#langst month
langstron · 1 year
Langst Month
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Back in May, we made a few polls to create the best possible event the Langst Fandom may want!
The grand winner was Langst Month!
The Langst Month will be held at the dawn of autumn, in September, so as not to clash with other month-long events like Julance or Inktober!
We cannot wait to share the prompts with all of you. It'll take us a little more patience, as they will be released around August to leave a preparatory period for those who wish to participate!
-Mod Lokii
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Lance never shuts the fuck up.
Keith can’t get enough of it.
It’s been like that for as long as Keith can remember. Lance was the motormouth in, like, 6 of his classes; always had his hand up with a question or answer, and comments in between. Keith had been annoyed with it, that first year.
But then he’d shared classes with Lance again.
And again.
And again.
By then, they’d had their fair share of group projects together. Keith came to know that for all he was a rambling mess, Lance was really fucking smart, and funny besides. He was also endlessly kind and supportive, at least when he wasn’t egging on their rivalry that he’d invented (and that Keith hadn’t known they’d had — not that he wasn’t an active participant, once he knew. Riling Lance up was the most fun he’d had in ages).
Keith doesn’t remember exactly when he’d started smiling whenever Lance looked at him, feeling proud whenever Lance got a question right in class. Doesn’t remember when the mild annoyance turned to genuine appreciation. He does remember looking down at his notes one day, in Algebra II, only to discover a blank page, and realising that he’d spent the whole class just watching Lance talk. (He also remembers feeling pleased instead of the disappointment he should have felt, because he figured he’d have an excuse to hear Lance talk more if he asked him to help Keith catch up. He knew he was in quite the mess, then.)
Keith knew he had a crush on Lance, after that. And Keith was never one to sit idly — he’d asked Lance on a date right then and there. Lance had, for the first time in Keith’s working memory, gone speechless. (And quite the pretty shade of red.)
The speechlessness didn’t last long, that’s for damn certain. Keith took Lance to the Applebee’s at the plaza near his house that very night, because Shiro worked there and would give him a discount. Also, Lance had once mentioned he liked the lemonade there.
Keith met Lance there because neither of them had their full license yet. He doesn’t remember what exact table they sat at, only that they must have been near a window, because Keith remembers swooning over the sunlight warming Lance’s beautiful brown eyes no less than six times. They’d ordered, Keith some sort of fried dish and Lance — Lance had ordered a four-cheese fettuccine with a garden salad and, of course, a lemonade. Keith remembers so specifically because Lance spent the next thirty minutes excitedly telling him every piece of history surrounding the dish, down to the prehistoric origins of wheat-made pasta and the disturbing account of the first pink lemonade. He’d looked sheepish after looking at his watch and realising how long he’d been talking, and Keith hadn’t known how to assure him that Lance could narrate every detail of paint drying in a wall and Keith would swallow up every word.
(Later that night, Shiro sent him a picture he took while the both of them were distracted — Lance, animatedly waving a fork in the air as he lectured, and Keith, chin in his hands, meal forgotten, looking at Lance with a face more besotted than he knew he was even capable of making.
Keith sent the photo to Lance, asking him if he’d like to go out again, confessing that he enjoyed every second of Lance’s rambling.
Lance said yes. Very quickly.)
The rest, to a degree, had been history. They’d dated for the rest of high school, staying together even as they attended university and trade school on either side of the country. It was easy, really. Lance made sure they always had something to talk about. (Lance loved university. He was enamoured with every second of it, every niche interest of his getting its fill. He switched his major fourteen separate times, chasing every one of his ambitions, and Keith loved every story he heard. He also liked becoming an expert by proxy, because that was inevitable — you could only hear about the important of spiders in the ecosystem so many dozen times before the information was reflective whenever someone brought up the subject.)
As soon as Keith got his mechanic’s certificate — and he passed his exam in the highest percentile, meaning he could practice anywhere in the country, much to his pleasure and Lance’s overwhelming pride — he took off to California, his one and only thought being that he had to get to Lance. (Not that it had been impulsive — this was planned, something they’d been waiting for. Did Keith run over as soon as he could? Yeah, kinda. So maybe it was a little impulsive. But mostly it was planned.)
Not to sound like a Disney princess, but Keith really felt like their life began once they moved in together. Keith was able to find a job at a pretty decent garage, bring in money for them immediately. Lance had his library job until he graduated, and of course then he was snatched up by the nearest ecological restoration effort — he got to spend his days crawling through the forest, fawning over every tiny bug and critter. He is so fucking cute. Keith loves him more than anything in the world.
Lance’s constant lectures never stopped, either — any interest he picked up, he told Keith about it. From his knitting club to the new beetle species he’d found at work, Keith got the pleasure of hearing about it. And it truly was a pleasure. Keith had his fair share of time being a motormouth, too — he’d bought a project bike as soon as they’d saved enough, and spent a fair chunk of free time building it back up. (Lance helped, or at least as much as he could. Mostly he sat in their garage, handing Keith tools, and talking about anything he could think of. If Keith could go back and tell his ten year old self what his future would look like… God. Sometimes he can’t even believe how lucky he got.)
Keith has it made. He comes home from work every day to Lance’s beaming smile and gentle teasing about the grease on his clothes. He’s got everything he’s ever wanted. He’s happy. So fucking happy.
Except that things have been a little different, recently. For the past few weeks, he’s been coming home to his usual smile and kiss, but the idle chattering or excited rambles — Keith feels as if they’ve become a rarity. Their home used to be filled with the sound of Lance’s voice, silent only when he’s reading or focused intently on something, eyes narrowed and tongue peeking out of his mouth.
Lance still looks happy. He still curls up with Keith on the couch after dinner, socked feet in Keith’s lap and three million blankets over his shoulders. He still sends Keith a myriad of heart emojis on his lunch break. Their sex life has not suffered.
But the lectures. The constant infodumps of whatever passing thing has grabbed Lance’s attention. They’re gone. And Keith’s devastated about it.
He misses Lance’s voice.
Shiro is not getting it.
“It doesn’t sound like a big deal,” he says, voice staticky because signal at the shop is ass. “I mean, maybe you two are just growing up and settling down. How long have you guys been together, now? Seven years? Eight?”
“Almost ten,” Keith says quietly.
Ten years of the same thing. This change is new. It’s strange, and Shiro isn’t getting it at all.
“Exactly! Ten years! You guys were so young when you started dating, kiddo. Hell, Lance was still wearing braces, wasn’t he? I’m not shocked that he’s mellowed out a little.” He chuckles to himself. “Hell, maybe he’s finally just learnt every bit of knowledge he finally can.”
Keith frowns. “I dunno, Shiro. Sometimes I feel like he wants to say something, but he’s holding himself back. Why would he ever hold himself back from me? I don’t — I don’t want him to hold back from me. I like it when he talks.”
“Tell him that, then. The only way you’re going to get answers is if you ask him, you dork.”
“Some brother you are,” Keith mutters, pouting. “You’re supposed to solve things for me.”
“Hm. Pretty sure you’re a grown-ass man who’s capable of solving his own problems, bud.”
“Ugh. You’re horrible. I’m changing the Netflix password to kick you off.”
Shiro laughs. “Sure! No more Costco membership for you. Password sharing goes both ways, you little snot. Now hang up and call your man. I have to leave for work soon.”
Despite his ongoing frustration, Keith can’t help a smile at the familiar banter. “Yeah, yeah. Enjoy your upcoming fourteen hour shift of hell.”
“Go fuck yourself! Love you!”
“Love you too. Bye.”
It shouldn’t really surprise him that Shiro’s no help. As much as he pesters his brother as often as possible and generally finds joy in making himself into a nuisance, they haven’t seen each other face-to-face since Christmas. They’ve lived in different states for years.
But, still. There’s some part of Keith that will always think of his big brother first when he has a problem. And that part of him had the right ideas, because Shiro is unfortunately right — he really does just need to talk to Lance. There’s not much else he can do.
He spends the rest of his shift wondering how he’s going to bring it up. He has his own motormouth moments, sure, but realistically? Keith doesn’t talk all the much. He’s more of an action person. How the hell is he supposed to breach the subject? ‘Hey, Lance. I’ve noticed that you are talking less. This change has consumed my every thought. I miss the sound of your voice. How come you don’t talk to me about your life anymore?’
Yeah, no. It sounds ridiculous even in his own head. He’ll have to — plan it out, maybe. He’s not sure. He’s never had to worry about making Lance talk more before.
He’s so distracted that he nearly burns off his eyeballs, forgetting to put on his welding mask before trying to make a part he couldn’t source for an older car. His boss sends him home early, worried he might accidentally leave a blowtorch by an air compressor or something and send the whole place up in smoke. Keith tries to take it as a blessing — maybe he’ll ride around on his bike for a while and clear his head. A way to bring it up might come to him naturally.
It doesn’t. He spends the whole ride just stressing himself out. He does drive by a flower stand, and turns around to pick up some poppies and peonies — Lance’s favourite. It won’t breach the subject, or anything, but it’ll make Lance smile. Hell, maybe he’ll start talking to Keith about all the different pollinators that made this bouquet possible. That would be a dream come true.
He hasn’t come up with any new ideas by the time he makes his way home, but he’s less stressed. He sets the flowers on the counter and takes a quick shower. Maybe he’ll start some dinner? Surprise Lance, for a change. Yeah. That won’t solve the problem, but it’ll be nice anyway.
He starts making four-cheese fettuccine and pink lemonade, because he is a sappy loser.
By the time he hears Lance’s key in the lock, he’s got the table set and the food is done. He keeps it heated on the stove, ducking into the bathroom to check his reflection as Lance steps into the apartment.
No grease smudges on his face. His hair is braided, the way that always makes Lance all blushy. He’s wearing the v-neck, too-tight black sweater that Lance likes, too. He’s got this. He doesn’t have a solid plan, or anything, but he thinks maybe if he turns up the romance then Lance will just spill whatever’s wrong. That works in the movies.
“Keith, baby? You home?”
“You have leaves in your hair,” Keith says, stepping out to meet Lance by the door. Lance smiles immediately, laughing to himself as he cards his fingers through his hair in an attempt to find them. Keith takes pity on him after a few seconds of fruitless searching, reaching forward and running gentle hands through the curly mess of his boyfriend’s hair, half to get out the leaves and half just to touch.
“Yeah — climbed a tree to check out a new weaver ant colony. Watched ‘em for hours — pretty boring, I’m sure you don’t want to hear it.”
I want to hear about it, Keith thinks mournfully. Please, please tell me about it.
“I made pasta,” Keith says quietly, when it’s clear that no more details are forthcoming. “And, uh, got you some flowers.” He tugs Lance gently towards the kitchen, placing the flowers in his hands.
“Oh, Keith, they’re gorgeous! Man, I love peonies. They looks like pink cabbages, it’s the best. And poppies —”
Yes, Keith thinks. Tell me about how California poppies were traditionally used as stress-relief medicine, but not like opioid red poppies. Tell me —
“I should put these in a vase,” Lance says instead of any of that. Keith feels like he could cry, honestly. Lance leans up and presses a kiss to his cheek, patting him on the chest. “You want to set the table while I do that? Or do you want to eat on the couch and watch a movie?”
“Table sounds good,” Keith says, because if they watch a movie then there’s no chance of Keith finding out what’s wrong.
“Okay! I’m going to get changed, too, I’ll meet you in ten.” Lance kisses him again and then rushes off. Keith waits until he’s disappeared into their bedroom to cover his face in his hands and scream silently.
Fuck! He just wants his Lance back. So badly. He wants to be woken up at strange hours of the night to hear about how trees communicate. He wants to get spam-texted as he’s trying to work, phone practically buzzing out of his pocket. He wants to hear about marketing strategies when they’re grocery shopping. He wants Lance to get distracted mid-sex by reading the back of the condom box, and then remarking with vague interest that they use the same dye in some cereals.
At the very least, he wants to know why Lance is acting so strange.
“So,” Lance says, once they’ve both settled down at the table and started to eat. “How come you’re home early?”
“Boss sent me home, I was distracted. I’m not mad, honestly. It’s been a while since I’ve done something special for you, which is a travesty.”
Lance smiles. “Dork. I appreciate it, though. Very sweet of you.” He shifts in his seat, tucking his legs up under him and leaning his head on his chin to look at Keith properly. “How come you were distracted?” He wiggles his eyebrows. “Thinkin’ about this hot bod all day?”
Keith huffs a laugh. “Somethin’ like that.”
“Tell me! I’m curious now. I have to know or I’ll die.”
“You’re so dramatic.”
“Mhm. That’s not even the half of it, and you know it. If you don’t tell me right now I’ll just start listing the names of royals throughout European history and how freaky it is that most of them are directly related.”
Lance is teasing. His tone is light and playful; he’s obviously trying to goad Keith into playing along and groaning theatrically. A few weeks ago, Keith might have given in easily, and started ribbing him about why on Earth he has the names memorized in the first place.
But all Keith can think about is just how badly he would love to hear that.
Keith’s voice comes out embarrassingly sincere. Soft and hopeful and dead-serious.
Lance’s hand stills, mid pasta-swirl.
“You…want me to? List names of inbred royals?”
Keith swallows. It’s as good of a segue as any, he supposes.
“Because I — I miss your voice, I guess.”
“Keith, I talk all the time,” Lance says, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He snorts to himself. “One might even say it’s my defining quality.”
“You haven’t been. Not recently. You used to talk all the time, but now — I dunno. The house is quiet. I miss you talking about random things. I miss hearing about your day and the million creatures you met and the people you saw on the bus home and the weirdly-shaped stone you tripped over on the sidewalk. I miss you bazillion lunch-break texts. I miss your running commentary when we watch a movie, even though you miss important dialogue and have to rewind to hear it again. I dunno. I just miss you.”
Keith keeps his eyes downcast on his plate as he speaks, and keeps it there after he finishes. He’s finished his food, already, but he can’t bring himself to look at Lance’s face.
There’s a strange quality to Lance’s voice, a sort of — bewildered breathlessness. Keith risks a glance, finding his boyfriend staring at him with a dropped jaw and wide brown eyes.
“You really — you miss my motormouth?”
Keith shrugs. “I fell in love with your motormouth. Of course I miss it.”
That makes Lance’s cheeks heat, and he glances down at his plate like they’re teenagers again and Keith told him he was cute for the first time.
Keith’s not sure what else to say. He doesn’t know how to express that there’s nothing that Lance does that he dislikes, not truly. Sure, it’s annoying when Lance leaves a million half-full cups of water around the apartment, and Keith is regularly tripping over the shoes that he never puts away for some reason, but there’s nothing — every part of him is precious to Keith. Everything he does and everything he is, Keith knows he can’t live without.
“I know you love me,” Lance whispers. He looks pointedly away from Keith, pushing a couple wayward noodles around on his plate. “I’ve never — I’ve never needed to doubt that.”
Keith swallows. “Good.”
“I — yeah. You show me all the time. And, I mean, look at today! You brought me flowers home just because. You do things like that for me regularly; I never forget that you care about me. But —”
One word. Three measly letters. But it’s enough to feel like a stone is dropping on Keith’s chest.
“— sometimes I feel like I’m too much? Like, I’m kind of intense. I know that. And I can’t always tell when I’m being weird or annoying. And you’d never — you’d never string me along, I know that. If you stopped loving me you’d tell me.”
“I would never stop loving you.” Keith can’t say the words fast enough. He wants to print them out and — tattoo them on his forehead. Melt them into gold and press them into Lance’s hands. Smash them to dust and sprinkle them in the air. Whatever — whatever it takes to prove to Lance that they’re true.
Lance bites his lip. His eyes are wet. “I — I don’t want us to —”
Keith doesn’t wait for the tears to fall. He stands and hurries the two feet over to Lance’s chair, carefully pulling him up and wrapping tight arms around his waist. Lance falls into him willingly, resting his forehead on Keith’s shoulder and leaning into him.
“Three of my coworkers think I’m annoying,” he whispers, long after the food’s gone cold and the light from the window has begun to dim. After Keith’s arms have gone a little numb and a wet spot has grown where Lance’s face is pressed into his shirt. “I just thought — I thought we were friends, but I heard them talking about how exhausting I am to be around. I don’t want — I don’t want you to get tired of me, too.”
Keith closes his eyes as he exhales in a shudder, firmly reminding himself that unfortunately, being a two-faced asshole is not illegal, and Keith has no defense for hunting those shitheads down and murdering them a little.
“They are not worth the ground you walk on,” Keith whispers, pressing a firm kiss to Lance’s hair. “You have more value in your toenail clippings than they do in their entire bodies.”
Lance giggles wetly. “Gross.”
”I mean it,” Keith says, smiling. “I love you, Lance. All of you. I never get tired of listening to you talk. Okay?”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
It takes a while. Those asshole coworkers did a number on Lance’s self-esteem, because they’re horrible, and they deserve every horrible thing that happens to them. Honestly, Keith kind of hopes their cars break down and they have to spend ridiculous amounts of money getting them fixed by idiots, because Keith has quietly blacklisted them to every good mechanic in town. (Not that Lance knows. Lance is too nice to ask for something like that. Keith, however, is a bitch, and has no problem doing shady things to appease his own sense of justice.)
Eventually, though, the apartment stops being so silent. It starts with a shark documentary that takes them three hours to watch because Lance keeps pausing it to point out specific behaviours to Keith. And then they get kicked out of a casino they go to for shits and giggles, because Lance can’t contain himself and points out how the house is strategically winning all the card games they’re calling ‘luck-based’. And then grocery store trips start taking too long again, and Lance gets distracted mid-shower comparing the ingredients of shampoo and conditioner, and then they start a small fire in the apartment because he was explaining how broccoli evolved from mustard seed and burnt a whole pan of stir-fry to a crisp.
One day, seemingly out of the blue, Shiro sends him a picture of him and Lance, fifteen years old, at the shitty town Applebee’s.
I was looking at old pictures, the text reads. And you were right. It is strange that Lance was so quiet. I can’t imagine how that would feel. I’m glad you two worked things out.
Keith looks over at Lance, who’s singing a the periodic table song to himself as he washes the dishes for Keith to dry, and smiles.
He’s glad they worked it out, too.
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Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron), Lance & Voltron Paladins Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Original Characters, Original Alien Character(s) Additional Tags: here's some langst i've been putting off forEVER, Angst, Langst, Lance (Voltron) Angst, Lance (Voltron)-centric, Lance (Voltron) Whump, Lance (Voltron) Is Not Okay, Keith (Voltron) Is Not Okay, No One Is Okay, Whats the tag for team NOT as family, Team as shitty coworkers, It's basically how lance was treated in canon, Keith is pissed, Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Emotional Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Sexual Assault, let me disclose that the keith/lance is NOT the primary goal of this fic, it's there but there are many issues that are NOT solved with some ooey gooey romance, just putting that out there in case thats what people are here for, Unhealthy Team Dynamics, Unhealthy Relationships, (meaning lance and the team), Self-Hatred, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Doubt, honestly probably some gaslighting, Gaslighting, Rape/Non-con Elements, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Crying, Trauma Summary:
Lance is a Paladin of Voltron, and he doesn’t take orders from anyone but his leader. He maintains that appearance, anyway, as he tilts his own head back, as if he has to consider it. The truth is, every molecule in his being is zinging to be across the room, lost in conversation with an attractive, friendly stranger. To be anywhere but here, alone and miserable and with nothing to do but stew in his isolation until he can finally go back to the Castle.
 The stranger’s smile turns into an outright, teeth-showing grin. And that, Lance will later reflect—that’s what seals the deal. That’s the point of no return.
When Lance falls victim to a stranger at a party, it brings up more issues than the fresh trauma alone.
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langstwhynot · 1 year
everybody has to go read this klance fic with langst right NOW I’m emotionally attached FOREVER
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jalapenobee · 2 years
Hiii I wrote something angsty again (kinda)
Right here
Summary: Lance goes through… some things. Keith shows up to help.
663 words
The first thing Lance noticed was the shotgun in the corner, resting on a side table meant for living rooms. The second thing was the rows of cattle, hanging upside down from iron racks hung high on the walls.
They were… dead. Why were they dead? Lance had only seen cattle that were alive, always trotting slowly across the fields whenever he went out to watch them.
Lance’s breathing became heavy and he felt dizzy looking at all the cattle. He stepped backward and rubbed his eyes, trying to prevent tears from falling. “Papa, why did you bring me here?”
Ernesto sat in a wooden chair in front of Lance, chewing on a piece of jerky slowly while staring coldly at his son. He leaned forward to be level to Lance’s face. “Stop your foolish whining. You need to learn how to take over this place.”
As Lance confusedly protested, Ernesto sighed and sat back in the chair. Just like his mother. Always going against me. “You will be a man soon. Learn to get used to this, because it’s about to become a lot more familiar.”
He got up, walked to the other side of the room while beckoning Lance to follow. When he reached the center, he stopped at a short table and stooped down to pick up a machete that was lying on it. He ignored Lance’s gasps and turned around to face him. He held out the weapon to the six year old in front of him. “Take this.”
Lance looked mortified. “But…”
“Take it!”
The child quickly reached forward to retrieve the machete, stumbling at the sudden weight in his hands. It was by far the heaviest thing he had carried. As much as he tried to back away, Ernesto yanked on his wrist, dragging him to a cow at the end of a row.
“Cut the fucking cow, boy.”
Eyes burning with tears, Lance stumbled back and dropped the machete. He rubbed his eyes with one small hand and flailed around the other in a fruitless attempt to balance himself. He toppled over, landing on his bottom, wailing.
“No! I can’t do it!”
He continued to cry, trying desperately to get himself under control, for fear of what his papa would do to him. He had good reason to be scared.
Ernesto sighed for what seemed to be the millionth time today, snatching the machete from its place on the floor. He rested the flat side on his shoulder, staring with a grimace at the blubbering child. He rolled his eyes and swung the machete in his direction with a blank face, waiting for the satisfying “splurt” of metal and flesh.
Lance shot up, his whole face drenched in sweat and heart pounding, so, so loud. He tried to make himself hear anything else as a distraction. He settled on the sound of Keith’s breathing, a breathy comforter from next to him at two in the morning.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Lance let out his own breath, insanely relieved that the nightmare hadn’t been real. He slowly slunk back into his previous position, pulling the blanket over his neck to fend off the cold he didn’t realize was feeling. In the process, he pulled the blanket off of Keith, aiding the other boy to stir and sleepily blink open his eyes, gazing at Lance’s silhouette.
“Lance? You okay?”
The silhouette nodded, and sunk into the bed next to Keith. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Lance heard a small huff, then the shifting of his boyfriend. “Another nightmare?”
He tried to think of anything, training, Hunk’s cooking, Shiro’s terrible shower singing, to escape reliving the slaughterhouse scene, squeaking out a small “yes” before he couldn’t think of anything else. Lance felt arms wrap around his waist, a face buried in his chest, fluffy hair grazing his chin.
“I’m right here if you need me.” A voice whispered into his chest. “You know that, right?”
Lance nodded through small tears. He did.
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lokiitama · 1 year
Prison of the Mind - Chapter 22
It took me a few years, but my very first fanfic on Ao3 is finally completed 🥰
I can’t believe I’m posting the last chapter for this fic! It feels so strange, after having worked on it regularly since 2021, and having the idea plague my mind since 2018!
Warnings: none!
“It’s not that hard, Lance,” Allura huffed from the lavish pillows on the floor in the simulated juniberry field they were training in. She looked three seconds away from pinching the bridge of her nose. “You just have to focus.”
“Easy for you to say!” Lance scoffed after dramatically falling back on his equally lavish pillows. ”I don’t do meditation.”
At least not without feeling like a thousand ants were crawling up his legs at every given time.
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
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swagging-back-to · 7 months
i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate (langst) angst that almost immedately just stops as soon as a single person says im sorry.
0 notes
art-lokiitama · 1 year
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Day 10 of @langstron 's Autumn of Langst with "Druid"
My last entry for the challenge! I feel like a third of the entire month isn't all too bad to reach and I don't want to drag it out. Wouldn't want drawing to be a chore after all haha
165 notes · View notes
localfanbaselurker · 28 days
Watching Voltron:Legendary Defender for the First Time and Recording my Thoughts
S1-2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | you are here! | S7 | S8
<this debrief/review is pretty rant heavy because of how the season personally impacted me, but fret not! i (hopefully) made it to be still enjoyable/fun to read! just a heads up tho!!>
You get to see the “Pre” thoughts before the read more this time! As a treat <3
Pre-S6 Thoughts
->for the most part I think I understand what’s going on with shiro, but I want to really make sure. jussssst in case.
->they gave lance a big focus in season five so hopefully “we” get to see what that’s culminating to. Super excited about that!
->I don’t fw Lotor all that much despite him being the blorbo by proxy (oomf’s fav) but hopefully this season can change that. I’m just beginning to like him (beginning!) and it’s a 400k slowburn melting an ice berg of hate at that. but it’s getting there. soon they’ll hold hands.
->despite my personal enjoyment of allurance, I would be okay with lotura if Lotor got fully redeemed (in the show and in my heart)
->I’ve noticed a sort of pattern where the characters get a specific episode(s) dedicated to them each season (shiro s1, keith s2, keith+allura s3, pidge s4, and lance s5) So hopefully hunk gets his focus episode this season
->I NEED to see what happened after keith found out about krolia
->hopefully more haggar/honerva lore, maybe even lotor lore to redeem him using Tragic Backstory™ points
Post-Season Six
-> what the actual frick.
-> what WAS this season bro.
-> This season had me getting punched,kicked and tortured left and right and up and down and everywhere. the plot twists and dramatic turns and cries and gasps just kept coming
-> this season left me like lance at the climax of a langst fanfic (yk like right b4 they save him and he’s all fucked over)
-> there are lots of things i liked and also SO MUCH i didn’t like this season
-> so pros and cons basically that’s it that’s the “review”
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->^LITERALLY LOOK AT HIM!!! HE GOT SOLID CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT TOO!! He reacted much calmer than his s1/2 self would have in a far less stressful situation!!! He grew up!!! HE GREW UPPPP!!
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->^He looks like he’s itching to make a gay joke
->why did lance “die” in the first ep?? It was so random and literally served no purpose?? like it was never talked about in the other episodes and was literally just randomly put in the episode’s run time. it had nothing to do with the shield or whatever was going on with Shiro or lotor either
->does it get talked about in the next seasons or?? like it was literally just a throwaway scene
->the whole “two years” thing is a little difficult to comprehend on all of its layers but I like to think of it positively because that means Keith and krolia got to spend time building upon their relationship and everything that krolia missed, more than just those flashbacks were “memory shared” between them, and keith resolved some of his internal conflicts.
->however it is probably going to make Keith be even more distant with the team because in his mind two years passed while in theirs only like 2-3 months passed from seeing him in person (if you don’t count 5x04 but they barely saw him there) so the relationships that he was building with them have fallen back a little on his part but the others still feel super close to him, so I hope that also gets resolved in s7
-> LANCE IS CUBAN!!! I got super excited you guys don’t understand. maybe you do considering the notes on my post where I said that. But still. I actually squealed so loud when he said it.
-> The mock DnD episode was super fun!! the calm before the storm though I guess
->i looooved the fact that keith came back to the team but that episode pissed me off SOOOOO FREAKING BAD BRO.
->^“we need to attack Lotor when he comes back” OMFGGGGGG NOOOOOOOO THATS literally so STUPID. make a PLAN first you freaking IDIOTS.
->^Literally if they had just played it cool when lotura came back and then told Allura about everything privately THEN stage an intervention/interrogation with Lotor like in Season 5, NONE OF THAT WOULD’VE HAPPENED.
->^but nooooooo we have to be STUPID and ATTACK IMMEDIATELY because PLOT REASONS. istg. don’t get me started this isn’t even the beginning of that rant. I just… *long suffering sigh*
->^and the way they immediately took the altean girl’s word and turned on Lotor? Y’all some fake ass bitches fr didn’t even let the man defend himself. it could’ve been a misunderstanding but okay. damn.
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->^WHY ARE YOU INCRIMINATING YOURSELF BRO. OH MY GODDDDDD. every time i told myself that this episode couldn’t get any worse,, it. got. FUCKING. WORSE.
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->^low key get the altean girl’s frustration tho because that shit was traumatizing. literally my live reaction right there
-> the only good things that happened that episode were lance calling keith hot and the team meeting krolia. maybe the lotura kiss. (I would’ve enjoyed it more if it wasn’t for the knowledge that they were straight up gonna beat Lotor’s ass when they got inside the castle)
->I guess I have to suffer for the absolute SQUEAL I gave when Kieth went up to the black lion and said “FORM VOLTRON” making them do the thing where they’re divided into 5 frames like a comic
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->^that bitch ass clone better be ready to catch these hands. you do NOT say that to my boy.
->I got so excited when keith went all galra! ultimately yeah he did it because he was incredibly stressed but still it was super cool!
-> I was actually a little sad that Lotor didn’t get a real redemption. Like yeah I saw it from a mile away by the way he talked about quintessence and overall attitude but idk,, like him and allura actually seemed in love. even if he was just doing it for the quintessence you could tell he actually ended up genuinely falling in love with her. maybe it’s just me, but i think it would’ve been nice.
-> maybe keith and him could’ve bonded about being half-galra, and keith would finally get some solidarity with someone who knows exactly how he feels? idk it’s just a lot of missed opportunity there.
-> and then they just…kill him off…wow. that was a lot to take in. I had to actually take a moment. I mean it wasn’t even his fault, really. the quintessence got to him just like his parents. it’s actually super tragic now that I think about it. reminds me of family jewels by MARINA.
->I will say though that final battle was absolutely amazing. Beautifully animated and the action was great. I loved getting to see all the lions powers in the quintessence field. And the flaming sword?? that was literally awesome.
-> my hopes of allurance died but i think this is actually a really good step, Allura still felt bad for lotor when she didn’t wanna leave him in the quintessence field because she still loved him and after the conversation she had with the mice it was obvious she doesn’t (and won’t) like lance back, (she could’ve began to in s4/5) and lance seems to accept this as well, (seeing how he handles it when allura confides in him) which would be good for their relationship. so im happy about that 😊
->ngl if they ended it here it could’ve been pretty good, solid ending. Like, leave the rest up to interpretation sort of thing. (Yes I know there are some strings to be tied yet but yk what I mean) The ending was really satisfactory and if they just fixed a couple plot holes it would’ve been the perfect way to end the show tbh. Idk tho I still need to watch the last two seasons so I’ll see if I still keep my opinion then
->lance’s s5 focus didn’t really culminate to all that much, but he got to be taken seriously when he cried about shiro, so there’s that.
-> the clone!shiro vs keith fight was literally beautiful too omg. The emotions were perfectly captured and the flashbacks were just so perfectly timed it was incredible. the way you could just feel exactly everything keith felt as he fought what looked identical to the man who practically raised him was just. wow.
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->^literally gorgeous. look at that, man. beautiful.
-> Don’t get me started on “you’re my brother, I love you” because I will start crying immediately
-> So. yeah. This season was a mess. I laughed. I cried (a lot) I got super pissed in the middle. But it was really super enjoyable otherwise. Bittersweet, really.
-> Hopefully Season Seven doesn’t disappoint! I really hope there’s more Keith+Shiro lore. Just. In general all their family lore.
These are thoughts I’ve been compiling for a while. I will continue to post my thoughts on the tag “Laura’s first VLD”
Please Remember that I am just a person with a life and responsibilities and try to be patient about updates.
Thank you 💞
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hi this is my third time trying to get back into VLD and honestly i think this time my juICES ARE FL O WING
soooo, my ao3 is nightingale231
and i was wondering if you could write any kind of,,, langst with smitten pining lance and specifically thinking keith deserves better?
[or mom friend lance tbh]
Your wish is my command (also I'll gift this to you on A03 :3)
I really debated between making this established klance and in the talking stage so I did a mix of both
Lance felt like he was on cloud nine, his lips pressed against his formal rival. It was over as quick as it happened, Keith pulling away, his face matching the color on his armor.
"Don't you ever do that again." Keith looked him up and down, seeming to check him for any injuries.
"I will if it means you'll kiss me."
Keith rolled his eyes, "I can't kiss you if you're dead because you tried to sacrifice yourself for me."
"I tried to sacrifice myself for Voltron actually. Little self-centered there Keith," Lance poked his forehead.
Keith grabbed his wrist, "I like you too much to have you die on me."
Lance felt his face burn. The kiss should have been enough reason for him to realize Keith liked him back but hearing him say it made his knees weak.
Keith kissed him again, ignoring the rest of the team finally making their way into the Blue lion hanger. Lance kissed him back eagerly, trying to ignore the voice in the back of his head telling him he wasn't worth it.
He and Keith didn't immediately start dating, but they became joined at the hip. Their arguments died down into nothing, just slight bickering once in a while. You couldn't have one without the other. Everyone's bonds for Voltron became stronger. The team was running better than ever.
"You awake?" Keith whispered in the dark of the room.
Lance moved slightly, being mindful of the boy next to him, "yeah."
"Can't sleep?"
"You're the one to talk."
Keith chuckled in the dark, "I'm just lost in thought."
"What about?"
"How much I like this guy I know."
Lance smiled, more to himself than to the other boy. No matter how many times Keith implied his feelings towards him, he still found himself flustered. "What would you tell this mystery guy."
"That I like him a lot, and he makes me happy and I like being around him."
Lance felt the other boy's lips pressed against his cheek.
"And I was wondering if he would be interested in being my boyfriend."
Lance thought his heart was going to beat out of his chest; he wondered if Keith could hear it. His chest swam with a mix of emotions, tightening a bit as the feeling. He liked Keith, he liked him more than he could put into words. But he was just Lance. He was a nobody compared to Keith.
If they didn't end up in space together Keith wouldn't have known who he was, let alone have feelings for him. He knew he wasn't the best person for Keith.
"Did you fall asleep?" Keith's voice had a hint of disappointment to it.
"No, sorry just thinking."
"About what I asked?"
"Yeah...um." He couldn't faintly see Keith's outline in the dark.
"You don't have to say yes." Keith began to lean back to lie down.
"I didn't say no."
"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend."
Keith propped himself back up, quickly finding Lance's lips. Lips kissed him back, trying to will his brain to shut up.
They had been dating for almost two months, and Lance was absolutely smitten with Keith in every way possible. Dating Keith was better than he could have ever imagined. Keith was soft when it was just the two of them. He was completely different than when they were with the team. He let his guard down, relaxed more, he whispered sweet things in his ears. Lance couldn't believe that Keith wanted to be with him. That Keith chose him.
The unfortunate part about being with Keith, someone who Shiro (y'know the best pilot in the Garrison) mentored, someone who was at the top of his class at the Garrison, someone who was good at everything he did; Lance couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't worthy of him.
Lance knew he had a place in Voltron but lately, he had been questioning his status as the right leg of Voltron. He just didn't feel like he contributing to the team in a valuable way. In a way that no one else could.
And sometimes, even when Lance just wanted to simply spend time with his boyfriend, his brain picked apart every reason why he wasn't enough for Keith. Why Keith should find someone better.
He kept his thoughts to himself, making sure he didn't worry his boyfriend or the team. He could push through these thoughts.
"Lance? You spaced out there."
He blinked at the voice, pulling himself out of the dissociative state he found himself in. "We are in space so."
"Ha good one Lance!" Hunk replied.
Shiro gave him a slight frown, "you okay?"
Lance nodded, "yeah sorry. Just lost in thought."
"Okay. We were just discussing the mission."
Lance looked up at the hologram, "looks good to me."
"Okay. Then this is the idea we're going with. Get some rest everyone." Shiro dismissed the team and everyone dispersed.
"You want to watch a movie?" Keith stood in front of his boyfriend, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Yeah...yeah a movie sounds good. You pick though." He stood from his chair, letting his boyfriend take his hand and drag him towards his bedroom.
"You're not even paying attention." Keith poked his cheek.
"I am, I swear."
"Who's Gazel?"
"....She's the main character?"
"No one in this movie is named Gazel. Something is on your mind. You can tell me."
Lance stared at his boyfriend, for a brief movement he thought about spilling his guts to him. Telling him all his insecurities. He opened his mouth, "I love you."
Keith's face fell into a surprised expression before he smiled, "I love you too."
Sleep began to escape from Lance. No matter how much he tried he found himself tossing and turning throughout the night. His anxiety would rip any peace he managed to hold in his grasp.
Which is how he found himself sitting on the observatory desk, a blanket wrapped around him. He watched the stars dance around in his vision, his eyes burning no matter how many times he blinked. All he wanted to do was sleep.
"Babe? What are you doing in here?"
He closed his eyes, he knew Keith would eventually stumble upon him. "Hey." He didn't even have the energy to turn and face him.
Keith softly walked over to him, sitting down next to him. "You weren't in bed."
"Couldn't sleep."
"You couldn't sleep the past couple of nights...or last couple of weeks."
Lance took a deep breath, "yeah."
"What's been on your mind?"
"Oh, stupid things. Nothing you need to worry about mullet."
"Lance...we've talked about you lying to me."
"It's not a lie."
"I don't think it's stupid."
"You don't even know what it is."
"True, but anything that bothers you is not stupid."
Lance pulled his knees closer to his chest, he knew this was a dumb argument to have with his boyfriend. "I just...I think... never mind let's just go back to bed."
"No, what were you going to say?" Keith leaned into his side slightly. "I won't be mad at whatever you have to say."
"Okay...I think you deserve better."
"What do you mean?" Keith's voice was hesitant as if he was thinking of the worst-case scenario of Lance's words.
"I think you deserve better. I don't think I'm good for you...or that I live up to what you need."
"What do you think I need?"
"Someone who can hold a candle to you. You're like...one of the best pilots in the word, you are a great swordsman, everything you do is just...good. And then I'm beside you just not contributing."
"You don't think you contribute?"
"Not really. You could have anyone in the world and you chose me? Something doesn't add up."
"I chose you because I love you."
"But if we didn't end up here," Lance gestured to the Castle, "you wouldn't know me. You wouldn't love me. I wouldn't exist to you."
Keith didn't respond for a couple of moments, his eyes scanning the stars. "You're right. I wouldn't know you. Or Hunk or Pidge. I would still be living in the shack, going crazy over the Blue lion. And I probably wouldn't be in a relationship either."
Lance didn't respond, he didn't know what to say. Keith wasn't wrong.
"I chose you Lance because I like you. You make me happy, you are someone I feel drawn to. And you're the team sharpshooter; you can come up with plans on the fly and hold the team together even if you don't realize it. Without you, we wouldn't be Voltron."
"I guess."
"Babe, look at me."
Lance turned his body to meet his boyfriend's eyes. Keith reached up and gently touched his cheek. "I love you. I love you more than I can put into words. You are everything I want and more. You amaze me every day and you will continue to amaze me. This anxiety is just anxiety. Not the truth."
"I'm worried you're going to find someone else." He closed his eyes, "someone better than me."
"Lance the only person I'm looking for is a witness for when we get married."
"I think that's for future Keith and Lance."
"And I'm excited for them to get to that point."
Lance leaned forward and connected their lips softly, this time he shushed his anxiety.
I hope you liked it :3
Thank you <33333
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langstron · 1 year
Langst Month Prompts!
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✨Calendar reveal ✨
Welcome to Autumn of Langst, which will last from the 1st of September to the 30th of September!
This is our calendar of angsty prompts, with a few comfort ones to wrap it up all nice and cosy! All brought to you in advance if you wish to prepare for the month ahead.
You can write, draw, create any kind of crafts, playlists, edits? All is game!
Once you're done with your creation don't forget to post it with the #langstmonth2023 tag so we can see it and reblog it! (You can even tag the blog to make sure we really see it)
Ideally, posting would start on the 1st of September, so to match that, we won't be starting the reblogs until then either.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop an ask, and if you wish, you can join the Langstron Discord Server as well!
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It’s a stupid thing to be hurt about. Lance knows it is. He knows absolutely firsthand, now, how much worse things can be; hell, he has been through objectively worse! Several times! He was blown up! It gave him brain damage!
His eyes burn, anyway, and the lump in his throat is impossible to choke down.
“It doesn’t fucking matter,” he mutters harshly to himself, voice hoarse. “It doesn’t — it’s not serious. Chill out.”
He’s been repeating the same mantra to himself on and off all day. Longer than that, really.
But this time it doesn’t work. He knows why, but he thought he was — he’s supposed to be okay with this. He’s an adult. He’s eighteen years old! It all feels so — stupid and juvenile, and he’s not stupid and juvenile, and it’s not even anyone’s fault and there’s no fucking reason to be mad, except that he’s four goddamn years old, apparently, and can’t fucking handle a situation without crying like a stupid fucking toddler.
It’s just that he —
He clenches the quilt tightly in his hands, squeezing his eyes shut.
He’s been working on this for over a year.
They don’t have a ton of free time, as paladins. They’re constantly on missions or training or planning or spending hours in the healing pod as a result of the missions and training and planning. There’s always a million things to do. But there are moments, here in there, when at least one hand is free, when there’s time to wind down, have some time to yourself.
Lance has been using his rare pockets of time to collect scraps of fabric, from worn curtains to torn flight suits to beautiful decorative things gifted on diplomatic missions. It was something he did with his Abuela at home, from when he was barely big enough to see the sewing machine from her lap, and the sound of the piercing needle and weaving thread is a comfort, now, something familiar he can do with his hands, something to remind him why he’s on this haunted castle in the dead of space, billions of lightyears away from home.
He’s proud of it. It’s by no means the first quilt he’s ever made and it shows in the straight lines of the stitching, the swirling patterns of the patches. It was a calming process but a difficult one, too, and he’s poured his heart and soul into it, seeing together the reds and blues and greens and yellows and blacks to make something solid of their frantic time in space. He’s been too excited to keep it to himself, even, mentioning it here and there, bringing it up during conversation at dinner.
He hadn’t expected everyone to drop what they were doing and write a fucking poem about it, obviously, but he had — he thought there’d be something. Anything. When he draped it pointedly over his lap during movie night, tracing the stitches with his pointer finger, he’d expected someone to say, woah, cool, you make that yourself? You were telling us about it!
His face burns hot with shame, and he swipes angrily under his eyes. How fucking arrogant. It’s just a — it’s a fucking blanket made of worn scraps. They’re fighting a war. He can’t believe he expected a fucking — fluffing of his ego, or whatever. It’s embarrassing. It’s a child whining for their mother to watch them do half a cartwheel.
He balls up the fabric, resisting the urge to rip it to shreds, and stomps down the hallway, blowing past a bewildered Keith. He nearly slams right into the wall as he rounds the corner, staggering to the side at the last minute, yanking open the hatch of the garbage chute and stuffing the quilt in.
“Fucking — come on.” The stupid fucking quilt is too bulky. He slams both palms flat against the bunched fabric and shoves, but his arms shake, and the harder he presses the more frustrated tears well up and steam down his face, and the weaker his arms gets. “Go — in!”
He rears his fist back and slams it into the ball of fabric as hard as he can, but the stupid thing stays jammed. With a shout of frustration he kicks the side of chute, hard, but all that does is damn near break his toe, so he pounds the quilt with his fists again and again and again and —
“Fuck off!” he screams, kicking the stupid chute one more time before giving up and slamming the lid back down on it. It doesn’t do anything but make the whole thing look a thousand times more pathetic; his stupid childish quilt stuffed in a garbage chute where it belongs but refusing to slide down like the ugly eyesore it is. The sobs that he’d been choking down since the beginning of that stupid fucking movie tear their way out of him and there’s not a goddamn thing he can do to stop them, so he turns and flees, leaves the ugly thing behind him, sprinting all the way to his room, furiously wiping his eyes. He throws himself on his bed at full speed and nearly cracks his head on the wall when he bounces on the mattress. He snatches the nearest pillow and hugs it to his chest, shoving his face so deeply into the down that he can hardly breathe, sobbing so hard he has to choke down vomit.
He’s a fucking idiot. A fool. A goddamn child.
He cries until he passes out.
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toaverse · 2 years
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Ik heb in 2022 1.605 keer iets geplaatst
Dat zijn 320 berichten meer dan 2021!
976 berichten gemaakt (61%)
629 berichten gereblogd (39%)
Blogs die ik het meest heb gereblogd:
Ik heb 1.558 van mijn berichten getagd in 2022
Slechts 3% van mijn berichten had geen tags
#toaverse answers - 880 berichten
#answered ask - 880 berichten
#encanto au - 611 berichten
#mirabel madrigal - 420 berichten
#bruno madrigal - 300 berichten
#isabela madrigal - 259 berichten
#pepa madrigal - 210 berichten
#dolores madrigal - 194 berichten
#alma madrigal - 178 berichten
#agustín madrigal - 177 berichten
Langste tag: 126 tekens
#and i’m blocking people who whine that the film isn’t gay and think that all straight relationships are automatically accepted
Mijn populairste berichten in 2022:
There an Au where Bruno died before the kids were born and after Mirabel’s ceremony she started to see him and because she was picking up his habits Everone thought she was Bruno reincarnated
After years and years of getting bad prophesies from him, some of the villagers decided to…end the source of them…
Or more accurately; Kill Bruno…
So, after luring him to an empty part of town to do a vision, which was another bad one, the villagers pretended to be okay with it, and offered him a drink as a “Thank you”.
Unbeknownst to Bruno though, the drink was poisoned…
He drank it, and at first the townspeople struck up a conversation with him like they’ve always been cool with him, like they didn’t intend on killing him, and Bruno finally felt like he belonged.
But then the poison took affect…
Slowly, all so slowly, Bruno felt immense pain in his stomach, and stumbled to the ground.
All he heard where those same nice villagers insulting him, calling him a disgrace and a stain to the Madrigals, saying that he was better off dead anyways, and that everyone would be happier without him around…
No one heard them say those words. Dolores was a month away from receiving her gift, so no one heard anything…
Eventually, after what felt like hours, Bruno had died, slow and painful, without any of his loved ones around…
Those villagers would dump his body in the jungle for the jaguars to eat…
But what they didn’t know was that Bruno came back as a ghost they couldn’t see, free to roam the world.
Bruno however, chose to stay and roam Casita, wanting to stay near his family he loved so much.
Meanwhile, Alma became quite worried when her son didn’t return home before dinner. Even when he had become distant to the family, he would always eat dinner with them.
So, she went to the town to ask if the townspeople have seen Bruno somewhere, but all of them said they haven’t seen him.
Within days, rumors started to circulate that Bruno had ran away, some even saying he had left the Encanto somehow.
Alma and the family didn’t believe the rumors at first, but as time passed, Alma and Pepa in particular began to believe those rumors. And so, “We don’t talk about Bruno” became a thing.
But they had no idea. They had no idea that their son and brother was murdered by those same townspeople who spread those rumors…
Meanwhile, Bruno saw his beloved family go about their daily lives, and saw his nieces and nephews being brought into the world.
He would watch over them, play with them as if they could see him, but he knew they couldn’t. It was a nice thought though.
But all of it changed when Mirabel’s gift ceremony arrived.
Upon touching her doorknob, the girl’s door faded away in front of her eyes, leaving her without a room and giftless…
She went to bed crying that night, in the nursery again, all alone…
Bruno went to check on her, and upon seeing her crying her eyes out, instantly went to comfort her.
“Everything will be okay, Mira.” He said, floating behind her. “You’re just as special as everyone else.”
After having said that, Mirabel stopped crying, and turned around, facing him, as if she heard that??
“Who are you?” Mirabel asked the ghost, looking at him.
Bruno couldn’t believe it. She could see him??
Het volledige bericht bekijken
217 notities - Geplaatst 22 april 2022
I was thinking of an ENCANTO CURSED GIFT AU: Where instead of cracks, casita shows the destruction of the family by corrupting the gifts, all the stress, sadness, and anger (especially of Abuelita) make the magic turn into a curse. Starting with Mirabel and them little poor Antonio (still deciding what curses would they have, a little help, please?). Just imagine, this still would portray Maribel as an outcast and the family as their own villains. And Antonio and Maribel relation as brothers!!
Oh nice!
As for what the gift's curses could be (in order), maybe:
Mirabel abruptly loosing her sight, becoming blind.
Isabela only growing dangerous plants, even though she wanted roses.
Luisa losing control of her strength...
Julieta's food only hurting people even more.
Pepa's rainstorms and hurricanes becoming more severe.
Dolores' hearing becoming too loud for her to handle with no pause.
Camilo not being able to shape shift anymore.
And Antonio not being able to talk to certain animals anymore...
Bruno won't suffer, because he already sees his gift as a curse.
Agustin and Félix also won't be affected by it, but they do have to constantly be there for the others in case something goes wrong (a lot of accidents did happen...)
Alma's curse would be the candle melting into a small flame, keeping the rest of her family trapped with their own curses.
Alma would still blame Mirabel for it all, resulting in most of the townspeople and even some of the Madrigals blaming her as well...
Yup, that means Bruno has to save the day, while also helping Mira guide through the world without sight.
225 notities - Geplaatst 7 januari 2022
A angsti Encanto AU! Casita after see how Alma took more advantage over little kid Luisa decided to punish her, how? By giving curses to Camilo, Mari, and Antonio instead of gifts. And instead of cracks, Casita just starts to get more corrupted and aggressive toward those who doesn't have a curse
Right after Luisa’s ceremony, Alma immediately expected her to do chores around town and all, starting Luisa’s “useless if not of surface” mentality.
Casita noticed this, and decided to punish Alma for it.
That punishment would come to be on Camilo’s ceremony night…
The boy would still receive a door, but instead of being given a gift, he’s given a curse. A curse that, whenever he touched someone in the slightest, they would feel agonizing pain upon it…
Pepa and Félix found out the hard way…
It made Camilo distant with everyone, locking himself in his room most of the time to avoid interaction or accidentally bumping into someone. But at the same time, he just wanted a hug…
Alma would obviously question Casita and the magic, but Casita wasn’t done yet…
At her ceremony, Mirabel didn’t receive a door, and had to watch it fade away before receiving her curse, going blind and deaf…
So when Antonio was born, everyone dreaded his ceremony…
Pepa and Félix even begged Alma to just scrap his ceremony altogether, but the matriarch still held hope, and insisted…
While Antonio did get a door, he was given a curse too, the curse of seeing someone’s death upon looking at them…
Every. Single. Time…
And the first death he saw was his mami’s…
Antonio cried with his eyes closed for hours…
“I TOLD YOU TO SKIP IT ALL!” Pepa screamed at her mother. She was livid, furious, and boiling with anger. Even Félix couldn’t calm her down, but he refused to even try. Pepa didn’t care if a hurricane may destroy the enige town, she wanted her sons and Mirabel to be free of their curses and pain. “THAT CANDLE IS GOING OUT!”
Alma however, refused to let anyone near the candle, and would still put the community first.
And so, it only became more difficult over the years…
The three cursed kids couldn’t even be in one room without any pain or crying…
Both Camilo and Antonio grew heavily distant from the family since their ceremonies, spending almost all their time in their rooms by themselves…
Out of the three, Mirabel had it the easiest. Yes, she couldn’t see or hear or talk, but she could still communicate with her family through touch, and Casita would watch out for her and help her with stairs and all.
Since her sister’s ceremony, Isabela said “Screw you” to her golden child image and her abuela, and focused on communicating with her youngest sister. They even found a special way to talk through touch, by Isabela using small vines to write on Mira’s palms😊
Pepa, Félix, and Agustín made it their damn mission to blow that candle out, to save their kids from the pain they’re suffering…
Unfortunately, many attempts failed, as Alma caught on to the trio’s plan, and hid the candle somewhere.
Casita would also be quite aggressive towards the gifted Madrigals, such as purposely tripping Julieta while she was walking with a big plate of arepas, or making loud noises near Dolores until her ears bleed…
The only ones Casita was nice to where the cursed kids, Agustín, Félix, and Alma…
239 notities - Geplaatst 30 januari 2022
Tough AU idea for you. Good Alma AU. One where she put her family first like she defends Bruno from the villagers who hate him for his prophecies even though they asked for them. She's afraid that anymore of this, Bruno will run away and she already lost Pedro she will not lose her son too. And maybe on Mirabels failed gift ceremory, she loses it not at her but at the Miracle asking why her precious granddaughter doesn't deserve a gift or at least her own room to sleep in. Fluff.
After having lost Pedro, Alma still grieved his loss, but also focused on her children. They still needed her, after all.
Instead of a bun, she would still have her two braids, even in her elderly years.
She would still wear the black shall, but only when alone.
As for the triplets’ birthday, Alma would celebrate it with her kids, but would grief Pedro’s death when the day would be over.
Alma never made Pepa feel guilty about showing her emotions, she never made Bruno feel bad about his gift, she never made Julieta cook all day. Alma just let her children be themselves and didn’t apply pressure to help the town or be perfect.
Whenever someone made a mean comment about Bruno’s visions or Pepa “ruining the weather”, Alma (and sometimes Julieta) would let those kids know to not mess with them.
Julieta and Pepa would eventually meet Agustín and Félix, and would start their families.
Despite being a spitting image of her, Alma didn’t try to live through Isabela, and would treat her as equal as her other future grandchildren.
Luisa would still feel pressure from overworking herself (which the town would be the cause of), and it would actually be Alma who encouraged her to take a break.
Overal, the Madrigals lived a pretty happy live, and no big accidents happend!
Until Mirabel’s ceremony…
Upon seeing her beloved granddaughter on the verge of tears after her door vanished, Alma comforted her, reassuring her that she was still as special as everyone else in the family, not even caring that the whole town was watching.
The same night, Alma would ask the miracle why Mirabel didn’t get a gift, what she ever did to not be granted one. Her precious granddaughter deserved one, just like everyone else in the family! Or at the very least her own room!
Alma would even question what she did wrong…
269 notities - Geplaatst 7 februari 2022
Mijn #1-bericht van 2022
Okay, what if... it was Alma who's sacrifice was what created the Encanto, and Pedro the one left behind. I can see going one of two ways: Either he becomes extremely protective to the point of toxicity instead of the perfection for Alma, desperate to not lose anyone else, or becomes emotionally stunted and is protective but distant especially since like Alma, he never got the chance to properly grieve.
He'd also either be very close or very distant with Isabela with how much she looks like a young Alma.
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Alright, so...
When the horsemen arrived, it was Alma who sacrificed herself which created the Encanto, leaving Pedro with the triplets to raise in Casita.
When the triplets receive their gifts, Pedro didn't pressure them to help the town, but they still do because it would be a kind thing to do, just with less pressure.
Bruno would've been treated much better by the townspeople, as Pedro warned them to not mess with his family, so Bruno didn't really use his gift that much, though he did do odd jobs around town.
Everything was great. Pedro quickly accepted Agustin and Félix as part of the family when they got together with Julieta and Pepa, weddings happen, and everything was perfect.
Until the first grandchild was born...Isabela...
When he held her for the first time, Pedro almost couldn't believe how much she looked like Alma. So, he distanced himself from her, not wanting to remember his beloved's death everything he looks at his granddaughter…
As time went on, and as the family grew, Pedro started to pay more attention to his other grandchildren, Dolores, Luisa, Camilo, Mirabel, and eventually Antonio, leaving Isabela constantly in the dark.
Even at her gift ceremony, Pedro's smile wasn't sincere, but a mask to cover up his pain as he had to grand his first grandchild her gift.
At the age of 6, Isabela started to notice how her Abuelo treated her differently than her sisters and cousins, and it started to sadden her.
Like how he didn't even give her a glance while happily picking Dolores up. Or when he praised Luisa for helping the town while ignoring Isa...
Pedro never insulted her or made any remarks. He just ignored and distanced himself from her as best as he could.
As she grew up, Isabela wanted to prove to her abuelo that she was worth his time, that she was living in Casita too! She grew flowers for him when needed, did everything he asked of her, but it never worked...
No matter how much Agustin called Pedro out on his treatment towards his oldest daughter, no matter how many times Julieta reassured Isa that "Your Abuelo loves you just like the rest", Pedro kept avoiding her
Isabela grew jealous of her sisters and cousins because of this, which even damaged her relationship with them...
Isabela's first breaking point came when she was 11, when it was Mirabel's gift ceremony. When her youngest sister's door vanished, not being given a gift, Isa thought that her abuelo might treat Mira differently as well now. But no...
"Looks like Mira is so special that she doesn't need a gift!" Pedro said in front of the town, also comforting Mira.
That broke Isa...
The whole family even took a picture without her..
The following years where filled with many attempts to prove herself to her Abuelo for Isabela, along with jealousy at her sisters and cousins...
292 notities - Geplaatst 9 januari 2022
Bekijk je jaaroverzicht van 2022 →
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cluelesslesbian · 3 years
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This is a scene from Love Bite(s) by ArchetypeOfAdespota (technically it's after the lovebug wears off buuuut ngl it was the part that gutted me so I drew it!)
ok ok so I ADORE the lovebug prompt for klance month soo I drew 3 different drawings bc I DO WHAT I WANT 😤
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icypantherwrites · 3 years
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New Fic: Voices Through the Walls
Prompt: Lance + Finding Signs of a Struggle
Summary: When Lance doesn’t show up for a meeting, Shiro figures that he’s caught the same flu as the rest of his family, which was why Lance had to leave their Garrison housing and go to a temporary apartment. He volunteers to check up on Lance as the Atlas isn’t need for the next meeting and he’s fully prepared to find Lance sick and in need of assistance.
But he wasn’t prepared to find blood, a gun casing, and no sign of Lance at all.
Story snippet:
And while Lance’s door didn’t open the one to the right did and a grumpy looking older man peeked his head out. Seeing Shiro standing there — and either not noticing or ignoring the glowing prosthetic arm that was doing the knocking as most tended to give that a doubletake — his frown grew and he pointed a shaking arm and cane at Shiro’s chest.
“I’ve about had it,” he scowled, “with all this racket. Last night,” and his cane poked into Shiro’s chest, “and now this at such an early hour,” he poked Shiro again, “you young’ins have no respect for us older folk.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” Shiro apologized even as his heart skipped a beat as the man confirmed what he’d feared.
Lance was sick.
And clearly sick enough that the sounds of it — no doubt vomiting and maybe even some crashes and bangs if Lance had been dizzy and stumbling around his apartment — had carried into the room next door.
“I’ll make sure you’re not disturbed again,” Shiro said, offering a tight smile before turning away and taking out his own master keycard that would let him into Lance’s room and barely noticing as the man let out a huff before stepping back into his room and the door closing with a slam that rattled Lance’s.
Shiro was letting himself in a swipe later, the interior of the windowless apartment dark save for the faint glow from Shiro’s shoulder port but it didn’t prevent him from seeing the fact the single chair at the table bolted into the wall was tipped over and shards of a broken ceramic bowl with its contents — smelling faintly of chicken soup — were on the ground, a puddle by the table.
Shiro’s stomach clenched at the sight as it told him Lance really, really wasn’t feeling well if his balance was that compromised.
There were flecks of blood too, a smeared handprint on the wall, telling him Lance had likely tried to clean it up, and, well…
God, he hoped it wasn’t too deep. His steps hurried as he stepped around the chair and over the mess and angled for the bedroom, door wide open, with a soft but still urgent call of Lance’s name, half-expecting to hear a groan or the rustling of blankets.
There was nothing.
Shiro stepped into the bedroom
And drew up short.
Lance was by no means a neat person but this…
This wasn’t normal.
His eyes roved around the destroyed bedroom — blankets from the bed a tangled mess, the bed footboard — heavy metal — somehow dented as though it had been struck, dresser drawers ripped open and the dresser itself tipped on its side, water glass and what looked like a bottle of fever reducer and antacids — he was sick — and the curtains over the one window had been yanked off the bar on one side, large rips in the sheer material.
But more than that…
There was blood here.
A lot of blood.
Shiro’s blood ran cold as he caught a glint illuminated by the half-visible window and he bent down, heart hammering.
A shell casing.
A gun.
Lance did not have a gun other than his bayard.
And all of this together meant…
Shiro stumbled back into the front room, hand slapping at the wall for a light switch.
This fanfiction is a Patreon Fic of the Month, which is a Patreon exclusive fanfic that supporters get to help choose by voting on a prompt/trope and a character that I then write a 5,000 word fanfiction of. If you would like to read this fanfic, as well as hundreds of thousands of words of other additional bonus content and support an author, you’ll want to subscribe to my Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $5/month; less than a fancy cup of coffee! Subscribe here today!
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lokiitama · 2 years
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I posted 193 times in 2022
23 posts created (12%)
170 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 71 of my posts in 2022
#my writing - 18 posts
#vld - 14 posts
#langst - 14 posts
#voltron - 13 posts
#whump - 13 posts
#lance mcclain - 13 posts
#lance - 13 posts
#voltron: legendary defender - 13 posts
#fanfic - 13 posts
#gen fic - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#give the land some water please we're burning up and our usual lush green is yellow now :(((
My Top Posts in 2022:
Prison of the Mind - Chapter 7
Warnings: anxiety and grief
“Kolivan, we have to at least send a look out team for them!” Keith exclaimed.
Sweat from the mission he just came from was still clinging to his face and back. He’d barely landed on base, planning a long and hot shower to get rid of the leftover tension when he’d learned the news about Voltron’s capture.
Needless to say he didn’t even make a stop by his room.
But any passionate speech Keith could have thrown at Kolivan did not break his carefully neutral face. He already was at his third attempt, and Galra didn’t seem to want to do anything.
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
6 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Prison of the Mind - Chapter 11
Warnings: mention of violence
Keith didn’t know how long he had been away for this mission—keeping track of time already wasn’t the easiest thing to do, especially when different star systems had different time units. Added on top of that the fact he had been engrossing himself in the tasks he’d been given, it made a perfect mix for Keith not to give a damn about what time it was and how long he’d been away.
All he cared about, currently, was that nothing so far had stopped the void and anger inside of him from growing.
He still couldn’t believe Kolivan was against saving his team — his family. He couldn’t believe he sent him on a rookie mission at the other end of the Galaxy. Just to make sure he wouldn’t be able to go save them, probably.
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
7 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
Prison of the Mind - Chapter 5
Warnings: mentions of torture, whump, emeto, light description of gore
The newly upranked Galra, Krylnax, strolled down the corridors of the base with a satisfied gait and a smug smirk firmly clinging to his face.
While the Lieutenant’s death had been truly tragic, albeit honourable, the result of their mission had remained outstanding, and shone greatly on his resume: he had slain the Red Paladin.
Krylnax the Paladin Slayer. It had a nice ring to it.
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
10 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Prison of the Mind - Chapter 8
Warnings: violence, light description of gore
(Small excerpt this time not to spoil some stuff from last chapter 😊)
Lance was too stunned to really think about the next step to take. He was hyper aware of the crystal inside his armor kept dangling, bumping and tugging lightly at the handmade necklace piece it was snuggly fit into.
He fished it out, and stared dumbly at it— as he was quite dumb, but still terrifying in combat.
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
12 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
In the Rubbles - Langst One Shot
New work is up!! This is a thank you gift for @extrasensorious-zoroark as part of the @langstron gift exchange that happened a few months ago, as the real gift is still under work!
Warnings: claustrophobia, light gore
Saying that this situation was “annoying” was the understatement of the year, Lance decided once he had somewhat realized the situation he was in.
This said, he also decided that he needed to cut himself some slack on self-deprecation just for the fact that he had just aroused from being unconscious. As many times as it had happened thanks to the intergalactic war they had been thrust into, he still didn’t get used to it, and it was still as uncomfortable as ever.
Especially the part where everything was a little too blurry and bright at the same time, and where there was heavy, high-pitched ringing still echoing in his ears. Those were always disorienting, and made him understand that he couldn’t move at all much later than he would have liked.
Read the rest of this one-shot on Ao3!
16 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
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