#wang meng fanart
psychic-waffles · 1 year
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i need everyone to read the 2022 'what are they doing?' extra and cry over wang meng with me
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palehorsemen · 3 months
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A couple of pictures inspired by A league of nobleman
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scaredysap · 1 year
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forgot to post this some time ago but i find it fun to have Wang Meng witness the gay polyamorousness of the Iron Triangle while he’s over there, aroacing and minding his own business
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InkTober 18
Years back, Wang Meng had had to put up with an amnesiac Zhang Qiling identifying pretty nearly everything in Wushanjiu Antiques as fake. Even now he wasn't sure how anyone could just touch an object and know so much about it.
Now the man had shown up in the shop again. Worse, even worse, he'd come in with Wang Pangzi's new buddy, Liu Can.
And to make matters even more irritating, the pair of them decided to challenge each other's so-called skill, long fingers touching and touching and touching again.
Wang Meng's only solace was that Liu Sang - Liu Can's twin - didn't seem interested in touching anything and proclaiming every damned thing's provenance.
But that was when the skinny bastard brought out his whistle.
Wang Meng in the Alias Yue and Huo universe, where the twins are descended from a Zhang side family and trained to use touch or sound to determine the authenticity of antiques.
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tatchloup · 2 years
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eurphrasie · 3 years
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🐇Hi, I’m Suki Hollywood (a.k.a Dracula), one of the co-creators of The Untamed Fanzine!
The Untamed Fanzine started as an email thread between my friend Flick and I. 2020 was a Bad Time, and like many people, we used the world of The Untamed as a way to escape. It goes without saying that were - and continue to be - completely blown away by the show. Both of us are writers, so we decided to turn our discussion into a zine. Voila!
The Untamed Fanzine includes the 12-page print edition and assorted goodies you see here, as well as access to the 80-page digital edition (80.....A4.....pages!!!). It is currently on sale at the online Glasgow Zine Fair for £5.50 (international shipping is available).
Once the print run is finished we will be opening up access to the digital zine on for free, with the option for donation. All of the profits from this project are going to besea.n, a UK based organisation championing East and South East Asian voices.
We also...are considering writing second issue! We are accepting submissions for essays, fan art, creative response and memes now. If you want to send anything our way, you can email us at @ [email protected]. (Flick came up with the name....I swear...)
Thanks so much to everyone in the Mo Dao Zu Shi, CQL and The Untamed fandom. We’ve had some really nice chats with people about the zine so far and it’s just nice to have some actual human contact in this lonely year.
Thank you for reading, and please consider reblogging this post for other fans to find - my Tumblr account is nearing deathlike levels of inactivity so I don’t have many followers! 🐇
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aimseriart · 5 years
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Day 17 : Wen Qing & Wen Ning
Missed inktober for one day~~~ Because I have to travel, so sad T o T. I will keep it up, even though I barely catching up on time. Hahahaha. Still staying with these 2 sibing. I really like the feeling of both of them always looking after each other until the very last.
แง้ พลาดไปหนึ่งวัน เนื่องจากต้องเดินทางไม่อยู่กับที่เสียจายยย T o T จะตามให้ทันน้าาา ตอนนี้แถบจะไม่ทันแล้ว5555 ยังคงอยู่กับ2พี่น้องคู่นี้ ชอบความสัมผัสของทั้ง 2 คน คอยดูแลซึ่งกันและกันเสมอจนวินาทีสุดท้ายจริงๆ
FB: @aimseri.art
IG : @aimseriart
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miss-say-a · 4 years
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#10yearswithmissA #4eversayA
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hey-its-wei · 4 years
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I was going for...the ghost of NMJ and JGY comforting LXC at the spot they became sworn brothers. I promise my best painting will be happy.
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aditoblog · 6 years
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Happy birthday miss A ! !! ♡
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psychic-waffles · 1 year
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Movie Night at Wushanju
Drawn for @onmyo-jin for the DMBJ Gen Exchange 2023
You can also find it here on Ao3
my executive dysfuntion is doing great and i definitely haven’t been meaning to post this here for the last full month...
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galli-halli · 2 years
hey, ich find dich supi, nur mal so als tumblr kuss auf die wange? kurze frage: gibt es deiner meinung nach im ff-bereich oder auch bei fanart und edits irgendwie leute die mehr aufmerksamkeit verdient hätten? ich seh halt viel was generell "populär" ist oder geschichten die viele empfehlungen haben, würde aber auch gerne was sehen was vielleicht irgendwie noch underrated ist. hast du tipps? find dich übrigens mega sympathisch und deine geschichte is natürlich zurecht so in den himmel gelobt <3
Danke dir für deine lieben Worte und das virtuelle Küsschen 🖤
Ich fokussiere mich mal auf den FF-Bereich, weil mir da am ehesten ein paar Geschichten einfallen, die ich gerne weiterempfehle. Hier eine kleine Liste mit fic recs aus der Kategorie underrated
Mein Wort in deinem Mund. Empfinde ich immer noch als underrated, weil ich selten eine so fantastisch konzipierte FF gelesen habe wie diese hier. Unbedingt lesen.
Speeding Cars. (in Arbeit) Bitte bitte gebt dieser FF den Hype, den sie verdient. Ich bin immer beeindruckt, wenn jemand es schafft, eine eigene AU-Welt aufzubauen und sie funktioniert. Selbst wenn ihr denkt, das ist nicht euer Thema. Selbst wenn ihr überhaupt keine Ahnung von dem Sport habt, probiert es aus. Es ist einer der besten Slow Burns, den ich seit langem gelesen habe und die Charaktere funktionieren exzellent im Miteinander - nicht nur Joko und Klaas, aber vor allem die.
Alternative Universe. Kein AU, auch wenn es sich so anhört. Ein absolutes Muss, ich habe es viermal gelesen und bin immer noch überfordert mit dem, was diese FF alles in mir ausgelöst hat. Ich liebe die Idee und Ausarbeitung und das Ende. Gott, dieses Ende. Bitte lesen und lieben.
Langsam, aber sicher. Ist 'nur' eine Kurzgeschichte, aber ich liebe das Aufdecken der zwischenmenschliche Ebene, was niemand so gut beherrscht wie diese Autorin. Mit jedem Wort wird noch eine Schicht abgepellt und es ist eine große Freude, das zu lesen.
Flieder und Samt. (in Arbeit) Noch ganz neu, aber vielversprechend. Ist ein AU und dabei jetzt schon so lebendig beschrieben, dass man sofort in die Zeit und die Welt eintaucht.
Stille Worte. (in Arbeit) Bin so verliebt in diese FF, den Umgang mit dem Thema und in diese Version von JK. Anders, aber doch so sehr sie selbst.
Sieben Tage. Das habe ich angefangen zu lesen und konnte gar nicht mehr aufhören. Tolle Idee und diese schleichende und doch offensichtliche Entwicklung der Nähe hat mich sofort überzeugt.
Verschwende Mich. Jeder, der FFs liest, kennt spacequeen (oder sollte sie kennen!), aber ich habe immer das Gefühl, nicht viele kennen diese Geschichte - vielleicht ist das der Menge an FFs geschuldet, die von ihr sind. Auf jeden Fall liebe ich Verschwende Mich und die unverwechselbare Art, in der die Autorin JK schreibt.
Träumer. (in Arbeit) Erst ein Kapitel und schon bin ich mehr als hooked. Es ist bei diesem einzigartigen Schreibstil so leicht, direkt kopfüber in die neue Welt zu fallen. Ich weiß jetzt schon, dass die FF nur außergewöhnlich und mitreißend werden wird.
Ich hoffe, das war hilfreich? Weitere Empfehlungen findest du in meinem fic rec tag.
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shanhelings · 3 years
Word of Honor has a happy ending! Watch it here!
Tags on this blog:
Wen Kexing - Zhou Zishu - The OTP: wenzhou Zhang Chengling - Gu Xiang - Cao Weining - Ye Baiyi Luo Fu Meng (Tragicomic Ghost) - Liu Qian Qiao (Beauty Ghost) Xie Wang (Scorpion King) - Du Pu Sa - Qiao Luo Han Jing Beiyuan - Wuxi
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theuntamer · 2 years
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I posted 2,905 times in 2021
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For every post I created, I reblogged 41.1 posts.
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#jin guangyao - 141 posts
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Longest Tag: 135 characters
#me whenever wen ning is doing anything except dying but especially when hes committing treason: 👍👍 youre doing amazing sweetie 👏👏👏
My Top Posts in 2021
this entire exchange...
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really, wwx? only once a month? sounds frustrating
88 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 14:46:01 GMT
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imagine what Lan Wangji's experience of Meng Yao is at this point.
> your brother's bf Nie Mingjue got a new apprentice who's actually Jin Guangshan's bastard son. he's very efficient.
> perhaps Xichen tells you bitterly or excitedly that Nie Mingjue is dating Meng Yao but you're not really listening.
> Meng Yao is coming to Cloud Recesses.
> Lan Xichen is hot for Meng Yao. now you've got stakes in this story. who is this overly polite weirdo? only YOU can get in your brother's good graces by being overly polite and focusing on the rules!
> whew Meng Yao left summer school early, which is good because finally you don't have to get secondhand embarrassment on his part because he seems to date not one but two sect leaders who are also dating each other! too complicated. on the other hand, Xichen is brooding in his room and missing his little twink. you think that's pathetic. you would never feel like this about Wei Ying if he left early.
> you hear that Meng Yao was kicked out of Qinghe. wild.
> when you reunite with your brother to assemble against the Wens, he tells you that Meng Yao had rescued him/helped him when he was on the run and they got "intimate". you keep seeing the moment of your love confession to your own crush via song title reveal play on loop in your mind's eye.
> finally you've cornered the enemy's army and your crush soulmate has completely exhausted himself by practising forbidden techniques and generally being badass and a total babe. you run up the stairs to catch him when he passes out and you see Meng Yao casually murder the powerful supervillain Wen Ruohan. what the hell, you would think if swearing wasn't forbidden.
186 notes • Posted 2021-02-12 12:49:02 GMT
the untamed where everything is the same except zidian is a garden hose and nobody ever addresses this
269 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 10:16:15 GMT
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357 notes • Posted 2021-05-09 12:57:42 GMT
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i can't believe this line was actually in the show sdfghjkl
813 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 14:34:58 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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8c26cghua · 5 years
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[ Fanart ]
《 梦中的梦中 梦中人的梦中
梦不到被吹散往事如风 》
°˖✧ * ✲゚ * ✧˖°
“Trong giấc mộng tôi tìm được người trong mộng
nhưng đáng tiếc là mộng không thành vì bị gió thổi đi mất“
°˖✧ * ✲゚ * ✧˖°
(meng zhong de meng zhong, meng zhong ren de meng zhong,
meng bu dao bei chui san wang shi ru feng)
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miss-say-a · 6 years
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Happy Birthday miss A ♡
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