#voltron s5 icons
twime · 7 years
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krolia (the icons are ugly but she’s beautiful) 
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uris-stanley · 7 years
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klancencoffee · 7 years
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oceaes-moved · 6 years
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owlstack-illust · 7 years
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+vld lotor icons_s5
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starryrosez · 7 years
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Some Lotura Icons for your Lotura needs.
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celeriinvisibilia · 6 years
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          On the note that I am back and posting after watching s4-5 again, if anybody want a quick starter? Open to all!
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vamty · 7 years
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My new profile pic ! (You can use it if you want but pls give credit)
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Don't touch me I'm not ok, I'm honestly going to be talking about season 5 until season 6 comes out fuuuuuuuck meeeeeee
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coppersunshine · 4 years
She-Ra S5 Thoughts
god the representation is really fucking e v e r y w h e r e there are literally more queer relationships than straight ones bless
i will, in fact, be making more she-ra cosplay versions i cannot help myself
THIS is how u balance action and universe-destroying stakes with character development fuck u voltron
scorpia coming into her own is so goddamn beautiful
shadow weaver got better than she deserved and that scene with her and catra is the only thing i didn't like all season
short-hair catra is a wlw dream come true
their CUTE LIL SPACESUITS. just picturing entrapa building personalized spacesuits and going....hmm u know what bow needs in space? a cute lil stomach window. and she was right
i'm so glad entrapta was developed without taking away any of her neurodivergency
i'm so glad spinerella and netossa got to play a bigger role this season!
wrong hordak is amazing and i love him
the space siblings whose names i don't remember are also amazing
i was worried if they'd be able to even pull off catra's redemption if that was the direction they went in but i think they really did. she did the right thing without any expectation of getting saved and suffered greatly for it. she didnt think she was capable of redemption and didn't try for it she just did what needed to be done and that's what made it work!!
the lil storyline with actual hordak and entrapta was pretty cute
and the throwaway line about kyle and rogelio blesss
i hated adora's dress in the one imagined future scene tho ew.
catra got a magic space cat friend!! how fucking cute
i'm glad double trouble was in this season! what a fucking icon!!
horde prime really said uwu
thank u shera writers u did right by us
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
For the ask meme, Keith?
ooooh keith. full disclosure, while i know a lot of spoilers for things via cultural osmosis, in my full watch of the show i’m only in the first couple eps of s5 so idk about how things play out later
favorite thing about them: I love his passion, and his anger, and the potential he had in an arc about learning to channel his emotions healthily and productively, and learning to work with others as part of a team rather than... not learning to do that and being a leader who winds up leading his team because he hares off to do his own thing and they have no choice but to follow. (granted, it’s possible that he does actually learn these things, I still don’t know how the whole kuron thing is gonna play out so We’ll See)
least favorite thing about them: How much his Lone Wolf thing gets played up, despite his arc ostensibly being about him learning....not to be a lone wolf anymore. Like idk there were a lot of times in the first three seasons I thought he was learning this and then he Didn’t and i just. -fist clench- por que
favorite line: I don’t have any off-hand, the show hasn’t had any quotes that really Stuck Out to me (no iconic lines that I could quote after just seeing them once), and this is my first watch so I haven’t committed any to memory. I do remember liking his speech to Lance encouraging him to keep the Red Lion after Shiro came back, though, even if I never did like the whole changing of the guard thing. (Allura should’ve been the Black Paladin dammit.)
brOTP: I really enjoy his bond with Shiro (while I don’t ship it romantically, it has nothing to do with their ages, I just don’t really have an investment in romantic ships in this show that don’t have to do with Allura bc she’s the primary point of my investment in the series), and their friendship and the hints I’ve seen at their past mentorship bond.
OTP: I will say right now that it’s not exactly ‘otp’ level for me, but like I said above the only ships I’m really invested in are Allura-centric, and I deeply love the potential that Kallura had before it was evidently discarded (interestingly enough, Keith/Allura was the main ship of the original Voltron, where Allura was pale-skinned and also didn’t die at the end, but you know that’s just very interesting to me) in favor of kataang-light, now with somehow Even Less Agency, but whatever this isn’t about that. At any rate, Keith’s galra heritage makes their potential relationship very interesting, both from a standpoint of Allura having to move past her inherent dislike/distrust of him due to his blood (and like, the fact that he didn’t even know he had Galra blood should really have mitigated this somewhat, but that’s another story), and anyway, they had a lot of really sweet moments and I’m very sad none of that potential was explored later on.
nOTP: This is mostly because of the fandom, but I just have this kneejerk dislike of Klance. I don’t like the way the fandom acts like they were baited (I’m over four seasons in, yall, and I’m not seeing anything that could even reasonably be read as romantic development, and like people can ship what they want I don’t care, but this is the ship everyone was acting like it was In the Stars from the very beginning? i realize I’m probably kicking a hornet’s nest with this, but yeesh, i’d ship sheith romantically before i’d ever ship this), and I hate how they seem to think they were entitled to an endgame and a romance that was never so much as hinted at in the show itself.
random headcanon: Mmmm I haven’t spent enough time thinking abt him to really develop one. I will say that he strikes me as someone who says he loves spicy food, but actually can’t handle spice for shit, so he’ll sit there shoveling jalapenos in his mouth while crying and adamantly pretending he’s Fine.
unpopular opinion: I don’t remember enough about the vld fandom to know what exactly constitutes unpopular, but I thought since I heard about it (and now, having seen it in s3/4, i stand by this opinion), Keith should not have been the Black Paladin. It should’ve been Allura. And I think it was monumentally stupid of the Black Lion to ‘choose’ someone who had all the leadership skills of a drunk pomeranian (I say with love), who then proceeds to nearly get the entire team killed because he’s Not A Leader and trying to force him to be one did more harm than good, especially early on. (and Black Paladin Allura is the hill I will pitch my tent and die upon, thank you and good night)
song i associate with them: hit me with your best shot by pat benatar
favorite picture of them: tumblr is being a bitch and not letting me upload, but -insert pic of keith in the black t-shirt from his training outfit here- something about tight black muscle-t’s just does it for me ok
send me a character and i’ll list things!
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void-tiger · 5 years
...has anyone else noticed how Shiro and Jiro both have the habit of basing their style around Whatever Their Loved Ones Look Like?
(Which...just twists the knife further for me with how BADLY they’re treated by their “friends” if we keep their characterization in s5+ and the rest of that dumpsterfire “canon”.)
Shiro’s apparently wearing Keith’s dead dad’s vest (...really? You couldn’t even let the man have his own clothes?!), but the vest and single glove also visually ties him in with Hunk and Keith, but especially Hunk. Which...so did the fanny packs lol. He’s not really tied in with Lance or Pidge, unfortunately, other than all three having blotches of Garrison Orange on their outerwear.
Holt-Style looks TERRIBLE on Jiro. (Buddy...you’re too broad and beefy to pull it off. Liiiike...where’d your neck go?!) But it’s still really sweet about how he apparently subconciously gravitates towards the Kerberos Team/Holt Family...even going so far as to wear his hair similarly as to how Shiro wore it before-and-during the Kerberos Mission vs the old undercut. (But, the undercut’s aged about the time of the Breakup, then apparently Haggar recut it while forcing Shiro to fight and who knows what else as Champion. Not exactly good memories.)
Then apparently in the Epilogue...Shiro...looks like a cross between Sam and Adam. Like, that’s their hair and glasses. Shiro’s even attempted to grow a scraggly version of Sam’s facial hair. (Although I have a hard time believing that they’re anything more than cosmetic (and were cosmetic for Adam as well. Like...you’ll fix Matt’s vision but not the actual pilot’s? Lol NO. Also ignoring wearing the glasses under a helmet like I am with the rest of s7.) Yeah yeah, monsantos wanted to age Shiro further as “broken&retired&NotAPaladin” but SCREW THAT.
So...yeah. You can just look at these guys and instantly know how much they desperately adore their friends at a glance.
(...but maybe the undercut (or a version of it) now means Team Voltron to Shiro when he returns in Fixit. I...haven’t exactly decided if he’s having KerbMission Hair or the Undercut. But Jiro’s having his long hair back, but not the beard. The Twins just cannot grow decent beards lol. Honestly, the only time Takashi got to have a design that was HIS was with that racing jacket...which was such an iconic look for him. I dunno, he couldn’t have accidentally left it on Earth, then either Keith or Pidge kept it then returned it to him while Shiro was trying to find something else to wear other than a Slave Leotard?)
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lemongogo · 6 years
i would have loved to see shiro and lance bonding and becoming better friends. not just for bi lance but also bc lance just admires him so much and it would have been so great to hear shiro, lance's hero, tell lance how proud he is of him and how much of an amazing paladin and pilot and guy lance is. i think it would help lance a lot with his insecurities. i would just really love to see more of their friendship, and for some time, after s5, i really thought we would but guess not
me too!! i think it would nicely contrast the first episode (season 1) in which lance hesitates to shake shiro’s hand, because before then he was almost like this “untouchable icon” you know? and to see them grow so much over the seasons and have a point during the series in which the two bond and shiro even lends lance a hand would be MOMENTOUS. it would show just how much the two have been able to work together as a pair and learn from each other but they dont do that? 
voltron seems to really lack when it comes to understanding and conveying character dynamics. in a recent interview, i believe lauren said something along the lines of hunk being the team’s “glue” which is like, cool and in the case of s7, true, but further went to mention that if the team weren’t bound together by circumstance they’d .... hate each other? ok hate is a strong word but she said they wouldn’t like each other? which i think is COMPLETE bullshit imo. the PURPOSE of a series is to bring unlikely characters together who walk out at the end better friends than they could’ve ever imagined. pidge and lance have bonded immensely, hunk and pidge have become best friends, voltron is like keith’s found family, allura is able to goof off with children her age and find support in characters like lance, hunk, and shiro. 
the point being, lm and jds don’t know their characters whatsoever. it makes NO sense to put this ragtag team of teens together and say that they wouldn’t like each other despite everything they’ve been through together. that’s just terrible to hear from a showrunner lol
but to get back to your point ME TOO.,,,,,,, i was so excited when i heard shiro would be helping lance w/ some things in s7 and like. super disappointed when they never followed through. i feel like ever since the kuron ordeal, there has never been closure following the rift created between lance and shiro. i mean, he (kuron) discredited lance MULTIPLE times and made him feel terrible. he even yelled @ lance during that one episode in season 4 i think it was. and. thats not okay. they should’ve patched that up by now. reinstated the fact that Shiro is back and Shiro values lance’s efforts (season 2 escape from beta traz??) despite what kuron might’ve done or said. like you mentioned, it would help with closing up lance’s insecurity arc as well. idk about yall but i feel like they just abandoned that storyline lol almost as if his return to earth “magically solved all of his problems”. like allura, bless her heart, helped him out a lot!! but you could still tell in season 6 that he was conflicted about what he could offer, both for the team and for himself
so lance’s insecurity is still unaddressed imo and shiro helping him out w/ that wouldve meant the world to me. and yeah, i think keaton’s quote about how “shiro sees himself in lance” sparked this flame within me where i craved some sort of platonic relationship between them that we seldom see :-(((
ANYWAYS i went on way longer than i intended to lmao im so sorry. but voltron if youre out there................................ stop being a coward and give lance and shiro proper bonding time blease
tl;dr i 100% agree and im incredibly sad that vld missed out on such a great opportunity. a shiro / lance support scene wouldve moved the plot along significantly imo
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crystal-rebellion · 6 years
Prince Lotor, Emperor Pro-Tem of the Galra Empire extended his olive branch to the Paladins of Voltron in an effort to form a united front against Emperor Zarkon. Only, despite his research and intel - nothing prepared him for Alfor's daughter. (Between S4 and S5) One-shot. (Lotor x Allura)
Lotura Week 2018! Day 1 - Meeting
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Genre: Fluff, Romance Rating: Teen Couple: Lotor/Allura
Time froze as quickly as the breath in Lotor’s lungs.  Even as noise broke out around him, the Blue One quickly rising to his feet, Lotor felt his body still.
He turned.
In the doorway stood a second Altean. Iconic, pink armor donned her frame, her hair pulled back behind her head.
Find it on AO3
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owlstack-illust · 7 years
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+vld lotor icons_s5
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starryrosez · 7 years
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Funky Lance icons for your Lance loving needs.
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