#wannaone kpop
yerimese-caomei · 5 months
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' Was born to read, love, and to be loved ♡
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Kindly, love or reblog if you use <3
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mrshyungwon · 1 year
Back Again
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Featuring: fem reader x Kang Daniel (with. Allen Ma)
Genre: smut
Warnings: suggested lesbian sex, multiple boyfriends, abusive relationship, language (obviously), I don't really think that this needs to be age restricted because no one pays attention to those, unprotected sex (but seriously y'all, use your protection)
A/n: I'm a little rusty, so take it easy. Here we go
-You hadn't seen Daniel in two years. Ever since you broke up, you had ceased communication. The whole incident played again in your mind the day you saw a reel of him on Facebook.
Daniel had just gotten back from "work." Well, he had said he was at work, but when he got home, he was drunk. He didn't have to tell you. You could smell it from the kitchen.
Before he was able to go into the bedroom you had been sharing for three months, you walked into the living room and said, "Daniel, where have you been?"
Daniel shook his head and said, "At the studio. It's where I always am."
You knew he was lying. "Daniel, what are you saying? Daehwi called me and said that you had left but you didn't come here."
"Oh, so you're talking to Daehwi now? Wow, so much for three months. How many guys have you been with this year?"
"You turned eighteen eight months ago and you have had five different boyfriends in that time. I am the oldest boyfriend."
"What are you saying, Daniel? I'm not cheating."
"Oh, that's what you said to Kibum while you were fucking with me and he was working. You think I'm going to fucking believe that?"
Daniel turned away from you for a second and then turned back to say, "You are a lying, cheating, eighteen year old slut! You fuck guys for fun and you had two miscarriages with two different guys! I am so surprised you don't have millions of STDs!"
"Daniel!" You cried. "What is going on?!"
"I think you know what's going on. You are lying to me, you bitch! I know you are fucking another guy other than me. You are with someone else. It's written all over your body. All those hickeys are not from me."
"Yes, they are! We get drunk almost every night and you mark me up every night! You are drunk and you're acting like a bitch!"
Daniel went up to you and slapped you so hard, you fell and started bleeding from your face.
"Don't say that to me, y/n. If anyone is a bitch, it's you."
Daniel left the room and went into your bedroom before shutting and locking the door. You had been left on the floor, bleeding and crying. You reached for your phone and called Daehwi to pick you up.
Now, you were sitting on your couch, two years later, watching a reel of Daniel on your phone. He had grown his hair out and was dying it silver himself. He was also talking about how he hadn't had it dyed since two years ago, when his girlfriend left him. That was when he kept it black. You remembered that on the night if the incident, Daniel had orange and black hair.
You went to his profile and read his status. He was still making music, but WannaOne had broken up. His relationship status...two years single.
You didn't do anything, though. You had left Daniel to be away from him. After three months, he had hit you and lied to you. You couldn't be with that.
In the past two years, you had had two more boyfriends, and now you were living with the second one. Even though Allen was handsome and young and you had a good time with him, he wasn't like Daniel. Daniel was the man you had tried so many times to have a baby with. He had really wanted a child, but you figured that if he was going to slap you around, you could not have a baby with him. That was another reason you left him.
Instead of messing with his profile, you left it alone and left him alone.
Later, when Allen came home, he saw that something was wrong. He sat next to you and asked you, "What's wrong, babe?"
You looked at him and said, "Nothing. It's nothing."
Allen knew better, but he decided to leave you alone. Instead, he asked, "You want to go out for dinner?"
You nodded. "Yes, please."
After dinner, you and Allen came home and got ready for bed. Once in bed, Allen came up behind you and hugged you. He buried his face in your neck and said, "Good night, y/n."
"Good night, Allen," you said as you remembered how you and Daniel would do more than cuddle. You kind of missed those nights. It's not like you and Allen didn't have sex, but Allen was concerned with your health and wore a condom. Daniel never wore one, but you were on birth control the first month. Then Daniel found out you were on the pill and he made you stop taking it. He really wanted a baby and he was going to do anything to have one. He didn't like the fact that you had a miscarriage with Jackson's baby and Yeosang's baby. He had you tested to see if you were fine and you had come out healthy. You still didn't get it. Why weren't you having children? The doctor told you that you were too young to be pregnant.
Allen felt you flinch as he moved and said, "Y/n what is wrong?"
You wriggled free of Allen's grip and said, "I'm just really hot. I need to cool down."
You got up and walked to the kitchen. You sat on the counter and thought about all the times Daniel would ask you about your exes. Allen never asked you. It was like he wasn't interested.
The ex that Daniel really hated was Minghao. When he heard that he was your favorite, he made you almost forget Minghao completely.
Minghao wasn't your favorite anymore. Now, it was Daniel. You missed Daniel's teasing at night and his lovely voice whispering to you in the dark. He would talk about your future family and how perfect it would be. Now, you hadn't had a family at all.
The ex story that Daniel liked the most was the small lesbian thing you had with Minnie. He loved that you had been dating a woman who was older than you. He thought it was hot.
You started crying as you remembered all of your relationship with Daniel. Allen walked in and said, "Y/n, some thing is wrong. You need to tell me. I want to know."
That wasn't like Daniel at all. Daniel could basically read your mind. You told Allen, "I'm just...oh Allen. I can't do it anymore! I'm just not happy! I can't seem to get happy. It's impossible."
"Is this about me? Do you want to break up?"
You looked at Allen and said, "I don't know what I want. I am so confused and sad. I just need to clear my head."
"Y/n, if you want to break up, just tell. I'll do anything to make you happy."
You couldn't lie to Allen. You nodded and said, "Yes. I can't do it anymore. I feel so fake. I do love you, but I just feel all run out of love. Like I can't love."
Allen nodded and said, "I do love you, y/n, but if you think that this is the best thing to do right now, ok."
"Are you sure Allen?"
Allen nodded again. "I'm sure. If you're not happy, I'm not happy. I want you to be happy, y/n. If breaking up is going to help, then ok."
You were silent for a bit until Allen finally found out what was going on. "Is it an ex?"
You nodded. "Yes."
"You miss him?"
You sniffed and said, "Yes, I do."
Allen sighed and said, "Ok, umm...this is kind of awkward. But, if you do want to be with him again, you can. I'm not stopping you."
After looking Daniel up on almost every website, you found his address. He was living in an apartment in Seoul. A very nice apartment, in fact.
You had gotten ready to go see him. You didn't know if he was going to be home, but you decided to take a chance. You made sure not to dress very fancy, but you made sure to dress like you were doing well for yourself. You actually were. In the past two years, you had become a jewelry designer and a fashion model.
His apartment building wasn't that far away. Just almost in the middle of Seoul. You were living at the end of Seoul.
You drove to the building and by checking the website once again, you found out he lived near the top.
Sighing, you got out of the car and went inside. You stepped inside of the elevator and selected the floor he was on.
The elevator ride was around five minutes long, seeing that a bunch of people were coming in and getting off. Finally, you got to the floor you wanted and started to look for Daniel's apartment number. It wasn't very hard to find because Daniel lived on the top floor and on the top floor was a suite, so the only door on that floor was his.
You knocked on the door because you knew how Daniel hated to hear the doorbell. You were the only person he told that to.
You were worried that you had just walked in on him with a girl, but when he opened the door, he was wearing all of his clothes and his hair was the silver he had just dyed it. When he opened the door, all he could do was just stare at you. He looked at you up and down. He could not take his eyes off of you.
"Y/n..." He said.
"Can I come in?" You asked.
He licked his lips and said as he stepped back, "Sure...come on in."
You stepped into his apartment and took your coat off. You were going to hang it up, but decided to keep it on your arm. You didn't want to make yourself at home. You wanted to see if he was still the same as he was when you left him. Then you realized that you forgot to put your blush on. Sure, you were wearing foundation, but it didn't hide the scar on your face enough. You tried to hide it with your hair.
"Can I get you something to drink?"
"You don't by any chance have wine or anything?"
He shook his head. "I quit drinking."
"I'll have some water."
"Sparkling or regular?"
"So," Daniel said as he got the water for you. "How have you been?"
You shrugged. Then you saw that the earrings he was wearing were your brand. "I'm a jewelry designer."
He nodded. "Yeah, I saw you on TV. I guessed you were a model, too."
You nodded. "I am. I model for Gucci and Prada."
Daniel put his hands in his pockets. "You always did tell me you wanted to be a model. Now, look at you. You made your dream come true."
You smiled and said, "What about you? Seeing that you moved into a new apartment like this, leads me to guess that you're doing pretty well."
Daniel looked around. "I guess so."
He was still so handsome, you thought. His shoulders were broad and he was so thin. Not in an unhealthy way, but in a fit way. "I heard about WannaOne. I'm sorry you guys broke up."
Daniel shrugged. "We're all still in contact. We're all doing pretty well." Then he saw your face. He saw the scar through your foundation. "Is that from me?"
Fuck, you thought. You nodded. "Yeah." No matter what, you just could not lie to Daniel. It was impossible to lie to him.
Daniel looked at the floor and said, "I'm sorry about that. I don't know what got into me."
"You were drunk and you accused me of cheating on you."
"That's because you were talking to Daehwi so much."
"I wasn't cheating though. Why would I cheat on a person like you? I would have had to be insane. The reason I left you is because of what you did to me."
"I said I was sorry."
"Is that all you have to say is sorry?"
"What do you expect me to do? Go down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness?"
You couldn't believe it. You two were fighting again. "No, Daniel. I want you to..."
"-...Confess everything? Ok, I will. I want you back, y/n. I fucking want you to be mine again. I missed you so fucking much and I want you to come back. Just leave your old new life behind and please give me another chance."
You couldn't believe that either. He was asking for you back after all that he had done to you in five minutes. You were standing there, shaking your head, holding your coat. Your arm was starting to get sore.
Daniel saw that you were hesitant, so he got closer and said, "Put your coat down. It looks uncomfortable." When you didn't, he said, "You always were stubborn." He pushed you against the wall and pressed his lips against yours. After all those years, he still tasted the same and still kissed the same. Nothing changed.
His lips kept enveloping yours. His tongue tried to break through and it was only after a little bit that you let him in. He shoved his tongue in your mouth and touched your own. You groaned as he went deeper. He put his hands on your hips and your waist. He wrapped his arms around you and held you closer as he continued kissing you.
"Daniel," you tried to say once he went down your neck. "Daniel...please. We can't."
"Yes, yes we can," he said. "I want to. I missed you so much, y/n. There wasn't a night that I didn't hope that you would come over and just forgive me and we could just make love like we always did whenever we got into a fight."
"I was scared, Daniel."
Daniel sighed against your skin. "I am such an asshole. I can't believe I made you be scared of me. What a shitty boyfriend, huh?"
"No," you said as he started touching you again. "Not shitty. Just a bit of an asshole."
"Oh, y/n. Please...please come to bed with me. I want you back so fucking much."
"It's daylight, Daniel."
"Don't you remember we would do it in your parents bathroom whenever we would come over? And we did it in church during service. And in a restaurant bathroom. And then that one time when we did it at your sister's wedding."
"Ok, Daniel, God! You have to mention all of that?"
"Yes, I do. Just to make you remember how happy we were then. How we loved each other so much. How we wanted a family, but we couldn't have one. You were too young. I still want a family, but I never had another girlfriend. No girl could match you. Ever. You were the only one for me."
You looked into Daniel's eyes and saw that he was telling the truth. He wasn't changed in his mind or heart. He had stopped drinking and every day, would hope that you would come back to him. And you did. You wrapped your arms around him and said, "Ok, Daniel. Take me to bed."
Daniel took a deep breath and picked you up by your legs. He took you into his bedroom, which was totally roomy and beautiful. He still hadn't opened the curtains, which saved a lot of time for him. He laid you on the bed and hovered over you. He started kissing you again and touching you. You let out a noise once his hands touched your clothed breasts. He stopped making out with you and said, "What's wrong?"
You breathed deeply and said, "You always knew what to do to make me vulnerable."
He smiled and started touching your breasts again. You closed your eyes and moaned. You could feel him getting harder as he sat on you.
Then he started touching your hips and your covered pussy. You whimpered as he kept touching it. He was making you feel more vulnerable by the second. He would do this every time when you two were together.
Daniel took your leggings and panties off halfway. He saw that you were bare and clean. You skin was smooth and beautiful. He looked at you and said, "So, did you get that done or did the modeling agency pay for it?"
"It was for my job. I'm a swimsuit model, too."
Daniel smiled and continued to touch your bare pussy. You saw him take his belt off and throw it somewhere in the corner. He took his pants off and you really felt him on you through his boxers. His cock was so hard, just like it always was when you had sex. He unbuttoned your white blouse and unhooked the front of your bra. The moment he took his shirt off, you were reminded of the nights you two had years ago. He was still so hot for his age. Not that thirty was very old.
"Daniel," you said.
"Oh, God, I wish you could call me my pet names again. I miss them so much."
You put your hands on his back and said, "Daniel...all in good time. Not yet. We just got in bed."
Daniel sighed and said as he continued to touch you, "I missed you, y/n. I can't believe you came back to me. After all the shit I did to you, all the bullshit I said to you. You came back. Wait...how did you know I was here?"
You blushed and said, "I looked you up on White Pages."
He smiled and said, "I found your profile on Facebook. I wanted to friend you but then I saw your relationship status. You were dating Allen Ma?"
You nodded. "I broke up with him last week."
"How many boyfriends have you had since me?"
You groaned as he slipped his fingers inside of you. "Umm...two. Allen was my last."
"Who was the lucky guy before him?"
You blushed as you said, "Jake Sim."
"Wow. So in order, you had Taeyong, Jackson, Yeosang, Minghao, Minnie, Kibum, me, Jake, and Allen. All in three years."
"You still like the fact I was a lesbian for a time?"
Daniel laughed. "I think it was hot."
You groaned again as his fingers went deeper inside of you. You got even louder when he curled his fingers inside of you.
"So what would you and Minnie do?"
"Fuck," you said as he started pumping his fingers. "Umm, we would finger each other and...you know, eat each other out. It was a little weird, but it felt nice."
Daniel smiled. "Almost as nice as this?"
"Oh fuck no. You always did everything better. Everything was so much better."
"Would she wear a fake cock?"
You blushed. "Yes. Sometimes we would take turns."
"It didn't feel as good as I do, right?"
"I haven't felt you in a while. I want to though."
Daniel groaned and took his fingers out of you. He wiped them clean on the sheets and shoved his cock inside of you. You moaned so loud that he covered your mouth with his own. He started pumping and the bed started to shake. You were groaning under him as he fucked you. You almost screamed when he got deeper. It felt so good to have Daniel inside of you again.
"Call me daddy, baby."
"Oh, fuck. Daniel, I can't." You wanted to, though. You wanted him to breed you so much. When you said no, he started going faster until you finally screamed out, "Daddy! Oh God, Daddy, please. Please breed me, Daniel! Please breed me, Daddy. I want a family with you. I want you to be with me again. I love you, Daniel. I don't want to be a mommy to anyone else's children. I want to have your baby, Daniel."
Daniel groaned as he continued to make love to you. "Y/n, baby, I don't want to have a family with anyone else. You are the only one I want. I love you too, cookie."
You groaned after you heard your old pet name. No one else but Daniel called you that. He started calling you that after you two had found out you were in love. It was actually in the church you had sex in. You thought back at that moment with guilty pleasure. You two were in the church kitchen when he pushed you against the fridge and started taking your church clothes off. He thought you were a hypocrite for walking around in a church, like you were a saved innocent little girl. You had just finished fucking on the island before the pastor came in. Since then he had started calling you cookie. There was no reason. He just thought it was a naughty thing to say.
Now, here you two were two years later. In his bedroom, in his high rise apartment, in his king sized bed, and he was calling you cookie again.
Daniel was probably fucking you for a little over an hour when you cummed for the fourth time. That was the power Daniel had over you. He could make you cum just like that.
Now, he was working you differently. You could sense that he was close to cumming for the third time. He was ready to give you his seed. He released his cum inside of you and let it go in until he was sure he was finished. Then, he pulled himself out of you and said, "Cookie, that was amazing."
You were so weak, you could barely form a sentence.
Daniel got up and went into his bathroom. You could hear running water when he came back into the room. You had your eyes half closed when he picked you up ever so gently and carried you to the bathroom. He placed you in the tub of warm water and bubble bath. He started cleaning you off in the most gently way he could. He used the softest washcloth he owned to wash your body. Then, he drained the tub and filled it with new water to rinse you off.
Once you were clean, he wrapped you in the fluffiest towels you had ever felt and laid you in bed. Then, he went into the bathroom and took a shower. He dried himself off and put some clean clothes on. Then, he laid in bed with you and held you until you both fell asleep.
It was dark when you woke up. You were all dry and warm when you sat up. Then you felt Daniel's arm bring you back down to the bed.
"You are not getting up," he said. "You need rest."
All of the memories from when you woke up before came to mind. He would make you stay in bed while he made something in the kitchen. That's what he did. He was gone for about half an hour when he came back into the room and said, "I'm making soup. Let's get you dressed."
He went into his closet and pulled out some women's clothes. You looked at them and said, "I thought you said you didn't have anymore girlfriends."
"I didn't. These are yours from two years ago. You left them when you left me."
You remembered. Daniel had locked your bedroom door and you had left with Daehwi with the clothes on your back.
"I tried to call you about them, but you never answered."
"I had my number changed."
"You really hated me, didn't you?"
You shook your head as you sat up and tried to cover your breasts with the towel. "I didn't hate you. I was just scared that you would follow me."
Daniel set the clothes on the bed and sat next to you. "I fucking hate the idea that I made you scared of me. I hate it. I never wanted you scared. I just thought I was right and I lied to you about working longer hours. All I was doing was drinking."
You got up and started dressing yourself. The perfect curve of your waist made Daniel not want to take his eyes off of you.
You sat back down and said, "I know, Daniel. I didn't want to leave, but I knew that I needed to. Now I know that I need to be with you and you only."
Then Daniel leaned in close and pressed his lips against yours. Then you pushed him away and said, "Your soup."
Daniel got up quickly and went into the kitchen to check on his soup, which was boiling over.
The End 😚
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trashprincess097 · 1 year
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I made a Kang Daniel wallpaper for my phone ♡
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kpopulr · 4 months
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barkjunhee · 6 months
Hmm I'm hoping this is just going to be a 'few comebacks for funsies' vocal group and not a P101-style group...
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moonlight-yuyu · 10 months
Hi could I request a love mtl ship with Wannaone?
My sun and moon: Libra,
Mercury: Scoprio,
Mars and Juno: Sagittarius,
Venus: Virgo.
Rising: Taurus.
Thank you so much!!! Luv U <3
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Here you go love! ❤️
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gmchk · 11 months
動画/dTV/【2023/7/27配信】let me Know K-POP! #13 woo!ah!予告編【23/7/20】
23/7/20(木曜日)「dTV -映画、ドラマ、アニメならディーティービー-」の最新動画をお知らせします。 視聴はこちら リンク 初回配信から1週間無料でご視聴いただけます。 番組プレイリストはこちら(dヒッツ) リンク Z世代アイコン「woo!ah!」によるシンクロ無伴奏ダンスにテンションUP!マーラータンをかけた『let me Know ワールドカップカップ』開幕! ライブステージでは「Rollercoaster」「Danger」「LOVE THING」を披露。 配信期間:2023年7月27日 12:00~2030年7月26日 23:59 番組公式Twitterはこちら リンク チャンネル登録はこちら⇒ リンク wooah ウーアー kpop letmeknow SUPERJUNIOR fromis_9 fromis fromis9 wannaone 動画 YouTube動画
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musicalgrl · 2 years
My alternative fancasting especially if they want more comedy
Park Hyunsik -ZE:A (DOB: 11/16/91)
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Roles: Leader, Main Vocalist,
Byun Baekhyun -EXO (DOB: 5/6/92)
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Roles: Main Vocalist, Face of the Group, mood maker (if he wasn't in the military he would be one of my 1st choices for a comedic type plot line he's just so freaking funny)
Rowoon -SF9 (DOB: 8/7/96)
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Roles: Main Vocalist, Visual
Ong Seong Wu -Solo/ Former Wanna One (8/5/95)
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Roles: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Mood Maker (his casting actually wouldn't be that hard as like Eunwoo he's at Fantasio)
Kim Taehyung -BTS (DOB: 12/30/95)
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Roles: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Visual, Maknae
Moon Bin -Astro (DOB:1/26/98)
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Roles: Main Dancer, Dance Leader, Lead Vocalist
Han Jisung -Stray Kids (DOB: 9/14/00)
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Roles: Main Rapper, Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Producer, Maknae (I know he doesn't have acting experience but man he's one of the funniest people out there)
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we know dragona is a fan of dua lipa but what kind of music do the rest of y'all like? meryl mei qi too!
jodio says:
i love rap i love tyler the creator bbno$ kendrick lamar whoever got the best flow atm fr fr. i like listening to their songs w my peeps at mckinley but i never rap the full song bc i don't have the pass n i respect that rule. never rap the full song lyric unless you got the pass iykyk.
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paco says:
I. LOVE. PHONK. Phonk all the way. Nothing beats Phonk when Im at the gym getting my GAINS. Phonk is lyfe no CAP. Kordhell, Ghostplace Playa, so many more. All my personal records on the weights were made with PHONK blasting in my ears. If you dont listen to Phonk youre nothing but a beta who can NEVER be a SIGMA like me. The fuck is wrong with you????? ... Eurobeat is aight too but only bc Initial D was my comfort show dont judge me.
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usagi says:
i like kpop~~~~~~ my 1st group was shinee ㅎㅅㅎ im still a shawol to this dayyyyy i like other groups too, like bts 💜🫰🏼 got7 🐥7️⃣ gfriend 🤗 exo 🪐👁️ monsta x 👾 red velvet 🕯️✨ blackpink 🖤💗, wannaone🎤👑, twice 👽🧟‍♀️, the list goes on! i'm alwayyyys down to hear new groups like the ones ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ on competition shows~ i wish i was an idol 🥺 im currently OBSESSED with newjeans rn tehehe 🐰🐰🐰 their choreo goes HARDDD but its so fun to do~
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meryl mei says:
I like listening to all types of music. A lot of my students recommend me their favorite songs and I appreciate them for sharing new genres with me every time; such unique options thanks to modern technology! It helps me understand their interests. I recently got into Lo-fi. It's can be so relaxing and I tend to listen to it when I need to destress.
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masckarlach · 9 months
love assigning bg3 characters kpop songs. karlach is burn it up by wannaone and gale is love bomb by fromis
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jisungshotfirst · 9 months
Toku anon: I knew about them releasing an MV, but I still had to give the album a listen. So I did that, and before I knew it, it was on loop. So sorry if this is a bit of a late reply!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this Ruby's 2nd song so far? Because there's Colourful, which was wonderful, and now there's this song. And I feel like, despite both songs being different (so I can't pinpoint his unique style yet), they both still have a very Cravity sound to them. The songs just fit really well into the discography. I like it! I like the rhythm and the outer-space vibes of this song.
Also, you are so very right about this song's instrumental break. I feel like I am zooming across the galaxy, and it feels amazing.
Anyway, what are a few of your favourite instrumental breaks? Like, the types that, if they didn't exist, the song would feel like it's missing that special something?
No issue!! Ur not late at all. Hahah so happy to hear u enjoyed it! 🥺 the album is so lovely :( this is woobin's third song! You are just missing light the way which is a ballad song on master: piece ! It's a fan song he wrote about the image of light sticks in the crowd at concerts 🥹
You're very right! All his songs have been very different but fit the discog rly well! It's definitely because he writes them as cravity songs with all the members in mind! they've said before that ruby will barge into their rooms and ask them to sing a line to test with their voices 😭 but now he has a little studio in the company!! which means more and more ruby songs<333 vibration does give outer space vibes ur so right !! I've been rly excited for him to write a song in this style, I knew it was coming because flip the frame was his fav song on adrenaline album so I knew he would kill writing a dance track and he did !!! He ate. Vibration is my fav on the album it's sososo good and the instrumental break hits so hard!
Oooooh okay so veni vidi vici by vity has the most perfect instrumental guitar solo break!! It eats they killed it. And then omg the game by ptg .... like the song is fantastic, kpop rock opera?? Sign me tf up. BUT it would not hit even half as much without the edm instrumental break ..... like they r crazy for that ... and then on the opposite side fjdj the instrumental breaks on rv russian roulette and wannaone wanna be (my baby) ! They have the same style synths so I always associate them together 😭 but yeah ... those breaks r the best parts of the song they elevate it completely !! What are yours? I would love some listening suggestions !
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elaichoi · 11 months
the v v v first time i saw ur acct was when u had the yeonjun prive alliance layout ^3^ those reincarnation aus made me saur emo T^T
i luv that for u agghh<3 not that there's anything wrong w it,but i find it most satisfying when ppl get into kpop from kpop-genre songs rather than western-sounding kpop songs lol my first kpop artists were b2st (highlight) and t-ara hehe
mhm yea mayybbe! i know 100% why i don't post them and its cos i used to be consistent w posting on both kpop & personal socmed accts but mental health happens and i kinda stopped bc numbers make me want 2 cry lmfao
except im slightly less mentally ill since that time now and yk i actually genuinely do rlly want to start all my socmed accts up again but im putting it off bc im a bit of a perfectionist and so im lazy to be doing all dat... all of nothin :D don't call the orderly i'm fine ^_^ /lh
2019-21? ah probably not then i'm pretty sure i was in and out of the school roster (pls tell me if i am oversharing/trauma dumping/crossing any boundaries bc i genuinely do not know i no longer have any social skills T_T /gen /srs)
hm i'm not sure tbh i only followed the one 😭😭 i haven't been on wattpad in a long ass time and i remember i tried seeing what wattpad was like nowadays and was v disappointed w the ads and paid stuff (i think i don't remember). booooo 👎👎
omg wait that's so cool aaaaah!!! i changed my user a lot so i honestly could not tell u bc i have goldfish memory ;__; i do remember i had a user like taempons(_) i think it had an underscore idk don't remember but i changed it (kinda wish i saved it ngl) and oh one i do remember was peachyjihoons (my wannaone phase lmao) but yeah im pretty sure my most recent user was some based on some tumblr shit like svnshine or something idfk 💀💀
u are already a talented writer save some for the rest of us 👺 /j if u could also draw u would be too powerful 👁️👄👁️
omg THAT WAS MY FIRST LAYOUT TOO!! this account isn't that old tbh i still haven't gotten the feel of writing smuts as of yet that's why i havent been much active on it BUT WAIT REINCARNATION AU?!? from my main???
DUDE I LOVE B2ST!!!! and t-ara!!!!!!!! i really got into kpop slowly because i fell for kdrama at first (found replay in one of the kdrama edit lmao) so like my music journey has been very, very kpop ish. i think the global influence in most of kpop songs started to become mroe prominent during 2018?
bro i get you like the fear of starting the stuff you love because you feel like you won't be able to give it all and starting it and feeling it like you're gonna disappoint yourself. i hadn't started anything since like 2017 until recently because i was scared i was gonna stumble, or it won't be good ( well mostly that) or i won't be able to finish that. me and my bff still has this one project we started around like 2018 lmao we both still haven't finished it or picked it up bc we developed the idea sm and got so close to it that we fear writing it now.
not OVERSHARINH I WANNA KNOW!!! NO but like FR wattpad went through the biggest glow down IVE EVer seen like. it's legit LEGIT inhabitable. like at first you take away the newsfeed?!? like how am i gonna pine over other accounts now?!? and then everything became paid and shit like wtf is that?!
omg i wonder if I ever saw you on my explore page or tags bro fr this is so interesting my ig handle has always been one tbh it's @celestialsoo ( my intense love affair with kyungsoo era) like since the dawn of the day.
YOU LIE!!!!! i wish i could fr draw tho i want to draw my muses :///
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k-labels · 11 months
is writing for soloists also allowed/valid for the network or only for kpop group members? for example eric nam or hwang minhyun (ex wannaone and nu'est)??
hello! yes we accept writings for soloists as well :)
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weak-hero · 1 year
bc of one(1) random interview - i learned that:
 a) Park Ji hoon was in Produce 101 / WANNAONE
 b) he’s older than Choi Hyun Wook
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and now im back into kpop era lmaooooo
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gmchk · 11 months
動画/dTV/【2023/7/27配信】let me Know K-POP! #13 woo!ah!からのメッセージ【23/7/20】
23/7/20(木曜日)「dTV -映画、ドラマ、アニメならディーティービー-」の最新動画をお知らせします。 視聴はこちら リンク 初回配信から1週間無料でご視聴いただけます。 番組プレイリストはこちら(dヒッツ) リンク Z世代アイコン「woo!ah!」によるシンクロ無伴奏ダンスにテンションUP!マーラータンをかけた『let me Know ワールドカップカップ』開幕! ライブステージでは「Rollercoaster」「Danger」「LOVE THING」を披露。 配信期間:2023年7月27日 12:00~2030年7月26日 23:59 番組公式Twitterはこちら リンク チャンネル登録はこちら⇒ リンク wooah ウーアー kpop letmeknow SUPERJUNIOR fromis_9 fromis fromis9 wannaone 動画 YouTube動画
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kpoplockers · 6 years
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