#voltron events
linipik · 4 months
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Cover for my Love Letter💌 comic
Download the whole comic +  extra content  >>here
or > Start reading here 
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binart · 1 year
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DTOK page 25! (First) (Previous) (Next)
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shirosaveskeith · 2 months
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We're back for Year 3! Our event where it's Shiro's turn to save Keith welcomes fanfic, fanart, and other media featuring Shiro coming to Keith's rescue! The event is modded by Sheith fans but genfics are also welcome.
Posting will begin May 19, 2024. If you remember to tag us here or on Twitter, we'll keep sharing your contributions through June 30 (and probably beyond).
This year's prompts:
Day 1 - Shiro saves Keith from boredom
Day 2 - Shiro saves Keith from an attack/enemy action
Day 3 - Shiro saves Keith from embarrassment/unwanted attention
Day 4 - Shiro saves Keith from canon/the fanon
Day 5 - Shiro saves Keith from certain death
Day 6 - Shiro saves Keith from the elements
Day 7 - Shiro saves Keith from himself
The AO3 Collection
Drop an ask if you have questions!
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cryptidseeker · 2 months
“you know how you, our sharpshooter, shot and hit my heart precisely? well i could never be a sharpshooter, because i always miss you babe”
“did i do it ri—”
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avidbeader · 2 months
Shiro Saves Keith Week 2024
Please reblog! I didn't want to take the week-long option since we're starting later than usual this year. Here's the prompt list:
Day 1 - Shiro saves Keith from boredom
Day 2 - Shiro saves Keith from an attack/enemy action
Day 3 - Shiro saves Keith from embarrassment/unwanted attention
Day 4 - Shiro saves Keith from canon/the fanon
Day 5 - Shiro saves Keith from certain death
Day 6 - Shiro saves Keith from the elements
Day 7 - Shiro saves Keith from himself
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mpkp76 · 11 months
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Day 11…
Chill night
“Isn’t it too cold tonight..?”
“Yeah..it is cold…pls don’t leave me…”
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alohaasaloevera · 6 months
It’s funny, really, how miserable he is in this situation.
He can’t see blood staining his hands—instead he sees it pouring and pouring and pouring, the viscous liquid piling up into his hands before it overflows, dropping onto the ground like a never ending stream.
He realizes, realizes that Lance has to watch Keith die like this, over and over again for the rest of eternity. The only person that could save him is dead now, and Lance has to look at him bleed out in his arms forever.
It hurts just as bad every single time.
Lance wakes up from that horrid, terrifying dream, his heart racing as he takes sharp, staccato breaths. Darkness shrouds the vicinity of his room—It’s warm, to the point that it feels like his skin is on fire. He feels like something is trickling down his nose, so he goes ahead and wipes it with his sleeve and inspects it carefully to see if it’s anything like blood. He can’t see very well, though, so he ends up attempting to get a glass of water in the middle of the night without waking anyone up. All while something is still pouring out from his nostrils.
He turns a light on and walks out, the metal door shutting with a dull, automatic thump. When he enters the living room, he’s shocked to see Keith, and…Griffin? What is James Griffin of all people doing with Keith Kogane in the middle of the night?
The two are on the couch, seemingly doing nothing until he hears a muffled noise come from their direction. He squints harder, and—
Oh. Oh no.
Keith has been dropped into Griffin’s lap and—ok, Lance is officially out!
He is not about to witness one of his closest friends/teammate be intimate with said friend’s TEENAGE BULLY. Lance turns on his heel faster than Voltron himself and attempts to make a break for it when he suddenly feels light headed and soon enough he’s falling to the ground as fast as the drops of his maybe-nosebleed.
Lance wakes up in a hospital. Who knows what he’s gotten into now.
The strong, bitter smell of antiseptic and chloroform only further convinces him that he should go back to sleep, but the universe is apparently against him now as a familiar, unsteady voice calls his name. “Lance? Are you awake? Oh thank goodness!” Hunk sighs in relief, a hand on his chest, “We all thought you were dead! Well, not me, because I know you get chronic nosebleeds.”
Oh. That’s what happened. He starts to remember the events of the night—no, nights? Whatever—before; waking up from that dream of Keith dying and Lance being forced to watch him forever—He gets chills from just thinking about it—the trip to get a glass of water while his nose was conjuring up a flood; the sight of Keith and Griffin—NOPE. NOT THINKING ABOUT THAT.
“Ok, not to call you stupid, but I just wanna know what you were thinking when you put your room’s temperature to eighty-degrees?”
“I… don’t know. The only thing I know is that I definitely shouldn’t’ve walked in on James and Keith—”
“I do not need to know about that, bro.” Hunk politely interrupts, because he’s a literal ray of sunshine, “but what I do know,” he says, dropping what looks like his keys onto a nearby desk before whispering in Lance’s ear, “is that James and Keith are being called rivals now, and both of them aren’t denying it.”
Oh, that fucker—
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langstron · 1 year
Langst Month
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Back in May, we made a few polls to create the best possible event the Langst Fandom may want!
The grand winner was Langst Month!
The Langst Month will be held at the dawn of autumn, in September, so as not to clash with other month-long events like Julance or Inktober!
We cannot wait to share the prompts with all of you. It'll take us a little more patience, as they will be released around August to leave a preparatory period for those who wish to participate!
-Mod Lokii
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bluedemon1995 · 6 months
Okay, I’m technically on time!
Kidge Winter Event 2023
Day 1-December 18: ice skating
“Stop staring at me.”
“But you hate winter. You hate the cold. I mean, you’re not even the biggest fan of nature. So how the hell are you this good of a skater?”
“Shhh!” Pidge looked around and sure enough, Lance’s loud voice was drawing attention. People were glancing their way. She could literally feel their eyes on her. And now she was feeling uncomfortable. She hated being the center of attention and can literally feel her face turning red. Feeling irritated she quickly skates off. Honestly, so what, she can skate, it’s not rocket science. Smirking she thought, no rocket science would be expected of her.
She keeps going around, picking up speed, it all the while ignoring Lance and thinking back to last year when she first met him and had a bit of a crush on him. Thank God she was over that. Now, she would consider him and Hunk her best friends. Smiling she can’t help but think how much her life has changed over the last year. For the better too! She skipped two grades and was terrified that she would be a social pariah in high school.
Fortunately, that fear didn’t come true. Instead, she was taking classes that actually challenged her and made her work. She had friends. Lance was super friendly and didn’t get offended when she was awkward around him. Instead, he seemed to take it as a challenge! Every day, he said “Hi”, he initiated contact. It probably took a month of him talking to her in daily class for her to realize that he was being authentic. He actually wanted to be my friend.
Life was much better even if she was younger than her peers. She saw Hunk setting up the hot chocolate table and treats near the fire.
Suddenly, her feet were taken out from under her, she was hit, spun and facing the ground. Blinking she looked directly into another’s eyes. His eyes. The mullet. Lance’s rival. He was under her. What the hell?
“Sorry, Katie. We were shooting a puck around and someone lost control. It was headed your way and, “
“Pidgey!! What the hell Keith! Are you okay?” Lance holds out his hand and grabs me by my armpits, pulling me up quickly. “You good?”
I’m trying to get my bearings and see the opposite side of the ice. They were playing hockey, and I can see Keith’s concern.
Axca skates closer, grabbing Keith’s arm and pulling him to her. “Sorry lost control of that one! C’mon Keith. Let’s go.”
I blink, still trying to get my bearings. I look up and Keith’s gaze is solidly on me. He shakes off the arm and moves closer to me. “Are you ok? We landed a little hard, but I didn’t think you’d hear me in time.”
His hands reach out and readjusts my hat and I feel his fingers lightly drift down my jawline. I blink. I’ve never been this close to our school’s bad boy.
“Um, wanna, go and get some hot chocolate?”
I freeze, holy shit. Keith Kogane wants to hang out?
Unfortunately, I hear both Lance and Axca simultaneously yell our names in conjunction.
Keith, smirks, “Yeah, c’mon Katie, c’mere with me.”
I feel my face flush but this time I’m not embarrassed. I’m intrigued. I’m interested. Let’s go!
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kidge-planet · 1 year
Hiii!! Here you go with the calendar for the Kidge summer event ( the event starts the first of July and will last a full month)!!!
(here are informations about the event : here )
Hope you feel inspired! ;)
( don't forget to share!!! So more ppl are aware of the event! )
( numbers stands for days)
Road trip
Scuba diving
Water fight
Ice cream
Beach day
Chill night
Swim suits
Hot day
Free day (you get to do whatever you want for this day)
Gaming day
Hanging out
NSFW/fluff ( chose between the two!!)
House party
married life
Haircut for hot days
jealousy and overprotective
Summer rainy day or kids ( chose between the two!! "Kids" can be about Pidge's and Keith's kids or them as kids! You can also mix the two!)
Summer festival
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they-have-the-same-va · 4 months
Revolver Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater shares a voice actor with Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane from Voltron: Legendary Defender. 
Voiced by Josh Keaton
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shirosaveskeith · 24 days
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dynared · 1 year
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Granted, if you mention this to Bob Koplar or the people at WEP, this will likely be their reply.
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I have never seen a company so desperate to erase a show from their history. With the news that the show will be leaving Netflix in late 2024 (due to contracts expiring, no conspiracy theories), and Koplar pushing everything including a big budget Amazon Studios movie directed by the guy who directed Red Notice and Dodgeball, which he has publicly said will resemble the 80s show in aesthetics, along with an official Voltron beer that uses the classic Voltron imagery, it’s clear they want to forget this trainwreck.
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slav-every-day · 5 months
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benedictsoup · 1 year
i see a kid with a voltron pfp (i cant interfere its a canon event)
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discordiansamba · 6 months
Just thinking about once the truth is out, and Akira can hang openly around the Castle without having to pretend to be Keith, the paladins having to adjust to him being there. Which is weird, since it turns out he's been with them pretty much from the beginning. The only difference is that he's not pretending to be his brother anymore.
Just the paladins, stumbling upon Keith and Akira hanging out together and remembering there's actually two of them. Or stumbling upon just one of them, and trying to figure out which one they're dealing with- it sort of helps that only Keith wears the clothes from Earth now that they're not actively both pretending to be him, but unfortunately the paladin armor that gets made for Akira is also red. Not to mention their Blade armor is exactly the same- which is a thing, also.
The paladins getting to know Akira as his own person, rather than just his impersonation of Keith. Turns out he tends to be the more level-headed and less reckless of the two... at least in comparison to Keith. He actually likes Shiro's stupid puns. He's a lot less outwardly expressive than Keith, the more stoic of the two on the surface. He doesn't have Keith's sweet tooth, but he loves the stupid dramas that air on space TV while Keith hates them. Akira... definitely has less walls than Keith does, and his come from a different place than his twin's.
But they are also a lot alike. They start finishing each other's sentences at some point, like they're sharing thoughts. Apparently they are because they developed some sort of psychic link without anyone realizing it? Turns out they both are able to do things like sense energies, something their shared bond with the red lion has only amplified. It's so weird that they grew up so far apart from each other, in two totally different environments, but remained so much alike.
(And they both, unfortunately for the paladins, love messing with people. It's their love language.
But also sometimes it's just because they're both petty little assholes.)
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