#warren x worthington x plus size reader
littlemessyjessi · 5 years
“Reassurance”: Warren Worthington Imagine/Headcanons: Plus Size Reader
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Warren Worthington Imagine Warren Worthington x Reader Reader: PS Reader, Plus Size Reader
Imagine you and Warren comforting each other over scars and stretch marks....
Ok, first, you comforting him on his scars.
Wet, hot kisses all over them.
If they peek out...you MUST touch them.
You're damn near compulsive about it.
You always trace them in bed.
Your fingers are a damn near constant on Warren's skin that he actually feels a little weird without them.
You make new ones right beside them.
Charles cursing you for thinking your dirty, rotten, filthy thoughts.
For shame.
But it's not all saucy.  
It's sweet too.
"They shimmer, Warren."
"They one of my favorite things about you."
"They're part of you and as we both know, I love everything about you. Except for stinky socks.  God, no. Anything but that."
"How dare you hide my favorites from me?!?!?!?!!  I am appalled and OFFENDED!"
Honestly, your sweet side, your humor and your obviously attraction to him makes warm go all heart eyes everytime....well, every second of every day.
Gah, you're perfect.
Ok, now him comforting you on your stretch marks.
Ok, so they are his favorite pattern in the world.
The BEST art he could ever feast his eyes on
You just....man, you're a Warrior Goddess to him
Tiger stripes for day!
He's into it and tries to provoke you as much as possible to 'attack' him in bed
Because of your marks resembling a tiger and the fact that you leave scratches all over you...he actually calls you Tiger a lot
The whole 'Get 'em, Tiger' thing has a saucier meaning as he smacks your ass
Charles hates you both for your filthy minds
"Yours shimmer too, babe."
Mocks your own words/slash repeats them
He's teasing but he actually does mean what he says
It backfires eventually
"They make me so hard."  "Warren!"
"They're so hot!" "Warren!"
"Come on, Tiger. Claim your prey." "Warren!" "Yeah, I like it when you say my name over and over."
"Listen here, bird boy.  Don't start some shit you ain't aimed to finish."  
"Oh, I'll finish...once I've had you a few more times."
Long story short- Charles banned you both from getting anywhere near him for atleast three weeks.
The emotional scarring you put him through.
Honestly, you two, honestly.
Think of his poor brain.
Hello darlings! Hope you enjoyed this little piece and have a wonderfully awesome day!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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biggirllifestyle · 3 years
Captain America vs. The League of (evil) Exes.
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Summary: Steve meets your exes and questions his own relationship with you.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC
Words: 6k
Warnings: Body gore at some chapters, somebody cusses I think, not beta read.
A/N: It’s been a while, school is a mess and I’m finally getting some motivation.
Steve Roger’s has faced many things in his long-lasting life, whether it had been back in the forties fighting every single illness known to man or fighting in back alleys taking hits from men three times his size, or when he became Captain America and led armies though warfighting against nazi and hydra members alike, to the day that he went under the ice and had been in a coma for almost seventy years.
When he was “saved” or as Tony like to put it “fished out” from the water and was thrown into the modern-day era where everything was a complete three-sixty from the time he had come from, he had the small hopeful thought that just maybe he would have had the fighting chance of having a peaceful life.
Of course, he was wrong.
Fighting space alien armies, meeting gods, fighting an army of robots, and then finding out that his best friend who he believed was very much dead (after he saw him fall off a train ), then helping that same best friend hide from the law after he was framed in bombing a diplomatic conference. This lead to him having issues with his newfound family and losing his new best friend and then his old best friend, having to run from the law leading to fighting another alien army lead by a purple creature, losing to that purple creature causing half of the population of the world to turn to dust, finding out time travel was real (because of course, it was) seeing Peggy again after so long, fighting that purple man again winning that battle and bringing everybody who was dusted back from the “dead”, and now it leads to the present.
He didn't think going back in time and settling into a peaceful life was what he needed after he worked really hard to make a living in this life, so he didn’t take the opportunity.
But after all of that, everything that Steve had gone through could not have gotten him ready for this, having to see you interact with one of your exes after bumping into them as you were both walking home from a date. The date had been splendid, a nice little sushi place that Bucky had suggested to him after he had called him in a panic because he had no idea where else he could take you without sounding like an old geezer for not knowing what was ‘hip’ in this modern age. He could say that Bucky had gotten a kick in calling Steve every derogatory name to compare him to an old man until Steve had reminded Bucky that he was two years older than Steve and he was also much the old man he claimed Steve to be.
That had shut him up real quick as he called Steve a punk and told him where it was that he could take you for dinner. Steve had been grateful and as an apology for helping him out he had told him that he would babysit Alpine anytime he wanted to go out. Bucky of course agreed.
Everything was going well, the food was great, the conversation had flowed so naturally between you both and the evening had gotten fresh enough that you both had decided for a walk in the park before he walked you home. Then Steve had heard someone call your name, then again a little louder, you turned to see who it was as you exclaimed loudly when you noticed them.
“Toad! I knew it was you, the moment I saw that ugly cardigan I just knew it had to be you.”
Steve took a step forward ready to knock this guy for criticizing your attire, but instead of hearing your enraged voice, he heard you let out a loud laugh. Steve turned to you confused at your reaction before you turned to him and gave him a calming smile.
“Steve this is Johnny Storm, I interned for his sister Sussan and her husband Dr. Richards and that was how we met.”
Johnny let out a deep laugh at your words, “Now now toad don’t tell me you forgot about our deep-rooted connection created from the cosmos.”
Steve felt himself scowling as Johnny sent him a wink, “We dated for quite some time before she had tragically broken up with me leaving me heartbroken and with a broken coffee maker.”
“I broke up with you because you hooked up with that waitress from our trip to Colorado and with the flight attendant from our trip back.” You stated, Johnny seemed flustered before he perked up again as he began to automatically tell you about his niece. Steve felt himself become uncomfortable as your conversation with your ex continued he could see how you and Johnny’s chemistry had come from snarky comments and layered down insults, just as he was about to spiral he felt the warm pressure of your hand entwined with his.
“It was good seeing you hothead, but you kind of interrupted my date with Steve so I’m gonna have to ask you to leave us alone.” You said to Johnny, Steve expected him to get offended but instead, Johnny began to laugh.
“Of course toad anything for you,” he turned to Steve, sticking out a hand for him to shake, “it was nice meeting America’s poster boy in the flesh.”
Steve felt his hand grow hot as Johnny addressed him again, “Take care of the toad for me Cap, wouldn’t want there to be unnecessary burning now would we.”
Steve didn’t want to back down as he felt his hand begin to burn so he held on tight, squeezing Johnny’s hand much harder than what was necessary. Your arm came between his and Johnny’s as you let out a huff, “Knock it off hothead, leave my boyfriend alone why don’t you.”
Johnny let out another deep laugh as he gave you a last lingering look and Steve a fleeting glance as he bided you a goodbye. You let out a huff reaching for his hand checking to see if there were any major injuries from when Johnny was trying to burn off his flesh, when you found none you brought it up to your lips giving him a small peck making Steve’s breath hitch as you led them away from the park.
“Sorry about this abrupt meeting, I didn’t expect to run into him like that. It's been some time since I last saw him.” You turned your head to look at Steve trying to gouge his reaction, "I hope you didn’t mind that small little hiccup on our date.”
Steve smiled at you trying to show you that he wasn't bothered, “Of course not I didn’t mind at all.”
Steve turned back to lead the way back to your apartment, he did mind and he could confirm that he hated Johnny Storm.
Weeks passed after that fateful afternoon when you had all encountered Johnny at the park, no other incident had ensued after that day and Steve had put it at the back of his mind where it would be lost and all knowledge of you and Johnny Storm was put into a box where it would be long forgotten. Of course, he had raged to Bucky who had been extremely quiet through the ordeal as he helped change the sandbags every time Steve had burst them from a single heated punch.
Everything seemed to go back to normal until Eddie Brock happened.
Tony had just released a new line of innovative reusable energy that could be beneficial in providing safe and clean energy to power the whole state of New York, and that of course had caused an uproar. Reporters and News coverage from around the world were scrambling to get a piece of footage of Tony’s invention, but with the way, Tony’s ego was, only a select few were allowed the privilege to learn firsthand how it works.
Which is how Steve got to meet Eddie Brock. There was nothing wrong with the reporter; he seemed like a decent guy when Steve first got a whiff of him after he had finished the first set of the interview, but there was just something about this guy that seemed pretty unhinged. Which was why when he saw you interacting with the guy a series of warning bells went off in his head. Steve took measured steps towards you where it wouldn't be noticeable that he was rushing but would get him to you as fast as he could. As he moved closer he could hear your laugh coming out in short bursts which showed how much you were enjoying the conversation so, just as much as how Brock was watching you with an indescribable expression that made Steve antsy as he got closer to you two.
“-nd he had taken the opportunity to just throw this guy into a freaking cake just for the kick of it.”
Your laugh came back again this time more of a grimace since your stomach started hurting from the hard fits of laughter, as you slapped your hands against his chest to make him stop, Steve came to stand next to you as you regained your composure glancing at him from the side a small grin seemed to be permanently fixed on your face.
“Steve! I’m glad you’re here. I'd like you to meet Eddie Brock,” You gave a slight pause as you grabbed his hand, Steve was grateful but he didn't like the way Eddie looked at your entwined hands, “We were in the same communication and writing courses in college.”
Eddie laughed again and Steve couldn’t help the uneasy feeling that he was missing the joke entirely. Eddie didn’t say much at that he spent most of the time listening to you ramble on about Tony’s invention and how beneficial it would be for the low-income families whose power goes out during extreme weather and other such disasters. Steve was wary though. He didn’t know if it was because he was being paranoid or if there was just something that ticked him off from Eddie's demeanor, he swore he could hear Eddie talking to himself every once in a while and that made Steve weary thinking that something was really wrong with this guy.
The conversation continued, you answering any question in regards to Tony’s invention and Eddie fitting in flirty expressions that made you laugh and at some point blush. Steve’s mood had continued to worsen as the interview continued; he didn't know who was to blame for putting you as the person to interview when Tony was the person in charge. Steve knew it was irrelevant but he was already thinking of different ways to get back at Tony for causing this situation.
“Now I think I have everything I need for the article, thank Mr. Stark for me, why don’t you, precious,” Eddie said as he put away his notepad, taking your hand and bringing it up to his lips. “We should get together at some point. I'm pretty sure I have a huge individual who would have loved to see you today.”
Steve caught the wink Eddie had sent your way as a smirk graced his lips, he turned to Steve putting out his hand out, he was tempted to leave Eddie hanging but he knew that would upset you so he reached forward and clasped Eddie's hand in his. To say that Steve was shocked at the way Eddie had squeezed as soon as Steve had entwined the hands, in fact, he had expected it but what he did not expect was the strong grip that Eddie had and how much Steve was trying really hard to not let it show how disturbed he was considering how Eddie looked like he was about to fall over just by a little wind.
“Well it was nice seeing you again precious, let’s me up some time so you can see the big guy again,” Eddie said as he released Steve’s hand, “trust me he’s dying to see you again won’t leave me alone at all.”
You gave him a little laugh as you confirmed with him that you’ll see what you could do before waving Eddie off. You grabbed at Steve’s hand the same one that had been burned by Johnny all those weeks ago and brought it up to your lips as an apology.
“Eddie and I used to date back in the day,” You said to him as you walked back to the direction of the elevator, “We dated for quite some time actually, I was there for him when he was going through some personal issues and I was there when he met Annie.”
Steve nodded along trying to connect how you could have gone from Johnny to Eddie or vice versa, they were clearly two different types of people, “What happened between you two?”
You were quiet for a bit after directing FRIDAY to take you to the common room, “He fell in love with Annie and they began to date soon after he broke up with me, Venom wasn't happy after it happened he used to fight Eddie and at some point, he even tried to kill him.”
Steve nodded along before what you said clicked, “Wait what? Whose Venom?”
You gave Steve a funny look as you both walked out into the common room where Bucky was watching a reality show on TV, “Steve you’ve worked many times with Venom before I am pretty sure you know who Venom is.”
Bucky perked up from the couch as soon as he heard your conversation, “Are you talking about that alien thing that eats like a shit ton of chocolate, I didn’t know he was here.”
“Wait, What?”
You placed your hand on Steve's shoulder, “Stevie, Eddie is Venom’s host the aline slime that you guys work with most of the time that’s Venom he’s a symbiote that attached himself to Eddie to survive, but up to now they’re basically a married couple by how they act.”
“Oh,” Steve said as he sat next to Bucky, “That’s cool.”
Steve was so not cool with this.
Steve knew that he was putting a little bit of force when it came to his punches after seeing Sam wince for the fifth time since they started their training, but he just couldn’t get your exes out of his head. There was just something about both of them that bothered Steve so much, or maybe it was just the fact that he was trying so hard not to compare himself with the other men.
“What’s going on with you Cap, If I didn’t know better I’d think you and I had some unfinished business,” Sam said as he dodged another one of Steve’s punches, which he had retaliated with one of his own that knocked some sense into Steve.
“Sorry Sam, just a lot going on recently and I just took it out on you.”
“Trouble in Paradise?” Sam asked, taking a sip from his water bottle at that moment they heard the door to the practice room open as Sharon walked in ready for her own session with Sam.
“Not exactly,” Steve said as he rubbed at his neck, Sharon came to stand next to Sam and Steve let out a huff, “It’s just that I recently met two of her exes and well now I am just thinking about her relationship with them and what was the reason for their breakup.”
Sam huffed out a laugh ready to tell Steve how ridiculous he sounded when Sharon piped up, “I can tell you why we broke up if you want.”
Steve stared at Sharon flabbergasted by her apparent confession.
“You dated my girlfriend.”
“Yeah, it was so long ago it was around the time she started working with Tony in the labs.”
Sharon shrugged as if it was a no big deal statement when in fact Steve was still trying to process the fact that you and he had basically dated the same person, the only difference was that Steve was the only person who was in the dark about it.
“You dated my girlfriend, you and I have dated the same person and I am just finding out about this.”
Sharon rolled her eyes at him as she began to take Sam's gloves, “Rogers get with the program, yes I dated your girlfriend and yes it was a wonderful time for us, now if you want an answer you better beat me.”
Twenty minutes later and a few new bruises that Steve will have to sleep around, they were now sitting on the sidelines watching Sam throwing the shield around, Steve knew that he would be stepping back as Captain America but he was confident that Sam was the only person who Steve could think of that deserved that shield.
“Steve, I won’t tell you much detail from my relationship with her but I will tell you this, don’t stress yourself out finding out why she broke up with me or any of the other exes it’s something that she will open up with you soon enough you just have to give her the benefit and trust that she will tell you when she’s ready.”
Steve was quietly mulling over her words, as he thought about how his life had changed the moment he had met you. Everything seemed so bleak after the snap as everybody tried to get back to a life of normalcy when it had disappeared in a snap (literally) with Tony’s near-death experience and Steve trying to come to terms that he was leaving the past behind for good, and then he met you a ray of sunshine in everybody’s life especially Steve’s as she helped many with their traumas of having had disappeared for half a decade and those who had to live their life knowing that their loved ones had been gone and might never have come back. Steve gave her a quick nod bidding her and Sam goodbye as he left to go find you.
Maybe he was thinking too much into it, and maybe he was just being paranoid because he has never been in this type of situation. His last relationship which he could call serious would be back from when he was with Peggy. As he rounded the corner he catches you talking to one of your coworkers from the psych department, as Steve looked at you he couldn’t help but let a bursting feeling of happiness spread through his chest because he knew that no matter what, he would always wait for you because he knew you were the one for him.
If Steve were to have a nickel for the number of times he has had to fight space aliens to save the world he would probably have four nickels, even if he did fight Thanos army twice that is. Yet here he was dodging these ugly creatures that looked like a combination of xenomorphs and jar jar binks from that space movie everybody seemed to love. Steve couldn’t help the grin that crossed his face as he thought about how Tony would have been shocked at his pop culture reference. He had you to thank for that.
Steve threw his shield hitting one of the aliens in the chest making it shriek, it bounced back as Steve maneuvered himself and caught it mid-air swinging it at another creature where it had lodged itself into its chest. Steve sprinted forward jumping towards it grabbing at the disc and forcing it off, he must have done something wrong, miscalculated his landing as he was tackled from the side and Steve felt the air swish around him as gravity failed him. Bucky was going to kill him, Natasha was going to kill him. You were gonna be worried, and you were also going to kill him.
Just as Steve was about to see if he could lodge his shield to stop his fall, he felt a yank from his suit as a pretentious voice called from above, “Need a lift?”
Steve was about to fight this guy, who as Steve noticed was flying and a large set of wings flourished behind him. They flew back to the scene where the group of aliens that had attacked Steve had doubled, the wings guy seemed to be on his side because he began to beat off any alien that came at him.
“Cap, are you there?”
“I’m here. Sam, what’s going on at your end?”
Steve dodged a Spear, hitting the alien in the middle of the chest. Wings guy as Steve was now going to refer to him, grabbed one of the aliens as he threw both of them over the edge and promptly let go. One of course defying gravity.
“Well, it seems everything is dying down especially after backup showed up. Did you know that apparently your bones could be switched off with metal and make knives come out of your knuckles?”
“Sam now is not the time.”
Steve grunted as a staff caught him at his side, he threw out his fist catching it at the side of its face. Steve jumped up as he landed a kick at its chest sending it crashing back to his other comrades. He grabbed his shield, chucking it to a group of gathered aliens, in the process almost hitting wings from where he was facing off with other opponents.
“Watch it cargo pants,” Wings growled out to Steve as he snapped his wings back deterring an alien who was about to leap on him from behind, “Here I am being so generous and saving you from splattering yourself over the edge, and you repay me by what, throwing your frisbee at me.”
Steve ignored him, a headache already forming from wings dumb-assery, he just wanted this day to end so he could go back to you and make up for having to leave in the middle of your weekly date. Recently it’s been getting harder and harder for both of you to have time to yourself for a short date, so you had both created a daily schedule that every other week you would make time to have a date night each time you would both alternate on choosing what you wanted to do and this time it was your turn.
You were not someone who went for extravagant outings or adventurous trips, instead, you had decided on a home-cooked meal and lounging on the couch you reading and him watching the movie playing on the tv. Both your legs tangled, every light turned off except the lamp that illuminated your book, Steve watched you the light making a halo around you as the only thought that went through his mind was how ready he was to start his future with you. The call came not even twenty minutes after you both had settled, he was being called out for an immediate mission after they caught some readings of an opening anomaly in some faraway country in Europe.
And now here he was fighting some ugly creatures side by side with a winged annoying man.
Finally, everything was calming down as Steve and the other man defeated the last of the aliens, he got in contact with Sam pinpointing where their rondeauvu meeting was going to be checking to see who had been injured and directing others to get medical attention before signing off. Wings were trying to wipe off what seemed alien blood from his leather jacket but quickly gave up when it wouldn't come off. Steve walked towards him, putting out his hand for Wings to shake as he introduced himself.
“Hey thanks for catching me back there, sorry about almost hitting you with my shield,” Wings turned towards Steve eyeing his hand before grabbing it in a bone-crushing grip or it would have been if Steve wasn't who he was, “I’m Stev-”
“I know who you are,” Wings cut him off, retracting his hand and instead of crossing them on his chest. Steve caught a glimpse of bare skin and fought away an eye roll of course he was shirtless, “How could I not know who star-spangled man is, it would be a crime if I didn't.”
Steve nodded at him deciding that this conversation was not worth it so he began to walk towards where everybody was supposed to meet. Wings who Steve did not know his name yet flapped his wings once then twice before darting off through the sky. Steve let out a relieved sigh at finally getting some alone time finally letting it sink in that he was going to be able to go home to you once more.
Through the ride back where Steve met the rest of backup or as they called themselves the X-Men containing Logan (who Sam had been raving about), Cyclops (who could shoot lasers out of his eyes), Raven (who showed her true potential when she mimicked Steve's skin), Jean (who could move things with her mind), Storm (who lived up to her name), and Wings whose actual name was Warren. Apparently with the help of Hill, Tony was able to detect that what they were facing was nothing to take lightly so he decided to get in contact with a few allies from upstate New York, this, of course, worked well because he was informed that he had a team out down in Germany breaking up a ring of mutant traffickers.
After introductions everybody broke off to talk to their own groups, Steve decided to just sit back and relax until they landed. It seemed that he wasn’t the only one who had the same idea as he watched Warren from the corner of his eye laid across a bench as Storm seemed to be lecturing him. Steve just chose to tune everybody off and dozed off, with his only thoughts being of you.
Soon enough they were landing and Steve roused from his slumber gathering his bag to board off the plane and finally being able to have you in his arms again. To what he could gather you also had the same thought as you shouldered past Sam and threw yourself at him, he let go of his bag catching you mid-jump and holding you tight to himself.
Everything seemed to slow down for Steve as he held you at the hangar; the only thing he could focus on was you and him always in orbit with each other, and he knew that there was nothing in this existence and the others that would make him think any differently. He let you down when you began to squirm from his suspended grip. He pressed a soft and meaningful kiss expressing how being away from you had affected him, the moment seemed slow and intimate so he couldn’t really be blamed when he let out a feral sound when someone interrupted the both of you.
“Feather, is that you?”
Warren stood a few feet away from both of you, Steve could see him from above your head as he stood a foot above you, Warren's face reflecting an expression that Steve would take much pleasure from whipping off with a punch.
“Hawks?!” You exclaimed as you turned your back on Steve and faced Warren.
“Oh, feathers it is you, what are you doing here? How have you been? It's been so long since I've last seen you,” Every word that Warren spoke was a step forward towards you, the next words seemed to have rooted Steve to his spot, “I’ve missed you.”
Steve felt like he had been smacked before when he had met your exes it had been you that had introduced them as friends until they had indicated themselves as something more from your past, but Warren didn’t seem to have that issue since he himself proclaimed it by that simple expression he didn’t have to be a world-class genius to figure that out for himself.
“Hawks, what are you doing here I thought your dad had,” You stopped yourself before you could finish your sentence, sneaking a glance at Warren's wings, “Kurt told me that you had left the school not too long ago.”
“I did leave the school, I had to figure some things out for myself but Storm had gotten in touch with me a few months prior since the professor had requested my presence.” He gave a tentative glance at Steve who was holding you against his chest. You blushed harshly at Warren's look.
“Seems to me you got yourself quite the looker.” You glanced at Steve, giving him a bright smile that seemed to lose the tight knot in Steve's chest. You held Steve’s hand as you tugged him forward.
“Warren I’d like you to meet Steve Roger’s the love of my life and my future husband,” Steve swiveled his head to look at you shock written all across his face, Warren shifted where he stood at your words but other than that didn’t comment, “Steve this is Warren Worthington, my first love.”
Warren preened at your words putting out a hand for Steve to shake, Steve met him halfway but it was a mostly half-assed handshake since he was still reeling from your words, compared to all of your exes this was the first time you had ever indicated that romantic feelings were involved.
When it came to Johnny your words were more to describe the relationship based on coincidental meetings and similar working circles, for Eddie your description seemed to be an inedible thing based on the fact that both of you were just constantly at each other's presence and probably relied on each other for comfort, Sharon was just a different story he still didn’t seem to understand how your relationship started or how it ended but he guessed that it might have been with similar experiences as the other two but for Warren this was different. You didn’t deter from the fact that you had had romantic feelings for him or that your relationship was anything but children's play but in fact, you were admitting to having loved him at some point and that seemed to scare Steve to the core.
“Steve?” You said to him getting him out of his stupor, Warren was gone so it was only you and him left at the hangar, “I think you and I should talk.”
“Warren and I met when were kids,” You started, both of you had moved away from outside and were now in Steve’s living room where he was supposed to be staying at but most of the time he just spent it at your apartment but it seemed that this conversation could not wait any longer, “his dad was an ambassador who usually had to travel all over and that meant his kid had to follow as well.”
“My mom was working with the senate when I had met Warren, most of these state dinners and such had no sympathy for a couple of young kids who were forced to go because their parents could not have taken the time to hire a sitter, and so they would just stick us together and leave it like that,” You let out a sigh undoing your hair ruffling a little as you sat next Steve taking his hand, “over time we became friends and I began to fall in love.”
“When Warren turned sixteen his mutant genes began to show, at first it was minimal his build changed and so did his metabolism, but soon after the wings changed it was horrifying Warren was in constant point because it was ripping his skin apart as they began to protrude from his back, you asked me so long ago how I could be so calm around gore well imagine being a fifteen-year-old kid having to see the person you love basically try to strip his skin and bone just to hide a deformity that he could have gotten killed for if he were to be found out.”
Steve looked at you confused, “What do you mean, why would Warren be killed by his mutant powers?”
“Warren's dad had voted for a bill that created a ‘cure’ for mutant genes, it suppressed it but in the process, some people were still discriminated since they were still considered mutant, Warren’s dad hated mutants and having to live with that your whole life and finding yourself to be the same thing your dad hated was scarring at some point his wings became too much for Warren to bare with and I told his dad, I was so scared for him there was just so much blood and I didn’t know what to do. The next thing I knew Warren was gone and rumor have it that his dad had forced his son to take the ‘cure’.”
“Everything's well though when I turned eighteen he got back in contact and told me he had met professor X and began to stay at the school, but I haven’t seen him since tonight was the first time I’ve seen him in years.”
“What about Johnny and Eddie, why didn’t you say anything about them?”
“Well with Johnny our lifestyles were too different. He was more of a party boy looking for his adrenaline jump and I wanted to focus on my work and progress. I did say he cheated on me, but don’t worry I never held it against him, and well Eddie and I met in college and just kicked it off after that at some point we just started dating until he met Anne and then he fell head over heels for her we met once in a while though especially after Venom and he merged.”
“Why didn’t you say anything about Sharon then?”
“Oh well it was just something that happened she was there when I first joined S.H.I.E.L.D and we just started hanging out at some point we just began to date but it ended sooner than later, and Sharon didn't seem to want to disclose anything about her personal life so I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.”
Steve nodded his concerns for why you had broken up with your exes were so far away from what he thought his own flaws were the fear of you wanting to break up with him because he had done something that the others have done a constant pressure on his mine. Behind them, the door opened and Bucky stepped in, he blinked as he saw both of you at the apartment not expecting either of you to be there before he turned an angry glare at Steve.
“Stevie I heard the most bizarre story today, apparently you were tackled by an alien creature and fell from a cliff.” You turned to Steve in shock.
“You did what?!”
“It was nothing and it all worked out, Warren had swooped in and saved me at the last minute so there's really nothing to worry about.”
You slapped Steve’s chest in reprimand, as Bucky began to chew him out for his idiocy you knew it was all concern but Steve’s mood seemed to dampen with each berate that Bucky threw at him. “Alright that’s enough, how about I cook us a nice dinner, that way Steve can go take a shower and change, and Buck you can start putting groceries away.”
Bucky grumbled but began to do as he was told, Steve gave you a small peck ready to get out of the room before Bucky had to go and open his mouth.
“Why does this feel like Deja-vu from when we used to date?”
Steve stopped in his tracks pointing a finger at Bucky then at you.
“You and Bucky dated!”
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American Horror Story-
American Horror Story-Tate Langdon Fics: And the walls came crumbling down- To you, Tate Langdon was nothing less than a perfect boyfriend and a genuinely good person. Then, you decided to do some googling.
DISCONTINUED (for now): Headfirst for Halos (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - Y/n L/n is the type of teenager every parent fears; punk rock, angry, abrasive– the list goes on. Everyone who knew her thought she was a rough-and-tough, unforgiving delinquent who would end up in jail. That is, until she met Tate Langdon and managed to soften. Then, the killing began.
Kit WalkerFics:Anxiety V.S. Kit Walker- Kit Walker is there for you, no matter what.
the ghosts that linger- The horrors of Briarcliff Asylum haunt Kit Walker like ghosts
James Patrick March
The Hotel Cortez and Everything It Contains- for the first time in a long time, James Patrick March tries to right one of his many wrongs.
James Patrick March/plus sized!reader headcanons
James Patrick March moving on headcanons
Kai Anderson
Glass Kingdom- Kai Anderson gets his ass beat by Lana Winters. 
Amazon Eve
The Colorful Days- After years of working as a freak in Jupiter, Florida, the days had lost their color. That was, until a certain woman showed.
Peter Maximoff
Home- Peter Maximoff just wants to feel at home. 
I’m Alive- After a mission goes terribly wrong, Peter realizes he needs to make good use of the time he spends alive.
Blurry- A mysterious silver blur has been in your peripheral for as long as you can remember– eventually, you get fed up.
A Dreamlike Longing- Your role in life is to fight off evil in the real world, but you could’ve never prepared for the battle against the evil in your dreams. Thankfully, you won’t have to do it alone.
Pride, in Every Sense of the Word- Peter Maximoff loves his perfect little family more than anything in the world.
Tear Open My Chest and Steal My Lungs-  Peter Maximoff has the Hanahaki disease, and he’d rather die than face rejection. HANAHAKI AU
Hey Lover- Peter agrees to be Erik’s best man at his wedding despite one problem: he can’t dance. Thankfully, you’re there to help him. 
love and death are on in the same- Peter Maximoff was all-too-familiar with unrequited love.
Pigeon-  Peter Maximoff is blowing away with the breeze without you to anchor him.
Fairy Lights, A Christmas Story, and a Metallic Jacket- Christmas is rolling around, and Peter is determined to create some positive memories.
Vodka, and the Wonderfully Dirty Side Affects- Who knew that vodka could turn an average night into one to remember. (NSFW)
It Will Always Be You- Peter goes toe-to-toe with the love of his life.
she can prove it with a solid right hook- A stranger arrives at the mansion and immediately begins to harass Peter. Thankfully, you handle the situation.
Beauty Lies in the Pockets of a Silver Jacket- When you decided to be Peter for Halloween, you never considered how hard it would be to acquire his prized jacket. (NSFW)
Anyone Who Knows What Love Is Will Understand- Peter suddenly finds out what the gaping hole in his memory is hiding.
High Score- You’re trying to beat Peter’s high score in PacMan and he so graciously decided to give you a little incentive. (NSFW)
Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off- nobody likes the opening band– except, of course, the lead singer’s secret girlfriend, who just happens to be the headliner (NSFW)
Let the Patter of the Rain Become the Rhythm- Peter Maximoff’s pessimism is defeated by your pure determination. 
stories from the rooftop- Peter Maximoff is sitting next to a pretty girl on the roof.
Thunderous- Peter has always been afraid of thunderstorms
Holographic Sand is a Kickass Band Name- peter learns that a fuckton can change in the course of a week
Fuzzy- Life in Westview is picture perfect, even if that picture is too fuzzy to see clearly.
Skeleton party- After a surprise attack on the mansion, peter realizes exactly how much you can handle.
tiger lilies, self destructing, and richard siken-  to peter maximoff, love is an anomaly that scares him more than anything else. however, you might be able to help him overcome his fear.
technicolor grief- tragedy strikes Peter Maximoff like a bullet train and he’s forced to push through the colors of grief
an interdimensional family road trip- after Peter disappears in a cloud of smoke, you, Erik, and Charles go on a fun-filled family road trip across the universe.
the worst part- you’re the messenger that’s carrying the most heartbreaking message imaginable to the Maximoff household. 
Rumor has it- you were gifted with the ability to speak things into existence-- however, often times it felt more like a parasite than a gift
Peter Maximoff is completely, utterly, and undoubtedly in love (1 & 2)- Peter had no idea a simple mission would change his life forever. He also had no idea how much he liked the bass guitar.
UNFINISHED: A Speedster, A Nuclear Bomb, and a Worn Down Walkman (prologue, 1)
Affection Starved Peter Maximoff Headcanons
Jealous Peter Maximoff Headcanons
Platonic Peter Maximoff Headcanons
Peter Maximoff Crush Headcanons
Domestic Peter Maximoff Headcanons
Waking Up Next To Peter Headcanons
Peter Maximoff/ME 3am discord headcanons
General Peter Maximoff Headcanons
Submissive Peter Maximoff Headcanons
Peter Maximoff NSFW alphabet
dad!peter and Luna!daughter headcanons
Peter Maximoff/hydrokinetic!reader headcanons
Peter Maximoff/Male!reader headcanons
Peter Maximoff hurt/comfort headcanons
Peter Maximoff/Xavier!reader headcanons
Peter Maximoff/Howlet!reader drabble- Saying your older brother, Logan, was overprotective would be an understatement.
Anger Issues- Peter Maximoff had fallen in love with the most inconvenient person possible– Y/n Wilson, daughter of the infamous Wade Wilson
Scott Summers
Scott Summers Fake Dating Headcanons
Heart Eyes- Scott Summers is madly in love with his girlfriend, and frankly, his friends are sick of it
Warren Worthington III
Warren Worthington III Fluff Headcanons
Jealous Warren Worthington III Headcanons
Warren Worthington III Crush Headcanons
Warren Worthington III NSFW alphabet
Ororo Munroe
Storm general headcanons
One shots-
Incredibly short trobed things
Abed Nadir needs to count the seconds- Abed Nadir hates being alone in general, so when his friends disappear and leave him alone in a sea of job-seeking students he struggles to keep his head above water. 
Troy Barnes and his forgotten love confession-  troy and abed wake up in the library surrounded by their disoriented classmates with their memories wiped. Unfortunately for troy, one look in his friend’s eyes caused the entire forgotten ordeal to play out inside his head-- including the love confession that ended with a scream of agony.
Troy Barnes headcanons
Abed Nadir headcanons 
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marvxlousqueen · 5 years
Warren Worthington- Training Partners (smut)
Summary: Imagine getting paired up with Warren during training and things get heated ;)  this is post-apocalypse like warren’s a student now 
the reader’s mutation isn’t actually stated bc I figured y’all would want to choose what it is :)
warnings: smut, oral (female receiving), no condom (whoops), warren being hot as fuck ugh, cussing 
word count: a little over 2k
Read Part 2 here!
this is also the first time I’ve ever written smut so please forgive me if it’s bad and forgive me if it’s not accurate to what sex is like bc i’m a whole ass virgin :)
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Warren Worthington, in (y/n)’s opinion, was one of the most intimidating mutants she had ever met. He had a darkness about him ever since he enrolled in Xavier’s school for mutants. He had been accepted following the “incident” with Apocalypse. Since he had been fighting against many of the current x-men, a lot of students still felt weary of him. Even though he kept his head down he was still frightening to many students. 
(Y/n) agreed with this. Everything from the way he walked down the hallways with his wings out to the way he ate lunch alone made her nervous around him. 
It was 3:00 on a Thursday afternoon as (y/n), Jean, and Jubilee made their way to training with Raven. Their training class was smaller than most, but more experienced. Almost all of them had been in the Apocalypse battle and others had been fighting since before then. In the class was Peter, Scott, Kurt, Jean, Jubilee, Ororo, (y/n), and Warren. (Y/n) felt less uneasy around Ororo compared to how she felt around Warren. Ororo had helped them win the battle against Apocalypse and since she became a student she had warmed up to everyone, even hanging out with Jean, (Y/n), and Jubilee outside of school occasionally. 
Training usually took about 2 hours. Raven would demonstrate new moves or techniques and trainees would go off into their pairs to practice while Raven would walk around and critique. On Fridays they would have fight circles and practice fast paced fights. (Y/n) usually partnered with Jubilee since they’ve have known each other for so long. Jean would go off with Scott, Peter with Kurt, and Warren with Ororo since they became close during the whole incident. 
Class started with a good ten minutes of stretching and pep-talks, along with some words of battle strategy from Raven. “Today is about facing the unexpected. You’ve all gotten too used to your partners. You know them too well. In a real fight you never know what you’re up against. We need to try and simulate that here by drawing random partners for today’s training.”
(Y/n)’s heart dropped. She really enjoyed training with Jubilee. It always gave them time to catch up and gossip, plus if she messed up she didn’t feel embarrassed. (Y/n) had fought with the others before. Peter was too fast and she hated training with him. Kurt was all over the place and made her head hurt. Scott was always afraid to hit her because he’s a “gentleman” (his words) and doesn’t like to take the first hit. Jean would just lift (y/n) and throw her back down until she tapped out. Ororo would use her wind to keep (y/n) down on the mat. Warren-- actually, (y/n) thought, I haven’t fought with Warren before.
She was scared that she might have to. His wings were sharp and big, the chip on his shoulder even bigger. She didn’t want to face him in a fight ever again. Raven grabbed an old baseball cap that was filled with little bits of paper. “We’re doing this completely random so no complaining, okay?” She grabbed the first two names from the hat. “Kurt and Jubilee.” Jubilee squeezed (Y/n)’s arm, “I’ll miss you. Don’t get too beat up without me!” She laughed as she walked off with Kurt. Raven continued with the names, “Jean and Peter. Scott and Ororo.”
Oh God, (y/n) thought, who’s left? oh my god please kill me now. “(y/n) and Warren.” Warren looked up from the ground at the sound of his name. His eyes landed on (y/n)’s face, no expression on his. She stared back for a moment before taking the rest of him in. He always trained shirtless seeing as how he could barely get a shirt over his metal wings. She the scars across his body, like bolts of lightning. Suddenly his eyes dropped and he turned around, making his way to the back mat. (y/n) hesitated to followed. Before she did she looked to Jubilee who had a “oof don’t get killed” look on her face. Jubilee warily raised her hand into a thumbs up, the worried look not leaving her face. 
“Thanks, Jubz. Very encouraging.” She just shrugged and went back into her training with Kurt. (Y/n) slowly dragged her feet toward Warren’s mat. He always trained back here. He didn’t like anyone seeing him so he hid out in the shadows. (Y/n) dropped her bag down and took a sip of water, trying to mentally prepare herself for the ass-whooping she was about to receive from Warren. 
Let’s just say (Y/n)’s mutation wasn’t anything that special, especially not in terms of combat help, but she had been a student for quite some time and Raven and Charles both agreed she needed to be able to use hand to hand combat successfully. “You ready to start?” 
(Y/n) jumped at Warren’s words. He had never spoken to her. She had barely ever heard him speak at all, just a few time to Ororo or Raven during training. She nodded and got into a fighting stance, putting her legs apart, left foot in front of her right one so that she could easily kick with her right one. Warren was standing straight. He spread his wings out to their full length (at least an 8 foot wingspan). They looked even scarier in the crappy gymnasium lighting. 
He started towards her, leaping into the air. (Y/n) dived under him and ended up on the other side of the mat. Warren landed and turned back to her. Her heart was already racing and she wanted to throw up from nerves. He lunged at her again and this time she reacted with a right roundhouse kick to his head, but instead he grabbed her leg and yanked her off her footing. She went down, accidentally pulling Warren down with her. Her back hit the mat and Warren’s head hit hers. 
“Ow fuck!” He looked up while rubbing his forehead and met her eyes. He stayed like that for a moment, not moving off of her but just taking her in. “Are you going to get off of me?” (Y/n) surprised herself with the confident tone she used towards him, but she tried to not show it. This made him crack a smile, “you really want me to?” His smile changing into a small smirk as his eyes travelled south, down her body. (Y/n)’s eyes widened at the comment, “I-um.. yeah get off.” 
“Your choice, babygirl.” He stood up and offered his hand. (Y/n) didn’t take it, choosing instead to help herself. “What.. what did you call me?” Warren laughed a small low laugh, smirking again. “You heard me. And I know you liked it.” (Y/n) scoffed under her breath, “Just stop. We’re supposed to be training.” She backed up a few steps, steadied herself, and ran at him again. She used the leg sweep that Raven had taught her yesterday. One problem with that is that Warren can just jump into the air and stay there because of his wings. 
This is why you need to evaluate the enemy, (Y/n), god. And stop thinking about what he said just pay attention, she yelled at herself. Warren came down from the air and knocked her over, once again on top of her. He seems to really like this position. That thought made (y/n) blush, which didn’t go unnoticed by Warren. “You’re a little shy, huh, babygirl?” He moved his mouth closer to her ear, “I’m sure I could get you to open up.” He moved down and kissed (Y/n)’s neck quickly before climbing off her, walking off the mat to get a drink of water. (Y/n) stayed where she was on the mat for a moment, burning red in the face and starting to feel a burning somewhere else. 
Raven had noticed her on the floor and jogged over, “(Y/n), you okay? Need first aid?” She shook her head and jumped up, “No- I’m uh- I’m fine just a little dizzy. You think I could skip out early? I think I’m too dehydrated to be training right now.” Raven looked her over, eyebrows furrowed. “Fine. Go get some rest and be ready for tomorrow’s training.” (Y/n) nodded and shuffle off the mat, pulling on a pair of sweatpants over her small training shorts. She grabbed her gym bag and quickly slipped on her tennis shoes, wanting to get away from Warren as fast as possible before he could make her red again. She quickly turned to walk out, but bumped right into Warren’s bare chest. 
“Leaving so soon?” He took (Y/n)’s gym bag from her shoulder and put it on his. “I’ll walk you to your room.” (Y/n) shook her head, “You don’t need to do that, Warren.” He started walking out of the gym anyways so she ran to catch up. Once she was next to him he slowed down again, trying to cherish the time next to her. Her shoulder touching his occasionally as they walked. He was in shock with himself for how he acted during training. He never talks to anyone, but to be able to talk like that to her. He’s surprised he didn’t get choked up. At least she seemed to enjoy that dirty talk. I mean she was really blushing, right?, Warren thought. 
(Y/n) was focused on looking anywhere else until they got into the main building where she could speed off to her room. They turned into her hallway and she pushed open her door, turning around to take the bag from Warren, but instead he made his way into her room and set it down on her desk. “Nice room. Looks cozy. Good size bed too.” He faced her and she noticed his face was a little red. Her’s began to heat up too, catching on to what he was trying to say. He stepped towards her, a bit of hesitation in his walk as he looked down to her lips. Finally he closed the gap, his mouth on hers. Their lips moved against each other and he backed her up toward the bed.
He fell on top of her, chest against chest as his hands went to her waist, playing with the band to her sweats. She started to kick them off before he helped her pull them off. Then he went to pull down her shorts from underneath them while she worked on his. Once she was just in her panties and her tank top, his hands went to pull it over her head. She pulled off her sports bra and Warren froze a little. Even covered in sweat from an afternoon of training she still looked beautiful. “What?” she asked. He’s eyes left her breasts and went up to her face. “Sorry. You’re just- just really pretty.” 
“Oh. I-um. Thank-thank you.” He gave her a little nod before he moved his lips to her neck. He kissed and sucked at her sweet skin hoping to leave his mark. A gasp left her lips that spurred him on. He made his way down her body. Worshipping it with kisses, licks, and love bites. He kissed down the valley of her breasts and then began to play with the waistband of her panties. His eyes looked up to hers, asking for permission, to which she nodded and put her head back down on the bed. He slid down her underwear and spread her legs. He didn’t hesitate to puts his lips on her pussy. He moved his mouth up to suck her clit while he brought a finger to her and pushed it in.
“Fuck! Warren-uhh,” she moaned. He moved his tongue down between her folds, pulled out his finger and replaced it with his tongue. He fucked her with his tongue and she grinded on his face. “Oh fu-fuck! Warren- I’m gonna- oh! I’m-” He felt her tighten around his tongue, thighs squeezing against his head. He pulled away from her and moved back up to her face. “I only want you coming on my cock, okay, babygirl?” He lifted one of her legs over his shoulder and push in with one swift movement. “Shit- you’re so tight-fuck!”
Her hands went up into Warren’s hair as he pulled out and pushed back in with more force. “Warren! fuck-” He kept thrusting into her, harder and harder each time. She scratched at his scalp, desperate for something to hold on to. His hips banged into hers harder and harder. His dick began to twitch inside of her. “Fuck (y/n)-” He kept thrusting, hitting her sweet spot perfectly as he moved to suck on her neck. 
“Warren I’m almost there-I’m- uh!”  A wave of pleasure hit her as the coil in her stomach exploded. He kept thrusting as her orgasm washed over her. “Fuck (y/n) ! shit almost! I-” He bit down on her neck and his hips gave on final thrust and he filled her up. His wings stretched all the way out as he came. The image was the most gorgeous thing (Y/n) had ever seen. 
After a moment he slowly pulled out of her, making sure to be gentle. He moved and laid next to her. “You good?” he asked, turning to look at her. She met his eyes and nodded, “Yeah I’m fine-but I, um, I don’t usually do that kind of thing.”
“yeah no neither do I..” He kept his eyes on her face and leaned in to kiss her once more, softer this time. “But I’m happy we did.”
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kurt-nightcrawler · 5 years
Roller skate
Warren Worthington III x Male Reader
Request: im gonna be that bitch & request warren worthington x male reader doing something fluffy like rollerblading date night -anonymous 
Warnings: maybe some language but that’s about it
Word Count: 982
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You walked in— tickets in hand, music playing over the speakers, people all over- the skating rink. One of your favorite places to go on a Friday night. Usually, you’d be with Jubilee and Kurt, but this time you wanted to go without them.
You wanted to go with your boyfriend. However, when you asked him to go with you, he originally said no. 
“Please babe…”
“No way. I’ll look stupid or something— I don’t know how to skate.”
You gave his hand a squeeze, “I can teach you! It’s really easy. Plus the roller rink is mutant and gay-friendly.”  
His brows rose up, “Oh?” 
“Uh-huh, we could hold hands— ” Waren adjusted himself so he was straddling your lap, playing with your hair, “—Maybe even kiss in the dark.”
“Be gross like Scott and Jean?” He teased. 
“We’d do it better,” You joked, pecking his lips. “So what do you say? Will you go?” 
Warren let out an exaggerated sigh, “Fine… Only cause I like you.” 
“Yay!” You grinned like an excited child, “Thank you— you won’t regret it.”
All you had to do was curve your lips up and flash a smile at Warren, and he was wrapped around your finger. That’s exactly how he ended up at the skating rink.
“Come on, we gotta get skates.” You held his hand in yours, dragging him along to get your skates. 
“Take your boots off and the guy will get you skates...” Warren unlaced his boots and set them on the counter next to your sneakers. “Hi, um, we’re both size eleven mens.” The guy took both pairs of shoes and returned back moments later with roller skates. “Thanks!” 
You led him to a bench and put on your skates. “It might seem weird, but it’s really no different than walking once you get used to it.” 
“Easy for you to say. You’re good at this.” 
“Relax, you’re going to be fine…” You intertwined your hand with his and gave him a shy smile. “I promise.”
The music was some form of disco and the lights were flashing shades of pink, blue, and green. “Okay, now the first few steps on the rink are the hardest, but you can use me for support—” 
Warren scoffed, “I weigh more than you— wings and all.” 
“And yet who swept who of their feet?” You teased, gliding forward on the floor. Warren's eyes widened in fear for a split second— afraid of falling— before relaxing due to no real danger being present. “You okay?” You asked over the loud music. 
“Yeah! I’m fine.” 
You went at a slower speed since it was Warren’s first time. He struggled a bit at first, a bit unbalanced and unstable. He fell a few times, giving you a glare the first time it happened, telling you to “shut up,” and pretend it didn’t happen. 
He did eventually get the hang of it. He wasn’t perfect or anything, but he was trying his best. 
“Alright, everyone!” The DJ called out. “We’re gonna have ya’ll get off the floor for a moment… Come on, just for a second.” Everyone skated off and went to any empty benches.
“What’s going on?” Warren asked. 
“Well, the DJ usually—” 
“Alright! Now all the couples come on down to the floor. We’re gonna get the mood set.” Careless Whisper played over the speakers and people got up in pairs, heading onto the floor.
 Warren glanced at you, nervous, “Should we?...”
You nodded, “They’re excepting here. See?” You motioned to two girls on the floor, skating together, holding hands, bodies close and supporting each as to not fall. “C’mon!” You pulled him up and kissed his lips before skating off onto the floor. 
I’m never gonna dance again
You skated with elegance, ease, and class— Warren’s hand intertwined with yours. 
Warren… he was trying his best. “I fucking suck at this.” 
You shook your head and laughed. 
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
“I love you.”
“What?” He called out over the loud music.
“I’ll tell you later!” 
Never without your love
The song came to an end and everyone was sent off the floor. This time it was girls only. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun played and you both decided to take a break. 
“I got us water.” Warren handed you a cup and you gratefully accepted.
“They’re gonna call up all the guys soon. Wanna go?” 
“If you want, I’m down for whatever.” Warren tossed his empty cup in the trash. 
“They’ll just play the YMCA or whatever. Usually, when they do Peter and Kurt lose their shit— it’s pretty funny.”
“They play what?” Warren asked, a hint of disbelief in his words. 
“The YMCA, Young man.” And just like that, on queue, YMCA started playing. 
“Come on—” Warren held out his hand, “—We can go catch a movie or something afterward.” 
 You took his hand and skated out to the floor.
The song ended and most people were starting to leave. You returned your skates in for your shoes. Warren tied his boots, but you didn’t even bother to put your shoes on. 
“Can you drive, babe?” You walked around the parking lot, looking for your car.
“Yeah. You worn out?” 
You tossed him the keys. “Mmm…” You leaned against the car door and wrapped your arms around his neck.  “Just not in the mood to drive.” 
He snickered at your demeanor, “Okay, baby… Hey, what were you gonna tell me earlier? You know, the music was too loud. You said you’d tell me later because I couldn’t hear.” 
“Hmm? Oh… I don’t… I don’t remember.” 
“That so?” He kissed your lips. 
“Uh-huh.” He kissed them again.
“Need a memory refresher?” And again. 
You laughed and shook your head, “I love you, dork.” 
He cupped your face before pressing his lips against yours, with a bit too much passion for a roller skate parking lot. “Love you too, babe.”
Tag list: @marvxlousqueen 
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bo-rhapheart · 6 years
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Wood (Male Reader)
The Aftermath of Rami Cheating on You
Rami x Reader Dancing At Home
Time ( Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 )
Mate For You
He Conforts You After A Family Death
New To Instagram
First Man
I’m Sorry, I’m Not Her
Elliot Finds Out You’re Pregnant
Skating with Elliot
Josh Washington
Soft Voices
Wendigo!Josh x Reader
Dating Josh Washington
Abusive Relationship
Taller Than Him
First Fight ( Part 2 )
Being Kissed By Someone Else
Standing Up For You
Their Reaction To You Coming Out As Bisexual
Coming Out as Asexual
How You Met
He Ask You Out
First Date
First Kiss
Blowjob With a Male Reader
Their Reaction To You Not Having A Sense Of Smell
Rami x Lucy x Reader
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Looking ( Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 , Part 8 , Part 9 , Part 10 , Part 11 , Part 12 )
Your Crush Comes To Town
Too Close
Sex With Them
Ben Hardy
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Ben Hardy
Table Read
Warren Worthington iii
Secretly In Love
Good Impression
Peter Beale
Take Care Of You
Lucy Boynton
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Lucy Boynton
Boob Grab
Dating During Bohemian Rhapsody
First Time with Lucy
Soccer Girlfriend
Joe Mazzello
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Joe Wenteworth
POC Reader
Bohemian Rhapsody Cast
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You’re In An Accident
You’re in An Accident and You Don’t Remember Them Part 2
Plus-Size Reader
Fake Instagram
Halloween Costume
High School! Joe x Reader
Baby Gender and Name
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
“Ornithophobic”: Warren Worthington III Imagine: Plus Size Reader
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Warren Worthington III Imagine/Headcanons Warren Worthington x Reader Reader: PS Reader, Reader is Ornithophobic
Imagine having a fear of birds.... and a crush on Warren...
Unholy. Unnatural.
Long story short, one flew into a room with you when you were a kid and you were slightly tramautized
And by slightly, I mean severely
To the point, where you locked the doors on your car if there were fucking ducks near you
And pigeons?
Oh forget it.
"You wanna feed the birds?"
Like just a deadpan, no emotion stare of HELL NAH!
However, apparently your mind decided to be attracted to Warren Fucking Worthington
Someone who had literal wings.
And he's so cute
And so sweet
And so perfect
And you find him so intimidating and terrifying and you just wanna run away every chance you get.
However, this is a person that you have to be around.
Someone you go on missions with.
So it is with dumb luck and misfortune that your ass gets kicked off a fucking building during a training exercise
You're expecting death
If you don't die you're assuming you'll be horribly fucked up
However, you never hit the ground
As a matter of fact- the ground is no where near you
And it's also at this exact moment that you realize you're terrified of heights
So you cling to whatever has you like your life depends on it
Because it does
Only then do you see the wings and you're biggest fears are coming true.
It's Warren of course but all you can think of is that some giant bird has come to snatch you up and feed you to it's young
You scream and he's quick to get you on the ground
You jumped away from him like the latch on a mouse trap snapping shut
He's a little hurt, of course.
You're so appreciative of him saving you but still terrified
However, it was nothing compared to the panic that surged through you as the swarm of people that surrounded you
Wings surround you once again and your back hits a solid chest
You're at peace
You feel comfort in those wings and as you look up into those bright eyes of Warren's you calm down
He smiles then and it's the first time you've seen him smile
And it's fucking glorious
Let's just say- you've taken up falconry and you wear Warren's shed feathers for jewelry now
From terrified to obsessed...it's no secret at all who you belong to
And you couldn't be happier
Heeeey, smoochies!  So this actually got a little darker than I had intended and I kinda strayed from the original request…but I’m obsessed with it.  I’d kinda like to do a short story with it, maybe only a few chaps so ya’ll just let me know!
Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed it, smoochies!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@alanlizzingtonshore @buriednurbckyrd@disneymarina@@tubbypeachwriting
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
164 notes · View notes
littlemessyjessi · 6 years
“Sweet Serpent & Hellish Angel”: Warren Worthington III Imagine: Plus Size Reader
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Warren Worthington III Imagine Warren Worthington x Reader Reader: PS Reader, Reader with Headcovering, Mutant Reader
When Warren first came to the mansion...well it was a mix of reviews honestly. 
In theory, no one wanted to judge him...but I mean- the Apocalypse had shit get very real. 
However, eventually more and more started to warm up to him. 
Now, he spent his time with Kurt and Peter most of the time.
The children weren’t super terrified of him anymore. 
However, a lot of that probably had to do with the fact that he let them play on his metal wings. 
Little ones had a way of worming into his heart. 
Angel features be damned. 
His bad boy persona made him look like a badass- and he was- but Warren was really just a big softie. 
Well, a softie that could rip you apart in two seconds flat but whatever. 
Let’s not split hairs here, hm? 
Anyway, probably his biggest problem ..... was you. 
He was under the impression that you barely acknowledged his existence. 
To him- you were so perfect. 
In reality, most people were actually terrified of you. 
But then again, with the Medusaen mutation.... a lot of people would be. 
Especially for anyone who feared snakes. 
See your mutation was commonly referred to as the Medusa mutation due to the fact that you literally had snakes for hair and if provoked you could wither an unholy glare that would turn one to stone. 
Of course there were other things that were far more impressive than that. 
Like, perhaps the scale regeneration that allowed you to literally shed an injury. 
The only down side was that you never got to keep a look for long.  
If you got injured you’re entire genetic makeup changed when you shed. 
The first week of training was the worst. 
Monday you were green eyed, freckly and had ginger snakes, Tuesday a dark skinned melanin queen with hazel eyes and by Friday you were caramel skinned and had honey colored snakes. 
No one could keep up with you and fucking Charles thought it was hilarious.  
Fucking Charles. 
Sometimes, man.  You’d just like to smack him. 
Anyway, the point is- no one talks about the good shit. 
What everyone remembers is that you were the chick with snakes growing out your head and could turn you to stone. 
This was exactly the reason why you just covered you head anymore. 
Always a nice scarf to match your outfit and all that. 
It just...kept the stares down. 
It worked to your advantage since you were always cold anyway. 
Which is precisely the reason why you wanted to murder Charles at that exact moment. 
He knew you were cold blooded and yet he still chose to force everyone outside on this FRIGID night. 
“Early spring, my ass.” you muttered to yourself earning a chuckle from your right. 
You glanced over see the massive wings and the impossible sweet features....that masked that bad boy persona. 
Man, that boy was a dream....even if he was probably a nightmare for the heart. 
“Cold?” he asked, lifting a brow at you over those lovely, lovely eyes of his. 
“A little.” you said. “I’m cold blooded.  It’s really not that bad.  I just- holy shit- why don’t you have a shirt on?! You’ll freeze your nips off!” 
Warren snorted at your outburst but shrugged. 
“Guess, I’m just used to it.  I adjusted over the years.  It’s more trouble to put clothes on over the wings than to just do without.” he shrugged. “I’m pretty warm.  You’re welcome to come steal some heat.” 
The look on his face was a tad ....fuck that- it was very suggestive but in that moment...you could not have cared less. 
It was cold. 
You hated Charles for making you come out and you could basically feel the heat rolling off of Warren. 
You attached to his side like a fucking magnet and he chuckled. 
Trying his best to keep his thundering heart beat from you. 
But you heard it anyway. 
You just had too much tact to say anything. 
However, you didn’t miss the sniggering of a certain mind reader. 
“I hate you, Charles.” you thought and his voice invaded your mind. 
“Sure you do.” his voice echoed. “You hate me the same way your sweet little serpentine self isn’t wound around your hellish angel.  I definitely believe that.” 
“I’m gonna bite you.” you said. 
“Huh?” Warren said. “I mean, I might could be into that.”
You’re face rushed with blood. 
“I’m sorry.” you whispered. “I didn’t meant that for you.  Charles was invading my privacy so I was threatening his life.  That was- I meant- he was- shit, I’m sorry.”
Warren chuckled and tucked you back into his side and under his wing. 
“Not a problem.” he said. “’Sides, I’m kinda into anyway.” 
You peeked up at him coyly, careful not to turn him to stone. 
It wouldn’t be permanent and the boy already looked like a greek statue but damn, what a waste of flesh. 
“Oh my god.” Charles coughed. “I...I’m sorry.  Turn it off. Turn it off.” 
You grinned evilly before winking at Warren. 
“Care to help me torture the privacy invading mind reader, dear?” you asked. 
Warren smirked, “Huh, and everyone thinks you’re so sweet.” 
“And you look like an angel.” you said with a shrug. “Guess there’s more to us than anyone thought.” 
There was a glimmer of something in his eyes for a second before he grinned and just scooped you up and headed off. 
“Don’t do anything to her!” Charles shouted. “At least not where I can hear it.  Dear god, help my soul.” 
Heeeey, smoochies!  So this actually got a little darker than I had intended and I kinda strayed from the original request…but I’m obsessed with it.  I’d kinda like to do a short story with it, maybe only a few chaps so ya’ll just let me know!
Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed it, smoochies!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@alanlizzingtonshore @buriednurbckyrd@disneymarina@@tubbypeachwriting
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
“Filthy Thoughts”: Warren Worthington Imagine: Plus Size Reader
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Warren Worthington Imagine Warren Worthington x Reader : Ps Reader , Plus Size Reader
Imagine pushing Warren to his limits....
Warren had always known you to be a tease.
The phrases "best behavior" or "don't cause a scene" ?  
They just weren't in your nature.
For some they couldn't stand you for it.
For Warren- it meant that you felt comfortable enough around him to mess with him.
Sometimes he doubted that you understood just how much it meant to him.
He was getting real damn tired of your ass at the moment.
Well, because you'd been a horrible little tease all day.
Everything you did...he felt like you did it just to torture him.
He wasn't wrong.
Poor Charles had had enough of your fiesty self more than once and forced you away.
By the time night fell- the both of you were locked in his room.
And poor Charles was nursing some scotch just to drown out your FILTHY thoughts!
Hello darlings! Hope you enjoyed this little piece and have a wonderfully awesome day!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
78 notes · View notes
littlemessyjessi · 5 years
Hello love, I was wondering if I could request a plus size reader x Warren Worthington, basically she teases him all day, and he finally breaks at the end of the day
Oooh how delicious! Yiiiis!
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