#wakame powder
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madamlaydebug · 2 months
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The foods within the States that create the least amount of mucus in the body. VEGETABLES
* Amaranth greens – same as Callaloo, a variety of Spinach
* Avocado
* Bell Peppers
* Chayote (Mexican Squash)
* Cucumber
* Dandelion greens
* Garbanzo beans
* Green banana
* Izote – cactus flower/ cactus leaf
* Kale
* Lettuce (all, except Iceberg)
* Mushrooms (all, except Shiitake)
* Nopales (Mexican Cactus
* Okra seasonal * Olives (not soaked in vinegar)
* Onions
* Poke salad – greens
* Purslane (Verdolaga)
* Sea Vegetables (wakame/dulse/arame/hijiki/nori)
* Squash - except pumpkin
* Tomato – cherry & plum/roma only
* Tomatillo
* Turnip greens
* Watercress
* Zucchini
(No canned or seedless fruits)
* Apples
* Bananas – the smallest one or the Burro/mid-size (original banana)
* Berries – all varieties – no cranberries
* Cantaloupe
* Cherries
* Currants
* Dates
* Figs
* Grapes – Seeded
* Limes (key limes preferred with seeds)
* Mango
* Melons – Seeded
* Orange (Seville or sour preferred)
* Papayas
* Peaches
* Pear
* Plums
* Prickly Pear (Cactus Fruit)
* Prunes
* Raisins – Seeded
* Soft Jelly Coconuts
* Soursops – (Latin or West Indian markets)
* Tamarind
* Amaranth
* Fonio
* Kamut
* Quinoa
* Rye
* Spelt
* Teff
* Wild Rice
* Hemp seeds
* Raw sesame seeds
* Raw sesame seeds /tahini butter
* Walnuts
* Brazil nuts
* Coconut oil (do not cook)
* Olive oil (do not cook)
* Avocado oil
* Grapeseed oil
* Hempseed oil
* Sesame seed oil
* Basil
* Bay leaf
* Cloves
* Dill
* Oregano
* Savory
* Sweet Basil
* Tarragon
* Thyme
* Pure Sea Salt
* Powdered Granulated Seaweed -(Kelp/Dulce/Nori – has “sea taste”)
* 100% Pure Agave Syrup – (from cactus)
* Date Sugar/Syrup
* Achiote
* Cayenne/ African Bird Pepper
* Culantro * Habanero
* Onion Powder
* Sage
* Anise
* Burdock
* Chamomile
* Elderberry
* Fennel
* Ginger
* Raspberry
* Sarsaparilla
* Tila (Linden flower)
* Valerian
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najia-cooks · 8 months
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[ID: First photo shows a mixed seaweed salad topped with toasted sesame seeds; in the background are bowls of pickled daikon and kake udon. Second photo is a close-up showing light shining through the seaweed. End ID]
わかめと昆布サラダ / Wakame to konbu sarada (Seaweed and kelp salad)
A wide variety of seaweed-based salads are made by Japanese home cooks. They may contain only a mix of seaweeds and a dressing, but may also feature vegetables including cucumber, carrots, lotus root (レンコン / はす), daikon (だいこん), corn, edamame (枝豆), or onion. Dressings are as varied as cooks, and may be based around sesame oil (ごま油), rice vinegar (米酢), miso paste (みそ / 味噌), ponzu sauce (ポン酢), or mayonnaise (マヨ).
This recipe is a good way to use up reconstituted kombu and wakame that were steeped to make soup stock. It includes instructions for two dressings: one based on rice vinegar and sesame oil, and another with a sesame-mayo base.
"わかめ" or "ワカメ" ("wakame") is likely from "若" ("waka," "young") +‎ "海布" ("me," "seaweed"); it is a particular species of edible seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida) that is farmed in Japan, Korea, and China. It is sometimes called "sea mustard" in English. Without further specification, "wakame" in a culinary context is taken to mean the leaves of the seaweed; these are the same leaves that are eaten in miso soup (みそ汁).
The etymology of "昆布" ("kombu" or "konbu") is unknown. It may be a phonetic Japanese reading of the Middle Chinese "昆布" (Mandarin: "kūnbù") (itself from "綸布" "*krūn pās," "green ribbon" + "cloth"), used to refer to various types of kelp and seaweed. In Japanese, the term refers to any of a few species of edible kelp from the Laminariaceae family.
Dried kombu is steeped to make one type of dashi ("出汁" / "だし"), a stock that is used in various soups and sauces. Once reconstituted, it may be steeped again to make 二番だし ("niban dashi," "second dashi"), sliced and simmered as one ingredient in a 煮物 ("nimono," simmered dish), or roasted and combined with other seaweeds and spices to make 振り掛け ("furikake").
"サラダ" ("sarada") is probably derived from the English "salad."
Note that the "seaweed salad" served at Japanese restaurants in the U.S. is not commonly eaten in Japan. It is shipped out to restaurants and stores pre-packaged, and is made with colored オゴノリ ("ogonori"; "agar" on ingredients lists), きくらげ ("kikurage"; "wood ear mushroom" or "fungus" on ingredients lists), and byproducts of wakame including 茎わかめ ("kukiwakame," wakame stem) and メカブ ("mekabu," wakame sprouts; both listed as "wakame" or "seaweed" on ingredients lists). You may be able to find this salad in the freezer section of your local Asian grocery store. If you want to approximate the texture of this salad at home, try buying some mixture of ogonori, kikurage, kukiwakame, mekabu, モズク ("mokuzu"), and/or ひじき ("hijiki"). Instructions for the dressing are below.
Recipe under the cut!
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For the salad:
2 cups total reconstituted kombu, wakame, hijiki, or other kelp or seaweed
Vegetable additions to seaweed salads are possible and common. Try adding some cucumber, julienned carrots, sliced lotus root, sliked daikon radish, corn, edamame, or sliced onion that's been soaked in plum vinegar for 15 minutes.
If you're including cucumbers, slice them, salt them, allow them to drain in a colander for about 10 minutes, then gently squeeze them of excess liquid, to avoid making your salad watery.
For dressing 1:
1 Tbsp unseasoned rice vinegar (米酢)
1 Tbsp toasted sesame oil (煎りごま油)
1/2 kosher salt
1/2 tsp vegetarian granulated sugar
1/2 tsp Japanese soy sauce (しょうゆ / 醤油) (such as Kikkoman's)
2 tsp toasted sesame seeds (いりごま)
To make U.S. restuarant-style seaweed salad, omit the soy sauce; replace the sugar with high fructose corn syrup; and add a pinch of cayenne pepper, 1/4 tsp of onion powder or yeast extract, and a pinch of MSG.
For dressing 2:
2 Tbsp vegan mayonnaise
1/2 tsp unseasoned rice vinegar (米酢)
1/4 tsp dried ground shiitake mushroom, or vegetarian dashi powder
1/4 tsp vegetarian granulated sugar
Drop of djion mustard
Pinch kosher salt
1 tsp Japanese soy sauce (しょうゆ / 醤油) (such as Kikkoman's)
Drizzle of mirin (みりん)
2 tsp toasted sesame seeds, ground in a mortar and pestle or spice mill
If you eat eggs, you can replace the first five ingredients with 2 Tbsp Kewpie mayo (キューピーマヨ).
For a halal version, replace the mirin with an extra pinch of sugar.
For the salad:
1. Slice kombu into very thin strips. Slice wakame into thin strips, or leave as-is, as desired. Slice other flat dried seaweed into thin strips or bite-sized pieces.
For dressing 1:
1. Whisk all ingredients except sesame seeds together in a small bowl. Toss with seaweed. Top with sesame seeds and serve cold.
For dressing 2:
1. Whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl. Toss with seaweed. Serve cold.
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niteshade925 · 9 months
My unorthodox Yangchunmian noodle soup/阳春面
(This is the reason why I was rendering lard lol)
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Homestyle unorthodox Yangchunmian noodle soup recipe (enough for 1 person but must be served in a big ramen bowl) (Note: this version includes pork fat and is therefore not vegan/vegetarian/halal/kosher):
Ingredients (optional ones marked with *):
Noodles (preferably thin)
Soy sauce
Cooking oil
Pork lard (preferably rendered following the recipe that includes baijiu/green onions/ginger; if not, there are brands out there that can imitate the taste)
Pyropia seaweed (this is what nori is made from so unseasoned nori is also fine; also sold dried in giant discs)
*Wakame (brown kelp) OR Shanghai bok choy (stem is green instead of white) OR dried shiitaki mushrooms
Green onion
Chinese black vinegar (the one I used is Duliu Laocu/独流老醋, Zhenjiang Xiangcu/镇江香醋 is also fine)
Ground white pepper
Sesame oil
*Fish sauce/鱼露
*Chicken bouillon powder
Chop green onion, just one will do
Tear off a 2"x2" piece of pyropia seaweed OR 2 small pieces of nori
*If adding bok choy, wash bok choy
*If adding dried shiitaki mushrooms, rehydrate it first
In a ramen bowl, add:
~4 tbsp of soy sauce
~3/4 tsp of pork lard
~1 tsp of Chinese black vinegar
*A few drops of fish sauce
~1/2 tsp ground white pepper
~1/4 tsp sugar
*~1/4 tsp chicken bouillon powder
~1/2 tsp seasame oil
Pour just enough hot water to melt pork lard and combine everything together, mix well
In a sauce pan (at least 1.5 qt):
Turn on heat, set to medium
When pan is hot, rub the pyropia seaweed on the bottom of the pan a couple of times to mimic toasting, then put seaweed into ramen bowl
Pour a little cooking oil into pan, fry the egg until over hard
Add 5 cups of hot water into pan
Add noodles, *add bok choy
Let it cook
*When noodles are halfway done, add the vegetable (wakame/shiitaki mushroom) as desired
When noodles are done, pour everything into bowl, mix well with the soup base in the bowl
*Add salt as desired
Top with fresh chopped green onion and serve
The end product should taste mildly salty, mildly sour, and umami. Overall taste should be mild.
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blogging1202 · 4 months
PotentStream  Ingredients
PotentStream formula is a blend of amazing nutrients sourced naturally. They are gathered as pure forms without additives, ensuring their properties are kept intact. Together, these ingredients play an essential role in improving prostate health and supporting the urinary system.
Saw Palmetto: It is a type of palm native to the southeastern United States. It is well-known for reducing symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH) and aiding urinary function.
Pomegranate Extract: It is loaded with antioxidants; it helps in fighting free radicals and reduces inflammation in the prostate and other areas of the body.
Kelp Powder: It is rich in nutrients like iodine, which is crucial for thyroid function, overall hormonal balance, and the hormones related to prostate health.
Bladderwrack Powder: This seaweed is found on the coasts of the North Sea, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans. With its iodine and antioxidants, it supports thyroid health and reduces oxidative stress.
Wakame Extract (Leaf): This seaweed is known for its culinary uses in East Asia. It contains fucoxanthin, which may support weight management and improve metabolism, indirectly supporting prostate health by maintaining overall health.
Nori Yaki: Nori Yaki Extract Powder is derived from an edible seaweed commonly used in Japanese cuisine. It is rich in vitamins and minerals; it helps detoxify the body and reduce inflammation.
Iodine: It is sourced from seaweeds and plays a vital role in thyroid function. It also helps regulate overall metabolic health and maintain hormonal balance.
Shilajit: Shilajit is found primarily in the Himalayan rocks. Rich in fulvic acid and over 84 minerals, it offers significant anti-inflammatory effects and enhances nutrient absorption, which may improve prostate health.
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power-healthplus · 5 months
Unlocking Prostate Health: The Power of Prostadine Supplements.
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Prostadine supplements are revolutionizing the field of men's health, offering a holistic approach to prostate care and overall well-being. Engineered with a potent blend of natural ingredients and cutting-edge research, Prostadine supplements are meticulously crafted to support optimal prostate function, urinary health, and vitality.
The prostate gland plays a
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"Nori Yaki Extract Powder health"
Role in men's contributing to reproductive function and urinary control. However, as men age, the prostate gland may undergo changes that can impact quality of life. This is where Prostadine supplements shine, providing targeted support to maintain prostate health and alleviate common concerns associated with aging.
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Wakame Extract
At the heart of Prostadine supplements lies a
synergistic blend of clinically proven ingredients. Saw palmetto extract, a cornerstone of prostate health, works to inhibit the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone implicated in prostate enlargement. By modulating DHT levels, saw palmetto helps reduce the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), such as frequent urination and incomplete emptying of the bladder.
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Kelp Powder
Additionally, Prostadine supplements harness the
power of beta-sitosterol, a plant sterol with anti-inflammatory properties. Beta-sitosterol has been shown to improve urinary flow and alleviate discomfort associated with BPH, promoting greater urinary tract health and function.
But Prostadine supplements go beyond mere symptom management. They incorporate a blend of antioxidants, including lycopene and selenium, to combat oxidative stress and protect prostate cells from damage. By neutralizing free radicals, these antioxidants help maintain the structural integrity of the prostate gland and support its optimal function.
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Bladderwrack Powder
Moreover, Prostadine supplements are enriched with zinc, a mineral essential for prostate health and hormone regulation. Zinc plays a pivotal role in prostate tissue development and function, contributing to the maintenance of normal prostate size and structure.
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Saw Palmetto
What sets Prostadine supplements apart is their comprehensive approach to men's health. By addressing the underlying factors contributing to prostate dysfunction, they offer holistic support for urinary comfort, sexual function, and overall vitality. Whether you're looking to maintain prostate health or alleviate bothersome symptoms, Prostadine supplements provide a safe, natural solution backed by scientific research.
Experience the
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with Prostadine supplements and unlock the key to lifelong prostate wellness. Say goodbye to urinary urgency, nocturia, and other symptoms that compromise your quality of life. With Prostadine supplements, you can take charge of your prostate health and embrace a vibrant, active lifestyle. Embrace the power of Prostadine supplements today and rediscover the joys of optimal prostate function.
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Pomegranate Extract
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nora-theteawriter · 7 months
ok I have to drop my ramen/udon recipe
Boil water in pot
Add about a tbsp of miso paste
Add a little shake of bonito powder (to taste)
Once boiling, add noodles and lower heat a little
Chop up a few leaves cilantro and some scallions
Add cilantro, a little squeeze of lime, and some sriracha
Put some wakame seaweed at the bottom of your bowl
Pour the noodles and broth on top
Add scallions
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healthwealthh · 1 year
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check this website: here
What Is Prostadine? Prostadine is an entirely natural and highly effective dietary supplement that you can provide to your body. This prostate complex is a unique fusion of 100 percent natural ingredients, designed to support and sustain the health of your prostate and the entire urinary system. This groundbreaking supplement proves its exceptional efficacy, offering you the assurance you require to safeguard your most vital organ. Unlike other supplements, Prostadine liquid drops are devoid of any adverse side effects. Regardless of your age, it plays a pivotal role in maintaining the normal function of your prostate. Prostadine's composition is protected by a patent, consisting exclusively of extracts sourced from nature. This grants you a profound sense of confidence and trust, assuring you that as you age, you can naturally and effectively preserve your prostate health. With the power of its essential nutrients, Prostadine aids in the natural reduction of prostate swelling, ensuring enduring health and comfort in the long term. ✅Role of Ingredients in Prostadine It is well-known that all the magic a supplement does is because of its ingredients. Prostadine is no different. With the help of this medication, the challenging problem of an enlarged prostate may now be addressed appropriately. The incredible ingredients contain various natural components derived solely from nature itself. These ingredients include Sheelajeet, iodine, saw palmetto, pomegranate powder, Wakame extract, nori yaki extract, kelp powder, and neem. Wakame Extract: To facilitate a healthy lifestyle, this superfood extract is seriously remarkable. Wakame contains bioactive compounds which have shown several health advantages. High quantities of flavonoids and antioxidants help in plant disease-fighting, urinary health-enhancing, blood pressure lowering, and heart-regulating properties. It also helps in restoring the body's natural equilibrium. Pomegranate Extract: When included in daily routine, it successfully replenishes testosterone hormones. This leads to the enhancement of sperm production. Pomegranate offers numerous health benefits to men. The interaction of specific molecules further develops it's naturally occurring anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting capabilities. Sheelajit: Sheelajit is made up of triterpenoids which are very beneficial as they mimic steroid hormones. The main ingredient in shilajit is oleanolic acid, which is known to increase testosterone levels. It contains a high level of antioxidants, which protects prostate health. Nori Yaki Extract: This seaweed is extracted from the sea. It contains a high amount of iodine. It is also referred to as "seaweed candy." It is filled with nutrients that help you to feel great and stay healthy. It contains flavonoids that help in the battle against prostate issues by enhancing cell activity. It helps restore physiological function, like decreasing the size of an enlarged prostate. Kelp Powder: Kelp powder has the power to help fight off damaging free radicals in the body because of the antioxidant properties that lie within it. It helps in reducing oxidative stress and cardiovascular health issues. This nutrient-rich supplement facilitates many beneficial minerals for its users to stay healthy. Saw Palmetto: It helps eliminate waste and thus increases the rate of urine production. It dramatically benefits anyone's health by preventing prostate problems and restoring hormonal equilibrium—the herb's antibacterial properties help maintain healthy kidneys. Neem: Neem has an anti-inflammatory element that helps combat various diseases and conditions. It helps fight ulcers, bacterial infections, digestive issues, and even prostate cancer.
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Authentic Japanese Breakfast Plan in Under 15 Minutes! You can try even on a busy morning.
These simple meal is called 一汁一菜 (Ichiju-issai) in Japanese. "Ichiju-issai" is generally consist of rice, one bowl of soup, and one side dish. Please enjoy easy and healthy Japanese food!
#JapaneseBreakfastRecipe #HealthyBreakfastRecipe
Recipe: https://misosoup.site/15-minutes-japa...
0:30 Miso Eggplant Stir Fry Breakfast
3:12 Grilled Salmon Breakfast
4:57 Spam and Egg Breakfast
6:35 Tuna Rice Ball Breakfast
8:40 Asparagus Wrapped in Pork Breakfast
11:21 Egg Natto Breakfast
1. Miso Eggplant Stir Fry Breakfast
Ingredients [for 1 serving]
・7 oz (200g) Cooked rice
・1 Salted plum
・Black sesame
・0.7 cup (170ml) Water
・1 tbsp Miso paste (Add 1/2 tsp dashi powder as needed)
・1 oz (30g) Green onion
・2 oz (60g) Tofu
・1 tsp Dried wakame seaweed
・3.5 oz (100g) Eggplant
・1.4 oz (40g) Green bell pepper
・1 oz (30g) Onion
・2.6 oz (75g) Fish sausage (Use your favorite protein)
・1 tsp Oil
・1 tbsp Miso paste
・2 tbsp Mirin
2. Grilled Salmon Breakfast
Ingredients [for 1 serving]
・7 oz (200g) Cooked rice
・Daikon pickles
・0.7 cup (170ml) Water
・1 tbsp Miso paste (Add 1/2 tsp dashi powder as needed)
・1.5 oz (45g) Daikon
・1.4 oz (40g) Mitsuba (Use your favorite leaf vegetable)
・1 oz (30g) Enoki mushroom
・2.5 oz (70g) Salmon
・A pinch of Salt
・1 sheet of Shiso
3. Spam and Egg Breakfast
Ingredients [for 1 serving]
・7 oz (200g) Cooked rice
・0.7 cup (170ml) Water
・1 tbsp Miso paste (Add 1/2 tsp dashi powder as needed)
・3.5 oz (100g) Kabocha squash
・1 oz (30g) Onion
・1 Egg
・2 oz (60g) Spam
4. Tuna Rice Ball Breakfast
Ingredients [for 1 serving]
・7 oz (200g) Cooked rice
・Nori seaweed
・0.7 oz (20g) Canned tuna
・1 tsp Mayonnaise
・1/2 tsp Karashi (Japanese mustard)
・Salt and pepper
・0.7 cup (170ml) Water
・1 tbsp Miso paste (Add 1/2 tsp dashi powder as needed)
・0.7 oz (20g) Cabbage
・2 oz (60g) Carrot
・1 oz (30g) Enoki mushroom
・3 Sausage
・2 Cherry tomatoes
5. Asparagus Wrapped in Pork Breakfast
Ingredients [for 1 serving]
・7 oz (200g) Cooked rice
・0.7 cup (170ml) Water
・1 tbsp Miso paste (Add 1/2 tsp dashi powder as needed)
・1 oz (30g) Carrot
・1 oz (30g) Onion
・1 Egg
・2.5 oz (70g) Asparagus
・2.5 oz (70g) Thinly sliced pork
・1/2 tsp Potato starch
・Salt and pepper
・2 tsp Sake
・2 tsp Soy sauce
・2 tsp Mirin
6. Egg Natto Breakfast
Ingredients [for 1 serving]
・7 oz (200g) Cooked rice
・1 pack of Natto
・1 Egg
・A pinch of Salt
・0.7 cup (170ml) Water
・1 tbsp Miso paste (Add 1/2 tsp dashi powder as needed)
・0.7 oz (20g) Thin deep-fried tofu
・1 oz (30g) Onion
・1 tsp Dried wakame seaweed
・1 oz (30g) Kimchi
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High-Quality Selenium Powder Bulk – Elevate Your Health Naturally
At Organic Powder Pure, our aim is clear: to bring you the finest ingredients from around the world to enhance your health. Discover the power of high-quality selenium powder in bulk. Elevate your well-being naturally with our premium selenium. Trust in purity, trust in Organic Powder Pure.            
Visit- https://www.slideshare.net/OrganicPowderPure/highquality-selenium-powder-bulk-organic-powder-purepptx 
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best--offers · 1 year
Prostadine Prostate Supplement: A Game-Changer for Prostate Health
As we age, prostate health becomes increasingly crucial for men. The prostate is a gland located beneath the bladder, and its function is to produce and store semen. Unfortunately, the prostate is prone to various health conditions such as prostate enlargement, inflammation, and cancer. That's why it's essential to take proactive steps to maintain prostate health. One such way is by incorporating dietary supplements such as Prostadine into our daily routine.
What is Prostadine?
Prostadine is a natural dietary supplement made from nine potent ingredients, including Nori Yaki Extract Powder, Wakame Extract, Kelp Powder, Bladderwrack Powder, Saw Palmetto, Pomegranate Extract, Iodine, Shilajit, and Neem. Each ingredient is carefully selected for its unique properties and combined to create a powerful formula that supports prostate health.
How does Prostadine work?
Prostadine works by maintaining the function of the kidney and urinary tract, protecting against external toxins, and other potential threats that could harm these vital systems. It is produced in an FDA-approved facility under strict quality control guidelines, and each batch undergoes rigorous testing for purity and impurities. With over 160,000 satisfied customers and no significant side effects reported, Prostadine is one of the purest prostate supplements available in the market.
Benefits of Prostadine
Prostadine's benefits extend beyond prostate health. Its natural ingredients work together to promote overall well-being. The supplement supports kidney and urinary tract function, which is vital for maintaining healthy urinary habits. The ingredients also contain potent antioxidants that protect against external toxins and support the immune system.
How to use Prostadine?
To benefit from Prostadine, we recommend consuming a full dropper every morning. You can either consume it directly or mix it with your preferred beverage, such as tea, coffee, or juice. Make sure to shake the bottle well before use to ensure that the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Prostadine's 60-day guarantee policy
Each bottle of Prostadine comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the outcomes, you can return the unused portion for a full refund, no questions asked. This policy shows Prostadine's commitment to customer satisfaction and confidence in its product's effectiveness.
Consulting with a physician
It's crucial to note that if you have a medical condition or are taking prescription medication, consulting with your doctor before taking Prostadine is crucial. While Prostadine is an all-natural supplement, it's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
Prostadine is an all-natural dietary supplement that supports prostate health, maintains kidney and urinary tract function, and safeguards against external threats. Its unique formula of nine potent ingredients, produced in an FDA-approved facility, makes it one of the purest prostate supplements available in the market. We highly recommend trying Prostadine, and with its 60-day guarantee policy, you have nothing to lose. Take control of your prostate health and try Prostadine today!
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clayscookbook · 2 years
Instant Ramen Soups
No full recipe today, just some pointers on how to make good soup out of instant ramen. These aren't focused on authenticity or anything, I mean, it's instant noodles.
Adding soy sauce to your instant ramen soup broth if it's too bland is always a safe bet. Don't go insane, just a little bit at all really helps enrich the stock with umami and salty flavours.
Try to keep a handle on exactly how many powder seasonings you add in; at a certain point they might not all dissolve and leave some grainy mush at the bottom of the soup.
Curry powder, if you use a small* amount, works awesome to just richen up the broth and make it pop.
The amount of curry powder you should be adding to a soup to make it curry flavoured is always just a little more than 'looks right'. At least, all three members of my family agree this.
Do not be afraid to add canned meat/veg, or even chop up and add fresh meat/veg to the soup. Also hard/soft boiled egg or even just slapping a fried egg on top. I also like just throwing a microwaved chicken patty that I've cut up on top like it's chicken katsu.
If you want to, you can make your ramen in a bowl with a kettle instead of by stovetop. I reccomend letting it sit a little longer than on stovetop though.
Chives are a good substitute to try if you dislike green onion. They're related, but not identical in flavour or texture.
Sriracha is a good option for spice but can also add a dimension of richness if you just add a tiny squirt of it.
If you can get your hands on it, wakame is an excellent addition to throw in as the pot starts boiling. Usually sold at asian markets.
Hondashi seasoning is a fish-based product you can add if you want to make a seafood based ramen, made out of the bonito fish frequently. Don't add too much, though. Very fishy taste. (Unless you want it to be very fishy, in which case, do.)
Bonito flake is also good for fish flavour, but the flakes can get clumpy or even plasticky if you add too much. You can also just boil them separately and strain them out.
Konbu is similar to the bonito flake thing, except you're expected to take the konbu out on all occasions, not just some. You can usually take the konbu sheet aside after using it to make broth and dry it and then turn it into a rice topping though.
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yufuincookbook · 17 days
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Today Titi left the cafe and Hiro is coming back tonight. Today I cooked buta jiru, more vegetable tempura, and kombu tsukudani. the boss ryuji san complimented my butajiru.
buta jiru
Thin slices of pork
dashi stock
this recipe has no measurements— just go off of vibes
1. in a large pot add water (however much soup you want). then add your dashi stock. if it’s not enough dashi either make more or use dashi powder.
2. add vegetables like wakame or green veggies
3. add miso— in a ladle, scoop the miso. Lower the ladle in the soup and slowly dissolve the miso.
4. stir fry pork with a lot of fat on the side. Add it to the soup
5. Done
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blogging1202 · 3 months
PotentStream  Ingredients
PotentStream formula is a blend of amazing nutrients sourced naturally. They are gathered as pure forms without additives, ensuring their properties are kept intact. Together, these ingredients play an essential role in improving prostate health and supporting the urinary system.
Saw Palmetto: It is a type of palm native to the southeastern United States. It is well-known for reducing symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH) and aiding urinary function.
Pomegranate Extract: It is loaded with antioxidants; it helps in fighting free radicals and reduces inflammation in the prostate and other areas of the body.
Kelp Powder: It is rich in nutrients like iodine, which is crucial for thyroid function, overall hormonal balance, and the hormones related to prostate health.
Bladderwrack Powder: This seaweed is found on the coasts of the North Sea, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans. With its iodine and antioxidants, it supports thyroid health and reduces oxidative stress.
Wakame Extract (Leaf): This seaweed is known for its culinary uses in East Asia. It contains fucoxanthin, which may support weight management and improve metabolism, indirectly supporting prostate health by maintaining overall health.
Nori Yaki: Nori Yaki Extract Powder is derived from an edible seaweed commonly used in Japanese cuisine. It is rich in vitamins and minerals; it helps detoxify the body and reduce inflammation.
Iodine: It is sourced from seaweeds and plays a vital role in thyroid function. It also helps regulate overall metabolic health and maintain hormonal balance.
Shilajit: Shilajit is found primarily in the Himalayan rocks. Rich in fulvic acid and over 84 minerals, it offers significant anti-inflammatory effects and enhances nutrient absorption, which may improve prostate health.
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wellnesseveryday · 4 months
PotentStream 🛑PotentStream Review🛑[[⚠️BEWARE!!]]⚠️PotentStream Supplement
PotentStream - 🛑PotentStream Review🛑 - ⚠️[[BEWARE!!]] ⚠️PotentStream Supplement Official Website + Special Offer: https://bit.ly/PotentStream_specialoffer Official Website + Special Offer: https://bit.ly/PotentStream_specialoffer ✅What is Potent Stream? Potent Stream is an online-exclusive nutritional supplement, priced at $69 per bottle. It features a combination of natural ingredients aimed at addressing the underlying cause of prostate issues: the accumulation of toxic minerals from hard water in the urinary system. Manufactured in the United States, Potent Stream adheres to high production standards. It includes 100% natural ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, and root extracts. Notable components like wakame leaf extract, kelp powder, saw palmetto, and bladderwrack powder are recognized for their positive impact on prostate health.
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usproductreview · 4 months
(❌⚠️BEWARE❌✅) Potent Stream- POTENTSTREAM Reviews- PotentStream Review- Buy PotentStream
PotentStream Reviews
Today, Aline will give you an in-depth evaluation of PotentStream, where to buy PotentStream, PotentStream benefits, PotentStream side effects, PotentStream official website, and whether it works or is a scam. The PotentStream review video will answer your questions.
PotentStream Introduction
PotentStream is a natural, oral supplement formulated to support prostate health. It harnesses the power of saw palmetto, widely recognized as the best saw palmetto for prostate health. The supplement promises to help alleviate common prostate issues like frequent urination and discomfort.
PotentStream Benefits
Potent Stream contains saw palmetto, regarded as the best supplement for prostate health. It helps reduce inflammation and improves urinary flow while balancing hormones.
PotentStream Ingredients
The product is made with high-quality natural ingredients like Nori Yaki Extract, Wakame Extract, Kelp Powder, Bladderwrack Powder, Saw Palmetto, and Pomegranate Extract.
Does PotentStream Really Work?
Reviews indicate that PotentStream effectively reduces symptoms like frequent urination while improving sleep quality.
PotentStream Side Effects
Potent Stream, being 100% natural, has no reported side effects.
Is PotentStream Legit or a Scam?
PotentStream is a legitimate program with scientific backing, positive reviews, and a transparent ingredient list.
PotentStream How to Use
Simply take a few drops daily. The product comes with a satisfaction guarantee. Check out the PotentStream official website.
Buy PotentStream
Visit the official website to buy PotentStream to avoid counterfeit products.
PotentStream Price
6 Bottles - $49/Bottle 3 Bottles - $59/Bottle 1 Bottle - $69/Bottle Enjoy up to a 29% discount (6 Bottles)
The post Potent Stream was first published on Flamengo_online Channel.
#PotentStream #PotentStreamReviews #BuyPotentStream
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