#wait now that I think of it I did always have a sneaking suspicion that this other guy in primary also liked me LMFAO he was also Shia
kavehayati · 29 days
Stop ……. Rodrick from diary of a wimpy kid …
#you guys think I’m gonna simp ? HAH NO WAY actually he reaaaaallyyyyy reminds me of this one guy back in primary#he liked me and tried to insert himself with me all the time etc and he TOLD ALL HIS FRIENDS#he’s Shia too so he would go to the same mosque as me brother and dad and he told my brother he likes me I think …..#actually I didn’t find out until years later that he liked me until when fatema gave me the signs a guy likes you talk in eighth grade 😭🙂‍↕#then one night I was thinking about the past then it clicked#I was not at all impressed#I have never felt so disgusted#I should’ve known I was aroace from that moment but I didn’t know what aroace was#I didn’t hate the guy#I actually super liked him he was so fun and we were basically friends#he always made me laugh and we were lowkey buddies only in class cause we were forced to sit together#it’s just idk I don’t enjoy the concept of being liked most of the time !!!! cause most of the time it’s so vile when a boy likes a girl 😭#except that one dude he’s the only exception but he’s forever my favourite ✨#but anyways 😭#back to the point I really like the guy who plays Rodrick cause it reminds me of the guy who liked me who I didn’t like back BUT I LIKE#RODRICK CAUSE I ALWAYS HAD SM FUN WITH THAT GUY it was always so fun to talk to him#also in the future he ended up liking my classmate or something after he moved away to a different school 😭#I was like damn …. 🤨 not very loyal I see#granted he did like me for so long I’m just dumb unfortunately#actually omg I kinda miss him now he was so fun to talk to 😭#minus that weird part of him telling the whole world like BROTHER WE WERE LIKE from 9-12 yrs old he liked me I think HAHA#aiming to beat his record by liking kaveh for longer#I’m almost gonna be on year two eeeeeee !!!!!!!!#dora daily#wait now that I think of it I did always have a sneaking suspicion that this other guy in primary also liked me LMFAO he was also Shia#actually my close friend in sixth grade had the biggest crush on the other guy 😭😭😭#she had sm dreams of him me with kaveh when#wait … if I swap Shia guy 1 and Shia guy 2 with the duo of terror ( you know who ) THIS WILL BE LIKE THE RECREATION OF MY DREAM MUAHAHAHA#anyways I’m actually so tired gang I could fall asleep rn if I put my head on the pillow#when I said my myahahaha I hope you pictured the Elmo fire meme
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willowser · 24 days
i keep thinking about touya going to the same spot he and his ex do drop off, every two weeks. it's outside some little bakery that he thinks is too expensive—and he has a sneaking suspicion that's why his baby mama chose the place—but he always buys his little bug something regardless. a pink pastry with lots of sprinkles and frosting, in the shape of a unicorn or something or other.
and you always come with him. have been for a few years now and you make friendly small talk with his ex and when his daughter jumps into your arms, you swing her around and you both giggle to each other, foreheads pressed together, eyelashes blinking close enough to make his heart swell.
and the first time you're not there, his daughter doesn't wait a minute after jumping out of her mom's car to frown up at him and ask, "where's bub?"
and truthfully, touya's been dreading this moment since he'd pissed you off enough to have you storming out of his apartment, a few days ago. still doesn't know what to tell her, how to explain that he's never loved someone the way he loves you and yet he's sabotaging everything anyway.
"bub is at bub's house."
her light little eyebrows pull down ever further, until a crease forms between them, and then she even takes another look behind him in case he's joking. "why?"
touya grinds his gum between his teeth and tells himself it's better than a cigarette. "she just is."
his ex doesn't say anything, thank god, but he can feel the once over she gives him. he looks like shit and he knows it, because he's aggravated and disappointed in himself, and all the things he'd normally use to deal with those feelings would break his sobriety. so he's only got some spearmint gum.
his daughter doesn't say anything else until they're in their seats on the train, her by the window, drawing shapes in the fog her breath makes. they go through a tunnel and the light from the day disappears and she loses interest, turning to stare up at touya as he closes his eyes and leans his head back as far as it can go.
"are you and bub mad at each other?"
touya opens his eyes, but stares only at the ceiling of the train. all he can see is the hurt on your face when he'd yelled at you, the anger that he drew out, like a poison. "it's—" one thing he tries not to do to his kid, however, is lie. "somethin' like that."
she shuffles around in her seat until she's facing him fully, leaning her head against the back of it as she blinks her big, blue eyes up at him. "did she be mean to you?"
"did you be mean to her?"
it seems so complicated, when touya thinks about it. why he'd started a fight with you, where his insecurity comes from, why he wants you so bad but is too afraid to admit it out loud—but then his kid makes it seem so easy. so silly.
touya shuffles until he's facing her, too, and even scoots down in his chair so they're eye-level, almost like whispering school girls at a slumber party. "yeah," he admits. "i was kinda mean to her."
"but why?"
touya frowns and still doesn't know what to say. the city skyline opens up behind her, out in the distance, and he watches the setting sun over the buildings until it starts to make him sick. "you remember when you had that scooter, and you fell and scraped your knee?" she nods. "and then you didn't want to ride it anymore because you were afraid you'd do it again? it's...like that."
not a single look of understanding comes across her face.
touya sighs and scoots back upright, bending to dig his phone from his pocket. "you wanna talk to her?"
he pulls up your contact in his phone—just your name and all the hearts removed, because he's petty like that—but instead of staring at it like he has been for days—he finally calls. it wouldn't surprise him if you didn't answer, but he gnaws his lip as it rings, and it seems like he and his little girl both hold their breath.
when he hands off the phone to his daughter, she happily snatches it up, turning on her knees to look out the window as she grins. "hi bub!"
and touya still doesn't know what to say or how he'll fix it, but he finds some comfort—some of the words—when he hears the tone in your voice change, all sing-song and adoring. "hi, my angel!"
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merakiui · 3 months
idol!floyd with parasocial fan darling….imagine the plot twist when you break into idol!floyd’s penthouse and you find a room with your pictures plastered all over the wall
:O you’re either so flattered and honored to know your idol would ever bother to pay attention to a nobody fan such as yourself, or seeing photos of yourself (most of them taken in secret and from afar) causes you to falter in your parasocial adoration and now you’re just really uneasy. To think your idol, the one you have supported and loved for so long, has been watching you all this time… he has pictures of you from so many intimate moments. Photos of you standing in your pajamas at your window, parting the curtains to let in light. Photos of you making the commute to work. Photos of you running errands. Even a photo of you sleeping!
You suppose because he’s an idol he can get away with anything. Maybe that’s why you never seemed to notice the eyes or the sneaking suspicion that someone else had been in your home at one point. The details were so minor you hardly paid them any mind, chalking most of them up to your own clumsy forgetfulness, but now it makes sense. The pre-made meals packed away in the fridge—meals you couldn’t remember if you had prepared the night prior—were all his doing. The way your bed seemed to be just a little more wrinkled than before—he had slept in it when you were out. The fact that you always seemed to lose clothes, especially undergarments… He took them.
There’s a hand on your shoulder, shaking you from the dawning shock. You don’t have to turn around to know who it is. Floyd is very pleased when he pulls you against his chest, holding you close. You can’t run. Not that you have any intentions to do so. “Welcome home, li’l Shrimpy,” he hums, delighted. “Was startin’ to wonder if I should just leave a key at your place. Took you forever to finally make it home.”
But you’re here now, and he can’t wait to finally share his life with you. :) surely you feel the same? You did say you loved him. Sure, you’re in love with the idol version of himself, but he’s certain you’ll love the real him beneath all of the glitz and glamour. You’ll have no choice either way.
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
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no nut november — i.n (loser #2)
pairing: yang jeongin x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, smut (18+), dry humping, messing around with clothes on
a/n: part of @gimmeurtmi and i's collab <3
word count: 2.9k
To say you were suspicious when Minho approached you at the surprise birthday party Jisung threw for him (over a week late) would be an understatement. He was one of the friends who would only come to you when he needed something, and you assumed this time was no different. 
“Happy birthday?” you offer, wondering if that’s what he was expecting. 
He’s unfazed by your greeting in the form of a question and just smiles, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 
You stare at him for a moment, waiting for him to get to whatever it was he wanted from you but he stares right back with that stupid grin of his.
“So, um, were you surprised?” 
“Not really. Hannie talks in his sleep and he crashed while we were watching a movie together the other night. But hey, anyway, you like Jeongin, right?”
You’d have whiplash by now if you weren’t so used to Minho’s abrupt subject changes. This one, however, did manage to catch you a bit off guard. 
“Of course I do. He’s a good friend.”
“But you like him as more than a friend.” He wasn’t asking, he was stating. 
You blink, stunned. “Wh- I don’t-”
“Come on, don’t play dumb. I can see the way you look at him when you think no one’s paying attention.”
Well fuck. If Minho of all people had noticed your crush on Jeongin, who else knew? Did Jeongin know? Did everybody know?
“Relax, I'm not going to tell him,” he continues when he sees the look on your face. That wasn’t necessarily what you were worried about but good to know nonetheless. He sneaks a look at the younger member from across the room as he talks. “I just thought that you should know that he likes you too.”
“What? How do you know that?”
“You know I’m like one of his best friends, right?
“I-I mean, yeah, but...”
“And we live together, he literally never shuts up about you,” Minho adds. He raises his eyebrows expectantly but you don’t say anything. You don’t know what to say. “You don’t believe me?”
“No, it’s not that I don’t believe you… it’s just, why are you telling me?”
Minho shrugs. “Think of it as a favor.” 
“Since when have you done anyone a favor?”
“I’m serious,” you insist warily. “You’re acting weird. Why are you suddenly so invested in me and Jeongin? You have to have some kind of stake in this.”
Minho sighs and drops his head, which confirms your suspicions. “Okay, fine. Here’s the deal...”
Jeongin’s pleasantly surprised when you approach him at Minho’s birthday party. You’re one of his good friends but it’s rare that the two of you ever spend time alone together. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, he just gets so nervous around you. He can barely get a word out when you’re in the room, which is why when he sees you making your way across the room he prays for strength and holds his breath. 
“Hey,” you say casually, sliding into the seat next to him, and Jeongin feels his heart rate pick up almost immediately. “Bored already?”
Jeongin chuckles. “What gave it away?”
“Well, you’re sitting over here all by yourself. It wasn’t very hard to guess.”
“Yeah, I guess I should mingle more,” he sighs and puts his hands on his knees to push himself up.
“Wait, but not now! I just got here.”
Jeongin’s half-relieved he doesn’t have to move from his spot, half-panicked because now he’s forced to have this one on one conversation with you. He started sweating the minute you walked in the door how the fuck was he supposed to get through this in one piece. 
“Oh, right, sorry.”
“Did you get Minho a birthday present?” you ask, thankfully skirting right past Jeongin trying to ditch you. 
He nods. “I did.”
“What’d you get him?”
“It’s a secret.”
“You didn’t get him anything, did you?”
“Would you believe me if I said it was in the mail?”
“I forgot,” Jeongin admits sheepishly. “I always get the guys birthday gifts after the fact. I’m terrible at that stuff.”
“You can just add your name to mine, if you want,” you offer. “People group us together all the time anyway.”
“Wha- they do?” 
“Yeah, you know like whenever I show up at the dorms the boys are always like ‘Jeongin’s in his room’, ‘Jeongin will be right out’. ‘Jeongin isn’t here right now, I thought he’d be with you’. Do they not say that stuff to you?”
“Uh, no. Not really.” 
Probably because they all know about his giant fucking crush on you. 
You sound disappointed. Fuck. How does he always manage to put his foot in his mouth? 
“I mean, because they just tease me right in front of you anyway.”
“They just like giving you a hard time,” you reason. 
“So you’re on their side now?”
You crook an eyebrow. “I didn’t realize there were sides.”
“There are.”
“Then I’m on your side, obviously.”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Cause you’re friends with all of us, not just me.”
“Yeah, but you’re my favorite.”
Jeongin isn’t sure if he totally believes you but he’s elated regardless. He beams at you. 
“You’re my favorite too.”
He doesn’t know why, but after Minho’s birthday party, things between him and you feel different. The next time he sees you is on that Saturday, the fifth. You come over for game night like you do every weekend, and you take your spot next to Jeongin as usual. Everything seems normal. But it isn’t. Jeongin can feel it in the stiffness of your posture, in the nervous tapping of your foot against the hardwood floor. 
The night progresses as smoothly as any other game night, with Jeongin losing every single one, but he can’t shake the feeling that something’s off. 
You’re not mad at him, he knows that. You still laugh at his dumb jokes, you still let him cheat off of you, both good signs. 
When Felix calls for a break, Jeongin takes the opportunity to lean over and check in. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. 
You jump in your seat a little like you hadn’t been expecting him to address you, which was fair because he was usually too much of a coward to, and turn to face him. “Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine.”
“Just fine?”
“Yup. Just fine.”
“Not good?”
“Neither good, nor bad,” you say with a shrug. 
“Why? Is something wrong?”
You open your mouth to answer but Felix’s voice from the kitchen cuts you off as he calls out to suggest that the group of you watch a movie instead of finishing the game of Uno you were currently playing.
“You never want to watch movies,” Hyunjin says, scrunching his face in confusion. 
“Yeah, you’re only suggesting that because you’re losing!” Seungmin adds.
Felix comes into the room, hands on his hips, and lips pursed. “Do you want to watch How to Train Your Dragon or not?”
Seven and a half minutes later, you’re all on the couch watching Hiccup struggle with his daddy issues. Jeongin didn’t have much say in the matter but you had seemed eager to watch the movie so obviously he was… also eager. To watch the movie. 
A lot of the guys’ girlfriends were over so you asked Jeongin to share a blanket with you, seeing as there were only so many to go around. 
He agrees, of course, even though he isn’t cold. If anything, he’s overly warm. He hopes you can’t feel the heat radiating from his body. 
It’s hard to focus on the movie with you so close, not that he was really interested in it in the first place, but then you snuggle close to Jeongin and rest your head on his shoulder and his brain short circuits. You must feel his body tense because you sit back up immediately after, frowning. 
“No, you can lay back down,” Jeongin insists, going as far as craning his neck in the opposite direction to give you more room. 
“I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” you mumble. 
“Why would I be uncomfortable?” he asks.
“Because you’re being all weird.”
“I’m not-”
“Hey, you two,” Jisung hisses from the other couch, “could you keep it down? Some of us are trying to watch the movie.”
Jeongin apologizes and you shift away from him, crossing your arms over your chest. He’s really done it now. He tries to remedy the situation by scooting closer but you don’t even look at him. 
From across the room, Jeongin makes eye contact with Minho, who gives him a look as if to say what the fuck are you doing? 
Minho’s been trying to get Jeongin to make a move on you for months now, claiming to be tired of listening to him pine over you from afar, but Jeongin knows his friend really just wants him to be happy, put himself out there and all that. Minho’s been especially insistent ever since the eight of them made that stupid bet. He’s somehow under the impression that if Jeongin tells you how he feels it’ll eliminate him as competition. But for that to happen, you would have to like him back. 
He doubts he’ll win No Nut November anyway, girlfriend or not. Hell, half the reason he acts so strange around you is because he’s using up all of his energy trying not to get hard. All you have to do is smile at him and his dick will twitch in his pants. In fact, he knows tonight after you go home he’ll just lay in bed, hard and aching with thoughts of you as he wills his cock to soften on its own. 
But at least he wouldn’t be the first loser. Jisung made sure of that by losing on the second day of the month. Everyone saw it coming. 
Jeongin’s pulled from his thoughts by the sound of you yawning. 
“Are you tired?” he asks softly, not wanting to get scolded by his members for talking again.
“A little.”
“Do you want to lay down in my room? You could stay the night if you want, I know it’s getting late.”
“That’d be great, Innie, thanks.” You smile sleepily at him and reach for his hand. “Will you come with me? I don’t want to go by myself, I’d feel weird.”
Jeongin nods, brain going on autopilot as he takes your hand and leads you to his bedroom. No one questions where the two of you are going, either too engrossed in the movie to notice, or too uninterested to care. 
You flop down on his bed as soon as the door’s shut behind you. Jeongin chuckles. 
“Make yourself comfortable.”
“I will,” you hum. 
Despite the fact that the two of you don’t spend much time together, it isn’t uncommon for you to end up in Jeongin’s bed. He offers it to you whenever you decide to stay over because he doesn’t want you driving yourself home if you’re tired or if you’ve been drinking. He always takes the couch even though you’ve pointed out that his bed is big enough for the both of you. He doesn’t trust himself not to embarrass himself if he were to entertain the idea. 
“I know you wore jeans tonight so you can borrow something of mine to sleep in if you want.”
“Oh, that’s okay. I can just sleep in my underwear,” you say as you start to unzip your pants. “Unless that bothers you?”
Jeongin’s eyes widen at the sight and he spins on his heel to face the wall and give you privacy. 
“N-no, that’s fine,” he squeaks out. 
“You don’t have to turn away, Jeongin. It’s not like I’m a stranger.”
He ignores you and only turns back around once he hears you slide underneath the covers, knowing that he’d instantly get hard if he did any sooner. 
“I know, I just... uh, let me know if you need anything else,” he says and heads for the door. 
“Wait,” you call after him. “Won’t you stay with me?”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” he says slowly. 
You huff in frustration and throw back the covers. “I-I don’t understand. I should have never listened to Minho-”
“Minho? What’s Minho got to do with this?”
You look guilty all of the sudden, and Jeongin’s drops as his brian conjures up every possible scenario that involves you and Minho talking about him. None of them are good. 
“Y/n?” he prompts again. 
“He told me that he knew I had feelings for you and that you had feelings for me too, and then he told me about that idiotic bet you all made and tried to get me in on it, I guess to seduce you or something? But obviously he doesn’t know what he’s talking about because you don’t even like me!”
It’s entirely too much information for Jeongin’s brain to process at once. All he can focus on is that you have feelings for him??? 
“You have feelings for me?” he asks, dumbfounded. 
“Did you listen to anything else I just said?” you huff. 
“Not really.”
“Yes, I’ve had a big fat crush on you for forever now, thanks for noticing.”
“Really. Are you going to make me say it again?”
“I kind of want to,” Jeongin admits, finally feeling brave enough to approach you on his bed. 
“That’s mean.”
“Why? I have a crush on you too, silly.”
You blink in surprise. “What?”
“Minho wasn’t messing with you. He was right.”
“You like me?”
“How could I not?”
“You have a funny way of showing it,” you scoff. 
Jeongin rolls his eyes at you and pouts. “You just make me nervous, okay? I can’t function around a pretty girl.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
He nods and takes your hand. “The prettiest.”
He’s not sure who makes the next move, probably you, but then you’re kissing. Your arms are wrapped around Jeongin’s neck, pulling him down close to you as he slips his tongue into your mouth. Clumsily, he climbs onto the bed with you and slots himself in between your legs, moaning into your mouth a little when his hand brushes against your bare thigh. 
You already sound breathy and desperate for him and it spurs him on further, hips grinding into you instinctively. He’s practically fully hard in his sweats, there’s no way you can’t feel it, but you don’t seem to mind. If anything, it turns you on even more. 
You’re the first to break away, though, pushing on Jeongin’s chest to put more distance between you. “Wait, wait, the bet! Don’t you want to win?”
He doesn’t even need to think about it. “Fuck the bet.”
Jeongin kisses you again, letting his hands travel beneath your shirt and up to your tits. He traces your curves, outlining each one, before moving down to your underwear. It seems that you have a similar train of thought because you reach for the waistband of his pants at the same time, but he stops you with a sheepish grin. 
“This is really embarrassing, but I haven’t jerked off in like a week so I won’t last long.”
You smile against his lips. “It’s okay, Innie. We can just go again if you cum too fast. We have all the time in the world now.”
The assurance is all he needs to relax. You begin to palm him over his sweats and it becomes very apparent to Jeongin that he’s going to cum way faster than he wants to. He whines, actually whines, and bucks his hips into your hand. 
“Shhh, the others are still outside,” you remind him. 
You giggle and pull him in for another kiss as he fumbles for the waistband of your panties, wanting to make you feel good too. He dips his thumb beneath the fabric, lower and lower until you’re moaning and arching your back off the bed. 
“Fuck, yeah, just like that,” you whisper. 
Jeongin keeps his thumb on your clit, rubbing slow circles, while he works the rest of his hand into your underwear. He figures that if he can’t make you cum on his cock, his fingers will have to do. He’s been told that he has nice hands on more than one occasion, and he’s gotten good reviews from partners in the past, so it’s kind of like a failsafe for him. 
“Shit, you’re wet,” Jeongin breathes.
“Do you believe I like you now?”
For some reason, that’s what does it for him. He shudders and falls forward into you as he cums in his pants. 
“Oh god, sorry, sorry,” he groans. 
There’s so much of it too, it seeps through the material of his sweatpants and onto your hand and he’s mortified.
“Don’t be sorry, baby,” you soothe, rubbing his back as he comes down. “You told me it was going to happen, I expected it.”
“But still.”
“It really isn’t a big deal, Innie. If anything, I think it’s hot that I have that effect on you. And you can go again right?”
He nods eagerly. “Yes! Yeah, just give me like, ten minutes.”
You laugh and pet his hair. “Well in that case, I can think of a lot of things we can do in ten minutes, can’t you?”
nnn tags: @doesthismeannothingtoyou @yellowroses-world @allyoops @thelostverse @karlitaburrito @lydataylorsversion @septemberkisses @caticorn61 @multifandomtrash-dree @cixrosie @mchslut @cutiequokka
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literaila · 2 years
perishable hours 
tasm!peter x reader 
summary: peter reminds you how important sleeping is. and then proceeds to keep you awake. 
warnings: fluff, insomnia, half-asleep drabbles. 
a/n: and in this i attempt to write fluff without writing fluff 
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it's quiet when he gets the call. 
quiet enough for new york city in the middle of the night. car horns, and flickering lights, and yelling from a couple of streets down. the sound of doors opening and closing, and people running from dreams they used to covet. 
peter likes it best like this. when there's nothing to do. 
when time is only a thing to stand on, tilt off of the edge as he appreciates the silence that comes with three am. 
but then his phone starts buzzing in his pocket. 
peter--for just a moment--feels a bout of relief that his phone is still there. the guy at the tech store is getting tired of seeing him, and peter is getting tired of making an excuse every time he loses his phone. 
the relief goes away in a second; no one should be calling him at three in the morning. 
and when he sees your name on the screen--illuminated by a picture he took of you sitting at a counter, glaring at him because it was the fifth picture he'd taken of you that day--his confusion morphs into panic. 
you're usually asleep by now. usually laying in your bed, slightly snoring. you've always got some drool on the side of your cheek. always got your legs kicked out of the covers, shivering because of how cold it is. 
which peter knows, because he finds it all endlessly adorable. 
but only when you're actually doing it. 
and besides, you have a weird thing about calling him when he's patrolling.  
"i don't want you falling on your face when you get shocked by your ringtone," you'd said to him. 
peter had smiled, charming. "but then you could kiss the bruises away." 
so peter clears his throat, avoids thinking about whatever you might need, and backs into an alleyway that he would avoid under any other circumstance. 
he'll do the most for you. 
"hey, baby," he answers, sounding more carefree than he feels. 
he can hear you breathe into the phone. "hey." 
peter keeps a smile on his face. "what're you doing up so late?" 
there's a sniffle on the other end. 
it only proves to drop peter's heart even lower in his chest. 
he hums into the phone, waiting. 
"peter," you whisper, softly, breath catching.
"what's going on, sweetheart?" peter asks you, slipping the mask off of his face. he looks around for any pedestrians, and then takes off his gloves. "another bad dream?" 
"no. it's just--" peter can't hear you clear enough to tell if you're crying, but he has a sinking--sinking so far into the earth that it digs up spare body parts--suspicion that you are. "i can't sleep." 
peter holds the phone up between his ear and shoulder, sneaking his other arm out of its sleeve. "are you feeling okay?" 
"just tired?" 
peter switches ears. "i'm sorry, baby. what can i do?" 
"i don't know. i thought talking to you would help" you breathe out, sniffing again. "but i just feel worse now." 
"you're working. i can hear sirens." 
peter avoids shivering from the cold. "i was just heading home." 
"don't lie, peter." 
"i'm not," he swears, pulling his suit down so he can shake it off of his feet. "i'd much rather talk to you. it's boring tonight. and cold." 
"you like when it's boring." 
peter tries not to smile at how well you know him. "i like it when you're feeling alright, too. did you just want to talk?" 
there's a brief pause, leaving peter a moment to dread whatever you're going to say next. 
as he stands in a dark alleyway in a t-shirt, underwear, and socks. his hand digs around for the backpack he stashed earlier. 
"it's okay," you whisper. "i'll probably fall asleep soon." 
peter smiles, maybe amused at the unspoken words. or maybe because he's trying not to freeze to death. his heart flickers at the concession in your voice. 
he slips his sweatpants on next, refusing to think about the reality of this situation. 
"baby," he whispers to you, listening to you breathe. 
"can i come over?" 
peter hears something that sounds like a laugh. 
"you don't have to. you're probably tired." 
"peter," you sigh, now trying to convince him. 
peter laughs, slipping on his shoes. "i'm wide awake. and greedy." 
"wanna see you. it's been too long." 
this time, you actually laugh. "i saw you earlier today." 
"my point exactly." 
"you still don't have to." 
peter zips up his backpack, falling back into the light once more. he listens to the sirens and smiles into the phone. 
"i'll be there in ten." 
you flinch as you wake up, body on alert, nerves short-circuiting until you're sure that your limbs have left completely. 
that the numbness of your arm is just a trick of your mind. 
and that the eyes on you are just some part of a leftover dream. dazing carefully, droning on and on because they won't look away. 
brown and warm and soft and smooth. rough in their nature. playful. 
they stare at you, amused. unmoving and careful and cautious. 
and there's a hand on your head, musing your hair. 
you groan and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to grab onto the grasps of dreams that are still leftover. 
because it would seem that this isn't one. 
"good morning?" peter says, laughing. 
you fall even further into the pillows, head aching from the light coming in through your window. 
"are you still sleeping?" peter asks, softly, moving your malleable head. tilting your jaw. 
you can still feel his eyes on you. 
"why are you staring at me?" 
"incoming news: my baby is beautiful." 
peter's voice is soft and teasing and far too amorous for your heart. too strong and true and every usual thing that you love about it. 
"too early for this," you mumble, moving away from him and digging your face into a pillow. 
peter laughs. moves you back so that he can stare at you. 
"this is creepy, peter." 
you open one eye, squinting at him. "i don't remember inviting you in here." 
"that's weird because i remember it very well," peter tilts his head, eyebrow raised. "i distinctly remember someone tackling me when i--" 
you push him away. 
"not like that," peter says, returning.
"how long have you been awake?" 
"an hour or so." 
your other eye opens. you blink. "what?" 
peter moves his head down into your neck, nuzzling the skin by your pulse. "you're very warm." 
"you mean to tell me that you've just been laying there for an hour?" 
"not just," he says into your skin. 
you can feel the vibration. curse the goosebumps that respond. 
peter laughs. 
"how did you sleep?" he asks you, softly.
"fine until i woke to a stranger in my bed." 
peter's head jerks up. "where?" 
you laugh, pushing his cheek away with the tip of your finger. peter smiles and grabs your hand from his face, kissing the knuckles there. 
"how did you sleep?" you ask him. "were you here all night?" 
"came in around four. you woke up, kissed me, and then fell back asleep." 
"sounds about right." 
peter moves some hair out of your face. "i didn't mean to scare you," he says. "i'm sorry." 
"you didn't scare me." 
"i would've left but i fell asleep." 
"that's good. you were out late." 
peter doesn't answer that, only traces a finger from the corner of your eye to your jaw, up to your lips. his touch tickles, which you know, is the point. 
"you didn't scare me," you repeat, because you know him. 
"no? you jumped." 
"that's how i always wake up." 
peter laughs and kisses your cheek, melting his adoration into you. 
it's almost unfair. 
"i thought i was dreaming. i like it when you're here." 
peter meets your eyes. "yeah?" 
you nod, allowing your lips to move on their own accord. to bend and twist and smile at him like he's the only thing that could be worth it. 
peter smiles back, just the same. "you're cute when you're half asleep," he whispers. 
cloudy tone and sweet words and things that are supposed to kill you right where you lay. 
but then he kisses you. he manages to wake you up completely, any hazed thoughts drifting away from your head. nerves alight with fear that he'll move away. skin burning at the thought of him touching you. 
which he is. 
he teases at your skin, laughing into your mouth. 
you laugh back. 
peter pulls back, hand tilting your chin toward him. "what do you wanna do today?" 
when peter wakes up, it's to the sound of a door closing. 
so he lays in bed for a moment. tries to remember where he is and why he's asleep. 
it's still dark outside, he can see when he looks through the window. streetlight shining in on his face. 
if he touched the glass, his skin would freeze.  
peter pulls the cover over his head, his own warm breath punching him in the face. 
he's pretty sure that he forgot to brush his teeth. 
so he moves them back down, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. he's not sure when he fell asleep. barely remembers watching a movie with you, and laughing when you almost fell off of the bed. he doesn't remember what happened next. 
but he knows that you should be right next to him, clinging to him like you always do when it's cold outside. 
but you're not. you're nowhere near him. 
he looks over to the clock on the bedside table, the numbers flashing red back at him with a glare. 
he blinks again. 
and then sits up, looking at the crumbled covers on your side of the bed. the pillows on the floor. 
and peter frowns because usually, this isn't a good sign. 
he hears you close something else in the other room. 
there's a slight concern fuzzing up in his chest. like a purr of his blood, telling him that he's not falling back asleep any time soon. just barely dimmed from the excess of exhaustion still in his chest. 
peter feels just a little bit dizzy when he stands up, feet wobbling over the floor. he still has his socks on. 
he walks to the door, just about to open it when he hears something else on the other side. 
something that sounds like music, and something that sounds like you dying. 
peter walks out into the kitchen to find you singing into a whisk, dancing to a song he doesn't quite recognize. 
all of the lights are on. 
you don't seem to notice him, even when he goes up to the counter, just continue singing and dancing--movements soft and smooth and far too enthusiastic for two in the morning. 
still, peter lets a smile tease at his lips. 
he wonders if maybe he's still asleep. that maybe this is just something funny to tell you about tomorrow. 
but then you look up at him, eyes widening, movements stopping. 
peter watches as you almost fumble with the bowl on the counter, falling like he's just changed your center of gravity by walking into the room. 
"peter," you say, surprised, voice a bit quieter than the music. you reach over the counter to grab your phone, turning it down. "you're awake." 
peter laughs, noticing some flour on your nose. 
"did i wake you up?" you ask, brows folding. "i'm sorry. i was trying to keep it down." 
peter shakes his head. "no. what're you doing?" 
you look down at the bowl again, almost guilty. like a child with lipstick all over their face. "making cookies." 
peter sits down on a stool, watching you. "this late?" 
you give him an innocent smile. "i thought that you might help me eat them." 
"why are you awake?" 
you shrug. "i wanted cookies." 
"so you decided to start making some at two in the morning?" 
you frown. "well, actually, i woke up an hour ago. do you know how dirty the kitchen was?" 
"i spent an hour cleaning it. and now i'm making cookies." 
peter lets out an exasperated laugh. "that's all?" 
"i was dancing." 
"i noticed." 
you frown and stop mixing the dough. look towards the clock on the stove. "you should go back to bed. you have to be up early, don't you?" 
peter nods, biting his lip. 
you stare at him, waiting. 
he stares back, so willing to watch your face shift and burn into the atmosphere. 
a perfect cosmology. 
"what?" you ask him, brows raised. 
"what kind of cookies?" 
"chocolate chip." 
peter gets up, walking around the counter, towards you. "can i have one?" 
"i'm making them for you." 
peter goes right behind you, wrapping arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest, and letting his head drift down to your shoulder. 
"are you going to fall asleep right there?" you ask him. 
"i might," peter leaves a kiss on the skin of your neck he can reach. "speak now or forever hold your peace." 
you say nothing. simply take the bag of chocolate chips next to you and pour it into the dough. 
"you know i'm not going back to bed until you do, right?" 
you nod your head against him, pushing yourself as close to peter as possible. 
peter closes his eyes, breathing you in for a moment. 
and a couple of minutes when he opens them again, he frowns, reaching around you to grab a mug. 
"is this coffee?" he sniffs at the cup, spinning you around. 
you're trying not to smile. so guilty. 
"baby," he sighs, throwing his head back. 
"i just needed a little kick when i was cleaning--" 
"we've talked about this." 
you frown and cross your arms. "when?" 
"when we talked about getting enough sleep, and not sabotaging yourself--" 
you tap a finger on your chin. "do not recall." 
"you're not getting out of this one." 
"we'll go to bed when the cookies are done," you say, so simply, turning back around, purposefully avoiding his eyes. 
"hey," he says, tilting your head back towards him. "what's with that?" 
"your mischievous little smile." 
you pull away from his hands, shrugging. "don't know what you're talking about," you mumble.
peter pulls you away from the counter again, moving so that he can see you. "you planned this out." 
"being loud, the music, my favorite cookies..." peter stares at you, maybe amazed, maybe annoyed. 
you are completely silent. 
"oh, you--" peter laughs, digging a finger into your stomach to watch you squirm. "waking me up because you missed me, huh?" 
he laughs when you giggle hysterically, trying to push his hands away. 
"what'd i do to deserve that, bub? you're always talking about--" 
"you win!" you gasp, "baby, i don't--" 
"--how important sleep is." 
"peter, c'mon, i can't--" 
"and what was that about 'you should go back to bed?'" peter demands, a smile playing at his lips. "you're the one that woke me up--"
"mercy," you plead. "i'm sorry," but you're laughing so hard that peter can feel your body shaking. 
one of his hands moves to cradle your cheek, getting you to look him right in the eyes. 
face bright and warm and every beautiful thing that peter isn't sure he deserves. 
"you're sorry?" 
"so terribly." 
"and you're going to stop drinking coffee this early in the morning?" 
you pout. "i didn't say anything about that." 
peter's hand reaches for your ribs again, and you squeal. 
"okay," you move away from him--not that he's letting you go. "okay. no more coffee." 
and then peter stares at you, trying not to burst into laughter. 
you look like you're doing the same. 
peter raises a brow. 
"okay, to be fair--" you begin. 
"here we go." 
"you fell asleep so early. like, how old are you actually? because i thought you would at least make it to eight, but--" 
peter's jaw drops. 
you giggle at him, eyes crinkling at the sides. 
"did you just call me old?" 
"not explicitly." 
and then he pulls you even closer, tilting his head so he can whisper in your ear. "now you're in for it." 
the next morning, peter doesn't remember if you finished making the cookies. 
"peter," you whisper, almost close enough to taste his skin. 
to watch him breathe and wonder what it would be like to never stop. 
he doesn't budge. moves over and continues snoring into the pillow. 
so you laugh at him, sit down on the space he's so considerately made for you on the bed. 
you rub at his shoulder, frowning at how warm he is. 
"hey, kid," you say to him, glancing at the clock. "wake up." 
peter's eyes flutter the minimalist amount. 
you snort. 
"c'mon," you say. "it's almost noon. i would let you sleep but you're going to mess up your schedule..." 
he sniffs. tries to roll over again. 
you poke his cheek. 
"you should know that there is a water bottle right on your desk," you say, softly. "and that i am not afraid of you. or the water. at all." 
peter peaks an eye open. 
"there he is." 
he frowns. "would you really dump it on me?" 
you pretend to think about it. "i would kiss you awake first." 
"is that still an option?" 
you laugh and fall over him, cuddling deep into his skin. 
"woah," he says, but wraps an arm around your back, holding you closer. his fingertips tease at the back of your neck, daring. "have you been up long?" 
"since nine." 
"what'd you do?" 
"watched some tv. made breakfast. drew a mustache on your face in sharpie." 
peter's head lifts up, meeting your eyes. "really?" 
you laugh, trace his cupids brow. 
you admire the soft color of his skin. the pink to his cheeks and the flush that he has only this early in the afternoon. only after you've been laying on him. 
only with you; only with him. 
"shame," peter sighs. "i've been trying to grow it out." 
his nose meets yours, sweet and soft, and he's so close that you almost don't remember how to speak. 
how to breathe and pretend that it's normal. 
"i'll keep that in mind tomorrow morning," you whisper, just barely. 
peter lays back, pulling you with him. you watch the dimple on his cheek twitch and forget about doing anything else. 
peter doesn't bother to knock on the window when he gets in this late. 
he doesn't want to run the risk of waking you up--of worrying you with bruises that will be gone by morning, and making you leave the secure cocoon you've collected around yourself. 
blankets and wonderful thoughts and feelings that peter misses just a little bit too much right now. 
as soon as he's in your room, he's slipping his shoes off. 
he's looking at you and wondering how he ever managed to leave. 
he's taking off his jacket, dropping his bag on the floor, and trying not to shiver from the cold. 
he's staring at you, for just a little too long. 
he watches your face as you twitch in your sleep, a soft curve of your lips. a blank and peaceful face. 
peter's chest pinches at the idea of watching this any longer. 
so he crawls towards you, leaving a short and yearning kiss on your cheek. 
moving the covers just a little bit. so that he can fall into them with you. 
"hey, bub," he says to you, knowing that you can't hear. 
he lets himself fall into your bubble, taking up space that he knows you don't want. 
he moves some hair out of your eyes; smiles at the subtle twitch of your cheek. 
and then he kisses your hairline, wanting to spend all night staring at you. 
talking to you and listening to you speak back. memorizing the sound of your voice and every little thing that makes you laugh. 
he wants to fall asleep right here. right now. 
he wants to avoid the world and pretend that there isn't anything else. 
because maybe there isn't. 
even with the light from outside shining on your face--ruining the illusion--he smiles. 
he pulls you closer to him, cooing softly when you cuddle close to him, smiling in your sleep. 
and then he breathes out. 
falls asleep without a doubt in his mind. 
my masterlist here. 
tags: @moonlarking-blog​ @v1ci0us​ @preciousbabypeter​ @alexxavicry​ @directioner5life​  @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah​ @localrockstargf​
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lunarpeonie · 11 months
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stay the night
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in which you babysit megumi some nights and toji is sick of you showing up in those tight little shorts
1.3k words, nsfw
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“Good evening, Mr. Fushiguro. I just put Megumi down.” You whispered as you held up the baby monitor. Toji hadn’t had one when you first started working for him and had purchased it at your insistence. You had been babysitting for the Fushiguro’s now for a few months, showing up whenever Toji had called. It wasn’t a regular thing, Toji had told you his job was a freelancer (whatever that meant) and his work wasn’t regular. Still, he paid decently and Megumi was a doll of a child, always so sweet and eager to have someone to babble to.
It also didn’t hurt that Toji was an absolute dilf. He had a perfectly placed scar on the corner of his lips that you wanted to paint pink with your lipstick. He towered over you and always had on shirts seemingly two sizes too small that outlined his hard abs and broad shoulders. You were waiting for him to lift his arm one day and have his shirt split down the middle. Long story short, you wanted him.
“Thanks.” He said digging in his pants pocket for his wallet to pay you for the night. He was never very talkative, especially so after he was done work. You had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t just with you. You turned around to grab your purse on the couch, not realizing how far your yoga shorts had ridden up. They had moved so far that now your peach colored panties were peeking out underneath.
You heard a faint rustling of clothing before feeling a large, calloused hand grip your waist. You stiffened in surprise and quickly turned your head to look at the man behind you. His hand traveled up in between the valley of your breasts and he tugged you so that your back was flush with his chest. His extremely muscular chest. You could already feel your face heating up.
Toji leaned his head next to your ear to whisper. “You didn’t have to wear those tiny shorts for my attention, you already have it. Do you know how hard it’s been to hold back all of this time? My self control has worn out.” It wasn’t as if you wore those shorts on purpose for this exact outcome… or that was what you told yourself to feel better about the fact that you desperately wanted the single father with an ambiguous job who always came home late.
“If you want to stop, say so now because once I get started, it’s too late.” He groaned into your ear. You shook your head vigorously no, unable to muster up the words to speak. He slots his lips against yours, swallowing your mewls of excitement. Toji nipped at your lower lip, inviting you to open for him. When you did, he slipped his tongue past your parted lips dominating your own.
“I’m gonna stuff you full,” he groaned, kissing up the side of your neck before pushing you hard onto the weathered sofa.
“I can barely wait to come home to my pretty little cockslut waiting for me.” His voice was teasing, one of his hands dipping under the waistband of your shorts, slowly working its way down and pulling both your shorts and underwear down with it.
“Taking care of my kid all day, waiting for me to come home and give you your reward.” He dipped two calloused fingers into your heat and groaned. “How are you so wet already?” He started off slow, but with your encouraging mewls, he began to aggressively scissor his digits in and out of your hole.
“Ah, Toji…” you trailed off as he lifted his fingers out of you, a trail of your essence following them. He guided his fingers to his awaiting mouth, scar stretching to open wide. Sucking hard on his two digits, he slid them slowly from his mouth and let go of them with a pop.
“I would play more but…” he trailed off, but you knew what he was thinking. You couldn’t waste time when you had a toddler down the hall that could wake up any moment. You feverishly unbuttoned the jeans clinging tight to his thighs and pulled down, gasping at the outline of his cock in his silky black boxers. You palmed the large bulge with your hand, feeling the pulsating veins even through the thin layer of fabric. It twitched as you began to run your hand up and down the clothed erection. Toji wasted no time in revealing it to you and let his boxers pool at his ankles before kicking them away. He was long and thick with a nest of black hair resting at the base of him. The curtains do match the drapes.
“Oh my god.” You whispered, but not quiet enough for it to escape Toji’s notice. He shot you a devilish grin before pushing you so your back laid on the faux leather couch.
“Next time, I’ll take my time on you. Maybe shove my face between those thighs and lick your pretty pussy. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” All you could do was vigorously nod your head in response, excessively aware of the fact that Toji had moved the head of his cock so that it was poking at your entrance.
“But what about…ah!” You started, trying to warn Toji that you hadn’t used any protection, but he was already plowing through your wet heat. You tried to quiet your mewls, but couldn’t hold them in as he thrust deep within you. Toji shushed you and buried your head in the crook of his neck.
“You’re so whiny. You’re gonna wake the kid.” You can feel his grin against your skin while he says it, not seeming at all worried about the possibility. In fact, he seemed pleased with himself.
He lifted your leg, folding it against your chest and angled his hips up. You choked back a moan as he hit your g-spot. Toji picked up the pace, thrusting fast and hard into your heat. He felt himself lose all control in the wet, gummy paradise between your thighs. Each thrust felt like he went deeper within you, carving out a space for himself within you. He slid a hand down to play with your clit, rubbing tight circles until you started to feel a familiar tension within your stomach.
“Ah, Toji I’m -“ You whimpered.
“You gonna come for me? Good.” You bit down on your lower lip to try to quiet your noises of pleasure, but he still slaps his hand across your mouth to muffle the noises you couldn’t contain. Finally, the tension snapped like a rubber band and your body flooded with release. He pushed his forehead against yours as he fucked you through your orgasm with deep thrusts that had you nearly shaking with overstimulation.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum.” He hissed, leaning so your foreheads were touching. “I’m not pulling out. You’d be such a good mother, wouldn’t you? You take such good care of my son, maybe I’ll give you one of your own.” Your eyes shot wide open in alarm, shocked that you liked the idea so much. You chanted yes, yes, yes, as you felt him groan and shoot his load deep inside of you. He stayed there for a moment, before slowly pulling his cock all of the way out and pushing his cum back in you. Toji rolls to lay his back on the sofa, grabbing your body and placing you on top of him.
“You’ll have to stay the night. I’m not done with you yet.” He grinned. Somehow, you were completely fine with that. (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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haddonfieldwhore · 6 months
torn - vince dunn
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vince dunn x fem!reader (x platonic! matthew tkachuk)
summary: with seattle on an 8 game losing streak, it’s even more difficult to choose who to cheer for; your boyfriend or your best friend
word count: 4k
warnings: language, a sprinkle of angst, drinking, nsfw themes implied but nothing explicit, mention of cheating
you fiddled absentmindedly with your fingers in your lap as you sat in the audience, paying little attention to the practice skate happening in the rink. your mind was elsewhere, unable to focus on your boyfriend vince dunn and his team as you thought about his instead. matthew tkachuk had been your best friend for as long as you could remember, and while you should have been overjoyed at the fact that you got to see him tonight, the fact that he was on the opposing team did slightly complicate things.
while it was just a game at the end of the day, it wasn’t at the same time. it felt like a double edged sword; while you knew you would be happy with whoever won, that also meant that one of your two favourite people had to lose, and you didn’t want that.
you breathed a sigh of relief that this was their last regular season game against eachother, the panthers and the kraken not meeting up too often. you felt you phone buzz in your pocket and checked it to see a text from matthew.
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you looked up at the clock on the wall, which read 10:49am, meaning the kraken were almost done and you wouldn’t miss too much if you snuck out now.
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you gathered your stuff, sneaking out without drawing attention to yourself, and not noticing the green eyes of your boyfriend flickering up to notice your empty seat. it was only about 15 minutes before matthew arrived, meeting you outside the cafe by sneaking up behind you and wrapping his arms around you. you let out a shriek, earning a few weird looks from people around the room as you turned around.
“you scared me!” you punched matthews chest lightly, before throwing your arms around his neck in a bone crushing hug.
“that was kind of the idea,” he laughed, holding you tight as he laughed. it had been months since you had seen him, and you always missed him like crazy when you were apart.
“you cut your hair!” you commented on his appearance as you finally looked at his face. you had obviously seen him on tv and in pictures since you last saw him in person, but it wasn’t the same as being fave to face. “last time i saw you your curls were crazy,” you smiled, remembering how long his hair had grown out.
“yeah, it’s a lot to fit under the helmet,” he smiled, and finally let go of you.
“also,” you began. “happy belated birthday! i can’t believe we were one day off from getting to spend it together,” you pouted, thinking of his birthday that had been just yesterday.
“thank you. we can celebrate tonight- after the game. i think we’re sticking around in seattle until at least tomorrow morning so we have all night.”
“deal,” you smiled, shaking his hand.
after a quick shower, vince towel dried his curly hair and threw on a kraken hoodie and some shorts, taking advantage of the warmer than usual weather despite it being mid december. usually after practice you were waiting for him outside the locker room, but he had a pretty good feeling that you wouldn’t be there to greet him today; the empty hallway confirming his suspicions as he sighed.
“everything okay? she’s never not here.”
vince looked up to nod his head softly at tye kartye, one of his teammates and one of your close friends. “where is she?”
“with tkachuk,” dunn replied, not meaning to sound so bitter. “he’s her best friend; they never get to see eachother,” he recovered, not wanting to give the impression that he was upset about it. he had no issue with you having friends that were on other teams, especially since you had been friends with matthew far longer than you had been dating him.
“sharing trade secrets about our practice?” tye joked innocently, and vince punched his arm.
“you know she wouldn’t. and besides, i don’t think she was really paying attention anyway,” he laughed. he pulled his phone out of his bag, checking to see if you had messaged him, trying not to be too disappointed when he saw no notifications on the screen.
you and matthew were walking around seattle, not straying too far from the arena, when your phone went off.
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you smiled at the message, and didn’t notice matthew had stopped in front of you until you ran straight into his chest.
“loverboy wondering where you are?” he teased innocently.
“he’s just checking in. their practice just ended.”
“don’t even ask. i am sworn to secrecy,” you scolded, with a finger pressed to his lips to quiet him. he smirked, raising his hands in surrender.
“i see how it is. does that mean you’re cheering for him tonight over me?” he asked playfully.
“i’m cheering for both of you. i don’t want either of you lose,” you admitted, and matthew threw an arm around your shoulder.
“i know. and i’m sorry they have to lose but-“
“hey!” you laughed. “don’t be an ass.”
“sorry,” he smiled. “and i promise to try not to hit him too hard in to the boards-“
“hey!” you repeated, but you knew that he was only messing with you.
“okay okay i’m done.”
you had gone home to vince’s apartment once matthew had to go to the panthers practice, giving you some time to get ready before the game. you and the birthday-boy would be going out straight after the game, so you had to get a little fancier than you usually did for a game, knowing you wouldn’t have time to do your makeup or anything.
putting on an outfit appropriate for clubbing and doing your hair and makeup took a little longer than usual, and soon it was time to head down to the arena with vince. he walked out of your shared bedroom dressed in his suit for the evening, a dark purple colour with a subtle blue plaid pattern. no matter how many times you saw him get dressed up, it still made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“you really do look great in a suit,” you smiled, smoothing out his blue tie and brushing that one curl that never seemed to stay put off his forehead. he leaned down to kiss your lips softly.
“you look amazing. although i have a weird feeling this isn’t all for me..” he said hesitantly, his hands landing softly on your waist.
“i mean of course it’s for you,” you paused, kissing the side of his neck softly. “but i do have plans after the game with matthew,” you admitted, feeling guilty even though you knew he wouldn’t mind.
“i had a feeling,” vince laughed, but kissed your forehead. “you are still cheering for us during the game though, right?” he smiled.
“yes, but he’s gonna be a bummer to hang out with if they lose, so think of me if that happens,” you laughed as he kissed you again, before grabbing your bag for you and getting the door. you weren’t sure how it was time to go already, but you were only getting more nervous standing around waiting, so you were happy to get going, following close behind vince as he left the apartment.
you and vince arrived at the arena, but split off since he had a few things to do before the game; usual player stuff. you were in the back when the panthers arrived, and while most of them didn’t pay you any mind, a certain player with golden curls sent you a wink as he walked by and into the visitors locker room. you decided that while yes, you were hoping that seattle won the game (florida could afford the loss more than the kraken could right now), you would still be an encouraging friend, texting matthew a quick ‘good luck 🥰’.
you put your phone away, and took a deep breath, trying to ease your nerves. you and a few of the other players girlfriends went to your seats, and you tapped your fingers on your knee, drowning out the conversation going on around you. a hand in your shoulder snapped you out of your trance, and you turned to look at valerie, who was engaged to jared, one of the forwards for seattle.
“you okay?” she asked, and you smiled.
“yeah - just a little nervous if i’m being honest.”
“what’s going on?”
“my best friend plays for florida, so i’m just a little upset that one of the teams had to lose,” you laughed, and val giggled.
“aww. it’s okay honey. that’s the game; someone wins and someone loses - and i’m sure both vince and your friend know that.”
“you’re right,” you sighed, her words making you feel better. “thanks val.”
“no problem. are you and vince going out after the game? you’re all fancy today.”
“no, actually i have plans with matthew - my friend.”
“so you have a bit of a type, huh? tall, curly hair, a little dangerous…” she teased.
“i’m kidding, i’m kidding,” she bumped her shoulder against yours softly. “i won’t tell anyone if you secretly cheer for florida,” she whispered in your ear.
“i still want us to win,” you took a sip from your drink. “i just don’t want the other team to lose.” you both laughed at the redundant statement, and the players came out into the ice to skate around before the game began.
“what’s tkachuk’s number again? i want to keep an eye on him for you,” val asked.
“19,” you smiled. “i’m sure he’ll make his presence known.” as if on queue, you saw matt in the starting lineup out on the ice, and he nodded his head towards you, and you smiled.
“yeah, you definitely have a type.”
the first period went by without too much excitement, besides vince getting a penalty for a high stick. while you would never admit it to him, you always thought he looked hot sitting in the penalty box. florida got a few more power plays in the second period, but yamamoto was still able to score the only goal so far, giving seattle a 1-0 lead. you noticed vince and matt give eachother a couple shoves as play was whistles down for a save from seattles goalie, daccord.
bellemare scored the second goal for seattle, giving us an even bigger lead, and while i was happy for the kraken, my mood fell as my eyes landed on matty. he was sitting on the panthers bench, chewing on his mouthguard instead of wearing it properly, as always. on his next shift he got a good shot, but it was deflected, and the start of a fight broke out between vince and one of the other panthers, but it was quickly broken up.
wennberg intercepted a pass and got a breakaway to score seattles third goal, and your gaze went to the florida bench again. as your eyes found matthew, you realized he was already looking at you. you mouthed a sincere “i’m sorry” at your best friend, and you knew he understood it when he tilted his head sideways with a shrug; but you could tell he was frustrated.
florida pulled their goalie with five minutes left in the game, and tolvanen scored an empty netter to secure the victory early. the girls were cheering next to you and you smiled as they announced that vince got an assist on the goal, adding to his already impressive tally of points on the season so far. the time dwindled down to nothing, confirming the win for seattle and in turn earning daccord his first nhl shutout.
the fans cheered as the kraken skated around celebrating, and the panthers headed back to the locker room.
you were leaning up against the wall talking with some of the teams girlfriends when you felt arms wrap around your midsection from behind, and a soft kiss being placed on the junction between your shoulder and your neck. you giggled as vince’s stubble tickled your skin, and you turned around and kissed him on the lips.
“hey,” you smiled, admiring the sparkle that always appeared in his eyes when the kraken won.
“hey yourself,” he smiled, kissing you again, before his eyes traveled up and down your body, taking in every inch of your outfit. “you’re sure you’re not gonna hang with us? we’re going to kartye’s place, it’s gonna be a good time….” he trailed off, his fingers drumming softly against your hips.
“i’m sad i’m missing it, but i promised matthew; it was his birthday yesterday and i haven’t seen him in forever,” you pouted, and vince nodded.
“i get it, don’t worry. i just thought i’d ask.”
“you could come with us?” you offered, and he smiled, but shook his head.
“i don’t wanna third wheel,” he teased. “go have fun. i get you all the time, he can have you for one night.”
i raised an eyebrow, and vince seemed to realize the error in his wording.
“not like that,” he scolded, a light blush on his face, and you laughed.
“i’m kidding. you’re the only one who gets me in that way.”
“good,” vince said, his confidence returning as he kissed you deeply, before the rest of the team started exiting the locker room.
“hey, you coming out with us?” yamamoto asked, and you shook your head, but vince answered for you.
“she’s got a date with the enemy,” he replied, and you shot him a glare for throwing you under the bus, but knew the team wouldn’t care. they hazed you for a minute, but you laughed it off before they stole vince from you, him calling out for you to text him if anything happened. you waved to the guys and said goodnight to the girls before heading towards the visitors locker room to find matthew.
the panthers were still inside when you got there, so you sat on a bench in the hallway while you waited. about 10 minutes went by before anyone exited the room, and finally a defeated looking tkachuk walked out of the door. he perked up slightly when he saw you, and you stood up, gasping slightly as he lifted you up in the air. to not fall, you wrapped you arms and legs around him like a koala bear, laughing as he spun around.
“stop you’re gonna drop me!”
“i would never,” he replied, but set you down on your feet anyway. “you ready to go?” he asked, and you looked at the white button up shirt he had on with some dark jeans. his hair was still slightly damp from his post-game shower, and he smelled like his usual cologne.
“yeah, what the plan?”
“there’s gotta be a club around here somewhere right?” he asked, and you nodded, remembering the handful of times you had gone out with the team to celebrate after a game.
“yeah, i know a place.”
“well what are we waiting for?” he smiled.
a few hours and many drinks later, you found yourself being pulled onto the dance floor by matthew, some throwback hip hop song blaring through the speakers of the club. his hands were on your hips as you danced to the music, your back to his chest as your bodies got closer together. the club lighting was low except for the flashing stove lights, casting different colours across the people in the room.
“what are you thinking about?” matthew asked, his breath fanning across your ear as he leaned closer so you could hear him over the music, and you realized you must have zoned out.
“i’m sorry you guys lost the game.”
he laughed, using his grip on your waist to turn you to face him, his hands never leaving your body.
“it’s fine,” he shook his head, but his eyes didn’t meet yours, so you could tell he wasn’t too happy about it.
“sorry, i shouldn’t have brought it up. kinda ruined the mood.” his gaze found yours now, the bright blue of his eyes slightly hazy from the alcohol.
“and what mood was that?” he smirked.
“we’re celebrating your birthday, matty,” you smiled, throwing your arms around his neck and burying your face against his collarbone. you felt another laugh rumble in his chest, as his arms encircled you, and you breathed in the way he smelled; expensive. you looked up at him, and found him already looking at you, his eyes half closed, either from intoxication or tiredness. without thinking, you placed a soft peck on his lips, and then both of your froze. his eyes were wide now, and you stuttered incoherently.
“i didn’t mean to do that,” you finally said.
“you didn’t?”
“no,” you confirmed.
“okay,” he laughed, and you hit his bicep softly.
“it’s not funny matty, i fucked up,” you said seriously, and he cleared his throat.
“okay, just breathe,” he said as you began to panic. “let’s get some fresh air okay?” he led you outside, the cool december air helping to sober you up quickly. there was no one stood outside the club except a couple people smoking a little ways down the sidewalk. you leaned against the side of the building as you continued to freak out. you had to tell vince- and now, before some paparazzi posted a photo of it and he found out some other way.
you pulled out your phone, and matthews eyes widened again as his hand gently wrapped around yours.
“what are you doing?”
“i have to tell him,” you mumbled.
“tell who what-“
“tell my boyfriend that i just cheated on him, matthew. oh god-“ you cried, tears welling in your eyes.
“are you sure you should call him right now? you’re hyperventilating.”
“he needs to know. and he needs to hear from me first before he finds out from someone else,” you insisted, somehow managing to calm for breathing down, though your heart remained pounding against your ribcage.
“okay. you’re right,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “it’s not like it meant anything, right? it was a stupid drunken kiss.”
“yes. i love you, but not like that, dude.” you both laughed, and you were glad to be on the same page about it. matty would always be your best friend, and there had never been anything romantic between the two of you.
“agreed,” he smiled. “i’ll give you some privacy, but i’m not leaving you out here alone. i’ll be over there if you need me,” he said, and walked down the side of the building, keeping you in his line of sight under safe watch. you took a shaky breath, and scrolled through your phone to vince’s contact, and pressed the call button.
“hello?” he answered, and you could hear loud music in the background.
“vince - it’s me. can you hear me?” you replied, and you heard the sound of a door and the music getting quieter, like he had gone into another room.
“hey, babe. yeah i can hear you now. is everything okay?” he asked, a concerned tone in his voice.
“yes - well no- but yes, i’m fine. i need to tell you something.”
“what is it?” he asked.
“i accidentally kissed matthew,” you admitted, closing your eyes like it would stop you from hearing his reaction. “we got really drunk and it just happened and it was one tiny little kiss and i’m so sorry,” you blabbered, before listening to a long painful silence on the other side of the phone.
“it didn’t mean anything? it was just a mistake?” he asked calmly, and you were a little shocked. you hadn’t exactly expected him to yell at you, but you thought he would at least sound… angrier.
“god no - of course it didn’t. i love you so much and i’m so sorry.”
“does he know it didn’t mean anything?” he asked, the expected anger a little more present in his voice this time.
“yes, vince. we’re just friends; i promise,” you insisted, and you heard him sigh on the other end.
“okay. i mean i’m not happy about it but if it didn’t mean anything i i’ll get over it. i’ll kiss one of the guys and we’ll call it even, okay?” he teased, and you laughed, slightly in relief but also in disbelief.
“have you been drinking?” you teased, and he gave a genuine laugh.
“maybe a little. but seriously - if it was just an accident i forgive you. are you guys staying out for a bit? do you need me to call you a cab or anything?” he asked, and you smiled at how much of a sweetheart he was.
“i think we’ve both had enough partying for one night. i’ll get a cab home, okay? are you and guys staying out much longer?” you replied.
“okay, text me when you’ve made it home. i think we’re almost calling it a night, so i’ll be there soon.”
“okay. i love you.”
“i love you too.” he said, and the call ended. matthew saw you put your phone away, and walked back over to you.
“is he coming here to kill me?” he asked, and you rolled your eyes, wondering how he could joke at a time like this.
“no - i have the best boyfriend in the world and he said everything is fine since it was just a drunken mistake.” speaking of vince your phone went off in your hand and you looked at the screen to see a text with a picture of larsson and yamamoto kissing him on either cheek, a big goofy smile on his face. below it was a text that just said “now we’re even 🩵” and you shook your head, smiling as you showed matt.
“i don’t know him too well but he seems like a good guy.”
“he is,” you smiled. “i’m gonna call it a night, and you probably should to, considering i’m sure you guys have to be in the road pretty early tomorrow.”
“yeah you’re right,” he said, scratching the back of his head. “i’ll see you during the holiday break, right?” he asked. the teams always got a few days off at christmas and you usually spent at least one of them together. that meant it would o it be a few weeks before you got to see each other again.
“of course,” you said, wrapping your arms around him in a hug, suddenly sad to be saying goodbye so soon.
“okay,” he smiled, returning the hug as your cab pulled up. “tell dunn i’m sorry. and congrats on the win.”
“i will. text me in the morning?” he nodded in response, and pulled out his phone to call a cab of his own. you sighed as the car pulled away, and you shut your eyes, suddenly feeling exhausted.
you were home long enough to shower and get into your pyjamas, which was just one of vince’s t-shirts and some shorts, before you heard his keys in the door. you ran over to him and he wrapped you in his arms immediately, his familiar scent filling your nose as you buried your face in his chest.
“i’m sorry,” you mumbled.
“i know. i forgive you,” he laughed softly. “i am a little sad i don’t get to take that outfit off you, but i might like this one even more.”
you smiled, placing soft kisses up his neck until your lips connected. he walked you backwards to the bedroom and let your fingers undo the buttons of his shirt. once he was down to his boxers, you both crawled into bed, your head on his chest as his fingers traced little patterns on your thigh.
“i love you,” you mumbled, very sleepy after a long day.
“i love you too.”
“i love you more than anyone else on earth,” you clarified, and it was the truth. vince smiled, though you couldn’t see it, and kissed the top of your head.
“i know. goodnight baby,” he said softly, and you were out before you could say anything back. while he wasn’t exactly happy about what had happened, he felt better knowing that at the end of the day, it was his arms that you were falling asleep in.
disclaimer: all screenshots, events, and/or interactions depicted in this are a work of fiction. i have no association with any parties mentioned
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astonmartingf · 3 months
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mick schumacher x reader x liam lawson
series summary— the world of motorsports is vast, yet it is also very limiting. like an intricate web of relationships, connections can get you everywhere, and underneath the pinnacle of motorsports are the secrets waiting to be unfolded.
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news catches to your parents while you spend time with them during the break, and new rumors begin at the start of the season
warnings: daddy issues, reader has nervous breakdown, even more conspiracy theories
previous ★ masterlist ★ next
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“I’m surprised you found your way back home.” 
Your father’s voice is cold and distant as you enter the front door, no bother sneaking around your own house. After your late night trip to a taco truck and two orders of fries, you decided to stay over at Yuki's, a place you both shared together when you wanted to get away from your own house.
Entering the living room, you catch your father at the dining table, in his pajamas, glasses adorned on his face with his hair unkempt, a cup of black coffee on one hand and scrolling through his iPad on the other.
Old you would’ve caused a ruckus by now, shouting in the early mornings causing your father to reply in the same fashion. One thing you learned late, is that you are your father’s daughter, no matter how you may act around each other, you’re both made from the same pieces of string. There’s no denying that, not at least to you.
The best way to avert the situation is to play it cool and keep calm, walking past him making your way in the kitchen. You situate yourself on the kitchen island making your own breakfast, the same butter and honey on pumpernickel toast since you came home from college. It became a comfort food, reminding you of home, rather, your father.
“I slept at Yuki’s, I planned things with him way before the dinner and I was running late, it’s rude to be late at plans.” Your father scoffs, nodding his head slowly. Your face falls flat. You’ve seen that expression before, disappointment, doubt, suspicion. Your appetite weans off as you drop the toast back on the plate, avoiding his gaze.
“I see… Care to explain this then?”
Raising your head, eyes following the screen of your father’s iPad— a news article of you, well Mick’s but you could see yourself in the blurry pictures. You sit frozen, trying to gain composure, hiding your own nervousness to your father. There hasn’t been a close call like this, not in the last five years at least.
Your eyes wander, rereading every paragraph double-checking, triple checking if your name is mentioned. The thought leaves your mouth dry as your hands begin to shake under the table, eyes flickering through the screen. Taking slow and deep breaths, you avoid your father’s eyes. Knowing for sure he’ll have another outburst- this time it was truly your fault.
Your father cares too much about you to not let this slide, he always put your privacy above everything else, to the point where you began to think if he wasn’t proud of you, or if he didn’t want to be associated with you. 
It didn’t matter what you did, he always let you do whatever you want, as long as you're careful around the public. Your identity, a mystery to everyone, maybe it’s why you didn’t have a lot of friends growing up, maybe that’s also why you’re always with Mick or Yuki, you can be yourself around them.
Your perception of your own father confuses you sometimes, he would do all these contradictory things, like Pavlov’s dog you’d learn when to react to his affection, and when to keep distance. He’s always controlling what and what not to do, act, say, at some point you find yourself an extension of your father and not yourself.
It was whiplash, one second he’s singing you praises, the next he’s looking at you like the piece of shit under his shoes. Nonetheless, you’d learn to understand that it was all for your safety, as much as you loathe him, he’s your father.
There are things that can’t change.
“Of all the people… Mick? God YN, when will you stop acting out everytime things don’t go your way and grow up-”
“Stop it this instant.” You glance at your stepmother and step sibling as they walk into the kitchen. You stay frozen in your seat, hands trembling as tears slowly pool on the corners of your eyes. You look at her through your blurry eyes, desperate to leave, you didn’t want her to see you like this.
Especially your stepmother, but things don’t ever go your way, as much as you want to leave, your legs are stuck on your seat. Your heartbeat dampening the sound of whatever your father might be talking about, it only dawned then the gravity of your mistake. Not being with Mick, but the mistake of being seen.
You learned to live for so long away from the camera, you got used to not being seen. Sure you went on races but it was easier to control variables in the paddock. Seeing yourself on the front pages of a local newspaper-
“YN-” Standing on instinct, you face your stepmother, “if you want, you can leave.” 
Wasting no time, you burst through the door- leaving your bag, you had nothing but it didn’t matter now. You walk around avoiding the main streets to the nearest park in the area, feeling grateful how you chose to sleep at Yuki’s last night. It was still early enough, not a lot of people your age, mostly elders and their breed dogs walking around the park.
You don’t know how long you spent adorning the lake, it could’ve been minutes or hours— not that it mattered, you’re enjoying the solitary time. From the corner of your eye, you catch a familiar figure, a blondie panting as he points in your direction. “You’re hard to find you know.”
Watching him sit down beside you, he pants catching his breath before situating his head on your lap, lying down on the grass. “I know what you’re thinking… but you need to wait until I catch my breath… I’m— I'm not letting you leave this time.”
Instinctively, you move your hands at the stray hairs sticking on Mick’s face. Wiping the sweat off his face using the sleeves of your sweater, observing his face, the sweat dripping off his forehead as he catches himself in labored breaths, eyes closed. Smiling to yourself, you relax in his presence, leaning back on the heel of your palms copying his actions.
Closing your eyes, you feel the cold air rushing through your face, the warm sunlight peeking through the branches of the tree, shining light on both you and Mick. Your breaths, slow and steady, taking in every moment, when you open them, you watch Mick’s intently gaze upon you.
“How’d you find me?”
Mick smiles before showing you his phone, a message from your stepmother saying you left. You roll your eyes hiding the laughter growing in your smile. “Of course she told you…”
“Who else if not me?” Mick shrugged, clearly not caring if your stepmother called him early in the morning, or late at night. 
“If it’s you, of course I’ll come. I’m always one call away YN, for you especially.”
His statement earned a scrunch from your nose, cringing at his cheesy lines, “Even while you’re racing?”
This time it was him who grimaced at your statement, “Okay don’t play smart with me, if I could answer my phone during races, why not. But you know what I mean YN.”
You sit still in silence at his answer, playful or not, you knew Mick was sincere with his words, there are few people who you trust with all your life— Mick was one of them.
Which made it even scarier to you as you continue playing around with fire like this. Moments like these are a wake-up call to the burning fire already spreading out in your mind. Moments like these which make you think if you'd been a normal person, maybe your chances with Mick might be better.
Unlucky are you.
Pushing blondie away from your lap, you stretch your legs ready to leave. The blonde senses this and follows through your actions, timing his movements with yours, making sure he’s steps behind you leaving you space. It only frustrated you more, knowing how observant he is—
He who knows your quirks and the little things you do, your mannerisms, what you like and don’t like, he’s constantly there, showing up. Slowly picking up the mess you leave every single time you fuss or mess up, always the first one you call and talk to, always the one you look forward to seeing.
He’s always there.
And it hurts more knowing that one day, he might get up and leave— off with someone better, someone normal. Someone who isn’t you. And you’ll be left alone, still used to him, still looking forward to him, still you’ll be waiting for him.
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“How does it feel to have offers left and right?” You bump your shoulders against Yuki as you walk around the Bahrain International Circuit with him. Your friend scoffs, looking back at you, “You mean to ask that to yourself?”
You press your lip into a thin line, hiding the smile growing from your lips slowly feeling bashful at his words. “My offers are yours Yuki, you know I won’t leave without you. I’ve been training to be your race strategist since forever, I think I’d rather be with you.”
“I heard from Helmut they’re interested in taking in a new race strategist for a second driver.” Your eyes widen slowly walking closer to Yuki, head glued beside him.
“A second driver for Tauri? Are they replacing you?” You shake his arm, whispering right by his ear.
Yuki scoffs, pushing your head to the side, “It’s for Red Bull, apparently they’re looking for a second driver for the next season.”
Raising your brows, you pull Yuki to the side of the track letting other members of the team walk first. Looking left and right, you check for other staff in the track doing their own session. Once the coast is clear you bring Yuki closer to you, “Where’d you get that? The season has yet to start, why are they looking for a second driver?”
Yuki shrugs his shoulders, “I have no idea, Helmut was asking about you since Newey wants to talk to you about something, I haven’t got a clue.”
You both continue walking, but your head is still stuck on the conversation earlier. How could Yuki know about that? You knew Helmut’s preference towards Yuki, he sang him with praises, which automatically puts Helmut in your good books. But is their relationship even that close to sharing information?
Apparently it is, but you can’t stop thinking about it, especially since Newey and Helmut asked for you— Yuki’s race strategist. Why would they want to talk to you? Unless…
“YUKI! Oh my gosh! Why didn’t you tell me sooner!” You pinch his arms, jumping in the middle of the track leaving the Japanese confused with your sudden outburst.
“You’re getting the Red Bull seat aren’t you?” You exclaim in full confidence, albeit a little loud for your own preference, it seems like no one noticed your scandalous statement as everyone continued walking along the track.
This time it was Yuki’s turn to burst out laughing, “Where are you getting those ideas from, like you said it’s the beginning of the season. I thought I heard crazy shit, but here you are spouting crazy nonsense.”
You deadpan, slapping Yuki’s arm— “Think about it, why would they ask to talk to me? A race strategist? Obviously this is about you. Yuki, I swear you’re getting this seat.”
Yuki nods along, not fully convinced, “Okay, let’s say they’ll be talking to you but they may just poach you away from me, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
The more you think about it, the more you feel upset about it. “I don’t want to be separated from you. I’d rather stay in Tauri than move up.”
Yuki raises his brows, patting your shoulders, “As much as I admire what you’re planning for us, it’s not as bad as you think. We still have a whole season in front of us, let’s leave those thoughts for later and focus on what we have now.”
Gasping, you throw a hand in front of your mouth, fake crying, “When did you get so mature Yuki? I can’t believe we’re already acting like serious adults, thinking about our career perspectives.”
Earning a groan from Yuki as he shakes his head in disbelief, “Like I said, forget what I said and let’s focus on the upcoming season. Also, don’t you dare tell anyone about it, and expect a call sometime now. I haven’t told anyone as well.”
“Not even Pierre?”
Yuki shakes his head left and right, leaving you flabbergasted, “This is serious, serious isn’t it? Why would you tell me something like that? Who am I going to talk to about it?”
“No one. Not even…” Yuki raises his eyebrows hinting on the person he’s implying.
Another gasp escapes your lips, “HECK NO! Especially not blondie, if he knew, then he’s contractually allowed to tell you know who…” you trail as your thoughts eat you alive.
Yuki twists your body, making you face him as he grabs both your arms, “Which is why I beg of you, don’t tell anyone. I know we already talk way too much, but you can only talk to me about it okay? And maybe Liam…”
Your face morphs into a blank expression, eyes dilating at Yuki’s deliberation, “I happen to tell him… but that’s aside the matter. Do not tell any other driver, promise me.”
You gulp at the seriousness, usually these rumors fly around the paddock all-season round but I guess this was something that will actually come to fruition in the upcoming future since they’re keeping it hush hush. You nod your head, afraid to speak anything out into existence.
What’s not adding up is how Yuki knew, at first you thought it was Gasly who told Yuki who told you. But this— this was from Helmut directly to Yuki and then to you.
How you got involved into all this is shocking, even to you. By now Yuki is probably regretting telling you, but you admire his honesty in telling you beforehand rather than getting blindsided by Helmut and Newey calling you to the main office. Suppose you knew about both teams picking drivers from the same pool, but staff?
It’s all too coincidental that they asked for you, even as Yuki’s race engineer they could’ve just gotten someone in Red Bull to replace you, if it’s Yuki they want. Especially with your personal circumstances, a secret daughter of an F1 Team Principal, people in the smaller circles of the grid knew who your father is.
You don’t want to jeopardize what you built for yourself all these years. But like what Yuki said, it’ll be another problem in the future. Maybe then you’d have the answers to your questions. Especially when you know how he isn’t your true father.
For now it’ll be better to keep your head down on the low, and focus on Yuki— because at the end of the day, it’ll be just you two. Just then your phone pings, receiving a message from a person you haven’t heard in a long time.
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amgf ★ superstars @woozarts @minkyungseokie @iienstein @eugene-emt-roe @laura-naruto-fan1998
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
omg imagine ddlg with azriel where they think they’re alone in the kitchen so they speak normaly, with reader calling him daddy and stuff, they go out to the dining room to see the whole inner circle sitting there with their mouth open bc they heard everything💀
” damn i didn’t know you had it in you y/n ”
Azriel x reader
A/n: I changed it to just Cassian and Feyre I hope you don’t mind but I love that this would be how Cassian found out
Warnings: ddlg, daddy kink
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Before sneaking downstairs you made sure everyone was busy. Cassian and Rhys were in their respective offices and Feyre was with Mor and her sisters in the play room with Nyx. You could hear the toddler demanding his aunts attention as he played with his toys. You quietly chuckled knowing that Nyx would keep them all night if he could.
You tiptoed into the kitchen in search of a snack before dinner. Who you found would definitely disapprove of you spoiling your dinner though. You hid yourself in the shadows of the doorway, waiting for Azriel to be alone.
He stood at the island as Nuala and Cerridwen gave him their latest intel. When he nodded the twin wraiths lifted the last of the dishes and carried them out to the dining room.
One of Azriel’s shadows floated by his ear and his attention snapped to your hiding spot. A smile pulled at his lips as adoration at your shyness twinkled in his eyes. “You can come out princess, we’re alone.”
You hesitantly walk into the kitchen and Azriel’s smile widens at the sight of you in a sapphire blue dress. He opens his arms for you as you quickly fling yourself into him. You let out a satisfied hum and closed your eyes taking in his warmth. “Missed you today daddy.” You mumbled, squeezing him tighter.
“Aww I missed you too princess.” He pulled away from you, holding your hands, placing soft kiss across your knuckles. “What are you doing down here?” His eyebrow raised in suspicion. You sheepishly looked away, “I wanted a snack. But then I saw you and forgot all about it.” You smiled up at him.
He held your chin between his fingers. “Guess what I got you today.” “Oohh what did you get me daddy?” You asked excited about your treat. “Daddy got you your favorite dessert from that pastry shop in the Rainbow. I thought we could sit on the balcony and watch the stars as we eat.” Your heart fluttered at his thoughtfulness. Cupping his face, you pulled him down to meet your lips in a sweet kiss.
“You’re the best daddy. Have I ever told you how much I love you.” Azriel let’s out a soft chuckle. “You always tell me princess. Have I told you how much I love you?” “All the time.”
Azriel pulled you by your hand, guiding you into the dining room. You thought you would be the first ones at the table but you were met with Cassian and Feyre’s shocked faces. You and Azriel stopped short. Your face turned beet red. “Oh, hey.” Azriel stretched out. “H-hey brother.”
“How much of that did you hear?” Az asked, looking between them. “Umm, not much just…a little at the end.” Feyre said as casually as possible. Your face fell in embarrassment. The family has no idea about your dynamic and now that Cassian knows everyone else might as well know. You buried your face in your hands on the brink of tears from how embarrassed you felt.
“Y/n don’t worry it’s fine.” Feyre added quickly. “I think it’s sweet.” She nudged Cassian in the ribs. “Yeah, I didn’t know you had it in you y/n. You have really surprised me brother.”
Azriel stared down his brother. His shadows swirling furiously. “You better not breathe a word of this Cass.” He said darkly. Cassian stood straighter, “Yup, yup. Keeping my mouth shut.” The four of you sat at the table awkwardly waiting for the rest of the family to come down to dinner.
Feyre broke the tension by asking you questions as the brothers talked about anything else. “I know the type of dynamic can be sexual but what is it like for you two?” You smile at her, appreciating her curiosity. “He takes care to me and it helps him too. It’s more of a healing thing, like fixing your inner child. It takes a lot of trust.” You stare at Az from across the table.
The High Lady reaches out to hold your hand. “If it makes you happy and Az happy, then we’re all happy for you.” “Thanks Fey.”
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bobeni · 1 year
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  ⠀   ⠀   ⠀ ‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎O23 ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ፧ ‎ ‎EGGS AISLE ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏♡ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎
✶ users! › denji, m!reader.
✶ synopsis! › it could no longer be simply considered a coincidence; with how denji always seemed to pop up at the same time, at the same little store, just to see you.
✶ wrdcnt! › 1,586.
✶ cw’s! › fluff, possible ooc here we go, simp denji, trio stuff in the beginning, this is probably unnecessarily long lmao. i used they/them for the reader for one line, btw.
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“Aw crap, we’re out of cereal and milk again! I’ma head out to the store to get some more!” Denji shouted as he zipped past two lazy bodies to the front door, snatching his hoodie off the rack with poorly disguised eagerness.
Aki sighed, looking up from the creased daily newspaper. “Again? That’s the third time this month.” His orbs followed Denji’s haste movements to shrug on the clothing.
The blond barely spared him a glance as he tried to fix his bedhead, “Yeah, yeah, I know, right? It’s bogus how Power keeps eating it all.” He feigned understanding just as said girl squawked at the blame now delivered to her shoulders. “What the fuck? I haven’t even touched the cereal since two weeks ago!” She yelled, mouth full of her breakfast, unfortunately it was just amalgamation of bacon and eggs.
“Ya can’t fool me, Powy, I know you sneak around in the middle of night, scarfing that shit down.” The gobsmacked look on blonde’s face was one Denji could remember for centuries.
“You bi一” as she was prepared to scream her indignation, she was stopped in her tracks by Aki’s agitated groan, followed by Denji’s so-called reassurance.
“Don’t worry, though,” the boy flicked the lock open, stepping an inch outside the apartment with every syllable. “I’ll make sure to replenish your stash, so don’t wait up!” Denji grinned at that last part, officially saying his leave to the both of them, the door narrowly missing his behind with how fast he tried to shut it.
With the boy off and out, Aki’s eyes lingered on the door. But they began to narrow in suspicion, prompting him to rise from the coach and walk into the kitchen for further investigation.
However, his investigation ended as soon as it started. The man found not just one, but several boxes of cereal, moderately filled. As well as the milk, as far back in fridge as it was, half full. This made his face scrunch up in confusion as he shut the fridge and leaned against it to turn his attention to Power一who now had a lap full of Meowy, clearly had to have been ruffled by the morning ruckus and sauntered out of their bedroom.
“Power,” Aki started. She nodded in his direction, still stuffing her face. “We’re still good on breakfast一he’s not just ‘going to the store,’ is he?” He wondered aloud, sighing at the thought of Denji pulling some shit.
“Yes, see!” she jabbed a finger in the air, “He’s up to something. Something... I can assume is very stupid.” Then Power just pets a purring Meowy as Aki shakes his head at it all.
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Geez, that was close, Denji thought as he strolled down the sidewalk. It was getting real tiring having to think excuses pertaining to various foods they did or didn’t have. Many apologies and more to his family, but he couldn’t let them know the reason why he had those excuses for where he was going一especially not Power, god, he’d probably never hear the end of it.
Oh, what was the reason exactly?
He has a crush.
That’s right, the reason why he began waking up early in the morning and trying to make sure not a single hair was out of place一well, in his own unique way一was because someone is after Denji’s heart. And he’d so let them take it if they pleased.
One day when it was actually his duty to do some shopping, at this little grocery store a few blocks down from his apartment, is where he met you.
He was only there to gather the items on the short list that Aki handed over to him that morning, but when you stepped up next to him while he was eying two freaky looking fish, and the shy offer for assistance flew out of your mouth, he found himself a bit touched.
“But you don’t even work here, though?” was what he said back then, now eying you.
“Do I have to work here in order to help out some clearly indecisive guy?” The little chuckle that you ended your rebuttal with was unfortunately cute enough that it made his heart jump in his chest. When you leaned over to help him pick the better fish, his heart was absolutely drumming at how close you were and how easily his hand could slip into yours.
He didn’t say a single word of complaint when you offered to help him finish up his shopping; he just let his cheeks burn a bright pink while he trailed behind you with two baskets and hearts for eyes.
After that day, every other week or so he’d pop up at the store, yearning to see you, while also juggling his best attempts to make his appearances look normal and coincidental.
It was a flawless plan in his mind. Every day you two seemed to be getting closer and closer; then soon, he couldn’t deny the hope that lingered.
Even if it should’ve been embarrassing一considering how easily he fell for you after only meeting a handful of times. But he couldn’t really find it in himself to give a fuck.
Denji smiled proudly, maybe he could finally get to do all the things couples do with you.
Meanwhile the blond was gushing, it didn't occur to him that had already arrived at the store until he heard that familiar bell’s jingle giving him the signal.
Then he let his eyes wander, searching the store trying to pick you out of the bustling crowd of shoppers. He stumbled upon right when he almost missed you; you were crouched down by a vending machine, mashing away at the buttons.
With a little bit of pep in his step, he made a b-line for you.
“Good mornin’, [name].” Denji jostled the keys in his pocket when he tried to wave. You looked up at the approach and softly smiled at him. “Hi there, Denji. You doing some shopping again?” you made casual conversation as you were inserting money into the slot. Pink dusted his cheeks as he immediately responded with no, in his head. But in real life he stuck with a shy confirmation and told you that he just needed some cereal.
But as you were prepared to say something else, you were interrupted by two bags of chips spilling out of the bottom.
“Holy shit, what did you do?” Denji was cackling at the surprise you exuded.
“I don’t even fucking know,” you chuckled, pushing yourself up from the ground. “But how perfect is this?” the smile on your face was too warm, too soft, he almost ignored the next words that came out of your mouth.
“One for me, and one for you, Denji.”
You held out a bag for him and he stared in disbelief.
“You’re... gonna share with me?” He hesitantly reached for the bag, awaiting your next answer.
Still smiling you told him exactly what he wanted to hear, “I’ll always split stuff with people I like. Obviously.”
Obviously, you said. You also said that he’s one of the people you like. Obviously.
He was so glad it was obvious to you because he clearly missed a chapter or two一but he didn’t care, this was what he was hoping for the entire time. Maybe he’s got it.
“[Name]...” Denji called as you were already munching on your bag of chips. You immediately caught his eye, humming as you wait for the moment the boy was ready to speak.
“I... I just want ya to know that I really, really like you.” The blond laid his heart out on the table. “And I wanna date you and一nd take you out someday...?” He squeezed his eyes shut and focused on the chatter of civilians the longer you kept quiet. And he was actually so ready to bolt out of the store right about now if this goes down a road he hadn’t hoped for.
But there you go, exceeding his expectations again.
“I know,” is what you said.
Denji’s eyes snapped open at that and you laughed at the shock written all over his face.
“You know? Wha一Whaddya mean you knew?” Because of the shock, Denji’s voice also was getting louder so you took his hand and led him outside to avoid any suspicious eyes. Though you were laughing along the way, Denji was angry pouting as he tried to shush you.
Calming down a bit, you stuttered out apologies before confessing. “I’m sorry, Denji, but it’s not like you tried to hide it or anything一” his mouth fell open. “I coulda sworn I was being subtle!” That was one of his most natural build ups for a confession, like, ever.
“You have the subtlety of a puppy,” you covered your face as you snort. “But that’s okay because it’s one of the things I like about you.” He flushed red underneath your teasing gaze.
“So... ya really do like me then?” Denji didn’t take his eyes off of you this time. This new smile of yours formed cute little crinkles around your eyes and he thinks it’s one of his favorites.
“If I say yes, would you be my boyfriend?” The sly question had Denji’s heart doing flips. He’d love nothing more than to wear the title of your boyfriend and to have you as his.
So he answered with a kiss.
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✶ notes! › i actually completed this holy mf shit i did not have hope. i still think it’s literally too long for my original plan but whatever i’m kinda happy with what i came up with.
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xythlia · 5 months
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› satoru x reader snippet inspired by missed connections from old forums
› sfw, small angst, cigarette smoking
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You'd met on the train one evening, the exact time eludes you now but you'd been headed home after a particularly grueling workday.
He'd sat beside you, as if it was the most easy action in the universe. You quickly learned everything was like that for him. At first you ignored the closeness as everyone does when a stranger sits beside them, eyes glued to your phone screen and only occasionally sneaking glances at them out of curiosity.
But try as you might to seem aloof he was without a doubt the most beautiful stranger you'd ever laid eyes on, alabaster hair and even with his eyes partially obscured by tinted sunglasses you could tell they were storybook blue: the color so rare it may as well only exist in pages. Still, you'd kept your gaping to a minimum so as to not make him second guess sitting beside you.
Quickly you noticed your phone dying, three percent left, and rummaged in your bag for the little charger you always took with you to and from work. Funnily enough it seemed he had the same problem, and within seconds you were locking eyes, chargers in hands, and it was like the whole world became quiet. No wind from the trains speed, no murmuring from the other passengers, just a blissful sudden silence as you lost yourself in those eyes.
"Sorry, but I think it's mine."
You'd blinked back at him emptily, like a fish on dry land for a second before collecting yourself. The plug was situated between your seats, and something about it made you giggle.
"How close is it to being dead?" You'd asked.
He quirked a brow but indulged you. "Ten percent."
"Got you beat, three percent." You fidgeted with the cord in your hands, "how about we split time? Ten each?"
He offered you an easy smile. "Sure, where are you headed?" He slipped his phone back in his jacket pocket as you plugged yours in.
"Nowhere special, just home."
"Hm, homes pretty special, don't you think?"
You smiled and it struck you that you'd already smiled more in the last five minutes with him than you had all day.
"Maybe you're right, but don't you have a home you take for granted a little bit?" You asked, meeting those aquamarine eyes again.
He huffed out a small laugh. "I guess I do, yeah."
It was so easy to be taken in by him, before you knew it the entire ride had passed by marked by easy, comfortable conversation and his occasional flirty quip that left you averting your eyes and feeling warm beneath your scarf.
"Sorry, I never shared the charger." You genuinely did feel bad for forgetting, too caught up in his strangely comfortable, magnetic aura.
"No big deal," he said stretching his arms behind his head. "But you can make it up to me, if you want?"
You eyed him with faux suspicion, meeting his playful gaze. "How so?"
He grinned so brightly, cultivating more of that strange warm feeling in your chest. "Meet me back here again? Same line, same time. Wait for the train on the 31st."
"I don't even know your name."
"Satoru," he said, "will you meet me again?"
You didn't even stop to consider it, the answer came without you even thinking about it.
The cherry of your cigarette glowed in the dark as you leaned against the railing of your apartment's balcony and you're drawn out of the memory as you take a deep drag. You never did meet him again, not on the train, not anywhere. Putting your trust in the grand plan of the universe you hadn't even exchanged mobile numbers, only the belief that the other would be there sustained you.
But sometimes a grand romantic plan isn't enough.
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chapter x - gust & flame
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Eris Vanserra has been a prisoner in his own home since the day he was born. He has done what he had to in order to survive and protect the few he loves. And he is playing the long game. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for the right time to make his move, to usurp his wicked father and become High Lord of Autumn Court. But things become even more complicated when a human girl drops into his life. Perhaps Eris can wait no longer to take his throne.
Word Count: 3,800+
Warnings: negative reflections on sexual relationships, spoilers for entire ACOTAR series
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All of the servants and guards in the Forest House avoided any eye contact as Eris stomped down the halls. They could sense his foul mood. On days like this, Eris wondered if he was any better than his father with the way people feared him in this court. 
Eris had gone hunting with his hounds in an attempt to cure his current disposition. But it had done very little to help him. 
Even his mother had caught onto it this morning when they had tea and coffee. 
“It’s her,” she had told him. 
“What do you mean?” Eris bit back without meaning to. 
But his mother had only smirked at him. “When one already feels the bond, being away from one’s mate for long periods of time can have…negative consequences.” She’d cleared her throat slightly. “Foul moods, easily irritated.” 
“I’m fine,” Eris had tried to argue. 
But now, as he glared at anyone and everyone in the Forest House, he knew his mother had probably been onto something.  
The sun had just set, making the sky a glowing orange that only Autumn Court could manifest. When he walked into his bedchambers, the light from the window made it seem like the whole place was on fire. In a way, it always had been. 
Eris ripped his leather riding gloves off and chucked them on the nearest table. 
He poured himself some wine, already knowing it wouldn’t making him feel any better. 
Eris poured himself a second glass already. He turned to the fireplace and snapped his finger, setting it alight instantly. 
Just as he sat down, a piece of paper fell into his lap. 
Eris’ stomach dropped for a moment, immediately imagining the worst. Had Y/N been hurt again? No, surely she hadn’t. He would’ve felt it. 
Lucien wishes to meet with you tomorrow at dusk. The manor where the exiles reside. He’s met her. I think he knows who she is to you.
Eris swore at Rhysand’s meaning. Of all the days to receive such a letter…
The obvious instinct was to blow off his youngest brother’s request. Who did Lucien think he was, demanding such things from him? 
But Eris knew that Lucien wouldn’t give up so easily. And if he ignored the meeting, it would most likely only answer his brother’s suspicions of who Y/N was. 
Eris sighed and rubbed his face. Now he had to find a way to sneak out of Autumn Court without notice. 
Cassian and Nesta met at Y/N’s shop just as she was finished closing up. 
“Hello!” Y/N greeted them cheerfully. 
Nesta gave her a subtle smirk, while her mate beamed at her. 
“Ready for some drinking and dancing?” Cassian asked. 
Y/N nodded enthusiastically as she grabbed her coat. The keys to the store jingled in her hand as she practically skipped to the door.
The couple followed her outside, waiting patiently as she looked up the door of the shop. 
When they got to pleasure hall, it was already bustling with people. And the energy was contagious. 
Y/N smiled with delight. 
Parties with such strangers was not something she’d ever really experienced. Yes, her coven would have seances and celebrate holidays. However, it never included anyone outside her coven. There was always drinking and dancing. But there was never the allure that you could meet a stranger at any moment. 
“What will ya be havin’, Y/N?” Cassian asked just as she spotted their friends.
Feyre, Rhysand, Morrigan, and Azriel were tucked away at a corner booth, somewhat hidden in the darkest part of the pleasure hall. 
Y/N still found it shocking that the High Lord and Lady of this court could live almost normally. Most people at Rita’s didn’t even acknowledge them. Some would do a double take, but then move on with their night. 
“Who’s watching Nyx?” Y/N asked without thinking. 
Since that terrifying day, she was always concerned about the toddler’s safety. Perhaps the boy was still in danger. After all, they still didn’t know who had attacked them. Was it Hybern, still fighting after the war? Another court? 
Nesta answered with, “Elain and Amren…and obviously the twins are always hiding about.” Then she nudged Y/N’s arm. “Don’t worry. There’s a million wards on that River House. Rhys and Feyre would never leave his side if they felt he wasn’t completely safe.” 
“Still, no one has given me their poison for this evening,” Cassian reminded them. 
Y/N laughed as she said, “Wine, please.”
Nesta smirked and nodded. “I shall do the same.” 
Cassian nodded, gave Nesta a kiss, and then went off to the bar. 
As they walked to the table their friends were waiting at, Y/N asked Nesta, “Why didn’t Emerie and Gywn come?”
Nesta shrugged. “Emerie had to restock her store with new shipments. And Gwyn…she still struggles with crowds and new places.” 
Y/N nodded in understanding. When she'd heard Gwyn’s story, her heart had broken. That was unfortunately true for all of the priestesses and others that joined their Valkyrie training. The hardships and heartbreak never ended. 
Cassian returned with giant goblets of wine for both Nesta and Y/N. 
And both of them barely drank half of them before Morrigan was dragging the females onto the dance floor. 
Y/N giggled at the aggressiveness of it all. But it didn’t take much to convince her to dance. She loved it, after all. 
She turned back to their booth to see that Cassian and Rhys were talking amongst themselves. But Azriel…Azriel was subtly watching them. No…not them. Her. 
“He refuses to dance,” Morrigan muttered in her ear, obviously catching the two watching each other. She spun Y/N around and forced them to face one another. “It took me centuries just to get him to start coming here with me.” 
“And Cassian?” Y/N asked Nesta with a laugh. 
Nesta smirked mischievously. “He will make his way over as soon as he catches another male trying to dance with me.”
Y/N’s gaze moved to Feyre, who looked the least happy to be forced onto the dance floor. 
“Rhys will do whatever his High Lady wishes,” Morrigan giggled. 
“He is a better dancer than I ever could be,” Feyre admitted with a subtle blush to her cheeks. 
Morrigan spun Y/N once again, making them both laugh. 
“I need more wine,” Y/N admitted, skipping back to their table. 
She once again shared a look with Azriel. The shadowsinger never failed to confuse her. Even the winds could tell her very little about him. He kept his secrets close, which made his mystery even more alluring to Y/N. 
There was a part of her who wished to dare and ask him to dance with her – just to see what he would say.
But Azriel broke there connection as he looked over her shoulder at someone behind Y/N.
He didn’t exactly glare, because the shadow singer was much more controlled than that. But it was obvious he was watching someone he was not fond of. 
“Who invited him?” Azriel asked evenly, trying to seem unfazed as he took a sip of wine. 
Y/N turned around to discover that it was Lucien. 
“I did,” she answered confidently, turning back around to defy the shadowsinger. Then raised a brow to Azriel, silently daring him to challenge the decision. 
Azriel blinked, somewhat surprised. 
But Y/N had already turned and rushed to Lucien with a welcoming smile. 
“You came!”
Lucien smiled, not expecting her to be genuinely happy that he took her up on the invitation. “I told you I would.” 
“Dance with me?” But Y/N didn’t really give him room to actually answer. Instead, she grabbed his wrist and brought him to the dance floor. 
Y/N jumped and spun on her own. 
It took her a few moments to realize Lucien was simply standing still and smirking at her. 
“What?” She asked. “Don’t dance?” 
The next second, the music slowed down. Everyone around her grabbed a partner and the rest took a break at their tables or went to the bar for more refreshments. 
“I’m much better with a partner,” Lucien admitted, and offered his hand. 
Y/N hesitated before taking it. “I don’t know…umm…f-formal dances.” 
Lucien looked around at the other dancers surrounding them. “I don’t believe you’ll need to in such an establishment.” 
Y/N did the same and realized most partners were just swaying and stepping. 
“Do you like dancing?” Lucien asked her quietly. 
“I do. Though I hadn’t realized how long it’s been since I did it. My…c-coven used to dance around bonfires, under every full moon.” She smirked before adding, “Naked.” 
“You are trouble…” Lucien shook his head, trying to hide his smile. “And where is this coven now?” 
“Dead,” Y/N said lightly, the wine clearly refusing to let the subject bring her down.
She needed to dance after all. 
Lucien's movements stumbled, but his hands were still on her. He gave her a genuine sympathetic look, “I’m so very sorry.”
Y/N shrugged. “I know I’m not the only one who has suffered great loss…”
The song was over and the next one was back to its high energy. And their small moment of vulnerability was over.
In its place, there was a strange tension between the two of them. 
Y/N bowed her head, no longer meeting his gaze. 
“I-I-I’m going to get more wine,” she mumbled before leaving Lucien alone on the dance floor and hurrying to the bar. 
As the night went on, Y/N got drunker and drunker. 
The anxiety of bringing Lucien was forcing her to drink more than she had planned on. But she also couldn’t remember the last time she let herself go and just…have fun. She was always on the run, always in danger. And being drunk was not a way to survive – it was irresponsible. 
If her drunkenness was obvious, none of her friends seemed to mind. Cassian danced with her, and then Mor or Nesta would steal here away.
Late into the night, they were all taking a break at the booth when Morrigan giggled and told Y/N, “Some handsome males have their eyes on you…”
If she was telling the truth, Y/N hadn’t noticed. 
So, she just laughed too and took a quick sip of wine. 
“Will you not talk to any of them?” Nesta asked. 
Y/N was too busy feeling her face get red and staring into her goblet of wine to see that the rest of the table was giving Mor warning looks. She was entering dangerous territory. 
But Y/N just shrugged at the question and became somewhat bashful. 
“Do you not enjoy the company of men?” Mor pushed. 
Clearly, she hadn’t noticed the subtle look from their friends to stop. In fact, for all Mor knew, she and Y/N were having a private conversation. 
Y/N’s face scrunched in honest consideration. “I-I’ve had my fair share of lovers during my travels – with mortal men,” she clarified. 
Then she sputtered, spitting out laughter at herself for using the word ‘lovers’. 
“Lovers,” Y/N repeated her own words in a giggle. “As if they were even worthy of the title.”
Y/N’s face suddenly became somewhat sober, twisting into something almost sad. 
Her eyes grew distant. “It never really ended up feeling how I wanted it to. I was always left feeling…used.” 
She let out a drunken, huff of a laugh. “So I stopped bothering…” 
After a few moments of silence from her friends, Y/N finally lifted her gaze and realized everyone at the table was looking at her. 
Y/N blinked, now realizing what she had just admitted to her friends. 
Feyre, Mor, and Nesta looked back at her with sympathy.
But then Y/N’s gaze shifted to the males.
Cassian appeared sad. Rhysand and Lucien, both disgusted. But Azriel…Azriel looked…almost furious. 
And every second, Y/N regretted saying anything at all. 
Mor saved her as she dragged here away from the table and everyone's reactions, “Come, let us get back to dancing!”
After a few songs, Y/N started to notice the stares of those males Mor had been referencing. They were all handsome. Perhaps all in their own way, but still handsome. 
“I would like to believe that a few centuries of immortality has made male faes much better lovers,” Mor whispered in her ear when she caught Y/N looking. 
The witch smirked, not breaking eye contact with one of them.
He was tall, with blonde hair so light that it was almost white. It was cut shorter on the sides and longer on top. His eyes were an icy blue. He had a strong jaw, a wide mouth, and almost perfect lips. 
He was definitely more beautiful than any man Y/N had ever let touch her. 
Y/N started stepping towards him. 
He seemed pleased with her approach, standing up straighter.  
“Hello,” she cooed, sounding surprisingly sober. 
“Hello,” he greeted in return. Then he tilted his head, slowly looking her up and down. “They tell me you are the witch.”
The witch. Not a witch. Had she already gained some sort of reputation in Velaris? 
“The witch has a name,” she answered with a narrowed gaze. “Y/N.” 
“My apologies, Y/N. I meant no offense. I only bring it up because I started to believe you were casting some sort of spell on all the poor and helpless males in this pleasure hall.” 
Oh, he just had to be charming, too. Didn’t he?
“My names Donton,” he added with a smirk. 
Just as Y/N was about to ask Donton to take her somewhere private, the males gaze darkened and he eyed someone over her shoulder. 
“Y/N, time to go,” a deep voice said behind her. 
Her face dropped with annoyance as she turned to face Azriel. 
“I never said anything about going home,” Y/N curtly told him. 
“Cassian and Nesta just left. I am your only way home.” 
“I don’t believe she had any interest in going home,” Donton cut in. 
Y/N was impressed by his boldness. She had seen how people reacted to Azriel. Most feared him. But really, they just didn’t understand him. 
Azriel ignored the male. 
But he stepped closer to Y/N and lowered his voice as he said, “You are drunk, Y/N. And it is time to go.” 
Y/N squared up with him, but she knew there was no winning. Azriel wouldn’t make a scene, but she could fully expect him to drag her into his shadows and whisk her to the other side of Velaris. And her pride wouldn’t allow such a thing. 
So, she turned back to Donton. 
“Perhaps another night,” she told him gently, trying not to appear embarrassed. 
He gave her a polite bow of his head. “Any night that you wish, Y/N.” 
She was grateful that he wasn’t deterred by the overprotective Illyrian spymaster. 
But as Y/N turned to leave, she shouldered Azriel hard. Even though she knew it hurt her more than it could ever hurt him. 
The rest of the group had left, except Mor, who now talked to a group of females at a different table. 
As soon as they were outside, the brisk night air woke Y/N up a bit.
She turned around and got into Azriel’s face. “Am I a grown woman?” 
Azriel blinked. And his shadows hid behind his shoulders. 
Y/N stepped even closer. “I asked you: Am I a grown woman?”
“Yes,” he finally answered evenly. 
“Then you are not my nanny. I may do as I wish,” Y/N huffed and shoved past him again to march onward. 
He called out, “Where are you going?” 
“Back to the House of Wind,” she growled over her shoulder without stopping. 
But then Y/N was suddenly picked up and launched into the air, yelping with surprise.
“You bastard!” She snapped at him, trying to wiggle out of his hold before they got too high. 
The Illyrian had the audacity to smirk at her outrage and flapped his wings harder, making them launch even higher at a speed she didn’t appreciate. 
As soon as they landed at the House of Wind, Y/N shoved her way out of his arms and started stomping away. 
“Y/N, wait,” Azriel called out to her gently. 
For some reason, she did as he asked and turned to look at him expectantly. 
“I did not mean to embarrass you. After what you said tonight…” his words died out. “You had a lot of wine and I didn’t want you to regret your actions.”
Y/N wanted to still be angry. But Azriel’s eyes were soft and only filled with concern. “Perhaps you are right…about the wine. But I am not yours to publicly claim. I am a free woman – and I’ve spent my whole life making sure it stays that way.”
Azriel gave a final nod. “I understand. I am sorry, Y/N.” 
They stared into each other's eyes for a moment longer before she finally continued on to her bedroom. 
Eris knocked on the arched, wooden door of the manor. Surely Lucien would’ve sensed his arrival. But his brother wasn’t the only one who resided here. 
Lucien was swift in answering. 
He took one look at his eldest brother and said, “You look like shit.” 
Eris wanted to bite back even harsher. But he knew his brother was only speaking the truth. His mother was right: staying away from his unbounded mate was starting to take a toll on him. 
But instead, Eris snapped, “You do not understand how much you put at risk, asking for such impromptu meetings.” 
No greeting. No pleasantries. 
Lucien glared. “Would you have preferred that I write a letter inquiring about your mate, one that could easily be intercepted by our father?” 
Eris flexed his right hand, immersing it in dangerous flames. Without any invitation, Eris pushed his way into the manor by grabbing hold of Lucien’s collar and shoving him back. 
Lucien scoffed at such an attack. “So it is true…she is your mate.” 
“I said nothing of the sort,” Eris growled. 
However, Lucien didn’t look victorious from discovery the truth of Y/N. 
Instead, his face dropped as he asked, “Why did you go to the Night Court? Why not come to me?” 
Eris finally let go of his brother and put out his fire. “Last I heard, you were an emissary for the same court…” His eyes looked around the entry hall of the manor. “Or is this your home now, brother? Truly, I can’t keep track of where your loyalties lie any longer.”
Lucien ignored the passive insults directed towards him and brushed off invisible dirt from his outfit. 
“Do you not find it ironic that you call this place home? This manor that was gifted to all of you by your mate’s once-fiancé?”
Eris was bating his brother now, trying to get the attention off himself.
“So this is your plan?” Lucien asked. “To hide her forever?” 
There was no use in pretending Y/N was anything else to Eris. Lucien would not be fooled by any lies. 
Eris’ glare tore into his brother. “You of all people should understand what would happen if I did anything else.” 
“Yes, and I recall being forced to watch as you did nothing,” Lucien hissed. 
Eris surprised them both by bellowing, “I could not save you both!”
Lucien froze as he watched his brother take in quick and heavy breaths. 
“I chose my brother,” Eris declared. “And I would do it again.”
Lucien stared in disbelief. 
Tamlin had never shared if Eris had helped him escape Autumn Court on that dreadful day. And perhaps Lucien just didn’t want to believe it. Maybe he had to convince himself that there was nothing left for him in Autumn Court – except his mother, who remained a prisoner with no chance of escaping. 
“What are you truly mad about, Lucien? That I’m protecting her in a way you failed to so with your lover…or because all of this might be proving that I’m the not the monster you have conjured up in your head?” 
Lucien was speechless. 
“If Beron would torture one of his son’s lovers for merely being Lesser Fae,” Eris paused, feeling sick at the thought. “What do you think he would do to my mortal mate?” 
But Lucien didn’t need to answer, because they both already knew. 
“You were more of a father to me than that bastard ever was,” Lucien pointed out. “Yet, you have hunted me just the same as the others.” 
“I have done what I must,” was all Eris responded with. 
Lucien should’ve known better than to try and get his eldest brother to admit to even slightly caring about him. 
Instead, he decided to truly take his brother in, noting the deep shadows under his eyes and the less than perfect posture. “I’ve seen what happens when two mates are separated…”
“We are not mated. And she is oblivious to the bond,” Eris corrected. 
“Perhaps,” Lucien shrugged. “But you also should not feel the bond so strongly with a mortal. And she is more than that: she is a powerful and gifted witch.” 
Eris had reached his tipping point. “I will take my leave now.” 
“She has opened a store,” Lucien quickly added. “In Velaris. She’s helping them with injuries and ailments, both of the body and mind. Already they have started to adore her.”
Eris tried to control his heart, to stop it from quickening as he heard more about his forbidden mate. 
So, he responded with a harsh, “Good. Night Court will truly become her home.”
But Lucien wasn't done yet. “Cassian tells me that she is training with the Valkyrie now. Apparently, she has quite the talent with the bow,” he added with a smirk. 
Eris stored such information, but said nothing. 
He reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope, slapping it to his brother’s chest as he walked to the door. 
A letter from their mother. 
“Did you read it?” Lucien asked, only somewhat concerned. 
“I don’t have to,” Eris muttered. “I already know you are her favorite.” 
Lucien had followed as his brother walked outside the manor.
“Eris,” he called. 
The eldest Vanserra almost didn’t stop to turn around, almost winnowed away without hearing his brother’s final words. 
But he paused and gave Lucien an impatient look. 
“Whatever your plan is…do not underestimate our father. You may fool everyone else into believing you are equal in evil. But I know you better than you realize. He will not give up his throne without bloodshed.” 
Eris didn’t respond, only winnowing away. 
OK. I was really excited about this chapter.
I also have had a terrible past week, so please write nice comment, reblogs, and book report message. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
chapter xi
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Scoops Troop dnd post
When Steve started dating Eddie, he was sure that meant everything would be out in the open. What secrets did they have left after that? Eddie already knew about the monsters and the Upside Down. Now he knew that Steve liked guys and was attracted to him specifically. There wasn’t much after all that.
“So you’re gonna tell your boyfriend about your secret hobby too?”, Erica asked one day when he picked her up from school.
Because that was a secret privy to only three other people. After the entire ordeal with the Russians in the mall, Dustin had officially sucked them into Dungeons and Dragons. First Erica, and then, somehow he and Robin. Steve still wasn’t sure if the drugs had been entirely out of his system then.
But the fact remained. Steve Harrington played DnD. And he did so with a band geek, a known nerd, and a middle schooler. So sue him if he wanted to keep that on the down low. Even as he came around to his feelings for Eddie, he didn’t want to bring it up. If Eddie knew, one of two things would happen. One, he’d accept Steve into nerdom with only the minimal amount of smugness and then invite him to the Hellfire campaigns. The problem with that was that Steve liked the little low stakes campaigns he did with Dustin, Erica, and Robin. He didn’t have to impress his expert boyfriend or the club members who would be scrutinizing every move he made. Or Mike. Not dealing with Mike was also a plus.
Or two, Eddie would absolutely be offended that Steve kept this from him and would rather have a little girl for his DM. Eddie had come to respect Erica’s style of play and rebellious attitude, but only when it wasn’t directed at him.
The more Steve thought about it, the more he convinced himself it was better Eddie didn’t know. It helped that never in a million years did Eddie think he’d be into it. Certainly not enough to sneak off and do it.
But while Eddie would never suspect a tabletop game, he would come to suspect other things.
When Steve gave sketchy answers about where he was going or where he’d been. When he woke up early after a night spent at Eddie’s and said he absolutely had to go. Something to do with his parents. But later on Nancy had confirmed that said parents were still out of town.
Eddie didn’t like assuming. But this whole relationship thing was still new. And he knew this type was new for Steve too. So could he be judged for having some suspicions?
Things came to a head when Steve called, saying he was going to be late for their date.
“Are you still at home?”, Eddie had asked. “Primping takin’ you that long, Stevie?”
“Haha, funny. But actually, Iiiii’m helping Dustin with his homework. So it’s gonna be at least another....”, he paused, like he was waiting for something. “Another half hour. Sorry, babe.”
“No need for apologies. Academics first, that’s what I always say.” Eddie commended how even his voice was. It wasn’t until the call ended that he began gesturing wildly and ranting while searching for his keys.
Helping Dustin with homework?! He couldn’t come up with a better excuse than that?! Steve was fucking someone behind his back and he was going to find out who.
“Helping me with my homework? Really Steve?”, Dustin derided from the kitchen table.
“I know, it was stupid. So let’s finish this up before he gets suspicious.”
Erica snorted. “If you roll for that perception, you’re at a loss.”
“Yeah, you’d think you’dve gotten better at lying at this point”, Robin added on.
“Game is continuing now. You guys have already made me late”, Steve said as he sat down.
They started again and even though they meant to close it, it kept going on and on until the sound of wheels parking was heard. Steve went to the front window and cussed under his breath.
“It’s Eddie!”, he hissed.
The rest of them did a mad dash to clean up the table while making the least noise possible. Steve put on his best ‘innocent face’ when he heard the pounding of the front door.
“Eddie! I thought I was coming to pick you up? Couldn’t be patient for me, huh?”
“Cut the bullcrap, Harrington. Where are they?”, Eddie asked.
“They? They who?”, Steve asked as his boyfriend pushed his way into the house.
“Whoever it is you’ve got here. Did you think I was an idiot?”
“No, Eddie listen. I-”
“Was it funny? Pulling the wool over my eyes for this long?”
“Eddie this wasn’t about tricking you. This was about, just, you know, blowing off some steam.”
For a moment, Eddie didn’t speak, just made faces and gestures as he tried to process this. “Is it Nancy? Huh? Or Jonathan? Or is it someone you pulled off the street?”
Steve raised a brow. “Nancy wouldn’t really go for it, I don’t think. And Jonathan...I don’t really know. I never thought about it.”
“It’s typically not the kind of thing you think about Steve.”
“So you’ve never thought of doing something like this with Wayne?”
There was the sound of movement in the kitchen. A breath and a clattering. Eddie was moving before Steve could speak, determined to find the hussy, only to nearly trip on some dice and come face to face with the three hideaways under the table.
Moving slowly, Eddie picked up the dice and examined it. Then his eyes went over to the notes that hadn’t been moved from the table. Then he slowly turned towards Steve.
“It appears I’ve made an ass of myself.”
“But I’m not the only one. Because while I thought you were cheating on me, it turns out you were doing something even more scandalous.”
“Eddie I-wait, you thought I was cheating on you?!”
“Can we get from under the table now that the jig is up?”, Erica complained.
The three of them removed themselves with a groan while Eddie was looking at his boyfriend with new eyes.
“You play?”
Steve nodded.
“And you kept it from me?”
Steve nodded again.
“I think I made the right assumptions, given the information I had”, Eddie said. “Because you were in fact cheating on me. Just not sexually.”
“Eddie, I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you.”
“You can’t just be mad at him”, Dustin said. “We kept it from you too.”
Robin balked. “Speak for yourself. I’ve been saying the whole time that Eddie should know.”
“I think all can be forgiven one one condition”, Eddie said, holding up his index finger. “And that is that my baby comes to Hellfire for an entire month.”
Steve let out a small breath of relief. That wasn’t so bad. Barely even a punishment really. But then Eddie sauntered over to him and whispered into his ear.
“And you’ll be in my lap the whole time.”
Because even if Eddie had gotten the wrong notion, it wasn’t a bad idea to remind Steve who he belonged to.
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mamamittens · 5 months
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Thatch +18 AU End)
As requested on AO3 by snowflakebeads and likely someone else I can't remember. AU end for Oh, Sweet Child of Mine.
Thatch X GN!Reader
Warnings: Yandere/obsessive/possessive behavior, marathon sex, aphrodisiac, dubious consent, unprotected sex, oral (reader recieving), food play, creampie, and cock warming.
Word Count: 2,533
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Thatch had been suspiciously eager to try out a new recipe. Insistent, in fact, that it be a bonding moment for the both of you.
It was weird because from how he described it, it just seemed like a chocolate cake. He did allude to a ‘secret’ ingredient but besides that… yeah. Just a chocolate cake. You glared at him as he cozied up to your side to beg for an afternoon with him. Arm thrown over your shoulder as he whined about feeling ‘neglected’.
“You spend so much time with Ace and Marco~! You’ve gone and left poor old me behind! Can’t you spare just a few hours for a lonely man?” Thatch begged softly.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Maybe if you weren’t being so weird, I would.” You hissed, poking his side only to receive a light jerk away from you. Thatch pouted. “Why now suddenly? You weren’t so ‘neglected’ yesterday.” You added with clear suspicion. Thatch grimaced sheepishly.
“Well…” He started. “I just got in a new ingredient that would be just the thing! And I wanted to try it with you!” You stared at him for a long moment.
He… seemed sincere. And he’d always been a little weird about spending time with you. It couldn’t be too bad or Marco would have came over to smack him for being pushy.
“…Fine.” Thatch lit up, grabbing your hand and pressing it to his cheek.
“Great! Meet me in the kitchen after dinner! We’ll bake a cake together!” Thatch cheered. You smiled wearily at him, still suspicious of his motives.
What kind of secret ingredient could he have been waiting for?
Guess you’d… find out?
The entire dinner that afternoon, Thatch kept looking over to make sure you were still there. Ignoring the teasing he received from his fellow chefs and, occasionally, Ace.
“I’ve never seen him this excited before.” Ace laughed. “What are you guys even doing? I heard he’d made his division clean up after themselves more than usual to make sure the kitchen was clean early.”
You frowned at that.
“Honestly? We’re baking a cake? I don’t know why he’s making it so weird though.” You mused. Ace lit up, looking excited. “Don’t even think about it. I just know he’d kick your ass for ‘intruding on our bonding time’.” You laughed as Ace pouted.
“Aw, come one! I’d take just a spoonful! You’d never know it was dirty, I swear!” Ace whined and you jumped as a warm hand fell onto your shoulder firmly.
“ACK!” You spun around to find Thatch standing there with a wide grin.
“Not a chance in hell! Maybe next time~!” Thatch denied Ace instantly with a strange gleam in his eye.
“Ah, that time already?” You asked and Thatch nodded.
“Yep. C’mon, we’re going to my personal kitchen. It’ll be over an hour before they finish cleaning the main one.” Thatch commented. You frowned.
“You have a personal kitchen?” You asked and Thatch laughed.
“Yeah, for testing recipes when I can’t trust some people to not interrupt or sneak some away. Thick door that locks and everything!” Thatch declared.
Well, with hungry bastards like Ace, you supposed some extreme measures needed to be taken when it comes to food.
The ‘personal kitchen’ was pretty deep in the ship. Closer to the storage areas than any main living quarters. And a ways off from the main kitchens. Definitely not somewhere you end up by accident if you want food. The promised door indeed thick and with a heavy lock.
Thatch slipped a key from around his neck and opened it for you, locking it back behind him before stowing away the key.
This kitchen was fairly reasonable in size. More like one you’d find in a house than one meant to feed the insane amount of people on board. Big enough for maybe four cooks to move around in and brush shoulders but that was about it. An array of ingredients already laid out, including a jar of thick, rose gold liquid.
“Ah, that your ‘secret ingredient’?” You asked, approaching the clear jar. “I was wondering what a chocolate cake could be missing… mixed honey?” You picked it up, the heavy glass jar plucked from you hands.
“Oop! No, no! No touching! Took a long time to get my hands on this beauty! It is honey, though. Specialty honey from near a particular harvest of flowers. Changes the flavor profile quite a bit.” Thatch declared proudly.
“Ah… what kind of recipe for chocolate cake calls for honey though?” You asked.
“Honey cake, of course!” Thatch declared. “Now, onto the mixing while the oven preheats!”  Thatch handed you a bowl and dumped mix into it along with eggs and a very cautious measurement of honey. Dutifully, you mixed it.
“No sugar?”
“Nope! That’s what the honey is for!” Thatch cheered, watching as you mixed it all together.
“You know, this is a pretty simple task. Are you sure you even needed me for this?” You asked as the dry mix turned into a thick sludge.
He laughed.
“Well, it’s about an hour of time with you until we can enjoy a nice dessert to ourselves!” Thatch shrugged.
He had a point. If it was so hard to get the honey, it would likely be impossible to make this cake for the whole crew.
“Thanks for inviting me then, I guess.” You sighed, your arms starting to ache. Thatch plucked it from you and set it onto the counter, pulling out the cake pans. He spread butter on them and distributed the thick mixture equally.
Barely fifteen minutes and they were in the oven to bake. Thatch must have been desperate for bonding time if baking a cake is all he could think of.
“Well, are you ready for the best part?” Thatch asked coyly, presenting the mixing bowl and two spoons.
“Isn’t that how you get salmonella?” You asked as you took a spoon with a smile.
“Haven’t gotten sick yet!” Thatch countered, scraping a spoonful of chocolate batter, but his eyes were on you as you tasted it.
It was delicious, of course. Sweet and rich from the chocolate. An odd, warm and tangy after taste that reminded you vaguely of honey.
“Mm! It’s good. Think it’ll be even better when it’s done baking?” You asked taking another spoonful as Thatch finally dug in himself. He looked oddly smug.
“I bet it will.” Thatch responded simply as you huffed, feeling a tad flush. Maybe from the vigorous mixing you did.
You frowned, noticing how clean the bowl was now. The batter was too damn good to be raw. And you felt hot. Your skin tingly, particularly your lips and lower body.
“Hey Thatch, what kind of honey was that again?” You asked faintly, setting your spoon in the sink. Thatch came up behind you, pressing into your back as he placed the bowl in the sink and poured water into it. His breath washing over your neck as he leaned in close.
“I already told you. Specialty honey.” Thatch breathed. “Why? You feel something?” His damp hands settled on your waist.
Specialty honey?
“T-Thatch, was that… spiced honey?” You asked breathlessly, feeling the heat growing inside you as his touch felt electric where his fingertips brushed under your shirt.
“Hmm, so you’ve heard of it before, huh?” Thatch asked in amusement. Setting the jar on the counter and popping the lid. His fingertips gliding across the surface and scooping up the thickness. It was a considerable amount as his other arm wrapped around your waist. The honey covered fingers pressing against your lips, sliding over your tongue as you panted. “Not as sweet as you though, look at that~ Eat up, I got it just for you~” Thatch cooed as you sucked his fingers. The honey much more potent in it's raw form.
He pulled his fingers free and licked what little was left. Ducking his head to kiss you breathless. You couldn’t help squirming against him as he pinned you to the counter, tongue running over your mouth like he was chasing the lingering taste of chocolate and honey before pulling away.
He grabbed another spoon and scooped up a generous amount. This time drizzling it onto his tongue before pulling open your mouth. Sliding the mouthful of honey directly into yours, smearing it onto your tongue and down your throat as you both moaned. The heat only getting worse as you swallowed.
“T-Thatch! D-Dirty ass trick—” You whined, tugging on his shirt as he laughed.
“But worth it to have you fall apart in my arms like this. Here, one more for the road. Don’t swallow though. Keep it warm for me~” Thatch scooped up another spoonful with honeycomb and placed it in your mouth. You sucked on the silverware as he lifted you up and placed your front on the counter. “I hear eating the honeycomb makes you go mad with lust.” Thatch stabbed his own section of honeycomb and ate it. Before returning the spoon and ducking behind you. His hands hot on your waist as he pulled down your pants.
When you were bare, your toes barely scrapping the floor, he pulled apart your thighs and licked up the soft skin. You could only moan as you sucked on metal and honey, his hot breath washing over your sensitive skin. Wet tongue laving to your entrance. Pressing in softly as you whined, honeyed drool seeping from your lips as every touch electrified you.
He spread apart your walls eagerly, like he’d get more honey if he just pressed his tongue deeper. Lapping at your quivering hole as you whined, pinned in place for his hunger.
“So damn sweet, knew this was a good idea. Glad I kept this just to us, aren’t you? Wouldn’t want to share this sweetness with anyone else.” Thatch swore softly against your clenching hole as you came suddenly, cum spurting down your thighs as he licked up the mess. “Better than the batter~” Thatch kissed your entrance deeply, spreading apart your cheeks as he dug into your overstimulated walls.
The honey quickly watering down in your mouth as your face tingled in the smearing aphrodisiac.
Thatch kept going, his appetite incapable of being satiated as you came so easily on his tongue and fingers. Spreading you open to blow across the heated flesh teasingly. Each orgasm coming along faster as the heat continued to build, sensitivity growing between your thighs as his honeyed lips spread the effect.
There was a ding and Thatch paused, a deep growl vibrating against you as you were pushed over the edge again with a muffled cry.
Thatch pulled away with a curse, leaving you cold and shaking as he took out the cake pans to cool.
Before you could turn around though, Thatch’s heat was back and his cock pressed against your sopping entrance. Slipping in easily to the hilt as you gasped, spitting out the spoon and what was left of the honey.
“A-Ah~!” You panted, your face pressed against the hot counter into the pool of thick, pink tinted drool.
“D-Don’t be wasteful!” Thatch tsked at you while you whined back at him. His balls smacking into your thighs as he started to fuck you hard. “Go on! Clean it up or you won’t get any cake either!” Thatch scooped up the honeycomb and pressed it onto your loose tongue. Your lips sucking on his fingers as he rubbed it to the back of your mouth.
Thatch pulled his hand away to adjust you further up, shoving your face into the cold puddle to lap at it. Your face tingling at the exposure as you obeyed, moaning with every wet slap of his hips. The watered down honey still so sweet and hot as you licked it up. Thatch’s hands rubbing your sides and slapping your ass hard when you stopped to breath.
“Ah! T-Thatch~! P-Please~! Ooooh~!” You drooled onto the counter as his cock brushed just right against your walls, sending shockwaves through your whole body. Thatch leaned over your back, grinding that spot as you cried out in overstimulation.
“Please what, baby?” Thatch huffed, licking up the mess and following it to your panting lips. “What do you need from me?”
“M-More! More, please more, Thatch! H-Harder! A-Ahhn~! Oh! OH! O-OHHH!” You wailed as Thatch grabbed your waist in a bruising grip and fucked you as requested.
“Fucking gladly!” Thatch grunted, the kitchen echoing with the sound of wet smacks. His lips brushing over yours as you moaned under the relentless assault, body burning for more. Thatch slammed into place suddenly, shoving your hips against the counter as he came in a hot burst of thick cum. Grinding harshly for barely a moment before going back to his frantic pace, cock still spurting cum down your thighs. “Y-You know, the seller warned me the effects could last for hours~ w-with just a spoonful!” Thatch chuckled against your lips.
You whined.
“H-Hours!?” You keened, trembling against him as you came on his cock.
“Hours~!” Thatch cooed. “And we still have a whole cake!” Not pausing as his cock jerked with a fresh wave of cum again.
“Th-Th-ThA-AAHcH~!” You wailed, cumming hard as he laughed.
Thatch laughed again as you whined, sitting on the counter as he fed you cake. You squirming on his cock as he fucked your sopping, wet entrance gently.
“Every bite, babycakes~! If you leave it to just me, you won’t be walking for weeks~!” Thatch cooed, eating a bite of cake covered in a thin layer of honey and powdered sugar. “M-Mmmm, break!” Thatch put aside the fork and plate, grabbing your hips to bounce you on his thick cock. A thick spurt of cum dripping down his thighs and balls to the counter.
“O-Oh! T-Thatch~!” You whined, leaning back against him and raking your nails across his shoulders as you squirmed. The heat unbearable in your blood. “M-More~!”
Thatch grinned, kissing your wet cheek as he fucked you harder. Not in the mood to make you beg. This time.
Your eyes sliding over the two-tiered cake barely eaten. Thatch had made it clear neither of you were leaving until it was all gone. Unwilling to share the delicacy with anyone else.
“More honey? Sure thing, baby~!” Thatch scooped up some honey from the jar and smeared it on your hanging tongue. “My, you’re so hungry, maybe we should make another one?” he teased as you wailed, a fresh wave of arousal surging through you and down his thighs.
“Tha-ahhcht~!” he laughed, groaning as he shot another round of warm cum into your.
“M-Maybe this should have been shared with more people…” Thatch chuckled. “But I can’t imagine sharing you, baby! So, I guess we’ll just have to power through it together.” He cooed, kissing your bruised neck as his pace slowed. Finally letting you rest against him despite the raging arousal inside you, his cock still hard and pulsing.
He picked up the cake again and you whined. Torn between exhaustion and excitement—though how much was natural was heavily debatable.
Regardless, you weren’t complaining.
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polkadotsocks1993 · 1 year
Family Matters
Modern Aemond x Reader, Modern Aegon (platonic) x Reader
Summary: You have a predicament. In desperation, you turn to your brother-in-law, Aegon. Hilarity ensues.
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Going back to King's Landing for Christmas was always an event.
Your mother in law, Alicent, and your sister in law, Rhaenyra, went all out with Christmas; there was always tons of food, lots of games, and, thanks to Aegon, usually a lot of alcohol.
You and Aemond had eloped six months ago, much to the family's chagrin, but you had never been one for big weddings, and because you didn't have a good relationship with your family, you had never wanted a big wedding in the first place. You and Aemond had decided to go to Colorado and elope in the Rockies, and despite his families protests (for some reason, all of them love weddings), they welcomed you with open arms.
The first few days of your trip, however, something was just off. You woke up with a pounding headache, completely nauseous. That first morning, sleeping in Aemond's childhood bedroom, you gasped in pain as he tried to grab your breast from behind you. Then, the most damning suspicion of all came when the two of you went down for breakfast, and the smell of Alicent and Helaena's cinnamon rolls (your favorite thing in the world), made you sick enough that you ran to the powder room and violently got sick.
Then, you mentally calculated the last period you had.
No. Oh, no.
You had to be discreet about this. Aemond was a fantastic husband, but neither of you had talked about pregnancy much. Sure, you knew you wanted kids eventually, but you two were newlyweds.
You slipped out of the bathroom, thinking you'd managed to compose yourself, until Aegon came up behind you.
"How much egg nog did you drink? You can't possibly be hungover are you?"
You froze. He'd heard you. He'd heard that undignified display. You mentally cursed.
"Aegon, I need you to do something for me, but you have to promise me, like really promise, that you won't tell anyone." You pleaded.
He grinned before looking at you more seriously. "Wait, you aren't kidding."
"No, Aegon, I'm not. Keep your voice down." You whispered. You grabbed Aegon and drug him into Viserys' office.
You sighed. "I need you to take me to the store."
"Why? Why can't I tell anyone?" Aegon asked.
"Because, I don't need anyone to know... Even though I'm pretty sure I know the answer." You replied.
"The answer to what?" Aegon was curious now, you could see it.
"I think I'm pregnant." You said, pinching the bridge of your nose.
Aegon's eyes widened, his mouth agape in surprise.
"And you thought I would be the best person to come to?" Aegon asked.
"No, but you heard that whole display and I don't need too many people asking questions unless I'm sure." You replied.
"Fair enough, that tracks. Go get your coat, I'll come up with some weird excuse." Aegon said.
You managed to get your coat and sneak out the front door, since everyone was in the kitchen. You sent a quick text to Aemond telling him that Aegon had wanted to go get more alcohol to play a drinking game that night, and he needed an extra hand. You hoped that he'd buy it, since it wasn't out of the ordinary for you to be drug along on whatever weird side quest Aegon had. The ride to the store was mostly silent, until Aegon turned and asked.
"So, you know you can't prevent this kind of thing, right?"
"Yes, Aegon! I know!" You huffed.
"Well, how did it happen?" He asked.
"I don't know. If I can guess, probably that vacation Aemond and I took to New Orleans. The time frame fits, and I forgot my birth control, and we both got so drunk..." You trailed off.
Aegon burst out laughing. "Aemond got drunk? Like, actually drunk?"
"We both did." You said.
"And you forgot to take your birth control?" Aegon asked.
"I thought I'd be fine!" You exclaimed.
"And he didn't bother to pull out?" You hated when Aegon made sense.
"WE WERE DRUNK!" You said, throwing your hands in the air.
Aegon was laughing hysterically. "I don't know whether to laugh hysterically at this whole blunder, or be excited."
"We messed up." You said.
"Or, counterpoint, you have a cool vacation souvenir." Aegon replied.
Upon going to the store, you grabbed three different pregnancy test boxes. You had to be sure, and Aegon could not stifle his laugh as you demanded he sneak you around to the guest house in the back of the main house when you arrived back to your in-laws' home. You went into the bathroom, following the directions, and laid four tests out on the counter, pacing back and forth.
"The pacing isn't going to change your result." Aegon said, leaning against the door frame.
"I know, but I'm nervous. What if Aemond isn't happy about it?" You asked.
Aegon sighed, and in a rare moment of seriousness, grabbed your shoulders.
"Y/N, whatever happens, my brother loves you. And you love him. And this crazy family you married into... We're going to support you. Aemond has wanted a family since he was a little kid. He's gonna be thrilled." He said.
You hugged him, taking a deep breath.
"I'm too nervous. Please read them for me." You said, shaking hands.
Aegon nodded, taking the first test, flipping it over. Then the other three.
You closed your eyes. "Well?"
"Those are the most positive pregnancy tests I've ever seen." Aegon said, "You're definitely pregnant."
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, until a voice stopped you in your tracks.
"You're pregnant?"
You and Aegon both turned to see Luke standing there, mouth agape.
"What are you doing here?" You asked.
"Mom sent me in here to go grab her sweater." Luke said.
"Luke, you cannot tell anyone yet." You said grabbing him by the arms.
"Are you kidding me? I can't keep a secret like that! You know one look from Aemond and I'm done. I can't lie!" He exclaimed.
"Luke, as your uncle, I'm telling you right now, if you tell Aemond, I will hang you upside down from the balcony." Aegon said.
"I'll try. I can't promise, but I'll try, okay?" Luke said.
You sighed. "At least, until tonight. Can you make it till then?"
You looked at the boy's face and knew he probably couldn't. Luke was nearly incapable of lying and it was actually quite funny in most circumstances.
Except, right now.
You threw the pregnancy tests in the trash, hoping to hide them. The three of you walked out, hoping you could keep the secret.
Turns out, keeping the secret was way, way harder than you thought.
Every time you walked into the kitchen, you felt bile rise in your throat. The charcuterie board that Rhaenyra laid out every year made you nearly turn green. The smell of the refrigerator was almost too much.
And every single moment you got alone with Aemond, you had to pretend like it didn't hurt when he stuck a hand under your shirt.
"Are you alright?" Aemond asked, "you seem really preoccupied."
"I'm fine, I promise." You lied.
You had to pretend like the movements Aemond made during the afternoon quickie in his childhood bathroom didn't make you sick, like the smell of his cologne (one you loved) didn't turn your stomach.
Poor Luke had scrambled to the basement with Joffrey and the younger kids, hoping that he could keep a lid on the secret until you gave the okay. The poor kid was avoiding Aemond at every turn.
At dinner, all hell broke loose.
Everyone was there: Rhaenyra and her husband, Harwin, Daemon and his wife, Laena, and their two girls. Alicent, Viserys, Otto, Helaena, Aegon, and all the other cousins.
To top it off, just looking at the food in front of you sent you running to the bathroom. Aegon stood outside the bathroom, offering you a cool drink of water to quell the nausea seeping into your bones.
You went back to your seat on the table, feeling Aemond's glance on you.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I had a gas station hot dog while I was out with Aegon and it didn't agree with me." You lied. You hated lying, but then you noticed Aemond notice Luke's constant fidgeting, and his eye narrowed.
"Luke? What's the matter with you?"
Luke looked white as a ghost, blinking heavily. "Nothing at all."
You knew Aemond's expression. He knew something was up, but he wasn't sure what. Aemond turned to you, then to Luke, and then, to Aegon. He was connecting pieces, but he didn't have the full picture yet.
"Now that everyone is here." Daemon interrupts the conversation, "I feel like I need to ask a question. I was in the guest house earlier, and I found something interesting in the garbage."
Oh, no. You looked to Aegon, who was chugging his wine, and to Luke who looked about as nauseous as you did.
"I'm gonna come out with it: Laena, are you pregnant?"
Laena choked on her water, looking at her husband. "No, no I am not, Daemon."
Daemon looked around, "Rhaenyra?"
"That's oddly invasive, Daemon, but no I am not."
Daemon turns to Helaena, who cannot hold back laughter.
"Uncle do you really think I'd be able to hide that?"
"Alright, then who the hell is pregnant?" Daemon asked.
You turned to Luke, then to Aegon, and then to Aemond, who had gotten the final piece in the puzzle and the realization dawned on him.
"It's mine!" You exclaimed.
Everyone looked at you, mouths agape.
"It's mine. Aemond, I was going to tell you, but I wanted it to be a little more quiet when I did." You said sheepishly, "I hope you're not upset."
"Why would I be upset?" Aemond asked. You could see panic on his features, but he stayed remarkably calm.
"We've just never talked about it, and I just wasn't sure..."
"Y/N, this is the best news. Really. You didn't have to hide it from me." Aemond says, but then he looks to Luke and Aegon.
"You two knew, didn't you?"
"Yes." Luke says, without hesitation, "she said she wanted to tell you first, so I avoided you."
"You know, Aemond, you can pull out, it's an option." Aegon says.
"Oh, Aegon, really? Now?" Alicent huffs, "But, this is great news. I am so excited for you two!"
"This is wonderful!" Viserys exclaims.
You nervously sat back, but then got a whiff of the Christmas roast on the table. You took a swallow, nausea creeping up again.
"Would you like to sit somewhere else, love?" Aemond asks.
"Yes. Yes I would." You said.
Christmas with Aemond's family was always a little wild, and a little bit crazy, but you knew that with Aemond, your child would be loved.
As you went to bed that night, Aemond's arm wrapped around you, you felt your nerves dissipate and you couldn't help but smile.
You had a wonderful family now. It was going to be wonderful.
Eight months later, as everyone crowded in your hospital room, to meet the newest family member.
"This, is Aela." Aemond said, "She's named after her uncle, the first person to know about her."
Aegon's eyes grew wide. He came close, studying the newborn, a genuine smile across his features.
"We are going to have so much fun when you're older." Aegon said, "Just you wait."
He took the new baby in his arms, smiling widely at you and Aemond. And you knew.
Aemond's family might be big, and they might be a little crazy, but there was a lot of love there. And little Aela would never be alone.
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blissfulip · 6 months
Holiday Market
on AO3
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Viktor x gn!reader
Rating: G
Tags: Friends to lovers?, 5+1 things (actually 4+1) awkward flirting, just tooth rotting fluff.
Cw: some cursing
Words: 3.7k
Happy Holidays from me to you  🎄
“We can agree to disagree there, Sky is such a pretty and sweet girl, and Viktor is very fond of her, so I’m sure if he wasn’t that oblivious he would’ve certainly noticed she was asking him out.” 
“Come on, he’s the smartest person both of us know, do you really think he didn’t notice? Why else would she offer to walk him to the dorm?” Jayce spoke passionately. 
This lighthearted argument you were having had been the topic of conversation for more than a month now. Every time Sky tried to do something to either flirt with Viktor or outright ask him out, he would either not notice or shut her down politely. To Jayce, it seemed like Viktor was simply not interested, to you, however, it looked like he was unknowingly shutting down her advances because he didn’t realize the romantic undertone in any of them. 
“He even said at some point he was grateful for Sky’s help, and he emphasized help.”
“See, I just think Sky is not his type.”
“Oh yeah? And what is his type?” You said this, crossing your arms and staring at him with a raised eyebrow and a half-ironic smile.  
“How would I know? It’s just a theory.” He said, shrugging, “You should try flirting with him and see how he reacts.”
“Why would I?”
“It’s definitely better than simply pining over him while you pretend to be okay with Sky flirting with him.”
“I’m not pretending, I think they look cute together.” Your voice came out much less firm than you anticipated, and it didn’t help that you unknowingly started to make small circles on the table with your free hand. 
“I think you would look even cuter with him.”
“You’re just saying that because I’m your friend, plus, how would my flirting with him conclude anything about our argument?”
"Well, if he also doesn’t notice you flirting, then you’d be right, and If he does notice, then It would mean I am right.” 
“Right, let’s assume he does in fact notice, what if he’s not into it?”
“You tell him it was a joke between us, but that’s unlikely.”
He knew something you didn’t, but you didn’t ask him what it was, it was dangerous for you to get hopeful. You didn’t bother to deny what he said earlier about you pining over him, because although talking about it openly was never really a necessity, the way you looked at Viktor when he wasn’t paying attention and the way you laughed a little louder at his jokes had never gone unnoticed by Jayce. He knew you well enough to not put you on the spot by asking about it, but he knew, and you knew that he knew.
In actuality, you had a sneaking suspicion that this little game of his was just Jayce’s not-so-secret plan to finally get you to make a move on his partner. He would never admit to it, and you would rather pretend to be unaware, after all, you’d be waiting for an excuse to do this. 
“If he doesn't notice by the third time I try, then I win.”
“Fine.” You huffed. 
“And you have to be aggressive about it, subtlety will not do.”
“Don’t you worry, as soon as he gets here, you’ll see a master at work.” You said with a playful smirk. Although you had said that with an obviously joking tone, you were, as a matter of fact, perfectly confident in your ‘skills’. Flirting was fun to you, it made you feel pretty and playful, and as long as you kept it respectful, you could always tell that the other person, albeit bashful and sometimes surprised, usually felt as good as you did. 
When Viktor got back into the room, your heart started to race, not so much in a way that worried you, but more like it does when you play sports, eat something tasty, or stand on the edge of a tall building. The intoxicating feeling of adrenaline filling your chest to the brim. When he noticed you there, leaning on the side of Jayce’s desk, he gave you a warm smile, and you walked over to greet him. 
“I thought you had given up on visiting the lab.” He said with a chuckle as you approached.
“Never, I would miss you too much.” You told him with a sickly sweet smile as you gave him a small hug, game on.
“Eh, well, I’m glad you came by, I’m sure Jayce is happy to have an excuse to stall.” There he was, it hadn’t been more than a minute, and he was already deflecting the attention from him. You looked at Jayce and pretended to laugh along, and he gave you a look that screamed ‘too subtle!’. It was fine, you could do better, so you turned back to face Viktor and looked at him intently. Head tilted to the side and a satisfied smirk that you wanted to make sure lingered for a second too long. 
The moment he noticed and his eyes landed on yours, you brought your hand up to brush some of his hair away from his face. The small strands in the front that sometimes cascaded over his forehead usually gave him a messy look that you personally adored, this time, however, they would serve a higher purpose. 
“Have I ever told you I love your hair? Its…so soft.” You cringed as soon as it left your mouth. ‘I like your hair’? What are you thinking? But you had to commit to it now, so you didn’t break eye contact.  
“Oh, hold on.” He said this as he sat down on his chair and started to write something on a small notepad. You glanced over at Jayce and noticed he was as confused as you were. No more than three seconds later, Viktor tore the piece of paper off the notepad and handed it to you.  
“What’s this?” 
“The conditioner brand I use—I almost couldn’t remember the name, but it came back to me.” He said this with such a sincere smile that you had to concede and admit you had been defeated, at least at that time. . 
“Thanks Vik.”  You said, unable to hold back a laugh. Jayce laughed as well, for nearly a minute after mouthing ‘a master, huh?’ at you after Viktor had turned his chair away.
I’ll show him, alright. You thought to yourself as you left their lab to go back to work, you were already planning on what to do the next time you saw them, and you caught yourself smiling like an idiot as you worked, remembering his sweet little face as he handed you that piece of paper. How could you not fall head over heels for that? You didn’t know if it was his refusal to accept compliments or just his genuine interest in helping you get silky-smooth hair, but it didn’t matter, everything he did was absurdly endearing. 
Next time, though, as you pondered, I'll have to try a different angle. 
The opportunity presented itself a lot earlier than you expected when you went to the Academy kitchen about a week later and were pleasantly surprised to find both of your dearest friends there, Jayce sitting on one of the stools near the window and Viktor leaning against one of the counters. 
“Look at what the cat dragged in,” You said with a playful tone. “You two never come here, is the coffee machine in the lab broken?”
“Not quite, no. Jayce thought it would be a sensible idea to take a break over here.” He said, gesturing at Jayce with the face of someone who had already regretted his decision. Jayce simply looked at you and raised his eyebrows slightly. He knew you liked to come here to get coffee. 
“Well, he’s right, a change of scenery never hurt anybody,” you said, walking over to lean on the counter right next to him. “How’s work? Any significant progress lately?”
In any other circumstance, you would’ve listened to what he had to say attentively, but this time you were on a mission. He went on about the hex gates they were developing blueprints for, and you looked up at him through your lashes, making sure to take a quick but noticeable glance at his lips when he was looking back at you. For a second, it seemed like it worked, he stopped in his tracks and looked at you with slightly furrowed brows. Not angry, but as if he was trying to examine you and figure out what you had in mind.
“I apologize, eh...was I going too fast?” he chuckled.
Great, he just thinks I’m stupid.
“No, sorry, I just got distracted.” As you said this, you got an idea. You brought your hands up to the collar of his shirt, skimming over the lapel of his vest on your way there in the most casual manner you could muster. 
“Don’t worry about it,” He said lightheartedly. He didn’t seem to mind you touching him like this, so you didn’t take your hands back. 
“Work has been pretty tedious the past few weeks, you know?” You said while adjusting the collar, lightly brushing your fingers along the seams, and making sure the tip of your thumbs ‘accidentally’ and ever so delicately grazed over his neck. “Not all of us are geniuses working in the genius department making genius discoveries every day,” You teased him as your hands traveled up. 
“You give us too much credit,” He said with a shy laugh. “But you’re right in that regard; we have discoveries to make; come, Jayce, the genius department awaits us,” He joked as he picked up his cane and walked out of the kitchen with a relaxed smile. 
Jayce turned to look at you so fast that you were worried he would sprain a muscle. 
“You can’t tell me that was too subtle” You said with a bitter sigh. 
“You know, Mel is not really the flirty type, but if she ever did that to me, I would turn into a puddle.” He said half amused and half puzzled. “He’s a mystery, I'll tell you that.” 
“Well, how much more aggressive can I go without being weird?” Both of you thought about it in silence for a couple of minutes before Jayce spoke up. 
“I might have an idea, come by the lab tomorrow for lunch and follow my lead.”
“Normally that would scare me, but sure.”
You suspected any food you ingested at that moment would swiftly be rejected by your stomach, this whole situation, which was initially supposed to be a laid-back fun thing, had turned you into an anxiety-induced mess. Technically, the way things were going was good for you, it proved what you said about Viktor being oblivious, and you loved being right, so why didn’t it feel good? 
Whatever it was, you knew one thing for sure: you were skipping lunch that day. You decided to go out a bit earlier than your usual lunchtime and stop by your favorite bakery. They had a chocolate and cinnamon roll cake that they only made around the holidays. You and the guys usually love them, so it should at least cheer you up. When you got to their lab, they both took your presence as a cue to stop working, almost as if they were expecting you.
“Great! We can get a second opinion.” You were visibly confused, which prompted Jayce to widen his eyes and raise his eyebrows, probably to remind you to ‘follow his lead’ before he continued speaking. “I was telling Viktor that Sky has been trying to flirt with him, and he doesn’t believe me. You see it too, right?”
Oh, I see what he’s doing.
“For sure, I can’t believe you haven’t noticed, Vik.”
“I have noticed the things Jayce mentioned, I just don’t believe they constitute flirting, and I also don’t see why she would be flirting with me.” 
You took this personally.
“Why wouldn’t she? You’re handsome, and sometimes you’re even tolerable, I don't see why not.” You were sure a compliment combined with some teasing should do it, you were wrong, as Viktor remained unmoved.
"Eh, sure, but I still believe she’s simply being nice, and if she were indeed flirting with me, I don't think she would do it in front of other people,” he said nonchalantly. 
“I don’t see why not, it’s not like her feelings for you are a secret to anyone, and maybe she’s being incredibly obvious with what she does in the hope someone will notice and tell you about it,” you said in a playful tone but sincerely.
“You do those things as well, you’ve always been naturally touchy and affectionate, so I don’t think those things are inherently romantic,” he shrugs.  
It all made sense to you now, how all of your attempts at being intimate or complimenting him had gone unnoticed; they were lost in a sea of millions of other instances in which you had acted the same way. All of those came back, you remembered at least two other times when you had called him handsome and multiple times in which you were overtly touchy and showered him with compliments. 
You figured that Jayce’s intention with this whole conversation was for you to at least figure out what Viktor considered to be flirting, and at best, it would be an opportunity for you to openly compliment him. But you looked at Jayce and saw the realization dawn on him.
“Let me go grab some plates for the cake, help me get some cups too,” He told you, nudging you to come out of the room with him. 
“Well, I guess that’s it, he’ll never figure it out, so I win,” You said with a sly smile intended to hide the strange bitter feeling in your mouth as soon as you closed the door behind you. 
“Nope, this just helps us recalibrate. Now we know being touchy and just generally nice and affectionate will not work, so you need to try something else.”
“What else is there?”
“We have to come up with things for you to say and do that you would normally not say or do for someone other than a romantic partner.”
“Wouldn’t that basically be a confession?”
“At this point, I think you could very well confess, and he wouldn’t register it as such.” He chuckled. 
“Well, let me think.” And you walked in silence towards the kitchen for a couple of minutes before Jayce spoke again. 
“I think you need to go for some more obvious compliments. When people say he is smart and handsome, he just takes it as them stating a fact.”
“He’s a confident one, that’s for sure.” You said this as you smirked in contentment. 
“So, you’ll get him alone somehow to avoid that whole ‘she wouldn’t flirt in front of others’ thing, and you’ll compliment something about him that only a romantic interest would like. I’m 84% sure this one’s going to work out.”
“The odds are with me, I see”
“I’m going to the holiday market, want to tag along?” You asked them on a Saturday afternoon.
“You should go, Vik, it would do you some good to breathe some fresh air.” 
“I don’t see how walking around the snow would fix this prototype.” He said with a disgruntled chuckle.
“It won’t, but it will give me some alone time to figure it out without you pestering me.”
“Ok, I get it. I’m going.” 
It had been close to a month since the last time you tried anything. Jayce and you agreed that you wouldn’t make any moves unless you were alone with him, so this was about to be your chance to do something. 
You had thought about it extensively since, playing and replaying your interactions in your head like a chess game. Perhaps the plan you had arrived at wouldn't work, perhaps you had been overthinking it, and once you tried it, the results would be catastrophic. But one thing was for sure, you were letting this consume you. The whole point of this experiment was to prove that Viktor was oblivious, and strictly speaking, the way things had been going proved you right, but it had morphed into more than that. 
You wanted him to notice, you wanted him to notice you.
“Are you planning to buy something?” He said snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Nothing in particular; I just really like coming here; it’s full of happy people in clothes that make them look like marshmallows, and the smell of the place is lovely.” 
“I admire the way you look at things, sometimes I feel like my vision of the world is so stale, yet you’re always finding beauty everywhere.”
"Well, let’s look together.” You told him, dragging him slowly out of the influx of people, to stand against a wall where you had a good vision of everything.  
“I think I get it, the people really seem to be happy.”
“At least they’re pretending to be,” you said with a cynical smile that got a low chuckle out of him. 
“And it does smell very nice around here.” 
“It does, but you smell better.” You said shrugging.
“I, eh, can give you the name of the lotion I use, I just don’t remem—”
By Janna, he is going to drive me insane. 
"Viktor, I don’t care for the damn lotion; I like the smell of it on you; I like your smell.” You said almost in an exasperated tone. 
“Oh.” He said, the corners of his mouth curving slightly upward. “Thank you?”
You walked together, sharing a comfortable silence for a couple more minutes, but you had to look back when you noticed Viktor wasn’t keeping up anymore. You were able to spot him leaning against a wall next to one of the stalls selling wood carvings, so you walked back to meet him. 
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, my leg just gets a bit sore after walking for a while when it’s too cold out.” 
“Oh duh,” You said, giving yourself a slap on the forehead. “I totally forgot about that, Vik, sorry. Let’s head back”
“We don’t have to, I just need to stretch it out a bit.”
“Don’t be silly, besides, I think we’ve seen enough happy people for today.” You told him with a playful frown. 
“Sure, eh, want me to take you home?”
"Yeah, you can take me home.” You told him with a cheeky smirk, and he simply laughed off the very obvious innuendo in that sentence. 
Jayce was not happy to hear you wanted to give up, but you were over it. After overthinking for 4 nights straight, you decided Viktor had definitely realized you were flirting with him, and feigning insanity was the most polite way he could find of rejecting your advances. Pushing it at this point felt like overkill, and you certainly did not want to make him uncomfortable. 
“Listen, trust me, I have an excellent feeling for this one. Not to mention, the deal was five times.”
“Jayce, there is no way on earth he hasn’t noticed, I’m sure he’s just ignoring it on purpose at this point. I’ll give you the win, just drop it, okay?” 
“It doesn’t count as a win if he hasn’t openly acknowledged it. I get not telling you, but he hasn’t even told me anything.”
“You know what? Fine. I’ll make it as obvious as I possibly can, I’ll embarrass myself if that’s what it takes, and then when he asks me to stop acting weird, we can drop this thing, happy?” 
“Go to the kitchen, I’ll send him over.”
And off you went, resigned to making a fool of yourself and dragging your feet with aggravated sadness. You weren’t sure when or how Jayce intended to send Viktor over to the kitchen, so you picked up a kettle and decided to brew some tea while you waited. The crackling sound of the stove and eventual whistling made the wait seem longer, but at long last you saw him come in. 
“Hey Vik” you said in a tone that conveyed more frustration than you intended it to. 
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I'm just tired.” You said with a forced chuckle. “You?”
“Eh, I’m positive Jayce is hiding something from me at the lab. He was very adamant on getting me out of there today, but I’ll figure it out eventually.” You scoffed in response. 
“Do you know something I don’t?” he questioned. 
Okay, let’s get this over with. 
“You tell me, pretty boy, I’m just glad you ended up here.” 
“Yes, it’s always fun to chat with you.” He said with an endearing smile. Endearing is not what you were hoping for. 
“So fun, but we could always do more than chatting.” 
Silence. Maddening silence for what felt like years. And then he walked over to where you were, painfully slow and keeping intense eye contact. When he got to you, he stood less than a hand’s distance away, stared down at you with a smug look, and spoke.
“Stop that,” he said in almost a whisper. “I know you think it’s so funny to mess with me like that, and I know Jayce thinks it’s hilarious as well, but you’re not going to think it’s so funny anymore when I flirt back, and it stops being a joke.”
“So… you knew the whole time?”
“It was funny the first time, but if you keep escalating, I might have to match your energy, and you won’t like it.” He said, a grin creeping up. 
“See, you think you’ve got it all figured out, but you’re wrong.”
“You intend to tell me you were not flirting with me? I’m not an idiot,” he said, raising an eyebrow.
"No, I was definitely flirting, but everything I said to you was true, and I wouldn’t mind you escalating.” You shrugged, trying to pretend this whole tirade was not affecting you. 
“I see.” He kept examining your expression, as if he were trying to find a weak spot in your posture to attack. “How does dinner tomorrow sound?”
It caught you by surprise, but it wasn’t an unwelcome one. 
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