#vpn ban reason
einaudis · 2 months
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kdsburneraccount · 10 months
Don’t think my parents raised me to be a sports fujo yet here we are. Sad!
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goldensmilingbird · 1 year
Everywhere I go, there are ads
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dfnkt · 2 months
After the VPN ban I was having trouble using dreambubble when I wasn't on my computer (since getting around it is waaay easier on desktop) but I finally found something workable that doesn't force me to not use my VPN that I pay for because of an incompetent sitestaff.
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Day 16
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glimpsesofeuterpe · 8 months
if you live in countries alike mine, you'll have to google to do steps every time before trying to download apps like clippaint, stream and co
they kinda did their best to push a simple user toward going full pirate mode, aand keep coming up with v interesting updates on that every now and then
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ayeforscotland · 8 months
Trying to limit and monitor kids’ social media usage would make so many problems so much worse and I need people to think about it objectively and not take it into consideration just because the concept is a knee-jerk reaction from a grieving mother being exploited by everyone around her.
— Kids already lie about their age, so an age limit is already unenforceable unless you literally require legal ID, which is an incredible breach of privacy with even further safety risks.
— Vulnerable children including LGBTQ kids living with bigoted families would be put in real-life danger of abuse or homelessness if their families had a way of knowing when they’re seeking support.
— The internet and technology is a requirement to navigate the world around you at the most basic level. That is a fact and schools know it too. Limiting access to that in this day and age would be massively limiting one’s knowledge, safety and basic life skills, especially if their family is neglectful or abusive.
— What constitutes as social media cannot necessarily strictly be defined. Some people consider WhatsApp to be social media despite the fact it’s a texting app, and the people you communicate with there are presumably people you’ve spoken to before if you know their numbers. Kids need a way of communicating with people for both practical and safety reasons, and blanketing almost everything as ‘social media’ and limiting access to it inhibits that.
— If you put a ban on all ‘social media’ until the age of 16 and then suddenly allow access, what you end up with is a child who has zero knowledge or experience of something suddenly being thrown into a world where anything is possible. It’s like when teens are forbidden alcohol their whole lives and the day they turn 18 they go on a massive binge not knowing their limits and end up either sick or in the hospital. It’s a recipe for disaster. They NEED exposure so they can learn.
— Let’s be real, kids would find a way around a ban through VPNs or other means anyway. We all figured out how to dodge the website blockers at school when we were 12. I doubt this would be any different.
While the fact that one of the killers watched gore on the dark web is indeed concerning, I really feel the spotlight is being shone on entirely the wrong issue here. Their conversations about the murder were all on social media and provided significant proof for the case. What kids need isn’t for adults to try to control them and read everything into their lives, it’s for adults to communicate with them and make them feel comfortable enough to talk to them when they have a problem. And that’s ignoring the, you know, whole transphobia thing.
(Sorry to write a dissertation in your inbox but despite my deepest sympathies and compassion for Esther seeing people put any stock into her awful, awful idea when that’s so clearly not the problem does quite frustrate me and I need everyone to know just how illogical it is)
I don’t need to add anything to that besides saying this line of argument is very similar to the people who campaign for an internet where no one can be anonymous, it puts so many additional people at risk.
Thanks for taking the time to share!
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hazeltongzhi · 3 months
What's the reasoning behind the CCP blocking a lot of Western social media platforms?
Is it that they refuse to follow the local laws, are they wary of Western and liberal infiltration (more than it has already happened), is it just the collateral damage of the Firewall?
It's really a combination of those factors and another. The first and most important is that social media is one of the most powerful tools for overseas influence meddling and it's largely free. Facebook, for example, is well known to foster racial/religious/ethnic divides in many global south countries, making it easier for the west to pick their favorite guy. Given that, the CPC has chosen to strictly regulate or outright ban western social media sites. Many standard media sites are also blocked for similar reasons but also because of their largely bourgeois class nature.
If you want to operate in the PRC, you have to follow not just laws regarding censorship, but also labor. It's why many game studios, restaurant chains, and etc. have separate PRC offices and the reason is because the CPC mandates companies of a certain size must have CPC members on the board, and certain trades must be unionized (e.g., fast food). Most companies simply do not want to deal with that and especially over the past few years, regulations and enforcement have been getting harsher.
The last is that for the average citizen, if you really want to see the shit on like instagram or whatever, you can just get a VPN. However, most people choose to use domestic social media like Douyin, Bilibili, Weibo, and etc.. That's how I accessed the westnet when I was living in China.
Under socialism, redditors will be liquidated as a class. President Xi Jinping and the CPC is advancing class warfare against redditors!
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Left unity win: PRC unblocks marxists.org despite the latter being trots!
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nyxokal-two · 2 years
Don't use a VPN on Tumblr
Alright now that I'm logged in on browser, I have an experiment to run
My main account @nyxokal got terminated on Sunday 18th. I'm on day four of being without a solution and have sent help tickets already
However during that time I've been doing some digging through a combination of keyword search on Tumblr itself and on Twitter, as well as the fucking Terminated Account subreddit, and have some theories
It looks like either a VPN usage while browsing Tumblr desktop is what's killing blogs, or it's random people being in the crossfire of the porn bot ban war. I'm leaning towards a combination of both being the answer considering the fact that I was using a VPN, but the uptick of porn bots might have Tumblr trying to get rid of them with these consequences/side effects
The reason I've logged on here on desktop is to test this theory. If this account gets deleted as well I will know it's the VPN
All that said, since this is the running theory atm, just be careful if you're using a VPN on desktop
(It would also greatly help if you let people know I'm here, also. Thank you)
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battersweet · 2 months
Ok ok, Wattpad get Banned in Turkiye, Instagram too, but
DO YOU GUYS EVEN HAVE A REASON FOR THİS??? OR DO THEY JUST DON'T WANT US TO HAVE FUN? Like- i don't play roblox but İ THİNK THEY JUST DO İT JUST FOR FUN AT THİS POİNT. Not to mention that Youtube got banned for once as well-
Will they gonna ban other plartforms too? LETS FİND OUT
"But we can use VPN" yeah but like-??? We can't just solve it by using VPN on every platform.(İ do use VPN btw)
İf they will ban a plartform for some dumbass reason again i'm gonna lose my shit.
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wain-wright · 4 months
Re bans:
- it’d be great if at least the person banned knew the specific post that they were banned for and for what reason
- why is it so easy to trigger an automated termination for anyone’s blog
- maybe like some sort of strike or warning system may lessen the load?
- if possible, temporary bans such as fb and twitter use- 30 days or a few hours depending on violation. That way, people can be held to standards without wiping out all interaction with the site and frankly people will probably be less bitter- bc right now is just instant inexplicable deletions.
- a wistful thought- maybe a way to download archive before being banned, what with the type of website this is - where you create original blog posts. They do this for photo archive sites.
It makes it difficult to put effort into posts if I know it can be suddenly deleted forever without warning because it offended some discord who mass reports something enough it triggers a termination based off of unclear criteria and then there’s no response from a presumably overworked tech support.
Brief scroll says a lot of people get terminated for tripping bot filters: something to do with mass tagging, link redirects?, or putting tu mblr in the blog url(?), or accessing through vpn. Toss up for if they get restored.
For actual community rule violations; rbing a nude photo(?), talking about another user(?) not quite clear.
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belladonnabefore · 25 days
Im coming back to Tumblr, and as much as it's not important to anyone, the reason is actually socially and politically interesting and i wanna explain it.
So, some context before anything, im Brazilian, grew up a Tumblr kid in from 2016 to about 2018, left for a good while, then i got a Twitter ( i refuse to call it X ) cause of Animation School during 2022, and now im migrating back to Tumblr, and it's cause Brazil is actually banning Twitter, giving a 8,912 dollar fine to anyone who uses a VPN to acess it and to top it off blocked Starlink's financial resourses in Brazil, the reason being justified and absolutely nuts that it happened too, at least in my conception.
So, from 2018 to 2022 the Brazilian president was Jair Bolsonaro, basically the dummer and more openly facist Brazilian version of Trump ( and that's a whole can of worms that im not gonna get into cause this post is already bound to be massive ), and on the end of 2022 presidental elections were held and Bolsonaro lost to Lula, a left leaning guy that will 100% sacrifice his morals for money and power ( but ended up being, sadly, the least worst option on that election, kinda like Biden ). So Bolsonaro started discrediting the electoral results on the internet with the help of other far-right politians and surprisingly ( or not ) Elon Musk. Following these series of inflamatory accusations from Bolsonaro and the far-right there were a few riots and then his following ( and most recent facist movement of Brazil ) stormed the Capitol in January 8th 2023 with enabling from the Brazilian police and military forces ( which sadly kinda work as it's own conservative cell seperate from the government due to Brazil's badly resolved Military Dictatorship issues ), politicians were evactuated before they entered, but when they did they tore down and stole priceless diplomatic gifts and works of art all over, but since it was mostly elderly people they were detained and jailed pretty quickly, even with the police's unwillingness allowing tons of them to escape.
And a huge investigation was open to see if the Coup was organized by political figures or not, led by supreme court judge Alexandre de Moraes. And well, from the involvement of the police force blocking highways so rural and poor communities couldn't vote, to a general testifying that Bolsonaro presented him papers detailing a organized planned Coup that didn't happen ( that were later found to be in a liutenant-colonel's house ), to Musk stepping in himself to discredit a deny Judge Moraes' requests to ban the accounts of people involved in the coup and in spreading missinformation about the Covid-19 vaccines back in the pandemic, it was obvious political figure's were neck in deep in shit, and Musk's box-shapped visage was no different.
So, cause of his involvement in this crazy mess, various personal attacks on Judge Moraes and the fact that brazilian facist cells are finding refuge on Twitter without any sort of reprimanding from the plataform, Judge Moraes threatened arresting Twitter's Brazilian representative. Elon Musk's response was to completely shut down Twitter's offices in Brazil, leaving them as a rougue agent with no representative on the eyes lf the law, and so Moraes responded by blocking Starlink's financial resources here and threatening to shut down Twitter for good in Brazil if Elon keeps disrespecting and delegitimazing Brazilian democracy and law, Musk responded to this by throwing more anti-democratic tamper tantrums and posting edited pics of Moraes as Darth Vader or someone of the sort ( i don't watch Star Wars ) like the little facist troll he is. And that's why Brazil ( Twitter's 6th biggest userbase ) is just gonna vanish from there today or soon enough, and why im here now again! And let me tell you something, not having character limitations and being able to say "FUCK YOU ELON MUSK" without getting kicked to the curb is absolutely FREEING.
So, prehaps expect a influx of Brazilians even though most will go to Bluesky, and don't expect me to cover politics anytime soon, maybe expect me to cover history though.
Thanks for reading. ♡
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kradeelav · 5 months
this is probably the singular post where i hope most to be wrong.
I hope I'm called alarmist, paranoid, and proven wrong - but privately, i am deeply concerned about pixiv's latest ToS change regarding kink work banned in the US/UK.
It's not *specifically* about pixiv or this *specific* TOS change. This is not about how easy it is to change region-lock or use a VPN. (There's always going to be higher-friction ways around.)
It's a strong bellwether for how jittery international companies feel about legal (if theoretically tasteless*) visual art in the US. Particularly kink work.
I fully expect itch.io to have to ditch NSFW or fold within two years. I fully expect depiction of certian taboo kink art to be semi-illegal (whether in select states or de-facto illegal within five years; lolisho being the first one on the line as always).
I fully expect most major internet hosting services to start running similar kink detection software to tumblr, to deter the workaround of an indvidual site as hosting it. Much like the wild west internet where you used to find extremely graphic content, I am seeing kink art slowly being neutered from the "mainstream" sites to formerly "safe" sites to the infrastructure of the internet itself.
There's some changes to my site and shop I'm making some increased haste with in hopes of hardening and beating this like I did with the social media implosion a few years ago. If you haven't already mass-saved kink work from your favorite creatives, or ordered that r18 doujin, I would suggest you do it soonest.
This is the kind of post I'd post on my private journal, not here, because I'm flatly uninterested in getting into semantics debates. The sole reason I'm posting this here is as another gentle but insistent nudge to set up your own backup infrastructure, if you are a kink creative too.
I hope I'm proven wrong.
But personally I am treating this as a very critical canary in the coal mine.
* I use the word tasteless deliberately to remove the "moral" (and legal) aspect of the intent and to hammer home the subjective quality of judging and creating visual art. What could be tasteful to one person is tasteless to another is tasteful again (and perhaps both at the same time) and that's one of the many beauties of humanity.
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eddo-tensei · 1 year
I don't normally post about this stuff, but I feel like this needs to be said or else, everything we know could be utterly eradicated in the name of "security".
For anyone in the know, you're probably aware that the US Government had been trying to either restrict or even ban TikTok. Well, they've crafted a full bill for it and...well...it's even worse than anyone could imagine.
Bill S. 686, otherwise known as the RESTRICT Act, essentially enables the government to look into anything that could access the internet and I do mean ANYTHING. Computers, phones, TVs, tablets, video game consoles, appliances, modems, even things like your Ring light.
More shockingly, it could also criminalize the use of VPNs and if you're caught doing that or breaking any part of the bill, you could have your property seized, be fined for $1M, and even face jail time for up to 20 YEARS. And this could be used for anything, not just TikTok. If the government sees it fit to block any foreign platform, they will not only make it happen, but they could punish anyone who dares to access these sites no matter the reason.
This bill has only just been introduced in the Senate, but there's no point in waiting. For anyone who needs to know what to do, it's a given that you should call up your senators and representatives. However, I feel like we need to take more urgent action. Currently, the bill has been referred to the Senate Committee for Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
Here's the list of all the committee members. Please call them or email them. For the sake of it, I'll give everyone a script of sorts to base your statements on.
"Hello [Name of Senator/Representative/Committee member you're calling here],
My name is [Your name]. I am a constituent of the US and I am calling to tell you that you need to oppose Bill S. 686 AKA the RESTRICT Act for it does not sufficiently address the problem it was written for, being the issues with TikTok, and is instead written in a way that could irreparably damage our right to privacy and freedom of expression online.
The government should not be given unfettered access to everyone's devices to ensure the ban of an app. There are other safer ways for Congress to address the privacy issues with TikTok and other apps like it that should be considered.
In any case, if you wish to keep my support for you as a politician, I implore you to reconsider the bill in its current form for it could violate not only my First Amendment rights, but also my Fourth Amendment rights. It is extremely unreasonable for the government to look through everyone's devices just to block an app and people should not be subjected to mass surveillance of this scale. I understand that you wish to keep your citizens safe, but please consider other options.
Do NOT support the RESTRICT Act. Please value the privacy and freedom of your citizens by voting NO on Bill S. 686."
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seasonallydefective · 11 months
Lost my blog for several hours overnight and thankfully woke up to find it reinstated.
Apparently tumblr will auto-ban you/terminate your account if they detect that you’re using a VPN. And they won’t even send you a warning or an email about it.
On top of emailing staff about it like the termination page tries to get you to do (though I don’t suppose this does much), I would suggest contacting @tumblr or @TumblrSupport on Twitter, AND using the following Reddit post to ping the OP for assistance:
Others also suggested using a DIFFERENT email to contact [email protected], since tumblr sometimes blocks the email associated with your account (helpful!! /s)
The twitter and Reddit suggestions should help if your ban wasn’t due to TOS violations. Emailing from another account will hopefully get you a reply if you WERE banned for TOS reasons.
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lavina-arts · 2 months
Hello everyone, friends, I need to talk to you about something important today...
As you know, I live in Turkey, and if you are Turkish like me, or have Turkish acquaintances who are not Turkish, or follow the developments in Turkey, you may have heard that access to several games and social media platforms in Turkey has been blocked these days.
These applications are not currently accessible in my country;
- Instagram
Apart from this, I don't know if there are any access blocks for other applications yet, but the Discord application will also be blocked today, and it is also planned to block the application called Tik Tok on August 13.
What I really want to talk about is that if access to the Tumblr application is blocked, I may suddenly have to leave the account and this time I cannot use my other account. I am really sorry for that, but unfortunately there is nothing I can do...
There were indeed valid reasons for these bans, but what really makes me angry is that they were immediately banned without doing anything about it...
We had no news about this. We just woke up this morning and.. BOOM! We cannot use any applications!
I cannot understand why they blamed everyone and did this instead of just closing the accounts that violated these bans. Moreover, these things do not work in this order, first a warning is given, then the accounts that do this are closed. If there is still no solution, then access to the applications will be blocked.
However, despite such an effective solution, they instantly close random applications without notifying people...
I'm not saying that applications shouldn't be closed, there were legitimate reasons to close them, but I'm trying to explain that they can't do it suddenly like this.
Long story short, there may be an access block to the Tumblr application in Turkey for any reason, so I'm telling you this so you don't worry if I don't post to the account for a long time.
Of course you will ask me this
"Why don't you use VPN?"
(For those who don't know: Vpn: A kind of interesting software that can allow you to use prohibited applications and sites)
Yes, there are people using VPN, but the problem is; Ever since this app access blocking scandal began, scammers have been using it to their advantage. They put people in an even more difficult situation by stealing people's private information such as bank accounts with fake VPN applications:(
Unfortunately, this situation also puts people in a difficult economic situation; There were many people selling on Instagram and making money by writing code on Roblox, and now they are all in a difficult situation. There has been a major unemployment problem in our country for a long time. Even people who got into the best universities cannot find a job, so now they had an advantage such as technology, but now it is being taken away from them. There is a high probability that applications such as YouTube and Facebook will be closed. Some YouTube users have already left their accounts, some People started sending videos titled "Farewell video before YouTube closes"...
I hope these problems will end somehow, because despite everyone's objections, my own country's rulers still do not listen to their own people!
I hope I don't have to leave my account, but if something happens, I apologize again, but as I said, there is nothing I can do :(
That's all I can say about this subject. If you have any other questions, you can ask me. I will try to help you as much as I can. Goodbye for now.
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