#wanna ask him how it feels to be the most beautiful human alive tbh
sungtaro · 6 months
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surrealsunday · 2 years
helloo! wow it’s been a little while ngl! but when when chap10 was posted i was like “do i read it now or wait till the epilogue is posted? 🤔” and i ended up waiting for the epilogue, idk in my head it’s as logic sjsbdb. meanwhile i decided to rewatch stranger things + skamfr kinda at the same time bc it’s been way too long (for the latter). then the epilogue was posted and haven’t found the time or energy to settle and read the last two chapters (we love uni for that). till tonight!! so here’s my not so little review of the chap10 + the epilogue 😅
-> chap10
woaaah im at loss for words for how cute and beautiful that chapter was omg! the vulnerable moment right after the intensity of their love scene hit me right in the feels, lucas’ “please don’t hurt me (again)” and then eliott hugging him tight saying “i promise” 🥺MY HEART🥺
also these little acts had me giggling and kicking my feet
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gosh i’m just so giddy when it comes to them like- THEY. ARE. IN. LOVE. 🥹
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OH YEAH the moment when idriss came back home and said “I swear, if you fucked in the kitchen, Eliott -" made me think of that one scene in tempo (i think) when he discovers they did it on the counter and there was like evidences or sth and i just burst out laughing 😭 like i imagined him being so done already with them (/affectionate of course)
-> epilogue
MY HEEAART!! i know i’ve said it like a million times already but i’m so soft for theeem 🥺
i really loved how eliott reassured lucas during the moving, how they once more opened a little to one another. then lucas asking him to say something true abt himself, eliott’s little story was very cute despite starting kinda sad :(( but that little parallel to the minute par minute scene but this time it’s eliott calming lucas down ☹️
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but goosh i’m in love with their love, in every universe istg 🥰 like i smiled SO BIG here!
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now real thing: i cant believe it’s over now :/ i’m gonna miss them so much, these version of elu is definitely one of my favorite! i wanna thank you for writing this fic that, i’m sure, helped a lot of people (including me) escape their boring ass work/uni life ahah. every time it truly has been an amazing time, even when pain was dominent sometimes. but as always i’d say sjsbsb
wishing you a wonderful friday and weekend, i’m gonna spend mine mourning elu!10things and thinking of how much their love is incredible in every universe 😭💞
gosh i just realized i forgot about to say some more things in my previous message 😭 in my defense it’s 1am so- anyways
i’m also very thankful you listened to the little voice in your brain and wrote that little epilogue, the quote of kat is one of my favorite and it’s really well included! would have been such a waste not having lucas saying this tbh.
also the last pic of chap10, eliott’s post with the shadows…wow i literally stared at it for 10 good minutes it was so well done! especially lucas’ wild hair sbsjsb (also i see you have been generous for some parts 👀)
finally, i thanked you for the fic but i also wanna be grateful to your friend julie for pressing you making this fic alive ahah, bc yeah your elu fic are really one of the most emotionally amazing and still being able to read elu content in, now, 2023 is truly incredible ♥️
Oh my gosh I somehow completely missed the notification for these messages in my inbox. I'm so sorry! I was not ignoring you, I just am a useless human 😂
As always I absolutely love hearing your thoughts. I'm so glad you liked chapter 10 🥹. It was interesting pairing smexy times with some super raw emotional nakedness. I liked it tho. It felt right and natural in the moment.
Your memes btw aldfkjalsdfkja. They kill me 😂😂😂
I thought about Idriss in Tempo too at that moment! I truly don't know why I keep doing these things to poor Idriss lmao. But I make it up to him with Manon. So I don't feel too bad 😌.
Ok, so I very much got minute-by-minute vibes in that moment of the epilogue too, but it wasn't pre-planned that way. I kinda love that you had the same reaction. It just sort of happened and as I was writing it occurred to me that it very subtly nodded to that classic Skam moment. It seems they're determined to be that way in every universe.
Ahhhh the shadow pic! It's one of my faves! I get obsessive about most things (this is not news lmao) so it wasn't surprising that I obsessed over getting those shadows right, but in the end when it did look like them I was sooooo satisfied. And yes, satisfied with the very lovely booty on Lucas too 😌. It makes me so happy you liked it too!
Really it was my absolute pleasure to share this fic, most especially because I seriously do have the best readers in the world, and you all are so generous in leaving me your thoughts and feelings about the story (there is really nothing better than that as a writer). It's a big part of me coming back to Elu over and over, I think. I love reconnecting with all of you. And of course I'm more than happy to provide distraction from real life!
P.S. I told Julie what you said and lemme tell you... the way she got all proud and puffed up on herself 😂😂😂. I told her to take it down a notch but she's already kicking into high gear on harassing me for new stories lol.
Anyways, all the love to you. Thank you again so much for sending me your thoughts as you read the story. 💖💗💞💝
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So, let's say, hypothetically speaking, Lesson 40 was released today.
And, for the sake of the ask, let's assume that I thought that you played said lesson.
Now, am I right? Or am I wrong? And if I'm right, I think you already know where this ask is going...
-Lesson 32 Anon
Hi so I've been crying like a baby for a while now so that's basically how lesson 40 went
Since I'm playing focusing on Mammon as a LI I have no idea what happens when you choose to kiss the others
Also I think diavolo may or may not be in love with MC???? We'll come to that...
Starts with Levi coming into MC's room to give them boxes of his stuff, because Lucifer's making him clean out all the things he no longer uses. Levi gives MC the signed script from the play they did together as his most important thing. He tells them that it's not dear to him because simeon signed it but instead because it's a testament of the time they spent together. He gets excited about MC being able to summon him to the human world whenever there's a ruri-chan event but then gets sad because he won't be able to hang out with MC anytime he wants. He hugs MC (HE INITIATES IT! IM SO PROUD!) - you get a choice of whether to kiss him or not. He asks MC to be online every night so that they can play together and to get a quality headset so that'll transcend dimensions (how rich does he think mc is!???)
MC nearly kills Beel in the kitchen by pretending to be Lucifer while he eats and making him choke. Beel says that Lucifer's asked him to clean out the fridge so he's eating everything in it. He tells MC as his dearest thing he wanted to give them his favourite food, but then decided to give them his star alongside Belphie's . he tells them those stars are like family to him and he wishes MC had their own so he could always look at it. He tells them to summon him whenever they need to be protected because he may not look like it but he was the head of Lucifer's personal guard in the celestial realm. You get the choice to either hug or kiss him. He then starts listing all the food he wants to try from the human world. He basically says 'hey you might wanna write this down'
MC nearly kills Mammon in his room by pretending to be Lucifer and nearly giving him a heart attack because they're an asshole who doesn't learn. He tells them he's hiding from Lucifer cause he asked Mammon to immediately pay off all his debts which obviously he can't at such short notice because he doesn't have money (also if he did have money he'd obviously buy more stuff without paying off his debts). MC asks him if that means he can't give them money and he goes obviously I'm not giving you a stack of cash as my dearest thing wtf (considering the tall orders from Levi and beel I'm guessing MC really needs that cash). He gives them the chocolate lizard key chain they got from London and says he's LENDING it to them because it's his dearest thing and he wants it back. They tell him they'll keep it with them wherever they go, and they note that he looks like he wants to tell them something else. You get a choice to either tell him it's sad to leave or to ask him whether he's going to kiss MC. If you choose the second he tells them they need to make the first move without just asking him he says some other stuff and they cut him off with a kiss, he asks for more and I'm pretty sure they make out for a bit. He says something like how they won't be able to do this whenever they want anymore and how if they summon him they're stuck with him. Yeah basically he says, 'summon me once and we're getting hitched. Fuck everyone else I'm staying up there with you and never leaving so you better summon me'. He also tells MC he loves them. This is the third (?) time he said it but it's the first time without any outside influence :')
MC hears music coming from Lucifer's secret study, he's drinking and listening to music and oh yeah also he's spiking his drink with the horny juice from earlier in the season.... He tells them that it tastes good mixed with alcohol, but also he's developed something of an immunity to it. He asks them to command him and you can either choose to asks for a kiss or ask for his dearest thing. He tells that they already have his dearest thing and it's the ring of light they're wearing. He tells them that he likes knowing something of his will always be protecting them. and he says that maybe the drink is getting to him because he'd never be this honest. He asks for another command and they ask to stay in the devildom and that makes his affection go up but he says as a human they belong with other humans. He says that now it's his turn to issue a command and the chapter ends.
Later MC's at Simeon, Luke & Solomon's trying out luke's new cake. Simeon talks about going to visit the human world instead of going straight to the celestial realm, Luke wants to but calls Simeon out for always bending the rules and how they shouldn't go without asking Michael. Solomon says they should both come with him and he'll cook for them everyday. They both immediately backtrack and say they're incredibly busy up in the celestial realm. When MC's walking home Luke catches up to them and says he's going to get a final lesson from barbatos and asks them to walk him to the castle since he's scared of being out alone. He tells them that though he initially didn't like it, the devildom was really beautiful and how the celestial realm doesn't have a night time and it's always daylight and how the human world is lucky to have both. MC asks him to come visit and he agrees. At the castle he goes off with barbatos and Diavolo asks MC to come for a walk with him. He tells them that it reminds him of that time when they were together and he spoke about Lilith and meeting Lucifer. He tells them he's embarrassed about how vulnerable he was at that time and asks them to forget it. They tell him they liked seeing that side of him as well, he tells them it's not a very demonic side but he'll try to show it more if it makes them happy. They talk about MC leaving, and rn he's blushing and will continue to blush for the rest of the conversation. he tells them he doesn't want them to leave because they're important to him, backtracks and tells that they're important to the devildom and then backtracks again and says screw it, I'm not speaking as the future king rn but as myself and how he doesn't want them to leave. They tell him they don't want to say goodbye to him either. He tells them that he's lived a very long time and had to say goodbye to many people but how it's never been like this. He tells them he has something important to say to them and just gets out the 'I' before Luke cockblocks him for the 2nd time. Barbatos scolds luke for interrupting them, and Luke says he didn't want the cupcakes to get cold. He asks diavolo what they were talking about and diavolo says it's private. Luke says that Diavolo doesn't seem to like sharing things and diavolo says that he should really know by now how he doesn't like to share. Since a part of this is in bold it feels like a very *HINT HINT* sentence. Anyway in my opinion if it turns out diavolo is in love with MC, the only option from there is a poly relationship with Diavolo, MC and Lucifer because I'm also pretty sure he's in love with Lucifer too so and we all know Lucifer's in love with MC and has complicated feelings about diavolo so...it only makes sense for them all to be in one loving relationship right?
The day before their last, MC takes a tour of all the rooms in the house and goes to the dining room and gets surprised by the brothers + the others throwing a party. Satan says something like 'what's the point of throwing a surprise party? It'd be easier if they knew about it' and Levi says 'sounds like something someone who has never had a surprise party before will say' and then Satan kills Levi on the spot by saying 'have you'. Diavolo snaps his fingers and they all end up in The Fall (really cool power tbh), apparently he's paying for the whole party. We find out via Asmo that Barbatos is a good dancer (TO CLUB MUSIC) and Satan sucks at it. Asmo also hits on barbatos, possibly grinds on him and talks about his ass so there's that.
The angels and humans slip away. Solomon gives Luke orange juice (this is important okay!). Simeon says that they'll have to leave today itself because Michael urgently wants a report about the worlds nearly getting destroyed (MC's spy messaging system shows that Michale actually wants to talk to Simeon about stealing the ring from him. Simeon's whole response to this 'wow someone stole the ring you stole from lucifer? That's terrible! Who would do that!?') And Solomon needs to go back to check on the human world after some witches called him. He tells MC he can't wait to teach them about the human world and there'll be things they didn't even know about. Luke thanks MC for teaching him not be racist. Yup. He tells them that coming here he was scared that they'll be eaten by a demon or corrupted by the brothers but they proved him wrong by befriending them. That they helped him realise that just like how the angels are not all the same, demons and humans are not all alike either. And he shouldn't judge demons just by what he thinks they'll be like. And how he wants to learn more about humans as well. He admits that he'll miss the devildom. MC thanks him and asks him to watch over them. They ask Solomon to look after the human world and he tells them soon they'll be able to look after it with him. Levi comes to drag them back to the party
The next day MC wakes to darkness and the brothers arguing. Turns out the brothers' plan to keep MC is to literally dump them in a sack and kidnap them. You get the choice to scream or struggle or stay silent. They dump MC back out in the underground tomb. Mammon asks them if they're alive, belphie says why the fuck would you ask that, mammon says that humans can get killed really easily and belphie says Jesus stop lingering on that. Satan says there should be a secret passageway from the tomb to lead to the outskirts of the devildom and that they need to go before Lucifer wakes up. I'm in tears their plan is to literally kidnap MC and run away from home??? They're all leaving the things that fuel and/or enable their sins just to be with MC!???? MC who for once has a braincell asks them whether they're forgetting something, just in time for Cerberus to nearly kill them all. While they're screaming and trying to run Lucifer comes and gets Cerberus under control. Beel accidentally spills their plan while belphie tries to get him to shut up. Lucifer sighs and ends up giving them directions to leave the house and the devildom. When MC asks him to come with them he says he'll catch up. Sometimes I forget he's the one who led a rebellion against God in order to keep his family together. (I want you to know that the brothers spoke about their plan - with code words - IN THE GROUP CHAT ANSJSNS OBVIOUSLY LUCIFER WAS GOING TO FIND OUT)
They end up around a campfire in this desert like area arguing about where to go from here because they have no clear plan. Only for diavolo and barbatos to show up. Diavolo says he knew they'd do this but it's still funny to see that they attempted it (HIS BUTLER CAN SEE THE FUTURE YOU IDIOTS!?), one of the brothers wonders if Lucifer ratted them out only for Lucifer to turn up behind them and say he didn't and to lowkey scold them for getting caught so soon even after he told them the way. Diavolo is genuinely surprised that Lucifer helped them. Barbatos seems genuinely pissed off. Mammon tells diavolo that they did it cause none of them want MC to leave and then he calls Diavolo out and says he doesn't want MC to leave either. Diavolo (FINALLY) asks MC what they want to do. You have a choice to say, leave to the human world, stay in the devildom, or to not get separated from everyone. If you choose the 3rd option Lucifer's affection goes up. (I love how each time you choose something that supports the 'we're a fucking family' option Lucifer's affection goes up).
Diavolo tells MC that while he wishes they could stay, he doesn't want them to be a demon or angel. He wants them to be a human and to do that they can't stay in the devildom. He tells them that he wants them by his side to help him unite the three worlds and to do that they must learn equally about all three worlds which is why rn he needs them back in the human world. Barbatos opens a portal to the human world
And now I start crying - an ending song starts playing as each of the brothers say their goodbyes. I think the song's sung by Asmo's VA? I dunno that shit had me full on sobbing. I can't remember the details about each of the goodbyes and I can't remember beel's at all because it was the first and i wasn't the least bit prepared (also my vision may have been blurred...) - Satan asks MC to summon him so that they can go check out bookshops together and to summon him first, Asmo tells them to summon him every night and he'll hold them in his arms and shower them in love, Levi tells them that he's gonna stop buying games so that he can come up to the human world and buy games with them, belphie tells them he had a dream where all three worlds were combined and where they won't have to be apart, Mammon tells them that all this time he thought that money and cars and things were all he needed to be happy but that they made him happier than any of that and he asked them not to forget him. Lucifer tells them to be happy and how he wasn't going to say goodbye because he'll see them soon. He tells them he loves them. (Lucifer's speech reminds me of what he told Lilith when she died/was reincarnated). The songs continues to play as the cast is thanked. They all get a little animation, usually of them smiling softly and/or blushing in front of a background. The demons are all in their demon forms. Most of them have their bedrooms as the background. And because I'm a Mammon simp his one is my fav cause the back ground is the carnival from lesson 25 where they went on a date and the animation is a somewhat cocky smirk that morphs into a blush while he looks away. In the end they thanked the player over the background of MC's room and I choked. The last shot is a black background with rays of light shining from the corner.
I am deceased.
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nyisles · 5 years
Magic in the Hamptons
Part Three 
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part one | part two  
Player: Mathew Barzal 
Words: 3,333 ….. Crazy right ? 
Warnings: language
Notes: i’m sorry it takes me so long to do this? Like chapter one was my favorite so nothing really compares... but please let me know what you think (your opinions are what motivate me to write tbh) 
           It was the next morning when you decided what you were going to do, at least for now. You were ignoring the text, leaving it on the back burner you had to do something worse, something your head told you not to do, but you just couldn’t help it. It didn’t even take you five minutes to find her on instagram. You went to Mat’s profile (aside from clicking the follow button) you clicked on who he was following and searched her name. There was only one Whitney, and it made your stomach turn. The profile was picture perfect, but what did you expect. You had cursed to yourself that her profile was public. Photo after photo was of her either on some lovely vacation, or her living her “best life”. The captions were clever and it was like she was some perfectly curated girl. You looked nothing like her, you two had nothing in common and a month ago… maybe even less time than that she was Mat’s girl or at least the girl that Mat wanted the most, so how could he even be interested in you? “Okay, okay, relax.” you muttered to yourself as you scrolled further and further into her feed trying to find any photo that showed she was human. A pimple, a piece of hair out of place or something, anything. Reaching the bottom of her page, you had nothing left to say. She was perfect, and you were being nothing short of dramatic. What the hell were you supposed to say to Mat now? ‘Just went through your ex’s instagram, maybe you should hit her up.’ Settling down your phone you decided you needed some space, you didn’t have much to say to Mat right now. It was a simple ‘hey’ text that you couldn’t answer. Especially not while you were feeling down in the dumps about yourself. 
           Over the next few days you slowly came to your senses, Mat didn’t owe you an explanation and in reality you knew him for all of five minutes. So you didn’t really think you even needed to text him back. Were you really going to text him to get some phony explanation, like ‘hey sorry my friend said that. Maybe we can hang out again?’. Opening your phone, you did answer Reese’s text message. Somehow through work he’d managed to get you and some of your other college friends Post Malone tickets. You were honestly excited, it’d been a while since your friend group could fully get together between work and living in mostly different cities. This was the perfect distraction from any boy that was taking up too much of your thoughts. Your group of girls decided to go all out for this, and you were dressed up in your favorite ‘going out’ look. They were able to give you just the right amount of hyping up and took a lot of photos as you all got ready together. “I definitely look better than Whitney in this.” you muttered, after adding a few filters to the photo. “(Y/N), we are not going there.. We told you ten times already you were great regardless of some other girl.” Your friend Kate shouted, giving you a slight push. “Please drink a beer, and let it go.” 
           Which was exactly what you had done. Your tickets landed the group at some open bar before the show and you just had to take advantage. It was like being back in college again. Reese was back flirting with your former roommate, Lauren. His former roommates and your best guy friends, Nate and Grant, were ordering pitchers for the group, while Kate sat next to you doing her best to ask you about your job, and anything that didn’t involve Mat. It took all of five minutes of being together for you to spill your story, so she was keen on keeping you distracted and you appreciated it, but you knew what she was doing. You’d quickly lost count of your drinks after a few beers. God you were a lightweight. “Shots for everyone!” You yelled looking at the two girls and four guys surrounding you. Had you forget to mention that Reese’s friend, James, was also in town. James was someone you’d lusted after in college, but never really felt confident in yourself to truly go for it. James was probably the polar opposite of Mat. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and lanky. Conventionally he was exactly your type, but maybe your type had changed since going to college. Breaking your stare from James, you locked eyes with Reese. He had a scared look in his eyes after you suggested the shots, as if he knew you wouldn’t survive the night. Though being the good former frat boy he was, he accepted the shots and handed them out to the rest of the group. “(Y/N), let’s cheers to being safe tonight.” He jokingly yelled out as a few of your friends let out some cheers and whoops in the background. Rolling your eyes, you downed the shot letting it sting in the back of your throat. The night was becoming hazy, but not to a point where you felt you needed to stop or slow down. It was that perfect amount of fun. 
           Breaking off in little groups, you sat on a couch with your girls gossiping about how drunk the boys were getting and how horrible their dance moves were becoming. “You know, James is looking pretty good tonight, (Y/N).” Lauren whispered into your ear after she’d realized you had gotten that perfect buzz and would finally act courageous enough to flirt properly with the boy. The last time you felt like this, you were at the wedding. Maybe that’s why your original night with Mat had worked out so well, you were just drunk enough to shoot your shot with the most beautiful boy you’d come across. That blue suit, the way his hair was styled....your mind wandered until realized you were on a bad trail. Stop thinking about Mat, you mentally reminded yourself. He wasn’t here with you tonight, but James was. You had a more real shot with James. He had a good job in the city, he never was one to play with a girl’s feelings and he had that ‘take me home to meet your mom’ - personality. 
           Arriving at your seats for the concert, the girls had made it so you they were on one side of you while James was next to you on the other side. You had appreciated it, but at the same time, you weren’t enjoying it as much as you thought you would. James was fun, and was making little jokes and putting a smile on your face, but he just wasn’t that stupid hockey player you’d grown to like a little more than you should’ve. He didn’t tease you like Mat had on your dates, and he didn’t give you much excitement talking to him. Instead of blaming it on being interested in someone else, you decided that it was just based on life. You weren’t in college anymore and your taste in men had changed. Though he did however manage to keep your buzz alive by running and getting you drinks. It seemed as though he was really flirting and you didn’t have the time of day for him. Funny how the world worked. 
           The next thing you knew, you were taking countless embarrassing videos of you and the girls singing to Post Malone. You could see a little glimmer in Reese’s eye from a few seats away as he looked at you, maybe like he was a little bit proud you were able to have so much fun, since he was clearly notorious for getting you into trouble. Taking what you thought was a hot photo of you and the girls, you posted it to your instagram story tagging the location ‘Post Malone at Madison Square Garden’. Normally you didn’t give your stories a second thought, you looked good, you were having fun, who cared? Wrong. Always wrong. 
@barzal97 replied to your story: ah, you’re here too? I have a box, let’s meet up.
           Maybe you were drunk, maybe this was a sign from some higher power that you were supposed to talk to Mat again. You screeched when you looked through your profile notifications noticing that he had followed you days ago, probably after you had followed him. Opening the dm, you pulled Kate over to you shoving your phone in her face. In this moment you were so thankful you had someone that wasn’t Reese to give you boy advice. The look on her face changed as she grabbed your phone, scrolling through his profile. An eyebrow raised, as she gave you the phone back, “You forgot to mention Mat was that good looking. (Y/N), why are you even concerning yourself with some other girl when this boy is trying to reach out to you. Now on multiple platforms. Please answer him.” Well that wasn’t what you were expecting her to say. “You’re young, hot, and you should just go home with him.” You let out a ridiculous laugh shaking your head no, letting your cheeks flush at the thought of going home with Mat. It was too soon, a day ago you thought it was over. 
@(your user name): no way! where should i meet you?
@barzal97: elevators at the front of the garden to the 2nd floor, i’ll come grab ya.
            “Hey (Y/N), wanna go to the bar and help grab some drinks with me? I only have two hands and this time Reese wants something.” James asked you politely bringing your eyes away from your phone screen momentarily. He was trying to spend some alone time with you and although it was so sweet, you weren’t interested. Your girlfriends had put bad ideas into your mind that you were now going home with Mat Barzal, and you were clearly under the influence so you were swayed by their words. It sucked, but in all honesty James didn’t stand a chance. “Uh, I actually have to go to the bathroom. I’ll see ya in a few though?” You suggested to him with a smile, not having the heart to tell him you were going to see a boy who you were more interested in. You were on one hand thankful James had kept you the perfect amount of buzzed. Grabbing your purse off the seat below you, you sent a wink over to the girls who sent you little cheers as you practically sprinted out to the arena to the lobby to find the elevators Mat was talking about. 
           It didn’t take long to find Mat, in fact you were a lot closer to his box than you had originally thought. He was waiting for you by the elevators with security, letting them know you were with him. You were starting to get a bit nervous, and maybe the alcohol was wearing off because you were hyper aware of the way you were walking. Definitely not in a straight line, but you weren’t stumbling either. You had hoped and prayed Mat didn’t notice. It took him a minute to peel away from his conversation with the security guard to fully notice you had approached him, he was in a much more casual look than you were. Joggers, a plain white tee, a denim shirt and a baseball cap covering his messy black hair, but he still managed to rock it. You were almost certain this boy could show up to a black tie event in a garbage bag and still impress you. Maybe it was just part of his charm. Pulling you in for a hug he grinned. You hugged back noticing how your heeled booties didn’t even seem to make a dent in your height difference, the boy was just big. “Good to see you, not gonna lie I was bummed you never texted me back.” Mat said letting you go, to look you in the eyes with a small smirk playing on his face as if he caught you. 
           “To be totally fair, you waited three weeks to text me after the wedding.” you immediately quipped back, it was one of the one liners you had been practicing in case you were to ever see him again, and it just so happened to work perfectly in this situation. Seeing his reaction made it worth it, he scrunched his face up and just ended up with a shrug and laugh. “Well I’m glad you’re here. Some of the guys and I have a box, just a perk of being a rockstar in New York. Not a big deal.” Taking your hand in his, he led you back into the elevator to take you the the boxed seats. It was all very fancy, and of course butterflies immediately returned to your stomach when he didn’t let go of your hand as the two of you silently rode to the second floor. 
           Opening the door to the boxed seating, all you could think about was how much money this had to cost, and how you now were running with this NHL crowd. Some of the faces in the room were familiar. Grace sitting on a couch talking to Megan with their husbands close by at the minibar. Both had excitedly giving you a wave, you made a mental note to go over and say hello. Tito was there talking to a girl around your age, you assumed it was his girlfriend. “Let me properly introduce you to some people you don’t know.” Mat said throwing his arm around your shoulder now leading you over to where Tito was. Mat clearing his throat he caught the attention of both Tito and the girl. “Tito, Emma, this is (Y/N). Please don’t scare her away.” 
           “Nice to meet you both.” You smiled softly trying not to give Tito any sort of dagger eyes, but at the same time, you should’ve been thankful Tito was able to give you some insight. “I love your shoes, Tito you’ve got a very stylish girl.” The three people just laughed hysterically as an older man you’d never seen before came over wrapping an arm around Emma’s waist, handing her a drink and kissing her temple. Your face immediately drained of any color, you were properly embarrassed. “What’s so funny?” the man said looking at everyone else’s faces. “Barz, you going to introduce me to your girl or what?” He said noticing you standing tucked under Mat’s arm. “Derick, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Derick. Newer to our team, so we don’t really like him that much.” Mat said jokingly as you smiled politely giving him a nod. 
           “Can we get a drink, I am properly embarrassed.” You whispered to Mat as the group started to talk about the concert actually going on behind you. He nodded, probably unsure of how many drinks you had prior, but right now you felt you needed something to take off the edge a bit. After one long sip, you realized Mat had made you a ridiculously strong drink. The little bit of sobering up you had done seemed to be slowly fading away. “Hey, let’s watch the concert. This is my favorite song.” Mat said topping off his drink, motioning for you to do the same. You quickly did the same, feeling the same burning returning in the back of your throat from the alcohol. Looking around most of the team was using this concert as a way to just hang out, sit on the couches and drink, so you and Mat made your way to the front of the box, leaning against the railing watching the show. “I love this song too.” You mumbled slowly moving your hips to the beat. 
           Mat looked over noticing you do a little dance, as he did the same so you both were dancing. It wasn’t like anyone was really paying much attention to either of you acting silly. He took your hands in his doing some sort of odd dance you’d do with your dad where he just twisted you back and forth. It made you both giggle, but it was sweet. As the music slowed down to a different song, he pulled you in closer so you both swayed back and forth as if you were at the prom dancing to a slow song. “You look really beautiful tonight.” Mat said softly just over the music. “I’m glad you were here tonight. It’s like the universe knew. I was too nervous to hit you with a double text.” Your face flushed as you hid your face in the crook of his neck. “Mat, shut up.”
           “Hey, be nice to me. I said a kind thing.” He said back to you with a chuckle as you continued to sway along to the song. “Mathew, you’re so kind to me, but my feet are starting to hurt can we sit down for a second.” Letting go of you, he pointed over to a couple of seats and you followed his lead over there. As soon as you sat down, Grace and Megan swarmed you handing you another strong drink as Mat excused himself for a moment to use the bathroom or talk to Derick or something you didn’t quite catch. “(Y/N), you look really hot. No wonder Mat was showing us your instagram story seeing if he should invite you up.” Megan said with a chuckle. “Thank God he listened to us, we were starting to get worried he scared you away after the wedding.”
           “Not totally scared, at least not yet.” You said jokingly. “I’m impressed with his game. If you guys aren’t dating by Christmas I’ll be so disappointed.” Grace said making you blush a little, but you didn’t want to take what she said too seriously. He was just with Whitney, or at least was recently seeing her in a way that dating you by Christmas would really be jumping the gun. Maybe the girls were just trying to be polite because maybe Mat had brought around some other girl and they were secretly rooting for you more than her. Right before you could answer Mat swooped back in with a refill for your empty drink. “Grace, Megan, I must steal your friend. We have a concert to watch.” Taking your free hand Mat took you back to the railing where you could finish watching the concert, this time without your shoes on. Time went on and both of you continued to dance along to the songs, his arm wrapped around your waist as he stood behind you to watch. 
           “Hey, I hope you’re having fun with me.” You spoke softly between songs, not fully noticing the drunken state you were slowly succumbing to. “I appreciate the invite up here.” Mat looked over, somehow in the dim lighting of the arena, you could still make out his green eyes and it seemed like they were looking into your soul. “(Y/N), I have a lot of fun with you.”
           And then your mind said exactly what you were thinking because the drinks had caught up and suddenly your filter was gone. “Let’s get out of here, I want you to take me to your place.” You said as seductively as you could which probably sounded ridiculous at this point. For once, you saw Mat’s face turn a light shade of pink, was he blushing? “Yeah, we could do that.” And that’s went it all went dark. Truly that’s all you can remember for the rest of the night. It was a bit alarming when you’d woken up in a strange bed, looking down at yourself seeing you were in an islanders t-shirt ten sizes too big and some sweatpants that also didn’t quite fit right.
           Oh fuck. 
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How To Train Your Dragon: Homecoming - Thoughts/Review!
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ladylilithium · 6 years
Hans’ possible Redemption Arc PART 1: Deconstructing Hans' character
Hey, guys! So this is my first post analysis, meta, observation, whatever you wanna call it, so if it’s seems incomplete or lacks of depth please add your opinions as well! Also English is not my first language but argentine Spanish, papá, so don’t judge me plz. I don’t want to encounter with any anti or hater, and if you have the necessity to speak your mind anyways, do it but in a cordial way.
I’m going to divide this post in 3 parts I think, since is very long, and I have a lot to say for my favorite Jerk redhead Prince 😆
Ok, let’s start, shall we?
1) Is he really a sociopath?
You know, this is something that upsets me quite a bit. The fact that you can just say “Oh well, he’s a sociopath so he’s manipulative and lacks of empathy” is something that annoys me a little, or at the very least, disappoints me. TBH, you don’t need to be a sociopath (a psychological and mental condition) to be manipulative, apathetic or cruel. I’m trying not to rationalize his actions in Frozen, because he still was wrong by harming two innocent women, but by saying that he’s a sociopath it makes his character a little more… shallow? Simpler? My point is, that a shitty toxic person can be anyone, and it simplifies the complexity that they brought on the table on the first place.
But the questions still remains, is he truly a sociopath?
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Is tricky, since we know nothing except that his family is shit, and that he is a chameleon, a mirror to other people. By the end of the movie, and by the interviews that Jennifer Lee gave to us, it seems to me that he does have sociopathic traits, but he is not a sociopath per se. Hans can be a sociopath, as much as he could be not, if it’s given a proper character in-depth and backstory.
I think that by calling Hans a sociopath is an easy way to make the GA and the Frozen Fandom to disconnect with him since statistically we have normal-functioning brain, and because people with ASPD diagnose have a negative -though justified most of the time- stigma surrounding them.
2) Grey Morality: The line between good and bad, where we all fall.
“All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.”  ― Alan Moore, Batman: The Killing Joke.
As I said before, I like the idea of a morally questionable prince. A more grounded, realistic, game of throne-like character as Hans is. What I don’t like, is the seemingly automatic white to black view that we have for Hans,  while at the same time, we have one of our protagonist letting almost die a whole kingdom, and her sister,  to escape her duties and crippling fears –unintentionally, but still-.  An empath or normal person can commit crime or bad things given in extremes situations of distress, anger, etc. And we see that with our own eyes in Elsa. She almost gets tempted to kill two men, you can see the fury in her eyes, in her face. 
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It is self defense, yes. But regardless of that, her people knew nothing about her powers and they just knew that she cursed them and ran away. No matter how morally wrong Hans was by trying to kill Elsa, or letting Anna die, he also helped her. He helped them both.
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If she indeed killed those men here, I don’t think anyone whould’ve ever trusted her. Not even her own men, whom remember, they witnessed her actions and they were attacked too. 
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A normal person lies. A normal person manipulates. Heck, we even can choose to not feel empathy if it is inconvenient for ourselves.  How many times did you pretend to feel empathy for someone just to make them feel comfortable? How many times did you see a homeless person asking for a money and you just walked away?
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Again, I’m not trying to normalize these negative traits, but to be sincere about it. And is something that makes us very complex as human beings, we are true neutrals, and we can be good or bad, depending of the actions taken at certain moments, and how it impacts to others.
Yes, some people are irredeemable monsters, but I don’t think that’s Hans’ case. And so he does have redeemable qualities as well, even if it might be for personal gain, or perhaps some of his actions were genuine, we don’t know for sure. 
When did we not see an ambiguous morality in Frozen? Or when did we not see ambiguous morality in some Disney characters, in general? Is hard to find, but we do certainly have our morally wrong characters redeemed. Here are a few: 
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- Abused both physically and psychologically Cinderella. CURRENT STATE: Redeemed.
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-Imprisoned Belle. -Verbally violent towards his subjects and Belle. -Almost harms physically Belle. CURRENT STATE: Redeemed.
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-Killed a bear out of vengeance. -Let motherless a bear cub, that after he would befriend. CURRENT STATE: Redeemed.
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-Almost kill a bear out of vengeance too. On top of that, was his own brother (though he didn’t know). CURRENT STATE: Redeemed.
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-Tried to kill Simba and take his pride. -(invoked) Forced mating with Kiara. -Almost attacks Simba. CURRENT STATE: Redeemed.
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-Tried to kill Simba. -Attacked the lionesses of his pride. CURRENT STATE: Redeemed.
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-He was an asshole to everyone. -He ordered a guard to throw an old man through a window (still lol). -He tried to let homeless a whole village for his selfish desires. -He betrayed Pacha’s trust. -He let Pacha on his own fate (probably to die). CURRENT STATE: Redeemed. 
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-Along with Syndrome, she plotted the death of many superheros, including Mr. Incredible. -Almost kill Mr. Incredible. -She almost kill a whole family, including the children.  CURRENT STATE: Redeemed.
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-He tried to kill Elsa, and let Anna die alone for personal gain. -Deceived Anna, Elsa and everyone else. -Plotted the death of Elsa at some point in the movie (unclear when exactly). -Degraded verbaly Anna. -He tried to break Elsa’s heart to make her give up her life. Redeemable Qualities: -He took care of Arendelle while Elsa and Anna were gone (though, it still can be interpreted as gaining popularity). -He went off to look out for Anna. -He ordered the Arendelle guards and the Merchant’s not to harm Elsa. -He calmed Elsa’s rage, avoiding her to kill. -He tried to reason with her.
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Elsa is shown that suffers of guilt and insecurities, yet throughout the majority of the movie, she still rejects Anna and her responsibilities as Queen. Even to a point where she witnesses hurting Anna with her magic,
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 yet she just casts her away from her Ice Castle. Or after the misery that she caused -and she’s visibly hurt by that- she’s still thinking of running away, instead of trying to change things. Hans pleaded her to stop the winter and bring back summer, but she said that she couldn’t.
My goal here is not victim-blaming. I’m not blaming Elsa for her insecurities or self-defense actions. But her character at the end of the film, has a lazy realization, and for me, an unsatisfactory conclusion in terms of story-telling, because we never she her develop for herself, or working hard to balance her bad actions throughout the end of the movie, but anyway.
I’m not trying to rationalize morally questionable/wrong actions either. A good action doesn’t cancel the bad one, but my main interest is to analyze the human psyche, character growth and development.
3) Love and Fear: a constant subject in Frozen, and a constant subject for a “Prince”.
So cut through the heart, cold and clear Strike for love and strike for fear See the beauty, sharp and sheer Split the ice apart, and break the frozen heart.
—Disney’s Frozen “Heart”
For what we know from A Frozen Heart, interviews and extra information, is that Hans is abused so much by his brothers, that he just accepted their behavior and doesn’t fight back, is something normal for him. Nor he tries to improve his relationship with them. His relationship with his father is also painfully cold and toxic, and their dynamics are comparable to Zuko and Ozai, Tyrion and Tywin, or Theon and Balon. Hans seems to have an inferiority-superiority complex, and so, his pride is fragile and as well (just as previous Zuko, Theon and Tyrion).
But how? He’s very charming, and his body language never shows signals of insecurity (though that’s debatable). Or when he confesses his true intentions to Anna he has a sexy smug smile in his face, and his voice is soft and low, cruel and never trembling. How is that I believe that he was afraid or scared? Well, the movie itself states that he does have a terrible relationship with his brothers, the novelizations extends this to his father. 
So by knowing this, a person copes with the pain and abuse in different ways: Elsa’s fear is hurting her loved ones, so she forced herself to an emotional -and literal- isolation towards them, specially with Anna. In Hans’ case, his fears are being trapped forever in his “home”, and being rejected by his father. So his way to acclimatizing himself in such negative environment, is to avoid his true feelings and morality. Avoiding his true identity, in essence. Thus, becoming into the Mirror Hans (more on that later), allowing him to become the very thing that he actively tried to avoid for years.
I think that here’s the point where he started to panic; where the fear of going back to his depressive life, and the taste of power that Anna gave him when she left him in charge, took him over completely, forcing himself to toss apart any bit of  true morality and compassion that he had for Anna and Elsa. Where his mind started to realize that executing Elsa was the only way to bring things back to normal. 
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But is also the fact that Anna dissapeared, and Elsa was the only rightful heir to Arendelle, so his conflict was “What do I do? What’s next?” If Hans decided at the moment to execute her, and Anna was dissapeared, he wouldn’t get to be King of Arendelle, and he would back to his hell home. His conflict is both emotional and materialistic, and fear started to get under his skin too. Some might argue that he’s just reflecting Elsa’s emotions, which is valid, but keep in mind his goals, his backstory; try to read him beyond what the movie told you. Link the dots to picture his mind. 
Some other might point out this scene.
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[SIDENOTE: To me, it seems like another atempt to make us dislike him more. In my eyes, is like that the creators tried to manipulate us to hate him, but anyway don’t mind my defensiveness towards him LOL. He’s a terrible person Angie! Stop it, goddamit!]
It interpreted this part as Hans joy of finally seeing the chance of escaping his prisonic home, dehumanizing Elsa completly. WHICH IS BAD regardless. Is he a sadist? The book implies that he takes pleasure in feeling physical pain, but he does not take pleasure on harming others. 
So to me, is a smile of almost getting to win a big bad in a videogame, or well... that’s the type of face when I’m about to eat a pizza so, IDK :v 🤷‍♀️
One of the reasons that Hans didn’t fit his family -besides being the smaller and weaker member of them-, is that his morale and philosophy clashed with the imposing, hard power that his father values. Being flexible and benevolent to the common people is a sign of weakness for Hans’ father and brothers. The king sees himself and his other sons as strong and powerful as lions, and he compares Hans to a mouse because he doesn’t fight back, nor shares his value of hard power. The King’s philosophy is kinda like Darwinism with Machiavellian shades. So in one side, we have the cruel side of the Machiavellian philosophy, the one that values fear over love:
“From this arises the question whether it is better to be loved rather than feared, or feared rather than loved. It might perhaps be answered that we should wish to be both: but since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.”
“One can say this in general of men: they are ungrateful, disloyal, insincere and deceitful, timid of danger and avid of profit...Love is a bond of obligation that these miserable creatures break whenever it suits them to do so; but fear holds them fast by a dread of punishment that never passes.”
But in Hans’ side, he believes (or puts in practice, at least) that appearances and benevolent acts are better way to influence people, to gain more popularity. This is the softer side of power, the more deceitful and diplomatic Machiavellian route:
“Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”
“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.”
“Therefore it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always to observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and to be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.”
So we see the two opposing sides of the Machiavellian philosophy, one relies on hard power, and the other in subtle power. In essence, Hans’ father rejects the soft power because of his imposing pride and ego. But both characters share the same Machiavellian influence in their beliefs, the only difference is that Hans takes no joy in being cruel and tyrannical, thus preferring the softer, more subtle side of power. 
Yet at the end of the day, he embraces the cruelty, and fails to become the hero he expected to become, and by the time he realizes his mistakes and regains his morality, is too late.
What I’d like to see in Hans’ Redemption Arc, is a discussion between the characters (mainly Hans and Elsa) about this matter. An intellectual battle, and him realizing that his father was wrong. Not so in-your-face, because I can see people getting bored over political philosophy, but in a metaphorical way. And Hans coming in terms that deceitfulness and fear, aren’t the only way to gain trust, but love and true friendship as well. 
He can be a fox, and a lion too.
“The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves.”
― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
Part 2 Here
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tarushipping · 6 years
The kind of music that comes to mind for Law and us happens to be music I listen to a lot so I got a little carried away and ended up with a pretty full playlist! I tend to be super picky with my choices and so I’m surprised with how much I picked and how proud I am of it? I might add more in the future tbh;;
Since I’ve put way too much thought into this, I thought I’d write a post over-detailing each song and explaining every pick~! The order of songs roughly follows along how our relationship progresses. 
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Human - Daughter
“Take me out of this place I'm in || Break me out of this shell-like case I'm in” “I think that I'm still human” “Underneath the skin there's a human || Buried deep within there's a human || And despite everything I'm still human || But I think I'm dying here”
We escape from our painful pasts, but what’s leftover is bad reputations and nightmares. Even if the world thinks we’re monsters, we’re still human. But sometimes it’s hard to ignore what they say...
(there’s a lot so more under the cut)
Your Bones - Of Monsters and Men 
“Troubled spirits on my chest || Where they laid to rest. || The birds all left my tall friend || As your body hit the sand.” “Said goodbye to you my friend, || As the fire spread.” “So hold on, || Hold on to what we are, || Hold on to your heart.”
After loosing his family, friends, and entire town he grew up in, a child Law became twisted. He wanted to destroy the world that destroyed his, but Corazon still saw the hurting child in him. So he saved him and restored his heart, even at the cost of his own life...
Misguided Ghosts - Paramore
“See I'm trying to find my place || But it might not be here where I feel safe” “Would someone care to classify, || Our broken hearts and twisted minds || So I can find someone to rely on” “We are just || Misguided ghosts || Traveling endlessly || The ones we trusted the most || Pushed us far away”
I leave my prestigious Marine family after being shown how little of a ‘family’ they really are. I spend my years building up my reputation, wandering from ship to ship and keeping my identity secret. Never settling anywhere, I wonder if I’ll ever find a ‘family’ I can actually rely on...
Sleep Baby Sleep - Broods
“I could be the one to give you all I am || With a gentle touch and a foolish love || You could be the one to carry all my troubles away” “The morning's on its way || You know it's only just a dream || Oh sleep baby sleep” “The beauty of this mess is that it brings me close to you”
After the chaos of Punk Hazard and the quiet before Dressrosa, Law and I make a deal. We make detailed plans in his dreams as I offer my full cooperation. But what he doesn’t realize is that I’ve got this feeling that we’re similar deep down. That maybe there’s connection between us...
Peace of Mind - The Pale White
“Let's pretend and slip into disguise || I'm the prey and you're the crocodile” “Got your invitation, don't think I can make it || I'm too busy needing peace of mind, peace of mind” “I'm not well and I need peace of mind, peace of mind || It's alright with peace of mind, mind, mind”
With the Strawhats, samurai, Law, and my alliance, we sneak into Dressrosa. Even though we have several objectives, Law’s real goal is to take down Doflamingo. If he could fulfill what Corazon was trying to do all those years ago, maybe he’d be able to finally get some peace of mind...
Stitches - Switchfoot
“I'm not the only one not sleeping || I'm not the only one who's dreaming out loud || Dreaming out” “In stitches here tonight || We are ripping the seams || There's something missing || Children of the in-between”
The fate of everyone in Dressrosa hinges on if Luffy and Law can finally defeat Doflamingo and his family. As the stakes get higher, Law starts realizing that not only are the Strawhats laying their lives on the line, but I’m also fighting like I’m facing my own inner demons...
Nocturne - Blanco White
“If I was awake there's a world that I left || Never far behind from the time that I spent on the Arctic ice” “But in the night she's ashamed || Till her drop through a darkened sea below, beyond the world || How deep does the water go?”
In the aftermath, Law is left with the memories of that last cold night Corazon was alive. He’d been haunted by the darkness of his past his entire life, but for the first time, he’s finally gotten free of them. But he can still recognize that same darkness lingering in me...
The Only Thing Worth Fighting For - Lera Lynn
“Waking up is harder || Than it seems || Wandering through these empty rooms of || Dusty books and quiet dreams” “What I said was never || What I meant” “Weren't we like a pair of thieves || With tumbled locks and broken codes” “My small reprieves || Your heart of gold || Weren't we like a battlefield || Locked inside a holy war”
Dark feelings still cling to me, but as I reflect on the events of Dressrosa, warmth creeps in. It felt unstoppable, the two of us planning and fighting together. And I take comfort in understanding more about Law than I ever thought I would...
Ghosting - Mother Mother
“I've been ghosting || I've been ghosting alone || Ghost in the world || Ghost with no home” “Hey, would it be so bad if I stayed” “And this is why I have decided || To pull these old white sheets from my head || I'll leave them folded neat and tidy || So that you'll know I'm out of hiding”
After meeting the Heart Pirates on Zou, I take a chance. Slowly, I try to fight off my doubts and open up again as we start traveling together. Maybe here is where I can find that ‘family’ I’d been looking for...
Only In Dreams - Weezer
“You can't resist her || She's in your bones || She is your marrow” “Only in dreams || We see what it means || Reach out our hands || Hold onto hers || But when we wake || It's all been erased || And so it seems || Only in dreams”
I show up in Law’s dreams, but I’d already promised to not ‘haunt’ anyone on the crew. As much as he tries to resist, he knows he’s dreaming of me on his own...
Haunted - Radical Face
“You wear the night like it's your coat || And you're always laughing || But you always look afraid” “Hands against my eyes || I hear you crying in your sleep” “Yeah I think we're haunted”
As nights pass, Law and I share meals, thoughts, and memories. No matter what seems to be happening around us, we seem to catch each other’s eyes and already understand things without saying them. He really starts understanding me and understanding that behind my cheerful persona, there’s a lot of hurting...
R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys
“Keep imagining meeting, wished away entire lifetimes || Unfair we're not somewhere misbehaving for days” “She's a silver lining lone ranger riding through an open space || In my mind when she's not right there beside me” “All I wanna hear her say is are you mine? || Well are you mine?”
Law invites me to join his crew, but he knows I’m a drifter. Everyone already seems to have accepted me as part of the Heart Pirates-everyone but me. And as his frustration about me not joining grows, all he really wants to ask is if I’m his...
Vertigo - Anya Marina
“The song you sing || Gives me vertigo” “Oh oh I was || Singing to myself || Whoa whoa || Pretending you were there” “This || Medicine's experimental || This || Medicine it's making me well”
Law is used to doctoring sicknesses and injuries of all sorts, but the sort of medicine I receive is slowly healing my heart. It’s becoming harder to handle my feelings from spilling out and I’m enjoying every second of it...
Feeling You - Harrison Storm
“I hope you come where I’m going || And babe my hands are free” “There was a time I remember || Breathing air like this || But that was when I was younger” “Every single way (I’m feeling you) || I won’t let you go”
After the events of Wano, Law and I’s deal we made before Dressrosa comes to a close. And now that we don’t have an excuse to keep traveling together, we finally have to admit that we don’t want to let go of each other...
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raftels · 6 years
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As requested, here’s a masterlist fic rec for the following categories 1) ASL brothers; 2) mugiwara nakama feels; 3) some shippy fics; and for those not really falling into any of the requested categories, I put in “others”. I took some liberty in the categorization whelp but hopefully this will do. And you didn’t ask for it but I put tiny notes on each rec’d fic bc I felt like it haha
If you wanna rec some fics that aren’t here, please, by all means, send them to me. If any of the link is wrong/broken, do tell me as well. If you want to rant/talk/squeal/cry/etc over any of the fics, I’m forever open to messages and let’s cry together.
aaand, if you haven’t been following fyeahonepiece, please do so  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
anything about the ASL BROTHERS some might be toeing the line of shipping but i’ll put a warning for those
The Best Responsibility by echaryn Summary:  Watching Luffy and Sabo bond makes him...envious. Their obvious love and affection, the way they are always together, the trust between them... it makes Law anxious, and jealous at the same time. He lost his sister before...before he could even start to understand what being an older brother means. He's nobody's older sibling anymore, but it's still inside him, isn't it? Notes: clicked on this not really expecting much but jfc oda please let this be canon i beg you like i didn’t know i needed bigbro!law until this
Brother Complex and How It Traumatizes Others by Alsheon Summary:  In which, Ace let nothing be in his way to boast about his dear baby brother. Not even in the middle of War. And not agreeing means death. A painful death. Or in another sense, Ace stopped running but for an entirely different reason. Notes: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ISN’T CANON LMAO this is legit my all-time favorite
What Happens When You Assume by revolutionarykoala Summary:  The Straw Hats are overjoyed to finally meet Luffy’s elusive brother Sabo. When they finally lay eyes on him however, they realise that assumptions are best to be avoided when it comes to the D. Family. Notes: in which asl confuses the shit out of everyone and yes it’s forever a mood and my aesthetic
Little Spitfire by VictoriaJL Summary:  My take on Ace raising Luffy with his caring and loving tendencies. Garp is an old geezer. Dadan throws tantrums. And the bandits are helpless, Oh, did I mention that the whitebeard pirates are completely and utterly in love with adorable little Luffy? Notes: i live for ace and sabo’s adventures in raising baby luffy lmao  
The Three Admirals by Miqila Summary:  What if Sabo, Ace and Luffy were the three admirals? Notes: i need more marine!asl fics
Triple Switch by Pachimew Summary:  In which Luffy can't find his hat, Ace is on his brother's ship, and Sabo is very confused. -Kinda self-indulgent. No ships. Pre-Saobody. Notes: swapped!asl loool another all-time favorite of mine
Through Time by xXDia-RoseXx Summary:  Ace and Sabo looking for Luffy wander into a cave and end up 12 years into the future. Through the craziness they meet their Little brother now 12 years older than them. What are two kids suppose to do when their Older-Little Brother looks at them sadly but smiles at them with glee? They try and make him happy again that's what! Notes: *screams into the sun* ASL!!!!!!!!!!!
To be made into Adults by The Eternal Empress Summary:  "When will you let me to adult things, Ace?" you ask, eyes shining bright and ears still wet behind. I pat your head as I smile. "When you're old enough." But, I know that isn't going to happen because I'll never let you become an adult (In which Ace and Sabo's brotherly love is contorted to a degree of no return) BrotherlyASL. AU. Notes:  me, at the ending: oh shiiiiit i didn’t expect that???
Same Difference by Beyond Kailani Summary:  AU. One small change can make all the difference...Someone thought lost returns Notes: the canon my asl babies deserved
The Legends of Kintaro (and Gintaro and Dotaro) by jamie15 Summary: It's Children's Day in the Kindgom of Goa, and neither Ace nor Sabo could care less. That is, until they find out what other day it is ... Notes: *slams fist on the table* this was so damn cute!
Moby Dick’s Tales by FreeFan1412 Summary: an AU where ASL ends up in the moby dick Notes: this one’s a series so just click on the author’s page and asl + whitebeard pirates is always a good laugh
(Wh)y is equal to 45 by The Eternal Empress Summary:  Ace is drunk, Sabo crashes into his room, their cat, Sunny, has been sitting by the doorway for days, and Luffy forgets the answer to (wh)y. (In which Luffy tries to find the value of y as well as the reason behind his brothers' and Sunny's mundane behavior, and the TV makes him remember the answer). Modern AU. Brotherly!ASL. Notes: i don’t wanna spoil anything but  i was shookt asdfghjkl this was so beautiful
Magical Messes and Panicking Professors: Welcome to Hogwarts by ScarletteSorceress Summary:  What do you do when you have three mischievous brothers sorted into three different houses? Well according to Headmaster Whitebeard and Professor Shanks you drink as much rum as you can before Marco can get to you. Magic spells, overturned cauldrons, and inter-house prank wars fueled by sibling rivalry; look out Hogwarts, life's about to get interesting. Hogwarts!AU Notes: asl + harry potter yes two of my favorite things
Bonds of Sea and Fire by Mithril Lace Summary:  After the fire in Gray Terminal, a worried Luffy sneaks out to go looking for Ace, only to wind up captured by Bluejam and taken from the island. When Ace finds out Luffy's been kidnapped, he sets out to retrieve Sabo so they can go after him, and a chance encounter at sea drastically alters their plans. Notes: my asl feels + them ending up with the whitebeard pirates
Not everyday is a good day, live anyway by cand13 Summary:  Not everyone tells the truth, trust anyway. Not everyone will love you back, love anyway. Not every game will be fair, play anyway. How else could anyone survive what they have and still be that lively? Notes:  ASL growing up with Whitebeard story
Somewhere to Belong by Pizza yum Summary:  Garp and Whitebeard strike a deal and Luffy, Ace, and Sabo are sent to live with the Whitebeard Pirates for six months. The trio and crew alike do not know how to handle the situation but eventually they figure each other out and the brothers find somewhere they feel like they belong. Notes: young!asl alive together is what i breathe for
Twist of Fate by Takuku Summary:  A One Piece AU where Luffy and his brothers set out after the fire in the Gray Terminal, and they come across Marco and Thatch of Whitebeard's crew. Things go differently from the original. Notes: it’s not as if im saying im weak for young!asl with the whitebeard pirates..........but i am
Ten Years Make No Difference by YohoAruto Summary:  What if Luffy was instead ten years younger than Ace himself? But as anyone would know,a life with Luffy is much more crazier and troublesome than it should be. It's just that the 'soon to be pirate king' is much more cuter. Notes: baby!luffy raised by ace and sabo YES also lmao at luffy’s first word
Come Morning, Together Again by mapplepie Summary:  One day, Ace woke up and decided shirts were overrated. Apparently it was contagious, because Luffy soon thought the same. Sabo just hoped he didn't catch whatever it was that was going around (but he does in the end, and he couldn't be happier). Time-travel. Notes: sabo is fucking done and this is the fix-it we all need
Surprisingly Addictive by ReluctantlyBratty45 Summary:  Just a story of Luffy being Luffy, but as a girl. Wacky adventures and awkward situations abound. fem!Luffy. Alive!Sabo. Notes: all i can say is that luffy’s lucky to be a boy in canon bc imagine how more protective his brothers could have been
Start of a Joke by loosingletters Summary:  A pirate goes to Impel Down and shares his cell with a political bargain chip and a wannabe noble. What sounds like the start of a really bad joke has just become reality for Ace. Notes: if asl never grew up together well there’s always impel down as a good meet-up point, i guess
Fix it, Sabo! by InsanelyWriteful Summary:  Sabo comes home to find that he really can't leave Ace and Luffy alone without some catastrophic event taking place in his absence. Now it is up to him to deal with the ultimate horror: A crying Luffy. Notes: ace trying to act cool despite panicking over making luffy cry lol
Sharp Knife of a Short Life by saraku Summary:  The Blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Notes: asl short series in which i live for my boys being alive
Meet the Family by siqwithaQ Summary:  Luffy's was probably the most interesting proposition Zoro had ever heard, so naturally, he just had to go along with it. Notes: PITBULL - that’s it, that’s the fic.
Family Reunion by Eiliem Summary:  After Ace's rescue from Marinford, the Straw Hats hitch a ride on the Moby Dick so Luffy can check up on his brother... and because they forgot to secure transportation of their own. Notes: what should have been canon before/during/after marineford arc tbh
Saving Ace Together by firefistphoenix Summary:  What if all the straw hats come together to save Ace? set after impel down and immediately towards Marine-ford. Also Thatch is alive and I intend to keep Ace and Whitebeard alive too. Notes: everyone alive is my kink
wish by spirit if by yes by midnightluck Summary:  Mostly, Sabo likes his job, even when it means trying to chase down pirates like Whitebeard in the New World to discuss important Army affairs. Okay, maybe especially then. Notes:  Reunion AU where Sabo's a lucky little brat, everyone's happy, and nothing hurts. Well, okay, some stuff still hurts. BUT THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOW CANON HAD GONE ;___________;
Immortality is What We Leave Behind by BedlamAnjelle Summary:  The lines between mythos and humans were very clear cut, and Marco liked it that way. Everyone knew that the great Suzaku had deemed humans savage and was content to have nothing to do with them ever again. Which is why the phoenix lord buying two humans- young boys, no less- at the auction came as a shock. Especially to Marco. Just what was he thinking, yoi? Notes: all the kid!acelu feels and reluctant papa!marco ++ izou & thatch
Wild Blood by siqwithaQ Summary:  In a world where the King never died, Roger and Dragon try to raise their sons away from the government's eye. Secrecy turns out to be more of a challenge than they bargained for. Notes: im sad this hasn’t been updated bc we were getting to the really good part of toddler!ace and baby!luffy finally meeting
Young and Built to Fall by fingers-falling-upwards Summary:  Ace will save his nakama. He will save his father. And he will save his little brother and ensure Luffy's happiness even if it kills him. Again. Thankfully, he won't be doing it alone. Together, he and Luffy will change the world. Notes: a timetravel fix-it fic
Learning Freedom by elri(angelrider13) Summary:  They were slaves. One who had known freedom and lost it; one who had been born without it. Will a chance meeting give them something to live for? 15yo!ace and 3yo!luffy Notes: ughhh this remains as one of my all time favs jfc it’s so beautifully written and my heart aches on how young and innocent luffy is and how ace raised him up; warning for heavy themes; it’s been discontinued though bc people kept plagiarizing it asdfghjkl
Ten Years Difference by Stormy1x2 Summary:  It's amazing what differences there would be if there were a ten-year age difference between Ace and Luffy. For one thing, how on earth could Ace possibly feel good about himself leaving Foosha Village if his brother had been six-and-a-half instead of the canon fourteen? Notes: older!ace and younger!luffy + one piece canon sign me up
Ace in the Hole by Reign of Rayne Summary:  Raised as an assassin with no knowledge of his father and holding no drive beyond the orders he's given, Ace finds his whole world flipped by one small boy and a promise. Notes: older!ace and younger!luffy fics is my kryptonite
Gang Wars by samettikettu Summary:  In order to protect his most treasured possession, Ace joins the Whitebeard gang but soon finds out that protecting his brother is much harder than he had thought. When gang wars rampage and child welfare officers knock the door, Ace is lucky to have friends around him who are willing to help him and his four-year-old little brother, Luffy. Notes: ace raising luffy hell to the yes
A Pirate’s Resolve by Anjelle Summary: Luffy has finally reached his dream of becoming the Pirate King. He goes to visit Ace's grave to finally finish his journey. But really, there's more adventure awaiting him. When he arrives on an uninhabited island with his crew, he's attacked by a stranger. However, perhaps this boy isn't a stranger after all. [AceLu brotherly. No pairings] Notes: did someone ask for acelu feels??? here you go
Adopted by Default by Kitsune Foxfire Summary:  Moby Dick is anything but peaceful on a regular day. The crew is just well used to their special brand of crazy, however. So when an unexpected guest arrives, it throws everyone into disorder. Really, where the hell is this cheeky brat's crew? Someone needs to tell Ace that his ship-brothers are NOT babysitters! Notes: another all-time fav bc i live for luffy breaking the whitebeard pirates
Drunken Brocon by DemonKittyAngel Summary:  It isn't until the first time Ace gets drunk that they learn he has a brother. Doting on him has become a favorite pass time and they can see him thriving under the attention. Such a cute little brother. Which is why it comes as such a shock that he's a big brother. "Did I tell you about the time he got swallowed by the alligator, again?"   Notes: Drunk!Ace Brocon!Ace Family!Whitebeards
Breakout by Karukyuu Summary:  After being momentarily stopped during his invasion of Impel Down, Luffy wakes up one hour earlier. Not only does this spell the worst trouble Impel Down has ever seen, but also bestows the Marines with a most unwanted surprise. Notes: what do you mean this isn’t what happened
Never Save by siqwithaQ Summary: Ace's guardian angel might be something other than an angel. Notes: alternatively titled as “hurt me more dot jpg”
Soulmates!verse by Elri (angelrider13) Summary:  There was always one Angel and one Demon. No more, no less. One was pure, the other tainted. They were never meant to co-exist, and yet, they find themselves inevitably drawn together. Notes: there are 3 stories in this universe with basically the same theme of angel!luffy and demon!ace; warning (?): this also toes the line of being shippy between ace and luffy but well it depends on the reader i guess
Forgot to Hide the Bodies by siqwithaQ Summary:  Despite being lovers and sharing an apartment, neither Ace nor Luffy ever found out what the other does for a living — not to say that there haven't been close calls. Because, really, some skeletons in the closet are more literal than others. Ace/Luffy Notes: warning (?) acelu is shippy; but ok goodness this one made me laugh
Brave and Strong by samettikettu Summary:  Everything made sense now, why Sabo hadn't hugged him back and why he didn't say much to him during their brief meetings. Or why he hadn't waited till he woke up. Sabo blamed him for Ace's death. Notes: i didn’t know i needed yandere!sabo until this
Borrowing Days by Strange-Charms Summary:  Sabo was determined, he'd do this right. To make up for all those he'd missed. Notes: ahhh such a “quiet” and nice sabo and luffy brotherly bonding
Detective Loomes and the Phantom Thief by samettikettu Summary:  Detective Sherlock Loomes is the greatest detective in all England and he's tracking down the murderer who took his friend's life, a man called Moriarty. During his investigations, another criminal catches his eyes and messes up his head with his charming smile. It's the Phantom Thief Lupin! Sabo/Luffy Notes: everyone’s roles are great; warning (?): shippy sabolu
The Monkey Clan by loofahlover Summary:  Zoro had never thought that going out with Luffy would be easy. But that knowledge had not prepared him to meet with a senile old marine, an ex-mercenary, a half-drunk traveling salesman, a fireman with a questionable skillset, a shady government agent, and an even shadier sociopath. Notes: this was tagged as zoro/luffy but the focus was on the “monkey clan” and this was fcking hilarious and literally has been a rollercoaster from start until the end lmao I LOVE THIS
The Hat by Taisi Summary:  About a year before the Corrida Colosseum in Dressrosa, Sabo met one of Luffy's nakama. Well, they didn't actually meet. They spoke, but names weren't exchanged; other things were. Notes: so simple but sooooo good; AU drabble
NAKAMA FICS ALL of akurosa’s fics are a must-read!!! but let me list down my top ones from this author this is the price that has been paid in full (Some days, it's the ridiculously small things that break them and make them start over again.)   moments like this (simple and sweet Zoro&Luffy nakamaship moments)   Next Time Won’t You Sing With Me (The Straw Hats' ABCs. Short stories, all Luffy-centric with crew member interactions and sometimes, with Ace. notes: the last chapter (letter z) killed me hence, this) Like When a Fox Falls (Last time, he saved them. This time, they'll find him. A modern-reincarnation fic)  
2 Things by The StoryBooker Summary:  Zoro contemplates the things he does for his captain. Then he has a conversation with Rayleigh about what it means to be a first mate. Notes: im weak for first mates complaining about their captains
A Light Against The Dark Sky by zealousfreak27 Summary:  In which Robin Nico adopts six squirming children, becomes an object of interest for a famous elderly violinist, makes the acquaintance of a very interesting demolitionist, and learns to live again. Notes: pretty sure im gonna rec all kid!luffy fics tbh
Already Forever by Taisi Summary:  Hundreds of years from now, historians will never know what her captain was thinking, when he brought Enies Lobby to its knees with a declaration of war, when he attacked a Celestial Dragon on an island in an archipelago, and she won't be there to explain, "it was for a friend, you see?" (In which Nami comes to understand that the world will never understand Luffy.) Notes: nami’s thoughts are pretty much the fans’ thoughts
Always Gold by kokune Summary:  He's tied to a tree, his swords and crew are missing, and now some ten-year-old brat calling himself Sabo is waving around a lead pipe, demanding to know what happened to his little brother. Zoro closes his eyes and wonders if a bottle of booze will appear out of nowhere if he wishes hard enough. It's not like the day can get any weirder, anyway. Notes: post timeskip!SHs encounter young!ASL on Dawn Island
Copycat by Taisi Summary: And then, so quickly no one saw it happen, the man is reeling back with a broken nose, the creature is swept up and away, and Luffy- cradling it safely against his chest- looks as surprised as the rest of them. (In which there are absolutely no miraculous returns, and old wounds ache before a rain.) Notes: *wraps luffy in a burrito blanket*
Calendars and Kings by Taisi Summary:  "When I was little, all the other kids got treats and candies on my birthday too, so I didn't know it was special for me. Ace always said it was, but I thought that was just 'cause he was my big brother. I thought that since it was already a holiday, it didn't count!" Notes: just some nakama feels for all of us
Inversion by siqwithaQ Summary: "He wished things were different. He wished things would change." Notes: did someone ask for an ocean of angst in 1 chapter??? here you go
Inanition by Taisi Summary:  in·a·ni·tion, noun; lack of mental or spiritual vigor and enthusiasm; exhaustion caused by lack of nourishment. Notes: [In which Luffy's metabolism is faster than his doctor understands.]
Linger by Duzzie Summary:  AU. They're just a bunch of lonely kids in a hospital ward before he comes along: the boy with a smile like sunshine. Notes: what was that you wanted more angsty fics??? here you go
Smile Again by Taisi Summary:  His eyes are bright, and his mouth is stretched into a grin as wide as the world, and looking at him Usopp could cry. Notes: Modern AU, Nakamaship; there’s a lingering ache bc of the loss but the support of the mugiwara family is there
The Straw Hat by EmberEvolution Summary: The straw hat Shanks had given Luffy all those years ago finally fits on the boy's head. For anyone else, it would be an exciting event as it proves that they've grown from before. For Luffy, it's an event that triggered a panic fit and the reason behind it is simple: What if he outgrows his treasured straw hat? Notes: luffy has legitimate concerns ok
S We Walk the Beaten Path by soomin Summary: They were so close to the end that a few of them have actually begun to think about the ever after. However, Sabo warns the Strawhat crew that one of them will not make it to the afterwards if they go to Raftel, the crew thinks. It has always been pirate king or death. Not a single one thought that the “or” could one day be “and”. Notes: The highlight would have to be how each of the crew member reacted and tried finding a “solution”.
In The Bag by Kamu Summary: All pirates have hordes of treasure.It just so happens in this life, cats are the treasure in Luffy's. Notes: luffy as the owner of mugiwara!cats but this def needs the next part to update
Kizuna by YokoHogawa Summary:  Usopp carefully watches Luffy over the sandwich he is biting into, and he can’t help but worry. Sanji has an anxiety problem. Something wakes Zoro at the crack of dawn. Notes: nice approach immediately after the crew’s 3d2y reunion
Exclusivity by Taizi Summary:  A stranger flirts with the oblivious Luffy, and the Straw Hat Pirates reveal a possessive streak. Notes: ngl i’m weak for people being protective over luffy
Breadwinner by siqwithaQ Summary:  Because when the trouble doesn't find the Straw Hats by itself, the Straw Hats have to go looking for trouble. Notes: im still choking with laughter especially with the law-luffy-nami scenes lmao
Nothing but Trouble by Kitsune Foxfire Summary:  Marco and Thatch have had just about enough of the Moby Dick's newest passenger. Whenever Ace isn't trying to kill Oyaji, he's driving the rest of the crew insane with his bizarre habits. They're not even sure if they've picked up a feral dog or a person anymore. Who the heck raised this kid, anyway? Wolves? Notes: oh, ace, i love you
Unexpected Emergencies by blueh Summary:  Luffy had been alone most of his short life, with no one to love and no one to rely on. This all changed, however, when the Whitebeard Pirates stumble upon his lonely little island and take the four-year-old boy under their wing. Who knew that the little rubber brat would become one of Oyaji's strongest commanders when he grew up? Ha. The Whitebeard Pirates sure didn't. Notes: ahhh the bonding of luffy and the whitebeard pirates as he grew up was so nice
SHIPPY FICS aka i didn’t know i shipped anyone in one piece but damn these fics are good
An Interesting Proposal by petiteneko Summary:  If anybody told Smoker that he would have a casual conversation with his boss at a pirate's wedding, he would have thought them beyond insane. Law/Luffy Notes: wherein smoker’s sure he didn’t sign up for this bullshit and the wedding hall has got to be the “most wanted area in history”
Her Pace by Arithra Summary:  When Trafalgar Law first met Strawhat Luffy in the auction house on Sabaody, he like everyone else, assumed her to be male. It was a simple fact. A fact that would not survive their second meeting. Law/Luffy Notes: genderbent!luffy and as usual he/she is still so damn cute
Stow Away Captains by xairylle Summary:  Law sneaks into the men's quarters of the Thousand Sunny. Zoro contemplates on how to deal with it. And Luffy, well, Luffy is just Luffy. Notes: screaming over the predicament of zoro, sanji, usopp, and brook lmao
Youthful Years by grayclouds Summary:  Snippets and bits of seven years in Hogwarts during which Law hopelessly pines for Luffy. Law/Luffy Notes: the hp au every fandom needs
We’re Not Nuns by deadhemoglobin Summary:  Luffy went to prison. [[ZoLu, LawLu, Prison AU, warnings inside]] Notes: explicit Zoro/Luffy y’all and the premise was interesting
A Clash of Blades by Arithra Summary:  Mihawk had lived by the blade, had lived for the blade and the moment she lost her title she would die by the blade as well. Only Shanks ever dared to disagree. (fem!mihawk; Shanks/Mihawk) Notes: i thought mihawk looked pretty in oda’s genderbent drawing so i casually looked for a fic then this happened and jfc ngl this works sooo well and the fact that the author managed to keep them in character was super nice
ASL in Love by Kereea Summary: Three things would be true about the ASL Brothers’ relationships: they would be spectacular, they would be weird, and Shanks would not approve of his kids’ love lives. Marco/Ace Sabo/Koala Law/Luffy Notes: papa!shanks is the best and him raging over his kids’ “special others” is the best Hey, Mr. Star, I Think I love You (Please Love Me Too) by JuHuaTai Summary: Rising star actor, Marco Newgate, and the darling of the music industry, Spade, are just friends. Good friends who met in the most awkward of circumstances, and hold great respect for each other’s craft. Okay, a whole lot deal of great respect, and there might be a shade of crush here and there, but it’s a celebrity crush and that’s all there is to it.At least, that's what they kept saying. The whole world sure doesn't buy it one bit. Marco/Ace Notes: fluff goodness literally this is what you’d need if you wanna have toothache from all the sweetness also i cry over luffy being a youtuber
We’ll Look Back and Laugh at Ourselves by JuHuaTai Summary: Between his new boyfriend and his workaholic boss, Marco felt like he was surrounded by family issues of the father and son dispute variety. Maybe it was just a coincidence.Or maybe he should've listened to the office gossip more. Maybe then he'd figure it out sooner. Marco/Ace Notes: i relate with whitebeard and (later on) rayleigh
Thwarted by a Malign Star by DeadSkullB Summary:  “Fuck pirates, they're scum - except for Luffy, Luffy's fine… But he's not a pirate yet… that means it's fine, yeah, pirates suck,” Ace said matter-of-factly. Then his brain slowly caught up and he looked at the man - his face, not his very, very nice chest - with narrowed eyes. “Are you a pirate?” Marco smirked and pointed down at his chest. “You’re Marco the pine- Phoenix,” Ace stumbled over the word, heart having leapt to his throat and filled his ear with constant drumming. He didn't realize he spilled his drink - when had he gotten a refill? Marco/Ace Notes: came for the summary bc ace doting on luffy even as a marine is gold and stayed bc damn that was hot; nsfw & explicit obv
One Piece Soulmates AU by Charlie_Mou Summary: You have the name of your soulmate tattooed on your body but it's the name that will have the biggest impact on the world. Marco/Ace Law/Luffy Notes: The variety of One Piece Soulmate AU, mostly MarcoAce, LawLu, and others which isn’t written yet.
OTHERS of doughnuts and meat by dami_an Summary: "Where's my MEAT?!!" Behind the counter, Katakuri looks up from the sales ledger. He sighs, "Told you; this is a bakery. We don't sell meat here." "But you have meat buns!!!" Luffy whines. Notes: “in which katakuri's a baker and ends up befriending a seven-year-old luffy”; the exasperation of katakuri ftw and kid!luffy is the cutest basically a very wholesome shit i live for
The World Goes Around by WinglessCrows Summary: "How come you're called the pirate hunter, when you're a pirate yourself?"- How Zoro got his nickname and how his stupid captain was somehow involved. Notes: a headcanon i accept
Grandfatherhood by Keereea Summary:  Sengoku and Garp chat about Sengoku's discovery about Law. Notes: “Like Sengoku wouldn't tell Garp "crap I've join the 'my grandson's a pirate' club." warning (?): there’s a tiny bit of lawlu at the end
An Old-Hat Rivalry by lunarshores(damichan) Summary:  Three times Marco met a different man wearing the straw hat, and one time he decided to follow it. Notes: i just love the takes of authors on how marco and luffy’s dynamic is going to be and ugh the ending was so cute
A Song for the Heartsore and War-Weary by Summary: "Sorry, Ace," Marco murmured to himself as he riffled through the stack of old newspapers. "I don't know how it happened, but... I think I'm stalking your little brother." Notes: another take on marco and luffy’s dynamic asdfghjkl
Unsinkable by RikoJasmine Summary: The Straw Hats find out that their captain has one hell of a family. When asked about his mother’s whereabouts, Luffy simply grins and throws his arms out, gesturing to the endless expanse of sea around them. With complete sincerity, he replies, “The ocean is my mother!”An AU where Luffy isn’t entirely human, and water affects him differently than other Devil Fruit users. Notes: an interesting take on who luffy’s mother might be
Take It From Another Savior by JadeFlicker Summary: "You realize, by saving Straw Hat-ya, you may very well have indirectly changed or saved a lot of lives.” “You think?” “I know.” On their way to Wano, Law and his group just happen to meet the Red Hair Pirates. Notes: ahhh, i loved the “quietness” of this fic and some interactions between characters i didn’t think i’d be interested in seeing (hence this)
Like Cats and Dogs by PitViperOfDoom Summary:  It should be easy to judge a man by the shape of his soul, but Strawhat Luffy spits in the face of logic and predictability. Notes: i finally found a daemon fic yes
Law’s Adventure in the Thousand Sunny by LuffyForKing Summary: Law's thoughts on the crew's antics. Rated T for some swearing. Notes: basically, the strawhats broke law lmao
About You by pitchblackfingernails Summary:  “Is he serious?!” He heard faintly from Eustass-ya’s direction. And it seemed that he was. Because “Straw Hat” Monkey D. Luffy, dodged one, two bullets that flew in his direction, formed a fist, pulled his arm back, and then, with a shout, hit the face of one of the World Nobles with a force that sent the sucker flying halfway across the room, completely shattering the benches that were in the way in the process. And grunted in satisfaction, a fierce and proud look on his face. Law would be lying if he claimed that the sight didn’t make his heart skip a beat. Fucking hell. So that was Monkey D. Luffy. Notes: warning (?): it’s tagged as law/luffy but so far, it’s more on showing law’s pov on luffy pre timeskip
Every You, Every Me by tokyonightskies Summary: “Did you know, Roci…” Doffy begins in a voice that only spells out trouble. As if he knows something Rocinante doesn’t, has never thought about until it’s said and done. “That Sengoku keeps your marine file in his desk?” There’s something comforting about how unpredictable his brother is, something he can count on at least when there’s nothing else to rely on. He grabs a commentary on their great-great grandmother and puts it on top of the others, on the pile of papers he doesn’t really suspect his brother to read thoroughly. “I didn’t.” He responds tiredly as he shuts the drawer and leans against the wall, “Do I want to know how you know?” Doffy comes to stand next to him, tilts his head back until Roci can glimpse at his eyes from the side, and teases, “I looked, of course.” Notes: interesting take on what if roci wasn’t allowed to infiltrate the donquixote family and continued being a marine but it has only 1 chapter whelp; there are pairings tagged but then again no shippy thing at all since it’s not updated
Black Scab by tofu-melon Summary:  Having been raised by his grandfather since a young age, Luffy grows up powerful and intelligent enough to become part of the CP9... more precisely, he becomes their Chief Director. Notes: warning (?) it was tagged as Lucci/Luffy but so far it doesn’t have any yet
Drop-In Voyage by Lily Noire Summary:  So how does one go about visiting family on the other side of the globe? Easy: just board a ship. There's a pit stop on the way, you say? Dangerous, is it? No biggie, simply wreak havoc. And watch out for that fist! Strongest man in the world? Really? Then, surpass him it is! - Luffy did always have his priorities straight... somewhat. Notes: ahhh i wish the author would continue this bc i wanna see everyone’s reaction to their visit lol
My Family Can Beat Up Your Family by rose7anne101 Summary:  Big Mom decided she needed to make an unforgettable example of one of the Worst Generation, her chosen target: Straw Hat Luffy. Alive!Ace Notes: this is the canon we deserve wherein nobody died and luffy’s still wrecking havoc
Oh God, My Eyes! by Kitsune Foxfire Summary:  No one could ever really be sure what went on in Garp's head. So they weren't sure if his new cloths were some kind of strange D-related tactic, or if the man had actually lost his mind. If they'd just look at the date, they'd know. His cute grandsons always sent the most thoughtful gifts for his birthday. Notes: garp the grandpa ftw
Pets by clarobel Summary:  AU. Zoro was a stray until Shanks picked him up and adopted him. Now in a house with reindeer, kittens, fish and dogs, the green cat doesn't know who to trust. Luffy's delighted to have a new friend to play with, though! Notes: mugiwara as pets hell yes
The Justice of Freedom by Stelra Etnae Summary:  Garp is a pirate, Roger is a Marine? The Marine top-tiers are full of slacking drunkards and the Yonko are obsessed with rice crackers? Just what kind of chaos will unfold in a world such as this? A role-reversal AU where everything is upside down and no one is quite sane. Drabble series. Notes: im sCREAMING loool
Storm by  Kuroshi44 Summary:  Because even across the seas he would find a way to let his child know he cared. Notes: i can’t wait for a legit dragon and luffy reunion
Supernova Family by YohoAruto Summary:  There are laughter, shouting, fight, all the halabaloo. It's what families do! But we all have to wonder if this family can survive with eachothers? Just a regular Supernova Family. Notes: ok but i really love the supernovas and this modern au fic is gold
The adventures of the Supernova pirates by WhimsicalAnimeFan Summary:  This is the story of the Supernova crew, under their captain, Strawhat Luffy! Join Luffy as he travels the east blue and through the Grand Line to collect pirates for his crew! Notes: thank the heavens they’re not under one crew
Throne Without Direction by Som3on3 Summary:  "You have an old soul," Benn said and Luffy wanted to laugh, that's one way to put it, falling from the heavens and chained upon the earth. Instead he only gazed at the unchanging sky before smiling, "I'm just a free spirit." Notes: this had so much potential especially after the reveal in the latest chapter but it hasn’t been updated ;________;
**will add more from time to time
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lollytea · 7 years
So like I know the good chunk of the snack pack is queer, and like they've all got each other and are super supportive of each other, but like how did their respective guardians all initially react to their kid when they came out to them? Just because I'm still working those bits out in my own head. All I really had thought about was Rosiepuff, as you know, and she's not alive in A Little Change ;w;;;
I’ve thought a few of these over in my head so I should probs write em out somewhere. Okay I’ll give like the official A Little Change Snack Pack parent reactions. If you’ve got like different ideas on what their parents are like in the human au, feel free to disregard. All this is pretty flexible
Branch and Creek: Just gonna get them out of the way first. They kept their mouths shut. Both of them were in households with a lack of communication. There was no coming out to speak of.
Poppy: Our Lord and Saviour Mayor Peppy is a middle aged and thriving bisexual and y’all can fuckign fite me on this. Ofc he was delighted when his daughter came out to him cuz shes comfortable enough to talk with him about it and hes really emotional about that and now he can proudly refer to them as a “Queer Household” FUCK YE BBY GIRL ITS YOUR NIGHT LETS DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WANNA PIZZA WITH GUMMY WORM TOPPINGS??? YOURE FUCKIN GETTING IT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. But like Peppy. Dude. Its Wednesday. Your kid has school in the morning and you two are watching Shrek movies and eating terrible pizza til fuckin 1am I don’t care if youre both queer youre both equally irresponsible I hate y’all
Suki: I feel like Suki never really officially came out when she was younger. Back when she was a teen, she acted more as an “Aggressively supportive ally” who got real excited over positive LGBTQ news on the TV and frequently brought up gay rights at the dinner table. Her parents are a pair of really quiet, really sweet librarians. They’ve never had a bad word to say about Suki’s blatant bi behaviour and were just chill in general. She never felt she needed to spell it out to them unless she ever were to bring home a girlfriend. Plus she wasnt entirely sure if they were familiar with bisexuality and her dad’s kinda half deaf so explaining it might take a while. TECHNICALLY she’s still not out to them in A Little Change. Like she hasn’t been dating Chenille that long but yeah, she does plan on telling them in the coming weeks. I can assure you they’ll be cool with it and she knows they will. (Sidenote: She has 2 brothers and a sister who she told casually years ago.)
Smidge: Smidge’s parents caught on pretty early that their kid might be trans. Like they were fairly young parents who had some trans friends so this wasn’t all that unfamiliar to them. They noticed as far back as Smidge’s preschool years and while they reasoned that it COULD just be a phase or whatever, they’d be prepared for whatever gender their kid turned out as. Meanwhile Smidge, who was having none of this beating around the bush shit, wasted no time in telling them that she wanted to be referred to as a “She” from now on. Tbh I think out of everyone, Smidge’s coming out was the most natural. It happened when she was real little so it didn’t take all that long for them to adjust to. She never did come out as ace. Like she probs will someday over a nice family dinner. But for now, she’s good.
Chenille: Now, I’m not gonna say the twins’ parents are homophobic. Well, maybe some internalized stuff they gotta work on. But they were very heteronormative in nature. Like they were definitely the type of parents who would call every boy their little girls played with “boyfriends.” They never meant any harm by it but it did irritate Chenille a lil bit. But yeah, they didn’t have any real beef with LGBTQ people, they were cool with all the Love Wins stuff but all of it just wasn’t relevant to their lives. It just never occurred to them that they’d have a gay kid y’know? They always thought queer folks were rarer then they really are. Well sURPRISE. Okay, they were pretty stunned once Chenille came out to them. But the knee jerk reaction to her confession is “We love you.” Like they’re surprised, they’re a little uneasy and it might take them some getting used to. But gotta assure the baby girl they love her. That’s important.
Guy Diamond: Listen to me. Mama Diamond is old. She’s tired. This goddamn country has aged her like you wouldn’t believe. She has seen the worst in people and so much of it has been because of prejudice. And while she MAY have had some issues with LGBTQ as a whole 20 years ago, those days are dead and gone, man. Because motherfucker, there is no way in hell she’s going to become like the people who treated her like shit when she first came here. HER SON IS GAY (”Bi, mom. Its bi.”) *HER SON IS BI AND HE IS A BEAUTIFUL, KIND AND TALENTED BOY WHOM SHE ADORES AND IF ANYONE HAS A PROBLEM WITH HIM YOU CAN MEET HER IN THE FUCKING PIT
Cooper: Honestly, I feel like when it comes to him, it was a casual chit chat over the dinner table. Coop’s mom and step-dad are just asking like “Sooo girlfriend?” And he just shakes his head and says he’s not interested in having one. So then Step-dad tentatively tries “Uhh….boyfriend?” Coop grins at that but shakes his head again. “Neither. Just don’t want that. Don’t think I ever do.” And that’s that. His parents nod along. Like they don’t really know about aromantic as a concept but hey, they aint gonna push the kid to date. Leave him be. They’re a chill as heck family.
Biggie: Was really close with his mom and came out to her like a year before his dad. Like out of everyone, Biggie was most definitely the one to cry while coming out. His mom cried too cuz fuck he needed to get that trait from somewhere. But yeah, it was a messy, mushy “i love you I love you I love you no matter what, you’ve grown up so much, I love you, I love you, thank you for telling me,” kind of coming out. Biggie and his mom are both emotional messes. His Dad was different. His dad just….didn’t know how to accept this development. It was kinda uncomfortable for him. I feel like it was at least….hmmmm 2 months. An awkward 2 months where Dad doesn’t know what to say to his kid so he barely says anything at all. It’s hard on Biggie, man. Fuck. But yeah, they do talk about it once Dad sorts his issues out and realizes he’s gonna lose his boy forever if he keeps this up. So he tells Biggie straight up that this is taking some time to get used to but he’s still his son and he still loves him a lot and he’s working on it.
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dreamerology · 7 years
anon…..…u asked for it heres 1.2k on Some of the reasons why i love minhyuk :(( 
oh my gosh i dont even know where to startdsjfgjdfj i guess i’ll talk abt what i was gonna talk abt the other night which is how minhyuk is literally made for the stage?????????????? he looks so Alive whenever hes on stage…..he just glows and hes so happy and ecstatic and his eyes sparkle a bit more and u can just tell how happy he is to be there!!!!!!!!! like the fancam of the rush comeback stage where he smile the whole time? GOOD SHIT!!!! u can just see how much he loves it!!! he gets like. Extra Confident when he’s performing……sometimes he just goes tf off,,,hes so dangerous he truly thrives on stage and i love it. i cant wait until they come to canada and minhyuk kills me behind a tim hortons
i cant believe im abt to expose myself but also i feel like i might have talk abt this before kskjdfhksjdhf do u wanna hear abt the worst thing thats ever happened to me and im never gonna be allowed to live it down?? so…….i associate minhyuk, the human personification of the sun, with the colour yellow ofc right….this took place like when the teasers for beautiful were dropping i went on a trip and i Cannot handle plane rides i get motion sickness nd claustrophobic mixed w the usual anxiety so its always a bad time. Anyways i had taken not only gravol (which my friend calls me a lightweight……half of one can knock me Out usually but it wasn’t working so i took a full one) but i also took ativan when i started to have a panic attack like half way through the flight…..I WAS SOOOO OUT OF IT THAT NIGHTJHSDJFH BUT so we got to the place we were staying and i go to my room and the bed sheets were yellow dsjfhdsfhj so i started texting my friend (who knows nothing abt kpop) abt how it was a sign and mh was watching over me dsfjhsdjfhkjhdfh bc clearly yellow = minhyuk. i passed out right after that i forgot everything abt that night until i got home like a week later and she brought it up and i had no memory of it djfshdjfhsjfhsdh that was months ago and she still teases me abt it i hate me dkhsdjhfkjhdfkhd
anyways minhyuk is the literal sun???? ? hes always positive and happy and just the complete opposite of me in every way tbh,,,,i just rly love that abt him like no matter how many things get him down hes able to get back up and try again and keep going and keep a positive attitude and i know ive said this before but he genuinely inspires me to be a better person…..like im such a pessimistic person but i wanna be able to be more positive and radiate warmth he Never fails to cheer me up like watching videos of him being bubbly nd happy makes me so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope hes able to feel that happiness forever he deserves every second of it!!!! i feel like it has to be tiring being that positive for that long but somehow he does it and it amazes me??? his personality was the first thing to draw me too him….its true opposites attract
AND OH MY GOD HES SO CARING!!!!! like it sorta goes w the positive attitude but hes so observant of the others nd makes sure theyre ok and he’ll make sure theyre included nd hes just a pillar of support for them!!!!!!!!!!!! i love family!!!!! i remember wonho saying he wasnt confident enough in himself and he didn’t feel comfortable unless minhyuk was next to him :((((( and half the time he  wouldnt even have to say anything minhyuk would be the first to approach him and ask if he was ok nd offer comfort and :(( it just makes my heart rly warm. like he makes sure hes there for the others and makes sure theyre comfortable enough to approach him and is just there to love and support them… i love a caring man :((( reason number 3532 why minhyuk makes me want to b a better person!!!!
also i absolutely adore how goofy he is sjfhksjdfhjdsdf hes like literally a 5 yr old……what a fool i love him. one of the things in the beginning that i found rly…..endearing??? thats not the right word but i can’t rly think of it rn is that fuckigndsfjhs dolphin noise/high pitched squeal he makes when he gets rly excited sdkfhskjdfh s like its????? So Cute idk why its also hilarious and literally never fails to make me laugh but….yeah i love it hes so weird. and yeah hes smart but that boy can say some of the Dumbest shit dskfjhdkjfhksdhfjh anyways im gonna just leave it at that for now but yeah. hes so funnie he always makes me laugh and cheers me up!!!
i saved the best for last (not that this is a complete list but….i doubt anyones actually gonna read all this to begin w so….ill shut up after this but. this is my fave thing abt him i think) I COULD RLY TALK ABT THIS FOR HOURS BUT. his voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh ym god my favorite sound it the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (mayb only second to his laugh which. Dont even get me started i could write an another entire essay just on his laugh n smile) ANYWAYS HIS VOICE…it was the first one i was able to pick out when i first got into mx. its rly distinct and its just. So Calming to listen to?????? like idk if its weird but a lot of the time if im rly anxious or cant sleep i’ll just listen to some of his solo vlives…..like his voice is rly pretty and i could listen to him talk for hours. he can be so Loud sometimes but it can also b rly soft when hes not yellingjghjshdjfh and no offence but he’s rly got the prettiest singing voice too…..not 2 b biased but hes got the best voice in mx?????? god idk if its bc im fuck deep in l*ve but lately whenever one of his lines comes on it just knocks the breath out of me!!!!!!!!!! i just,,,,immediately start tearing tf up whenever i hear his voice now!!!!!!!!! hes improved so much its so crazy to hear??? like rewatching no mercy u can just Hear how much his vocals has improved…like he was good back then but now!!!!!!!! holy fuck i love a man hes so talented and hes got the most beautiful voice in the world. also in this vlive when he was just singing along or humming it after without the lyrics……i love a man my heart is so warm nd soft hes so cute :((
this isnt even half of it i didn’t talk abt his smile or his laugh!!!!!! or how cute his ears are or how much he loves mbb or how cute he looks in a hat or glasses or how humble he is or how full of love he is and how he never misses a chance to shower his members in love :(( hes so sweet i love him so big im gonna shut up and go now i cant believe i just wrote 1.2k on why i love lee minhyuk the Actual Angel instead of writing my paperdsfjdhsjfs it b like that sometimes
if u actually read all this sappy rambling………id die for u
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Sprace Domestic Series (pt. 8)
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)
(Part 6)
(Part 7)
Well here we are, the last chapter of my Sprace Domestic series, and just in time too since school is just starting up. I’ll still be writing (I’ve already got some Javid oneshot ideas) but it might just be less frequent. That said, next time I do a series it will have an upload schedule. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting, it really means a lot! Anyways, let’s get this show on the road.
Side note: The movie “Storks” is referenced in this chapter and I highly recommend that you watch it because it’s really great.
Also, I don’t really know that much about the adoption process but I did some light research to help me out.
Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for some characters from other musicals...
As Spot and Race lay awake 2 am, three years after they’d gotten married, they await an eventful morning. They tried to get to sleep at around eleven but it seemed as though a mixture of excitement and anxiety had got the better of them.
“Hey Spot?” Race rolled over to face his husband.
“What?” Spot asked from underneath a pillow.
“What do you think she’s gonna look like?” he asked excitedly, bunching up the blanket in his fist.
“I”m sure she’ll be beautiful and the best daughter in the world.” Spot replied honestly, putting his head on top of the pillow. It had been a few weeks after they had received the call they had long anticipated, and the next day Spot and Race would be adding a baby girl to their little family. Race was busy imagining what she would look like and what she would be like as she grew up but was interrupted by a small sniffle.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Race asked as he pulled Spot in closer to him. He hugged Spot so that he faced away from him, allowing his husband to talk without being muffled by his shirt.
“H-how am I supposed to be a father?” he whispered.
“Is that what you’re worried about? Sean, there’s no reason for you to be afraid, you’re the most amazing person I know and you’re going to be a great dad. You take care of me and our friends when they need you and we’re all still alive.” Race said in an attempt to comfort him.
“Yeah but at the end of the day, they’re adults who can still take care of themselves and this is a baby.”
“Well we’ve done everything possible to prepare for this, we’ve read all the books and taken all the classes, even the guy who did our home study was impressed.” he placed a kiss to Spot’s temple.
“I guess you’re right, it’s just hard not to be worried about this stuff.” Spot sighed.
“Don’t I know it. I’m scared too but I just keep remembering that we’re going to be getting our daughter soon and that everything is gonna turn out okay.” as Race finished his mini pep talk, he wrapped his husband up in a blanket and scooped him into his arms. “What’re you doing?!” Spot struggled, but to no avail.
“We’re going downstairs and we’re gonna watch Storks.” Race said with finality, so Spot decided to comply and it wasn’t like it was a bad movie anyways. Thing is, they’d watched it every day for the past month and a half if only for the end scene. Spot was plopped onto the couch and Race put the movie in. The shorter man unfurled his blanket to allow the other to cozy up next to him underneath it.
“This movie is kinda stupid…” Spot mumbled from underneath the blankets.
“Spot how could you!” Race fake gasped, turning away.
“I still love you though!” Spot place a quick kiss on his husband’s cheek. Race turned back around to grab his face gently and place a kiss to his lips with his hands positioned in a way that Spot could feel the wedding ring on his cheek.
“I love you too ya dumbass.” Spot settled into Race’s side as the taller man wrapped an arm around him. They continued to watch the grand adventure that the two main characters, a stork and human, went on and they soon arrived at the final scene. It was of a bunch of couples holding their new children, and of course they paused on the two moms and two dads. “Spot are you crying again?” Race brushed the hair out Spot’s face to reveal that yes, he was indeed crying. “I just never thought I would see something like this in a movie.” He pressed his face into Race’s chest and held him tightly. They had received a lot of backlash from people ever since they had said they were adopting a baby. A lot saying that their child won’t grow up “normal” because she needs a mom or saying “she won’t know family values”. Of course the two tried to not let it get to them, but sometimes it was a lot and it’s hard not to give into it.
“Well look there it is, telling people across the world that what this is,” Race gestured between the TV and themselves.
“is normal. It’s a family Spot, and that’s what we have.” he smiled, kissing the top of his husband’s head.
“I just never thought that I would have been able to have a real family with anyone…” he whispered. Race pulled Spot onto his lap and pressed a kiss to his jaw.
“Look at you now Spotty, a house, a dashingly handsome husband, kids.” Race laughed, tickling Spot’s sides.
“The whole deal.” Spot placed his lips on Race’s, then rested his head on his shoulder. They eventually slumped over on the couch and before they knew it they were asleep.
Race was the first to wake up, hearing the sound of their alarm clock from upstairs.
“Wake up babe.” he whispered groggily, shaking his husband awake.
“Wh- is it today?” Spot asked, regaining consciousness.
“Today’s the day!” Race hopped off the couch and went straight for the coffee pot. [Tbh it’s the only thing he can go straight for]
“So we’re leaving at…”
“10 o’clock.” the taller man finished.
“Alright.” Spot breathed.
“Hey don’t worry, today’s supposed to be a happy day remember!” he beamed brightly, handing Spot a mug. They busied themselves throughout the rest of the morning and soon enough, it was time to head to the adoption agency to take home their baby girl.
“I love you.” Spot said from the passenger seat.
“I love you too.” Race replied. They sat in silence for most of the ride, mainly because they were thinking too much for words to be of any use.
“Almost there.” whispered the driver. In a few short minutes, they were pulling into the parking lot of the building that had their daughter in there, somewhere. Once the car was parked, they immediately jumped out and practically ran towards the building. Spot grabbed Race’s hand in an effort to ground himself.
“Hi there, I’m Sean Conlon-Higgins and this is my husband Anthony and we’re supposed to be bringing home our daughter today.” Spot said to the lady at the desk.
“Wow, what an exciting day! I’m Miss McNamara and you’re just gonna have to give me two forms of ID for the both of you.” she smiled stiffly, which was probably a side effect of working long hours at this kind of job. Once it had been verified that they were in fact who they’d said they were, one of the people from the agency Spot and Race had been working with came up to greet them.
“Hello Eliza!” Race waved cheerfully.
“Good morning gentlemen, we’re getting her ready right now. If you’ll follow me, I’m just going to bring you to one of our rooms where you can meet her in more of a private setting.” she motioned for them to follow her, and the three of them walked briskly down the hallway. They went into a room with a few chairs and a small wooden table against the wall.
“Now, it will take a few weeks to finalize the adoption, but it’ll hardly seem that long compared to all the time you’re going to be spending together afterwards.” she smiled kindly. A few minutes after their arrival, they were joined by a woman holding a baby in a car seat.
“This is one of our nurses, Miss Zoe”
“N-nice to meet you…” was all that Spot managed to squeak out.
“I’ll set her on the table here and you guys can get acquainted.” she smiled warmly, gently setting her down.
“Just call if you need me but don’t worry, she’s healthy.” Miss Zoe exited the room, leaving the new family behind.
“She’s so precious…” Race whispered, lifting her tiny swaddled form out of the car seat. A pair of big green eyes looked back up at him, and her new father’s own started to well up.
“Hi there.” he said softly.
“I’ll let you guys be alone for a moment and I’ll be right outside.” Eliza quickly ducked out of the room and went into the hall.
“I’m your new dad.” he sniffed, letting the feeling of complete joy wash over him. Race held her close to his chest as she continued to look into his eyes, almost as if she was analyzing him.
“Sean, do you wanna hold her?” he looked over to his husband, who had a few tears going down his face.
“Yes please.” he opened his arms, taking the small child- his small child- into them.
“You can call me Papa, sweetheart.” he smiled down at her, being met with a small smile in return.
“Hey Anthony look! She’s smilin’ at me!” he said excitedly, keeping his voice down so he wouldn’t upset his new daughter.
“I can already tell she’s real smart.” Race said thoughtfully.
“Her face is so tiny!” Spot remarked, studying her features.
“Did you know how rare it is to have green eyes?” “Look how long her eyelashes are!”
“She’s got the chubbiest cheeks!”
“And the prettiest smile!” Spot and Race continued to fawn over the newest addition to the family.
“She’s absolutely perfect.” Spot said, his eyes welling up again. It was a very emotional day.
“She is.” Race agreed.
“I hate to cut this short, but I think you guys should take her home and get a routine going. You already know the dates for the post placement visits, it’s really nothing to worry about because if what I heard from behind that door is any indication, she’s in good hands.” she smiled and they packed their baby girl back into her car seat, ready to finally take her home.
“May I ask, what are you going to name her?” Eliza asked as they were leaving. Spot and Race looked at each other before giving an answer.
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mishamoonberry · 7 years
Onmyouji AU
you would (always be by my side) CH. 1 - AO3/FFN
This AU is inspired by Shounen Onmyouji and some spirit AUs in the Naruto fandom.
This is also written for the Kakasaku Month 2017 Week One – Myth/Fairytale AU (and can touch the yukata prompt too tbh bc feudal eraaaaaa). Please do check out other KS Month works by other people on tumblr and AO3/FFN (they're tagged usually so it's easier to find them!) and give them the feedback they deserve! Make this month enjoyable for all of us KS shippers!
Okay, enjoy reading!
They say there exists a spirit that guards the town’s oldest and most beautiful cherry tree.
They say there exists a cherry tree spirit that watches over the people living in town, remembering their names and their deeds.
They say, the spirit is lonely.
“You have the demon’s eye,” is the first word she says to him, full of wonder and curiosity. The man blinks. Looking left and right and finding nothing, he looks up. On top of a large cherry blossom tree in the middle of the district, on the particularly sturdy branch, sits a woman wrapped in a white kimono with pink red floral patterns. Her hair is pink, reaching her waist and decorated with a simple sakura kanzashi. Her hair is parted in the middle, showing her forehead decorated with a strange purple diamond shaped tattoo.
If Kakashi doesn’t see the ethereal and mystical glow that seems to surround her, he’ll think of her as a random woman too bored with life that she decides to take tree climbing as a hobby.
But no, he recognizes that aura.
She’s a spirit.
And Kakashi is willing to bet his left ass cheek that she’s the spirit of the tree she’s currently sitting on. Spirits—the friendly ones anyway—don’t like to mess with other spirits’ territories after all.
Kakashi stares at her, left eye closed and expression blank, choosing not to answer her simple statement of his ‘demonic’ eye.
It’s not like she’s wrong.
He’s an Onmyouji, one of the practitioners of the Onmyoudo. Basically, he’s one of the specialists in magic, spells and divination. Onmyouji are known to be able to protect other people from evil spirits, and although not all of them may have the sixth sense, Onmyouji are trusted to protect the capital and the people inside it.
One of the largest clan known for their strong onmyouji is the Uchiha Clan. While the civilians simply think that they are blessed with a strong sixth sense, it is merely an excuse to hide the fact that they are cursed.
The tale—probably true or not, although many spirits claim it is true—said that it started with the ancestor, named Indra, who had an actual sixth sense and fucked up real bad during a quest in a mountain, angering the mountain God and thus him and his kin are forever cursed with the Sharingan, the red eyes that enable them to see and feel the spiritual world around them.
It’s perhaps a blessing for those who want to become an Onmyouji. But becoming an onmyouji requires both dedication and talent, not just an uncannily strong sixth sense.
Also it explains why civilian Uchihas are often very skittish when they are out of their warded homes. The spirits are everywhere, whether major or minor, tame or evil, little ones that like to prank or big ones that cause destructions, or ones that are simply bored.
Just like the spirit who is staring at him right now.
“Are you an onmyouji?” She asks, titling her head. “You don’t look like an Uchiha, their aura feels different. Why do you have the demon’s eye?”
“I,” Kakashi drawls, “have no reason to answer that.”
It is her turn to blink.
“Why not?” She presses on, then, “it’s not like I have anyone to tell anything to. You do realize I’m this tree’s spirit, right?”
“I have no interest to tell you anything,” the silver haired man continues pleasantly, smiling a sweet smile so fake his teeth will rot if he keeps it up much longer, “now if you would excuse me.”
“What?” Kakashi ignores her confusion, humming as loud as he can while he speed walks away. He doesn’t want to deal with a nosy spirit, no matter how pretty she is. “Hey!” The spirit calls, indignant. “Where are you going? I’m not finished talking to you!”
She is left ignored.
“You’re such a rude human.”
Kakashi jolts from his seat on the porch of the Onmyoudo’s dorm, turning around with frantic heartbeats to find the spirit from a few days before floating there, arms positioned on her hips in the typical scolding manner.
“Ha…” the Hatake breathes out, bewildered. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you bound to that tree?”
The spirit has the gall to roll her eyes and scoff. “Don’t mistake me for a cursed spirit, human, I am free to wander as long as I do not bother the Gods.”
“You are…” He trails off, gesturing with his hands, “…bothering me, you know.”
She raises an eyebrow.
“Are you a God?”
“Then I can bother you as much as I please,” she concludes pleasantly, lips quirking up in triumph. Though Kakashi can’t understand what is so very good about bothering a non-Uchiha with the Uchiha demon’s eye, the eye that—contrary to expectations—he did not want. If his best friend could rise back from the dead and take back his eye, Kakashi will give it back happily. The Hatake Clan has had members with sixth sense before, Kakashi included. He doesn’t really need the Sharingan other than that it makes his sense stronger than ever.
Seriously, though, what the hell. He doesn’t understand the spirit’s motivation for even one bit. What is it that she wants from him? She is, as she says so herself, a simple cherry blossom tree spirit; the kind of spirit that causes no prank or malice to other creatures, the kind of spirit that is free and probably loved by everyone.
There is absolutely no reason for her to bother him.
He says at much.
“Well, you can see me, so I have a reason to bother you, now!” She counters, her smile showing her teeth.
Kakashi twitches.
“Repel,” he says, muttering out strings of spells. The spirit jerks, then, looking panicked.
“No, wait!”
It’s too bad that Kakashi is having none of that.
The spirit is forcibly thrown out of the area, and all is peaceful for the Hatake once more.
“You,” comes a snarl from behind him, and Kakashi sighs behind his book, “are very rude.”
“The rude one is you, you know,” he doesn’t take his eye off of his book, “you’re the one who bother me.”
“But that doesn’t mean you can just repel me! I landed thirty kilometers away from my tree, you asshole! If I had landed on an unfriendly spirit’s territory, I’d be dead.”
“Oops,” he says, thoroughly unrepentant, and finds delight in how the spirit seems to try to withhold her furious shriek. Minutes seem to pass afterwards, with the spirit staring at him intently and Kakashi being very content in ignoring her existence altogether. Who knows, maybe she’ll disappear if he ignores her long enough.
Probably not.
“Why are you so against in talking to me anyway?” She says, then, “your life is so boring. You only study, train, read that porn of yours, and patrol. Isn’t it nice to have somebody talking to you?”
Kakashi doesn’t answer, simply flipping the page of his book—and it’s not porn, thank you very much! It’s romance, the spirit must be quite dumb not to recognize romance—and continues on ignoring her.
“Are you even listening to me?”
Junko is being very loud in this scene, he’s afraid Akiko next door will be able to listen in to their—er… nightly activities.
“Hey… Hey!”
…No matter what people says, he really is reading this for the romance.
“Hey, don’t ignore me! Hey!”
…Really. It’s the romance, not the porn.
“Ugh, you’re unbelievable! Hey! I just wanna talk!”
Well, the sex scenes are definitely a plus, he thinks, and also the insight about an onmyouji’s life is very detailed here. As much as he’d expect from the Legendary Traveling Onmyouji Jiraiya. Nevertheless, Junko is truly a beauty, although Jiraiya could have added more description about her face and expression rather than her bulbous—
“…If you don’t answer me, I’ll throw that book into the pond.”
Kakashi’s finger twitches.
She doesn’t seem to notice.
That’s good, because if she actually does according to her threat he’ll not only have her repelled, he’ll have her bound to the tree forever.
“…Hey, hey, come on. Talk to me? Please?”
…Where was he again? Oh, yes, Junko is really a beauty. He wonders if Jiraiya got this inspiration from somewhere. Not Tsunade, because she’s obviously the model for Akiko, whose description could fill in a whole page. Perhaps from some of the women he met on the streets? Or a spirit? Though the thought of seeing a spirit and using her as a romance novel material is a bit—
“Hey, I’m sorry if I was rude but it’s rare for people to be able to see me that are not the Uchiha and I just want to have someone to talk to, you know? The Uchihas have sticks up their butts and they are not good conversationalist, so I just thought you can be a nice person to chat with! That’s all, really! I don’t have any malicious intent, I promise.”
She could’ve talked to some other spirits, why is she so keen on talking to humans? And the Uchiha? Only a few of the Uchihas are as non-Uchiha as they can be; case in point, his dead best friend and a little bugger called Shisui who cracked his head a few days ago because he was lured to the cliff near Naka River by a mononoke called Danzo. It was a wonder he’s still alive.
Ah, why is he even focusing on what she’s saying? It’s better if he just go back to his book, truly.
“…Are you going to continue on ignoring me?”
Well it’s not like he ever wants to talk to her in the first place.
Has she left?
“I’m just…”
…Nope. Nevermind. If she’s going to ramble again, he’ll just go back to his book, easy peasy. He’s done this ignoring thing since Obito and Rin died, he can manage this, no matter if this is a spirit, not a human and certainly not Gai (although he can never seem to manage to ignore Gai, but he digresses).
And then, she says—
“…It’s lonely, you know?”
The whisper is like a fluttering wind, and probably is not meant to be heard by him. Despite himself, he can’t help but to be intrigued, and thus he finally looks up from his book to look at the spirit properly.
But she’s already gone, leaving the space she previously floated around somehow empty and achingly lonely.
For the next few days after that, there is no nosy cherry tree spirit trying to talk to him.
However, ‘nosy loud spirit’ seems to have upgraded into ‘nosy stalker spirit’ because she’s been following him around for days. The only places she leaves him alone are the Onmyoudo’s dorm and the Hatake Clan’s compound, in which it’s probably because the latter is warded against unfamiliar spirits.
He’s not even kidding. The pink haired spirit is always at least five meters away from him, peeking from behind the tree or wall or window or anything, looking at him with a pout and that sad kicked puppy look on her face…
…He likes puppies—has like eight of them but shhh—and that look on her face is just unfair.
And so, Kakashi finally relents. He sighs, staring balefully at the spirit that stares back at him with both hope and ferocity that could’ve made a lesser man melt, and motions her to get closer.
“What do you want from me?” He asks, because surely to be persistent, this spirit—however non malicious she may be—must want something from him. He’s had some spirits chasing after him so they can eat the Sharingan, and he wonders if such a pure spirit such as hers would also think of Sharingan as a delicious meal…
The spirit lands in front of him, an almost frown forming on her lips. “I just want to talk,” she says, and when Kakashi raises as a disbelieving eyebrow, she presses on. “I’m serious! The city has been boring for quite awhile and while I can wander, I can’t leave the city lest the tree dies and then I’ll die, talking to small spirits gets boring after a decade and, well, I miss talking to a human.”
Kakashi’s interest is piqued, and he asks, “you’ve talked to a human before?”
“A little boy, this little Uchiha tyke,” a soft and undeniably fond smile is present, and Kakashi figures the boy must have left quite the impression on her. For a spirit that says the Uchihas have sticks up their butts, she seems to be quite fond of this Uchiha. “I haven’t seen him for more than fifteen years, I presume; since he had to move to a neighboring city for Onmyoudo practices.” Then her eyes turn sad, as she whispers, “I think he’s dead.”
“Maa,” Kakashi drawls, “that’s mean of you to think so.” Very rarely Uchihas die out of town, mainly because they prefer doing jobs for this town that is already big enough as it is, other because when they’re taken to other towns, they’re more than capable to protect themselves.
Accidents can still happen though.
(That, or a reckless teammate that ultimately brings your demise).
(Kakashi restrains himself from touching his left eye).
“I’m serious!” She exclaims, sounding offended, “he didn’t go back with the rest of the group that left with him. And the Uchiha did a funeral afterwards; I can’t see the tombstone to make sure of it because the place is warded!” And then, softer, “he promised to come back. Obito never broke his promise.”
Kakashi very nearly bites his tongue off.
“What?” He almost demands, staring at her wide eyed.
“What?” She parrots, blinking. “I said he didn’t come back.”
“You said Obito,” he whispers, jaw trembling. It couldn’t be—
“Yes,” she confirms, “Uchiha Obito,” her expression clears and she lights up, looking hopeful. “You know him? Have you seen him anywhere? Is he well?”
Kakashi doesn’t answer. He isn’t able to. Here in front of him is a spirit who knew of Obito, his (dead dead deadeaddead—) best friend, the one who gave him this eye she seems to be interested in. She doesn’t seem to realize that the eye in his left eye socket belonged to Obito; or perhaps she unconsciously does, which explains her efforts in getting close to him.
Spirits are, after all, sensitive by nature and when they cling to something they deem precious, they will always cling onto it. The only reason she probably allowed Obito to leave the town is mostlikely that she’s not a malicious spirit and has quite the understanding of responsibilities an Onmyouji has.
She belongs to the oldest cherry tree in town; he’s not surprised if she knows some stuffs.
But she doesn’t know of this. She doesn’t. Because Obito never returned and the Uchiha grounds are fucking warded from bottom to high ground and not even a non-malicious spirit can get close; only gods and their blessings may touch upon the Uchiha grounds. She has no way to know and she looks so excited, so happy and—
Has she been waiting for Obito this whole time?
The spirit, probably seeing his deafening silence, lets her excitement fall. She watches his expression, as he seemingly opens his mouth behind his mask and closes it again, at loss on how to reply.
Her eyebrows furrow, and with a downcast expression, she asks the question she fears the answer of.
(But she knows the answer already, doesn’t she?)
(Because Obito never broke his promise).
(And Obito never returned despite his promise).
“He’s dead, isn’t she?” She whispers, eyes watching the silver haired Onmyouji’s every move, and when the man flinches as if struck, she knows her worst fear has come true—has been true for the past decade.
She closes her eyes.
(I’ll be back, Sakura, he said with a wide smile. He looked manlier than the scrawny little kid that long time ago scuffled toward her tree to ask her to be his friend).
(I heard the neighbor town has these pretty kanzashi on sale, so I’ll buy you one, he promised, a hand grasping her own. With a teasing smile, he said, and then you can finally replace the one I bought for you long ago).
(I’ll be back).
(I promise).
He never comes back.
Is that hints of past ObiSaku? It is. I am a multishipper, I ship Sakura with a lot of people.
I apologize for the lack of Kakasaku in this chapter, but it will happen next chapter, I promise!
This story will be short, probably only having three or four chapters before it’s completed. I hope you can enjoy the ride as much as I do.
Review please!
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aegyotrashcan · 7 years
Monsta X as Werewolves
Pace yourself with the scenarios and reactions okay? But i want to request Monsta X as werewolves, 🐕 since you have a lot of vampires. 🦇
I will, thank you for the concern! This is my first werewolf!au and I LOVE au’s so this was so much fun to write :D I hope you enjoy this and have a lovely day, anon! ~
You were convinced he hated you at first,, He would often stare you down, or avoid you, or leave if you entered a room. As the newest to the group, you often wondered why you were let in when the leader didn’t even like you
Frustrated, you vented your feelings to Minhyuk while you were partnered up for a task. He laughed at your worries; “He doesn’t hate you! It’s actually the opposite - He thinks you’re so beautiful that he can’t stand to be around you!”
With this new info in mind, you start to test Minhyuk’s confession. You showed more skin, would frequently corner Shownu to “ask” him something, often brushing against him
While working with Minhyuk, he vented about you. “I’m loosing my mind! I can’t think straight anymore!” and with a meek voice, Minhyuk admitted that he might have told you about his crush
Now aware of your game, Shownu teased you back
And this back and forth flirtation resulted in a relationship ... after a night of passion
With mating season drawing near, the leader had locked himself away, afraid of loosing all control and taking you on the ground, with everyone around
But knowing his reason, you “visited” him and helped relieve his stress
So yeah,, basically, he’s the pack Dad and you’re the pack Mom (regardless of the gender you identify with)
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Kind of a fuckboy but a nice one, does that make sense?? He has a big heart and wants to share it with everyone, male or female, human or werewolf
That’s why it’s no surprise when he ends up in your bed one night, not caring that you were human. What is surprising, however, is when he wakes up to see you gone, a note stuck to his forehead: ‘I’m out. Be gone before I’m back.’ The cold tone cracks his heart. He’s not used to being left, usually being the one to leave
He can’t get you out of his mind so after a few weeks, he tracks you down again
“I’m that good that you sniffed me out again?” you tease but he doesn’t laugh
He looks very serious, stood on your doorstep with a single rose in hand. “That’s not why I came back. I want to know ... Can I take you out to dinner?”
You humour him, more so looking for a casual fling. But Hoseok surprises you that under that handsome man, is the biggest sweetheart you’ve ever met
Although neither of you make it official, you know your hearts belong to each other 
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Not really a werewolf, more of a werepuppy
He’s in charge of easing newbies into the pack and entertaining the kiddies while the adults do work
It was when he was younger, only a teen, that an orphaned wolf was put into his care. You weren’t much younger than him, so the bond never became anything fatherly. And he was too playful to be taken seriously anyway. He was more of like a close best friend, who also happened to be your guardian
Minhyuk took care of you diligently, often bringing you back pretty stones or other things he’d found while hunting. An almost perfect condition wrist watch was one of his greatest finds and you treasured it
So when you got into a fight with a fellow wolf, who smashed it, you saw red. After nearly killing her, Shownu was on bad terms with you. You almost were kicked out of the pack. But when Minhyuk found out why you had flipped, he fought to keep you
And now you were even more indebted to him
Minhyuk felt bad about the incident, often bringing the girl you fought medicine to help her recover. This annoyed you to no end and you often tried to stop him visiting her
“Why??” he asked eventually. “Don’t you want her to live?”
“No,” you admit, the blood rushing to your cheeks. “She broke my second most precious thing and is going to take my most precious thing away.”
“Your second most precious thing is that pocket watch I found you, right? So what’s your most important thing?”
Shyly, you buried your blushing face into his chest. And he grinned from ear to ear
“So cute!! You love me?! Why didn’t you tell me before?! I love you too!”
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Was sent on a task to track down a human. He was told that they held important information about the wolf world that they shouldn’t know
Eventually he found you, working at a bookstore in town. You looked harmless, stacking books, but an order was an order
He kidnapped you as you walked home that night, done with your shift. And interrogated you. Except it wasn’t much of an interrogation. You were terrified, shaking like a leaf; “I don’t know anything! I seen a boy turn into a wolf and that’s it!” Your heart doesn’t falter so he knows it’s the truth
But he can’t let you leave. You didn’t know as much as Shownu thought, but knowing was all it took to warrant an execution. Except he couldn’t; it felt like trying to slaughter a baby lamb
Instead, he brought you pack to the pack. It took months until you felt comfortable around them, having been afraid they might snap and kill you
Kihyun took charge of you, making sure no wolf messed with you, and sometimes breaking rules to make you happy. You weren’t allowed to return home, but he would let you write your family letters to assure them you’re safe and alive
One morning, a female wolf started to pick a fight with you, threatening your life; “If it weren’t for Kihyuns protection, you’d be dead long ago.”
“Why does he protect me?”
“He loves you, dumbass. Luckily for you”
Kihyun bursts in suddenly, scaring her off and wrapping you in a hug: “Are you okay? Did she hurt you?” He scanned your face for any sign of fear, instead he found you smiling. “What’s so funny?”
Reaching up, you press a kiss to his lips; “I love you too, idiot”
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Your first impression of him was rather negative. As a new pack member, you worked hard to fit in and impress your leader,, yet someone so high up like Hyungwon did nothing but sleep all the time. And if he wasn’t sleeping, he had this bitchy look on his face
It wasn’t until a neighbouring pack tried to start something, that you understood the real Hyungwon
A beta from the rival pack attacked you, both of you in wolf form, and your shoulder was badly injured
Hyungwon snapped that beta’s neck, nursing you back to health, and fussing over the others that were injured. He had a gentle, warm touch as he tended to your injury. And you even seen him sing one of the youngest to sleep, a 9 year old girl that lost her mother in the fight with the rival pack
Once better, you kind of just followed him around?? You wanted to repay him so you would fetch whatever herbs he wanted, or a rabbit if he was hungry, and for his birthday, you bought him the fluffiest pillows you could find
Hyungwon immediately fell for you
One evening, as the sun was setting, you returned to him with a basket of flowers he’d asked you to pick; “What are they for, Wonnie?”
“You’ll see,” he promised, arranging the flowers into a bouquet before handing them to you. “They’re for you. I wanted you to pick the prettiest flowers because my eyes don’t see beauty like yours do. That’s one of the reasons I love you.”
“That’s cute but be honest,, you made me pick them so you wouldn’t have to get out of bed, right??”
*avoiding the q* “So are you free tonight?”
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Either or aggressive or soft, so he can be unpredictable. This is made worse during the full moon or mating season
Usually, newbies to the pack are assigned to keep watch on him, mainly cause no one actually wants to deal with Jooheon when he’s mad or acting clingy and cute
As the newest member, you’re given this job
Only you don’t react like everyone else has
You humour his cute side, scratching behind his ear (just how he likes it) when he’s in wolf form, smiling at his aegyo, bringing him extra food when he’s hungry even tho the other wolves call him chubby but he’s not leave him alone
And you listen when he’s mad or frustrated, helping him control his aggression until after a few months, Jooheon learns how to be calm, even during a full moon
He grows to realize that his aggression was misunderstood sadness; he was lonely, wanting a companion to love him and maybe have a litter with
Although he realizes this, it takes him another long year before he actually confesses. He had been too afraid of loosing you or getting rejected. His pack hated seeing him hold back like that so they eventually pushed him to confess
“Do you, uh, wanna go running in our wolf forms?? I mean, like, not just running. But as a ... date??”
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Generally in control of himself,, although he hates humans, he never kills one unless they deserve it
Only looses control during mating season
Driven by lust, he breaks away from the pack, searching for someone to ease his carnal hunger
He stumbles upon an omega, you, wandering through the forest alone. You had smelled him coming from miles away, knowing what he was hunting for
You stayed,, wanting to feed your desire too
The morning after, he turns shy and soft. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so forceful last night.” Although he knows your bruises will heal quickly, that doesn’t make him feel any less bad
“That’s okay. I like a man who takes control. So do you wanna get breakfast or something?”
Tbh he didn’t know you, but the night before was pretty damn good so hell yeah, let’s get some f*cking eggs and bacon
“My treat,” he offers
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wasabi-duck · 8 years
soccer player jungkook
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okay so believe it or not this request has been sitting in my inbox forever and i need to do something before my feelings eat me alive so lemme go on about this au which you know is a fave of mine
the request never specified which sport so guess what i’m gonna pick
wow surprise, it’s soccer!!
you’re looking for some fun fun ways to get in shape right?? like all your friends go to the gym or whatever but that really isn’t your style okay so you’re like, maybe a young adult sports league would be wild,,, sign me up
a lot of the stuff isn’t very appealing like softball?? where’s the fun in that?? do you even do that much exercising??
i played softball so i can say that okay
and like that league is always dominated with old beer dads and you’re like no thanks,,,
most people younger, and like more your age, you realize, end up in the coed soccer league!!
which is wild, you can get down with that
even if you’ve never played soccer, you wonder how hard it can be
after all the flyers say this is supposed to be a casual league right?? so what’s the harm
you’ll get to meet new people right and exercise at least twice a week, probably more, so it’s worth a shot!!
none of your friends are willing to join the soccer league though,,, they rather stay boring and be at the gym
you decide to sign up regardless though because hey, what could it hurt to try??
you send in your application and money and whatever
you’re like time to brush up on my soccer skills
so you do what any normal person would do and you watch every single world cup, both mens and womens, so you can get a hang for the sport itself right? and also figure out some rad techniques to use when you’re actually on the field
after that you’re like man i should try to go out to the park and practice my baller skills
so you go to the local park and you’re like okay let’s start with the basics…
and you go for juggling and if you play soccer you know that’s not basic
if you don’t play soccer, juggling is wild and you use your feet and knees and legs and chest and whatever to keep the ball in the air and from touching the ground for as long as you can!!
you’re like wow i bet this will be easy!!
okay the problem is that this isn’t very easy
and you end up kicking the ball super hard and it soars across the park and you’re like! oh yikes!
and you hear someone curse and groan and you’re like Oh YiKeS
you race over to where you think you kicked the ball and there’s two dudes standing there and the one is in hysterics and the other one is rubbing the back of his head
the laughing one is really tiny and his hair is black and he’s pale and he’s dressed in a sweater that’s way too big for him
the other one is god?
no wait jk it’s jeongguk
you don’t know that yet though
he’s standing there, glaring at you, and he looks actually really offended??
cute though like he has war of hormone era hair because i’m writing this and i do what i want
you start to apologize profusely and you’re like unsure of what to do??
like should you hold him or should you get the ball or like idk what do people do in this situation??
“omg im so sorRY!! i was practicing for this league im joining right and-!!”
“wow, you a goalie or something?? kind of a good punt you got there.” and he’s smiling now and he doesn’t look very offended anymore and it’s really a nice look on him
“uh n-no, actually-”
the other guy speaks and he’s like “come on kook, we gotta get to hoseok’s place before he beats us up for coming to his preseason ritual occult sacrifice”
“party. the word you’re looking for is party, yoongi”
“same thing”
jeongguk nods at you though and he gives you this little wink, then tosses your ball back and you’re so flustered that you almost drop it tbh
“catch you later?” and he gives this cute wave then he's off!!
and you're like oMG how embarrassing!!
you don't really think much about him though! because he he's a random boy you almost gave a concussion, nothing intense like that
but then
then kids
you show up to the first night of practice for your team
you're kinda nervous because you don't know anyone and like wow sketchy because you're alone
you're carrying your water bottle and soccer ball
there's too many people there's probably twenty people and you're probably one of the youngest here??
and you're like yikes panic modE ACTIVATED
nobody even pays you any mind and you're like maybe i can slip away without anyone realizing i was even on the team to begin with
but then
“hey, you know nobody can hold the ball but the goalie right?”
you spin and low and behold, it's the boy you nearly wrecked with the soccer ball a few weeks ago!!
your face heats up because boy is in a tight shirt and some shorts and his hair is pushed back on his forehead by a hairband and you're!!!
he laughs and gives you this cute bunny smile and you're like wow i'm so glad i decided to sport for once
he sticks his hand out and you awkwardly drop your stuff to shake it and he’s all !!!
“i'm jeongguk! but you can call me kookie! that's what everyone here calls me. i'm the captain, nice to meet you again”
and you're like wth the captain you look like you're seven or something but then you look at those,,, toned muscles again,,, and you're like yah that makes perfect sense
he asks you your name and you tell him and you guys are about to talk more but then six more guys come running over and jeongguk is like !!!
you recognize the small tiny one from before
jeongguk is like “these are my best friends!!”
he points to the one with linebacker shoulders and the pretty face “that's jin, he plays defense but he prefers sitting on the sidelines and playing nurse when needed!”
he points to a tanned boy with narrow eyes and a boxy smile “this is taetae. he plays middie, with jimin…”
he points to a blind boy with chubby cheeks and an angelic smile and he waves at you!!
there's one boy with a really big smile and he's jumping excitedly and before jeongguk can talk he's all “i'm hoseok!! i play midfield too!’ i'm not very good but it's fun!!”
and the little angry one is like “hoseok stfu you're amazing okay.”
jeongguk rolls his eyes “that's yoongi. he plays defense too.”
then he points to another tanned boy with sharp features and big dimples and he's like “that's namjoon! he's on defense too, funny huh??”
and you're like wth where is the offense,,,
and jeongguk shrugs kinda “i'm the goalie”
because i feel like everyone would assume he's offense, like the star scorer right?? but nah jeongguk is a really humble kid and he's really someone i think who does a lot of work behind the scenes to make everything fun together smoothly
also flexible and agile and nimble because dancer can you see it because i can
they all ask you what you play and you're like uh whatever they need me to play i guess,,,
you're assuming it'll be offense or something but nah,,,
because guess what jeongguk already has the hots for you and he's like wow do we need someone else on defense i think we do,,,
anyway practice starts and as the night goes along you're like is jeongguk even real??
because he's running drills like a professional and he's also super sweet and kind to everyone and he always pushes everyone to work their hardest!! and he's always willing to offer helpful critique when he sees fit
but he's also super willing to let others critique him
tbh he starts practice with indian runs though
so basically everyone is in a line and you're running, and the person in the back runs to the front, and then that person yells next or whatever, and the new person in the back rubs to the front, and you just keep going
you're like running for what seems like years and you and yoongi keep whining about your very near death and tbh you're pretty sure seokjin is about to cry
but jeongguk is going strong and the sweat is dropping down the face but it's such a natural look for him? like he belongs out here on the field??  
you wanna rub it in your friends faces that you've met the most beautiful wonderful perfect human ever but you won't
oh btw jeongguk pushes everyone hard but he's always asking if anyone needs a water break and tbh seokjin does after every drill
but like even the older members of the team really respect and love him and it's so endearing you can tell that the team really functions like a family
you actually love going to practice every week because at first he's like once a week until we get into the swing of things!!
you really get close to jeongguk’s friends especially, especially especially yoongi and jin, they baby you tbh,,,
the three of you always get scolded for slacking but tbh jeongguk is too afraid of seokjin to yell at him much and he has such a soft spot for yoongi,,, and you,,, so you guys get away with goofing off a lot
one of the traditions every practice, is at the end of the night to finish off practice with a shoot off
so it's like y’all stand in a line and wait your turn, then stand at the penalty line and shoot on jeongguk
he promises anyone that can win against him some candy bars of their choice!!
nobody ever wins
the only one that ever gets close is yoongi because jeongguk is too busy cooing over him to pay much attention
ahaha no hoseok and taehyung plus some random people have some pretty good shots and jeongguk actually has to put up effort to block their shots??
you're not the first one to get out but you definitely don't make it to the final rounds
you usually end up sitting at the goal post with namjoon and jin, because the others are still in it to win it
one of these nights, namjoon is like,,, “i'm glad you're on this team. jeongguk, yah he's captain, but he never really personally interacts with anyone but us. he likes you.”
which isn't a lie
like you guys have a drill and jeongguk is like “whenever someone is on you, make sure you use your body to block them out. use your body to protect the ball.”
and he's like wow time to demonstrate this,,,,
hoseok shoves you forward and jeongguk gets so red and he just stares at you dumbly before he just kinda “you good sure it?”
and you're like haha sure how bad can it be
well kids lemme tell you
it's bad
like i remember playing and my ass was all up on someone as i was trying to shove them away with my rear?? i was good at it though because i'm extra aggressive tbh yikes like imagine yoongi and namjoon goofing off though
anyway jeongguk keeps the ball at his feet and he gives you this smirk like come and get it
you're like um !!
because like he's basically
and you're !!!
because muscles oh yIKES
you kinda go up to him and try to kick the ball out from between his legs but that doesn't work
you don't wanna get up on him though yikes
so you kinda try again and he rolls his eyes!!
he turns to face you but jimin kicks a ball at his feet and jeongguk trips and both of you go toppling down
can you tell i live for this cliche
everyone, even the older people, ooh and ahh and hoseok and jimin are holding each other and squealing
jeongguk stares at you with wide eyes and god the first time since you've met him, he looks nervous??
he quickly pushes away from you and you're like omG OMG OMG
ready to die
jeongguk calls a water break and everyone starts giggling like kids
he helps you up and he refuses to make eye contact and he just kinda looks down as you dust yourself off
he won't look at you for the rest of practice
yikes !!
okay but imagining picking out jerseys !!
it's wild because everyone has their lucky numbers (jeongguk’s is thirteen)
and everyone is squabbling over what they want and jeongguk grabs one and tosses it at you
your brows furrow in confusion and you kinda
you unfold it though and it's, believe it or not, number one
he kinda brushes by you and leans close for just enough time to whisper “because you're my number one”
and you are!!
you do end up playing defense, and you play sweeper, which is the defender closest to the goalie when you're playing a diamond defense
so basically you're the last line of defense before jeongguk and at first you're like shouldn't we put someone,,, good here??
and jeongguk gets all offended like are you questioning my judgment as coach do you want to run laps or something
but you guys have a really good dynamic!!
like he knows when to let you do your own thing but he also feels comfortable in asking you to either go and attack or let him get it
you two always chat when the ball is down at the other end of the field!!
probably flirt more than anything and the other defenders just gag especially namjoon and yoongi
okay but
your team is amazing?? like probably the best in the young adult league?? you guys are on the way to win the championship
which is wild for jeongguk because he's a super competitive person so he's like yes time to gO
worst part of the season because jeongguk thinks in order to win it's time to push yourself past your limits?? is like practice even practice anymore?? nah you just run for years on end
in games leading up to the tournament he gets a lot more controlling with plays and he's a little high strung during games??
okay but it's your last game before playoffs
and you're playing your rival team so everyone is already on edge!!
even you because jeongguk is so stressed he looks like he's about to pull out his hair and you just wanna kiss his face and make it better
but nah, you just chew your lip and stare and jimin and tae tease you for your crush
okay but this team
this team plays dirty
like tripping and pulling jerseys and shoving and it's always a mess when you play them
refs usually call things but today NOTHING is being called and jin is already nursing three minor wounds from the sidelines
okay heads up jeongguk's rival is on this team and it's this haughty butt cheek person who always tries to score on him and thinks they're the shit but really aren't and isn't actually as good a player as everyone builds them up to be anywAY
you're always saving the ball before it even gets to jeongguk and people are getting annoyed with that
really annoyed
second half has just started and you're going to block the ball when jeongguk’s rival comes up and rams you to the ground
you can't stop yourself from hitting the ground, hard
everything goes black and you feel like you're nonexistent for a few seconds and you can't tell if your eyes are opened or closed?? nothing makes sense and you can't make anything out at all
somewhere in the background you can hear cursing and yelling but you're just laying there, senseless
jeongguk loses it okay, downright loses it
his rival can trash him, and trash his team, and be a prideful can of anchovies, but they are not allowed to ever lay a hand on you
he runs up to the kid and he grabs the guy by the collar and he's like “man what the hell are you thinking?!”
and the kid just smirks and shrugs and jeongguk loses it and socks the kid in the nose
hell breaks lose
everyone is screaming and chasing each other around and jumping on each other's back
jeongguk hurries over to you and picks you up in his arms and he carries you over to jin who immediately starts to go through concussion protocol
you three sit there and watch as hoseok tackles someone to the floor and as tae starts a screaming contest with someone else
jeongguk is so so so worried he's asking jin if you're gonna make it and jin is like,,,, honey they're awake,,,
you laugh but then wince because yes your head does hurt, very badly
jeongguk hands you his water bottle and forces you to drink because it's supposed to help
he then lets you rest your head in his lap as the brawl continues
you guys get kicked out of the tournament
that's okay though
you guys have your own scrimmage to celebrate the end of the season
your head is better by then
the scrimmage is wild and jeongguk cheats by picking you up and carrying you off to the sidelines whenever you dribble and try to score on him
the night ends with the shoot off,,,
you and yoongi are the only two left believe it or not and yoongi misses on purpose,,,
competitive jeongguk won't lose no matter who it is though,,,
you poise yourself to shoot and jeongguk smirks and you're like wow lover boy!!!
you aim and fire but before he can block it, jimin and hoseok pull him off to the side so you do make the goal!!
and everyone is screaming and cheering because wow jeongguk has been defeated!!
he kinda stares at you in shock before running over and pulling you into his arms
“instead of candy how about i take you on a date huh?”
you laugh and nod “hershey kisses sound nice too though…”
his eyebrows shoot up and he kinda !! before leaning down and kissing your lips very softly
the end i love my son
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