#vote the whole ballot
azeutreciathewicked · 14 days
Keep doing the work
The debate last night was great. We're feeling good. Taylor Swift has endorsed the Harris-Walz campaign.
Guess what?
The work hasn't changed. We still have to keep doing the work.
The most necessary: make sure you're registered to vote, confirm you are still registered before the deadline (set a calendar reminder!) in case someone shady unregisters you. Make a plan to vote. Check on family and friends to make sure they will be able to vote.
Even better: talk to people. Tell them about the good stuff. Send them videos of speeches by honorable Republicans like Adam Kinzinger at the DNC who talk about patriotism and doing what is right. Give reluctant voters permission to vote blue this year. Be understanding of their concerns, and share the good news, the hope, the ways that voting for the best candidate will give us opportunities to fix the problems that matter to them.
There are a lot of people who aren't sure what to do, so they're putting up a face of being ornery. They are trying to act like they're discerning, but they're really just scared and overwhelmed. Be the light for them. And even if they aren't hot on the Presidential vote, get them to vote for your local elections. See if you can get them to vote blue for Congress - Representative and Senator. Definitely Governor. Secretary of State. Local state representation. These are SUPER important. Get them to get out to vote for the ballot measures - reproductive rights and cannabis legalization - and see if they'll stick around to vote blue too.
I would be saying exactly the same thing (as I have before about doing the work) if the debate had gone terribly. It's political theater, not a real debate about informing voters (I say this as a former speech/debate coach and former political activist). Most Americans don't actually learn from these events for a variety of reasons. They learn from conversations with people they know and trust.
If we do the work, we will win. We will win with a decisive mandate.
Good feelings are nice, but good work is necessary.
Ride the wave of good feels and let it propel you to do some work - if we all pull a bit, we'll move mountains together.
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ivygorgon · 1 year
Implement Ranked-Choice Voting & Election Reforms For Vote Integrity
3 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!
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I am writing to urge your immediate action on introducing and passing ranked-choice voting (RCV) and other vital election reforms at both the federal and state levels. As a concerned constituent and advocate for democratic principles, I believe that these reforms are essential to improving our electoral processes and ensuring fair and representative governance.
Ranked-choice voting has proven effective in promoting democratic outcomes by enabling voters to express their preferences more fully and ensuring that elected candidates enjoy broad support from the electorate. RCV mitigates wasted votes, reduces the spoiler effect, and fosters more inclusive and issue-focused campaigns.
In addition to advocating for ranked-choice voting, I strongly support comprehensive election reforms, including campaign finance reform, gerrymandering reform, and initiatives to enhance voter access and participation. These reforms are critical to strengthening our democracy and restoring trust in our electoral system.
The implementation of Ranked-Choice Voting is a crucial step towards enhancing our democratic process. RCV, which allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference, ensures that elected officials have majority support, eliminates the spoiler effect, and encourages positive campaigning. This system is already in use in several U.S. cities and countries like Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand. Alaska recently became the second state to adopt RCV for statewide offices, following Maine's lead. It is time to consider this reform at both federal and state levels to ensure our electoral systems reflect the diversity of our nation and empower all voices. Therefore, I urge you to introduce and support legislation that promotes RCV and other election reforms.
We must recognize that Americans are more than a two-party system. Let's take meaningful steps to ensure our electoral systems reflect the diversity of our nation and empower all voices.
Thank you for considering my perspective and taking decisive action to improve our electoral processes. I stand ready to support your efforts in advancing these important reforms.
📱 Text SIGN PMZPRT to 50409
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the-cimmerians · 1 year
right now it’s almost halfway through 2023, and 2024 is an election year in the US. I have started to see a growing proliferation of posts suggesting that there is no difference between the republican and democratic parties--the exact same kind of posts I saw an awful lot of before the last major election here. I am unfollowing folks who post or reblog these sort of posts, as I consider these posts to be fascist propaganda framed as leftist discourse, designed to suppress anti-fascist votes and voters. 
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darkwood-sleddog · 7 months
working with the public or as i like to call it "baby boomer babysitter club"
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solradguy · 1 year
Hey mr badguy have you seen the ohioan republican senator in your bedroom anti-gop ad? musk tried to strike from twitter. here’s to getting better representatives next election
What in the goddamn lol At least it's effective at being memorable? No surprise Muskrat wanted it blasted off Twitter though. A little too close to home for that creep, I'd bet.
Context for non-Ohioans: On August 8th we're having a vote on something called Issue 1 which would change the voter majority on amendments to the Ohio constitution from 50% to 60% (!!!). This is something conservatives want to see pass because in November there's going to be a vote on the bill to codify legal abortion into the Ohio constitution. Ohio's split almost 50/50 on abortion rights, meaning if Issue 1 passes and raises the voter majority then there's no way legal abortion will get amended into our constitution.
Steve Chabot, the skeevy republican in the video here, lost his reelection to a democrat. Chabot was pro-Trump.
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useless-englandfacts · 6 months
You don’t have to answer this but who are you voting for if/when there’s an election this year? I’m so lost
i’m in the rather fortunate position of living in scotland and so i think i’ll be voting snp
if i were in england then i would be just as lost as you anon - and i’m sure many people feel the same way. keir starmer’s labour party is tory lite, the greens are fighting about trans rights, the lib dems are a joke and reform are right-wing nut jobs
there may be local independent candidates in your area idk? what i would say is that if you don’t want to vote for anyone then please spoil your ballot rather than not voting! not voting can be attributed to apathy whereas spoiled ballots are harder to ignore!
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catoperated · 7 months
I now have to photocopy my state ID and have it notarized in order to send in an absentee ballot so maybe talk about how new hurdles to voting at all keep getting added before just reducing the argument to “vote!”
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
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i had a whim but it was a good whim
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mooninoir · 2 years
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i am going to become the joker
#(i apologize for the following tags but i can't do this anymore)#this man is so full of shit i swear to god#these 'concerning tweets are from bolsonaro supporters who keep claiming the election was stolen because their candidate lost#to the point where they are until this day protesting in front of military headquarters begging for them to overthrow the government >#and install a new dictatorship.#this is so full of shit and the fact the new twitter owner is endorsing this by claiming twitter 'gave preference' to left wing candidates#is botherline dangerous and above all else a lie#many where the time where it was proved social media shadowed left wing content in favor of right wing#including twitter#because right wing content breeds on negative responses which in turn brings more views and attention and yada yada#it was only after huge pressure things began to change and even then right wingers were in greater advantage#the fact we won the elections was not 'favored'. not by twitter nor any other social media#it was a collective effort from the left to elect lula + people realizing bolsonaro is a piece of shit after four hellish years#the elections were not stolen. it was BOLSONARO and THE MILITARY who tried to suppress harass and straight up threaten people to vote 22#he tried to claim the ballots were fraudulent but when it was proven they weren't he tried to backtrack and double down#people were killed for expressing support for lula#and on the internet there is still a whole machinery of bots and fake news networks for bolsonaro#twitter was a breeding ground for right wingers to rise into public consciousness and eventually get into office#but of course they don't care about what happened here during these four years. they don't care about data or truth#elon is dickriding on right wing bullshit who only cares about his own ass and appeasing to his bootlicker followers#the day elon musk dies will be a happy day. just like when olavo died#txt.personal
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azeutreciathewicked · 2 months
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tanoraqui · 2 months
shoutout to my dash and the Democratic Party as a whole right now for being like
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Some good policy reasons to get excited about Harris. Gun control! Heathcare! LGBT rights!
Fighting for the fate of the world: has said she’ll make climate change a top national security priority; was one of the original Senate sponsors of the Green New Deal (others: Ocasio-Cortez, Markey), much of which became Biden’s stealthily VERY green Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and the Inflation Reduction Act
Yes, she was a prosecuting attorney; no, it’s NOT an ACAB situation—highlights of her time as District Attorney of San Francisco and Attorney General of California include enabling a re-entry/anti-recidivism program for young drug users which is now used as a template around the country, pointedly not prosecuting people for marijuana possession (distinctly before it was legal), defending Californians against foreclosures, got the “gay/trans panic” defense BANNED in CA courts, and being the first statewide agency to require all police offers to wear body cams.
As VP she’s spearheaded abortion rights, developed and nearly passed a landmark voting rights bill (stymied by Senate Republicans + 2 Democrats unwilling to change filibuster rules), and quietly built a solid foreign policy portfolio, including firm support of Palastine.
Find out if you’re registered to vote in any state!
Register to vote in any state!
Other voting resources—and DON’T FORGET to vote down-ballot, too! See how much Harris did as County District Attorney and State Attorney General? Those are elected offices!
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coridallasmultipass · 7 months
Make sure you vote tomorrow, March 5th (2024), when most states are holding their primaries!
Speaking as a Californian and my personal experience as a voter and in doing pollworking for the past couple elections...
If you got a Vote By Mail ballot, you can drop it off at any polling place/post office/ballot drop box (if it has the correct county envelope you got it with - the county will forward it to the correct county for vote counting, same as the post office). MAKE SURE YOU READ THE ENVELOPE BECAUSE YOU'LL NEED TO SIGN AND DATE THE ENVELOPE BEFORE YOU RETURN IT. (And your signature needs to resemble the one you signed when you registered.)
If you want to vote in-person, you will need to find a polling place WITHIN the county you're registered to vote in, preferrably your assigned precinct - you should check your county's website to find the location if you didn't get a notice by mail.
I don't know how every county does this, but in my county, the accessible ballot marking device has access to all the ballots in my county, which is great for people who can't find or travel to their assigned polling place during the poll hours. Each polling place only has access to pre-printed paper ballots from the precinct(s) assigned to it, which is why the accessible ballot marking device (which prints the ballot once you finish marking it) has been super important, since people tend to just go to any polling place they've heard about or used in the past. (And we DON'T have access to ANY ballots from a different county, not even on that device.)
Voting registration and vote collection is done by each county SEPARATELY, so you won't show up on a roster in another county, and they won't have the ballot you're eligible to vote on. You'd need to re-register/vote provisionally with the different county in order to vote on their ballots. (Which is why it's important to vote on the Vote By Mail ballot that was sent to you - it has all the races you're eligible to vote for, SO GO DIG IT OUT OF YOUR MAIL PILE AND VOTE ON IT, 'CAUSE THEY WERE SENT OUT IN LIKE JANUARY OR SOMETHING. THAT SHIT COST AN ABSURD AMOUNT TAX DOLLARS PER BALLOT, SO DON'T WASTE IT.)
If you haven't registered to vote yet, you can register on the same day you vote! (Again, this is for California, I don't know how other states do it.)
Again, make sure you find a place IN YOUR COUNTY, and try to vote at your assigned polling place, so your vote is counted where it matters!
TLDR: Order of importance:
1. Fill out the mail ballot that was sent to you. Take it to the post office, polling place, or official ballot drop box. It must be collected BEFORE THE POLLS CLOSE. Drop it off on your lunch break, if you need to get it in before closing time.
2. If you can't do that, go to your assigned polling place. (Check your county website.) Same importance as number 1, but you may have to wait in a line depending on what time you arrive.
3. If you can't do that, go to any polling place in the county you're registered to vote in.
4. Register/update your registration to vote. No one can be denied the right to vote at the end of the day, but if it's not with the county you're eligible to vote in, your ballot may be deemed ineligible. (I've never done anything on the ballot-counting side, so I definitely can't answer questions about that. If you're curious, you can get an answer by calling your specific county.)
Side note: do not wear any merch that has a candidate's name who's on the ballot while going to vote. This is electioneering, which is illegal. (Also includes any propositions or other items on the ballot.)
#again im just speaking as a regular person here i dont represent the county or state#im pollworking tomorrow but i can only tell you to speak directly with your county if you have specific questions#every county has a different setup and proceedure#just mostly wanted to remind ppl to dig out their mail ballots bc every year we have someone go 'oh i left it at home'#well guess what. thats the ballot u need to vote on otherwise ur gonna have to fill out a whole envelope of information to do it provisional#..or wait in line to use the accessible ballot marking device (which.. damn we need more of them in each polling place)#i saw the setup and were gonna have 2 in my polling place this year whoo hoo#2020 the lines were SO LONG bc we only had 1 and no one wanted to use their mail ballots for some unknown reason#so yeah#Cori.exe#Post.exe#voting#elections#pollworking#2024 primary#again im just a little guy my word is not law check your county website for 'the law'#just wanted to remind ppl since ive seen fuckall online about reminding people to go vote tmr#i gotta get some sleep i need to be up at like 430 or some bullshit and im already tired lol#go vote#seriously#even if u dont wanna select anyone for presidential primary.. at least vote in your local elections where ur vote has more weight#california also has a senate seat up for grabs which is pretty important if u ask me#i was actually pleasantly surprised to find a candidate i liked in that race usually its like pulling nails#also our representatives seat is also up for reelection and thats also pretty important#and our state-senator (which is separate from the US-senator. something i didnt know until like 2020)#bottom line is. you need to vote theres no getting around it. you dont get to complain about politics unless you vote#((unless ur a minor or formally incarcerated person i guess. u will always have the social right to complain abt politics imo))#im rambling bc anxiety now lol if u see me at the polls no u didnt i am a meat popsicle#ive reread this like 20 times its as accurate as i can remember right now but im only human seriously check ur countys site#also pollworking is not an employee of the county its like classed as a contractor or something since its volunteer (but they do pay us)
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jrrtfanforlife · 7 months
Getting a bit tired of all the “just go vote” posts floating around my dash. I will vote and everything, but I don’t live in the US anymore so I’m not allowed to vote for anything but federal stuff. So hooray I get to throw a vote at Maria Cantwell and Rick Larsen (probably, depending on primaries but they’re the incumbents) which is wild in and of itself cuz I lived in that area so briefly but that’s forever where I’m registered to vote now I guess.
And of course presidential election. Which wow so cool so exciting. Wonder who will get all those electoral college votes from Washington state, really on the edge of my seat over here, my vote sure is gonna make a difference.
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reimenaashelyee · 1 year
Campaign to make The God of Arepo an award winning work and win a literal brick as a trophy for the authors and for Tumblr community as a whole (SUCCEEDED!!!! Update below)
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As the artist for one of The God of Arepo comics, my version is up for consideration for the Ignatz Awards for Outstanding Online Comic.
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For those of you who don't know the Ignatz is one of the highest industry awards that "recognize outstanding achievements in comics and cartooning by small press creators or creator-owned projects published by larger publishers".
The thing is, winning the award means winning an actual literal brick. Because the mascot is a brick-throwing mouse. So they have to make a bit where the trophy is a brick. Like. Look.
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For a long time I thought it was just plain bricks they were handing out, but my friend who won a couple of bricks two years ago had theirs stamped (I saw the bricks in person at their house). So now I am obsessed with the idea of The God of Arepo winning an Ignatz trophy. It will have the honours stamped. On a freaking brick. That's the most Tumblr level meme trophy this comic/story could win (which is also a legit high honour industry award on its own btw don't get me wrong). But wilder than that, the brick allows me to do something. It allows me to smash that break into 5 pieces and ship one of each to the authors plus myself. Writing Prompts, sadoeuphemist, ciiriianan, stu-pot and me will get a piece of clay in recognition for our work with the farmer who built a temple out of stone. The full circle moment.
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Imagine the value of this win to the lore of this Tumblr sacred text/folklore. This brick will be smashed and given to the creators, but as a collective folklore, it's also dedicated to all of us on this hellsite too. AWARD WINNING. If The God of Arepo wins I will document the entire process of smashing that brick here.
But we have to make this happen. We need to gather our collective energy and make this campaign work. Please help make The God of Arepo an award-winning story and vote for it in the Outstanding Online Comic category (link). You will need to request a ballot, then submit your vote. I recommend checking out the other nominated comics too. The Ignatz really shortlists good stuff. The voting closes September 8 2023 . LET'S GET THE GOD OF AREPO A BRICK FOR HIS TEMPLE!! LET'S GO!!!! REBLOGS HELP TOO!!
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tidepoolalgae · 10 months
#the discourse with voting in american politics is so exhausting I really don't wanna have to see all that#considered blacklisting 'vote' and 'voting' for now and I might end up doing that but i also might miss some tumblr polls#and those are a fun thing#like vote for sure there's more than one issue but the meanness toward people for being angry at the current administration is so wack#'but remember to vote blue! the democrats are more likely to listen to you! we live in a two party system you have to be realistic!' okay??#federal dems are so annoying with their whole villain of the week charade and weaponized incompetence can you actually blame people?#imo you're better off convincing people to vote .period. instead of also taking time to shame them into voting blue#in the middle of a time where most americans disagree with the actions of the current administration#like.. is this gonna be the strategy forever?? it's exhausting to do the whole 'but the republican guy is worse!' every. single. time.#if the democrats continue to lose it will be their own fault for not choosing to stand for something#they can blame the voters all they want but maybe they should try wielding power they gain effectively? just a thought#it's tough because they do some good things but then they really drop the ball on others and you're left sitting there like wtf#luckily it does look like some people are putting their foot down.. look at that governor from kentucky that won recently#to be clear you SHOULD vote if you can it's one of your rights in this country and there's so much on ballots besides the presidential race#and it's not like who's president isn't important I'm just ranting because the 'vote blue no matter who' crowd gets on my nerves SO MUCH#the discussion IS worth having.. biden will be better on some things but also others won't change much between biden and trump#and you can't just glance over that stuff like democrats tend to do#the moral grandstanding can get so petty I'm just so tired of seeing dumb internet fights#hot take maybe idk#BLEH#I hate it here#😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫#vent#sorry if you read this and it doesn't make sense I've read too much about us politics to be normal about it
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butchosprey · 2 months
project 2025 has been my reality in oklahoma for years. we already have so many of these goals in effect in my state. abortion is illegal, they use tax money to fund christian schools, queer kids are fucking murdered, native americans are constantly having their rights challenged, and the only damn thing these politicians are worried about is the possibility of children pretending to be animals.
this whole fucking project 2025 shit doesnt phase me. its some strawman for biden-kamala subaru owners to use and say "this is why we have to vote blue no matter who". dems have given up on me and others red states. most of the choices on my ballot are only red. no blue. zilch. nothing. notta.
you fucking queer ass dems in blue states get to eat your brick oven pizza and forget me and everyone else in the south exists. you get to smoke weed and forget there are over a million of Black, latino, and native american prisoners suffering for years in prison for carrying an insignificant amount of weed 10 years ago. there are hundreds of people denied basic health care on a daily basis, simply because there's a possibility they might get pregnant. i have literally almost died multiple times in my life for this reason, and i have met so many others -- MAINLY BLACK PEOPLE -- with similar stories.
children are suffering. BIPOC are suffering. women are suffering. literally so many people here are suffering, and you wanna forget that, so you pretend we're all just backwards bumfucks. its not biden that will give us our freedom. he's had the power to do something for me and my people for nearly four damn years, and he has chosen nothing but silence. democrats have already turned their backs on us.
i'm not giving up. because i still find beauty and something to love, even in a place as hostile as this. and if fucking propped up corpse doesn't win in November, you shouldn't give up either.
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