sharperthewriter · 7 months
Managed to find this. In the 6-minute video, Mr. Silver goes over the designs for the characters
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bcbdrums · 1 year
Monkey Fist was the mature villain imho and Ron did kill the Lorwardians, as a matter of fact.
haha, yes. in the craving for new content, folks seem to forget some of what we already got.
let's start with Graduation. and...i want to back up to Clothes Minded actually, because it will always bother my scientific mind that that gets glossed over. and this cements the show even more in the cartoon world... Drakken can't just move the continents. and the flip of a switch can't un-move them either. do i still love the episode? yes. but...it's not. real.
so then in Graduation... Kim's house is destroyed, the entire world is invaded by destructive robots... the final fight we see implies mass devastation by said robots... Ron's heroism saves the world, but...since we're so used to the cartoon world that is spelled out for us again and again...none of this feels all that intense? or not as intense as it should. not till the very end when Shego appears to be badly wounded (but then just gets up again fine later i'm still miffed about that) and Kim is at their mercy do we get that sense of.... okay, this is serious now. and Ron does kill them, the creators confirmed it... but it doesn't have the weight i think it should, because...the show just hasn't been very weighty. and that's okay. KP is KP. don't like it, write fanfic.
but now... Monkey Fist's arc was....i'm gonna call it the closest to BTAS that we got in the show. i make that references because anyone who has seen that show knows... BTAS was full of real-world tragedy, injury, death, themes of loss... themes of people willing to throw it all away for the sake of their desire... over and over again... Monkey Fist was just that.
i mean... it's only fanon and headcanon that MF was restored. for all we know, he's dead and gone. turned to stone for all eternity. you can't get more real world than that. plus, that final episode of his... the threat of death to Kim and Yori and everyone from being turned to stone... for once...FINALLY...easily more than in Graduation (for me at least), we got that sense of real threat. that sense of...maybe the heroes aren't gonna come out and top and we're not just bouncing back to the status quo after this ends. finally, this is serious.
so, yes Anon. Ron did indeed kill the Lorwardians, it's just kind of...overlooked as they hurry to close out the episode and give closure to all the main characters. and MF was in fact the mature villain of the show. he was our Batman villain.
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zeether · 1 month
Ron squaring up against Warhok like
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As the strongest Lowardian, WarGOAT, fought the fraud, the Ultimate Monkey Master, he begun to open up his domain. Ron shrunk back in fear and Warhok said
"Stand Proud, Ronald. You are strong."
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teamteenorigins · 2 years
Hello, pal. I love your comic!! I have a question, if you don't mind. You see, in the side of the bad guys there are a lot of aliens (Vilgax, Modula, Vexus...) and Plasmius, who ended up in space. So, any chance that Warhok and Warmonga (Kim Possible's final enemies) will join the club too?
If you recall, they got blown-up big time on Earth at the end of KP, so they won’t be showing up any time soon, lol
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bigbrainkatrina · 1 year
I'm Scared Too - a Kim Possible/Shego story
Green light fills up dreary skies over war torn lands. It's humanity's last stand against the Lowardians. Alien walkers wrestle with Doctor Drakken’s plant army, the mutant plants toppling the walkers with ease. Shego storms the battlefield, her sheer power coloring the sky. Thunder booms and flares with each strike she makes, her wrath shattering the long legs of the walkers. Drakken cackles gleefully, flying overhead in his hovercraft. Lasers fire from his many cannons, dismantling the walkers with as much ease as Shego’s wrath.
Meanwhile, Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable fight back-to-back. Both of them are fresh out of high school and about the same height. She has sweeping auburn hair with hopeful green eyes. He has brown eyes, freckles, noodly arms, and short blonde hair with a noticeable cowlick. They square off with the nefarious Warhok and Warmonga.
It’s harmony. Good and evil unite to vanquish a greater foe.
Warhok, the hulking green mass of muscle, dives at Kim. Ron bows low and spins into a deft sweep kick. Glowing blue light trails after his heel, and he knocks Warhok clean in the chest, knocking him backwards.
Ron looks back and says something. What exactly, he says, Kim doesn’t know. The air around his mouth distorts and vibrates, concealing his lip movements. The sounds are muffled, like they’re in a vacuum, but he is still shrill with emotion. He looks at her with wide, pleading eyes. Kim tries to look at him, tries to understand, but Warmonga keeps clawing at her.
Kim kicks and kicks, warding Warmonga off. Kim spares a risky glance over her shoulder.
“Ron! Keep your head in the game!” she scolds.
A crackle of thunder ruptures the sky, and the green light glows brighter. Ron turns towards her. Blurts out more gibberish. 
She puts her hands on his shoulders, eyes drilling into his. 
He gets more and more frantic, gesturing animatedly around them. Suddenly, he grabs her shoulders, rocking her back-and-forth in a frenzy. He bows his head against her chest, and looks up at her with tears streaking his cheeks. He reaches up towards her face, hand shaking.
She takes his hand and places it on her cheek.
“Ron,” she says, and traces of Shego’s glow escape onto their faces. Her skin ignites in feeling, the heat sending prickles down the length of her flesh. Her eyes water, and she takes Ron by the jaw. Intending to show him courage, it falters fast. She stammers for a moment while he waits with bated breath.
His dependency on her makes her angry, as does her dependency on him. Why can’t she be strong enough for the two of them, even when in the eye of the Apocalypse? She’s been training her whole life for this and—
She falters. Becomes weak. She can’t help it.
“Ron!” Her voice is strangled and anguished. “You don’t think I’m scared too?”
The green light goes up like an atom bomb, consuming everything. The power rushes through their bodies, erasing it all under an unearthly shade of green. Skin chips off their bones, and Kim’s arms lash out to ensnare Ron in a crushing embrace. But he’s gone. Her arms clap to her chest. She breathes her last before—
She awakens with a start, snapping out of her daydream. She pats down the floor to the aircraft, and feels the rumble beneath her palms. She pats down her arms and feels the long gloves she needs to wear for this mission. Sinks her fingers deep into the fabric, grounding herself for the moment. She looks back up at Ron and Wade; both of them have their game faces on. Ron is in a tuxedo, and she is in a sleeveless, black dress with nylons. Wade, the plump thirteen-year-old black protégé, wears his usual turquoise t-shirt and jeans.
Kim remembers what Ron and Wade just told her.
“Drakken and Shego are evil again?” she blurts out.
Enjoy the story so far? Finish the rest on AO3! Because, uh, I don't want to post 11,000 words on Tumblr!
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queerholdmycoffee · 2 years
OMG, I love your Kim Posibke x Arkos crossover comics, they really do work perfectly for KimRon. And Penny as Wade is just perfect. Which other RWBY characters would be which KP villain? Watts as Professor Demented! Roman as Kiltagain?
Aaahhh Thank you!! 💖 it's very fun to make doodles of!
Ooh, good question! I think those work- Maybe Tyrian in place of Monkeyfist? Hazel and Mercury as Señor Senior Senior and Señor Senior Junior??? 😂 Maybe (for the purposes of the au) Adam and Ilia as Warhok and Warmonga???
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sheroic · 5 years
also  disney  i  love  u,  i  love  u  for  giving  me  a  live  action  kim  possible  and  live  action  shorts,  but  also  how  tf  am  i  supposed  to  make  a  cohesive  main  verse  that  incorporates  both  cartoon  canon  and  live  action  canon  when  you  keep  RETCONNING  CARTOON  CANON
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Better Diplomacy Through Glorious Combat??? What’s that about? Title is intriguing!
Hahaha, I was waiting for someone to bring that one up! Better Diplomacy is a sort of... action-slash-culture-clash comedy taking place about a month or two after Graduation, in which some Lorwardian diplomats show up, declare that they need to provide restitution to Earth due to an honor code broken by Warmonga and Warhok, and insist that Earth's "champions" (ie Kim, Ron, Drakken and Shego) be involved in the process. It was actually the first Kim Possible fanfic I worked on, and while it's hit a couple of snags that have delayed its completion, there are a few bits in particular that I'm really looking forward to getting written out!
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bcbdrums · 1 year
Who you think is the grate blue? I think Ron stoppable when he uses mystical monkey power he turns blue getting grate power enough to defeat warhok. Who by the way has more then likely battled way longer then Ron has.
......i know i answered this ask already, and yet here it is... must have gone down in one of my many computer crashes, which is frustrating because my reply was well-composed. ugh. technology.
anyway. i personally headcanon that it's Ron... it makes sense with how the story ends, since the Lorwardians had that prophecy and then a "great blue" being defeats them. it's not what their prophecy said as Warmonga explained it, but still, there's that connection there... plus who knows, maybe she interpreted it wrong.
i would selfishly like Drakken to be the great blue, but that makes the least logical sense. no mystical powers, just a coincidental run-in with them that started the whole thing... he also had a hand in defeating them, obviously, with his mutant plants. but Ron definitely gets the more immediate credit for the defeat, Drakken's is more secondary. because i'm sure the control ship being destroyed would have ultimately stopped the invading robots too.
a third theory that i LOVE and lean very strongly toward is my friend @split-n-splice's idea that it's Hego. this one is actually the most logical... his powers are from space, where the Lorwardians are from. and i already headcanon that the rainbow comet/meteor came from Lorwardian space so it just makes sense. space powers, space aliens... yeah my last reply to this ask was more eloquent and detailed, i can't recall what all i'd written.
so, who do YOU think is the great blue?
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
Y’all, you don’t know the depth of my longstanding hatred toward the Lorwardians in Kim Possible due to them showing up with zero worldbuilding and zero charisma and expecting to be the Biggest Bads of the entire series, but I’ve just fucking realized that Kim Possible canonically takes place in the same world as Lilo & Stitch, which we know has a fairly peaceful galactic state thanks to the Council with only Hämsterviel and Gantu as the big threats the Councilwoman keeps any tabs on, and this FUCKING means that the Lorwardians are actually a goddamn joke that the Council has to shoo away from a backwater planet every now and again.
Gantu has punched Warhok in the face at least once and you cannot prove me wrong.
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teenhero-a · 7 years
okay but as i’m thinking about the mcu au (and honestly how seamlessly kim possible fits into the marvel universe bless) it cracks me up to imagine the connections kim possible characters would have to marvel characters
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sitched-a · 5 years
things  i’m  using  from  live  action  canon
kim  knowing  drakken  /  shego  /  the  seniors  /  duff  killigan  /  professor  dementor  before  she  starts  high  school
kim  knowing  nana  possible’s  extensive  background  in  martial  arts  and  adventuring  and  learning  everything  from  her
the  kimmunicator  pendant
updated  mission  outfit
things  that  stay  relatively  the  same  from  cartoon  canon
kim  not  knowing  monkey  fist  as  a  foe  until  her  sophomore  year
kim  not  encountering  dnamy  /  the  bebes  /  adrena  lynn  /  gill  until  sophomore  year
kim  not  encountering  motor  ed  until  her  junior  year
all  of  a  sitch  in  time
all  of  so  the  drama,  it’s  a  perfect  movie,  go  watch  it  and  cry
warhok  and  warmonga  being  the  main  antagonists  of  senior  year
kim  as  middleton  high’s  cheer  captain
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camthewizard · 7 years
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Warhok: Objective: Total planetary domination.
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Drakken: Ah! That was my objective!
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sheroic · 5 years
REGARDING THE ANIMATED SERIES.   I  accept  the  vast  majority  of  seasons  one  through  three  as  well  as  both  movies  ( a sitch in time, so the drama )   as  canon / relevant  to  my  portrayal  of  kim.  episodes  that  play  no  part  in  my  portrayal  of  kim / are  not  acknowledged  on  my  blog  for  various  reasons  are:  the  cupid  effect  ( s4ep4 ),  grande  size  me  ( s4ep7 ),  clothes  minded  ( s4ep8 ),  clean  slate  ( s4ep17 ),  and  larry’s  birthday  ( s4ep20 ).  the  only  other  change  I  am  making  is  that  kim  has  met  duff  killigan,  professor  dementor  and  the  seniors  before  her  freshman  year / before  the  series,  as  is  in  line  with  the  live  action  movie.
the  cupid  effect:  kim  would’ve  roasted  wade  alive  for  using  science  to  force  monique  to  fall  in  love  with  him,  and  she  would  NEVER  use  the  love  ray  device  on  monique  for  convenience  just  so  they  could  move  on  with  a  mission  faster.
grande  size  me:  network  mandated  ep  that  the  writers  hated  creating  aside,  kim  would  never  fat  shame  ron  ( or  ANYONE  for  that  matter ),  even  in  jest.
clothes  minded:  kim’s  materialistic  attachment  to  designer  labels  vs.  discount  brands  was  addressed  in  season  one,  so  it  makes  no  sense  that  she’d  be  having  a  crisis  over  searching  for  her  cargo  pants  at  smarty  mart.  also,  she  would  absolutely  have  at  least  two  back-ups  of  her  mission  uniform.  also,  even  if  she  didn’t  have  her  mission  uniform  on  hand,  she  would  still  figure  something  out.  she’s  been  shown  to  put  up  an  adequate  fight  in  her  street  clothes  many  times,  there’s  no  reason  she’d  be  so  easily  thwarted  by  not  having  an  outfit  to  wear  to  a  mission.
clean  slate:  she’s  been  in  love  with  ron  since  she  was  four,  there’s  no  way  she  would  forget  that  while  remembering  everything  else.
larry’s  birthday:  everyone  in  the  kprpc  hates  this  episode  because  of  how  out  of  character  everyone  is  written.  it’s  just  bad.  the  only  good  thing  about  it  is  BIL.
REGARDING THE LIVE ACTION MOVIE.   I  adore  the  live  action  movie  as  a  long-time  fan  of  kim  possible.  this  being  said,  from  a  writing  standpoint  I  do  have  some  issues  with  the  plot  of  the  movie,  specifically  toward  the  second  half / end.  as  it  stands  in  the  main  verse  on  my  blog,  kim  did  not  readily  forgive  athena  for  betraying  her  until  it  was  revealed  that  athena  would  be  destroyed  /  was  experiencing  intense  pain  from  the  brain  data  transfer  process  to  drakken.  this  was  solidified  when  athena  sacrificed  herself  to  save  kim,  ron,  and  her  family.  athena  does  not  survive.  I  am  willing  to  bend  this  and  plot  arcs/aus  with  athena  roleplayers  ( and  also  fix  the  bugs  with  the  movie  writing-wise  because  there  are  a  lot  where  athena  is  concerned ),  but  as  it  stands  with  my  main  verse,  I  am  retconning  athena  becoming  part  of  team  possible.  I  love  the  idea  of  her  and  I  love  ciara,  but  I  feel  like  it  throws  off  the  whole  dynamic  to  have  an  extra  member,  especially  one  who  is  a  superpowered  cybertronic  humanoid.
REGARDING THE LIVE ACTION SHORTS.   I  love  all  of  them,  but  until  further  notice,  warhok  and  warmonga  don’t  show  up  in  kim’s  life  until  her  senior  year  of  high  school.
HOW  THESE  THREE  THINGS  FIT  INTO  MY  MAIN  VERSE.   the  great  thing  about  the  live  action  movie  is  that  it  takes  place  during  the  beginning  of  kim’s  freshman  year  of  high  school,  and  the  animated  series  kicks  off  during  kim’s  sophomore  year  of  high  school,  so  the  two  can  coexist  pretty  seamlessly.  kim  still  meets  monique  her  sophomore  year  and  they  become  instant  bffs,  and  while  she’s  not  always  in  on  the  crime  fighting  side  of  things,  she’s  still  tight  with  all  of  team  possible.  my  main  verse  will  most  often  default  to  kim’s  junior  year  of  high  school,  but  does  encompass  her  entire  high  school  career.
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bcbdrums · 2 years
About the last ask, I don't even bring it up as a negative thing, but as a "very interesting story/concept that could get explored in the fandom, but for some reason doesn't". There are tons of fan stories about Kim feeling bad about kicking Shego in the tower and whatnot, where they explore her "guilt" (I know 99% of the time is used as ship fuel, but still). And I have yet to see a story of Ron that is similar to that I'm just saying there may be a lot of potential there
(I'll get back to the former ask when you clarify what you meant by "in the closet".)
I...don't see Kim feeling guilty about that at all??? She and Ron frequently destroyed villain lairs and just left, left Drakgo in the ocean to drown, let them crash a flaming blimp... They seemed perfectly willing to let their villains and possibly countless henchmen die without a second thought. And consider that evil smile Kim gave after watching Shego fry and the tower collapse...
Yes, I know the obvious answer is cartoon logic of everyone always survives and no one ever gets hurt. That's clearly the lens we are supposed to be viewing the show through. But that's not as fun.
That said, yeah...no, I don't see Kim feeling the least bit guilty or remorseful. And on the cartoon logic vein, we can assume that Warhok and Warmonga survived and not deal with that one either. But we know they died from the creators' statements, and again...not as fun.
But between the two? We see Ron as the more thoughtful individual who cares about his actions, thinks ahead about potential choices, reflects on the past... Fics about Ron dealing with that are out there already. None I've seen quite handle it the way I would, but they exist. And yes, I think that topic has a LOT of potential. 😁
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