#warcraft headcanons
venomhound · 17 days
World of Warcraft - Wrathion Crush Headcanons
I actually have this GIANT document written up all about Wrathion; how he gets crushes, how he courts, and so on. I wrote it like a couple years ago. I guess Ill break it up into a couple posts and throw it on here since I'm actually posting my brainrot now lol. Maybe someone will get enjoyment out of it.
WARNING: Old writing. Not beta read we die like men ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
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Wrathion is very ‘classically’ romantic. When he thinks about romance and courting, he thinks about it in a very stereotypical Victorian-esque way. With the man being a gentleman, giving flowers, writing love letters, and being the one to put their heart on the line while the woman blushes and giggles.
Honestly its probably due to a bunch of romance books he has read.
Don't get me wrong, I used the word classical and not traditional for a reason. Wrathion is not the type to think in firm gender roles or anything. He just very much is of the mindset that if you are interested in someone, you show respect to that person and you express your interest. None of this pining, subtle flirting, or love game nonsense.
Wrathion absolutely despises people who don't do anything about crushes (without a good reason of course. Like, if the person is married, nothing you can do) and/or just sit and pine. Its one of his pet peeves.
I totally see Wrathion getting SO ANNOYED with Anduin if he came to him with love problems. Anduin would try to vent to him about his feelings and signals he is getting from his crush. Meanwhile Wrathion doesn't give a fuck about 'proper courting protocol' or any of that nonsense and is like JUST DO SOMETHING ALREADY.
Anyway, Wrathion is just a very big gentleman overall and surprisingly chivalrous. The easiest way to get on his bad side is harassing, disrespecting, and/or abusing a woman.
Wrathion would probably fall into the demi-romantic category. I can never imagine him experiencing love at first sight, or even falling for someone soon after meeting them.
Wrathion is more the type to become great friends with someone then have a love realization hit him like a freight train. He falls in love like falling asleep; very slowly, then all at once. It just punches him in the face before he can tell whats going on.
One of the first signs of Wrathion’s feelings are his stares. At first they'll be very studious looks, like your a riddle he cant figure out.
He wont hide these looks either. You'll easily catch him (and lock eyes if your brave enough).
However, when Wrathion’s feelings shift, the inquisitive looks he gave you quickly turn into loving gazes. His once sharp eyes now soft and full of admiration.
Dragons have a very strong instinct to protect and lavish their partner with gifts. These will be the other main tells that his feelings are changing way before either of you catches onto it.
Wrathion will check in whenever he can, and ask how your doing and feeling. He may be busy but Wrathion somehow always finds time to check in on you.
Because Wrathion himself has sleeping issues, he has this almost sixth sense for when you haven't slept or are exhausted. If you refuse to rest, Wrathion will try to help you with your workload as much as he can.
Wrathion catches on quick to what your needs are; if you have a tendency to forget to eat or drink, he will gently remind you. If you have a tendency to overwork yourself, Wrathion will try and push you to take a break.
Of course these examples are when he is first catching feelings. Once you two are a thing, Wrathion becomes much more pushy and insistent. Sleep deprived? Wrathion is pulling you to bed in his arms and taking a nap with you. Haven't eaten? Your getting something made for you right away, don't even worry about coming down, he will bring it to you! Overworking yourself? Hard to work when you have a guy kissing you all over and begging you to come relax. If that doesn't work, Wrathion will just straight up lay in your lap like a cat.
You'll also notice him being very physically protective as well. Although admittedly, at first it'll be difficult to discern what is actual protectiveness and what is just him being a gentleman.
He does the usual things you'd expect of someone of his rank. he will make sure you have safe passage and escort you himself if need be. He will also guide you with his hand to your back in crowded room.
However, he quickly starts upping himself when he starts getting feelings. Instead of asking if you need an escort, he will insist that he escort you himself. Instead of only guiding you through crowds or when things get dicey, Wrathion preemptively offers his arm to you to hold onto. If he does end up having to put his arm around you, you'll also notice that instead of it being the super gentle, almost guiding graze his hand had before; his hand is now firmly, protectively placed upon you.
As for the gifts. Oh dear. This is a deeply embedded dragon instinct that I think would cue alot of people into Wrathion’s feelings wayyy before he figures it out himself.
It starts innocent enough, you were complaining about not having enough of [X], one of your old pieces of armor started hurting you, or maybe a weapon broke. Well whatever it was, Wrathion took it upon himself to fix it. Has to make sure your in tip top shape, right?
Then you eyeball something at the market for a little too long, you mention a book you've been wanting, or this really cool sword you like. Before you know it, its suddenly in your possession.
Wrathion then just starts to get you things that he thinks you'd like or remind him of you. It deteriorates so quickly that he always seems to have something for you.
Wrathion is all excuses. Oh its just a reward for being a good friend! Oh he just saw how worn out you were lately and thought you needed something to cheer you up! Its an early birthday present! And this one too. This one is a late birthday present.
For a trained rogue, its actually kinda pathetic how he cannot come up with a good deflection as to why he is giving you all this stuff to save his life. But thats mostly because he doesn't even know why he is doing it himself to be honest.
(I literally imagine the gift instinct to be SO STRONG that Wrathion could be like ‘okay, no gifts, no more nothing’ then literally end up giving you the stupidest shit like an actual rock because it was pretty. He cant help it. Its in his GENES. HE MUST GIFT YOU)
Once you two are an actual thing the sporadic and, honestly, quite chaotic gifting he was doing before is no more. But thats only because it has been replaced with him absolutely spoiling you. The chaos energy he had before is now being put to good use.
One of his favorite activities is dressing you up. As weird as it sounds, he loves having you try on a ton of different outfits and model them for him.
(If it was a modern AU, Wrathion is the type of guy I could see spending hours at the mall with you and being absolutely giddy about it.)
AN: Alright, thats the first section. Ill post more later when I can be bothered to actually format it
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wolf-of-stormwind · 1 year
Oh! Also, “The Great Lion” that I mentioned in my last post has like 0 lore behind it, but my hc is to kinda explain why theres so much lion stuff with Stormwind and the humans, but basically that early on in humans existence a lion wild god noticed them and became their protector. They began to revere him, and eventually he had sacrificed himself for them. Ever since they revere his memory, such as using a lion for the symbol of Stormwind and many other things
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rivkael · 2 years
this is for all / whoever you want to answer for :)
what makes them feel most at home?
Rivkael Bladesong, demon hunter
- warmth. warm blankets and warm bodies all around.
- sleepiness. being sleepy means safety, which means home.
- the smell of the Twisting Nether. nothing's quite as homey as the fel hammer.
- the snuffling sound of animals sleeping.
Melkoras Bladesong, death knight and frost mage
- a warm body curled around theirs.
- the quiet but not silence of a forest.
- the taste of mana in the air.
- the sound of pages being turned.
- a heavy weighted blanket
Ellenius, green dragon whelp
- tight, comfortable corners
- groups of children, including him
- hot chocolate and stuffed toys
- moonlight
happy to do this for any ocs! i also answer questions as a channel point reward on my twitch streams, under the same username ✨
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mcrtalstrike · 4 months
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Vol'jins mama
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aethismantis · 2 months
Blue dragon as a Fal`Dorei
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Do you still remember the Blue Dragon questline from Dragonflight? I SURE DO. I had SUCH an urge to create a Blue Dragon OC after it. I haven't named her yet (I always struggle with naming), but I love her nonetheless. Her mortal form is a Nightborne and a FAL'DOREI SILKWITCH. As a scientist, she chose to study the Fal'dorei in their catacombs, living alongside them, studying their culture, psychology, and habitat. One problem is that this research caused her to go somewhat insane. I have a headcanon (contrary to the canon we got in Dragonflight) that dragons can choose how they appear in their mortal forms, but this is deeply influenced by their worldview and sanity. By worldview, I mean the stereotypes they develop based on their interactions with mortal species. Dragons, being a completely different species, would only have a theoretical understanding of mortal psychology. Sanity is more complicated, and I'll explain using Her as an example. At first, she chose the nerdiest Nightborne look, even among nerds. By "choosing" her appearance I mean, that she was expressing her idea of how a Nightborne scientist should look. But as she delved deeper into her research, her appearance started to change. By becoming a Silkwitch and learning about the Fal'dorei from their perspective, her view of the Nightborne also changed. To others, she might seem insane, but to her, it was a natural development in her quest to truly understand how this species works, how they act, and how to assimilate with them. She was unbearable in the early days. Now, as the Blue Dragonflight is reuniting, she is even more insufferable to communicate with.
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celassa · 21 days
Mooncloth robes, a headcanon
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To be a Priestess of Elune is not only dedicate ones entire self to the Goddess but to also strive to serve their people in the various capacities of which that is necessary. Ranging from humanitarian efforts, spiritual guidance or a source of strength during eras of strife. Every aspect of a Mooncloth is able to be utilized by a Priestess in one way or another to amplify their Divine-given capabilities.
The bulk of the garb is able to be turned into makeshift bandages that can cleanse impurities and/or corruption from wounds. Also if placed over a wound, a Priestess who may find her inner well of magic waning, can magnify their healing magic through the mooncloth fabrics.
Tailors tell that the first recipe for Mooncloth was scribed by Elune herself - Heroes of Azeroth
Is most often used for the decorative ornamental workings atop the mooncloth. Elunite is a fine metal that is considerably harmful to Demons and the Undead. It causes harm to these currptive types by mere touch alone. Often Elunite is crafted into weapons for its innate effects against the undead and fel-fused beings.
Elunite ore is incredibly fine and is believed to be blessed by the Mother Moon herself. -The Shade of Elura
In relation to Mooncloth robes, moonstones are most often use to adorn the more decorative Mooncloth robes. Moonstones themselves can be left as offerings for the deceased or at shrines for Elune. Additionally, a Priestess may channel her divine magics through the Moonstone. The stone acting as a conduit of sorts.
A Moonstone is an artifact that is able to causes an eclipse that blocks out the sun and creates an artificial night. -Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
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The Kaldorei have a deep connection to the land. They view themselves as much as part of the cycle of nature as the flora and fauna. Priestesses are no exception to this and some may even draw upon the region where they took their priesthood training or their homeland to decorate their Mooncloth Robe.
Priestesses who took host in the snow capped landscape of eternal winter may have Mooncloth Robes that are very decorated with moonstones and Elunite. As if to mimic the regions hoar frost (the sparkles on the snow) or the icicles that dangle from every tree branch. Theirs may also be adorned with feathers to commemorate the regions local Moontouched Owlbeast population. Or fur to line their garbs from a good game.
With the expansive shoreline and near constant overcast, Priestesses from Darkshore may decorate their Mooncloth Robes and decorative adornments with shells. Some even decorate the bodice of their garb with sewn in shells that mimic beadwork. Pearls are also sought after. In some cases a Priestesses may spend years collecting pearls of varying color to mimic the phases of the Moon.
Within the heavy overhang of canopy are various types of flora. Priestesses who trained here or were raised in Ashenvale may decorate their Mooncloth Robes with Spider's Silk from the webs spun by Wildthorn Venomspitter's. The embroidery may also be decorative in the shape of leaves or local flowers. Often a Priestess may embroider their sleeves with imagery akin to the Purple Lotus which is native only to Kalimdor.
With the station of the Sentinel Army residing in Feathermoon Stronghold, Priestesses from the area of Feralas may wear more practical garb. Often forgoing the lengthy sleeves and skirts and wearing a set out trousers with an off hanging Mooncloth skirt. Elunite decorum is also more common here. Including but not limited to pieces that have been crafted to be used as weapons just as they are meant to be worn.
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It is not uncommon for a Priestess to wear pieces of jewelry with the intention to always have an offering to Elune on hand. or to leave at a shrine or burial stone of the deceased. A Priestess may also gift an accessory to one whom is enduring a time of strife or unease, intending for them to wear the blessed accessory themselves for good fortune or respite.
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One does not simply obtain a Mooncloth Robe. A Mooncloth Robe is made specifically for the Priestess who is going to wear it. Once they have completed their trainings within the Sisterhood and are nearing their graduation into Priesthood, a student will begin the necessary preparations to create their own Mooncloth Robe which signifies their station in Kaldorei society as a Priestess.
Mooncloth can be taken from the robes of fallen Priestesses' and repurposed. It's not uncommon for a Priestess to take the Mooncloth from an aunt, mother or sister's robes and refashion them for herself if they themselves have fallen in Battle. To carry on the legacy of their relative or loved one by their endeavors.
Felcloth can be purified by ritualistic ceremony and subsequently makes Mooncloth. This is most common as the ceremony demands that the Priestess collect Felcloth which is adorned by those of Demonic Influence, or demons themselves. The soon-to-be Priestess would set out, either alone or with fellow students, and clear out an infestation of demons. They would then collect the Felcloth necessary for their purification ritual and return to their respective Temple.
Now more than ever the repurpose of Mooncloth is popularized since the fall of the Legion. Some robes are the result of several repurposed Mooncloth Robes.
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This headcanon is a culmination of varying ideas spanning over the course of years. This headcanon did not start with me and certainly it won't end with me.
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druidonity2 · 1 year
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My last two brain cells being investigated for identity theft and corruption.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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New Love: ... Orc Romance...
As we all know, this is a judgement free zone...and I wanted to introduce to you this new audio series that I found on Youtube. It's called, 'Orc Boyfriend Roleplay,' by Samawry the Bard. It's a whole ass series and I absolutely love it. And now I'm going to write for the series! Just as I do for any tv show or movie. However, the character is Samawry the Bard's and I do not claim to have anything to do with any of the characters or storylines!
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transient-host · 2 months
Thoras'bindel: The Rite of Clear Mind
A mind assailed by troubles is as threatened as a body assailed by blades. Submerge thyself in bless'd waters, cast off thy burdens, and emerge renewed.
The waters of a moonwell are known to have healing properties for body and mind alike [1]. Thoras'bindel focuses on the latter, aiming to ease a troubled mind by encouraging a state of meditation and calm introspection. The rite is traditionally overseen by a priestess, with a small number of participants.
The rite begins with the lighting of the incense, the first step of four. The incense itself is made of purple lotus and mageroyal, both plants native to the regions surrounding Ashenvale. A total of eight of these incense sticks — representing each distinct phase of the moon — are placed equidistantly upon the periphery of the moonwell. Each stick is lit in a clockwise fashion, ideally with moonfire.
With the soothing incense filling the air, the participants can proceed to the second step. A simple green tea is prepared, and served in plain cups of ashwood. Before drinking the tea, all participants crush a single silverleaf in their hands, so that they may breathe in its calming aroma [2]. The remaining powder of the leaf is thus sprinkled onto the tea, which the participants then drink in unison.
Once the tea has been imbibed, each participant is encouraged to say a prayer. Each prayer is personal, and thus uttered in silence. It is commonplace to beseech Elune for clarity, guidance, and for the diminishing of one's worries.
At last, the fourth and final step of Thoras'bindel can commence. Each participant steps into the moonwell proper, and lowers themselves into the water. The participants breathe deeply, and thus float upon the surface. With the water in their ears, their eyes shut, and breath ing in only the scent of the incense, all other sensations of the world around them will seem a distant thing. It is at this step that they reach the height of calmness and introspection, with naught but themselves to occupy their senses. In rites with only a single participant, the overseeing priestess may kneel beside them, to keep their head above water.
The rite ends when the participants breathe out, symbolically shedding their burdens. This can only happen when the individual feels prepared for it - and in some cases, the sensory deprivation of the final step may continue for up towards an hour. In releasing their breath, they shall be submerged fully in the sacred waters. This cleansing without symbolises the cleansing within, fulfilled when the participant steps out from the moonwell, with a lighter spirit and an easier mind.
Citations and inspirations
[1]: Elegy by Christie Golden, p. 6. [2]: Elegy by Christie Golden, p. 15. Darnassian phrasing based on the Darnassian Dictionary Project.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Multifandom characters with clingy s/o
Micheal Myers from Halloween
Men will litteraly stab you 29 times please do not touch him! He has to be the one who starts any phisical activities cuz he will get stressed otherwise
Be patient! He never really was in relationship He doesnt know how to feel and how to react
To be fair only physical contact He had wasn't probably nice and kind so it will take long time for him to warm up
Illidan Stormrage from WarCraft3
PLEase do! It full fills him with happiness!This guy just wants somone positive attention and pure love
He needs this comfort he is even more touch starved than I am! He just wants love really
Yeah he is a criminal, so what? He wants cuddles too! And please hold his hand hes so happy:D
Also after his whole demon emo phase please complement his new look cuz he might be a bit insecure
Brahms Heelshire from The Boy 2016
He is the most clingy boy you gonna ever meet
Please do
When he finds out that s/n like hugs as much as he does, s/n is never going to get rid of him. He always puts his hand in hers(or his idc) hands or hugs from behind when s/o does chores
Yes he is horny 24/7 BUT he treats this hugs a bit difrent than just 'invitation' for some activities but as actual way to show that he cares and loves her without all sexy stuff. Slow weekends with lazy breakfast in bed and cuddling till 1pm is his perfect day
Arthas from WarCraft3
His first instinct is 'wha- did something happen? Let me protect' but then he remembers hes edgy and epic and he cant show emotions cuz hes so so spooky.
Yes yes s/o you will get your hugs but privite chambers okay? He has demons to kill he cant afford risking your life because you wanted to cuddle
But please don't let this act fool you, he really does care, in his own Arthas way... even if it seems cold he kinda lost his soul and emotions few years ago so yeah have fun dealing with that
Eddie Glueskin from Outlast
Consensual touch??? 🤨 is that a trap?? He never, idk he never felt this type of positive touch
Oh please teach him your ways, how are you so comforting, so kind, so warm so so you!
He already plans wedding and everything! Oh you are just too perfect!
Billy Lenz from og Black Chrismas
He will bark at anyone in 10meter radius from you! Once you give him any hugs he will get addicted!
He will just walk behind you like stray puppy :( please dont ignore him he wants affection
Then he finds out about hand holding! Now he can fallow you like stray puppy while holding your hand and fidget with it! He might bite tho
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ronqueesha · 4 months
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I can't find this through searching my tumblr, so once again here's one of my absolute favorite pictures of my wow oc, Dairon Garrick. Done by my friend @astarmaux.
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ashtarels-archives · 11 months
Cathedral of Eternal Night: Lost Sanctum of the Sisterhood of Elune
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Cathedral of Eternal Night, perhaps called "Azshal'adora" in Darnassian.
These were the uppermost chambers of the Temple of Elune, now known as the Tomb of Sargeras. The corrupting emerald fires of fel magic slowly creep through the entrance of these once hallowed halls, but remnants of the Sisterhood's formery glory still endure further into the Cathedral.
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Hall of the Moon:
When traversing the dungeon, there are rooms to the side of the main path that may be opened and fully explored. These circular spaces contain what could be old moonwells, outlined with pillows and embraced by floating flowers overhead. These were likely places of meditation or communion with Elune, but I could also imagine these pools being used for healing, cleansing, scrying, stargazing, etc.
Perhaps a coincidence, but when inspected closer, these flowers have eight main petals; similar to how there are eight notable phases of the moon. (I wonder if eight is considered a lucky or holy number in Kaldorei society?)
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Windows of stained glass adorn the walls and the ceilings here, filigree and diamond-shaped motifs (like the Tears of Elune) being repeated in the lower levels of the temple as well. Despite this being an indoor place of worship, it's clear that keeping moonlight visible/sensed was important in the Cathedral. In some rooms, it appears that the moonlight from outside shines directly into the pools, perhaps imbuing them with lunar blessings. This could have also just been a way for priests of Elune to feel closer to Her even when inside.
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Countless scrolls and bookshelves can be found in all rooms, many of them housing a plethora of desks. Eerily, some still have an open scroll or book laying atop their surface with bookmarks in place, untouched by the sands of time.
I'm curious as to what texts are hidden here, but I suppose there's a few obvious things that come to mind. They could be prayers the Sisters were trying to commit to memory, songs of the Elunarian faith, stories/legends about the Well of Eternity, sacred texts of the Goddess, students' notes/textbooks, and more; as this could have also been a place of learning for newer inductions into the Sisterhood as well.
Perhaps the writings in this repository could make for interesting RP adventures in retrieving old texts, relics, lore about ancient Kalimdor, or attempts at discerning old Elunarian spellwork, prayers, stories, etc!
The small tabletop game on the right also caught my eye. Pieces of arcane crystal float above the board, maybe an old version of Kaldorei/Highborne chess.
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Another detail in some of these areas are the looms resting to the side of the moon-pools: this could have been a place where mooncloth or holy vestments were created or blessed, as evidenced by one of the sub-zones here being called "Sacristy of Elune." A sacristy is a place where "a priest prepares for a service, and where vestments and other things of worship are kept."
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Chapel of Tranquil Song:
An easily missed side-room leading up the first set of stairs is the Chapel of Tranquil Song. It is a small church with two sets of pews, and a fallen crescent-harp. This room further reinforces the idea that music and song have been a prominent aspect of Elune worship, and I think this could be an interesting take on healing in RP as well. Calming singing and instruments like the harp could possibly help heal wounds alongside the lunar magic of the Goddess, akin to an Elunarian bard.
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The Twilight Grove:
The next level of the Cathedral is called "Twilight Grove," a large platform housing ethereal flowers that glow like stars with a font of moonlight (almost like a silver lake) pouring in through the ceiling. Agronox's dungeon journal entry describes these as the "Hanging Gardens," which he once tended to before his fall to corruption. I find it interesting that these plants seem to flourish hanging upside down, rather than growing on the ground level. Some petals and leaves also seem to be translucent, reminiscent of a spirit or the like.
I am unsure what these herbs are exactly, but perhaps they are specifically nourished by moonlight. Maybe priests of Elune utilize celestial herbs of some kind that bolster the magic granted by the Goddess, grant visions/spiritual boons, or emanate a calming aura in places of worship. It could also be that mundane herbs may be grown near a moonwell or a font like this one, and with time are imbued by Elune's blessings.
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Chapel of the Sentinels:
This chapel is yet another Legion reference to a group called the Sentinels existing before the War of the Ancients. The others mentioned are in Tel'anor (resting place of WotA heroes) upon the plaques of the Windstrikers and Latara Feathersong.
Windstrikers: "Marksmen without peer, their skill with a bow was an inspiration to generations of archers. Their family developed the gauntlets the Sentinels wear, carefully articulated mail links that empower our archers to this day."
Latara: "Here lies Latara Feathersong. A huntress of the Sentinels, she led the vanguard in many campaigns. Her bravery and compassion were endless."
Maybe this order existed before the Sundering, with special places reserved for them like this chapel, and was simply revived in name by Tyrande Whisperwind a few centuries later.
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The Emerald Archives:
A grand library containing innumerable books of all categories, it seems that these archives contained Highborne enchantments as well. Before the Sundering, there may have been an emphasis on Priestesses being educated/learned in many different areas of study, including knowledge of the arcane. These are the books we see from Thrashbite's dungeon journal entry:
Satirical Animated Book: an animated tome overflowing with stifingly satirical writing. As the tomes open, all sound is magically absorbed into the ancient pages, silencing all players for 5 seconds.
Fictional Animated Book: An ancient work of fiction springs to life, the magical runes leaping from the page to fetter would-be readers. Slows all players.
Biographical Animated Book: Account of a long-forgotten sorcerer's life can prove to be dangerously beguiling. Entrancing narrative charms a random player, but breaks if their health goes below 30%.
All of these fire arcane bolts at the party. Books as weapons in mage RP is something I'd never thought about, but makes so much sense!
There is an achievement for this boss fight called "Steamy Romance Saga," implying that even erotica could have also been kept in the library.
A mural to the left of the Emerald Archives depicts a Kaldorei woman bearing a shield (likely the Aegis of Aggramar that was kept here prior to the Sundering) and a spherical protection spell against green flames from what appears to be a dragon.
The way leading to the next area is called "Path of Illumination."
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Chapel of Tears:
Another side-room on the way up the winding staircase is named the Chapel of Tears. This could have been a place of safekeeping for the Pillar of Creation: Tears of Elune, or a chapel of mourning. Somehow, a fel-infused Fal'dorei (nightborne spider) has made a nest here.
Other references to Elune's tears:
Tearstone of Elune
The Sisters' Tear
Mu'sha's Tears
Tears of the Goddess
Elune's Tear
Tears of the Moon
In any case, references to tears of Elune crop up all over Azeroth, most of which possess some kind of restorative/cleansing/life-giving powers. I believe that while the tears could certainly represent sadness of the Goddess, they could also represent tears of happiness, as the Pillar of Creation is described to "embody the dream of what Azeroth could be," and maybe the strong healing magic imparted by them is rooted in hope. I feel that Elune's connection to water could also be another avenue for RP, perhaps harnessing rejuvenating aquatic magic alongside the lunar blessings of Elune.
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Sacristy of Elune:
The pinnacle of the Cathedral is known as the Sacristy of Elune, with areas of now-empty shelves and pillaged chests. The stained glass has been turned a fel-green, broken open and shattered onto the floor. The name suggests that this was once a place where sacred items were kept, such as vestments, furnishings, sacred vessels, and Elunarian records.
Given the ancient origin of the Cathedral, this could have been a prominent place that mooncloth was created: "Tailors tell that the first recipe for mooncloth was scribed by Elune herself." It is unknown if a tailor must use felcloth and purify it in a moonwell to eventually create mooncloth, or if any cloth can be used with the proper rituals/spells/blessings.
Hope you found this interesting, thanks for reading!
"Andu’lun-adala-ande’nar." (May the moon light your way.)
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wolf-of-stormwind · 1 year
So here's a headcanon I have for this symbol
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This is the symbol that you can see mainly in night elf and druid areas. I like to think that the crescent moon is the white lady, or at least one of her avatars, and the small circle is the blue child
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aspect-illidan · 9 months
I think there should be more draconic Wrathion fics. Less visage, more dragon form time, more draconic instincts, etc. Things that show through the cracks of human diplomat masks he's adorned and small behaviors like hissing, snorting out ash and smoke, etc.
Taking baths in scorching temperatures, stepping into fire and lava, shedding/molting scales and being a miserable wretch and lying around complaining in dragon form until someone orders him off (be it by force, aka rolling him off on a platform dramatically, or getting him to slump 4 feet in the other direction)
Dragon afflictions like scale rot, unkempt claws, diet, etc. that shows more the longer he grows more comfortable around other humanoid races. Getting comfortable enough to be able to, possibly, take on somewhat of a dracythyr-like form of in-between, etc.
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boilingheart · 2 years
AITA for accidentally losing a blade of grass that my boyfriend asked me out with?
I (39M) have been dating my boyfriend (46M) for a year now, and our anniversary just passed. We have a very strong relationship, and have found a balance between work that has us on different continents sometimes and having time for ourselves. He especially has had a lot of adjusting to do, both with work and having not been in a relationship for a while before this.
Anyways, when our anniversary came up and we had a nice date, he asks me if I still have the blade of grass he gave me to ask me out. For context, we reunited in the harbor last year after I thought I wasn't going to see him anymore, and he randomly handed me a blade of grass — like, just a normal piece of grass, not a special plant or anything — and told me to meet him somewhere where he'd later confess. It was sweet, I've never forgotten it, but again, I reiterate, it's just a piece of normal grass. I wasn't even sure why he gave it to me, but he did put it in my hand as if he were giving me a diamond. So when he asked me if I still had it, I was just honest and said no, I lost it pretty early on.
And that's where I think I might be the asshole. He got really quiet and a little distant, and I asked if I was supposed to, and he started brushing it off, saying it was no big deal, it just had a lot of symbolism and importance to him. I said I had no idea, it was just grass! I didn't think it was important! And when I said that, well, he's trying not to be mad, I can tell, but he's clearly upset by it. How was I supposed to know? He never explained it to me.
Am I the asshole?
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luuntears · 9 months
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Tail band symbolism headcanons. :)
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