#war cw
not-terezi-pyrope · 11 months
Oppenheimer gets a lot of shit these days for the whole "oh I created this city-destroying bomb but I feel so bad about how it was used" etc etc, and people clowning on him for that, but I wonder how a lot of people on this site who call it a black and white moral choice would react if they were in that same situation, which is to say if their country was at war against the Nazis, and where the big fear was iirc that they were also working on developing the bomb.
Like, okay, nuclear bombs are bad, obviously, but imagine you're some dude in the 40s, you are a scientist rather than a politician or military strategist, you have limited information but your country is in the middle of a catastrophic global war with a massive fascist alliance the like of which the world has never seen. The physics community has just solved the equations and realised that this weapon might be possible, and that it is powerful enough to change the course of warfare forever, and the scientists who had escaped evil fascist alliance are telling you "look, the scientists who discovered this was possible were German, the Nazis are probably working on this and they might be further ahead than we are".
So the government comes to you and says, "we need to try and develop this first, because if not then they will use it to wipe us all out." And you have no reason to believe that's not true, because the science did come from the area of the Evil Fascist Alliance, and your country, your community and friends and loved ones, are already engaged in fighting the catastrophic world-ending war and there have been no holds barred.
I don't know, a lot of people manifest pretty strong principles in hindsight looking at the actual circumstances of the bomb's use by the US military, but given the sort of uses of violence I see advocated here for fighting back against fascists over much lower stakes than "literally World War II" (not judging whether that is correct or not, just observing), I am fairly sure that a large chunk of the people making snarky jokes about Oppenheimer would have built the bomb and handed it over to the US on the spot, perhaps feeling misgivings at the time but feeling it is necessary, then only coming to feel truly bad about it after the fact, following, like... the exact trajectory that I believe Oppenheimer did.
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[id/ text saying "I have a dream…" with "of NO war" hand written next to it. Under the text is a drawing of a dove with music symbols around it's head. In the corner of the paper is a cartoony doodle of Crowley's bildad the shuite with a thumbs up saying "bildad approved/end ID]
war is bad (and @bil-daddy agrees)
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rederiswrites · 1 year
My son is fascinated with military history. At first, I was uncomfortable with this. An obsession with the glories of war is, after all, one of the great diseases of young men everywhere. But war is history, and far be it from me to ignore an interest in history. So we watched video after video, about wars, about soldiers, about weapons, about great battles and great tragedies. And eventually I realized that it was something entirely different he was grappling with.
He wasn't fascinated by the glow of victory. He was trying to understand the vast tragedy of it all. After every video about some experimental weapon, invariably there would be the series of "what if you were a soldier and you were the first person you knew to see a tank?" "What if you were in the trenches and suddenly a dart came out of the sky and killed the guy next to you?" "Imagine you were in the Napoleonic Wars and..." He always wanted to explore the inhumanity of it from eye level.
We're past the intense phase, but he still does the same. He keeps up with the war in Ukraine, and comes to me sometimes with (often unverified) dunks on Russia, but mostly with the horrible death tolls, the amount of vehicles destroyed, the waste of it all. We have good conversations about how war turns soldiers into monsters and also about how a lot of the Russian army is confused young men who really ought to be home flirting and drinking beer with their mates. Those things can be true at the same time.
So I don't worry about it any more. But it can be a real drain, some days, thinking about the horrible inhumanity and waste of it all like that. Today, as often, he's trying to understand how one man can be so blind and evil and not realize that he's the bad guy. How you can threaten to nuke people and still see yourself as the hero. I don't know, I tell him. We can talk about living in a bubble and cognitive distortion and context all day but we're not going to find a rational answer. I love you for trying, though.
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kulay-ng-banaag · 3 months
While I'm keen on doing comparative studies on a certain parallel period in ID-PH history, I fully intend to do so with the utmost gentle care and due respect. Even if I were to create a Historical Hetalia story set in that particular time, I refuse to be careless in handling it.
So imagine how disturbed I am because some Hetalians have the audacity to make IndoPhil ship jokes about being royally fucked by corruption and dictatorships. Frankly, Indonesians are not in the best state of mind rn, and even Filipinos are shaken by the disk horsing of political analogies.
I'm not against drawing IndoPhil where Piri comforts the other at all, but insinuating that Himaruya stopped drawing IndoPhil in canon because they're both "busy from twin elections" (twinning in results where the winners are the worst options) is like saying Himaruya stopped drawing Russia because he's busy doing war crimes.
Instead of considering that maybe Himaruya """doesn't draw certain characters anymore""" because he has nothing onhand at the moment that is NOT centered on certain world events that he knows better not to touch on. And even if he could do that, that would only further legitimize why (Axis Powers) Hetalia is righteously hated.
It's upsetting how there are Hetalia fans in 2024 who are still too comfortable with casually building headcanons from not just racist attacks, but also on abuses of power with reverberating consequences, both in real-time. People would rather cope with making jokes that are more patronizing than funny, instead of learning to sit with people through their grief and despair.
EDIT (02/17/24): I’m sorry but I gotta say it — y’all could have just said IndoPhil depressed af rn, but NO it had to be “indophil corruption soulmatecism” and 2p indophil the worst 2p iteration in real life. That’s like saying you ship GerIta because they both had fascist bosses.
We don't have to Hetaliafy every single thing that happens in order to make sense out of it, because sometimes Hetalia is just not the medium for that job.
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comic-art-showcase · 7 months
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Wonder Woman by Daniel Warren Johnson
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supernulperfection · 4 months
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Iran randomly bombing civilians in Iraq, Pakistan randomly bombing civilians in Iran, Jordan randomly bombing civilians in Syria, apparently no one in the region knows how to send a precision-guided munition of depleted uranium at 9 Smolenski Street, Rehavia, Jerusalem!
@friendshapedhole @collapsedsquid
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fancifulplaguerat · 1 year
Going through the Bachelor Route again and something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is Daniil’s relationship to the Capital; I like the idea of him being born and raised in the city firstly since I think he’d relish the gravitas of attending a big-city university and all the laurels that come with a fancy Capital lab, but also would enjoy the intellectual opportunities that cities offer—the chance to converse with academics from other countries/disciplines and exchange ideas. 
But also because I’m emotional about cities and how full of humanity they are and how that connects with Daniil, because I really do think that he truly cares about humanity and believes in it; that’s something that underlies his being a Utopian. Rather than an abstract desire for miracles like Eva or the Kains’ general fuckery, his motivations rest in curing humanity of its collective inevitable fate; he even describes himself as fighting inevitability, and given his resilience I imagine he’d also believe in humanity’s capacity to endure. It just gets to me in how he talks about the Utopian ending. In his own route he says that the Polyhedron “allows us hope of a possibility that some false-truths of our ill-fated epoch might be overthrown” and though I view Patho’s setting as anachronistic rather than factual history, such lines make me consider the context of war in the background. That is, when I first read that (in particular the ‘ill-fated epoch’ line) I was reminded of the sentiment surrounding the advent of total war, the feeling that the world was ending and that humanity was doomed to destroy itself, which also reminds me of Georgiy saying “If people keep saying we’re doomed, they might well bring about our extinction,” a self-fulfilling prophecy that Daniil seems to reject and even be defiant towards. In Clara’s route, when describing the Utopian ending, Daniil says that the winner will be “Mere humanity. Any kind of it—even malicious, and yet still a living one,” and that “malicious but living” sentiment echoes him telling Artemy that even if the Polyhedron causes evil “Does this mean, however, that we—all of us, the humanity, I mean—should abandon our attempts, efforts, and search?” which in context I take as referring to the attempt to continue going forward. Daniil sees the Polyhedron as the "sprout of humanity’s future” and Andrey/Peter consistently describe it as for people, for humanity, and I think that sentiment bleeds over into Daniil as well in the above lines. 
And I’m probably reading too much into when Daniil tells Clara that “We win and you lose here, you see?” but this is a Tumblr post about a plague simulator so that’s my right: I find it delicious if Daniil is saying “here humanity triumphs over nature” given that Clara can represent earth/natural law if she’s to be interpreted as the plague incarnate, i.e. and instrument of the Law (as Aglaya says). And the centre of Daniil’s doctrine is humanity triumphing over nature; as he says, “I am challenging the forces of nature” when he describes his research. 
He’s just. He’s just so. I feel that despite his capacity to be a downright prick Daniil does have fierce hope in humanity and insistence in its capacity to endure, even if he’s overzealous and unrealistic about what that endurance looks like which is why I’m just yes put that impassioned dandy in the big city so he can cavort with scholars and be in the whirl and rush of humanity !!!
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chelledoggo · 7 months
believe it or not:
opposing zionism and israel's government
opposing hamas and terrorism
and not being anti-semitic
are not mutually exclusive
weird, right?
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humanitysong · 7 months
small update.
without getting into too many details, my brother has been drafted back into the military & my sisters & the kids are safe-ish but usually in & out of bunkers. personally I am in some state of shock & barely feel anything so my activity may go from nothing to super active depending what my brain currently needs but pls don't take it personally if I don't respond fast on discord or sound weird.
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beeflibeef · 1 year
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I wanted to imagine how Fumus could be disgusted with his sadistic violence and I thought the only way for him to develop that way would be if he had been put in an environment that is so dark and violent to degrees that he would not be comfortable with.
Unlike the canon universe Fumus, this Fumus’s priority is slightly shifted. While canon Fumus only cares about torturing his creations, au Fumus can’t afford to torture his angels due to ptsd so he tries to prioritize being respected by them. Because of that, Fumus feels jealousy toward Satanick because he knows that Satanick’s subordinates love him more than Fumus’ angels like Fumus.
Fumus wants to be respected but he can’t be affectionate like Satanick. At the same time, he can’t take out his frustrations on his angels, so Fumus lives with a lot of internal struggle that he keeps to himself.
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little-desi-historian · 9 months
So, I’m researching the seven years war.
All I have to say is, God damn it! English, French, and all colonizers (extremely derogatory).
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Also, George Washington and Robert Rogers are here to!
I’m convinced you can’t research the American revolution without researching the seven years war first.
Just this once, in this sole instance, historical! Washington had a very small semblance of moral high ground, he was an aid to camp on the English side, but he didn’t want war, he did everything in his power to prevent the war. His superiors and the French still blamed him.
I’m still dragging all colonial powers equally, additionally, Jefferson and Washington aren’t safe from my disdain.
👏 Tallmadge 👏 only 👏 gets 👏 a 👏pass 👏 because 👏 by 👏 the 👏 regency 👏 era 👏he 👏 hated 👏 slavery and 👏 we 👏 fully 👏would’ve 👏lost 👏 the 👏 revolution 👏 were 👏 it 👏 not 👏for 👏 the 👏 culper 👏 ring 👏 and 👏French 👏 backing. 👏
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Tallmadge & slavery: not an exception, but in hindsight, better than most. (borrowed from @mollafer)
Above average, comparatively. Re: Benjamin Tallmadge the historical figure. (An opinion from @mollafer I generally agree with, and, but, cultural genocide and subjugation are still… well that).
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Slavery is still an atrocity and makes people chattel and enforces white supremacy, it was designed as such.
American revolution, an ever growing master list of reading, compiled by me (I’m willing to crowd source should anyone have recommendations!).
New Orleans: Whitney plantation. Slavery from the black experience.
White man’s law.
On historical fiction and representation.
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kulay-ng-banaag · 6 months
Filipino* Hetalians are bothered by how vocal people are to criticize the US state but not CN. We only wished for others to be as critical, because Filipino Hetalians have been criticizing the CN state for trespassing — no, literally violating international law that was settled years ago and ineffectively implemented after our former president elected to court the CN state in the name of anti-US imperialism. The coast guard of the CN state rammed the boats of our fisherfolk — one of the, if not the, poorest sectors of the Philippines. It doesn't matter who you are, if you are in their way, they won't hesitate. Why they do this has more to do with capitalism than racism per se (even while racism is ultimately rooted in capitalism).
We're critical because WE DON'T WANT IT TO ESCALATE INTO A CONFLICT THE LIKES OF PALESTINE RIGHT NOW. The White House is literally intervening because the CN state refuses to take accountability. We are forced to invoke a law that most of us did not even exist to protest before. It doesn't help that they have used the military bases they built here as a jumping point for other wars (one example with the keywords: Clark Air Base, Allen Lawrence Pope, 1958 PRRI/Permesta Rebellion). What happens is we end up holding some level of responsibility for something we as a people did not sign up for. Then, we have to pay reparations but our taxes literally get pocketed, so we only further suffer for the sins of capitalist pigs.
But since no children have died yet, I guess it doesn't matter? Our government is debating over the reimplementation of mandatory ROTC for university students. One student was killed years ago for exposing the hazing rituals that have been normalized in the ROTC system. This is the same ROTC that obliges us into military service when the state calls for our specific names, only this time everyone has to go through it, and therefore anyone can be called on. Of course, that is unlikely unless there is war. Now put that next to our West Philippine Sea issue and you see the dots connect.
You would have known that if you had just listened to Filipino Hetalians from the start, instead of scrambling for excuses and copy-pasting racist rhetoric as a clapback to defend your victim complexes.
Nobody asked for you to explain your trauma. Nobody asked because we're completely aware and SYMPATHIZE with that. That's not our problem. That was never our problem. Your trauma is not our oppression. The problem is a neighboring government refuses to acknowledge and intervene in the aggression of its own resources. Nobody said iT's yOuR fAuLt ThEy'Re DoInG tHiS, it's honestly worrisome how people hear things that were never uttered...
But what are we supposed to expect when you have informants everywhere to keep track of any form of disagreement so you're basically a panopticon over the fandom that nobody wanted in the first place? Do Filipino Hetalians have to go into detail now about how we here are under constant surveillance from the Philippine state because any form of vocal disagreement will get us red-tagged and possibly killed as retaliation for offending the egos of those in power?
You demand we respect your trauma while irrationally labeling someone else's trigger as racism? Did you actually believe that would contribute one step closer to a ceasefire? Be honest with yourselves and think it through realistically: Did you actually believe that your online, inflammatory retaliation will contribute a step towards a ceasefire?
The honest and realistic answer is NO, because you wasted energy that could have been put into organizing on the ground. You wouldn’t have to get snarky about how you spend time helping elsewhere because your lack of training in working with fellow organizers with mental health issues indicates your lack of experience. Your lack of experience indicates you have yet to touch real grass and organize beyond huddling your friends into online harassment campaigns.
You don’t get to sprinkle disclaimers of not harassing people while adding #hater tag. You literally gossiped about me in your circle. You cherry pick receipts in your favor. The worst part is I’m not the first person you’ve done this, and I doubt I will be the last one. You only visibly condemn public harassment in order to wash your hands clean of your private harassment.
And I’m not even white, yet you spit inflammatory statements about me as if I was a white racist. Between us, who’s the Westerner to the other?
This is not about racism from white supremacists anymore. This is elitism, and we Filipino Hetalians have too much of that already. It’s elitism because you constantly enforce your intellectual superiority over us like some evangelizing conqueror holding dominion over the poor, unenlightened savages. It’s elitism because being Asian by blood doesn’t change the fact that you’re entitled to privileges not so within the means of non-migrants. Note that I write “by blood” because tying identities to the state is conclusively dehumanizing. Does my being Filipino automatically make me anti-indigenous? Does someone being American by citizenship make them racist freaks, regardless if they are also black/indigenous/Asian/Pacific Islander?
We’re as upset over the racist-motivated attacks of Chinese people because of the racist framing of the CN state as the source of COVID-19. We’re as ashamed of the lingering sinophobia in SEA. At the same time, we here in SEA are in closer geographical proximity to the CN state puts us in a higher vulnerability to exposure to aggressions on a state level. You could have also learned of our genuine opinions if you had just asked. Instead, you assumed for us. We may both be Asians by blood, but what happened to the whole respecting our nuances because Asians aren’t a monolith? Please understand where the nuances lie.
Elitism is also satisfying your freedom to freely speak of your traumas while policing the traumas of other people not shared by you, because the conditions you have grown under have instilled a hostile and ableist perspective for mental health breaks in general. That is the fault of the normalization of capitalism that every one of us must live under. The good news is that it can be dismantled. The bad news is having a petty fight with someone you dislike because they explained why they disagreed with your fandom opinion on the internet is not going to leave a scratch on the foundation of capitalism we mutually want to destroy.
Lastly, elitism is also the combination of residing in Western countries — all the more in the core of all cores of imperialism today that is the United States of America — and having a significantly larger following, and therefore influence, on social media than most non-migrant SEAsians in the Hetalia fandom. You hold a privilege and leverage over other voices; I mean, just look at how much traction the racebending disk horse received. As far as I can speak for my commentary — though I wasn’t the only one — we only wish for acknowledgement of the nuances alongside the impossibility of total depoliticization of nation-state personifications.
You speak of fighting racism, yet you constantly patronize the people from the communities you demand more representation of. It should not be any harder to realize the unappreciated double standards than the history of racism against diaspora communities in white-majority countries. I hate that it happens. We hate that it happens. But the internet is not restricted to the Western experience alone. The internet is not occupied solely by Westerners. Sheesh, guys, I know the US is even colonizing the digital space but don't give them that validation lmao?
And at the end of the day, this bizarre drama was never about the Chinese identity or the anti-Asian racism or the genocide of Palestinians. It was about a neurodivergent SEAsian expressing that her sudden quiet presence on social media is because she needed to recover from an anxiety attack that was preventing her from functioning, which includes platforming her support for Palestinians and other obligations in her every day life with sincere intentions. Understand that you are enforcing an unwanted power dynamic every time you make everything about you, again and again and again and again.
Understand that in creating a false rumor in mocking someone's trigger, you are establishing that the Hetalia fandom is not a safe space for the neurodivergent.
Understand that in creating a false rumor in mocking someone's trigger, you are establishing that the neurodivergent are useless, and therefore have no right to participate, in the fight for the freedom of Palestine.
THE GOOD NEWS IS THIS: It can be unpacked. Here are some articles on the impact of frequent media exposure to extreme violence. Mental health wellness is as much a part of the peace process.
Media Exposure to Collective Trauma, Mental Health, and Functioning: Does It Matter What You See?
Witnessing images of extreme violence: a psychological study of journalists in the newsroom
Media’s role in broadcasting acute stress following the Boston Marathon bombings
You are free to email the authors to argue about why dedicating time for recovery is morally wrong and a privilege that can never be a right. Don't take it to me or to any other Filipino Hetalian anymore, take it to the specialists in the field. Argue against the foundations of their profession. Shake them to the core, for all we care. Tell them how you think their works supplement racism because you want so desperately to be right about your bad-faith reading. Understand that your stubborn inability to hold others in good faith for once is toxic and destructive.
EDIT (01/09/24): Here are abridged infographics of a webinar addressing mental health and systemic violence, and organized by an advocacy network that works with indigenous communities and environmentalists. To quote them: "mental health must be addressed with collective care that is inseparable from collective action in solidarity with the Palestinian people's national liberation movement." If that still does not humble you, then accept that there are Hetalians — not just the non-migrant Filipinos — who are actually uncomfortable with your constant aggression and you just don't know it because you don't listen when they choose to speak up about it.
Now that that’s all said, take the time to comprehend how our pains now stand as equals in magnitude with respect to our dignities as humans.
*Bluntly, me and my friends and mutuals in the Hetalia fandom who are all non-migrant Filipinos. I don’t want to assume for others not in my circle, but I am extremely tired of all the cop behavior over us. This is not Martial Law.
P.S. Stop using “mainlander” like a slur. Not even as a joke. Stop it before it blows into full-out racism.
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badmusejail · 1 year
What a pitiful sight the planet was.
Covered in an unnatural green smog; littered with craters and corpses; decay and destruction hanging in the air, a tragedy frozen in time; a world destroyed and abandoned.
Worst yet were how the majority of corpses appeared to have once been human--an emphasis on once as they lay contorted in agony; mutations sprouting from every inch of their being. Scales, feathers, fur; a mismatched hodgepodge of biological horror; misplaced limbs, broken bones, flesh contorted, stretched, and bloated into grotesque mimicries of bygones.
Biological warfare at its worst.
And yet, despite it all, still the glimmer of life beneath that dismal fate--the faint shine of hope in the darkest of hours.
A creature, walking in a manner akin to a digitigrade animal, switching between two legs and all four as needed to traverse the terrain and obstacles about, approached, perching upon the remains of a wrecked vehicle and staring.
Really--not much better than the poor creatures laying about, except this one had the luxury of living. Rocky dark blue scales covered the majority of its humanoid body, including a long tail that tapered off into a broken point. An unrelated streak of white fur traversed the right side of its body, starting at the shoulder and wrapping around the waist. Its face was mostly normal save for the glowing of red eyes and two large fangs sticking out. Shaggy black hair topped its head, and a singular canine ear emerged on the left side, pressed flat against its head. Claws dug into the surface of the car, metal straining under the pressure.
Along with the creature came a wave of telepathy--of a kind not intended to hurt, but also uncontrolled--a subconscious projection of the being's feelings and thoughts.
Despair. Fury. Agony.
His name is Giovanni.
Why are you here?
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supernulperfection · 4 months
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that's funny
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blackcur-rants · 1 month
If any of my Jewish and/or Muslim and/or Palestinian mutuals want or need comfort or support in these trying times, I’m still here. And I’m happy to help.
Well get through this together.
@dachi-chan25 @disregardcanon @cynicalclassicist @carcosa-commune @beyondmistland
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conduitandconjurer · 4 months
Since you weren't particularly interested in taking revenge on Hazel and his partner for your torture or Patch's murder and even advised Diego to not follow down that path, I am curious on what your views are on forgiveness and revenge? We can also bring Dave into the equation - if he too was a victim of some time travelling assassins, would that change your view?
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"Wow.....I mean, listen, man...."
Klaus rubs weary eyes with a chipped-nailed finger. There's that extra tremor in his voice. He looks to the horizon as though there's a pearl of wisdom levitating there, somewhere.
"I don't...really know? Why my interesting brain never goes straight," and he squints an eye and clicks his tongue, pantomiming a dart throw, "to chasin' people around with a chainsaw or poisoning their dog or whatever, but it's just...so much pointless energy."
Klaus hesitates, as though to weigh and measure whether further explanation is worth a similar risk.
"I see a lot of death and ....I dunno, unfullfilment? Incompleteness. Death isn't the end fer me, never has been. I don't get that kind of boundary. I have...to step between one room n the other, and killing someone who put me through hell isn't gonna give me any closure."
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He doesn't volunteer it, but it's known to anyone who's watched Reginald's original seven wife-reviving machine-cogs: Klaus has never excelled at violence. Those outside of his family have deemed him the "weak link" for it countless times, but it boasts a gentle spirit hidden somewhere in the muck of anesthetizing addiction and avoidance. On missions, Klaus had one of three tasks: cheerlead from the sides, help Ben focus his highly violent parasites, or tattle on relevant ghosts in the vicinity.
This was before the days of indefinite resuscitations. Before Klaus could pull people inside and outside the realm beyond, before he could exorcise as easily as he could conjure. People never think about all the things he can do now. Radiant, unsnuffable, terrifying things. Things that flirt with omnipotence.
People don't thank their respective benevolent deities enough: that Klaus is playful and passive and curious and kind. They just see the skinny airhead who fails to take incentive.
But there's a flash of irritation here, the briefest glint of oil caught fire.
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"Dude.....Someone did kill Dave in front of me."
Oh, lovely sensation. Like dumping razor blades down his throat.
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"It made more sense t'me to stay with him til it was over, than to go after some rando Vietnamese soldier who was just firing bullets cause at that point he didn't remember how to do anything else."
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