#vote every time
ivygorgon · 1 year
Implement Ranked-Choice Voting & Election Reforms For Vote Integrity
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I am writing to urge your immediate action on introducing and passing ranked-choice voting (RCV) and other vital election reforms at both the federal and state levels. As a concerned constituent and advocate for democratic principles, I believe that these reforms are essential to improving our electoral processes and ensuring fair and representative governance.
Ranked-choice voting has proven effective in promoting democratic outcomes by enabling voters to express their preferences more fully and ensuring that elected candidates enjoy broad support from the electorate. RCV mitigates wasted votes, reduces the spoiler effect, and fosters more inclusive and issue-focused campaigns.
In addition to advocating for ranked-choice voting, I strongly support comprehensive election reforms, including campaign finance reform, gerrymandering reform, and initiatives to enhance voter access and participation. These reforms are critical to strengthening our democracy and restoring trust in our electoral system.
The implementation of Ranked-Choice Voting is a crucial step towards enhancing our democratic process. RCV, which allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference, ensures that elected officials have majority support, eliminates the spoiler effect, and encourages positive campaigning. This system is already in use in several U.S. cities and countries like Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand. Alaska recently became the second state to adopt RCV for statewide offices, following Maine's lead. It is time to consider this reform at both federal and state levels to ensure our electoral systems reflect the diversity of our nation and empower all voices. Therefore, I urge you to introduce and support legislation that promotes RCV and other election reforms.
We must recognize that Americans are more than a two-party system. Let's take meaningful steps to ensure our electoral systems reflect the diversity of our nation and empower all voices.
Thank you for considering my perspective and taking decisive action to improve our electoral processes. I stand ready to support your efforts in advancing these important reforms.
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cookiemom6067 · 6 months
Stonekettle Station: Fear, Hope, and Polling
"Show up and you'll win"
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rogueartistjyn · 7 months
Great job, kids. You showed up to vote & it showed. We can turn this around. We can defeat the Empire. We can get fair pay & healthcare & equity for all. We can make the rich pay their damn taxes. We just have to keep showing up.
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
The number of white, ostensibly liberal male political pundits insisting that elections in the Biden/post-Dobbs era are just Completely Unpredictable and Wild sure is something, huh.
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poetryqueers · 1 year
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This was very funny to me
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lastoneout · 8 months
Tbh if they're really gonna put off ever adding any of the mobs that lose I'd just rather they never hold a vote bcs it really sucks to keep hearing about all these cool ideas and know that they're just gonna scrap most of them. Knowing that they could have added Copper Golems and Mooblooms and Penguins and apparently aren't ever going to now just like....idk it's just a bummer! If they're never gonna add them then I just don't even want to know they could have been added in the first place :/
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samdyke · 4 months
its just like. Destiel is it. theyre it. theyre the model theyre the it girls theyre the blueprint nothing will ever be them again you are all just afraid to admit this because you are shackled by your willingness to accept things being “cringe” as law. you have to understand the herstory here you have to be serious !!!!!!
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nonbinary-arsonists · 7 months
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ragatha has two hands
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
what is your favorite quote from the infamous hp fanfic, my immortal
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stairset · 1 year
Sabine IS the best Mandalorian character of all time and I won’t accept any substitutes. She literally has it all. She is a punk tomboy lesbian who changes her hair and armor every season. She also has by far the coolest and most unique armor out of all of them, literally no contest. Her story arc is so good that another show just blatantly ripped it off. She defaces fascist propaganda with graffiti. Said graffiti is done with explosive spray-paint and she blows people up with it. She’s voiced by Mishti from Phineas and Ferb. Her father is voiced by Shang Tsung. Her ex-girlfriend is voiced by Vixen. Her brother is like the only fictional character I know of that has the same first name as me. Of all the people to use the Darksaber she’s the only one we know of besides Tarre Vizsla himself to have training from a Jedi Knight. She spray-painted the main villain’s personal assassin while he was unconscious just to humiliate him. She’s the reason Wedge Antilles joined the rebellion. She defeated the Imperial governor of Mandalore. BOTH of them. Darth Vader deflected a blaster bolt into her face and she lived to tell the tale. She told an art historian she was smarter than him to his face and she was right. She literally created the symbol of the fucking Rebel Alliance. She’s gay, she’s asian, and she’s popular. She is truly one of the characters of all time.
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saphushia · 1 year
I think my favorite part abt the brackets is that we're on round 3 and there is still absolutely 0 agreement over what a sexyman is. They don't have to be a man and it's unclear if they should be sexy. Is it actually an insult to be called a sexyman? Possibly! What's the distinction between poor little meow meow and sexyman? No one knows. It's beautiful
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feyarcher · 2 years
Okay, I know the English internet spends a lot of time staring and ongoing political disasters in the US and the UK and oh what disasters they are, but CANADA 🇨🇦 WE GOTTA FOCUS FOR A MINUTE.
Ontario has municipal elections THIS MONDAY OCTOBER 24th! And you need to show up and vote!
Just like all our regular provincial and federal elections, it is okay if you aren't sure if you are on the voters rolls or if you info got updated after you moved or whatever - YOU CAN DEFINITELY VOTE AS LONG AS YOU ARE A CANADIAN LIVING IN THAT SPOT. You just bring proof of your address to the polling place and you'll be fine, I promise. I've done it. It takes like 2 minutes to sign the paper declaring you do indeed live there.
Now you may be asking "but do these elections really matter?" And the answer is YES THEY MATTER SO MUCH. There are racists and xenophobes and transphones and sexist and antisemitic and antivax people running all over the place and the one thing we know by now is that bigots get organized to get to the polls so we have to also organize to counter them by voting!
There are probably 3 things you need to look up who to vote for in your area: mayor, councillor, and school board trustee. All three matter! Please don't only focus on mayor, if the terfs get onto the school boards, they'll do serious damage.
So what can you do?
- First, search "[your town] election" and you'll get the link to the official election page on your city website. It'll tell you the poll hours for THIS MONDAY OCTOBER 24th and you'll be able to find your polling place and a sample ballot showing all the people running for all the roles (mayor, councillor, school board) in your district.
- Check out the candidates! If you want to narrow it down, for major things like mayor you can see which 3 or 4 people have a realistic shot of getting more than 10% of the vote based on polls and then look at the platforms for just those people. For more niche things like school board, you probably need to look at every candidate but less will be running. Please check the CBC article I linked above to narrow down the obvious terfs.
- Make a plan of when you are going to vote! Know what time is best for you to go and how you will get there.
- Get your friends and family to plan to vote too! Help them out by sharing your research and let them know who you are voting for for each part. Sometimes the idea of doing the research into candidates is too daunting, but if you share your plan with them, you can get more people to the polls.
- IF YOU AREN'T IN ONTARIO: Reach out to your friends and family here and ask what their plan to vote is. Help them out with the above if you can.
So much stuff gets decided at the municipal level, but they are expecting record low turnout and low turnout is dangerous for shitty people getting into positions that matter. We are already stuck with a clown at the province level. We need to make sure people who will work against him get elected at your local level.
It's one day, probably 45 minutes of your time including travel both ways and any line at busy times. Honestly, voting usually takes me 7 minutes at most at the polls even whe I was a student and voting in weird ways. They make it so easy if you just show up.
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bucket-of-amethyst · 2 years
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The Protectors
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samsrowena · 4 months
me scrolling past yet another spn poll on the dash like
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whats-9plus10 · 1 year
Let me remind you
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noirandchocolate · 9 months
If you reblog, please tell me what kind of pet(s) you have in the tags! (I'm curious if different answers will correspond more to certain pets or if that matters at all.) Also jsyk there's no value judgment in this, it's just something I'm interested in seeing the response to!
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