dream come true, and he was true. He was real. She could talk to him, touch him, feel all the things he does to her without even trying or knowing. The only thing she couldn’t do was wrap herself all over him.
“What?” He responded back… unaware of what she was talking about.
“What’s wrong?” she breathed, her eyes flipping upwards to avoid his invitingly pink lips.
“I’m gonna go for it,” Dean said his thoughts aloud again.
“For wh—” She didn’t even have time to finish her question before Dean crashed his lips to hers, relishing in the feel of how soft they were. He doesn’t remember it feeling this good.
His tongue forced it’s way passed her lips however, there wasn’t much resistance to begin with. She let him take whatever he wanted, thoroughly enjoying the way he enveloped her, taking control.
When air started to become an issue, she pushed him away softly, their lips parting with a soft smacking sound. The world felt like it was spinning. “Air…” she breathed, as if she needed to let him know why she had to stop. If oxygen wasn’t a necessity, she would never have stopped.
Dean didn’t bother to listen, his lips not missing a beat to move over to the sensitive skin on your throat, nipping and leaving little marks that he’d hope would remind her of him, but jokes on him… everything reminded her of him. He was all she thought about, dreamt about, talked about. Some might say she was obsessed, and maybe they were right.
She hummed in approval, enjoying the feel of him leaving his marks. “So perfect,” Dean muttered against her skin. “So damn beautiful. I want to make you mine.”
His confession caught her off guard. She thought that this was jut one of those spur of the moment things, that she was just there and things sort of just… happened, but his confession…
“Do you mean that?” She asked, pushing him away once again, his eyes locking on hers.
“Do I ever lie?” He responded back with a question of his own.
“Then what’s your answer?”
Her voice got caught in her throat, unable to believe that the person she loved the most was really asking her to be his. It was a dream she never thought could ever be possible, yet here they were… Dean waiting for her answer.
“I’ve always been yours,” she finally confessed.
Dean started into her eyes for a hot minute, before finally taking what was now rightfully his. His lips back on hers, box of pizza forgotten, movie fading into background noise, and his body pressing hers down against the couch. He was going to make up for lost times.
He started his journey downwards, his lips running down her chin, throat, and then to her stomach as he lifted her shirt over her head. He groaned in approval to her lack of a bra, he wondered if she was uncovered under her own sweatpants.
“So perfect,” he complimented, propping himself up with his forearms, letting his gorgeous green orbs trail over her exposed chest. His lips fell over her breasts, taking a nipple into his mouth and teasing it until it was painfully hard. He switched over to the other, giving it the same treatment while one of his hands disappeared under her pants. “Fuck,” he mumbled against her hard nipple, not wanting to part from the bud. She wasn’t wearing any panties either.
“Please,” she begged. “Need you to touch me.”
Releasing her nipple with an obscene pop, he stared down at her, taking in how wrecked she look, and he’s only done less than the bare minimum. Her chest was rising and falling dramatically, her eyes were dark with need, and her skin flushed.
Without anymore hesitation, he glided his hand over her sex, his fingers teasing her opening before resting on her bundle of nerves, massaging it in slow circular motions. He watched her watch him, loving the way her lips parted and how her eyebrows angled, accenting the need and desperation in her eyes as they willed to remain open.
“I got you,” he assured, reconnecting their lips before pulling back, wanting to watch her over expressive face as he…
He slid two fingers inside of where she wanted him most, her slick easing the two appendages knuckles deep. The sounds she made accompanying the way her face contorted made Dean incredibly hard. His ever growing cock tenting in his sweatpants.
“God, Dean! I need more. Please. Want you to fill me up,” she begged.
Dean couldn’t resist her even if he wanted to. It had been too long since he’s heard her beg for him like that. He wasn’t used to it. He felt the need to give her everything and whatever she wanted… needed.
“I know, I’ve got you. I got you Sweetheart, just be patient. I’m just getting you ready.”
“I’m ready,” she cried, needing him to fuck her into oblivion.
After a little extra work, Dean finally deemed that she was ready. She was worked up and had been pleading him for his cock, but he took his time, wanting to make her feel good, wanting to memorize her body. And when the both of them were completely bare, he sunk into her, his eyes rolling to the back of his head while Y/N’s eyes shut tight, her back arching in utter bliss. She had been waiting for this for far too long.
Dean went slow, not needing to rush. He pulled out nearly all the way, before pushing back in until his hips were flush against hers. She was a writhing mess under him, desperately thrusting her hips to match his. Dean placed his hands on her hips, positioning himself on his haunches and hauling her thighs over his, so that her ass was off the couch. His hands slid around her waist, holding her still as he watched the way he tight little pussy devoured his thick shaft, taking him in all the way so well… hungrily.
He had to hold himself back. The sight of her mixed with the sounds of her pleasure were driving him to brink of insanity. His plan was to make love to her, to take his time to reacquaint himself with her body, he wanted this to last as long as he could, but it was starting to become damn near impossible.
“Patience, Y/N. Patience. I want to take my time with you,” Dean grunted, trying to regain any semblance of control he had left.
“B-but I need you,” she replied, completely strung out. “Need you so bad, please. Fuck me harder.”
Dean let out a guttural growl. She did things to him that he never thought was possible. It was like she could pull out the most primal parts of him. “Fuck,” he hissed, feeling her clench around him. She was doing it on purpose, wanting to tip him off the edge. Wanting him to lose all control. “Y/N...” Dean warned.
“Need it—”
Her clenching didn’t relent, and Dean had had enough. Unable to stand his slow place, he pulled out and slammed into her in one fluid motion, not bothering to pull back just yet. He just pressed inside her, the head of his cock kissing her cervix. She screamed, her body shuddering at the rough fullness she was feeling.
“This is what you wanted right?” He grunted, pulling out until his tip was pressed against her pussy lips then surging forwards once again. Each thrust was powerful, his tip meeting her cervix with each plunge, and making sure his pelvis rubbed against her throbbing clit. She swore she saw stars, or maybe the pleasure was too much that she was borderline about to black out. Either way, she welcomed it with open arms... or rather, open legs.
“Please, please, please!” She chanted. “Please don’t stop! So fucking close!”
Her screams were high pitched, back arched so dramatically that it might break. Dean held her still, both hands practically wrapping themselves fully around her waist in an iron grip, her skin bulging between his finger, no doubt leaving bruises.
Neither Dean or Y/N could prepare for what came next. Y/N shouted bloody murder as the best orgasm she’s ever had ripped through her, her juices splashing between her and Dean’s hips. “Shit!” Dean howled, watching the way her body was reacting to him. A few hard thrusts later, he was falling with her, thick ropes of his seed coating her walls.
Once he was completely spent, his body went lax, falling over her still trembling figure. She didn’t mind the weight, in fact she relished in his warmth, loving the feel of his chest heaving against hers, and his hasty breath fanning against her neck. This was where they both wanted to be; wrapped up in each other’s arms, tangled in each others bodies.
“Finally,” Dean managed to speak out, the wide grin on his lips buried in the crook of her neck.
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open, staring at the ceiling, her own smile etched across her face. “Finally.”
Did you like it? Please share and reblog! Feedback is greatly appreciated! It’s my fuel! 
Say Something Nice Here!
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My two favourite Disney/Marvel characters to write about are obviously, Loki & Scar. On the blog I had shared a few parts of the scene The Madness of King Scar, which comes from my fan fiction story called: Scar‘s Reign. 
Scar's mind is chaos, unpredictable and the drama-'queen'(king) has a huge personality which I wanted to be fully shown in The Madness of King Scar.. This chapter is a mix of the one particular scene from the film with Scar, Zazu and the hyenas in his cave + the deleted scene and the equally titled scene from the musical. Added: My own imagination. Italic: Character thoughts. Bold: Character sings.  (Few lines here, the rest in the blog and more on Wattpad, Ao3 & FF.net)
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"Zazu? Why am I not... loved?" Scar decided to directly cut to the chase. The lionesses, why don't they like me? With my black manes, I must be irresistible! And I'm a king! What more could they possibly want?
"Well, why do you think you are not loved?" The hornbill spoke, to Scar's annoyance, with a wise tone.
According to Scar the bird sounded just like his father, or like Mufasa. He didn't wanted to be reminded of them over and over again. They had everything when they were kings while at Scar's reign everything got black, literally.. Scar figured he wasn't in the mood after all so he made a gesture towards Zazu, signing the bird to leave him and his mind alone.
"Can't you not even have a little sympathy for me?" Scar acted like his pride got touched. "Don't mistake the colour of this small beating thing here inside of me with the colour of my manes," he gushed, almost in a singing tone. Dramatically, Scar held his paw on his chest, right at the place of his heart.
"Here we go again.." Shenzi mumbled, not amused.
"Tell me I'm adored! Please, tell me I'm adored!" Scar sung.
Banzai was close to bursting into laughter again. "A door?" (Someone commented on wattpad they spit out their cereal by reading this line.)
Scar took a deep breath. He stated to be burdened with the wrong public. Scar covered his eyes in the hope of when he lowered his paw again, all these 'odd surrounding objects' were gone. His current view isn't quite the one that he visualized and thought he signed himself up for all those years ago.
Ever since that Scar had made Nala the lead huntress, he hoped that it eventually led her to his cave. Within himself, Scar already had plotted how he would succeed in sailing the ship off to another course. "Yes, but there's.." Like a predator sneaks up on his prey, Scar started to walk around her. "Nala.. my, how've you grown!" Quickly he cleared his throat. "There's one little title upgrade required for you to receive from me before we can make this plan work. And there's more to it! I'm brightening up both yours and little Mheetu's future!"
"And what's that title?" All though that with mentioning her younger brother, Scar had awakened Nala's curiosity, still she wasn't naive. She knew that somewhere in this story there was a catch. Because involving this particular lion, there always was a catch!
Suddenly Scar's energy-meter filled itself to the max. "I shall tell you, but first let me deliberate it with myself a bit," he spoke rather mysterious while he still moved himself around her. (And that‘s when his weird presentation in singing starts..)
Ao3 c7 TMOKS Scar‘s Reign  Fanfiction.net TMOKS Scar‘s Reign Wattpad c7 TMOKS Scar‘s Reign. (On here I also just posted the newest chapter called: Scar‘s Be Prepared '2.0' in which he‘s giving the hyenas an exclusive performance of so as he sees it, his improved version of Be Prepared.. I might just seen a disco edit of the scene in which Zazu is singing Scar a song..) 
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(A/N: Source images: Pridelands.eu, worth taking a look, Be Prepared has some really funny screenshots taken on the right moments!)
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Also posting another chapter from my Loki story soon!
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kamyru · 3 years
Masterlist (Voltage Inc)
Random Voltage Headcanon: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12 (NSFW), #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37(NSFW), #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43(Suggestive)
Voltage Medical Headcanon: #1, #2
“Punish me” series: #1
My Top 10 Voltage Guys. Ordered as favorites and as most likely to get along with in real life: 2021 Version; 2022 Version; 2023 Version
Me as an OC
Writings from the same universe arranged chronologically
Voltage Inc characters as strange things me and my friends have ever said: Part 1,  Part 2
Turn my experience as a med student into fan-fiction ideas
Masterlist 1 (Irresistible Mistakes)
Masterlist 2 (Romance MD: Always on Call)
Masterlist 3 (Her Love in the Force)
Masterlist 4 (Oops! I Said Yes?!)
Masterlist 5 (PLUST: Loving U So True; Tokyo Love Hustle; Kings of Paradise)
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Juliet, Naked
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Confession: I saw this movie weeks ago, on my honeymoon. I think enough of my cells have died and regenerated since then that I’m a whole new person. So let’s keep this short and sweet (much like this movie).
Juliet, Naked is based on the Nick Hornby novel of the same name and follows the stagnant relationship of Annie (Rose Byrne) and Duncan (Chris O’Dowd). Duncan is obsessed with the fictional 90′s singer-songwriter Tucker Crowe (Ethan Hawke, channeling a Ryan Adams/Conor Oberst mashup vibe) and moderates a messageboard of Tucker Crowe superfans on the internet. One day, Duncan receives in the mail some previously unheard demos of Crowe’s seminal masterpiece “Juliet” - ergo, the demos are titled “Juliet, Naked.” Or rather, Annie receives them, opens them, plays them, hates them, and writes an angry diatribe on the messageboard about how ugly and half-finished they sound. This leads to a rift with Duncan...and a message from Tucker Crowe himself. From there, it becomes a pretty standard Nick Hornby romantic comedy as Tucker and Annie grow closer and Duncan and Annie grow further apart. So does Juliet, Naked hold up as its own masterpiece, or does it feel like a half-finished demo? Well...
If you like Hornby’s other projects (About a Boy, High Fidelity) all of the rhythms here feel very similar - it’s a tad melancholy, but warm-hearted and sweet without being treacly.
Some thoughts:
Chris O'Dowd is PITCH PERFECT as Duncan. God I knew so many versions of this guy in college and grad school. 
I also appreciate a film that addresses the possessive, obsessive, micromanaging version of male fandom that we so often see as the norm. Duncan isn’t really portrayed as a nerd or a geek for loving Tucker Crowe this much, but his love is portrayed is unhealthy - because he demands everyone else feel the same way he feels. 
Rose Byrne is lovely and likable, but she's not exhibiting that spark that makes her irresistible in broader comedies like Bridesmaids or Spy. But Annie is a much more down-to-earth character and the strokes of comedy in this film are fewer and farther between and much more delicate, so that may just be the nature of this particular role.
Ethan Hawke has a whole surfer dad beach bum vibe that is fun to watch, and Tucker is self-effacing and very charming but also kind of a mess. Tucker is probably the most fully rounded-out character of all, and it serves the movie well that he has made some pretty big mistakes - ones that he may not ever be able to fix. That’s where a lot of the melancholy comes from, and it makes the small victory at the end feel a whole lot sweeter.
The movie as a whole feels very small. I’m not sure how else to describe it. Even though Tucker’s life is in America and Annie’s is in the UK and we see both sides, geography doesn’t really matter for this feeling. Everything feels...quaint. It’s a small story about these people finding each other and how their lives are impacted by each other. 
I like that the central story revolves around a woman who is dissatisfied with her life and she's the one who fixes it. Duncan does initiate their splitting up, but past that point, Annie comes into her own and starts to take ownership of her life, which has just been stagnating for 10 years. And by the end of the film we see it's not Ethan Hawke or love or anything involving a man that gets her to make some big changes along the way. It's just the notion of possibility - realizing she has options and opportunities to change. I kind of love that.
Yay for casual lesbians!!!! Annie’s sister is a lesbian who’s disastrous at dating but comes and talks to her about all these girls she keeps falling in love with and she’s cool and funny and we get to see her expressing desire for women and it’s regular and fine and she doesn’t die! Yayyyyyy!!! [god my standards are so low jfc Hollywood HELP US WE ARE STARVING FOR MORE LESBIANS]
This is a lovely little romance that I probably won’t ever think about again, tbh. It’s perfectly quaint, and has some interesting things to say about the nature of the relationship between fan and artist, but other than that, it’s mostly just a mild and pleasant way to kill a couple hours.
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emilyplaysotome · 6 years
Chapter 15 - All the King’s Men
Catch up on all Chapters here:  http://emilyplaysotome.tumblr.com/post/173554646607/down-the-voltage-rabbit-hole-the-sequel-master
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I arrived at the office on time but very much in my head.
To be totally honest, I can’t remember how I got to the office that day. I knew that I dropped my things off at home, went to the subway, and took my usual route to work but I was in that type of headspace where you’re so busy thinking that somehow the present just happens and you’re left with this inability to describe exactly how it is that you got from point a to point b.
I dropped my bag off in my office and composed myself before sneaking out behind the building to grab a coffee at La Colombe. As I stood in line, for some reason a memory flashed in the recesses of my mind that caught me off guard.
It was from my early days with Zyglavis, before things had gotten complicated in the slightest.
At the time, I’d wanted to show him what my life here was like and I had dragged him down to TriBeCa by my office to give him a sense of my daily routine, including the black and tan (draft latte + cold brew) I started my day with. I remember ordering two and us sitting at one of the small tables in the cafe as he hesitantly leaned forward and took a sip.
“That’s delicious!”
“I thought you’d like it…even though it’s not chocolate.”
“Not everything I like is chocolate,” he’d said with a cute pout.
I’d laughed, and reached across the table taking his hand in mine. I brought his fingers to my lips and kissed them gently since he was too far away, and I loved him too much to ignore the impulse to be close to him.
Now I was here alone, waiting in line and wondering if I’d ever find that kind of happiness again - be it with him or with someone else.
I missed him of course, but I wondered if I missed the idea of him more.
This whole thing, our “breakup”, the king’s games - all of it had left me with little time for reflection. I was aware of the fact that I only had 3 weeks left, but I needed to find real answers in that time in order to feel good about how I was going to move forward from here on out.
Truthfully, out of everyone I’d lost I missed Meg the most.
She would have been the person who would have pushed me to think about Naomi. She’d been there long enough to see me with Zyglavis and to see me before him to gently guide me in the right direction. She had an uncanny ability to ask the kinds of questions that actually helped me think and not get distracted by fleeting feelings of lust or like or a desire to avoid my own baggage by fantasizing about a man.
To find real happiness I needed her back sooner rather than later, and in order to do that I had to get to the bottom of this sixth man situation asap.
I was thinking about all this when I turned the corner back at my office and smacked into someone. I almost spilled my black and tan but thankfully between the amount of it that I’d already consumed and the lid, disaster was narrowly avoided as I bent down to pick up my cup.
“I’m so sorry!”
“Oh Naomi, there you are.”
It all happened so fast, and because I’d been so in my head I wasn’t paying attention to who I’d actually run into. When my eyes settled back on the people before me I saw a smiling Anita with her hand on the shoulder of someone very familiar.
“This is Toma. I was just about to bring him by to your office for an introduction. He’s a freelance copywriter that’s going to be helping us out on the LT Hotel pitch.”
This version of Toma Kirya was far more accessible than the overly confident man I’d met back at Addison & Rhodes. It made sense to some degree as in this scenario Anita and I were executive level and so he looked at me with the same sort of respect that he’d look at Shunichiro with back then.
He wore a plaid collared shirt, like most of the men in our office and his jeans were a bit tighter than the slacks he’d worn in bizzaro Toyko giving this version of him a bit of a hipster vibe. As a few of my younger female employees walked by him I noticed that they were checking him out on the DL and I had to admit that this new look, including his new hipster-style horn rimmed glasses, was really working for him.
He smiled politely, and somewhat bashfully, pushing his chestnut hair back out of his eyes and said, “It’s nice to meet you. Sorry about before…I’ll buy you another coffee sometime to make up for it.”
“No, don’t worry about it,” I said cautiously. “When did you start?”
“Friday,” Anita said without hesitation, “He was in the meeting and I’d hoped to introduce you before but you were ill…”
“I took notes though, and I have some ideas,” Toma said eagerly.
“I’ll look forward to hearing them,” I said, still on guard.
“That reminds me,” Anita said. “One of our clients wants to come by today for a smaller strategy session with just you and Toma. I checked your calendars and it seemed that 11 was open for both of you.”
“Wait a minute,” I said. “That only gives me an hour for prep…”
Anita shook her head dismissively, “You don’t need to prep. He just wanted face time with you both leading in to our first presentation on Wednesday. For some reason he seems really stoked about 360i getting awarded the job and who am I rock that boat? Just be your usual charming selves and it’ll be fine.”
It was typical of Anita to improvise a bit.
As talented as she was as a creative director, her strength was being able to spitball and brainstorm whereas I thrived in an environment full of calculated planning. Despite the fact that last night I’d taken a few cues from her style of doing things and it had miraculously worked out, I wasn’t prepared to bring that kind attitude to the workplace.
Furthermore, I now knew that Shin, Toma, and Eisuke were all in this world. One of them was most likely the sixth man but I was unclear as to who. There was a small detail about one the three that stuck out to me, but I wasn’t ready to read into it enough to determine if that meant he was the one.
I decided to keep my wits about me, and suggested that Toma follow me back to my office in order to do a bit of prep before our client’s arrival.
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“So where did you work before this?” I asked, my eyes never leaving my computer.
“Oh…here and there.”
“What does that mean?”
Toma looked uncomfortable in my peripheral vision and I watched him squirm a bit before he said, “To be honest, I don’t remember. I know this will sound crazy but I woke up in a hospital room and couldn’t remember anything about my life. I pieced together some information about myself thanks to the smartphone they gave me which was mine but…I’m hoping my memories will come back soon.”
“Really? You’re serious - you’re not messing with me?”
“No! I know it sounds farfetched but it’s the truth. I had an email from Anita booking me for Friday and I showed up ready to work. You don’t have to worry - I know what I’m doing it’s just…the personal stuff is muddied.”
“That’s quite a story.”
“Please don’t say anything. Please. I promise I’ll knock this out of the park for you just…believe me when I say I will be an asset to your team and you won’t regret working with me.”
“Relax. Even if you blow it horribly between me and Anita, well…it’ll be fine.”
There was a brief silence and when it started to make me uncomfortable I glanced over to see Toma with a warm smile pointed in my direction.
“You’re really confident huh?”
“And you’re not?”
“No, I am but still. I like being around confident people.”
The way he said it I could tell that he was cautiously flirting. It was the kind of statement that wouldn’t get him in trouble with HR but still implied something more than merely respecting confident coworkers.
We spent the rest of our time together combining our notes from the Friday meeting in anticipation of the upcoming one. As he’d been in the otome realm, Toma was excellent at his job. He had several slogans, hashtag activations, and overarching themes for LT Hotels and when I told him my idea of opening up the luxe offerings to a few New York City influencers, he quickly worked that into all of his preliminary ones.
Our hour together flew by and before we knew it we were heading to the front to greet our client.
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“What are you doing here?” I gaped. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you in the flesh,” Eisuke said with a smirk. “Toma, nice to see you again.”
“Same Mr. Ichinomiya.”
“Please, call me Eisuke.”
“Right this way Eisuke.”
In an instant it all started to click - the luxury hotel brand, the consulting, not to mention the fact that two men had been present in that shitty video conference and I hadn’t noticed. I bit my tongue and saw Eisuke smirking at me out of the corner of my eye as an unaware Toma led us to one of our nicer small conference rooms.
“Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee?”
“Coffee would be great. Naomi, would you be a dear and make it the way I like?”
I stared daggers and him and watched as a horrified Toma assumed our client was being horribly sexist towards me.
“I’ll have our receptionist-“
“That’s quite alright, Naomi will do it. I just have a hunch that no one makes a cup quite like her.”
“It’s fine Toma,” I said swallowing my annoyance. “Do you want one too?”
“No, I’m fine. Thanks though,” he said, unable to hide his horrified expression.
I left the men in the conference room and headed to our kitchen, cursing Eisuke and the king under my breath. I should have added a stipulation at the start of our game that my work would be off limits but as per usual I could feel the King’s presence reminding me that I was not as in control of this game as I wanted to think.
When I returned and placed the coffee in front of Eisuke, his face lit up with a pleased expression.
“I knew it,” he said after taking a sip. “You really have a knack for making my coffee.”
“It’s the extra half spoonful of sugar,” I said without thinking and watched as Toma curiously studied us.
“Do you two know each other?”
“In a past life perhaps,” Eisuke said, back to his unreadable poker face.
“Toma, do you want to share our initial campaign ideas?” I asked, hoping to limit the amount of damage either otome king might be doing in my professional life.
From there the meeting got back on track and we learned that LT Hotels was planning to build out their fitness center on one portion of their roof. They were building an outdoor track so guests could “run in the clouds” and also were constructing an indoor area surrounded in glass, which would be open 24 hours so guests could work out in the midst of the city lights and stars.
Eisuke thought opening the fitness club and hotel spa to an elite group of New Yorkers was a great idea and he pushed us to move forward with “not just a hotel” as our brand anthem. With Toma and I kicked off in the right direction, Eisuke made his way out of the office extending an invitation to join him for lunch.
I hesitated, having thought my lunch hour would be the perfect time to follow up with Jin, but seeing as how Eisuke was a client (and a suspect for the sixth man) I graciously agreed.
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We walked over to Wolfgang’s Steakhouse a few blocks away from the office. I passed Wolfgang’s all the time on my way to sweetgreen where I got my salads and marveled at the patrons who had the time and money to go to a steakhouse on their lunch break.
It made sense that Eisuke would take me here, and as the hostess quickly sat us by the window I noticed that the wait staff seemed to be extra aware of his presence. I couldn’t figure out if he’d been here before or if Eisuke Ichinomiya simply had that kind of demeanor no matter what universe he was in that caused people to bend over backwards to serve him.
Most of the items on the menu were far too rich for lunch, but Eisuke didn’t care and when our waiter returned he ordered the petit filet mignon and I settled on the burger. I still felt that my order was a bit heavy for the middle of the day but it seemed like a good compromise between a salad and a steak. Eisuke also ordered a bottle of wine for us, despite my protest that it was the middle of the day and I had to get back to work after this.
Naturally, he refused to bend to my pleas and I found myself enjoying an expensive red while I waited for my juicy medium-rare burger.
“So do you miss Soryu?” I asked in an attempt to make small talk as I took a sip of the wine.
“Yes, but that’s not why I came to this world.”
“Are you going to try and convince me that you came for me?”
“Hmm. Who knows.”
He looked disinterested, and his face was unreadable but I couldn’t shake the nagging suspicion I had about him.
“You know,” I said watching his reactions closely. “It strikes me as odd that out of the three men I’ve met you’re the only one who seems to have his memories intact.”
“Yeah. Toma and Shin are a clean slate but you aren’t. You seem to be in cahoots with the king.”
To that Eisuke scoffed dismissively, “And what significance does that have to you?”
“Hmm. I wonder,” I said, throwing the same attitude back in his face.
A comfortable silence descended on the table and through the window I watched the people outside mill about. I took a moment and thought about everything that had happened up until this point. I thought about the fact that this one detail had been eating away at me, nagging at me to be noticed, and how I’d found it strange that Eisuke would stay here without Soryu if there wasn’t something more at play.
There were two possible explanations, and it seemed like a gamble to accuse him when Meg’s life theoretically hung in the balance…but I just couldn’t shake that nagging feeling I had.
Our food came out and Eisuke carefully cut his steak. The rare meat oozed blood and juices and like the carnivore he was, he tore off a small piece and popped it in his mouth, nodding in approval and muttering, “Delicious.”
“It’s you,” I said, unable to hold back.
“What’s me?”
“You’re the sixth man.”
Eisuke paused, and put his utensils down for a moment.
“Is that your final answer?”
He looked at me with his cold, incomprehensible eyes. The face of a ruthless businessman, great at deception yet deeply insecure and for some reason I found myself grinning in response to his stoicism.
The more I thought about it, the more certain I was. It had been over a year since I played the IOS version of his life, but I remember how the fans of the game had discussed at length his love for the MC no matter what route you were in. As a result I had played Soryu, Mamoru, and Baba’s routes (Ota had never interested me in the slightest), and sure enough in each story there was a hint of Eisuke’s presence and affection for the MC.
He never crossed the line and always hung back, taking second place to his friend but he was there trying to make you happy in the shadows of the story.
I thought about the fact that he had taken me to this expensive lunch and how he wanted my company to win the LT account - not for him as he knew he may not be in this world for long but for me. 
To make me happy. To help me.
I thought about how cranky he’d been when I’d stopped replying and how he facilitated reuniting me with Soryu even though he’d been slightly sour about the whole thing. Sure, he’d hid his feelings behind sarcasm and smirks, but I remember from his stories in the game how needy and insecure he was deep down and here I was suddenly realizing that I’d taken all these interactions at face value when there was so much more beneath the surface.
He continued to look at me expressionless, despite my smile and I nodded in answer to his question.
“Yes. Yes it is.”
I heard a snap, and time froze leaving the only two people able to converse myself and the king who now loomed over our table.
If you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend or buying me a coffee (https://ko-fi.com/emilyplaysotome)!  
Thanks for reading :)
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lahuertaflower · 6 years
The Shard: Part One
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((Authors Note: I just wanted to start by saying hi and welcome to my fan fiction. I honestly had no idea anyone would want to read it so to see any notes on it I was surprised. Like I said, this is an Endless Summer/Hero crossover and all rights of the characters are reserved to Pixelberry. I am simply borrowing them.
Book: Endless Summer/Hero
Tagging: @princesstopgun as requested 😊. If any of you would like to be tagged in Part Two please let me know! Yes, this is going to seem like a slow start to this but it is because I want to make sure I have everything lined out. The beginning is also going to seem more ES focused, but you will see where it is going!))
“Happy reunion everyone! Here’s to five years.”
Voices called out and through the clear air of the beach while the chatter and faint music filled the calm night sky as the stars twinkled down, sparkling brightly without the city lights fighting to drown them out. The fire crackled, orange ambers wafting into the air and dissipating into the darkness. This tradition was always bittersweet, knowing that although everyone had such beautiful lives, filled with love, happiness and success, that one person was missing. That someone who had been incredibly important to each and every one of the collection of people who stood in the sand this evening, clinking beers as they toasted.
It stung to know the sacrifice that had been made so each of the eleven would have the life they so yearned for. Even after all this time it didn’t seem real. In the back of all their minds they hoped that one day they would all be reunited to continue their journey together; but this wasn’t to mourn the loss, it was to reminisce and be thankful for the sacrifice made. Well, at least to most of those who joined in the festivity each year…
“Dammit Kaity...don’t you know I’d come after you? I’d find a way! Cross every mile of space to get you back!”
One of the last sentences Jake McKenzie said to his wife replayed over and over again, drowning out the conversation and the waves crashing against the beachfront. It was like a broken record, each time cutting deeper and ripping his heart apart. All the former soldier had wanted was to have the joy that all the others gained. Sadly, it didn’t work out that way. There was no new love in Jake’s life, no kids or relationship prospects. Even though he was able to return home to US soil and reunite with his mother and sister, it didn’t take away that burn for her love. The silver lining metaphor wasn’t all everyone cracked it up to be.
“What about you Jake?” A soft voice rang through the train of thoughts. Coming to, he realized it had been from Quinn Kelly. The ginger haired female had her head quirked to the side, beachy curls swaying with the motion as everyone’s else’s eyes focused on him to progress the conversation.
“I…uh...sorry Ariel, what was the question?” Blinking back the sadness a few times, Jake’s bright cerulean blue eyes flashed to each of his friends faces, a forced smirk tugging on his lips to keep up the facade.
“What have you been up to? Everyone else has already talked about how things are going, so naturally it’s your turn to share!” There was a hint of reassurance in the tone of her voice, being able to see through the mask he was putting on.
“Right, right. Sorry, I -uh started to zone out listening to Bottomless go on about his fancy cooking show.” The remark got a few laughs as Jake continued on. “Life hasn’t changed much since last time we were all here. Mike and I have been working hard on restoring Arachnid to its former glory and using it to actually help people. We have teamed up with the Navy to give more specialized training with the new equipment they will be implementing to make deployment missions easier. That and the fact that Lundgren is still rotting away in his tiny prison cell makes each day that much better. That’s it though.”
“And you got a haircut! You don’t look like a shaggy,stray dog anymore!” Craig chimed in, a goofy grin lighting up his face, elbowing Zahra lightly in attempts to get her to encourage his joke. Their eyes met, a slight tinge of blush tickling up on their cheeks. While they were officially together, the two of them still had that air of hesitation to displaying feelings due to hiding it away for so long.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up while ya can. I gotta look presentable during meetings and all that crap.” On instinct, Jake ran a hand through the light brown hair tufts, down stroking his maintained hair growth on his face afterwards. “I know you’re just jealous that I can rock the long and the short hair. My good looks aren’t for everyone Drax.”
“Pft, I don’t need to be jealous. I have great genes that make me irresistible.” Craig retorts instantly, brushing off his shoulder to try and downplay that he isn’t the best at taking jabs. It isn’t long after that Craig gets smacked in the stomach by Zahra in attempts to keep his ego in check though. “Oouf Z, don’t worry, Jake can handle my comments better than he can a plane.”
Another round of laughter pushed its way through the circle as the flames illuminated each of their faces. Jake started to give a hearty laugh, but his mind began to flash back to the painful memories of first meeting Katie, on that fateful day, heading into supposed trip of a lifetime that turned their world upside down. A lump formed in his throat, causing him to choke as her face came into view each time his eyelids shut. No one seemed to notice the change in demeanor and Jake took the switch of conversation to excuse himself silently and trek further down the beach to enjoy some time alone.
Legs carrying him further than expected, he peered over his shoulder to ensure that no one else had picked up on his disappearing act and trailed along to make sure he was okay. Bounding around a curve in the beach, Jake knew that there wasn’t a chance he could be seen from the gathering, trees shading over where he had decided to plop down. Leaning back onto his calloused hands, his eyes darted up to the twinkling sky, taking in the constellations that adorned the navy sheet that stretched as far as eyes could see.
“I sure wish you could be here Kaity. I know I say that every year but it only gets harder. I feel stupid y’know? I keep thinking that one of these days you are just gonna be sitting across the way from where I am, grinning at me like nothing ever happened.” Jake started, exhaling in frustration as the tears began to build up in his eye ducts, tempting to break through.
“Why’d you have to go and be everyone's hero? I know your heart was in a good place but...dammit, I just miss you so much.”
The cosmic swirled, overseeing all that was and all that is. The transparent body drifted across purple hazed skies while coming to a graceful halt amounge the rocky surface of its own planet. Drifting over the plains of the world, it reached its destination. Glimmering pink shards of all sizes protruded out from the dirt, shooting in every which way, almost creating a casing. Hand outstretched, it gently laid itself on one, feeling the energy flow through it.
“I can feel the change...we must brace ourselves for intrusion from another.”
A few more presences began to form near the biggest cluster on the prism planet, nodding in agreeance as they too could notice the shift in dynamic and power. There was a drawn out silence as they all took in the situation at hand. This was never supposed to happen. The powers of their planet were far too strong to fall into mortal hands. That mistake had already happened once and caused a group of young adults to will to life someone to fill the void in their lives.
“Vaanu, are you sure this isn’t just another lashing out of The Shard? The slumber should keep the powers at bay, but it has been proven over the years how this day of significance causes a disturbance.” One of the ethereal beings mentioned as they all formed a circle.
A red and black energy began to dramatically swirl around inside the being known as Vaanu, clearly not impressed by the fact that the others blamed the sudden spike of unknown and drastic energy on it.
“If you are all concerned with the safety of The Shard, shall we go and ensure it is not indeed the cause?” One of the others voices filled the surrounding area, to which the group of six nodded and began to make their way further into the overgrown forest of gleaming pink gems. Coming to a halt, Vaanu reached upwards again to one particular stone, it emanating a blinding light before softening to a dull gleam.
Encased in the magnificent gem was a young woman, eyes closed as if in a peaceful, deep sleep. Due to the contact of Vaanu though, it appeared like the gem cocoon had thinned out in order for them all to view her with little to no obstruction. The girls locks cascaded down her shoulders, an ombre effect having taken place from the time of being in containment, the ends a lighter brown than the roots that had extended over the years. Her features were soft with a quirk of a smile dangling on her lips.
“As you can see, The Shards slumber ensues. Still right where it was left when the agreeance of becoming one was made. Now, we must drop this and discover who is causing the trouble with the prisms.” Vaanu had subsided its anger, the red being replaced by sparkling blue, taking itself back while the entities observed the girl as if she was a museum exhibit.
“Vaanu, allow me to stay back and ensure the prism restructures its hold around The Shard while you gather all to search the planet for obstructions.”
With a swift nod, Vaanu took off without another word, the others following suit. This left the volunteer entity in silence, arms placed on either side of the makeshift prison. Time was not a concept that they abided by here on the prism planet, as they had pure control over it, so there was no construct to declare how long it would have. Instead of using it’s force to reseal The Shard into place, it just stood and took in the sight, a tinge of sadness seeming to form in its transparent body.
“If these forces are as strong as we presume them to be, then any ally is a good one.”
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filmista · 7 years
Out Of The Past (1947)
“Nothing in the world is any good unless you can share it.”
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French director, Jacques Tourneur's ‘Out Of The Past’ has over the years become what’s considered the best Film Noir ever made, though it somewhat disputes over that title with ‘Double Indemnity’, a lot of people find one of the two the best. 
I have however during the time that I’ve been participating in Noirvember (there’s more to cover), obviously quite a few films in the genre, and I can instantly say without hesitation that ‘Out Of The Past’ has been my favorite one that I’ve watched so far.
It’s also save to say that outside the context of Noir and Noirvember, it’s simply one of the best films I’ve had the pleasure of watching, just one of those films that quite simply put leaves you feeling like you’ve just watched something spectacular and well crafted.
it makes me regret that I didn’t take the decision to participate in Noirvember earlier, anyhow it’s wonderful to immerse yourself fully in a genre, discover and learn about it and obviously watch a few films of it.
And Out Of The Past was along with Double Indemnity one of the films that my Cinema History book kept mentioning (probably one of the first books I’d try to save in a fire) and various corners of the internet kept recommending to me. By now I was immensely curious about the film, even so much as its film poster somehow exuded a certain cool.
So later I sat down to watch it. And I think it speaks very positively of the film, that I watched it with someone who’s absolutely not a fan of anything that’s not in color and so-called Classics, but she claims to have had as much fun with this one as I did.
When we were about ten minutes into the film, and the picture starts to craft an air of mystery and intrigue and you already know something’s wrong, she said “I love this”, “It’s already so suspenseful, it’s like one of those cheap detective books”.
And with that, she pretty much hit the nail on the head. I found out that Noir works closely with pulp fiction, which is actually nowadays usually considered quite cheap entertainment, the thing that’s considered a guilty pleasure to read; but they did sometimes have interesting themes in them, and filmmakers saw that and could work with it.
Noir’s a dark and pessimistic genre, it literally means black in French, that its name is European also has its reason, it’s what French critics started to call the genre, but it fits perfectly.
It originated in a pessimistic period, before and until after World war two, many of its directors and stars, we’re Europeans that fled Europe, so while it’s an American genre, it’s safe to say that it’s a genre in which both continents held each other’s hands.
War doesn’t bring out good qualities in humans generally, but even during wartime, people have been known to undertake courageous and goodhearted actions. And the genre, some films more than others reflect that.
Most of them very clearly seem to say the world is rotten and the people, even the ones that don’t know it are bad, sometimes they become forcedly so; but it very has the idea that everyone has the potential to become a bad person, a person capable of double-crossing and murder, murder seems to be written in capital letter M all over the genre.
Yet under all that seeming bleakness, pessimism, hopelessness and darkness, there are glints of hope and hints at the possibility of a happy ending, the tragic thing about the genre is that it’s acknowledged but it doesn’t go there, sometimes because it’s characters just can’t take that route, they just aren’t able to connect, and chose to either save their own skin or will take a route that’s going to going to endanger them.
And what I loved so much about ‘Out Of The Past’ is that it very much has those elements, and becomes in a way almost a retelling of a tragic, doomed to fail love story, only it shouldn’t have been doomed, the characters made it so themselves.
It very much plays with what other  films in the genre also play with, ambiguity between good and bad, and it has as I’ve mentioned all the elements of the genre, a troubled protagonist whose past comes back to haunt him, character’s smoking like chimneys, a femme fatale, pretty night scenes, and a large part of the story taking place in an urban environment.
But still something about this one is unique; as many people have recognized, out of all the Noir I’ve seen in November this is the one that’s really engraved in my memory. Some people say it doesn’t even seemingly look like Noir, at first sight.
It’s too bright and too sunlit, too much of it takes place in sunlight and in pretty surroundings, that have nothing to do with seedy, crime-filled streets of some films in the genre.
Still agreed it’s agreed that it is Noir, as it has in its storyline and in its cinematography typical elements.
But when I myself thought about it more deeply (and I’m not the only one) you can almost say that the film has two parts, one that looks less typically Noir and one that’s more typically so, night scenes, fights, double-crossing, playing with shadows. But amazingly it watches like one cohesive whole.
It might be somewhat of a lighter one in its genre, literally in its lightning, but also as in that it really builds your hope up and for a moment when you’re watching for the first.
You think everything even after the characters has been double-crossing each other like crazy, you still think it’s two lovers have a chance of being together, but then the film makes sure to remind you what kind of film you’re watching.
And that’s what I found so great about it, that it’s two lovers have moments of happiness and you see what could be there, and because of their own doing, it doesn’t happen, and it’s tragically and sublimely sad.
What I truly loved about this one is watching the relationships between characters, and watching Robert Mitchum and Jane Greer act opposite each other, there’s a ton of other actors in there (amongst them Kirk Douglas) but Mitchum and Greer compliment each other perfectly and it’s a joy to watch. Its storyline doesn’t even really matter too much, and it’s a challenge, to sum up...
Mitchum Bailey is a private detective who tries to say goodbye to his job after a few nasty experiences. As a garage owner, he tries to start a new life with his girlfriend Ann (Virginia Huston). His anonymity, however, is short-lived when thug looking Joe Stephanos (Paul Valentine) manages to trace him on behalf of professional gambler Whit Sterling (Kirk Douglas).
Whit was shot some time ago by his beloved Kathie (Jane Greer). Since then, she has disappeared from his life, as well as $ 40,000. Whit wants her and his money back and asks Jeff to go and investigate. Somewhat cautiously, Jeff takes the job, old habits die hard I guess.
He meets Kathie in Mexico. She tells him exactly what’s going on but nothing about the disappeared money. Jeff believes her, falls for the charms of this femme fatale and tells Whit that he was unable to find her. Soon, however, Kathie doesn’t seem as sweet as she looks anymore...
Does Kathie really care about Jeff? Does she love him despite her inability to endure difficult situations for him and despite her fatalistic attitude towards love? 
And how sincere is Jeff towards her? Has he succumbed to her again? These questions haunt your mind while seeing 'Out of the Past'. 
As traditionally in this genre, the riddles around a fateful love remain unclear. Who is lying, who is honest? Nobody can be trusted and that makes watching a film noir of this level is so irresistible.
And as it should be; you don’t get clear answers to all of these questions, and thus as I’ve seen in a lot of reviews, people speculate and come to their own conclusions when watching the film.
You see two interesting directions: In some Jeff is the victim. An innocent man, forced to make bad choices but who didn’t enjoy them, but who fell victim to the whims and seduction of a femme fatale, to them Kathie’s a monster, that tormented an innocent man, and there’s no real effort to look any further.
No one in the genre is entirely innocent, Jeff’s aware he’s being played but still consciously chooses for the woman he knows is no good, he still acted out of free will, no one really forced him into anything.
And then the femme fatale herself, a monster? Or just a flawed human being that made mistakes? As I mentioned when it comes to that, you see people mostly veering in one of these two directions.
Personally I think she’s one of the most brilliant characters in the film; Greer portrays her in a subtle yet confident way, that’s almost dizzyingly exciting to watch, she infuses her role with confidence (the kind of confidence of a woman who knows how beautiful she is) but at other times also a deep vulnerability and even fear.
Throughout the film she’s in a world that surrounds her with violent men she’s afraid of the man that she stole the money from, she believes he’d never leave her alone and would almost certainly come after her, and she turns out to be right. 
You can understand why she stole the money even, she hated the guy's guts and wanted to get away from him, and if you’re running away from a dude with anger issues, why not do it in a place with an agreeable climate? I certainly wouldn’t like hearing this: 
“You're gonna take the rap and play along. You're gonna make every exact move I tell you. If you don't, I'll kill you. And I'll promise you one thing: it won't be quick. I'll break you first. You won't be able to answer a telephone or open a door without thinking, 'This is it.' And it when it comes, it still won't be quick. And it won't be pretty. You can take your choice.”
The exciting element in Greer’s performance comes from, how composed seemingly even cold she seems throughout much of the film, but when you look closer there’s intense emotion, and she remains a riddle, a mystery.
I spent much of the film trying to read her, and she very much has both bad and good at her, she doesn’t regret shooting a man, and when Jeff fights another man, after she speaks the words “why don’t you break his head, Jeff?” she seems almost aroused watching the two men fight, which certainly indicates some twisted personality trait.
But then she also ultimately seems to really love him, as she later in the film goes back to Jeff and gives herself fully over to him, as she chooses to trust him fully, but he is at this point deceiving, maybe still in love with her, but certainly not willing to die for her, and he’s posing himself as more in love than he really is.
But at this time; Jeff has already decided she can’t be trusted, as he told her:  “You can never help anything, can you? You're like a leaf that the wind blows from one gutter to another.” and he’s unwilling to give her a second chance or to forgive, and on that tragic note, both their loveless fates are sealed. So it can also be regarded in my eyes as a tragic love story, maybe Jeff could even be seen as a coward in his inability to forgive in love. 
The big joy in the film, however, is how good Mitchum and Greer are (that and how beautifully filmed it is), while Greer seems to do not much else than bat her big doe eyes with their luscious lashes at Mitchum and make him fall head over heels with her, she has as I said a subtle emotionality, there’s depth to this femme fatale if it isn’t clear, I loved her performance.
And Mitchum’s Jeff has an air of indifferent, unforced cool, and seems to come across almost as if he doesn’t give a damn about anything or anyone that surrounds him, as if he’s somehow outside of present events, he only seems to care about either Kathie or ultimately himself.
Mitchum portrays this figure almost perfectly. Like Humphrey Bogart (who was considered for the role, but not even Bogie could be at two places at once ...), he has a certain inner peace about him, which gives him independence and self-confidence.
The man behind this film is French director Jacques Tourneur, who made his name in the United States in 1942 with both the artistically and commercially successful 'Cat People' (which is noted on my list of stuff I want to see). Tourneur was a master in creating the right mood and atmosphere and that skill came in handy when he made 'Out of the Past'.
The typical film noir look - with striking use of shadows and contrast - is certainly present here (the fight scene is a beautiful playing around with shadows as well as the scenes on the beach) but less dominant than in, for example, 'Double Indemnity' (1944). It makes 'Out of the Past' a film that looks pleasant and easy and literally and figuratively is somewhat lighter than its genre and contemporaries. 
Out of the past is a dark, cynical treat with an intelligent script, razor-sharp dialogues and a finale that stays with you. Highly recommended!
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“If you're thinking of anyone else, don't. It wouldn't work. You're no good for anyone but me. You're no good and neither am I. That's why we deserve each other.”
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muffinsnotebook · 7 years
Crying in a Coffee Shop (a Jin x Reader fic)
[is based on a real life story lol. crossposted on ao3]
The coffee shop was quickly filling up with people as the after-lunch rush started coming in by the droves. On any other day, you would have migrated to the small nook table tucked further in the shop, away from the chattering and bustling. Your earphones could only drown out so much noise without ruining your eardrums for good, and while you hated silence, you couldn’t really concentrate in the rush hour noise.
Today, however, you’d failed to transfer to a more secluded seat, but you were far too preoccupied to mind the noise anymore. Right then, you were neck deep into the absolutely riveting masterpiece you’d discovered in a fan fiction site. Right then, it was breaking your heart, smooshing the wreckage further into your punctured chest, as your favorite OTP sinks at some author’s well placed plot twists.
You didn’t want to believe it; the earlier chapters were filled with such heart-fluttering romances, and cute couple moments, it was difficult to believe you were reading the same piece of fan fiction. A part of you had already recognized the telltale signs of angst and tragedy three chapters ago, with that military phone call. Still, you refused to believe this author was cruel enough to make you ship your OTP even harder, only to sink it with as much ammunition.
He turns his back to her yet again, steps out her doorway, out her home, out her heart, heading off to God knows where, facing God knows what new form of danger. Both of them have long foregone promises and false assurances. It was simply a waste of time, of breath, of words. They’ve long since learned that Fate did not care what promises they wanted to keep.
He’d already lost count of the promises he’d broken, every time he came back a little less whole, a lot more scarred. A lot more battle worn.
She’d already lost count of the promises she’d broken, every time she’d neglected to take care of herself, and forget to eat, forget to bathe, forget to live. Too preoccupied with trying to breathe.
Because deep down, she already knew. The moment she saw his back turn once more, saw that same front door shut for the hundredth time, she knew. That he wouldn’t come back anymore, that he would finally, truly, wholly, break his promise. Because she’d gazed at his back as he left, a hundred times before. But never before had it been tinged with a dreadful finality.
“…No…” You whimpered quietly into your hand, your chest growing tighter as your brain quickly processed where this was going. “No, oh no, please don’t tell me…” You murmured past the lump in your throat.
He bites back a cry of pain as the man yanks his head back by the hair, the rough gag tied around his mouth digging at the chapped corners of his lips. He glares blindly, past the haze of pain and blood loss, cursing himself for his carelessness, for his one moment of weakness that brought him into this situation. Now, his mistake will only cause her to cry more, only cause her to break more. And he would never be able to make it right, to put together the pieces of her he’d broken.
His eyes clenched shut, he tries to imagine her - a time when she was happier, with eyes so bright they outshined the sun, and a smile that belied the sweetness of her kisses. He has barely remembered the way she’d say his name, when the soldier pulls the trigger, and his memories become nothing more than a mass of blood and matter splattered on a cold, dingy holding cell.
When the fateful pristine white envelope comes, two months later, the tears she sheds are already old and familiar. Still, they burned fresh tracks down her numbed cheeks; the pain so real it felt physical. It takes her a long while to realize it is physical, and that the fire burning below her stomach, and down between her legs is very real and very ominous. But by the time she reaches the hospital, it’s too late; only now, she’s lost two parts of her soul, and everything that remained of him.
Unbidden, your tears started spilling one after another. You put down the cursed phone on the table with a clatter, in favor of wiping away your tears. You hadn’t even noticed them grow hot, and yet you barely stifled the sob clenching your chest. Maybe it’s the accumulated stress from the past few weeks - calculus and accounting midterms were a bitch - but you’re surprised and more than a little bit embarrassed that your tears still haven’t stopped.
“Hey, miss, what’s wrong?” A hand rested itself gently on your shoulder, and you instantly froze, remembering at last that, no, you were not in the safety of your dorm room, but out in the middle of a coffee shop, during the peak of the lunch rush. It was a testament to just how into the story you got; inwardly, you make a mental note to mention this later in your review to the author.
Right now, however, you were far too mortified for words. It was hard to believe you of all people would break down in public, much more, over a freakin’ fanfic!
“Miss, are you okay?” The guy dragged the empty chair across from you, promptly sitting beside you. He held out a hanky with one hand, the other rubbing your back. “It’s okay, it’s gonna be fine, you’re going to be okay.”
You felt as if your face was on fire. It was bad enough that you’d unintentionally cried in public, but even worse, some random guy noticed, and deemed you in need of comforting and counseling. It didn’t help that was absolutely gorgeous - no joke; he could’ve very well been a model for some cosmetic or fashion line, and you wouldn’t be surprised one bit. His face was pale and smooth, his pink lips full and thick; and normally you didn’t care much for men with colored hair, but goddammit if his pink hair didn’t look good on him. And his dark eyes were fixed only on you, his face contorted with genuine concern and worry into the most adorable, irresistible look you’ve ever seen.
Your brain practically short-circuited. Part oif you was still caught up in the feelings that cursed fanfic left you with, another just marveling at this beautiful, handsome, gorgeous creature with his broad shoulders and tall, slim build.
When you still hadn’t moved, he moved to wipe your face for you, and that’s when you drew the line, flinching and raising your hands like a shield.
“I-I’m fine! I can do it myself,” You could only take so much humiliation, after all.
He blinked, his face faltering for a split second, before recovering. “Oh, I’m sorry, here.”
Gingerly, you accepted his proffered hanky to gently dab your face dry. You probably looked like a fire hydrant by now, with how hot your face felt. This situation had probably reached a record for the Most Awkward Moment in Coffee Shop History.
And all this time, this angel of a stranger in pink sweater still had not stopped rubbing soothing circles on your back.
Once you felt your face was sufficiently clean, you folded the hanky neatly, but hesitated to return it. “Thanks for this, uhm,” You bit your lip, forcing yourself to look at his face, as was polite. “I’d wash it first before returning it to you, but…”
I don’t know who you are…
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” He smiled; taking the hanky back and tucking it into his pocket. He paused to wet his lips (you pretend your eyes weren’t drawn to the way his pink tongue dragged along thick, pink lips, because no, you were not some perverted, hormonal teenaged girl). “Are you okay, now though?”
You nodded mutely, consciously trying to keep your lips shut. Yes, you were probably a certified human fire hydrant by now.
“Was it a guy?” It took all of you not to choke on your own spit. Now really, how were you supposed to answer that?
“Uh…” You glanced away, trying to find the right words to explain that no, you were not crying over a broken heart because of a guy… actually, you were, but definitely not in the way he was thinking…
“Oh, I’m sorry,” You looked back at him to find the most heart wrenching crestfallen look on his face. “You probably wouldn’t want to talk about such personal things with a total stranger…” Even his wry smile was perfect. God dammnit to heaven and back 24/7. Now you felt like the worst criminal on Earth, as though you’d stolen candy from a kid.
“No, no! It’s not that at all!” You blurted out, a bit too loudly, and he jumped in surprise. You looked down, twisting your fingers. “You’re just really nice and all, I’m just so flustered. A-and it’s not that it’s personal or anything, but it’s just really embarrassing so…”
“No, no,” he shook his head, smiling gently again, and all you could register was pink heaven. “I completely understand. I just thought that you looked really sad, and maybe you needed someone to talk to. But if you don’t feel comfortable with it, then I’m sorry for prying. Just know that everything will really turn out fine, and that you’re not alone.” He paused with a slight wince. “I know that sounded really cliché and maybe too commonly said to sound true, but I really do mean it.”
“No, I’m telling you, it’s really not that at all!” You insisted, exasperated. You buried your face in your hands, debating for the last time whether you wanted Mr. Cute and Concerned to know the extent of your pathetic-ness.
Then again, could you really resist that puppy dog look? No, you could not. You sighed.
“Promise me you won’t laugh.” You mumbled, peeking through your fingers. You didn’t think you could handle this without some form of a shield.
If he was confused by the strange request, he didn’t show it. “I won’t.” He said sincerely.
You drew a deep breath, imagining it as liquid courage. “…The reason I cried was because of the really, really sad story I was reading.”
He blinked once, twice, then promptly looked down at the table, to the incriminating phone still opened to the fan fiction page. “Oh.”
Yeah. Oh.
It had to be the most awkward silence of your life. Personally, you wouldn’t have been able to come up with a better reply than, “oh”.
“Ah,” You whined, burying your face into your hands. “It’s really embarrassing, but it really was a sad story, I swear, and I didn’t expect it at all! I don’t even usually get so emotional over things I read. Actually, I’m usually not so emotional in public, period!”
“Yes, you do.” He replied quietly.
You nearly got whiplash snapping your head up so quickly. “What?”
Now it was Mr. Cute and Concerned who was flushed pink. But dammnit if he didn’t look even more handsome for it! He cleared his throat, avoiding your gaze.
“Uhm, well, this is going to sound weird,” you snorted at his word choice, and the way his lips twitched told you he did it on purpose. “But, I’ve seen you around in this café before, usually busy on your phone or some novel, and well, you’re not exactly unemotional when you do.”
You didn’t even know where to start with that loaded statement. He’s been watching you. You weren’t as discreet as you thought you were. He’s been watching you, here in this coffee shop, reading all those things (and mind, not all of those had been SFW fics)…!
You blushed as he smirked at you. You spluttered, opening and closing your mouth as you struggled for words, but he only laughed, the sound endearing and infectious.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” He said finally, still chuckling. At this point, you’ve managed to muster enough annoyance and displeasure with him to at least stop blushing and smiling.
“You’re right, that does sound weird on so many levels,” you said at last. He had the decency to blush again.
“Ah, this wasn’t how I planned to meet you at all,” he said, chuckling a bit, but it sounded far more forced and sheepish than before. “I’ve always seen you before, and almost always in the same spot, and almost always reading something or other.”
You blushed; you’d really thought you’d made yourself unnoticeable in your little nook. Apparently, the whole, “If I can’t see you, you can’t see me” logic was really just a myth.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but watching you read is quite fun.” He continued, smiling reassuringly at your wary look. “Your expression always changes with what you read, sometimes I think I can almost see the story progressing just from watching you.”
You groaned, burying your face in your hands. Your dad had mentioned it once, when you’d read a novel across the table from him. You’d been reading the main characters banter and flirt when he suddenly burst out laughing, shaking his head at you.
“…This is really just awkward and embarrassing,” You said wearily, and Mr. Cute and Concerned laughed again.
“A friend of mine has told me once that my whole life is awkward. So I’d say this is par for the course.”
This time you join in his laughter. If you were honest with yourself, you weren’t any better at being a social butterfly. Finally, after much effort, he stopped laughing long enough to extend his hand.
“I’m Kim Seokjin.”
You returned his handshake, giving him your name in turn. The way he smiled then turned sheepish and coy, his cheeks even brighter than the pink of his sweater. An awkward silence settled between you then, and you scrambled for something to do or say.
“So…” Seokjin began at last. “Would you like a cookie?”
And that was how you found yourself in tears in the middle of a bustling coffee shop for the second time, this time with your cheeks and jaw aching from laughing so much, and a new contact person on your phone nicknamed, Mr. Cute and Concerned (and Pink).
Much, much later, when you meet Jeon Jungkook and the rest of Kim Seokjin’s roommates, they burst out laughing at yet another Seokjin’s Finest™ Awkward Moment entry when you told them how you met.
- Miss March Muffin. 
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